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Perfection edition

Previous thread >>495733068

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
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Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: September Corruption Alerts
Total Grineer Victory
This webm was made by the russian
Nezha's gigantic fat kaithe wiener!
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reminder that not having this means your account is forever bricked
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>redditor and his opinion
how interesting (not)
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EDA is easy checklist
No Transference Distortion means you have access to
>operator void mode
>x47 amp
>Voidrig with Arquebex and an archgun
No Gear Embargo means you have access to
>Kahl squad
>on call crew
>your archgun
One or two of these on their own will trivialize EDA. Anyone saying that EDA is hard is a shitter.
amp without abilities doesnt do shit
you need to find terminal to use necramech

>kahl, squad, specters
you didnt beat the game
>amp without abilities doesnt do shit
shitter lmao

>you didn't beat the game
and yet I still got the 70 vosfor
>play random shit for 3 months
>got to mr 19, good railjack/necramech
>haven't started new war, uninstalled 6 months ago
How long to grind to get torid incarnon?
how do u fit phantasma prime for easy comfy use
i have the primed shotgun mods and the elemenalist mod but no arcanes
should i spam fissures, sell shit and skip all the grind with plat?
Grind commons and uncommons, use traces to refine relics for uncommons and rares, sell dupes/highest value, buy rares. Fuck rares.
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one down
thirteen left to go...
delete alchemy
i could take it
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>TGS starts today
>DE's segment isn't until Friday
what's the best frame for solo defense? frost?
>grinding game
>skips grinding
makeing sense
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just tell me what killed me DE
lack of skill, many such cases
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octavia is literally foolproof and effortless
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BASED ROBOLOID/OTAK(human loid is a faggot)
we lost bigly
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it has never been this over
we are never coming back from this
for a speedy khora or pretty much none gauss and volt frames: molt, reave, infested mobility, wrathful advance. which ones aesthetically fits with what frame?
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my fellow forma-beggars...
we eating good
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What that mouth do for 3 forma?
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How does this work? Are the drops shared? Can you end up with two riven ciphers if you watch both?
Anyone has fogired out to replicate this? Because of course the nigger redditard desperately wants his updoots because "teehee I'm gonna tease it but not tell you~"
Bump clowns
why would you even do it when DE has been known to permaban accounts for even smaller exploits
I hate playing retard proof weapons like felarx. laetum is fun but I wish I was smart enough to make my fav weapons late sp viable.
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what should be done to this cancer
I'm curious to see if it's real or if it's yet another retard making shit up. I remember one before who was like "Hey look I found a way to duplicate prime items but I'm not gonna tell you how to do it, but I totally will when it's fixed I swear!" and never did it of course.
met my first slamkong today. was gonna friend him until I saw him pull that out.
Are any of the zariman arcanes good?
>4 kuva brammas
absolutely cursed
Anon wanted a Kuva Brapper
you go mass report their stream/make fake copyright infringement claims and get them banned?
Thats why you pay ~200p to get a good one with ephemera right away
Liches are insufferable and refuse to spawn even when you've already unlocked all 3 words
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download Alecaframe and get plat
>zariman cutscenes
>every single tenno is fucking ugly
You need to saying thanks jannies for cleaning up /wfg/.

Favorite deluxse warframe skin? It is ember vermillion for me
Kuva Ogris, 46%.
>be mentally ill
>sign for therapy
>a 9/10 cutie patootie with freckles is also sitting there waiting
Ok this might actually be the last straw to push me, if someone playing on EZ mode can't handle life then what fucking chances do I have.
Warframes for this feel?
Call her russchizo next time you see her because it's clear she is plant to undermine your desire to take meds
warsissies btfowned
They should pull an ESO and let us join multiple clans
They should let us create our own warframes instead of this Overwatch 2 hero shooter skin garbage
skibidi warframe 2011
We are anti-goon here. chicken ember is the best ember and for real warframe players.
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tried running fissures with thermal titania
never going back to volt for that shit
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Don't show up to wfg tomorrow
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>one more day before I finish base gauss and I can finally subsume him
What's wrong with gooning
gooners = bumpers
I'm a bumper and I'm a part of Semen Retention Society
How does this work, do you tap skill then hold to nuke?
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I would post Reb Tribute but that is forbidden by my Society
you invert gauss abitlies in the settings
you equip archon vitality for the double fire proc and then just tap thermal sunder
never gooners woke up
Do you need to make specific Titania build for this or generic one could work? Also, I assume normal fissures, not SP?
just equip the razorwing augment, archon vitality, max effieciency and as much range as possible
it's fast af till level 60 then drops off massively
another fucking DOGSHIT circuit rotation
I really have to put more catalysts and formas into random weapons
oh and you need like ~80% strength
dont go much below that
Cheers, gonna try it out later
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What are the spiritual implications of gooning while asleep?
collect decrees and git good
>console host leaves
>fuck it, I will finish it solo
>enemies straight up don't spawn at all
quality pajeet code
So we will get loli or hebe frame at some point right?
Why didn't anybody complain about this sad ass, she got that hank hill posterior
If mental illness doesn't discriminate by looks, then why should you have less of a chance?
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in a fight, right?
does gloom heal defense objects/npcs?
Since we're forgetting about the taterkids and the drifter is now the main character going forward can we finally get real cloths? and maybe a thong.
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So tell me anon, how often do you see these Grineer?
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>I got TS on my titania prime a few months back
>Paint her Phenex colors because holy shit I didn't know just how fast you could go in this game until now
and thats how u get people hitting on women totally out of their league and falling into incelhood, depression and school shotting episodes
You're already fucked because your perspective is that a large majority of others have access to modes of life that you don't, giving them an advantage that makes your failings not your fault. Sometimes this is true, as in say, the children of the very rich. But mostly you've given up without even trying.

