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>Terry Teaser, Gameplay and Guide trailer

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVPqv7ZyfWo [Open]

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Previous: >>495766027
dogshit game
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Terry is so boring bros
>Niggas eargerly waited for this update
>It didn't even make the thread faster for 1 (one) day
Thanks. We're all so busy focusing on Terry and the Heihachi trailer that we almost forgot that a dogshit game launched an expansion today. I'm not seeing anyone talking about MK1 other than your post.
lil bro thought he was cooking with that one
Do you really think MK is worse than this?
Must never played MK
who is this? what SF game is she from?
Should I drop Ken for Terry or is it all autism to learn Terry not worth for his dmg?
op's custom world tour avatar, obviously
bros... Li-Fen in glasses... she's so cute....
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I am ok....
>captcha: M00MY
Shinkiro sucks so bad, I don't understand his fans. His art was always ugly and never improved.
why does terry look so twinky in this artstyle like damn nigga come sit on daddy's lap
Has Terry's engrish always been this fucking bad? I actually can't understand one of his taunts. EN Terry might actually be the way.
give me my hat back you sad boi
should I feel good about beating simsim opponents?
Why have they just cut and pasted the images onto a filtered photo? It looks horrific. Ken is floating in mid air and Terry is on stilts.
His fans are boomers who can't let go of his "golden" age because they grow up with him so they think he is flawless and timeless.
Because doing cheap digital tricks is easier than learning how to use AI.
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Nigga doesn't even try. Just another oldhead jap getting a job through nepotism and zero drive to deliver a good product.
"muh jap honour" is a meme.
my first opponent on sim sim was a Plat 5 Dee Jay who threw a fireball and drive rushed, pretty accurate
Lol Sims are never going to get a V Rival. What a stupid fucking system
Why not?
>MK1 = fanservice DLC
>SF6 = Mai, Terry, Elena
>Tekken 8 = ..................................Heihachi
Tekken fans are so cucked lol
we call these bucks kekken 'round these parts
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>Christiano RAPEnaldo

Sorry Terry but it's over
Paying for Heihachi seems so cucked.
I hate using the word "corny" because Dale nigcels overrused this word and "kookily" to death, but Heihachi is mad corny.
Would be like paying for Honda or some shit.
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im supposed to be hyped for some old nigga thats been in the base roster for 30 years?
And he doesn't even has that menancing design either. He just looks old and retarded.
The funniest thing was Tekken's Asian BrianF equivalent (PhidX) doing a long video apologizing for not doing more Tekken content because Sajam Slam made him realize SF6 is more fun. Dude got addicted to Dix and is only doing Tekken stuff now because it's his brand.
Harada saw Bison coming back early and freaked
Heihachi is the definition of legacy garbage
They want people to care because he is old, Kazuya's first enemy, but honestly Kazuya eclipsed that oldfaggot ages ago as the villain and now anti-hero of the franchise since Jun will mindfix him through pussy
You have to do 50 mirror matches online against someone of similar skill level to get a proper V Rival of your own.
How do I find the V-Rival challenges? It says theres rewards for completing them but I can't find them at all.
>He thinks this shit ass content is made on the spot and not months even YEARS in advance
Even if they somehow didn't know about Bison, Heihachi would still come back.

What? That seems so faggy. The AI should learn by watching your replays of any kind.
does Chun know Li-Fen is getting deflowered in the battle hub RIGHT NOW?
Not even the Gief haters were able to move the thread, thats how disappointing the patch was.
Or the Gief fans. They didn't even bother.
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SF6 peaked at 54k today... why isn't Heihachi moving numbers????
Because he is not out yet? Wait until next week, Tekken is hitting 7k players for sure!
SF6 probably peaked at 100k players today adding in PC and console and crabbas will try and make you think the game is dead
hop on jive, dix is bad
uh, what's a midscreen bison bnb?
Saw a post that steam is not even the biggest platform for SF6 but PS5. The game has issues but Capcom definitely won
Is crack shot as spammable as it seems?
That's the common sense way of doing it. But Capcom is fucking stupid
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>dude just check drive rush lol
The best players in the world constantly fail to check drive rush. Some of them have even specifically complained how difficult it is to do so and even worse if you try and fail by the tiniest margin you now lose a lot of life and are in the corner getting thrown looped. Also when a pro like Bonchan tells you whiff punishing isn't so important anymore since you need to concentrate on checking drive rush instead your games neutral/footsies is completely out of wack.
We dalepostin' ? ohhh shit

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Is Terry implying Ken can't get an erection anymore?
>Trying to watch the video
>Cant help but think how ugly this Ryu outfit looks like even the headpiece bandana looks bad
>Ken aged
>But Terry is the exact same
Nice Canon btw Crapcom very immersive storytelling
>Terry says predictable when he perfect parries
Always makes me laugh
Terry always felt cool in KoF and FF but him looking like a 40 year old man in a kid's outfit in SF6 gets me so annoyed fighting him
Threesomes with husband Ryu confirmed canon
what about costume 2? I like it in green
>Nigga playing a new character day 1
Fucking fag
Say whatever you want, when I just had goosebumps playing Terry vs Ken in a fucking SF game. It really felt like CvS3
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It's the same character we've always had for 30 years with better graphics.
V-Rival and Replay Takeover are more exciting desu
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>Same energy
SF gameplay with the spectacle of Tekken would be the perfect fighting game.
The woman is somehow less gay because shes being excited over a total new and never seem crossover trailer, and not getting goosebumps while playing a fighting game because of a nigga.
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>sf6 is ugl-
>Tekken and SF combined
Shit looks like a poorly made The Sims 4 character.

FGC oldhead uncles still trying to cope about their genre not utterly devolving into boring garbage because they had fun playing it over 10 years ago.
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This video made me check and damn he looks so fucking cool with the black hair
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He looks like Everson Zoio right there
>he never fapped to The Sims
Low test
You could've replied directly, pussy boi
is st.mp a GODTIER button on Terry?
Wtf no
Think I gotta accept SF6 makes me too cynical. It might be that SF was always my "Main Game" but when I jump into Strive, KoFXV, Killer Instinct and MK1, win or lose I have fun and feel like I'm getting something out of the experience. But every time I play SF6 I just end up annoyed by the end of it because eventually something frustrating is going to hit you.
>You're a good guy.
>For you.
Lmao I can see the semblance in the brown skin and uncanny googly big blue eyes
I can't say I feel the same when playing KOF. That game is the definition of something frustrating hitting you for a fuck ton of damage.
Anyone else hype for the MK1 update?
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Which costume should I use in SFV? Chun has like a billion good options.

This song is unironically amazing to fight to
Peacemaker's and Omniman's animalities going dummy crazy
Whether you like the gameplay or not I do feel like NRS nailed the core loop. It feels like there's always something you're working towards. The drip feed of cosmetics and brutalities and shit is a good hook. Tempted to hop back in
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Training all the way
You no longer have to fill your optimal combos with command dashes into dash stop/special, his crouching heavy punch actually works as an anti-air and you have easy access to an overhead for resets. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
Pretty good and the S2 cast looks solid. Ghostface has the potential of being such a fun ninja character.
Terry's fireball goes under fireballs so he loses at fireball wars. Isn't that really bad?
Terry goes over fireballs so he wins the fireball wars. Isn't that really bad?

This general would get new posters if it wasn't so hostile.
Medium one clashes
On the flipside, Terry's fireball goes under fireballs so he wins at fireball wars. Isn't it great?
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FG noob here, finally found my main with A.K.I after trying several others.

What are some ways as A.K.I to counter or stop zangief's command grabs and command grabs in general?

The one where he runs up and grabs you always gets me for some reason.
ugly ass character
For me? The Terminator character.
Usually antagonists like that, who aren't that popular, are rarely added anywhere.

I'm really glad they taking risks and picking different characters from franchises outside the protagonist which is the safe pick 99.9% of the time.

I feel like more franchises need to be bold and get different characters, not just the main protags for collabs.
i like how she looks
>he didn't witness the sheer amount of elitism in /fgg/ during the Jive era
Every anime fanbase was bullied off the general. They even bullied you Dixtards off too kek
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cute character
literally who?
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How long do you think it'll take for players to go back to Akuma?
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>Morrigan EX Color for Chun for halloween

Yeahhh buddy

>Twitter shartist meme picture trend
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>Had my eye on AKI since the leaks
>Got Plat on her, and a few others, then just stopped playing to improve.
Then, I come here to complain. This is embarrassing. I'm getting my waifu to Master before the end of October.
become our resident artfag then and make some good memes bud :)
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lmao crabbas on reddit btfo too
Why did it take them so long to start doing this
Darkstalker bros... we are NOT dead... look at this.... fighter pass....
They're right tho, back in jive you could use fight money to buy characters and costumes... we also used to get some cool costumes themed off other capcom games. I was not a fan of jive, but i still can say they had some way better reward systems.
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Very cool, will probably use it a lot. But more avatar garbage hurts, could have had the actual Morrigan costume for Chunners
all the new characters in sf6 are flops kek
>Avatar slop
>A year since the last skin pack, and all we're getting is colours for existing skins
KAMI6 bros, we're so back!
>This joker ahh color scheme is Morrigan!
Pathetic cope
wipe that cum off your face.
It is, but it being joker is actually cooler, thanks i'll refer to it as that now anon...

