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mobiledev edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

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>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread:
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slay your demon /agdg/
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make a game about cris.
im my own demon
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You HAD to make a new thread the second I make a witty reply you fucking faggot.
Now no one's gonna see it and give me any (You)s and I can't repost it cause it looks desperate. Thanks a lot, asshole.
ngl but if only he did take this video infront of a plain wall so that we could rip it off and use it in a MK type fighting game.
cris vs dark cris.
use AI for that.
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What engine is the best if you dont want to do coding and you just want to like... make game but like... without coding.
should I post every small bit of progress or only post once I've made big progress?
me and dingodev making runescape together
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where the FUCK are the CRPGs
just did thane-ups in the office, ended up being a blaze-up in the name of the tha*e
Unreal and its blueprints are pretty much your only option unless you are fine with RPGMaker.
cris RPGs?
Sorry, I cannot do that for it is in direct opposition to my principles.
the apostle paul.. a major dickhead
a friend of the greeks
our paternalism, as europeans
the grace of God works great ends
i spose that's why i'm here. doxies. PUSCI
(yes, i know...(
Go take your desert fairy tales somewhere else this is the game developement general not fantasy books general.
chris... it's OK to post here
if nobody responds to your megacampaigns its because in the wake of undegenerateart, there is nothing really to say
unless some little wackhead unwagler is sabotaging our mona's and our lisas
*thanestares you*
ahhh.. the scenic scenes of our northern brethen.. (i fell asleep at lake louise,.. i am truly an idiot(
>being mad enough at a 4channel thread that you make a bot to spam it
learn dota 2
[read: study the scriptures]
thane places one at such an hour to say: is there anything you think i haven't seen? haven't read about?
mates. for life
the only reason there wasn't ever a convincing ronald grundeswald is because we had a very convincing waggler on our hands
and the glory of the thanepresident and his majesty's thaneminister is greater than these
(don't respond to this post, i dare youse)
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What the fuck is it
>scrapping my idea that i worked a couple monthes on
when will they invent a cure for mental retardation
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>desert fairy tales
oh is that so
how are you texturing? seems procedural...
>engine in engine
you enginedevs are taking it too far!
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like an offline singleplayer runescape?
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This is the texture I am using, its from a bunch of photos I took of my cars motor.
I am just shit at texturing so the UV map was not laid out very well.
is it going to be like that engine simulator ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKT-sKtR970
i lost
>enginesharts are reinventing the engine
bluds will do anything but make game
have you ever played an unknown indie game and just know the artist is mentally ill?
Where am I?
looks like those early silent hill art
oh yeah ?
where is my nigga fygoon doe?
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>my game not included
are you the guy making the colab game by yourself ? are you slimo dev ? are you that guy making survivors like with plants ?
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Cowboy stuff.
this feels too personal, you shouldn't post it here
Just steal Nortubels assets.
>800+ images posted on Godot Trooncord
>Thousand archived images posted in aggy
You could start stealing Nortubels assets and release a Nortubel game and there's nothing he can do about it (his game will never release)
>even an autist like nortubel wants to rope
It's over bros.... This hobby is fucking grim........
Why would you steal that dogshit lmao.
Autistic people are at a far greater risk of suicide than neurotypical people.
>>even an autist like nortubel wants to rope
No, it's just an asset made for an area dedicated to a character.
The level is about these 5 characters imprisoned and you rescue them, while their dedicated areas have references to their original world and potential deaths.
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>the guy making the colab
no just did the 1st mockup
>slimo dev
>survivors like with plants
yes but it's on-hold, right now i'm finishing a slime roguelike game
Is making a 3d model, taking a screenshot of it, then reducing the resolution a good way to make pixel art for non pixel artists?
You can just say "normal", all of the above terms are redundant
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Yeah I have seen this, I would like to implement a sound thing like this that you can see in 3D.
The engines will go into cars you can actually drive around also.
if this.hobby.isGrim()
print("it's over...)
Yes if you're going for easy rotational sprites like in RTS games or something that can be stiff like fighting games.
Cutting animation frames into individual sprites is also an option but I don't know any games that really do that.
what's the scene where you tweak your lighting, shaders and post processing called in the industry?
I dont get this.
Is this some sort of coding joke.
post processing.
Oh derp, DKC does the 3d animation reduced to sprites thing
Sponza Base Scene?
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for unreal devs
>cowboy stuff
is buck breaking the next progress post?
I don’t get this.
Is this some sort of nodev joke
Not all neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual people are normal.
my code is 90% branch nodes
All non-neurotypical, non-cisgendered, non-heterosexuals are abnormal howeveritbethough
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Blender animation update
Even assuming that's true it doesn't make the terms normal and neurotypical interchangeable.
Why is the protag a black woman you do realize blackrock is not going to fund your indie game yeah? Unless you're scamming the canadian government you need to rethink your design choices.
I dont get how Blueprints are supposed to be easier to understand than normal code.
Its just code but each line is a block instead of being a line.
I want something actually simple like rpgmaker but that can make many games not just rpgs and its 3D
Why does it have White person hair but the skin of a brown thing?
i look like this and do this
Neurotypical already excludes faggots and trannies so yeah its a pretty good set to define normality by.
I'll pretend to be sorry that this activates your brain worms if it makes you shut the hell up though.
Chocolate women are the best type of women.
Mayo and piss skins are gross.
Thats why im making the protag a black woman not for blackrock.
Blueprint isn’t easier to understand it’s just faster to prototype with generally. The workflow should be prototyping a system in blueprint then translating it to the cpp equivalent when you like the functionality and structure. You can’t write well-functioning blueprint code without understanding coding principles
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Looking to sculpt another horrific demon today, who wants to give me a freebie idea
You have never met a black woman if you think this is true, unironically
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now you need to add stretch and squatch and exageration for that cartoony polish.
Then why isn't she dressed in the appropriately sexual tribal outfits of her 'people'?
Its just a model I downloaded for practice, calm down
>I want something actually simple like rpgmaker but that can make many games not just rpgs and its 3D
Why are you practicing to make moviegames starring black wxmen?
game maker is 2d
Its animation practice
I find it easier to understand what's going on if every piece is separate like in blueprint, with code it looks confusing because it's all together

Unreal are working on a tool to convert blueprint into C++ for you
link your most successful xitter post below
Even assuming that's true the terms are not interchangeable. The term normal encompasses more than neurology, whereas the term neurotypical refer specifically to neurology.
it looks good :)
Just use color-coded fonts for different code functions, I think most programming applications already do this natively (no idea about Unreal yet).
I dont have a xitter.
It can do 3D as well. E.g. Archtower is made in it.
Sort of agree but also simple things like find and replace in code become really annoying in blueprint. That’s why I only prototype with it. I don’t want large legacy systems of my game built in blueprint I want to be able to ctrl+f and read through the code quickly.

I don’t really trust the efficiency of whatever their tool is, it’s trivial to translate it yourself once you know the API calls to make so I’ll just keep doing that
What is an accessory?

It's a piece of equipment that synergizes with a number of specific effects and/or elements and/or jobs or simply provides a flat bonus of some kind. They also might just do something sweet like mind control an enemy with less intelligence or something.
Smile Game Builder
Give me an example of a classification that would fall under normalcy but not neurotypicality. Your mental health contributes directly to all other behavioral tendencies.
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Nigger, I don't fucking CARE.

Captcha: P0RNS
even arguing about it is validating that the terms have some kind of meaning (which they dont)
made up nonsense by psychotics
OK, keep having no game?
>asking anon to prove his position that the two terms have dissimilarity (xher can't) = agreeing the terms are dissimilar
You just blow in from stupid town?
Fallacy of the converse. Normal implies neurotypical but neurotypical doesn't imply normal.
In my game the protagonist has 4 accessory slots for his summoning gems and when he gets in battle he disapears and a party of the 4 characters he has in his accessory slots is summoned to battle for him and he has no other equipment slots(because they wouldnt do anything anyways since he doesnt appear during encounters)
shut it troon
I am not trans.
It'd be a fallacy if the argument was WRONG, moron. Pointing out a fallacy doesn't win an argument, that's a fallacy fallacy.
Name a condition that falls outside neurotypicality but not outside of normalcy. If you can't, the overlap between these categories is evidently 100% and they mean the same thing.
My biggest reasons for using mostly blueprints are 2:

1- my processor sucks, so compiling Unreal code takes AGES whenever i change any little thing

2- Autocomplete sucks when writing unreal functions in VStudio. It's like I'm coding blind, really annoying.
No gf
and I have no game.
I live in pain-
my life is shame,
my darling,
my darly,
my Carly;

my pear.
ahhh there's like greater than 15 moving parts and i dont even know where to begin...
scope down to 3 moving parts
The one that you perceive to be the smallest or closest to the begging of the system
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