I prescribe 1000 hours of Warframe because of its life-affirming themes of always being able to choose for yourself of who you are and what you're going to be and do for others :)
I don't know about normal clothes but slutty transference suits should be possible.
Harrow, Umbra and Valkyr - all Warframes who overcame their suffering.
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gooning is meditating so goon
never goon alone
isnt valkyr just rape victim
>tfw no goonbuddies
you don't have one
you don't even know what that is
anyone who goons to hags is not my goon buddy
meine gooneraden... der judenische subvertsionen fur sie haggen ist habbening...
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
>controller handling or ui needs a rework.
yep I already know how to do it and I'm not touching it because I don't know if I can reliably undo it or what they would do if they caught me
nice picture
Are any of these Archon mods actually used in any builds?
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why does this keep happening, bruh
What builds?
Yes. Protea with Archon Vitality makes me shoot ropes.
I only got 185 stock for now, so which one should I drop?
archon intensify is great in any frame that heals archon stretch is great on volt archon vitality is great on ember. just got to find the synergy
mirage with her augment for her second ability makes use of 4/5 archon mods
Which one should I drop?
reminder that nova is
the one that heals does nothing for her but the rest do but id say just buy the frame from him and never do that content again unless you really want to archon mods
Personally I'd just buy them as I come to use builds that would need them, but that's also because I run Kahl weekly and sell the extras.
What would be the best Frame to buy for a beginner that's not one of the starter frames?
Gauss Prime.
Nova is bump
protea fucks
though I don't know how hard it's be to get her build up and running
you know, revanent, saryn wukong
Depends on how much effort you're willing to put in. Saryn, mesa, octavia, dante, wisp are all excellent "meta" frames.
Archon Vitality is the most useful one of the bunch, it's used by a lot of frames and builds to proc extra heat.
reminder that nova is fat
and that's a good thing
Should I be swapping out weapons and maxing out levels for others? I just hit 30 on the braton and only hve the bow as my other primary
I don’t typically fuck with rivens. If i have a melee riven with good melee dmg and range, should i take off pressure point and reach, so i can put on other shit?
That is how you get mastery for your mastery rank rank. You generally want to aim to upgrade it and have access to new guns and warframes, though after a certain point which you're very unlikely to get to all that fast it stops mattering as much.
Yes, ranking up equipment is how you build up Mastery Rank, which allows you to use stronger equipment. Early on you probably don't want to get hung up on grinding equipment ranks, just make sure you are modding the Braton as you progress the starchart.
If it's good and frees up a mod slot, why not use it.
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>Even reddit is making fun of PSF and Knightmare
it's ok to admit you're a loginlet or don't use weapons so powerful they have to stagger you
retards hating PSF were braindead and took primed shred despite playing the game for 400 days
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That enitre thread is just shitting on Knightmare and PSF. Imagine getting called a shitter by plebbit. Tragic
Is this guy an actual person?
I was sure people here were clowning on Brozime and edited him to look black + have a beard for some reason
>imagine getting called a shitter by shitters
yeah, it's me, primed fury into primed shred
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That's even worse
nah it's just the simulation churning out a palette swap
just not too bright, huh? lol the self-own keeps going...
I be slamkong
>hates PSF
>week earlier: "why are people not reviving in archon hunts anymore???"
>abloobloobloo you're just loglinlets
PSF cucks sure are desperate, as always.
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I don't even use PSF, so this doesn't effect me at all. Imagine getting triggered from plebbit. Couldn't be me.
oh my god learn to read lol
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It's always the same comments too.
>he says while posting the exact same images and comments for the thousandth time from his PSF and brown people hate folder
I love when the ESL monkeys get excited and start screeching
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uh oh melty
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>now he's moved on to "you just hate on PSF because you're racist"
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>bump melty
>PSF melty
>bump melty
>PSF melty
>bump melty
>PSF melty
>bump melty
>PSF melty
time is a flat circle
>ESLs continue delighting in being wrong and not understanding what was said
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I don't see connections here
I'm still waiting for the PSF apologist to tell me why "you can't always roll through knockdowns" and give an example of when you can't roll that isn't just "I fucked up my timing."
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This thread is gold.
connection is being same redditors dumbo
Which warframe is the biggest pain in the ass to get?
>I'm still waiting for someone to debate me epic style so I can own them by telling them what their opinion is
You're a shitter. It's ok to admit that.
>Giving even a single example is too much work and wouldn't stand up to one person raising an eyebrow at it
I accept your concession. Now learn how to roll.
When is it gonna start spamming pastas?
Excalibur Prime
soon, it has a few more hours before bedtime
my picks are:
Grendel - missions are not very hard but they are really really fucking boring
Citrine - C rotation mirror defense grind, enjoy doing it solo because no on stays for C rotation
Equinox - 8 parts from a single boss, enjoy getting 20 equinox night neuroptics before you get that last missing equinox day chasis
Hildryn - exploiter orb grind, I just really really don't like orb valis
Khora - ESO grind
Nidus - dead gamemode
Sevagoth - railjack (I got my really really fast but I can imagine it taking a shitton of time)
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I'm placing my bet on those quentinframe comics today.
of course Circuit makes things much much easier for Khora or Nidus
please please please learn to read
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NTA but
Stop spamming this shit.
People who think some worthless 15 str or range is worst the convenience of never caring about any CC are just either loginlets or braindead and simply want to feel special about how nonmeta they are.
They will also refuse to use torid, or any viable frame.
Why would u even argue with them, just let them be retarded like that one or two kids you had in highschool
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>Stop spamming this shit.
thank you for your input saar
rape you next week
because it's funnier to get them to make fun of themselves and expose how stupid they are
Excal Prime
>have to figure out time travel
>and also spend 50 dollars
You can buy Excal Prime accounts but they're ludicrously expensive, probably scams, and are probably against TOS. You're better off with the time travel.
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>15 str or range
What are you talking about, exilus slot is for sprint, best mod in the game
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sprinting is slow
Did helminth always require so much resources? It is so exhausting.
Okay, I take it back
Slam Kong is the future.
future nerf lmao
every little bit helps
future nerf
I can't argue
i had only seen a slamkong once and it wasnt impressive on euro matchmaking
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>he's a psflet
this will change your life
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too depressed to goon so im just kinda holding it gave it a squeeze
have a miserable day
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sliding isn't running, it's just not cool
is secondary shiver good?
These people also hate nourish because they dont understand why its so strong
In your mind popular=bad
Archon Stretch counts companion abilities, so it's nice with Diriga or hounds. Archon Vitality is used on a few frames that can do heat damage and status. Archon Intensify can be used on healers, but it needs to be used with the Combat Discipline aura, because most of the time your squad will be at full health so you need to find some method of self damage.
good morning sar
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They hate nourish cause they're too shit to get grendel and helminth him.
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>retards above arguing be like
me on the right
Should I explore Deimos star chart or go to phobos for stolen dreams quest
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your feet should only ever touch the ground while shooting
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RIP Wisp
Just say you completely dont understand Nourish its fine, i can explain it to you
comfy sortie
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explain to me why I shouldnt use it
hello are infested liches out yet?
try again in early 2025
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>jupiter spy
>kuva ogris
What? Since when?
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Me and the wukongs
mirage kuva ogris psf will be arbitration meta forever
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not involved in this shitfest but am a returning player who is still trying to get back into things and figure out good helminth options
genuinely why is nourish considered so good? is it just the viral + better energy restore is that good?
Arbies has a meta?
>he doesn't follow the youtuber guide
>is it just the viral + better energy restore is that good?
yes, it's literally that simple with some extra interactions that I'm still not sure are intended, the only problem is mindlessly infusing it into every frame simply because it's what someone else does
everything that's worth farming repeatably has a meta
Buffs like Roar and Eclipse are mutually exclusive with each other due to devs. Nourish is an obvious damage buff that, for some reason, isn't. So you can double stack buff abilities on Mesa, Rhino and Mirage.
Well you shouldn't use it if Nourish alone is not enough energy and still need to use energize/steadfast.
Shouldn't use it if you dont have any way of removing armor
And shouldn't use it if you are doing dmg with abilities see: saryn/sevagoth
Deimos sucks but is important for later
but it still sucks so progress the story until you can't
Uhh, does it force more drones to spawn or something? I just try not to die.
viral lets you switch weapons to magnetic to deal with overguard, assuming there is armor strip
it lets you use both molts or whatever arcane you fancy over energize
and its given to entire squad just like roar so if a frame can't really utilize nourish but has roar it gives entire squad both buffs

