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Earn Legendary Flower Child Mei skin on Twitch until Sep. 28

>Midseason patch notes

>Overwatch x World of Warcraft collab (in shop now)

>Free skins and mythic prisms for Gamepass members

>Season 12 trailer

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Oct 4 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary (the event will likely start a week or two earlier)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

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Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
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>Kiriko spam filterlist
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Previous thread: >>495738038
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The enemy has a teleporteur.
im getting the feeling they have a shield generator
Babymaking sex with Pharah
let it go, ana, it's never gonna happen
what overwatch characters would the overwatch cast play?
hard mode, you can't say "themselves"
lena would be a ball one-trick
locking reinhardt and throwing if i dont get a juno yesbox
bap is a mercy main
don't worry, they would have lost anyways because you're dogshit at rein.
who's "they" here, i think the correct pronoun here would be "you"
Lifeweaver is absolutely a tank healbotting mercy main in silver.
i'm the only constant in my games
mindwashed retard*
no one understands what you're trying to say
I can hear it.
I can hear it in my brain.
In my dreams.
>Locking satellite vector.
>some salt for your wounds
what now, fag?
I thought the good part of that ult was the damage boost not the healing
AOE 100hps is nothing to scoff at. that's near AOE coal with damage boost attached
35% damage boost is only good along side the healing.
like how nano would be mid if it was just 50% damage resist.
OW keeps queuing me into plat lobbies!!! I play QP (no ranked) for fun I don't want to try hard. Now every games is a grind :(
i need to plap you
You probably have to try harder to get a win in QP than you do in ranked, in QP you're just food for discord stacks
juno wears diapers
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I...I'm a flower child?
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anons i beg you talk me out of buying the robot kiriko skin i cant resist robopussy
kiriko is cringe and she still is in robot form
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you are so so wrong
cringe? more like ultra mega giga cringe trash tier waifu
Don't you think support are harder to play than dps and tanks? While dps only have to deal as much damage as possible, and tanks have to create "space" (whatever that means); support have to both deal damage and heal their teammates. They have more meaningful decisions to do at any given moment: saving their teammate or finishing off the enemy. You have to keep track of 9 players, while dps only have to care about the 5 enemies.
If I was a girl, I'd start an onlyfans, dress like Kiriko, and violate my throat with Long Johns.
hard? no. harder than tank? sure. harder than dps? hell no.
Absolutely not
you just have extremely low standards, fag.
desu I'd prefer echo but the robot skin is the only one i liked on kiriko
not reading your post. the answer is no.
Dafran did a study on top 500 players
DPS mains were usually high elo in other roles
same with tank but slightly less so
but support players were half VERY lower elo than their support rank
Support is objectively the easiest role for bad players to climb.
the same dafran that a few months ago said that tank is the most boosted role and the tank players are always the least skilled people in the lobby?
>Support niggas be like
>instant aoe healing with a burst if below half
>immortality field
>25 damage hitscan burst
>kiriko with her big ass hitboxes, small as fuck hurtbox, IMMENSE safety meaning she never dies unless she miss plays because of suzu, teleport and wallclimb
>literally impossible to 1v1
>"ermm, this actually takes more skill than DPS if u really think about it...!"
hang all supportfags.
very true, based dafran.
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my juju is wining
non-representive sample due to private profiles, literally no way to know and control the confounders, nonsensical hypothesis, and biased "researcher"
yeah playing tanks and sups takes way more skill
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objectively correct btw
>EMP not S
dont car
How about using something recognizable like hero portraits instead of ult icons, half of which nobody fucking knows?
>d.va bomb
if you can't recognize all of these your input on the conversation is irrelevant. and should be ignored.
it's a good filter.
nobody uses D.va bomb for the bomb, it's a second life bar and great stalling (if your supports are human and can do the bare minimum of healing to bail you out)
>if you can recognize all of these your input on the conversation is irrelevant. and should be ignored.
>echo copy C
t.urbo retard
>duhh i'm a fucking retard with no knowledge on the game, spoonfeed me so I can insert my dogshti no knowledge takes into the conversation!!!
there are 0 (zero, nil) reasons to know ult icons
>doesn't play the game enough nor the characters enough to know basic ult icons
nah, bro. you're just a newfag with like sub 500 hours.
if you haven't played at least 10 games on every hero you shouldn't be posting
I don't even play the game, just jack off the overwatch waifus getting blacked.
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i tried playing juno but it's impossible
her porn is pretty good tho
Juno is one of the easiest supports in the game
are you a lobotomite?
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>nobody uses D.va bomb for the bomb
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i main junk
so yeah
if you're bombing for anything other than zoning on overtime or remeching you're trolling.
He means that the ultimate's value is good for zoning and for a second life during a fight. Sometimes you can get a pick, sometimes you can throw it up high and squish someone behind a door.
But most of the time it's for that second life during a fight.
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>her porn is pretty good tho
>i main junk
I liked the new Ana weapon skin, I bought it. I'll use it. But I have an issue with it. The original scope uses certain markers that are pretty useful when throwing grenades from certain places of the map. For example, for throwing a nade at the enemy spawn door and so on. This weapon skin has different markers and it gets in the way.

When Ana's robot mythical skin was released, I liked it very much, but i don't like the sound of her weapon, since in the middle of battle it's a confirmation something was hit and it's useful. For this weapon skin, the different sound isn't bad at all, but that scope is wrong.
>I liked the new Ana weapon skin, I bought it
hey, man.
kill yourself.
I forgot to post the pic
And sometimes you get a triple kill and its fucken sweet.
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i also main rein
not by choice
Yeah, sometimes.
1/100 games if you aren't in metal ranks.
this is on point imo
Death blossom can't even solo kill anyone if they have full health or a single CD and you think it's worse than barrage, an ult that can trade with a tank when they have 9000hp?
if you're blowing up a tank with CDs and full HP before instantly evaporating to the enemy team with your 225 HP giant stationary hitbox, you're in bronze.
Dealth blossom is a cleanup ult, not a opener ult. it's used to confirm one kill after you've forced CDs/mobility/aren't confident in the next very crucial shot in a 1v1. it has more than one use
Barrage has and always will be a suicide button
It happens in pro Korean games so maybe you’re actually the bronze
there is literally 0 video game scene where high elo is even 1/5th as comparable to the highest level of solo/duo comp matchmaking.
false comparison.
Can you explain how your plat games are better at killing pharah than the best players in the world in a organized practiced environment?
5k non-nano blades also happen in pro play. does that mean blade is good? clearly if it has team-wipe potential it has to be S tier.
>y-you're plat!!!
D5 nigger, do not speak to me. you showed your hand saying barrage is better than blossom.
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y-you weren't supposed to point that out...
>5k non-nano blades also happen in pro play.
What fantasy race is this?
Total Juju Love
How can Pharah fly around with all of that?
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>spoonfeed me
do your own research
I watch korean teams in faceit league and OWCS and I've never seen a 5 man non-nano blade in a pro game. Sounds like a fantasy you came up with
>whale asses on canon thin heroes
ow porn is F tier
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genuinely. some of the lowest quality shit on the planet.
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Anon! What? I mean thank you... but also why?

