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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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don't waste it edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread:
Fuck EVERYONE here
the gruesome realism is one of the best part of his writing. We all get diarrhea, but almost no one writes about it. More writers should write about the mundane daily minutia of our lives that we try to pretend doesn't exist
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At least take me on a date first…
nice quads !
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>not even 1k reviews in a day
It's so over for 2D pixel artists.
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0 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

This is what makes Rick and Morty one of the best shows of the last decade.
Checked. Blessed thread. I was going to shitpost but quints demand progress.

You must post progress NOW
turn cris frames into pixel art, and use them in your game.
Rick and Morty is in no way shape or form about daily minutia and the importance of the mundane. It's about stupid pop culture retardation and atheism
that shit show was forgotten already
Have you posted a webm of your game in the /v/ thread yet?

>captura de pantalla
It talks about mundane things other shows wont talk about like being toilet shy like the fact Rick has a separate toilet only he can use because when he poops where everyone else poops he gets shy and cant do it.
Its actually very deep and if you got filtered by the pop culture referances then you probably have low iq.
>300 reviews
>the more she drank the more she shat, the more she shat the thirstier she got
You gonna rewrite a single line again, moron? You and tv show writers are just the same. Your inadequacy and insecurity blind you to the great writing right in front of you.
>a fat disgusting ugly old pervert who writes edgy fantasy stories he's just like me!
if you don't understand the difference between GRRM and Richard Mortis you're a fucking tool. One does it to be grounded, the other does it to be edgy
Post game
she is so fucking hot
>Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water
such grounded wow she poop
Nobody in this thread has a game that can hang with those webms, except maybe Cosmic Call or Landsword.

That thread is a showcase of games that do well on reddit and twitter, hence why the people in /v/ know about them.
If your game looks good then you'll do well on reddit, twitter and tiktok. If not then you need a demo that people play because it's fun. Very few games here look good.
you need real bravery to publish stuff like this. That's what you don't understand. It's the fact that George obviously values his world really really deeply and despite that will still put something like this in there. What does this tell you? That he does not do it as some kind of self-parody or edgy joke. He does it because he believes with all his heart that his work would be incomplete without it. Everyone who has ever mocked that paragraph is a braindead dumbass
>What if Landsword but good?
His work is incomplete with or without it retard. Because he's a fat useless hack who can't write
Could you all just all fuck off to >>>/tv/ or >>>/lit/ please?
you're a blind fool and I'm done arguing with you
don't forget to come back and tell us how it ends
this looks so much worse it's not even funny
Could a Worms 3D-like do well in this day and age?
He's not wrong, the series is literally unfinished.
Did worms 3d ever do well?
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Post progress NOW
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tutorial mode
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>dem quads

We're all gonna make it bros!
That isn't even the hottest pic of her. The one where she's grinning with the bright red lipstick does something to me carnally.
>Worms Ultimate Mayhem
>Gross revenue (base game): $1m ($527.6k - $1.5m)
It could be worse.
I will not give up.
You and me both, anon.
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I have done literally fucking nothing at the office this week. To pass the time I've been making little doodles on the "free" pads of sticky notes I took from the supply closet. I went through an entire pad today. No one is giving me any work no matter how many times I ask, it's like they don't even want to acknowledge I'm there. I'm 100% getting fired soon.
I will (make you) give up
If it was a indie game then sure but it was made by a studio of 400 people.
indeed, its in the face tho, a butterbody otherwise

it helps that this guy already succeeded so he will obviously have an easier time selling more copies than someone without having a big name to back the game with
just bring a notebook or book and salvage something constructive out of it desu
They can shit out a dozen of those games a year though.
So what if my game isn't realistic?
Most days I'm just listening to audiobooks while pretending to look busy. I don't have balls to blatantly crack open a book at my desk when I'm supposed to be "working".
Why is there a motorcycle driving above the sidewalk, Cris?
Nice digits but
>removing helpful links from the OP
tsk tsk tsk
This new Cris video is the funniest shit I ever saw.
some people doesnt give a shit.
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I work from home and have flexible hours so today I just worked on my game during work.

Can recommend.
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I hate making the tuto so much.
Never gonna give (you) up
Never gonna let (you) down
Never gonna crab around, and hurt you

I like chicks with tattoos and piercings. I can be a bit picky about them, but still. Everybody will judge me for this but it's who I am. I would never get one myself

I'll defend him despite not being a fan of his work. He is describing something unpleasant. It's not a pleasant setting.
if your first level isn't an unspoken, implicit tutorial, you failed
does cris really want to be the next chris-chan or something?
what's wrong with their faces jfc
>called out
i buffed fireball ok? cut me some slack!
it scales better and the intelligence required is lower than other spells
it's still not meant to replace the wand, but to be used by characters that don't use wands!
Nice quads for a nice thread. We are gonna make it.
he's the previous cris-chan
just saw underspace on gog and it's real? wtf
People like you are the same sort of people who use the term "gameplay loop"
>"Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead...Killed by a Demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest..."
Rate my lore
horrible. awful. kill yourself.
Cris is just Kimberly Kubus but lame.
I love that this thread
makes cris obvious samefagging tactics here
even more obvious.
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>gameplay loop
i hate the term 'gameplay loop'.
I just value good design, communication, and the power of diegetic elements.
And i also hate playing interactive visual novels for the first hour of every game that make you feel like a child
is this GRRM?
most people are retarded and need the yellow signs.
it's Diablo lore, do your reps.
These posts and the NIGGA I'M GONNA GO BALLISTIC poster are the only reasons I keep coming back to these threads
I blatantly work on my game at work on my personal laptop.
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blender is so hard sisters...i don't think i am gonna make it
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Finally you can now farm in the farming game
I just remembered how terrible Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 will be.
collab bros, we won
You're not wrong, but like the other guy said people these days are simply too retarded and don't have the attention span to learn things without being led by the hand. You could design an absolutely perfect, seemless tutorial that never feels like it's even trying to be a tutorial, but it's still going to filter the majority of morons out there. Since tutorials are at the very beginning of the game it's become essential to make sure even the most brainless dribbler can learn from them or else they're just going to refund your game.
Holy ludo.
you mf are making another game with weird gameplay again aren't you?
Now that's cozy. Just me and my lamp and mini-farm within a worn out house.
>weird gameplay
It's called soul
I have on good authority that this poster is secretly Eric making this project to fuck with us
>need throws to be in my game
>also need shit like dragons, giant tentacle masses, and floating balls of flame

Maybe those monsters just shut down throw based builds a bit?
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remixing the game's title theme for use in the Steam Early Access trailer we're working on

original title theme here:

updated title theme WIP here:
Woah looks comfy. Assuming you're trapped underground with horrible monsters and constantly need to be on the run or as stealthy as possible to not get the attention of some horrible evil.
>can't throw dragons, giant tentacle masses and floating balls of flame
I will now not play your game.
>monster taming
>social RPG

You need more?
you don't teach retards with laziness.
you teach them to be less retarded with thoughtful simplicity
>i buffed fireball ok? cut me some slack!
I'm going to try holding scrum meetings with myself if that might help me with accountability and productivity, all jobdevs do it so it's probably helpful in some way
[progress in progress]: full controller support
looks like he has been eating good from the profits of the first game
no bully allow' !
A game to surpass Metal Slug
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an interesting and fun Run & Gun
Castle Crashers but run and gun
Looking good. Are you going to team up with others, or will this be a solo project until the end?
does the deer girl get naked?
It's just a management game
yeah, nolgorb starved to death from nobody buying his game...
Did you ever think to make your games comprehensible to human beings? Take an existing and change 1-2 things about it. Don't reinvent the wheel.
Did you pivot out of guro erogame? This is the azure something game except yellow now right?
> Take an existing and change 1-2 things about it. Don't reinvent the wheel.
I really disagree with this, although I think it's good advice if you're trying to make as much money as possible.
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>the reasson i will never share my game here again
hi anon
> Take an existing and change 1-2 things about it. Don't reinvent the wheel.
I'm mostly dev as an hobby anon. Making slope is just boring.
Players get scared if a game is too innovative. You have to strike a balance between making something original and derivative.
I stopped Journey as I was drowning in bad decision. It is a new project.
my game will be too innovative and i will frighten agdg
>I stopped Journey as I was drowning in bad decision.

