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Previous: >>495733713

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Version 9.1.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v910
• Drizzle Season is on until 11/30

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
woomy will soon go into hibernation…
shivers twerkalicious wobblebutt keeping me warm this autumn
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I love Aori.
If Nintendo made a slice of life Splatoon anime movie like the animal crossing one what would you want it to be like?
How would ink feel about a Lego x Splatoon collab?
Would you buy a lego set that's splatoon themed?
I was thinking make each come with 4 minifigs.
3 sets would be stages(but just the spawn areas) with minifigs of cephs with different weapons and gear(2 of one colour and 2 of the other) and other 3 sets would be the inkopolis tower, the deca tower and the splattercast set.
then they could come with 2 idols + the two boxart cephs from each games (big man would just be a buildable piece rather then a minifig)
Would you spend your money on such a (probably pricey) thing?
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>Would you buy a lego set that's splatoon themed?
Chinese knock off splat lego already exist but very expensive for very little
It wouldn't work.
Cephs would look odd as minifigures, the inking mechanic wouldn't transition into lego well.
I suppose you could make sets based on various shops and hero mode locations but that's a stretch
an official lego set would be regular expensive for a lot
like nintendo doesn't fuck around with their lego stuff. remember the super cool bowser statue or the question block with a bunch of movable parts and gears?
Lego animal crossing is a bit underwhelming tho....
Lego is now reddit
I hope they do make splatoon lego, then I can put a brickarms AK47 in a woomys hand.
doesnt look that bad. i mean it does because its some mock up but i think theyd do a good enough jog translating into minifigs with cool hairmolds and prints if made officially
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Just following the idols & agents going about normal daily off the job stuff. So K-on but with cephs.
Lego is cool. I'd be down to spend a whole night building that tower with the zapfish out of lego.
anon it does
it makes them look fat
a splatoon anime would be about the double life of an agent
they would have to go on missions but also make sure to hang out with friends and play turf and ranked while keeping their secret from all the other woomies.
I want to go shopping with cephs...
>recent wins dipped below 30
That's it, I'm never gonna make it.
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they'd probably have that thing on the sides thats supposed to mean they have a curvy body. you see in alot of women legos
this one is cool asf
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i'd want it to be nothing like a slice of life anime and be something like gurren lagann or kill la kill instead
woomy and veemo belly so erotic
ooooh, 1x1 stud breasts...
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I shouldn't have to switch to my main to scrape a win in open.
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>Callie: "Haha stole your grey hair, grandma!"
>Marie: *360 no-scope*
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It doesn't count though. I've had runs with only being revived between waves and ended up with 0 times revived.
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Ocktober soon
Seeing an Octoling costume on Splatoween and screaming! It looks so real! Like a real Octoling! She was all poor and disheveled and everything!
uh oh octo hating schizo has arrived
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I miss this guy's videos
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if they were going to make Splatoon Minifigures the best they could do would be modified versions of the Lego friends dolls
greedy goblin
I'm not sure why you people are so against regular minifigs with splatoon printing
It'd looks goofy and cute
when the nintnedo museum opens next week I seriously hope there is a splatoon themed exhibit of some kind
also, the nintendo museum is the only museum I've ever heard of that doesn't label its exhibits? you can't just read a key or sign on the wall that shows what each thing is? I thought that was an odd choice.
so true! excited for representation finally
seeing a squigger in my neighborhood and getting my blaster
>pearl is nowhere to be seen
what did nintendo mean by this
No fatties allowed beyond this point
That's exactly why a sperg ranting on X about Freelancers "revive farming" in Salmon Run was so hilarious
om nom nomming on her bountiful butt
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she's there, just a mile away from her girlfriend and the other idols
fat veemo is now 400lbs...
>museum tickets
>artificial scarcity
Bravo Nintendo!
Nah this time its just just normal Japan being Japan
no.. your fangs are too sharp..
maybe they did it because they assumed only Japanese boomers would know what each thing is so filthy gaijin will not obtain the obscure 70's Nintendo knowledge.
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do you think some octolings might dress up as sanitized takos for splatoween?
would surface-dwellers even know about sanitization?
do you think deep cut are aware of the people salivating and gooning while watching the news
om nom nom leaving bite marks on her huge cheeks num num
wouldn't that kind of be like dressing up as a zombie?
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they're the freakiest idols i don't think they'd care
I mean canonically pearl knew the internet was into marina and clowned on her
all idols are aware of the porn online
i want to have frye's tongue down my throat while she molests me
dressing up as old agent 3 for splatoween!
octolings shivering and cowering in fear!
WIsh I didn't have to put up with this game's mediocre gameplay to play the real game (the shellout machine).
shiver has to pay maries bills so she twerks for money to give the needy cephs what they want
I liked his first montages
not fan of the later twitter shitposts
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>would surface-dwellers even know about sanitization?
probably not? splatlandian octos wouldn't because they've always lived on the surface, but a few octos from the square might. don't think they'd want to spread word of their zombified friends around though. aside from that I think the only way the average ceph would know about sanitized takos is if one of them slipped through the cracks and somehow stumbled her way to the surface
holy shit it's the png wall!
the next villain in the franchise is C.Q Cumber
What was his deal anyways
was he actually associated with tartar? did he knew about the whole thing? was he just another pawn?
that was just treehouse slop, like most of 2's dialogue
I don't think even nogami knows that question
in the chaos vs order twitter post they were paired together in one single image
then again
sorta mirrors how octavio and lil judd appeared together in one image as well so could've been just because of that
he knows and doesn't care
just wants his metro to keep runnin', simple as
like the passion of the christ but for woomys, all in woomlish, with no subtitles
>fax machine gets nailed to a cross
All C.Q. cares about is keeping the train running
Octavio and Lil Judd
>One has tasted bitter defeat in battle. The other is literally a copycat. These two may be nothing alike, but their desire to step out of the shadows and into the light burns with all the chaos of a firestorm.

Tartar and C.Q
>If chaos already reigns & order needs to be restored, who decides what "order" looks like? These 2 have their own opinions, & they probably don't include the words "free" or "will."

