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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch Bloodstain:
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You failed the last bake
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Miquella is kind.
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I like this mesmeer
i forget, is wanting to be raped to death weird or normal?
>that one lone banished knight in stormveil using the hood that the caelid/farum knights wear
what's the lore implications of this, when every other knight uses the other helm
Nothing, they just used the wrong model
normal for a woman
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definitely weird
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Greatsword of Radahn (Lord) is an amazing quality weapon
it's a shame it doesn't really synergize with a storm build
>horns are used to invoke divinity, particularly the divine lion
>Miquella uses Mohg's horned vessel to invoke a divine "lion" - Radahn
You know... it's pretty kino when you make the connection
The game doesn't make it very clear though, so Radahn just looks like a random asspull
Radahn isn't a real lion like Chadfrey
roundtable hold
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Please fuck off
>a glowing golden lion rides on a white boy's shoulders
>a glowing golden white boy rides on a lion's shoulders
wow... poetry...
well done GRRM...
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why is there artwork of Melina and/or Messmer having the Fell God's eye?
The borealis yell damage tick is lame. Barely does any damage, can easily be ignored, just there to piss you off because you got hit. Kinda like how knocking enemies out of the air damages you if they fall onto you.
People don't read item descriptions
r8 drip
post drip
but theres more fires than just the Fell God
>Black Flame
>Messmer's Flame
>Rykard's specific flavor of magma
>Giant's Flame
>Frenzy Flame
>Ghost Flame
All these flames yet not an incantation to just put normal flame on your weapon
Weapon buffs are shit anyways in ER, it's good we didn't get it desu
weapon buffs are convoluted
stop asking dumb questions
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fight to the death
Well, there are 3 ashes that can buff fire infused weapons with more fire.
so who the fuck are the horny retards in the underground areas? hornsent cosplayers?
What, in thw sewers? Those are Omen
The hornsent got mad at being genocided and laid a curse on the Golden Order that some of them would be born like that and start sprouting horns, the Golden Order views them as and omens so they cut off their horns as babies and throw them into the sewers. Those that survive become the big things
No the horned druid faggots with the sniper bows
Oh no clue
They're called ancestral followers and like there's a tiny bit of lore about them worshipping the fact that life will continually sprout from death as much as it does from birth, but there's not much otherwise
There's 3 ashes and 2 greases.
Neo pagans probably. Also possibly the descendants of Rauh
4 greases cause of the drawstring variants.
The gravebird armor looks really noice on Type Bs
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That doesn't seem right.
You meet the requirements now.
whats the str requirement on it?
>no graven+flock talisman
>no faith catalyst weapon
>flails still don't have an ash for spinning chain
>no unique ash for whips
0/10 dlc
Next DLC will be on the moon and we'll be fighting the outer gods
Twinbird Godwyn kino in 2 years
What was the erg consensus on Radahn 2?
Twin Princes did the concept better and they didn't nuke your frames
cringe, radahn didn't need a "prime" version and miquella picking him for lord is a clumsy retcon
Would you guys like it better if Leda was the consort and we got another dex woman?
Eh maybe, Leda would need a massive power boost and more story content to pull that off. Being on the same level as Godfrey and Radahn is a pretty high bar.
>go in for suicide push when he gets to the last third
>helice stagger right when he's about to dunk me
yippie-ki-yay motherfucker
really good fight
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I want the original DLC.
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What if the DLC boss was Prime Consort Mohg
I wanted to fight the 2 named demigods we didn't get to fight.
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Wait you have to beat Radahn too to do the DLC?
The DLC made Malenia a huge retard.
>everything points to her being enthralled
>failed to do her only job
>destroyed an entire region after fucking up
>dragged back to the haligtree only to infect it with rot
>all of her loyal men got fucked up real bad
>dies to a naked redditor wearing a jar hat
The Problem with miquella:

Lothric benefits from having gwyndolin’s narrative present within the game itself, especially because lothric’s design is purposefully evocative of gwyndolin. and so it becomes clear that lothric’s narrative is a specific foil, exploration, and discussion of gwyndolin’s narrative as a son serving the age of fire, what that means to them, and the decisions they make in the face of it. they’re both princes beholden to their curses and their duties. and even therein, gwyndolin in ds3 touches on the same thoughts that lothric’s narrative is preoccupied with - the nature of the fire and its fading, and gwyndolin’s acceptance of it.

but then miquella - which is arguably intentionally evocative of gwyndolin - has… ranni. and i think they do occupy this same space as gwyndolin and lothric, even though i would say most people perceive miquella and ranni as especially unrelated. but then the game is like "well, ranni is actually the correct option", and she succeeds where miquella fails.

which i think is my problem with it. even when you recognize the conversation miquella and ranni’s stories are supposed to have with each other, you’re not really allowed to draw your own conclusions. similarly, ansbach is there to beat you over the head with how miquella is bad for the same reason ranni is good.

ostensibly the reason it’s written this way is because they just didn’t want to add a miquella ending to the basegame to counterbalance ranni’s narrative. i don’t mean this in a miquella stan way, either - i like ranni’s quest in a vacuum - it’s just that it makes the narrative feel so heavyhanded. like miquella’s story - through him being a Second Marika - was just written to reaffirm to you that "yes, ranni is correct."

It doesn’t have the subtlety to it. everything must die on the altar of reminding you that elden ring, at its core, is about the themes of human ambition (and how Ranni is right).
We will get our Age of Abundance soon...with Gideon too...
You gotta beat starscourge radahn yeah
Finally beat Mogh. What a cunt.
NG+4 Godfrey is a lot different now that stagger is nerfed.
Me too
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Explain how Miquella abandoned his body at Mohgwyn then did it again in the DLC.
Miquella is reverse Griffith. Griffith was winning hard before making mistakes, getting heavily punished, but bouncing back stronger than ever.

Miquella failed at everything he ever planned, succeeded with becoming a god for two seconds, before he died again.

Griffith is
>big lose
>big win

Miquella is
>fail again
>finally win
Yeah the final boss gauntlet on NG+ cycles feels way different. Radagon doesn't just get stagger-locked and actually has HP.
Okay yeah that was piss easy after Mohg
>kill radahn
>strange lad appears outside of the femboy cocoon
now we're getting somewhere
I like how Ymir literally looks into the camera and tells you exactly what Miquella's story is meant to be about but 80% of the community just think he's le evil mind rapist because of Ansbach and Radahn. Ansbach is cool but he he was such a cancerous character for the community because the shitty Mohg plot twist is both retarded and nonsensical as fuck and takes away from any tragedy the story might have held before
Ymir says nothing about miquella
>"Uhh, Michael Zacki? You didn't tell us you put a, how do I put this lightly... uhhh, "SEXUAL PREDATOR" into the game!"
>"something something I couldn't read english as a child and still can't"
>"And you made him gay? A gay rapist? WE GOTTA REVERT THIS, THE COMMITTEE IS NOT PLEASED."
the Elden Beast theme sounds like the DS3 credits
Touching that hand takes you to a place like 40% the size of the base game.
Yes he does?
>Ever-young Miquella saw things for what they were.
>He knew that his bloodline was tainted. His roots mired in madness.
>A tragedy if ever there was one.
>That he would feel compelled to renounce everything.
>When the blame...lay squarely with the mother.

This is the most direct From has ever been in just directly explaining the main takeway of a story to their braindead audience and people still get it wrong
Godfrey > Radagon > Maliketh > Godskin Duo > Elden Beast > Sir Gideon Ofnir the All-Knowing
Oh, weird sorry yeah I'm stupid and forgot that. I'm sorry
True. Only bad part about Radagon is if you leave him alive after the triple slam elden ring attack and he starts going ham.
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Yeah I'm in the middle of getting my shit shredded by the Knight of the Solitary Gaol right now, this is cool as fuck especially since I'm mostly blind
That one weird strum in the Gravesite Plain theme is going to drive me nuts though
Miquella the Shite
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I am the anti-drip.
That strum is funny as fuck because it played when DrDisrespect checked online and saw the allegations that he was a sexual predator.
Don't you DARE approach Miquella the Shite.
Words cannot adequately convey how little I care about (I assume) youtuber drama
The Miquellester thing is just a meme. It's really not that deep.
Why are FROMsoft games so full of trannies and queers? Both in-game and playerbase wise
good morning sir
You should care.
They're in the chat with us.
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This is also her fantasizing/visualizing about the adventures she could have gone on/life she could have had as she fades out of consciousness when she's bleeding out
Michael Zaki keeps young effeminate boys locked in his basement
Does the smithing talisman affect the throwing damage of Ruin Fragments?
What happened to the good morning g ryaposter?
Gwynevere and Priscilla are forever based for appealing to straight men directly
Pre-christian mythology is gay. Also Shakespeare did the same thing. The norm was to have angelic female characters and hardened male ones, so he introduced angelic male characters and cunning female ones.

