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Nap Edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Sept 24: 1.001.102 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274020252124

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
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>bot MO
Another day
Another bot MO lost
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Have you remembered the Creek today?
I remember how creekcoons failed their own mo and cried hard enough for a do over, to the point they got a crybaby cape
stims don't cause addiction lads
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>play 30 minutes of a mission, getting shit on the whole time, just one of those days where I'm not feeling it
T-thanks Arrowhead-sama
>land on small rock
such is life
Bug sex
It's a cool cape at least
erry time
fits the chud helmet nicely
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>yesterday was all godawful bot 7s with retard faggots
>all amazing bot 7s today with true video game players
It's gotta be Gaellivare.
You wouldn't.
Ah yes, another bot MO timeloop. What will be the excuse/target of incessant bitching this time?
>it's because bots aren't fun
>it's because 3 operations take too long
>it's because the defense missions suck
>it's because the planet sucks
>it's because of the operation modifiers
>it's because of Arrowhead doesn't tell you where to play
>it's because of bugdivers
>>it's because of bugdivers
It's gonna be this one.
It's because botdivers are shit
It's bugdivers and joel, every time without fail. There is no cope.
>bugnigger NPCs never move and need to play their easy mode because "well I'm having fun.. on the worst planet in the galaxy on d5"
>"Joel" actually seems to believe they'll either move over and help or log off and not suck all the liberation points into the void
It's because no one wants to play the exact same faction in the same exact planet for 5 days let alone the past MONTH we've been trying to take Gayllivare
It's the most fun for me. A good mix of intensity to unwind with after work, it just usually houses the MOST RETARDED pubs in history
>pretending it isn't MO rigging and bugdivers
I wanna smell this bug butt and boobs
Why is your generation so obsessed with assholes? You wanna smell ass, lick ass, fuck ass. It's disgusting.
>join d10 bots
>5 reinforces left
>not one objective done
instaleave for me desu
>jungle planets
it's like they want us to fail.
>I battle in the depths of Imber, a hellish planet crawling with clankers. My autocannon tears through their metal legions.
>"Die, clankers!" I shout as I unload round after round into their ungodly forms.
>Suddenly, a dirty clanker rocket slams into me, sending me crashing into nearby rocks. >I’m down to my last life, with waves of bots overwhelming the final objective.
>StrataSHIT cooldowns mock me with their timers.
>Desperation sinks in, and I cry out: "SWEET LIBERTY, SAVE ME!"
>I throw down an SOS beacon, praying for a miracle.
>Within minutes, my call is answered. Helldivers streak down from orbit, a shining beacon of hope. Relief washes over me.
>"Oh, thank Liberty, I-"
>But then I see it: the orange shotguns. My heart sinks.
>Bugdivers. I mutter to myself.
>Before I can react, they charge headfirst into the crossfire and die instantly.
>Bots begin flushing me out of cover, and I retreat, dodging shots.
>"Are these divers retarded?" The thought crosses my mind.
>In the distance, I see one of them mag-dumping into a hulk, only to be shredded to pieces moments later.
>"Yep. They're retarded."
>Above, our super destroyers are abandoning orbit, leaving us behind.
>"Alright, team, we need to—"
>Before I can finish, one of the bugshitters tosses a cluster bomb right at our position. >Because, of course, none of them have any goddamn depth perception.
>I watch dumbfounding as it lands.
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my life for super earth
>changing md5's
kek way to prove how much of an attention starved subhuman you are
To this day I don't understand why he does it. I remember back in the early days during the /v/ threads and he'd post in them all the time.
It's not like he's particularly bad, or anything. It just makes no sense. What's the point of this larp?
Just to exist, and in his existence cause people to react to him? Even negatively?
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crippling depression, loneliness, autism etc
why else do you think he does this and unironically has an anime waifu he takes irl pictures "with"?
i just do what i do and people get all pissy and start acting like girls. and i told you yesterday; you don't tell people that you're filtering them and that it defeats the purpose of filters ;)
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what if i'm the problem
gonna verify
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way too specific on your part. one thing i am not is depressed. being depressed is for faggots. i have way too much to live for
Hmm, suddently I don't see people bring the incenary breaker to the bot front anymore, what change ?
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Update: in my next game after crashing the main objective was bugged and I wasted another 25 minutes
meta chuds have moved on to the crossbow
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>Returning to play because of the update
>Bots, forgot what dive
>Laser cannon rips through everything
>1 Autocannon
>Pick up a spare spear backpack and start reloading
>Dropships are instantly downed, bunkers are raped, switch to autocannon backpack at extract
>Teammate starts popping berserker heads with the AC
Now Im gonna be chasing this dragon until Arrowhead shits the bed and schizo nerfs everything because 'why are players only using guns that work?'
I joined something like that today. It was Command Bunker so I just solo speedran that shit until extraction where I was so tired I just started tagging enemies so the shitters could be useful
>being depressed is for faggots
Based and true
People brought the incel breaker to fucking BOTS?
Yes, before the nerf.
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>break lobby
specialist on site
Even pre nerf there were way better options.
>swiggers lower headshot damage because players don't like sudden burst damage
>swiggers up all damage so nearly all hits are sudden burst damage
>headshots still are sudden burst damage
>limbs also cripple at the slightest hit

bravo well done
Why do I have to reverify every fucking time now? What did they break?
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>drop next to three jammers on an ICBM mission with a squad of randoms
>two die then immediately leave
>throw an SOS beacon that does nothing
>the other random and I extract without a single death
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Never using stim pistol again.
clean your fucking needles
nobody's buying it, flutenigger
Who drew this retarded shit?
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hey now
the sam went fine
it was the GIGAarty that broke the camel's back
How long until they nerf the crossbow?
It seems really good against bots, can take out groups of light bots and two-shot the bigger ones with medium armor
I buy it. I don't believe you either and I think he's right when he says you're projecting.
samefagging shouldn't be so obvious, gunman.
Laser Cannon really fucks after the update. It’s a bit harder to see if you’re hitting hulk heads and it’s a lot worse against cannon towers, but it’s way better against devs and troopers while no longer feeling useless against berserkers. Plus it takes care of rocket chickens and gunships very quickly. Recoil and fire changes for it were huge.
frankly im thinking of retiring it and going back to the diligence counter sniper, the medium armor penetrator. Its inaccurate as hell when you're moving, and i killed myself more than once shooting from cover because the xbow bolt hit a pixel of ground i was covering behind.
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Botfag status?
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we chilin
Being fucked by BRC
>wishing and hoping for things i never did
stop being a woman, dude. you're a boy and you should act like one
Based fluteposter exposing cuck behavior.
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>It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees
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You can stop now.
Why is there a meltdown over ritualposting in every single thread now? If you don't like it, filter it.
any lobbies up?
LOL he had his chance, but he sperged hard
make one faggit
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How can you be wrong about everything you say? Did you even try to use the thing before complaining?
>>can't kill chickens without rockets
The minigun is 3 penetration, the rocket striders hips are 3 armour, and even then you can just hit the rockets with the minigun
>>rockets take multiple hits to kill chickens
The rockets do 1450 damage and the highest health anywhere on the strider is 500, it's 1 rocket to kill.
>3 rockets for a drop ship
Two rockets to an engine will down a dropship
>>rockets wont take out fabs
Yes they will, with 2 shots from any angle

Remember, when you see people bitching about how guns are shit and everything sucks, these are the kinds of retards that are telling you that.
>finally having a good game today
>retard nigger host runs off ahead and gets himself killed
>gets mad over mic
>does it again
>kicks all of us from the game right as we're about to do the last objective
it's more so we realized this 1 guy is posting as multiple characters because they all disappeared and then reappeared at the exact same time
Look, I played enough lobbies with him and he's not flutey.
Definitely had a bad day at botdiving, still not going to change to bugs.
Utter nonsense seething and people like whining.
That's what you get for not playing with hdg

It's still worse than the autocannon mech in basically every regard, though, so I'm not sure what your point is. It works, just like all the guns and all the strats work, but some are still outclassed by others. It was great when it was all we had, and when the autocannon one sucked ass, but now it's just "the less good one".
I'm just so, so tired, anon
>dead BT on the map
>guy implodes by touching it
>sample container with an handful of commons in it
>keeps trying to get it back
>keeps imploding every time he touches the body
>burns through 6 lives trying to get it back
the argument was that the patriot is "worthless" which the anon with the webm proved false
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post more patriots on bot side
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bots/bugs d1
no blacks (i am racist)
this is d10 not d1 btw
>no blacks (i am racist)
what about a furry (they are a perfect team mate and can solo carry you)?
Hang on, I'm switching to PP armor (my character is black), I will join in a few seconds
Does anybody have that Supercredit vision mod, and how to install it? I missed it 2 generals back and noboy's uploaded it since.
if you are one of those faggots saying you're nervous about joining an hdg d10 just fucking join literally no one cares
i'll upload it if you post an image of neuro sama
Never. If they nerf my crutch I will review bomb and boycott the game until they revert it.
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we're dropping with a pub
7 is the comfiest difficulty. Enough intensity to be fun, but not so much that you have to sweat and get angry with other players.

I want them to put in two more difficulties, but actually make them near impossible and completely legitimately unfair, just to teach the retarded ADHD riddled community that the maximum difficulty should be considered an actual challenge, one you are not entitled or even likely to win, rather than merely the baseline.
drop the pub
i'm gonna crash your lobby
the bitching would be apocalyptic if the power fantasy ego trippers wouldn't be able to beat them regularly
I just wanted the flamethrower to function properly bros. Please tell me they know about it now and will DEFINITELY fix it correctly NEXT patch. Maybe I should suffer on leddit to get some attention...
(They fix the damage but for some reason cut the range in half instead. Alexus will have his blood money.)
>I want them to put in two more difficulties, but actually make them near impossible and completely legitimately unfair, just to teach the retarded ADHD riddled community that the maximum difficulty should be considered an actual challenge, one you are not entitled or even likely to win, rather than merely the baseline.
That's just shit game design retard boy. Games are meant to be fun, hard difficulties are meant to be winnable, but difficult. Making shit that doesn't work just as a fuck you to players means you have the same IQ as brazillian monkies making free kaizo tier mods on game banana.
Just keep pinging one of the CMs on the trooncord until you get a response, you may have to suck their dick a lil
If you haven't submitted your sample/cred tax by 18:00 you will be kicked from the platoon.
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But you wouldn't HAVE to play that difficulty, Anon. Why would it affect you? You can keep playing D10.
someone came in before the pub
Saar, i have a Canadian visa, saar.
>diligence CS one-shots medium bots in the head

I didn't know this
it always did
This. Ive always loved the Laser cannon, and even more now. A bobbing and weaving Hulk is still a challenge, but with RR being meta, they usually get rekt first on most engagements from the team.

