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Previous: >>495834130
SF6 so bad it make lowtiergod sick he got a flu
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wtf I love dix now???
DSP cooked that black oldhead
oh no i think i find bison fun
but that's because no one in diamond knows how to do scissors kick
>Got utterly exposed as a deadbeat loser, broke
>Trolls surpassing him in views
>Burning any bridge he might have with anyone else but Twitch
>Still getting clowned and clipped for YT content other people make
>DSP and Wings unironically surpassed him as well
Nigga's life is in a downward spiral lmao
Love how he finally admitted the yellow card system in 6 filtered him recently
Was trying to think about why SF6 feels so unsatisfying to play and I really do think the lowered execution barrier has something to do with it. There's never anything surprising or cool to see in a match because the combo ceiling and routing in 6 is so low. It takes very little time to find and master your HP DR meter dump combo and then that's all you do and all your opponent will do in-between throw loops.
Thats a issue too, you right, but drive system is the worst.
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
>doesn’t play her
Not your wife, even rog owns her more than you
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Well I think that kinda goes in tandem with what I was saying. Drive Rush presents itself as depth in a way that makes people think they're getting cooler, longer combos but it also functions as a crutch that allows you to always safely confirm into your most efficient BnB which just flattens character expression
>waaahhh you gotta p-play her or -ACK! ACK! ACK!
IneeduChun plays so Chun so much he becomes her and gets fucked by Chun-li's husband.
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Based "playing a character turns you into the character" enjoyer.
>t. how a cammy main looks like
Rog owns her lil bro
Faggots still think slopping this trash ass game for points is proof of love for anyone but Crapcom oh mah lord...

Too pretty to be Cammy though.
Punk already looks like this in the astral plane
Real life Cammy proportions
Not these saggy ass noodle arm OF sluts
I hope to look like this
Hope she gets reincarnated as a black or indian "man"
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Why are you calling me IneeduChun though?
He thinks he is ChunsHusband because he plays her a lot and is the highest MR Chun of this shithole
I advice you guys to not reply to people talking about /fgg/ this shit gives no quality to the general at all, let them talk with themselves.
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>He thinks
Who do you think you're talking to genius
Pedo franchise whats the point of making a cute little girl crying in the background?
LMAO exactly
He namedrops himself because nobody else likes him

Pedo pandering is better than trannie pandering
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>getting cooked on the mic
>doesnt talk back talks to his stream instead
Such a little bitch
>ANOTHER restreamer
Damn niggas farming uncle like its the slave shit
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>Got his shit rocked so hard he dropped his menu > ragequit true combo and had a melty threatening to fight the dude IRL over MK
40yo black man with a 10yo daughter btw.
SF6 saved fighting games and you'll get 4 characters a year forever
i turned blue and capcom said its my turn to play
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>namedrops himself
I don't
who got the best terry, mago?
you don't need to when you avatarfag
If only this was the worst thing in the general
Does anyone else get random disconnects? The game DCed me during my opponent's game-winning super.
So is Ryu going to finally fight Akuma im 6's story? Shin Ryu when?
But you are, though.
bring back 1f links
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hahahahahaha no
bring back real framedata
bring back chip damage
bring back hit confirms
bring back gray life
bring back real meter management
Make street fighter fucking street fighter again
>bring back gray life
nigga shut your jivebuck ass up
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>Guile gets literally HALF of the drive gauge he used to get
Fucking WHY?!?! Who thought Guile was too strong????
>jive out of nowhere
yeah man, gray life was only a thing in sf5. fucking larping faggot
Hating on modern Jive is an unplayer take
Meanwhile we're still dealing with Rashit getting 2 level 2s a round. GREAT BALANCING TEAM
jive is good
dix is bad

it doesn't really get more deep than that
this but the opposite
...said no one ever
Why the fuck does Terry have no quotes referencing the old CvS games?
The closest are the ones with Ken and Chun-Li implying they have fought before
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Me coming into the thread to shit talk both SF5 and SF6
Why were there no Ken buffs?
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pure kino roster
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woops, meant to post this.
it's funny to see all the big SF names go into training mode for hours trying out new tech and I just go and try and play footsies and neutral
Hey you want to know what "real" street fighter is? It's an answer that most people won't want to hear.
Real Street Fighter is a game where every new iteration/update makes it more kuso, or the game state gets worse and worse to play as the years go on, or everyone gets sick of this game and wants to move onto the next game.
Alpha 2-3, pretty much all of the III games, and USFIV is the reality of Street Fighter, not some fucking fantasy about "this specific data or hitconfirming skills, meter management, the foundations of fireball/dp, having a patient grounded game compared to the rest" no, that's a fucking MYTH that everyone thinks Street Fighter is all about.
SF6 is just following the trends of the past Street Fighters. So in a sense SF6 is Street Fighter in its historical and generally purist form.
I want to slime with Alex
>makes Dan playable
>fix his infinite in the most soulful way possible
Jive-sama, I kneel...
timmies actually go to the padded room stage and try out frame traps and shit instead of just playing that's crazy
Uh oh someone said that SF2 was less kuso
Somebody get Sajam on the line so he can point out Claw in a smug tone
Hyper Fighting is better than Super II Turbo
japs only use the padded room. sfv/sf4 lag ptsd i guess
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sfv was..... something....
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I got some real street fighter for you right here.
Jappas already have the gene. They don’t need to play pretend footsies
Unironically not a real street fighter because it got less retarded as the years went by. It broke away from the series trends by becoming LESS KUSO especially season 5.
This is not a knock against the game,
Japan has lost three straight EVOs
SFV tournaments banned the training stage because everyone kept picking it in SFIV and early SFV.
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so great
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thats because CHADkayama and CHADsumoto took it away from Ono (who sabotaged Street Fighter to let Tekken win last gen)
what a Jaguar CPU and unoptimzed outsourced code does to a mfer
and they're right now busy making "real" Street Fighter again by making it a stale homogenized shitfest that everyone is sick of but has to put up with for 5 more years.
It's funny how I've already spent more on SF6 than all of SFV's life
>bought SFV at launch
>thought it sucked, only ended up getting all the DLC on sale except maybe the Sagat and G drop

>SF6 comes out
>was hype as fuck got the most expensive $100 something version
>bought multiple fighting passes
>bought this year's character pass
>bought the game for a friend
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I want get slimed by Alex
i preboarded shitty sf5
They really act like it's not just gonna be c.MK drive rush HP drive rush HP drive rush special like every other character
Anon Capcom has little incentive to arbitrarily stop supporting SF6 it will live for more years than 5
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My tongue buried inside Cammy's rectum. Simple as.
10 more years but the point remains the same, expect the end of this games lifespan to look like FighterZ most recent patch. A retarded mugen that is giga kuso that people will inevitably be sick of.
Can you niggas just jerk off before entering the thread and not try to steer people into discussing your fetishes?
I play Coomer Fighter V, so I am required to jack off in between sets.
just close your eyes nigga
just turn off images nigga
my god, you a bitch
I just want more interesting characters than this stale season, even if you like 6 this shit plus muh one big patch and 4 characters per season kills any hype if it ever existed
Why is battle damage not plausible online?
Too fatherless
the ERPhub paypiggies are happy and thats all Capcom cares about
disturbs the balance of the game
People already don't seem to give a shit about Terry compared to how hype Akuma and Bison got. Hopefully Season 2 is a fucking blunder and we get some real character choices next year because the game feels dry as fuck right now. Terry is exactly as generic as you'd expect and Mai is going to follow.
wish i could remove elena or mai for cody or hugo
Enjoy the content drought and hat ken
Waifu fags fear ryona bulls
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Juri is the one good female face in this game but I do miss her gigantic bazongas.
I really think the pattern needs to be 2 Fan Favorites 1 Left Field Pick and 1 Newcomer. It's basically what they did with Season 1 and why it was so successful. Even the sequence of their release was perfect. You sandwich the "What the fuck" pick between the newcomer and the biggest fan favorite so that if you flop in getting them over you've got goodwill on both ends. Season 2 is a complete bungling because you blow your load with Bison right after Akuma and now anyone who doesn't give a fuck about SNK is up a creek for a year and then you end on fucking Elena?
I have never struggled so much to find a match against a new dlc character.
PS4 probably cant handle it
Elena is nonnegotiable
4 characters in a single season is just way too limiting, half a pass being guest characters this early into the game’s life is too much of a hype killer. For season 3 if we get Balrog and Vega together thats already half a pass for Shadaloo shilling while other entries have nothing but crumbs.
Only SoulCalibur is based enough for battle damage.
man street fighter fell off
but enough about SFV
my dick fell off
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it's literally impossible for me to get better at this game. I grinded for half a year and I have nothing to show for it. I may as well have not played at all and achieved something elsewhere, because I could always come back to this game and be at the same skill level in a week or two as if I grinded this whole time. It's fucking depressing.
>scissor kicks arent actually easier to punish, specials are just less likely to drop if you do get a punish
Jesus Christ would it hurt to not make this shit freely spammable?
I’m gonna take a break, this patch is pure non sense.
>wake up
>last thread at the same exact time smash timmies bait and spam the thread
They are LA and euro babies I’m convinced. Every single time at the same hour, it’s crazy
Switch to Ryu and do nothing but cr. MK, hadouken, cr. HP, and shoryuken. Nothing else.