I guess I could start at the beginning. Sounds boring though.
Since you're applying the converse to the original statement it would be your responsibility to prove the equivalence is valid (which it isn't since it's a fallacy) before basing your argument on it, not mine but I will entertain you. Anyone that is neurotypical but has a non-neurological "abnormality" would not be "normal" but would nevertheless be neurotypical, for instance someone that is neurotypical but has anophthalmia. This is becomes specially relevant to the original matter when you consider such "abnormalities" could influence the likelihood of a person committing suicide.
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we're so back
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its over
Chocofus are welcome it's not about the race but making appealing characters in a genuine way and for propaganda reasons (I also want more games featuring chocobussy, just saying...)
are you a paypig or something
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>Punch Boy
That's a deep cut, I kneel
Do you guys think on the steam page letting people know that the game was made in an in-house engine is any kind of selling point?
Do you think people will be more inclined to buy an indie game if its not made in godot/unreal/unity?
she can use my face as a chair,
her ass so fair
just enough hair
on her derriere
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have now to spend the entire day looking at pixiv sensei videos.
I think... if you can disguise a game enough so that people don't immediately tell it was made in unity, it might sell better
having default assets would certainly put me off
How do I make drinking at the tavern to hear rumours fun?
no one cares
make the player drink irl
The player needs to do karaoke. The better the karaoke the better the rumors they hear. The longer they try to stay and get rumors the more drunk they get so the karaoke becomes harder.
Having a good atmosphere will go a long way, I really liked eavesdropping in Thief and Dishonored
How do you make drinking in a bar fun?
Have you ever seen a black woman IRL?
They aren't white women with dark skin. Be thankful you are privileged enough to be so ignorant while the less insulated suffer under progress and diversity.
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almost there
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let's see a webm or screenshot of your tavern map, I need to get a feel of your game to give proper advice.
Me on the left, I'm a layered set of 2d planes and the illusion breaks from most angles
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>watching videos
honestly nigga the only thing thats going to be selling your game is if it is not a steaming pile of dogshit. the reason people have a propensity to hate "unity games" is because 90% of them are a steaming pile of dog shit. if your game does not suck, and by that i mean really does not suck, then realistically it is not going to matter what it is coded in. the problem is being honest with yourself about that. if you think your game cannot hold up to a splash screen before the game is even finished loading, then you might be asking the wrong kind of questions. a majority of people don't give a shit about seeing a unity splash screen, and if a majority of people like your game then that vocal minority of people who hate every unity game (which definitely do exist) will see your game as an exception.

unity gets a bad rep because there are a ton of shitted out unity games everywhere that play like absolute horse ass, but just because those exist doesn't mean that a good game cannot be made in unity. if you plan on making a poorly stitched together asset flip, you are very likely going to have a problem with user acquisition. the reason why "in house engine" games tend to have a better reputation is because to actually sit down and make an engine takes infinitely more effort than making the garbage most people make in pre existing game engines. asset stores exist for those engines, tutorials exist for those engines, and you do not need full understanding of what you are doing at all. this results in a lot of the games being really bad while someone who puts a ton of effort into something doing exactly what they want and creates an engine for it ends up being a lot better.

(i say unity in this post because unreal doesn't have that sort of stigma and most non devs don't even know what godot is)

tldr a well made game is a much bigger selling point than the engine you make it in
can't read japanese, nigga.
Make the player go to a tavern and record herself drinking irl until she gets drunk and send it to you for verification to get the hints.
Lads, since I bought a new computer, I finally decided to download Godot. I got a neat idea for an eroge game based off this one game where the character can only walk back and forth on a 2D plane, and change direction as the character auto attacks and does player triggerable specials. Does anyone know of the type of game I'm speaking of? I was introduced to this by this game RJ01183715 (I dunno if any of you guys bother with hentai games).

So right now, I'm doing a few tutorials on how to make games and then I'll take a crack out of actually making my game I'm dreaming of. So far Godot doesn't seem difficult, though I'm just making a simple platformer.
Lucky... I'm not even manifold...
Blog. Make pong.
Tavern lets you get special interactions by drinking, but the more you drink the more of a chance you run of passing out and waking up somewhere random, or being fed misinformation, or getting into anything from a friendly arm wrestle to a bar fight, etc. Some characters might only give you quests or information if you drink them under the table, etc.
Always give the player a linear progression of risk vs reward though so there's ALWAYS incentive to keep pushing the drinking minigame; if you get into a fight and you're not a strong character, good news the alcohol makes you feel less pain! Not a social character? The liquor lubricates your social graces. Etc. Basically make it a set of curated special interactions or minigames that virtually any kind of character can partake in at any time with a healthy dose of risk v reward (and make it a money sink).
get over it and code.
>Do you guys think on the steam page letting people know that the game was made in an in-house engine is any kind of selling point?
>Do you think people will be more inclined to buy an indie game if its not made in godot/unreal/unity?
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Reminder if you use Godot you will never make it
ok, another day of going from bed to coding.
Post game
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Such days are the best ones!
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>make unity or rpgmaker horror game that is not complete ass
>pic related and a dozen other similar channels will 100% play it to full completion

"horror" tag is tutorial mode
Vaguepost. Post tavern. Post perspective. Post gameplay. Post game.
How can anyone pass comment on such a vague post?
Vagueposters should be skinned alive and sealed in a clear tube with fans above and below to circulate the air rapidly as a massive bag of salt is administered through a small nozzle. Salt will fly around and stick to the exposed skinless body while the vague posters struggles to put into words how they're feeling.
>I'm experiencing something
They'll cry, hoping for mercy but nobody will know they are suffering since they can not quite articulate the matter at hand precisely enough for anyone to pass comment.
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>*Doesn't have a horror game*
Reminder dismissing an entire technology reveals a beginner’s mindset, like someone who just started coding last week and is still caught up in the rush of the hype.
It’s evident you haven’t figured out that it’s not about the tool but what you do with it. Newbies like you are exactly why I stopped going to /g/

Keep at it though, you might actually learn enough one day to be embarrassed about what you wrote.
I see vague obvious nodev questions as a blank check to express my own gamedev ideas. If someone picks one up and implements it then cool, if not then whatever. I'm not a project hopper so I'm not going to make some working version of my every idea or stick them in a design doc to never see the light of day.
>where the character can only walk back and forth on a 2D plane
Small upgrade suggestion: One Finger Death Punch, but Eroge.
Why settle for boner when you can induce *epic* boner.
we podracing now fellas

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I love gambling it's so good brb making new accounts and gambling for the limited 5* to sell
>camera clipping under the world
Well they call it amateur gamedev general for a reason I guess lol
I fell for the Godot composition meme and now I'm stuck trying to make an AttackComponent. Send help. In the form of a noose. Send a noose. I want to kms.
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Need chainsaws and explosive spears ala Crossout.
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I got https://recap.agdg.app back online just in case anyone wants to use it, the scraper is active. I'll probably limit it to one post per week on a specific day like the old system, but until then, you can post to it whenever.
Can people post their fucking games please?
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holy shit he uses godot
>Release fan game to dozens of articles from mainstream outlets, hundreds of thousands of downloads
>Receive letter from copyright holder
>Reskin game with original IP and try to capitalize on the hype
>Hundred of downloads
My game is not in a postable state at the moment.
games are computer programs. if you have no interest in programming then you should team up with a programmer or settle for old and tired gameplay mechanics with single-purpose engines like RPG Maker and such
yeah camera system needs work, its on the weekly list of tasks
did crossout do racing?
Stay strong, sister. You'll enjoy it once you figure it out. Protip: use "add_user_signal" and "set_meta".
how much?
Already posted in the previous thread. I can't make progress fast enough to post in every thread, Anon.
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I'm in the material testing phase right now
you can make a podracing only game simultaneously using your busted metal 'engine'
oh are you the dark and darker clone guy?
this is going to look so good at 240p
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awful clipping
I really, really, really like this image.
What if they don't C&D, just outright sue you?
>did crossout do racing?
They have semi-regular racing events, yes.
Although weapons outside of passive melee ones (like spikes and blades) generally aren't allowed in those.
hello please ban niggerbel, thank you
Noticing details like that is the difference between yesdevs and nodevs, but not in the way you'd expect.
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The hand pose was made for an older version of the weapon. I'm not updating animations until mechanics are better.

I use it frequently
post dialogue
im a bit surprised by that because i always remember the cars being quite slow and not having very good handling when i played in the early days
i will be putting in vehicles that hover etc. but doing another game at the same time aint happening
nodev hands typed this post
There's a finite amount of time you're able to spend on the project so prioritization is essential. Don't waste time fixing non-issues that most players won't notice and wouldn't have any impact if they did.
make the barmaid have big tits
smart man, the only thing I spend time on is

because horror is a essential theme for my "dark and darker" clone, I need to make an upright demon soon.
> the cars being quite slow and not having very good handling
They generally are. The devs often do 180° on how the game should play.
Those races are generally won by whoever find the perfect configuration of straped-on rockets that will send the car forward without flipping it too often, combined with whoever find the perfect configuration of wheel/legs/nothing that will give you just barely enough grip to negotiate corners.