GLOOM however is an absolute fucking joke
I'm moving up in the world now.
Only one part away from being able to do Protea Prime too
nta but Arbitration Drones only take damage from weapons so people take Ogris and stack weapon damage buffs to clear tiles at a time.
>using weapons counts as a meta in a third person shooter

Wow people are really huge shitters, huh?
You are in for a fucking treat of pure unfiltered virgin autism.
All of that for lvl 80-180 level monsters AT BEST
in reality having average well built meta frame+ogris to deal with drones is good enough, as long as you have drop booster+blessing+good layout
you will not get essences no matter how good of a group on a dogshit map
>using a specific weapon and having a general strategy isn't a meta
Anon do you know what "meta" means in the context of games?
idk bros.. this kinda slap
but I don't want broken build, I want working build, this make no sense
>Last time I used helios was before fortune came was before fortuna came out
>mfw the thing is beeping every second since equipping
Why don't more builds running nourish include energy nexus instead of equilibrium?
good nourish builds don't need either lol
>want to use kuva tonkor because it looks fun
>1st lich 25%
>2nd lich 27%
>3rd lich 25%
what the fuck
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people use nourish so they can specifically avoid all the energy boosting things
and equilibrium is another thing people slot incorrectly and it doesnt make sense in 90% of the builds
>LR4 can't even figure out the "guide your reflection" task
How do you spend this much time in the game and remain one of the biggest morons I've ever seen?
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go back
I was here first, """fren"""
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I don't have a problem managing my energy or killing things even at level cap, so I have no reason to use Nourish or PSF. Plus so many drones slap Nourish on ALL their frames, I never run out of energy or viral anyway. I'm glad people use nourish on everything, it keeps my builds unknown , comfy and safe from nerfs.
nothing you mentioned has anything to do with PSF
post loki build
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>I don't have a problem managing my energy or killing things even at level cap, so I have no reason to use Nourish or PSF. Plus so many drones slap Nourish on ALL their frames, I never run out of energy or viral anyway. I'm glad people use nourish on everything, it keeps my builds unknown , comfy and safe from nerfs.
nobody asked
nothing about PSF's general usefulness changes from basic starchart levels to levelcap
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if you are based you just are
you dont have to announce it
meant for >>495952758
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Or you could announce it because it's funny.
Like how most here will NEVER EVER get excal prime.
Ahh yes the hidden ash finisher abuse just to kill thrax and struggle with anything else, slower than fucking snails themselves
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>if you are based you just are
>you dont have to announce it
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go back
can I archon with slam wukong?
I look like this and say this
this thread is really WEIRD
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me getting my morning coffee after I just woke up this morning
it's because off all the overflowing pussy juice
me emerging from my gooncave to grind circuit as soon as the thought of reb gives me sweet release
oh no did I say WOKE?
Concord dev
I would drink a glass of pussy juice from the right girl
>wokeframe 1999
I'm afraid you're going to have to lick it off my dick
I honestly believe at this point that they made Kaithe terrible to pilot intentionally. I don't know why they would but there is no one people were playing this and went "yep that's a smooth ride" before shipping it. The delay between wing expansion. The distance you go when you press space. The constant moving. The damn near floating tank controls when in the air. Christ, it has to be intentional there is no other way.
your proposal is acceptable
i think kaithe controls are fine and i have maxed my drifter intrinsics
>have to grind arena again just to do yesterday's incursion
i think kaithe controls are ass and i have maxed my drifter intrinsics
Big Kaithe Cock
Kaithes were introcuted to breed, not to polit.
dude what
Works on my machine
I treat it like a manual stroke engine where I'm constantly ctrl+space boosting against a downward angle for a helicopter kind of style as if I'm bullet jumping then holding shfit and a direction in between, and I've learned to kind of drift with it using that
i never had problem with kaithe riding
how would it look hollowed?
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If you're a console player your opinion or complaints don't matter.
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tennos COOM
Not opening
What is it
thanks to PSF I look for these guys like a surfer looking for big swells in the ocean
they're designed to handle like RDR horses
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kavot downed by potat
press x to revive
*spawns a nullifier fissure on you at the same instant that an ancient hooks you from behind while rolling through a fire eximus wave*
i revive all kavats even if their owner doesnt
i never revive players
I feel like warframes that have built in damage buffing should be allowed to double dip (as they do now) because it increases identity and decreases normalization
Also elemental buffs are not the same as %Damage buffs
*fake scenario*
which is great on the ground but once you get to flying it turns to ass
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you good?
amar does knockdown?
These people should just run slamkong :)
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>he doesn't know the esoteric kaithe flying technique
more like esoteric kaithe milking technique
it makes me faster than the boosts you get from the wyrm attacks, enough that I never noticed them...
I should actually go and test that, jokes aside. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the speed it picks up is enough to keep pace with the wyrm.
When is Ember being reworked into a good frame though?
I don't know how deliberate it is but it seems like you can kind of bruteforce the same general principles used for movement in a warframe into every other mode of traversal in the game that has any similar set of boosts, it's fucking goofy though
>it's fucking goofy though
It's also noisy, but I can't complain too much with the results.
t. Zesty grandpa
>creating kaithe sfm sfx track for speed
truly peak warframe