The real value add for the LC is the devastator / chicken / gunship cleanup on d10. Its range is near infinite so its amazing in wide open. Also works wonders on extracts where time runs out due to infinite ammo.

Pairs really well with Adjudicator on bots as that primary totally fucks on close quarters, the area where LC is weak.
Normal Diligence does that too
just don't be a pussy about it and you'll be fineee
>he is unironically putting in the effort to change md5's
the absolute state. nigga is shaking in his boots at the thought of being filtered
No it doesn't.
Yeah I was running the DCS earlier and I kept thinking the normal Diligence is straight up better at what I wanted to do now
Scratch that, I thought the original post was about Devastators.
yes, it does. 165 damage x 0.65 for the partial penetration modifier = 107 damage. devastator heads have 100 HP.
But it one-shots Devs to the head too
the price you pay for attention in any form
he's been posting the same shit for years and never got any attention until hd2, must be refreshing for him. I think being deprived of them now would send him over the edge.
I find difficult to make a decision. CS gets higher damage and medium pen, but it has a lower magazine and worse stability. The normal Diligence being able to one-tap bots if you have the accuracy is nice but the scope is shit.
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see u again next in the next threads ;)
i told you, man. this is what happens when you sperg out and tell people you're filtering them. you gotta keep a clear head and think about things like that
lmfao i bet you felt really cool typing that out, jesus christ
Ok so how is the MMG against bots now? Especially with the HMG stealth nerf being revealed.
>Ok so how is the MMG against bots now?
completely and totally unchanged
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Decent against everything, get filtered by hulks and especially heavy devs as the shield flinch cucks you and rapes you in the higher difficuties where they just replace the base devs. You are to prone and put the gun on max rpm and simply click in rapid succession to have kinda sorta better killing time than the railgun in my experience.
>>it's because bots aren't fun
This has never been more true than now.

Virgin complainer at his feet.
HMG but even lower damage and no penetration
I want modifiers that increase chaff amounts so I actually have a use for some of these huge chaff clearing stratagems. I shouldn't have to raise the "difficulty" to get more stuff to kill, I don't want more challenge I want the option of less downtime and higher is the only thing that gives you that right now. You can go down but it gets boring pretty fast, and if you go up you start feeling railroaded into certain load outs because they just replace spawns with higher tier spawns. Though this patch is a lot better in that regard. Some of us are literally only raising it because there's too much downtime on lower, not because I want more challenge. Sweats will never understand.
A hi-intensity modifier like sharttide has would be perfect. Then you can play on whatever difficulty is perfect for you without feeling like you have to go higher.
lol wut
bots have never been more fun than now
unless you're one of those fags crying about lack of challenge
You can bring literally every single stratagem and weapon to bugs now, bots are super cucked in loadout variety in comparison
So I should just go railgun huh. I was having fun with it before when it was shit, and a tendy primary. I haven't played bots in so long though.
No, you're just a cuck.
Defense is fucking kino with the RR changes.
>W-what about the smok-
It's. Kino.
you just suck, anon
you can bring anything to bots and you'll do fine
It's always the same reason, because it's always true
>Throw Cluster bombs at bugs
>x53, meaningful enemies like Hunters and Breach Callers decimated
>Throw Cluster bombs at bots
>x4, somehow even the normal ass MG Raiders and Commissars survived
This with 90% of the stratagems
is this post ironic?
Still yet to see someone with an Arc Thrower, Flamethrower or an Airburst Rocket Launcher on bots
What stratagems can't you bring to bots but can bring to bugs?
Flamethrower and the gas weapon and dog sug equally hard on both.
Atleast bots get a use out of the comfy bubble.
>Still yet to see someone with an Arc Thrower
saw plenty of it in hdg lobbies, usually paired with the jump pack
I've run it a lot before the patch, it was fine
I’ve been pairing in with PP, purifier, or xbow before I got bored of it. LC ends up being used as a primary while the others come out for staggering large groups mostly
>Still yet to see someone with an Arc Thrower on bots
arc thrower is my go to anti-bot weapon. the ability t instantly shut down conga lines of hulk and heavy devastators makes it SSSS tier
>you can crawl into the fabricator vents
bugshitters btfo once again
Yep, because the thing with the railgun is that you minimize the amount of time you expose yourself to enemy fire, if you take the mg you'd take chip damage that puts you in health thresholds that gets you killed more later on in the game. I need to check if it fucks tanks better than the railgun though.
Tesla Tower, Gatling Sentry, Napalm Airstrike, Stalwart, MMG, Mines
Straight up unusable on bots, while decent or even good on bugs
don't join my aurics
>HMG stealth nerf
How many times do we have to do this? There are virtually no enemies with 3 armor or lower that have any body parts that have both large amounts of HP and the durability to survive the HMG. Anything with 4 armor or higher is a heavy that you're supposed to use anti-tank weaponry to kill. Besides which, the penetration match damage getting buffed from 50% to 65% more than cancels that out when it comes to shooting Hulk eyes.
Just don't be a bitch and it'll be fine.
Usable, maybe not as good as on bugs, but usable.
>tesla tower
>gatling sentry
Haven't tried them but have seen anons use them pretty decently on bots.
>napalm airstrike
Maybe they should fucking give it proper MG properties then instead of an awkward high damage high pen DMR that has full auto. You can't make a weapon be mediocre at everything and then nerf it and expect people to be fine with it.
>the penetration match damage getting buffed from 50% to 65% more than cancels that out when it comes to shooting Hulk eyes.
This is true. It's still 4 shots to kill a hulk with eye shots even with the durable damage nerf. Body shots got worse by only 3 more shots required, and heatsink is only 2 more shots required. If it feels like it's way worse it's purely and simply because the body being 4 armour as well now makes it harder to tell when you're actually hitting the eye or the body.
>There are virtually no enemies with 3 armor or lower that have any body parts that have both large amounts of HP and the durability to survive the HMG
The only one you can point to is the rear of tank turrets, and even then it's 30 shots now vs 21 shots if the HMG still had 50 durable damage. Cannon towers would be the same but they don't have the same 2x damage modifier tank turrets have for some reason, and that effects all weapons equally so it's not just an HMG issue.
>Like +15 more damage (irrelevant) on Hulks
>While every other AP4 support weapon is insanely better at killing Hulks
>Shittier on everything else
It's a nerf
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I'm done with the new warbond which means there are no rewards for me in completing MOs so I'll just play either faction on planets that I like. I don't read MOs, not POs either, never even look at liberation/defense markers, and any unlocks that are locked behind MO success will release eventually anyway, so waiting for them is the smart move. tl;dr MOs are irrelevant.
the youtubers are calling the shots and telling everyone what to do now, literally copypasting the orders
I'll do the opposite just to spite them
>join random lobby
>three clowns getting their shit kicked in
>they piss away all the reinforcements then ragequit
>new guys join the mission
>they now think I'm a scrub because I have 0 reinforcements left and 5 minutes on the clock with 0 objectives completed
Did we have a favorite before? I haven't been able to get on most of the day.
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>ran crossbow/ballistic shield/dagger/thermite since they made the crossbow one-handed in the freedom's flame patch
>now look like a meta chaser because all three got super buffed
I-I was using it before it was cool, I sware
Should I use the 500kg over the airstrike? I use the OPS and I like it's consistency.
Nice jungle or annoying jungle.
I don't see the problem besides neither being snow or moon.
>Can't see shit vs Can't see shit + Cucked Eagles + Slowed everywhere + Invulnerable Gunships + Shitty performance
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wandering the milkyway
the cosmic messenger
Isn't Gaellivare some sort of tropical archipelago?
The gunships aren't invulnerable if anything they are background scenery. They can't hit you and you can't hit them.
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on board the keeper of the stars
anymore cheat-y mods like this? thanks for this one though kind anon
The Democracy Officer keeps touching me inappropriately and telling me weird things about bug holes not being the only hole we need to fill, wat do? Is this normal??
NTA but there's one for samples as well, not that anybody needs them this late in the game.
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>join D10 pub
>bring mines and mortar
>immediately after spawning I cook a grenade and kill myself
>spam spacebar until they call me in
>land on someone
>throw landmines on the extract and objectives
>kill myself with a grenade when i'm not being observed
>use mortar ping upgrade to maximize TKs
>use team's last reinforce, disconnect mid-fall
it's the only way I can cum anymore
No you two just need to be executed
Report your democracy officer to your democracy officer
Damn, flutey got some big cow udders on her chest. She needs to get milked. She probably produces alot of high quality breast milk. We should hook her up to one of those cow milking machines and pump all the milk out of those big milk bags of her.
visiting lean divers can't keep their hands off me
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>Couldnt even liberate Imber before, infact losing it made us lose the MO
>Look at map
>Imber has MUCH MUCH more progress towards liberation then either of the two planets we actually fucking need for clans
rage, unbearable uncontrollable rage
nah they were just made bigger in that image and her booby is pretty proportional to her body; slightly pointy
Griefer-sama... I kneel
Bring Cluster Bombs or less conspicuous Airstrikes and hold on to them until you get ragdolled
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Can AH make the Adjudicator a full auto DCS?
the kind anon included samples as well in the zip.
based, doing gods work. I would do the same but I will not risk the pub aids.
You could always stop caring about a feature that will barely work and add nothing to the game
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your meds, sir
it is somewhat a mystery they made the DMRs have their own unique caliber that's bigger than the Liberator/Stalwart intermediate cartridge and the Adjudicator/MG-43 full caliber, but smaller than HMG/HMR caliber. I guess they were trying to invoke the .338 Lapua or 9.3x64mm Brenneke.

A better and more plausible question is, when do we get a bigger MG-43 firing DCS bullets and doing so more controllably than the HMG?
Yes anon, whenever a defense fails the planet starts at 50% liberation, so it's easier to retake. Don't tell me you don't know how the mechanic works.
Is it just me or does the grenade launcher just fill out the niche of the light to medium machine guns better?
Meds are no longer optional
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unfortunately, its not enough to save me from tragic fuck ups
>team wipe at extract
>game refuses to respawn us even though we have 6 reinforces
fucking awesome swedeniggers
we all make mistakes
truly unavoidable, rest in pieces.
if your stupid ass did that to me id tk you for the rest of the match. kys
Malevelon Creek: Earth Edition, or a fucking bayou? Hmm. I wonder which would be the one people would prefer.
It's just you, GL still mid
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BPD healsluts in /hdg/ lobbies?
Ok nerd *RR backfire blasts you into enemy fire*
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Every time i've joined a hdg lobby it's mainly just anons stimming each other (while missing most shots)
oh, yeah, i still need to unlock that thing
You're going on the lower end of d tier on my /hdg/ player tier list, sorry.
Post the tier list :3
>melees you
>stims you
>melees you
>stims you
>melees you
>stims you
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Post the tier list then faggot.
PSA anti tank mines are funny on night missions
lobby doko
>clearly a failing defense
>Could liberate the planet to the left, and prevent the planet from being captured
>You can't expect bot divers to coordinate an attack like that!
>It's the bug fags fault they didn't coordinate and help us!