No one will defend the avatar slop, it's dogshit and a missed opportunity, i understand you're a disgruntled fan but you're preaching to the choir here pal... we need you to start emailing capcom and doing your part
>blonde lily
i'm not sure how i feel about this
this game is such a fucking joke dude
mostly you'll have to jump, AKI doesn't have invincible options
I believe you can low profile running bear grab with her serpent crawl but if you are reacting you would be better off with a neutral jump any way
oh no someone with no resources and burnt out in the corner got beat by someone with max recourses? woe is me
kek i wanted to say uhhh, bro is burnt out without resources...
i didnt even log in to do terry's trials. just watched streamers play him.
it's over..
Stop being a faggot anon, do the trials and check out the new ai feature :) <3

>it's actually a reference to older Fatal Fury games
sorry im playing rogue trader
have you tried not burning out?
do it later, finish up with rogue trader.
for real. over a year for them to add shit that was part of post-launch content from the jump for the last game and other fighting games? adding special colors on the battle pass or for drive tickets is a total no-brainer if they aren't going to add a free color editor. color editing existing stuff is also built into the RE engine, so it's not like the whole "we have to animate the physics for each button on a custom costume pls understand" excuse for actual new outfits applies.
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I have replays that are disappearing. I beat a strong JP player in ranked and I wanted to watch what went right and wrong during the set but there's 0 record of the matches in my profile's history, CFN or Buckler Boot Camp.
mai will probably be out by the time i decide to put serious time into this game again lol
I just wish some dumbfuck video game journalist or pro player would just fucking ASK THE DEVS. It's always this dancing around sucking them off with no pushback or questions of substance whatsoever. Just look at the Polygon interview with Boon. They actually talk about the process of how they decide on and release content and the interviewer even asks about specific requests that fans want and whether they're working on it. Why don't we ever see that with Capcom?
They're literally turning one of the best looking stages into a shamelessly gaudy Nike advertisement that would put SFV's advertising to shame kek
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My wife and her bubble butt.
did any schizo niggas find out snake eyez's controller yet
>we always wanted guests and not sf characters

Will they announce Alex there?
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people are ok with the deluge of avatarslop i guess. not enough people are complaining about the lack of non-avatar post launch content for journos to ask the question. previously during the ono era it was hard to talk ono and the other devs, especially for english speakers. but nakayama and matz are way more accessible, so it is weird.
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It's pretty crazy how much effort they put into Terry's WT stuff. Still would have preferred more costumes, even if we did get some very nice sideboob.
it's just going to be re9 stuff for capcom right?
where the PHUCK are her muscles!? SNK took them out since 14 as well, the bastards.
It's insane to me that Capcom released this PS2 shovelware and continues to waste time on it
He's hit or miss for me. Sometimes I think his style looks great, while other times it looks awful.
it's over...
I always forget about steam maintenance
Let's all watch the absolute state of play in the meantime
any good terrys to watch?
Because they blackball anyone that provides any sort of criticism so you're left with nothing but shills orbiting around a product that they need to succeed so that they can continue with their shitty streamer "career".

Notice how these people only pop up to play once every few months when they can make a YouTube video about it.
I would do anything to motorboat those titties
wtf happened to mena's workout plan?
Imagine if instead of complaining about redditgief people complained about drive rush and throw loops
they do
literally every pro except daigo has called throw loops retarded
and daigos stance was "yes they are retarded but uh the game needs it"
literally everywhere you self-victimizing faggot
"durr i am the redpilled one with the enlightened opinions" kill yourself
Why is Capcom so stubborn in a bad way
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I do, I loathe throw loops.
Does reframework cause your game to freeze at the start of online matches now?
*sajam voice* look at this fucking idiot, chat. don't be like him. we need throw loops. xiaohai deserved that loss.
>xiaohai deserved that loss.
this but unironically
God fucking dammit. I'm just using it for the oblivious mod so I don't see ranks. Thanks.
That it's needed for DLAA is so bafflingly stupid but here we are at least SMAA is natively supported by ini editing

got to see a new monster, SoP is saved
You could say it's going to be...

That's earlier than expected huh
they should reveal how fuck-ugly horror engine mai is gonna be
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For context Mat Piscaltella is the guy who reports on the sales of all platforms
Lets just skip the two whores and go to the all men season 3.
Why is 2B being whored out to every franchise other than SF?
He has no proofs besides inside "sources" whereas Steamcharts and replays consistently points to PC being quite more active
in an ideal world this would happen sadly we're going to be getting more guests (female ones at that)
>nier automata is a game about solitude and death
>therefor 2B is inserted everywhere as a fap bait

The publishers themselves give their numbers to NPD, except when they don't want to like Nintendo's digital sales
he only knows physical numbers
Nigger don’t get so fucking heated pc ain’t the main platform lmao. Like I’ve said before fighting games have one more console generation before the actual culture moves to PC. Don’t try to speed run these things
No, participating publishers give him the digital data as well. Capcom gives him the sales themselves. But he only covers the US
This is literally the worst patch I've ever seen in any fighting game ever and I played the original Granblue VS for 2 years
It's bad yeah.
But not SF4 Yun bad at least.
Thanks for the advice. Instead of neutral jump could I also use Cruel Fate to jump over and attack?
you havent been playing for that long then. its not good but mostly inoffensive.
So MH Wilds February 2025 and RE9 in the second half
It's not Arc Sys buffing Happy Chaos or Bandai Namco "nerfing" Dragunov don't be silly
remember halloween costumes?
We got Darkstalker colors chud
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>season 3 is the remaining 4 Kings (Balrog, Vega, Sagat and FANG)
What would the reaction be?
i've been converted to the bat top. slipping your fingers under a ball is just asking for trouble
lots of bitching about fang that will drown everything else out. everyone else would be positively received.
It's way worse than both of those.
It's "inoffensive" because half of it is literally just retracing changes that they've made before. It's like Capcom is shuffling papers in front of us to make it seem like they're working. This patch isn't bad just because it has some misguided/nonsensical changes, it literally has no reason to exist at all.
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>It's way worse than both of those.
no its not retard, the strive patches basically killed the game. dbfz had way worse. all of tekken 8's momentum was killed by the patching too. stop overreacting like a retard, this is why everyone thinks crabbas are schizos
You are baiting or retarded if you think it's anywhere remotely as bad as Happy Chaos call it
I can see people playing Sagat a lot, and some of them Balrog.
No one will play Vega as usual with every SF games. And who is Fang anyway.

So not bad actually, 2 wasted slots, like S2.
you could but that's also probably less damage overall than a decently optimized jump in with a heavy button
Overall you are better off zoning him I've found. Medium lash is a bit more reliable on him than many other characters due to his big hitbox and Gief player's addiction to jumping lets you get big mileage off H lash. The big weakness in the matchup is ex snake step is far more of a risk since his SPD eats it up
if SF6 is your first game, don't bother. Learn something more useful like drawing.
Artcels have been having a nonstop melty over AI for over a year now wat
>Not learning both art + AI at the same time for maximum gigachad skills
Uh.. bros.. why is Max playing MK??
ai is just modern controls
Better question, why are you watching that fag ?
lol guess I really hit a nerve but that doesn't answer the question
Funny, considering that computer assisted drawing is already modern control compared to old paint stuff etc.
Its up

