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#160: The Greatest Edition in the Galaxy
Previous Thread: >>493969239

General for all things Kirby including the games, novels, artwork, and anime series.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Sound Selection and Complete Soundtrack on sale now: https://valuemall.site/collections/kirby-discovery-ost

Official Kirby Website:https://www.kirby.jp/
Official Kirby Twitter:https://twitter.com/Kirby_JP
Kirby Novel Translations Masterpost: https://www.tumblr.com/nyaagolor/653089595149434880/kirby-novel-translations-masterpost
Kirby Anime Translation Masterpost: https://operationhoshinokaabii.tumblr.com/watch
Kirby Wiki:https://wikirby.com/wiki/Kirby_Wiki

>/kdg/ Writefag Masterpost
>/kdg/ Pixel World
>Elfilisanon's Cave Story mod demo
>Anime Box Set Booklet and Storyboard
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I can’t believe SSU turned 16 on Sunday, time flies. It was my first Kirby game and made me a fan of the series to this day.
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it's the only sqiuid you can eat with a spfoon
Ditto. I can't thank my parents enough for grabbing it off the shelf for one of my christmas presents.
Who's he trying to fool with that mask, anyway? It's obviously
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>mfw Kirby is only a year older then me.
Same with me. I got it for my birthday 15 years ago and it’s the game that got me hooked on Kirby.
Technically, I knew about the character since the early 2000’s when playing the original Super Smash Bros. with my cousins and playing Air Ride in the mid 2000’s, but SSU is what really made me a fan.
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I will always love KSSU for giving us Meta Knightmare Ultra and Revenge of the King, Revenge of the King especially. Revenge of Meta Knight is what made me a true fan of Kirby though.
Why is there another general?
idk, maybe that one anon just didnt see this one
Nothing the general Grumpsphere has been worthwhile or funny for the last 8 years
oneyplays is better
At this point? Yeah, honestly
>for the last 8 years
Since ever, you mean.
They both suck.
I see dramafag's finally awake.
kill yourselves
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if you guys wanted to talk about ecelebs go to /v/ or something.
how does kirby taste
That one particular kind of almost-gelatinous strawberry yogurt without fruit chunks in it.
strawberry bubble gum or mochi, generally something sweet and smooth
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even in /kdg/...
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kracko is the true dark lord
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What were his best and worst moments?
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>Super Star, hands down.
>Squeak Squad, with dishonorable mention to Air Ride. Which completely sucks since those were the first two Kirby titles I ever owned.
why squeak squad
meta knights worst was when he, the strongest warrior in the galaxy, really said "Kirby! Forgive me! I blame the yarn!"
>snuck into the Halberd completely unopossed
One for Yin-YarnCHADS
Yin Yarn really soloed most of the Kirby universe, where the fuck are the powerscalers talking about Yin Yarn vs Goku?
I miss dd and julian, I wish they could have done a playthrough alongside adam
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No more fyétish pictures
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>merged crouching and guarding into one move
>bigger focus on collecting than other games in the series, even having a story reason
>has upgrades for your abilities
>abilities aren’t quite as expansive as superstar but still rarely ever have only one move
>introduces a new digging ability
>sleep can heal you
>major plot relevant boss fought in the snow world shows back up in the final level but possessed this time
>villains are a group of animals
>leader gets possessed and is one of the penultimate fights
>main villain is a cosmic parasite that was imprisoned for thousands of years and needs to merge with a rat to be actually stand a chance
Man, I love squeak squad
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you son of a bitch.
i don't remember that mouthful mode.
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I'm going to do the spooky hyness greentexts soonish since we are (pretty much) in spooky month
That goddamn Star Seal mechanic that the game doesn't bring up until Meta Knight appears. Though the game also has one of the most unrelenting Meta Knight battles of all time.
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a driver would Kirbs be?
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this song should answer your question.
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to be fair claycia and drawcia did the same thing basically.
he obeys all rules of the road
I just learnt that crouching could guard in Squeak Squad!?
>Shadow Kirby murders a doctor and steals their wife
That's Gameboy/Monochrome Kirby. Shadow Kirby isn't that white.
Lol I totally forgot Squeak Squad did that seal bit about halfway through
Then again I also went the whole game without knowing you could so in that game something similar to the element boosts in Star Allies
>element boosts in Star Allies
I liked these, but it was kind of annoying you needed a specific element to beat almost every puzzle.
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I count three kirbies, meta knight, and bandana dee, weirdly no Dedede unless I missed him. Cool to see Shulk there.
Near the bottom, to the left of the manta ray from Splatoon who says "ye" and just above Peppy.
Ah nice find, dunno how i overlooked him lol
It's an easy thing to do with such a massive collage. Took me like 5 minutes looking for K. Rool after someone in /smbg/ said they saw him.
>Pit between Ness and Double Dash Mario
Sisters, we're back
>Not even his Uprising design
Yeah, back to being irrelevant.
>just the playable RtDL cast
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they should've added in Bumber, this is an outrage