Anything that breaks the rules (and makes you mad) makes it into the story.
The Dark Lady is a woman described in Shakespeare's sonnets (sonnets 127–152), and so called because the poems make it clear that she has black wiry hair, and dark, "dun"-coloured skin. The description of the Dark Lady distinguishes itself from the Fair Youth sequence by being overtly sexual. The "Fair Youth" is the unnamed young man addressed by the devoted poet in the greatest sequence of the sonnets (1–126). The young man is handsome, self-centred, universally admired and much sought after.
Wikipedia, not my original content.
Does she have any porn
Yeah she has an OnlyMans(it's a joke because all female characters were played by men in Shakespeare's day)
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stuck on Romina on my rl1 scadu0 run, the phase change instakill is too just unfair and her being immune to poison/rot makes it a slog getting her health down to that point
I'd rather fight messmer 20 times than try and finish this, he's a perfectly balanced and genuinely fun fight
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I love Romina but idk what they were thinking with the phase change
I think challenge runners generally try to script the fight by timing stance breaks.
..of SHIT
Can i still acquire te Smithscript hield after activating the pipe bridge inTaylew's Ruined Forge?
no posts?
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here, have a webm
before? weird but not that much of it.
now? DEI unironically
I'm busy trying to piece together a Varré/listener audio.
"The Great Passion" by James Runcie.
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I'm going to KICK your ass, Radahn
Yeah, they worship the same tangled horns as the hornsent.
I thought it was awesome. Still a big fan of the fight. Although with the nerfs Radahn is a lot less scary, which is sad. He's still tough, but not nearly as much.
Who are you talking about?
No you're thinking of the scadu altus theme

very based
Man, I just realize that Rya meeting Messmer would have been good for her. Thats pretty sad.
fucking based
the "Elden Ring" lawsuit takes place in 45 minutes

wish me luck
don't get your hopes up
please... for the sake of us all... bring us the promised consort godwyn ending... the true ending the miyazaki hid from us... why did he do it? he just did, ok? even though i have no proof and its just my headcanon that it would have been better than what we got, i just know it in my bones your lawsuit will reveal the truth. goodspeed, nora-sama.
Good luck!
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Ahhh... the pain... the exquisite pain... My going-into-games machine!!! My hidden half of japanese games!!! EACH LIES A BLOODY RUIN!!!..... BAMCO, VILE BAMCO! O TERROR INCARNATE! THERE IS LIFE IN ME YET: I WILL SOON FEAST UPON YOUR LAWYERS! MARK MY WORDS: YOU TOO SHALL KNOW FEAR - UAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Nora... Piteous Nora... Do you not remember?! Conjure your past - how once you were! WHEN FEAR WAS YET FOREIGN TO YE?! AHAHAHAH ahh AHAHAHAHAH CURSE YOU BAMCO!!!!










How do i add people ive played with on steam deck?
I came from playing on a ps4, thinking it'd be easy, but haven't found how
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Summon Tiche
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Every time I see Radahn, I see failure where Isshin succeeded.
The lawsuit is NOW
Is it normal for the game to run at 40 fps no matter the settings?
Your GPU/CPU/resolution?
Why does EVERY single female character I see on coop/pvp have the same bug-eyed recessed-jawed face? I swear people who play as this type of character are barely closeted trannies. It's a dark fantasy game, you can make any character you want - an orc, an old witch, a barbarian girl, a knight princess - and what do you make? A deformed anime girl who would die from a single punch to the chin. Baffling. Tasteless. Kill yourself.
Have you tried using the character creator?
It's hard. I don't know how to make a character look good, so my only female one is following a guide that I then modified the results of to make it more of a gross zealot.
I wouldn't be surprised if almost everyone else is using a guide or preset too.
oh god...
I can see your point. I agree. However I wouldn't necessarily call it tasteless. People want to play as their romantic ideal, and cuteness is very popular.
>People want to play as their romantic ideal
11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11800H
GTX 3070 Laptop
>People want to play as their romantic ideal
normal people don't
>make a new character
>get to the slog that is liurnia
>lose motivation to play
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so don't do liurnia, or do the bare minimum of it
literally everything in liurnia is optional except the dectus lift, and even that's optional if you go through the bottom of raya lucaria
RL 70 +14/5 is a really good spot for console invasions, get a lot of people playing the game and win rate is pretty high barring the occasional over leveled phantoms which are easy tells Vs at 120. Ganks are also few and far between. Might stick around here for a while as I get closer to messmer
Why would I want to play as anything but a cute woman? Since I have to stare at my character for 100 hours, I'd rather stare at a girl's ass.
this is blatant tranny logic
Yeah, but that loser has his tranny googles.
Bro this is the reason I don't play as girls, I finally got around to making one and used Sabre as the model for her face and I spent and STILL spend random moments fixing little imperfections on her face. Like why would people do this? Just play the game.
>be attracted to women
>don't want to stare directly at a man's ugly ass for hundreds of hours
>this makes you a tranny
I had a friend who made that exact argument who transitioned later, so yes, that makes you a tranny

to be more accurate, it's an implicit admission that you're a tranny, obviously you were a tranny before you played ER or whatever
Women shouldn't play video games.
Very rude
>telling people to kill themselves over a video game
Truly a reddit moment.
So, about that alleged lawsuit.
What happened with that?
I think it's ongoing. Realistically nothing will happen appart from him possibly going broke, since even if he was right, he has no shot at convincing the judge
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At least when everyone copied Sellen they all had a beautiful face(although not very original). Now alkost every type b looks like the weird clone of her Seluvis has.
I see. The guy's probably going to disappear from here, then, as there's an almost nil chance of him getting Bandai Namco to support his delusion that there was a hidden dimension in the game's code.
Black flame, ghostflame, and magma/takers flame are all related to the old God of Death that ruled before Marika took the rune from the GEQ and Messmer's flame is just giant's flame that has been corrupted by the Abyssal Serpent.
Men aren't women anon stop pretending.
That's exactly what I meant. Disgusting.
So post a photo of a woman you find attractive.
A real life photo, not a drawing or a CG still.
What about the thousands of portraits of pretty women that are a staple in art? What about the popularity of love and breakup songs? What about the everpresent theme of love in poetry?
I don't think it's wrong at all, to want to look at and be in contact with a person you find appealing, be it a character in a novel or game.
She looks a bit mannish something with the eyes, maybe that's your intent but 5/10 would not date or fug
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Okay I concede, based.
....do you lust after kids?
I survived.

Here's everything that happened today:
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No. I have other pictures.
middest of mid
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think your taste is in frowny-faced Barbie dolls only.
Well barbie doll implies they are in fact pretty otherwise you wouldn't have said that, but I do like evil girls so I'm good with that, I'll own it.
File deleted.
You're wrong.
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How the fuck did you beat mohg at rl1
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What phase change instakill? I don't remember that
How old are you? Over 40?
Why yes I moderate a discord server how did you know
My prediction is that the majority of current ER players will disappear very soon. Only challenge runs and gooners will remain.
souls pvp has literally never been good
Oh, I see, you're just being disingenuous. Carry on.
seamless is VERY active rn
tel them to stay until I have time for invasions (two weeks from now)
post the slideshow
>>Said they never received my slideshow
You... didn't give them the slideshow?
man i feel the exact same, liurnia is my least favorite area for sure. its so unnecessarily big
lmao you're friends with trannies? seems like you're the expert on trannies here buddy. anything you want to share?
Their hair is brown/black
You're supposed to play as yourself, if you're a man you're supposed to play a man
So what?

Also fucking hell captcha is slow.
So they're ugly
Eldie ring....
>You're supposed to play as yourself,
Woman post
The real reason for 90% of """woke""" designs is because fat white women are insecure about fictional women more attractive than them and they physically cannot engage with a piece of media without selfinserting
The Horizon games are the greatest example of this but it's also the entire reason for the Tomb Raider reboot
>You're supposed to play as yourself
Why would I want to play a depressed, alcoholic loser who heart issues, diabete, social anxiety, and dreams of blood when I can be a cute, sexy, well-adjusted in society girl who actually loves to live?
You're absolutely right.

