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General Brasch's Pro Diver Edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Sept 24: 1.001.102 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274020252124

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Would you kick a brother dropping with 4 sentries?
The AMR is actually pretty servicable against bugs now, pops charger asses in three or so hits, but you burn through 2 mags for a titan
Webm dudes I got a question. What’s a good resolution and bitrate to record in so that it won’t look like ass once I compress it to 720p?
I run that with /hdg/ all the time. It's not a problem.
Depends. Is there a mortar sentry?
Democracy Officer, get away from that leandiver! NOOOOOOOOO AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Depends... Do you run it with engineering armor?
Helldiver bros what do we do?????? Darktide just put out their MEGA CONTENT update and we have nothing!!!
I render in 16mil bps average and 1.0 aspect ratio then compress the fuck out of it in handbrake bcs im autistic about file sizes
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In this moment I am euphoric. Not because of some phony bots computations, but because I am enlightend by my own Liberty.
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I'm starting to think that if the game were completely bereft of all it's jank, it would lose a lot of it's charm.
*tips enforcer helm*
the eurodev feeds on this kind of thinking, do not let the eurojank enter your mind, for when you accept eurojank you have truly lost.
Lost it at the tl note
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Stim gun bingo when?
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even thinking about darktide makes me feel sick, i hate the swedes FUCK
Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't want this buggy jankfest. But I'd miss some of the Helldivers.exe videos.
I know you are probably shitposting, but doko means where.
*P-tew* *P-tew* *P-tew* *P-tew*
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>doko means please
I-I think it's time you lay off the stims, hellsister...
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obviously this is a joke but unironically this is how some tryhards actually think they can function
Sorry, I had to step to the left to get around that bush so I don't get the slow down. My bad, I tried to make it easier for you to hit it so I stopped moving. I'll just keep going on my path, good luck leading your next shot, oops it missed. You'll hit the next one, i'm sure.
I'm loving the crossbow + ballistic shield vs bots and I'm going to be very sad when they inevitably nerf the crossbow.
I dont care
yeah same
the new xbow satisfied my ballistic shield thirst at least for a while
Yuubun desutoroiah

I would be of the kicking, sar. Sentry bloody bastards always tk.
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Lobby doko?
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>release the crossbow as a neich AOE chaff clear weapon
>nerf the crossbow into a bottom tier mid-size single target weapon and claim players were using it wrong
>buff the crossbow by making it one handed now has extremely neich synergy with ballistic shield
>buff the crossbow but making it good against chaff and mid-size enemies
If they go "oops lol we made it too good" and slap it with another nerf that will just be ridiculous. It's like a fucking rollercoaster with these stupid fucks.
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>someone sees birds on a bot jungle planet
I think at this point they've started to understand that if they continue down that path, their user base will flee the game and leave it to rot. Further refund possibilities be damned.
What if they made crossbow reload between every shot with rounds reload trait but slower fire rate? So weird that it comes with a magazine.
Eh I don't mind because I don't really get attached to guns and playstyles the way other people seem to do. Easy, come easy go. I'm more happy about being able to take the Ballistic shield and not have it be a complete joke.
>So weird that it comes with a magazine.
Crossbows with magazines are a thing.
>we devs hear your concerns and are releasing the heckin buff diver patch
>immediately nerf crossbow
They would have to be massive retards to nerf anything at this point. They can’t go back because the numbers don’t lie so if they start nerfing shit for no reason again the game will die for real this time.
the schizo rollercoaster ride is honestly what made me uninstall last time
Why is explosive damage good against all enemy types? It should be worse against armor.
I'm surprised they got away with the undocumented nerfs they admitted to yesterday this time around. I guess they fostered enough goodwill with the update overall that people decided to overlook it.

But yeah if they start rolling back buffs from the big buff update I think they will cause a terminal shitstorm.
no shut up it's good how it is
t. GLslut
GGs, that eredicate mission was... special.
gg oranges and apple
Wouldn't swapping the projectile of the crossbow with the eruptor make both of them fair and a+ tier weapons?
Eruptor is pretty slow for minimal dps, and teh crossbow does more damage faster, right?
Was it just anti tank mines and hmg changes that went undocumented? I imagine they were just adjusting numbers because of the armor changes.
12 headshots for titans
I wish the cd was slightly faster or it did more damage but this thing rocks. Might be my go to support from now on.
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GGs orangefriends and also green, and keep spamming that stimgun :)
>and keep spamming that stimgun :)
Yeah, now you've made it gay, I'm done with the stimgun.
Same for me. There was no justification for all of it. Even if they reworked some weapons that were utterly pointless, they also ruined some that were great for no reason other than that they were popular. It made no sense, and showed that they either didn't care, or had such a disgusting culture at their studios that sticking around would just lead to me becoming so invested in the game emotionally that it would hurt worse when their stupidity finally killed it.
That's well and good for you, but their approach to balance was short-sighted and tone deaf.


I think the buffdiver way is the better way to approach balance. Overtune everything, and then shave some points off until it's all smoothed out evenly.
Rather than start from the bottom and do tiny incremental power creep while also hammering any nail that happens to stand up.
>hunter leaps 100 meters and grazes your arm
>limb crippled and -60% health
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Any Swede ITT? How do you feel about the constant racism people in here are hurling at your country and people? Was it warranted?
heavy armor, btw.
Bro, same
You niggers are subhumans, and your opinions are automatically dismissed inside my head, I'm just here to play in the lobbies, that's all.
Have you tried shooting the hunter before it fucks you up ? Usually works for me
Stop being such a leandiver and brawnup.
Don't feel anything at all lol, it's like seeing a retarded hobo on the street barking out petty insults at you.
what is wrong with being a leandiver?
>this cope
Light armor and heavy armor take exactly the same % of damage from enemies after the rebalance patch.
Those birds remind me of the birds you'd see on delta halo in halo 2
kinda cool.
>write yourself into a corner where the community won't accept a single nerf
>don't show them the nerfs until after they've played the patch for a bit
>say you forgot
>people are having so much fun that they don't care
Pilesdt is a genius.
Why the fuck does the game run like absolute dogshit now?
It's even worse than before somehow.
More enemies = less FPS, simple as
Uh-huh, really explains why I'm getting fps-dips on the fucking ship.
spent franchise
Wh40k I mean
It's a bilespewer spam, dumbass.
ah yeah, I know what you're talking about, it's usually resolve itself after choosing a mission on the war map
Did they increase drop off on AMR? Two tapping hulks doesn't seem to work anymore unless point blank
And this >>495943203 ?
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photos taken in the exact moment of disaster
I don’t see anything except a green pretzel.
I think you're just not hitting the eyes
skill issue.
they changed the reticle.
the bullets go into the exact center now.
so if you learned to use the misaligned one, then good luck :)
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When sniper jump troopers?
When Automaton flame troopers?
When Jetpack Hulks?
When Mega Ultra Chickens?
Cannon/rocket hulks are br00tal now. But my issue with it is the fact that flamethrower ones feel like puppies, comparatively
Where do all of these RR bandwagoners come from?
Right behind you
I honestly haven't had much trouble with the new bruisers. Most of the time they miss and are pretty passive choosing to just stand there rather than actually shoot. Doesn't help that most of the time someone with a RR blows them to smithereens before they can even do anything
>why do people use good weapons
quite the puzzle
Yeah, let's bring back insta-oneshot flamethrower, amrite?
The Gaytubers are already spreading the word that the RR is the meta pick to use. Today my normie friend I play with texted me saying "Wow, I didn't know the RR could do that O.o"
Personally I'd make them faster.
Player skill also factors in to how people handle and perceive scorcher hulks. After enough time you know what to expect and how to kill them so they become easier.

That is, until one silently spawns in a patrol behind you, sneaks up on you, and then bashes your skull in.
Chicken striders's rockets are gonna be the death of me
I swear everytime i get hit by the tiniest pixel of a hitbox of those rockets, i get sent flying 100 meters in the opposite direction
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what if illuminates just randomly start showing up unannounced? no announcement no preview no nothing, they just show up randomly and start beating the shit out of you.
I think that would be neat. But didn’t Arrowhead say they couldn’t have two different enemy factions in the same mission space? Something about how they wouldn’t interact properly.

Shame. It would be fun to drop into a mission where bots are killing bugs for bio goo and the helldivers drop in as a third party to sabotage both sides.
thanks for the repost from reddit
Does anyone else miss how difficult heavy armor was before the update or am I just experiencing extreme Stockholm syndrome? I miss bile titans being an “oh shit it won’t fucking die” kinda of experience and the relief from teammates who were being chased after a bile titan was finally put down. Bot drops too, now the bots are lucky if half a dozen of them make it to the ground. Before the dropships could be easily shot down it was fun throwing barrages and HMG emplacements to brace for the wave.
I’m still having fun, I just wish there was a way to incorporate both things I found fun before and after the buff patch together.
rocket striders might be the biggest fuck you gear check in the game
what primary can body shot them? If your support weapon is an RR for example you're not wasting it on a rocket chicken so your primary has to do the job
swiggers are shit at game design
>what primary can body shot them?
Crossbow, PP. I think the Dominator too, but I haven't tried it.

Med pen weapons can shoot out the legs, hip joint, or groin to kill them. So the counter sniper, dominator, senator, lib penetrator, adjudicator, etc can be effective but not exactly efficient.
I let my teammate with the AC handle them.
If they're not around, two grenade pistol shots.
If I'm in a bad spot and there's no higher-priority target, I will use an RR round
I'm keeping my Diligence for bots and the armored chickens can't stop me
>Hop into bot mission
>All bot outposts are destroyed, with dead bots strewn everywhere
>No sign of any activity
>Complete sub objectives with 0 resistance
>Head towards main objective
>Reach it
>Fuck load of squids teleport in
>Objective changes to extract at all costs so Super Earth can use you as propaganda
Would be kino
Eruptor to the legs or dick
AH traded one problem for another. I've been saying that the entire game needs a rework top to bottom and everyone's like nah just change weapon damage and it's fine. But the reality is just increasing damage and hp values is not a solution. There's too many overlapping systems that need to be rescaled/reworked and you're not accomplishing that in 30 days. Every enemy needs reworked hp and damage values and possibly new behavior. The player needs reworked health values to account for enemy damage. Weapons and stratagems need reworked roles and damage values. There was never a clear scale before and there isn't one now. This game was released in an early access and it's never going to leave that state when the swedes are just swinging wildly like they have been since launch.
Can't wait for the Swede to nerf the RR to the ground and make the AC meta again in the upcoming patch, enjoy your crutch while you can RRjeets
It would be super fuckign cool if we are doing a mission, call in evac, and instead of autos or bugs a horde of squids get summoned instead.
But that will never happen.
i think they will nerf RR anyway (can't kill dropships/structures/hulks in 1 shot), because spear exists
>bring light armor to bots
>get randomly one-shot
>bring heavy armor
>gets even worse because you're a slow fat fuck and "lol all deaths by impact"
I hate sweden so fucking much
>default armor exists
come home helldiver...
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You're worse than the AMRtrannies
>If your support weapon is an RR for example you're not wasting it on a rocket chicken
I think you underestimate how much I dislike robot chickens.
If they do that the RR will be trash. D10 has so many fucking hulks you run out of rockets if you are using it on them.
Other support weapons already have their perks where you don't want to take just RR even though it's very good. They are much better at handling armored scout striders and you won't find yourself bone dry after killing 7 hulks in a row with the railgun/ac/amr.