computer assisted drawing is using lenient input readers
>Replying to a twitter trannie hating both AI and Modern
Not even once. Meaningless to argue with such low IQ individuals, he might as well be the local /leftypol/ faglord full of aids that seethes when people argue against polyamory degen bullshit.
It's really crazy how lackluster it is compared to MK1 and tekken DLCs, but capdrones will swallow anything at this point
??? Imagine PAYING for Eddy or Lidia
I think MK1 got Noob Saibot today or something.
Is the new kof fun?
Jarvis pull up the KoFXV Steamcharts
What new kof are you talking about ? 15 ?
Yeah, it's great. Don't beware that online play is basically discord lobby, and you will only find good players.
Story expansion, balance patch, new moves and combo strings, Animalities, towers, previously battle pass exclusive cosmetics and other shit too
mena is right this will be the last "real" sf
It may be the last SF in general if Capcom is fully on board with live service gaming
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Terrybros what's our status?
>ledditgiefs still online
i dont think they got the message
Any tips to fight Blanka as Zangief? I really cant nail down a decent way to fight him, just too mobile. Feels like i can barely press anything due to his jumpback ball. Any gaps i can look for? I’m actually pretty consistent at nailing ball spam with lariat so thats not an issue, but the ones that actually play are giving me trouble.
if you dont like terry you 0aint white
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All it took was a track from snk huh
Oh but paying for Akuma again was BASED and just fine huh...
i thought this was a oc track
Did the update break battle hub? It takes for ever to load and then an invisible li-fen says one line to me. Then the game fails to progress
had a similar issue
she's hiding from the pedoposters
I just want to farm drive tickets ;__;
disable your li fen nude mods, bro
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i got bison to master instantly, now im stuck on diamond 1 with terry. i think this nigga has irreversibly ruined my gameplay
She just aint been the same ever since getting away from the rape dungeon
It’s a remix of a stage theme from FF but you are correct in saying it’s OC track. Capcoms composer really sat down and didn’t make garbage for once
I will never accept slander on the usual easy characters again, Bison straight up just plays himself it is fucking insane.
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>play some terry in the hub with my main
>just trying to learn the moves it has so I can counter him in ranked when i meet him
>Do a set, win 10- 6, cant help the feeling i should had wiped a guy who literally started today but well if you dont know the match up you dont know the match up thats the whole point
> Guys DM me: you are the worst bison I ever met mirror match me

My dude the character just came out today it's ok that you lost no one will think you suck at the game, no need to be so defensive, jesus people stop connecting your self steem to your win rate you are going to get an ulcer
Thanks for the help guys
A Brazil Ken player on a Terry alt for BHub spoke to me in broken English via Steam saying my Diamond chun wouldn’t survive his Ken or Akuma..
It’s like at that point how do you go in the battlehub that pressed
when bison came out no one knew how to play against bison , everything was a fucking surprise, like JP
meanwhile Terry is just another shoto you kill them all the same way
how do I open people up better? I'm always just praying they fall for a shimmy or throw but sometimes I need more than that
>run into a Terry
>he wins 2-0
>adapt and beat him next time i run into him
>he one and dones immediately
Kek, nigga is mad i broke his 20 win streak
He probably one and dones everyone that beats him after he fails to fraud his way through with a character nobody knows how to handle
Gotta abuse that + frame mp or standingMP into grab when you do drive rush. The game is built and actively pushing you to that.
>having a melty over a videogame
>In battlehub of all things and shittalking even though you lost
I dont get it, why is this shit so common
Having fun + playing
the content cadence or whatever people call it for this game is fucking insanely slow. like i am basically not gonna play mai because she's going to come out roughly at the same time as mh wilds
Should I get the normal Character Pass or the Ultimate?
Normal gives you 1 outift and all fighters
Deluxe gives you both outifts and the supposed stages
I bought the Ultimate edition. I don't mind the costumes but not having the stages included is crazy
people pay the price of a full game for
>checks notes
four characters over the course of
>checks notes
2 years
has anyone else besides me not touch any of the avatar stuff? I tried playing world tour and met chun li but fuck this is such a drag. I dont care about this half baked bs
I don't really care for Bison but I'm pretty sure I'm going to play a lot of Mai and Elena and of course Terry. Normal character pass just seemed like a bad deal
Its not bad if you make a beeline to the next marker on your map and skip all cutscenes. That's how most people play games anyways. If you try to explode and take your time immersing, then you realize how empty the world is and how much it feels like an unfinished alpha.
I honestly don't know how to get any better at this game. I lose to fucking idiots. They get 1 hit and then I guess wrong twice and die. They can't even anti air or neutral because they don't need to. It's fucking depressing.
whos better, Hat Ken or Hatless Ken
hat ken lookin kinda mid
Hat Ken forma Hatless outfit 2
People actually paid $50 to play.......Terry......
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Nigga 96% of this general didn’t touch world tour and probably have a nameplate that says “Let’s Do This!”, but have a master rank or diamond5. The only people who play world tour are me, and like 3 or 2 other niggas, I know that for a fact lol.
I saw Jwong just dp it
"Kick back and relax" is the best title, change my mind.
What are the jappas saying about Terry? They're the only ones I listen to
i tried to play it but it fucking sucks, i wish it was almost like smash run on the 3ds. forgive me for bringing smash into this discussion but that single player mode was FUN
Terry? Has the n-word pass.
I get it, but I disagree and find it’s novelty fun. But if I could patch it a bit more and more mechanics or just a few more activities I’d definitely recommend the mode more. As is, it’s simple but simple doesn’t really cut for non-autists.
hard hitting journalism doesn't exist in any field anymore. You either get advertiser money (by being safe) or you die.
old man ken
Is Terry viable in Modern?
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
watch AKI players seethe because they think terry is too effective at burnout
>People seething at Terry since his gameplay preview because they think he's gonna be broken
>Terry released
>Mid tier
i liked world tour a lot for what it was. it's a shame that all the soul got lost doing fetch quests and running back and forth doing pointless stuff. the subpar graphics compared to the rest of the game hurt it as well, the CaC assets don't look good most of the time. it's mostly held back by weird gameplay decisions and a lack of narrative or more interaction with the masters.
People were also saying Akuma was mid after he came out and look at that cunt now.
did they nerf drive rush, throw loops, and parry???
Yep, game is saved. LOGIN
I'm gonna be honest, at this point I think I've had more fun in total with WT than the actual game
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i dont but i for sure like some stuff in WT over getting throw looped off a single cr mk drc
removing all 3 won't improve your rank to gold
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Not good. Tokido said he sucks monkey fucks and went on a huge rant.
how did this general acquire some autist that keeps spamming a porn game in every thread?
well I tried Terry and he seems fun but I think I will go back to Ryu
>listening to the retards that thought G was trash
OK Timmy
>check notes
>drive rush
>throw loops
>perfect parry

Hilarious that nobody is even talking about Cammy being untouched this games entire lifespan
the same nigga that said hes picking akuma?
Who has Terry’s funny faces
I've touched Cammy
*jab jab jab spiral arrows this post*
getting hit by a combo just feels worse in this game than any other SF because it's just green shit over and over
Regular jumpback ball is usually unsafe on block. Just bully him with your superior buttons like st.hp and drive rush more.
Maybe this is a silly noob question but what are you actually supposed to do against Shotos when they throw fireballs but then recover fast enough to DP you if you jump them. You could sit and parry but if you don't have the life lead what then...
if you play in battlehub you shouldn't be surprised that you're fighting people with no control over their ego. the primary purpose of it is to avoid feeling bad for losing in ranked or to troll people who do that, not to actually play long sets
Wow just like SFV
I don't really see how Terrence could be mid
>pretty good fireballs with a nice little meterless pressure reset
>solid (and safe!) anti fireball tool
>very good confirms and combo routing
hes not obviously busted like bison so people say hes mid
You need to close space by blocking and parrying and moving in. Throwing fireballs gets risky from a certain distance because of how much damage you take from jump ins. You'll actually notice a lot of players in your skill range will probably stop throwing fireballs once you get a certain range close enough to them. It's hard to explain but at some point you get a feel for the distances and the pattern of your opponent. If you decide to play a fireball character yourself know that fast fireballs are obviously harder to react to up close but have more recovery so if you're not throwing them point blank you won't be able to DP a jump in unless your opponent is real late. And meanwhile the opposite of slow fireballs are easier to react to but give you less recovery which is why they can easily DP you.
but hows his drive rush tho
It's day one, don't listen to anyone
Cammy is literally not allowed to be bad, sorry
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I can't wait for fan throw drive rush
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>My coomer awakening hentaifu is coming to Dix
Winter can't get here fast enough
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if you manage to make your way into close range you can just box with your normals, the best fireball in the game still has 10 frames of startup. the safer fireballs usually have slower startup.