Arguments like this >>495943605
are the reason there's a black spiderman. Niggers see a character they like and go "By lebron james, he doesn't look like me! I can't relate! I can't enjoy this media! Help me Schlomo!"
>Horizon games are evidence of this
/v/ tourist spotted
She doesn't look like that, literally just watch a cutscene, she looks normal
Also fat people shouldn't play videogames
Because that's what you are, she would just kill herself because she's yoy can artificially slap on a positive aesthetic but she's still got your depressed brain deciding thw actions, even if you steer it towards bondepressed things, you're still using the depressed framework
That's different
>She doesn't look like that, literally just watch a cutscene, she looks normal
See? Like I said, fat white woman
This is not about games with fixed characters, but character creation. Anyone with a healthy mind creates either himself or a version of himself (for example an orc, but with the personality and attitude of the creator). If you create a woman, it means that you see yourself as a woman, therefore you are a transexual and should be given dewormer because you have parasites in brain.
Kill yourself, and actually look at the game
I know that you're from a board that doesn't actually play videogames, but you get your opinions from youtube videos, yoy can spare a bit to flip through one
elden ring?
elden ring!!!
thats your attempt to prove your point? she looks like shit lmfao
Elden Ring 2 should have a hunger meter and other survival mechanics
There should be less combat and be able to focus more on tailoring your outfit
Oh right I forgot you're from /v/ so you didnt play the first one either
i don't need or want to play a shitty sony movie game to look at the main character and realize they look like shit lol. you really suck at this.
Don't even know what you guys are talking about, but holy shit is the voice acting bad.
Elden Ring should have Sekiro's dragonrot mechanic but instead of making NPCs sick, a big black stud should show up and rape your favourite female NPCs. Die enough times and eventually they'll start liking it...
I am playing as my male ideal and counterpart.
Oh yeah, the games animations and voice acting has always been bad
You're not supposed to
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I'm frustrated because I want to be angry but there's nothing to be mad at, my best friend won't argue with me and I keep winning all my invasions
I am a woman.
Congrats man!
Why did you say this
It was a joke. Flew over your head. Whatever.
You were supposed to be irate. It's fine. Sorry.
Why is crucible armor so lightweight for how good it is? Everything comparable is way heavier.
It's okay
>if you are male and like looking at women you are mentally ill
You are not "looking" at women, you are playing as one. You are pretending to be one.
If you're male and like being not male, yes
Can I use the Frenzied Flame to burn the Erdtree, then cure myself and pick a different ending, and not have Melina’s bitchass promise to hunt me down after beating the game?
Says who? You, who's allergic to women? Sounds like cope.

You do realise that computer avatars are not actually a tiny version of you in another world, right?
>You do realise that computer avatars are not actually a tiny version of you in another world, right?
That is literally what they are. That's what "avatar" means. You create them, you control them, you think for them.
Treee Sentinel easily beats it, but it depends on fashion I guess
A game character is controlled by you, it's an extension of your brain and your personality pattern, utbbasically literally is, your brain is good at collecting patterns, you're both internalizing what you play and what you're playing reflects you. It's like if you eat junk food all day, you'll crave junk food more. If you're a man, you're supposed to play a man, if you're a woman you're supposed to play a woman
She just won't appear again.
Yes, you have to get the Golden needle and beat big dragon boss and use it to cure yourself though, you can't pick any other but Frenzied flame until you do
>you are not allowed to play a role in a roleplaying game or else you are [insert insult here]
You are seeing what role you would play if you existed in the world
yeah and the character designs
She's not fat or ugly

look at retards twisting themselves into a pretzel trying to say playing a video game character as a girl makes you a tranny

you are absolutely fucking retarded and your family hates you
shes very ugly, like you. only a fellow ugly person wouldnt think so
Even in the final cutscene where she talks her shit and opens her eye?

Yeah that’s fine I wanna burn it myself and “save” her, then get a regular ending. Just wanna make sure she doesn’t get that cutscene where she promises to hunt me. I cured myself bitch.
Playing a game that has a character creator as the opposite sex of what you are is weird
I'm not retarded and I don't have much family but I know my sister doesn't hate me and I don't have any parents or grandparents to hate me, and I don't know extended family except my non-pedophile uncle and my uncle, and they don't hate me. The only person that would is my other sibling but I don't think they do either, we just don't keep much in contact except through my sisters. So you're wrong
I'm not and she's not
Then yeah you can do that, though you can assume that she still hates you and probably considers you s liability/time bomb since she never talks to yoynagain, but she doesn't promise to kill you
When you get blended in invasions does that deter you or harden you to continue? Been invading with a STR/FTH built at 150 and just getting reemed every time
>final cutscene where she talks her shit and opens her eye?
If you cure yourself she doesn't appear.
Wether or not you condemned her to eternal purgatory, neither alive nor dead is unclear tho.
>my non-pedophile uncle and my uncle
Brother... what the fuck?
A streak of losses and a streak of wins both keep me going
Breaking one or the other is usually when I take a break
I don't like to mix them up
How are you losing with a 150 "build"
Imagine how much it must suck to be a woman and have to do that all day irl with hair and makeup.
Might be spacing issues, but in melt defense I've suck in overworld areas. 150 is where everyone is I thought?
Reminder that the general's worst posters all played as type Bs
And the word is "retarded" because that'd what the anon you replied to is
she is hideous, but of course you wouldn't think so
She's not and neither am I
And even if she was, which she isnt, that doesn't change the fact that the complaint is that people from reddit think that she was made ugly in the first game when she looked good in the first one, when she looks the same. If you think she's ugly in both then I'd still be right that it's not different
He struck a nerve, huh?
is there anything faster than sniping the bird for early rune farming?
Thank you
No, I just laughed at the idea of telling "And the word is "retarded"" to someone saying Word.
Glorious Merchant
Cheat engine I think would be faster
Probably doing the Mohg glitch skip, getting his spear and killing all the albinaurics with Bloodboon
>a version of himself (for example an orc, but with the personality and attitude of the creator).
This nigga's brain would short the fuck out if he ever tried playing a tabletop game
you're wrong. you just grew up in an era where female beauty is hated so you're used to seeing ugly characters and thinking its normal. the chick from horizon is pig ugly.
That's slower than the bird you dumbass
Ttrpgs are different
this post reeks of someone who was molested by their pedo uncle lmao

go get help man
What? How young do you think I am?
Also read the second half of my post before replying to it
If you play as a woman in tabletop games you're basically a full blown tranny.
How? Also you don't have to say pedophile uncle, I specify the other one is the non-pedophile one specifically so it doesn't get confused
Oh look, the tranny expert is here. Obsessed.
How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?
>literally incapable of fathoming the perspective of a character that isn't a direct copy of him
Clearly the trauma caused you to repress the memory of your pedo uncle molesting you. Sad, but many such cases.
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That's what you get for your net in fcs
I didn't say anyrhing about it did or not happening, I was just asking why you said that
Not him but I think the point is if you come to a ttrpg table and play an orc like a human from the 21st century then you're not playing it right, fuck wotc or whoever, orcs are brutish, idiotic savages with no sense of tight or wrong .
Because the signs are clearly there and I'm concerned for you
There is no point in engaging with you when your position is the chick from Horizon, who is objectively ugly, is not ugly. You have terrible taste in women. When was the last time you got laid?
Lie, you couldn't care less
Reread my post, because if thats yoyr takeaway from what my point is then you didnt read it like I said
Are you retarded?
another day of erg not playing elden ring
Stop getting rollcaught by one of the shittiest weapons in the game.
I knew these flame attacks had a pretty long fucking reach.
Oh well who cares Mesmer's fun
I don't blame them. Elden Ring is so boring.
Not as retarded as you. You have severe face blindness, which is a sign of autism. As demonstrated by your posts ITT, you are severely autistic and likely severely retarded.
Please buy a cable.
I'm not autistic, my mom had me tested, reread >>495952814 until you get it or if you ask me to I can rephrase it if you like don't get it
A what?
The fact that your mom took you to get tested is hilarious, holy shit lmao
ohhhhhhhh elden ring
The doctors said I didn't have it
He's saying you should use a landline connection instead of Wi-Fi.
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I sure do love talking about ELDEN RING on the ELDEN RING GENERAL
Those old phones? You can't get internet on those, there's no screen.
but the fact that they had to check LMAO. and your mom was like "yeaaah you know, im not sure. lets get this 'tard tested just in case"
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My net is fine, you just need to get better.
People will play this and consider themselves human
You play like an Ape, holy shit
Yoy go to to the dentist even if you don't think you have cavities, and you weigh yourself even if you've been eating normally, why wouldnit be bad to have been taken to see about autism?
I have to respect the literal Neanderthal that managed to learn to play videogames
>t. L2 mashers
>t. R1 masher
That was a compliment
You are otzi
Is it? I get like 30k per minute off the albinaurics by oneshotting them
The Nightrider's Glaive and the Golden Halberd have a pretty nasty R2 now.
Specially the Golden Halberd as its R2 deals pierce damage for some reason.
the bird is 11k after 10 seconds
That's true. I stopped killing the bird because it's such a chore. Especially when you go to rest and it's still on the edge.
You could go on Reddit PatchesEmporium and ask for rune stacks.
What chore?
Just shoot it with a crossbow
Or just cheat instead of wasting your time
>want to do a SL 85 spellblade
>don't want to play through the game again
>don't want to just C.E. stuff either
Sneed it or keep it?
Moreover is it good for invasions or is it strictly a dueling incant for ritual Sword?
That's actually a good way of putting why it felt kind of disappointing. The nuance was gone. Ranni was right and if you thought otherwise you were wrong. The ability to find your own meaning was taken from you, ironically undermining the very point of the narrative and Ranni's themes.
Ranni definitely feela to forced in the current state.
In what universe is a regen spell good for the ritual sword
False equivalence. I get my teeth regularly cleaned at the dentist not because I'm unsure if I have a cavity. And I don't weigh myself personally because I'm in great shape so that doesn't apply either. The fact that your mother took you means you had abnormal behavior. You're trying to play off something like dental cleanings or weighing yourself on the scale as being the same thing as being tested for a mental deviation. It isn't. You are a basket case of issues man. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the same anon who was talking about cutting themselves.
Why not? What's better? Godskin swaddling with great stars/butchering? Minor erdtree? Go on...
i cant live without beastial vitality anymore