The Spear just needs something more for it's very low ammo count, so do something to fix the ammo or make it better some other way. They can always increase how many rockets you get on basic ammo box again, but idk.
>can't kill dropships
fine if you mean "can't kill dropships without engine hit"
All AT options and more now can destroy them so that'd put it too far back
>hulks in 1 shot
Hulks are deadlier now and RR was fucking dogshit on bots before this change.
IMO EZ gunship and factory strider kills should go but that's it. Spear should have that.
Like >>495948067 said, they could pull off a random mission that has none of the enemies you expect, just a squid ambush. All this before an official announcement so people start questioning everything.
Idk, my experience on bots with heavy showed me that unless i eat a missile, i survive like 50% more than with med armor.
>bring fire resist armor to Imber to show those fire tornadoes who's boss
>you die from fire so fucking fast it ends up not mattering in the slightest
I mean dropship ofc
Exactly. Shots to the limbs. You can't efficiently body shot a rocket chicken with a primary and those fuckers spawn all day. Gear checks shouldn't spawn in high numbers. The latest patch might have alleviate some stress on meta loadouts but rocket chickens put it on the RG/AMR.
>I shouldn't have to aim
Fuck off. The entire gimmick of the bot faction is that they all have weak spots that you're rewarded for shooting.
You're not saying anything meaningful though. You're just saying things are bad and they should stop being bad.
The easiest solution here is for damage values on commando, EAT and spear to increase greatly and for new titans to be the primary target for such weapons
>D10 has so many fucking hulks
that's the issue, if you will balance around d10 then all lower difficulties will be trivial
RR is a great example of that
First, aim punch is real. Second, this is not about optimally killing a target by hitting a weak spot it's about the overall issue of gear checks. Rocket chickens are just a good example.
>why aren't you spending time reworking the entire game for free while also knowing full well that it wouldn't be implemented anyway and is just an exercise in futility
Nah. I'll point out the problems but I'm not going to waste my time fully illustrating the fixes.
I would like a 4th faction of escaped genetically altered apes that act like orks. Super earth was trying to make slaves, or rather economicly efficient workers, and they broke free and are now a menace. Part of the genetic modification was a fast reproductive cycle to replenish workers as lore for why they spread so much.
>new bugs but on two legs
and a bile titan will be your mom
>gear check gear check gear check
nigger it's a team game and they're a high-difficulty-only enemy.
If nobody on the team in an 8+ took the gear to deal with them, it's not the game's fault.
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genetically altered apes?
sounds pretty fun :)
okay team cuck
They would have ramshackle tech and not just be feral animals like bugs. Like imagine mad max junker cards and shit chasing you down.
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explosive resistance armor + shieldpack + using every bit of cover you can find is the only way to survive higher difficulty bots
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Keep crying
I am sorry but crossbow just does NOT feel good to use. It's an explosive weapon that you have to be somewhat precise to use. if you get flinched, you jsut missed a shot.
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skill issue
And you have to go through a super lengthy reload all of the time for some reason, you're not allowed to have fun
>I'm sorry the AC is just not fun
>It's an explosive weapon you have to be somewhat precise to use
Seriously though, what
crossbow is possibly the best primary in the game right now but you're right it doesn't feel great to me either
that's not a problem with the crossbow though it's a problem with almost ever other fucking gun being completely overshadowed
but it's easily the shittiest AT...
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Its not a gear check if you shoot the weak points famalam
Maybe, I doubt it thoughbeit
but AC FEELS good to use. You can just feel the power behind each and every PLAP. You don't get same with crossbow.
I just wish blowing up the rocket on the side of the chickens killed them consistently
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Cephdivers, time to kill some tin cans (D10).
bro it is the same weapon
>but AC FEELS good to use. You can just feel the power behind each and every PLAP. You don't get same with crossbow.
Sure, just pointing out this "precision" line makes no sense.
it does if you actually blow them up and not just detach them
Belt-fed fully automatic exploding crossbow when? I wanna be able to mow down shriekers like in the Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman.
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>xbow schizo lashes out against AC frens unprovoked
I have no idea why you're trying to beef with me lil bro
>Belt-fed fully automatic exploding crossbow
It's called Grenade Launcher and it's the strongest anti-chaff bug support in the game. And more.
>say dumb shit
>get corrected
how could this happen
or maybe the slow firing, slow reloading gimmick primary doesn't actually make universal sense in every loadout
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Crossbowlets fear EruptorGODS
This image is very gay.
THIS. xbow is just eruptor for gay people
It matters because you can spam AC unlike crossbow. You can spam 9 shots with AC before doing a short reload.
That's not what was said. People just called the complaint dumb because it was objectively dumb. Not my problem they started wrong.

Spamming the AC is shit though. I mean sure you CAN, but you shouldn't.
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>but AC FEELS good to use. You can just feel the power behind each and every PLAP.
based and objectively flawless opinion
Post fashion you patriots. I only use the steeled veteran armours because I'm used to the extra throw distance but I need to try other sets to break the habit.
>You can just feel the power behind each and every PLAP.
ACbro... You're confusing the sound of your bull plapping your wife with the autocannon...
i wish it worked in the gaming industry so we could go back to having 20-50gb games
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this is wrong
AC's recoil is being vastly overestimated
it's easy to hit ten hits in a row near max RoF with AC if you're crouching or prone, across vast distances using first person mode too, and even easier if you use one of the recoil reducing armor perks
we're talking magdumping an entire dev patrol on the horizon out of existence in a blink, something that is easy to anyone that had a modicum of practice with AC
Is it confirmed that bots are people? How do they convert people?
Looks like orange dogshit, please don't wear that in public
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ravager armor + eradicator helmet remains my favourite
mostly a bug outfit tho because it's light
Shit I forgot that the grenade launcher existed. I’ll have to try it at some point now.
Those shots are inefficient. Look if you like that, fine, I'll actually be aiming my shots so each one has a good chance of downing the devastators in one hit and not bouncing off of heavy dev shields. Only time spamming is optimal is stuff in your face or getting under the factory strider.
>Is it confirmed that bots are people?
It is implied. Bot skulls seem to have fleshy bloody insides. They also seem to be interested in the brains of their captives. Rest goes on the corpse pile. And then there's the bioprocessors. No bot would engineer itself to be dependent on biological compounds.
>How do they convert people?
Forcefully. They're space commies.
>AC hits

>260 durable damage plus 30 stagger force on 250rpm

bro is a acting bit demented
Fair. But you should also know that pointing out you've been saying something is meaningless when you're unwilling to delve into the specifics of what it is you've been saying. Because from the sound of it everybody's been saying the same thing already.
They gave it some noticeable buffs but be warned that you'll be shit out of nades all the time if you don't also bring the sissypack with the yellow boxes.
>won't even replay
uh huh.
Unless you are retarded, you understood my post perfectly. An AC headshot one taps devs, a body shot doesn't. Hitting a heavy dev shield is a wasted shot. If it's a hulk then of course you have to be precise. If it's a armored scout strider then being precise kills it way faster then spamming.
The only enemies where it doesn't really matter as much is berserkers and basic bots, or like you get behind an enemie's vent and are spamming into the vent which is easy to hit.
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they've confirmed the factions are going to cross over and be active on the same planets

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my life for super earth
I mean this following statement as a 100% unironic compliment:

Reminds me of the lego orange transparent chainsaws.
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Right one doesn't match AT ALL, are you blind bro?
Those are birds you fucking moron
meant for

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I never hit dev shields. I frankly find it baffling that people do. And you're neglecting that AC also does aoe damage. Decent chance to down multiple devs with a single shot, or at the very least way less than you'd need with something like RG. It's a class of its own because it's more versatile than all other support weapons. You've got advantages of a sniper rifle, machine gun, and rocket launcher rolled into one. Sure there are drawbacks like the above average maintenance and inability to use it at close quarters, as well as the continuous unwarranted nerfs to its demolition utility, but holy fuck calling it inefficient is highly retarded.
Nothing wrong with veteran armours. Imo they're some of the best armours in the game besides default.
I said SPAMMING at high RoF is inefficient. And it is. AC is great, no one can contest that.
You do know the AC is fully automatic right, or have you forgotten because who the fuck does that?
How many days until the chud helmet cycles back into the superstore? I wasn't hope to unlock it last week and I'm eternally seething about it.
>I said SPAMMING at high RoF is inefficient.
I don't see how. Just line your shots. It restocks from empty to 50 rounds every two minutes. It's obviously meant to be used as a high volume weapon. Crack nine shots at whatever target you hate most, reload, one more shot, reload again, rinse repeat.
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Wish I could still get this armour
>I don't see how using time to reload your gun when every enemy could have been dead before reloading is inefficient
Clearly we have different definitions
Not everyone is using aimbot to lineup 9 full auto AC shots, anon.
Roughly 19 or 20 days until the brap cosmetics return
it's called a computer mouse
Fucking brutal.
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>no one even mentioned guerilla gorilla set
I'll believe it when never because it's not a thing
this set just looks silly
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1.7s tactical reload, even with how wimpy every enemy has gotten, usually leaves me with plenty of targets.
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Get out, foul creature!
>Any medium pen or explosive primary
>Any medium pen or explosive secondary
>Any explosive thrown
>Even fucking knives
>Literally any support, any strike, orbital, or turret that isn't gyatt
>Bitches instead
PBCK error
What you're welcome to complain about is the literal swarms of the fuckers and them cherry tapping you post death with their fag rockets
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I am so fucking done with Gaellivare, there's always a section of the map that slows my fps down to a fucking crawl
bros... we are never getting the super station
they're gonna throw it at us eventually
You know what they say about leandivers
Good, fuck that dumbass story
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Eruptor vs Crossbow.
What's the verdict?
I only used them on bots so far, but I am amazed by the Eruptor's kill radius on even medium bots. The crossbow is nice for blanketing larger groups. But I pair both with a support weapon like the HMG or the Laserbeam
quality post, hopefully enough to shut up the retard you replied to
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>Imber already went back to sub 20%
>everyone on Gaellivere with the buffed resistance
Yeah, we aren't getting it anytime soon.
We'll get Gaellivere, start building the DSS, then constantly play defense on it for a full week until everyone gets burned out by the biome and we lose it.
Good for Bug breading?
Good for extra 710?
Good for Democracy.

CB is overall just slightly better, due to explosion dmg being more consistent.
it's funny because they made a great leap forward joke in the description so all chineses would be banned anyway
Slightly better than what? before or Eruptor?
Piatiletka, so skorostiu Shvedov, budet za piat let.
>bug breading

Than the Eruptor.
Eruptor has range, but they kneekaped it at 200.
CB needs some extra aiming, but the overal dmg potential is higher. + one handed for extra utility as well a no cumbersome bolt action between shots.
But do you know what they say about peak physique DIVERS
I think the shrapnel works much better vs. fleshy bugs for the Eurptor.
yeah god fucking forbid they make the armor selections pictures instead of tiny little 3d models
gg though
Eruptor bank shots, and can kill chargers from the front if you aim under them.
Cross bow is reliable crowd control.

