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Currently: Ragna/v/ 3 - Released on Friday, August 16th

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
This is the 4chan community server, featuring extensive changes. The majority of players are here.

Rates: 5x/5x/5x/3x, it's OriginsRO except rebranded. Not wiped, server was brought back from exactly the point where Origins stopped.

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal;
Rates: Customized depending on spawn rarity

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article!

Source Code:

Previous: >>495636712
rape hanyeo
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Made a breakthrough on this little test. I have fully functional Shadow Clones that copy your skills, and you're able to move them.
I love the v server and have made some friends, but Im very non cute and have trouble rping in town. Thanks for reading my blog.
Just add Kagerou/Oboro at this point.
I was thinking that myself when I looked at the skill window and saw an entire row of non-Ninja skills, and then some more sprinkled around. The Ninja skill tree was already tough, but it's now entering Professor levels of skill point variety distribution.

Ninjas are just...really, really REALLY bad in their natural state. I've given them a lot already but it feels like every Ninja skill is basically an inferior version of something another class can do much better.
cheese cuteness with wickebanes cat ears
>Ninjas are just...really, really REALLY bad in their natural state
That's because they were thought as a 1.5 class, lesser than a 2nd class. They didn't need any changes at all, just a further line of progression (Kagerou/Oboro) that can improve what ninjas already have.
Keknipple figured this out years ago.
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Just remove Final Strike damage reduction penalty at this point then.
You dug yourself into a self-decided hole by deciding that having a 2nd weapon, and being able to get 4 more weapon cards is enough to justify every build being shit because Final Strike "might" be strong (it isn't).

Melee - It's been made akin to Assassin but is just jankier and shittier in every way. Cost/Temporary Double Attack, Dual Wield with no significant benefits, Temporarily Increase Flee but with annoying upkeep that will kill you if you don't upkeep it constantly (this cuts into its DPS also), and still dying to basically any spell cast on it.

Ranged - Moderate damage, and significant AoE damage, but can't function without Bragi in a meaningful way. Huumas after-cast is incredibly slow, and so it's only viable in party play. However, because it's physical damage, high-DEF monsters greatly cut into its damage, and there's basically no way to mitigate this.

Magic - Really good but not because of it's actual damage. This build only really excels because of Cicada and weaving it with level 1 Ice Spear. Because of this, it's able to cheese stuff. Not because it's good, but because it has something that ignores a normal function of the game and can work off of that. Without any magical penetration it can never excel. In terms of damage it's worse than a Super Novice, but Cicada carries it into being able to kill weird shit.

Final Strike - A skill that looks really good, but the 50% damage reduction on anything you would actually want to use it on makes it trash.

Enfeebler - The only real use for the job right now. Stacking status ailments on your weapons and then laying down Makibishi to status-fuck people in PvP. It's an annoying hinderance against groups in WoE and is good.

Basically, right now the only builds that actually have any worthwhile use are Magic for cheesing monsters that don't cast magic, and Enfeebling builds with Makibishi for PvP content.
dumb /vm/nigger, nobody here plays these servers
>go fight orc lord and see for yourself how many times he spam EQ
if orc lord doesn't shit out an EQ at minimum twice a minute your server is shit
also who the fuck cares about orc lord earthquake, he hits like a wet sponge with it
>but the 50% damage reduction on anything you would actually want to use it on makes it trash
I think those don't actually exist anywhere in the code. I'd have to check to be 100% sure, though.
Your assessment is pretty on-point.
D*ncer b*ffs when?
can you do /mineffect or just turn effect off for next woe, the visual vomit made it impossible to watch your shit vid at all and numbers flying all over the place didn't help
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I just don't care anymore.
I'm glad that the other jobs that really needed a buff, like knights and priests, got buffed.
I can't seem to drag/use my Link spells for some reason? I'm using base soul linker sprite btw.
Nvm im retarded as usual.
Here’s my thoughts about the class’ flaws after playing melee and magic ninja
>mirror image flee bonus should be passive
>final strike damage is shit
>skill points are too thin; tree should reduce levels of some spells/skills
>sp requirements for melee skills are huge especially since you don’t get enough points to easily max ninja mastery as melee
>flaming petal & wind blade should have their matk and delay buffed to be in line with freezing spear
I also don’t think you should make a second class for ninja because that would require importing all of the kagerou/oboro skills wholesale which, like most renewal class design, aren’t interesting and virtually make your previous class skills pointless and you would have to massively rebalance the damage values while also rebalancing ninja itself since they have select kagerou/oboro skills already.
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My next experiment was making the Mirages do Throw Shuriken automatically while auto-attacking. I think it's quite janky looking, even if the numbers are good.

In fact, the numbers are more than just good. To try this out, I flipped Throw Shuriken into a skill that lets you use +% Cards and then compared it to Assassin Cross auto-attacks.
Based on the equipment I saw players use in the server, the stronger sinX are doing 10k to 12k DPS(no elemental advantage). Trying with a geared Ninja and that setup, it was reaching 10k DPS as well, except it didn't need to rely on EDP and all the equipment for it was much easier to obtain.

I tried switching Throw Shuriken back to ignoring +% cards and DPS devolved into a still respectable 5~7k, which would make the build viable. When I tried with Zipper Bear Cards, DPS stabilized at a solid 7k, thanks to Shuriken's low variability nature.

I'm still not sure if I want to go down this path, though. I'd still have to test it out using the different magical spells, I focused mostly on physical tonight. Still, having actual Shadow Clones is very fun, and adds a new layer of complexity to the class.
considering the skill point investment 7k dps puts them closer to the top than the bottom in terms of having that much damage output, at range, with those kind of evasive skills
No one cares about your cliquefag server you retarded, corrupt dumbass.
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I would say that it's not wise to make melee Ninja reach SinX levels of DPS honestly.
SinX is just too high in terms of melee DPS and honestly it shouldn't be contested in that way.
The question is: "How do you make melee Ninja good?" not necessarily "How do you make melee Ninja do good damage".

That being the case we have two routes to take if we put the actual damage on the back-burner.

Both in accompanying it's damage capabilities.

Adding an aspect that would allow it to tank could be too strong, so you'd want to tread carefully.
On that question we add "Why can't Ninja tank?"
This answer is that it has no defenses against magic, and due to it's low HP pool is unviable to tank anything that casts magic.
You don't want to make it too strong in that regard, but you'd want to make it viable if you took this route.

"How do we make what it adds to the group beneficial and in a way that isn't inconvenient".
As we can see from other supports, using Bard's Bragi as the pinnacle it would involve being able to add something that other players would benefit off of. But then we have the question of "What would be a good buff?" "How would they apply the buff?" questions that are important to take into consideration.
After all, if the buff they provide is worthless, it may as well not exist. If it's too difficult to apply the buff, then it may not be worth the effort.

These are just some considerations when buffing melee Ninja.
You don't necessarily have to look at the damage it provides, but you can instead look at adjacent aspects that can make it better, since competing with SinX in terms of damage is at a point where it may actually be detrimental to try and bring the two up.
shuriken is not melee ninja it's more analogous to rogue
Over the top GS buffs? Let's double it up for the ninja.
The clones throwing shuriken when copying auto-attacking is very melee oriented.
We're soon reaching diablo3 levels of stupid power creep, upping the dps so much. Just wait for the next classes seeing and wanting that shit.
What do you expect from him? He's clueless.
The thing I’m most concerned about is making ninja viable for party play. It would be nice if they had something to benefit the party other than dps.
I still stand by just making a straight up melee version of utsusemi, not like mirror image, ranged + utsusemi ninja can permanently dodge auto attacks with no drawback (the step back creates extra effective defense by making the target move to them again) for minimal skill points, no weight, nearly no sp or zeny cost and doesn't force a play style as long as it's ranged, while the current version of melee "utsusemi", mirror image costs a fuckton of skill points, takes up weight and some zeny (zeny amount is only a hindrance when you're a new player and serves no purpose to any veteran at all but I digress) and forces you into a flee build (read: heavily encouraged), you can keep mirror image in for flee ninjas but yeah
> I still stand by just making a straight up melee version of utsusemi, not like mirror image, ranged + utsusemi ninja can permanently dodge auto attacks with no drawback (the step back creates extra effective defense by making the target move to them again) for minimal skill points, no weight, nearly no sp or zeny cost and doesn't force a play style as long as it's ranged
What the fuck are you trying to say