I told myself I was either going to work on my game or work out when I got home and all I've done for the past 3 hours is jerk off and get into arguments with strangers on 4chan

I don't really see bringing anyone else on right now. I have an idea of what I want it to be and everything in the current scope I know I can make myself, it's just a question of how long it will take.
eye-opening to see how an anon implementing extremely basic mechanics in a 2d game in a few days spooked half of agdg. No one would react like that in the enginedev general
Just learned all the autismo that this shit can do on combat, bros.
There's no way this isn't the guy that started the collab and he had actually already worked on it for a while so when the project predictably collapsed he's just revealing what he made to demoralize others by showing how fast and easy ideas get stolen?
that counts as working out
now make your game
>when I got home
only NEET devs will make it
or a neet
I want to quit my job but I have yet to find a woman with a chiseled jawline willing to support me financially for four and half years
No, I'm currently working a Survivor-like. This guy was one of the mockup artists.
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>eye-opening to see how an anon implementing extremely basic mechanics in a 2d game in a few days spooked half of agdg
maybe you should channel all that seething into actually making a game (you dont have one)
I have been a NEET for 6 years now i think?
Still havent made a game.
as a neet the 12 hours of daily dev time feels like cheating
im a neet and it takes me 12+ days to just build up the motivation and initiative to work on my game
>this amount of NEETs lurking
post progress anons
That would honestly be really funny
I'm taking a break as one anon suggested and I try to think of games I would want to play but couldnt come up with anything. I'm too worried about school and getting my life in order now to even consider playing video games.
seriously imagine if they all posted progress every single day
this thread would be heaven
when I finish Amazoom I will do an aggy collab project and drag some of these nerds across the finish line on a smaller project

most people aren't cut out for small / indie gamedev though, like, i'm not even saying that to be insulting - it just requires wearing a lot of different hats and being willing to take risks and make mistakes and iterate

so many people are so afraid of failing that they never get the work that needs to be done finished, or started

indie gamedev by yourself is one of the hardest things you can do because you have to do everything. there are some benefits to learning to do everything yourself, but i feel a better training space for most people is to be a cog at a bigger company where you can be assigned a single specialized role and meaningfully contribute

just like make game though, fuck crabs
I dont have any progress.
I spent the entire day watching youtube videos.
But I got recommended some fighting game and the AoT osts I want my game to be cool now not silly.

>Zell in ff8 threw all those things around and that game was still pretty cool

This is cool to you? https://youtu.be/pZhH4xEbAIg?si=kx7tKL4aEUrCkEVy&t=7

Alright fine it's still pretty cool maybe I can make it work.
Neets don't have time to make games, they are too busy numbing themselves with videogames, porn and anime. Any time not spent distracting themselves results in crushing existential dread and emotional collapse. Also due to a severe lack of work ethic they only work on a game when the urge takes thrm and they only feel like it around 4am after 18 hours of consooming content and are about to crawl into their bed that hasn't had the sheets changed in 6 months to pass out.

I was neet, I know how lazy and unproductive neets are
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This is annoying. Tried to get a cursor appear while hovering over objects, except it doesn't work the asset I imported from Blender.
I'll see if there is another way.
Humble bundle too
If a bunch of neets were busy making progress free from the burden of wage slavery and posting it here I would probably get demoralized really fast
*cursor to appear
*doesn't work on the asset
>Also due to a severe lack of work ethic they only work on a game when the urge takes thrm and they only feel like it around 4am after 18 hours of consooming content and are about to crawl into their bed that hasn't had the sheets changed in 6 months to pass out.
this is literally me
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>This is cool to you?
what kind of game?
I'm doing audio right now can't. Also playstation accepted me to their dev program
This is a lie to lull you into a false sense of security. As a neet I'm putting 12 hours a day into my game.
how do I protect my pixel art assets from being copy and pasted if I post them as progress here
If I have a property of my player character exposed, is there a way I can edit that thru the player start position?

For example if I want the player to be a different color on level start, I want to be able to set that color in the editor
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I was a neet posting here every day for over a year and a half after I graduated university and I never once even started working on a game. Still haven't, but at least now I'm employed full time so I have an excuse.
>holy projecting
but also me
you know you're going to see something useful and cool when there's a (1-x) term in a formula
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>I do not make games
What are you doing in the gamedev subreddit then? o.O
Yeah suplexing a dragon is stupid...

It's far more sensible for a 17 year old kid to kill God with a sword the size of a railway sleeper.

Instead of throws on enemies that are too big to throw, maybe have a different class of special attack like a pressure point attack that paralyzes them or something
Wow cool, you'll have no trouble posting some progress then
I don't get it.
probably a 2d puzzle game of some kind
i have been kicking this idea around for awhile for a game where you control a small fluffy critter of some kind and the gimmick is that you sniff flowers to force yourself to sneeze which is how you activate switches or open doors

sorta like offspring fling but less motherhood and more sneezes
I'm going to be working on my game very day for at least 5 hours and 45 minutes with my new strat. Going to set an alarm for every morning and after I get ready I'm going to start my day with an hour long walk so when I get back I'll be up an at 'em instead of possibly getting back in bed. Can't post progress for a while though still in the design phase and my concept is too obvious/good/simple that someone will surely steal it. Give me two weeks.
blessings to you all. i’m going to quit gamedev and become a hare krishna

Maybe I can just make sure all the throw animations are repurposable like if I have a grab where you pick up the enemy with a bear hug then slam them on the ground with you on top of them and start punching them I could just play the first half, the hugging animation so it just looks like you're climbing the big enemy then cut to the character being somewhere on top of it and punching it. I was thinking I'd also have a trip throw though not sure how you trip throw a dragon.
modern buddhists are pretty cool.
It's basically the perfect life for NEETS with no greater aspirations, or an ultimate excuse to give up on them but still feel fulfilled
yukari sprite because some anon asked me to (i'll post the komachi one soon)
>his game doesn't fit in a QR code

This is the way
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fuck forgot to attach the image, im a retard
probably because that fucking art makes it look like an early 2010's match 3 game.
She looks like she fucks human boys.
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She cute
fixing a bug. Seems to be some sort of problem with CPU to GPU data transfer.
Not sure specifically what he's referring to, but that does show up in lerping code, which is useful everywhere.
If x is a value in 0-1 range, you can lerp from a to b with
= a-ax + bx
= (1-x)a + bx

Also common in other contexts with a 0-1 range, e.g. 1-(1-x)*(1-x) to get a curve from 0-1 that starts out quickly and levels out slowly.
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is it just me or did games lose their magic since I started making them
There's only been a couple cases where I was disappointed knowing how the sausage is made. A lot of the time I like looking closer at meshes and textures and stuff now. Fun to see how people did it(better than me).
You now know the tricks behind the curtain.
what actually happened is you realized why the game credits were so big
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Progress: prototype salvaging mechanic for cutting stuff out of wrecks
Inspired by a certain mining minigame
then why were games better when the credits were 30 people long?
i remember similar things from starbound
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Don't get why I'm getting this error.

It works as intended and changes the color of the player and box when they overlap but for some reason it keeps giving me this gay ass runtime error
Peak creativity.
He's the guy who generously gave them a mockup for what I assume was recruitment purposes. Regardless he has me spooked. He's done in 1 week day what took me months of serious effort. Just one, a whopping ONE, of the things he showed in that webm/gif the yesterday took me maybe a month to fully implement. And no this wasn't me working on it a whopping 2 hours per week.

No thanks I don't need anymore, all it takes is one talented guy that doesn't care if he steps on others to get rich and him picking my game of all games to clone, I'd literally and unironically be screwed over. I've been screwed over too many times in other aspects in life. I am not about to give the world another opportunity to screw me over. Sitting bummed out isn't going to turn my life around either, trust me it hurts getting screwed over with absolutely 0 way to regain whatever it was you were screwed on. No, just no. Seeing someone else clone my game and make million would unironically send me into a rage before the depression sets in. Probably worse than my last one over a different matter.
There are many, many, many, many games from that era which were dogshit

but i am not here to pick fights with you right now. that would be bad dandori

we have WORK to do
Nice art, do you usually hand sketch out each one first?
I was thinking the underground from some of the DS pokemon games, maybe nintendo's got a patent somewhere for it
>Just one, a whopping ONE, of the things he showed in that webm/gif the yesterday took me maybe a month to fully implement.
Is it because you're an artlet, a codelet, or both? Taking a month to implement plants growing using pixel-art sprites, or cutting down a tree and collecting the wood, is not normal, you can't be a professional gamedev if that's the level you operate at
If somebody else can make your game, then you're doing it wrong. You should make a game that only you are able to.
Based Quads



WIP adding a small stick. The unity input system makes things easier, but i kinda like the "do it for yourself" Godot approach
The talentless need to band together to defeat the solodev menace.
Please just code.
Well there's the reason you barely work on your game, you work. You literally have maybe 4 hours max of free time after work. But other duties instantly take that free time, eg gotta eat, gotta shower, gotta do some minor chores otherwise you'll have it stack for the weekend, gotta.... Next thing you know you have 1-1.5 hours of free time. You've had close to 0 time to doing something that doesn't feel like work. Will you now spend 1.5 hours working on your game or playing videos game/goofing off on 4chan? No wonder the wagecage takes a solid chunk of time, it limits your avenues of escaping so there's a steady supply of workers. Who wants to work 93% of a day and only have 7% to truly do whatever you want only to use that 7% on another form of work. Wew what are you a machine? I still do not understand those who somehow are always living life on a highlight reel even with a job. They pay others? Just eat out always?