Honestly they're two different weapons, but with the weapon drag of the eruptor, I don't know why you'd use it.
We can wait for ya.
Good for fuckign your mom?
Good for more trooper enrollement?
Good for Democracy.
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On its own? Maybe. But compared to the other heavy engineering kit set, (the ugliest set in the game) it is an artistic masterpiece.
Speaking of which.
Why'd they change the description of the gas armor.
you'd use it with machine guns when you are running peak physique anyway.
2.5/10, orange shit
9/10, good angle and lighting
2/10, no match at all
5/10, not bad using of this helmet
1/10, random shit go
1.5/10, beginner set
7/10, stock armor i guess
7.5/10, looks like bonefucker
5.5/10, not bad nazi set

/hdg/ have some taste, but some of you just slapping nazi helmet and call it a day
not good
There's an option that will turn on anti-aliasing, Anon...
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haha you can't drive me away
anti-aliasing looks awful for me in this game. reticles are a blurry mess.
chicken rockets really need to be tuned the fuck down
that guy just fucking BLASTED off
nta but it makes the game blurry as shit. also normies turn off or put everything to low if thier pcs are shit. people to this day run no anisotropic filtering for some godforsaken reason.
The dark gray part on the chest matches to the helmet

(that helmet is my second favourite thing from the BRAPbond, trying to find a fit for it.)
Why would anyone do that?
I think you've got the images mixed up, the shrapnel must have gone to your head.
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I'm worried about my democracy officer, he's been holding his arm at that 90 degree for so long now he's gotta be sore :(
>just slapping nazi helmet and call it a day
>not good

it's fair to say the baseddiver kit looks the best right now. the only competition is the default B-01
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Decided to buy Helldivers after hearing the devs started unfucking the nerfs. I don't know anything about the game, is there anything I need to know before I begin? Aside from getting in the pod and blowing up the bugs.
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The party never ends, new lobby.
You'll figure it out.
use arc thrower, baby
yeah go to steam and request refund
>after hearing the devs started unfucking the nerfs.
lucky coincidence for you
>I don't know anything about the game, is there anything I need to know before I begin? Aside from getting in the pod and blowing up the bugs.
there are also bots. aside from that no. don't expect to not die i guess.
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>nipple eyes helmet
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d10 bugs

1.5/10, no effort
stock set/10
6.5/10, used this set too
2.5/10, another "slapped nazi helmet on top"
2/10, default set (left-sided) enjoyer
sure cursemaxxer

thanks for sharing chuddivers
we are so fucking back
>host yells "TRUMP 2024" in all caps as the match starts
>quits when the game gets tough
fucking kek
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not an /hdg/ diver yet, just a thread lurker
if you've ever played a third person shooter you'll get a handle on the gameplay before the tutorial is over
from there it's the joy of learning which weapon does what and how to kill every enemy type efficiently
it's not a complex game, overall chill experience, you get the occasional rabid chang or ranjeet in pubs but most people play fine and are as accommodating as can be
Did he get shot at at least?
4/4, full, pool is closed.
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you are getting closer
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>can cycle the bolt on an empty magazine
Goddamn i hate this dumb shit.
The reload/weapon mechanics in this game are awesome, with partial reload and wasted magazines, but that shit angers me
more often than not people just crash
Isn't that the only weapon that has a fake reload? I hate it too.
Like team killed? No. I just remembered another funny thing from a while back
>Host is named "FREEPALESTINE"
>Player enters game and lands hellpod on the host, then leaves immediately
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20% !!!
What are your guys favorite loadouts for the tall tree planets? Eagle is terrible on them.
Damn orbital napalm has to land directs to close holes and fabs
It's the ultimate chaff/medium clear and that's what you should use it for
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I was waiting for Executioner, it was about to rotate into the shop
Then warbond released and it got restarted lmao
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Today I want to run an operation solo. What's a good guide/tips for that? Never really done it before save the easiest difficulty for yucks.
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Bots. D10. Total Clanker Death.
>9/10, good angle and lighting
>just so you can't see how colours are slightly mismatched
Not even going to read rest of this shit lmao, kys
keep running

I was expecting like loadout/strategem setups and such.
Just go in after it's done killing everything it can nigga
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The colors are essentially perfect, could be from the same armor set. I took that screenshot because lighting was indeed cool. I think it was around Pandion
So far, I have the Warbonds Helldivers mobilize, Steeled veteran and Democratic Detonation.
Which should I pick next with my ahrd scrounged super credits?
I would go for cutting edge based on prior recommendation a long time ago, but quite a few new ones have come out. Which should I go for now? (BTW, I like going medic + flamethrower against bugs because being on fire doesnt matter if you have constant healing active)
go prone and use red orbs, smoke nades to break line of sight, stealth.

Democracy Officer: As usual, this is a one-man launch ICBM mission.
Chuddiver: Weapons and equipment OSP (on-site procurement)?
Democracy Officer: Yes. This is a top-secret black op. Don't expect any official support aside from all the stratagems.
Walking,380 and120 best frens
Get a varied versatile loadout. Avoid only taking slow heavy hitters, but don't go full dakka either. The more you can curve out the individual drawbacks of your guns and stratagems, the more success you'll have solo diving.
do not listen to the bots lies
What's your verdict on the JAR? How does it compare? It isnt even listed as explosive, so what's the deal there?
Or was it not changed in any patch?
Supa Earth full support leanmadam pls show of no cape breast plating in light of sun
got the most bizarre bug just now. a dude was disconnected from my match but I could still hear him the the in-game VC, even after I finished the mission by myself. This means that even if you leave, people could potentially still hear you unless you actually quit the game
3/4 again
Why did you block me?
Nappy orbital is king on those maps.
I’m 10 lobbies away listening to you bro. I’m in your walls bro.
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Does failing to extract affect your liberation score? same question goes for doing all the side stuff like destroying fabricators and such
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No. I've never played 40k. I just think this looks cool as shit.
JAR is unique in that it pierces low armor/chaff enemies, the explosive tag is just swedish autism because it fires mini-rockets. Even with the pierce effect it is still not a great option for dealing with chaff. Its got AC levels of stagger, so its more of an anti-medium gun.
JAR is the best primary. It is explosive insofar as it gets the stagger effect, and seems to mulch through spaced armor like on devs.
It deals exp dmg as a type, but has no aoe to function as an explosive weapon iirc.
It's a solid single target poker but the recoil and handling is too poor to be a truly good weapon. It's still solid if you are good with aiming, and the dmg is nice, but it's kinda bad if you are getting swarmed by light enemies.
It's a great mid-range weapon for taking out bot mediums. It absolutely hammers devastators because it's accurate, rapid firing, and decent enough mag to deal with what needs dealing with.
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This is my bug-killing outfit. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
>Eradicator helmet
John Helldiver, my son, you are a Helldiver now so you must make a decision.
Do you choose a helmet that is made out of sensible materials like super destroyer hull and has excellent visibility?
Or the BMX bike helmet Star Wars scout trooper helmet crossover that had literal blinders?
Ja, we must kill all ze je- bugs!
Extraction only affects whether or not you bring the samples home, plus the Mutated Larva that technically counts as a secondary objective. Every secondary objective accomplished and outpost destroyed increases the liberation score of that individual mission.
For bots, is armor pen on my personal weapons THAT important? I usually prefer the counter sniper for that and the damage on top which helps take down most chaff/slighty chunky chaff.
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>everyone in the lobby is raging at each other because we got caught in the death loop
>nobody says shit about me because I resupplied and stim pistoled everyone throughout the game
>it was me that aggroed the 4 patrols next to us for no reason
>it was me that died the most
Well this proves that everyone loves a healslut and ammo supplier
Jawohl, mein freund.
Yes, people are retarded and can't follow basic logic.
This is why everything that sucks in human society, sucks.
For me, it's punching over a stim pistol user and shooting them in the head with my Senator. BLAM BLAM BLAM, stim through that, cunt
is that why that shit always takes so long to load even if you just changed menus and change back?
I thought it was traditional Swedish jank, that's just idiotic
Lemme get a head count for my lobby. I'll start one in 10 minutes.
You can't stim yourself with it, retard.
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>Star Wars scout trooper helmet
I admit I always liked these guys. I am going to be right at home when (if) they add motorbikes/some light vechicle as a speeder replacement
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10 bots gaellivare
this host has verified files, restarted pc and bought super citizen edition
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I will happily join the hdg crusade
Sorry, I won't join until I see a negative pub aids test.
of cum
Don't use shield backpack. It makes you an objectively worse player.
I just teaches bad habits. That’s all.
It* lol
That's my point, yes.
ill jump in
Not even that. You could just take another red and kill the shit trying to kill you instead
10 bugs peacock


all orbitals welcome
LMAO that's what's on your mind, faggot?
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I started playing on helldive and the quality of my games improved immediately. It unironically filters the retards.
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I love these Memri spoofs so much.
Use shield backpacks if you want to. There is no magical way to avoid all damage in this game with le skill, you'll get sucker punched by chicken missiles whether you like it or not - and the shield let's you survive that and other things.
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Every thread where I get a new addition to the collection is a good thread
If you just stated to I’d say you missed the golden age of having a high possibility of having competent teammates. I like this last patch but it has given a lot of terrible players false confidence on trying out D10. They completely miss the point that just because something is good now that doesn’t automatically make them proficient with it.
I stand corrected
Fuck that guy still though lmao
But that helmet isn't dark grey, it's olive green and it's not on medic armor at all
Try one of the peak physique or arc armors, they might work
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>there's only ONE extra padding for lights
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Crashed, fuck you Joel!
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Say please, have some damn manners
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if I didn't know they were too incompetent to do so I'd say AH are fucking with our lobbies
rip host. he gone but not forgotten
pretty please and thank you
Good fit. Does the green match properly with the trench coat?
Second lobby in a row that got cut short for me. I am fucking mad.
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you're welcome
that's alright because it's a great looking skin
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>"quasar and shield backpack are the skill issues"
>mfw me over here with my arc thrower
bugs dif 9
clear map if possible. need samples and shit. plz dont 380 me. ty
You deserve a kick

>380s (you)
Arc thrower is good for when I’m just a bit too fucked up to aim well, but still have my situational awareness somewhat
You're lucky there's worse crimes than throwing arcs
Unless you're one of the arc chads in which case carry on
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>You deserve a kick
why? :(
I enjoy seeing the Alexus PTSD activation device on my squad. Thinking of him every time it kills.
>diff 9
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d10 bot
Arc autoaim plus fail chance is another +50% in skill issues.
I'm surprised nobody's made one of these edits about Alexus. I know of at least two about hating Joel.
>failed to join
full or?
there's still the possibility that Joel is just a code name for the bottle riding serb.
I'm actually really good with mine. Or was. It's been ages since I've taken it out with me on pubs.
I have more fingers on one hand than I do friendly fire incidents with it. I learned the secret, esoteric, ancient aryan technique of discharging it at the ground if someone pops into my fire lane like a retard at the last second.
Saved me so many accidental kills.
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Do you have any drip recommendations?
No, I don't have the set helmet ;_;
By his logic, the break-action shotgun is good.
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Possible, but I choose to believe Alexus can't possibly have time to help run the war while also figuring out how he can nerf more shit, in addition to the daily BZZZAAAAAAPPP treatments