I do remember at least one event where the meta ended up being to voluntarily flip your car because the roof had lower friction and you would drive solely by binding your different rocket boosters to different buttons to (try to) orient the thing while it was sliding on the ground at high speed.
anyone have experience shipping a multiplayer game?
wrong see >>495950745
i do
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want to make small game with cute girl to get back to gamedev but not an artist what do?
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Cactus.
If only there were modern content generation tools that allow anyone to create art assets with only a natural language prompt
download one: https://hub.vroid.com/en
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I want to shove this up my butt
was it gay
looks bad
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You all devvin or what?
anything i should change/add?
I hate sand
ai cannot make reliable game assets right now

it's for streaming and vrchat terrible for gamedev
go look at wireframes
Make a small game and get someone to do art of a cute girl
ui is too square
im poor
Currently no posts/week limit if that's what you're asking
ok thats kinda what i figured. i am going to have a full car customization system, but you wont be able to make really broken car builds. basically wanna do a simpler version of crossouts but where its dead simple to make a functional car that can both battle and race.
They are literally designed for dozens to render on mobile-tier VR headsets.
is AI not at the:
>I need a sprite sheet for a girl in a steel bikini running, climbing a ladder and swinging a sword
stage yet?
Great, more Unreal slop
No. I'm Studying Lewis Carroll for my game.
What are games with infinite replayability?
Why spend all your time making your dream game if you can only play it once or twice before getting bored of it yourself?
I know of the usual suspects:
>Slay the Spire (roguelike deckbuilder)
>Minecraft/Terraria (crafting building)
However note: these next games are NOT infinitely replayable despite what people say:
Excellent game but eventually you do everything in it, even with mods. And especially if you yourself are the one making the game
>Binding of Issac
Shitty gameplay, edgy and pretentious, looks like shit
>Civilization and other 4X games
Too boring and complex
>Fighting games
Too difficult and not fun
Woke and looks like a worse Diablo-clone
>Path of Exile and other Diablo-clones
Gets really boring near endgame
>Elden Ring and Soulslike
Memorize enemy behavior and it gets really boring
You do all this work to make a game, but it has no replay value so you play it once or twice and then you get bored.
Just imagine you created something like Portal or Phoenix Wright. Fun games. But once you play through it once you can't really play through it again.
If I'm spending a lot of effort and time into making a game, I'd want to be able to play it over and over.
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I recognize the Seasaur and Yug-Yug from Eco Balance, the Wodopom pear alien, the Nortubel crew, the Endorfun witch, and the shuffle puck alien girl. No clue about any of those other characters, guess they're not too terribly important.
Now we're asking the real questions.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Dancing icons.
Already using metadata on enter/exit tree, pretty good.
What's the point of user signals compared to just defining the signals in the component though?
how is your camera set up?
i thought it was centered on the crosshair but i see it going sideways in the skids
Download one: https://itch.io/game-assets/tag-cute
"AI" can, some tools are better suited for it than others. There are tools that are specifically designed for pixel art where you define target sprite sizes, art style, etc.
Not visiting your virus site retard
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This is making me feel like a sexy time
"add_user_signal" and "set_meta" to ancestor nodes, that way components don't ever need to talk to any node siblings, but instead meet up at a common ancestor.
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What's the plan in terms of gameplay? Hopefully it's based on The Hunting of the Snark and isn't generic Alice Game #3,000,000.
>pathfinder: kingmaker
>not even best girl

> it’s not about the tool but what you do with it
I have always disliked this statement.
It's alice but she is male and knows how to use a sword.
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Oh I got it.
Like how I'm currently setting metadata on owners of the component except I also give them signals.
_enter_tree would be
>owner.set_meta(&"component", self)
Didn't read you retarded loser writing all that lmao pathetic
Look nice, I guess. But what am I looking at? A Freelancer clone, some management game?
>all the 'free' assets are just people advertising their paid package
I wonder why nobody call them out for that.
nigga I'm boutta go BONKERS
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Ok that sounds kinda based. Vorpal sword still goes snicker-snack and all that jazz.
It's supposed to be a 1:1 Alice Visual Novel. There will be no Boojums, you see.
I would be less likely to buy a game if I knew it was made by some retard jamming random open source libraries together for 5 years until he finds something that finally satiates his particular brand of schizophrenia and is ready to render a 32 pixel sprite and make it walk to the right
did you rip those textures straight from demons / dark souls?

What the fuck is this gay ass shit??

WWIII can't come soon enough.
>He didn't make an idle game about eggs
enjoy getting drafted, dumbass zoomer
From where is that edgelord coming from?
>enjoy getting drafted, dumbass zoomer
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>a long tamago
aight i’ll give it up
Sure is dead
No, substance painter, I originally intended to use the dark souls 1 estoc mesh but it was too low poly and kinda fugly.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: A totem.
and its your fault
Kill yourself, Alicenigger
>Average playtime: 40.6h
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Working on my avianos clone from UFO50
>Great, more Unreal slop
>Great, more Unity slop
>Great, more Godot slop
>Great, more 2D slop
>Great, more 3D slop
>Great, more enginedev slop
>Great, more pixel slop
>Great, more realistic slop
everything is slop and not slop at the same time
you made a dick on purpose.
>An idler game has a long playtime!
Who are the people buying these gimmicky mobile timewasters on desktop platforms. On Steam you can't even leave it in windowed mode while playing another game.
Idlers are meta
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I'm busy working on my lolie game
I was talking about the floor and walls by the way, not the sword.
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>The new tuto is almost done.

I fucking hate tuto.
textures yes
so you're making a clone?

wish i didnt pick this joke engine
can a game with vertex colors sell?
>Nolgorb didn't market his game, bad example
>Fly knight dev has previous fame and fans, skewed data
Yes, I can do it.
Everyday I wake up glad I chose Unreal
A game where I'm a necromancer trapped inside a coffin and I have a bunch of skellies and make them carry my coffin to the exit, and the go clack clack and one can pick up a trumpter and go toot toot with every step it takes.

What the fuck is this
>The viewporter doesn't le work! How am I supposed to make a game like this?
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that's what you get for using someone else engine.
just use unity
>that video showing the bugs

well, how is he supposed to make a game like this?
I haven't seen a single agdg game with a low poly loli like this
You're supposed to fix it yourself, submit a PR, then run a custom build until the fix is upstreamed. That's the FOSS workflow.
>dumbass zoomer

Zoomers are the ones making tranime avatars; why is it always the hallmark of a zoomer that they out themselves by calling others zoomers?
no im just using textures because I have them on hand, they'll be replaced later
Well? Fix it.
godot 5 will fix that
so the camera has 2 modes, one for regular driving (not aiming), and an aiming mode. They have their own settings for direction, fov, height/distance offsets etc. I am working on it this week because i want to make it so that FOV stretches when you are driving but then when you aim things zoom in a bit so that you get a clearer view.
got any suggestions?
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good post
Unironically this is how it should be.
stop making tuto, just make game
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Any artlets know where I can get a a bunch of royalty free textures and stock images?

Been using Pexels and some free textures.com/3dtextures.me But running out soon.

Should I just cave and buy a istock subscription?
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is aggiechan too high poly?
How do I animate something like this
I wasn't even being ironic. The ability to hop into the source, improve the project, and share the fix is the primary reason to go with a FOSS solution over a proprietary one.
using references
so you're not making first person Dark Souls? then what?
why don't you guys ever tell me jon blow is streaming
i'm here 24/7 and i've never ever caught a live stream because no one tells us about them
1. download blender
2. reply to this post or your mom will die in her sleep tonight
I already have it downlaoded
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learn to read, retard. I was NOT talking about the sword and I also did NOT say anything negative about clones. actually don't learn to read, just shut the fuck up and kys.
a horror game
I have multiple versions of blender installed.
Define your key frames and then interpolate between them
What's the purpose
why dont you have those tags filtered
If you have a dedicated artist who can make the most out of it, yes.
Some people are still stuck on Spyro's skybox 30 years later.
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She easily got triple the amount of polygons that's a complete different artstyle. We need more early3dgdg.
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I already downloader blender hehe
It is the tuto for the game.
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hes my little cute demon (one of 11) for the horro game, now imagine this hellish creature crawling towards you at 30mph making grotesque plapping sounds.
most of us have better things to do than watch ecelebs
Nigga, you promised me long ago that skyboxes were on the ToDo list...
>grotesque plapping sounds
Artists in that poly range are harder to find than an honest jew.
there was a dev making mml style lolis, hopefully he's still at it.
she looks like she fucks fat and bald nodevs
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I have much to fix and do before I can retopo and rig him for unreal engine, 1 demon out of 11 with 3 almost done
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Oh yea I have skyboxes my nigga I just forgot to turn them on!
Guys, I got the scholarship.
Apparently my amateur game dev skills are good enough to get into real programming.
I hope this works out so I can leave my low pay dead end job soon.
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Time to start a new prototype. This one's going to be great I can feel it
Thanks, it look so much fucking better.
We're all gonna make it, anon.
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>have an obligation at 5:00 PM
>cannot bring myself to do anything while it looms
>entire day wasted
why am i like t his
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when can I call upon you to convert my blueprints to real code so my horror game runs good
Why is the chicken man in peach's castle?
Are you a student or actually 0 wagie experience self taught?
>>have an obligation at 5:00 PM
>>cannot bring myself to do anything while it looms
>>entire day wasted
>why am i like t his
College isn't real programming, but good job.
I played a mobile version of a game I made in public, there was a baby staring at my screen. Was cool.
explain how this thing couldn't be a character in Dark Souls.
They added a feature where it'll automagically spit out the header definition of any blueprint class which goes a long way towards helping the conversion. Still on you to write the actual implementation but it's a smaller ask especially if you aren't comfortable with C++
I tried add_user_signal and honestly I prefer defining the signals in the components themselves instead of attaching them to the owner. This makes auto-complete much easier to work with. And since owner's meta is already being set, you can just get and connect to components in that way.
are you really allowed near babies?
who wants to make a game together (in godot)
>using stretch instead of coding your own aspect-preserving methods that look good at any resolution
amateur hours
I'm not a pedo. They were sitting behind me
Whatever works. The way I think of it is that components are functions while signals/metadata are interfaces between components. Components shouldn't be aware of other components, and should only interact through their interfaces.
The latter. I had to take a few tests and I just found out I made the cut.
There were hundreds of applicants so I'm more than a little surprised.
It's a bootcamp kind of thing.
My brother got a programming job this way and he's doing way better than me.
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>(in godot)
>low poly mixed with high poly
>one gorillion sales

/agdg/ proven wrong again
Are there any online editors we can use?
that's cool, I'm a programmlet and eternal tortured artist so that'll help.
are you an artist?
why zoomers like these kinds of games
i'm trying but it's not going well, the problem i have is that i need the UI to be fullres but the pixel art to be perfectly scaling with integer and without black bars (just expanding)
so far i have the same issue as the guy in the github issue, i'm this close to dropping godot desu
I was looking up context steering and found this. Everything here is free but might be too high iq for me, hopefully someone else finds this to be useful.
I'll save it, thanks
My take is that they want to sweat in PVP games and fuck around in single player/coop.
I think it's in the OP, you should check it out.
Not a zoomer, and I wouldn't play it, but it looks fairly impressive. That movement controller is probably several hundred different animations and isn't something you can just buy out of an asset store.
just buy an asset, programming ai from scratch is like making an engine from scratch, ngmi behavior
>bro just buy the code
>bro just buy the assets
>bro just buy the engine
so you basically buy everything and do nothing?
I never actually read OP, good to know.
I have 2 very well known assets and they aren't doing what they need to do. The source code is hard to read and it forces me to use a version of Unity that compiles slowly.