Unironically heard this argument from several people today.
i just shitted on eagle 1 big titty wee wee woo
Mortars are even funnier
>Enemy sneaks up on you
>Oh shit! *Kill it*
>BLAM BLAM BLAM *Dies anyways*
Hey, that was me. That was the most fun thing about that mission. Slow as shit. Also fuck you for those brap grenades.
That also happened to me on the next mission. Only a hellpod landed on my head after I got knocked down.
Nta but here is my list
S tier: the regulars
A tier: the semi regulars
B tier: the one time tourists
F tier: the one anon that joined once, acted like a massive homo and ragequit before we even got into the hellpods
>the one anon that joined once, acted like a massive homo and ragequit before we even got into the hellpods
you have to tell the story now
>they removed the lore shit on armor about bloated corpses getting flung at the wall
>replaced it with some gay reddit quote

Bugdivers suddenly having an unfounded ego despite constantly playing against the enemy where you can snooze through entire d10 operations with literally any shotgun
I type really slow and like to only use the vc because of that. Would I be welcome in hdg lobbies?
Sounds like DCS vs. bots
sure, but 9/10 times you'd still be responded to via text chat
You can do the same with Walking Barrage on bots
I’m cool with that
Not really. Grenade Launcher is bad for killing individual enemies since you only ever want to be shooting at groups. Stock MG can dispatch individuals very efficiently or ones that are spread far apart where a single grenade couldn't hit both. It's also a lot easier to hit distant targets with the stock MG than with GL.
Sure, I already have voice chat volume set to 0 so it doesn't bother me
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Despite fags pretending to be picky about who may join their lobby ITT, in reality, we will accept the literal bottom of the barrel-tier players as long there's people from here joining, hell, you can die 19 times and can still come back the next day. Anyone that participate in this generals lobbies will agree with me on this.
There's some retards I'd rather not interact with desu
tier list??
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/hdg/ Gaellivare division

I love that guy who burns ten reinforcements and can't ever put down fire, but somehow he deploys a minefield
I'm not a dramafag, here's a vague list
>Top tier: people that have fun even if the game is throwing shit at you
>Middle tier: people that can't be bothered to play as a team (why are you even here faggot?)
>Bottom tier: rage quitters, unfunny TKers and straight up disrespectful niggers
>S tier
/coopg/ tourists
>A tier
everyone else
>F tier
>weekend drink and drive, 3/4
>i hug all anons joining my lobby
>last guy joins
>doesn't hug and calls me gay
>caves in and hugs
>continues yapping while i select a mission
>jokingly type he was about to get kicked for not hugging
>"uh, okay"
>throws an actual tantrum in the thread
I have never seen him before or after.
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>the regulars
hugging is kinda gay dobeit; you're like, dry frotting.
Aravan is pretty chill.
Vampire something, don't really remember.
It's him isn't it >>495897730
I'd have changed my username at this point, too many sperg outs
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Elder god master gamer tier:

Low IQ pajeets tier:
chink guy
Nvm then, thought the vc autist that ranted about anons using the chat was him since I only ever played with him
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>robot mentioned twice
>Low IQ pajeets
>Proceeds to type in robot twice
I have seen aravan have a sperg out and rq, but i had plenty of chill games with him aswell, he has grown on me a bit.
This guy i saw only once ever, probably a tourist.
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So, ya typed robot twice.
>not on the list
Stop with the fucking tier lists, faggots. Who the fuck here would play anymore if they see their name being mentioned on it?
Tell me, Mr.Anon, are the "Pajeets", as you call them, in the thread with us now?
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Forgotten... but thats a good thing
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Not on the list either, what do we win?
Troonscord is two blocks down
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you win a can of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY
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>haven't touched the game in almost a month
>still get name dropped
>tell me you main the AC without telling me you main the AC
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>still in the thread for a game you don't play
you were LITERALLY playing earlier today
>he never got stuck inside the bug hole
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>Change my Steam username to random /hdg/ user
>Play like utter shit and make everyone miserable
Can't play not don't play, it is because I usually very busy, I work 16 hours a day, even on Sunday. I wanted to play but either too tired or there's too little time to play. Also, I wanted to keep up with the game
sometimes I make time, yeah
>identify theft on a hellmirian oil extracting board
shaking my baka head
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Mmmm nyeeesss
fire planet.
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lobby lobby lobby
I feel immersed
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Hear me out, why dont we get a big fuck off huge anti-tank sniper rifle?
AMR fires 12.5 mm rounds, which on
>pic related
closest equivalent is 12.7x81.
The big gun in the picture fires a 20x138B cartridge, what if we sci-fi it up and make it fire a 25x194R sized cartridge?
Make it handle like ass and only really fireable from prone position but make it penetrate even tank armor and make it two tap them.
>Check minimap
>Surrounded on all sides
It's annoying as fuck but kino at the same time, just go prone and wait for the storm to pass and your reds to come off cooldown
We already have one, its called the Railgun
Railgun is gay, I want a ballistic fuck off huge gun.
It only fires 10mm solid bullets
RR? It shoots a giant bullet in a way. (Feel free to autism me you guys)
>change name to random hdg poster
>join lobby
>they're in it
don't nyopost
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>change name to chinadiver's name
>join lobbies
>act like a normal and intelligent player
>stick through the whole operation
>make good banter and tell good jokes
>support teammates and stick with them through the op
>leave after sufficiently boosting his reputation
yeah, i'm a little fucked up in the head. i'm like the joker.
I mean, what the recoilless shoots are shells.
They also dont have as much velocity as a rifle since it has to propel a big fat explosive load into whatever you shot it at.
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>it could be the original
>or it could be another shitposter
>it will definitely be a race to see who can shit up the lobby the fastest
>WTF you utter faggot who the fuck are you???
>Screenshot and post in the general before he does
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*sweeps directly over you*
>you can just check steam profile from the lobby
I'm sorry identitytheft connoisseurs
but I will just know.
Better start adding the steam id to the spreadsheet
I just want a hub like destiny has
chink letter guy is forever marked and you will be sussed out the instant anyone sees 'him' doing something remotely human.
I have already.
every player I've met in a lobby has their name and steam ID in the sheet
why would I ever use the sterilizer over the flamethrower? genuinely what scenario
do y'all a steam group or something I could join? playing with randos is retarded
I played with chink anon and 2 low levels and everytime a barrage dropped nearby i just assumed it was low levels being low level. Half way through i notice chink anon was the only one with those barrages.
just post lobbies and people will join
Trust me, hdg is just as bad as pubs
post a lobby I will join
>actively seeking to disrupt the anonymous nature of 4chan
fuck you
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post you('re) lists
can you share the 380 users so I can add them to my list as well kek
i haven't used the 380 in like at least a week
I'm making High Dive Guys, don't come to the station if you make lists
What's wrong with 380 users
show last 4 digits so the culprits can recognize themselves
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARAUDER when
>/mhg/tranis bringing their disgusting trani behavior to helldivers general
its all so tiresome
I just think its noteworthy that they would select such a stratagem, given the large selection of excellent stratagems they could pick. No judgement here :)

the mark does not expire.
Im one of those 2s, add Euro to it aswell.
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Hopefully flamethrower will now actually get fixed. Just two more weeks guys!!
Holy shit, is this railcannon schizo?
That would explain the 380 hate.
Every one you listed is applicable currently
Note the bot sympathizer in their natural habitat.
>inb4 working as indented
Flamer is going to be the most fucked with weapon at this rate
>buff buff buff nerf nerf buff
stillborn lobby?
yeah i dropped off after like 10 mins
host doko if you want to
it's hard to aim the fucking thing, alright? the third person reticle is schizophrenic
i might after i've eaten
30 minutes or so
>want to use stim pistol every once in a while
>it has the same crosshair as my favorite secondary
>I'll eventually TK a mate while drunkdiving or simply not paying enough attention
>would be unable to live with the shame
Let me customize crosshairs for fuck's sake, it's a common sense feature
mmmmmmm i'm not convinced yet
>Burn retard to a crisp(er)
>Haha whoops I thought it was the stim gun
the railcannon schizo is german
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380 HE is mid
true barrage knowers can confirm that walking and napalm will serve you better on either faction
t. railcunny enjoyer
You need to stay still when shooting it. Any sway at all will throw it off. It's easier to aim in first person too. If you really want to make sure you hit, melee them to knock them down so they stop moving.
It's a dogshit weapon as it stands right now, any attention would be preferable to letting it rot because everyone's busy looking at other toys and not paying enough attention to realize the support and primary are identical
lots of /hdg/ fags use railcannon, or at least they did before chargers and titans got degraded to chaff
still a good "dunno what else to pick" pick though
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>Anon shoots twice at me at point blank and misses
>Have pity on him and just stop walking until he succeeds
>turn back
Sorry, I only perform sexual intercourse with my Eagle
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>buddy at 50% health
>he stop to aim
>pop him with healslut pistol
>he shoots up, not noticing
>"You're welcome."
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We just ran this loadout on all 4 of us and had so much fun
>arc armor of your choosing
>arc thrower
>diaper shield or jet pack
>explosive cb
>stim pistola
Trivialized every encounter by either zapping everything, unleashing hellish amounts of dakka from eHMGs, turning every base into barren wasteland with walking barrages.
I forgot how fucking perfect the breaker was for horde clear.