A fine addition to my collection
Jaguar helm goes perfect with it
Check out the steel trooper helmet.
You didn't buy the fucking helmet? The helmet is better than the rest. Holy shit.
Jaguar helm is probably the gayest looking helm in the game. I couldn't tell you why but seeing it repulses me at a similair level to seeing fags.
you know rocket chicken is le bad unit because
>it's (almost) silent, no screeching or red lights, just a black box with guns and legs
>you don't have ANY med pen weapons? shame! you will fucking die or spend important strats just to kill them
>rocket devs have some "preparation" animation, meanwhile rocket chickens just kill you without any hesitation
>literally 0 <med pen zones, but a very frequent bot
Fuck off. Using Arc Thrower with idiot team mates takes very fucking high skill as you have to juke and weave to get retards out of the jump arc. Love the goddamn thing. Hate people who don't make the effort to get behind or run the fuck to the side asap. Simple as.
Thx, it's even in the store now
I got this day after buying the game, couldn't afford the helm and didn't catch it since lel
they should honestly just lose the fucking rockets
Imo, they should get a red laser light, similar to canons, to light up before the chicken does a shot.
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For me? The Liberator always gets the job done.
The point of that post was that I was worried I'd be picked next as a 'noskill' but you can be a jerk if you like. :(
It's decent-ish but I still believe ARs need a magazine count buff.
3/4, blitz next
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arc thrower noskill isn't as painful as shield backpack noskill (and quaso noskill isn't a thing anymore, people got over the hate)
worst case with a bad arc thrower user, you just don't be where they are. As long as they're not chronically hitting foliage, they'll still be productive
Source: trust me bro, I know what I'm talking about
>be lazy swede shitskin
>wonder how to put difficulty in the game
>make everything a one-shot
>slap in a random ragdoll every 5 second
>call it a day, go in vacation for a month
Do you think I can get hired at AH now?
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I think the missile should fly comically slow but home in on the targeted diver with a beeping noise that speeds up as it nears the target
You could. Why bother making a game have actual difficulty when you could just make it fucking miserable instead?
Alexus in the thread right now, it's almost bedtime for you.
That's a surprisingly versatile symbol there. Great potential/transformation waiting to happen. Failure to follow through. A job to finish. Exceptional disgust/disappointment. Uselessness. Contempt. Lack of being worth the effort.

Love it.
It's cool. Realized my misread after posting. Just salty because the last few days on Gaellivare there's been zero seeming situational awareness in most pubs I've run in which is probably due to migrating bugdivers for the MO. [\spoiler]
>12k bugdivers on acamar
>not even liberating it, it's actively decaying
If you're doing bugs, good luck. But here's what I bring for 10.

Gas/stun (Gas is better)
Napalm orbital
Mg turret

Napalm for breaches, eats for whatever's left. Cluster for the swarms that follow you, and MG to peal aggro off you while also doing some damage.

I've considered shield gen on bugs, it works surprisingly well. But you need every ounce of damage you can get for solo.

Cycle your strategems, and don't stay near an objective unless you are completing it immediately. You gotta take bites outta objectives a lot. The spawn rates near shit is no joke. Napalm will buy you some time though.

If you're doing bots. Just take DCS and just win.
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I think you're reading too far into a friendly fire incident waiting to happen
D10 is either the most fun you can have with everyone using their headsets or the worst match you could ever have with randoms. Nothing inbetween.
I think they lable shit with explosive when it deals shit loads of durable damage.
Fuck me the tenderiser is good. Two shotting Devs, can use it as a battle rifle or just go full auto with it and rinse trash.
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Well it got wacky at the end there. But I did it. I did Difficulty 4 since that felt like a good "Get my feet wet" difficulty that didn't go TOO hard.
Best in its class definitely. Hits like a hammer with the recoil of a stapler.
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Play on whatever difficulty you want. All that matters is that you're having fun and also obtaining the samples you need.
Try some of the difficulty 5 heavy search & destroy missions. Bile titans, impalers, factory striders. Good to be familiar with them before going higher.
I like the eradicator helmet too, it’s practically been the only helmet I’ve worn. I think it fits the light servo legionnaire armor too, although the new discount Tech helmet works with the orange shoulder pads as well, in my opinion.
Happy for you Alexus
Bugs are boring af now. Bile titans and chargers die like chaff with how much AT was buffed. You have to solo bug10 or play with some real shitters to get any sort of challenge.
No reason to pick armor based on anything but looks unless you have a terminal skill issue. If your armor/helmet/cape don't match everyone immediately knows you're a liability
>translated by cyberstan tv
Is this supposed to be a spoof about how the cyborgs are portraying Super Earth as like an insane expansionist state or am I just reading too far into it?
Chargers are boring enemies anyways. Spawn a million Alphas instead
Why the fuck do people need to use voice?
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it's a spoof on "Translated by Memri TV"
Maybe it's because Cyberstan fits well as a name. Maybe it's funnier. Maybe it's because the bugs don't exactly have the infrastructure for a news network. I don't make the memes, I just save them
bro needs someone to talk to
here is an appropriate reaction:
>Oh shit, we're being overrun with enemies! I don't have time to use the chat!
>SHIIIEEEEEEET dem wahbonds zamn *BEEP* expensive foh real nigga dey shud *BEEP* gibs me dat foh free
>resupply pod for magic ammo
>shoots epic Hulk™ weakpoint, after lining up AMR for 5 seconds while diving side to side because pro Helldiver™ skills
>retarded drop pod cutscene plays
>"Mhmm....rip and tear.. looks like the Command Bunker™ is nearby.. I will rip and tear because I am the ancient Bot Diver™
>"Come on, Guard Rover™"
>follows Tactical™ minimap
>Picks up 10 epic fanfiction-tier lore dumps about how badass Super Earth™ is on the way
>Patrol spawns behind the Diver™ and Automatons™ appear
>cacophony of retarded bot noises while the battle music kicks into action
>resupply pod for magic ammo
>"FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!" WUBWUBWUBBWAMBWAMDUUUUUNUUUUNUUHHHNHUHHH "Uses 500KG on a deliberately spawned group of Rocket Devs™ and they become Scrap™, does a badass Napalm Barrage™ and Stims™ fly into the Divers's face*
>resupply pod for magic ammo
>calls Eagle-1 75 times
>sprints aimlessly waiting for an Orbital™ to recharge
>resupply pod for magic ammo
>dives off cliff
>performs botse
>250 bot drops and 150 airstrike uses later the Diver™ is victorious
>Mhmm.. The Command Bunker™ is not here.. Better tell my Democratic Officer™ about this
>"Come on, Guard Rover™"
>Walks two meters and Illuminate™ appears in an epic cutscene
>"You will not defeat me, Diver™ I am the Emperor of the Universe and you are nothing but a Super Citizen, the Squ'ith Council of Elder Alien Space Illuminate Great Eye™ has banished you from the Super Earth kingdom and I will defeat you!"
>Cut to black and dive ends before epic Major Order so player can process how epic this is and maybe make a Reddit™ post about it before buying Super Credits
nice try
This would assblast so many people, including me
Memri TV is ran by jews or something like that so it fits
d10 Blitz on Peacock


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Are you literally me
Hope the anon who asked for the dump enjoyed it. I'm all out.
>Failed to join
Saaaar say it's full benchod bitch
>play D10 bots
>2 people over level 100 suicide die 5 times each in the first 4 minutes
>they quit
>happens 4 straight times
botsissies? this is your best?
I enjoyed it, Anon. Thank you.
AC sentry or rocket sentry?
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They're about the same... except Rocket Sentry has more ammo and deals more damage
Shitton of bugdivers on bots for the MO. Easy to spot because they're retarded and cause multiple TKs/suicides with every strike
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ggs fellow law abiding citizens
Both because they compliment each other. Rocket shreds defense and auto is damage/stagger. Gyatt and Mini are the chaff chunkers.
Damage is exactly the same between the two, BUT:
>AC fires in rounds of 3, will waste ammo on dead targets
>AC's fire is almost hitscan, and can easily TK people, but also neutralize targets faster
>AC's range is shorter
>AC will kill itself off splash damage when targets are too close
>Rocket will stop firing when targets are too close
>Rocket fires slower, projectile is slower
>Rocket has more ammo
>Rocket has more acquisition range
If nobody on your team brought AP3 or higher weapons to a bot mission, you deserve to lose.
Thanks for playing lads. New operation: D10 Bots on Gaellivare. 2/4

Light pen weapons can all kill armored scout striders by hitting the rockets and blowing them up.
This will oneshot the chickens.
Every single weapon in the game, with the exception of the stimgun, can solo the chickens.
Rocket. Abso-fucking-lutely rocket sentry.

AC depletes it's ammo fast, but if you're smart with placement, like on hills and shit. Rocket sentry will clear compounds for you easily.

AC sentry honestly has lost its luster for me a bit, it does duel chargers well by stun locking them. But it's better to setup your turrets properly then rely on them to defend themselves.

Except MG sentry. MG sentry can do nothing wrong.
I think the idea of them is good, but they spawn to often and don't announce their presence well.

They honestly should have way more HP, spawn like a quarter of the time, and require a lot more stagger to lock down.
Also that missile should have some big wind up on it.

Bots need a good line backer unit, but they don't need like 4 of them at a time.
ggs, stimGODS keep winning
It's not the same, changed in last patch. Rocket = 525/525 AP5 with a 1m 150/150 AP3 explosion, AC = 450/450 AP5 with a 2m 150/150 AP3 explosion. AC has greater stagger value (40 vs 35) but I never bothered to look which enemies are affected
>run D1 for POIs while listening to radio podcasts
>bugs: easy peasey
>bots: ptsd-inducing
the fuck man
NTA but i finally saved them, thank you
Did you get 2 tapped by a commissar godbot?
bro how are you getting caught up in d1 bots
the fucking limb damage update makes MG troopers so retardedly powerful, you don't expect it because they were jack shit before but now even basic bitch enemies will kill you in one burst
Honestly right now my biggest ordeal is trying not to trigger the bots screaming autism in calling the entire Red Army on me.

I think it helps to remember "I'm probably not gonna make it to extraction" on most of these missions. But long as I get the main objective done I've done my duty. Walking Barrage is just a more accurate 380 though what the fuck how come no one said this to me.
Kek those MG niggers
Walking became better after they buffed it by tightening up the blasts. It was noted at the time.
Many people were barrage maxing anyway and bringing walking, 380, and 120.
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It's really hard to do any /fa/ because the colours never fucking match. Pic related probably the most fashionable I've ever been.
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I found I have one more.

It's not "more accurate" it's a different attack pattern (that's usually more accurate in that it'll probably kill the one thing you want it to kill) (but that's not the same)
Get used to bot drops (and bug breaches). They're unavoidable at higher difficulties and getting used to fighting large numbers will only help. Even if you're using a scoped weapon and watch for whichever bot makes the call-in, odds are it'll just go off anyway even if you kill it.
I can't hear the in-game sound so they get the jump on me and as >>495977334 says and >>495977456
says they get the drop on me, or a stray round hits me for 40% of my health because I'm running light armor.
D1 bugs are just the tiny harmless critters that you gotta be completely stupid to get killed by.
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I swear to God no matter what I always turn into a full blown retard the second I need to aim at one of these shits.
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added bonus of using muscle armor is that HMG is way easier to use
Don't they always strafe right (their left)? Just aim slighty to the right if they aren't about to pounce at you
on that note, I swear I can count both hands the time I called a 380 AND a 120 on a heavy outpost and one fabricator is still up and running.
Yes. I'm a graphic designer so I'm extremely autistic about these things.
Plebbit post
Ignore the shitter whining and skip to the table, the HMG did get fucked over even if they fix the not 200% transfer to main on turrets heatsink
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Was ist dis? Kinderpornografen?! In meine Spiel? Meine Güte... Reddit muss es wissen!!!
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Buenos Noches Mein Fuhrer.
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Going for the Creek Vet look.
Nice bullseye.
It's true HMG got fucked on heavy targets but it's overall fine. Hopefully it gets a buff to the durable damage (reverted), I'm not holding my breath.
Thanks for the reddit aids.
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literally don't fight anything, bomb the shit out of objectives while avoiding dropships like the plague
I feel like at some point I'm gonna have to shoot SOME bots.
Railgun or AMR against bots?
I did, thank you very much
Be aware you're on Chicken and Gunship cleanup duty, don't get distracted too much by Hulks
So the game is saved?
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arc thrower can take out four at a time
Not yet
Nuh yet wat da hell...
yes, on the objectives
Clear the forest real fucking quick
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Just had a friend of mine stream his gameplay for me while we were tossing the shit and it made me realize that the average person in this game really is god fucking awful. Even with all the buffs they still struggle a lot with difficulty 8.
The game is in a healthier state after the buffs (albeit with a lot of skill expression and filters removed), but it's always eye opening to look at it from another's eyes.
The problem is the game loves throwing everything and the kitchen sink at you on higher difficulties. At that point you can either manage the stress of it or collapse back to a lower difficulty.