I haven't played ranked since I was bronze bc people used coms to insult me :(
Imagine the smell
never goon
Have you tried telling them to fuck off?
If you're bronze nothing negative anyone else says matters because they're also bronze
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How come Kiriko fancies the fat ugly bastard more than the tall handsome prince?
Angela Ogundimu
i need to breed you
Akande Ziegler
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Angela is a white supremacist and would never. She even has L'amour Toujours as her phone ringtone but pretends she doesn't know what it is when asked and says she just likes the rhythm.
nuh-uh, there's plenty of evidence that she enjoys bbc
She’s a feeder
does she
>She even has L'amour Toujours as her phone ringtone pretends she doesn't know what it is when asked and says she just likes the rhythm.
ok I laughed.
She compliments Mako's mask but not Jamison's peg, she only asks him about his heists - clearly only a professional interest.
i see
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At least the kirikoposter mixes things up instead of posting the same image every thread
but the kirikoposter posts the worst girl(s) instead of the best one
>Nope this is by far the worst meta ever at least in Overwatch 2 and the problem it won't change. Since tanks are the bottleneck for queue times.
Hm, I'm thinking the game needs that open queue with role lock mode
Oddly enough they added mystery heroes role queue? Like lol? Who's that for
>Yep, the no-fun abilities are what makes tanking so unfun. Sleep anti, hack and tank counter swapping.
Yeah, I can only play tank a few games before I notice just how much garbage gets thrown at you
>Yea let's see how 6v6 turns out. The game just needs so much balance changes for 6v6. I don't think the current Overwatch developer can do that.
And that's another thing they'll likely mess up lol
We can only hope they take some cues from the community 6v6 especially when it comes to changing up Overwatch 2 heroes like Mauga
>uhm yes but, old raid we can solo these if you want.
What are the drops rates like? How long does it take to complete? Would it even be worth trying to get?
kill yourself
you two should play barony together
you two should play "who can drink more bleach" together
Looks fun
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Hey love, welcome back, my everything, my best gamer
>Hm, I'm thinking the game needs that open queue with role lock mode
Wait how does role lock mode work? The point of open queue is not to have locked roles?
>Oddly enough they added mystery heroes role queue? Like lol? Who's that for
Seems like people like that mode? They all cried about the last QP hacked maybe that's why we don't get it anymore.
>Yeah, I can only play tank a few games before I notice just how much garbage gets thrown at you
Well some few very annoying abilities but let's say you nerf anti right now you would just enable the biggest hog and mauga meta ever. You kinda need to nerf everything and lower the power creep again. Kinda like a stats squish in wow because the servers can't calculate that much.
>And that's another thing they'll likely mess up lol
100% the current developer are not suited for this game and the main problem with the game. What I don't get how the games balanced shifted so strong.
>We can only hope they take some cues from the community 6v6 especially when it comes to changing up Overwatch 2 heroes like Mauga
They need to think about all the synergy with the Overwatch 2 heroes now. Like current Juno and two tanks? Would be absolute cancer speed ring on one tank is already really overpowered.
>What are the drops rates like? How long does it take to complete? Would it even be worth trying to get?
No drop rates we just need to complete achievements, and they should be pretty easy now. Did some profession stuff, but I want to do m+ with you. Are you gaming already if so have fun!
I want you
>Its another Junktard throwing my game episode.
yall are the cutest thing. i want what you have
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your are just jealous he was having fun
kill thyself
baby... you need to change your diaper...
>i want what you have
just go on grindr, fag
i have a boyfriend. he doesnt play ow and i cant convince him to.
are you a biofem...
see >>495948964
I don't know which one of you two has worse taste - your boyfriend because he dates a guy who plays overwatch or you because you play it yourselrf. Either way, I wish you two early death.
Have fun doing what? Dying on cooldown with 4 thousand damage? with 3 elims?
Junkshitters are the WORST dps main to have on your team
i kneel to junkchads
i am ftm
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Stop falling for the larp you retards
>tank diff
>game is now unwinnable no matter what you do
Hi again!
>Wait how does role lock mode work? The point of open queue is not to have locked roles?
So you can pick whatever as long as the role isn't full but still have some kind of team composition, like you can only have a single tank, 2 dps, 2 supports
>Seems like people like that mode? They all cried about the last QP hacked maybe that's why we don't get it anymore.
Do you want to try it? Mystery heroes kind of suck but maybe with role lock it's better?
>You kinda need to nerf everything and lower the power creep again.
And that's what the whole 6v6 thing is trying to do, just bring back the second tank and nerf them back to their 400~ HP state so they can actually die
>They need to think about all the synergy with the Overwatch 2 heroes now. Like current Juno and two tanks?
Juno needs to be nerfed here in 5v5 too lol, have her maximum speed boost be reduced or make it a shorter duration
I don't think her speed boost should be better than Lucio's
>No drop rates we just need to complete achievements, and they should be pretty easy now.
Are they difficult? I want that mount too if you don't mind helping me with it
>Are you gaming already if so have fun!
Jumping on the grind in a second
>I want you
I am waiting, like always
end your life
skill issue
Junktrannies when Pharah counters them and does everything he does but a thousand times better
Not just unwinnable but unplayable because you can't do anything while the enemy has a 8000armor character that also does more damage than any of the characters in the role called damage and all the CC in the world running around and you don't. The only possible way to win is if both enemy supports are just hard throwing and healbot the tank and never themselves or each other.
Remove the tank passives for less crit damage, less healing reduction and remove armor. Then reduce all non passive healing abilities in the game by 20% and remove the healing from nano.
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>Hi again!
hey there, person who makes me happy
>So you can pick whatever as long as the role isn't full but still have some kind of team composition, like you can only have a single tank, 2 dps, 2 supports
I do get that, but you kinda force people to play a role they don't want to. Just go full open queue at that point. It worked in Marvel Rivals. But you need to nerf tanks for that otherwise it will be open queue with 3 tanks.
>Do you want to try it? Mystery heroes kind of suck but maybe with role lock it's better?
We can try, but you know how much I suck on heroes I don't know how to play it will be horrible.
>And that's what the whole 6v6 thing is trying to do, just bring back the second tank and nerf them back to their 400~ HP state so they can actually die
I guess I need to see, deep down I prefer 5vs5 and I think it doesn't matter if 5vs5 or 6vs6 it all comes down to balance and nerf the heroes who needed to be nerfed, but fan favorites don't get nerfed.
>Juno needs to be nerfed here in 5v5 too lol, have her maximum speed boost be reduced or make it a shorter duration
I would nerf it only for tanks it's fine on dps kinda enables some weak heroes like genji but on tank it's just stupid overpowered though. That mauga with the speed rofl. Maybe they just need to start fine tuning stuff for tanks. Anti not doing 100% heal block on tank stuff like that.
>I don't think her speed boost should be better than Lucio's
hm not sure, juno pretty fine otherwise her healing is a bit high, but she doesn't have super annoying abilities.
>Are they difficult? I want that mount too if you don't mind helping me with it
Nope, not really.
>Jumping on the grind in a second
oh, my grinder :3 have fun
>I am waiting, like always
going soonish, maybe faster today with workout my fucking elbow still hurts :( love you
Newnigga here. Please give me tips on
>Which support to pick
disconnect from life server
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>Your planes bomb you G.I. they try to kill you poor soldier
do you do cocaine?
ah, no.
What if we just deleted supports
Juno giving birth to my white children.
i just want a tankless open queue arcade mode
make a custom
This but also supportless (they're literally just DPS with better mobility, CC and 3 healthbars)
>hey there, person who makes me happy
Then we're two!
>I do get that, but you kinda force people to play a role they don't want to.
Then play role queue... This isn't supposed to replace role queue
I mean if flex queue actually worked by having an equal chance of every role then sure, but flex is just 99% tank now
>We can try, but you know how much I suck on heroes I don't know how to play it will be horrible.
I can play dps with you? We can be bad together :^)
>it all comes down to balance and nerf the heroes who needed to be nerfed
You are right, what would a good 5v5 even look like? We will never know because they aren't even trying to fix it
>Maybe they just need to start fine tuning stuff for tanks. Anti not doing 100% heal block on tank stuff like that.