And now I realize how underpowered everything else is for horde clear.
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>feed the troll
>surprised the troll delivers a fat shit into their mouths
who would've knownthst
do people actually care about a driveby post a thread by the flutenigger
they literally just want to be mad
im more offended he refers to Super Earth governance as a federation.
Nice inb4. Gg flamethrower dies???
Hero of the Federation is literally in the game.
>doing my first bot D10 with randoms
>they're all competent except for this one guy who keeps going off alone and never backing away from fights
>have Recoilless Rifle, blowing up Fabs, Hulks, Barragers left and right
>even Factory Striders aren't a massive problem because you can armor strip the head with one shot and then finish it off with a second, some good cover keeps you relatively safe from the chin guns
>clear out like 90% of the map, except for an outpost at the corner a ways away from extract
>drop samples, sprint for the outpost with a half a billion bots on my ass, dragging them away from my team that just started up extract
>two rockets, one stim and a dream
>get utterly fucked up on the run there, encountered at least two patrols on the way which whittles me down to the red
>get eyes on the outpost, blow the two Fabs up and then get unceremoniously mowed down
>instantly reinforced back to extract, full stims and a support weapon waiting for me
>plop down HMG Emplacement, finish it up nice and easy
Certainly not the best performance, but I enjoyed myself for the most part.
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Hier spricht der Chudflotte Flaggschiff Tannhauser
Wir haben in Orbit erreicht und sind bereit für start der Walküren
>bots, moon
bring your funny helmet
Aber ich bin am die arbeit.
we're full
nonon makes my dick so hard
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do any of these fags still play?
>V***** E***
>M* 4 P******
>f**** g***
>M***** M***
>G***** M*****
>W********* C******
>shelf window antenna X (sorry I can't censor chinese runes)
they all went back to /coopg/
Is the HMG emplacement usable without ship upgrades
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none of the ammo/HP upgrades apply to the HMG emplacement, so yes, it's perfectly usable
Steeled Vets or Vipers?
The only upgrades that affect it are the instant deployment upgrade and all stratagem cooldown upgrade. Neither of them matter all that much if you're smart about placing it ahead of time, unless you like to spam them whenever it comes off cooldown.
Steeled all the way.
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I keep missing all the lobbies so here is one for bots D10
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I'm still here, I just bounce between a few generals from time to time.
Steeled Veterans gives you:
Breaker Incendiary

Viper Commandos gives you:
Peak Physique (which you can buy in the superstore)
Experimental Infusion (which everyone and their dog has so you don't have to pick it)
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I need 1 more big dick nigga to join
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>Difficult mission, heavy dev seed
>I'm holding the back line at 0 reinforcements left trying to take an airbase
>Finally one of my idiot teammates does the objective, I'm reinforcing them on it to do it
>Head to extract, put down HMG emplacement and hop on
>Two patrols start walking our way
>Host drops a 380 like within a stone's throw from where I am
>Immediately hop off and start running for my fucking life
>Can't shoot the bots now because the LZ is a damn deathtrap, a commissar gets off a signal flare
>Host dies to his own 380
>Bots are now pouring out because I can't take down the dropships fast enough
>Second two players die, last one drops a 380 at his feet
>Time runs out
>Pelican lands, have no resources
>Try to run in and meet a tornado of bullets
>Host: "Sorry"
Arc Thrower trivializes chaff of every variety so much it's not even fucking funny. It's balanced by the fact that 99% of the player base is a crayon snorting retard when it comes to this thing. Either they don't know that you have to ARC it yes. ARC. Like it it has drop off, and that you need to stay out of one another's fire lane the moment that thing starts going off. It also makes Hulks look flat out stupid. They go from WAAAGH! to "Nyoro~n :3c" as soon as they start getting hit.
Arc makes Hulks the least dangerous unit on the bot front. Troopers and commissars are more dangerous, because they might get a stray round off before you zap them. Or a Commissar may stab you in the back from nowhere.

I'm surprised you didn't take Tesla Towers and throw them around like snowballs if you were all wearing arc armor. Not like you needed to.
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isn't it great? you don't even have to aim

pfft i didn't make this thread
We’d run Tesla’s but eHMGs become a lot more vulnerable without diaper shields to protect them from rockets

Name a better combo
say when it's full yju subhman retard
>long time co-worker acquaintance / job buddy picks up the game on a whim because it looks cool
>odd bc he was never mentioned playing video games ever
>jokingly ask him if he wants to play
>his eyes light up
>we can play together? like at the same time?
>explain co-op and multiplayer video games like he's 5 years old
>he's actually entranced by all of this
>offer to help him out in person a bit
>nigger (he's actually black btw kek) literally has a freshly purchased ps5 sitting in the box inside a completely bare 3rd floor apartment with literally no furniture
>has a giant ass 90000 million lightyear wide TV sitting directly on the carpet
>internet modem next to it
>there's a fucking patio chair sitting in front of it
>fast forward a couple hours after setup
>i watch him try to play the tutorial
>realize immediately that he's completely, utterly unfamiliar with the controller
>constantly looking down at the buttons when prompted
>runs off to go piss
>says i can help myself to anything i want
>raided his fridge to see literally nothing inside except a 6 pack of not your father's rootbeer with two missing and a half empty bottle of barbecue sauce
>nothing in the pantry or cupboards
>no fucking silverware or eating utensils or any kind
>hot sauce and combined salt/pepper mix on a the countertop
>gets back
>watch him die to the turrets several times
>after literally over an hour (im not exaggerating) and two more rootbeers he finally finished the tutorial
>gets absolutely slaughtered on a literal difficulty 1
>spend several more hours imparting bits of wisdom and knowledge wherever I can
>hits midnight and I call it for the night
>I walk to the liquor store across the road and bring back a refill for his stock of rootbeer
>practically ignores me letting myself in because he's so obsessed with hell divers
>DUI-dodge my way home

I think he's still playing right now. I hope I didn't get this kid addicted to video games.
i tried making a lobby in coopg but no one joined
squidman makes lobbies here i think
it's full
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they're back to basedfacing over darktide getting an update that should have been added two years ago and is a pointless addition by now, pretty sure all the helldivers players have moved here
The DCS is the best primary for bots, but diligence is now a very close second thanks to its damage buff and superior handling.
>1shots little shits
>1shot dev heads and the scope is decent
>1shot side missiles on at-st's
>1shot berk head and kills in a handful of body shots

Pair it with AC or LC and you have a very good combo just like AC/LC with DCS. It's similar, just slightly worse but the better handling and ammo count makes it -feel- better to play.
a guy in that kind of state, playing helldivers 2, is very likely an improvement in his quality of life, over whatever the fuck he was doing in his spare time before.

A fuckin lawn chair for his living room? i mean, i have one, i sit in it while watching movies on the big screen, because i dont wanna spend 2 grand plus on decent furniture...
>light pen
>good against bots
not gonna get me there chief
saaaar please do the saying when bitch lobby is full it taking me 10 minutes to boot the game on my 5400 rpm hard drive saaar and please say if it is arc jump and autocannon lobby allowed saar
Steeled veterans is the ultimate chad warbond and always will be. Everything is cool or good in it.
the scope on it sucks cocks
Wear something else you piece of shit.
Normal diligance is pretty damn good, i felt like it could ass rape hulk vents extremely hard.
But your custom reticle saar. Please do the needful and drag and drop one small file saar
Now that HMG is dead, what's the durable damage on the MG? Considering it has more ammo and going max RPM with it is actually viable it might be stronger at killing heavy bots with heatsink shots.
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I miss it bros (i am not the flutenigger)
We need to put this motherfucker in a testing chamber and study him.
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>Liberator concussive
>cool or good
>hmg ded
>doesn't like the liberator concussive

You're not White.
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>helldiver has a seizure upon witnessing bile titan join the space program
It just barely does enough damage to headcap Devastators, which can be nice. Unfortunately that's the only good thing about it, you can't do shit against Rocket Striders and it takes ten shots to a Hulk's heat sinks to destroy it.

I would say it's better against bugs because it does enough damage to one-shot small bugs. But the unfortunate truth is that even against bugs it's not that good because you need volume of fire at higher difficulties. It remains in the unfortunate position of being a stepping stone to the DCS which is just a pure upgrade in everything but mag size.
and trhis is why nonmabdy wats to join yor game
at least 2 of those guys on this list
so yeah
The drum mag makes it usable now. Not "good" but still neat since you can stop Stalkers and Berserkers in their tracks.
Alright arcjumper (ie. federation's worst soldier) give me reasons to use the arc thrower.
I don't care if it's a crutch, the EMS mortar has been saving my ass on bots
Is there a way to review your past missions after you exit the completion screen? I just did a 42-minute mission and want to see how many recoilless rifle rounds I fired
>Breaker Damage per mag
>5000 in like 3 seconds
>Liberator Damage per mag
>3000 in 4

I hope they just keep buffing shit
>Now that HMG is dead
35 durable damage or 50 durable damage it's still 4 shots to kill a hulk via the eye with the HMG. Losing the durable damage changes nothing for TTK vs the eye.
>it might be stronger at killing heavy bots with heatsink shots.
Against the heatsink it's 2 extra shots, going from 10 shots to 12 shots

Stop being hysterical and stop whining, the HMG is still fine.
>can't CC because tiny mag
>now sucks against bot heavies
>MMG is about the same for killing devs and chickens
>awful handeling and insane recoil on top of that
It might be usable but i can't think of a worse primary on bots.
Maybe blitzer or incel breaker.
Unironic skill issue on your part my man
>Slowest firing AR gets a drum mag

I still wonder what they were thinking.
It's like they heard how a drum mag is necessary on ARs. Then they said fuck it.
With the liberator concussive can you stun an enemy bot long enough to switch to your support weapon?
That was always what was disappointing about it
ok alexus
I've seen people use blitzer well.
Pretty alright if you have a support for a primary and want a pocket shotgun stun.
>Shooting bots
>Two players die
>Reinforce them towards the objective
>Factory strider approaching
>They land next to me and instantly get decimated by the strider, I'm behind cover
>Pop a stim to brace for the bullet hail and hop on the HMG Emplacement and shoot the strider to death
>Reinforce the dead two again
>One of the two walks over a contact mine and dies (lmao)
>Reinforce him
>He does it again somehow
>How the fuck is he doing this
>Reinforce him again and ask if he's good
>He chews me out for not reading the chat
>Scroll up through his death messages to see him complaining about being reinforced far away from the objective
>He continues to go on this tirade about coming back halfway across the map (two people were dead, my guy. that's our firepower cut in half)
>Clear the main objective
>He's at extraction
>Apparently he went AFK cause he didn't quit, but he's not moving or anything anymore
>He chews through like 3 more reinforcements during extraction because I gotta keep calling him in since other people are dying too
>Wind up escaping solo
Some people.
you can't.
the 'stun' lasts 0.2 seconds
the concussive allows you to pin bots/bugs in fire/gas dot for longer which is a thing you could do.
thats okay i just joined your mother onlyfans with excellent imagery
please refrain from posting homoerotic imagery in this general, goonposting consists of women and only women
it stuns hulks and chargers again
Ah, 380 HE, a very powerful dare I say patrician-*ACK*
>Reinforcement budget depleted.
...your autocannon?
>pin enemies in gas
>the dot that already comes with cc
Geez, pretty usefull, can it pin them down in an ems field aswell?
How easily does the HMG emplacement take out dropships, do you aim for the middle or an engine?

>you can't do shit against Rocket Striders
bro just shoot the rockets
Every weapon that requires you to focus on an enemy for a long period of time is bad.