Making it off gamedev while waging seems unironically far, far more difficult than a lazy neet.
I don’t want to be a professional game dev. I want to finish my game and be rich.
the magic of knowing how the sausage is made is that you can appreciate a truly good sausage, much like your mum.
Nice progress.
>all it takes is one talented guy that doesn't care if he steps on others to get rich and him picking my game of all games to clone

The collab game was a stardew valley/harvest moon clone based on an anime.
Presumably your game's systems, mechanics, and aesthetic are 100% novel and original, and thus harder to clone.
Your game isn't a clone of something that already exists, is it?
Its functionally the same. I know how to code already, but this is way faster than typing out everything and cross checking lines of text.
Why would I pick the slower option? just so I can be part of the cool club? Does it matter if I'm making something unlike NoDevs?
who the fuck cares?
very cool, but the glow makes it hard to read
> and thus harder to clone
Not really, most basic systems can be cloned once you see how they work, unless they are really complex like Tiny Glade's procedural generation.
Most novel ideas people put in their games can be cloned trivially.
And that’s a good thing. Most games are shit and now you know the truth. That games like Death Stranding are ludo. Why Bethesda reigns supreme.
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the great news about my game is that it's impossible to clone
the thing is that my game's entire value is in the content and level design, which requires truckloads of creative work day in and day out to even so much as outline a single level
meanwhile, the people who develop games at lightning speed are typically autistic - not the creative type. They know how to code like robots for 1 months straight but they don't have the creative spark to making anything worthy out of it

I am safe
Well if you understood the code you were writing instead of being an unreal spaghettinigger then you wouldn't be sitting here begging us for help.
>Seeing someone else clone my game
It's not "your game". You have no game. Only vague notions of a game.
I'm literally a genius, none of you could clone my game even if I posted it. No, I won't show my work, some fuckhead will try to steal it anyway
Why do you have to have giant enemies? If the game is meant to be about hand to hand combat then make the enemies appropriate for that paradigm of fighting

The examples I can think of fighting a giant enemy is probably the Cronos boss fight in God of War 3, or Shadow of the Collosus. So a lot of climbing and hitting weak points, killing adds, avoiding big slow attacks, and quicktime events
>some fuckhead will try to steal it anyway
Why would you care if you truly believed it was uncloneable?
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How do you guys handle run once statements in looping code? I've been using flags, but now I'm running into mental flag overload and weird behavior because I try to re-use flags in places or forget to reset them.

Now I'm thinking of using mini state machines with individual states for run once statements which immediately transition to the next state, but I can see this ballooning pretty quickly as well.
For one thing, it limits the number of people who'll help you to those willing to untangle your mess.
For another, code can easily be retyped, copy pasted, and edited.
So that's two reasons.
this most game's have systems that are individually easy enough to clone. you're going to need to do something far more complex to be difficult to get copied on and at that point youre just going "creative" for the sake of avoiding cloners, is the game even fun? imagine being the vampire survivors dev and making the mistake of showing it off too early and being bad at coding. seeing 50 clones come out and steal your thunder along with 1 getting 100k reviews would be suicide fuel
Vampire Survivors was already a conscious clone of Magic Survival.
>some anons see this in their feed and click it
its over
VS actually has a lot of clever design under the hood that isn't obvious from just looking at it. That is the reason why so few clones are good.
You too? Feels good.
That was a fun game, wonder if only being on mobile prevented it from exploding like vs did
I would simply not click on such a video, and click 'do not recommend'
just gambling related or something more?
Apparently the Magic Survival dev keeps reworking base mechanics and is ruining it.
Ideas are everything, moron.
The way enemies spawns, the RNG used to select items, etc.
yep. only way to make it difficult is by it being something complex enough that they can't simply reverse engineer just by seeing it. you'd need the dev to release their game and crack open the game to look at the code. but its too late the dev escaped the cloner horde. unlike say bodycam cloning unrecord or trove whomst i believe were cloning cube world but no obvious proof besides being the only other game with a suspiciously similar style appearing suddenly with cube worlds sudden popularity. you don't need their specific code since both of those were banking off the artstyle.

>clones pokemon
>erm why is nintendo suing me?
What are games with infinite replayability?
Why spend all your time making your dream game if you can only play it once or twice before getting bored of it yourself?
I know of the usual suspects:
>Slay the Spire (roguelike deckbuilder)
>Minecraft/Terraria (crafting building)
However note: these next games are NOT infinitely replayable despite what people say:
Excellent game but eventually you do everything in it, even with mods. And especially if you yourself are the one making the game
>Binding of Issac
Shitty gameplay, edgy and pretentious, looks like shit
>Civilization and other 4X games
Too boring and complex
>Fighting games
Too difficult and not fun
Woke and looks like a worse Diablo-clone
>Path of Exile and other Diablo-clones
Gets really boring near endgame
>Elden Ring and Soulslike
Memorize enemy behavior and it gets really boring
You do all this work to make a game, but it has no replay value so you play it once or twice and then you get bored.
Just imagine you created something like Portal or Phoenix Wright. Fun games. But once you play through it once you can't really play through it again.
If I'm spending a lot of effort and time into making a game, I'd want to be able to play it over and over.
This is further that VS wasn’t a chance success.
Why do I keep making shooters? I don't play any outside of Overwatch. Am I just a fucking hack?
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does anyone else think that it's about time that we started separating games into more accurate categories? Why are all games placed under the same umbrella?
Look at movies for example. No one is going to try and tell you that a tv show is a movie or that a youtube video is a movie. They are clearly different things, so why aren't we doing the same with "games"

When some people say "games" they mean interactive movies
When some people say "games" they mean computer games
When some people say "games" they mean console games
When some people say "games" they mean mobile games

those are all completely different things
Is Tiny Glade’s system actually complex though? It’s probably more asset work than number crunching.
Vampire Survivors has a lot of similarities with Risk of Rain.
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Can someone here please make a Darkwood clone? Thanks.
The dev didn’t that smart but maybe it does.
Darkwood is much more than its gameplay
Designs are everything.

Nintendo has patents and you can only patent designs, not ideas of designs. If you could articulate your ideas in enough detail that you could file a patent, you would also have a game.
Thoughts on making a game just to learn JUICE?
i can't even get 4 hours in a day......i get stuck frequently panic and wander off to do something else. also it gets annoying to dev since my anxiety ramps up and i suddenly need to pee very frequently.
The dev is a professional programmer. His workflow consists of designing/implementing everything himself in Javascript, and then has a team port it over to Unity.
It’s called making a survivors like.
I'm making a final fantasy clone with all sorts of cool monsters. Maybe I can just have two animations for throws one for humanoids and one for big monsters where your character just like jumps on them and start whacking them but they're the same attack.
Projecting, neetdom pushes you to ship games. Shipping another soon
I'm working on a yuri VN and can't into menu button design at all. Anybody got any good resources related to UI design?
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>"NOOOOOO you cant just progress on your game while working a 6 figure remote tech job and maintaining a healthy social life with family, friends and a gf!!!!!"
Neetdom made me realize how delusional I was when while I was wagecucking. I was trying to make a StS clone and another Souls/No more heroes like.
who are you quoting?
>when your low effort shitpost makes some guy seether
if f != null {f(); f = null;}
all the virgin incel neets living in mommy's basement with no friends, no job, and most importantly, no game.
What’s wrong with that?
>he is actually making an RTS
>in big 2024
And it's also another reason that Vampire Survivors wouldn't need to have feared being cloned by an early reveal. If the dev had done an early reveal on agdg, everybody would have gone: "why the fuck would you want to clone Magic Survival? That would be a guaranteed flop."
File deleted.
where are da loligaems?
I don't want to keep living this pointless life
Game dev is your point, now point.
It was randomly thought out. My StS clone besides some new mechanics and classes had dungeon crawling/equipment system added to it. It misses the whole point of roguelite deckbuilders where the focal point should be combat and decision making, dungeon crawling would just slow it down.
Other than aesthetics and a perfect hit system my Souls clone does nothing new. The idea were hacky as fuck and poorly thought out.
>run once
>same loop again
>goto start
i bet someone will soon come up with a weird and addictive innovation on RTS and all the alphoomers will flock to it. and we'll all be saying WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??
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can your game get hundreds of likes?
if not, kill it. you don't have years to work on an unappealing game
>can your game get hundreds of likes?
>if not, kill it. you don't have years to work on an unappealing game
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i have hired a team to clone one of aggy daggys game's. who you may ask, you'll just have to wait until i post it once anon is nearing release.
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too much testing can be a bad thing for some games especially if you're autistically detemined to achieve a very specific difficulty level for your game. This is something which was observed with some RTS in the esports era and with Dark Souls games now - they completely optimized their games with only the pro players in mind. They wanted to give a challenge to the biggest metagaming autists in existence and completely stopped caring about everything else
It’s simple. RTS with 3 upgrades and deck builder mechanics.
yep, time to close my browser so i can launch UE
it would if I showed it.
I hate people, why would I want to make entertainment for them
no one is buying this trash
You see game dev as a means to an end as opposed to the end itself. You are your problem.
lol look up kingmaker, you are going to get giga mogged and skullfucked by a random dude and his brother. 100k+ skeletal meshes with damage and health, and a third person player character dropped in to command the armies and also shoot enemy troops with m16's and grenade launchers. top wishlisted game on steam.UE5 bros literally cannot stop winning btw. no other engine could do that. None
I haven't looked at it in detail, but the developer/artist lady knows what she's doing, and probably the programmer is quite good too.
If you are good enough with 3d programming and math to implement a moderate subset of houdini procgen tools (probably some sdf and vdb voxel stuff, and more prosaic tools to extrude, skew, orient, and align geometry) then yeah, it would come down to a ton of asset and shader work... and likely a few clever ideas to get certain features working
I don't know what you are making but with that character you have all my attention
if you thought so, you'd be showing it