All I want is local avoidance with context steering.
Sad they never updated after 2021. There's surely been tons of development in AI since 2021.
are you trying to make a game and earn money or learn everything?
>Components shouldn't be aware of other components
This is kind of where it falls apart for me, like I got a couple of components that have exports for other components, either because they act on or require those components to act.
Funny thing is there wasn't, Odoteru himself said so.
why can't i do both
Because it's not feasible.
The benefit of interfaces is that you can build those connections as required without tightly coupling to the component itself. Write an interface with a function that returns the result you need, have the component implement that interface, then only communicate through the interface. It can feel like overkill but you'll be thanking yourself the first time you want to swap out that component for something else - because the interface will ensure it keeps working as designed without needing to update anything that relies on it.
>College isn't real programming
What did he mean by this?
why not
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I'd want to make my game in an anime-esque style but I fear it'll scare some people off, should I make it more like splatoon to make it more accessible to normies?
lmao bro has a built-in headphone holster
game idea?
Does the car drive if the engine is not inside?
Trying to make a game completely from scratch without using any code assets is like trying to reinvent the wheel every single time you want to move a cart. The sheer amount of time and effort you'd spend writing basic functions and systems—like physics, rendering, and input handling—from the ground up is astronomical. Established code assets exist for a reason: they've been tested, optimized, and proven to work. By leveraging these assets, you're not just saving time; you're freeing yourself to focus on the unique aspects of your game, like design, story, and innovative mechanics. Even if you're a coding genius, the breadth of knowledge required to implement every single system perfectly is overwhelming. Using existing code allows you to stand on the shoulders of giants, benefiting from their expertise while you concentrate on making your game truly special.

The indie game market is fiercely competitive, and time-to-market is crucial. Spending years developing systems that you could have sourced from assets means you're losing precious time. Competitors who leverage existing assets can release their games faster, iterate based on player feedback, and capture market share while you're still tinkering with the basics. If you want to make money, you need a finished product, and neither investors nor players care if you wrote every line of code yourself; they care about the end experience. Many promising games never see the light of day because developers couldn't finish them in a reasonable timeframe. Your focus should be on the innovative, creative parts of your game, not on the pride of writing every line of code. Use assets to handle the routine stuff so you can put your energy into what makes your game special. In the end, using code assets isn't about being lazy—it's about being smart and realistic. Work smart, not just hard, and you'll have a much better chance of success.
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Oh wow, is the total radical idea I had of a parkour game after I spend an entire day learning about parkout on youtube.

What a radical original not never seen idea.

parkour is how platformers should be made.
Arounr eighty percent of the time when someone directly asks me a question about my game on AGDG someone else replies pretending to be me with incorrect information usually about some manner of gender politics
you're welcome
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This is shit
so it's feasible
please retract your earlier statement
There is also a chance you can go through a wall if your atoms align just right for the just right amount of time, is it going to happen?
I have a ton of assets and now they're collecting dust. They aren't producing the results I need and end up adding more bloat to a project. There's also a learning curve and you end up spending time on their discord asking questions on how to add/debug features. If the asset breaks for whatever reason you are essentially fucked.
has it ever happened before?
proof? which assets
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does this look like tilting
How do i select yes?
You wouldn't happen to know if there's a good guide for composition do you? That's definitely been my biggest struggle, finding an actually good guide or document that can explain how it works.
>gender politics
Are you voting man or are you voting woman?
No there isn't, you don't understand string theory. Its a model predicated on there being 27 arbitrary spatial dimensions in order to reach the end goal of being able to model gravity as a string, it's a total hypothetical based on made-the-fuck-up rules with no regard for reality.
You should add a VFX that shows what direction it's tilting.
Then surely you will have a better theory, and you will enlighten us, right?
Bought both on discount. Second one even claims to have local avoidance but it's buggy as fuck. It works better for RTS games. The worst part is that these packages require me to use a newer version of Unity which has a higher compile time too. I just want whatever standard FPS games have like L4D.
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Take the splatoon pill
Yes, newtonian physics with einstein's gravitational theory, the physics theories we use every single day you dumb fuck. Gravity is a property of the density of matter and doesn't need to be expressed as a particle, field or string.
String Theory is a solution in search of a question written by fartsniffers desperate to be the next Einstein. Many such cases.
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here's half the tilting speed, what kind of vfx are you thinking?
Speed lines or something.
Now, where is your game using this?
ah yes, a tracer maybe. thanks
why not move to unreal? just use the new c# to c++ tool
maybe you should make a good game instead of one that makes people think youre a tranny
I'm pointing out that you drew a false equivalence between something that is real-world feasible and something entirely predicated on hypotheticals, aka non-reality.
Spl4toon will be hebepilled and it's gonna funny when that happens
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working on mesh simplification for LOD.
If you think so I am to interpret the impersonation as flattery?
Not sure who you think I am, I want your custom physics theory game now.
>custom physics theory
Its literally the opposite. Its generic physics theory.
>Sweet Magnolias: The Videogame
1. UE assets will have the same problems
2. The difficulty of moving to UE has nothing to do with programming language. The UE API is massive, convoluted, and doesn't adhere to common industry standards. They want to be their own standard. You don't need to learn C++ or Blueprints. You need to learn Unreal Engine.
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>all that technical jumbo mambo
will still lose to games with cute graphics just saying
nintendo knows what they're doing.
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>will still lose to games with cute graphics just sa-
Annoying tranny manchild.
Only anitrannies actually buy and play pixelshit just because it has moe pedobait characters, anon.
So it is an attempt into coercing me into making the game you want me to make rather than the game I want to make? That will never work.
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This is third party control rig, say something nice about it
>tumblr slop art
>>>>>>>>>>cute graphic
I hate visual programming
can I have some parmesan with those pastas please?
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She cute
i will use AI for the concept art of my game and nobody will ever know!
>waste of potential: the person

this is what happens when you fall for the "just do small projects" meme
I can spot AI slop from a mile away, you cannot hide
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have to spend the entire day watching pixiv sensei videos.
I love this guy. He teaches so well and knows so much more than me and yet, who has a game here? All that power and what does it amount to? The world is a joke.
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she ugly
He has a successful youtube channel and patreon
What are you talking about?
didn't ask gambling addict
idk what you're trying to prove
your eyes will fail you and it will be my game
you will repent
you won't if i use my 3d skills to model an AI generated image thougheverbeit
bloody basterd bitch
did ask whale god
cheers, I hope to be you in the future
and yet he's making nothing with his potential except money. that's the cancer of capitalism.
Anyone who couldn't tell that Sonic wasn't drawn by a child is fucking retarded honestly. I can get not realizing its AI if you're unfamiliar with AI, but its OBVIOUSLY not drawn by a child, it looks like what a professional would make if you told them 'draw like a child' except the hands are still fucked up.
>smarter than any marnixisters
>make banks doing goofy technical demos for youtube
he's living the dream
it's over, you have nothing to prove
always the same cope with you fools
Any Anons who do devlogs?
Would you rather post 1 big one when you have made significant progress on a variety of different things or multiple smaller ones, each specialized on a specific thing?

