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Unlocked and Loaded edition

previous thread: >>495807761

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Unlocked and Loaded - Patch Notes - Pt. 1 - OUT NOW!

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soon™

Helldivers 2:
60 Day Timeline - Progress Update:


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine II:
Message to the community - a first Q&A:

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
>commissar lady hyped up as super strict evil lady, /coop/g says she's black
>turns out she's a white woman who's just tsundere for Morrow
/coopg/ just loves nigresses and is very tsundere about them
they still believe the french psyker is a black woman despite people posting evidence otherwise
>Ogryn joins auric
>wearing welding mask and using a voice modulator so he sounds like Vader over VOIP
So this is the real auric damnation experience
is the game playable during the maintenance or nah?
They made me re-watch the clip. I was confused because the officer in the hologram didn't look remotely black, but it was a greenscale hologram. I assumed that maybe it was "anime black" where the character doesn't have any African features whatsoever beyond the "black" skin and the character ends up being Okinawan or something in truth.
>The Forever Winter - TBA
it's out though
what maintenance bro, they've just not swapped the servers from old to new yet cause there's a concentrated snowstorm on top of their office
lol who cares
I heard it was another peaceful grenade attack
Poor form
Well I just tested Warp Unbound in the meat locker and you still blow up, dont know if you take corruption damage though. With warp siphon and maxed out peril resist though you can basically have this up forever. Thats 40% damage 20% movespeed and 20% crit chance as long as you quell every 20 seconds and just let it die every minute. Assuming you kill elites/specials with psy aura, like 4 of them in that minute time frame, youll have it before the linger is up. Definitely going on my surge build
Maybe I should nap at work to make the day go by a little faster?
Ok but its actually a legit horde clear strategy like holy shit its killing over a dozen poxwalkers in seconds and chains really far I think I might run this for a bit.
so what's the consensus, are we back?
you can blow up flamers fuel tanks now
>open game
>overwhelmed with all the new stuff
>have to redo all talent trees
>close game
post your god tier weapons after the patch
very back
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Post new bolter skin
only with ranged attacks that hit the backpack and only if you dont instant kill them on the first shot so its a deliberate choice to do so not oh fuck we have to wait 20 seconds to move forward every time a flamer shows up so its balanced
Is the extra cleave necessary?
No idea, I leave nerd work to others
This update is exactly as expected. There's still RNG in weapon crafting and none of the new shit is worth playing. As usual, Darktrannies lose
some people aare never happy, there is very little rng and if there wasnt you could turn any weapon into anything which takes away alot of the point to the crafting. As it is it took me like 15 rolls to score what will be 4 god craft weapons
They all have Stockholm Syndrome.
can i get mastery xp yet
Stop trying to bait Tranner
I just want to know if the vet's +10% rending on all weapons is worth it
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I just opened my inventory and looked at the first knife my mouse cursor happened to be on
guess this update just randomly gave me multiple perfect rolled 380s without even trying
There was nothing wrong with statmaxxed red gear in VT2.
Different for the sake of different when they have no ideas beyond doing something worse.
Can't believe we're finally out of early access.
>There was nothing wrong with statmaxxed red gear in VT2.
*clicks reroll 200 times to get AS and crit*
not yet
*shopclicks 200 times to get 80% Damage/Stopping Power*
Fuily up? Or still gradually?

captcha: 2SPAM
See >>495950463
don't be a weird little faggot. I literally got god rolls of every single weapon family here. I don't even have to buy off brunts. If I did I bet it would take me like 5 purchases tops.

You lost, doomer
So all that changenote nonsense was just a long winded way to say I lose all my high tier blessings and have to grind through all my weapons again if I ever want something new. Yippie.
took me 2 rolls for most weapons, you're just being a nigger
Isn't there supposed to be a catchup mechanic for people that have played awhile already? The update today is gradual so it might not have happened yet.