Both lil judd and Octavio went into doing bigger things in 3... i wonder if order won would tartar be the one that came around? would C.Q find a shady job somewhere else?
They're the only ones that didn't came back for 3....
Also worth noting that there are canonically multiple C.Q. Cumbers all singularly committed to conducting the Deepsea Metro's trains.
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random girl
I go out of my way to fling myself off the map every round. its kind of therapeutic
I wonder what they're all up to.
i don't want slice of life, i want haikyu with turf wars and woomys
This is whats goes in A3 chuuni mind while she's sitting in Alterna
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Ditching work to watch A8 complete her tests.
>I'm just going to check the store and do my daily gacha. No time for a play session.
>Well... maybe just one round, let me take my joycons out, set the switch on it's kickstand and fetch my controller.
(3 hours later)

>Ehhh, whoops.
Some Famicom Detective Club bitch I think
she loooooooooooves crab n' go...
They just recently started localizing them. I guess the series is popular in Japan? They might be good, but considering the gameplay, I'd rather just play Ace Attorney if I want my Adventure/Light Visual Novel experience.
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anon stop pls
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God I wish that were me.
i need her long tongue licking my face while she sexually harasses me
good taste anon
she just looooves greasy fried food, it's so tasty!
i can fish for a king
soooo close to my second 5-star, lads.
which has the bigger butt, callie or shiver?
callies pantbusting phat back
shiver's butt is only large because it's swollen from frye's bite marks
*MY bite marks
literally taking my whole mouth and CLAMPING down on Shivers huge pale ass.
we know, frye.
anon no you must cease this
it might make it harder for her to get up and walk, and it might make her body all soft and her manners less nice, but it's SO much better than octarian cave food!!
I need to bite Shiver's milky white flesh and taste her being, I need to bite Frye's cocoa skin, I need to bite someone badly FUCK.
Good luck, the last stretch feels the longest!
me when i fucking see pearl and marina (i want them to take me backstage and molest me violently)
horny cephs who want to lacerate your flesh with their razor sharp serrated teeth
All the idols in my mouth, biting them, biting me, biting non-idols too, biting FF's weyy, biting Y's woomy, biting everyone god fucking damn I need to see those beautiful indentations in the flesh, I think Im going to have a stroke
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who's ff and y? also please don't bite me anon :[
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Is there a worse haircut than this?
using this on a cephs head when they're being a bad ceph
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Tenderly and Lovingly biting you
>he doesn't know about e-famous /ink/ers
n-no way anon...
shiver ass expansion haha imagine
i don't! i haven't been around for long
anyone wanna open?
Gentle nips before teeth sinkage
stop using images of my fucking WEYYO
I want to BITE your weyyo bro
NO he's pure and heterosexual let him be
You sure haven't because these people are online always and already from years
i mean i was in threads during the idol splatfest but i just came back yesterday, so i've no clue
>when you get splat by someone and they VIOLENTLY squidbag you
like, bro. I don't even recognize you or your name. What on earth did I do to you? lol
saw someone with the name "a fujoshi" which fucking one of you was that
that was me GGs
>thinking it has to come from here
you make it sound like they used an inside joke calm down
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Squidbagging is a art!
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you don't have any need for those HANDS.
Share the chunks with the class!
kill yourself
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reminder we are racist toward octolings here
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I see it as poor sportsmanship, mainly.
But when someone goes hard, I feel like they must have thought that I slighted them or something in a match.
I'll find them in the lobby afterwards and bow at their feet, and follow them around it squid form.
Actually, I do that with a lot of people.
Like go into squid form and just circle someone's feet. I get bored waiting for the next match to start...
I honestly believe goofing off with holocephs makes games more fun.
kill yourself
Marie get off the internet. Stop stressing about octos on the internet.
Take off your sloppy sweatshirt and let me suck on your milf-y breasts.
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i mean, it's worse for their own team because they just lose time doing that instead of focusing or pushing lol
I do it whenever someone sharks me 2-3 times and I finally learn that I need to be the one to deal with them. They're always using tryhard frontline weapons and I'm usually on something that has a TTK in the ten minute range, so it feels really good.
how did someone join my turf without being in the pool? Is there a sharp K here?
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i only do that if the opponent had it all stacked in their favour and still fumbled it. say, jet v sploosh close quarters 1v1, if sploosh loses then they get squidbagged hard
I’ll play if you’re still around
opening a room
food tickets should work for gear levelling, letting you do natural rolls at higher speed
woomy crying
all life savings - spent on gatcha machine
I'm wondering if I should save my tickets for 3rd kits or just spend them at the gacha.
>3rd kits
she looks like she could use a drink
Why can we still not have a food and a drink buff active at the same time?
wait a couple more months
My woomy lives a more tranquil life after figuring her gacha seeds, realizing the futility of life and true value of cash.
woomy solely doing grizzco shifts for years gambling it all away for tickets and chunks she'll never have a use for
It would interfere with gear seeds.
Why do they have these dogshit seed systems?
So you play more Splatoon. Why do they want you spending 1000s of hours in Splatoon? Who knows.
what's the alternative?
To stop savescumming and keep you playing
Allowing us to have food and drink buffs up at the same time.
They didn't think people would figure it out. Japs probably think it's witchcraft.
these have nothing to do with each other, the other anon was pulling it out of his ass
Because that's gluttony, fat veemo.
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It is a waste of time. If it's just a kill, then it's just a kill. If I win an honest 1v1, I feel no need to disrespect the opponent. If I pull off some trickshot (by skill or luck), that's a reward in itself. If I bonk some cheeky crutch weapon tryhard ninja, there's no point, unless it also punched them in the face irl.
I don't think I ever squidbagged in a match, except when there was like 4v2 due to DCs and everyone was goofing around because there was no point fighting.
webm vaguely related
ok we not getting 3rd kits. fine.
So I'll just fuck around and say random kits and let other anons tell me how outlandish they are!
>Flingza, Splash Wall, Killer Wail 5.1
>Squelchers, Curling Bomb, Ink Jet
>Clash Blaster, Sprinkler, Tenta Missiles
>Painbrush, Autobomb, Splashdown
so are these based or are these based?
Cephs trying to get more money and gear at the same time, only getting more weight.
Nta but it doesn't make sense, you can get a drink with your meal, why can't we have that?
why not combinee both together! popcorn fried shrimp shakes, pizza shakes, crispy squid ring shakes! Good for lazy consumerist cephs who need food on the go!
Anyone up for some turf?
It's a squid party when everyone's bouncin'.
I've done that if my team is going to win, and the enemy loses two people.
I don't feel like it's necessary to 4v2 them all the back to their base. So we just squidparty in the middle of the stage.
me me me meeeee i am i am!!!!!!
>Having a drink to wash food down is "gluttony"
Mental illness
>giving a roller splash wall
>for the fourth fucking time
sounds like something nogami would do
At the hour?
Room will be up at the hour. Host M.
means I got it! but fine thenn uhhhhh give it uhhhs torpedo!
slob alert! heaving fat mess! eat a salad, tub of lard!
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It's raining cephs.
Thinking about Anonymous...
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Yeah that's what I meant, I keep forgetting that term lol
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thanks rg, i really appreciate the flashbang
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GGs p
doing good like always, M! Way to debut my new freshest fit!!
Cephs reading Tails gets Trolled.
>Diary of a Wimpy Squid
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Heeey, we all doing good. And yeah, your new fit is looking hell of a fresh. Specific for splatana?
Shiver got the cursed eye
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>Banned for posting a lewd image attached to my discussion post
>Not explicit NSFW, but toeing the line a bit I suppose
>Sometimes images get deleted, okay sure I don't know what the line is
>Really seems like it's just down to whichever mod sees it and what they think
Fuck whoever banned me. Too lazy to ban evade, so I'm mildly inconvenienced by it.
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what are they spending money on anyway?
food for frye
they have a private jet, for one
kill yourself
lookwise? yes! I think it fits a theme.
abilitywise? nah... I'm kinda using this time to put some abilities on this gear.
Marie hates paperwork.
She doesn't want to get out of bed. She just wants to snooze around and eat chips.
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I just take my three days. I deserve it 95% of the time, and I use it as a sign that I've been spending too much time [here].
Take a break from the ol' fourth channel.
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fuck off
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>Those moments when you shoot your zooka in the enemy team's direction and get a full wipe from a safe distance
Feels amazing, but fuck if it's not OP as fuck.
Feels like it cheapens the value of other, more complex specials that make you work for their effects.
The cost is those times that you fire the zooka directly through an enemy and it deals zero damage (usually when you're trying to cancel a booyah or crab or something)
beebo butts are so lonely... they need company
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Turfers, you up for SR after 6 rounds?
kill yourself
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Wall on a roller is a meme, wail is boring and not what a roller really wants. Boring nothing kit, Flingza mains would be sad.
High mobility kit for the highest-mobility main, not a bad idea. Seems fun, would please the tiny group of players that want high execution complex weapons, but most people who want Inkjet on dualies would be sad that it's Squelchers.
Meh. It's Clash with a sprinkler. Maybe you have ideas for some kit that can paint a lot and go in with its missiles, but there's not much potential there. Missiles aren't amazing right now, they'd really need a strong main and sub combo. Also, this kit is redundant as fuck when the Neo's Curling Chumps kit already exists.
Main + Splashown would be fun. I despise Autobomb on these types of weapons though, 'helper chicken waddles around while you do close-range roller/brush things' has never been a good concept, but the devs keep doing it. Give it any other bomb and it's great, would play.

