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There is no hope in this hell edition

>The Final Shape

TWAB (09/19) https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid_09_19_2024
Update https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8_0_5_4
Codename Frontiers: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/new_frontiers
The New Path for Bungie: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/newpath

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>495525923
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>me with my Truth
What massacred the hype?
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>You did get your iconoclast before the season ended right anon?
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I will refer to her as hawk tuah
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you are so funy and original
thank you
make sure to follow my instagram account
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The game is immortal, it is undying! Pray it does take too hideous a form…
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would rather be milked dry by Bungie than any other mmo-lite FPS on the market currently
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>solar warlock
>red death
>speakers sight
>somehow dies more than me when im playing helicopter arc hunter
should i be getting upset? is it really rude to be bad at destiny?
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that was my point
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i might have slight retardation but i was just saying that Bungie is the only one making this genre, so we don't really have a choice in being milked or not
least retarded gambit player
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are you excited for more eramiskino?
i just want Variks back
I'm sleepy
then go to bed?
*sleeps on your bed*
get the fuck off my bed theres only room for 1 person
*softly shifts to the right*
i feel something poking me
my bad thats my flashlight
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Why didn't we get the Pyramid race in D1?
Because they look like reskinned hive and the taken are mechanically the same as the cut Pyramid race anyway since that dlc repurposed almost everything from the Staten cut.
>reskinned hive
These guys came first, the Hive eventually looked like them.
Remember the moths?
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just make evil guardians for the love of god
that's what crucible's for
you think the cheaters are actually classified as people?
chicken or the egg, the point is we still got them in the game
just not with ghost textures (unless you, again, count the taken)
What is /dg/'s general opinion on cum inflation?
Unrealistic and average man's output is nowhere even close to cause it
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its gross
More like there is no piss in this ass
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I like the idea of it when it's a horse doing it to me...
it is so unbelievable over
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Play Warframe
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Watch Transformers One and use an adblocker
>Could've made a movie with the tone of War and Fall of Cybertron
>Here's some Marvelslop instead
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Stormcaller, Sunbreaker and Nightstalker are still the best subclasses Bungie has ever created. It baffles me how Taken King remains the best dlc in Destiny history.
stormcaller? really?
arclock sucks
>49 posts in almost 11 hours
What went so horribly wrong?
Don't know why people talk about shitframe, this game will be the true Destiny killer.

Unless your grindy loot game absolutely HAS to be a shooter this is where we should go.
It's just the lull between seasons bro when they drop the new episode it's gonna be back to normal mate
no it won't
destiny is a doomsday prepper video game
with no doomsday coming up theres nothing to do
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>someone went through the hassle of recording a chain killing webm with damage numbers font set on ultra to shit on the game they have obviously thousands of hours into
Unless the new season is about fags doing fag shit AGAIN, then it'll only get worse.
It's almost comical how this episode was about 2 pairs of fags fighting each other, each with their own gay robot, and to add insult to injury they make a plotline about Maya returning right after killing off Cayde again and right after giving us some lore on his connection to her. It's insane how much better the plot could be if we had writes who care about the characters and who read their own lore.
Hippy status?
I dont think im gonna play destiny 2 today bros
The voices...
They won't stop...
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I like how we had that entire weekly quest chain to help Eris get rid of her ghosts by accepting their deaths and then in haunted they just came back anyway with no explanation or anything and she doesn't even react
unlike Zavala, once she's over it she stays over it.
why do dead guardians even appear around the moon? nezs dead empty ship?
Supposedly it's Nezs residual power from his corpse