likes = game appeal
matches = sex appeal
it's literally the only thing that matters
Can UE5 not run like shit yet?
how many wishlists? how many sales? oh, right, none. hope the dopamine hit from the twatter likes was worth it bro
>it's literally the only thing that matters
stupid autistic zoomer
>UE5 runs like shit
>random dudes made a game that has 100k+ full skeletal mesh enemies, billions of particles, effects, projectiles, etc and it ran on a pc from 10 years ago above 200fps 4k resolution
methinks its a skill issue on your part, silly little virgin incel neet
>methinks its a skill issue on your part, silly little virgin incel neet
the femoid developer was giving lectures on procgen architecture 7 years ago. it's pretty complex stuff.
too bad it has zero gameplay
yeah rigfht. lol. theres a UE5 plugin that does it all for you in the asset store, literally drag and drop lol
They’re using Bevy you know.
2000 reviews in 24 hours, 97% positive
so whatever it has, it has it in spades
>99% refunded by tomorrow
I'm not impressed
>if you thought so, you'd be showing it
so you can copy it? no!
oh wow it actually released already?
>it costs as much as marmoreal
If you saw 5 seconds of gameplay from my game, you would kill yourselves.
marmo was a dumb greedy faggot tranny and he still hasnt made a net gain due to taxes, steam cut, and owing all of the profits to the guy who made all of his ugly ass 3d models.
My life is as worthless as a summer ant so there's no harm in it.
im tired of this. feels like non gamers entering the gamedev scene because of all the clout there is to gain. even if they knew about the money, if social clout was gone for it ie no social media to get fanboys praising you, they'd probably not even bother devving.
kek, imagine seething that clout chasers can make better games than you. Get over yourself.
Oh I see it's a spaceship shooter game, right? consider adding the face of the pilot in a corner in the screen and make it animated when it go fast, iddle, shoots or get's shot... I know it's extra work but it gives extra personality and it's nice to see a cute anthro face while you play, if not the it will feel like another generic spaceship shooter game, you can make her wink to the player when the stage is completed
having a little melty there anon? marmoreal release hurt too close to home?
>two man team outcompetes a guy who's probably been neeting for a decade
it's annoying this group just seems to purposefully be trained on the exact things needed for making a graphically good game and what appeals to the masses. where the heck were these teachings back when i was a kid? you have zoomers that haven't even graduated high school mogging the heck out of this thread because lol he's doing it for the likes on twitter
How do I set myself apart from other shooter games, agdg?
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let's come back in a week and see what the average playtime on tiny glade is and what the current player count is
Surely, with all that confidence and “healthy” ego, you’re more than willing to tell us what game you’re making.
Well, what is it, well adjusted anon? Since you’re so happy and well adjusted, you’ll be proud to share it with us poor benighted neets… right?
Nobody told Marmonigger that he had to make one shitty game for 10 years
yesssssss! how am i supposed to make it if marmo didn't! why didn't they buy his game! aaaaaaaaaa how am i supposed to escape this wagecage if his game is that good and still failed to hit even just 50 reviews!
What happened to marmo anyways? he goons all day now or what? no marmoreal 2?
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someone turn this into a spritesheet pls.
kek i'm actually curious to see this. you better not forget to post this in a week
>make fun of marmo for being the worst flop in agdg history
>"ummm are you secretly really upset anon? ummm are you like, angry? umm"
hey faggot everyone is laughing at you
Jamundi is that deserted? I always thought that South American cities are like anthills crawling with spics in every nook and cranny
The Tiny Glade creator has been in the game/game art business for like a decade, professionally
For example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymAuk1z6f-g
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thoughts on this character design
It was a working day anon and that's not a main street.
i'd be heavily demoralized in his situation. my situation may end up similar in terms of time and demoralization. i recall some anon that was likely marmo claiming he'll have to get a job. idk how he achieved being a neet for 10 years thoughbeit.

>that look around every now and then like he's on edge of someone seeing him do that in public
Balls too high moron
south americans WORK?!!?
why is it so small thougheverbeit?
anon, this is not subsaharan africa.
behind every "overnight success" is literally 10 years and 10,000 hours of professional (paid, non incel neet) work. Of course the faggots here can't comprehend that and just cry and seethe about how life is le heccin so unfair!!
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Reworked my camera collisions, as godot default implementation clips into the geometry for like 1 frame
this is the power of godot!!!!
behind my overnight success is literally 10 years of worldbuilding, writing, ideashitting, and gaming
It does this disgracefull clipping here. It was driving me insane.
At least it has the tools for us to work out solutions!
I fucking love cris, only pure hearted person in this shithole
wrong retard
godot?? looks more like godont to me!
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Cris why are you so unfunny these days? You used to be FUN, now you're a retard who talks about magic and boring stuff.
Your fans can't compensate for your lack of creativity.
I will now play your game.
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yes piss filter or no piss filter
Can you explain how you did this?
All me.
Piss filter on.
Piss filters are meant to show heat, but you don't have it high enough.
The wall is cruel
Thank you Annon. Next agdg is arround the corner

Basically, I put one ray from the character, to each of the corners of the camera. Then if the ray is colliding, I use the funcion distance_to(), from the player position, to the colision point, and pass the value to an array. Then I use the method array.min() to get the smaller value from the array, and I feed that to another function that I did, that positions the camera.
Will this be a jak and daxter like with 3d platforming, engaging combat, upgrades, and puzzle solving? Oh no let me guess. You shoot stuff. Then it dies. How daring!
dam cris used to be a chad
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Yeah I'm going to be lazy for the excuse of "simplicity." Also nobody checked the OP's numbers. So >>495850000, checking.
No. You only use the piss filter to signify it's Mexico.
That's pretty smart, what I usually do is just send a single ray from the center to the camera.
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it's an RTT. you're not even gonna be the one who's shooting at stuff until it dies. what a borefest!
I was going to ask what variation I should use, but I think I can easily merge it to be a loop and it will be fine.
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Will your game please the masses whos fantasies will never be quenched?
Thank you, I was doing that first. Just a single ray. But then the camera would clip like in >>495878961. Doing 4 rays works surprisingly well
Shit. completely missed state of play. Explain this meme to me.
My game is for like minded individuals. of which there are about 10. So I'm pricing my game at $10,000.
Asmonbald shits on overpaid AAAA studios who keep sharting out flops, not amateur indie devs. He plays a ton of indie games and has probably inadvertently helped make several indie devs rich. If he plays your game on stream you literally made it
i make my game to sell to 2k people
He never plays Vampire Survivors tier indies outside of the games under his publishing company.
I'd be happy to make a game that everybody plays for 2 hours 1 minute and then uninstalls.
This is the kind of autism that makes me feel like /agdg/tards are NGMI. Why waste your time fixing basic shit that none of your players are going to care about? I'm playing Satisfactory with some friends right now, and it does this all the time, but who gives a fuck. They're probably using the UE default FPS template. The game's made over $100m.
i'm hyped, bro!!!!!!!!! please reel off more stats for me!!!!
>he thinks players won't care about the camera
post your ngmi slop right now
He ONLY plays indies that are already popular is what i meant.
Players might complain about jank, but the absence of jank is not what makes players buy a game. Focus on what matters.
It's not like it took him that long to figure out the camera.
no piss filter, it pisses me off also isn't that dood a little little for that ak? what are you making a fps or a rts? you can look to African guerrillas and conflicts, they also decorate their AK with colorful straps and warpaints, could be cool to add that to your game
>>495882327 see >>495880756
thanks, any female anthro or only dudes? any other species? you could add some cartoony effects like in the ps2 game XIII
Can I be your friend?
new dragon age reveal
they showed a boss fight, but skipped through phases frequently because it was quickly apparent how repetitive and awful it is
Owo is that a good girl? (is that a platformer?) also why no breast? is not a boy right?
One time isn't much, but it adds up if you're doing it with every little janky thing that pops up. I'm watching LODs pop in and out in this $100m+ game, realizing that I spent way too much time making LOD transitions as unnoticeable as possible in my game.
This is easily the most GMI game on AGDG right now, guaranteed to get at least 5k sales. Great work.
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also I love her silly panting face
human men
It's not fair. It should have been me!
I think at this point I only need 2 more songs?
too high quality for this place
yep and because of this >>495869283.
>none of your players
I'm my player
Why is no one on AGDG developing a FNAF fan game? There's literally a dedicated section on Itch.io, people make fanart of your characters, horror streamers will play it and promote it, and you get theory videos which will perpetually keep your game around for years. It's literally free money.
Some of you are actually really good at texture painting low poly models. People would pay at least 50-75 bones per model.
I don't want bones. I want your money, idiot.
I would rather kill myself than make a game for gen alpha
Price: One complete character: $156 USD
Price: One animation loop (~1-2 seconds): $64 USD
>50-75 bones per model.
I don't want to do highly skilled labor for min wage
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How can someone post this and think it isn't spaghetti?
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>dragon age
I just figured out the perfect plot device.
that looks like shit sis
I seriously just love this hobby
Really? I think the topo and textures are nice and actually useable for animation.
It's great when your livelihood isn't on the line.
I love gamedev until I get burned out 2 weeks in every project
this but 2 days.
mine isn't on the line until I release it and I go insane from the pressure
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Using deadzones to dictate camera behavior a good idea?
please can you all don't make roguelike deckbuilder number 102301205? I'm so tired of this shit flooding steam.
better yet, don't make roguelike/roguelite at all, shit satured genre.
Same anon. It is so much fun
But how am I gonna make my 30 minute game last more than two hours
>having or holding as much as can be absorbed of something:
They still sell like hotcakes, and there's unmet demand. I don't think you know what that word means.
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An open world mmorpg coming up your highness
thanks trainwiz, i knew i could count on you
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working on mesh simplification for LOD.
once I get this single chunk able to cycle through LOD levels in a nice looking way, I'll implement the geometric clip map.
I started making it before it was cool to be a "roguelike deckbuilder? ugh!" NPC
Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon
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i have been gooning to ai generated images instead of deving, it's over
another 3d platformer thoughbeit?
The thing about "don't reinvent the wheel" is that it really means "don't reinvent things that already exist", but the way it's used is like "don't improve anything ". We have wagon wheels, bike wheels, car wheels, desk chair wheels and they all had to be invented. They were all improving an existing thing for a purpose. This is an important thing to be able to do.
Furthermore, the phrase is telling people that they shouldn't, or can't, improve any existing thing. This is a really dangerous mentality for society and a sad mentality for an individual. Everyone who made something great was "reinventing" a wheel. Stardew Valley was reinventing the farming game wheel. Minecraft invented its own engine. Endless examples of this. Don't be afraid to incrementally improve upon things that exist.
they made him look like so much more of a wimpy weeb, kek
(btw it's a beam katana, not a beamsword)
It's awfully depressing how a guy posting simple progress in a 2d sprite game is sparking rumors of cheating, prefab, etc. This is... a normal amount of progress for someone who knows their tools. Is it actually surprising to so many of you..?
so many ways to design a visual programming language, and they pick the worst one...
what are you talking about
50 in one day is not that bad
Incremental improvements are very difficult and time consuming. The point of that advice here is to say that you have better things you could be spending your time on. It's advice typically given to the retarded enginedevs, who are all 20-25 year olds with CS degrees with their head up too far their ass to realize that the people who wrote the libraries, frameworks, and engines that they could be already using are way smarter than they are.