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just realized i have an extra fully built saryn given by tennocon, should i just throw the extra one away?
Is it just aiming the kaithe down and spamming space?
subsume or sell for slot
>omnia void flood
>I'm the only person closing the ruptures
what the fuck is wrong with people
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>go to farm endo
>keep getting aya rewards from bounties
yeah start out simple, try holding w+shift+ctrl and spamming space to stack momentum, then you can kind of cut out parts to sharply adjust as you're navigating
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>duviri drifter customizations are still broken
why are my sigil and sirocco default colors?
>low functioning schizophrenic discovers archive hashes and lashes out against innocuous questions
You hate to see it
Hello bros
based nooticer
cringe coomer
I mean, this looks like one guy asking multiple different questions with the same picture. We can even reasonably see his progression through the game based on how the questions change.
frozen pizzas and warframe
hell yeah
living good
if you really enjoy playing saryn that's 3 to 6 extra potential builds with different subsoom abilities
roar, nourish, gloom, infested mobility, golden instinct
Only came with 5
or just use the extra as a "wardrobe"
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I'm poor as fuck
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you now what is difference between poor mrlet and rich mrlet? rich mrlet always stay in orbiter
>mfw netracell with console host
you guys weren't memeing
holy shit it will take like 20 minutes
make one of wuchad shitting on both of them
always back out when theres a console host
half your spawns are probably at the ass end of the map pulling an R Kelly
>9 minutes, 50% done
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>Console host
I've just started leaving the party right away if I get a console host. But I play Netracells solo anyway.
when is the mexican stream?
16 minutes
thanks for reminding
in about 16min
Skibidimei and the five rizzlers
>leave game because console host
>it was solo game
4D chess
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energized munitions to make some weapons more fun or ogris metaslaving
shock trooper for meme influence
wrathful advance for speed/melee
eclipse has some double-dip interactions with a few weapons
Spanish mean Mexican? I was expecting Spain, I know, silly me
is this an EOL joke?
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Maybe? I have no idea what EOL mean
replace -second- with -only-
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he means the end of line club in didney's tron legacy
>boomers thought this was cool
Wait, then what EOP mean? I though ESL opposite is EOP
Not a clue but I saw anons use that term in context that other person doesn't speak any other language but English
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its up
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>Racism outside of /b/
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yes, yes, very good.
pic or didn't happen
You know, I always assumed they were from Spain but I've never paid attention to their accents. I'm not super familiar with the difference but I think Spaniards slur a bunch of their words like they're drunk and/or have a lisp, and it doesn't sound like they're doing that here.
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over status?
you can tell just from looking at them, they have aztec features
an aztec flew over my house
I look like this and say this
what is "overly" according to this snowflake ranking?r
la verga carnal
You aware that aztec are not real, right? This was money laundering scheme by Spanish monarchy
2 gay grandpas
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what am I supposed to be watching again?
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looks fine to me
>visualizar armamento
The ESL exposed himself
would 1 have been ok?
0 gay grandpas is the answer
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its okay to kiss your homies goodnight
so you're freely admitting that just the existence of even one gay grandpa is enough to trigger you? and you have to compile a list of games to avoid because they contain the forbidden gay grandpa? fucking lol

>t. tranny
I'm wokeing your favorite game and DEIing your waifu right now
So fucking what? Little snowflake needs his "Trigger Warning: Pro-LGBT Messaging"?
russians are such snowflakes lol
Is Rhino as retardproof as he seems? Played him a few times in SP circuit with 0 forma and it was ok
Yes. He is also your ticket to the most retardproof revenant.
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I look like this and I also say nothing
wtf just happened my solo mission got invaded by a warframe titled Stalker and one shotted me
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>wokeframe isn't woke amirite goys
I thought you left for TFD? What happened?
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>Trinity Prime tomorrow
finally I will be able to solo trilodons in peace
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Wokeframe is woke and that's based.
I can both post here and play TFD tho.
Are you one of those retards who can't multitask?
the whisper mimic and the liminus that follow you around are the coolest enemies in the game
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forced win-rate bullshit, it's not 50/50 but sometimes Stalker just kill you and that's it
for me?
its thrax centurion
shame about his faggot brother
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>start playing mag.
>look at mag cosmetics.
>"huh that mag skin looks neat, I want to get it."
>timed-limited skin, will never return.
FOMO is gay and retarded.
Go enjoy your dying game then faggot lol
that's a man
>dying game
we know wokeframe is a dying game
tranny lmao
When did you realize that /pol/tards are practically the same as triggered tumblr-tards? Except they're upset at non-straight non-whites. And attempts at garnering sympathy and crybullying are way less effective.
>this troon has to come to /wfg/ to cope because his nexonslop already has less players
>big scythe wielding void ghosts
truly bae
which skin?
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Go back
>no you
I accept your concession.
>Aya shop
It'll come back. Relax.
Fun fact, /pol/tards are >>495973304 and >>495973584
and >>495973427 troll who bait /pol/tard (election tourists)
>no you
Nexontroon having a melty lol
a while back, you might even say they were triggered so hard it WOKE me up to their stupidity and how much they literally just fabricate (and learned about some stuff I had taken for granted beforehand as a result)