Except that means they shouldn't be able to appear
I mean, she might not even see them.
She looks and acknowledges them
then it's just nez fucking with her and she doesn't have to care beyond that.
The writers don't care about characters. Robert Brookes ruined Saint and Osiris precisely because he didn't care. These people aren't genuinely interested in making Destiny they are interested in what they can turn Destiny into. Which is gays vs lesbians robots edition apparently.
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is anyone excited for the contest mode dungeon? (besides datto who can slobber over the thought of getting worlds first)
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Why? For fucking ice breaker?
yes because a fireteam of 3 and dungeon mechanics seem much more doable than contest raids
datto has less chance to get a worlds first dungeon than a worlds first raid
I cant wait to watch datto cry like a little baby again
do you think it’s possible to find love in a destiny general?
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>20/25 vision for the left eye
Pilot bros...
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become a pirate ship captain instead, you only need one eye for that
>two /dg/ anons play together, end up falling for each other, and kiss
>/dg/ starts clapping and happy crying
along with playing Destiny 2, i also like to watch anime and read manga
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okay but the plot twist HAS to be that one of them is actually... A WOMAN
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along with playing Destiny 2, i also like to rape this anon and gape his mom
shut the fuck up brookes your gay stories are no more
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Play Warframe
I will play destiny 2 instead
As someone who’s done a solo flawless run of every dungeon why the fuck would I give a shit? I guess it’s nice that the exotic will be a guaranteed drop, maybe I’ll look for a boss checkpoint.
>The content of my Destiny2 folder with memes and kino images is gradually being replaced by Warframe content.
i found out why your life sucks then
Silly question but will the new dungeon be free/included in the episode or will it require a key? Because if it's locked then adding "contest mode" to it is a beyond desperate cashgrab.
Just finished watching this. It’s surprisingly better than I expected.
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Posting again because It's so funny.
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>2 weeks until we're back
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German coffee fish house
It's up
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Play Remnant 2: The Dark Horizon
I am
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>somehow…Fikrul returned
The final shape created an unprecedented story vacuum in its wake, they really have to do better than corny gays following the flow of vex milk to find the crazy 400 year old ishtar lesbian
sounds like overdelivery to me, can't have that.
>getting down on the carpet, lifting up my leg and licking my own minge
The worst part IMO is the fabricated drama. Saint was fine up till now and all of a sudden one lesbian robot sends him on an existential crisis and he needs his gay birdman to comfort him.
It's all so tiresome. We already had boatloads of sappy sentimental goo in season of the wish and the TFS campaign. Wild concept but you can deliver lore-rich narrative without everyone being a crybaby all the fucking time
not if you're a faggy fanfiction writer apparently
you have to be pretty shit to make people miss Y1 writing.
we need more lore-rich yuri stories, *cough cough SJUR EIDO AND MARA cough cough*
the last thing we need is trannys living their lesbo fanfiction that's actually worse than homos living their homo fanfiction.
did they nerf ignition damage for brigs?
I want ice breaker, depending on how they work it, but the last dungeon I did was prophecy the year it came out.
I don’t think brigs get ignited
is that new?
they definitely got ignited in witch queen
I finally uninstalled D2 and yes I did buy the super goy pass edition of TFS.
State of Play, no marathon even though its supposed to be out in 2025
You now remember shills were unironically saying Final Slop should win GOTY
astro bot will win then
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funny how the final slop has already been completely forgotten. Best expansion EVAR!!
The expansion itself was alright but they somehow managed to burn out everyone from the game within the span of two months. Quite impressive when you think about it
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it's not horrible or anything, it's better than WQ and lightfall, but that's really not hard to do
no new subclass no retention it really is that simple
> but shitmatic
nope, 3 or 4 meme builds (1 if your titans) is not comparable to whole suit of subclass verbs, abilities and supers
> but WQ didnt have a new subclass
WQ has 3.0 which added a whole bunch of subclass verbs as well as some abilities and tons of fragments. TFS is the first major release since Beyond Light to not have enough in terms of abilities to make the same shitplay interesting
> but what about the guns
Nobody cares about gunplay or (((gunfeel))) you can play other games for that Destiny is popular due to abilityCHADS and Destiny 2 failed because it appealed to gunplaytards
Frontiers will fail because no new subclass. No subclass no play
Bungiebros, we weren't able to make it to State of Play, what about Marathon
its over... its so freaking over...
Red Darkness subclass when
When we go back to the dreadnought, last i heard.
Transformers is a red flag. If you are an adult and talking about it you should probably be shot.
>Live service game can't retain players
Sounds like it's failed to do what it's meant to.
Getting dicked down and laughing at destiny players living her best life.
I'll be honest I still love the game. But man it's bleak out there and I don't trust Bingus to pull us out of this hell anytime soon.
more pantheslop incoming
Was concord the first ever dead service game?
>Also known as ‘combatant affix modifiers,’ an enemy unit with a Bane will present a different challenge to players according to which Bane is affecting them. Enemies that spawn with these modifiers appear unpredictably during an activity, so each run will present a different challenge.
>Also, because the dungeon will be launching as part of our Codename: Behemoth Expansion, there will no longer be a separate Dungeon Key. Additionally, the reward offering for new dungeons will be expanded to include full weapon and armor sets, on par with raids.
poorfags, in a year we will win
>read it as "feets"
bungie psyops real
femboy hunter feetsies
>warframe exiumus enemies are now in destiny
All bungie needs to do now is add pay to win auto tracking piercing weapons to the game and we can replicate the warframe webm
>instead of 1 raid and 2 dungeons
>we are going back to 1 raid and 1 dungeon
>bungie foundation is running some stream, on twitch
>everyone who types "!emblem" gets auto-banned
>new powers for old enemies, no new enemies
>no new dungeon died in favor of pantheslop
bungie just can't stop reusing old shit i guess
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She won
bro please stop posting this ugly bitch
It's absolutely disgusting bungie is leeching off of warframe now
I didn't know we could reach a new low holy fuck
Lol faggot
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>posting postwall foids
she has such wine aunt energy and looks smoking hot pulling it off
They killed dungeons cause they are cheap, Pantheon is just a cope. Destiny is approaching EoS
So with the new difficulty changes how is the community gonna compete when all of the good players quit the game?
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Based Hag appreciator
its unbelievably over, TFS killed D2 but Destiny faggots will always cling onto this shit.
she doesn't have the tits for that dress
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Oh hey, it's almost the exact thing they said they were avoiding.
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Man, it really does feel like TFS was the final chapter on the game and this upcoming shit is just fluffed up hamster wheels to try and keep people engaged longer while they scale back content.
The community will quit before the (((good))) players will move on once the D2 content creation train runs out
Damn, Bungie finally COOKED and OVERDELVIERED and now the ungrateful community is punishing them. When will you learn. That LESS is actually MORE
We deserve less content for being ungrateful to Bungie
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They need to keep people paying attention to them until late 2025 at the earliest, at which point they can try to get everyone to jump to their $40 hero extraction shooter.
we need more female representation in Destiny 2
This was always the endgame, they pulled the same shit with Halo and got in bed with Activision. And now they pulled the same shit with Destiny when they got with Sony. The acquisition was during the pandemic when the began developing all those non Destiny projects. And the announced the last 3 dlcs it was just like when they made the deal for 3 more halo games.
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>locked seasonal weapon loadouts for activities
>weapon tiers
>1 dungeon and 1 raid per year
>pantheslop coming back
>eximus units in destiny
What fucking happened?
still no announcement btw, so the earliest its coming out will be Q3 2025. That means Bungie is about to go a whole year without huge revenue
The insider sources that Schrier and Tassi cite say that them hitting the 2025 target is extremely unrealistic, so probably longer.
Yeah, when was the last time Bungie hit a full release target because I don't think they ever have.
I have a question!!!!
full game, because D1 was delayed a year, D2 was delayed a year and Marathon has been delayed by at least a year and half if not more
Um. Uh. Hi! :D
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Yay! Thank you! ^^
What are some gameplay features you lads would love to see in a sci-fi fps game that hasn't been done before, done often, or executed well or to its fullest potential? I'd love to see giant mechs summoned like from Titanfall but in a non dead game.
this wasnt supposed to be our destiny...
That's my biggest beef with it. Why the fuck is the brand new unique shiny experience that has its own separate pay wall, giving a re-issued weapon? Fuck that lazy bullshit, even if it got reworked in some way, just give me it on a exotic mission or seasonal pass item. It just feels so wasteful with how few and far between these actual good pieces of content can be.
who the fuck even plays this fag game? the title "destiny" literally sounds like a tranny drag queen name
Why is it so hard for LITERALLY ANY OTHER STUDIO to copy the Destiny formula and just exclude faggotry? Not a single person can answer this question without sounding like a retard comparing Destiny to some third person, janky, p2w, slop. I so badly want something that isn't Destiny but the video game industry is just too fucking stupid to do the right thing.
me because the industry can't successfully engineer a better feeling fps
Even more so Prismatic only highlighted how much of the rest of the sandbox suffered greatly through a variety of neglect and heavy handed nerfs(mod cooldowns, less energy gained from mods etc). We're basically left with this massive gap where there's the very obvious busted strong things, maybe very small handful of average stuff, and whole bunch of extremely situational, niche and otherwise bad things. Arc Hunter has never been more pointless, even the new Aspect and exotic where jolting can get you damage resist requires such a specific way to play, that you're just accomplishing something that is over kill to put much thought into. You're sacrificing so much for such an ordinary payoff.
dead game sadly. afraid so
I don't understand how the witness is wrong
I want a perfect timeline, I want destroy all others and finally stop this bs?
isn't that what everyone else really wants too? like I just don't get it???
Do you guys think flying cartel drugs across the US would be a fun job?
the fuck I just read. It read like some quirky shit fanbase does with map editors/forge, not something from real stuido.
what is our response?
we cant let the doomers win
They have like 20 people working on the game, its all hands of deck for Maraslop. Meanwhile management are preparing their golden parachutes whenver the force maraslop out under cooked and for Bungie to be completely absorbed by Sony. Its so funny thinking about this when you remember that 15 years ago the forced there way out of microsoft for the same reason.
bend over. i got some hope for you
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How the fuck
Your 8 fell over, bro.
Three arc weapons
Because no company could realistically burn through as much money or good will in the manner that Bungie has, let alone right this second with the state of gaming industry. Bungie had the massive fortunes of the new generation of consoles, a more innocent time of video game over analysis where you could coast more on vague empty promises and do-all product that was always having limitations, and other things that sold the game easier then than it would now. People are still idiots yes, but the average consumer doesn't need to go that far to get a straight answer on how a video game will play out. In short Bungie would be nuked if they did exactly what they did in 2014 and 2017 tomorrow .
Osmosis or that other perk.
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No Arc Grenade and no Arc Super to change the type of the class ability…probably just test server shit, even if the hand cannon doesn’t look familiar
the devs just hold a fundementally different philosophy
His perfect timeline and your perfect timeline are not the same.
Holy shit, it's so over the soon poster isn't even here
cope is up bros!
lmfao banes are literally just eximus units
bungie is creatively bankrupt
d-did....did gayframe just win?
considering they weren't the ones who made spicy enemy types first, no.
Hey yall, I haven't played since Act 3's story ended and quit when there was no more stuff to do. Ive done all the quests and season challenges except the pvp ones(yuck!) and just reached 2000 power level. Is it worth jumping back in with the new announcements? Im happy to hear that we're getting one raid and dungeon per year so bungie can focus on things that actually matter like campaigns and solo content.