Examples: Scythe, Torcher, Dagger, Laser cannon, Flamethrower, Lib. Concussive, Sterilizer, Quasar

I don't get why they think is good design. The only gun that works is the HMGe, but that thing shits out damage.

You could double the damage on all of those and barely make them worth a fuck.
you can't bring RR + AC
I know a less gay method of stopping stalkers and berserkers, it's called killing them.
Oh I wasn't using it against dropships, that thing was gone because of the 380 at extraction. I was trying to use my Recoilless but the 380 forced me into a position where I couldn't see the dropships landing to shoot them, and the patrols approaching that I wanted to shoot with the HMG Emplacement were attacking us too.

Shit was just a mess.
Is there anything more cucked than a support weapon that relies on an ally killing things for you?
you're the kind of special player that only ever takes 4 STAB attack moves in pokemon aren't you
Killed by fucking two headless chickens. I'm fucking done.
>long period of time
lmao even
scythe kills faster than the sickle but you didn't put that in the list you absolute shitter
don't bring RR then
shelved for the AMR
It has a push force of 60, you can push any high hp enemies into the radius of an ems to stun them if they remain inside for long enough.
Probably shouldn't have fucked them then.
>Get the Combat Technician helmet cause I liked the simple look
>Realise it has this slight blue tint that doesn't match with the black of the stock armour
Fucks sake, I just want some variety in my black and yellow armours, not this dumb shit that I can't even mix and match.
Same man I wanted to get the kodiak but ended up not bothering with the whole warbond because the colour was too light for any helmet I liked the look of.
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When can we buy the pre-order armors? This October liberty day? I have money and will pay for them directly, I don't wanna hear any excuses as to why i can't have them.
You can't have them because they were only available for people who pre-ordered. Don't like it? Invent a time machine.
>buffed all weapons
>RR meta appear out of nowhere
KYS, I have a right to own them.
>Sickle DPS nearly 700
>Scythe 350

Of course this is about bugs, bots are fine with standing still, you get as much time as you need to fight bots.
why are you surprised
the patch notes literally said that the largest buff was to the RR
Buffed all weapons, nerfed all weapons by buffing all enemy health pools.
Too bad. Wallow in your misery.
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What primary to pair with arc thrower on bots?
scythe for no ammo concerns and for precision removal of targets that refuse to get zapped
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>catch incurable pub aids yesterday
>friendslist no longer loads anymore as of this morning as well
I’m so tired bros
3/4 again
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>failed to tjoin
Heavies are always the real problem, and the RR is simply the best for killing heavies. Spear is a contender but the lower ammo and forced lock-on make it a bit worse.
There's also really only the 500kg and the orbital railcannon left for red stratagems that deal with heavies, the OPS and airstrike are now pretty bad for that.
Well, and termites. The damage is great but it gives the enemy like 10 seconds to fuck your mouth before it blows up.
why is OPS and airstrike bad now?
i want to play for the MO. which bot planet should i do?
>Rail cannon rec over OPS

What in the fuck
Heavies got a huge health buffs, and OPS/airstrike didn't get a damage buff to compensate.

At least it kills whatever it hits, OPS will struggle to do even that.
But honestly the 500kg is the only decent anti-heavy red right now.
retard detected
airstrike remains the only red that can OHKO factory striders
yeah, I didn't trust swedes to not fuck it up so I didn't preorder
kinda sad
but that's the whole point of preorder content, I'm more surprised they don't release similar stuff as non-exclusive like everyone else does, seems like blue palette is reserved for preorders
>Well, and termites.
what's the best loadout to pair with mmg for bugs
3/4 again
airstrike destroys tanks just fine
liberator + OPS
>Heavies got a huge health buffs, and OPS/airstrike didn't get a damage buff to compensate.
Oh strange, I ran the OPS and it seemed just as effective as before
Laser dog, Cookout, GL pistol, gas grenades, armor of your choice
Then fill your remaining strat slots for heavy killing of your preference
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>OPS/airstrike didn't get a damage buff to compensate.
Except they did. OPS went from 450 on the projectile to 3500, EAS went from 500 damage at AP5 on the bomb to 1500 AP7.
taking out those whorish scanner towers with an OPS is so satisfying
can you take out jammers with the OPS after the buffs? It's a pretty niche case but I can imagine having trouble getting the hellbomb down as you're being swarmed, throwing an OPS would be really convenient
>this hole was made for me
follow the bot blob
>At least it kills whatever it hits
except when it doesn't, which is often
or when it chooses to hit the commander instead of the BT/Charger, or the scout strider over the hulk or factory strider
ORCS is an irredeemably dogshit stratagem
Orbital gas strike, all barrages, ops all kill detector towers
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>can you take out jammers with the OPS after the buffs
you always could even before the buffs. killing jammers relies on demolition force, not damage.

>>At least it kills whatever it hits
>except when it doesn't, which is often
railcannon strike got buffed to do 7500 damage. It's killing whatever it hits short of a factory strider.
what i mean is that it will literally track onto something stationary and miss it, happens way too often
>Guerilla Gorilla in SUPER STORE now
wow thanks
If you take the RR you can now afford to play with all the other stratagems, which means more fun
When everything was weak I felt like I always had to take 500kg and eagle air strike
Now since the RR is so good at antitank, you can take three chaff clear stratagems if you want
Against bots the RR is really good because you can blast fabricators from any angle across the map, and decent players can destroy one dropship with its troops
A few hours ago there were two guys with RRs on the team and bot drops on D9 were more than manageable
no, the OPS can one shot with a headshot
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Listen Gamers
I'm not a gambling man
But I think I'd put $10 on Gaellivare being the Planet winning this MO
I just feel it you know? Something Subtle on the wind/
Then why were you directly quoting and attempting to refute "whatever it HITS"? And why did you include an "or" at the start of the second line, which clearly marks it as a separate failure state? Don't walk it back, you were going off pre-patch experience and assuming it was the same post patch.
what would be the difference anyway if clasa won?
you are retarded and should stick to d7
>it kills whatever it hits ;)
>oh btw ignore the fact that it doesnt hit at all most of the time or targets fucking mediums
was bound to happen. the other planet kills most players' fps because it's the swamp biome
A more pleasant biome to defend
>If you take the RR you can now afford to play with all the other stratagems
doesn't it mean you are anyway forced to use N stratagem?
We would have to defend a swamp that eats your eagles for the next MO.
good luck retard
you can just defang the strider with a medium pen weapon and the strider will just stand there staring at you
>swamp with trees blocking the strats and random insta kill fire pillars
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>180 durable
>7 round mag
>no 3rd person reticle
Better than those cuck plants that instagib you.
This anon is too dumb to put bots/bugs in the middle of his screen before clicking
What even is the preferred machine gun?
I would take crossbow, brapnades, 500kg, OPS
maybe 120mm and orbital napalm as well
but I never go without strafing run (though with mg it might be unnecessary)
>410 damage
>450 damage
lmao, keep coping
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>eliminate requirement of taking a dedicated anti-heavy stratagem (25% of loadout)
>suddenly loadout diversity increases across the board
RR is extremely fun, but the biggest selling point is that you can afford to take whatever you want on the side. There's no longer a requirement of "I need OPS to kill bile titans" or "I need air strikes for striders."
When 1-2 teammates can handle all the heavies, it allows the rest of the team to breathe and diversify into other loadouts. It makes specialization feel a lot more real, the same way it did on D9 bugs pre-EoF. Dedicated SPEAR/flamethrower units have just been replaced by dedicated RR/RG units.