No shame in it, just how it is.
Isn't Gatling better for that?
>new friend joins our playgroup
>barely lvl 7
>immediately take him to D8 to exorcise the shitter out of him
>Reddit screen caps a lolicon and brownie points
>Lolicon screen caps a redditor and starts speaking Nazi

Circle of life.
Airburst radius is a lot higher
If you just wanna clear trees, it's the best shit by far
Really not my day
It's the best if he doesn't get overly frustrated and ragequits, sets a decent baseline for bullshit you have to grow used to
love is beautiful? frankly, i think love wins
Can you take people along to difficulties that they haven't unlocked yet?
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The game hurted your friend ? Skill issues, get better
We completed a lvl7 with him the day before so I assume he had it unlocked.
>>you don't have ANY med pen weapons? shame! you will fucking die or spend important strats just to kill them
just shoot the fucking rockets holy shit man they've been out for a month and a half and you still don't know about this?
>we theoretically might have the time to take both Gaellivare and Clasa
I wonder if Joel would actually let us do it, for the shits and giggles.
Love Joel

Love Alexus
It's funny seeing him and the people around him die again and again to things that are completely preventable, just people spreading without thinking at all, awful stratagem usage, and him taking forever to call in any stratagem, even the recurrent ones. The game has a learning curve that I honestly didn't even remember
Based hopeful retard
Any lobbies?
lobby lobby lobby lobby
Post one faggots
I've got your lobby right here
*spreads ass*
I fucking love randomly getting hit by a fire meteor and ragdolling down a hill while watching my HP melt
D10 lobby decides
>vienna sausage
Was my go-to for bots before the recent changes
now I go chud mask with heavy steeled vets robot arm because servo assist is fun as fuck. Also keep Botslayer cape because its my only signifier that i will fucking murder bots and am trying to put my bot kill numbers above my terminid kill numbers
Bots at 26K
Bugs at 35K
How is the battle station even going to work?
We will never know since we will fail the MO.
Back to 3/4
Also we're doing bots
Yes, you can. You can take someone who just finished the intro to D10.
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It's going to be some interface with the inactive consoles on the SD
We'll vote for planets to attack and defend, so active players will be able to tardwrangle the Blob
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Even better, make the clan leaders have direct voting power through their constituencies. In that way, we'll have a literal "managed democracy" where the blob plebs don't get a say and are FORCED to dive MO planets.
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What the hell is this?
A struggle
Never forget Sturgeon's Revelation from 1957: "Ninety percent of anything is crud." Enthusiasts and the exceptional make up that last 10%.
Surely it isn't counting the stims used correctly.
This seems a bit excessive.
The engineers are hard at work
It counts stim gun stims too. That guy on the left is a junkie.
Don't shame users, support users. They're struggling and they need your help.
That guy happens to be me and I ain't a junkie. My teammates are :^)
>stim needles stick seemingly forever
Does the stim gun count as "stim used" even if it misses?
Or are divers out here using the stim gun as a primary?
I need to unlock that thing so I can join the battle medic legion
How to deal with armored chickens without sacrificing RR?
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You all know Helldivers are still the bad guys, right?
Shoot their legs with the exploding crossbow, DCS, or Dominator.
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Stim gun is fun to play for like 1 game, then every game played after that it's a slow twinkfication that will eventually castrate you and turn you into a trans redditor.
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Impact grenade
Prank your friend who just finished training by dropping in to a D10 at level 1.
those seem like the good guys, man

i always take those
Ngl, I just spam plasma punisher shots at their crotch till they fall over
Stim gun should lock on and home in like the SPEAR.
Two tap them with ecb
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slowly cruisin' the clouds
on board the keeper of the stars
Bot sex
Xbow to the legs. Otherwise use railgun like a man. You don't need the RR anyway.
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>reading justified rant on plebbit
>completely wrong numbers and minor mistakes destroying all credibility
dude they're so whiny over everything
just dodge
>going to reddit for any reason
Why do this to yourself?
Heavy armor is in a terrible state.
It went from being properly balanced, to being barely above light armor in direct survivability, while having 0 mobility.
I wish "obvious baiting" was a reportable offense.
>What is diving
>What is pre stimming
The last one especially, imagine still complaining about this shit in a game where you can turn yourself effectively invincible whenever you want
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Don't care.
Didn't ask.
Still voting Super Trump.
lol. can't be satisfied
Relative to whom we are fighting, we are still better.
>dive + stim
>get ragdolled into 50 enemies
>stim still running
>doesn't matter because you get turned into red paste by the enemies shooting at you with multiple oneshot weapons
It doesn't work like that anymore after the patch.
Before you could tank a factory strider shooting at you with a stim.
Now you just get grinded into red ribbons.
The bots are fighting for independence and freedom. The bugs are fighting for survival.
I hate these faggots so much its unreal. When is AH going to stop listening to them.
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GGs anons
Bio-processors, you fucking communist faggot.
That's plant-based processing
Fun fact: The Caliwali fires that almost burned the state to the ground and turned the sky red for days was caused by blue registered organized arsonists!
GGs. God this jank ass game is hilarious.
The bots are doing "freaky inhumane shit" for the sake of their independence, making the fight for independence feel dubious. Not to mention Cyberstan was ours till they decided to reemerge, current conflict is fair game.
The bugs are a natural pest given how egregious their reproductive cycles are (even if it is partly SEs fault). It's like invasive species, they are dominating the environment to which they were introduced and need culling, otherwise they completely overrun any place they can get to.
The bugs are indigenous. It is humans who are the invasive species.
This is actually true. Also an alarming number of school shooters and mass shooters are registered Democrats and on SSRIs.
4th enemy faction idea: the democraps
Didn't SE 710 research made the bugs spread all over the sector?
Bugs are 100% SE's fault. It's very convenient. It provides both a source of fuel and a place to dump SE citizens excess productivity into, so they don't start seeing a rise in quality of life.
The bots are fighting humie meat so they can be promoted from tin can to cyborg
The bugs are fighting for ??? because queen says ??? while the bug samples are fat and happy in a vat being fed three meals a day on Super Earth
Gee, bugs are getting fed better than me?
Addendum: With three letter agency uncles~
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The game got super ultra popular and attracted a very superficial crowd, one that's only able to ingest what's aesthetically apparent only, and they're very simple mentally.
Seriously. I've seen people argue that "the trailers are false advertising because you see people shooting at hulks with their primary weapons".
It's been scientifically proven that the ability of introspection and consciousness is not guaranteed even to humans, so that's what you end up with
Or they were "aware of the shooter."
Elden Ring x Helldivers 2 crossover
they did fuck durability damage for the AMR/AC on big bot weakpoints.

They added a ton of health to things like cannon towers, but didnt increase dura damage nearly enough for support weapons to make up for this.

For example DCS went from 14 to 50 dura damage (%350), but the AMR only went from 135 to 180 damage (%130).

prepatch an AMR could kill a tower turret in one 7 round mag before it turned to where the weakspot was unavailable, now it takes at least two mags and you have to wait for it to deaggro and turn away to finish it off.

numbers all taken from AH's patch notes, so questionably sourced.
I thought that the heavy machinegun emplacement was a noob trap, but playing bots D8 it's really useful
Just don't place it in retarded positions and it can provide a lot of breathing space for your team
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Based and redpilled interpretation is that life on Super Earth is perfectly cushy and devoid of any conflict, challenge or violence, which is why a portion of population seeks out new Frontiers where these can be found.
I like the direction AHS is taking with the Sept 17th patch, and they have said they want to continue reworking armor.
Hopefully they continue that.
But I'm also cautious because I'm fairly certain that nobody at Arrowhead is good at math. Every single balance they do feels like they just fly by the seat of their pants.
We're talking about a studio that hired alexus and put him in charge of something
that image is so funny these niggas really got main character syndrome
>everyone is a mindless sheep but ME
Counterargument: live on Super Earth is such an Orwellian nightmare that living on the dangerous fringes of the galaxy where you may get yeeted at any moment by a bug or bot is preferable to living amongst the Redditor-tier bugmen that SE is invariably crawling with.
Interior planets are cozy as fuck and full of high level citizens. Fleet and SEAF are poor niggers from the rim who want their kids to be allowed to have pet fish.
t. wojak who would prefer to be bioprocessed
Plot twist ... SE 's elites and politicians are controlled by squids, which will lead to civil war helldiver PVP for HD3
Sorry got caught up cutting potatoes for dinner
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I know. I know...
Oh God, I know...
>mainly play bots
>Decide to try out bugs
>fog, fog everywhere
>dude toxic fog lmao when acid chargers show up
Back to bots I go
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Not too sure about that one.
These people are whining about reinforced scout striders and are saying that they should be infrequent at D10. They're complaining about TTK changes on superheavies when attacking with a primary. It's literally nothing. They're upset about high TTK and they're upset that divers are squishier when the point of the update was to make players and bots much faster to kill. Pretty much every support got a huge damage buff, and none (barring the MGs and arc thrower) are in a bad spot right now.

>AC takes (still less than 10 rounds) to kill (X heavy)
Wow, completely irrelevant. Who cares? Click three more times. Do AC users really need the game to be even easier?
>Primaries are weaker against non-hulk vents
I guess this matters? Maybe? Again, this is why you take a support weapon. The primary buffs have let the DCS, xbow, JAR, torcher, and even mediocre slop like the libpen handle everything but heavies. Having a massive HP gap between heavies and mediums/lights is good. It gives you a reason to pack thermite or a support weapon which can pop vents.

>HMG stuff
This is probably the biggest issue. I have no idea why it was nerfed when it wasn't even good pre-patch. The nerf was tone deaf, just seemed like Alexus's pound of flesh in exchange for making everything else fun. MGs are in a bad spot. He should've complained about this, because the rest of it is literally nothing. Dying fast isn't boring or unfun. Chicken striders are (relatively) well designed. TTK nerfs for weapons that already perform excellently aren't bad. Aim and shoot better, use a support weapon.

Honestly, the only two issues in the bot front right now are barrage tanks (still completely broken 1 month after release) and the HMG's total worthlessness as a weapon.
This was a fair argument before they released the Innocent Civilian Meat Grinder objective.