Also mirror image doesn’t cost a shadow orb despite what the skill description says
I suggest reading
“Melee utsusemi” is just utsusemi. Thanks for the “insight”.
This but myro. Fuckin reddit advertisers.
Make some of the physical skills to:
>Lower the target's attack/defense by a chance
>Apply a debuff that makes physical attacks do more damage (would also buff critical hits received)
>Be able to do a critical hit
There you go.
>retarded suggestion
There you go.
yeah bro the teleporting away from your target so u can't fucking hit them is definitely designed for melee. Disingenious bad faith retards at it again are we?
Then use mirror image retard
another day, another my/rog/ods thread
are you dyslexic? do you have reading difficulties? you better do cause otherwise there is no excusing your lack of reading comprehension you absolute manchild lmfao
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why are myro schizos like this?
> roleplaying Naruto
aight you people have fun
It's called Cicada you stupid weebshitters
Multiclient beggar faggots deserve the rope.
Dual clienting is shit
blame the dev if you want, that's the in-game name
Can anyone re-up the skins here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Txw-rdPDrnzlPpvCyRxKcSzH0mcLzjBi to mega or something?
google doesn't have the "download folder as zip" thing that mega has
anon there is a "Download All" button in the top right
>i want melee utsusemi
>which is mirror image
>but that doesn’t count because uhh
You stupid fucking retard. And it’s obvious you don’t even play the class in the first place since you think mirror image uses a shadow orb on this server. Peak dunning.
holy fuck renne give it up
not this argument again
I do not want to download all of them
I want to download only SOME of them
and as a zip file

Why, How do you not understand this from my post?
Are you retarded perhaps? Autism?
Please for the love of god, kill yourself
Does Ninja actually NEED buffs it kinda seems like there’s just nobody who wants to put the effort in.
then just pick out the ones you want afterwards dummy
Put the effort in to what
all the extended classes should be just as viable as the trans classes imo, maybe more people arent playing them because they suck
aaaaaaahhh why'd she join bullies she's so sweet and innocent they're going to ruin her
To gear it. There’s melee super novices running around doing shit, but they have +6-7 gear and fully carded swords. I haven’t seen a single geared ninja on this server
because the reasons I listed? you're fucking retarded, talking about dunning Kruger while being insanely bad faith disingenuous and providing zero actual substantial comment on anything I wrote, just putting your fingers in your ears going lalala I can't hear you
You didn’t list any reasons. You said that mirror image costs money but it doesn’t. Stop being a shitposting moron about a class you don’t even play.
I have an easy fix for you. make shuriken auto-castable with auto-attack.
it's nice to know you didn't read the rest, makes me feel less bad. shadow orbs being bugged on it isn't intentional design, it's supposed to use orbs (weight) Aside from that you ignored me mentioning skill point commitment difference and mirror image being tailored for flee when utsu doesn't suggest using a certain build (other than ranged). feel free to ignore if you're not planning to reply but flame instead
I really should've rolled Ninja instead of Stalker on how much dev actually cares about them.
>i-it’s bugged
>skill points
That you would have used anyway on the same skills. Retard.
>it’s flee based but utsusemi isn’t
Retard. Ninja will never work as pure vit tank but MI makes vit hybrid tanking possible by negating hits and drastically lowering flee investment. Utsusemi is also perfect for kagekiri spam but you wouldn’t know that because you don’t play the class, retard.
ok buddy
sowwy I just wanted one sane conversation I expected too much
He really wants you to play auto spell storm gust with a bow so stop resisting

well you'll always have us westr
Same, I shouldn't have played alchemist I should've played ninja.
The base ninja kit was already better than alchemist and he thinks it's bad and wanted to change it so he clearly has doesn't care about anything that isn't his favorite class.
>auto spell
>procs once in a blue moon
It's absolutely horrid to play as
>thinks ninja is as good or better than alche
it's absolutely better than alchemist. Chemist no because AD is a broken skill, but ninja doesn't have to craft an item for every skill it wants to use
ragna/v/ dev loves extendeds
myro dev hates extendeds
>it's absolutely better than alchemist
Do the world a favor. Don’t ever post again.
why do they hate extendeds
Alchemist sucks, you will never do real MVPs with the new skills since they hit the ads and will drag aggro on you.
can we have a real talk, why the fuck does power leveling matter on a private server at all?
the server literally, unironically only exists so niggerdev's pet clique can have an audience of random plebs to "impress" and LARP as RO gods to
will magic ninjas even have enough skill points for the shadow clones???
What anon means by this is that the server is mostly biased towards what one guild wants, and the balancing will always be focused on what is best for them to better take advantage of unfairly
And then they're left wondering why isn't there a third guild competing while they have meltdowns just because their own members kill MVPs they didn't on the inside
Absolutely not. They don’t have enough skill points even in vanilla.
>What anon means by this is that the server is mostly biased towards what one guild wants
Who? Bullies?
If you mean WOE then yes, but 90% of the server doesn't care about that event, they can have their petty victory if they want
at this point, may as well just let ninjas get an actual kagero/oboro job change
All they need is for a few pointless 10 level skills to be reduced to 5. Dev already ported over the interesting kagerou/oboro skills and the rest are mostly just those dumb talisman skills.
All job levels to 80,so they can have more skills
Don't do that just for ninja
the truth on why de wants to push magic bow so much is so stalkers stay on the back and not being able to strip anyone
I'm what fucking world is base alchemist better then base ninja? Have you ever leveled alchemist with acid terror and demonstration in a server where you have to brew all the materials?
yeah I had a homunculus tho
Afk leveling with homunculus takes hours longer than playing ninja, you can't mob or get actual decent gear using only the homunculus.
>potion pitcher
>acid terror
and now
>cart cannon
>upgraded flora
>ez craft with cheap resets
Have you tried not afking
You also get no job exp I'm a different anon I'm just saying I've done it and also I love homunculus and want him back
I'm talking about base you fucking disingenuous troglodyte
Still doesn't compare to ninja.
The homunculus does keep alchemist from being a complete piece of shit, I don't disagree.
>and the balancing will always be focused on what is best for them to better take advantage of unfairly
anyone would be able to take advantage of powerleveling if the limit was removed, even bullies.
Things feel more like the dev only listens to suggestions from his pet clique (whose focus is exclusively on endgame/woe content), rather than tipping the scales towards them. Everyone can take advantage of the server's modifications after all
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Renewal is Ragnarok Online too
Any iRO bros lurkin?
what do you use to pot?
Depends on the level, though I dont use pots anymore, those Concentrated Red Syrup Potions are just leftovers
Just got Repair lvl 5 recently
fuck multi clienting and fuck you for bothering the server admin with this shit
Thats the serveradmins screenshot dummy
I saw some fag showing off his atroce card on GLOBAL. How is this possible? With a low spawn rate of average 400 min and 0,1 drop rate, how did he get it? The server is not even that old.
Let says 5 spawns every 6.5 hours, right. You would get to kill less than 20 atroce a day. 200 atroce in 10 days. 600 atroce a month. How old is the server? 1 month and a half?
I call bull fucking shit. Nigga dev is giving his mates cards im sure
o yea i forgot mechanic has that. i cant play iRO as unfortunately the EU is banned :( so im playing renewal on a pserver and ive been wondering what people even use to pot
The only schizo i see there is you. You tried to get a reaction, it failed, now people are shitting on YOU. Well played, bud.
Ok so
>potion pitcher
>acid terror
What’s your next excuse swine
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nigger you really think dev would hand out mvp cards and it be fucking ATROCE of all things?
explain the odd then faggot. It took me longer to found a whisper card than them fucker's MVP
he got lucky
impossible lucky, very suspicious
1 month old server and got a MVP card with low spawn rate already? Bullshit.
How many atroce have been killed till date? I doubt its over 300
precisely, my message is directed to the RETARD that wrote that shit to the serveradmin.
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Damn, didn't know they had a rangeban on all of EU
Probably because they have more stringent laws against gambling bullshit there

For potting from lvl 60 on you can buy White Syrup from High Potion sellers in some cities (Prontera, Payon, Geffen that I know of)
Those heal quite alot for cheap but have a short cooldown

Then from lvl 120 you can buy Concentrated Red Syrup Potions from other players usually, at 180 you can use Conc. Gold Syrup Potions
it was the whole GDPR thing
oh sorry, i forgot to say thanks!
>Potion pitcher
Ninjas don't take damage due to Cicada.
What? How does gear make alchemist better than ninja?
You'd make a merchant slave to sell things no matter what job you played.
Yes, farming 5 Stems/Poison Spores, 2 Empty Bottles, 1 Fabric, buying the crafting book, the medicine bowls and slims, having a brewer/spending to reset stats, and still having 2 RNG checks if you fail or not PER CAST. 200% attack hitting every second.
Spending 150z at an NPC for a Flame stone, dealing 9x 90% matk per pillar you drag a mob through, 24 pillars.
>Acid Terror
300% def ignore ATK, all the crafting memes above per cast but it's an immortal heart and a bottle.
Shadow Slash 500% ATK 50% crit rate and free (Crits also ignore def btw)
1k zeny for 600% ATK
Free Throw Huuma Shurikan, AoE 900% ATK