The RR meta is making bugs pretty boring, but bots is more fun now than it's been in months.
Saar do not redeem crosshair overlay you bastard bitch
you were already told that projectile damage on OPS is irrelevant, stop pretending it's not
trying to find a justification for less options and worse overall properties is what one would refer to as cope
>ACfag post patch
what's the appeal even
RG does everything AC does but faster and without a backpack
Telling how AC stayed on top of the meta while getting nerfed while AMR can't get out of lower mid tier even with a completely absurd damage buff.
the moon was anemic
and we were the vitamin
Less options like ability to equip a shield backpack and reload on the the run? AC fags are truly desperate!
>OPS didn't get buffed
>it did though, look
>n-no that doesn't count because.. because it just doesn't okay?! >:(
Are you the same retard that claimed the OPS projectile doesn't have enough penetration to do damage?
Yeah I guess your reddit gun had the advantage of being pushed by every single shitter out there and especially youtubers desperate for views lol
It's alright to be a sheep, though. No need to feel bad about it.
show me how OPS penetrates a tank hull, retard
not having to deal with a shotgun scope, shit RoF, and a profoundly unfun (as well as nerfed) slingshot charge up mechanic
The Forever Winter was so bad it made me want to reinstall HD2. I havent played since we blew up that planet, what SC packs are worth buying?
The xbow is just a mini ac at this point right?
you are talking to a railcannon advocate, and as you might have seen earlier he loves being a disingenuous faggot so save your keystrokes
HMG got nerfed into obscurity, so your options are MMG or Stalwart. Stalwart is just a liberator with a 250 round mag, and MMG is an AP3 primary replacement which will struggle on either side against heavies.
yes, both RG and AMR is just higher output than AC plus easier to use.
even most durable parts, the AC suffers because of its shitass breakpoint, despite having a 100% durable conversion
plus most of its damage is aoe explosive, which means it can "miss"
not to mention the abysmal aiming turn speed
the railcannon guy is retarded but the OPS is also just not performing anymore
have you tried it on higher difficulties? it just doesn't handle heavies or crowds the way it used to
>another wandering hulk sighting
remember not to disturb them as they walk to certain death
Eagle Strafing run is decent, but not feeling it against heavies even with multiple uses.
yeah a primary weapon completely eclipsed the autocannon.
it's literally an F tier support weapon
you forgot
>AC being reduced by enemy damage reduction twice
ACsisters, our response? We're rangemogged by the AMR with its overpowered scope and damage mogged by a fucking PRIMARY... A CROSSBOW...
backpacks are irrelevant
Really? I don't believe you.
I have all the ones until that jungle themed one came out. Any of those worth grabbing? Think i have 3k sc atm
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Autocannon should be (and honestly is) the signature Helldiver weapon
It should be on every promo, in every trailer, and receive buffs
Crossbow is a straight non-pick. DCS exists.
>b-but bugs
Cookout, Breaker Incendiary.
crossbow obliterates both factions
not interested in your gay little fireworks
>why 1 shot chickens to the face when you could 4 shot their legs instead?
I ask myself every game.
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I’ve been soloing(because people crash out and nobody ever rejoins) D10 maps with AMR, Explosive CB, Redeemer, Thermites, Ammo Pack, Eagle Airstrike, Walking Barrage. This is the new bot meta. Don’t @ me.
Be straight with me. Is The Eruptor back or not? I just want to run my favorite loadout of eruptor + arc thrower again
not the best weapon and is mogged by the crossbow especially right now, but it's more than usable on d10 for both factions
Sorry anon, super duper skill issue. Anyone that does well with RG and AMR will do vastly better with AC, given a bit of practice.
i havent seen a single AC user since the patch lmao
this but with 500kg and bubble shield emplacement instead of airstrike + walking
I've seen two (2) in /hdg/ lobbies, and one of them was a returning player who didn't know any better
funny that
that's because it's dogshit and anyone who ever tried the RG or the AMR realized that they are vastly better performing weapons than the AC
>a problem in any capacity whatsoever
dodge rocket
stunlock to death with autoplapper
I never perceived them as a challenge
jungle bros has two things worth getting, bushwhacker and booster (what about peak physique? you can buy armor sets with the perk in the super store)
fire bros has two pretty good primaries for bugs (torcher can kill heavies, even crisper)
stink bros, stink.
So in short, fire bros.
>is the eruptor back?
But currently the Crossbow is the best explosive weapon in the game and does everything the Eruptor does, but faster, with more damage, more ammo, and while being on one hand, which means it can be used while carrying some packages.
you will see a lot more once RR gets cut down to size
Cool thanks.
>needing more than 1 shot
time to swap to AMR, friend.
Can I have a lobby sir?
holy cope
Can the AMR kill gunships?
I played enough autocannon for a lifetime
Why is hard difficulty so hard :(
back to being shit
Reinforced Scout Strider
>turret : 300 Health (Fatal) (ExplosionImmunity)
>Projectile 260/260
>Projectile 450/180
No reason to. AC completely overshadows it.
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>has to fire multiple shots to keep an enemy stunlocked to feel like he is doing something productive
>AMR and RG chads have already oneshot whatever this fag was struggling with and moved on to the next target
Lol lmao even
yeah 2 shots to the thruster
they're gonna nerf xbow soon aren't they
>when you could just oneshot them
AutoCunts just can't stop losing can't they?
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But the autocannon can be team-reloaded...
privet fellow slavdiver
>ACfag getting BTFO'd into oblivion
name a better timeline
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nahui otsyuda
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>ACuck continues seething for the nth day in a row
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Yep! Still making lobbies from time to time.
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Brap bond has stimgun and gas nades.
Gas nades are pretty much better stuns and stim is kinda memey but also somewhat decent and it's really fun with /hdg/ lobbies.
he's still here, just away for the week
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>the only support weapon that cannot kill a charger even on the butt, is the sterilizer
>make a dog rover that's supposed to spread gas around
>make it focus 1 single target until it does
>it has infinite range from the backpack, and can stay on a target 50+ metres away from you
>this also makes it extremely vulnerable to getting destroyed by allied eagles
But the gas grenade is good, at least.
I am rocking the full brap loadout. I don't see critical issues.
Im anon that hasn't played in a while and its sad to see people talking shit about the AC when back in my day it was the go to bot weapon
Quasar chads....
It's a chaff clearing loadout.
It doesn't kill heavies, that's the issue.
it still is, it's just not THE bot weapon anymore
>game will crash if you kill more than 1k bots in a single mission
wtf is this game
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The autocannon is the peak of HD2 weapon design, in a great state at the moment, and will only keep getting more important as the game grows. You'd do wise practicing the art of AC.
Ok alexus
It’s time to get with the times, Gramps
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ACucks still in full blown cope (and seethe) mode now that they might have to learn to use literally anything else.

Even captcha knows the RR is best pick
>Born to clip
>Galaxy is a fuck
>#%£€& Clip ‘em All 2184
>I am Music Webm Man
>410,757,864,530 Audacity files on my desktop
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>Even captcha knows the RR is best pick
everyone knows that
recoilless retards sound off
Be honest /hdg/
Did you ever buy SCs?
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should i host a lobby?
ive never hosted one on /hdg/ before
maybe i just wait for squid man to host one and join that
t.have thousands left over from the ez sc farm months ago
sure I'm down
>amr that you are refusing to reload
>scared of a turret that can be easily dodged
Wtf are you doing bro???
Yes like 300.
I'm not some third worlder that needs to farm them.
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good questions that i dont know the answer to
No. You can easily afford the next warbond just by playing the game. I had 2k saved after paying for polar patriots and quitting the game.
I've found a glitch exploit that let me farm 10k in 30 minutes.
I'm not a retard spending money, nor a retard spending hours in farming them.
If you didn't use the easy 100SC exploit to get SC, you are a retard.
no, nor have i farmed them or instaled that SC arrow mod, getting them is trivial even for the most casual of casuals
It works pretty well with the torcher and terminte. You can keep them in place and kill them all in the cloud. Works on D10 too, if paired with 500kgs
Then you aren't using a full gas loadout, you disingenous fuck.
>ship master Bredberg
God dammit.
What? I personally run this
>brap armor
>nade pistol
>gas strike
>gas drone
>brap gun
>brap nades
The termite is only a suggestion, if heavies are too much for you.
Show me a D10 solo geological extraction on anything that isn't a hunters seed without thermites, using gas nades.
Actually, you can use thermites if you want, go ahead.
Lmao seriously though gas is shit. You’d have an easier time smashing your balls with a hammer than pulling off what this anon suggested.
Can the AC really not blow up fapriactors anymore?
HMGe alone solo's D10
it kills titans in like 4 seconds lmao
Why? I am not playing solo. Or was this about a gas solo loadout?
nope, nerfed to shit.
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Cephdivers, time to kill tin cans (D10).
You can't deflect the shots down into the vents anymore. But if you hit the right spot in the vent you can still blow them up with one shot. Otherwise it takes a lot of shots with the AC now to deplete the fabricator health pool.
R8 my bot loadout
>Grenade pistol
>Gorilla armor
>Rocket sentry
It still can, but you can't ricochet the shot in the vents anymore. Another one of those undocumented nerfs so people don't complain about it.
>moving the goalpost
Gas loadout.
But sure, you can swap the 500kg with the eHMG, let's see it.
>this loadout doesn't have issues, because I don't actually play the game enough to encounter said issues
It was about a gas loadout.
Not a single loadout in this game has any issues in D10, if you have another loadout or another 3 carrying you in multiplayer.
No more bounce in. Shoot it as low as you can into the hole.
for solo?
pretty solid
for groups you might want supply backpack in there somewhere
The rocket sentry is kind of the wildcard that I'm willing to replace. You don't really need a supply pack for the AMR but I guess it would make the grenade spam better.
Okay retard lord.
it can but you can no longer shoot the vents to deflect the round inside to blow them up, which was probably caused when they made them destructible, now you need to aim low like you would with a GL pistol
>no argument after being proven a disingenous faggot that doesn't play the game
>resorts to ad hominem
Imagine wanting to glaze the fact that gas weapons that aren't the gas grenade fucking suck ass, what an idiot.
Stop inhaling gas IRL, you are starting to romanticize the cause of your brain damage.
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>he has more than 1 (one) support weapon stratagem in his loadout
how do you install this, I was looking for the instructions a few threads back but the thread wars shit meant I lost it. Something about making a folder called patch 1 and putting it in the game directory? Or is it literally just renaming these 3 files to these file names
I will continue to dodge your (((arguments))) and simply say that I have fun using the brap weapons on D10.
>Bring both the AC and MMG with me
>AC ran out of ammo? Call down the MMG
>MMG ran out of ammo? Just in time to call in the AC
Sorry anon but the randomizer gets what it wants.
Do you think we'll get the randomizer loadout selection for HD2 at some point?
how about 3?
could take the commando too for 4 blues if you want
>/hdg/ Space Cadet my son it is time to pick a new planet to liberate
>Will you choose beutifell jungle with nice beach fighting and comfy afternoon sun
>Or shitty swamp land stuck in permanent fog and indestructible trees
nah just use third party websites
best rifle against bots?
of course it SHOULD have medium pen at least, so sickle and other shitter weapons will not work
Nobody said you can't have fun, you fucking braindead fool.
The whole argument was that gas weapons can't handle heavies in a proper manner, and D10 is heavies spam.
yeah, 200 since release. since i quit months ago the cash ive gathered up got exhausted, and finding SC seems so rare now. The actual cost is completely insignificant to me, but giving money to sw*des feels dirty
fish gun
does heavy armor reduce damage from gas and fire? Not referring to the passives but simply the armor itself
counter sniper
Gas seems to have a flat damage to it no matter the armor(gas armor excluded of course)
Lib pen
I heard somewhere that it actually gets rounded down to zero, but I wanted to ask here since it sounded pretty dumb
on the other hand, diving towards enemies while firing rockets seems really dumb but that was a thing
I forgot to say, I got roasted by a hulk earlier while wearing heavy armor and I could basically just walk it off, so I was wondering if the armor was helping me there too
Teamreloading is one of the most fun co-operative mechanics I've come across. Of course it's rather janky, but the basic concept works well enough. Teaming up to blast an entire wave of dropships or gunships feels so fucking great.

They should bank harder on teamreloading as central gameplay mechanic. Co-operation is the glue that keeps us together.
Vitality + gas armor rounds gas damage down to 0.
This happens with enemies too btw, in the sense that they'll appear gassed, while taking exactly 0 damage, but suffering the gas schizophrenia status.
if they let you reload from the gunner's backpack it would be such a nice mechanic. I'd hop on my friend's back whenever we got a breach or something, but nope, you gotta carry their pack so they're useless whenever you're moving around
Hulk's fire damage has been nerfed hard. It used to be instant death, but now the DoT barely tickles. As long as you don't get caught in the flamestream itself, that is.
Yeah, that's the one big thing that'd need to change ASAP. Team reloading should always be preferable to playing solo when armor is around. This offsets the huge risk of both of you getting oneshot by explosions instead of just one.