would love to hear what you guys think :)
I think they might be a bit closer to Aberrations from Remnant 2 considering that after Revenant “Banes” might be able roll more than one effect, which since last I played, Warframe doesn’t do with Eximus.
Hell no
Bungie practically just announced destinys death
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>immune to all ranged damage until hit with melee
I am sure players will come back in droves after they add this.
Uh....challenge status.
It's the 180 from DSC that I can't remember the name of.
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you called boss?
Oh, that’s what I get for not raiding

It's up!
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Titans won
holy fuck it feels so good to be a doomposter
>halo doesn't exist
you have to be 18 to post here, kid
holy fuck it feels so good to be a hopechad
the western game industry is full of retards and the east doesn't really understand fps games
Halo 3 came out 17 years ago, there are people who were toddlers during Halo 1 and 2 that are 25+ now
Are you fags seriously shitting on banes? This is the most enemy design change we've gotten since fucking champions. I'll take it, it looks and sounds fun
how do you have hope after everything that has happened
>hawkmoona matata
holy cringe
games dying gym, time to jump shit to Maraslop
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>more variables in the same slop content = fun
No wonder barely anyone still plays the game when the remaining players think this is a good and fun change
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hope is what kept Destiny going all these years, and it’ll keep it going for years to come.

hope for the future, anon.

trust the plan, Bungie knows what they’re doing, we’re all going to make it in the end
Retarded this is how slop content gets changed, fucking d1 had shit like this but you newblights wouldn't know about that
what if i told you there is no plan
>flys over big death pit right in the open with melee bane
>t.has never played destiny 1
This IS good and fun change. Or it would be if it was made like 5 years ago.
We are going to make it to the end, if we haven't made it then its not the end. Hope for the Future.
>no wotm announcement
it's shit
I'm sleepy
Destiny 1 had unique strike based enemy modifiers, you used to be able to one shot bosses with modifiers. D1 strikes were fun. You never played d1
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Running... out of... Siva...
SIVA never ever, Destiny will reach eos they would literally rather die than acknowledge RoI
Those modifiers aren't unique like banes
And most of them are already in d2 as features or entirely reworked like the fire puddles from acolytes (Blight puddles from d1) and certain redbars getting shields
How long until the splicers rebuild the replication complex?
so is playing video games and posting on 4chan yet here we are
>Today in Destiny, playing the same PvE activity repeatedly can feel like a chore—particularly when chasing a reward or following a narrative. Running through the latest Exotic mission the second, third, and fourth time just doesn’t feel fun enough to justify the time spent
If they've been aware of the problem why did they continue with it for so long
Because ESGbux made up the shortfall from players that quit.
and they still continue it with pinnacle grind. Just goes to show how delusional these """people""" are, and they aren't actually aware of it
astral possession from Geist
Could Bungie's community's fanboyism at its peak rival Apple's ecosystem's fanboyism at its peak? Bungie used to have a stronger PR aura around them until the layoffs happened and it went downhill from there.
This isn't what the enemies do, this is about what the players do
this has been time and time again proven to be the wrong perspective from which to design a game
if you make the players do the same rock paper scissors shit over and over again, they'll get bored
you have to make the enemies themselves behave differently to create a dynamic scene
it should be like training the enemies to deal with players rather than adding an additional layer for the player to penetrate
This affects every dying franchise. When the normal people have left for greener pastures, the low standard scum stay behind and slowly waste away.
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man fuck all this I play support bullshit
just dump your piss and be happy
Lol no. Bungiedrones have nothing on Appleniggers when it comes to being the worst human beings on the planet. As far as Western video game communities go, I'd say Bungie's crazies are top 5 at their peak.
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This is what it looks like to dump your piss
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can someone give me a tldr, i just woke up
Destiny is adding back pantheslop and reduced raids and dungeons to 1 each per year
We also have eximus enemies coming soon
>/dg/ slowly coming to terms that raids and dungeons weren't the endgame, it was the cosmetics
Dress up, bros. We're so back!
I just keep coming back to that leak posted here
>Frontiers is the codename for 3 mini expansions (think D2 Y1 season pass) set in different solar systems and episodes are just an early version of that model
>Bungie is currently gathering feedback from Echoes to make the first mini expansion better received
>So far the Y8 expansion skeleton is looking like this: 8 story missions, 1 exotic mission, 1 reprised raid or 1 dungeon, a repeatable activity
Aside from the number of expansions it was still pretty spot on
I would say even Blizzdrones mogg Bungiedrones, maybe because there was more of them
That particularly leaker is pretty reliable, they predicted Cayde-6 coming back and 12 manslop. I remember the absolute cope for hopesissies only for yearly (and a half) expansion got axed and no we are geting curse of osiris tier content drops lmao
Makes sense. Speaking of fanboy energy, it's kinda funny how the complete opposite can exist without destroying the company. Microsoft is infamous for just being infamous among other things and yet they're still thriving.
Even though Shadowkeep's release was years ago, these memento quests are still fucking timegated to one per week.
What's the point of shilling this Jewess or her game here? She won't give you any shekels or platinum.
>stoic centuries-old Guardians who beat the shit of any threat to the city
>start acting at the level of hyperemotional hormonal teenagers
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hopefully they won't need specific guns to kill them like those pieces of shit
although the melee only one really sucks
Yeah, that's Posterity from Deep Stone Crypt.