its probably my favorite incant in the game
Nothing, you can't regen back to full from a Moonveil L2
Whenever I see someone cast a health regen spell in a duel I just know they're gonna be the most passive faggot imaginable
regen builds have been cancer as fuck since demons souls so you're not wrong. but man its one of the most useful things in pve
Holy fuck. This has to be the biggest carrying tool every pve scrub and faggot can ever use. Who greenlit this POS? Where's the nerf from? You nerf chicken wing and not this? Good fuck man every invasion is two phantoms with this crap on wtf?
did i get teleported to 2022?
They are the same thing, they're medical checkups. Undiagnosed autism is probably a bad thing, so it'd normal and fine to be taken in to check. There's a reason doctors do tests foe things that you aren't there for sometimes
And so what if I was/am? They're like Teo entirely unrelated topics
It's still here dumbass, literally used by every pve scrub and made worse by streamers
yeah i must have time travelled to 2022 without knowing because thats when everyone was bitching about this thing. everyone in 2024, where i come from, knows its a noob weapon and how to easily avoid it. damn, any advice on how i can get back to the right time? or are you just an idiot?
Prove it big shit? Let's see you take three gankers on at 150 go ahead. You won't shut the fuck up lol
look at this nigga crying and shitting over the blasphemous blade in 2024. look at this dude
This is better.
Why would you bring a meme stick to invasions
Still don't see a vid nigga
What's wrong with this build? I don't get why I'm unable to hold my own in invasions. 40 vig but I'm running a Crimson Amber +3 so I'm getting pseudo 45 but still
Would any kind soul be willing to part with an extra stone sword / blade of light / dark on pc? It's for paladin shit.
>inb4 use ce
I don't know how.
Stop playing like shit
also drop 2 points in str and put them in dex
For what? CGS? Serious question as I was thinking of putting it in FTH or something
For the Gargoyle twinblade
If anyone isn't willing to right now I can, like
8 hours from now
yeah all i see you is your bitch nigger tears shitting up the general
Good comeback man only took you half an hour. Did you make a vid yet? No? OK fuck off.
Find a SL1 save on nexus with game done and a couple of runes. Use the save copier tool. Have fun
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Yeah sorry to make you wait but I'm not sitting around waiting for a crybaby to reply to me on 4chan. I'm working in between making fun of your bitch ass
are you using environmental barriers to your advantage? Mobs? Corners? Or are you fighting "honorable" 3v1s?
Nta but even if you're working, it's on you to find space to reply, if you're slow you're slow, the reason doesn't really matter
Oh OK tough guy, regardless blasphemous blade is a scrub weapon I guess that's what we can agree on end of story. Go back to "working" in your warehouse job
The reason matters because I'm getting paid to make fun of this scrub. Can you say the same?

a swing and a miss. maybe next time
>Black Flame deals more damage, DoT, and the uncharged orb has an AoE
Why did they even bother making Flame Sling
Yeah because I'm also at work lol
it's funny when you expect Giantsflame nuke thee and someone casts flame sling, looks incredibly silly and impotent, as if Giantsflame didn't get up
What is the Golden Vow of DS3?
Why DOES Tricky Mick have a mind control ray anyway?

It's never explained or even commented upon as strange. It's just taken as a given that he can do this. On top of the narrative problems it causes it's completely disconnected from the abilities of every other Legend and Demigod whose powers are all some variant of "I trained a lot so I can swing this really big sword really fast" or "I trained a lot so I can do bigger versions of the spells from established schools that shoot fire/lightning/rocks/crystals."
Does anyone fuck with the system settings? Like Auto lock on? Or whatever aim assist from implemented?
Sacred Oath
>another day that I won't return home bathed in rays of gold
Feeling cute

he is supposed to be the embodiment of compassion and kindness, and in typical fromsoft fashion they invert the idea of a compassionate person on its head by giving the demigod who has that title the power to COMPEL people to join his cause. if he was so kind and good, he wouldn't need to force people into his faction. but he does, and we see the effects of it with Ansbach especially, and on the flip side we see Leda and Dryleaf who still love Miquella despite the spell being broken.
>oh god...
That's not an actual item
Why didn't Miquella just charm Radagon/Marika?
made more fights*
i am so retarded I fucked up the webm title
feral flame of agheel...
burn true...
1. He has to touch people to charm them.
2. It's implied he couldn't actually do that before he got the Great Rune.
>He has to touch people to charm them
It's kinda implied since a lot of charmed person you talk to mention specifically being touched by him, and that's how he charms you, he has to grab you
When does an arcane build get cool? At Lyndell and got the Eleonora's poleblade but the urge to make a full strength build compels me right now
But he still does after his greatrune is broken. And he had the reputation for a long time, besides being an empyrean by birth.
much later
isn't bloody helice fun enough?
Also there three very cool weapons that require 17 arc, and two are actually dex: Morgott's cursed sword, Bloody Helice, Obsidian lamina
Everything in the DLC deals a billion damage goddamn
I'm having fun but I'm getting fucked hard
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Why did Ranni plot to kill Godwyn? Or am I confused and that was just a consequence of stealing the rune of death and killing her flesh? Can someone walk me through any relation between Ranni's plot and Godwyn's death?
Good idea, gaijn, but that's a bit too much for our small team, have this instead.
>increases Brass Shield to 75 stability
She's evil and hated the One Guy that did nothing wrong.
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He's right retard.
It's amazing she thinks she can do anything after just buck broke everyone of her extended family
Yeah e's right tarded, e is! Youse is asell
Put poison mist on a weapon with innate bleed and become a blood poisoning machine. It's great on the rotten duelist weapons, but you're not at the area where you can get those yet.
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Besides lime gold vs grey, how exactly like is Fia's ending different from like the current Golden Order if things can't die?
which we don't actually know thay for sure because the game never technically says that like things can't die under the Golden Order without Destined Death but w/e
I love necromancy and the idea, I just likehave trouble cvisualizi g lime what exactly "Formed of the two hallowbrand half-wheels combined, it will embed the principle of life within Death into Order.