You're must learn neutral first before learning all the other crap.
>Ed’s broken level 2 gets a slap on the wrist (slight meter build reduction)
>shit ton of compensation buffs
>JP anti air is back
>Luke and Dee Jay buffs because why the fuck not
You don't "grind" fighting games to get better. You need to be actively looking at your weaknesses and working on them whether you win or lose.
they reduced the pushback, no? if it is harder to space safely it is easier to punish.
marisa buffs never

thats what you get for playing a tranny :)
Reduced pushback but made his hurtbox smaller
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My cute wife Mari-mari-chan is not a tranny!
yuros definitely
Ryu is the only character I play
I used "grinding" as a short hand for "trying to improve", which of course includes doing a lot of playing.
next thing replays need is rewinding
Then practice your fundamentals. Use cr. MK to poke and end your blockstrings with hadoukens.
>capcum clearly nudging pros to pick up their old mains so Bison and Akuma don’t embarrass CPT finals
I hope 5 Bisons get into top 16
I wish more moves got the Gief headbutt treatment, damage gets so high for so little effort in this game, particularly meter dumps
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Support Hershuar
>shit art
>bad jokes
Replays already have rewinding
Wheres the joke
how much smaller, does it negate the pushback change? i believe you though.
cornshuar on this one frfr
but i don't mind all the sniffs wearing the leotard
I guess Blanka isnt cool enough to get the former top tier buff privilege.
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crapcom is literally laughing at their fans faces right now.
>heres a shovelware indian asset fighting game that we dont give a shit about
>btw dont forget to buy avatar slop and discord stickers! and subscribe to vtuber!
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why so many situps
ah yes, that's what I'm missing. cr.mk x hadoken isn't even good in this game. it loses to DI unless you use fierce fireball (leaving you -9), and even fierce fireball loses to DI if you hit with the tip of cr.mk.
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Yeah from my testing it is roughly the same proportion. What it does change is that since he is closer your follow up is less likely to whiff, which is a nerf but really doesnt solve the issue people actually had with it.
Feels like Capcom misunderstood everyone’s complaints and just thought their punishes were dropping, when the issue is that various characters just cant punish it to begin with even with subpar spacing. It makes me think of Drive Reversal, where characters that have a 6 frame medium are extremely privileged compared to chars that dont.
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Japan, all of these changes reeks of Capcom hitting what Japanese players hates aka Guile and Gief
I always assumed japan likes Guile, or is it just a Daigo thing?
no one is shedding any tears for guilefrauds
I have a lot more dislike for Guile than Ken, but Ken genuinely seems to be their pet character in this game given he has the most personal stake in the plot and the most development
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Throw loops? Doesn’t matter, look at this funny image
>*ken than guile
>labbed a dp punish in a somewhat specific scenario thanks to replay takeover
now i see why people have been begging for this
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remember when people thought this nigga was good? lmao
It’s great huh? From the roots of some anime kuso, to Tekken to now this. I love a lot in Tekken because even with the listed punishes you could still try out some other move they don’t tell you. And character specific gameplans being revealed to you is a godsend
14 *hits vape* ACTIVE FRAME HABIBI *wheezes*
Gonna be honest, I thought him and the other guy were gay lovers.
AB will rise again inshallah
He's the better Bird
Not gonna lie I'm getting tired of pretending that eskay getting coached isn't what's helping them level up faster than other players. I wish Brian would stop blowing his dick.
Will I have a good experience with the game at this point in its life or will I get mogged like in mvc2?

I dropped this game last year because no character clicked with me but I went and bought Terry and he’s just what I was looking for to main in this game.
just play against simsim
As long as you stick to ranked yes.
The game is full of scrubs. You only get decent players at 1400+ mr.

If you get mogged in sf6, you will get mogged in any fighting game.
play ranked, sf6 actually puts people on your skill level unlike most other fighters
Just use replay take over
Bro she is only Diamond
how long is a charge frame in sf6? 40?
just throw loop your way to 2k like every other faggot in this game
Aren't they both kinda washed? The other guy has been in full cope mode over Rashid and fighting with anyone who thinks his Level 2 should be nerfed
Throw loops don't work at low level, idiot. They only work against people who are smart enough not to press buttons on wakeup.
nigga what the fuck did I just read
10 dolans for that
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alright i think i like bison
You know throw loops beat mashing right?
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Uoohhh li-fen Chan….
*huff and puffs*
>you can buy stages with drive tickets
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With throw loops becoming the biggest boogeyman in SF6 now, am I actually now a skilled player because I play Honda who has no throw loop?
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Attempting to tech the grab is pressing buttons too
>rashid wins the game if he gets SA2 out
>capcom: "we gotta fix this by nerfing Ed's SA2"
It's pretty obviously corrupt
Terry is boring to play as and annoying to play against, another miracle from the SF6 dev team. Drive is seriously the worst mechanic in the series' history.
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breeding the jks of street fighter
i want to agree with you, but didn't v trigger essentially force you to learn two matchups per character? i didn't invest into sf5 that much
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Shaheen gets Lili and Asuka
Rashid gets a retarded super 2
Garou gets a Saudi solider from futbol
No? People greatly overestimate what Triggers actually did. They definitely buffed characters but it's not like it was difficult to understand
>but didn't v trigger essentially force you to learn two matchups per character
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Terry's TC xx DRC jab is not a true blockstring.
I should really lab the drive rush DP OS for stuff like this
Thanks bro keep labbing for us
They're just going to make Mai worseChun aren't they
>gain 100 MR yesterday playing great
>hop on this morning
>lose 100 in thirty minutes of play
This shit is so frustrating. If you're not 100% locked in it's so hard to play this game
ed cant even throw it out in neutral like he used to in 5. meanwhile rashid gets the same thing in 6 but overpowered, the saudi blood money is too powerful
Emphasis of the mental stack is a good thing it doesn't get more organically skill based than that
I can't believe they made a character worse than Jamie
Even his theme was censored. Can't have a drunken fighter in 2024.
There's nothing skill based about losing a Drive Rush scramble and getting throw looped to death. This is quite literally the most volatile, least consistent SF title to date. You niggas just say shit at random like you really mean something by it.
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>is the most retard enabling mechanic ever put in a supposedly serious competitive fighting game
How did they do it?
this is the only fighting game ive played where retards mash WHILE THEYRE GETTING HIT and it still works
Storming coming and I can’t play in the Marisa tourney
Damn shame
>This is quite literally the most volatile, least consistent SF title to date.
>let's just forget about random v-ism activation into infinite
>let's just forget about random A grroove into 100%