Bugs don’t have morals, they’re just animals that represent an existential threat. But bots are objectively evil and you can see in game that they torture and kill humans for fun.
>heavy dev seed
Pure shit. What's the point of wearing the limb health armor and the vitality booster if I still get gunned down in 0.5 seconds?
That's not really a ""counterargument"", very similiar interpretation desu. people tired of stagnant reality who want to feel like they live again, choosing danger and violence
lame communist faggotry. why not opt for a high-spirited interpretation?
I mainly fight bots and mortar sentries are amazing. I love them so much. whenever I throw one down I make a callout:
>hey, I'm throwing a mortar sentry down, for the next two minutes try not to fight the enemies within dicksucking range okay?
it's the ultimate filter for lone-wolfs and no-mic'ers. it's perfect for taking out smaller patrols and officers behind rocks.
If you are decent enough or with the team you won't let the enemies get close enough for the mortar sentry to kill you. the one thing is that I try not to use the mortar sentry when getting ovverrun or late-game. The mortar is a force multiplier, if you are doing good (aka keeping the enemies at a distance) they make you crush even harder and help snowball the rest of the mission. But if you are doing shit they just make things worse because they are targeting enemies 2ft from you.
Knowing when to place a mortar and how to play with it is invaluable at times, at least to me.
So you can survive that extra 0.05 seconds and get to cover.
Have you actually looked at the math behind how the HMG performs before and after the patch? You dumb fucking idiot?
It is a counter argument. If you think "Orwellian nightmare" describes a world which is "perfectly cushy and devoid of any conflict, challenge or violence" then you haven't read 1984.
Getting certain vibes off of you.
Ever used the phrase like, "You're not a dev/You don't know what game development is like" before?
I don’t think bots in general are bad, but the rocket striders are way overtuned. They’re a huge threat for how often they spawn, and they have very little counterplay. Dodging the missile and still getting ragdolled (then dying from impact) isn’t very fun, and they overshadow every other enemy by a country mile.
Memri is known for taking the least charitable, most inflammatory translation possible, to the end that you get some surprisingly memeworthy shit-takes capable of getting an over the top laugh. Which is not saying that some of the content being translated isn't hostile to their target audience from the get-go, but the ratcheting up thereof just makes things all the more ludicrous in the final presentation.

The implication with Cyberstan TV would be they are translating Super Earth content in a way to actually make cyberstani viewers more riled up against Super Earth than needs be because someone finds it convenient to always have a populace at the flashpoint for political/economic expediency.

>Now get back in the mines, you toaster fetishist, back where you belong, before I decorate my boot with your skull.
>Translated by Cyberstan TV
Refute his post like a man.
I really like the stim gun and I haven’t even bought the warbond yet. Just because it’s VERY high skill, and the game needs as much skill expression as possible. Usually it’s just used as a top-off, but every once in a while you get a stimGOD who is repeatedly saving your ass in the middle of a firefight.
I enjoyed the AC, AMR, and HMG prior to this patch, though I haven't yet tried running all of them again since. To be honest, the biggest issue with this post is that the OP treats them as though they should have strong AT capabilities. IMO, the role of these support weapons should be to take out medium units and light armor, with varying effectiveness for light infantry as well. They should only ever be used against heavies in an emergency or after another player has softened up the target. Yes, the TTK versus cannon towers has gone up dramatically, so don't use the AMR on them. Call out to your allies when you have flanked it, let them hit it once with an EAT or QC shot, then finish it off with heatsink shots from the AMR, only if needed.
I only somewhat agree with the complaint that they introduced too many ragdoll effects. However, a lot of that can be mitigated with better positioning and use of cover. I suspect that many players learn bad habits from fighting terminids (run, shoot, run), and so when it comes to fighting automatons, they have to learn new tactics for laying low, using cover, and a bit of patience.
It isn’t really an interpretation. Our ship has
>darkie from the exterior who has never set foot on SE proper
>poor girl who rents her tools and hopes her children will be allowed pet fish
>MoT political commissar who possibly never saw combat since we don’t know if they recruit from MoD
Interior is wealthier high level citizens, while exterior is mostly low level poors. Occasionally we run missions to extract explicit non pipes on overran outer planets.
Hey it’s music webm man here. Reports of me being away for a week have been greatly exaggerated. I’m house sitting for my parents and on my dad’s pc with a 1070 series card and a trackball mouse but I’d be willing to play if it’s bugs. I don’t wanna try fighting bots with a trackball mouse.
Sorry, man. Is he your boyfriend?
Gonna say, i fucking love bot MGs being a fucking skill check with how it can take 0.5 seconds to kill you if there is no cover.
ALSO, I should add that I don't mean to defend the current state of the AMR/HMG/AC!
Having used the AMR briefly post-patch, it seems to me that they could benefit from simply having larger ammo reserves to enable them as medium-unit killers.
>be me
>just getting back into HD2
HMG is actually pretty good, I much prefer it to the AMR even pre-patch, it just felt nice. The only thing that you need to do is use the armor that reduces recoil when in the right stance, but other than that I agree entirely with your post.
>1 tap headshot devs
>easily kills chickens, gunship thrusters and open vents
>can clear machine guns on the nose of factory striders and then easily gun down shooting the eye at close range
It was king of versatility, like an AC that doesn't ragdoll you if things get too close, it just takes a bit of getting used to the idea of burst firing or doing tap-tap shots for precision.
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Servo assisted
Orbital Napalm
Grenade Launcher
Supply pack
Flex titan killer

I am become flexible. Okayest of bug loadouts.
If you read the post and not be disingenuous about it, it also shows that the AMR isn't as effective against bots as it once was in any capacity.
Also the Autocannon, last I checked, counts as a support weapon, and not a primary. Same with the AMR.
>getting used to the idea of burst firing or doing tap-tap shots for precision.
so it needs a nerf then
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>if only you knew how different things could be
Yeah. In a world without wojaks and frogs.
Super Earth really gotta figure out a better adhesive for its thermite, damn. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but damn, it's like one in every three bounces clean off.
The spikes come out shortly after tossing. Cook it for half a second before throwing.
I can’t connect thru lobby link tho it’s gonna have to be a direct message.
this fr fr bruh gotta let it cook ong unc
Bots have a new side objective that renders human bodies into god knows what. You either hellbomb it or hit it with destructive strats
There’s an objective called the automaton bio-processor where the bots have a conveyor belt where they load human carcasses to grind them up and collect blood in a tank, presumably to either use as fuel or for something more nefarious.

It basically has the health of a fabricator so you usually don’t get to see it before someone destroys it, similar to the terminate illegal broadcast objective.
i also come online to tell lies
The moar you know I guess.
I don't think it's a "counter argument" because there is little to argue about, we are both mostly just making up our own shit to fill the blanks.
In both cases it's people with grit choosing danger and struggle over *relative* comfort. For all we know life on SE is green & white, sterile suburbs.
ehh I guess that's indeed what they are going for. Though it makes little sense as "satire" of US army, which is still like +80% white guy endeavour. And they are mostly there because they want adventure and think guns are cool, not because they are starving. Devs have a skewed idea of reality.
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>Love the Arcthower now
>Wish i could take it on bots
>"Fuck it im gonna try even tho it's a bad idea"
>End up solo stunlock entire patrols
>Everything that doesn't immediately die gets taken out by my mates with no effort
>2 shot hulks if you aim it right
>Most amount of kills on the team even tho i mostly slotted into a supportive roll for the entirety of the mission run
Yea nah, that's it, if anyone tell me the Arcthrower isn't S tier this patch i'm just gonna assume they don't play the game.
I had a similar experience. Being able to stunlock multiple hulks is huge, and can open them up to teammates who use railgun and the like.
Has anybody ever told you that you may have an extra chromosome?
>80% white
Active duty is slightly over half non hispanic white, and overall white recruitment has declined sharply in the last five years. SE accurately reflects current and future reality, poor darkies dying for the machinations of the beltway types.
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>For all we know life on SE is green & white, sterile suburbs.
Given the lack of forests, the nuclear wasteland, and the sprawling megacities, we have strong evidence for the contrary.
>ragdolled but I fly behind a rock
>ok I am prone behind cover now
>Helldiver automatically stands up even though I have not pressed any movement keys

Why is this still a thing?
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All the machine guns should be primary weapons
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>all mgs are now primary
>stalwart deals less damage than an SMG to compensate all the ammo
>generic MG no longer medium pens and still needs you to stay till to reload, deals current stalwart damage
>heavy MG medium pens only now, deals as much damage as current MG
I fully understand why londonistan and eastern europe have been nuked, but why the northern territories of canada/russia? aren't those areas barely inhabitable even without nukes?
Dogshit take.
>Be head of the balance team with final say and approval on every change
>Try to pass the blame to the rest of the balance team
Would've axed him tbqh
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Counterargument: There should be no primary/side-arm/grenade/secondary/backpack slots on your helldiver.
Equipment should be handled by an inventory tetris system based upon carry weight.

I'd dare any of you to prove me wrong, but you cannot.
Nah, just the Stalwart.
>b-b-b-but it will replace all the ARs!
Every single AR in the game is dogshit even after the buff patch.
Someone probably nuked the icecaps.
b-b-b-but they're still cooking !
this worldbuilding is just so bad that it's actually and legitimately annoying
You could easily balance it as a primary by removing 2 mags or making the handling dismal unless you go prone.
Making the stalwart a primary and lowering the damage accordingly would be alright with me.
>game is made significantly easier
>Reddit still complains that it is too hard