I don't know if I'm right on this but in my experience jump-ins are pretty much just guesses, they're too slow for you to see a fireball and then jump- you guess when they're going to throw it out and jump pre-emptively. if you're right they shouldn't have time to react and that risk is massively skewed in your favor.
It is? Every time they use it regardless of height i just cant jab to take my turn or punish, they always block it. Maybe i am pressing too slow.
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I have no money for Terry, I wasted in the dentist

Now I don't have Terry, and my face hurts, specially when I'm eating
I dont care how shit it is, i fucking hate Modern.
special button
special button
special button
forward special button
be happy you can afford dentist brazilian bro
dentistry is a grift. you think daigo ever went to a dentist? All I use is salt water and a toothpick and my gums are healthier than the average dentalcuck.
really good acceleration which is important
Give a fucking filter to this retardation already holy fucking fuck, it completely changes the game’s dynamics and is boring as fuck to play against.
You are probably too slow. If the ball hits around Zangief's head they are usually minus enough that you can just spd them.

yes, it is. test it in training mode. regular jump back airball from any height and any strength is a big punish on block. EX jump back airball is only plus if you are crouching or they hit you below the waist, which is hard to do. if it hits above waist and you are standing, it is +0.

t. Blanka main
Alright thanks bro, i’ll try and lab some more. I am probably misjudging when he actually hits me so i think i am in block stun for longer than i actually am.
Yeah i practiced some more on training mode and managed to get some SPD punishes, i think my issue was not realizing when he actually hits me but i am getting some decent punishes pretty consistently now thanks a lot you two
>Rem in Season 3
they took spin knuckle away
she is honest, stop crying :)
not really. you still have to spend 3 bars to make it safe on block, and the damage potential is lower
I gotta sleep but surely someone will play
Give me some actionable advice or instructions on how to get better and I will implement it. If I don't get better then I will give up.
Yeah, Terry is cheeks. Just kind of a mediocre character, not bad but not good either. Kind of like Ryu
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Time to post cute and canon
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The fucking JP army is back. I spent the last set parrying shit from fullscreen and couldn't move forward.
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Day 24.
played vs bluedj today.. soul..
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Cute and canon!
>introduces a bunch of newcomers
>only two of them are passable at best
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Source? I wanna read it.
Google it
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Ryu is a man focused on his path to the point of almost losing himself in it

Ken is a playboy with huge talent, who becomes famous as a world champion and have tons of pussy

Ryu is still focused on his fighting path, strugling with his power, still trying to find meaning.

Ken is a family man and business guy who fights mostly for fun, is rich as fuck, and everybody likes him.

Ryu is actually rich, he kept saving money while Karin Kanzuki paid for his travel expenses just so she could have a laugh at Sakura, that had to live on pennies and get into a boat with Dan and Blanka to travel around trying to meet Ryu. Ryu is the "kids free" rich fit boomer that make young girls panties melt, and old hags seethe

Ken is a broken husk of a man, deadbeat father, living in a construction site, punching the shadows, his friends are worried, and his wife's divorce lawyer can't find him to serve his papers. While he permanently seethes about JP, JP itself barely remembers he exist. Story comes, story goes, and he is still seething alone and crying himself to sleep in his hobo cushions

Did everyone at Capcom hated Ken, but Ono was keeping them at bay? What the fuck happened
Ken was always an arrogant asshole who needed to be taken down a few. Glad it happened
Most sells =/= most active. Sf6 isn't bigger on console when it comes to active playerbase
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Sounds like SF tradition past SF1
Context is a Japanese poll for new generation
What's the point of Terry when Akuma exists?
whats the point of you when I exist
>MK1 still in top 30
>Slime6 nowhere to be seem
Capcuck sisters dont look...
MK might hit top15 now that new patch is out, need to wait for Monday to see the results for the week
Seriously anon. After the last couple p2w dlcs Terry feels incredibly underwhelming.
They gave Shang Tsung a few buffs so I'm pretty excited to hop on MK1 tonight
-said no one ever
my v-rival busting out combos ive literally never done in my life
>Next character in 2025
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Shut…shut up..
Street Fighter V had:

Zombie Nash

The only misses are Necalli, FANG, and Abigail. Everyone else was well received. SF6 has:


Every single one is divisive, shills will defend their pick, while just as many others will say the character is terrible.
When will people accept SFV artistic choices were undeniably better?
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Terry just released you idiots, why are you thinking about the next character?
Japan has always been some no taste "My favorite character is the main character" shitters though. Their favorite Mario character is Mario.
you just KNOW lili gives great head
Fuck are you talking about. The only people who shit on the newcomers are the people in this thread. The larger fanbase even loves fucking Luke now. SF6 is the most successful batch of newcomers SF has ever had. Lily might be the only one who goes somewhat ignored.
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Haha, same

I'm also a modern player, and I'm used to react with Drive Rush and the start-up or recovery of some moves with EX DP or Super, for example, doing EX DP against Ken's hadouken on the mirror match. The game interpret that as me being an insane wacko, and just keeps tossing random EX DPs out of the blue in neutral for no god damn reason.

Also, doing some "why the fuck would you do that" combos that are pure style, even though I just brainlessly do the most optimal route.
The fuck is wrong with liking Mario? Luigi is a little bitchboy, all the gals in Mario world fucking suck, and most everyone else is a villain or a "villain."
Lili is a naive virgin, she's certainly ain't giving any heads at any quality
Luke is the only good newcomer desu. Manrisa, Manon, Jamie, the other ones. They all suck. I have no fucking clue how anyone thought Lily would ever be popular.
.....ok but why did they buff dee jay?
The larger fanbase does not think about Luke unless his VA posts a meme which he hasn't done in a year
Because they're retarded.
I like Manon a lot more than any of the others because she's got a great rack and her gimmick is at least unique
She also has the face of a man in a wig.
Mario being your favorite automatically signals the room that you like no variety in life and would smile if you just got water and bread every day
Just use costume 2 it covers most of it
Has there ever been made a character who is more for brutal raping than lili?
because deejay is based
>Make Asuka your menu character
>Linger on the Story tab
Grappler that wants to grapple more is hardly unique
I was talking more about the ballerina gimmick and moves. The command grab is the least interesting thing about her
You guys ever fight a fake wired connection? This guy lags every time it's convenient for him, yet the connection says wired.
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ffxiv niggas really do be like this
It's called a lag switch.
Why do people cheat at fighting games anon? It's already a miserable experience as is.
what's the appeal of ffxiv
i only play osrs as far as MMOs go
Some people just don’t care and only want to win no matter how illegitimate it is. Same reason there’s still hackers in shooters who pay $$$ just to dodge invasive anti cheat software by using hardware bypasses
It's for fans of advanced simon says
nice collabs
job and class system is fun
love letter to FF
main story is actually not dogshit, but it varies depending on the expansion
raids are usually pretty fun and unique as well, at least imo
not my cup of tea but if you are degen weirdo there is a large community of other degens to erp with on certain servers complete with sex mods and all that
I know what you are
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what? there is no shame in being an aki player!
AI fighter is weird
Master Ryu Sim Sim definitely plays like a schizo 1500 ryu except it counters DI more.
who got the terry bnbs

jab jab jab xx burn knuckle
Had like three of those today
pc heavy punch > heavy charge > heavy crack shoot > heavy rising tackle
Even during Covid Smash Ult had a better work ethic-release schedule.
is dhalsim a real character now?
I genuinely think Capcom is just a moronic backwards Japanese company that doesn't understand how modern gaming works. The shit battle pass and awful post launch support in general just feels like they don't understand what they have in SF6 nor do they understand how the modern consumer works.
why is there people who exist just to shit on the game? like your life is that pointless where you must come here everyday and be a schizo for a game you hate just leave
Game is scrubby as shit but it's Street Fighter. I'm not gonna play fucking Tekken
i defend sf6 all the time but even i tire of avatarslop every pass
im glad they are adding more colors, but it really does make you question why it took so long for there to be other kinds of content
You could release a new color palette every month for Premium Currency/Drive Tickets for basically zero development cost and it would make them exponentially more than Avatar slop. It just boggled the mind
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what content do you want? is some little costumes really going to change anything?
yea, premium colors for a portion of the cast on every battlepass and a wider selection of stage tracks which were inexplicably excluded from the jukebox would go a long way. nakayama even said he wanted to do that. maybe small cosmetic items that don't require as much development as full costumes (like different keychains or accessories that characters have on their outfits anyway) as well. more events like SiRN akuma. stuff like that.
Literally just fucking ANYTHING THAT PERTAINS TO THE ACTUAL CHARACTERS WE PLAY. It's been over a year of garbage PS2 model avatar shit that nobody liked in the first place. You could sell a fucking bow to put Chun-Li's hair for $5 and make a gorillion dollars but they just keep doing horribly modeled avatar clothing. I don't get it.
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Doomers losing badly
SF6 is the BEST fighter of this generation..
just mod the game nigga
Better content than what SF6 offers ingame
Actual balance patches that fix the fucking game's issues
mods being an option doesn't mean capcom isn't being slow in the head
I'm brainrotted and want content loop to keep me playing. Game isn't fun enough to play for its own sake
grind to legend and challenge yourself
I don't think most of us have the skill level or talent for that.
>Try the V Rival thing
>Ken AI fishes for crouching medium kick into tatsu into throw loops
Good job Li Fen this thing is really accurate
This game will be killed by its own playerbase. Eventually there won't be enough shitters for other shitters to fight. I'm considering dropping it myself. I can't handle all these strong players.
Damn so no new costumes this year.
COTW waiting room.
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too many ritual posts in these threads
There's nothing else to post. No one replies to anyone anyway. I'm half-convinced most of these posts are bots hired by Crapcom.
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Yes i am being paid to come here and post Lili to hype her eventual appearance in sf6 up. You caught me.
i hate fighting against cammy
This game is so fucking dumb. I can really beat a 1700mr just because he's playing another character? This proves the game is random.
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>Watching Daigo-sama play (Aku)ma
>He's getting people to half HP with plasma and patient pokes alone
I wish I had a fraction of that patience, but its something I gotta develop. I get caught up in wanting to do more, when just being consistently zen (and good, lol) can get you so much.