Imagine the sheer fuckery if Alpha3 or CvS 2 were released today (with the all the modern bullshit like buffer input etc).
Terry players are free wins for now but I feel like that the characters is going to be extremely cancer once he settles in
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>Imagine how bad and volatile this older game would be if it was totally different instead
Mashing super while in hitstun has been a thing since SF2
Imagine living in the panhandle LOOOOOOL
Wasn't Alpha 3 more of a casual entry compared to Alpha 2? Wasn't the whole trilogy more casual than 2 series?
The power of removing the need to hit confirm. Capcom fuckin sucks
shut the fuck up commiefornian
Yeah totally different.
Just keep everything exactly the same except some tweak in the input reader.
Oh man, you totally won the argument lol.
i agree, he has a lot of different moves that come in at slightly different angles, and all of them are either safe, or can be spaced to be safe without much difficulty. This makes fighting him a guessing game on top of all the other guessing you are usually doing anyway.
It's a fallacy that more mental stack = good. There's a balance to be struck otherwise a game just becomes about jump scaring with one of a dozen options.
capcucks don't bring up a 30 year old kusoge to defend sf6 challenge level impossible
I'm in Florida too, but on the east coast as God intended
>list worse degenerate universal mechanics from past games in the series
Yeah man, that hypothetical version of the Alpha series that you just made up sure is a garbage game! Anyways, SF6 is still the most competitively volatile title that actually fucking exists in the Street Fighter series.
alpha is literally a different series you retards
you guys should have brought up vega wall dive instead, that's a classic
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who is she?
You know it's real name is actually Street Fighter Zero right ? Like, it's SF 0 because it's set before SF1 and 2.
You understand that yeah ?
Ken’s son
Damn. Sean is lucky.
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>becomes a middle of the pack player (in relative terms) when he can't fraud with knowledge checks or something gets nerfed
>wants to become a champion in other fighters where people play like him even in pools
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Nigga thinks he’s Kaz
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why is he acting like he has much time left
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Where are the Juri buffs Capcom?
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Is Terry's stupid little flicker thing an overhead? I can't lab this character I'm not buying this slop.
Yeah, last hit is an overhead.
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manon vs terry is another 3-7/2-8 matchup for her, where she's forced to slowly approach a character with a fast drive rush, a fireball, random safe/plus on block when spaced specials and better buttons than her with her bad walkspeed and terrible drive rush but luckily she's gotten some great buffs this patch to help her out
>everyone whining about Cammy and Rashid not getting nerfed, Bison not getting hit hard enough, Luke and JP bring slightly buffed
>Not a word about Ken
Down players really did it huh
I don't get specifically get mad at ranked. I honestly give zero fucks about MR since the game is so goofy. I get mad at how hard it is to wrangle retards. Doesn't matter if it's battlehub, ranked, casual, custom room, or even fucking online training mode. I'm gonna get tight really fast because the game is so retarded
do you have any advice for the matchup, i just picked her up
Nobody gets mad at ranked, people get mad at the game. Because it isn't fun to play.
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pics of /ourgal/
What's the OS?
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>why do we get so mad at SF6? Is it just ego?
>not going for the double KO
This dude would get his ass beat in the arcades
I hate this fake deep bullshit these people always try to pull. Pro players do it in their shitty YouTube videos too. HURR IDK WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO WIN AND FEEL BAD WHEN THEY LOSE TRULY A CONUNDRUM
not really, any decent terry that can reliably dp jump ins ends me unless i manage to snowball one drive rush buffer interaction, but neutral is basically always terrible
the biggest problem in the match up for me is getting past the range where his dash punch thing is plus, that's the perfect range for him to mix up his fireballs, threaten fireball > dr approaches, or just raw drive rush/jump, i end up spending a lot of the match stuck at nearly fullscreen away because of that. if for some reason terry is approaching you, it feels pretty even, but i don't think a good player would ever do that in this matchup
it kind of reminds me of manon vs guile, you have to play slowly and a lot of the progress towards cornering him can just disappear if you mess up a drive rush check or you don't get the pp on the fireballs
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pretty sick
queen li
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Kusanagi has been playing for like 15 years, never won shit. SF6 comes out, he "levels up" and throw loops Xiaohai in Grand Finals. Another mysterious case of Dix-borne superpowers.

potential stealth Rashid nerf????
god I need a gf. preferably japanese.
rashid is literally unplayable now
habibi this will not stand
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uh oh, a capcom exec boutta have a little visit
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This is still the entire matchup so it literally doesn't matter. pic related is every single person's face after the double backdash game winning move
It is just points, Timmy. Learning from losses is winning
why does power dunk have a just frame that only gives you 100 extra damage and is barely different from the basic TC??
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kek'd and checked
I have my own issues with SF6 but why can't some players be better at one game than another? Plenty of SFIV vets couldn't hang when it came time for V. It's good for the health of a game if it rewards different skill sets. Otherwise you get SonicFox in MK
probably because he had it in fatal fury or something
pray tell what skillsets are rewarded in sf6?
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the borgota skillset
Ed got his meter gain for his level 2 nerfed so he can't use it more than one round.

Meanwhile Rashid.... got nothing?
Psychic Ex DP and pressing throw.
Wiggling the stick around to make funny faces
rashid already got the meter nerf so he can't do two lv2 per round.
And as long as saudi money is a thing he will remain top tier
they already nerfed his meter gain during level 2
rashid is honest now :)
edwin isn't part of the royal bloodline so he is nerfed like the peasant he is
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Ed literally doesn't need it. He's already top tier
my ex had big tits...
she needs to play a bit more and improve her commentary, she was easier to listen in sfv
throw loop yomi
imagine a big balrog hitting that
Why does Ken need meterless corner carry off of any hit AND throw loops?
is the classic season 1 jp vs ken meta coming back
No because DLC characters exists.
We are in a Ken/JP/Bison/Rashid/Akuma/Cammy meta until S3, with some Aki/Luke here and there.
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dale got cooked out of sf6 by a plat jurifag. say thank you juricoomers
>crawl my way back up to 1500 MR
>go on a losing streak right back down to 1430
Guess im where I belong...
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6'0 170lbs btw
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Urien will save LTG. EX headbutt will carry him again.
DP as df,d,df / 323 when they DR cancel, if they do a true blockstring you'll keep low blocking, if there's a gap you get DP. Just can't have any standing input during the motion or you'll get clipped by low true strings.
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Master in itself is around the top ten percentile and 1450MR is around the top five percentile IIRC don't fall into imposter syndrome
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>EX headbutt will carry him again.
In tournament? Isn't he banned from events?
bluedj dropped to 980mr and he isn't giving up
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Thanks. You probably wouldn't be as nice if you knew who I play but I appreciate it. I was feeling the tilt.
You are doing fine.
When you start losing too much just make a pause. Even if you're not mad, just stop for a moment.
This was the greatest parting gift of all time
Big Bird got second at EVO you fucking retard holy shit you are stupid
mr is supposed to fluctuate quite a bit, you shouldn't compare yourself day by day since it takes much longer to truly improve
Did he win
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Guile is legitimately mid tier with the new patch
>big bird winning offline
I sleep
>big bird having 2k MR
has there ever been an intelligent guile player
yes, yes, you are supposed to play to learn blah blah, but winning is still always going to feel better than losing regardless of the backend benefits
Yeah, me
my sea mexican slampig
I'd say Diego but it take no intelligence to play Jive
du dang? but there is that tax shit he did
Just don't understand why they aren't playing around with obviously underpowered characters more. When Ken and Rashid and to a lesser extent Juri and Cammy are allowed to be as good as they are and get away with the shit they do what could you possibly do to imbalance the scales by fucking around with Honda, Manon, Lily, Jamie, Kim? Your top tiers already don't let the other player breathe if they get the first hit.
Would be the most toxic character in the game if she was any better than mid tier
Atoning for Yun's crimes in Turd Strike and SF4
Was briefly top tier in the betas and everyone hated fighting her
Honda is aberration. He will never get buffed because he is actually OP and the best character up until 1700 mr his winrate drop from top 1 to bottom 3. He does need to be strong at tournament level when he is already the strongest for 99% of the player base.

I kind of like understand why they don't want to make casino characters like Lily and Manon good. The truth is that it never feels good losing to someone just because they mashed 360 and won the coin toss 3 times.

But Kim and Jamie ? I seriously don't understand. They are stylish characters that requires some amount of practice to be playable, and they are great to watch in tournaments.