Painbrush is surprisingly fun, it migt be a decent pick if they ever buff its awful startup.
am I too late to get into this game
I want painbrush to not have startup when going from rolling to swinging
I think sacrificing discretion and having a bigger hitbox to get a faster splat is a fair trade-off
do you guys wanna do SR now?
2-3 more and we can go.
Oh, I left because we were 3
As a Flingza main, I can essentially function as a long-ranged weapon. I often mid-line, because verts outrange A LOT of weapons.
If I could get what I want... I'd want toxic mist to make vert kills super easy and a panic special. Splashdown or Kraken.
If elitre can get kraken, so can I.
Oookay, I will host SR in 5 mins. Need to check what is wrong with my right joycon again and make coffee.
wait boris is on??? i thought it was still zuna.... i hate fighting boris. you guys better carry me when he shows up.
No worries, boris is usually an easy target.
Also, SR 3/4.
swigger took the wall for itself anyway, and uses it much better with its fast-ish and stupidly long ranged verts. flazinga was okay with wall in 2 but in 3 it'll just be an inferior stock swig (even if it gets a meta special, flingza's just that weak right now).
Food. Marie is very stingy.
Deep Cut is not ordering an average quantity of food though
fat marie...
my wife (portable form)
I will raise her as my own.
Exactly. They ask for one morsel of food and Marie gets mad.
veemlets raising veemlets
a vicious cycle of veemlet
Marie watching her clients starve as she eats an entire loaf of bread.
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Marina is a Squid Sisters fan but not a Deep Cut fan.
chocolate tummy
another pair of slaves to the Cuttlefish empire...
>t. Secondary that didn't watch the latest concert
Wish I was porl bros
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1king slam at rotation?
she is tho
She knows all their songs and during her interview with marie and big man she spends a few minutes sperging out about deep cut's music with big man
>expecting secondaries to know
I wanna just knead marinas ass.
You can join us. We got spot.
being a lesbian seems kind of gay though
re-open tho a comm error happened
I love hag tummy
hags tummy getting noticeably softer
Fatfags on their way to shit up /ink/ for the 900th time
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Marinated Top is no longer permitted.
padded top bros...
The necklace covers too much.
he hates large chested cephs
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>Marinated Top is no longer permitted.
>Ugly, obnoxious nigger chain covering tummy
>Doesn't have any physics, so it doesn't dangle and stays stitched to the model
Makes sense. As a tummyfag that loves the high, more reealing cut of the marinated top but hated the chain, thank fuck for the survival top.
ah, understandable
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teehee join our agp lobby where we dress up like slutty 14 year old girls and take ass pictures
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>coomer pb
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You’ve never seen or participated in a normal pb.
Only way to get rid of yebweyys (astaghfirullah) from joining the teehee sessions
Enjoy your slutwear yebweyys.
wtf is a teehee session, it sounds like a gay porn
BIIIIIIG fucking tummies!
It could be gay porn should artists draw it to be that.
We created footschizo, now we need to create the tummyschizo!
its a slang word transgenders here use for free art
no artist is going to draw a bunch of inkfish frotting in slutty outfits
soft beeg wobble wobble oouugh
We shall throw them off the top of Moray Towers
/ink/ers arent actually racist are they?
yessss GGs M and G!!!
GGs fsh
/ink/ers aren’t actually a lot of things.
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GGs comrades! Nice turfing and SR.
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i don't think so, but the majority of updates and splatfests are done (besides reruns). still incredibly active game, lots of fun imo.
Nigger just play. The next game won't be out for two years minimum.
Unfortunately yes. Content is done, but my concern is how soon the Switch 2 and Splatoon 4 is going to be released. There's currently a lot of time-locked gear in the game which rotates out every 3 months and will take 2 years to get through all the gear. If S4 comes out within those 2 years, everyone is going to migrate to that.
no way lol, splat 4 won't be out until 2026 at the absolute minimum, probably 2027 or 2028 though.
yes cuz content is done and you missed everything
but also
no. you can still have fun and its pretty active and its gonna stay pretty active for the next 2 to 5 years until the next game comes out
splatfests will have reruns and big runs will happen randomly sometimes
so you still have reason to play it and have fun! for reals!
If you like woomy and make other woomies go boomy then sure why not. Better than 2 in terms of population.
The post-mortem seasons combine both years' respective seasonal catalogs so it won't take more than a year.
That's a bit better. Should've just made all the catalogs run concurrently.
They probably want people to keep playing occasionally beyond just splatfest tourism. It is a battle pass, that's what they're there for.
almost 30 gold scales.... what should I get with them first, /ink/?
Whatever makes your ceph look like it’s seen some shit.
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It is YEBBY WEDNESDAY, post all those good yebbies to celebrate.
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>RG timmy throws their 15th Booyah Bomb at the zone
>Eat it with Ink Vac
>Watch them stand there in confusion for a moment
more or less?
but then again, there are a ton of people here that bitch about splatfests for one reason or another. either they don't like the theme, or they'd rather play ranked, and they're forced into turf.