This isn't something that I can lab, I just need to grind.
How do you deal with delay jab without kamikaze options like PP or Invul reversal? It seems to be an OS against tick throws and light chains frame trap.
I faced an Akuma who completely shut down my offense with that.
why does everyone one and done in this game

is it because its so volatile
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Of all the top tiers how "easy" is Cammy to play compared to Ken, Akuma, Ed, and Rashid? I know Bison belongs on this list too but I don't like charge characters plus he just got nerfed.
As hard as Ken i'd say, depending on how challenging you find instant divekick to be.
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>jab jab spiral arrow
She's easier to play than all of them except Akuma, who is supremely easy to play. Cammy has more to her than you'd think, but she's still simple.
Even with the nerf is Bison the easiest/best character?
Has anyone here spent much time with the sanwa silent buttons? I'd love to get your review on them, especially if you ever find button presses are being missed.
Bison is a braindead gorilla in every 3D Street Fighter
Kenny has some moderately difficult combos if you want to maximize him but you really don't have to. Both have a privileged crMK. I also think fireballs can be a bit of a noob trap if you're not used to playing with them.
Cammy has the lowest skill floor assuming you can’t do standing 360s reliably
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Why does Cammy need 360 inputs?
I think he's saying that geef's skill floor is lower but you have to be able to do a 360
>Game is dogshit with no content
>g-g-go to legend then you will h-have fun when you dump effort and hours you will never have it back to play a videotoy
Damn, HopeSISSIES truly mindbroken by DoomerCHADS huge veiny cock.
They ain't even pretending the game is fun anymore and are babbling schizo shit.

Just because a wifi connection more or less guarantees a bad connection, it doesnt mean a wired connection guarantees a good conecction nigga
Correct me if I'm wrong but these 3 right here are the "easiest" characters to win games with. And probably the 3 best and easiest characters to get to master rank with. The best way I could put it is if there was a success to effort ratio these 3 are you likely your best options.
It's probably because SF is your main game that you understand the theory behind it better, and so getting gimmicked or making mistakes feels worse because you think it shouldn't work and you're taking it seriously. With the other games, you're probably worse, so mistakes feel less serious. Your philosophy needs to change
You say that like getting master rank is some kind of challenge. The real challenge is getting not shitty mr.
DI in the corner sucks. It feels like shit getting hit by it and it just feels like luck landing it.
average SF6 fan reading comprehension
what are some good alternatives to the hori octa
so SF6 Terry is the equivalent of SF5 Luke, right? they're just pushing him hard as fuck? he seems like the clear best shoto.
Lore wise isn't psycho power learnable? Why doesn't Ryu learn it so I can have a full screen safe on block anti fireball combo starter
i mean i wish i had a fireball and specials i could safely end blockstrings with
there are no fundamentals in this game. Every character has their own kookily resourse mechanic and a different set of DI safe normals and drive rush attacks that you have to memorize.
yeah rashid is pretty crazy
Gortash is straight out of a JRPG
Whatever good mr is I'd argue those 3 characters will have the easiest time doing it.
there is a birth rate crisis and you're sitting here practicing baby mode combos for hours every day.
i already got my gf pregnant what else do you want me to do
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im gay
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So when they say winter, they mean early January right? They won't make us wait 5 months for Mai.....
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>luke and jp buffed
>top 5 untouched
>bottom 5 untouched
Why is Luke glaring at the cameraman?
No girl is going to want to get knocked up by someone with sub 2k MR
Doomercock too strong...
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>6ft tall
>6 figures
>6 pack
>2k mr minimum
Niggas basically admitting the only reason to play this game is if you have sunk-cost fallacy and a Legend title is bringing you to smell the syrup over starting at rock bottom somewhere else.
Isn't it more fun to be bad at fighting games anyway? As long as there are other shitters anyway.
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The higher you go in this game the more stupidly defensive the players seem to become. The game plan is always more or less the same. Micro walk forward or backward as if the player had a stroke and there they wait for me to make a move. Hadoken -> they jump. Any button -> whiff punish. And they are there, far away waiting for me to get close to get me C.Mk. And from a single punish with c.mk I get counter with exaggerated damage. The attacking player should have an advantage, but other than meaty situation , in this game I'm not sure that's the case.
Why doesn't this piece of shit game have a wifi filter?
How do we feel about Terry
Perfect parry is the dumbest fucking mechanic ever. Even dumber than drive rush.
>JP’s anti air is back
but why
give me a date with your sister or cousin
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That’s so great anon I just
….oh…I..I didn’t know you were 1500 MR in street fighter..I uh, I gotta go. Works calling me, yeah…
but I play Manon
Sorry I need to goon what is models name
Wait wait wait!! Listen to me listen to me!!!
Look, I can I can raise my MR right now. Just let pick fucking Ken ok?!
I don't get this. Ken feels like the easiest character in the game to beat.
You’ve been playing SF6 for too long friend
I need to make a smurf. I can't beat these d3s.
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that is only because kenfags play like this
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Street Fighter 7 sneak preview

>focused on birth rate crisis
>not focused on the biggest wealth transfer in human history
Buy gold and silver miner you dumbfuck
I don't think I can keep playing this fucking trash ranked system. I'm not good enough to fight high mr players, so why the fuck do I have to fight them in diamond? This whole damn system needs to be redone. Trash like me shouldn't be fighting these people. I can't defeat someone with hundreds more mr than I'm capable of acquiring. Why is this game so fucking shit at matching you with people you stand a chance against? Are fighting games only fun if you're good?
Nothing ever happens
stare of dominance
It's 6 weeks until the election and they've already tried and failed to kill him. Something's gonna happen.
my portfolio say otherwise. Was up 10% yesterday alone.
You will be replaced by migrants while the value of your dollar drops astronomically. And you'll be happy?
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Lets say you've conditioned opponent to jab. Now when you do your frame trap, do you try to hitconfirm off a jab before the finisher (literally impossible btw) or just pray they jab again and do it anyway. Or would you pussy out with a safe finisher? Why is Chun Li like this man
in that case its impossible, but if you frame trap with her standing jab instead, you can react to it hitting and link 6MP after.
false premise ft2 is not long enough to "condition" anyone
I give up. I'm just going to wait until all these sweaty assholes have brought Terry to master. I can't play with them, and they constantly taunt me when I give up.
stop mindbreaking yourself and turn the game off 3 games earlier next time.
So true, better masher wins sadly

Yeah I know the 5mp 5lp frame trap but was exploring back heavy options. Oh well
Trump is literally letting Indians and migrants come in with basic work visas and even less in mass. He’s not fixing the border issue either bro lol.
I am just not good enough for fighting games anon.
Trump? What does he have to do with anything?
chuns stance is just for combos, it doesn't low profile or open up new frametraps that are good. If it could, capcom would have patched it out because you're not allowed to have anything.
my opponents are conditioned by the spirits of all the kimberlys that came before me
i choose......... to NOT randomly slide
>Learned to tick grab for mixups
>throw even when I get the hit
>my damage is abysmal
why am i like this?
ltg is right this game is kookily and remedial
i was right this game is godlike
if you discount japan i'd wager tekken and sf6s playerbases are roughly the same (ie, niche as fuck)
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If you know they're gonna jab then stop being a fuckin pussy and send it
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i literally cannot stop reflexively teching midscreen DRC's and getting shimmied holy shit
whats the point of terry's MP HP
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>if you discount the primary market of the game, the playerbase for it becomes niche as fuck

eatin big
>playstation esports
yeah lose some fat
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millionaire's home
plz saar give name
>tfw addicted to the v-rival
yeah that's the point
you aren't in the primary market so unless it causes you certain pleasure to see a company making a lot of money, sf6 being massive in japan has zero impact on you since you aren't playing there, you're playing in the west
How does the v rival master rank work? Is it just training the ai for the MR that you play at? Is it possible to set specifical perameters if I want to train against higher MR ai?
I'm going to assume Andy will show up as an npc when Mai drops, though I wonder if there will be another Fatal Fury or King of Fighter NPC added with him
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Can't wait to see Chun and Mai's interaction in arcade
Matchmaking would be dead if they did that
They should do that gief damage nerf on everyone
>They should X
Not gonna happen
Everybody's dropping Dix
terry just came out and no one is talking about it, no one cares, the thread is the deadest its ever been, the games "active players" are still nothing but vtuber bots.