The Golden Order was created by confining Destined Death. Thus, this new Order will be one of Death restored." means beyond the ending being grey in the cutscene
You can live after death instead of being forced to get reincarnated by tree vore
Basically. Jesus as Odin would be cooler. Still waiting on someone to take that webm ans turn the centurion into black knives and Jesus as Godwyn
But Morgott and like the like crucified people don't get reincarnated, they just don't die in the first place and are just stuck disabled/crucified alive
I think true death meas going o the afterlife.as described by Helphen.
Time is Convoluted
Who the fuck is Helphen???
Find out in ELDEN RING 2
There WILL be a second DLC.
Yeah because they aren't fed to the minor erdtrees. That's the whole point of the catacombs.
Helphens Steeple description
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>fight melina in godwyn's body
>The Eclipse drops in and revives Godwyn mid-fight
>it's now a duo fight
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This is everything
Not particularly interesting....
soulful but cringe
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>do Fog Rift Catacombs
>have a lot of difficulty because the normal imps do 50% of my HP per hit and the cannons oneshot me if not topped off (at 48 vig)
>get to the boss
>parry him
>does maybe 10% of his HP tops
aight man i'll come back later i guess
Would Gideon chill with Ymir
you've seen the healthbar move... it can die...
dlc has so much empty filler space its unreal, not even cool to look at, its just fields with basic flora and rocks that look like shit because they kept the disgusting grey vaseline shading from ds3
Their beliefs are very different and Gideon initially dismisses him as a bit of a pansy (because he is) but then gets supposed when an hour has already passed while theyre debating/arguing and was impressed, even if he's secretly annoyed that Ymir seems good at constantly staying calm and collected while Ymir can get under Gideon's skin
Hebwouldnt hit it off with the same way he does eith Ansbach, but he still appreciates Ymir as a counter-point generator to test his ideas and thoughts against
Probably not. Gideon is a grade A asshole that will go to crazy and brutal lengths to gain knowledge on something. He only shares with you what he knows as an exchange of sorts. While Ymir and Ansbach will teach and share while gaining nothing from it.
They wanted to do shadow of the colossus type shit but they fucked up
Gets suprised*
I love this weapon. My second favorite just behind Mohgs spear.
there is an entire mountain that has nothing but reused assests and 1 npc fight and it doesnt even connect to other areas
Crazy how From got away with this only because it's le pretty
Be careful
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>DLC has an independent progression system so you don't have to be high level to do it
>lock it behind one of the highest level bosses in the game anyway
The system exists so level 999 faggots couldn't breeze through it
Mohg is simply a skill check. If you don't have what it takes to beat him regardless of the level, you don't have the fundamental skills necessary to make it through the DLC anyways.
You might have a point if Mohg didn't have one of the only completely unavoidable attacks in the game
This could have easily been solved with a level cap why are they so retarded
just heal bro
>Skill check
Good one
Mohg is a level 80 boss
i'd be having a lot more fun if every single area didn't seem like it was meant for a higher level than what i have now
everything is doing an absurdly high amount of damage, even the basic commoner-tier enemies chunk me and my own damage output is not that great despite having a maxed weapon
normally in the base game it's "fuck off and come back later" and i don't have a problem with that but this is the third time i've gotten to an area and felt like i need to leave because i'm not strong enough yet
>massive spiked hammer
>50 bleed build up
>japanese sized iron stick
>50 bleed build up
I came across this guy while cooping (or someone with the same name)

They were based and appreciated my drip
Hell yeah. You and I are cut from the same cloth.
There's like 20 redditors invaders doing this
>wanna try a rebalance mod for my 4th playthrough
>they all add new shit
why are modders like this, just fix the fucking stats
>want to try Overhaul mod
>gets mad it overhauls the game
People actually having fun? Unacceptable.
Elden Ring is not meant to be "fun"
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>Even his fate
So Miquella's "fate" was to troon out and become Trina in full?
0 Int post
Yes you have 0 int, that's why your post is useless
WWYD if Godfrey/Loux asked to suck your dick
Rebalance doesn't mean adding nier trannies and guns you retard.
Other way around, FtM, he threw away St. Trina to try and become a boy
Please dont call me retarded. What mod does that?
Ask me how I know you didn't actually play the DLC.
>Miquella didn't want to troon out
>Radahn didn't want to get fucked in the ass
Why do loregooners even exist
Melina? Doesn't shave.
Sellen? Doesn't shave.
Roderika? Doesn't shave.
Ranni? Shaven whore. Shameless doll slut.
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>leave Small Private Altar grace
>if you turn right there's a pair of shadows and if you aggro them a caster behind a wall starts trying to hit you
>turning left leads you to an alley
>halfway down that alley a shadow jumps out from behind a wall and tries to stab you
>turn left at the end of the alley into another alley
>halfway down that alley there's another shadow and once you engage him a shadow jumps out from behind a wall and tries to stab you
>at the end of that alley there's a big shadow sitting and once you engage him another big shadow jumps out from the wall and tries to hit you
>take a left and there's a big shadow sitting by a waterfall and once you engage him a normal shadow runs out from behind a wall and tries to backstab you
>go through the house and out onto the path
>if you go into the crumbling house and fight the big spider-scorpion there's another one hidden behind the wall to the left that jumps out and attacks you once you engage
>if you go across the roofs and fight the birds, one lone bird gets joined by another one jumping off from above if you engage it
>if you jump down into the sewer from the most obvious spot there's a fly on the wall who will jump down once you engage the others
>if you go through that sewer path at the end of it you climb a ladder and see a big shadow and once you engage him another one jumps out from the left and tries to hit you
How many times can you tell the same joke before it stops being funny
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I really don't like that Elden Ring is meant for people used to Dark Souls and Demon's Soul.
Sometimes I feel like I'm playing an expansion for Dark Souls 3 rather than its own game.
is this google translate?
Zamn, so THIS is /erg/'s badass chungus mascot?
>Godrick called out Malenia for being a mind-controlled slut
He was based all along...
Where is he, that man? My「 Miquella Spankposter 」
In the final fantasy general
Last we heard he was planning a meet up with the prostitute, so probably that
You're saying he conspires to lay with the vile strumpet once more?
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I'm here, despite how much everything conspires to fuck with me.

No, I don't have a meeting arranged with your sister.
My sister IS NOT a prostitute
>t. Maliketh, the Black Blade
>first major boss is an ulcerated tree spirit except with ground aoes
i'm not enjoying the dlc bros
Rellana is not a meat snake
She is for messmer
>fight furnace golem with high fps
>dodge stomps 8/10 times
>fight furnace golem with low fps
>dodge stomps 1/10 times
>aoe even hits me a second later after the roll
why japan cant into code?
>couple everything to frame rate
>wtf shitty devs why can't I run this in 2000fps???
>decouple everything from frame rate
>wtf shitty devs why doesn't the game slow down for me when my celeron igpu can't make frames???
the human race... is not worth pleasing
stupid fucking brony dont ever you me again with your dogshit takes
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Looks like the nascent butterfly

Am I missing out on str/fth by not using lightning infusions? I realized I've only been using flame art and holy
boc the memester at your service
Boc Tuah!
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let's go bitches, crossword time

Admit it, boc would be really chuffed at someone using his name in a meme
Ah okay but I can't chat I'm on phone right now
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Whoever, for 'Bedside clock feature' put "CLOCK", you're retarded
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Why did they make it dogshit again
I misread, cunt
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it wasn't me, I swear
It wasn't technically wrong, clock's DO work as clocks so it made me laugh
that's not how crosswords work you CLOWN
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Bonfire Ascetics should have been in Elden Ring. I just want a way to refresh bosses without going to NG+ or co-op, even if there's no rewards.