In some ways, now is the best time to buy. We can assume the switch will receive support for some time after the Switch 2 drops, and because all of the content has released, including DLC, you can make a more informed decision about whether you want to buy the game or not.
we will never have a third playable species, it's so fucking over...
why is woomy looking like that
there shouldn’t have even been a 2nd
whats up /v/ros
we shouldn't even have two
all octoniggers should fucking die
given how switch 2 will have backwards compability and how they'll probably use the same network for online and all that shit
it's safe to say the switch is gonna last as much as the switch 2
are you trying to goad the drawfags into drawing inkfish frotting in slutty outfits? because that's how you goad the drawfags into drawing inkfish frotting in slutty outfits
inklings already have enough bias as is it is when it comes to customization
ignore the retarded force anti octo replies
enemy factions becoming playable is kino
but I wouldn't want them to add another humanoid species without any real precedent just so they can say they have 3 now, that would be lame
variety is fun
Marie, please, baby, get off the internet and make me some seaweed stew.
Cuttling with square ears
seething squigger got mad callie got octo'd
nuh uh
i know it wouldn't be good for the game but the autist in me wants it
next game will have inklings, octolings, sanitized octolings, fuzzy octolings, and inklings will still outnumber the other three combined
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Average e-liter main
i don't trust nintendo to make a third playable species when they can't even give equal amounts of hairstyles for the two currently existing ones.
>seething squigger got mad callie got octo'd
not doing a lot for the octonigger cause by making references to cuck porn
octolings outnumber inklings right now LOL
wasn't referring to cuck porn, just that she was brainwashed
are you self reporting squigger
my wives weyyo
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You haven't received a yebby yet so I shall post a yebby
This is an ink vac bullying zone.
>using slop for reaction pics
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Why, thank you very kindly!
But just to be sure, isn't this yebby supposed to be dressed like a Pilot, or am I mixing him up with some other yebby?
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harmony fans this is you
Is it actually possible for them to get the shot off before dying? It's never happened to me, every single one dies and I've had a few rage quits too
Yeah. Somehow they always managed to kill me
>Never got a Mustard vs Katchup vs Mayo splatfest
I don't get it.. it's such an obvious theme and they loved doing foodfests it's sorta crazy that it never happened.
the themes fit their idols as well
depends on your connection to each other and the splatling you're using
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yebby's having a rough day
>Never got a Coffee vs Tea vs Hot Chocolate splatfest
I don't get it.. it's such an obvious theme and they loved doing drinkfests it's sorta crazy that it never happened.
the themes fit their idols as well
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Stupid yebby getting run over, he needs to be smooched until he fully recovers...
I actually like this art a lot, do you know who the artist is?
>hot choc not on frye
damnit do you guys even read their dialogue
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If you are thinking of this fella, same yeb, new fit. Just wanted to make a new fit for him that includes the alt color FA-01 Jacket.
yeah big man would get coffee cuz he needs it to work, shiver would get tea because she is fancy wannabe and frye would get choc which would be most popular but lose all clout categories
coffee and tea are against some religions
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you forgot to mention she'd choose choc because she loves sugar
she also eats more food than most others do which leaves big man, a creature twice her size in awe
I don't like ink colored finger tips. I'm glad Callie and Marie don't have it.
me on the left (really cool and tall)
you on the right (a wage cuck and massive dweeb)
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I think you can mash it out, or if they're particularly fast on the draw. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been hit with return fire. If they get it off there's usually no time to aim so it just goes wherever.
what's that one song that has the thing that sounds good? it's in my head
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Of course, handsome fella I never get tired of seeing. It's always nice to see my old buddy around, we should play sometime soon, mister.
Certain gayyo misses your yeb.
Thank you, anon my new best friend. I have a new yebby to love.
I trip you.
I didn't even read this post that I copied the text from
Don't expect so much from laziness
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I love succ bullying.
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ill do one teehee
summer is over and i need a new fit. i could use my old fit but thats lazy
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go for an Autumn look
Wait so you guys have a person who checks every image for feet and tells whoever posted it to kill himself? Or is it a bot?
Someone who made a bot
maybe a bot but reporting does nothing since he's not permabanned yet. he probably has hundreds of ips or something. sometimes he does it manually though
nah you should always air on the side of schizos just being crazy fuckin schizos, its probably a guy manually doing it
I don't think a bot that autistic exists. I 100% believe an autistic enough human exists, though. Especially since I've seen him miss one or two.
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>we should play soon
Eventually, my dear gayyo comrade. Whenever I actually feel like doing fishing or Open, most likely the former.
talk about the game, faggots
*err on the side
so true oomfie
You don't get to act like a faggot for 700 threads in a row and then get surprised when people discuss your actions instead of the game.
it's just babt
could a bot on 4chins scan through every second of every webm for feet with such accuracy?
we gotta talk about the elephant in the room sometimes. everything will be okay sweetie pie
No, I put single frame images of fanart with feet showing in my webms sometimes and he doesn't catch them.
oooh are you the one who put the fanart of frye that one time waaay back
If I saw an octonigger irl me and the boys would fuck it up
Layering 2% opacity woomy feet over every image I post on /ink/
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Should we get a weapon with an Auto Charge mechanic, would it still be a charger or a brella that's a long big umbrella?
my question is why are Kamabo Co. brand canned specials still making their way to surface market
something fishy is still happening down there
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I shall be waiting.
documentary on splatsvilles fattest ceph, with inklings doing live reactions on a inkopolis tv show
we really should be culled fatfags when we had the chance
It's always americans
Forced losses are real.
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I will be wearing the nintendo museum Wii-U shirt
>muh americans
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where are their feet?
100% not a bot because he fucks up sometimes, deletes his posts and tries again. sometimes replies to the wrong posts too
others doesn't post at all because he's asleep
whenever he thinks goji is around (an /ink/er who this footschizo has beef with for some reason) he fucking loses it
Is Open or Series matchmaking better

I ask because I've just come off a streak of 10 straight losses in A rank Series and I was clearly the best player on the team for a good half of those. It often felt like I was playing against a trained team on comms while my team was just holding forward and dying. But then I entered Open and it seemed fine, like one team wasn't particularly better than another but I was clearly good enough to turn the tide.

