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Previous Chapter: >>493615202

>Play Poppy Playtime

>Official Twitter (MOB)

>>Show Bibles<<

>Playtime Adventures

>Smiling Critters: Friends Forever!
>Let's Hop to the Moon!
Kill the chicken.
Damn and we were so close to hitting 750
news when
Daily Delight
We're not even secure in getting 7 lol
Do not.
What? Why?
You can't eat him Picky
What's the point of the show scripts if that's dead? At least just condense it into the AO3 if you need to keep it.
I don't really see an issue with them staying, could just add a little note that says discontinued
I agree with this. They're fine to keep, so we can just say that it's discontinued/canceled and leave it at that.
Also you never know if someone'll decide to pick it up again. It's better to have just on the off chance.
Damn. That thread was just 2 days ways from retirement.
It had a real good run
An unsurprising but welcome crossover.
I'll depict the prototype as a jak
You will not!
wake up poppy, it's playtime
Why did the player open her case anyways? Like in universe.
Probably knows she's the only one capable of helping him out.
She's doing a truly shit job at it.
>Gets kidnapped, forcing the player to put up with Longleg's bullshit
>Derails the train he was in, nearly killing him
>Her big reveal is yep, the blood thirsty murderous toys he was running from in fact killed everyone in the factory in a blood thirsty murderous rampage
Ollie is more useful.
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What did Mob meant by that?
Bubba suppression.
We need something to talk about. Someone tell the sheep man to make another video.
You do it.
maybe he'll make a video on us
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Can't really do much when you're a little porcelain doll.
Uhh... What about this?
I think this means Yarnaby is made of 3 different kids and took part in the HoJ
Barrel o Monkeys
zionist game
>3 kids melted and shoved into one body
Sounds like a Playtime Co thing to do.
Cursed Delight.
Pardonnez moi?
It's about evil people killing children. What did you expect?
It's a retarded shitposter, probably off of Twitter.
Je ne parle pas anglais...

>nightmare critters

They're already selling out and I've never been happier.
Trash names all around
>Alistor Gator
>Maggie Mako
The only two that sound decent, and they might not be Critters. Flop incoming.
You weren't privy to (hawk) touille?
Where is the fucker who kept saying that they were done with them after chapter 3. Also I agree with the video, Alister Gator 100% follows the naming conventions of the other SC.
I've got kinda mixed feelings on this. On one hand it sounds like the nightmare critters are gonna be seperate from the smiling critters which is nice. But having (probably) 8 more characters seems like it'd make a lotta clutter. Not to mention that some of the names are just dumb, like the hell is icky licky supposed to be? A frog? An anteater?
You sound almost offended that someone looked at where the story was going and said they wouldn't come back.
Thats a very sad attempt to take high ground, anon. I don't care about coming off as petty, specially if I am winning!
>Built up a story with new original characters every Chapter
>Throw it away at the drop of a hat
I've been on this train since Ch1, all because I thought it would go somewhere. They had something that could've been amazing, an interesting story and game. They then got one massive hit and threw everything away and are now bending over backwards to appease furniggers who hated them less than a week before the Chapter released. Fuck Mob, fuck all you furfags who are only here for Critters, you ruined everything. Can't have a horror series without you taking characters who never appear in game and transporting them into some faggy wonderland. All you can do is steal from other people it seems. Can't wait for when Mob finally stabs you in the back and ruins what you like.
Ok so you're evil
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i mean shit dude, i don't want more critters either. i was hoping mob would've gotten some more integrity by now, but i guess not.
Aren't we jumping to conclusions here? Nightmare Critters sound more of a Nightmare Huggy situation if you ask me, and the other names could just be more carboard cutouts, they always trademark names that they never end up using for anything relevant.
Not to mention the possibility of all those things being unrelated to PPT. Just like the video said, Mob is working on more things besides PPT.
The leak is fake btw
Huh. I thought it was weird how nobody else was talking about this.
Jeez dude it's a mascot horror game for kids, chill out lmfao.
It's real, but Lil Av is owned by someone else called Mo-B
Reasonable mistake desu.
most are lol
Damn. I am not sire what to believe anymore, so I will just ignore everything ultil more people talk about it.
Who can we trust?
We can trust the Prototype!
Catnap pls
I'm getting real tired of your unwarrented proselytization catman
That video didn't get me really exited by his future characterization in the episodes.
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Did someone order a dumb dog?
How would this game be recieved if it was released in the late 2000s early 2010s? Assuming it's graphics are downgraded enough to run on something back then and it's released all at once.
It would either be praised like God's second coming or get forgotten in a month only to form some weird niche fanbase around it years later. No inbetween.
If Yarnby is indeed made up of three kids (and has three heads, the left one HAS to be from a boy named Kevin.
I think he's Kevin and Joseph but I can't pin the final kid, maybe it's Samuel, because he's the only other important kid we've seen and I personally think Jeremy is Huggy
The lack of detail on her exposed flesh is a bit freaky in this.
I'm curious, how do you feel it fell short? What would you prefer he'd have been like?
It'd be fnaf before fnaf I imagine.
It just feels like is going to be another super religious fanatic Catnap.
I mean, whilst Gemstin CatNap has mostly been helpful, he IS a creepy bastard and he was taking down signs relating to Playcare or stuff like that. There's been a few hints towards him being closer to canon than expected, even if he's not fully evil.
I think he said he's gonna keep the universe in game seperate from the animations he's making (but don't quote me on that). I mean in the description of the song he even says that nothing in it's canon to the storyline he's making. He's definitely teetering more in the direction of catnap being a creepy little weirdo, which I personally like and find endearing, but I can get why you wouldn't be a fan of that. At least we know that he can talk now though.
Meant to tag this one, whoops. I also think he just likes putting small details and easter eggs from the game in there that don't actually impact the story.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I am all for catnap being socially inept. Is the whole Prototype thing I kind of dislike. Lately it feels like people are associating the Prototype with the SC a little too much. Like he is this figure that has been messing with them since day one, and not only Catnap, but all of them and I have to wonder why he would put so much time and effort in this one specific group. If this turns out to be another weird ass hellscape that he personally engineered for them I would really have to wonder why he bothers this much.

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