I would not want that but at the same time when they get the headshot passive aswell as the knock back passive, why not? The thing is these passives and the special interactions just are not good for the game
>but she doesn't have super annoying abilities.
You don't think her movement is too fast with the thruster thing?
>going soonish, maybe faster today with workout my fucking elbow still hurts :( love you
Ok, don't overdo it! I see you soon!
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Why did they make a whole season to address healing creep and sustain then dump 25 patches on the game to make healing and sustain even stronger than it was before that season?
I have two very important questions: could Widowmaker get pregnant and carry the baby to the term, and would the baby be blue?
the Alec Dawson special
No and no.
assuming you are not blue yourself and is white or asian, the baby would become purple
>this is your brain on raceshit
she's not smurfette she's blue because of cyanosis
no she's blue because she's french what do you think the blue stripe is for in their flag
Juno is the most overpowered character they've ever released and history will vindicate me
she's overtuned sure but she's nothing like release brig
did she ruin a few hundred people's careers and create a few million leavers by forcing a format change?
Are we still pretending like brig forced role lock and not dva and zarya
But all the streamers said she was weak and the most balanced support blizzard released?
who is the diddy of overwatch
Streamers are retarded and can't recognize overstatted pure giga value on top of infinite mobility and are also trash at the game so they played 2 games didn't do anything and decided because they were bad the character was bad.
oh, yeah, the diamond support shitter from /owg/ knows better than top 500 who plays the game for a living
the guy you feel like when you wake up in the morning
Name one weakness Bap has.
He requires aim.
his only mobility is a high jump with a predictable arc he has to cock first by ducking in place for half a second
Buck breakers
Name one weakness Brig has.
black cocks
weak-ass single target heals
He has no horizontal mobility so he can't react quickly to shifts on the battlefield.
Exo boots move him on a predictable arc making him a sitting duck in the air
Both of his cooldowns are fuckhuge and can be easily fucked up
He can't heal flyers reliably
His hitscan damage can be a constant nuisance but requires headshots to have real killing power
He only has 3 lifebars
Streamer opinions aren’t real anon they’re just there to make content
If you go after a fresh bap with his cooldowns for a 1v1 you're a retard
Doom ult should stun enemies in place for 3 seconds
Give Doom his uppercut back while keeping his block
Make Doom immune to all stuns
supports should not be favored in 1v1 against dps even with all cooldowns
Yeah because he’s OP lol
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>supports should be free scoreboard points for me!!!!
if support is alone then yes, why not?
Nobody said that. Seems like you lack reading comprehension.
Name one weakness Sigma has.
Close ra- oh wait lmao
Name one weakness Sombra has.
This but unironically
>dps should at the very least be equal in a 1v1 against support
>this is a controversial statement according to /owg/
white cocks
Name one weakness Juno has
Earth gravity probably. She might not be able to move well without her tech.
sha can't heal herself
her cervix
support passive, ult
She likes em small huh?
White men over 6ft tall
>support passive
If you can't hit her at least once every 2.5 seconds then you should work on your aim.
Passive healing is no good in a fight, even for a support. She has to run away to use that.
You said she can't but she can actually
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Tell me what you think about this widow's aim. It's very strange to me, going from extremely lazy almost like they're on console and missing a lot of shots to snapping to someone's head and doing perfect 180s then back to lazy then suddenly make weird flicks. You can skip ahead to like 3 minutes because they miss 25 easy shots before that.
you bastard
Still right
Anons, seems I am eating good tonight (juno's taint)
just the nature of flicky aim + high sens. incredibly inconsistent but when you hit it looks very impressive.
They seem to be low sens normally though. I'm not saying they were definitely hacking but it looks like 600x mouse accel or something
>venture ult
>4x 130 dmg reinhardt shatters has extra health and extra shields
>genji pool noodle
>110 dmg per swipe gets one(1) dash reset
hmmm I wonder which character the devs really like and which one they hate
just go on highground lol
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Chemo took its toll?
i guess she really is cancer
im already tracer
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Maybe it's just anxiety related alopecia.
which character would be likeliest to hawk tuah spit on that thang?
kill yourself
oops. meant for >>495959568 sorry
>another stack of sweaty arabs
why is EU quick play full of them
i'm guessing you haven't been to europe lately
>/owg/ says the balance team is trash
> game is gaining thousands of players each month
Seems to me that they are doing a good job.
If i have to go one more match where the enemy picks sombra and my team refuses to stay together and blame me for not tanking for them im going to punch the nearest mexican
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5 bing reward points have been deposited into your account ranjesh
In English doc
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if the game is gaining players by the devs doing the bare minimum amount of work, imagine how succesful overwatch would be if people actually liked the it
Well every other FPS is awful or a tac shooter.
>first comp game in a month
>Our Soldier 76 goes afk halfway and leaves
>Next immediate match
>We have a 3-14 Venture on our team
Now I'm not a noticer, but awfully coincidential that it happens twice in a row
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I actually forgot the best thing too
>Enemy team has Pharah
>Our team has Baptiste and Ashe though and they're always on her
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Venture is a cutie pie it's true.
Do you think the devs are aware armor and damage reduction makes healing more effective?
>Playing their own game
tbf most players don't seem to understand the concept either especially not tank and support players
all day every day dps persecution complex
>win 3-5 comp games in a row
>suddenly the enemy team has a 28-1 widow/ashe/genji/tracer/hamster
>suddenly your tank is genuinely mentally disabled, and, Allah save you, mains doomfist
>get a leaver
>get a DPS going 2-10
>get healers trying to play third DPS/actively refusing to heal and complaining that you die a lot
>lose 5-7 games
>restart the cycle
>mysteriously those same retards are absent or present in way lesser quantities in the next 3-5 good games
It's all so tiresome. All I want is to get back to my OW1 rank and I just keep going down instead.
I'd be curious to know what the unmirrored winrate is for Juno (above diamond)
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had a match today where if I had just not missed 4 ana shots in a row on my critical kiriko we would've won
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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Hey, it's Kiriko
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>one-sided stomp
No it fucking wasn't
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the kiriko dance
maybe it was for them who are you to decide
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my favourite is this
>enemy team stomps us 1st round
>they say gr
>I also say gr
>we stomp them 2nd round
>im the only one who says gr
>we stomp them for match point in 3rd
>im the only person who says gg
>call them out for not saying gr and gg in the previous rounds and call them cowards
that's the anomaly to me though. how? and who? most of the high ranks hate the game front to back, most of the content creators agree the game has gotten stale, and by the looks of how desperate they are to consistently balance shit and trying to scrape as much money as possible with collab after collab after collab with some pretty pitiful returns, it begs the question how the game is gaining players. if we take a look at steam for example, it's only gone up in the past 3 months. they went from averaging 30k peaks to 50k peaks. pretty consistently since the season 11 tank patch and season 12 patch, but i have to wonder who the fuck is playing since
>tank is still counterswap or instantly lose, unkillable supports, boring tanks are always meta
>dps an accessory role and you must always counterswap the enemy tank now thanks to unkillable tanks
>support has more kill secure and better duelist potential thanks to their 2-3 effective healthbars, mobility options, cc and damage amps, etc. but a more boring gameplay loop only redditor faggots like to play anyways
I guess the only explanation is that the redditor support crowd and tankfag crowd left the game post season 9 and came back when tanks got gigabuffed because tanks could be glue huffing tards and never die again and redditor supportoids could just pocket tank for free elo. Or another good explanation is that the game has gotten more and more third worlders from steam and that the american playerbase (the only one that'll actually buy shit and support the game) hasn't changed which could explain the constant anime/transformer sloptent being constantly thrown at everybody season after season.
>allah save you
pack it up mahmood
>enemy team has juno
>we have mercy
literally unwinnable
The Christian God has forsaken this piece of shit game so he can't save you here
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Jesus loves you
kys niggerlover