whats happening?
He's not an SF character, why would SF fans be as excited for him as they were for Bipson or Akuma
How could this happen to me?
I made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
Life goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?
i dont remember anyone being excited for bipson either. the only major excitement was for..... Ed
Akuma literally equaled the game's all time peak on steam
Game has been dead for awhile unless you follow vtubers. Terry was never going to change that
it's over
we can't come back from this
what went wrong?
what did they mean by this?
oh nononononono
this company is financially ruined (post in my neet room)
can't find any cool mods for chun that are too goonerish. dont want to feel the urge to fap midset.
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I already have my main since day one and haven't met a Terry in ranked yet. Not much to discuss
while you're silent, Kakeru is playing JP and Ed/Deejay players even more silent than you
Can't believe JP, DJ and Luke got buffed, it's season 1 all over again except gief is meta
>What happened

Juri's Husband still not free I am afraid.
Still raping kekken lil sis
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>whats happening?
He’s a legacy shoto. I’m having fun but I’m not interested in discussing him
Quick chun/cammy coomerposters save us
>coomer niggers
>saving anyone or anything
The meta hasn't changed one bit, everybody is turning green and throw looping each other
>capcom broke the no backlight mod again
I hate this fucking company
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Not coomerpost but I can waifu post my wife beautiful wife Chun if you want.
Capcom based because they hate Capcucks more than anyone.
Look at this bum ass game barely outta beta, throwlooping slime party game, and Capcucks gotta play this religiously for the next 7 years or soHAHAHAHAHA
The drive gauge is the only problem I have with this game
Capcucks been mindbreaking themselves saying if you play enough to see slime in your eyes ( reach legend ) the game become suddenly worth it
Just dump 1k hours or more lil bro
Praying that alphazomega updates it soon
>The larger fanbase even loves fucking Luke now.
I can't believe you retards let that asian mutt grifter VA trick you into thinking Luke is even remotely relevant. You sound like you own funko pops.
It do be like that
>the sperglord who compares newcomes to characters with over 20 years of legacy still seething here
Nobody expected newcomers to compete with characters over 30 years old you retard
And nobody will beg Capcom to add lily or Marisa to sf7 retard
its true. they have zero respect for their own fans. they even put drag queen cameos in the game and capdrones still defend it. even the normalfags on twitter have had enough of this shit but capcoons beg for more.
Yuropoors posting rn? Yikes you niggas embarassing!!!
I’m still pissed Rashid is in this game. I’d take any other broken new character fuck rashid
>Characters who literally just came must either be a total freak accident success like Juri or they will be utterly dropped and never ever invested on again
You were the same crabba seething at Luke for being a flop and he still outshone Cody and is the current face of the franchise.

You literally have zero fucking idea what you talking about, I can't even debate you because you are clueless, an actual retard.
Should’ve been CHADlex. Don’t need no corny SFV characters to ever come back besides Edwin
>said the ESL
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Rashid is Nakayama's favourite character and he will be in SF7, SF8 and probably SF9
Nigga's having a melty because people are making fun of shitty characters like ..........kimberly oh my days bruv I just can't
remember when they released rashid in SFV on 9/11

what was that about
Get air conditioning!!!!
>Gets IQ mogged
>"w-was just trolling b-bro!"
and by favorite character, i mean hes a diversity hire meant to please the Saudis
Thats terry and mai actually
You literally got retards ITT who unironically, not trolling, said shit like
>Bison is not SF's most iconic villain
>People care about SF lore
>Chun is known for her tits not her thunder thighs legs
>Crappanese dub is better
They ain't troll. They are legit low IQ individuals trying to make arguments and failing miserably.
>Bison is never coming back and if he does he will have a new body
Nakayama won't be around when it's time to roll SF7 out. Probably won't be around to see SF6's last few seasons. Being modern SF's producer is a dead end job that any dev would desperately try to escape.
>Bison’s not iconic
FACTS the BBC deities are more iconic and symbolic for true alpha males.
if you're DEI Capcom, where the FUCK is FEMALE BISON HUH? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE?
>Crappanese dub is better
Case by case
Reinstall SFV and you'll have enough Chunners and Cummy for life
>>Crappanese dub is better
Damn right it is redditbro!
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I cannot fucking outfootsie this. Really great how he has other obscene buttons and can jump on you anytime too.
luke is just as much of a failure as abel was as a protagonist, the only difference is that capcom is forcing him much harder than they ever did before for some reason, lauding that as a success is absolutely retarded, capcom is losing money trying to push luke this hard, the game would unironically be selling better if ryu was on the cover
This fandom gotta be the stupidest, I think even Sonic autists are smarter than Capcucks if we go by actual IQ.
You forgot
>Luke is more popular than cody
>SF6 has the best newcomers
>having 4 DLC slots is fine
>Dix's ost is amazing
And my favorite
>we need throw loops to counter wake up Parry
Some of those are so fucking braindead I would feel racist if I thought black people unironically think this way so I pray they are just bait.
SSF6 will probably have Akuma Ryu or Ken on the cover. Sick of seeing that ugly ass Luke winking face everywhere too
When are we getting Abigail?
>Luke is more popular than cody
>SF6 has the best newcomers
said no one
>having 4 DLC slots is fine
>Dix's ost is amazing
said no one
Too based for Dix
Every other month some shitty gacha game puts out a rehashed generic anime girl design that looks like Hatsune Miku with the personality of a cardboard box and it breaks japanese internet. It is actually pretty embarrassing that Street Fighter as a franchise can't come up with ONE successful newcomer that can rival that kind of slop anymore. It didn't take 7 years for the SF2 characters to become instantly recognizable, so why should Luke need a full decade of being officially promoted just so the average normalfag can call him Ken Masters anyway?

>>Chun is known for her tits not her thunder thighs legs
>it's the same retard as last time who stopped replying because he didn't have any counter argumetns
That disingenuous stupid faggot >>495928064
said that Chun wasn't ALSO popular for her big fat tits when in a lot of promotional arts and even in the games, her breasts at are showed prominently.
>"hurr durf newcomers bad and wont ever come back because they didn't shroud the faggot ass oldhead characters!"
>Cody more popular than Luke tho
So can you retarded ass admit you understand initial success doesn't matter and if Capcom wants to play a character for the long run they will keep shilling them anyways?
Nobody at Capcom HQ expects Jamie or Kimberly to immediately surpass Ken or Chun, but they are in the long run like Luke.
Fuck that ugly ass cornball, Rufus would be better
capdem thinks luke and jamie are long term investments
Jap kids starting SF with 6 will ask a decade or two from now “Where’s Luke/Jamie, I played them all the time as a kid” if they are gone in SF8 or whatever.
haha strive is on its death knell because a tranny lied about sexual assault to get someone banned from tournaments
Cody is way more popular than Luke you dumb coon. Everybody dropped puke the second he wasn't broken. No one gives a fuck about him aside of fujos who flick the bean to gay porn. This shitty game is rotting your micro brain
You don't have arguments. I started ignoring you because you legit have brain damage.
Even when you cherrypick art for your glue-eating IQ argument, Chun still has the focus on her legs. Chun's design showcase her legs, her defaul toutfits never have boob cleavage, you stupid moron.
8/10 Chun art the focus is in her thighs but you think shes popular for being a titcow like Mai. Actual retard.
/fgg/appas seething that Marisa is a bigger success than any V female newcomer
then I'm going to post the punch
Menat was the queen of Twitter for a few weeks where's Transrisa's clout?
>hurr durr Chun is ONLY popular because of her thighs
>not true she's also popular for her huge chest that literally rivals Mai's
>duuuhhhh why are you sayin that she only popular for her breasts
You are unbelievably retarded, i'm impressed.
Post Menat’s use rate
They are not "in the long run" with Luke. Capcom can't design characters with lasting appeal, since they no longer employs industry leading artists like they used to. Even if they did, they would be working on RE or MH, and not on SF. Luke is an uninspired, blatant attempt at pandering to a generation of people that are notorious for their low attention span. He is a gymbro who loves video games and pizza and will be totally replaced by a similarly soulless newcomer who can appeal to the next generation of teenagers come SF7.
Negative 5%
Sim and Blanka are popular and no one plays them, with your logic Abigail is more popular than ibuki, sorry tranny.
Is there a setting in lua freecam to make models not disappear when you get too close? It doesnt happen in matches, the model only vanishes in battle hub
>capcoons are praising manrisa now
Wait you faggots are not being ironic when saying that the dub is better? Who the fuck wants to listen to Christopher Guerrero and Stephen Fu lmao?
Like who the fuck even are they
We always loved trannies on roids vappa
>with your logic
>different statement
smartest rog
if they released a default unity asset with a top tier fireball and a dp, it would have a 10% usage rate online, usage rate is not the same as popularity
Gooners angered by the usage rate comment
>Gief players been bitching about hellstab into lvl 2 for an entire year
>Check it out
>It’s a downforward motion into a super