this shit has been polluting 4chan for far too long
(You) won.
(You) lost.
Someone post the TFD numbers
do girls play this game
The heirloom skin.
Oh so that's why Russchizo has been extra melty. TFD numbers keep dropping
We need more gay grandpas actually
God I hope we can date Albrecht in 1999
I hope so, I can't accept reality where so many guys are so fucking stupid
ah yes, South Korea, famous Russia ally
there's gonna be a whole gay grandpa tileset that's nothing but structures made of giant gray strain vessels intertwined while sucking and fucking in some geigeresque nightmare and all the enemies are silent hill gay grandpas with bizarre genital attacks, reb told me
>not owning the frost and mag heirlooms
enjoy your bricked account holy fuk, i took a second mortgage out just to buy those when they were out
You know what I mean. "Not a monolith" is trivially true, but when one thinks about a /pol/tard, they're thinking about that idiot upset at Starfield having pronouns (one might say "triggered") and
>4Chan User Accused of Threatening to Kill Florida Sheriff Gets Arrested at Mom’s House
This post makes literally no sense. We're talking about playing a game.
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Why would Russian guy support TFD? You make no sense
The skins came out during my 'extended hiatus' part of warframe that every player who are not paid to play this game does.
>Why would someone support a game they play
Are you retarded?
hiiii :3
Imagine your dad coming out the closet. Being Euleria is truly suffering.
but nobody play TFD, per your words
Post where I said that you retarded Zigger.
they stopped the stream at 1 hour while the riven cipher is at 1 hour and 30 minutes? fucking execute these beaners holy fuck
Is all the content in this game hoarders of little non-enemies that instantly die? Or is there actual single target content at some point
You are my bitch, not other way around. You want something? You look it up
>hildryn prime
>gauss prime
most fun you'll ever have
fucking snore
There are bosses. If they stay alive for more than 30 seconds it's because they have a forced invulnerability phase.
>I have no proof
Yeah that's what I thought faggot.
Uh? The game does have boss fights, yes.
You can get the other drops on prime time tomorrow.
acolytes but not really
profit taker
demolysts but not really
I actually just back out of games like these.
I remember getting conjuction survival or whatever it's called on lua. we never got to crack a relic because the Xbone nigger was spawning like 3 enemies every 30 seconds.
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skrill issue
>**This Twitch Drop has a Claim Limit of 3 should you wish to get the maximum limit (1 Claim from Emisión Tenno and 2 Claims from Prime Time) .
why do people sexualize frames they are literally synthetic robots no faces or anything
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They appreciate the shapes.
and they are piloted by children
beaner sympathizers go die
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idk lol
fuck off, latinx cunts like you are the reason pablo is fucking the game, you vermin breed so fucking much just to create an army to support these DEI beaners ruining gaming culture fuck off
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>used requiem ultimatum
>forgot to swap words
>post insinuating you are a triggered /pol/tard
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So anyway, there's no real reason to not use PSF other than your frame having overguard and/or some other similar abilities.
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TFDilaters are getting very uppity lately
true a pocket dante specter conditionally outperforms the utility of PSF and way more, and it's never been something you should "always" slot I just stick it on my daily driver build because I don't need the mod slots for my purposes and it makes my quality of life better
there are infested human bodies inside the suits. no your 10 year old headcanon doesn't count
So not only do you see grinners on the regular everywhere, you now started seeing TFDers too.
t. TFDilater
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>Kills Destiny
>Killing TFD
Kiss her feet
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>Pick up the Raptor thing on Merulina
>Can't throw it
>Get off Merulina and throw it in the hole
>Completely breaks the fight
>Merulina still can't proc galvanized crosshairs
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the latest fake scenario dropped
eat up bros
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Destiny and TFD killed themselves.
thank you for beta testing the full release of k-drive to normal missions
>TFD is so bad even Russchizo dropped it
The thumbnail looks like she has a giant egg in her lap
or a yam I guess
wait for prime release yarelibro
English Only Player refers to people consuming media in another language but not knowing it
ESL is English as a Second Language which explains itself

EOL barely makes sense as a rearrangement of an already bad acronym (English as an Only Language; really?)
Based Anglos don't need to learn any other language
What is up with everything wanting to but [Bite] right now?
Whenever you see something like this, there is either a slated rework or it's just market manipulation
Tell me which of the two is plausible with present information
i've made about 70 trades in the past 3 days and not a single person gave me rep
i aint no rep cuck but thats just strange
i give rep to nearly everyone i buy from
You don't need an account to buy or sell
I don't rep anyone, on average I receive rep per 5-10 sales.
sold 1 for 60p a couple of days ago
it's a very rare mod (~3% earth cache rot c, 0.01% from dogs) and with the next update we get per rework 2.0 so it *might* become meta
I don't understand this issue Is it to take less liches to get it at full valiance or whatever?
jesus fuck the other day I tried a pepsi and saw it was 118% of my ail my sugar in one serving.
>Run Valkyr
>Shit on archons in seconds
Cats rule
Dogs drool
heh, that's why I don't drink soda anymore, I just drink sugary coffee and then sugary alcohol drinks all day
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I quit drinking soda years ago, now I get a migraine halfway through a 12 oz can when I try
would fuck this ziggress
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someone explain to me how shards work
you put them in your butt
>have three archon shards at 100% on the pity system

Can someone who is a big brain mather figure out the percent chance of this because it seems unfathomably low.
Did you develop a caffeine sensitivity? That's not supposed to happen, and definitely not that quickly.