Also there should have been a PVE hardmode covenant like in DS2. It's criminal that a lot of good things from DS2 were abandoned and never returned.
>DS2 had catalyst weapons for int and fth
>Elden Ring only has one for int
Can't wait for the ds2 remakester
Once the remake releases, we should rebrand as eds2rg, elden dark souls 2 ringmake
No other dark souls games allowed though
faith/arcane is so fucking fun and busted, probably my favorite build in any souls game
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>Also there should have been a PVE hardmode covenant like in DS2
there are saves that start in NG+, if you want

>It's criminal that a lot of good things from DS2 were abandoned and never returned.
this is what really hurts
What's a good boss to fight when you have the hiccups?
I have the hiccups
DS2 also had the best equip load system where your roll distance and regen speed was increased the lower your load percentage
Elden Ring easily has the worst because they tied it to endurance for some retarded reason
margit the fell hiccup of course
Never played dark souls, does it not have endurance?
what weapon are you supposed to use with that?
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>Never played dark souls
You’re almost right.
The Frenzied Flame ending exists, and is equally as correct as Ranni’s
endurance in dark souls only affects how much stamina you have
equip load was its own stat called vitality
Vitality seems like it would be health, but I guess that makes sense
I feel like that make levels feel soread a little thin, but idk. If incould make 1 big change, it'd be removing soft caps, just make everything scale linearly. Trying to pump endurance to get up equipload always seemed weird, esspecially since it's obviously not worth it and you never know if you're getting enough on any given level to push you to the right equipment load.
hold your breath
They already disappeared like halfway walking up to Margit
in DS1 endurance increased both stamina and equip load, you are correct for the other games however

vitality as a stat was a dumb idea
They should stop naming stats weird things
Just call Vigor Health
Endurance Stamina
Mind Mana
Dexterity and Strength Melee (combine them)
Intelligence Ranged
Faith Buffs
Arcane Debuffs
Also arguably combine Mana and Stamina
Thank God you're not a game dev
What did I do? Kill yourself retard
Just got hired to make Elden Ring 2 btw
dumb whore
1. It means that if you want to, anyone can now die a 100% normal actual forever death, like irl dying rather than Marika’s dream of people either living forever or being forcefully reincarnated.
2. It is no longer illegal to be undead.
3. The already dead may/may not be given a retroactive choice to be allowed to come back as ghosts.
stop it
okay fine
I'm used to calling every FP bar "mana" after years of diablo 2 as a teen because every class used it, whether it was magic, melee, or ranged
Why did you say this?
I'm confused
nta, but it's not that hard. Mohg was probably the easiest "endgame" boss in my RL1. Maliketh, Godfrey, RadaBeast, and Malenia were all much much harder.

I haven't even attempted the DLC yet on that character though, I am scared
I knew someone who had 10,000 hours in Diablo 3 and we would give eachother investment advice
What does it for you? Is it dragonmaw or swarm of flies?
Divine Beast Dancing Lion
I dont have hiccups anymore, I'm sorry
Are you still up? I'm ready now I'd you'd like
I can't even remember the attack she does on her phase change. Whats so bad about it?
Damn. Well try to remember divine beast dancing lion next time you have the hiccups then
you should be sorry
I will try to, but I have bad memory
I am
Messmer needs to be nerfed to the ground, holy shit this guy is impossible. My solo playthrough has been fucking brick walled by this asshole.
wear good armor and up your scadu to 10
learn his main combo
dodge TO him not away from him
the 1/4th health attack is bullshitty but you can pull through
He seems pretty tough at first, but he's actually a great boss, he's fair, and very fun. Getting the dodges down feels really good. Personally I struggle more with some moves in his 2nd phase but I still really like him.
God damn. I thought d3 was okay, especially after reaper of souls, but it was too different from 1 and 2 for me. I never even tried 4 cause lol
reduvia at the beginning and then occult infused weapons with innate bleed, raptor's talons is a great option that you can get early
>What does it for you? Is it dragonmaw or swarm of flies?
both are goated desu, incantations are just so fucking good in er, makes me happy since miracles in previous games were kind of shit
are there any other quality weapons that have either an int or fth tax like the miquellan knight sword?
Meteoric Ore blade is okay on quality
>mfw the invader doesn't know i've memorized the roll timing for ruptured crystal tear
nice try bitch
Going from NG+5 to NG+1 is such a huge difference.
In the other souls games, the biggest changed were in NG+1 and then each subsequent cycle was a samll increase, but here NG+1 is basically just NG but with the earlier bosses buffed some.
Oh heck I forgot I posted here. Yes please. Church of Elleh, PW: Rage
Name: Tao Auro
weh weh
Give me like 5 minutes
I had a connection error when I tried to summon you, you might need to re-place it
i twink co-op-hunt as a grafted level 30 and literally almost every other invader also is grafted.

this game is so fucking shit...
Thanks a million for the sword anon. Sorry I paid you back with the worst showcase of pvp ever.
I hope you didnt want all three btw cause like I only had that one thing, if theres another I can get I can but itll take me like awhile longer
like awhile awhile longer, probably not tonight
Also I let that person kill me after you died so tehy could get the rune arc
What does it mean?
No, it was close and fun to watch
Advanced PvP tech
Just the one was fine, I already had one from my run, I just wanted another light one for paladin shit.
Just dodge left
It also had waaay more variance in roll speed and backstep speed at medium load. There was a fast medium load and a slow medium load.
Dark Souls 1 has this too, actually.
Does anyone know of a good video or writeup about the various alchemical/hermetic concepts in this game
I know there's a shitton of it especially with the albinaurics and radagon/marika but I don't think I've ever seen it all summarized and I know I've missed some
after being autistically careful about the questlines in this dlc I accidentally missed the hornsent assist summon sign and whoops, missable aow completely locked out because I entered the messmer boss chamber
I really barely even care anymore, the quest system in this game is so obtuse and unrewarding I'm just ready to fight the last few bosses and be done
jesus dude can i fucking breathe
Eh, that means that like you get a different outcome later on in a quest, its fine you still get extra content
this fight was awesome, i was overprepared and my build was too strong so I didn't really get to experience it fully
The Milady has a fucking beautiful moveset
Are there any other weapons that look this cool in motion
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yeah, MY COCK
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Yeah, >>496040972's cock
Are they gonna nerf Colossals again next patch
I'd be pretty mad, it took them this long to make them remotely pvp viable.
Did he kill you after you bowed
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I can't really argue against that.
no, i beat him up some more, he ran away to set up an ambush at the big defense emplacement, and then my internet died. i wish more invaders played like this instead of trying to duel me constantly.
>and then my internet died
Hate it when that happens, especially when you get invaders/hosts who actually make the experience fun. My ISP is notoriously unstable and I can't switch because nobody else covers the area I live in.
beat the game twice today thank god they never bothered fixing the morgott gate skip with taunters tongue
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Just beat Hoarah Loux. Fun wrestling match, are there any fist weapons with ashes that do suplexes like Godfrey?
Also, I expect next fight is the point of no return. Anything that's worth doing before going into NG+? Already beat Malenia and Mohg, but I don't have the dlc yet unfortunately
>are there any fist weapons with ashes that do suplexes like Godfrey?
Sadly no, nothing comes close. There is a pretty fun hand to hand fistwrap that lets you go all martial arts kicky/punchy though, which has recently had a significant buff so it's actually viable.
(Said fistwrap is in the DLC, however)
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cool i'll take i-
why does she have such a tiny mouth
best girl
will never forgive Miyazaki for not adding a way to ACTUALLY save her in dlc
Because Japan
For leyndell? Yeah, it's great. What builds did you use?
What's the "intended" first boss of the DLC? Surely not Dancing Lion, right? He kills me in two hits, and the grab is 100-0 every time.
Dancing lion was my first boss if you aren't counting minor ones like Blackgaol Knight.
Have you gotten some scadutree fragments and upped your scadu level?
Clueless Tarnished speaks in perfect Golden Order order, shocks Marika and the Greater Will
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Happy Halloween
Elden Beast is a Finger god like Metyr isn't he...
is there anything else in the game that reduces stamina regen rate, or is the tooth whip ash of war the only thing
The grab literally has a sound cue of when to dodge. You can dodge it blind with 100% accuracy. Are you retarded?
I'll buy you the dlc, give me your steam id
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I love that picture so so much....
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He want to give Marika smooches.
only in ds3, not in er
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That's it for me
I'm leaving the lands between to live in peace with Rya
Gotta kill somethin'
I bet half of you are from Israel
I'm from Iceland, so you know, close enough for 4chan.
I'd bet against that, if only due to how everyone liked Allahposter
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I just uninstalled the game, got all achievements and explored everything. Im sad my time with such a fantastic game is over, and im sad I wont get to enjoy something like it for quite some time.