How fucking stupid do you have to be to struggle with this?
It’s not even a full motion. Why are Zangief players so cancerous?
had fun with terry and simsim for a day, but as expected the game is still stale because they don't want to balance it or change it up

now back to deadlock
>you destroyed my argument but I'm going to talk like Dale to make sure that you realize that I'm a dumbass
Dixers are clinically retarded just like their party game tee bee aych
As a third party, it’s weird to see you guys argue over two bad games
They are different flavors of bad. SFV was a hideous stale game with a nonexistent roster, but it played 3x better than SF6 due to no drive. Tough call.
You rate voice acting based on how famous the actor is? Shark Tale must be your favorite movie.
Nobody brought up dead ahh SFV. Everybody left that trash in the dustbin
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but sfv had the best roster out of any mainline street fighter game
sf6 is still hideous AND has a terrible roster with the slowest trickle of mid content out of any fighting game currently out, it's extremely easy to shit on it over those things
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choose carefully /sfg/
Don't pretend to be stupid, american voice actors who exclusively voice jap shit are godawful. They're not even real actors
>Cherry picking swinsuit art
>The legs are still the obvious selling point
Is like saying Juri is a booba fetish character because she has fanart focusing in her breasts, over her obvious main selling point.
Dog6 is so bad niggas would rather talk about sf5 for the billionth time
give me the Kimberly tutorial, with a good mod for her face
did they do the replay takeover good enough
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Jive was better.
Jive mindbroke the Capcucks so hard they started to say >NO CONTENT IS BETTER THAN LOTS OF CONTENT!!!
Niggas playing a game that gets less content than dead MMOs like SWTOR. Waiting 4 months to maybe get 1 character and if they lucky, some 50$ costume pack that will look worse than mods anyways.
Sloppy ass gameplay. 4 shits on this trash too
at least in jive you were actually fighting against your opponent and not simon says simulator TURN BLUE TURN GREEN TURN RED
Where are the throw loops and the slime?
SF4 was dogshit not even the pros liked it
this replay takeover thing doesn't really sound useful for a game like street fighter
anime has setups and situations that are much more complex than sf, so it makes sense there. tekken's punishment game can be a lot more complex than sf because there's so many moves and strings, so it makes sense for replay takeover there too. what would you do with that feature in sf6 that couldn't be replicated easier and faster with regular training mode features?
>Jivetroon trash talking the literal only SF game in this nigger franchise that actually has Neutral and rewards high IQ in it
SF4 owns your soul.
the most recent data mine isnt even a costume pack its avatar slop and new colours for costume 1, and these niggas are singing Capcoms praise lol
reminder that they pay roasties 6 figures to do social media bullshit like this meanwhile the game itself is vaporware. enjoy your burrito avatar and discord emojis, capcucks!
SF4 was left in the dustbin after Jivekino came out
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>the literal only SF game in this nigger franchise that actually has Neutral and rewards high IQ in it
Jivetroons hate SF
Capcucks such slaves they need to ask which dogshit pro thinks about a game so they can parrot their opinion.
And niggas call me Ruckus when I say I just behave as the head nigga to make sure they stay in line, these black ghosts can't be fred.
have another official art but from the creator of Chun-Li, you disingenuous retard.
can you guys change the same 10 yo posts from /fgg/?
Niggas literally praising Capcom for doing a pallet swap that should take like 30min at worst for a decent modder to make.
sf4 unironically isn't street fighter, even sf3 is better than that pseudo anime kusoge
Theyre just happy to finally be in the club. They dont dare complain.
SF6 is the only game you see rankedboar literally who timmies beating oldhead veterans that grind the game 900 hours a week.
>I-If I pick one of the 2 outta 8 art that show her cleavage (after she already got popular for being the leg lady) I w-will definitely win this argument!
Same stale picture of last time.
Also another swinsuit.
Also already recycling content.
You can randomly pick a Chun picture and her legs will be the focus of the picture.
Wipe the drool outta your keyboard, mouthbreather.
Sure, SFV had a legendary roster, but it didn't have Manon. Marisa, Kimberly, Lily, Eternity, and Manny Rose.

Dix won.
This but jive trigger 5
>nigga posting 1 instance of corner rappery on SF4 as if this ain't 5x times worse in every other SF entry
SF4 is the best SF but unfortunately still a negroid cranium game
When is Capcom going to realize that no one wants to play as w*men? 90% of SFV chicks flopped. 60% of Dix chicks flopped. Just make male newcomers that don’t look zesty and SF7 will sell gangbusters
niggas really arguing about coomer art
if you think corner raping is the issue with that webm you are a retard, much like any other sf4 apologist
i remember everyone hating sf4 at the end of its lifespan because of vortex
Season 3
Evil Lily
>we always hated sniffs vappa!
You want to see capcucks cope about SF6's mechanics again?
SF4 is the whitest SF game makes sense some individuals here are rustled at HIS superiority
proximity normals
it is what it is
Speak English
What causes this defeatist incel attitude in these wannabe FGC "veterans" that are so vehemently against offense being strong? It's like you assume by default that if you play a fighting game, you'll be automatically on the backfoot, so even WATCHING footage of someone getting mixed up in a fighting game after losing neutral sets you off. There's this trend of bitching about defense not being strong as if it ever was, or ever should be so, and it just reeks of shitter cope.
No corny ass whiteboy won in 4 either, small cock
Lets just all get along kay guys? Every game is good
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Once again you're too stupid to get my point huh?
Let's try, one more fucking time and we'll see if the handful of brain cells that you possess will understand.
Yes, Chun-Li is mainly popular for her thighs, that's her trademark, but what makes her ALSO very popular is her breats. That's why she has countless costumes showing her cleavage, that's why she has that iconic shower scene in the SF2 movie, that's why she has so many official arts and fanarts drawn with her breasts at the forefront.
r/gamingcirclejerk moment
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>More iconic than whatever gay ass jap or nigger subhuman you worship
>Did his part in fightan and retired with grace to be an adult and chase his dreams instead of slurping beer/redbull and try to be a e-sloppa """"athelete""" forever
>Always has the correct opinion
CHADscant owns your very being.
SFIV was a great fighting game, but was also a bad Street Fighter game because it encouraged optimizing setplay over neutral and good fundamentals. SFV, however, was a bad fighting game during the two years that mattered the most, but was still a good Street Fighter game at its core. After the adjustments made in seasons 3-5, it is now both a good fighting game and a great Street Fighter game.

SFVI is currently a bad fighting game and a bad Street Fighter game because it is utterly fucked at the foundation. It only appeals to people who do not play fighting games, even moreso than Tekken and Granblue, two games whose developers explicitly stated were designed for people who do not play the genre.
Sf6s problem with offense is much deeper than ot being "strong"
Offense in rock paper scissors is strong too, but we dont play that online
My fuarking hero...
he hates sf4 btw
He shits on sf4 and sf3 24/7 timmy
umaCHAD is more relevant than this bum
True but youre going to get ignored or called lil bro or something
>Cherrypicked a coombait outift (once again after Chun is already certified as a popular character)
>STILL the biggest attention goes to her thighs, being more plump and toned than the rest of the cast
Nigga is like these retards posting a book/video that counter their very own argument. Guess thats what happens when you run out of the 2 bikini pictures to use, when 1 of them she still had more detailed legs than boobs.
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>GOATscant hates SF4
>GOATweek thinks Cloud is top tier even tho the character is asscheeks
Why the WHITE GOATs always have some weird dogshit opinion?
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>>STILL the biggest attention goes to her thighs, being more plump and toned than the rest of the cast
Can you read you braindead faggot
>Yes, Chun-Li is mainly popular for her thighs
>but what makes her ALSO very popular is her breats
You described in your own post why all the cardboard eating retards in this thread hate Viscant. He had his legacy and moved on instead of holding onto fighting games autistically without ever branching out or evolving for the rest of his life.
Niggas don't wanna good examples, they wanna other crabbas to feel like they gonna make it if they keep playing.
/fgg/ would have bullied and raped any kid who outed themselves as both a vappa and a smasher in the same post into leaving the thread forever. We need to be better, /sfg/.
i wonder if they're going to bring back v-shift and call it drive shift or something
Best GODtier at a game doesn't make a person immune to having shit takes.