Test build. Their early mockup for Loadouts shover Xenophage with 4 or 5 rangefinders.
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>radom acolyte gets stuck outside of the map
>actually its a nuke acolyte
>wipe because its a gm and the aoe reaches all the way back to d1 birthing pits
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>punchable wizard
>flys over big deathpit
>can't reach it either way with melee
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>Punchable Explosive Shank
>Shielded by nuclear Servitor
>And a Berzerker Dreg just gave rabies to everything around it
Oh yeah, I'm 100% sure they aren't going to test it and just release without caring about how each affix interact with each other, this will lead to a PoE situation where there will be mobs who are straight up immune to any and every damage type
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>that one lost sector with the barrier servitors and overload captains
>but on steroids
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>do pantheslop 2.0
>have nuclear enemies for score
>get nuclear ad low
>it pulls you off the boss Mechanic plate instantly wiping the raid
That was a goddamn shitty fucking league
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>actually watching the death of your favourite franchise, live, with all the gruesome details in HD
>currently we are looking at the pleasant stage of corpse emptying its bowels
Man... Not like this. I hate being powerless. We all saw where it was heading for years, yet we couldn't do anything. Just sit and watch.
Tassi lost
When has tassi ever won?
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havent bought a dungeon before and I wont start for icebreaker
Tassi managed to beat that home invasion goblin
Yeah Blizz crowd is like if you didn't have the containment facility(Bungie Forums) and these people continued to not only multiply, but be these balding 40 something grognards talking about how farming Baal and dishing out DKP for some ineffectual drop in Black Wing Lair was kino. Clueless Bungie nut riders exist but their numbers and voice are low. Blizz you got some degenerate complaining about Diablo 4 and how nobody should play it while simultaneously having spent $500 in their cash shop.
Honestly it can't get much worse than this. Truly the only way is up. At least I doubt they can ever deliver a more forgettable narrative arc than echoes
Things can NEVER get so bad that they can't get worse.
I really wanna cut my losses with destiny because of the difficulty changes permanently fucking lfg even more than before but goddamn there's no other game like it
Generally speaking yes. But this is such a low point for d2 as a whole that it cannot get much worse relatively speaking. I mean even season of the worthy looks like fucking primetime gaming in hindsight which is saying something.
its pathetic that they are still selling d1 exo's after 7 years of d2.this is exactly what people were worried about when bungie announced that no gear would carry over to d2.forget about CoO I cast the concord curse upon bungie.
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He just keeps embarrassing himself lmao
If you can't read a clock you should be beheaded
if there are no other games like it you gotta find other games that you like. Because there is no way bungie is surviving Maraflop. They will drip feed D2 content until they cant in which case they are absorbed by Sony. All of this on top of there old engine and unstable size of the game. Its pretty much over
They do it on purpose. They did the same thing in D1 year 1 when things didnt carry over to D2, just drip feeding old exotics backs I always fucking hated that. When D2 wiped the slate clean but still brought back old exotics I knew they would keep doing it and here we are ten years later. Can't wait for No Land Beyond to come back guys!
Tassibros, are chuds winning?
Incel here. AMA.
>Can't wait for No Land Beyond to come back guys
I mean... yeah that would be kino af to be honest
why are you sexless
sex is wholly unimportant
Yes. Every single woke game, tv show and movie has flopped this year
I'm trying to do it with consent. It's not working out so far.
Good. People are finally waking up and soon things will change
Bungie will showcase Destiny 2 Frontiers and Marathon and Oni reboot at Tokyo Game Show i just know it
What is your favorite meal and do you believe Tartaria is real
void rocket sidearm when
Episode Revenant Dungeon, please buy the season pass and the dungeon key
I should they said no more dungeon keys .. bros im tired
This guy is such a sore loser. He's gone full leftist mask off since the beginning of 2023. He did a decent job hiding his allegiances for the longest time but I guess the paradigm shift within the culture war really fucked with him, along with all the other journalists.
He's a kike, so i'm not even surprised.
why does that baby look like Benjamin Button
okay that baby actually looks like golem
bro legit looks like a dreg wtf
Yeah I get that. On one hand sure new system that makes a grab bag modifier thing that shits out loot is interesting and long overdue given the rewards system sucks but on the other the problem is Destiny's population is so anemic for that deeper end shit that we'd probably have a lot of weird lopsided stuff and too many retards hopelessly bashing head against wall in harder content. We don't really have a WoW environment when you can just building block your way to the hard shit meaningfully or have people satisfied with the earlier gates of entry end game. I very foolishly tried to sherpa friends and randoms for Godslayer and like so many of these people just got slaughtered and it was probably one of the more trying things to do because some people just don't "get" it. I'm wary of that whole "tiered" weapon system.
I like spaghetti. Didn't know what Tartaria was till your post but yeah sure.
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>Its pretty much over
I hope that shepard,gura poster etc will all be here when bungie anhero's so we can shit on this company one last time.
I'm just curious who does he have dirt on, who's he fucking, or related to that he even has a job. I know a lot of journo people who basically have all been shitbinned especially for entertainment stuff so for him to not only be working at the same place but just continuing the same shit is just so weird to me. Is he a nepo baby?
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He's a fucking jew. Do you think he actually got his job because he's good at it? fuck no, He 100% got into journalism because of nepotism whether it was through a friend, family member or because he met another higherup jew, these fucking kikes are the worst, they're nothing but invasive fuckers ever, even if he got fired which will NEVER happen, he'll get another job working for some other publication in no time
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Hey the seasonal stuff is kinda fun, i haven't really played all those months.
Will I get to do everything before it ends 2 weeks from now? I'm still in Act 1.
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I dont understand why people even read his shit.you can get the same info pretty much anywhere else and you dont have to put up with his retarded takes.I think he is not doing so good anymore which is why he is going down the mercante route of pissing off content creators like star wars theory for hate clicks on his articles.he is obsolete like the rest of his clique
i am also involuntarily celibate
it doesn't go away until next year don't worry
I am also in a cell
>Wasting resources adding hard mode challenges and other assorted faggotry to raids that literally NOBODY on planet earth cares about aside from 20 Youtube wastes of life

It's never been more over
uhhh... mitochondria!
In all seriousness, I wish the science world would come up with a new explanation besides "mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Nobody even uses the word "powerhouse" anymore. I don't know wtf a powerhouse is. I've been told mitochondria is the "powerhouse of the cell" for decades, but I don't know wtf that means other than OK it provides power somehow. I guess that's all we need to know about mitochondria.
It's basically the powerhouse of the cell. I hope that clears things up.
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Oh, I had the impression...
Thanks anon!
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Mitochondria's primary function is to produce energy through the process of oxidative phosphorylation.
They generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions.
Powerhouse is a good way to describe it.
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now that the dust has settled
what do we think of the kitness?
I think he's *dramatic pause* meow-awesome! :D *ba-dum-tssss*
They can start selling raid keys for starters
Woke status?
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Zorps incoming
they look... gay..
Im just gonna say it
if wrath of the machine isn't revealed as the reprised raid then i will not return next season. I didn't even get to level 100 let alone will get to 200 on teh season pass.