I quit carbonated drinks, because I have IBS, and the released carbonation gets trapped in my guts, and I feel like I have a stone in my stomach.
We already have Yareli though
>0.8 * 0.6 * 0.4 * 0.2
Honestly higher than I thought it would be. Guess I can't be too mad then. Thanks.
Do people REALLY waste an entire mod slot for a single Arson Eximus they might not see?
no, it's just the sugar. I still drink way too much caffeine and carbonation doesn't bother me
I don't eat candy or sweets often either so that much sugar at once is just a shock to the system
wait isn't that the chance of just one shard being at 100% on the pity system?
>nullify any kind of knockdown or pull including from any explosive or aoe source and turn displacement waves into minor inconveniences you can propel yourself off of
>doesn't need any extra buttons or energy to cast or go away in a nullifier field
I put it in builds where I know I want to be lazy and I don't need the slot for something else
Are you amish adjacent or do you just have an entire homemade + raw produce diet? If you live in the West, avoiding the added sugars and high fructose corn syrup in food is practically impossible.
So uh

Arson Eximus
Blitz Eximus (move slightly to the left or right retard)

grineer scorpions maybe?
Oh yeah, that's right!

>3.84% ^ 3
also ancients, bursas, any heavy that can do a ground pound, bosses, environmental shockwaves, stagger from enemies with blast weapons and rollers
and also your own weapons
yeah our gut biome diversity and agricultural diversity have turned to shit and made the environment around them each worse and less sustainable for us and other life we depend on, respectively, in the name of reliable monoculture corporate profits
OK now I'm mad. Should I submit a bug report because those odds don't seem like they should be possible.
>hes actually being filtered by ground pounds
I'm starting to understand why people call PSF a shitter crutch.
God, when has an Isolator Bursa last used a harpoon on me?
>le filtered meme
same nonsense arguments every time... I explicitly said it's for builds where I want to be lazy and not have to push a button or worry about things I can't see or anticipate
Just convert them all to tauforged and put them on frames, then sell the frames for credits. You get extra credits if the frame has shards on it. You'll receive a message the following day, "thank you for the conversion, you've been awarded 10 million credits"
No. Individual chances of NOT getting a Tauforged shard were still 20%, remember? And you failed to roll the 80% three weeks in a row. You might ask what kind of RNG DE are using, because it's probably not a pseudo, considering all the grinder rage about items not dropping for very long times.
the chances were always at a 20% step increase
is the chance of all independent chances failing, not a chance of getting 3 tauforged from a single "pull"
unlikely yes but not impossible
>getting 1/17k odds screwed by DE
account seed issue
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>account seed issue
Sorry I play Whitill so I get all the good drops
>no content
>no rebb booba
it really is over, isn't it?
Only a few more days to go until the spiderframe reveal stream.
calm before the storm type of thing
i just got home. where is my riven cipher?!
>it's a Entrati episode
When will the GIGA CHAD have his own New War quest?
Parvos has become a shit character and ruined any hope of good Corpus content.
Wives of Parvos soon trust the plan.
>wow, the loan shark might NOT have been the best person
What a shocker. Did cuckitalists seriously think DE was going to go with "the good capitalist" route?
>Play Wisp Prime
>Have a terrible time

Why is she so lame?
skill and taste issues
No, but I was at least hoping for a "Corpus Civil War" plot where different NPCs got screentime.
how so
imagine running profit taker or index now lmao
>coolest drip in the game
>his kit has zero thought put into it
>skin so based it has its own theme
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Yep it's amazing shittaste-kun
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Why I oughta...

Frankly I just think "support" frames just aren't for me. It's all bias, I'd rather just unga-bunga and explode stuff with chakrams or Warframes with skills that better suit more missions that aren't just Defense than set support sigils and play the airborne game.
Why does he get a Wifeframe while he only get a homo Dax Excalibur?
retard, wisp is PERFECT for unga bunga where you play the airborne game at high speeds while also exploding or CCing everything
if you're good you just also play support and keep your shitters alive by dropping strategic buffs and paying attention to where they are and how they're doing
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Hello bro
If you're good you just ignore all warframe abilities and just shoot everyone
post build
I look like this and say this
Where did you get this picture of me
I just throw glaive prime lol
Solo'd entire SP every Arbitration and Archon hunt that way.
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>Get sick of playing with Slamkongs, Sevaspam and shitters dying to Archons
>Go solo
>Game is fun again

You were right. I probably just stick to radshares if I go public.
>PSF is a crutch!!!
>Requires 400 login days to get
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this one is kind of tryhard by my standards tbdesu, I typically run one with another infusion/augment instead of blind rage and only 177% strength but I've been shifting to this one more often for the slightly better raw buffs and more importantly a faster strip with ophanim eyes

she really doesn't need much to be very effective in any mission
Sevagoth should melt archons easily as he deal percentage damage.
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>logging in is hard
Thank god raids are never coming back.
Helminth is the biggest cope mechanic in the game. If your frame can't function optimally with it's own kit it's a skill issue.
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sevagoth's design and the way his kit works makes him inarguably one of the coolest and most thematically appropriate for our game about greedy space pirate ninja robots and I feel bad for not using him more, but wisp exists
Reasons to join a party

#1: Quadruple your chance to get something from a relic
#2: Safety net for the "no self revive" modes