It's called "waiting mode"
All people have it to an extent, but if you have ADHD it is extremely severe
I'm going to do devlogs, I just need to finish this LOD system. That's my 1st devlog. LOD.
>3D dwarf fortress anon wants to make devlogs
imma watch that for sure.
I can’t make devlogs because I don’t watch devlogs. I don’t care for devlogs.
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>Successfully debugged my first problem from a tutorial I copied

I feel my neurons tingling
Thank you.
God bless.
So no game then?
>getting bugs while copying a tutorial
>doesn't adhere to common industry standards.
It was a 7 year old unreal engine tutorial, not my fault Sweenus the bald keeps changing everything every 3 months
you mean anime then?
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I don't enjoy drawing nor I have talent do draw and yet I forced myself to become better than 99.9% of indie shitters.

faggots here will make the most amazing mental gymnastics to avoid learning to draw.
what is the asset name?
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at some point during the devolution of the gaming industry game studios decided that optional and hidden content is a waste of time because "if the majority of players don't get to see it it's a waste of resources to develop it"

However, those people turned out to be fucking retarded. Two reasons:
- if your game has enough compelling depth and intrigue a sizeable part of your players will be completely willing to spend as much time in the game as possible and to dig up every little morsel of content they can get
- the people who never found the hidden content but were still blown away by the game will continue engaging with online media relating to the game which at some point will reveal to them they missed out on content. The more substance the content has the bigger of a shock it will be. At that point those people will go "Holy shit how deep does this go?" Now their brains will be ensnared by the promise of depth and this increases the chances of them replaying the game, buying any potential sequels, and talking the game up to other people
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I'm too autistic to make devlogs.
>t. catposter
post art
>I don't enjoy drawing nor I have talent do draw
we can tell cris
What program do you guys use to make devlogs?
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that's cr*s
>Any Anons who do devlogs?
>Would you rather post 1 big one when you have made significant progress on a variety of different things or multiple smaller ones, each specialized on a specific thing?
I haven't started doing it yet but my plan is to make 1 big one for a part of the game/theme. Something or group of things that has cohesion to the eyes of the player/audience rather than necessarily things that go together or were worked chronologically close together on the development side.
>the most advanced control rig in history looks complex
no shit
Thanks, I hope you do even better.
Keep an eye out for programs and stuff you can apply to.
>at some point during the devolution of the gaming industry game studios decided that optional and hidden content is a waste of time because "if the majority of players don't get to see it it's a waste of resources to develop it"
No, its because the internet killed any value these things had. Dark Souls was the last hurrah of genuine hidden shit in vidya and that was in large part due to deliberately not translating or explaining basic gameplay mechanics on the expectation that almost nobody outside of Japan was even going to play the game so who gives a shit.
You can have no expectation of major audience appeal and hide things, but you can't rely on anyone ever finding those things or caring. If you HAVE major audience appeal, your shit will be found in a week by dataminers so its a waste of effort.
Look at TBoI for an example of what happens when a dev tries to fight this fact, Edmund damn near ruined his own game (some say he DID) trying to make shit cryptic enough to discourage datamining and it still didn't work.
I still try to improve.
https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/component.html which is a GOAT resource. The author explains common patterns, how to use them, and why they're useful in a gamedev context. I really like how he explains that moving input logic into its own component gives the player the ability to control any entity then he builds on that by showing how you can substitute player input for game AI using two components that implement the same interface.
contrarianish today, aren't we?
These are very conventional observations anon. Anyone could tell you your audience is just going to google shit.
>I forced myself to become better than 99.9% of indie shitters
lol you're so fucking delusional
cris is ludo and transcoded
Yeah I don't know what that anon's smoking. Devs still put easter eggs and secrets in their games we just know all of them within a few days of launch. We no longer live in an asymmetric information age and hidden content is just content.
not everyone spoils themselves through datamining like you moron
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progress: slopes
I'm just gonna say it. Cris isn't as good as me (or anyone else ITT) in any way.
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this sounds like cope, lmao.
give him a circle drop shadow
But why?
Its not a personal complaint you stupid faggot its an observation of what the general audience does. If you think your audience is composed of 300iq speshul snowflakes just like you, then do whatever you like.
What are the slopes for?
>I don't enjoy drawing nor I have talent do draw
We know, cris.
We know...
1) you can't google anything about a newborn indie game
2) not every player has an ADHD sickness compelling him to google everything about a game he's playing
3) your point still reinforces my point which is that adding optional content is not a waste of time and that players will eventually find it
Almost two years later and this is still the only case of people getting fooled by AI art
embodied AI who watches me create the game and is slowly given the abilities to express himself as he learns. Being trained to act as a computer DM for the world. There's something to this.
This may motivate me to make the stars earlier than the people. Just some imagination fuel.

we're not talking about easter eggs, we're talking about optional fully modeled locations which serve no purpose besides additional exploration
Non-linear levels. Non-linear questlines with missable encounters and dialogue
Fully fleshed out complicated quests which only some players have access to.
that composition is awful
In a few hours AGDG will decide whether I work on my game today or not
>be bad at 2d art
>make 2d game

You can't google things about unknown indies = nobody is playing and talking about them. You can google TONS of shit about popular indies as soon as new content drops for them.
Yes players are going to see the content but its pointless to hide them very intricately when .1% of the playerbase are likely to engage with that content unspoiled. Its just a waste of time, usually.
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>posted this again
I know you are very proud of the composition of that image, but you must recognize that it isn't game ready and certainly doesn't reach 99.9% tier. Besides, can you even see errors in art? Go ahead, annotate this one.
>be popular indie
>make new update
>your fans instantly crack open your game and laugh at you locking physics to frame rate
shithead crab
work on your game.
Googling the magical answers still doesn't allow you to join every single faction in one playthrough in morrowind. I think you're talking about something completely separate from the topic
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Why areas don't pick up collisions with rigidbodies in godot?
in my game, stars are angels ( worshipped as gods by many ) and they are sentient.
Anon I think you're conflating the loss of your childhood with the state of the game industry. Games still release with hidden areas and optional sidequests. Games released this calendar year.
you need to put a collision on rigidbodies you know
Coding is literally the easiest part
>Why areas don't pick up collisions with rigidbodies in godot?
That content isn't hidden, you're shifting goalposts. Although I do agree that making mutually exclusive sets of content is a better design to encourage replayability than just hiding shit away, especially in the modern day.
>using stamina causes damage

Maybe if just keep adding dots eventually it will be easier to try connecting them in a way that results in a good game.
I've already done that though
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i officially give up on godot, getting baited thinking it's a good 2d engine but it cant even do pixel perfect integer scaling without black bars, pathetic
name one (you can't)
Dragon's Dogma 2 and it wasn't even six months ago goober
How does that work when they're giant balls of gas light years away?
Post game
and what was that "hidden" "optional" content exactly? (fetch quest dungeon)
they're magic
You don't need pixel perfect integer scaling.
Is this the part where you pick up the goalposts to assuage your bruised ego from being corrected? Don't bother giving me a (You) I've got video games to make
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too lazy to scroll, can one of you guys anchor all the progress in here please ?
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Maybe I should go into more detail
I just need to have a body_entered signal when an area enters into a rigid body
But for some reason it doesn't work no matter what I try, the only real way I see of making it work is to add separate area colliders to all my rigid bodies in order for it to detect collisions properly
they're not that.
i do because my game has huge zoom levels, it worked fine in unity before btw
Added projectiles to my new 3D engine. 3D really is so much more expressive. Feeling the urge to abandon my 2D project and re-imagine it in 3D
>poor brush control
>very poor color mixing
>hilariously bad half assed impasto
>areas of unpainted storebought (michael’s?) canvas peeking through the shoddy brushwork
>compositionally insipid
yeah I'll do it hold on
nice art sir
whats the trick to picking shadow and light colors in pixel art? there are so many possibilities
literally what is your 2d game even
to be fair, it's a lot better than yours
i’m not cris, anon.
i’m a professional artist and my paintings have been bought by collectors for thousands of dollars and shown in new york galleries.
Most productive engine dev.
thanks anon, sorry for deleting it (I realized after posting it that I wanted said monster's existence to be a bit of a surprise)
my favorite trick is using "cooler" colors for shadows and warmer ones for highlights (i.e. purple shadows and reddish-orange highlights for shades of red)
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I'm just gonna say it.
I don't care for cris, and I don't care if he crabs me. He is an arrogant loser and I can easily tell when it is him anyway. To be clear I'm pricklypeargames. Cris I'm calling you out, come at me.
Then you wouldn't be so stupid to think it was acrylic. Easy to catch you in a lie.
The obviously retarded notion of assuming they work like irl stars or that that's at all relevant aside, why does this preclude them from being angels?
just because your game isnt a huge hit doesn't mean you're a failure
I admire you a lot PPG but don't pick fights with fucking cris dude that's some a-log shit and you're better than that. Why would some retarded dude bother you enough to actually get mad at them
This anon is right. The only failure is in not trying.
looks like you've used butter to paint the face
dude, I
1. know that this is probably cris doing damage control.
2. even if it isn't, cris is a blight and I'm tired fo quietly pretending he doesn't bother me.
> Why would some retarded dude bother you enough to actually get mad at them
because (you) are such a burden on the community at large that you offset any good that comes from this place.
If you aren't cris, sure fine you have a strong point, but I'm so at the end of my patience with him. I don't mind his low quality work, or stupidity, but his arrogance is unacceptable.
how do you delete posts
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>how do you delete posts
Sometimes I remember how many games I haven’t made and I become incredibly depressed
bro, im waiting
So based. I think of that guy who was trying to make anti bear armour and died in a completely unrelated car accident whenever I feel like giving up and need a boost.
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retard post amateur NPR oil paints as gotcha.

>but can't you see it
what am I supposed to see in a painting without fundamentals?

Do you also go to a children soccer match and start screaming is not the champions league?

I'm not crabbing you.