An alchemist could never even DREAM of doing New World shit or MVPs before rebirthing where they get one(1) skill that's viable.
>How many atroce have been killed till date? I doubt its over 300
bill and gpu were killing atroce since day 1 and he's one of the most farmed mvps because everyone wants his hat, meaning he dies very close to respawn in all maps. atroce is definitely being killed 20+ times a day. I bet it's closer to 800 kills.
It was GDPR since they sell data to China and Russia
oddly enough i saw some people claim THAT was just an excuse for some other reason, and I'm not entirely skeptical of that because they actually removed the IP range ban they used to have for EU during the kill period (you literally couldn't access warpportal website from EU)
>fag complaining about one (1) mvp card drop apparently isn't aware that we gave four (4) mvp cards on the server, two (2) of which dropped on THE SAME DAY for the SAME PERSON
is this some reverse bait?
gambling is pretty untouched in most of the eu sadly, it's most likely smth to do with GDPR
Yet another company that sells my data to china? Great stuff
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very comfy on myro today
type nigger in chat
WP has been gdpr compliant since 2021, Gravity just wants region locks because that lets them siphon more money off of every region having a separate company with a purchased licensing agreement.
Super novice should get 2h quicken and be able to equip 2h swords
Ah so you’ve never played ninja and you’re bad at alchemist. Also you’re ridiculously omitting homunculus. Cicada doesn’t make ninja invincible, this is how I know you don’t play ninja, and it’s useless against ranged and magic. Farming mats is not hard, stop whining. Bomb is a ridiculously powerful skill if used correctly both in pvm and pvp. Same with carded acid terror which ignores armor defense and flee, you’re just trash. Shadow slash has massive after cast making its dps shit and it’s too sp intensive for sp starved ninja, basic things you would know if you weren’t trying to discuss a class you’ve never played. The fact that you’re trying to downplay a massively great skill like mammo shows how niggerbrained you are. Huuma shuriken is one of the worst attack skills in the game, it’s retardedly slow and its damage gets split like fireball. And you’re asking how gear access can make a class stronger? Lmfao

Ninja can cheese very specific things only. It’s borderline useless against everything else. Meanwhile an alche in someone’s hands that aren’t yours is a great asset solo, party, pvm and pvp
That's the entire server btw.
>bill and gpu were killing atroce since day 1
>Posting a renewal video
Anon you're so retarded holy shit.
The guy watches the MVPs 24/7 and you ask how?
he reach level 99 and get strong enough to kills MVP in a day?
Bill and his very good friend leech from level 1 at dogs and then do every single boss together for 16 hours a day
>be hunter
>get buffed by priest
>cast double strafe
>move away from the slow ass dog
Atroce is really easy to kill
Isn't there multiple maps where Atroce can spawn anyway?
Nerf dancers
you have to admit that the odd is sus as fuck, especially when its the same person
only 5 per 6 hours
its just falseflagging
>one guy actually gets lucky on a shitty mvp
>now clique is shitting up thread with false accusations
>'see guys, the thread is just full of schizos, forget that bill got 2 mvp cards in the same day, people will always complain when someone gets a card :^)'
I'm more surprised there aren't more cards at this point
Then again they're just only slightly better than Andre Cards and actually shittier than Zipper Bears
>I'm more surprised there aren't more cards at this point
are u dumb fuck? on average it takes 1000 kills to get a card. less than 1000 atroces were killed. U want more on a 0.1 rate? retard
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You must be the real dumbfuck here

You just have severe crippling skill issue
only faggot and unskilled shitter needs luck.
never had luck never needed it. Still on top of the world. Thats the real skill
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the boss dog has a big pack, yes
ra03 ve01 every 3 hours
ra02 every 4 hours
ra04 every 5 hours
ve02 (right south of rachel i think?) every 6 hours
They see one Dancer without a guild and they NEED to recruit her. How else are they going to keep the loki precast up?
Double Loki's precast
Triple Scream spam
Slow Grace on portal

Sorry bro it was just miscommunication xd
recruiting random dancers then not inviting them to the discord was as well
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*miscommunicates in front of you*
Nothing personell.... Fodder Patrol
I'd post a clip I have of how woe went down but I dont know if the schizo will be glad or upset either way it'll probably excite him so i wont post it
skill issue xd
why are you so mad bro talk to me on what i did wrong idk what i did wrong
I know what's worse, that you're a faggot who's not making any points about ninja or that you're using fucking KEKNEWAL for your arguments.
Cicada does block ranged attacks, this is a fact.
Farming mats isn't hard, but it is nowhere near as easy as it is buying a 150z stone from an NPC, or having a free to use skill. Imagine every single skill you use you have to add 3 minutes of farming plus an RNG check ontop of it. Can you even begin to imagine how retarded that is?
Bomb and Acid Terror are DOGSHIT in Pre-renewal, and have a massive increase in damage going into Renewal as shown. The fact you shared a renewal video and not a Pre-renewal video really shows you're just a massive faggot trying to pick a fight where you have no idea what you're talking about.
Why is Huuma dividing damage bad? Alchemist has Cart revo for 250% attack at best, where Huuma gets 300% at 3 enemies, and even higher if you're doing one on one. It's better than mammo because it doesn't require you to get into melee range to use it, doesn't cost 1000z to use, and you have Cicada, which makes any melee attack that hits you miss.
SP economy is a non-issue, since you're forced to take Soul, and shadow slash only costs 22 sp (which you have almost double a kngiht, and more than a hunter for base sp)
Gear doesn't help Alchemist since Bomb and Acid Terror ignore cards except +atk cards, where ninja does get advantages from +% damage cards, which means Ninja gains more from gear than Alchemist does.

This guy doesn't do a good job leveling, but you can see just how much of a massive difference in damage pre-renewal alchemist is compared to your renewal video.

Also you're 100% the retarded ragna/v/ dev posting without a trip. There's no way someone has such massive unfounded alchemist hate and not also be him.
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I can't believe I gave this faggot the effort of a response, but he's clearly the dev and I want to tell him how much of a fucking retarded faggot he is.
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Hi I'm also a furry now!
Dev has a track record of not listening to people at all, why did you bother?
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You can’t fight ranged with cicada, you just get pushed off screen. Again you need to stop commenting on ninja since you have never played it.
Alche bombs scale from atk and so they have high str and can carry more. Magic ninjas have no str and so stones are a huge burden and very limited.
Bomb and acid terror are great even in pre-re so I seriously doubt you’ve ever played alche before this server.
>Why is huuma damage bad?
lel fuck off retard, I told you. Cart revo is spammable and deals full damage to aoe while also pushing mobs around. Huuma can’t even be compared to a great skill like mammo. You are so fucking stupid and bad.
Sp is a huge issue for melee ninja, which is a class you have never once played. kill yourself.
>Gear doesn’t help Alchemist
Jfc you are RETARDED
>accusing me of being dev
And to stop it all off you’re a complete schizo. Goes hand in hand with being retarded and talking about things you have no experience with. Typical.
>I'm not the retard YOU are the retard
Fun discussion
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disappear from sight vile bulliekek
>huge burden
They're 1 weight.
>Acid Terror and Bomb are great in pre-re
This is objectively incorrect. The only physical skill for 2nd classes that come close to being as low as 300% attack is crusader's shield charge. Acid terror and bomb are the lowest damaging skills in all of 2nd pre-trans.
>SP is a huge problem for melee ninja
You have 500 sp at 99 with zero int
>gear doesn't help alchemist
Strawman. I said gear doesn't help alchemist more than it helps ninja.
>acid terror and bomb aren’t great
You have invalidated yourself.
>Ninja sp isn’t an issue
Negro you can go on the classic wiki right now and it’ll tell you the opposite because it’s common knowledge and not up for debate.