No other reason to do anything but solo.
I solo anything in the entire game except excavations because they're annoying and relic pops for more drops
I'm a wukong main who recently started also playing slamkong
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Yeah, Pablo's skill issue.
post build
Way to completely miss the point, retard
To spell it out for you, if you’re struggling with blitz eximus and shit after an entire year of playing then maybe you’re just shit at the game?
Sevagoth isn't a pirate that's Hydroid. Sevagoth is a space ambulance.
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>If your frame can't function optimally with it's own kit it's a skill issue.
I've tried so hard, I really have, but it's just never worth pushing the button unless I'm bored at extraction and want to look at the pretty colors
It must suck to have no imagination.
>get burston incarnon
>its actually pretty fun
Should I waste a catalyst on it
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There's been so much PSF shilling in this thread alone, you could've been serious.
A catalys is literally nothing. This ain't aura forma anon.
I ignored PSF even while I had it for years - it's an old MRhag's game, the luxury of a jaded bittervet
aaaaaaaaaaa railjack skin when?
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Which Frame kit is so bad that it needs Helminth?
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>wasting a slot on PSF
not me
we know anon, just wait it out till your 400th login, you don't have to feel insecure till then.
inb4 anon replies saying he's on his 6 million day login hurr durr
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but what if I need it for another gun...
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For slamkong I'm literally just using Brozime's build from his new video to test it out, it's been pretty fun (in the "screen is filled with colors" ADHD way) and does archon missions in 3 minutes
Previously I used pic related and a Glaive Prime lol
I also use Protea if I wanna ability spam, Nezha on the rare excavation occasion, Revenant if I'm shitfaced and need something to just be absolutely immortal, and Baruuk if I just wanna fucking punch some bitches
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>Brozime's build
Guaranteed (You)s
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>SIX loadout slots
I barely even use two...
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You must really love ol' Wukong
I usually only use the first two as well, I just like the monke ok
how do you know?
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how do you know?
how can you tell?
Joke's on you I got it form day 900 because I never had a problem with knockdowns so I never realized it was supposed to be important.
we all watched a brozime guide at some point. theres not shame
he sucked my cock
fucking hate watcher
your videos are shit. its as shrimple as that.
The only Warframe streamer I watch is Silvervale
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On one hand I dislike that he tries so hard to throw all new players into the extremely meta builds with his F2P playthroughs, on the other hand I like that he actually does F2P playthroughs and shows that it's easy to get into the game, just wish he'd put more emphasis on build diversity
The only warframe channel I watch is twitch.tv/warframe I do it for hags and drops. Anything else is soi and gay.
I don't have a twitch account and never will
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Based, when's she getting her glyph?
The only cool and interesting part of Don Wukong is Celestial Twin, and Equinox's Duality Augment should become a twin of Celestial Twin.
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Missing out on the drops, anon
rare bra reb
Cute emblem
sure you did anon.. i totally believe you.
A steep price to pay for not being data farmed by twitch and amazon, but one i'm willing to pay.
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This is the only right answer
isn't that the landwhale morbidly obese cunt who pretends to be a cute anime girl online? i loved watching her cry after the dox lmao.
I have an android phone and play two gacha games, I get so data farmed I don't even care anymore, honestly
that's every vtuber
I don't even have a smartphone, anon. I have no use for one.
why does she hide her massive milkers
Honestly based. Anyways, warframe. Who's your favorite?
Makes Rebb feels bad
Zephyr and Frost
but voruna is even stronger than valkyr
Post Zephyr build, I've wanted to use her but I'm lazy
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i dont get it
I can't hit archons with her 4 like I can with Valkyr
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Warning im a shitter that just presses 3 and uses guns, sometimes pressing 2 to group things up to shoot.
I fucked up on my forma from a previous build back when slash still went through shields and turbulence was only a % chance to block hitscan from grineer. Also this was back when arcanes were new and a pain to farm so I never got around to it, and also I haven't got any archon shards worth using because I just came back from a few years hiatus and still working on THAT shit too.

Need to get around to fixing her but eh
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You know what this build needs?
>Energy Reduction
This kills the Wukong shitters
Sorry I dont have to worry about ground AOEs when i'm in the air.
>Two functional braincells
This kills the Wukong shitters
It's okay they only have one anyway, so they're safe
zephyr mogs both
and i'm salty about it
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>waste an entire mod slot
OH NO!!! 15% ability strength!!!
Natural Talent is a bigger benefit than being able to step to the left.
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>Living 400 days in fear due to getting REEL'D
I kinda want to learn the bird girl. It seems I lean towards animal based frames
that's completely subjective
Does her 3 just make her entirely immune to ranged attacks? Or would you still die if enemies have some aoe attack? Seems like a neat starting point anyway, thanks!
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yiff in etc
I'm no furry BUT I would do ungodly things to Valkyr and Voruna
Someone already did so to Valkyr, you're late to the party
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I get it lol and I think voruna gets me a little bit more than valkyr, I had a thing for renamon as a kid
Fucking Alad...
I'm new and I only play solo because I don't want to piss anyone off by being a shitter. My first time starting a pub mission without realising, right at the start of the game, I was the one running around like an idiot looking for the exit while the other guy waited at extraction. Never again.
Completely immune, it used to be a % chance for hitscan but 100% for projectiles.