Meanwhile Cammy and Ken are untounched. And I'm a 1550 mr Cammy main (dropped Marisa for obvious reason), so I know damn well that this character is fucking braindead.
Terry looks solid but not broken. His damage seems quite average, which is quite a surprise after M. Bison and Akuma.
I'm fine with him being weak because he's quite boring to play, from what I've seen of him.
>being weak
/our/ gal is live

It's Ed/Rashid all over again.
Terry is surprisingly technical, but don't delude yourself, he has everything and more tools than the vast majority of the cast, and his damage his bonkers with SA2 and wave loop in the corner.
The only thing he does not have is a command grab and a divekick.
damn i guess it really wasnt just the trailer having weird lighting or whatever, terry really is fuck ugly at all times
>Urien in a game with a block button that covers high/low/left/right
No one is going to want to do Jupiter Thunder setups either
SF6 in general is not a looker of a game but something about Terry's model feels quite mid and rushed, especially compared to M. Bison's and Akuma's model.
I always hate this argument against Honda because should they really balance around their playerbase being morons? A Honda with nothing but gimmicks loses to anyone using half their brain. Especially in S2 when he can't get anything after blocked headbutt and buttslam. The only scary thing he has is s.MP's range. Making him better isn't going to give more tools to the mouth breathers who don't use the tools he has now anyway.
I'm not seeing this technical side of him, he's about your average shoto with slightly more combo ability but not to a wide degree, he doesn't have really that much room for exploration compared to Ed and Rashid which have some of the most varied in usage LV2s in the game.
I think he'll be decent and have good tournament reputation but he's pretty obviously not that strong in comparison to other shotos.
>I always hate this argument against Honda because should they really balance around their playerbase being morons?
Should they balance around the top 0.4% of the playerbase instead? I think a more favorable outcome would be to refrain from designing characters like Honda entirely.
Rashid's level 2 deals with parry just fine. It's much lamer without the potential for mixups, but mirror would still be super strong considering SF6 is basically a guard break game.
I mean I don't necessarily disagree. I've wondered for years why they don't just go the Hinako route and give him cool shit instead of just gimmicks. He's actually capable of some interesting combo routing in 6 but it just feels like they don't know how to bring it all together. All of his specials as they exist right now only serve to be combo enders and he just feels aimless
I'm not making this argument to argue against Honda being buffed. I have no problem winning against him (not saying I win 100%, far from that, but I'm good at PP his headbutt/buttslam so flowchart Honda are free wins for me). Webm related, old match I did when I climbed with Cammy.

It's just that he is a balance nightmare. Honda has the power to make the entire casual playerbase quit the game, because if you can't PP his shit, he is impossible to interact with. If he was as popular as Akuma, Reddit and this general would fucking explode.
Thinking of deactivating all my FGC accounts. I haven't played the game in almost 5 months now. Or should I keep them and just unbrand myself from fighting games?
It's ok, Sajam. You've done enough for the community.
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>go up against a random master simsim
>nearly get double perfected by juri with her guilty gear combos
Which characters got the most buffed? Most nerfed?
>Which characters got the most buffed?
Luke and JP
fucking barely anyone got changed, the patch is tiny
In this patch ?
JP got the most buff.
If we just speak about the changes, Zangief got hit the hardest. But the real answer is Manon/Lily/Marisa. By the virtue of getting nothing in S2 and nothing in this patch, they are still in a far worse situation than Gief.
Wasn't Guiles nerf pretty big?
only according to guile players
I've gotten one and done'd five times in a row now
have I made it? Is this peak kim gameplay?
Not as much as the scaling nerf Gief got on his 4HP or whatever that command normal is where he does headbutt.

Guile also got hit badly, but not really because of the nerfs. His worst matchup, JP, got giga buffed...
Yeah I've been a Honda main the last two games and while I still find him to be one of the most fun characters in 6, barring a complete rework of the character I don't know that he really belongs in 6. The kinds of things he usually needs, like HHS being + OB, would break the game. He would just shred drive gauge and health bars once you're burnt. But then they just left it as a combo enders and what's the fucking point then? If you can't think of a way for him to work in this game give him a loli sumo legacy character and rework the concept of a sumo in SF from the ground up. Sim is suffering from the same issue right now. He fundamentally doesn't work in Drive Fighter 6 and they're at a loss of what to do.
You didn't do anything. No one wants to play against that character regardless of if you're gawdlike or complete dogshit
so it is peak kim gameplay
There are so many characters worthy of buffs yet Luke and JP got them instead? Even worse these guys were really good in season 1 while so many characters were worse than them in season 1 and still now in season 2, especially Luke. This reminds of of Strives terrible balancing where the best characters stay top tier for years and the worst characters stay low tier for years. What is wrong with Japan fighting game balancing? Is Tekken this bad?
how did they make a character not only annoying in gameplay, but voice, physical design, and animation?

i gotta give it up, thats impressive
Help me
How do I deal with people who randomly neutral jump?
kekken has been dragonuv mirrors for like 8 months
pray for them
What rank what char ? It's important, so I know what kind of random jump you are dealing with.
1350 MR
my oki isnt tight so i have trouble locking them down

i am new
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It's very clear Capcom has characters they want to be good. There's a reason the side characters are bad and ignored in balance patches but they forced Ryu into relevance with a mid season patch and a season 2 rework and literally walked back nerfs to the new face and new villain of the franchise.
if they are close you can walk up and DP them
Anyone else enjoying the new patch for MK1?
You're fucked.

I'm barely better, 1500 mr, but things that I noticed is that those random jumps, at this level, are not that random anymore. They jump at angles that are difficult to react to. You have a character that is notorious for having specific AA for specific angles/distances and they take advantage of that. What I do is trying to maintain the distance where I'm the most comfortable for AA. Easier said than done.

Those are completely random jumps, and they spam it without thinking. If you can't react to them, try to anticipate them by beating them at their own game ie jump before jump and hit them in the air. If you corner them, they will always neutral jump or forward jump to get out. So don't stick to them, walkback a little so they can't get out of the corner by jumping over you.
I don't think she's worth playing. Way too difficult to open someone up relative to teh rest of the cast
are they not?
Preach. Can't believe they added another losing mu for her without even a hint of a whiff of a crumb of buffs. You just have to be on another level to play this character.
Realized one of my biggest weaknesses is doing risky shit that works and then letting that influence my future playstyle. It's like that Xian Mike Ross vid where he chastises Mike for doing the scrubby thing because people fall for it instead of the clean option that doesn't require bad play on the side of the opponent.
gaming = fun
gaming + winning = more fun
gaming + losing = less fun

This game is fucking terrible. I lose to the dumbest niggers I have ever seen in 20+ years of fighting games.
ggs that was me
That's called gimmicks. And having gimmicks is not a bad thing at all.
Relying entirely on them is the bad thing.
ggs lmao
that was me the game before
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I love google
get a haircut man
this but unironically
Drive rush is a low risk high reward spammable move that gives plus frames, eats your opponents inputs, and in many cases automatically wins neutral. The opponent is now forced to guess and if they guess wrong they are now in the corner getting thrown looped. Utterly baffling that this exists in a modern fighting game.
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I just got home from drinking and driving, what's the best character to play while continuing my night binge?
For the people that regularly defend SF6 do they not mind how chaotic and volatile the game is because of DR, PPs, throw loops, etc? Or do they actually think these mechanics make the game better and more skillful?
oh hell nah the bot reposting shit again
...yeah this is fairly well put
raise your daughter dale
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Sorry bros, posted the wrong character by mistake
Bold of you to post the cvs2 one.
>got to Master rank in the V-Skill thing in less than a few hours
lol ain't way I'm that skilled against actual players, I still haven't even bothered to rank up in the normal game beyond Silver.
I'm a shitty master.
It took me a grand total of one match, and it was not even close, to get master in v-rival.

I would say the v-rival master level oscillates between platinum 4 and diamond 4/5.
This but unironically, niggers just be mashing out of every interaction
Did anyone here play 2XKO? Was it good?
Yes I did.
No, it was not. It's made by MvC2 faggots so the whole game is about doing random shit and if you get hit, you go make a coffee while your opponent does his 40 hits combo that 100-0 your characters.

It's that kind of game, as expected.
why'd they give Sim a chip super, when he already had his Level 2 for chip supers?
It sucked. They somehow made a simple inputs game with the shittiest, most unintuitive control scheme I’ve ever seen. It also looks and sounds really lame.
>Sajam actually playing the game for once
>Very visibly not enjoying himself
this is karma
Because they don't know what to do with him and made the mistake of adding him because "WE MUST HAVE EVERY SF2 CHARACTERS !!!!"

That's all really.
Damn, I was really hoping it'd be something to look forward to.
Me too.
But the moment they announced it was a tag assist game I knew exactly what kind of game it would become and my interest dropped to zero instantly.

Like, it can be fun, but it will never be serious. It's the perfect american game : only americans will play it, and the rest of the world is not gonna care about that kusoge shit.
Why do people like Marvel in the first place? It's fucking kusoge. Only America plays and likes the game, not even the jappas like it.
The moment Riot said their game changed to tagshit it died for me
ill get yoga arch Set play man to work one day damn it, fucking parries
Sajam has seemed just kind of sick of everything for ages at this point.
>put nigger in my name
>no runbacks
does the sf6 community really?
and he's just mashing against other permastuck 1500 terries, too
i'm surprised there isn't a censor stopping you
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Get what you fucking deserve you bootlicking faggot
It’s baffling that they decided to make it a tag kusoge when they’re trying to push it so hard as a casual friendly fighting game. I know a lot of bitter reactionary types have been saying this for a long time but I genuinely think it’s going to flop.
there was
can any pc master race anon post a screenshot or just confirm that sf6 does lose the stupid dithering artifacts on hair and stuff when you run it at higher resolutions? i'm tired of my game looking like a pixelated mess at max settings
i hate this mayo nigga like you wouldn't believe
Yeah, 2XKO is not casual friendly at all. Not only is the control scheme completely unintuitive (2 special buttons ?), but the combos are full of delayed juggles with manual timings.
And there is has all the mechanics of Blazblue Cross Tag Battle aka assist, swap, tandem, burst swap.