what the fuck did he meant by this
he's playing on a low quality server
>acid terror and bomb aren’t great
Objectively incorrect, you've never played alchemist
>it’s common knowledge
You're just bad at the 20 year old game bro, I dunno what to tell you
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Add support for Japanese text!!!
I'm not asking anymore
Korean game, weebshitter.
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>>acid terror and bomb aren’t great
>Objectively incorrect
I’m glad you agree, retard.
>cowardly insult after being proven wrong by common consensus
Now stop talking about classes you have never played, homosexual.
>BTFO'd this hard
Consider the following: Every Acid Terror and Bomb you use is one less cast of Acid Demonstration you could have used instead.
The best part is how he had to take homunculus out of the equation to try and act like alchemist was worse lel
the server doesn't have support for korean text either
Thread up!
I don’t really understand the alch complaints cart cannon is retardedly OP and you can do goofy shit like summoning hydras that cast fireball
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this is not a good idea
this is a great idea
bitch lasagna im poosting this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tCnVuPmHwI
i will listen to this while i grind
why is ccro and uaro in the OP and not my-ro who has more people from 4chan playing than these two combined
That server is literally red.dit, no ty
>and not my-ro who has more people from 4chan playing than these two combined
that server has a public 'cord therefore not allowed here
3 different people posting screenshots from my-ro
0 people ever posting screenshots from ua or ccro
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Bombergirl > Bomberman
>he hasn't seen the guild
he's a pinoy what did you expect
For me, its Gray
And you're a nigger, what could we expect? Who the fuck are you even talking about?
nice seethe pinoy
Maintenance in about 7 hours, at 03:00 server @time.
Just so you know, woe got canceled this week.
>begging for tit pics from other men in global
just look in a mirror faggot
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I hate multiclienting. Deserved.
It's allowed. The page says unmoderated chat.
It's not though. It was posted here and made for here first. He just made a reddit post later to advertise. Something retarded niggerdev should have done but he's too regarded.
MyRo server getting a new event in the next 5 minutes, remember to patch up before running the client.
The unmoderated chat is the only thing this server has going for it
>No town/dungeon/field warper
>No healer
>No autoloot
but you're going to have rare difficult to obtain headgears on a vendor? hundreds of custom auras & wings that don't even belong on a low rate
>No job changer
Good thing you're keeping that classic spirit of things huh
all of the things you listed are soulless slop
I suggest 'The Ragnarok' lilbro
That might be more up your alley
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Dev what did you do
[string "buf"]:8842: table index is nil
fixed thanks
how much zenny do you get with a Cramp card when it procs?
500 at 1% chance
it's literally worthless
use a myst case card
I patched in a bad file, but then patched a fix right after. You must have patched in between those events. Just patch again.
that's horrible wtf 500
Dev increase Assumptio duration to 4 minutes to match the other buffs
ccRO has a new season on October 15. It's the end of season and dead right now. I will be playing the new season. Look out for screenshots then!
Nobody cares about Cuck Card Ro; its a shit system and a server full of multiboxers buffing their mains. Eat shit
Still with your retarded ass peak hour maintenance times. Glad I quit here so it doesn't matter anymore.
All of these things are awful except the healer. There is a healer in every inn. Costs like 5k zeny which is nothing. Save in the inn and heal whenever you want.
A new season is fun for a few weeks and then it's on to the next server. RO is a seasonal game. Deal with it.
Yes, it also drops on the floor so you have to go pick it up
>No healer
that would make priests useless
best card to put on Boots [1] and best Armor for a Knight?
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what build
main dps
agi... str... svd...
post your stats and gear you fukken retard
main dps
dps with spiral pierce or bowling bash
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A kind player drew a 4chan themed Kafra for me to use. It looks great but it needs cleanup around the edges. Formar has to .bmp and the transparency color is "255 0 255".

Picture related, what it looks like in-game currently.
nice, thank you
>expecting any reliable piece of advice from ragnafags
it was a question
what? nigga i think you might be too dumb for knight
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try this https://files.catbox.moe/i1w5os.bmp
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One more thing. She needs a name.
Nonny or Anny.
>green hair in art
>blue hair in game
quality ragnav as usual
tranny names
Violet to go with her green hair
where will she even be? will you replace payon's with her or something?
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It worked but the color is still off. Can you make it darker to match the portrait?
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how's this
I can't say 100% until I see it in-game. Send file.
Lex? Asperio? Actively healing in the midst of combat?
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h u g e
I bet this guy fucks his poring
Account-wide Dungeon Unlocks are in. Talk to the newly installed Ka/v/ra inside the Starting Area to see which areas are featured. Moscovia and Biolabs purposely excluded.

You must find an NPC inside each of the dungeons, which will unlock it for all your characters. Those NPCs are well hidden, in hard to find places inside each dungeon. First person to post a screenshot of themselves next to the NPC will ge 2x OCAs. Good luck.
why was Biolab excluded specifically? I understand why Moscovia is but why Biolabs?
Not them but biolabs is a really easy quest, I don't think anyone complains about doing it.
Kiel Dungeon claimed by a player who sent me a screenshot link in-game.
Nameless Island claimed.
>Account-wide Dungeon Unlocks
lol? didn't he say he'd never do that?
my/rog/ods pull the strings and I dance
they're the puppet masters
add airship cities to kafra warp now. you can make the cost 50k each.
Maintenance begins in 5 minutes, please prepare to log out for a bit.
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EOS soon, everybody has moved to a different server
Acceptable answer
I better see a Bloody Eater in my inventory after this maintenance niggerdev
Get off my fucking server!!!
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Do you like gray or momoko? Make up your mind
looks trans unironically
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I'm a different guy and I like Momoko
>Bard/Dancer Ensemble Moonlit Watermill will no longer work inside cities, preventing Merchants from being pushed
right after I cleaned up the common area a bit, now what will we do when merchants are rude?
Pine is number one don't listen to momokeks
>dancers nerfed again
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Is it worth reading after all this time? I thought they never finished the story
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They're both good, all the Pretty Bombers are good. I just happen to like the best one
you can also move players with icewall and bowling bash or at least you can on aegis.
rest of the story is in the game sadly, which is annoying.The Manhwa just ends abruptly during the Geffen Magic Tournament
Pine is shit
This has proven that niggerdev requires a trade of OC for QOL features.