That's very nice of him. I hope all the retarded people I have to play this game with come to him instead of playing this game, one of these days.
her healing and primary is fine. i don't think she should have a double jump, i think her speed boost ring should be nerfed heavily, and i think her ultimate shouldn't heal. then she's fine. but those stupid niggers will end up nerfing her primary, buffing her torpedos and ult and speed ring, then call it a day
Zen ult should discord all enemies in its aura
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Based alphoomer making the zoomers seethe
In the midseason Aaron said he knew the torpedoes do too much damage so hopefully they'll drop them down to 50 which is a side nerf to her ult since it'll make it charge slower. I'd nerf her torpedoes and some part of her mobility like you said.

Right now it's just way too hard to kill her between her range, mobility and that her ult is just transcendence + prenerf kitsune. For the first few weeks I thought people were just having a hard time adjusting to a new character but she's dominating the top end of the game in korea too and if Lip, Proper and Flora can't shut her down I don't know how anyone else is supposed to.

At minimum they really do need to tone down her mobility or make it more predictable so she's not basically in mercy valk at all times.
Her flight is fine it's just her double jump and hyperring being completely balls to the walls busted since it's lucio's E on the same cooldown but doesn't sacrafice heals. Then the ult is the real kick in the nuts, a self heal + boost to damage and heals for the entire team is wild. remove self-heal and it's ok, maybe tone the damage boost to something minor like 20%
>mercy/lw my team
>ana juno enemy team
im going to blow my brains out
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its her movement, idk what they introduced to the game with her but she moves different and is way harder to hit in competent hands. I average like 4 deaths
We felt Cassidy was under performing so we made some adjustments to his flashbang and combat roll

• Reduce hinder duration from 0.9 to 0.8
• Explosion damage Increased from 75 to 125.

Combat roll
• Now invincible during the animation and heal 50 hp
• Cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds
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They'll do anything but let him have the same falloff range as a support's gun
despite all my rage im still just a reaper stuck in a graviton surge
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>think about playing overwatch
>alternating nano and orbital ray tank raping everyone every fight (they also have at least 1 if not 2 CDs that completely negate all damage too so no amount of focus fire will ever overcome healing) with a side of sombra
>stop after 1 game
Alec Dawson ruined the game
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>try to use my ninja skills to assassinate their tank
>orbital ray
>sombra hacks me and I instantly explode
>can hear the enemy team laughing on the death cam
we're one step away from death camps dps bros
why is mcree considered better than soldier 76 for high rank games

i honestly feel like i have a greater impact when i play mccassidy but i can't really explain why, aside from the fact that mccree has these surprising damage spikes that let him get pick offs more easily and slightly more useful other skills
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Could someone look at a quick last fight? I'm trying to figure out if I C9'd and if so, why. From my perspective, I trusted my team to push cart and they died while I was keeping two other enemies away from the cart. Very quick, less than 10 seconds. What specifically should I have been looking for to ensure that I won?

I tried playing tank today and it doesn’t feel any better honestly. Yeah you don’t get instantly exploded when the other tank or Sombra or widow look at you but you’re still spending most of the game trying to race against supports doing 800 heals per second or trying to get through their CDs before you’re allowed to actually damage them. Tank being OP absolutely does not make the game more fun as tank either because supports heal and cuck you too much unless you’re playing dva who honestly probably shouldn’t exist but just being able to eat heals while doing damage is 90% of why she’s still absurd tier despite the nerfs.

I really think they need to look at how much healing and damage mitigation is in the game and cut it down by a lot.
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higher health and doesn't immediately become useless like 76 if they have dva
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Illari pulls the pylon out of her butt
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>I really think they need to look at how much healing and damage mitigation is in the game and cut it down by a lot.

a lot of issues stem from the fact that healers can just heal forever. if healing is too low then playing healer is going to feel pointless because the targets you heal die anyway. and if healing is powerful enough to be useful, it makes the game feel like shit for everyone else. the game cannot progress when ana can hold down m1 and keep an orissa alive basically forever.

fixing it would probably entail something like making every healer work like illari where they have a limited amount of healing until they're forced to focus on doing damage instead. but that would take a lot of work and shit all existing support designs so i don't think that's going to happen. for one someone at blizzard is already keeping ana from being changed despite being at the crux of everything wrong with the game
>season 11 was complete trash
>WoW collab was complete trash
>Anniversary was complete trash
why are they fumbling so hard?
sylvanas skin is kino tho
What would you consider good?
All skins free and main made overpowered + only the maps I like on rotation and an unlimited blocklist
Servers down?
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i hate the state of this game and believe Alex and Alec have ruined it, but to deny Ana mythic and Widows skin arent fucking great and industry-leading sound/art is just contrarian

the fix is splitting the focus on the tank with adding another tank. When this game removes role lock and changes to role limit, ill be proven correct. 2,1,2 is the future. Sure you'll be able to play 1,2,2 still but you'll get shit on. They uniroincally backed themselves into a corner with the hitbox and hp changes with passives and the realization armor broke healing. The game is either back to the drawing board or its just milking collabs for another year until ow3. Not a chance this IP isn't a detriment to Microsofts association with ABK
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>the fix is splitting the focus on the tank with adding another tank.
oh yeah just what the game needs, 2 unkillable retards instead of 1
i mean ideally we just would have gotten the game we paid for updated and not abandoned. Seeing how the engine needs a rework with resources that don't exist, you either make tanks and dps the same and go open or you drop the second dps for a tank. They ruined the game
Yeah they should have refunded me after they added Ana to the game
the game should have been 5v5 with all heroes as dps except some more focused on support spells and others are big and tanky
you may jest, but it really has been all down hill since they added ana (balance wise) I mean the game was fun as shit, and thank god no one knew shit for a season or two. But honestly, off the top of the head, only Ashe really had a good release. Like hero that was good for the game when she came.

agreed friend, they really need to just give the people what they want. ow1 never manipulated people into roles until they fucked themselves balancing dps out of the game (issue still existing today btw) I definitely think they should have put the effort in support design to catch up with dps roster, instead of forcing this tank stuff. Just tone their hp and make them basically dps, what is the holdup

Talon is:
a. a terrorist organization
b. a PMC
c. a loose alliance of ideologically unrelated figures who are temporarily taking advantage of the organization for their own benefit
d. all of the above
E. gay
lore was abandoned in 2017
funny thing is that tanks weren't really that bad to deal with on release. you could just kite them and they'd eventually die. they only became retarded when you introduced ana and other busted healers into the mix
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>piledrive Kiriko
>becomes pancakiriko
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game peaked at zen and lucio holding ults for blade or dva bomb. Now we have half a dozen heroes that press a button on cooldown to counter genji
Dingdingding. This is the correct answer. It's all of the above but also inconsistent about what order it became all of these things because nobody cares about the lore at all
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Had a match a couple of weeks ago that was memorable because I was Zenyatta holding my ult waiting for Genji to use his ult but he was holding his ult knowing I was holding mine so he kept diving me all match long and I would keep having to hold him off with some help from teammates. Ended up finishing the match without either of us ulting at all to the confusion of both our teams.
In the end he chatted "ggwp zen you know what you did lol"
It's the same old Blizzard balance from every game. They can't create balance, so they force you to play by more arbitrary rules. GOATS if broken? Let's not fix any of the heroes, just make it so you're not allowed to play it. DPS are useless? Let's not accept that DPS are just lower-impact than the other roles, you HAVE to play them so deal with it.
I mean I thought the first half of this year was good
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Mean 2-2-2 didn't really stop the core of goats. Even 5v5 didn't. It's just what happens when they let tanks do more damage than DPS and let sustain be too good.
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Blizzard's never been capable of balancing anything. I haven't played WoW in years but I could probably make a safe bet that Elemental Shamans are still fucking garbage.
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WOW balancing is take turns balancing. OW has had the same problem characters pretty much since they entered the game.
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>Release amazing new waifu guaranteed to print money
>Absolutely zero (0) shop skins on her debut
If it don't make dollars it don't make sense.
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the best part about being a brig one trick is i'm never tempted to spend any money in the shop because brig never gets skins
shame we cant gift skins, i have all of her rares, best one is goat imo (the irony)
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The Kpop skins are objectively the best skin for each waifu who got one and it's not even close. Tummy sexo is peak skin design.
Illari kpop soon?
brig easily has the worst kpop of the 4
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or emotes
or victory poses
or highlight intros
There's 6 kpop skins though
she was universally hated only played out of obligation for over a year lol you expect the new crop of incompetent devs to give you a lucio type rare emote kek
no, tracer's is the worst
Brigitte, my love, who I love is the only hero that I decided to buy every single skin that ever came out for her.
Christ alive I never thought I'd save so much money.
o shit who are the other two, thought it was bundle of 4

i dont have it, once i got the comic tracer, i stopped worrying, must be the love on the gun for ppl is hit or miss
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nta but i'm pretty sure her cat emote is a rare
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it's a bundle of 5, I don't know which one you're forgetting

and there was Kpoprat too but they didn't bring him back
Not our fault there are so many stupid ugly bitter incels out there who hate Brigitte. Sounds like their problem to me.
ah good catch, just checked got it, i always kinda felt it stupid emotes werent disabled in comp mode, random tangent
is armor still bugged
ah fucking dva, my fault, that bitch has scared me this season. You really think this is peak for dva? Im partial to my nano cola and the one cat skin