Some thing never change.
It became easier so they upped their diff from 5 to 6 or 7, and now they are forced to face harder odds.
The life of a redditor is hard.
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If your pubbie has the skull beret and fire barrage, there’s a 99% chance he’s going to use it on every fab and nest possible and you’ll have to wait until the fire clears to actually do anything.
I don't get how the guy on the right died. He was as far from the target as you.
those gay reddit cod loadout point systems are fucking cringe and no game needs it
give us 9 weapon slots ala UT/Quake/Doom etc or keep it to primary/seconday/special or support
this goes for every game
What got you so angry?
Note the 'active duty' part, which includes all kinds of roles that don't necessarily involve any potential fighting. I can't find this shit rn but IIRC combat arms roles are still disproportionately white. I did hear about army panicking about dropping amounts of white recrtuits, though. So maybe it's not entirely unreasonable as a forecast.
I assume there is no life in wastelands at all. And do you need forests to live in a suburb? Map only marks *rainforests* anyway
railcannon users be like
holy based
Call me crazy, but I think shooting down drop ships in bot eradication missions is fucking with the killcounts. There's a known issue with bleedouts not counting towards killcounts and I think the drop ships exploding is an environmental death and is not being tracked.
anyone hosting?
>last guy alive
>no tickets left
>guy is trying to circle around the back of a rocket tank
>he falls down a volcanic vent hole he didn't see
>open mic mexican
>game is continually unmuting him after I went into the menu to mute him
>level 40 in d10 bots
>uses all the tickets at a dead fortress we already took
They should cover those with leaves, Looney Tunes style
>Heh my RR is blasting apart everyt-ACK
i dont think thats true purely because i was playing with /hdg/ earlier and almost every ship was shot down before deploying troops and seemed to have zero negative effect
I find it more funny that blowing up a dropshit with a Faq strider will kill it, even though the fall would be something like 2-3m high.
with how large and cumbersome those things are i would imagine a relatively short drop could fuck them up. especially if they actually fell over
I think it makes some sense considering how huge and heavy these things are. Just collapsing under their own weight.
>leg hydraulics aren't ready
>drop down
square/cube law or some shit
they're not capable of handling a drop like
Cats can survive a 10m drop no problem. Humans break their legs. A factory strider would probably destroy its joints if unprepared.
>if unprepared.
I mean, even if prepared it'd blow up its hydraulics. There's a Boston Dynamics Atlas video of it exploding its knees with backflips
Only bugs were made significantly easier.
Also a lot of people seem to overlook the arc thrower which makes dealing with everything that's not a tank/turret/dropship easy.
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To be fair you do take a retarded amount of dmg this patch.
Ragdolling almost always heavily damages you now and hunters are dumb af if you don't have a primary weapon with stagger.
>charger: "i-it's n-not like I wanted to be your friend, or anything. B-baka..."
Backline support roles are impossible to fight without and have decayed precipitously in recent decades. One part outsourcing to corporate contractors another part shoving blacks with asvab waivers into logistics. Combat arms is still whiter than other areas, but not nearly to the degree it was 20-30 years ago and is facing massive recruitment and retention shortfalls as its primary recruitment base is declining. However that retention problem is pretty widespread and seems to be especially harming the chronically undermanned navy.
it'd be cool if these spec ops troopers they teased some time ago also appeared on bug planets as kind of automaton recon. more as a flavour than anything
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D10 bots. Time to fuck up these clankers, anons.
>Failed to join game lobby.
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>time to verify my shit
I'll be right back anons.
Just restart Steam
bugs love watching divers fiddle with the screen, i appreciate the audience
don't work mate
You got the pub aids
>can kill Chargers with the HMG now
Game is saved, I hated how before I always felt like I was trolling if I didn't bring EAT
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Enemies that spawn behind you do not react until the very moment a diver gets a single pixel of them on their screen.
Be sure to go for the leg. Head takes far more ammo.
D10 bots on Gaellivare (first time making a lobby, tell me if you can't join)
lobby is private
oops, try again
but you always could kill chargers with the HMG
in fact it's still more ammo efficient to go for the butt than it is chewing through the leg armour and then the interior leg
Explosive CB, PP and DCS are the top 3 weapons for bots. What’s in 4th place in your opinion?
Purifier is a top five option and I will stand by that
Your preference between Sickle or Eruptor.
Or Adjudicator if you're not a bitch, but then it'd be top 2 instead
I accidentally took it today and I don't think I managed to kill a single thing
Not being able to tap devs heads is a death sentence
I'd probably put JAR-5. Has done well with berserker lines since it had its damage buff, doesn't blow you up at close range, 2 shot kill to dev feet.
You forgot the Democracy Officer has his own sauna onboard.
What are the chances that AH will give into this criticism? Bots have never been better and these fags are still crying.
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This anon gets it.
Its a plasma punisher that can stagger AND kill chickens along with everything else.
Can also shoot down gunships with it.
Some other weapons far outperform it but its still an okay weapon.
lmao at my captcha
>Can damage Hulks from any angle with AP4
>Shield Devastators can still tank OPS and Airstrikes
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>MO for new content spess station
>15k bugdivers
I roll it all the time on bots now. It will be an S-tier weapon once they buff it.
Is there an armor that allows you to reduce the deaths from ragdolling and instakills when fighting bots, or do you just deal with it?
Explosive resistance or limb health, also does anyone run heavy?
I’ve been running heavy servo assisted and my survivability went up significantly. The next changes to limb health make that extra 50% limb health perk really matter.
The changes* idk why I put next lol
Democracy protects with shield pack to prevent one-shots is the only way to increase survivability. Armor doesn't matter.
Reinforcements have been lunched
put on light armor for a bot mission and say that again
Sars? The Lobby for bots?
lol that’s a funny one
the rof is slow but it's a pretty capable weapon right now
I'm simply using basic armor #4 and the helmet from the black democracy protects armor set, and the basic warbond cape with the big yellow triangles on it
Nah the captcha. I’m the guy saying it’s top five
>retard whose been dropping napalm orbitals on top of our position the whole game because he wants to run around inside the fire with his armor passive on d10 bots
>constantly lights everyone on fire with his breaker, fire nades, making everyone waste stims or outright teamkilling them
>only had 60 kills at the end of the game on geo survey somehow
>he gets teamkilled once by an airstrike because he gets too close
What’s a load out that someone can do well with no matter how heavily their mother drank during pregnancy?
>orbital rail cannon
>HMG emplacement
>Orbital Napalm
Sounds like a gigachad desu
those walkers, right? i like shooting plasma punisher on the ground between their legs and slightly behind them so the robot pilot can get hit too. it seems to work and they both go down
diver bros.... the lobby... please i'm having withdralws
I've been missing so many of my orbital precision strikes against bot tanks that I started taking the orbital rail cannon instead
Definitely a shitter stratagem but I'm contributing to the team now at least lol
heavy armor
lazer pistol
thermite nade
walking barrage
380mm barrage

if your precision strike troubles were happening recently, it was actually indirectly nerfed with the enemy health changes. It's not the god tier pick it used to be.
gotta land the ball on the tank now, a near miss won't do.
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No truer frenship than team reloads
Man the update bringing the game back to a fun state made me forget that the game is still filled with some incredibly rage inducing jank and bugs
It's like a mechanic fixing back your shitty car into a functioning state, you get elated first but then you remember you're still stuck with your shitty car
Who wants a lobby? Last two times I waited for half an hour in an empty ship before finally going to sleep
What do you anons even like about bots?
I've tried to get into them but there's just so much I don't enjoy dealing with.
>bot drop so fuck you now you have to basically abandon what you were doing and run away
>slow trekking across the map because you need heavy armor to survive anything
>still get 1-tapped from a rocket ragdolling you into impact damage or a mine
>missions much more likely to either take the full 40 minutes or run out of reinforcements after 20 with objectives remaining
>people leave mid mission more often (myself included)
I'm down
I can join
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I'd join
Bot mission then bug mission then bot mission
>What do you anons even like about bots?
Because it's different than bugs. I am a bugdiver to the heart for sure but I probably play them both 50/50 these days. One faction all the time just gets so stale so it's nice to go to another enemy that requires a different approach/tactics and get to use different guns. The bugdiver/botdiver hate is a meme. True divers do both.
some fucker took my spot
>>bot drop so fuck you now you have to basically abandon what you were doing and run away
>>slow trekking across the map because you need heavy armor to survive anything
>>still get 1-tapped from a rocket ragdolling you into impact damage or a mine
>>missions much more likely to either take the full 40 minutes or run out of reinforcements after 20 with objectives remaining
I like the way this sucks
I mostly do bugs, but I have to admit since the patch they're a little too easy, which is why I'm bothering with bots at all. There's just too much anti-fun for me to fight bots regularly.
Post bug lobby
>Any medium armor with stim boost
If fully F2P / didn't grind SCs:
>Breaker against bugs, Liberator Penetrator against bots
>Impacts against bugs, Smokes againsts bots (Yes, really. Just throw them into bots whenever you feel unsafe, they're a worse stun but it works)
If you had/have/will have money and/or SCs:
>Explosive Xbow
>Stun nades
Stratagems (Left side is Bugs, Right side is Bots)
>EMS / EMS Mortar
>Eagle Napalm / Eagle Airstrike
Congratulations! Your new choice of loadout is stupid easy to play, works against literally everything on all sides, has very simple and memorable stratagem inputs to toss your shit, and your gameplay loop is a very simple
>shoot your gun > oh shit it's a bigger guy rocket to the face > oh shit I'm in danger fuck here's my nades / EMS > shoot your gun
And none of those require you to be exposed or super close to your enemies, guaranteeing full safety.
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FUUUUUUUUUCK, the game crashed right at the end of the mission, anyways, ggs
If you're having trouble fighting bots, you probably missed a few lessons in competency.

>bot drops
Shoot down the Dropships before they stop (Recoilless can do that now), or AC dump into the passengers before they drop. Then just fucking kill them after they drop.

So many weapons can just destroy the attached Fabricator that this only becomes an issue 50% of the time. Learn to fight through the forces near the Jammer, or better yet find a way to rush the bridge to the console and then hold the bridge while they cluster up to cross it one at a time.

>heavy armor
As long as you're not wearing light armor you'll be fine.

>rockets and mines
Just don't fucking stand near the mines, and watch enemy positioning so that you know where they're shooting from and can take cover.

Bots are harder than bugs, but that's what makes them worth fighting. I want to be forced to think laterally and use everything at my disposal to stay alive, not just hose a Bug Breach and never ever be in danger of even getting hit because I can always keep bugs out of melee range.
>abandon what you were doing and run away
this is how you get snowballed and swarmed and die
dont run, just throw your orbitals at the drop zone until it evaporates
>>>bot drop so fuck you now you have to basically abandon what you were doing and run away
or you fight the bots like a true alpha chad. Only pussies run
assault them and blow them up
>>>slow trekking across the map because you need heavy armor to survive anything
you really don't, medium is fine if you aren't a shitter...even padded light
>>>still get 1-tapped from a rocket ragdolling you into impact damage or a mine
danger isn't for everyone, people without situational awareness are weeded out of this elite mode
>>>missions much more likely to either take the full 40 minutes or run out of reinforcements after 20 with objectives remaining
again, shitter mentality. Regular /hdg/ lobbies never use up all their reinforccements and aare generally done with the whole map in 25-35 mins

All your gripes are the mark of a true shitter. You need to get good instead of whining that everything isn't spoonfed to you like on bugs.
>Supply pack
>Gatling turret
bug ludo
>bot drop so fuck you now you have to basically abandon what you were doing and run away
let me guess, you're one of those "solo clearing" spergs who absolutely refuses to ever be near a teammate
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This is how incompetent your average bugdiver is. Look at him and laugh. Even admits to being shit enough to ragequit mid mission
>spawns the enemy you didn't abandon and didn't ran away from right behind you with a new patrol after you killed the previous ones
Psssh, nothing personal kid
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>>people leave mid mission more often (myself included)
kill yourself, right now
>RR the hulk
>gas grenade the bulk
>infinite instacast strafing run trap card over the whole conga line
nice try, sympathizer
I tried rocket pods on bugs today
I dont recommend this product and/or service
I don't leave because I ragequit retards, I leave if the mission is obviously going fail or if someone else leaves.
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find a battle buddy to play with, teamwork is more valuable on bots than bugs, never be alone and keep your teammates alive
bugdivers don't want a spess station apparently.
Why would I want to go to space when the bugs are right there on the ground?
Just stop being womanly and you'll be fine.
Bugdivers are just simple people that want to go and kill bugs without thinking at all, which is not something I explicitly blame them for, it's just that I would appreciate the help with MOs that feel like they actually matter.
But I don't blame them for that either, Joel trained them that MOs don't matter for fuck all either, so why would they willingly participate in the rat race?
>this is the only retort the ESL bugnigger can ever muster up
lmaoing @ u
3/4, bug mission next
we're winning the mo at least two days ahead of schedule
why are you crying
>Strafing run
What if the Space Station allows us to call stratagems that the Super Destroyer can't/isn't permitted to carry, like the nuke or the carpet bombing?
yes those are going to be the platoon-limited stratagems
Literally this. As long as we're winning who cares? And I'm sure they'll do that stupid "their resistance is crumbling!" and decay rate turns to nothing.
yeah but also SEAF deployment
/hdg/, who's our commanding officer?
so would it only be available on planets where we built them in or can it move?
I don't care, I'm not even going to contribute
I'm just joining to get carried
It's more the fact that they don't store those in the local files but are fucking serversided. So you always have to wait for that shit to load along with the other players.
I guess it would be best if the Space Station allows deployments of those stratagems to all the planets that are on the same sector as the station.
Maybe we could even get more MO's to build Space Station on other sectors to enable those stratagems in other planets
Chink hack weapons are so goofy. This chinkoid has a stalwart that shot HMG bullets at stalwart speed and recoil. He was shredding every bug in sight with it.
that's nothing compared to the fully automatic EAT they have
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>they don't store those in the local files but are fucking serversided
the idea strains the limits of my credulity and yet because it's Sweden I'll take your work for it