the ball is in Bungie's court.
one of the only male role models (barely) who is seen in a positive light will be dethroned by a genocidal lesbian maniac who is actually a super saiyan as decreed by robert brookes and all her faults will be forgiven because shes female and mithrax will die for the sin of being male
oh also the main the main focus of the season was actually crow, hes still a sissy bitch somehow even though cayde told him to man up
but you know crow, the hunter vanguard and leader of one of the main hero factions isn't as important as making eramis BADASS
it’s insane how over it is. threads slow as hell even with the new announcements. r*ddit hates it. it’s just actually over.
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you're damn fucking right, Eramis is one hell of a bad-ass character
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it will have one encounter in the new pantheon
no, it will not drop the original raid weapons, but the reprised black armory versions
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>be at bungie
>ruin multiple franchises
>constantly fuck up and set out destiny's corpse to dry after gutting it
all fine
>drink chink kool-aid once (genshin impact)
gets fired
j-just trust the plan
It's up
wait...that's not aztec ross
what are you tryna pull?
I knew that she was a writers pet since that awful pirate season.in a just world she would get a sleeper simulant shot to the face.
It's up
hating jewish people is a nonwhite trait in the 21st century
dont care about new enemies, no new subclass no buy.
This post was approved by real Destiny Veterans.
But bro, look at this 140 void HC with Repulsor Brace and Destabilizing Rounds! It's CRACKED and SNAPPY!
> HCs
Nah I'm good
Just lfg'd grandmaster excision with 8 people, only three on mic. And grandmaster nightfalls are probably 49/50 success rate with lfg. So is it that the difficulty is too easy since fireteam finder was added?
The hardest part of GM Excision was always the game's infrastructure falling apart because it can't track everything, and GMs have been powercrept to hell by prismatic(which is why the new special gimmick enemies are coming).
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>Nuclear enemies
Damn shame we don't have draw fags anymore. They could've done something real funny.
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>nuclear grim
>pulls you off the map after shooting it once
Probably just a new enemy and not a faction. If we couldn't get anything besides subjugators for the final shape i'd doubt they'd make a whole new faction
>Warframe gets more enemy factions than the 10 years of Destiny combined
It's so over
Where the shit are you pulling that high if a GM success rate? People fuck up GMs all the time. That being said in a world with some of the strongest builds ever put in the game for very little investiture, I’m sure people have struggled less over time if they bother with the content.
i wonder what the Women of Destiny are getting up to
Assassin’s Creed sucks enormous gorilla dick. Also good god cross pulling up stock prices, I think I’m jealous. I’d love to just regurgitate shit poorly and lord it over simps who’d follow me off a cliff
Sister there’s an extremely high chance there will not be a reprised raid at all. Given the info learned today and other roadmap shit from prior, it’s very likely the entire “first time doing contest mode dungeon” is to be a filler replacement for lack of a raid and that Episode 3/Heresy will also have a Dungeon given how that 2nd dungeon needs to go somewhere. I think the old leaks were right that there was just too much issues getting Devil Splicers into D2 and translating the whole raid over
No Im tired of the health inflation of dungeons and my friends cant trick me into getting another key since they quit.
hao do i join them
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>Doing the same PvE activity repeatedly can feel like a chore, like exotic missions
>So our solution is making the next runs more tedious
Great idea bungo
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>Destabilizing Rounds
needs buffs BAD
incandescent is 10000 times better
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because it worked for gjallorhorn
>those pc requirements
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hating (((datto))) is universal world wide phenomena necromorph, even libtards hate your species
Total datto death
Imagine the datto memorial statue in the tower
I would laugh my ass off
did he an hero
Tranno status?
Hopefully contemplating his suicide
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About to lose world first again but in a different way.
Do you think he will have a mental breakdown if he loses the dungeon world first?
Do you think he will mute his audio and blur his gameplay through the entire dungeon?
>Do you think he will mute his audio and blur his gameplay through the entire dungeon?
yes because hes a scumbag
i don't know how any of that shit was allowed during the salvations edge race, completely killed all hype for it twitch should have banned bungie and all those streamers for doing that shit
The funniest part is that the group that got world first didn't do any of that.
how fucking fragile can your ego be to purposely fuck over your veiwers who give you cash to get world first? stupid fucking retards man
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If they wanted worlds first so bad they could've just not streamed lol
do you guys know if remant 2 can work cross continent? im Australian and i want to play with my finnish friend
Best part of TFS was when a bunch of nobody's won world's first again, instantly making datto cry and all of the other streamers frustrated while everyone in /dg/ laughed their asses off and were happy to finally dip their toes in the final mission
We got some people to form a fireteam for the mission and took cool screenshots of the end cutscenes, posting them in the board afterwards
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Play Starfield
Is the combat on par with warframes?
I will get around to the DLC after I finish God of War Ragnorok
>is the combat on par
no.........it's better
Good I'll play it
Well it worked for me, but I think the distance from Texas to Canada is less than Australia to Finland
stasis buffs and reworks first. then you can have your stupid siva
we literally got that for the final slop
bungie doesn't want to put in restoration for other classes
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>mfw destiny could die before they ever introduce the third darkness element
no new subclass no buy. Shitmatic failed Bungie.
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Taken subclass when
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what type of spinoff games do you guys want of desiny?
I was thinking a ghostless spinoff where you lose your ghost and you have to use your alethic abilities and vehicles to survive until your extracted
you can choose the type of story you have like
>oh no I lost my ghost in the hellmouth and I have to escape the hive
>oh no the vex are doing weird awful shit to me time to escape
i want a destiny dating simulator
The guy who drew the infamous Datto picture truly became Legend
i stay fit by jerking off with both arms 4-5 times a day to Hive porn
I feel like anybody actually giving anybody money on twitch will still be the bigger retard. The fact people buy into "hype" and "watchable content" of World's First stuff is Bungie magic marketing at work, it's boring trash and these people blot their shit out because everyone's too fucking lazy to figure out the mechanics on their own so they resort to peeking others. I guarantee you if they went Atari Swordquest style and flew people out to a proctored venue, barely anybody would be able to complete the raid. It's always been rigged and dirty in some way
I just want an easy Ice Breaker
yeah because they werent streaming at all instead had 2 people feed them information from other streams lol
im thinking of playing destiny today
My condolences
One of them was streaming, and every group had at least 1 extra person feeding them information.
I'm thinking of playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate today
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>One of them was streaming
on discord to another guy who was watching as another set of eyes. Im not defending anyone. If they re𝘢lly wanted to win they should have not streamed.
Every class is powercrept to incredible levels. Even Arc is viable in gm with the infinite blinds and jolts. I use void titan, and just shoulder charge every champ. I use buried bloodline, blast furnace, and hammerhead. Pretty easy to keep devour up the whole time, plus 100resiliance and two elemental resistances.
this upcoming twab is going to make doomposters shit themselves
What's the communities (reddit, twitter) response for the dev blogs?
into the mouths of hungry hopesissies
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Hell nah its over
We are so back
It's over...
Nuh uh, Bungie cooked
How can anyone like these plans? It's just gonna make raid content worse because people already get fucking filtered by baby mechanics
We trusted the plan for years and everything still sucks
Someone post the real player count
Anon... I...
>tfd has almost double the player count
what went wrong
Um...............good decisions?
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More layoffs are needed
is this real?
>More layoffs
No. Sony just needs to wipe the slate clean. Its the only way
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How did you feel about the era of late season 3 of Destiny 2? That is, post Whisper Quest. And your quest for Redrix Claymore when Graviton Lance and Antiope-D were everywhere, and shotguns were still heavy. Still camping around Mars and grinding Escalation Protocol.