kek, fair enough
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>giga diff a DPS on hitscan
>they got sombra or venture
>they're still dogshit but now i have to turn around every 6 seconds to peel for supports
it's all so tiresome. genji, reaper and tracer should be the only flankers in the game and they should never try to make any others ever.
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I do, yes. I like the noise Defense Matrix makes with the skin equipped, and D.Va midriff is always a yes.
yes and ram
ah fair enough, they do the sound effects well, i didnt realize she had sound on dm. I spectated someone in the porsche skin, that was pretty cool
I like her cute outfit in the Porcshe skin too. The highlight intro is kind of goofy though, her mech doesn't make car noises in any other ski nand some of them block her face in it.
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Saars its 4 am
when is winners queue? how to redeem it?
>on huge loss streak
>finally win one
>feel bad for the enemy because I know how it feels all too well to lose now
Oh thanks see you in S13 then
bionade should only do like 20 damage and healing
trana mains about to assault this man
do less
i mean why not? it has a lower CD than suzu already, why should it do damage and also heal 3x as much while having the most powerful buff and debuff in the game?
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Synthdrift is back in the shop
why tf am i playing overwatch again it's been years since i've touched it
every other shooter is worse?
no i just think i got a real strong urge to healslut as mercy
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i know right
i also just got starlink and wanted a game to test it out on
I really don't think Orbital Ray should make you virtually unkillable like transcendence does.
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>teammate does poorly
>call him a retard
>he calls me a retard
>person on other team says “bros it’s a video game, calm down”
What are these people trying to accomplish?
passive aggressive compliments and pedantic attempts at moral highground is why ow2 chat is a graveyard
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Her best skin
sorry you ytbois can't just go around calling people niggers and faggots anymore whatever happened to free speech sorry the internet isn't just one big australia anymore
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That’s not Meiquisha
Honestly, I think it's probably because of Blizzards internal asset making teams are too busy working on the current trilogy of expansions for WoW.
News came out that asset design for War Within post launch content, Midnight and Last Titan are all being made along side each other.
Then there's also the support teams who are working on Diablo 4 and pumping out assets for their future planned expansions, seasonal events and pay pig cosmetics.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised it's partially why they straight up cancelled the PVE campaign support, because all the internal asset teams are spread out too thin among the other major games at the company, while OW is left on your new hero update and handful of skins rotations.
Thing is though that a lot of new skins are outsourced to some other company that makes those skins for them (according to design specs sent by Blizzard) so it makes me wonder what the hell is going on with both Venture and Juno launching with basically nothing.
gung hay fat choy
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Might be the same problem on paper?
Venture and Juno both got teased back at the same Blizzcon where they announced the expansion trilogy.
War Within had slight rework when Metzen came back to the company to help fit his plan for Worldsoul Saga. In theory what ever company Blizzard outsources work for, could've been tasked to help make sure War Within got out on time as far as assets go, or be it Diablo's expansion, or even the next Black Ops with Activision always prioritizing CoD if it needs it.

Ultimately the answer will come down to if the bump in the road that is Venture and Juno having basically nothing, continues with War Within and Vessel of Hatred being out already.
Continues for other newcomers, with*
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gong xi fa cai
Yeah we'll have to see what happens. We've got a new tank coming in Season 14 and a new hero coming in Season 16, if both of them come as barebones as Venture and Juno it will be very alarming.
im ready for some pudding
which is a fucking INSANE thing to say about a fucking support.
Ok I need you to imagine this. Me as Mauga. I get Tracer and Sombra in my ultimate. Instead of shooting them, I pull out two outfits. Outfits of Lilith and Morrigan from Darkstalkers except they’re a tad bit too small so they really have to squeeze into them. I make the girls put them all and dance for me until I’m satisfied. Yay or nay?
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Supports are so used to being able to 1v1 anyone that they think it's how the game should be
Cassidy's milky tits
at least do what OW1 anniversary did and allow you to purchase any shop/event skin
like holy shit, are they allergic to money?
you know how much money you'd get at this time of year allowing the purchase of any skin?
Clam down Symmetra
then people wouldn't buy any skins because they'd just save up and wait till the anniversary to get the one they want
Calm down Sombra
2 things counter that
1. you aren't saving up 1900 credits a year
2. you'd get people purchasing the remainder of the credits to buy the skin they want
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Juno and que honda need to bare all my children
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Eskay? pfffft, Give me Bellaboo ALL FUCKING DAY! I like girls that play with balls, not have them
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my guess is that they are only getting the base hero model done a few weeks before the hero releases now and they need that finalized to even start making skins
>does he know?
goddamn unlocking shit in overwatch is worse than a fucking gacha
It's just one of those days
You don't wanna wake up
Every game is fucked
And every tank just sucks

Tank was chasing 50 elims
Forgot about the cap being taken by slims
Genji and Ashe killing both of his healers
Right after that those two damage dealers
Come running up behind that silly buffoon
Boot his fat fucking ass right up to the moon
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She looks like my Fortnite skin.
I think that’s the point.
Why does Flats 5 stack quickplay.
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she should have midriff then
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He's a fat gay nigga
Quick play is the new comp and comp is the new quick play.
It's the only way he doesnt throw games
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have you tried not being bad at the game lol
Cole Cassidy’s sensitive prostate
Because only retards take this game seriously and comp is pure cancer
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I didn’t know sombra’s tongue posted here
heal me you slut
i love jacking off in my hammond kigu
>unlocking shit
Unlocking fucking what? The only way to unlock anything is to spend money
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this is some superb autism
I call Overwatch the "OW" like "O" then "W"
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>i love jacking off
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>Adaptive circuits engaged!
>play tank
>get shitty supports
>get shitty DPS
>no matter how well you play, you will lose

>play DPS
>get shitty supports
>get shitty tank
>no matter how well you play, you will lose

>play support
>get shitty tank
>get shitty DPS
>no matter how well you play, you will lose

This game is shit and the "matchmaking" is nothing more than an EOMM addiction-based slot machine disguised as a video game where you're hoping to get a 777 equivalent of competent teammates
ive done it silently in calls before, that counts
>sirs, please redeem the Kpop skins please sirs. They are good skins, very sex yes
>disguised as a video game where you're hoping to get a 777 equivalent of competent teammates
and when you get that team it's on that DOGSHIT fucking gamemode clash and the game ends in 2 minutes.
1/3th of the time you spend in queue.
the game is genuinely unplayable right now with how shit the MM is.
im getting former bronze players in my diamond games as my support.
you fucking lose before the game even starts because the matchmaker decides to give you the 34% winrate Ana and the 30% wr Moira player who abused juno and is now shitting up games as Moira on your team.
The past week I have only won a single comp game
Last game I was in, our tank was 4-7
Should I even bother playing comp? They don't do the end of season stuff anymore, signatures disappear after 6 months, the game decides when it feels like matching you with decent players
I think I'm just gonna stick to permanent QP. Anybody else given up on Comp?
I would pay so much money to remove Ball from the game
I say this from the bottom of my heart with full sincerity.
kill yourself. I genuinely want you to off yourself.
porn addicted mentally ill freak.
end your life before you hurt someone.
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holy shit we get it.
you impulse bought this low quality shit skin because you have no standards and now crave validation, quit spamming.
nobody gives a fuck.
maybe in ten years
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Minefield deployed
Clean it up