I've seen that too. EAT tube launching shrapel blasts everywhere.
The space station would act as a manufacturing and supply facility where Super Destroyers can load up specialty munitions.
Yup, it kills regular striders pretty easily but the real merit is with the rocket striders.
The fully armored ones with rockets, if you hit their groin they'll stagger, unlike plasma punisher.
Also takes 3-4 hits there to kill them, which isn't the fastest but in that duration it wont fire rockets at you and the AoE splash can get other enemies around it.
I encountered a chink with an orbital laser dog.
It was, funny.
hey joel i know you're reading this
reckon you can make moon available tomorrow?
cheers buddy
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Why the fuck is this one hammer in particular so slow?
which warbond?
The one where I post in the wrong thread because I'm retarded and assault has broken me. :^)
bakka anon
Don't make a habit of it, brother. It's a different dreg of humanity that frequents this place. You wouldn't want to be made unclean.
bakahammer in next warbond? What will the sw*des think of next
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>bot drop
>find a recoilless user and teamload him
>he shoots down every ship before it even slows down
this anon fucks
>consistently more botdivers than bugdivers for a while now
Did a lot of bugniggers find out just how much more kino fighting bots are?
Feels like an actual war instead of just pest control.
Can the quesadilla do this too? Or does the charge up ruin it
queso has 2k damage, dropship main body which you need to hit is 2,5
if you hit the engine, you're throwing because it doesn't kill the cargo
I don't think it does enough damage to reliably kill dropships in one shot and the cooldown means unless you have three other people with them and probably another two laying around already charged, you probably won't shoot down an entire bot drop
I would actually kneel if they did that.
Ok, I haven't played bots since the big buffs napalm barrages have been too fun. I've heard quite a few people mention killing the bots now by shooting the dropships down but I remembered it not killing them at all it just made cover for them. Thanks for explaining that bit.
White man's choice:

Brown choice:
Airburst launcher
>notice I keep setting myself on fire with the flamethrower
>can't figure out why - I'm not even lighting the ground on fire
>watch videos of someone else using it
>entire clouds of fire get reflected back at him by enemy corpses
Fuck it, they'll never fix this buggy dogshit weapon. It could actually have the right damage but without more range or some other retarded shit it's just a huge liability when I could run an MG.
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Poojeet hands wrote that.
A white man uses every tool available to him.
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Digits don't lie. Though I like stalwart on occasion, especially if you're lucky enough to get a hunter seed.
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This guy dives.
Every weapon is up for grabs if it kills the enemies of democracy
Does the ship upgrade for mortar targeting actually do anything? All I've noticed is that my mortars won't shoot unless they have LOS now, and they never shoot where I ping.
if you hit the body, the projectile damage either splashes the cargo or transfers the damage onto the hooked cargo, both of which result in the bots getting wiped
if you hit the engine, it'll just do what it did prior ro the patch
>if the dropship falls directly down, it MIGHT kill the bots with an explosion
>more often than not it'll just deploy them anyway and they'll be able to phase through the wreck while also using it as cover
broken fuselages save lives
here's kind of an example, don't have anything better on my drive right now
>first one hits the nose, full wipe
>second one hits the inner part of the top right engine, still resulting in a wipe because the dropship falls straight down and explodes or because it still might count as the fuselage, not sure
>third one caught the shell with left lower engine which put the cargo in a bugged state, not counted as kills but clearly taken out of the action
>if you hit the body, the projectile damage either splashes the cargo or transfers the damage onto the hooked cargo
that's not what is happening at all nor how it even works. projectile type damage doesn't splash, only explosive damage with an inner and outer radius splashes. Damage also only ever transfers from part to main on the same entity, not from entity to entity, which is why you can damage tank hulls and tank turrets separately. The dropship body exploding does a shit ton of damage while the engine explosion doesn't, simple as that.
dunno, never took it. Always sounded like a liability than a buff
will I get kicked for lasermaxxing?
>get a bug where i have no injuries but im still bleeding
>this ends up killing me 3 minutes later because i have no stims and resupply was used across the map
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>The dropship body exploding does a shit ton of damage while the engine explosion doesn't, simple as that.
I guess that makes more sense than my silly theory of RR's damage boost just making its splash fuckhueg around the targeted entity
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>join anon's lobby
>bot 10 eradicate mission
>"Dropships inbound"
>anon with the RR decided to team reload me
>missed all 6 shots, too low IQ to accurately lead the shots
Pretty sure I'm in the block list already
it's okay, buddy, you'll get there
I'm having a hard time judging the shell's speed too
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How am I only now encountering this type of plant
Not unless your guard dog fucks up your team repeatedly. I'm all for people using what they want to have fun but few things piss me off more than other people's guard dogs beaming my anus
Bots isn't great for solo diving because flanking is so important
My only real problem with them is that I need a clear vision to known where they are and where their shooting from and I never get that because every fucking planet needs to be a foggy shithole
I really, really, really don't understand this
It uses resources and it makes the game shit
any lobbies up?
both of these are at least twice as likely to be found on the corpses of patel murdeep or alejandro rodriguez
>plants have deadlier shrapnel than our grenades
Let that sink in.
It's not rocket science my man. Locally stored files would never take that long to load. It's all server sided
That is fucking hilarious. Don't sweat it, good luck next time
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We all make mistakes, just don't quit the lobby or you will look like a bitch.
Because you're a bugdiver.
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top kek, I remember you, we all laughed our asses off after you leave
RR is as White as it gets.
Only if you don't use golden eagle armor.
New grenade idea. Turn the spikey ball plant into a super frag grenade. You can only bring 3 of them just like thermite grenades.
What is it where I have to reverify files every few games or so? There's always one that needs replacing.
You mean frags?
Jank just corrupts itself somehow
You go more than 3 ops without verifying and purple question marks start appearing
>watch a friend solo 10 bugs
>Takes resupply pack, padded armor, stuns and stims
>Holds sprint and stims

I'm not mad he did that, I'm mad that's the only way to fight bugs. There's just no good way to plant your feet in this game and take shit on.
>What is it where I have to reverify files every few games or so?
pub aids
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Reminder that brapGODS rule this game
lobby up?
No, retard. A SUPER frag.
4/4 gomenasorry
you also have disgusting pub aids
was this some sort of elusive chaff seed or something? i never see numbers like these on bugs i don't play bugs often to be fair but still
one guy will have around 4-500 with the others sitting at around 250-300 at most
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ggs brapchads
You really just want to stand there and form a firing line every time a bug breach happens? Like you just want to shoot fish in a barrel and face zero pushback from the bugs?
That's a lot of bugs!
It didn't feel like it. We were all just throwing gas strikes/grenades everywhere and using the gas rover.
Tesla tower
Patriot Mech
Quasor Cannon

Go nuts.
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fun fact, the medium and heavy gas armors make you 100% resistant to any of the gas damage in the game.
You mean acid damage? Does it negate the slow as well?
Yeah that sounds cool.
If my aim is good, and I matador heavies, I think I should be able to take on a bug breach with heavy armor and not just kite it in circles for 2 minutes.
I don't think it stops the slow or the fake impact effects, but it does completely stop the damage it would normally do.
Bile titan/spewer spit counts as explosive damage iirc
Yeah, packed-full of Pouncers, Hunters and Alphas that keep summoning their warriors
My Tesla and MG Sentry were firing non-stop, I probably hogged all the spawns
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Stimming you!
You can do that if you lower the difficulty.
sounds like difficulty 3 if more your speed
Flamethrower and sterilizer should stagger and knock shit back like the lib explosive.
I should clarify, the damage from the gas strike/sterilizer/gas grenades. I havent played bugs in a while but I wasnt getting oneshot by the bile spewers.
It's almost always Rover too. Normal liberator guard dog has enough trigger discipline that it will rarely TK people, meanwhile Rover does the same shit a gatling sentry does and pivots while holding down fire, so it hits literally everything in its path as it turns.
Meant for>>496031710
Okay Alexus
Trivial mode is probably more your speed, friend.
I'm just disappointed that flamethrower weapons don't have a crowd control status effect on them. Even something like a 20% slow would be nice.
The problem is the massive gap in enemy spawns.
Like you have to have CC if you wanna press forward against bugs. You cant just shoot them, you need to hard disable them because the TTK is so low on a lot of weapons.

Which y'know is fine, but there (used) to be just like one strategem that actually helped with that.
They need it.
even with the "buff" to flamedamage. You don't kill shit fast enough, you need to pair stuns/ems/gas with it.

And honestly at that point you might as well just be shooting the machine gun or stalwart from afar.
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"Thank you"
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I'm not defending recoilless rifle's superiority, I'm stating the fucking obvious
>the TTK is so low on a lot of weapons.
yes anon the time to kill is low on a lot of weapons. it's literally a single shot from even a liberator to kill a scav or hunter, and 3 to bust a warriros head. that's basically instant, which is pretty low, like you said.
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Just shoot the bugs lmao. Even d10 has barely enough bugs if your team works together
You're not playing co-op game solo, right?
i did a quickplay bots. it was fun
why do I get hard every time a Stalker show up?
i was in your group, you guys were shit
yknow doing the math.

>total damage for one mag of the flamethrower
>10,000 damage over 12.5 seconds. (it's more like 5,000 with the damage nerf)

>Total damage with one mag of the machine gun
>13,500 in roughly 11 seconds

Of course standing still to reload your machine gun is a pretty big detriment, but you put yourself at a fat range from the enemy to do so.
Ironically to with how unwieldy the flamethrower is, it's harder to aim at the enemies surrounding you, while you have a much smaller picture to aim at the enemies coming at you with the machine gun.

What is the actual benefit to using the flamethrower?
Just killing chargers?
Said literally no one ever.
you are a furry
>stopping to reload while an impaler tentacle is locked on right next to you
smartest RR user
But you can just take the primary flamethrower to place groundfire ontop of whatever else support weapon you want.
I do

I think the game is too mindless in multiplayer, I like playing solo because I'm not just mindlessly throwing out reds to wipe out huge hordes. It's a lot of fun to experiment with all the different builds in the game, and play with the less than optimal shit and come up with fun combinations.
Yeah maybe I need to practice laying out fire walls and retreating a little.
Your super meds sir
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Didn't see anything coming and eventually I had to reload to kill it, it's not like it'll stop ragdolling you
Bake a new fucking bread already you lazy negroids, chop chop
The fantasy is really fun, slowly walking at a breach or circling it and spraying in at close range.
You're free to play solo all the time if you want. But, your opinion on game balance is worthless as consequence. Also having team mates to back you up lets you experiment more with other weapons of stratagems.
oh so thats why i was getting healed all the time.
why is stims yellow now?
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>You're not playing co-op game solo, right?

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