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A thread for discussing all things Atelier and Gust.

Gust PC games:

[March 21, 2025] Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land
-Website: https://atelier.games/yumia/us/
-Announcement Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6Tps0iGizA
-First Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSE-Vq_b3gg
-Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3123410/Atelier_Yumia_The_Alchemist_of_Memories__the_Envisioned_Land/
[September 20 – October 4, 2024] Crimson and Azure Blades - LEGEND FES (((Izana & Heidi)))
3000 gem event for linking your account to d*scord: https://files.catbox.moe/fr0y9r.png

System guide for Resna:

Resna visual guide and JP banner list:

Resna starter guide:

Previous thread: >>494546325
Totori banner incoming
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Hello everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my beautiful brown wife Nina.
>Yumia images will be AIslops
All the actual fanart I could find of Nina was porn idk
was not expecting the 700 slash tower gems - now just 500 gems from spark, could have it tomorrow. i wanted to wait until the next banner on JP but I think I'll get there first.
On the plus side, I was almost panicking thinking of whether to spend gems on the Marion/Escha banner, at least now I can roll for bride Kot again.
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Beat Atelier Elie! Via the fan translation of the PS2 Marie + Elie, same as Marie earlier.

Overall: It's Marie but more. In that sense, it's the perfect sequel. If you liked original Marie, you'll probably love Elie.

Rambling: It took out the most annoying parts of Marie (THE MINIGAMES) and added in more recipes, more synthesis techniques, more characters, more locations, more of just about everything. Characters will still sometimes turn you down when you ask them to escort, which is realistic but kind of frustrating if you really want to be friends with them.

It's still pretty freeform and directionless, so if you like the more guided later Ateliers you might have trouble with Elie. If they remake it like Marie that will probably be changed. The fan translation adds in a special menu to see hidden values, which should be a BIG help for getting endings. (I didn't realise that getting a boyfriend was even an option until after beating the game) I ended up going to GameFAQs in a few places, some scenes can be really obscure.

Which leads into the obscure bits of synthesizing, Blend and Original Synthesis. On the flavor side, I like the idea of both of them. Experimentation is the soul of alchemy! But on the actual gameplay side, they're incredibly frustrating. Elie does take care to make failed synthesises useful under certain circumstances, but failure still feels harsh when you're under a time limit, even if ultimately the time limit is pretty damn generous. I got a guide for Original synthesis and barely used Blend.

One nice thing: you get a random (out of four) image of Elie doing alchemy stuff like measuring ingredients, checking the book, etc whenever you synthesize. I think that's great and wish it had hung around. I want to see my character doing alchemy!

Ultimately, I liked Elie a lot and will be replaying it one of these days. But for right now...Mana Khemia, or Ar Tonelico?
Oh, and I forgot. Where Marie had a bunch of callbacks, especially in Rorona, Elie feels slightly less like it got called back to...but they did make some in Totori. For instance, the Flauschtraut. Yep, that's from Elie. (there's also a stuck-up rich girl rival, but the one in Elie is very much straight)
Based Elie enjoyer
>elie and viorate having a most boring design competition and then shallistera walks in
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Thanks, based ___ enjoyer anon

Screw you, Elie a cute Real most boring is Viese
Nina is actually disguised Juna, don't tell anyone
say does the trait enhanced damage buff work for damage boosting items?
I don't think so, you can check by using the items and then checking the buff on your character. I've never seen it juiced up as much as it should be if enhance V works on items.
Gear that increases buff effects received etc. will show up however (ex. I got ~95% burst dmg up on Ryza per burst item with this buff.)
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Need Sophie's feet
Does it have yuri?
Finally... some good fucking food
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>Ar Tonelico
If you like turbo autist protags, then yes
also it's unironically kino of the highest order
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started Atelier Ryza and Klaudia is very cute
I understand why people like her
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fellow snoyfags, the sale is finally live on Playstation. I have parted with $20 and will finally play Ayesha after i'm done with my current game (Persona 3)
I'm thinking about playing Marie but I probably should play through more of the ones I already own first...
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>this reminded me to go check the prices on both Mana Khemias I need to finish PS2 era games
>hard copies still $100+
Knew there was a reason I'm not in a rush for those 2. Just need those and pic related to have all US releases.
>I didn't realise that getting a boyfriend was even an option
You go girl!
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Isla if Bamco was on charge of Atelier Yumia due to DEstIny plan(DEI plan).
Finally the schizo is bumping the thread
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And victor if Atelier Yumia is made by bamco with sweet baby inc.
more like sweet BASEDby inc if you ask me. wish they worked on every game desu
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Thought of a strat that requires a full odds turn one crit but rolling for it added over a million to my score. Just outside the top 250 now and feeling pretty good about staying top 500 this time. I wound up #518 in bolt.
Bolt was insanely competitive, this should be better.
The top 100 was all over 50 million by the end, just insane.
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Which victor would be better, aryan victor or killmonger braid victor?
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Not really, but here's what I know:

There's the rich rival girl. She pretty clearly has a crush on one of the boys at the academy, but there's an ending involving her. (I did not get this ending)

I never got her friendship higher than 48, despite putting her picture in my locket and everything. (you can make a locket and put someone's picture in it and it will supposedly raise their friendship faster)

She is the second-most popular ship with Elie on pixiv. I have no idea how based this is in the game vs shipper fans.

Admiration for Marie is an actual stat in the game and boosting it + friendship with Marie will get you an ending. I didn't get this one either.

At best, I'd expect somewhat less yuri than base Atelier Totori, and definitely less than what they did with Mimi and Totori since. But there does seem to be something there if you have your shipper hat on.