Is this thst SBMM meme where the better you are relative to your rank, the worse it stacks the odds against you until it's impossible to rank up because you're constantly playing against top-level players in your bracket while your teammates are worthless?
why did the trans community RUIN splatoon
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oh nice, my Grand Festival icons finally showed up
Goblin grip...
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I thought he was keeping track of /ink/ers who are clearly into feet, he's always accusing the same 4 or 5 anons of being pedos
He stopped accusing me in recent times.
he insults people who dump plaza webms, not feet specifically
notice how he has accused goji, squinty and others of raping little kids, but when nono posts his webms wearing a friendship bracelet, he just tells him to fuck off
I think he really knows which anons are clearly into feet
Someone thinks you need to take medication.
plaza, not gameplay clips
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What a beautiful angel. Would hug without a second thought.
I wanna hug callie butt
nono only started posting 7 months after the game released when footschizo has been here since the last game.
I'm not into feet though and he says that about me. He just assumes anyone wearing sandal shoes is a footfag.
feet are actually cleaner than buttholes believe it or not yet no one judges people who like the latter
nobody here really plays splatoon and would rather obsess over posters like they do inside their 'cord servers. you need to shut up and play game
I know, I'm not saying nono is footschizo, just that footschizo clearly has been targetting footfags that have been here for years
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Untrue as there's only certain kinds of bacteria that can live around your crevasse without you needing to be seen by a doctor for medication or some other kind of treatment. Meanwhile your feet and hands have thick, tough skin that can deal with more than any other parts of your body can which means many more forms of dangerous bacteria can live, thrive and do so peacefully on your hands without anything happening to them
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>no ink
>no hope
squinty unironically hates feet
so does timmy
That has to be the stupidest flingza.
>Untrue as there's only certain kinds of bacteria that can live around your crevasse without you needing to be seen by a doctor for medication or some other kind of treatment.
bitch do you just think there's no bacteria in your poopy
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dumb assmuncher
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I play :)
why ceph so sex
Woomy has to attract yebbies somehow.
I know a footschizo irl.
Seriously nobody answered my question
only real inkling sluts know about the lures
your woomy only likes BOC
I don't even have this game I just listen to the music and look at feet
your woomy only likes BHC
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ima headBOC ya
Why is there so much litter everywhere in plazas?
fat veemo
liters are the last level of splatoon
>thinking all bacteria is dangerous and harmful
I would laugh if this wasn't so concerning that I genuinely believe the both of you think this
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you are a coping scat fetishist
people literally wash their hands after they go to the bathroom BECAUSE they're dirtier now from being near your poopy butt, the idea that the poopy butt is cleaner is ridiculous
would you rather someone step on your food or shit on your food?
IRL I agree with you, but that's not really an issue for drawings and such.
what a good SPLATOON thread with all this talk of feet and feces
i wanna have a foursome with deep cut
i wanna have a fivesome with splatoon 4’s idols
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Yeah. Heh heh... what a shitter... heh.
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It's just 2 guys though
>ranged weapon
>walk forward into danger
bro what are you doing
Where's their yebby.
The idea that they do a weyy and another nonceph male so a yebby idol NEVER happens is funny
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he's too manly, not afraid of faggot campy weapons
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Pearl doing her Off the Hook songs for giving backshots tier list
I am going to spin your ceph.
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my love for the squod sostuhs knows no bounds
Good veemo.
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I was drunk on my own power.
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Bocchi the octo
very cute
I wonder what gimmicky busted fucking special vshot will get in 4
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the king
She's already spun
Very handsome dum looking yebby, good art too.
nta but thanks for sharing.
perfect rotation
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lil devil horns? ignored.
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All of my pink gear is either used in something else or I lack the chunks to swap the main, so I was thinking maybe white with pink highlights may do the trick?
that gear had too many triangles and would cause slow down if anyone used a special so it makes sense they didn't bring that or the other halloween items back
Same +1
How many S3 elements is there total? Is 521 everything, or did I miss any I will kms if I did
>No one told him
Yeah that works looks fresh
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w-what happened?
based retard
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icon doko
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Nice, this was my first candidate, but needless to say my Swim Speed Up chunks were needed elsewhere (and the shade of pink doesn't quite go with the other pieces anyway).
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How many years have you done this now? And you never once use Krill yourself in an aquatic theme game you don't even use an appropriate response. I'm not even mad I'm just disappointed after this multi year long failure of yours.
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cute buddies
>I got my icons finally
there is a cod
Would hug her as well. She is the purest, yet silliest, muffin. :)
Got mine last weekend, seems weird that they're manually rolling them out. Sticking with just Callie's icon anyway because she's the hest.
I want sloppy, lazy old hag marie wrapped up around me all naked and warm in bed.
>I only got 497
It's over.
>Do everything I can to get every single icon whenever theyre available
bad news: I only got 174
good news: I only got the ones that looked cool! so it's fine.
They never gave me the special grand festival icons tho I think it's legit not gonna come.....
thinking about Marie__________________________________________________________
>deleted it
What's a good capture card to record clips for this game? I don't know how much a good one is but under US$200 is preferable. Also I don't know if any have software that is required to work but also preferably not with that.
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I think about Marie too.
I just stop in my tracks and hold the screencap button on the blue joycon
then later I put my sdcard on the puter and let it do the magic!
It's not what you asked for but i thought id say it anyways
>blue notification mark on NSO
>it's for EOW icons
>still didn't get any for grandfest
Damn lads, I hope they do a rerun again on some occasion
what did marie say
it produces pretty bad videos
thought id let you know
So what is the grand total then?
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>look at pro top 100 for past present future
>#1 past: 2700
>#1 present: 2600
>#1 future: 2500
I dont think we had much hope, huh
yes yes that's true!
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we had much fun tho! our shout was the best and we were on fire either ways!
Time only moves fowards anyways so I wouldn't worry. We did amazing!!!
Future and Deep Cut is getting priority anyways, if we go by the dialogue.
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staff actually doing their unpaid jobs for once
I got this just a few days ago, there was a bit of discussion if you go back a thread or two.
I can't say much about it yet, only plugged it in today for the first time to see if it works. But the video capture quality is much, much better then the built-in. It goes for about $100 on Amazon.
Also for software (just capture and/or streaming, not non-linear editing and stuff) you want OBS. They actually certify some devices for performance and compatibility, this one included.
they wouldn't make three new guys and build upon them for 2 years just to leave them behind just cuz some other team won so that makes sense
the choice probably only defines next game's main superficial aesthetic
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Who cares I had fun
Plus don't matter they are the future and this game only moves forward. Its just the net code that is stuck in the past
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smug fucking goblin
She would stop sniffing A4 if Callie would be a little less silly all the time.
We truly stay fresh! even now i gotta say... cheers, futurechads!! I'll always be proud of you guys!!!!
Thinking about /ink/
Might check this one out
I knew about OBS I have that installed already I was referring to driver/configuration bullshit that every PC peripheral from keyboards to wheels seem to have nowadays.
octos are cute and good for you
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Cool woomy.
Me after winning with 4 kills and 9 deaths
The XR1 just werked for me under W10. Just need to use the included double-tap USB cable for power, otherwise it seems to be limited to 720p.
One annoying thing I noticed is it does not have a passive pass-thru when powered off, so you need to have it either plugged in permanently, or juggle cables each time.
I'm just recording to laptop downstairs where my TV and Switch are, so it's the latter for me.
there's a reference here, I think
So it's this one?
Finally a woomy that isn't in anguish
>$108 just to take clips of woomy game longer than 30 seconds
love you mspaint anon
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Not just longer woomy clips, actual 1080p pictures of woomies.
I spent more than double on mine.
1080p teehee
who salmn
But I can already do 1440p S1 woomy pictures on the 'puter
yay piracy and theft
yay paying 60 dollars for an emulated 40 dollar title from two decades ago
This is a very good woomy
Pirate woomy stealing Splatoon 4 two weeks before release
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Wooarrr Capn I got the booty from Nintendo HQ she's a shiny one alright.
I could salmn for a Boris.
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Nintendo will pay a kings ransom to have it back. Good work my woomers tonight we party hard and long. All the burgers and Tako wenches can have tonight me woomers.
Still around? I could go for a king.
open in 5 min
Why would anyone play squiffer when reeflux does the same thing and can shoot over walls and is the second best inker in the game and has better kits?
Bait used to be believable
im pretty sure reeflux has better ink efficiency too desu
why would you play either when shooters exist
I might just pop in as well
veemos are made for ____
hugs and fugs
Its longer range inks better has a better special has better ink efficiency is better at shooting over cover and oneshots them
Servicing yebweyys in the locker rooms.
woomies and other veemos
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I just saw on Marie's squidtter its been 10 days since Grand Fest and she has just now recovered from it.
Even Big man is saying the same thing about himself.
woomy wearing marinated top except she takes it off and her boobs are even bigger than it suggested they are
That was fast, I can do another king...
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agent 4 had the freshest hero suit
Give me 2 minutes!
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Woomy is flying so high she made woomtrails
>surely my shops will be okay without reset hack