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I have Bandana fatigue, I genuinely do. He’s literally not worthy of even being in the presence of these Nintendo All Stars.
If it was a REAL nintendo all star wall the entire wall would be of kirby, as he is of course, of the stars.
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mirror chads stay winning.
It should only be King Dedede, Kirby, and maybe Meta Knight. Any other secondary character shouldn't be on there.
>Amazing Mirror is considered on par with the absolute classics
As it fucking should. Now if only Hal stopped being regarded and used Mirror Worlders more often.
big brain: they open up a dedicated Hal museum with a massive shrine to the true god, Kirby that one may pray at.
I'm pretty sure it's just there because it's GBA, like NiDL, Mother 3, and most of the other stuff on that shelf.
They're strategy guides. There are multiple shelves full of 'em for various different games for many different systems.
I wish they did an Amazing Mirror remaster for the Switch.
Try it out
Wario's Jimmy T and Ashley from Another Code are there, how popular they are is irrelevant
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The Kirby Cafe Nendoroids are now up for pre-order
that cream splash will totally not be used for anything dirty.
Kirby came to my house
why is Kirby at ya house?
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you lads think nintedo will do anything for tokyo game show?
They're only in the business area from what I could find, no booth. Could still announce something though.
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where did you get that information?
I'll be going myself the 1st public day, and believe me, I tried my best to look for Nintendo's booth if they'd have any, but it doesn't seem like it.
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ah fair enough, I guess I can't make the joke of "you saw it in a dream" then.
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>maybe Meta Knight
Absolutely Meta Knight, he overrides Dedede's popularity in Japan.
dedede is above Peppy Hare/next to the splatoon deep cut idols
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I love dedede's "I don't give a single fuck" energy in this image
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Pfft nice general Kirbabs. Real riveting discussions going on.
>expecting fast paced discussion on a weekday afternoon
Some of us adults have work.
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Do they all have to share that one hotel room? That's kind of a bummer.
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Kirby came in my house
Who is the anime girl directly North-west of the big yellow Mario and Cappy? She is in between Kamek and Daisy
Gross. I hope he didn't do it on the carpet.
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Isn't that description completely wrong
yes, pretty sure famicom detective club only has a male protagonist.
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man we need a direct soon.
They're pretty small, so I don't think there'd be too much trouble space-wise.
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This image smells of spent fish
Have we reached a point where we're just posting shit to get mad at?
>spent fish
>Male or female fish after spawning, where the gonads have released their sperm or eggs
Did I stutter
Magolor is feminine?
with the amount of times I've seen him drawn getting railed I'd say so.
>thread is dead
this is why we need to go back to /v/ having a kirby thread here isn't sustainable.
I honestly think the best thing for us to do would be to hibernate like /lozg/ does until something actually happens.
>>496146476 (Me)
And, yes, before anyone asks, I am aware that the post I replied to was the schizo who wants us to go back to /v/ regardless. I just haven't had an excuse to say my piece.
the people here only call me a schizo because they're simps who worship foids
You can stop now, foidschizo.
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We had a bunch of activity last thread, and this one's only two days old. Just because we're not moving at /sthg/ speeds doesn't mean the threads aren't active. You shouldn't have replied to him anyway, dude.
Your honor, Void Termina fucking ballin'
this, things have been picking up alot more as of late especially with a direct looming in the future.

we are not going back to /v/ those days are long gone.
you know what, at this point its impossible for me to believe this is the same guy, like what are the odds the "foidschizo" we have is just someone whos been larping a comedically exaggerated version of him for months
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alright kirbros be honest-- if you have pretended to be foidschizo at some point in the past raise your hand
Who the fuck is foidschizo? I don’t frequent this general enough anymore to know but I’m curious since they’ve been mentioned a few times.
just a shitposter
This entire site is for shitposting though.
what i would fucking give for a kirby asset dump game
if everything from og rtdl all the way to star allies really did share the same damn engine, imagine what could happen if a game had every ability, every enemy and miniboss, every animation therefor to work with, MvC2-style
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there was a time where it wasn't but that was very short lived.
No, fuck you and fuck any tourists who use this site as their dumpster and are actively ruining it. Nothing wrong with some occasional shitposting but if that's the only thing you're doing you should leave and never return. Despite all its flaws, this is one of the very few places left for meaningful, honest discussion on the internet.
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yep, anyone who thinks this site was or is purely for shitposting should fuck off back to whatever normie tier echo chamber they crawled out of.

shitposting is fine when it's high effort and done in moderation but there still needs to be actual legitimate conversations.

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