“If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.”― Isaac Newton
I am smarter than they are.
How would you structure data for different guns that function differently?
Handgun = hitscan
Shotgun = hitscan spread
Rocket Launcher = projectile
Bow = charge on hold and fire on release

Would you create individual classes for each one, seperate them into multiple components, or use one script with alot of switches?
the problem is that most of you retards are like "what if wheel but square"
you shouldn't need to try that to know its dumb and theres a reason its not done
It's crazy the lengths morons will go to not learn programming
Roguelikes are the cancer of the industry. I want to play a game and be done with it, not deal with your meme RNG, meme gameplay, and meme builds over and over again like an autist in your empty meme game. Want bloat because 30 minutes is too short? Go text-heavy with your schizo fanfics, make it harder, go insane with the level design, do literally anything. Every time I see something cool and read 'roguelike,' I just skip it and go find something else.
Why would I play a game where 80% of everything will be just the same if I already beat it once? Lazy design.
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That's a good analogy. It makes me realize that most of my ideas are just aesthetic. Like thomas brush example of a game idea is 'metroidvania but with bugs' is equivalent to a 'wheel but with a different color'
wheel but 3D
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Looking for 2D artists to collab with
quick question, do you play cards?
>interprets an idiom literally
>can only see form, and not function
Anon, you are actually retarded. No would ever refer to a spinning blade as a "wheel".
Post design doc.
Procedural puzzle gen
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I settled on a way to add story. No cutscenes or comic panels in the loading screens, that would take too long.
But some DX/MGSV-style dialogs in the middle of the game, that's doable.

A function with switches, develop it further only when you have to.

It's not about who's smarter. UE, Godot, and Unity are engineered for popularity, not for making (You)r game. Not saying this means everyone should engine-dev, but some stuff can be much simpler if you do it yourself because you only have to write it for your game, not every possible game.
>i want to play more movieslop
>stop making systems games with enough interactions that can keep players entertained for dozens of hours
Nice linework, how did you do it? By hand in PS?
Post art and I will make YOUR idea
who the fuck cares what you want as a player? you're irrelevant. this is a gamedev gamedev general and you need to put your gamedev hat on.
I hate god
Thanks, by hand but with the line tool and pixel brush in Krita.
Lol. If that thing got 360 likes, my game would get tens of thousands
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see also: "premature optimization is the root of all evil," the other wisdom nugget that gets regurgitated nearly every time someone considers the performance of anything

so you're saying don't create anything because existing projects exist
wanna collab on killing god?
What size did you go for, 5? How did you go about deciding on just the right one?
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>A function with switches, develop it further only when you have to.
I tried that a few times but I always ended up with huge serialized fields in the inspector.
Alright, all the invites should be sent by now for this year's meet-up. If you didn't get a notification, there is either no clear way to contact you or your game just isn't complete or compelling enough.
As always accomodations will be provided for the week, but if you have financial difficulty with travel costs, there are instructions in the email for what assistance is available.

Looking forward to seeing you all again and some of you for the first time :)

You can create long gameplay-heavy games without making people lose all their progress for dying or turning it into a shitty civ strategy simulator. Just look at Disgaea.
Gamedev is an insanely time consuming endeavor. The only way you're going to get things done and ship a game is to choose your battles.
>empty bluster
try it
You have it reversed. One jank isn't much, but a lot of jank adds up to a flop. You have to fix the low hanging jank when you can. The really hard to fix jank can remain if it's the only jank left.
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Game is alright, thought it would be more "action packed". Felt like im just running around collecting acorns and sometimes shooting bad guys. puzzles are clever. i think the other reviews are blowing it up a bit more then it should. id give like a 5/10
Gott ist tot
you are gonna lose your mind when you find out about shapecasting
Counterexample: any Bethesda game
>What size did you go for, 5? How did you go about deciding on just the right one?
Well for the frame edges that's just size 1, it's a 1 pixel brush. The backgrounds I made years ago so I just rectangle select and copy paste them around, but they were just squares covered in scanlines and a feathered+inverted rectangle select to add a gradient at the edges.

Well that's just mixing up the in-game data with what you save to disk, that's the fault of whatever engine you picked. I'm an engine dev so I have to implement all my reading/writing myself anyway and don't have to think about it up front. Coincidentally, a good example of what I said about engines above.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. The belief that, if it could be improved, some faceless smarter person would have done it already. That's a mentality of a pathetic person who cannot achieve anything. Frameworks and libraries often suck cock. A good developer CAN improve them. If it would help his productivity overall, he should. And sometimes having a bespoke implementation will help you get from 95 to 100% much faster than the shelf solution with the showstopper bug you encounter too late.
Counterpoint: 100 million dollars in marketing
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Bought a new chair.
Does that count as progress?
was it a herman miller?
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Oh you're right
I used to get ads for it on my phone for gog
doing some programming to reduce friction from tools and libraries that you might well be using for decades may be worth it. no one needs to justify it, either.

i think casey muratori demonstrated this nicely a while ago. he complained about windows terminal's glyph rendering being extremely slow and causing problems, got a dismissive response saying it would be equivalent to a full-blown phd project to write anything faster, so he did it himself in a weekend. those faceless smarter people got humiliated by some random fag who was not too intimidated to (shock horror) do some programming.
If you wanted to get into F1 racing as a total beginner, would your first step be to open a material sciences lab to research a better material to use for the tires, or should you assemble a racecar with off-the-shelf parts and try participating in a few races first to get a better grasp of what needs to be improved upon? Too many retarded gamedevs opt for the former, without having a concrete understanding of all the parts that make up a vehicle to begin with.
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darn, doing low poly and staying below 1k tris is so hard
Muratori, Blow, et al are an uncommon breed of person who have competence, believe they have it, and have the motivation to utilize it. The results are good programs.
Who said anything about a total beginner? The wheel rhetoric is pervasive at all levels. People say that about Blow about making his own Witness engine, and he's been, literally, professionally programming games for 30 years.
how do hundreds of millions of dollars in marketing get players to play Oblivion or Skyrim for years?
anon, you can't force language to be correct or accurate or add something new. it ONLY changes naturally
that's why there's so many misnomers that do no get fixed, ever
you stumbled into one of them
bro why does she have no brain?
The same way retards have been listening to the same vapid top 40 for years, I imagine
In code, do you use the name projectile, shot, or bullet?
10%~ of players review games.
Even if they only hit 1000 in sales, which I am sure they will eventually, that's still like 22,000 usd.