Man Risky Reward just not worth it at all unless RNG gods smile on you

Less prlz than if I just went full hack but got near full palette
I feel your pain, anon. I swear I played more than the one match of Grand Fest that I had with Calliebro...
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GG's Slammers!
ggs salmn very fun
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GGGGGGGGs slamon, thanks a lot for playing with me, good kings! Good yebby fives, until next time.
GGs crew.
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Good night /ink/
kill yourself
did you stop quoting because you think you're giving le downvote by not giving a (You) or because you don't want to accidentally quote the wrong post again
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kind of feel like gaming but idk
>house chores
>some loose threads from work today
>some things other than Splatoon that I've been putting away forever
>3 hours of sleep last night
>want to play Splatoon anyway
>fighting the urge to not fall asleep right here and now
callie's thighs
with my face buried in them
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bad wooms bad wooms
what ya gonna do
what ya gonna do if they woommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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their colors are fading
thinking about /ink/er butts
Stop thinking about sweaty man ass and get on the fuckin tower
Gee i wonder who is behind this post
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the general isn't dead it's just sleeping
alll tuckered out
sleepy /ink/
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you have way too many hacks equipped
I usually just pump level reset to its cheapest level and then play at 2.5x with no other hacks
Very nice work
that's from @pie_orly not an /ink/er
finally got the grandfest icons... but only the ones you get for playing with friends...?
It's kinda weird that I'd get those before the one that's supposed to just be the default one everyone gets....
Oh well it's a small indie company team! I must understand.
Marina needs to stop thinking about /ink/ers and go back to the sewers
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woomy painting
precious photographer woomy
Is it worth getting into this game now? I read that it's no longer getting updates
this will be deep cut next game i can feel it!!!
Only slutty Callie from now on.
>slutty callie
also known as just
ULTRA slutty
I wish they'd remove splash wall from the game. Or at least from shooters.
callie doesn't mind getting inked but marie won't let even one drop get on her
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I love splatlings
Do we know all the canon species of octopus and squids the idols are?
Wrong Pearl is pigmy squid. Frye is vampire squid or indian squid. Shiver is chinese or japanese octopus. Marina is african octopus. Squid sisters are rare and precious japanese squids
well frye is probably designed with the vampire squid in mind, and splatoween has had vampire squid themed decorations put up, so i'm going out on a limb and saying that there are different species that just kind of exist. they're still inklings and octolings, but slight differences.
nah they're just octolings and inklings
vampire squids are more related to octopus than squids
yer a squid marie
squee quor qua?
My headcnaon is that every inkling and octoling just reeks of smelling like octopus/squids and they don't have a concept of putting perfumes and other stuff on their bodies.
Squid smell is attractive among cephs. Your woomy STINKS and she's proud about it.
Imagine how strong Maries ass or cooch must stink
>game officially ends/dies
>general tranny circlejerk hard nosedives into coomer cancer
what are people like kold and fantasy gonna do otherwise, try to get into x rank?kek
For some reason, this is reminding me of an art piece I have saved that a friend I used to watch on Twitch made...
>"She's saddened by the night she couldn't spend with Frye" according to the artist
More like fragrant like a flower
why is this marie pic so cute
why did she do this
she thought her gramps was dead
i love pearl's big chompers
i love pearl's big stompers
why is this song so much better without big man?
pre-existing biases
damn that guitar is grating
Big Man should stick to writing music.
i do think the song is better
but not because of that lol
I think big man's wobbly voice was cute
how did they get this? the cd doesn't release until december.
it's a direct gamerip
why don't we have gamerips in the op? other generals have megas for their osts.
>pad some gear seed to bring myselfto play the game
>5 loss streak
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that's actually a great point, why do we not we have that?
isnt Fantasy like 1200 x power, which is unbelievably low??
Do I need to change any of this shit or is it fine as is?
I have zero stars on both bloblobbers
Video format maybe? I don't know what y/uv is.
Callie is a bigfin reef squid.
Marie is a firefly squid.
op is a moralfag
based plasma stinker
Really? Is he a stickfag or something?
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I lost all motivation to keep playing.
>capture just stuck on a frozen frame with crackling audio after a few minutes
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*captures your woomy*
Good, you can keep her, she was a bad woomy.
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I regained motivation to play again.
is there any way to stream your switch besides an expensive capture card
Restart your computer?
A cheap capture card.
bad woomys need to be spanked
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kill yourself
What's your limit on "expensive"? The lite version of the one that's been posted is ~$60 if you don't need anything more than 1080p/60fps.
Switch 2 is going to be at 1440p.
I'd like that but that assumes most people would use it with a monitor and not a TV, and I really don't think that's the case.
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Veemlet sexo
Tech is improving and getting cheaper. It's a time thing.
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The extremely rare durian woomy
ideally something that won't cost me a lot considering i just want to use it for streaming on discord to my friends
shivers huge ass bursting through her spats
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wait a sec...