She only has huge tits because shes a eyecandy waifu, not because she was originally designed for that, when any person thinks of "titcow" they don't associate the word with Chun before at least 5 other characters go into their brain, you brainrotten stupid fuck.
how can we be better if /sfg/ was created simply because everyone was bullying dixies?
SF4 was not a good fighting game even looking past the fact that it doesn't really represent the legacy and identity of Street Fighter as a franchise all that well.
>Implying 60% of /fgg/ didn't play Smash and 30% got filtered by online Ness/Samus and started to hate the game due to it
>Wanting to be like /fgg/ when they are 200x times more schizophrenic than /sfg/ on a good day
/fgg/ doesn't even has fun nameposters/avatarfags the shittiest, most mindcrushed nigcels who post about jrs, plaplaplap and dale lingo here, are the ones who reside 24/7 in /fgg/ that place is a literal shithole
/fgg/ is Dale and /sfg/ is Immo they keep trying to get us to stop restreaming and making money outta them
do not interact, simply let the smashie piss his panties by himself
>Implying it was only 30%
Niggas over there still asshurt to this very day by being zoned out in Smash Ultimate even tho you got like 5 hard counters to zoners in the roster in that game
This genre either makes you a man capable of self reflection, or a broken husk bent on ruining life for others
Been using the replay takeover for an hour now. Not even learning anything, just having fun backseating.
>Nigcel thinks playing fightan with smelly, stinky, virgins makes him an actual IRL athlete who sharpens his body and mind to precision
This general is an asylum lol
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>Sticking to one game in this absolute kusoge but fun genre
>Playing whatever fighting game you feel like that week
>he says as he bought not just bison as dlc but also Akuma for the second time in a row
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I mean, he is not ENTIRELY wrong, in the ACTUAL superior, best fighting game, athletes are built playing it...
>She only has huge tits because shes a eyecandy waifu, not because she was originally designed for that, they don't associate the word with Chun before at least 5 other characters go into their brain
You disigenuous retard. Akiman keeps drawing her with big tits, every artist draw her with big tits, in every games she has big tits, every costumes she has has her showing huge tits. They always have been part of her character, they always have been appreciated.
Chun-Li is popular for her thighs and being a titcow but somehow your autism forces you to say that the popularity of her breasts are not real.
You're embarrassing to read
>white athlete male
meanwhile we get black trannies i think capsisters won against your racism chud
The fact that /fgg/ was so garbage that every game basically left, yet nothing changed when sf started its own general speaks volumes
>Sell their game on their console, no crossplay
>Barely give support to the game outside giving it content in the first 3-4 years
>Barely give a shit about pro scene, about shilling with e-celebs, doing promotions
>Never ever do a real sale, game is pretty much the same price 24/7
>Is so fucking based and everyone plays it
How do they do it?
im starting to get the appeal of li-fen
good attempt at a read thobeit
Animefags and Dixfags left because they were bullied off the general by the local JiveGODS. It was a massive skill issue on their part.
>Release a finished and polished product
>Have good artists/design team behind it
>Dont charge people 59$ for bare bones content
Crazy how not being total trash is something insane for nu-game devs
will playing on a 50 inch tv effect my reaction times to stuff like DI, even if its in game mode?
imagine how good a fighting game would be without bullshit knowledge checks like frame traps and you could just play footsies and neutral
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Nigga its Smash.
Biggest collab in gayming history, party game for friends, bitches, anyone can understand how the game works looking at it for 5min but to master movement and aerials take a lifetime, is a cultural phenomenon.
samurai shodown does that and you still dont play it
why are timmies talking about smash in the street fighter thread
Read the reply chain, brainlet.
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because terry from smash bros is in sf6. capcucks cant even get their own characters anymore, thats how bad sf6 is.
Niggas couldn’t even win the first /fgg/ dix tourney
SmashGAWDS got the poetic license pass to talk whenever and whatever:
>Party game thread?
Lets discuss Smash
>Fighting game thread?
Lets discuss Smash
>Rosterfaggin' thread?
Lets discuss Smash
>Anime thread?
Lets discuss Smash
This but without the snarky tone and sincerely.
but Ryu and Ken are in Smash as well
because Dix is a party masher where timmy can beat anyone even in majors
Smash propaganda go crazy they everywhere; Smash is always on-topic.
>Calling Smash a party masher when it took Steve to come out so a random jimmy started beating the gods of Smash
hopefully they add Kazuya so tekkenchads can also talk whenever they want here without being called offtopic
>problem-x lost to beslem
>NL and zhen lost to brickterium
>nephew lost to vwsym
>bigbird lost to zangief_bolado
>endingwalker lost to juniorleo
>NL and rainpro lost to senor power
>daigo lost to gamein99
>xaiohai lost to french kusanagi

noticing a trend here, dixxers?
l-look at the steamcharts numbers doe........................

is this all jivers have left?
Other regions got better. Get over it, chink dickrider
More like you have no arguments against every other point people made so you cling to this one you might win.
Jivelets simply can’t adapt, like 09ers
>Terry thread
Mods crush his skull, we want anime girls not this offtopic shit
SF6 is an...interesting game...
>not even shitpost
I only post in early shitpost threads
This, but unironically. Anime OPs are soulful.
It gives a nuance to the general, and when its from a franchise I don't know a look it up and see which game the girl is from and maybe is better than SF6 so I can play something else after farming my WT shekels.
what are some /sfg/ approved anime
nigga just said anime girls give nuance
Dixxies = Bocchi the rock
Jivers = Bocchi
SF4chads = K-On
Turd strike = Nichijou
The only reason I support off-topic anime girls in OP is because I know capcucks here be pissing blood when they see it, shits make me laugh so hard I think is fine.
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Bocchi is /sfg/ culture no matter the game shes /ourgirl/
Once in a while we need men in OP
Niggas will talk about anything other than playing sf6. I don't blame them if I see one green blur slide across my screen I'm gonna "crash out"as the youth say
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its a party game for the best party game system how is that a surprise?
everybody who buys a switch buys smash and mario kart for when people come over.
Street Fighter 6
Sucks a bag of dix
I have not played this game in 2 months.
I played MK1 for a couple hours yesterday though.
Nah nigga, it has a pretty healthy fanbase. In japan for instance they still have supermajors and hosting locals every week for a bag of rice with people coming to cheer. The organic support this game has is insane. Reminds me of prime CSGO back in 2014-15.
Theres quite literally nothing to talk about.
Petty. Meaningless. Retarded consolewars or even arguing about OP is more interactive than slopping this awful game. I don't have the stomach, the sounds, the gameplay, the colors, the design philosophy, this bum ass game is not for me.
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you'd have to be mentally ill to still play sf6 really.
I gave sf6 a try but the game is trash and the lack of content just further cements my decision in dropping this shit for the sake of my mental health.
>Thread literally dead during update launch day and over 24 hours later
A-At any minute Terry will revive sf6 right bros?
Newfag question but why is sfv called jive?
Because Jiren + Five
we jive
Gakuen Babysitters
Kill me baby
Berserk (remake 2016)
Oldfag question but why we call sf6 Dix?
Dragon Ball
Saint Seiya
Yu Yu Hakusho
Sakura Card Captors
Sailor Moon
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>Dix is a circus
What else is new
same reason 6 is called dix
We still better than /fgg/
Slayers and Sailor Moon (English dub versions)
>Air brushed face
Fugly femcel or trans
Pick it
I'm having trouble doing Karin's combos. Any execution tips? I'm also bad with command dashes in general.
Teen Titans, the OG not the GO remake
Justice League
Shut up trannie lol
>Last (terry) thread got deleted with over 100 posts
>This gonna survive with 20
Bless her heart. If only she saw the seventh circle of hell that awaits her in """""master"""""
If you want to do her command dash into instant shoulder, do 2362 followed by K~P (i.e. press kick and punch really quickly in succession).
If you need her EX command dash in combos, use the 3K macro.
sf4 had a theme song and it went "Street Fighter 4 this is our war" and everyone on forums would say that shit. When sfv came out people used the same lyric but changed it to "Street Fighter 5 this is our jive". Thats all it is.
I play kimberly at a very low level
And its in pretty active hours too, I would think they would snipe that thread with 10min maximum
Do you just walk forward and jack off?
no that is a sin
They are all easy to play

Ken, ED, and Rashid have some sauce on their most optimal combos though.Now Scammy and Akuma are easy and their skill ceilling is very low as well
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Bro, battle hub on the sunday is the most cancerous shit ever. People will get in a cabinet, win once by one interaction on the third round, leave, and trash talk you on private. They will lose once, leave, and trashtalk you on private too.

The weekends in this game sucks. Full of angry boomers and low end wageslaves funneling all their anger in the game
Based chad
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>almost all of the bottom 8 characters are ones that capcom refuses to give any meaningful changes

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