There's also other smaller issues, like only being able to teamreload from righthand side, docking range being too short and your character getting disconnected too easily with slightest lag or incline. Oh and sometimes it bugs out so you cannot dock at all. However these are all minor issues that should be easy to fix.
My hidden dream is being able to use secondary weapon as team reloader when not actively reloading. It's janky as fuck to constantly disconnect, fire a single shot and reconnect just because of a single trash mob
Cringe, they should give us better ways to discretely team kill bad players. Hogging supply pack to yourself when I have no stims and a sliver of health? Team kill. Trigger bot drop and run away? Team kill. Being an ungrateful sample gremlin on D10 bots? Team kill. Didn't use your fucking RR to kill the factory strider that was harrassing me? Team kill. I'll team kill you with melee. I'll team kill you with my senator. I'll team kill you with my grenade pistol from across the map. I'll team kill you with orbitals. I'll team kill you with napalm. I'll team kill you with the environment. And if I see you again, I team kill on sight.
>using your pistol to fend off single trash while reloading
bretty sick
>Discreetly teamkill
You're the blackest of blacks. Can't communicate your needs, so you chimp out and then get scared you might get chimped back. Grow some balls and teamkill with confidence, shitter.
chinese detected
I just want the game to feel good. Being able to kill couple marauders isn't gonna fuck with balance and you aren't clearing waves of devastators with pistol alone. It'd feel really good without being imbalanced. Hire me Arrowhead!
uhhhhh factory strider this one
the autistic ex-ceo seems to be slowly getting that, so maybe they'll do it in a few years
I was merely pretending to be retarded :^))
I've literally never seen a chinese player TK me, it's always some random american being a retard.
Is this part of Swedish cultural heritage or something?
>Release a game with great potential
>Either fuck off or fuck about year or two
>Realize your job is to work on the game, so start getting shit together after couple of years
>The game is in good release state 2-3 years after launch, after all players and goodwill has been spent
>chink shifting blame to cover it's own ass
I'm an Aussie, I know what I am talking about
I've been TK'd by them, but normally they just suck at the game , die, and complain to each other in bugspeak while I do objectives solo.
Same here. Bug people are unironically good teammates that mostly stick to the herd. Their skill may vary but at least they're essentially an extra drone hovering around. Americans have main character complex and get mad when 3 other players dont automatically follow their unspoken whims. Europeans are a total wildcard with really good players and abysmal amoebas.
I bring 4x orbitals because the game doesnt have loadouts for armor+weapons+stratagems and its annoying to play
What is the Airburst launcher good for beside TK?
Gotta make use of those mandatory 6 months off total a year.
Dont lie, you would too.
Yeah same, all the chinks I've seen are solid players, all the americans I see randomly kill me with explosives all the time.
honestly dunno, I'm swedish and I have no clue how you can be as disconnected from your own product as they are. Darktide was just plain mediocre and people expected more, but helldivers was on a different level where it felt like they were actively trying to sabotage their own product while arguing in bad faith and lying endlessly and gaslighting their own fans
>rye do amerricalns all pray badry?
>not rike supeliol greatest china prayers!
It's either that or shit stirrers.
Killing a handful of trash enemies (if any).
It's great for suicide too
Absolutely fuckin nothing. Its also impossible to 'fix'. They cant just add a special multiplier for its damage vs flying enemies (or more accurately, dont have the programming skill to).

The only thing they could do is more damage, but then it just becomes RR but with AoE.
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>throw Thermite grenade at Charger
>It bounces off his armor
I've never been this upset.
they could fix it by giving a delayed fuse and make the way it spreads the explosions better so it doesn't just do no damage when you hit some shit point blank
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Mystery nigga
Pretty wild that there are more bot players now than bugs.

Hold it until the spikes pop out for a higher chance to stick, dummy.
You might get super unlucky and only hit them with the handle and it'll just bounce off.
Medium pen not required. Heavy dev arms are squishy, rocket dev pods have no armor, and hulk heatsinks get fucked with anything that has decent DPS. Only problem light AP has is against rocket chickens, but no primary should be used to fight them in any major numbers, IMO.
That would require programming skill. The current version is literally just a RR rocket + multiple frags on detonation.
>diligence counter sniper
>no sniper units in game
Give it airburst sharpnels
Haven't played it since the buffs but it cleaned up bot patrols pretty well and it was a gamble between wasting 5 seconds reloading or getting 20 kills on a bot drop.
Also, the rest of your team fears you and that feels good.
why does anything bounce in this fucking game, it should all stick.
those were the rocket troopers, be careful what you wish for buddy, those swedish jackass will give it to you.
>AP4 on it's shrapnel and buff the shrapnel's damage (including durable)
>add two selectable detonation modes
>proximity, same as it is now
>contact detonation can crack armor but deal almost no damage
There, got it's own niche while still being somewhat useful against heavy armor.
This is a great idea if it wouldn't absolutely crash the game with 100+ projectiles spawning at once.
To assert dominance as a wild card and build infamy.

Im either going to wipe out three hulks in one shot, or blow up the guy carrying all our samples and knocking them down a hole even though hes on the other side of the map.
Give it just a handfull of airburst stuff
>Never use contact
>Only proximity
>One shot striders, the ship it arrives on and half the drop ships around it
The Airburst is so close to being alright. It clears an entire sector from everything smaller than a Charger. Its a great tool for instantly removing a pack of Bile Spewers or a drop of Striders+Devs. The main issues are detonation point and resulting spread. That and random detonations wiping out entire Helldiver squad.

Just make the fucker be "LMB down = fire, LMB up = detonate" and the issues are solved. Now you have essentially more powerful and easily-aimed Eagle Airstrike support weapon. Removes everything non-heavy and damages heavies significantly. Also introduce 2-stage reload.
Can you blame them for talking to blob retards in a way retards will be able to understand?
>cephdivers to cephalopods
You had one job!
By 'arc' I mean to raise the reticule higher when dealing with terrain or obstruction.
But you could be a cocksucker if you want. That's why restaurants have menus.
Here is how you actually fix airburst; remove it and give us an AC flak weapon.
Think I worded that a bit weird.
By contact detonation I meant that it would create a small explosion that can crack heavy armor before exploding into the shrapnel.
That way you could shoot it past teammates without risking it exploding on them (hopefully).
>Throw sentry
>Every chicken and hulk within a 150 meter radius immediately no scope it.
>throw sentry
>chargers and bile titans start moving towards the beacon before the sentry even hits the ground
>throw it 300m out
>can peacefully unload into everything
My easiest runs are always when I bring 4 sentries. You fags gotta learn to stay away from your team/enemies, find a good high ground spot and allow your turrets to pepper everything from a distance. The AC and rocket have massive ranges, and the machine gun is great as a defensive for either of them.
I started playing 2-3 months after the release
I did buy 1k once
Such a shame. Sniper bots would be a cool concept.
>1000 HP, 2 armor full-body (except head which is 100 HP no armor)
>armed with a railgun
>giant glowing power source for said railgun to make it easy to find
>massive detection radius
>alerts enemies to team's location
>calls bot drops instantly whenever available
>railgun has a laser sight that strobes right before it fires, forcing you to dive to avoid it
It would be a spectacular D10 enemy, breaking up the constant addition of heavies.
Sentries are essentially taunt distractions. Grab machine gun one since it has shortest cooldown and use it as a distraction to break up shitstorms and as a blobbing tool for your airstrikes.
EMS mortar works great against bots though, just drop it in a ditch where it's protected from direct line of sight fire.
>find a good high ground spot
maybe when they let me actualy place them in high spots and not bounce off
The tiniest bush will block sentry line of sight and it will refuse to shoot. That even applies to mortars now when it didn't used to. If you go too far away, the sentries will just shoot at the patrols that spawned behind you, and every time you deploy a new sentry, it spawns a new patrol within 100 meters of your location.
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i love jammers
>i love jammers
i love jammers
>i love jammers
i love jammers
>i love jammers
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>be me
>use AC
>dominate the field even in full RR lobbies
>AC has been gutted to F tier according to the elder god players of /hdg/
guess I'm just that good
I feel like it's your labor laws that fucks everything up. There's no incentive to not be a dipshit, so people tend to take advantage of it. Or it's just general arrogant stupidity (your people really are very arrogant sometimes, and that's compared to Americans).
You guys make fun of our labor laws in the US, but we have a much easier time getting rid of troublesome employees.
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>he doesn't know
I think snipers like that are a bit better in the first game since the divers had a downed state that they could be revived out of by teammates. That way you can get the whole, “Oh shit it’s a sniper! Jimmy’s been hit someone help his ass!” and then the team can split up between assisting the downed diver and counter sniping. Otherwise the only counterplay is to just dodge like we already do with cannon turrets, although I’m assuming your bot railgun sniper idea doesn’t come packaged with an explosive projectile that ragdolls its target. Could be ok though, would it be a one-hit-kill or no? I guess that’d depend on what armor the diver is wearing.
What's that outpost thing on the far right?
meat grinder
>dropshit throws a facotry strider right on top of me
>defang it with my AMR and go for bellyrubs
>yep some retard dropped a 500kg on me
>get atomized
>AT-AT survives
The average pubbie really us just "ME SEE FACTORY STRIDER ME THROW EAGLE UGH"
It’s the super bases. D10 exclusive.
Every single time. You'll get the epic belly rub one day anon. I believe in you.
>It clears an entire sector from everything smaller than a Charger
yes except for when it just... doesn't.
You can have a pack of 30 trash mobs and shoot it right into the middle, see all the explosions go off, and not a single one takes any bit of damage. There is something horribly wrong with the hit detection on it.
1-shotting the player is perfectly acceptable if diving is a 100% counter and the laser is clearly visible. It should basically be a QTE.
Man. Maybe one day I'll be good enough to take down a suber base. :(
Fuck that there's already enough shit one shotting you. Why would I want a sniper robot chicken.
kek. true true
Same reason I use the eruptor, you never fuckin know what'll happen.
maybe they figured that you have no value as a player, what with being an AMR user
I don't really think that's it because I've never had a coworker that was a dipshit or otherwise needed that noose as a threat to be productive. If you work in the public sector there's definitely useless people since you literally cannot get fired, but working for private companies it's not so bad.
I think it's just the entire industry in general. They don't play their own games. Very few devs do that. It's ridiculous how you could be making a product and not even test it yourself, but that's the level of quality we get now with videogames.
It's not too bad if you have a squad running 380mm barrage. Two placed in the right spot will clear almost all the mobs and at least half the fabs. After that, you just run in spamming Eagles on every fab you can't kill from the outside and it's GG.
I wouldn't have a problem with it if it didn't take ages to reload. If a shot malfunctions on most other guns, you just fire again, but with the airburst you have to wait and wait and wait for that perfect opportunity to fire, and you shoot, and it literally just forgets to deal damage, and then the opportunity is gone and you're rooted to the ground reloading.