I need a transparent of the piss titan. Can someone provide?
layoffs will continue until the game improves. Thank you Chief Chairman Parson
>layoffs will continue until the game improves
I hope.
Pretty shit desu because of how extra pointless so much was going to be. Not in that there's anything wrong with a soft reset in the coming Year 2, but Leviathan and its raid lairs were made useless and that big upsell we were supposed to spread cheeks over in the form of the armor ornaments became worthless for a very long time. Year 1 just fucking blew and any spurts of positives it had were well outweighed by everything else. I miss the old Ana actor desu
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Business as usual, the people who vicariously live through and suck off streamers but they themselves don't touch the game are loving that Datto won't have to get the operation just yet. And anybody with semblance of a brain cell realize how yes modifiers and incentives to mix up a raid could be interesting, the population probably is just too small and gets filtered by the simplest shit that it'll probably create a blob of shitters hopelessly trying to do the hardest content all the time, failing miserable and pissing off other people. It's far too much pressure to put on a raid because if the raid is arguably just ok, putting a bunch of modifiers on it isn't going to take away from that factor. I'm ready for the whole thing to just collapse further
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Disliking Transformers is a sign of actually being a dick sucking faggot
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>encounters feature resurrection tokens
playing 3 min ago
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>"We did have one note we missed last week: In Revenant we are going to be placing a cap on the amount of crouch inputs you can enter per second to equalize Hold to Crouch with Toggle Crouch in terms of its behavior."
spam crouching nerds on suicide watch
I instantly skip over anything that is related to pvp
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My second favorite era of the game. Warmind was insanely soulful and is the only good small DLC.

Can't believe we traded this for seasonal slop
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>revive tokens in contest dungeon
>enrages aswell
Atleast waiting for 3 retards to complete it will FINALLY unlock normal mode on day 1 LIKE IT SHOULD HAVE BEFORE
>normal mode unlocks after the race is over
I did not buy deluxe edition
I do not own the next episode or dungeon key
>still using the revive tokens system
Can wr fucking remove this?
I rather have revives disabled instead of wiping because of the big "OOPS YOUR SHITTY TEAMMATE DIED TIME TO WIPE" mechanic
What killed the hype?
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your judaism
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Are you telling me the hype happens to fall like that?
No! He Orchestrated it! Anon!
>Tyson Green become game director
>immediately starts fixing pVp
halobros we are SO fucking back
its going to be nothing but burst handcannons now huh? bungie finally moved on from 180s to this abomination
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>trials of osiris
>class based trials lab
Oh nonono matchingmaking is going to be fucked
>hunters vs hunters
>pve gods vs pve trannys
>titans... nowhere to be seen
its one of each class per team
1985 LL for contest efficacy in dungeon is pretty good. Call me if any you shitters want a professional carry
>Titans, buffs to diamon lance, knockout, shiverstrike
>t. oh woe is me we suck so hard despite being meta next season
you are not getting a carry from tranny, i already have 2 team set up for day 1
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>crucible focused tuning changes for knucklehead radar
excuse me? what the fuck is the issue with knucklehead radar?
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pootube pvp trannies finally realized how insane it is to have wallhacks
It is literally just old foetracer, and everyone and their mom thought foetracer was DOGSHIT so i seriously dont understand the issue
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It was always good, even as foetracer, but it was ugly af. Now as knucklehead its not ugly, it has sick ornament and it adds airborne effectiveness, something pootube pvp trannies are obsessed withm its SOOOOOOOO BROKEN GET IT NOOOOOOOOW.