I'm talking shit to the faggots that love to shit talk me.
You have infinite choice at your disposal and more opportunities than any medieval peasant ever had. I know you'll want to weaponize this against yourself to call yourself lazy, but I want you to know that the medieval peasants who wanted to make video games are all rooting for you. Just have fun with it, anon. If you didn't make the game you wanted to make 20 years ago, you can still make it now. Even if you don't accomplish what you intended, the fruits of your labor and passion will nonetheless possess a beauty that can never be tarnished.
I'm mammothplant dude. I get why you're upset and I do admire you calling him out non-anonymously but giving that kind of attention to people like cris just fuels their ego.
>this guy simulated an entire diesel engine including oxygen flow and burning and I can't even do some basic terrain destruction/fluids without shitting the bed
It's so over.
Very encouraging.
Do you ever go into that like auto pilot mode where you arent thinking and your hands are just moving on their own and you start deleting all your code and/or assets and right before saving you snap out of it and cancel and dont save and bring it all back and step away from the pc for a few minutes to take a few breaths before going back to gamedevving.
nice, nice. lets see your game.
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so you're saying
"don't bully me... I'm an amateur... like a child playing soccer"
then you say to me
"Your work is bad, and amateur, but the standards I hold for you are higher than myself"
so... you were previously saying you are above 99.9% so which is it?
> I'm talking shit to the faggots that love to shit talk me.
>I'm not crabbing you
great, but you will, I know you will because you are an enormous arrogant liar with no moral consistency or even the urge to have any kind of moral basis. I know this because I have observed you for years. You can be honest, or can you? go ahead, crab me. I want you to. Unlike you I recognize that my work is not better than 99.9% of people, and I welcome legitimate critique. I have improved over this time, and you have stagnated and fallen behind. You are an embarrassment. You talk a big game about reading books, studying and learning, but it is clear from everything that you haven't learned anything you claim that you have.

Your music is bad.
Your art is bad.
Your code is bad.
Your taste is bad.
hard to believe, but 2 people have actually bought my game today
you're attacking a mentally ill 40 years old jamundian, just thought you should know
yeah but he spent like years to do that
have you spent years on your basic terrain destruction/fluids?
well, thank you for the reality check. I'll stop now. I've said my piece. and nice slopes.
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Your invite to /pgdg/ is in the mail.
I try my best. I grapple with self defeatism and the critical voices of my parents and peers daily and it sucks but you only get one life and I don't think it's best spent ruminating in sorrow and could have beens.
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I can feel the cope behind this post
thanks man, they were my programmer's idea. I'm probably gonna reuse their code for diagonal staircases
and good work to you too as always
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My player controller is an 800 lines long ifleton
he is right. cris is an arrogant hypocrite
I remember a few months ago making a super basic FPS controller, maybe 200 lines of code mostly consisting of if/thens from a tutorial.
AggyDaggy shit its pants and bullied me into doing state machines which legitimately made the controller worse, lmfao.
How your code looks does not matter, whether it works in implementation is what matters. Tons of great games have dogshit code.
of course he is, never said I disagreed
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yes anon, you're one of the 99.9% shitters.

Do you want a cookie or what?

>but you're bad

I'm lazy, but If I spend 4 days on an illustration I can get quality results.
You're confusing works I make in 1-2 hours with shit that takes 5 days to be made.
I've been through the state machines too, they're terrible to implement and annoying to use
He said he only spent some 2-3 months though.
>yes anon, you're one of the 99.9% shitters
cool, wanna swap analytics? The rest of your post is nonsense, not gonna address.
Post your game
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Yeah there's no reason to use something like states to measure direct inputs and output move&slide and camera lerps. Way overbuilt.
and years sharpening his axe (knowledge)
He almost certainly had years of prior knowledge. Regardless, comparison is the theft of joy. Your game is your art and nobody else's.
>no job
>probably going to work at the fucking mall
>mall is closed because online shopping
>literally living on a fucking couch
>haven't been able to goon for months
>need to make a game or I will fucking die
>haven't done shit because I'm talentless and retarded
I fucking give up bros... it's not possible to make it
this world is so fucked
and how are you going to control when those inputs should be recording and not be recording?
some fucking if else spaghetti bullshit that's what
FSMs are the core of video games if you can't get that through your head you are ngmi
at least you're better than cris
Being talentless and a moron is no excuse. You can't control the other things, but you can make game. So go make game and stop being a self-depracating zoomer.
>>no job
>>probably going to work at the fucking mall
>>mall is closed because online shopping
>>literally living on a fucking couch
>>haven't been able to goon for months
>>need to make a game or I will fucking die
>>haven't done shit because I'm talentless and retarded
>I fucking give up bros... it's not possible to make it
>this world is so fucked
bool value for every player state
if elif else iterating over all of them
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enum flags are cool
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I think my current art issue isn't so much as to the drawing process.

I was able to fix most of my drawing issues by having now a better use of references.

My current issue is my subpar knowledge of rendering in the pixiv styles.
Need to spend the entire day watching pixiv sensei videos to learn the pixiv rendering tricks.

Then practice a bit doing some 2D illustration.
do you want a pat in the back or something?
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yandere dev you can't keep living like this bro...
this is peak dunin-kruger, you still know shit
back to drawabox
askhtually comparing bool values is extremely fast, if I had thousands of them I'd start thinking about using a dictionary but it's a character controller for the fuck's sake
>and how are you going to control when those inputs should be recording and not be recording?
I don't pad my games with non-interactable cutscenes so I'm not sure in what scenario I wouldn't be checking gameplay inputs lmfao. Especially for an FPS. If I wanted to do something cute in-engine I could just defer calling the controller until whatever little scripted event finishes.
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Cris probably lives a better life than me, being poor in america is basically hell mode. At least in colombia everyone is already poor.
But I'm just so fucking bad and an ADHD retard
I programmed in godot for 2 hours and have been tired for 3 days
also my art is just bad
that's a 2012 drawing anon.
Are you retarded?
Doesn't necessarily convert to sales though since their viewers have already experienced your game for free. A dev that had his game played by your picrel talked about it here once. They only got a handful extra
>dude watching a game is totally the same as playing it, why don't you get it?! it's lost sales, lost sales! get it into your head! I saw a single frame of your game? you lost sales! I saw a single line of code? lost sales.
Hey, /g/ told me that I can find idea guys here
I need ideas
Please give me your ideas
Okay but he didn't pay for marketing the game so any sales he gained from that exposure is 100% free money.
skyrim 3 with sex
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character but he trans
Morrowind 2 but with dwarves
you play as a red ball and you can jump
Star Wars/Dune Space Fantasy CRPG
Baldurs Gate 3 was fucking huge, proving there is a CRPG market if you act fast
Star Wars blows cocks and there is a massive revanchist fanbase that would kill for a more representative product
Mass Effect fans are still hurting for a proper continuation

You'll have to put me in the credits as creative director though
an entire collab failed because the lack of idea guys
i can't offer my idea guy services for free you know?
>we will never get another kinoverse as Star Wars
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>Your game is your art and nobody else's.
My game is a piece of shit and I derive no pride nor joy from making it. (Nor does it derive any pride from being made by me.)
last time I practiced drawing art fundamentals was in 2013-2014.

I started to learn blender and 3D tools in 2014-2015.

You're simply making the assumption I never practiced fundies.

A better argument is to make the claim I need to go back and study again the fundies, because I feel I need to do another drawing grind.
You're just mad you won't be listed as Kinographic Director of the next major RPG to hit the 'geist.

No change but what we make, anon.
Okay, uh, those sure are some ideas
What about some ideas that are actually doable by a one-man team?
I swear your guy's games speak to you like this and scream at you to put them out of their misery with how you guys act.
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a MMO but in this one you can do ANYTHING
I'd kill for a singleplayer Maplestory-like
minecraft mod
anyone who things this is an appealing game to make has not played enough games.
3D Dwarf Fortress.
Kenshi in space.
Stardew Valley but for men.
2D Minecraft.
Thief clone.
dungeon keeper with sex
pong with tits
Terraria thoughbeit?
Too craftybuildy
I just want to grind and collect
pokemon + baldur's gate
Then play soulslikes? Even Risk of Rain is similar.
First person VR RTS, command units and watch the map in real-time with an intuitive interface that doesn't feel like dogshit.
Could be strictly PvP or PvE.
A Diablo clone, but Diablo 1.
and call it... tower of satan

Ah, a fellow nexon slave?
Can't wait for Mabinogi to update the engine, myself.
Just two more years! Surely!
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yeah, thats the problem
Requires too much brain power (not that I haven't already beaten those games)
I just want to relax and think about nothing while playing
second life is already a thing
Mabinogi needs a better clone.
Elder Scrolls but you're a snow elf undergoing the experiments of the dwarves.
>Can't wait for Mabinogi to update the engine, myself.
Oh yeah, I was planning on checking that out once that update came out
Then half a year passed and nothing happened so I stopped checking for updates
You're telling me it's STILL not out? Jesus
Palworld 2 but you fuck the animals would make industry-destroying amounts of money I'm ngl.
I'm self taught.

So I made a lot of mistakes and got nasty vices because I had no teacher to fix them when I was young.

What I need now is a newer art grind, using my better skill now to self teach me skills.
Quick rundown on what the dwarves did to snow elves?
>I'm self taught
no, you aren't
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>that neck
Fix the title
Tower of Satanvo
Now that's much better
Play Nioh.
Physics Based Ice Cream Machine Simulator
all these years and I still laugh every time I see this nigga
Dropped it in like an hour. Felt like a more boring Dark Souls to me.
Made a water shader
There's a lot of similar ones but this one is mine
Wouldn't work. Ice cream machines defy physics and break whenever someone orders ice cream.
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They used to be normal elves with snow white skin and hair before dwarves GMO'd them.
How did you do it?
Reminder to care about performance for your games, you don't want to be like Fatlus and release a heavily unoptimited demo that forces people to cancel pre-orders due to how it barely runs on steam deck on the lowest settings.
Why should I care for steam deck and console players?
is this soft disclosure?
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Egypt inspired stuff.
Steam deck is around the baseline specs for the average steam user.
Yeah its a brainless grindathon. I don't know what else you want, I think you just have maplestory-specific brainworms. Maybe Runescape?