AOE can still hit you if your Range is small enough, since it scales the size of her anti bullet bubbles. Also can get unlucky if you're standing near a wall and it redirects the tonkor missile into the wall next to you but if you're in the open you're pretty much safe. Even deflects beams from MOAs and flux rifles. I think ignis still hits sometimes? Idk, its not perfect but its pretty close.
does that stop me?
>Fucking Alad
Anon, that's gay.
>Never again.
nah get used to it, it happens a lot even at "endgame" just try and learn
>Do you see this collar, 10o?
Just enjoy the game the way you like.
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Natural talent isn't even an exilus mod.
>helminth nourish/roar
Why anon would never do that!
This will always happen, honestly the solution is to play what you yourself enjoy and ignore what other people say. If people say shit like you're being slow, either ignore them or tell them that you actually enjoy not rushing the shit out of everything. Pubs are generally kinda toxic though, just try not letting it get to you I guess.
Oh sorry, still using thiefs wit, vigilante pursuit, and nira's anguish so I dont care
What's the worst helminth ability? Defy, maybe? Put that on every single frame just to spite elitists.
>still using thiefs wit
Look man I need some argon crystals and I need it NOW
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>hehe I totally knew that. I was being retarded on purpose.
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I'm not as skilled at moving in a wheelchair as someone who is actually crippled, hard concept to grasp I know!
So what's your favorite tileset?
I use temporal anchor. Protea is perfect. Now give me (You)s
If this was the 90s she would be in a bikini. We lost so hard hagbros...
>Protea is perfect.
You're correc-
>I use temporal anchor.
Get the fuck out of here.
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>says a slot is wasted by not using a certain mod instead
>that certain mod literally can't even go in that slot
>gets called out for it
>starts bringing up other mods he never mentioned before and tries to ignore the fact that he wasn't making sense
Don't ever again reply to me helmith filth
My argument
>I have better things to go in my exilus slot and better things to go elsewhere if that same exilus slot is full
Your argument

I dunno man
If you play solo there is no reaon not to use temporal anchor as it's the only death escape mechanic that works in archons and arbitrations if I remember correctly.
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Uh oh psf melty
why arent you in a bikini
I'm not a TGS booth babe
you could cosplay as one
I didn't helminth my protea because she doesn't need it, I just think temporal anchor is useless.
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>He uses PSF

No but seriously.
Why not?
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>He's on his melty
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I'm gonna go to overframe and use the top rated build for every single one of my builds, what're you gonna do about it /wfg/?
Don't forget to slot psf
Yeah sorry, I meant top build that actually uses psf
I hope those young nips stay hydrated it would be a shame if the whole event gets canceled because someone died
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For me it's cunning drift
Why are people so hung up on the psf thing? Like I get that it's a very good mod to just avoid knockdowns, but there's about a billion different ways to either avoid knockdowns or just kill shit faster than they can knock you down. Even fucking handspring would let you recover fast enough through invulns if you have no other immunity
Worst case just be funny and use heavy attacks and the carnis set lmao
they're not, some esl shitters itt like to make a thing out of nothing
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An ESL just flew over my house
It's the premier skill issue mod. You don't need it. Especially after 200 days of regular play.
real schizo hours
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>Reb has a bigger chest than Meg
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real homo hours
Should end once EU is sleeping
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turns out anti-psf are homos
>vile precision and stabilizer both jump from
>-45% recoil to -60% recoil
>there is nothing that gives exactly -50% recoil to pair with Deadhead
im gonna blame PSF fags for this one
I was about to call you a tranny obsessed faggot but it does look like Meg is boymaxxing.
binders arent just for trannies, retard.
a good sports bra does wonders without having to resort to a binder
It's 3am in the EU
It is a very easy mod to just throw on for ease though, I prefer shit like Cunning or Power Drift but 15% ain't much
So it's the EU schizos
>pub spy
never fails in asia
Ohayo gozaimasu

Sorry for bad engrish. I spend many sexo times with Rebecca-chan night ago. I used mighty condoms but I think I made purchase of the bad because of holes in them. I will sends update later.
i will always prevail
Pregnancy confirmed
Her eggs are expired anyway, you're safe jpbro
I do pub spy to fail on purpose
>ever doing spy in a pub group
It's a 3 min mission just do it yourself
>be new
>try a pub spy
>guy immediately starts an alarm
>then leaves the game
Never again solo onry as Ivara or Voruna
I see so many people saying to use Ivara for spy, but why? She can turn invis but she still gets hit by lasers in invis. Titania can dash through lasers and Wukong can ignore them entirely, while both of them being faster.
I hate wuKANGZ so I will never use him and since it's solo speed doesn't matter fun does. And I have fun with Ivara.
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How do I kill this when it keeps just going invulnerable
This is the only valid answer, honestly
Still slower than both of the others though, but fair enough.
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find the book and kill that when you knock off one health bar
rolling guard and secondary fortifier for free overguards.
I'm retarded, thanks.
both of those solve completely different problems
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Is this better, you scumbags, you screwheads?
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Do people unironically use PSF? Do they really struggle with Archons and steelpath?
you slot PSF when you struggle so little that you don't "need" all your mod slots to stomp face
While there is indeed a thousand other ways to deal with knockdowns, said mod slot doesn't give a lot of other bonuses, like 15% strength, 15% range + slide - friction/, 10% energy + 12% parkour velocity, Energy filled on spawn, +30% sprint speed, +30% slide -30% friction, 40% reduced damage while airborne, . .
They're relatively useless bonuses on good builds. PSF is also useless on a LOT of builds but the best if you could possibly get fucked by a knockdown.
Honestly I don't see any exilus mod being required for any build, PSF is just an easy one to throw on to make sure no knockdowns happen for any build who doesn't wanna be CC'd, do people really just hate it because it's locked behind 400 logins?
Guys, can we just get this fact straight?
Post MR shitter
Why do you guys care so fucking much about PSF?
post MR
Anon really needs to justify using it.
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The only frame I have PSF on is Hildryn because I have no idea what else to put in that slot for her.
a PSF just flew over my house
>filtered image
>made up trash
Ok you are a shitter
man, you don't need all the mod slots, since archon shards can give you duration/strength you can easily swap out a mod for psf

>anon so enraged he missed the joke right on the image
I'm an MRlet (MR 28) that doesn't have psf yet, and I think psf would be nice but also not at all necessary.
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I didn't say any of those things. And you're lying about your argument. You never said "if the slot is full" until just now. Absolutely pathetic. You're lying online to an internet stranger to pretend you didn't lose an argument.
>ha ha i replied last on a page 10 thread, i won the argument!

just move to the left bro
I win
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I concede to your acceptance
a guy walked over me today to revive his kavat while I was down then proceeded to ignore me as I bled out
where can I access this site?

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