there was a tourny with a like 1 tranny using it, now everyone is using it.
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>meta next season
you're delusional if you don't see the writing on the wall, those two aspects are already insane right now. And they're getting buffed massively
Titans will never be meta
They were literally meta for 2 fucking years before into the light. And before that had about 4 years worth of pve meta with million damage throwing hammers. Titans are fucking delusional
>playing titan
That's a kick
Play a useful class next time
Holy titan cope
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>revive token
>will likely have to take off work to do the contest mode
idk bros...
it will be over in 90 minutes so you can play the normal mode almost right away
/dg/ is a titan general
how much money does bungie even make off these race events?
it's 48 hours and the normal mode unlocks after the race
Thats not true
/dg/ is a warGOD general
Zero, what they get out of it is free advertisement
*removed from fireteam*
notice how it's always titans and warlocks who enter in a dick measuring contest here while hunters just play the game
>check /dg/ active members
>3 hunters
>1 titan
>1 warlock
no one is talking about dicks, hunterbro
i identify as warlord, my class is non binary
warlock master race
has been since d1
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>My dear Sony, there has been... complications. Our hold over the playerbase has been temporarily loosened.
>You fear loss Pete, your fear brings you pain, we know pain. Our purpose... is its end. You have no purpose... because you fear to seek one. That fear... is your failure.
>Failure? MY FAILURE? I have fed this company with vicious greed, cut down our staff number and bolstered my exotic car collection. Why? Because I wanted it! You have the entire game industry within your hand and all you can think of to do with it is...
>ENOUGH! Secure the cashcows, we will milk their money!
>Infinite apologies, the cashcows will be yours, it will be done.
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hunters = hunter gatherers
titans = civilization builders
wartrannies = rabbis
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i saw this meme on twitter and thought it was funny haha
lmfao you are such a retard. Larry Fink says hi
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>We are getting a vex dungeon
God please no. No more Maya Sundaresh, no more vex network and no more Osiris/Saint. I cant bear it any longer, please release me.
But I thought the story was over? Oh wait it was a lie too. You fucking retards
the worst part is that they only did this because the writer is a fucking cocksucking fag. even I have standards.
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oh my god they're gonna put icebreaker in a nessus/mercury dungeon and not a europa one
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*Disables subtitles and character dialoge*
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>More gay shit
the dungeon actually starts next to the vex portal in Glassway and we go in to investigate the vex base from their solar system
>hey guardian *snorts* you know osiris used to shove ice breaker up my ass?
>is that why titans keep pissing with their ass, Saint?
i don't have to explain why i piss from ass from ass
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Oh good god, are they really going to waste the Vex homeworld they teased in beyond light?
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I think we could rebuild the Sundial and put some of our Paracausal piss in there to create a copy of The Witness and finally save this doomed timeline
>Last City seasonal hub
Do you think they finally fixed up their ghetto with all those coins we donated or did Spider embezzle it all?
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>yfw our goal is to destroy the portal from their side so they won't pour out instantly on Europa anymore
>yfw the last dungeon encounter is "escape back to Europa" on your sparrow with a self-destruct timer
One of several reasons why I hate the Witness and it's such a bad villain, it exists as a total ass pull, it simultaneously is one of the biggest bads around yet also is a complete nonsensical baffoon yet also ends up just doing whatever it wants. I get this game's planning was always a clusterfuck and it was never supposed to last this long but god damn there are so many things with the Witness that just suck
If you blow up the portal from their side that means they can just rebuild it and given how they are active in solar system, if they wanted to invade they would have done so already, it's not some shitty portal in europa that is stopping them
you sound Lebanese,
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so is the dungeon launching day 1 on the new season? sorry scamisode, sorry i mean timeisode i mean episode?
october 11th at 1pm EST
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I wish they let us glue one of our guns on Ghost and have him act as a combat buddy
whyd you stop? go on, say it, tranny
Does Adrenaline Junkie get max stacks on kills with a grenade launcher?
the only antisemites I have ever met have been brown or extremely retard whites.
>extremely retard whites.
what a blunder to make with such statement. Besides odds are you are in jewmerica, you get arrested for saying nigger
I bet if we give bungie 400 million dollars they could make marathon good
concord stole bungie funding
ovari da
>Overwatch X MHA
Bungie X bleach SOON I BELIEVE
This guy is whatever the Destiny equivalent of a jew is and also an actual jew.
I still dont really know what the veil was supposed to be
>Vesper's host
>The Roman equivalent of Hesperus, the Greek name given to the planet Venus at sunset
Hesperus, the personification of the evening star Vesper in Greek mythology
Its going to be the vex portal that Clovis built in Venus orbit.
Host implies it has someone operating it from within so possibly the return of an AI mind or a Vex mind.
If you zoom in on this image you can see Ketches and Various Bray Tech space platforms including broken golden age buildings like from Europa.
So we probably go to the vex home world via Europa vex net to Venus orbit maybe.
What is that ?
would be sick nasty as fuck, Bungie really excels in Dungeons (apart from Deep), especially with all the lore stuff they add
Promo image for the new Dungeon
>possibly the return of an AI mind
welcome back soteria
>All fireteam members must own The Final Shape Dungeon Key and acquire the quest “Rogue Network” from Spider in the Last City Seasonal hub.
Spider will return with his femboy hunter brothel business he recently started with Drifter
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I hope to every deity I can think of that it's a Fat Spoder season and not a Purple Lady season.
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>Enemies are more aggressive, encounters feature resurrection tokens, and some encounters will have an enrage mechanic that limits the number of phases or the time players have left to complete it. Also, character Power does not provide an advantage above the recommended level.

I'm thinking challenge is fucking back!
i’m fucking challenged!
>enrage timers
>revive tokens
>contest mode
based, incredibly based, I am now convinced that some spiteful, angry retard managed to worm their way into bungie's inner circle and is working to destroy the game from within by ruining the few remaining things worth a shit, godspeed you glorious bastard
im mentally and sexually challenged
total token system DEATH
What does blast radius do for waveframe GLs?
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>contest mode dungeon
who asked for this shit
raid races are for a very small percentage of sweaty zoomers
i just want to enjoy and explore dungeons normally on day one.
i paid you for it. let me enjoy it.
god fucking damnit bungie
world's first races are free advertisement on twitch, it doesn't matter if normal people can do it or not
hello guys i am from iFunny
Before The Final Shape it did nothing, they changed it. Now blast radius directly affects the blast wave length.
*lights your hair on fire*
It promotes trans acceptance
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>who asked for this shit
the only good thing it guaranteed exotic form completion
vast majority of people wont finish
no one

Think I've found it. Its a station in a heliocentric orbit around the reef. Crota briefly used it to travel around our system and the nine tried to enter our dimension through it.
>It's a taken/scorn dungeon
fucking kill me
I hope they don't waste 2082 Volantis on a dungeon, but I have bad feeling that the Golden Age debris could be Maya's attempts at using the Echo to pull shit from the Golden Ages of other timelines into ours. Volantis was also never stated to be the vex homeworld, just a system that they machinoformed to use as a giant factory and energy source.
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>According to multiple sources familiar with Bungie’s development plans, it looks like Wrath of the Machine won’t be making a return to Destiny 2, at least not anytime soon. The reprised raid would need to be rebuilt “from the ground up,” with costs potentially reaching “millions of dollars” due to the complexity of updating it for the current Destiny 2 engine; something Bungie cannot afford right now, sources tell The Game Post.
>One source revealed that Bungie did consider the possibility of bringing back Wrath of the Machine at one point. However, after comparing its development costs to King’s Fall raid, which was reprised in 2022, Bungie ultimately decided to shelve the project. The main issue was the raid’s resource-intensive requirements, especially with the unique “Devil Splicer” Fallen combatants and SIVA that are core to the raid’s design.
>When asked if there was any reprised raid planned for 2024, the answer was clear: “No, there wasn’t.” The recent layoffs at Bungie, combined with the crunch from developing new content for The Final Shape expansion and the new Salvation’s Edge raid, left the team stretched too thin to focus on additional reprised content, the source revealed.
>The reprised raid would need to be rebuilt “from the ground up,” with costs potentially reaching “millions of dollars” due to the complexity of updating it for the current Destiny 2 engine
???? How could it possibly cost that much? Millions of dollars is a fucking lot
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>Millions of dollars to port WotM
I get that they need to redo the textures of the unique assets to work with the shitty BL lighting engine and that it would take time and effort, but millions?
I would have preferred pure Scorn over scorn/taken mix. But its not themed around the seasons so its a waste of time
knitting classes ain't cheap
there staff is 10% actually useful people an 90% useless faggots. Looks like more layoffs will be needed
Billion dollar studio
do u ghuys have a destiny bacground?