Ergo, if someome makes a custom /v/ themed homunculus, he will re-enable homunculi
yeah and pine is the best pretty bomber, case closed.
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its over...
wtf thats retarded
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This is also a Pine game
The kicker is that the devs decided to do this rather late in the game's lifespan, also many years after the manhwa got axed
if only you could comprehend how wrong you are
At least there's a clonclusion then.
>literally the reason I got dancer so the clutter could go away
Faggot niggerdev we can barely walk in Payon, go fuck yourself with a rusty take you unaborted fetus retard.
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This is a Momopyun thread now
Server will be back up in 3 minutes.
i'm starting a timer and if you're lieing i want 2x oca
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It's up!
nothing but truth here pal
what server is that?
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whore only good for sex appeal
momoko is still sexier, cuter, cooler, and better in general
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gibs me dat
swordsmaam already found the actual one, thats the non-hidden replacement
Smarter, more popular, higher winrate
Momokeks are delusional
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dev pls fix, i cant read itttttttttt
>The kicker is that the devs decided to do this rather late in the game's lifespan
Myung-Jin Lees idea btw, he's the story writer and like co-lead designer of all the new instanced content for modern episodes
so yes, renewal is literally just playing the manhwa
sex with anons sohee
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>he thinks loot drops from mvps
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myro pretty baased, Loli Pope Hat Uoooooooooohhhhhhh
that'll be 1 star crumb plus tip
>he removed beelz exile for his per clique again
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uh dev I think the nameless island agent in the airship might be broken, he won't show up for me and I did the gay bulge and the rachel sneed, and the veiny siblings too
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it takes a while for him to show up, hes right near the stairs but shows up after you've entered the room
I had trouble finding him at first as well, give it a while longer
I'd say make sure you've completed the steps leading up to that and keep walking around until it triggers
gae bulg doesn't end when you get exp, you have a couple steps left
I spoke to the priest in prontera church and the quest started even though I never spoke to any agent in the airship, so I'm good
might be worth looking into though, dev
Enemies aren’t allowed to have mechanics that force the supports to have a modicum of gear, it’s just not fair :)
now to wait for his global announcemeny "celebration" and webm spam ITT where he circlejerks precastlliekeks for slaying this extremely difficult boss (nerfed) and hands out gold medals to every party member
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TP spamming and pulling the negromancers away from this fucking place took over 20 minutes. Didn't expect this quest to be this hard once inside the Abbey
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Everyone selling stuff for a billion zeny in town deserves death.
make a rogue they get double loot
you don't have to finish that part bro
it's free exp man
mavkatards have literally hundreds of millions (which they hide from the rankings). it's just the reality that things are worth this much. just look at karvo prices for example. when people actually need the stuff they sure are willing to pay crazy prices... almost like all these fucks are actually insanely rich
I just got Momo to carry me :)
thats a really cool idea niggerdev.
what made you finally listen?
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delivery for momo
you dumb nigger atleast make it so merchants cant shit up the middle plaza, its fucking annoying
she's a servant of god.
i've never had a sub call me god but that's okay with me
Sex with momo
This is the most /xivg/ post I've seen on /rog/ in several years. Secondhand embarrassment.
i've had sex i can't be a /xivg/ poster
fucking weird, 20 years of shit people learned to deal with, changed cause some autists can't figure out how to deal with it
it was changed because it's bugged here, they're using it on cooldown at 100% rate. beelz is unironically about 20x harder on this version of rA than it was on launch on official servers. but you won't know that because you've never been invited to a party for an endgame boss, and never will be.
Isn’t this how all enemies work here? It’s really fucking weird enemies spam the fuck out of everything
I blame the new Rathena they released a couple months ago. Rachel sanct is a pain the ass because of it.
not all, but most. you can work around most things so it doesn't usually matter even if it's really fucking annoying, but you can't work around exile, there's no counterplay to it. even if you have two tanks on beelz here the second will get exiled before the first can return unless you have the ultimate flywing luck. most kills on other servers can be done with one tank and just reset on exile.
>There's yet another RO coming out
what the fuck are these retards at Gravity doing
have you tried maybe having more than just one tank? lol, dumb fucks
I will play on whatever server gives me the best Alchemist/Creator experience, and so far that has to be Ragna/v/3, Acid Terror is weak but free to cast, so it's a nice way to slowly farm materials for the other skills, Cart Cannon feels great to use and having access to every element is obviously very nice, and Acid Bomb is expensive to use but gives you access to a single target nuke
Asura and Momo sexo
>Rachel sanct is a pain the ass because of it.
I thought I was the one playing badly. I had to farm Dokebi and marionette cards to be able to farm Rachel and even then I have to use a lot of panacea because of the debuffs.
I'm still farming a drooping cat too because it's still not enough
i'll give them that it looks better than any of the other shitty RO games currently out but the fact that it looks like there's an ASSFAGGOTS pvp mode in it makes me hate it
this is a mobile game I think
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Lack of direction
Is this a Ragnarok moba?
They are so fucking dumb
when is the futanari drawings coming
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Two negatives with current Alche;
1.Both Cannon and Acid zone are AoE so on MVPs who require a tank you cant use them without drawing add aggro onto you so you just default to AD anyway.
2. Cannon is way more cost efficient to use than acid zone after adding the % from INT. Why would you bother to farm and waste AD mats when the cannonballs are only 800z and can be all elements. The only time Acid zone wins out is prob vs Ifrit.
looks like a pvp mode, otherwise it looks like a standard mmo but meant for mobile
that's a pvp mode however
sovless mobile cashgrab
Ragnarok of Online
Alch is so fucking boring man
I made one and played up to level 84 got a sick axe and it is just lame. I don’t think a homonculus would change anything either the class is just stupid.
>pay money to throw projectile that does damage
That’s it that’s the whole class
I'm going to make a Marci monk.
is it really hard to just take the RO everybody already knows and plays and just make it 3D, without changing shit? why do they keep doing dumb shit
mobile sloppa means asian audience
asian audience means requirement of gacha, pay2win sloppa and autoplay
It's not perfect but my point was that it feels way better to play than vanilla/myRO. I dunno, AD feels nice to have in case you can afford to farm/buy mats for it
I can see how it could be seen as lame but I personally really enjoy the farming and resource management behind the gameplay. I have to say that I never liked the whole homunculus concept, so I'm actually rather glad that it just doesn't exist in Ragna/v/
I will draw it for a diabolus ring
Best I can do is vitata
sure, just send it to me
IGN: Yi Sang
>186 aspd on my SN
i'm so close to greatness
Can't they just give us a classic experience again?
They not that retarded right? They must know by this point no one wants to play those.
they replaced the entire OC dev because they demanded a wage raise.
Is there a 15~20x yet?
Unfortunately not. The game is too outdated.

The quests are absurdly boring and bad, most of them are collect x and exchange it for a hat.
Drop system is still old and tedious with important drops having a 0.01% chance.
A lot of stuff is disorganized with no sense of direction. There are things that aren't explained in the game and you have to resort to wikis and batabase to find them.

The game needs a lot of updating and it's no surprise that World of Warcraft killed it so successfully.
Tree of Life had some good ideas to improve the model, but they were poorly executed. Simply put, Gravity and none of the Koreans have any idea how to evolve the genre and improve using the game as a base
It has nothing to do with the game. People will still hop into a retarded gacha game with the same exact "tedious" shit you mentioned.
RO gameplay was never its strong point, it was its communities. The whole reason why we cannot have RO anymore is because of a generation shift. The people playing games back then are not the same playing now, they have different expectations and most importantly different attitudes.
You mentioned WoW, but it literally is dying for the same reason. Sure old relics of the past like baldmongold are trying to keep the popularity up but there's nothing much he can do, he's getting old and even his own audience stopped caring about the game.
Their storytelling isn't so bad, it's just that they only know how to make you go A to B in most quests if it isn't a collectathon where you have to go around the world for the materials. It does encourage exploring but all they needed to do was give variety to it like some job changes instead or even Thanatos that required trial and error.
The drop rate itself is fine, it's just to feel rewarded afterwards and most people doesn't have the same patience anymore.
What they really need is refresh and revamp the combat system if they really want to stay afloat, what anon above me said is right.
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Why are you not playing the dev's pet class?
i am already playing a hunter
i made my hunter right away because im not bad at the game
>100% hit rate
Imagine being this retarded.
It still looks like shit damage since you're using +9/+7 4 carded weapons.
Don't you worry, the damage will double soon enough.
>still no gear reveal
That's the same webm from yesterday
>Be Hunter level 54/1
>Pantie, Undershirt, +0 Hunter Bow
>Still do more DPS than this buffed Naruto class
Bro, you're dumb
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I've restocked and made a new vendor for lv.1-5 food as well as added some new menus in. Hope you guys enjoy.
You don't need to make +10 foods anymore, I got tired of ragna/v/.
I hope to be able to buy these foods one day. I need two orlean's gloves and a Dame of Sentinel Card so I can instant-cast with wizz.
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wow went complete sovlless mode though, and it's way worse in that game since the devs are constantly plaguing it with DEI stuff.
RO just needs a proper reimplementation
Maybe balancing some useless or broken cards and spreading the loot tables a bit?
One of the few things that suck for me in this game is that some areas don't have any reason to exist because their loot and XP sucks when compared to the main ones that everyone usually farms in.
idk about the 0.01 drop rates since I like this aspect, but I know that many people (mainly zoomies) hate this.
Also a properly implemented and fun pvp system would be nice.
>restocking the food vendor while I'm not at home
Evil people like you.....
It’s even worse. He’s using two 4 carded weapons. That build+skill only does around 3k normally.
thank you anon, might give it a try
always win the end.
Anyone remember the last time pocketwatch dropped in the server? I'm already at 669th and 2 cards.
I want Gravity to die already so they lose their IP and everyone else will be free to cash in. That's when you'll have true development (as in improvement) of this game and IP in general.

This zombie of a company still hanging around like a zombie is the worst case scenario since it just sits on top of the IP whilst not letting anyone else do anything worthwhile with it.

And some room temp IQ "people" will try to argue that the only reason Ragnarok is still alive is due to this shitty company hogging the IP. Honestly, it's a wonder there's still people hanging around this IP at all, now, imagine if it was at the hands of a competent company...

This is like leaving all of Shakespeare's work at the hands of some random tribe of niggers in Africa: they'll have no fucking idea what to do with it and at that point you can't even really blame them since it's something completely alien to their culture.
Yeah 2 days ago someone with their name starting with "p" got one. I still got that grind in front of me too, I just leave louyang when I see someone else doing the same out of shame (also card owner).
at least make a believable lie. I camp at lou_dun01 for a week now.
lmao, what a delusional bitch you are writing such a post
you basically have no clue how anything in reality works
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Cute dog by the way
People not being niggers about the market placement? I might switch to myRO very soon.
>what is copyright
You're the one who doesn't know, retarded nigger. Nice arguments you've got there btw, here's your (you).
you're like a child trying to use adult words
nobody gonna waste time arguing with you
I didn't post it here necessarily to argue as much as I did to expose an idea. And you've already been exposed to it, my purpose has been fulfilled.

Also, does it hurt your ego so much that I can more properly express myself than you? Because that's the impression I'm getting: your low IQ is showing, anon, better hide it quickly.
please who are you i will give you zenny...
literally nothing would change and if you believe otherwise you just live in an ideaguy dreamworld
>imagine if it was at the hands of a competent company...
there is and never will be a good MMO company
Nobody makes MMOs anymore, if anyone bought up the IP for cents they'd just make another shitty mobile game. MMOs aren't worth the risk or investment when mobile MMO-lites get insanely higher ROI.
>assuming it would be taken over by another company
I'm not gonna saying anything. Just look at the current Zeitgeist of the private RO server if you want a hint. That's about the only hint I'll be giving.
Do you really think private servers care about IP? What are you even talking about?
but you literally wrote
>imagine if it was at the hands of a competent company...
are you implying that a bunch of pinoys and spics would start up a company that would #SAVERAGNAROK
you're delusional, the only good example of private servers actively doing something good for ragnarok as a whole was the original euRO and even then it was sabotaged by a turkroach
just PM Kiborex
>low IQ nigger can't even grasp the thread of thought
Many such cases. Hopefully there's at least someone with above room temp IQ that read my post. That'd be enough.