The game is a complete mess that makes MvC 3 looks casual in comparison.
>Another pay2win character with eery function
Alright, I'm done
Who's the top 1 best character in the game? Ken? Luke? Rashid after labbing?

I'm just going to lab Rashid. This game is ass.
nobody wants to play against a nigger
Like why even remove motion inputs if you’re going to fill it with all that nonsense? Now both the casual audience and the FG audience are alienated.
I feel like "IF WE JUST MAKE THE CONTROL SCHEME BRAINLESS ALL THE CASUALS WILL HOP ON" is the biggest trap in the world. The game itself is still complicated, It's never going to be a shooter.

You need to make fighting games less intimidating by making them more readable and easy to learn from, not by making them mechanically simpler. I don't think even casuals want that.
>Condition someone
>Punish them 6 times in a row
>Surely, they will block now
>They don't
I'm unironically too smart for this fucking game
Who am I playing against? This is master rank btw. Holy shit. nigger genre.
who do i main if i'm actively suicidal and want to play a character as a form of selfharm
i dropped him last year, time to go back i guess
i'll kill you before i kill myself
Most dishonest rushdown character, kill yourself brownie
jamie is fine and easy to play
Cammy is the definition of honesty.
just crouch block, retard. are you getting grabbed literally 15 times per round?
she has no way to open you up if you don't whiff
Just say you dont play the game and masturbate to her pal, the agenda you're pushing doesn't work with people who play the game :)
This nigga so ass for someone who plays for over 30 years
embarrassing post mate
post cfn
he cooked your shit bruh. take the L lil bro
But the strange thing is that 2XKO, despite being all modern control, is not mechanically simple at all.

Yasuo's bnb with his stance cancel is an absolute nightmare on your fingers for example.

Another thing is that with classic control, you have a lot of overlap. Like most specials (in sf6) are either DP or quarter circle. And the only thing that change is the direction (front or back) and punch or kick. And usually, the moves "reflect" the input.
In 2XKO you character can have fireball or advancing on back or down motion. He can have an air special that makes him go up, with a down motion... How can I remember that I need to press down while in the air to get my air special that makes me go up ??? Imagine if in MvC you had to press down for double jump. 2XKO does this shit all the time.
you guys sound so fucking retarded whenever you talk about any other fighting game
im good bro im not the one getting rushed down by a character with no mixup lmao
Just... stop getting hit by divekick when pressing buttons :=)
he was carried by rolento and rose in 4, and urien/falke in 5
it only takes 8.3 grabs to kill, retard. she can open you up easily, i'm sorry you suck too much to do it. trash ass player
>trash ass player
idk man if you're struggling against cammy i doubt you can hang against me lol
what if i throw you or something?
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Thats weird lol. Obviously something you can get used to but it adds such an strange barrier of entry for what is supposed to be a simple game to pick up.
>Most dishonest rushdown character
Cammy does nothing but jab chains, which literally every character in the game has, and throw loop, which 90% of the roster can also do. You're getting thrown/shimmied to death because your defense is ass.
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yeah thought so, she's the most played competitive character because of how honest she is and definitely not because of how simple and cheap her options are.

so true!!!
damn, someone else here plays the game?
>dive kick
>throw loop
Not honest by definition, sorry friendo.
wow such depth, cammy gooners really are just big brained misunderstood players. so honest too...
>most played competitive character
this was never the case
>how simple and cheap her options are
crouch block beats her entire movelist
you are bad, my g
it's okay to be bad
damn i can't believe jamie is top tier
You're a retard I play cammy, she's fucking going to get gutted. You don't play her, stick to masturbating to her and defending her though.
It’s really funny riot hired degenerate marvel and anime fighter players to make their casual game
I did not say top tier, i said honest. Not that i would expect a Cammyfag to know how to read kek.
Yeah, Cammy is many things, but rushdown ? She has no overhead except the super slow hooligan HK that is probably the easiest move to react to.
You just crounch block and you negate all her offense.
Cammy is a whiff punish queen. Her rushdown is completely fake. She is not Ken or Juri.
alright i accept your concession lil nigga
post your cfn timantha, you're clearly just deflecting instead of accepting what is factual.
Jamie's divekick is better than cammy's
>You're a retard I play cammy
You're a 1500 MR retard.
>Cammy players have to play 200IQ whiff punishment in-game while defending their waifu from mouthbreathing shoto players on the internet
How do they do it?
coommy won evo shes broken as shit. her and ken need to get gutted
It is honestly a pretty good dive kick, Jamie is just held back too much by his gimmick so his good tools arent enough.
LMAO, deflect more. You can auto pilot and hit 1700 mr before you have to even lock in with her
Cammy is a broken character which is why she's winning so many tournaments when controlled by players like Punk and........................................
Cammy is definitely honest. Luke was broken as fuck but extremely honest. The divekick and cr mp is only a little dishonest, like a young person shoplifting small items for attention due to a broken home. Have a heart.
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Right... Please tell the class more
>200IQ whiff punishment
That's your mistake here.
You are assuming us cammy fags are whiff punish gods. The reality is that whiff punish with Cammy is baby mode with her buttons and walkspeed.

200IQ whiff punish is for Marisa.
all of this would be settled if cammy mains would just mass suicide
there's a marisa player pointing fingers at other people to call them braindead and you're all just letting it happen
They're kind of are, they're all gooners who defend her instead of playing the game. No cammy player outside of here isn't aware of how strong she is.
i just ignore marisa players and collect my free MR
niggas probably write gladius in all fields while filing their taxes
concession declined, post your CFN, you're already kind of showing how you're not smart watching tranime.
I'd challenge him to a ft5 but that mu is torture as cammy
CFN Good
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>game is abandonware
>but they still spend money on discord ads visible to every single person who opens discord
they are literally spending millions on marketing and zero on dev for sf6 lmao
i meant Ă  la jonestown
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The world's first SF millionaire (retired) is a gooner. Kneel.
Is Rashid's level 2 really that good? Isn't it just one free mixup?
Remember when AngryBird saw that Ken had to walk forward for 2 extra frames in his throw loop and went nuclear, so he decided to switch mains to Cammy instead since he thought she was a secret top tier, then he started losing to Abood and all the other habibis in casuals and went back to Drive Rushing into jab with Ken?
Marisa is free for Cammy lol are you only playing against Strider in ranked or what ?
It's telling that only one pro player can see success with Cammy.
the game stops until it is dealt with, and he gets any kind of mixup he wants almost, and he can shart it out multiple times even with the meter nerf, and it leads to a high damage, and you can't jump it like you could sometimes in V, and
So what's the difference between this and a Drive Rush Jab?
Marisa has a winning matchup versus Cammy in Master rank if you're looking at raw stats.
It pretty much guarantees you will always be able to damage your opponent once you use it. There isn't any other attack in the game like it, even if you manage to only do one throw's worth of damage.
Show me these stats.
I only know catcammy stats but those are high mr and it's a pretty bad matchup for Marisa.
But it doesn't guarantee anything
It's literally in the official SF6 website.
guys does anyone have a problem with LUAfreecam mod in reframework where models vanish when you get too close? It only happens in hattlehub for some reason
the mixup after dr jab is nowhere near as scary as with the tornado on the screen. you can technically check a dr jab, you can't do shit about the tornado most of the time.
freaky ass nigga
Guile can't just waste all of his drive and then back up and get all of it back anymore? No....
why? I just want to take cool screenshots of my avatar
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I will look it up.
But taking into account <1200 mr stats is not really indicative of anything.
Sometimes yeah. Him and blarrlad fuck me up.

lol really? I was just funposting
Did Capcom even think with the Drive System? You're literally at a disadvantage if you don't have a fireball to delay your opponent while you get drive back
I was thinking about picking up Cammy. Is this really true? Isn't dive kick pretty good at opening people up?
jew nose
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>Cancellable low forward
>Fast Drive Rush
>Slow fireball with fakeouts
>Dash punch that's actually really easy to space why the fuck is it always safe
>Throw loops
>Crazy corner carry
There's no way Terry isn't pretty good at least
Yeah, but not by magically hitting them. It's good to punish throw and lows.
But you can't just divekick from neutral hoping for your opponent to press cr.mk.
the only way of knowing if terry boger is good is if menard picks him
>Did Capcom even think with the Drive System?
Nope, basically every character archetype outside of shotos are dysfunctional in SF6.
What's the Fightcade equivalent to Platinum? B rank?
that would only tell you if he's brainless to play. Otherwise, menard would be a chun li main.
JP has his invincible cr.HP back.
Mena will play him again, mmw.
so when do people start actually countering bison's scissors kick? i'm playing him like i play marisa(bully with ignorant normals and specials to the corner) and it's...working?
hes broken there is no answer
C for sure
I really don't think this makes a difference.
I played him after the cHP nerf and I never had an issue with it in 500+ games.