Think of that scene in the third(?) matrix movie, where the two black chicks are using the rocketlaunchers to defend zion, and they climb all the way up to get that perfect shot off on the drill, and they hit it, but then just nothing happens. Imagine the disappointment.
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we lost one to the space aids
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orbital barrage incoming
stand clear
>Can no longer 1 mag a factory strider with HMG
What's the fucking point anymore. It's OVER.
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The difference is that those don't have an obvious counterplay. Most bot 1-shots are things you don't see. Artillery tanks, cannon turrets, and rocket chickens all kill you when you don't know they're attacking you. A big obvious laser beam of death has a clear counter play when it lets you know exactly when it's going to hit you, and tapping a button instantly saves you.
Had a dude get EAT, Comm and RR to a def mission.
There were no tanks.
All of these are a skill issue.
>there were no tanks
because he shot down every dropship before they dropped any enemy at all
I cant fo D10s, because the large base is a total waste of time but fuckwits want to spend 10 minutes trying to do it then never taking the head/egg anyway and even if they did its still useless because we're all capped
Diving should either give you darksouls i-frames or at least break enemy attacks tracking you for the duration. As it is now its pretty useless for a game called HELLDIVERS
A lot of people get into video game development who don't like video games, or do not like "Gamers" ie people who treat it like a hobby.
There's also a toxic positivity problem in western culture at the moment, and it's what hurt Concord. According to one dev who spoke out, they were quite literally incapable of saying, "This is a bad idea, we shouldn't do this" at any time, to any thing.
it does give you i-frames from explosives.
not from bullets.
nta but everything about the Eruptor is done better by the crossbow right now. If I need further range, then it's too far to engage, and I can just ignore it. I can only see it being useful for taking out bot fabs from a mile away, but why bother?
But anon, you are good enough to take down a super base.
Diving gives you:
>larger ground coverage in a burst of movement
>immediately stabilizes your sway and recoil to its max limit
>gives you 70% bonus explosions resistance
It's extremely strong and everything but useless.
>New Feature:
Fellow helldivers can now teamload the Laser & Quasar cannon by blowing on them to cool them down faster.
120 does the same thing but it also does not kill you
I am not. I got kicked from my first D8 bot match.
I got overwhelmed and died 6 times.
join hdg lobbies
you'll get good by osmosis
An important part of this equation is that Fatshark and Arrowhead are basically the same studio. They were both trained by the Swedish guys who made the game engine which all FS and AH games have been made on.

HD2 has been such a clusterfuck for them AH has announced they are ditching it for Unreal, so HD3 won't even be on this engine and just maybe they'll actually learn how to program properly instead of relying on a dead shitty swedish game engine no one has ever, ever liked.
Hmmm ok, didnt know about explosive resist, too bad there is no acid resist. If you try to dive away from the spit you usually end up getting fucked
It was a weird match. We were doing well, and I was helping keep one kid alive who was doing poorly, too. We were watching each others backs, even if we weren't the best ever. We at least weren't dying. Managed to pull off the flag raising objective by ourselves without a death or an issue while the host fucked off somewhere to go plink with his AMR.
Then he immediately kicks my little random bro for some unknown reason. Then later he kicked me for reinforcing him away from where he died. I guess my deaths were less important than him getting back to his toy immediately.
>following your bro around so you can blow him between shots
For all the stim pistol mains out there.
nigga what? I had no idea it was even a game engine. A bunch of years ago a colleague and I were testing VR models and I used UE and he used Stingray, then we got the announcement that they are shutting down stingray.
I'd never even have considered it a game engine
The stim pistol absolutely sucks ass, its near impossible to hit team mates. Why didn't we get the healing laser from HD1.
They've reworked how bile spewers spit acid to make it less intuitive and punish you if you dive to the left or right, you should dive back, and not to the sides.
Ideally, you never find yourself in range of their vomit, or if you do, you are stimming prehentively the moment you see them raise their heads.
Diving backward usually kills you by:
>launching you into enemies behind you
>sending you into 5s+ ragdoll
>blowing haaaaaah charges the railgun faster
>blowing hoooooh cools down the quasar faster
Also once every like 5 minutes you can piss on it to instantly cd it.
It's easy to forget that, outside of Germany, Europeans don't know what technology is.
Random chance of electrocuting yourself because Super Earth's QA isn't always the best.
You're a no fun allowed faggot playing the game for "efficiency" while everyone else wants to kill bots. You're the reason bugdivers make fun of us.
HMG used to oneshot devs on the head, now it can't anymore.
Wider coverage and denser damage within the radius. Ideally, one person can run both and clear out most of the outpost by themselves. Servo assisted armor helps a TON in not killing you.
120 already kills hulks on contact
I like the idea of using the RR on bots, but what am I supposed to pair it with to take out large crowds of enemies? (like a bunch of berserkers charging at me?)
Any laser
Senator and Jar
rocket sentry is fairly good
Dominator/DCS/LibPen can kill zerkers and chickens
The novelty of dropping in the Fortress and Mega Nest ran out after the 10th time we were doing it on day 1.
Now every retard in this general wants to do that all the time even if it's piss easy, ruins our pathing by making us waste 10-20 minutes and likely kills them because they are bad, instead of just going for decent pathing and clearing them when we eventually get close to them anyway because the maps have nothing in them.
>macho man:
Breaker, and then Senator Side arm.

Or grenades for that specific problem.
Why does it feel like the games most embedded with drama and bullshit lately are all from Euros? Discounting Sony having the world's longest seizure.
Fall damage needs to fixed. It's absurd to lose half your health by dropping off a 5ft ledge yet you can be ragdolled of a higher ledge, land on your face, and only take like 10%. He'll you even have a 50/50 chance of not dying after being ragdolled 200ft in the air across the map.
It's always americans that pull out random drama, and somehow it's always euros' fault.
thank you. will try
Ok? When attacking a base, you want to touch as much shit with explosions as possible. Specifically fabricators. 120mm doesn't reach out as far, and the explosions don't have as much range, meaning you kill less fabricators in the 100m+ diameter of the base. The goal is widespread damage, not killing the mobs, which the 10 fabricators replenish very quickly.
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You know it's over when this happens
>It's always americans that pull out random drama, and somehow it's always euros' fault
>proceeds to pull out random drama
>not even replying to anyone
Ok retard
unspoken rule: if you're dead and NOT mashing space it means 'i want the guy who was closest to me to reinforce' so we're not stuck without support weapons on 6+ minute cooldowns
Eagle strafe run and the Knight or Lib-C
>2 posts ahead: >>495931786
Why are americans so low IQ?
The tiananmendiver?
>doesn't know how to click the post to reply to whom he's referring to
Why are third worlders so retarded. Keep blaming all your problems on Americans.
I know how to reply, I'm denying you the dopamine, you fat braindead burger.
all you need against bots is a crossbow
>thinks I get off on (You)s.
I could care less that you think you're denying someone some special giddy feeling. It's kind of pathetic really.
I'm not American. Why do you think only American hate Europeans? Euros are more obsessed about America than Americans. God forbid other countries exist.
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That happens in pubs. Although I’ve had great missions in pubs too. Joining /hdg/ lobbies and learning through osmosis sounds fine too, even if you act as only a respawn beacon you’d still get the experience. And it’s really not that bad, the super bases specifically. It’s usually just saturation barragement and then the squad walks in for cleanup.
Calling in orbital brap
Everyday on this general, in no particular order:
>americans fighting swiggers
>americans fighting jeets
>americans fighting chinks
>americans fighting euros
Why are americans such niggers?
This is why I host more and more. I had a similar game where I joined, and the host just kicked left and right. First guy accidentally killed the host with an eagle air, even typed out sorry. Boom, kicked. Someone joins and replaces him, died later on, was unavoidable, boom, kicked.

Now it's me, the host, and the original third guy and I just decide to leave before the host becomes a trigger happy cunt again. I stop, drop my shit on the ground for the third guy who has been a total bro, hug him, and drop out.

The host wasn't even doing poorly, it just seemed like he was looking for an excuse to be a dick.
Was about to join a lobby and then I saw a name like this and just alt f4'd out of the game.
will you stfu already, crybaby
I've seen railgun and AC rounds bounce off of fucking spewers. I understand the rage.
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You are welcome :)
Post one of your builds and drip for it
The AC is still totally relevant. I'm just enjoying using my beloved RR after months of it being outclassed. Everyone else using it just a metafag
t. elder god player of /hdg/
Eruptor. Support your team as a sniper bro, oneshot fab vents, delete gunships and chaff.
>177 shots fired
>16.4% accuracy
>9 kills
Holy fuck that guy is an anchor
I witnessed my RR shot bouncing off a fucking dropship. Loony toons shit.
>26 stratagems used
>9 kills
What was happening this game?
Funny thing was, had the host stayed back to help us out rather than go play xX_Xx_EL1T3$N!P3R666_xX_Xx it probably would have gone much smoother.
A couple of idiots (like me and that guy) who look out for one another and exhibit teamwork and cooperation makes for a much more enjoyable game even if you fail than one tryhard completing everything for everyone by himself.
>ditching for Unreal
>learn how to program properly
I can't wait for HD3 to have completely zero optimization and to have upscaling+framegen be completely required because of fucking Nanite.
Some people just sit on their destroyer waiting for people to join so they can kick them.
>stimpistol guy has ZERO KILLS
He's a healer class
Trying to hit people with stim pistol is nearly impossible. They start ducking and weaving when I shoot at them. Sometimes I have to melee them first just so I can stim them.
You have poor aim, I can hit people 100+ metres away just fine.
I do that when I notice someone is trying to stim me.
Don't make a new thread. Return to /coopg/
IDK how people prefer Gaellivare. The huge trees of Clasa are far more convenient - they serve as good cover and can be used to funnel enemies. Smaller trees on Gaellivare are useless as cover and make it very difficult to spot bots.
I actually really enjoy the Clasa type biome.
Bullshit. Even if they are standing and you account for drop the spread alone will make you miss 9/10 shots at that distance.
alright I'm back. I ended up preferring the RR with the DCS (because armor pen, long range, good scope, *and* it stuns?) and grenade pistol (for emergencies). And the RR is just... absolutely broken. Heavies? You just fucking delete them. Chaff? Can be annoying but you mostly just pick them off with DCS or use one of your *three* stratagem slots. The RR is essentially broken and beyond meta, I feel like I'm cheating. Nothing is even close. AH is definitely going to nerf it. If you have not tried this weapon, you really should. It's actually broken
It's not like Clasa is even a real option. We're being railroaded as usual.
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it's fucking over fellow chuddivers
Nah, I feather the shots accounting for the player's psychology based on 16 different archetypes of people, using the MBTI as reference points, account the projectile's velocity and hit radius of the stim, build an accurate 3d map I can rotate in my head I can navigate as the shots, predict 10 different shots in under a second, pick the most likely to hit and land my shots somewhat easily and reliably with an accuracy of 66.67%
Yes, for I am a paypig.
GGs orangefriends, and keep spamming that stimgun
No, but I did mistakenly use them on armor. I hadnn't realized that warbonds had to be bought and thought they needed to be unlocked through gameplay, so my first near 1K SC was spent on bullshit.
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Lazy nigger.
t. d4 shitter

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