The allusion to a competent company was to highlight how strong the IP is, as in "if it survived being managed by a shitty company, imagine what it would've been if was managed by a competent one". You can actually infer that from the context but since you're either a shitty ESL or a dumb nigger who lacks reading comprehension you need me to spell it out.

>the only good example of private servers actively doing something good for ragnarok as a whole was the original euRO
lol lmao
Enlighten me, then, what was it that they did for you to make such claim?
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Is that lil doogie ?
>YWNHYG myro
I'm glad gravity is well and healthy.

A side effect of a company delivering what the people ask for rather than listening to a niche bunch of individuals unable to let go of something that no longer exists.
>t. gravity's stockholm syndrome bitch
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>the original euRO and even then it was sabotaged by a turkroach
I unironically believe that euRO and fRO are legitimate reasons you could write down on a legal document on why you refuse to hire French and Turkish people.
You only draw priests from I notice
Can I get a quick rundown on euRO and fRO?
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Repost them all please or catbox upload them
how much do you ask for? im interested
Sex with dodo and Chelle in that order
I'm not lying I go there once in a while on my main and leave when I see a sage like you alice.
Now I regret not making a girl
Pretty new to knight what are some good go to cards to farm?
Kek same
Literally the most annoying shit, I like the femboy aesthetic (no homo) but it’s not a thing people draw really
I feel like biting my tongue for even suggesting it but why not have a gender change NPC?
Raydric is the big one.
Else matyr, hydras, mantis, vadon, khalitzburg or thara for shield
just pay extra to get drawing of your character(male) with female character?
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Bro draw my HP (male) or the server's prodigy (eroticism-free). Its ok if not...Love you drawfags
Yeah was thinking about Thara for shield maybe Alice down the line if I ever want to do bosses but don't even have kiel unlocked yet. Might do that and Martyr for the time being.
Wait do you guys pay actual $ commission to drawfags (I hope)? How do you go on about that anonymously also fuck AIs
The alternative is the thread getting spammed with AI-slop art by ponyfucking cumbrains which was what we had in Ragna/v/2
I think it must be in-game currency and a smaller part with paypal.
Glad I miss this era then. I'm still not sure if the shion X male one had AI elements. there was a bit of an uncanny feeling about it but I might be wrong since this is out of my department. If someone really drew it than big probs to that guy. I wish more traditional were made but I know its way harder than safe backtracking digitally. You guys know im not into cooming shit either but I find the arts made here quite nice and fun to other players. /no1
> if the shion X male one had AI elements
it's not, all the artists in ragna/v/ know each other.
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>aegis leaked
>europoors (majorly krauts) host their own aegis private server
>get noticed by gravity and get offered to host an official server instead
>get waived the initial 4M licensing fee for a year but only if they follow some goofy system where each of the 4 big market sections have their own management leadership and GMs
>this is split into
>english/overall euro
>turk management and GMs are retarded and corrupt, at some point start selling accounts, items, RMTing gold
>turkish leadership is involved in it so they refuse to fire the ones doing so
>krauts leave in anger and the server goes to shit really quick, italy turns into skeleton crew
>turks get eventually kicked to the curb by gravity, server practically gets nothing done to it because nobody can understand the saurkraut setup
>server gets eventually shut down and the frenchies buy the rights instead
>the french are completely incompetent and stupid, fRO is an unsalvageable disaster.
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It's interesting that the manhwa used more D&D elements than the system it uses now, more like Sword World.
>the only good example of private servers actively doing something good for ragnarok as a whole was the original euRO
So the "good" thing euRO did was not kike them out through copyright? That's like saying Stalin was a good man because "he could've genocided more". Holy shit, you can't make this up lmao. A Gravity's stockholm syndrome whore through and through.

Let me just make something clear, since I know some of you dumb low IQ niggers will jump to wrong conclusions: fuck the Turks and niggers who did that, I'm not on their side.
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Absolutely based then, you go (draw)gurllllllls
I want to enjoy the server but the global chat is a double edged sword. The rates are generous, drop changes don't feel too crazy, many merchants available in Payon to shop from, and if you ask a question you will get a direct response. The players are very knowledgeable but it get's drowned out by anons talking about gay shit or pretending to be girls/anime and treating the game like a second life island. The unmoderated chat shouldn't change, the class changes are in the right direction, Ragnadev is always approachable and actively talks to the players or participates in threads but it all goes out the window when I every evening spent to unwind and grind is littered with reading Gaia Online tier post ironic xD l-lewd fuck me im a cumslut comments litter the channel. Fuck MyRO and fuck the repetitive bullshit in here too.
Mass ERP on Global chat in 10 minutes. Be there or be square.
If you keep bitching I'll make a /trash/ thread with even an in-depth ERPing guide
Because it's Ragna/d/ and not Ragna/v/. This type of shit is going to force away anons who just want to enjoy RO because you degenerates can't keep /vg/ behavior contained. It gets old reading the same coombrained crap every day.
Do it. Pushing people from your server is a great idea asshole.
>be (all) me
>shitpost Global every nights
>no complains in threads?
>every US morning hours posts are made about Global being infested with ERP fags and whatever shit they say
>Im never on at that time
Whats going on here, who are those players lol
Playing this game makes me wish Tree of Savior wasn't dead on arrival.
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what's the fucking odd?
Please do i could never really get it
I'm online at night and check the thread in the mornings. You know exactly what I'm talking about that happens at night.
Didn't this ERP thing die with the whole clopping stuff from ratshitpiss?
The current chat is nowhere near as bad as in v2.
I don't even get what people are complaining about since it was just IRL shit just earlier, not even ERP.
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Pretty unlucky but not the worst we've seen here. Like the dude farming Bathories got close to 4k I think
The only ERP talk I see is ironic, I think people here just have thin skin or something
I will as soon dev makes a /v/ thread, whiny bitch.
Im still not sure what you a refering to since I openly says I shitpost entertainment for my part. I cant say so for the others
Fuck no it hasn't changed.
Every fucking night? Give me a break. It's ten people doing the same routine RPing because that's how they act online. It's not about thin skin it's about how much I'm willing to tolerate stupid conversations versus playing a server that isn't infested with it.
Is this the part you'll say myRO is much better and advertise again?
Gee it's almost like the chat is unmoderated or something...
at least that guy can just mindlessly click on bathory. I need to wait 5 minutes just for the monster to spawn and have watch out for competitors.
It's not that bad lol
The few ones that actually do it still hold back in fear of being shitted by everyone
Fuck MyRO. I'm not playing on that deserted server. I just wanted to give my thoughts on the pros and cons. I really v3 and all the changes.
MyRO is much better, you should come play.!