Meanwhile the most popular pairing on pixiv is Douglas*/Elie, which is right and proper and he's absolutely who I would've picked to be Elie's boyfriend if I'd realised I could. For once, pixiv had good taste.

*It's Dagllas in the fan translation, probably because of an artbook written by people that don't speak English. His last name is flipping MacRain, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be Douglas.
Victor is akshually an Ashkenazi Jew.
All alchemists are secretly Ashkenazi Jews as a matter of fact.
But Victor is watching Yumia, so he is White man. And his nose isn't that crooked.
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It's been 5 years
5 years of Ryza gathering potent spiritual energy...The Atelier Tulpa is almost complete
>It's been 5 years
>Im yet to graduate from college
If it woudnt be for Ryza Im pretty sure I would have killed myself. Playing her games and introduced me to this series really put a smile in my life
The weirdest part is I decided to play Ryza 1 not because of her but the world design and comfy atmosphere akd graphics. Something that the third game wouldnt have done
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Her tits are too powerful someone needs to stop her, I spent fifteen minutes in-game to trick the camera into putting her cleavage in my face and taking screenshots
Many, many such cases
>life saved by Ryza
Many many such cases as well
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It's a bit of a disappointment how the beginning of the game is Ryza being surrounded by a sausagefest until Klaudia arrives and then you don't even see her for a while
Bos-bros...We Lost
>Be a hot farmer's daughter
>the boys bullied her instead of courting her
There's something wrong within the Kurken waters. Must be Brunnen's doing
Finally done watching kiseki stream, back to playing sophie 2.
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Yeah. And why does Ryza's world lack firearms? Are they gone with Clint kingdom?
the era of yumia soon...
They knew she was destined to be gay.
Lent had Ryza first.
No, it was Samuel
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It was...him
new atelier game is inspired by halo and coming to xbox
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Oh, Yumia showed up on the Xbox TGS stream!
>flooding the yumia box
Won't buy Yumia if she's paired with that fag.
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lucky hour bros
i fucking kneel
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love this kot like you wouldn't believe
fluffy kot bride...
Holy shit john halo is going to be resleri guest unit
You will get your Cortana Pre-order bonus skin for Yumia, and you will like it.
Why is there a fucking figure of her already?
Figures are also marketing desu
They work both ways
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Someone please stop him and fire this guy. Each times he gives an interview for Yumia it's to spit the most retarded and shittiest reply ever heard. I'm really beginning to think he's saying random thing to know how much he can trigger the fanbase and get away with.
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It's always Darkest before Dawn.
Trust the Plan.
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>courting her
You mean plowing her in the fields while her father's not looking, right?
They must all be gay. I mean, when Lent had the chance to talk to Lila the big-titted bunny girl, he asked her ONLY about FIGHTING lessons instead of sex lessons. Can't go any gayer than that.

Also I can't wait to find out what this Morritz Brunnen guy is plotting, he's very Jewish-coded.
Only 750 stamina from all recipes now, split pretty evenly between score battles and dungeons. That's two days worth, not going to waste cookies on it.
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Ryza Klaudia love!
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It's been seven years since the release of Blue Reflection in America (the continent)...it was released in September 26, 2017...7 years later, it's still an enjoyable game. Let's celebrate!
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I'm excited for Yumia and her butt.
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I want to slide my hands under Lydie's blouse so bad...
Very slappable butt, I wanna *SMACK* her
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Anyone to peak under her skirt on figurine? Cuz Sophie Figurine had pantyshot censored with panier(how to call this censorship in official artbook). Nendoroid was censored with shorts too.
Valeria-bros...We Lost
Dragon-GODS...I kneel
my adorable kot wife
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bros…I got banned off /v/ for posting this webm of Totori dancing on a janny’s grave…
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Cuz /v/ is anti japan. Y'know. They should discard PS5 or switch if they don't like Japan. They would not like bikinis in Japanese game that much too. Cuz Korean and Chinese games cannot have bikinis, spite being "anti-woke"(but BA having no bikini due to feminist censorship based? Huh?)
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Why should Valerie wear dumb rashguard shirt as swimsuits unlike Lucy? Is Valerie toddler too? No one faps over her rashguard shirt as swimsuit.
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The schizo gets me
uoh tot
At least my ban was just on /v/ instead of global so you guys still get to hear the thrilling conclusion of my "will he spark gyaru Ryza" dilemma tonight after my roulette spins.
Based, fuck jannies
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I ate two random 3 days recently on /v/ as well, jannies are grumpy
One last image of Blue Reflection for today. 7 years...Mel Kishida's art will always look beautiful.
SueGOD i kneel...
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Kishida? Same surname as a feminist scum who banned bikinis from Japanese console game since Abe requiem in July 2022.
If you want a game that was released in 2023 or 2024 with ''normal'' bikinis so to speak, and not those bikinis with skirts or whatever...Persona 3 Reload and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth are right there and that's just two examples.

If I want to mention something on topic, maybe Fairy Tail 2 also developed by Gust, but I'm not sure, time will tell what kind of swimsuits the characters will wear in that game (it's a game developed by Gust and the first Fairy Tail has swimsuits for everyone, it's a fact that Fairy Tail 2 will also include swimsuits, let's be honest).
Well, it's a little out of context above, but that screenshot is real, Junzo Hosoi really said ''my biggest reference was the first Halo game''...I would say that he also confirmed that Atelier Yumia will be an action RPG and not a turn-based game, not even active turn-based or ATB like Blue Reflection: Second Light for example.

Well...I don't plan to get Atelier Yumia but I hope that other people enjoy it.
I’m gonna give gust one more night to see if they announce the next banner. I’m at 2,950 gems right now but I’ll probably unlock the recipe for doing 2k dungeons in tomorrow morning’s stamina burn.

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