A modest success is still a modest success, can put that on your resume and get hired by most studios. Hell, invest what they make here into furthering their studio.
Nothing Blow has made has been an "improvement". It's all autistic masturbation. He's a terrible businessman and a lottery winner who blew all his earnings and will soon blow his brains out. Follow your leader if that's what you want.
The way I'm working on my game is to emphasize developer productivity. Rather than make it the fastest, make it extremely easy to add tools to make the game quickly. This has been working, and I've found optimizing subsequently very easy - because the code is pretty slim anyway. The amount of gains you can get focusing on only the worst stuff is insane. I had my frames drop from being 8 ms to 5 ms - nearly half the cost - by changing two lines in a function.

The most important thing is data structures. Most of the time when people are talking about optimization they're doing stuff that literally does not matter. It's far more common for me to get huge speed increases by changing around the order of the program a little, than it is to change some minute detail. And then you can get into caching stuff, which is another big speed increase.
Forget about low poly. Just don't subdiv.
Why the FUCK do I keep making FPS projects
Post one?
Why aren't you making games for kids?
Did it multiple times.
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nodev here, progress is being made towards the great work
The AA studio I work at likes to hire from employee reference, it's a pretty chill and fun place to work. Anyhow I'm told we're about to start putting ads up looking for some positions, specifically Lead Game Design. Main office on the west coast but a number of guys work remotely. I'm assuming US only but I could check into that.
Also don't be put off by the title, it's essentially "idea guy" lol.
Thought I'd mention here as a way of giving back to the community that's helped me get where I am today.
Competitive wage, pretty good benefits and some employer matching thing I don't use, etc.

Hit me with a couple of your best ideas and I'll let you know if it seems like it would be worth your time to pursue.
I’m starting to think AAA games are good games.
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just doing some boring environmental art... nothing unusual here...
Anyone know that one guy that grinded gamedev and leetcode while working construction?
p, for projectile
proj if used far from declaration
fps is good
It's just a fuckin HAND
>he thinks he's limited by his typing speed
lmao ngmi
no, i don't
nice textures sis
>Ctesiphon is adding story in the same way I was planning to
God damn it, now I need to scope creep even more to keep up
kek this moron thinks having a successful game will get you hired by a studio
just like make your dream game
You know what? I will.
My dream game got made by someone else :( and I didn't care for it
yall dream so small
it's pathetic
am i even with the right people here?
I don't have a dream game. Probably for the best since even without having a dream my current project is crushingly ambitious for a solodev.
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If your dream game is possible to make with no budget and no team, then your dream is tiny and game is garbage.
I have no dreams tho
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I'm making my nightmare game.
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what do i do? do i just resubmit it for review with the comment asking for a region lock or something?
Is your dream game just an open world game with good graphics?
small? It was made by a big team.
>Now, do you have anything that you could tell the people out there that really want to follow their dreams?
>Well, I'd probably say... don't let anyone ever tell you that your dreams are cliché. You are unique, all right? So you get out there, and you chase after the vague concept of a dream for however long it may take. Be a gamedev! you need to be a gamedev! Become a fucking gamedev!
Also MMO
They literally list all the options you have, read nigga read!
cars with spears that make platforms
I feel bad for Steam. $100 is way too little of a submission fee for the shit they have to put up with.
am i supposed to feel bad for millionaires
bitch nigga, i fucking did. I'm asking how i go about the first option. my game build is technically not approved and i have the button to resubmit it for review again. do i press that and add a comment there? fucking dumb nigga bitch
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That whole episode was hilarious. How they doubled down and complained about a few missing features that would surely be impossible to implement with his approach... and he totally rekt them by addressing all of their complaints in a few days of coding, with his terminal running with 1000x better performance than their 'high performance' prototype
My dream is to make games.
pokemon + baldur's gate
Please let the rest of us know when you find out.
My dream is to wait for unity to bake occlusion
My dream is to afford groceries and pay rent without going back to the wagecage, with hopefully enough left over to flee from my shithole country (America).
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I want a gamedev friend. We will sit in discord vc all day, not saying a word, and silently gamedev with the occasional "hello" and "hi"
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I'm using RPGmaker MZ and I don't want to use the default chibi combat with the side view.

How can I turn the combet into vertical layout instead of horizontal?

And how can I reorganize the party member cards on the bottom?
Anon, there's nowhere for you to flee to. The dream in my shithole country (Canada) is to make enough money to move to your country.
i don't know. you all have been bullying me and making fun of me. im not sure i should
My goal is Japan or China.
I get the same feeling when I see migrants.
A lot of people escape a sinking ship just to accelerate how much water their new ship is taking in.
I think soon there will be nowhere left but the open ocean.
I wanted to go to Eastern Europe because of the cost of living but now NATO and Russia are paying close attention to that part of the world.
Oh well.
There's probably a free plugin to help with that.
He looks like he got PTSD
LMAO. You realize real life is not anime, right?
Devlogs with actual humor the goofy fucking accents help ngl
Anon, your screeching is impossible to listen to for more than 5 seconds
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I'm never going to get anything done
Can I be you friend?
you must be 18+ to post here
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nice try idea goblin
>my wife is a baker
his wife was the breadwinner...
Those two mainly because those are the other languages I speak, and if I was to open a game studio, those are the best places to recruit talent. I'm also at a point in my life where I should be looking for a wife and making some kids, but there's no way you could get me to put a ring on any girl in America, nor would I want my kids to go through US public schools.
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but friends will distract me
here >>495888120
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Gonna have to pick up the pace, now it's animated too
Your game is being revealed in an indie trailer montage at a conference. what is live chat saying about it?
Holy fuck I just realised I left enough hints about my game here that /agdg/ will be able to find it and run it into the ground. It's over for my gamedev career....
they're not saying anything, they're creaming themselves and doing jazz hands and jumping up and down and having a manic episode while their mouth hang open widely
You overestimate our autism
Holy kino.
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its just you
>passion reignited despite countless hours of stress and bashing head into wall
>makes every hour you manage to make the game work worth it
unity won
No game dev friend.... its over
>Go to sleep
>Wake up
>Its still the same thread
This place is so dead...
Rpg In A Box won.
How do you expect your imaginary /agdg/ friends to post anything while your are physically asleep.
If I post progress here I permanently associate myself with /agdg/ and ruin my reputation. If I don't post progress here I never gain a reputation in the first place.
I'm doing this, except it's Pokemon + Disco Elysium.
It could be worse.
I have no friends at all.
nobody with a soul will give a shit if you are or aren't associated with agdg, and the ones with souls who do care will pat you on the back for it

don't let hylics get in your way
name one dev who posted here that ruined their rep in any meaningful way.
If i rape you i permanemtly assocuatw myself with youre pussy bitch and my reputatatoon is ruined 4eva cuz ur lame AF take this L on skibidi
>If I don't post progress here I never gain a reputation in the first place.
Pretty much, you have nothing to lose because nobody knows who you are.
Who cares what people think of me?
Not me.
Im a hot rich skinny bitch and thats what fucking matters.
ded game general
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>she thinks she needs expensive graphics
I hate hate hate hate hate HATE!
Balatro looks really great and it's the biggest selling point of Balatro
I have no idea what the other images are
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player lean (in 3rd person) to indicate how close you are to stumbling
problem: as the player rotates I need to rotate in 3 axes
solution: rotate basis of ik-target to align with player forward
I think this should work fine with left/right as well.
this was made in pico-8 thoughbeit
yeah its my thought process too. it's like an invisible badge you have attached to you. i cannot explain it exactly but it feels off when i see an aggy game. even if it's good, my mind immediately goes "its a 4chan game"

feels like it ruins the games immersion for some reason and i can't say (as in i don't know) exactly why that happens. i figure it's best i just remain a whodev
>we're not sure it looks realistic enough...
>I know, let's add more fog!
>let's add more bloom!
>is this realism?
I want to be you can i borrow your skin for a while?
Ill give it back i promise.
why does fog and bloom work
>best games
>sandwiches low review games with high review games
whenever i see this it just looks like a shill attempt to me because of the way they handle it
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Today is the day.
I will make progress today.
This is the FPS i wanted to make and holy shit they got away with a boss that has only 1 attack.
>they got away with a boss that has only 1 attack.
i hate how others can get away with stuff like this but i try it, 1 review, negative
>what kind of boss design is this! 1 attack? lol refunded
Future millionaire indie game dev anon from 4chan, future millionaire indie game dev anon from 4chan, can we get your opinion on the lolidevs and what order you would rank the races, gun to your head?
It's like duct tape for realism. If you turned them off a lot of the 3D objects would look blocky, cel-shaded, any sort of 'artistic' rather than 'realistic'. The soft gradients from bloom and fog break up the sharp edges and lackluster textures. You'll notice it most greatly in the shot where it starts very close up, because there's not a lot of bloom or fog in the way of what you're looking at. It reminds me of AoE2's opening CG.