>capture freezing seems to be an OBS bug
>reports of this bug are multiple years old
Well great. Is OBS the only option?
The veemlet vrip
Works on my machine™, although I remember it took me a while to figure out how to make it play ball. Did you try turning off HDCP?
What is that and where is that
Anon this is Nintendo they'll be making a system that is better than a PS3 but below a PS4 you'll get 1080p and like it. But on the plus side it'll only cost like $300
Dunno if the XR1 Pro uses the same software, but the original XR1 needs an application from EVGA's website to adjust that plus all the gayman LED nonsense so I assume it may be the same.
It's either that or a firmware update iirc.
Looking back, I ended up reinstalling OBS to fix my issue so if disabling HDCP doesn't cut it you can just go for the ol' reliable.
I keep getting bored of Splatoon's gameplay loop. I feel like it's grating at higher levels and Salmon Run isn't designed well. How do I get back into the game or move on?
Realize there's nothing else like it and either accept its flaws or decide if they're not worth it
You go play side order for a bit.
People only play after the game's dead because they're pedophiles and want to have sex with squidkids, if that's not enough anymore then you're finally free
Thanks anons, I'll try this. If nothing else, at least there's the fashion shit.
you can get chinesium offbrands that are like $10 but are only 720p 60fps. a lot claim they are usb 3 and 1080p capable, but they are only 1989p at 30 fps because despite the blue usb3 port, the chipset inside is only compatible usb 2. if you are just streaming to friends, 720p is probably fine.
wait for splat4 to un-bayonetta the meta (again)
I think I finally got the capture working and then the power goes out for some reason
I can't have shit today
People still play side order? I haven't touched it since april
It may be bare bones but its still fun. Just like people still play hero mode even if its just for the daily gacha pull they still play it.
no one still does that
April? I stopped a week after it came out.
i didn't buy it
How very wrong you are
Each day I play I go send off the sheldrone.
Playing side order? $30, fun for a few hours
The ability to say you didn't pay for the expansion? Priceless, lasts forever
says a lot about how little you got going on in your life
Being able to go to Inkopolis Square without having to boot up Splatoon 2 (astaghfirullah) is worth the disappointment that was Side Order.
why wont you pway with widdle smollusk?
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sit on my face
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the perfect age
Veemlet showing up in my room in the middle of the night?
Yes please
I don't think it's physically possible to wear your pants lower than this
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Can't wait to play MH Wilds and Splatoon 4 on my Switch 2.
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Sure would be nice if they had added in splatfest outfits for amiibo's
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better than playing the gacha i guess
monster hunter commemorative splatfest for splatoon 4
with cool special gear to go with it because i like thinking big
you have created an IED
>side order was bad
since when lol? i've had a ton of fun playing it.
I like Shiver.
Oh so it does have one of those dumbass softwares
But I'm not on windows so I probably can't run it
it seems it was mainly bad to those who couldnt afford it
I stopped doing the sheldrone daily after I got ten of every sheldrone locker decoration. Now I'm farming the side order daily for callie stickers.
splatoon 4 will have ray tracing (big man will have hyper-realistic shadows and lighting)
(the hub will run at 8-12fps)
not that anon but
side order was just underwhelming. it's still fun ofc but most of it was just mindless enemy spam with barely any sort of story or anything cool
when we got OE we also got a whole new look at the splatoon world and it felt cool!!
When we got SO we had new gametext so that we could update the inkpedia.
It was more disappointing than bad. It was worse than octo expansion solely because the game didn't have a secret boss.
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it had big shoes to fill but the trailers with unclear imagery(mostly unused concept art) that was only put there cuz they hadn't finished most of the actual game did not help.
I thought you could only have one sticker of every idol
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>Nintendo online store has Zelda lego sets
>Still no Splat lego sets
Its not fair
a lot of stuff in 3 feels like they waffled for ages and only started working at at the 11th hour.
You can get them from the side order daily. Randomly.

I've only got two pixel callies and four graffiti callies.
deja vu.... did you see those cool lego squid sisiters we posted at the start of the thread? i wish i could build those theyre so posable...
i hope 4 nails it better than 3 did
there!!! I love the way they look! but yeah i wish there was official lego splatoon...
The game did go through covid during development. That's my only cope.
Of course but I mean actual full on sets like the Zelda one.
I didn't actually think they went thru with the zelda stuff.... yeah same. I think the octobot king is simply asking to be a cool lego set with an agent 3 minifig and some octotroops to go with it.
A legit cope the rona did fuck up a ton of things that were in the works during those years.
Uhh you can buy that off Lego's site you can also buy it off Nintendo US store. They very much did do it.
I like Shivers butt.
Side order was a fucking waste, saddest attempt at a roguelite I've ever seen. Seriously, indie devs could do it better
i respect woomen
>damn near 2 year long development
>4 hours of content
side order is bad
>>damn near 2 year long development
doubt it
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i shrimp for woomy
Wat za fuck*
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Squishing face with floppas.
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I think side order appealed to a certain type of people a lot more than others. There are some people that want a lot of content, they want to be wowed and "have the ante upped" so to speak, they want hype moments and high highs, stuff they can point to and say "I got my money's worth."