Yes. Kirkbride is very pilled on Dwemer.
A few noise textures mixing and moving around for the fragment shader
Simple sine for the vertex shader
>you now remember the guy who was making a singleplayer maplestory-like here
In a lot of sci-fi stories the time delay in communications is a crucial aspect of waging war across the galaxy
Would it be possible for a [spoiled]fun[/spoiler] game to include this? All strategy games I’ve played give the player perfect information of their troops and instant control over them
>you know remember the guy who was making a Munch's Odyssey-like here.
You could, but it works in stories because of tension. The tension in video games is a little different.
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a game where you play a man reincarnated as a girl in a yuri visual novel
>Maybe Runescape?
Too grind focused and there's barely any collecting
>I think you just have maplestory-specific brainworms.
Also: yes
How far could you get with this and a relatively slow Colombian sidestreet?
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>Kill 3 boars
>Go to next area
>Kill 5 horses
>Go to next area
>Kill 9 pidgeons
>Go to next area
>Kill 23 giant rats
don't games on steam deck run at 1220x800 at 30hz though? that's what i think i've seen on protondb
Do you remember how long ago that was?
Inspiration is always welcome
Wtf I didn't post yet
that street is not visible from google street, lmao.
The resolution is not the important takeaway from the specs anon
>a game where you play a man reincarnated as a girl
This but in a Otome game.
A year ago. It's in DD50.
You absolutely do not need mocap to do basic walkcycles anon. You need, like, an hour or two of basic animations principles and to understand the difference between IK and FK.
i bet nobody here remembers my prototype games
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no, sorry
post the original
I'll check it out, thanks!
why does this gameplay loop work so well?
Because you're retarded.
Because its the definition of a skinner box, basically a dopamine mill. Make number go up = good chemicals.
>skinner box
has been researched and debunked, i hate you pseuds so much
rotatedev wasnt doing that
SOPHIEs posthumous album is streaming on her channel right now and i cant contain my emotions.
Its been 3 years since she died and now im hearing what she was going to do if she didnt die(her brother finished up and released her unreleased songs and hes streaming them on her channel) she had so much potential.
I miss her everyday.
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I spent the day ideaguying about projects I could hop to instead of working on my current game.
>has been researched and deboonked
at what point something stops being real poly and becomes indie slop
when the chiptune beat drop
Show me?
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rejoice, for i have figured out how to make magic feel good
gonna need to make a new demo before nextfest
things are coming to an end
What's the secret sauce to making magic feel good?
sir please lower the contrast of your map so i can see the enemies
Is there a setting in godot that makes it so a collision box will not fucking move around or shift even if juans hand itself programmed it to move
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Started work on the next boss and I thought this looked cool
set top level to true so the parent's position,scale and rotation doesn't affect it
Very cool.
that IS cool.
good luck making that AI slop low poly shit into an usable 3D model.
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i am busy making big and fat low poly robot bitches thoughever
you could turn that moon into a boss and surprise the player, just have an empty arena till the moon turns into a face or something
>this asset is free to use for personal and commercial use
>to use it commercially, you have to donate to me
I hate this shit.
>low poly
Thats the hightest poly thing i have ever seen.
Sis... this isn't /lgbt/
i am trying to not go over 800 triangles but i can't stop myself from adding more roundness, it's over!
Bro just wants you to promise to buy him a coffee if you make it big using his work and yet you're too ungrateful to even do that.
posting lolis is pointless if we never get agdg loli games
God created anti-aliasing for a reason.
Why are loli posters so hated in /agdg/?
using both hands, twitchy chaotic hands
ignore that tard
it's already low poly.
We have a few roasties amongus.
I think there's a boss in Gradius that does this.
Ideahopping? Cringe
Sequelplanning? Based
P**ple that hate cute girls, aka hag's.
As for me? Multiple game modes like I'm directing Fortnite.
Yep that's the main inspiration for the boss
This is looking a lot better than a few months ago but environment art and design definitely need a second pass. I'm all for Marathonesque Escher hellscape levels but there needs to be some visual contrast and interest to the setting for it to not just read as background noise.
God created 240p because it's all we need for pixel games and you're a faggot
I don't want to end games in a cliffhanger, you know.
Because I want to avoid the "middle game in a trilogy" effect.
You forgot the 16 colors
he will never be a woman and neither will you
Blowing all your good ideas on one $10 game release isn't financially responsible and prevents you from using financial returns to enhance the more complex ideas thoughever.
>he's not making a game each year for a decalogy
there are no video games for 30+ yo men

>horror game
>looks cool
>covered by IGN, Gamespot and other media outlets
>26 reviews (100% positive)
What happened here?
kek excellent satire
baldur’s gate 1
planescape: torment
>Price: $17.99
>Average playtime: 1.7h
Need I say more?
YWNMBG3 (you will never make baldur's gate 3) is my YWNBAW...
There are too many games.
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Bocchi is litterally me!
Except im not good at music.
Or anything else.
Im just plagued by crippling anxiety 24 hours a day.
same... same
are u guys still bocchi posting geez
3 upgrade screen shot
every single time
i have no idea what this game is about, so you walk through the field with low poly art style?
It's a stealth game with items and upgrades that plays like Darkwood in 3D.
You are the Warden, the sole guardian standing against the nightmarish creature that stalks your village. Safeguard the villagers. Face nightly terrors. Uncover the dark secrets of Luna Nova. These are the shadow-draped realms of Harvest Hunt, a spine-chilling survival horror.
Imagine if an architecturefag looked at a skyscraper and thought "I could never build this myself" and instead of working towards joining a large construction company, they give up and spend their days at home doodling fake blueprints for skyscrapers.
Iktf to an extent.
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>set it as top level
>it shifts more
its over
Could it make for entertaining gameplay? More of a management style game (you have to pick the right people to delegate distant campaigns to) combined with grand strategy/4x?
sounds like the equivalent of a pizza with blackberries and mustard
first mistake, slow panning environment shots make up the first 30s of the trailer. then it teases first person gameplay but doesn't show you what you do other than pick up garden forks. Then there are cards? adding further complication but again, not clear what you do so cards don't mean anything in this context unless you pause and read them, which nobody will do. in short, horrendous trailer.
For context, Marmoreal also has 26 reviews
He could say something like "Sharty fart... forgive me..." when he dies and then some youtuber could make a 30 hour long video rambling about this and th deepest hidden lore behind this line that not even the devs themselves knew.
>why is my indie fl studio slop not performing like taylor swift or robbie williams?
>i marketed myself so well by posting one trailer on youtube
You can make any toppings work on pizza, however, that game is more like a toddler's lunchables pizza rather than a quirky craft pizza that they're trying to sell for $17.99.
Armchair analysis done by aggy anons is my favorite part of this general
its what the gamers want bro EVERYTHING needs to have the vampire survivors upgrades trust me bro im a professional indie developer
This, but unironically.
trying to make a game is already dunning kruger effect. if you'd actually be at the end of the dunning kruger curve you'd confidently not bother making a game.
>get new idea
>can't decide on the art style
>also an artlet
It's so over.
what's blud yapping about
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>a month has gone by and still no news on what'll be the new character
how can they compete with dogshitdot without a mascot?
It'll be a snake. Ouroboros if you know what I mean.
Godot is already vastly better than O3DE is even if they did get a mascot it wouldn't matter
godot 6.7 will have vertex lighting
>make 20 accounts and cycle through them every day
>legacy mode
>leonardo anime xl model
>or leonardo albedo xl
>enable transparency
>prompt 100s of static assets like crazy, use same style prompt at end e.g. "hand-painted, watercolors, pastel colors"
>make game that works without animations, like a dungeon crawler or bullet hell
the fuck is vertex lighting?
then why come no Godot game has 250k reviews like New World, made in o3de, does?
packing light values into a uv channel, works well enough if the triangles aren't big
o3de has technically been capable of 3D since 2004
trashdot is still struggling to do 3d 20 years later
o3de was used for AAA games
crapdot indies somehow run worse than AAA games from 5 years ago
No dev who's smart enough to write vertex lighting into the engine thinks using vertex lighting in a game is a good idea.
kill yourself
Name 20 O3DE games
post 20 examples of things godot struggles to do in 3d
not my problem that you aren't having fun with ai
i told you
once you learn how to code you realize how pointless gamedev is if you can't art
Compile times bro. I really hate compile times.
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>not my problem that you aren't having fun with- ACK!
100% brazilian (i'm also)
you are the average bitter cunt, you are not special. you are boring, it's always the same bitterness and dumb shitposts. you are basically a normie by 4chan standards. think about it.
you are basically a meme.
I would argue it's more important that the triangles are of fairly uniform size. I'd rather look at uniform seams in the lighting than look at a game that mostly looks "realistic" and then has odd seams on some specific objects.
>you are the average bitter cunt, you are not special. you are boring, it's always the same bitterness and dumb shitposts. you are basically a normie by 4chan standards. think about it.
>you are basically a meme.
if you want to shitpost at least be creative with your identity and not a normie
>if you want to shitpost at least be creative with your identity and not a normie
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>using google lens
I bet this got some great responses on /ic/ (if you were brave enough to post it there)
i think i'm not built to specialize in anything, i'm more of a director type.
just like high iq people become ceo's and not code monkeys.
this is why having ai workers will be such a revolution for me. because right now you can't succeed with trust funds.
I was thinking of making my protagonist a four-legged animal, but it seems the vast majority of games with animal protagonists flop. The only exceptions are if the game is "goofy" (Goose game) or being that animal is the entire gimmick/theme (see Stray).
Beginning the process of making/modeling/programming/directing story cutscenes hopefully I can finish in-engine rough drafts quickly and at the very least finish all the cutscenes by the end of next month.
I post my work on Twitter because if one of you guys steals my art I have proof it was me
>not using AI to make business decisions.
Predictive modelling is exactly what AI is used for.
wtf am I looking at
I like your art, there's a unique look to it.
wait bokube is still in development?
i havent been here for years
*spacebar* *spacebar* *spacebar* *spacebar* *spacebar* *spacebar*
make a city simulator, call it police state or so. the game is all about setting up rules and then managing law enforcement. if you overpolice people might even riot, leave the city, taxes get cut etc.
basically sim city, but people dont just behave as you want, they break all sorts of rules or do dumb shit unintentionally and you have to manage it with least possible side effects.
(or completely fuck up for fun)
is that a cube angel with TITS talking to GOD?!?
This is the only interesting frame I've seen of bokube ngl
Problem with city builders is that unless they have a very robust simulation, they're effectively puzzle games. That simulation is hard, and making the huge amount of assets city builders require is also hard. Conversely you can make a much more simplified puzzle game much more easily, but it's not going to get the actual citybuilder audience.
Trying to be both a legit citybuilder and a narrow-scope puzzle game is usually a good way to do poorly at both. When the genre expectations were smaller this wasn't as much of a problem and pseudo-CB puzzle games like Caesar and Pharaoh were huge.
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I have this desire to make a game about a NEET who's forced to become successful. The goals are to make 6 figures and have a GF. Reality doesn't work that way though because I want to make the MC/NEET super uggo
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>need to make a trailer to launch on Steam
>bang out the music for it faster than expected
>have to make the parallax stuff for the trailer now