It makes it great for a cinematic with a lot of depth but for a game? You can tell me if that looks like a game or just a cinematic.
I had my eye on this game, but didn't realize it released already. It looks good visually. That boss has like three attacks though. The leap, the summon and the dip.
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From the graphic it looks kinda bad(who leans over an edge like that?), but maybe better in practice. That said, most games I know of will instead play a 'teeter' animation when close to a ledge.
Summons are necessary in these type of games unless the boss uses projectiles themselves
This is your dream FPS? Come on, anon. You're a joke.
Why do i feel tired all the time.
Even when i woke up like a hour ago i already feel tired and want to go back to bed.
Is it because of ganedev?
But i didnt even gamedev today yet...
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fog good
gamedev uses brain
brain expensive, uses most of caloric intake
you need salt and water
stress works like that
I mean an FPS where the player has a gun and the enemies dont and the setting of course I think knights with guns are cool.
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Is it okay to use unity now?
God that looked boring
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if you ever stopped using it then no. sorry faggot.
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>was revamping buggy and unoptimized line of sight checks
>got sidetracked with raycasting

Yes, 'cause it doesn't show the unity logo anymore so you can pretend you are using something else.
Yea the arena is flat and the enemies are pushovers
your bf has said sorry for beating you senseless, he's a changed man, go for it!
I will rape you if you use unity.
No matter how okay it is, you're still not going to start on your game, are you, nodev loser faggot?
I will play your game.
well, it's not over an edge but rather an awkward controls game where part of it is controlling your velocity or ragdolling(then risking getting hit by enemies)
maybe the mechanic will turn out looking bad/feeling bad, it's a prototype

I think basis is wrong and rotationg y is enough, we'll see..
Explain this magic to me. How are you rendering thousands of enemies on the screen and shooting them?
Level scaling is quite literally the most boring possible way to do difficulty in any videogame, especially if it's an RPG. What is the point of leveling up if enemies just level up with you?
That is just a cinematic in unreal. I made it for my university introductory course to 3d rendering
It's about the journey, not the destination.
Oh okay, in that context I could imagine it being alright. Good luck with it.
I think Genshin Impact did it right and single player games should learn from Genshin.
Yes its chinesse and yes its a gacha but it has many great ideas.
introducing deadlier enemy types good, making shitmobs deadlier bad
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Those are static meshes sent in a single batch to the GPU, and animations are done directly on the GPU in the shader. Exact API used is Unity's BatchRendererGroup.
As for shooting them, it's a fully home-made physics engine (which is why I had to write raycasting myself) that is entirely multi-threaded, cut every possible corner that won't be needed for an RTS and use Unity's Burst compiler to bring code performance on par with very good C++.
Also some light ECS way of handling objects... and some very, very harsh LOD settings - the "fade to faction color" effect is half to keep things readable when the camera is zoomed out, half to smooth the far LOD transitions.
You forgot "nigger"
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it's my birthday
harpy bipthday
my condolences to your mother
How old mamro
Happy Birthday, Marmo! Your next game will be the One!
happy birthday. marnix left you a present in his latest video 2 years kek
Will you celebrate with a cake and tell us what your new game is?
We have Kingmaker at home.
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can you make me a gift and stop avatarfagging or get a trip so i can filter you? Please. Happy birthday. grow up.
Fuck my balls hurt. I can feel the pain in my balls in my chest somehow
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>Godot devs
Was funny watching the interview where they talk a bit about their engine and yeah, we have pretty much the same tech/constraints/solutions.
That said, Kingmaker is going all in on making shit as nice as possible in FPS mode, while I'm mostly focusing on the RTS side - FPS mode is mostly there for shit and giggle and a bad idea to use if you actually want to win.
I'm closer to "Total War with Dungeon Keeper's possession spell" than a Kingmaker clone.
... maybe I should stop doing so many video in FPS mode. It's just that stuff tend to be more impressive from the ground than from above.
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Shouldn't have pissed me off AND failed your saving throw.
Gazillionaire looked really fun but when I bought it it wasn't very fun to play
>idle trash looked fun
you're not even a good consumer, how can you hope to be a good dev?
It's not an idle game though, it's a buy low sell high business game
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On a persons birthday you give the person who has a birthday a present not the other way araund, dummy.
What did you get me?
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Sorry, we ate all the cake
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here's a funny kot in a funny hot
now stop posting the pink woman i'm sick of seeing her and i'm NOT the only juan
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>What did you get me?
A pic of the superior Bocchi.
You can now upgrade.
My game can't get a single like but I will not give up.
gaz is fucking great and so is zapitalism fuck YOU
Who is Henry V.?
Happy birthday, Marmo.
A guy who raised his son so poorly that he lost a nearly won war to a peasant girl with tinnitus.
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>Cris why are you so unfunny these days? You used to be FUN, now you're a retard who talks about magic and boring stuff.
He became a christian after browsing /pol/ and playing castlevania SOTN.
hold up, what's wrong with that cake
Everyone and their grannies are gamedevs now. Not to mention industry vets who got laid off.
>ifunny watermark
corpodevs are nodevs
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easiest way to check if a gamedev thread is uop on /v/ so i can shill my shit?
with your eyes
That's so demotivating, now my game will be lost in the crowd
> industry vets who got laid off.
3/4 of those are useless departments getting trimmed.
The handful of actual game-making people are the ones who participated into utterly shit games and shouldn't concern you unless you are even worse than them.
>write myself notes
>no idea what they mean
Why are you like this?
imaging working on a game so unappealing that it would be lost in the crowd
I'm sorry...
ctrl - f
What would you be doing if you didn't get into gamedev?
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play videogames all day every day
I didn't realise this game is so damn easy, there's no challenge
what can I do to make it harder
Thank you friends

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Marmo is my friend.
Stop making fun of my friend.
Can I be your friend?
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Something that /agdg/ never brings up but is worth discussing is how much money you make after release.

I'll take Undertale for example. According to games-stats it made about 41 million USD in it's lifetime, which is almost ten years. The bulk of that money was most likely made in 2015-2017, obviously. My question is, how much money do you people think Undertale brings Toby Fox nowadays?
I just gotta say it guys.....I LOVE THIS HOBBY!!!!!!!
sir this is /agdg/
/pgdg/ is down the hall to the right
I don't have time to worry about how much money I will make after release I need to make game.
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because 2 people asked for it, im adding controller support to my game (out now on steam) nolgorb's ordeal
I've never played Undertale. Seen some streams of people playing
I know there's a large following around the game, so I guess he probably made double that from merch and other stuff.
And if he isn't doing merch, then he's missing out on a lot of money.

If my game got that much of a following, I would do merch the next day.
time to post an update post on steam and discount it
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Made a procedural ladder system, you can change the height, width and amount of rungs
Cris be like:
>"enemies" are inherently bad game design because they fed into to idea that some people are 100% evil and deserved to be killed, giving a false idea of how people are in real life
can you also make the menu usable too? jumping to options is a neat easter egg but annoying as fuck
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back to dev after my 5 day goontrap
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I used to think that way.

Then I realize enemies in videogame, are methaphors for real life predators, and religious demons.

Villains are methaphors for people with sociopathy, psychopathy and narcicism.

So monsters and villains in videogames are nothing more than jungian methaphors from real life.
Don't rob yourself of the joy of creating something that is yours.
I'll see if I can upload it for you somewhere
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Do you ever visit and study really old games in order to find out what the game devs who inspired you were themselves inspired by?
Using games like Undertale and Minecraft as a examples for the average dev would be kinda dumb don't you think?
I've been following this game since release because I'm making something very similar myself

It had 26 reviews 2 weeks after release. 2 months later it only gained 2 extra reviews. I feel this is closer to reality for my potential sales. You should also research/check out games that are similar to yours in overall composition (genre, budget, etc.) and cast your judgement based on that.
Rename it to BP_ProceduralLadder.uasset
Then copy it into your projects content folder in the Windows File Explorer, not the Unreal Editor. I think it should work in your project then
>actually delivering on the help
you must be new here, may they never break your spirit senpai
I've been posting different prototypes for over a year but never even got close to finishing anything lmao
I chose Undertale because it would be easier to gage numbers for it because there's so much.