clocked 300 hours, dont know how some of you fags have 1k hours on this.
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nah, im trully done and squeezed every drop of fun the game could give me, unless fromsoft decides to drop another DLC but thats very unlikely
Have you tried mods?
yeah, but I get bored quickly, I dont know, they all feel very "cheap", like im playing a bootleg version of ER and I dont like it.
Make sense.
Have you tried getting a buddy into seamless coop? Maybe you'll have fun if you play an archetype.
>Radagon and Marika are one in the same
I thought Radagon was at the start a seperate person that was forcibly fused to Marika to control her by the Great Will, which only worked due to her shaman heritage allowing her flesh to merge with others. Hence why they are literally fighting over shattering or mending the Elden Ring in the intro.
But I've seen people say he was always her other identity and that's why Miquella has his St.Trina female version of himself. Whats the answers
Raya Lucaria was a threat to the Marika, so she created Radagon to seduce Rennala and bring them into the Golden Order rather. Once this was done, she didn't need Rennala any more, so Radagon broke her heart, crippling their power.
How is one body switching between two forms the same as flesh melted together which we see in jars for some of you? I don't get it
What was Melina's curse or power if Messmer's was a snake? ghostflame? destined death? was Marika even their real mother or just an adopted one? and if so who was their father
>Convergence Mod is actually better than vanilla
How will miyazaki ever recover?
>What was Melina's curse or power if Messmer's was a snake?
Kindling to burn the Erdtree, her gloam eye she keeps hidden is mysterious dunno what thats about, maybe GEQ is sealed with her like the snake was within Messmer
>was Marika even their real mother
Real mother, no father, snakes produce asexually. But thats assuming Marika had a snake form she used to birth those 2 and thatws what the giant snake skin at Bonney village is about. Both kids arent like the other demigods of Marika. They were born to be living seals of her enemies, GEQ, snake with messmer
based 3rd world bros
>seamless coop

part of the reasons I enjoyed dark souls was the weird interactions with random nobodies, that bullshit mod ruins that experience and everyone that uses it is a gigantic faggot.
you alright?
did you hook up with your ex?
Worst part is, I live in fucking Norway. Our 'net is usually great, except apparently for this one shitty location I live in.
Is anyone using bondstones?
well, don't hurt yourself now...
What the fuck is a bondstone?
>Miquella is is fail
They make rauh burrows blow up
>ghostflame? destined death?
Yes. There aren't multiple kinds of deaths, It's all one thing. The GEQ was the Divine Host of the god of Death that ruled before the Golden Order and Melina cursed to be Death's new host.
Does Vacuum Slice still have no hyper armor?
Cumming for hours isn't the worst way to do that
Haha imagine if she invaded you, defeated you, and then raped you haha wouldn't that be funny haha.
well, uh, stay safe I guess
I've found a couple but I'm not sure where else to look now that I've hit the three miquella guidepost things. There don't seem to be many in the dungeon, if any.

It is but that doesn't matter, it's the principle of it having a oneshot attack which I haven't really run into elsewhere. In my experience you only run into oneshots when you're somewhere way above where you're supposed to be e.g., mohgwyn as soon as you get to liurnia or dragonbarrow at like level 20.
As such it seems like a sign that I should be doing something else first, but I'm not sure what.
Nah, she'd give you a hand up and then drag you along for a few rounds of ale at the tavern.
based and friendlypilled
what exactly does seamless do
Makes it so that you can play through the game in a more traditional constant co op continuous campaign with a friend, rather than like just summoning them for bosses and nmahqred progress
Woman can't rape retard.
Imagine Remnant 2.

Nice bait.
I mean it is bait but to be fair to that anon a vast majority of any time that a man is raped, every single other man's response is "Ouuuughhh I wish that were me"
Basically it makes it actually play like a co op game
Quests are w butbbuggy though
>bouquet of flowers
A-Anon that man is too lewd.
How so? That's the outfit I wear every Friday evening when it's time to visit Miquella's room.
>w butbbuggy
A bit buggy.
>I'm alright, through deranged.
aren't we all? anyways don't flick the bean too much, it'll hurt or something I dunno
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>max level - no items
>all items - level 1
which option for ng+
I want to have sex with you
all items will be a bit easy desu reckon you'd get bored
Your level is fine, the grab just oneshots because it's meant to teach you about roll8ng on sound cues that the other dlc bosses also use.
I bet she'll make you pay for it.
NG+7, 50 STR/DEX, 80 FTH/INT/ARC, switch weapons every encounter. Master the arsenal.
60 str
48 dex
72 int
72 fth
53 arc

that's all you need to master the arsenal
What in the seven layers of hell.
I am so confused I don't even know what to say.
are you an exhibitionist ingame?
elden ring?
I tried to breast feed my cat
Take care, mate. I only read the first line and this was enough to irk me enough to refresh the page and not see it anymore.
Please fuck off
This place is not a good forum for venting therapy, friend. I do wish you all good things, but healthy interactions are just not a thing here.
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Well, /erg/? Do yoy feel divided?
Do you even like know what item he's talking about? The only thing I could think of is if he's talking about like a like ash of war or one of the invader things and it's just clickbait
I hate vtubers so much
buy an ad
You're retarded, kill yourself immediately
kys shill
>This place is not a good forum for venting therapy
Yes it is? 4chan is the best place to do that sort of thing
Literally reread the post
Sure, if you want to just scream into the void and don't particularly care that the void screams right back and louder, but that's not very constructive or healthy.
What the fuck is with the axe of godfrey R2 stomp's hitbox? It feels like I can never hit with it even during obvious trades, people just easily roll out.
it is but the mods probably ban you for it.
don't quote me on that though.
People who like the same games as me are my friends and I love them
>use ash of war
>can't hit snatching
>someone uses ash of war against me
>can't dodge it for the life of me
Tale as old as time
I refuse to accept that it's me sucking
Looked a bit, he's talking about scardutree fragment, so it's not that horseshit.
Although talking about how Elden ring is the "git gud" game while in the background using Gug's sword and lion's claw shows a huge lack of self reflection
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It's true. At least here you aren't dealing with some crook that's only in it for the money (mostly, anyway - there's greedy, manipulative frauds everywhere, afterall)
That's still pretty horseshit, the most extreme arguements are like "I think this system isn't that great" vs "ai think it's pretty good" vs "it's okay"
not an eceleb board or thread
publicity is publicity
Reread the post
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No? You just didn't do the thing that I told you to do
You probably shouldn't dox yourself
Content creator have to do their slop
>several people do the drip inspector thing
>not a single one of them ever fails anyone even when they have shitty or basic drip
Someone revoke these fuckers licenses.
The Skibidi chalice will be the entrance to the boss rush mode being added in the last patch
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I simply don't click ER videos anymore, specially clickbait ones
>Can you beat Elden Ring while doing X????
>Elden Ring but X
>Elden Ring underrated weapon
>Elden Ring this weapon changed the meta
>The lore of Elden Ring is X
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I like the Warhawk's Talon. It's a pretty good straight sword.
when the fuck will fromsoft uncuck big weapons? do they unironically believe some poise and burst damage justifies 1/3rd of the dps and status buildup?
Are you stuck in the past?
Are you fucked in the ass?
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oh, you're actually stupid
isn't today the day of the elden ring lawsuit where the dude claimed they hid half the game lmao
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>That review of the guy who shat on the base game saying the DLC is good and fair while he's showcasing his footage of himself spamming jumping attacks with powerstanced colossals
Don't worry that attention whore will loudly let everybody know every single thing because /v/ is his personal blog now
Eh he probably lost the case already
>real bitchzaki
Retarded subhuman faggots
stop yelling at the walls
posted it again award
it was yesterday, there was a schizo thread on v, slides were finally posted
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Remember 2022 when our game was considered cool?
Colossals (not colossal swords) should have +100 AR across the board but even worse stat buildup (colossal swords included) except for frost, medium and light weapons should deal 0 posture damage, light weapons shouldn't be able to block at all, medium weapons should have worse guard boost and damage negation because if you don't want to die from a missed sekiro homo parry you should be forced to do it with a shield or live with the consequences. And all thrusting attacks should be limited to 90 degrees of manual rotation while the animation is active.
its still cool and i still have fun playing it
The glazing of shitty lore in ER and how even SOTE is genius and just too complex for plebs is especially funny because Miyazaki said he writes all of the text and dialogue and he isn't a fucking writer. He's literally never written anything outside of a Souls game (and maybe Deracine and Sekiro, we don't know as much about their creative processes and the credits don't list a dedicated writer; we only know Miyazaki did the Souls writing because he said he did) and has no background in it. The plot comes across as incompetent and nonsensical not because it's a deliberate stylistic choice but because the guy can't write and has had admitted as much in interviews. He does about as well as you'd expect for some nerd off the street who's really into TTRPGs and has a day job as an account manager (what Miyazaki was doing before he worked at From).