this has been mine saince beyond light has come out. it is a wallpaper engine wan so it plays musik too, dep stone deep stone loliby
No, I'm ashamed to have ever liked this series and reminders of parts I liked just remind me of how thoroughly they've been defiled.
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if I'm on my PC I'm going to be using it, not staring at a wallpaper.
I never expected to see Killzone Shadowfall here in a Destiny thread. People are saying they want Bungee to make a Killzone game but I want them far away from it
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>three connections shader STILL not in the game
holy FUCK bungie stop being such greedy FUCKS and add it already.
>unironnic tranny
if Rohan lived and Nimbus died it would've had way more of an impact to the story, a young apprentice flying too close to the sun and biting off more than they can chew, and Rohan having to live with that and changing the practice of cloudstriders moving forward.

in all seriousness i think Bungie had some good ideas with Neomuna, in general this always happens where Bungie makes some really interesting ideas and concepts but executes them poorly.

i hope they revisit Neomuna and expand upon it, as well as Europa and Throne World.
out of those three Europa is about the only one that we regularly go back to since its release.
Neomuna once in a while, but Throne World is literally left to rot it's insane that they couldn't add more content surrounding the Worm Gods and stuff post-Rhulk defeat.
>i hope they revisit Neomuna
I fucking don't
I despise every NPC there.
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Bungie is a fucking embarrassment. I hope they go under like Ubisoft
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Frontiers is looking that way this looks like the moon of Neptune they mentioned in the Cyrtarachne's Facade lore tab.
not a chance, Bungie knows what they're doing for the most part, especially if things go south they have Sony to correct them.
Ubisoft is standalone for the most part, so this is to be expected that they will need to be bought up by a bigger company to manage them.
maybe before covid they were in the green, but post-covid and all their failed projects, there's no way they will be able to recoup all that loss in time for investors to trust 'em.

i feel EA will end up the same fate as well, but not in the short term, i think they're still doing well with FC 25 and other gaems
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i really hope ubisoft actually bites the dust
i can't even think of one good game
Buy the dip, trust the plan. People will always consoom even in the face of idiotic decisions and there's money to be had on bounce back. The same slobs who buy yearly titles and don't care about internet noise aren't going to be dissuaded. I made bank buying Apple for cheap and it's split a bunch of times over, Federal Reserve might as issue it as a treasury bond.
They would die if they were still independent. Unfortunately for us Sony bough them. I don't think they'll let them die even if Marathon flops.
I've said this before but my only luke warm unpopular take is Neomuna would've been better if it had nothing to do with Light v Dark Saga, have no load bearing weight to immediate story, we got it as a stumbled upon side story lets help these weirdos deal with Nez and their society and background was a bit more polished. It makes no fucking sense why a society(one that is toted as being one of the most advanced ever) puts its only security options in 2 overloaded cyborgs who get a short life span doing such, what the fuck. Just have an army of lesser loaded cyborgs, or a regular security force with all this supposed advanced tech, why the fuck are the people who are a foil to our broken post apocalyptic trappings also the most inept retards going. Even if they had Neptune storm coverage that doesn't explain why not have a better prepared society.

On top of that Bungie did no favors for weirdly making a case for Neomuna being too big brother inner circle shit. I think they tried to do a muh social commentary with ronatimes and people aversion to going into the cloud, but it weirdly made an argument that there is a bit of a forceful nature to their society having people upload to the matrix and just how it's a small group of chosen leading things. If Byf had any balls that weren't on his Peter Griffin chin, he probably should've highlighted how contradictory it seemed that the society that's seemingly so laid back and carefree because of a cushion of safety weirdly also seemed a little strict on things. Bungie fucked it all up
I hate these articles that are half ESL using AI prompts and vaguely dropping in "sources" and citations that go nowhere. That being said I feel like this was inevitable, Bungie's too fucking lazy to port of stuff or build from ground up for something that would be one off and free.
same. im actually looking forward to the dungeon contest release and trying to do it with my friends. should be tough but not as much as a raid would be
Neomuna's governed solely by a gay Mexican man that cried into his husband's arms because he was so sad that he had to send his glowies the order to round up random people hiding in abandoned buildings because they didn't want to live in the Matrix indefinitely. I'm sure that he's supposed to be the one that we sympathize with given what Bungie's like, and it genuinely repulses me.
Sensible thing is how upon the first 3 teams beating it, Normal mode unlocks so you can at least do a test run, get a feel, and then see if you wanna do it on contest mode. Not the worst of ideas if you got people who are shaky and can't be counted on for DPS
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something ain't right about this....
>gay Mexican man
Another gay human? Wtf is Bungie's problem. For the longest time, I thought the Brit was the only straight guy but apparently, that was false.
>could've joined a boy band and become a hit like back street boys
>instead chose to make destiny my second job
another regret to take to my grave
are you jewish? did your parents work in the industry? no to both? you'd never make it
Devrim's been gay since year 1, they just didn't bring it up outside of the occasional mention in lore tabs until Defiance.
>no good exotic smgs
No, I don’t care about huckleberry. Here’s hoping that stake baka exotic is good
Sorry, that got cut because it was too hard to implement. Now Mara gets to be the taken queen :3
maticore and risk runner are good
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>no sivamas this year
you will have gaysexmas this year
santa will piss out of his ass onto your presents
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Hey guys, I'm designing a game and am currently designing some mechanics for levels. I was thinking of having the player read an analog clock to proceed to the second stage, that shouldn't be too hard for an easy first level, right guys?
you might want to have a tutorial section where their character looks at a clock and says "hey, what time is it on the clock? That time, huh? Good thing I know how to read a clock." Just to plant the idea in their head for later.
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>inb4 vespers host has a filter like warlords ruin prison, verity or dual destiny's clocks
You sure? Hmm alright, I guess it wouldn't hurt to help some young players out...
Just use ergo sum
I feel this is a couple of buffs away from reaching critical mass and being the best primary
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>Hardpoint Comp
What fucking dumbass thought this was a good idea?
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>playing comp
Fuck else am I going to do in this game? Encore?
you could play something else
but if you're just rounding up triumphs for dust and that's all you've got left then I guess you're stuck with it.
>you could play something else
But i want to play destiny
surely there are parts of the game you could play that aren't the equivalent of CBT
only place to get a riposte and pvp isn't that bad
don't listen to faggots who are scared of playing anything outside 6v6 control.
especially don't listen to faggots who say to play something else. they are tourists and should be treated as such.
>they are tourists
no I'm just dealing with burnout and only playing two or three times a week.
i guess, but just don't tell others to not play the game, we're here to support Bungie and Destiny not deter players away
100 silver has been donated to your account
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>we're here to support Bungie and Destiny
thanks nigga
i'm laughin' wich'u, got my stack now i'mma finna bounce
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>vex dungeon
prismatic hunter stocks EXTREMELY high right now considering how easy it is for them to get radiant and slow shit
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