Fuck off with your 10 player circlejerk.
It doesn't make a difference. Dev asks us to invite friends but why the fuck would I do that? My bros aren't going to want to read this crap in chat. The chat can be unmoderated but the core problem is this is the environment you people want for your new players. It fucking looks gay and uninviting.
>Wah moderate chat of the stuff I don't like
if you play a girl character you are a girl in game and you owe me sex
Am I reading this right? Does some schizo really want moderated chat in a /v/ server? There's not even any ERP going on unless you mean goodgirl earlier, just people talking about IRL.
>unmoderated chat is great
>I should be allowed to say nigger and other stupid shit
>but wait...
>these guys are saying things that annoy me
>wtf this chat suckssss!!!!!
I don't want the chat moderated by the Dev. I want you jabronis to moderate yourselves. Zero hope anything changes.
No, dude. Stop smoothing this over like it's one person.
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Speaking of euRO:
>looking for hats on divine-pride to blackmail the dev into adding
>man, "divine pride" just reminds me of something
>it's this rank #1 niggas guild name from 2008
>hosted by the same dude
This is precisely what is going to stop people from inviting others. I make constructive criticism about the server but don't the goon gang has to come in here to defend themselves.
He doesn't actually play the game
He comes from vm each time he's having a melty and then shits on whichever board is hosting a thread
NTA, ZuneChan just wrote choke in chat.
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>degenerate subhuman behavior gets exposed as the pathetic unlikeable bullshit that it is by an honest post from anon
>thread goes full damage control as they realize he's right but it infringes on their freedom of speech
good shit bros
lots of keks to be had
>Stop making jokes I don't like it's making it not a safe space
>This isn't your place to make jokes that only you guys like, I want to join but these jokes make me uncomfortable
>Push out and shame people for jokes that make me uncomfortable and make my friends(that totally exist and want to play RO) unlikely to play.
>always more than one minute apart
come on
>I really want to ask someone to come to Prontera Church in #global to fuck me im a slut
Nice post timer bro.
Will pay you real money for commission
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>euRO talk
any of you guys even play there?
shit what a blast from the past
I remember being a kid seeing this commercial on tv and trying it for free
this prompted me to make a childs prepaid bank account cause the game had a monthly sub
the memories are unreal
Mot him but these 'ironic' erp in global grates on my nerves as well. It's amazing how tone deaf they are in thinking that everyone else is okay with their cringe shit just because there's no moderation.
myro wins by doing nothing again baby!
You can come claim your debt at any time.
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Good times. The installation CD came with this opening.
shit you're right
I forgot there was an installation cd
I think i got in one of those gamer magazines
Oh shit sorry you're right.
Death to all erp fags, no erp in my server, Ban all ERPers, this is my safe space with no mentions of anything erp or sex or women.
>ERPtrannies only defense is "ummm this is le 4chan"
sorry you're not getting any
I know it looks fun and all, and it is
but hey, if you don't like it no need to be jealous
Opinions of people actually playing > Opinions of those who don't
Simple as.
since when did we start hating ERP(lgbt) here is this a /pol/ psyops?
why do I always need to kill 2~3x average number just to get the intended drop? call me shitposting or whatnot but I'm seriously considering quitting. it's one thing to happen once or twice but every piece of my equipment and cards?
This. They'll be right back at it again. Not my fucking loss.
If you aren't mobbing it's going to take a lot of time no matter what. The rates do make a difference but one kill at a time is slow.
Droprates are basically fake because the algorithm for the RNG doesn't work correctly. Depending on your player ID you will simply be "luckier", consistently.
Thus there are consistently """lucky"""" players (you know who I'm talking about) and consistently unlucky players and this will NEVER balance out, they'll never suddenly enter crazy dry streaks and you'll never be get your card after 10 kills, outside of truly rare instances.
I've seen more people complaining about ERP than I have seen anything even resembling ERP by a factor of ten. Why can't you fags just be normal and play the game
you know this game is open source right?
can literally check the code and you would know that the droprate is not using playerid or accountid or anything like that
I did.
WoE with gruppe 8, ltu, elegy and all the shits... those were the days.
I am so tired of the fucking 4trad larp bullshit
>oooo look at me I’m anti male gaze but from the opposite political spectrum
You are just another tranny enabler
FYI Im not part of the goon talk past this post. Have fun guys, gotta bread

-The Goon
i gooned during last nights maint
i had both crazy luck with stuff that i wasn't purposely farming (7 hydras, 4 phens) and negative luck with stuff that i wanted (2k requiems no card drop, 2k magnolia 1 card drop, vadon incident, sting mines etc.), just keep playing and you'll get your lucky day eventually
>adverstising the server to trashfags
please no
bet you won't do it, faggot
based. ive tried communicating this but no one really gives a shit however ive only played for about a week now i don't think anyone is gonna listen to me about what i say.
do it fag
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ERP right is trans right
im fine with cringe
in fact i love it
damn, crazy to hear those names again
I never got to join a woe guild back then
I was just a noob trying to make money with a wiz leeching merchants in clocktower lmao
somehow it was fun as fuck
They fear the #global ERP because they know they'll just goon to it
>Being too scared to call ERP cringe in global and instead complaining anonymously.
We're already 90% /b/
A few trashniggers wouldn't hurt
I complain anonymously just to turn around and erp myself
if you keep complaining i'll erp with chocolate colored cock instead
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Thats because Goon God is not on to whip them, you bet he wood. I saw him get goodheal mad yesterday in payon what a chad
I complain about people calling me a slut but it turns me on and makes me wish they would say it to me more
The whole "it's 4chan chat" in ragnav lost all meaning when they all purposely started to segregate one(1) guy just because he was saying shit the "clique" didn't like.
It's extremely obnoxious behavior when you spam gay and knot jokes all day in @chat but then get mad at some random that starts to talk like a 4chan edgy kid. I don't care if he was being stupid, them alienating him just shows that this whole server is just a huge circlejerk.
we know, hanyeo
I complain here but I've been getting a top from a healslut for the past 4 nights.
Freedom from moderation doesn't mean freedom from consequences, people have the right to shun you if they want. Or do you want a hugbox?
do you mean penis? he was an annoying retard way beyond "4chan chat"
He wants you to shun sexual jokes too because he doesn't like them.
Who? Penis?
I didn't get it either, he wasn't that annoying. At least for me who's too busy grinding to pay attention to the chat
Why aren't you shunning me in-game then, you massive gaping drooling pussy?
Wow, someone's defensive. You're not even the one getting shunned by others... or are you? Are you just mad people aren't forced to like you?
Come on pussy, don't tell me mommy raised a whiny bitchboy? Show yourself in #global. Didn't you say freedom of speech? Then go for it, or is the anonymous mask all you got to hide yourself on in fear of getting called out?
I jerk off to ro priest doujins and pretend its my priest
You're the one whining in a thread.
I wish priests would jump me
I'm not, I'm making fun of your inability to do so and own up to it, instead choosing to remain anonymous.
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this but professors
Yeah because nobody will put up with your bullshit ingame, as displayed by how you talk here.
professors are fine too
shame that /ss/ isnt really my thing
Anon's a spoiled egg coming from a whiny bitch that in which the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. I got you buddy, don't worry. See you next time when you throw your temper tantrum.
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Any parties tonight?
I hope there's an odin party tonight
hi anons, I'm new and getting around to all the dungeon unlocks at the moment. how far into the nameless unlock chain do I need to go? I finished the rachel quest lasy night. and what other dungeon unlocks should I go for asap?
Gonna have to ask dodo, he single handedly carries the whole server on his back
someone made a guide for all that
Have you read your own posts? No wonder you're mad, you can't even be accepted in a global chat where people spam the word niggers for fun.
oh nice, thank you anon!
Nowhere did I complain about nigger being spammed, retard. Have you resorted into projecting now as a last ditch effort?
Okay, so you can't read either. I am starting to see the issue. I wish you luck making friends on the server, it isn't that hard.
so how come the dev doesnt balance the classes?
To be honest the classes on this server are not that unbalanced at full build except he made Gunslinger a jeigan for some reason
balance is too opinionated
what you think is good balancing is considered retardation by others
>log in
>check sales
>nothing sold
>log out
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How does the auction house work? Dev could put up some super rare equip/cards and drain the money from the game to control inflation. Are those mounts for other classes and things from the cash shop in this version?
not my fault other people are retarded
I'm working on the /trash/ OP as we speak, ladies and gentlemen. Including the ERP guide.
We should make one thread on a different board per day. This shit just sounds too memey and funny. We'll just get what we deserve. You should make /a/ instead or tomorrow
thanks bro
I want the Dev to give me item id 331043.
if your friends are as much whiny babies like you are then why would anyone want them anyway
/trash/ thread up, help me out on bumping and posting the other character drawings from our drawfags.
So we’re playing PSO after this right?
The only use for a cramp is when you have a tarou card to go with it for free +3STR on top of the tarou card's +2
Come on, bump it with me
nah its kinda shit
>erp guide
not really an interesting or informative guide
no examples nothing at all its just shit
/trash/ is the last straw for me, I'm out.
I tried but I ran out of text.
/trash/ is what I was missing, I'm back.
Looks informative enough to me and someone even described a scenario just now
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Ngl, I was expecting a full reentry for the guide, a bit disappointing.
Also, no need to spam porn, trash is a dead board
@dev pls help, someone accidentally bwinged out of thana
That's too much effort for a meme, if you really want me to write it, another time
you gotta meme it right though
/b/ is easy
/trash/ needs a bit more effort since they write whole pages of brainrot stories


i'm dissapointed
If you want a guide that badly just write it yourselves, all I wanted was to shitpost.