I'm the sort of person that loves to be given a bunch of options in a sandbox and just tinker. Blaster with max fire rate? Ooh I wanna try that. Splattershot with max range and homing? Sounds fun. Giant Booyah Bombs? Sign me up. I just enjoyed having the gameplay there, and being able to experience regular splatoon gameplay with all of the dials turned up to max. I guess side order disappointed some people because it didn't ave big musical moments, setpieces, story beats, etc. Rather than calling it bad, just accept that you can't please everyone.
I will never forgive nintendo for not making the beam fight at the end of OE a button mash QTE
what are you talking about....? half of side order was big musical moments where bosses would go along the music
the issue with side order is that it was shallow asf and not that interesting the way octo expansion was
not bad because it wasn't fun but bad because it was a let down... a let down I had big hopes for.
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has any more Splatoon stuff come out from the Nintendo Museum or is it still just the PNG wall?
They don't even give you a lot of options tho, which is a huge issue. Only 12 weapons with the amount of chips available makes things extremely stale because of the lack of variety in builds, also lack of enemy and stage variety and even difficulty for that matter. SO blows ass and it's even worse that it took them so long to deliver such a half-assed tech-demo
i like her paw hands
I wouldn't mind twelve weapons if the chips weren't almost all boring number increases
where are the crits, where are the +150% damage -50% fire rate, where are the explosive bullets?
>run into the same turbo controller playing squeezer faggot wearing his silver x-rank badge despite waiting to dodge him

all the fat goes into callies floppers
it's $25
Do your flops hang low
Do they wobble to and fro?
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Is bedhead considered flopshredding?
now give her eel hands
now draw her in a cardboard box
ggs that was me
now draw her pregnant
extremely good mewmy.
callies flops jiggling
callies flops getting really heavy... callie has to heave them as they drag on the floor!
now draw her stealing the chaos emeralds
then don't buy it
>4 hours
i don't care i will buy splatoon slop even if it's bad
you described it well
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she can tie them in a knot
she can tie them in a bow
>if it's not the capture freezing it's the audio sounding fucked
Goddammit why is just plugging something in and having it work too much to ask
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now pat her head
Technology is basically magic that we simply hope functions
>captcha has woomy
now take advantage of her situation and impregnate her
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This woomy hates touching.
>bad woomies
take her out of that box. she doesn't belong there.
Lol thanks anon, this is good.
it's ok she can't read
alright the silly zelda game is out now give me splatoon 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
to this woomy any attention is good attention.
why the fuck do jelletons drop power eggs? they have literally no use in side order.
4 will have a special where you light a match and set ink on fire.
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Giving cephalopods lots of ramen
anon... ceph will become addicted...
>He never takes the bonus bomb chip
is THAT what it's for?
Yeah its really useful especially on the danger levels. Killing one with lucky bomb equipped can turn out to you killing 5 then they drop bombs too which creates a nice chain reaction. I've wiped out entire swarms this way
Power eggs? I don't remember that.
You need lots of ramen to feed Lots of cephs for the party
>want to reset my data
>would lose my banners from the splatfests and seasons
idk what to do bros
i'll try using it tonight. i'm having a bit of an issue with the low hacks badge. any recommendations?
but anon... they'll get...
did you break your mmr or something?
no clue what mmr means, but nothing is broken, i just want to restart because i feel like it
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.
It's important that you have your vaccines up to date, anon!
you can get all the fest banners from opening the game via the news from the nintendo switch
the seasons one.... well youre lucky cuz they'll always be there
my yebby doesn't vax...
feral yebby...
oh awesome! i won't miss anything then, thanks for the info anon :]
i'm not missing much level wise, i'm only level 29.
Start a new game on a second switch profile. That way you keep the old one.
no one on my fl has this pfp
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match making rating

i'm not completely certain but you might only be able to redeem them once per account.
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>Octopuses and slom caught on camera hunting as a team
The news articles do drop off after a while. If they have a QR code yeah those you can always get from inkpedia.

Everything will be gone are you sure about that?
btw MMR means your match makeing rank its the hidden stat that sends you to easy room or FLAR room
Cant you literally just clear your save data and cloud data (if this game even has cloud save support kekw kek)
anyway there is literally no reason to do this if you arent concerned about your mmr
It would be silly if they wouldn't let you...
they will get WHAT, Anon? A hearty helping of ramen? A full stomach so they can keep partying? A delicious meal to enjoy? What will they get, Anon? You're not poisoning the food, are you, Anon?
What will they get, Anonymous
Did you guys get one star on everything yet? I still have a couple chargers left and then like 50 other weapons or something...
no they don't.
just go on"find channels" then look for the "splatoon 3 news" channel and they'll have all posts there. i just checked and it goes all the way to the "release of the game" news.
they will get... they will get... if you feed them lots they'll get...
news has never fallen off. you can still go back and find the very first news article
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I bought the acht one, couldn't help myself.
Yes they do it just takes a long time. You can't find all the news for Splat 2 anymore.
NOT feral... just special...
i've never played a ranked match, it's at C-
yes that's what i mean. i know there's no reason but i feel like it because i'm dumb.
good thing we're talking about splatoon 3 then
although i suppose the final fest items would be gone too
i'll probably just make a new profile
I did most of them. Wanted to try stuff, but there are some weapons that I'm not interested in using. Forced myself to slog through both recycled brellas, now that the game's over I don't have it in me to do all of the chargers and stuff like reeflux.
Its an old recording of Octavio making a deal with the fish from 50 years ago.
Dont do it then you're literally just losing items that you will then have to grind for again. stop letting your autism ruin your life
>now that the game's over I don't have it in me to do all of the chargers and stuff like reeflux.
yeah but now its safe to spend all licenses on gambling
autism IS my life anon, but i'll just make a new profile
It also effects normal turf as well you play online you have an MMR score for each mode you do play. You even have one for SR when you fish with rando's

This is your best choice you can start fresh and you lose nothing if you want to go back

It'll happen to splat 3 as well just haven't reached the time limit yet.
spit it out damnit
Nope, but now that 1 star is 5000 instead of 10K I might go and 1 star weapons I suck with
that being reset is fine to me because i haven't played in ages so i'm basically new at the game again.
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Third kits aren't deconfirmed until:
- that official tournament happens
- the next nintendo direct happens
- next "season" begins
Inklings are the white people of the Splatoon universe. Octolings are the other.
>Can use OBS to output the switch audio to my computer and bypass the console's stupid low volume limit
Finally... 150% Woomy

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