mish mumkin
Am the only one who hates playing against JQ?
If you don't have an Ana on your team she will practically never die.
I hate having to hear her talk to Mercy in spawn
Yeah her lines are annoying too, another character that seems to be constantly jerked off about how awesome and strong they are in the OW universe.
eh at least i can shoot her
You can shoot Hog too, doesn't mean it will do anything.
Hog and Mauga are way worse about it. JQ just has overhealth and some passive healing if she's doing damage. Hog can waddle around taking negative damage on a resource.
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>Mauga are way worse about it
that's just not fucking true though.
Mauga has 3 seconds of cardiac, which has an INSANE amount of counter play (Nade, Discord, DM, Shields, a singular stun) and then he's dead in the water
JQ runs at your team with 700 HP, skinny hitbox, good as fuck regen and mobility.
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good morning I love Lena
as DPS? absolutely, you just simply will never deal enough damage to her to kill her due to her hitbox, self sustain and overtuned healing.
God forbid you get healbotting supports on your team instead of nading Anas or Discords, then it's truly unwinnable.
>spend last 2 weeks just playing retard shit like role queue mystery heroes, team deathmatch, beast battle
>most fun I've had with the game in months
>game is more fun when you take it less seriously
nah I gave up comp years ago because of how unfun it was
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So what are your guys thoughts on Samito's ult tier-list?
>doing bad as doom since I'm playing him properly the first time
>enemy tank dies once in the middle of the match
>he switches to Orisa
For what purpose, he was raping me during the fights
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I love Lena
He needs to switch blade and visor and it'll be good
Better than any tier list I've seen in this tread. I wouldn't say blade is WORSE than other bad ults like death blossom and visor though.
Dragonblade either 120dmg or 8 second duration.
Which would be better?
what is it currently?
Dragonblade doesn't need a buff. Healing and support CDs need a nerf
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this wouldn’t have happened if he kept one tricking Roadhog
it's much worse now but rating that low is just attentionwhoring
It's a good ult but putting it in third place is crazy, how is this dude still so buck broken by brigitte meta 5 years later?
>terra surge
>Primal rage
>Self desctruct
Only if you are at like the peak of the skill ceiling with them
110 dmg, meaning it takes 3 swings minimum to kill anyone.

True but that will never happen in the current state of the game.
I’m not autistic. Just horny for Overwatch girls. Specifically Tracer and Sombra in skimpy outfits.
He though Terra surge was Orbital ray
>buck broken by brigitte meta 5 years later
cause we're in a brig meta right now
Yes it would.
rally makes brig unkillable, gives her an AOE stun, bugged armor meaning she's taking half damage and overhealth.
you're a fucking retarded brignigger in gold if you think Rally isn't one of the best ults in the game.
They could also just be sub masters and could go 1000 games and not see a brig who knows how to play the character.
Why do people genuinely sperg out because the fun little event modes aren't serious enough? Like it's just fun dumping 5 magazines into orisa bot
That just sounds like regular Orisa to me
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me too!!
I say this from the bottom of my heart with full sincerity.
find a goon partner. I genuinely want you to have fun with another.
you majestic jorking chad
end the pain of lonely jorking by clicking this link to hot local horny swiss doctors
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don't care
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *INHALES* HA! fucker has been 'separated' from his "wife and kid" for 2 months now. fucking sperg deserves it.
>oooh im all high and mighty
>except when it comes to literal whore pussy
this jack-off forgot that SHE was in an open marriage, not him.
but at the same fucking time. who fucking cares. the world would be a lot better with all these 'e-celebs.'
Cole Cassidy’s extremely sensitive and puffy nipples after being teased and edged relentlessly for hours
Calm down sombra
Go to sleep Echo
i just havent done it in my kigu yet, it was a bday gift from my goon partners
Hanzo Shimada completely unable to speak or think after his fifth consecutive prostate orisagasm

>Verification not required
Who has been tempering with Orisa's programming?
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Why are these robots so fucking horny?
it puts the Lena in the box or else it gets the hose again
They replicate human behaviour
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They reflect their creator
Mating press
Comp is only for retards and the matchmaking is no better than QP
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>Specifically Tracer and Sombra
oh really?
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>tfw i just learned i own a leopard kigu
what discord do i need to join to find a goon partner(s)?
or if you want a (possibly) longer game
Signs you know you've already lost the game
>Your Tank is playing Rein
>Your Support is playing Rein
Mercy Lifeweaver instapicks
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Is it worth it to upgrade to 120fps? I play on 60 but some of these 120hz monitors cost more than my Xbox
i'm a metal shitter so any snipers in my game are either smurfs or guaranteed 0/20
This honestly
Yes but you get fast diminishing returns past that
So for DPS generally you have
>Genji, Tracer, Pharah, Echo, Venture, Sombra, Widow
>Reaper, Cass, Mei, Symmetra, Bastion
>Ashe, Hanzo, Junkrat, Torb, Sojourn, Soldier
I usually pick based around my Tank, but if I see both my supports playing otherwise I switch.
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Haaaave you met Teo?
It was night and day for me going from 60 to a 244hz monitor
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Why does she keep trying to humiliate him?
Picking around your tank is good but picking around the map matters the most
she tries really hard to look cool in front of the ow members
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Please no. Not this again.
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I didn't have my balls cut
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Olivia "wife" Colomar
why is venture there
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i want to play pre reworked bastion,doom,hog,orisa,torb,symettra,sombra,brig,pharah and ball into a playable format such as 6v6
Ever since I tested out the DLSS in the game and then turned it back to my original settings, I get this random freeze during gameplay now. Fucking annoying, don't turn that shit on, be warned.
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how is this a 41 year old
>mccree did not impregnate this or even attempt to
I hate OW lore because of how retarded it is
i have 9k hours and played in gm+ for most of it and if i sit and think hard i can figure it out but theres no reason to,>>495935683
just remake >>495934986
OW universe people have longer lifespans
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God, I'm so mad
I’m mad mei’s ass isn’t on my face either
Robot cock
Don't play these hoes
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Look for isolated targets to dive on, don't waste your DM on spam
Use high-ground, practice shooting dynamite because that's where most of your value comes from.
>Which support to pick
Can't go wrong with Kiriko, Ana or Bap.
any soul they manage to create (like the polar bear hog skin) is completely lost in the slop 5v5 passive hitbox rework new map cringe sea of unplayable mess
Sojourn looks fine as hell in her barista skin, I'd eat it through her jeans if I had to
do you think he...? you know... with jay3...?
She's old enough to be your mom, please don't sexualize her
brig was good from a design perspective just way too strong. even if you nerf bob into the ground hes still poor design literally everyone felt this way at the time same with echo ult. new gen ass retard take stop typing
sexy bitch
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why do all Kiriko interactions sound like she isekai'd into Overwatch
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Juno seems good
She's some bitch's self insert
kinda crazy how everything i talk about in here and twitch chat has a trickle down effect im pulling the strings postpeak nigglow owclassic waiting room trvke
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her booty tho
I love sombra because I don't even need to be good at this fucking game
It's funny the amount of shitters in this game that do not turn around. I've shut down so many Sombras by being a on a swivel thanks to all the TF2 I used to play
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yup, now im back at home with my parents because i cheated on my wife and her bf's kid.
>worth the gook cooch
would her map be just underground tunnels and rice fields?
>cable wire hair
anon...browns do look different
because she literally did. i remember someone saying "what about zen and magic" and this bitch just turned magic up to 11
>cell phone pic of monitor
regardless, this is a good "before" pic of the kiriko
plastic surgery
huh? is this a bot post?
sexy ass hoe
Years of her being facialized by shota semen.
Minh > Kiriko > Hana
It's the future, they have crazy tech so I'm sure healthcare and even beautycare are pretty advanced to fight aging
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Then you should know how to play a spam-heavy aim-light character
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Bob is too easy to shut down, shouldn't be higher than B
Nerf this is little better than a joke ult, it's mainly useful for avoiding a demech if your opponents aren't retards (i.e. metal rank), I'd put it in C at highest
But if this is supposed to be from metal rank perspective then coordination-heavy ults like satellite and bap window shouldn't be that high.
Bastion's artillery isn't the best but it's not as bad as barrage.
so the dva insta-bomb in the new arcade mode wasn't intentional?
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Objectively speaking, Duplicate should be mid tier at least given the nature of it
objectively speaking you're a retard
As a console player (former PC), you know what I hate the most when going against PC players? The camera follows their mouse movements on death replays, so it just looks jittery. It's disorientating to look at and makes all PC players looks suspicious.
unironically the promised land i dont think pc players realize how many people are cheating, if rage hacking is 1/100 how many people are just using it sparingly. i almost switched to rust on console but my buddy only had a ps4 and the old gen ports are awful
>As a console player
not reading the rest
I'll kick your ass
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Dez is the ugly bastard that cucks all your ships
That pull ability Lifeweaver has is retarded the ones on my team yank me away when I'm not even low HP in the middle of a fight
Can someone explain to me why they added Sombra's Hack into the killfeed, while removing the map fall icon? The latter is much more frequent than the former.
no white straight males work there anymore
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they should add a goats que i miss that style of gameplay, a ditto match up is the only way to have a true balanced match
Thanks. Any tips on Bap? So far he seems the most fun support to play
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Mei's humongous goddamn feet
the result of natural selection being removed from the equation i get it now
She gets hotter and hotter
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Her real name is Juno
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Xbox will fire Team4(just like they did with Bungie/343)and hire DreamHaven, Phil Spencer will shake Michael Morhaimes hand and Jeff Kaplan will come out at the end of the announcement. screenshot this
They never closed 343 so if anything if they get rid of team 4 expect things to get worse
Remove Sombra from the game
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Leave my spicy latina wife alone thanks
No one that short should be running around with all of that behind them
Why did you post Doom's personal onahole?
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I didn’t post Mercy?
"Ocelots are proud creatures. They prefer to hunt alone."
better rein than ball or doom, anything is better than those two thieves of joy
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clock out jose
God I fucking love Tracer being meta for 8 years straight!!!
I'm so glad they never nerf this fucking cancer plague!!!
tracer ever not being the best dps in the game would unironically kill this game and i'm dead serious
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Good, maybe the game should die instead of this cancer character being top 1 for 8 fucking years straight.
i'm sick and fucking tired of her. especially in this dogshit 5v5 format.
>can this support survive tracer without brig?
>no? dogshit then
you might want to try a different game
ball is quite literally just 1000HP tracer.
>gameplan revolves around either having multiple people draw attention to you, meaning free kills on distracted people from your team
>or you get free picks on support
ball has is fundamentally unplayable and boring in 5v5
nowadays i just press q on genji to bait out the zen ult and run away, because it's really not that much better than right clicking for most fights lol
Hi handsome!
Hope you slept well!
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why does it take me so long to get into random gold ranked games
is it because they are finding me the ugliest fattest smelliest reinhardt only faggot to put on my team ?
A) game is dead
B) everyone avoided you
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don't worry, bro. you'll be waiting 8+ minute queues once you get to diamond just for the same exact thing.
I do not joke when I say this, I would rather have ball/doom as my tank than these fucking glue sniffing redditors.
it does not get better.
>Reinfaggot on my team unironically yapping about "honor" in all chat about the enemy teams tank choice
I wish all reinfags would die.
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I know wojaks are hyperbolic, but this is quite literally how Reinfags act.
there is 0 exaggeration here.
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the junochako
Reintards are the meleefags of OW
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i dont type ingame but i do almost exclusively play soldier so i guess if people avoid me for that then it's plausible