he could've legitimately linked an actual guide if he wasn't gonna do it, or just plagiarized it lmao

no excuses samefag
this was my last post before that :D
>myro meme failed what do i do next
>uhhh uhhh trash
Imagine the things you could do with this energy, if spent on something besides trying to kill a community that doesn't care about you and will die on its own in a month.
I'm not the myROposter, I just wanted to shitpost like I said
let priest craft agi&bless scrolls you coward.
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For me it's Yi x Anthony
Should I be putting points into STR for beast strafing since it's not locked behind soul linker or do most hunters just max out dex and agi? How many points in strength would i need to not make it feel worse than a DS?
you have free respecs so if you're hunting on a map with only brute/insect just go str/dex, prioritise strength cause it gives more damage per point, i found it's only useful in very specific places cause you can 1 hit hillwinds with DS with a decent bow anyway
>healslut says she'll help me grind today
>wait for her all day
>logs in and logs out before saying anything
>nowhere to be seen now
what the fuck???
will keep waiting and see, she was nice. it just sucks dick to be new and without cash
what serv, what level
>tfw you never get invited to the post Thana party gangbang with the priest
it hurts so bad, bros...
are people really still doing thana? the server is a month old.
or did you mean et.
It's really good.
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big wipe
my fault sorry
MyRO fixes all of this though.
Oh hey it's that guy who bitches in global all day about the ass shots in the loading screens.
More active players than ragnav now. Ragnav is fully baked and it's only vends and players afk in town and woelogging.
Hey, what's MyRO like? Someone invited me once I quit Ragna, but I'm not too sure about playing there. Can you give me a qrd? Thanky ou.
well, these are entirely coincidential and natural posts, nothing to see here.
>34 connected
>8 sale vendors
>4 buy vendors
>22 people on a thursday at prime time
lol, just go with the "it's a quiet comfy reddit server without autistic spam in global and we aren't that far behind here" narrative instead of lying
A server that shills itself everywhere, including here and reddit.
Give it a break, I was honestly asking because the schizo keeps talking about it.
I understand. Like I said, I wasn't too sure about playing RO again, let alone moving there.
The biggest problem with the loading screens is there’s not enough of them and the most explicit one is furshit
Moonlight is like 20% furry at most, she doesn't even have a tail, and that's a hood with ears.
It didn't though.
Right. More active players than ragnav like I said.
This is the myRO you shill so much?
It's so far from America, I don't even want to imagine the latency and how many times I'll die to it, so no, I'd rather not and please stop advertising this server.
that's not the MyRo we're playing anon
Which one is it, then?
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I'll check it out, but three times the official rates seems very rough.
you cant be serious
Better than being a redditor.
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[Good News] New MyRO update is up. Let's h*ckin' go, bros!

>Sidewinder Card now goes in Headgear, provides Level 5 Double Attack
>Hunter Fly Card now goes in Footgear, provides 9% chance to gain 15% of damage inflicted
>Wormtail Card now provides +25 hit (was +2 dex)
>Pirate Skel Card now provides 50% Mammonite discount


>Monk Combo delay adjusted, should be easier to chain combos


>Priest's Impositio Manus now lasts 5 minutes (up from 1-minute at max level)
>Priest's Mace Mastery now also affects Books


>Warper will now also reset your maps if you're StarGladiator+

>Sidewinder Card now goes in Headgear, provides Level 5 Double Attack
>Hunter Fly Card now goes in Footgear, provides 9% chance to gain 15% of damage inflicted
>Wormtail Card now provides +25 hit (was +2 dex)
>Pirate Skel Card now provides 50% Mammonite discount
i thought i would never see a server that makes worse changes than ragna/v/ did but here we are.
these are fucking dumber than ragna changes honestly except the monk one
Stop being this shitcringe. I don't like these kind of posts even if I'm willing to try the server.
>Pirate Skel Card now provides 50% Mammonite discount
This guy has never played blacksmith and it shows. Mammonite is already zeny positive without cheap trick on servers above 2x drop rate.
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Play MyRO now.
Come give it a try. It's a very cozy community. It's funny how good it is compared to ragnav. The admin is very responsive and is making cool changes daily. He's very open to feedback and suggestions. Low experience and higher drop rates makes the journey really fun. The quests are nice because they encourage partying and you get to go to places you typically never bother with. They're worth it because the rewards are good. There's this cool event just added called devil square. Tons of mobs spawn and you all try to fight them off together.
Jesus christ.
r/v/3 added dungeon access share like yesterday so the reddit admin hugbox thing is kind of out the window now
another day, another myro victory
ragna/erp/ status?
ragna/v/ 3 is done and in woelog mode now
>invalidate every other card in headgear for autoattacking classes
>easy access to lifesteal meaning kiritos dont have to play MMO like a MMO
????? what the fuck are you smoking share some of that crack cocaine
I'll try it, but I'll need zeny once I join.
you guys cleared et already? i didnt see it posted
The only guild clearing anything is Bullies. Pleb is still trying to learn Bio3 and Ifrit.
You start with 5k zeny. Warps are free using valk npc instead of kapra npc.
>kiritos dont have to play MMO like a MMO
wtf i love myro now???
As opposed to the server that gave assassins 20k crit autos with 30 minute edps and double attack being able to crit.
bullies will never clear valk, irfit or bubz without reflect cheating
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Work in progress
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Don't forget to rape your priests
priests should rape ME instead
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leaf love! priest love!
Where have you been the last 3 weeks?
I tried out myro. There's little to no fashion and you need to pay quite the sum to change sprites at lv 99. The server is mostly merchants and very few people actually play the game.

I can't do this again now at 3x the rates and alone. I'm sorry. I'll stop posting on /rog/ now, see you around, friends.
it's one thing to only not getting the drop, but getting taunted with getting all the <1% drops multiple time, then all the other monster in the map suddenly dropping their card too? (The moment I got a jing guai card I got suspicious so I tried to kill some grizzly and what do you know, literally card drop in 5 kills)
the schizo tricked another one. hurts to see.
bye nonoko :(
Gating cosmetics for a 20y old game with barely 20 people is completely retarded to be honest.
Niggerdev server is garbage but at least he did the cosmetics good.
>I tried out myro.
what did you expect?
>27 online
>9 vendors
>3 buy vendors
what do people even want the ragna dev to do? what change do you want from them?

for me personally I want him to unfuck alchemist, just make the party level limit higher (20-25 maybe) and maybe something with merchant spots.
don't care that much about the changes
just up the rates so solo players can have fun too
buff dancer
I want raids and a dedicated erp zone
there already is a dedicated erp zone
I wouldn't mind dailies if they did appear, but not dailies that grant xp because we all know what that did to official. Maybe a chance of random loot or consumables. Just so I've got a reason to go to maps I might not ever visit otherwise.
daily give blue boxes perhaps? or gift boxes.
Let me spiral pierce with two handed swords
Give head crush 10 range
Make aura blade into an actual good use of 50 sp
Give veteran sword another slot
random exp events in zones to make people level in spots they wouldn't otherwise
Make Aura Blade an elemental convert
No that sounds bad
It'd least have some utility instead of haha 100 flat damage
increase guild size
increase party range
unfuck mob casts
unfuck melee jank
>dpschad says he'll help me grind today
>have a tough day but i'll log in anyway
>the moment I log in something comes up and I have to go :c
>won't be home for him until tomorrow
what the fuck...
should I play girls frontline 2 or this?
It has SOME use on auto attack builds, be it agi knight (blergh) or during berserk
>Revert the latest MvP changes
>Revert all expanded changes and give them their 3rd class instead
>Revert Hw changes
>Buff base classes that are currently shit party wise (like dancer)
>Play the fucking game like a normal player so he can understand what needs to be buffed and not
Oh it's the dancer buff guy again.
Remove dancer
I understand that guy lives rent free in your head but that's not me.
I mean I'd like to see dancer/bard get the same songs at least so you don't need to be one or the other.
Hows dancer shit in parties
Suppose, but skillpoints for flat damage feels bad
based actual schizoposter
this is the same server where a literal multiclient-er went unpunished and had multiple MVP card drops in a same day
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>Bill's face when
anyone want to play CCRO in another week or so?
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one season was enough, i'll try it again when they release trans classes but pretrans is just too fucking boring at endgame
im getting kinda bored, are asura monks fun? never tried blowing up mvps
very fun
you need some ak's before ONE hitting mvps though
It's satisfying to see the big number take a huge chunk out of an MVP's HP bar, yeah, but before that you need to be max lvl, and more importantly, fully geared, with specific gears for each boss.
damn, any other class to try?
do you like tanking?
i've tried a bit of everything so far and nothing sticks, i think i have a mental illnes
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play super meme then
alright. maybe instant bolts will be fun
hey miss antrophy, I will still doing your comms but it might take slightly a bit more time, bye
Meanwhile in not bizarro ro, dancers are highly sought after in parties and mandatory for WoE and high end MvP.
Buff eremes card (10 crit to demihuman) its a joke compared to assaulter.
Actually, just buff bio cards in general.
pope pet
love this dude
Thank you, take all the time you need, I appreciate it <3
>People who I talk to keep quitting
This sucks
talk to me anon, I won't quit!
Like tears in the rain...
well you know the solution to that
stop talking to people
we're just going back to ragna/v/ you fucking baby, why do you always blow everything out of proportion
anyone else got disconnected?
is that why i always get cards on my hunter wtf?
I read guild chat today and decide to quit without saying anything.

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