I'm not kidding. B players are already freaking monsters. Like master 1700 mr, at least.
Why does Cammy struggle to open people up but not someone like Ken or Akuma?
>counter scissor kicks
Lol that shit is hard as hell to punish and the “nerf” didnt do anything.
Because she has no overhead in her pressure.
Ken has jinrai loop, it's 10 times better than anything cammy can do.
Akuma, I'm not sure I would describe him as a rushdown character. But at least he has light adamant flame into 50/50. That's a little better for Cammy but that does not make him a rushdown monster.
okay reddit
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>Cammycels will default to deflecting and avoiding showcasing they actually play the game to cope with the fact that cammy is not only designed visually to appeal to low iq apes, but players.
when kiluafan13 defeated daigo in tournament, capcom had a party in their high rise office
I dare any sf6 true platinum players to try to get a single round against a B rank third strike player in a ft10.
it's impossible to read people in neutral so i am going to stop trying
I hope you were not trying to read gold/plat players lol.
Ken has overheads, a faster Drive Rush, (somehow) better corner carry, easier sideswitches, better Drive Gauge chip options, and standing heavy punch. Akuma also has a bunch of really good normals, spacing and frame traps and a much better version of hooligan.

Cammy just throws and jabs you. It's not exactly her offense that's exceptional.
>neutral drive rush
>low forward drive rush
>fireball drive rush
>throw loops
>any other sf6 garbage
Which character exemplifies everything wrong with SF6 the best?
Juri. She has all of these with driverush overhead and EX DP.
The beauty of SF6 is that the system mechanics are so insidious and cancerous that all of those things are present in literally every average, well-rounded shoto interchangeably.
Am i going insane or did they change the market stage? It seems a bit more crowded now, and i havent noticed the man chasing the monkeys away anymore.
cammy players still trying to downplay a divekick being the best possible offense tool a street fighter character can possibly have is hilarious. you can literally jump in for free nonstop. you're a carried retard
im hardstuck in d4
i don't play the game or look at my replays enough is the issue
Ken doesn't have a DR overhead THO
>neutral drive rush
>low forward drive rush
>fireball drive rush
>throw loops
lol that sounds like ken!
actually, that sounds like juri, too!
actually, that sounds like akuma, too!
actually, that sounds like ryu, too!
actually, that sounds like terry, too!
Cammynigga unironically said SF4 Yun’s dive kick was bad
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>fireball drive rush
all rook same
>you can literally jump in for free nonstop
I can understand how the Cammy matchup might seem like an uphill battle if you're a cerebral palsy stricken moron who cannot perform special motions for an anti-air on demand, but you must understand that actually good players anti-air divekicks often.
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I was actually able to hit C for a while before getting demoted, so that makes more sense.
I kinda just stop after I get a character there, but I'm a true SF6 plat/Jive silver
I have never won against a B rank, and those are the ones that seem to challenge me the most when I'm there.
remove cammy's divekick and give her luke's or ken's drive rush and she becomes a better character
dive kick is way harder and less rewarding to use than drive rush
Come on, you are making us cammy mains looks like idiots by posting message like these.

Cammy's divekick is amazing. It's not a free jump at all, but it is fucking amazing nonetheless.
>reading notes on Ed’s level 2 nerf
>oh they cut his gain by 80%? Yeah thats reasonable, pretty good nerf especially to make up for his other buffs
>it is a 20% gain nerf instead

its so funny how this same deranged faggot has posting about how cammys divekick is bad since the game came out. i truly pity you
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>cammy purposely does a shorter divekick to bait an anti air
>you fall for it because of how ambiguous it is
>you take big damage and are now getting thrown looped in the corner
>He's getting throwlooped to death
yes, but a fast drive rush is much better and easier to use, like i said
how is that not the case?
Nigga stop acting like she has Zangief’s drive rush. No wonder the exaggeration on Cammy’s strength looks reasonable when this is the shit they are arguing against.
Also Broski was complaining about exactly this. He REALLY doesn't like playing against Cammy.
Because driverush gets stuffed by lows and divekick beats lows ?
Different tools, different purposes.
Yeah unless the Cammy is braindead trying to consistently anti-air her is gambling with your life. Most pros tend to just let other pro Cammys get their jump because it's the safer option
Imagine if Cammy had a good drive rush like Kens
Funny coming from a Aki player. It's not like her fucking OD cruel fate is easier to react to lol.
>Most pros tend to just let other pro Cammys get their jump because it's the safer option
Do they? I never knew, there aren't ever any Cammies in pro play because the character is too weak.
>Cammyhaters are parroting streamboars
Yep, thinking she won this one lads. Guaranteed buffs next patch.
Imagine if Ken had a good divekick like Cammy
Imagine if Ken was good
never stop downplaying cammyGAWD
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>downplaying cammy
Cammy is easily a top 5 character and is easier to play than Ken, Akuma, Rashid, and Ed. What more do people want?
this but terry
Do you have more fun fighting the CPU or other players?
Agree, except the akuma part. He is easier than cammy.
>I never knew, there aren't ever any Cammies in pro play because the character is too weak.
Off the top of my head Punk, Xiaohai, Du. That's more than I can say for other strong characters like Guile, Chun, JP, or Luke
Isn't there a good Japanese player that plays Cammy too?
make ex DP cost 4 drive bars
play the fucking game you pussy
fucking faggot ass spic terry players doing ex dp on every knockdown holy shit
Moke is literally switching from Chun to Cammy...
Literally every other week some random nobody wins a tournament with Ken.
There's been several different Rashid players making top 8 at tournaments since the character dropped from several different regions.
Ed is also insanely popular in offline tournaments despite being relatively new.
Cammy, in comparison, is entirely carried by Punk alone. From stats alone, you can tell that she's either not as strong or as easy to play as any of these other characters.
What more does moke need on chun..she’s pretty strong already
There's a picture of Daigo doing a DP with a flourish and shouting "here we go!" before it gets blocked and he dies that I can't find but sometimes I think about it and smile
there is akira, kazunoko, mizuha. probably others as well.
>Cammy, in comparison, is entirely carried by Punk alone
Xiaohai and Du both have Cammy as a secondary that they bring out when the Bison or Guile matchup is too bad because she's a good all-rounder that covers their bases
Clearly not a good all-rounder if she's mostly only used in specific matchups.
What makes Cammy hard to play compare to Akuma?
idk maybe for spin knuckle to actually work as an anti fireball move like it's supposed to for starters
last capcom cup had like 10 lukes 6 kens and no cammy, she got nerfed since then and now she's top 1 again because... punk finally managed to not get randomed out for long enough to beat less talented players than him
Ask yourself the opposite and you have your answer. What is exactly hard to do on Akuma ?
Cammy at least has to do instant divekick (It's not hard at all).
Akuma has what ?
Taking Du as an example, season 1 Guile had great matchups across the board besides JP who beat his ass and Cammy herself who was a bad matchup. JP and Cammy are on different spectrums and to specifically counter one would neglect the other, so better to just pick a character who's well rounded and can do good in both matchups so you don't have to learn the whole roster like Infiltration. They could have picked up Luke too to be fair, but Cammy is extremely solid
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pull the plug you spic faggot
bigbird is pretty talented man, not to mention the other people he beat in top 8. bigbird nearly qualified for capcom cup when he was a teenager in sf4.
make invincible DPs meterless again
Let’s do this!!
Sorry I should define what I mean when I say "easier to play". When I say that I mean success to effort ratio. I think Cammy has to work less hard to win games. Cammy seems more straight forward than Akuma. He has to incorporate fireball into his play while Cammy doesn't. Akuma also has more combo routes you have to learn. He also affords less mistakes because of his 9000 life. Also Cammy has arguably the best buttons/neutral in all of SF6. Cammys divekick is also pretty scrubby and often auto wins neutral by itself. Lastly both of their drive rushes aren't that good so Akuma doesn't win there either.
yes lets make sh*tos and cammy even more overpowered
how did you manage to flip "he has a fireball" into a negative?
Completely agree with you there.
Cammy is probably the most brainded character with Juri and Lily.
boring bait ngl
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Imagine if Lily got buffed in season 3
If you wanted to simplify things, you could play Akuma like Cammy and jab/throw people ad nauseum while abusing your walk speed too. Having the best fireball in the game, a usable version of her hooligan, dealing more damage and just generally having more tools to use doesn't make Akuma harder to play as, it makes him harder to play against.
>Also Cammy has arguably the best buttons/neutral in all of SF6
Akuma's neutral is way better.
Just learn how to parry Timmy you're playing the best fighting game ever made
Imagine if Ryu got buffed in season 3
I'm a professional coach and I often tell people to not even bother with divekick until they get to a high enough level in master rank. Correctly incorporating it into your game with everything else you need account for as cammy (unlike a fireball that covers multiple options for free) is difficult in both execution and technique. I don't even consider her a beginner character.
Lets say I had a wager with a friend and I had to get 1700 within 30 days. Which character would you recommend?
What is your current rank ?
Its a bit weird but I'll explain anyway. I did my 10 placement games last year and got to diamond 1 which at the time was the furthest you could get. I haven't touched ranked since. I can take games off my 1400-1600 friends. The last time I did a FT10 against my 1500~ friend I lost 8-10.
>Try doing a ex denjin hashogeki mid-match
>"Holy fuck that did a lot of damage"
>Lab it
>Does almost 4k damage for three drive bars
The fuck. Was denjin hadouken a noob trap all along?
Yes, denjin hadouken is a shitty meme that is not worth the charge
I'm not gonna do the math, but the first thing that you should calculate is how many matches it will take you to get there from diamond 1, with various winrate.