It's not meaningfully different from just randomly selecting a /tg/ poster to write the next AAA game on his own with no oversight, and he responds by throwing in a bunch of TTRPG cliches and meaningless religious imagery that he half-recalls from school that he thinks looks cool. Once you realize this everything about the Souls games makes a lot more sense. The presentation is hard-carried by the concept artists, level designers, composers, and voice actors, but it's all in service of nothing really. SOTE just made it extra obvious because it tries to have a "real" story much more so than prior Souls games through the main cast.
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>Miyazaki recently said that Elden Ring is as big as they're currently willing to go and they aren't going to be making a game of similar scale again for quite some time.
not reading that essay faggot lol
And then, after I'm drunk on Siegbräu she'd rape me, right?
Yes, but you're visiting his room and not going out in public like that. That's a difference.
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looking forward to not having to ride the horse for 3 hours out of the 5 hours it takes to create a new level 1 twink
>No Elden Ring 2
>More Soulsloppa instead
Lol, I'm on a watchlist with crooked pigs and feds watching me jerk off. I'm not worried about people here knowing my location. It's Richmond, VA.
Too good to be true and that faggot is a huge liar
Didn't the guy get told that he had to redo his case in California instead of Massachusetts, because he forgot to read the Elden Ring EULA closely enough?
Or they're going to go a new direction.
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Changing the OST of the Miquella fight to the Naruto German opening so it can be just like a real anime final battle my Backhand Blades
Aber warum
can i touch you in the pusy
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Next FROM game is called Duskborn and it's all about Godwyn. Thousands of years after Elden Ring where the Death ending happened.
Because it has SOVL, just what's needed for my final battle.

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>we'll get more sekiro sized games every 2 years instead of giant eldenslop every 5 years
sekiro was cringe thoughbeit
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wrong althoughever
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Even the nerfed one is pretty hard. My last try ended around this moment.
Shartyniggers never created anything of value only the OG /qa/chads did
you are a fag with bad taste
unfortunate how elden ring is literally this since they decided to focus on boss fights
Sekiro and BB were great. Smaller, self contained stories that take place over the course of a single day/night seem to be their strong suit
You're in a cult?
femanon feet...
Nuh uh, next game is Dungborne, where every enemy is an Omen because the Dung ending happened
Stop deleting your posts, some of us don't get to see them before checking the thread again...
>what's the archive
i wish a femanon posted feet...
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True lore.
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Just go look up Selen cosplayers, anon.
why is radahn considered badass again? he lost every fight he's been in
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Do you think Kenneth was just speaking metaphorically when he said that Godrick licked Malenia's boots when he was begging her to spare his life, or if that was real?

God, I wish I was him.
In Japanese he specifically says Godrick "licked Malenia's toes", and that's not an expression they have. He was being literal.
Godrick called Malenia a "rotten hoe ass skank"
How long ago was the Shittering? It seems like it happened very recently.
But I want to see your girlfeets and not someone else's feetpussies
bro what the fuck i never knew this before lmao

is godrick /ourguy/ after all these years?
If he did, do you think that means he just tanked the scarlet rot? Completely ignored it? I can't believe he's able to shrug off her strongest weapon.
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No more than a year or two. There are still intact war banners and tents outside of Leyndell.
Nice... nice...
Souls lore is allergic to letting strong characters actually do strong things or even mentioning them. Godfrey is the god-king of the greatest empire in the world over whose entire characterization revolves around how much he loves fighting and wants to do nothing but fight forever, and the most he ever gets in terms of concrete feats is "was in two wars where he did very well [nothing specific], and fought the Storm King." Malenia is the undefeated goddess of war who was famous even before the Shattering to the point of having medals made commemorating her victories, and the most we get from her is "she fought at least four battles in the Shattering and won, and beat her mentor in sparring, beat Godrick, cut through Radahn's knights at Aeonia, and stalemated him"; nothing concrete at all, nothing outside of the Shattering, and very little in the Shattering for how much was implied to have happened and the scale of the battlefields we find. Artorias is a classic example too as he was the greatest of Gwyn's knights who was already legendary before his Abysswalking but the ONLY thing we ever knew he did, the literal only thing, is that he fought Darkwraiths one time. Didn't even "kill" Darkwraiths, just fought them at some undisclosed location and point. It wasn't until the Dark Souls comics came out years later that we ever saw him win a single fight or even got confirmation about him being involved in the dragon wars.

Radahn is up there with them. All four of these guys, and others, would definitely have text or cutscenes or flashbacks showing them carving up a thousand enemies Dynasty Warriors style in any other medium. They'd have mentions of great conquests. Especially in the context of a setting where the vet characters regard you as a rookie pissant until you kill literally thousands of enemies and dozens of bosses and random spirit summons and side NPCs like Nepheli and Oleg have each explicitly killed 100+ enemies across countless battles.
He grafted someone else's tongue and then took it off afterwards
Say something mean
One thing you've got to hand to Godrick is that despite being a coward, he has high pain tolerance. Guy amputated his own arm mid-fight with no anaethetic like it was nothing.

He probably didn't simply ignore it since he has low resistance to rot, but he likely tanked it as he literally crawled away out of fear of death.
You have a small dick.
Okay but we don't see any rot scarring on him, and his face seems to still be completely the original. And while he did cut his hand off, he was really feeling it. Man screamed like a siren.
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She doesn't use rot at all until she blooms, and there's no way Godrick got her down to phase 2.
Wrong track
How did Fia btfo D
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More like how did Godwyn btfo D
He doesn't actually eat dung, does he?
Well, he doesn't deny the title, and uses it himself with pride.

Probably originally got the nickname as an insult when people were throwing dung at him as he was being hung before returning as a tarnished. But then it became quite literal as the seedbed curse requires the bloody desecration of the victims crotch and anus.
D is a larper
The state of erg...
I take it that r9k tripfag brought this blogposting piece of shit
Any mod that fixes the camera in Bayle's fight? This shit is going to make me vomit. Who the hell programmed this? Why does the camera rotate and clip inside his body when he gets close instead of simply zooming away????
I warned them.
It's almost October. What is there to still discuss about this game?
It's over. Go home.
From physically can't make boss fights without adding some bullshit that makes them boring and tedious
Literal anti-fun design
>someone shares their trauma to deal with it
You shouldn't commission so much art.
I didn't commission that
9/10 need a snakes heads.
>Noooo, not personal details about people's lives. Only discussion about boss nerfs and invasions being bad allowed here.
Go talk to your family
go back to /soc/, discord, reddit or whatever, this is elden ring general. Do you go around confessing to random people in restaurants, too?
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I heckin' love my favorite blogging website 4chud
My empyrean half-sister wants to go out with a guy with dimmed eyes... she barely even knows him... I tried barking at him a couple times but he didn't go away and instead snapped his fingers at me.
I love/end up posting random rants at the drop of a hat but you're retarded if you think that like people owe caring to it at all or like that it's not fine to call you retarded if you do
Plus, being breastfed isn't trauma
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Femoid tries to not attention whore challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)
Putrescent knight is literally the worst boss I've ever seen in a videogame.
>Haha you cant hit me!!!
Woooow what a fun fight
have you tried... gitting gud?
You should commisssion more art then.
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>skill issue git gud
He's a good boss if you pay attention, not enough HP desu
don't let it get ya down kiddo
there ain't plenty of ranged attacks to hit em with

Just hit the l2 button
Literally just roll her attacks
I'm forcing myself to take a break for awhile
If I don't it's gonna be like another rya self harm pic though, but I need a new kind of idea for how it'll be since like I don't want a repeat
Description items related to putrescence are atrocious so the boss is unsatisfying for lore reasons.
The area before him is at the same time fantastic and awful: I love that it forces players to actually engage with it in some way instead of running by, I dislike the re-used enemies and (short) length
They rushed or ran out of time when doing that area and the lore on the items in it.
Eldie Ring....
It literally takes 5 minutes to come up with an interesting lore
Yeah, it's really dumb. There's graveyards everywhere in the game, and Trina lilies all around, but for some reason this area with lots of dead bodies turned into animated sludge because of Trina
The whole southern part of the map is comically empty and unfinished. Like, early access tier unfinished.
Apparently there was more to the boss in the Chinese translation that they cut out of the English version...
fact checked by true leyndell citizens
I kept expecting boss fights because of how many empty spaces I came across
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Great Katana and Bow build for both except the 1st one I used the Black Bow and the 2nd I used Ansbach's Bow. I also used Bloodflame in the 2nd, I like Ansbach's Bow the spread shot is good. Great Katana is really good, too.
what exactly?
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What? I've been having to make a majority of the new threads, no one else has been doing it and it keeps reaching page 10
Ive never done a bow build in any Fromsoft game. Maybe I'll try one. ER seems to have some cool options for it, too
bow gameplay is extremely boring
It's better as a support weapon or just for big enemies. I just used it when the enemy was far away.

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