it feels like every time i start winstreaking i mysteriously get rein only players back to back
genuinely i'd rather these disgusting animals just hold their shield up and do nothing else since all they seem to do is charge in 1v5 into their backline and instantly die

unironically had a rein earlier going "TANK DIFF ... 1V1 ME ON TARKOV"
how can i play rein without being associated with people like this? :(
can anyone name me a singular scenario where Souj does anything better than any DPS right now?
>100% rail can't even one shot a fucking tracer with a headshot so the skill MU is that much harder
>ult relegated to just "ashe headshots but on bodyshot" the ult since it can't one tap even with damage boosts anymore.
>E doesn't slow
>shift is good for escaping
>railgun still decays for some reason
I don't think any other hero in all of overwatches history has eaten nerfs this hard before.
>oh but Brig!
she's great right now.
I don’t like MHA but I like this
>3rd game in a row with an afk troll
losers queue is fucking real
is this AI generated? what's this from?
noo bro ignore how if you start winning your tanks will never do anything useful or go in and the whole game hinges on them because theyre a raidboss lol just ignore that bro. its authentic for sure
only vid i could find in my 15 seconds of google
Holy fukc nghh
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>Hi handsome!
Hey love, my everything, my best gamer
>Hope you slept well!
uhm yea overslept kinda, otherwise fine thanks for asking how was your sleep?
Sorry for yesterday kinda failed in wow, annoyed by that, well at least we owned in overwatch. So hard to find a good healer in WoW, the difference between the guy we had on tuesday and the healers yesterday was massive, though I pulled too much and too fast just need to get used to it.
Are you gaming already? I want you now... gimme you :3 where are my screenshots?
>it's real
what the fuck
run it down and never shield and when you die make sure to at least get an important trade on an ana or something. legit the only not subhuman way to play him is to stare at the respawn screen and shatter spawn doors on cd. basically youre hoping the other team tilts more than youre better than them
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Oh it’s actually real
why is tracer a boy?
Oh more Kiriko skins, who could have predicted
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>Juno getting a skin before venture
Oh I am fucking LAUGHING
Venture faggots BTFO
nobody plays venture, just because some people scream the loudest doesn't mean, they are many.
>uhm yea overslept kinda, otherwise fine thanks for asking how was your sleep?
Ok, tonight I promise we end on time... :^) I slept ok
>Sorry for yesterday kinda failed in wow, annoyed by that, well at least we owned in overwatch.
You're fine, I had fun
Killed mobs for an hour and a half already and zero shards... Feels like I have no time now that I play this game lol
>So hard to find a good healer in WoW
I don't know, I kept walking up to the mobs you pulled and just blew up a few times, I don't even know why
>Are you gaming already?
Yes, no shards yet...
What do you think of the new anime skins?
>I want you now... gimme you :3 where are my screenshots?
Couldn't get any good ones yesterday, reee
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Washed x washed collab
Who is the person (guy?) with the white robot hands?
Don't worry bros. Venture will get a skin in the Gurren Lagann collab
reaper cosplaying Shigaraki
not only did Juno get a legendary skin before Venture but a collab as well i cant wait for all the retards to cry about it
i want both the juno and kiri skins but id have to spend almost as much as the collab costs and i might as well just buy the whole thing fucking kill me
Luckily for me I only want Juno
But yeah it being almost the same price for two sucks
Why are they so obsessed with tranime collabs? I guess all the western IPs are tied up with Disney/Epic games.
Cause she is going stick her dick up Juno's ass.
I only like Kiriko's skin, Juno's is just a downgrade from her default
it might be good if i just buy the skins and not the individual bundles so its 3800 and the bundle will be like 5k-7k
They stole too much shit from the MCU and other western IPs so they don't want to make it obvious
Yeah that’s probably the better option
The player card and shit isn’t important anyway
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the only good skin here is Shigaraki Reaper but
>Anubis reaper is better and hotter for half the price
>it's Shie Hassaikai shiggy and not white haired shiggy
>not even begging of series shiggy which is the most iconic
Ah thanks.
Interesting character concept. Never seen the show.
Season 1-3 are absolute peak, it falls off a cliff after the Yakuza arc, comes back just as good for the MVA arc, then goes back to being shit.
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>october 17
I don't even know what anime this is.
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>Ok, tonight I promise we end on time... :^) I slept ok
yea, one day :^) need to come to my bed
>You're fine, I had fun
I always have fun playing with you you're everything for me
>Killed mobs for an hour and a half already and zero shards... Feels like I have no time now that I play this game lol
lol, sorry, did I get you addicted? but grinding like that is comfy, no?
>I don't know, I kept walking up to the mobs you pulled and just blew up a few times, I don't even know why
pretty much healer not healing lol I mean it's ruff because every mob deals like 30% more dmg or something with the current affixes
>Yes, no shards yet...
How many do you have by now?
>What do you think of the new anime skins?
>>496059357 These?
Kiriko skin looks sick, but I don't know anything about the anime. Also, is that soldier with hands? Looks really cool but again just skins so who cares. I want actually content.
>Couldn't get any good ones yesterday, reee
I love that one, cute couple the cutest and best mercy
what am i even supposed to do if my tank ints
lose, because 5v5 is a shit format.
better luck next game!
>yoinks that 23% of your rank
kys, jose
They fucked up with that Arcee skin
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Turns out most people are low key racist. You know, the only reason why our species is alive today.
Re: My little Kiriko can't be this cute! x Dragon Ball Academia
jjust a random anime collab dropped out of nowhere? and why is kiriko and rein in every one of these
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>yea, one day :^) need to come to my bed
Nuh uh, today I swear, I am cutting the dungeon-ing off 1 hour before sleep and I'm forcing you to help me grind my mount :^)
>I always have fun playing with you you're everything for me
Good, I'm glad! I love you too
>lol, sorry, did I get you addicted? but grinding like that is comfy, no?
I need time to do real life stuff too... Like it's already Thursday, where did this week go?
>pretty much healer not healing lol I mean it's ruff because every mob deals like 30% more dmg or something with the current affixes
I can't really blame anyone but myself, maybe I should wait a bit before jumping in
>How many do you have by now?
6, only 4 left
>Kiriko skin looks sick, but I don't know anything about the anime.
Yeah, I like the Kiriko one the best too, and me neither, never seen it but then I don't watch anime at all
>Looks really cool but again just skins so who cares. I want actually content.
Content? You mean... Balance changes? Maps? Game modes?.. Sorry, 90% of the budget goes into making skins
>I love that one, cute couple the cutest and best mercy
Cutest even! Well, already time to go, I see you tonight!
along with mercymains they are the biggest whales
Tokyo game show
I think I speak for us all when I say that this latest collab shows that we need a young twink hero.
kill yourself.
>playing comp
>enemy player leaves
>enemy team starts complaining because we're still trying instead of just going easy on them
how do we still not have a melee DPS???
give me a punch kick merchant as a DPS.
t-racer! (the t stands for testosterone)
>more unskilled nonsense
no thanks bro lol