I'm not saying you can't, but within 30 days you might already be in a tight schedule right from the start unless you are jobless.
I am jobless
let's be real no one but a jobless niggas are making bets about reaching 1700mr
Denjin Hadouken is only something you throw out when you know you can get another charge immediately, it is really not worth otherwise.
>mash with Terry the first day
>have fun and do ok

>try and actually look at his moves and frame data
>now that I'm thinking do bad and lose and don't have fun

What do you call this?
The novelty of fighting new characters in SF6 wears off so quickly when all everyone does is drive rush corner carry throw loop
I've never seen a fighting game where 99% of the roster could be distilled into six words like that
burden of knowledge
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Tried out SF today, as a long time tekken player with 0 experience in 2D fighting kusoge.
Game is fun but it'll take time and effort until my brain stops thinking that "jumping = death" or that all dashing can be instantly cancelled.
Self sabotage
I wish I could call people "little n-word" and "jobbless n-word" but sadly I am white
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cute and canon
nigga you never gonna be able to drive rush corner carry you lose footsies or die to frame traps all the time
You're the only one allowed to call them that it's tradition
Also, 1700 is a complete different world compared to 1600. You have to take that into account. Being at 1700 mr means you NEVER lose against 1600 (mr system means that beating a lower mr player gives you next to no point, losing however will tank your mr).
sounds like shuckle is hardstuck at 1600 again
all things are possible through CHRIST THE LORD
I'm glad you're having fun anon, it'll be a tough transition. I grew up mashing in Tekken 2 and 3 and then when I tried to get into SF2 back in the day I couldn't even beat Zangief lol
Whatever the case may be do you have a recommendation?
anyone can "lose neutral" in sf6 where blocking a crouching medium kick from halfscreen away means the opponent is not +2 in front of your face with no room for counterplay because he burned the meter that he always has at roundstart
sf6 is just a race to see who gets the first dr buffer off and it's super stupid
Bison Honda like he said.
i had to block a +2 jab
i'm literally shitting and crying right now bros
Terry is fun
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I thought it was kind of ass but Terry's theme really grew on me after a couple matches, that shit is top tier.
>Dhalsim buffs
>Another aggro shoto added
So, even more indirect Manon nerfs? This game is stale.
What's Terry's gameplan?
drive rush corner carry throw loop
it's a real shame that rollback netcode is stuck on 2d games
rip fighting games, stillbirth'd
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how do I do Terry's bandit bringer
2MK > 2HK drive rush
Any of Terry's target combos useful?
Ed's SA2 broke the mandated damage structure of the game.
You can't have characters with other meaningful routes that make different things more or less rewarding for them. That would risk being fun.
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this picture made me realize that sf6 is indeed exceptionally bad about creating these volatile interactions to put less skilled players in advantageous positions without even demanding a meaningful display of skill or outplay of any form in comparison to the other games in which you were forced to react and confirm or spend an actually limited resource that you had to build up somehow
The 1700 wager was a hypothetical but I still appreciate the advice. Thanks.
I was excited for Terry until I played against his cMK, now I'm wondering why I reinstalled
>Alpha 2,3 or SF4
>you have to do a technically hard combo to do that much damage from a cr.mk

rest of the kusoge is right though, meanwhile sf6 is just cr.mk drive rush heavy heavy drive rush heavy heavy super
it's a target combo in this game
5mp 5hk 5hk, but only on a launch, counter-hit, or drive rush

it's that simple! it has a just frame if you cancel into it as late as possible for like 100 extra damage but who cares
>you have to do a technically hard combo to do that much damage from a cr.mk
you literally just do whatever into ultra
Same as every other character but with more damage and better buttons.
Also he can confirm even needing to blow the meter on DRC after 2MK.
Hit confirms into 40% HP are not the same as buffered specials into 40%.
Additionally in a lot of those it's only true for specific characters. You can play SF3 against characters that aren't Chun. You can't play SF6 against characters that don't low forward drive rush.
>require ultra and 2 meter to FADC into it (in a game where meter builds slowly and you start with none)
It is completely different.
KAMI6 succeeding made the crabbas mad again
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Is Bisons level 1 a frame 1 invul reversal?
>Strike/Throw Invuln: 1-11f
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fan throw drive rush

cr.mk drive rush

that'll be $50
>new character is even more blatantly P2W than the last character
This is absurd.
It's like playing Mortal Kombat or Tekken or something, how do people unironically defend this?
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Who's cooler Ryu or Ken?
>Ryu is an autistic incel millionaire who's the main character and saved the world several times over
>Ken is homeless, with lamer style and everyone makes fun of how poor he is. He never does shit but he DOES have a wife and kid at least
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How is Terry P2W?
>posting his "waifu" and says how bad she mogs other waifus
>he does this while posting nu-Cammy instead of braids and leotard Cammy
Absolutely based, patrician taste. Nu-Cammy is such an improvement. And not because there's less skin showing, I still jerk off to classic Cammy but I fucking love nu-Cammy's design more than almost anything else in Street Fighter.