So anyway, you got some numbers you can think of?
what a reddit ass picture
westoids are pathetic
Based hobbyist. This place needs more anons like this and less anons with pink hair avatars and surgically altered genitals
yes, but I go even further and sometimes to centuries ago.
This place needs less subhuman fascists like you and more open-minded and friendly people instead.
>”i am against genital mutiliation”
>”omg you are a Nazi fascist!!!”
So I guess we know who the good guys in ww2 were
being authoritarian with different criteria is still being authoritarian
I wish people understood this
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>surgically altered genitals
you mean americans?
The people who hate trannies also hate that circumcision is legal, bad argument
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>He isn't culturally enriching himself by learning about history through Epic Rap Battles of History lyrics explained articles
You'll never make it as a game dev.
this will save me so much time
Tips for dev from the wage cage? Home life is in complete upheaval at the moment and I've got barely any work to do.
I can't work from home, and I can't download an engine on my work device.
Looking for online tools that I can write scripts in and maybe test them or some way to run Godot over web, if not I just need somewhere to write that I can send to git and have at home for testing when possible.
If anons can work from a burger king surely there is a way to work from the cage?
>agdg is talking about willies again
I'll come back in an hour
Why are agdg schizos so boring? they are not as interesting as the other colorful characters you can find in the other boards.
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>raining outside
>belly full
>slippers on
yep, it's devving time
>uh, I'll make a game... but first I need to learn... what can I do to distract myself from doing my hobby... hmm... YES, I'll learn classical painting, then I'll dev
How many different ladders could you possibly need in your game for this to save you more than 5 minutes?
It's also just a box-modeled ladder you could make in less than it took me to write this post, it's not like it has details or even texture or anything.
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cris is better than most other general characters.
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>moving platform pushes collision box
>never told it to move
>never told it to shift
>never told it to change position for any reason
>it shifts
No we don't, troon.
If you platform is moving slowly, that might just be the physics engine solving depenetration by pushing both object away from each others, except the platform is controlled by whatever the fuck make it move so it keep its position while the other appear "pushed".
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nofap is a powerful yesdev tool
The perfect mood.
Cris I already told you grown dull and boring but still better than the common agdg schizo, which is not saying much in your current state you're simply not that interesting anymore.
maybe its just you that have changed
Nah, he's right. Cris doesn't even make anything anymore, it's all just excuses and procrastination.
my game is about ladders of varying different sizes
for me the problem only happens if the platform is moving fast, if its moving slow no clipping occurs
I'm 38, fap 2-to-3 times a day, and have way more hairs than this.
How old is Cris? Looks like a 30 year old with HIV/cancer
I remember seeing other people post about how you're dead and you got replaced, or just lethargic so I can't be the only one noticing things.
I see something I am a schizo, many other say they see it too I might be onto something.
Maybe you're just old after hitting your 30s.
>cris lives in an actually nice place
Boobs not big enough
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>tfw same age as cris
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>1 month
>7 days
>8 hours
better grind hard anon!
stream it, we like gore
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Anon, I can't...
sometimes i feel like this. i think its the fish. now i'm only eating the unhealthy, carcinogenic Cows and am feeling better. either red meat has something i need or the fish has something bad
what exactly is pushing to origin
again? how many birthdays a year do you have ?
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you guys need to use magical shit to fix your lack of energy.
cool character
How the FUCK am I supposed to compete with people who don't masturbate daily and don't alt-tab to 4chan to check for (You)'s every 20 minutes or don't accidentally end up spending hours watching youtube videos when they should be getting sleep to prepare for work the next day. Literally impossible.
>grind hard
anon, I'm a taoist. its the ultimate copium method of life
is called having developing discipline using a daily routine.
attempt crime, get caught, suicide by cop
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Chests within chests
im the kusoslop master
like a certain doll I'm not allowed to mention
I don't think I'd be able to implement half the features I have now if it weren't for AI helping me.
accept that you're a loser
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nice. where's the mimic though?
what game?
Anyone else feel the same?
hiding in chests 3
wtf is that ?
>I feed that to another function that I did, that positions the camera.
How does that work?
Agdg tards would rather make Reddit tier gimmick memes with their games rather than make something that is actually fun. Le epic and Le based my kind fellow gentle sir!!! Many updoots and baconing narwhals for ye!!!
sacred geometry making the water freeze diferently than normal water.
Post actually fun Game?
now I'm sad
>indie dev became successful
>want to check out his twitter to see how he evolved or at which point exactly he went from unknown to viral, so maybe I can do something similar
>twitter literally does not let you sort someone else's posts from oldest to newest
>have to manually scroll through thousands of his lunch pictures over the course of 5 years
How did this garbage site lacking in even the most basic functionality become so popular again?
I'm responding to (You) so you'll come back and check and waste time, then you'll have broken your flow and will get distracted and YouTube for an entire workdays amount of time consuming useless content disguised as informative/learning materials.
In addition:
>Huge breasts
Now I have planted the seed within you to goon. You'll be unable to focus, now that BOOBS have been mentioned you need to COOM to BOOBS because you're an undisciplined weasel.
When you post an image tomorrow of the popular animated program "Bocchi The Rock" with a vague blurb about failing again, having low motivation, not making progress or otherwise being depressed - I'll be here once again to implant the disease of apathy within you. You'll never accomplish anything, because you're a loser. And if you ever try to change, I'll be here to make sure you can't. Meanwhile, I continue working on my game at a steady pace, which will release to lacklustre sales and reviews. But it will do better than you. I've already beaten you.
Huge boobs. Butts. Anime. AGP.
YouTube. Goyslop. Reddit. 4chan. Twitter.
You will never develop a videogame.
they have careers, families, social engagements etc
didn't read retard
ok but why would you ever type this out
Being able to jump in a chest and close it from the inside is more fun than a lot of games here.
I'm deeply demoralized by this post and now I'll not finish my game.
>game that lets you run around the house as a toddler causing trouble and hiding from your parents
Bocchi posters BTFO.
Continue gooning. Keep checking your (You)s. Know that I will always reply eventually. Check often, I might be awhile as I'm working on my game.
Check soon. You don't want to miss a response to your posts.
I hate my kuso.
I woke up at 3:30 and wasn't able to go back to sleep until it was time to get up then I slept for 2 hours but now I'm on my morning walk to get the blood flowing then I'm going to have so many ideas.
how much do people hate letterboxing? i'd rather letterbox my 400x240 screen than do uneven pixel scaling
>Now I have planted the seed within you to goon. You'll be unable to focus, now that BOOBS have been mentioned you need to COOM to BOOBS because you're an undisciplined weasel.
Bestie, it's 3 PM, I already fapped. You'll need to post at least 3 images with ERP-like text if you want me to go a second time today.
How is some ex-Jew who allegedly lived 2000 years ago relevant to amateur gamedev?
your base res needs to divide by 1080p.
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you just need to put something nice looking where the black bars are
see: Nuclear Throne, LISA The Painful (Definitive Edition only)
I don't hate letterboxing unless 1. It takes up too much of the screen or 2. it switches between letterboxed and non letter boxed often
I have a couple hours. Should I work on my game or play video games instead?
I can't grind.
i can't do another discount because it hasnt been out for 30 days yet
I see...
I will now play your game
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>game engine is glitching ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้
did I miss the boat on capitalising on a vampire survivor clone
I got ideas and it looks fun to build
Balatro Survivors
I dunno actually, maybe people who burnt themselves out on it are ready for another dose
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/AGDG/ Survivors
you have 3 months for the cycle
make it look nice, simple to get into, and then shill to Northernlion

godspeed you dumbshit also pls use bevy, it's been proven funktional this week
you just reminded me, isn't LD around this time of the year
>get to play as different /agdg/ characters
sign me up
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idk, do you ludum dare to find out?
no, it'll have started 2 days ago
I swear this is ESP, I know when it's active but never when it starts
just for that (and those figurines I saw) I have it on favs. Here is the thing, I know keyboard and mouse is the best option but when I came tired from work I want to relax so I play on my bed before go to sleep, for someone like me controller support is a must if I am going to buy a game

Also some feedback... the trailer of your game seems kinda boring I thing you should consider making a better one, the vives I have from it is like "this is going to be tedious to play"
Is me or the jumping in this game feels a bit annoying? you can't walk wight just use that "guess the force and distance method? is supposed to be the point of the game? I saw you added some sexy collectable figurines, does the game have a gallery where you can zoom in/zoom out or a place where you can see all of them displayed together?
Sorry if my criticism is a bit harsh I try to point out my impressions
>design a character
>they are too sexy
>worried people will think I'm a coomer or a pedo or worse a gay
>scrap the design
I'm such a chickenshit
just make it good. plenty of games coming out and succeeding when the gameplay itself is 95% more of the same
first person gun, first person sword in a maze. thousands of those
Who's your daddy did that a decade ago and was a popular youtuber bait game, but you specifically try to kill yourself.
wtf we lookin at ?
i thought the same but i powered through it.
it ended up that the designs i thought were too sexy were considered "mild" by most players so i guess i'm just a prude.
autism with a splash of aspergers
>visual representation of my dreams trying to disperse nervous energy through my highly entangled mechanical-sexual-social circuits
>"All dreams have meaning"
>My dreams
Just add not!pokémons to it.
It work on anything.
holy fucking based
>must survive endless crabs
That's just Morrowind.
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it's your art anon
after 20 years of development my game will btfo all of you crabs
yes anon
post pics but let me tell me something, if you don't have enough balls to put the characters you want in YOUR OWN INDIE GAME what is the point to go solo dev? you are supposed to create what you really want without corporate censorship, stop doing that and be genuine in what you make, we already have enough prude designs, sex appeal is good.
I wish you all the best
Marmo thought the same thing.
His game finally came out after 20 years of development and... 26 reviews
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Neither it is!
Too busy to dig through my stuff and post atm but you definitely have a point. Shallow people will always nitpick and project issues onto your art its pathetic to let them rule you
I meant it in the pluralistic sense, not the non-binary sense
You're too worried about what other people think and not your own interests.
ok now post game

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