>no Bakugo skin
wtf are they smoking, he's the most popular character by far
There's no one that fits.
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It's so hilarious that regardless of how much progressive discourse Blizzard pukes out when the chips are down the tranny is so quick to be sidelined
>deku mogged into a skin for a lesbian
>Juno is now gonna be shipped into lesbian fuckery
Idk if I want to laugh or cry
>melee = low skill
>range = skill
ah yes, Doomfist. the lowest skilled hero.
ah yes, junkrat. the highest skilled hero.
I have no idea what this anime is but I will buy that Juno skin because it's a Juno skin.
Junkrat is right there though (this just highlights how Overwatch is sorely lacking in classic heroic young male white/asian characters)
i dont give a fuck about doom or junkrat, both of them are for retarded faggots who can't aim
ok but who cares about some chinese cartoons, 10yo kids that watch them aren't playing overwatch and spending money on overwatch skins
Who even is the youngest male character? Not counting the ball.
boomer anime, boomer game
what do I think of the collab with an anime I have not watched for one second?
>full HP
>round corner
>dead instantly to hanzo headshot
thrilling experience, so glad this monkey character is back.
at least Widow players have to track heads in this game with no friction, acceleration or deacceleration so it doesn't feel that bad to die to her like it does with Hanzo.
humans? Illari, 18
Orisa is 1
juno sexo
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>Nuh uh, today I swear, I am cutting the dungeon-ing off 1 hour before sleep and I'm forcing you to help me grind my mount :^)
you think you have that much power over me :^)?
>Good, I'm glad! I love you too
more than anything
>I need time to do real life stuff too... Like it's already Thursday, where did this week go?
Yea crazy, probably because playing with you is so much fun, so time flies. Sorry.
>I can't really blame anyone but myself, maybe I should wait a bit before jumping in
hmm, never wrong to give me like 1 sec to build aggro.
>6, only 4 left
ok, nice.
>Yeah, I like the Kiriko one the best too, and me neither, never seen it but then I don't watch anime at all
I honestly don't watch anything anymore because I come home, workout watch some youtube shit while cardio and play with you for the rest of the night. I have not watched a movie since Deadpool 3 lol. Wait, I did watch Civil War. I need to watch the Lord of the Ring series...
>Content? You mean... Balance changes? Maps? Game modes?.. Sorry, 90% of the budget goes into making skins
Why even make anything else? The community is happy with only getting skins and when we get something else everybody cries. Just look at how much content WoW has compared to Overwatch. Not like Blizzard can't do it. They just don't want to because I honestly think the entire OW community pissed off Blizzard. And that's the reason why we only ever get the low effort stuff.
>Cutest even! Well, already time to go, I see you tonight!
ok, see you later, love. have fun and not a long day
Counting only the humans it's probably Junkrat at 27
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I’m buying Juno and I never watched that shit either
>he forgot the youngest
>black man can get the asian male character skin
>white woman can get the asian male character skin
I'm just waiting for the day McCree or Genji can get the skin of a brown/black character
You convinced me. Gonna jump on Juno's ass.
I mean Mauga got Jet and he's not black
Remember when someone here said Blizzard can't afford other collabs anymore, that's why they do inhouse stuff. You guys are always wrong, without a doubt.
they can afford it because they don't have to pay their shills like (You) who do it for free
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Mauga is brown, Jet is white
This nigga just casually outing himself for having watched the live action slop of Cowboy Bebop
His name is literally Jet Black holy shit
don't look up berry white
Juno makes me feel things
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hey, retard. it's cosplay. nobody, not even the blue haired libs give a shit about whites cosplaying asians. fuck off back to /pol/ already.
illari is not male
So when they do a MCU collab, Reinhardt can get the Black Panther skin, cool
God, you're desperate for attention aren't you?
you have a whole board filled with fags like you, fuck off to your echo chamber already.
Why did you get so offended at the idea of Reinhardt cosplaying as Black Panther? These are fictional characters anon it's not good for your health to get this worked up about them
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Damn I didn’t even see that my bad
I still want to post the youngest
This game will always be shit because it rewards people with little skill too much. Sombra, Junkrat, Mercy, Reaper, Bastion, Brig all get so much value from basically just existing in the match.
you want to be a victim so bad, mutts are so pathetic.
Of all the heroes to use as an example you didn't pick Moira?
>not 1 tank mentioned
I honestly forgot, I should also add zen in because all you have to do is put discord on the tank.

Orisa and Mauga are pretty braindead but Tank is just different since it's a single player.
You make all illari enjoyers look bad.
>fucking Zenyatta
there is not a single skilled tnak
Normally it'd be a good thing that Venture is getting no skins (so I don't have to put any money into this stupid game) but then they proceed to add Reinhardt's 4th fucking collab skin?
why are we signing our posts
>Doomfist and ball aren't high skilled
how many metal ranked tards infest this general?
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Always leave after the 2 minutes.
Did you miss the point of my post?
All those heroes require little effort to get insane value out of.

Ana just got a fucking mythic weapon skin after having a mythic skin.
>then they proceed to add Reinhardt's 4th fucking collab skin?
That's what happens when you're best boy
I mean mythic weapons can be equipped with any skin so it doesn't really matter.
Also the popularity of heroes absolutely does dictate how many skins they get.
the only retards crying about post nerf sombra are sub silver at best.
kill yourself and learn to position better.
prove to me you have good aim and i will concede
You have a patent on victimhood? Or a monopoly
learn to play the game buddy, the rework is just around the corner. can't be crutching kits to get out of silver for too long now.
you know you can have Dafran levels of aiming and still be plat because you have no game sense right?
you have to be gold if you think aiming is the only thing that matters, ESPECIALLY post S9.
i read the post but i feel as though it's not relevant to what i said
they literally made the lich king black you faggot tranny
your irrelevant post begets another irrelevant post, silver.
lmaoooooooo Juno actually got a skin before Venture, the madmen actually fvcking did it
so you're not going to prove that you have good aim ? if that's the case then i'm going to have to assume that because of your prior response that it isn't that you *won't* prove it - but rather that you *can't* prove it - or perhaps you're insecure about it? regardless, it's okay. i expected it - it's overwatch general after all
>muh aim
>post s9 overwatch
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>dude ... you're SO OWNED post s9 overwatch... because ... i have BAD AIM ... you got owned SO BAD .. lol
alright bro it's time to pack it in
you're a retarded sub 40% accuracy mccree player in silver.
I have nothing to prove to a subhuman who says ball and doom are low skill
any discussion about aim is irrelevant in this game as the aim skill gap is almost non-existent after s9 and even mercy mains are consistently getting 50% acc 10% crit on cree post season 9. the entire fps community laughed when s9 launched and the hitbox videos started popping up in everyone's feed.
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post mccree headshot accuracy
support sisters i bought a new toy!
I have 60% scoped accuracy with ana

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