I wish we had Killer Bee Cammy in 6.
Tranny bogard
>Anything but a bum ass street shitter
The only thing he has on his name is Ken's headband
By being the other shotos but even better.
If you cannot immediately see how he is busted there's no hope for you.
Ryu is cooler from a power level perspective but Ken has cooler moves and combos
Ryu doesn't trust banks and keeps all his money in cash form in that sack he carries around
By being the other shotos but even worse.
If you cannot immediately see how he is garbage there's no hope for you.
Ryu is an indian now
>fight stick
For charge characters which device is generally the best? Which is the worst
Unc coughing his lungs out and streaming now this is baller behavior who clearly is making tons of money and dont need to slave himself
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Uuuuuh Capbros? I thought you guys said only Guilty Gear had these guys?
He is Cammy's Husband?
Stick is more intuitive than leverless by a long shot but if you're good then leverless is quite a bit better.
idk about pad because I'm not mentally disabled
>tranny trying to take the easy way with JP
it's like poetry
Transfranchise chud
Capcom are allies
she finna have a cancelable st mk
You will never see a trannie playing a high IQ character like Aki, Lily, Kimberly or Blanka though
I Love Lily
>Sliding AKI there
DeeJay >>> AKi
>You can't play SF6 against characters that don't low forward drive rush.
AKI, Manon, Guile, JP bros?
Can they at least give me new colors. Just set the shaders on Chun's hair from brown to red or something come on
any good guides for terry yet here on day 2? he seems tricky, like a lot of his better stuff is very spacing/ch dependent
Yellowcard is the best thing of sf6
Captcha: GAPA
Capcom more frequently updating character balance doesn’t mean SHIT NIGGER!!!!!!
Lily seems easy but is surprinsingly hard the more you play her
This is a pretty good combo guide with some interesting tech and I've seen some stuff on reddit and twitter but nothing in a good vid yet
very based thank you
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mods.......order up
Too complex, my black man brain can't handle all these directions and probabilities
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hey retard, who thought you could do brakes and feints in Smart style, get the fuck in here. your ass was wrong.
>Banned from EVO
>Banned from Capcom events
>Banned from ragequitting
Wtf when did they add sonic
Crazy to me how Terry is broken in Smash, but theres only 1 (one) relevant Terry player to this very day and that player still picks MIDzuya more than Terry
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this, imagine being such a retard that capcom goes out of their way in the next game to make a system that stops you from rage quitting 30000 times.
The blessings and curse of having a grassroots scene is that most people vibe with their soul characters rather than metafagging. Lots of characters in Ult underrepresented but some lowtiers got kino representation like Sephiroth, Ryu and Banjo.
doesn't kaz consistently kill in a single hit or grab and on top of that has a ton of normals with little gimmicks like full invlun or projectile reflecting?
LowTierGod NEVER ragequitted in SF crabbas!
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It should have been Hei in smash
SF general faggots not smash bros
Nah, his ToD ain't that crazy, his disadvantage stage is DK-tier of bad, so he is volatile.
Either Kaz cooks you 3 stocks real quick, or he gets cooked if he can't get in.
People thought he was broken for like 4 months before people learned the MU. Some lunatics still hate him because Kazuya still a scrub stomber character in lower ranks.
They should’ve put Leona in the game instead. Mai stinks and has a boring moveset
Incineroar and Donkey Kong are better than him in my opinion family.
Just play Peach or ROB. Much better than MIDzuya.

you can't cancel into ultras

never played the game award
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>That Immo restream showing he made 80k outta Dale
Damn... time flies he on 101k right now
how does he double jump
This nigga has no word everytime he promised to do something in life he broke his word because he got angry
Using KI energy or whatever. Who fucking cares?
Why don't the Smash faggots shit up Tekken general? That game is closer to a party game than a real fighting game
I don't even remember how long he lasted without ragequitting in Dix.
Was it 3 weeks or 3 months? 2 months? 1?
cant wait for the braum crossover with 2XKO
They add a Jinx skin for Juri
Best they can do
>Niggers unironically thinking Heihachi, some ugly, unlikable, corny oldhead is more iconic than Kazuya or Jin for Smash
You black spooks really make for a good argument why we should bring back slavery so we wouldn't be reading dumb shit
i drop all of terrys combos. nobody is gonna pick this nigga over easy mode akuma, ken and ryu
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Smash is the realest fighting game, this is why it doesn't need to suck corporation dick for events/support and has the best documentaries.
You keep slimming and watching the same dry gameplay for 30 years, while we watch different type of smash players to evolve and thrive, though.
Kill yourself fag no one cares about kazuya
uh oh stinky hours!
This but sincerely and uniquely unironically.

brian breaks it down!
Kazuya will forever be the best character for any collabs.
Even Jin emo faggot can't compete with his CHAD big dick energy.
So why are we discussing Heihachi in smash in a street fighter general? How does this make any sense?
They should make Lily older and give her bigger breasts and a larger butt and better hair and a better face and uhhhh
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sim sim is a fucking nigger
Smash owns a billionaire mansion inside Capcucks so everytime someone brings Smash even as a joke things just spiral outta control.
why is this game so hard?
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they should add chuck greene
As a newfag to fighting games who has thought about playing them for like 15 years and actually jumped onboard because of the hype and mainstream initial appeal of SF6, I've never been more anti-hype for SF6 than I am since the season 2 characters reveal.

Fucking Terry Bogard? At least I can jerk off to Mai but still two fucking nothing burger guest characters from a series I have no personal nostalgia for? I can at least appreciate Bison returning and a unique entry like Elena from SF3 making the cut.

Fucking Terry Bogard and Mai.
Still more on-topic than coomposting though
didn't react to DI award
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Try not losing next time
i never thought s2 was going to be exciting, probably cus sfv season 2 was shit too. s3 and forward probably gonna be a lot better
Sim is honest
brian and sajam are the required timmy viewing
>Terry Bogard
>Not the coolest motherfucking character in the entire genre
You are gay and not okay
Terry was cool maybe 20 years ago
They could have added almost literally anyone else to those slots. Is the Terry thing literally just for Brazilians or Filipinos or something? Who else actually gives a shit about Terry?

Case in point. I feel like caring about Terry is a third worlder meme.
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Kazuya is a cuck while Heihachi impregnated half of the population
As a newfag to fighting games that was 7 years old 15 years ago I think Terry and Mai are cool and Elena and Bison are cool and I like the game.
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Terry and Mai are hype as fuck because we haven't got a CvS game in two decades
I'm convinced Capcom has no idea what to do with Manon and Lily
I don't think I've seen any nip pro playing guile besides daigo. Matter of fact, I don't think guile is that popular period.
put some respect on higuchis name
why do honda players complain about honda when honda is seemingly safe on everything, has high damage, and doesn't require a brain to play
>30 posts early
>random anime whore
>30 posts latey
>canon anime virgin maiden
Love yourself
>Not Bocchi
She deserves her own thread is been a hot minute since we had thread for the og /ourgirl/ of /sfg/
It's real fucking obvious that their playing favorites with balance patches. Doesn't make sense why characters with single digit pick rates in online and non existent tourny results go untouched while top tiers get barely a slap on the wrist if anything at all in terms of nerfs.
Anyone who plays these +30yo legacy characters is braindead. This includes the popular ones as well.
i dont think they want to give characters the season 1 sfv nash/ryu treatment anymore. i don't mind that, but at least fix the shit tiers like they said they want to
SF2 OWNS your soul. SF12 will have the World Warriors in the base roster.
Capcucks can't even branch out to other games imagine other characters
Niggas gonna rot away in their room having a stroke playing the same character in the same gameplan for over 50 years even if Capcom announces the coolest guest characters with the most skillful gameplay and skill expression
SF by nature doesn't reward skill expression, every time a character is too complex or different is always a midtier or worse in every game
I miss when Cammy anon made threads
Ok retard you aint ever gonna be shit anyways but keep metafagging
Characters can be skillful but high tiers. Is not asking too much to have characters that both reward skill and allow skill expression to not be absolutely gutted like the ones we always get
You still get people bringing lowtiers and midtiers even in turbo-optimized games, offline events, making top 8s, top 4s, sometimes even winning
You are like the MANrisafag acting like she unplayable because you don't see her at every top 8, when anyone can still have fun and fuck around online, even reach Legend if you really put your mind in this for some reason
Looks like you got Sim Sim Salabim'd
>We have people defending corny ahh Sim just because he unpopular now
People always hate the popular characters, even when they are honest and skillful, like in Luke/Blanka meta.
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u just know whichever tranny is doing this is spending and excessive amount of time obsessing over this
Honda is a mistake
Don't try to understand the mind of people obsessed with playing some ugly sumo joke character for morons
>Motion blur
Ugly ahh game
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>Capcom broke the mod that fix their lighting
The fact Capcom wastes valuable slots on those dogshit "joke" characters like Honda and Blanca that 99% of people don't care about, just cause they're classic, is even more incomprehensible.
holy based AI
Japanese bugs still voting on the same corrupt politicians just because they afraid of change
Japanese bug still using fax, paper instead of digital money, and other jurassic things that got obsolete by technology 15 years ago
Hating change is Japanese bug core trait
>The fact Capcom wastes valuable slots
How valuable are they, really? can't they just... make more fucking characters?
It takes them a year to patch their game and a year to make 4 characters.

With that in mind, slots are incredibly valuable. And they've wasted at least 4 so far on Honda, Blanka, Terry and Mai.
>"Blanka is just as corny as Honda and Sim!"
>When lots of pros unironically use him
>When he is Brazil's most iconic rep
>When his gameplay ain't 100% corny gimmick shittery, but a proper setup, high tech, character
You coomerfaggots just reveal your hand way too early
don't care, I'm not a favela dweller so I don't watch Blanka matchups and have no interest, replace Blanka with Laura
Laura was kookily
Terrys model has been ripped
Time for him to anal up Marisa/chun/lily

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