I don't know why, but i was expecting making the trailer to be easier this time. I guess what I'm really learning here is that actually trying to make a nice trailer takes a lot more effort than slapping whatever together just to have something for /v/3
retard, that's the cropping feature thing from chrome, you can still use google lens like you would google image search back then

I swear if bokube becomes a bible game with heaven and jesus and shit il cancel him myself.
Most based thing i've ever seen
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>Alice visual novel
Isn't that just the books? Like, there's pretty pictures in them already; your's will just be Lewis Carroll's classics just on a computer with a different illustrator.
If your game pitch is story-driven you don't have a game idea. Write a novel.
I am a NEET, but I'm decently attractive.
And Godot already has two mascots, the logo and the anime girl. Three if you count Juan.
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Elaborating on this, I was thinking of making my protagonist a ram (because it fits the gameplay). But I feel it will make it flop.
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>doing gamedev because you want money and a gf
the strongest type of adventure is someone doing a very boring routine work and an accident causes so much trouble that it takes a lot of work to get back to normal. and the adventure is about that journey back to normal.
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Well there are multiple endings and I want players to feel the tension of being on the cusp of becoming homeless doing menial tasks and college level quizzes.
who the fuck is sophia
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>Who is Spyro the Dragon?
only way to make this more kino is if somewhere along the way the MC realizes he prefers the excitement of adventure and at the end of the story he renounces normiedom in favor of his new life
Seasons after Fall

examples are plentiful, old and new, of games that did fine
>bokube is still working on the game
it releases this year moron
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"Return to normal" is literally a Hero's Journey.
he wants the marmo audience
Doing some worldbuilding for my FF1-esque JRPG.
What are some good fantasy trope creatures/races that fit Lawful Evil (non-Andersonpilled need not reply)
SOPHIE is a singer who died 3 years ago.
RIP SOPHIE you will forever be missed <3
Okami flopped. Spyro is dead. There are examples of modest successes, but the general trend is of animal protagonists doing badly. The more humanoid they are (bipedal, tool-using, can talk, etc) the better.
Aren't you that Mahiro poster that was here a few months ago? I remember /agdg/ throwing a fit over you.
Well its the last quarter of the Hero's Journey, specifically. Anything taking place sourh of the entry into the other place is by definition not on trajectory towards normal.
lawful evil will typically deal in contracts and slavery. the aesthetics are less important in determining alignment

anyway humans make a great lawful evil race
And Unity-chan demolishes all of them in cuteness... embarrassing
if I were brazillian at least I wouldn't be a virgin
launching this year btw
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Do wut?
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>he wants the marmo audience
please, a new thread sir
The return is always the final destination that guides the entire journey.
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>bible game with god, jesus and angels with tits
always was.

Maybe. It will get done this year with every level, every boss, and all the story done but knowing me il be FUCKED by finishing all this work in like December and il still need to test the game and remove bugs/polish with 10 hours of work for at least a month before letting it release on steam. Iv never done steamworks stuff before ether so il need time to learn that garbage. It will for sure be somewhat soon in bokudev time frame through aka 1-5 months from now judging everything.
Where is the Villain's Journey?
I'm baffled they don't use Sophia as the main mascot. Godette looks awful.
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unity looks like a jester, I don't get the appeal
>tfw there are asshole in japan living better lives than me, doing more than me
I am so pissed off reading this image
Godette looks cute thoughitbeso.
I meant besides Bad Guy Humans. Dork Knights and such are for sure Lawful Evil, but I'm looking for more spice. Vampires and Necromancers are Lawful Evil but not especially Lawful.
>Lawful deal in contracts
No they fucking don't, read Anderson. Law has nothing to do with secular Laws its a cosmic force of God's Will as opposed to heathenry and magick of primordial Chaos.
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Literally who?
it sounds like a dream, but it's fucking shit
The journey doesn't start on the way to a return, though. The Journey often starts as a suicide mission or an initiation ritual into an entirely different kind of life. That the Fool returns at all his reward for great virtue and is a parallel to the eventual return of man to Paradise/Heaven/Eden.
Why don't you make a prototype and see?
>no friends since childhood
>envies the popular guys way too much
>desperately wants something for himself
>learns that violence is the only language as he gets bullied
>think becoming strong and ruthless is the only way to earn respect
>becomes emotionless prick who sacrifices everything for his goal of boosting his ego
>is never satisfied with anything, no matter how much he succeeds
that zipper robot mouth is just creepy
If someone that looked like gigachad walked up to you in a club and asked to suck your dick what would you do
>And Unity-chan demolishes all of them in cuteness... embarrassing
The Villain is usually a Fool who fails to actually overcome the trials of the Other Place and is corrupted by it. He can't go back to his Home so he sets about trying to force the world into a condescending image of it, usually bringing all the worst elements of the Other Place/Underworld with him.
Read Grendel it's an excellent deconstruction (inb4 spergs) of this exact question.
I just realized the same artist that does Krita's splash art made Sophia/GDBot.
I have nothing, not ever food, I can't sleep well, and I can't even masturbate
so fuck off, I have nothing
I would literally kill to just be a fucking wage slave if it meant I could have something
god I just want to goon before I blow my brains out, not that I could afford a gun anyways.
Nice AI shart.
did you ever consider looking into writing and storytelling to improve your game design?
the unity and godot mascot designs are both really uninspired and unappealing

i'd rather goon to bokube
I don't know, accept it?
The one by John Gardner?
Writing and storytelling is the ultimate blackpill, because the intuition for it can't be taught. Writing lessons are just going to give you tools to employ but its never going to give the spark of genuine creativity to an NPC.
This is why most moderns can't create and can only destroy btw, they've been given every tool but don't have a soul. In no small part this is because they've been raised on a meager imaginative diet.
If you're just a bad storyteller stick to replicating tropes, there's no shame in it, but for God's sake don't delude yourself into thinking subversion and deconstruction are creative processes.
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Sophia is too young. You know "that" crowd is just going to yell at them so Godette is the safer option.
i got sick of godot's bugginess and decided i'll prototype the same idea in ue4 instead. what a fucking mess ue is.
Robbie and GDBot are the only ones here who don't look shit, and GDBot is way too generic to be a good mascot.
The people sucking off knockoff Miku are retarded and have tranime brain worms

Good. Stay there and don't come back to Godot.
i have a project open in godot right now, and you're just going to have to deal with it
I mean the buff guy
unity is the only sane engine to use in my opinion. it's like the default engine that always just works, that you can always come back too.
i didn't use hdrp or so yet though, always built-in renderer. so i cant say much about it.
>fagoon is gay
not surprised desu
>using godot
reminder that gamemaker has a free license now
we make 3d games here
>In 2024
It should have been free to begin with. Also it's only free if you're making non-commercial games. If you want to make money off you're game you're gonna need to pay for the license.
I was considering not doing it because I was asked this time ...


yeah for how long? the used to have a free one in the past too, I just cant fucking trust that
shant be posting in that thread
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Oh, well, then no.
Sup, loser? I will call you Ganymede since you're my biggest orbiter.
See you in a couple of hours then loser. Maybe I'll even make the next one.
find an artist then doofus
sex with sophia, gdbot, and godette
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>no boob
>since their viewers have already experienced your game for free.
create a game that delivers a unique experience to each player.
ensure that the quantity of events in the game exceeds the ability of a singular play-through video to describe.

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