OTHERWISE yes I'm pissed too
the catchup mechanic is you need 80% of all blessings for that weap or you're toasted kid
Try logging in you ridiculous retarded faggot. You can just freely get every blessing you had before and more, having a couple blessings saved unlocked on a weapon translates into a free quad T4
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Alright /coopg/ you finally got your crafting update, now what.
now we can stop pretending vermintide is better
Yeah, sacrifice weapons to hadron for mastery. Doesn't matter what kind but same weapon family get more xp
Wait so what part isn't unlcoked yet? I can seemingly use everything just fine
now we wait for the REAL content
>hive 2
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Forgot pic, I made this in like 2 minutes without a single RNG roll. I guess technically finding this one in my inventory was RNG? I have like 100 random weapons laying around though
>Half the stuff dosent even work
>Some Maintenance is going on
>New mission is okay i guess

amazing update Chubbyshark
Did anyone else start with 0 mastery? Like none at all. I cant upgrade anything despite having most blessings unlocked. Im going to have to grind out dozens of hours per weapon to be able to change change a grey weapon to green
half chub
I'll let you know once I boot up the game again and still see mastery 0 across the board
try restarting. the maintenance is done now.
works for me
yes, at least for mark XV
I don't think the cleave is necessary on the Mk.XV if you're using powered light attacks. At least I can better test it now that blessings can be freely swapped.
I can't entreat hadron
I need a telopots video to tell me what to think about this update
new mission is cool. Very hard when played with retards.
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we are so back
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doomposters in shambles. It took me like two minutes to make a bunch of literally godrolled weps each
kill yourself. I didn't even collect blessings beforehand.
What blessings for new and improved thammer? Thrust and slaughterer?
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>thammer unyielding damage still got fucked in the ass
>they're gonna leave it like this
remember that 90% of posters here are turboshitters so you're probably right
The cool thing about the new system is that you can just experiment yourself now
You ARE going to experiment yourself right?
pskyer talent tree buffed
gunlugger buffs
yeah i'm somewhat back
So basically I only need one weapon from each category since you can swap marks and perks and blessings whenever you want for a gold cost?
bravo, how does it feel to be a genius?
yes! :)
Just checking, no need to be rude.
>gunlugger buffs
These brown third world underaged xbox retards are TOO FUCKING SLOW I hate knowing it's a loss 2 minutes into the mission. Time limit was a mistake.
>quickplay into timed mission
>it's already too late
I want to test the new maul and bolt pistol. Do I have to play hours with a grey or hoard oranges to sacrifice ? Which is quicker
buffs, for the gunlugger
did they adjust peril generation? feels like you can do more with staffs before needing to quell
its out?
I thought it was 26th?
wow it's nothing
>its out?
Partially. It's in the process of coming out
you ungrateful FUCK
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>thammer is now fun again
>flamer is now fun again
I mean, I guess I can tolerate this until they add power greatsword and melta.
Or properly scale up eviscerators and make them actual man mulchers
How grindy even is the new system. I logged on to see that the weapon I've been using for a while is only level 5.
>Vraks IAG is now Columnus
>Columnus IAG is now Vraks
It's actually everything
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>all t4 and half t3 will be enough, reject ;)
>get most t3 and t4
damn her feet must be huge, look at those boots
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I how have mastery, no blessings, all the previous masteries were already claimed and I have no points so I cant own any blessings. Fucking kill me
I guess later on you can have multiples so you can have different loadouts with the same weapon assuming there are any weapons where there are more than 2 good blessings
all the better to step on your balls with
5-15 Damnation games from 0. Per weapon. Or just give Hadron old weapons
>thammer lights actually one tap enemies to the head
wow, why did it take them this long to do this
I would have preferred no "buffs" at all to keep my bonk stick
Needed to buff the vet first :)
5 or 15
It depends on how you build it. If you plan on using powered light attacks, cleave won't be an issue. Throw cleave blessings on it if you're treating it like Kruber's Executioner.
It's the new RNG layer they added.
Dunno. Starwhat gave this range when people asked. And that's what I'm giving you. Still at work so i can't test it out and spoonfeed you more thoroughly.
ahhh so dump all my current weapons in her "slots", got it.
I see that's annoying. Thanks
so for the rolling steel bomb defusal, you have to keep the ball in the center or what?
I'm still not sure how to actually use this system. am I supposed to take all my old weapons and just shove it in there?
Wait what it's proven the same one gives more XP ? Like a mauler for the mauler god ?
Bro, did you forget rule 1 of cyborg girls?
It's been stated in the devblogs, yesm.
You know that 30% less toughness regen thing psykers get? It means instant death on revive if there is anything near you because you get no toughness back. I went down twice on the new train thing trying out this new build with it, got trapped in a small room the first time, second time was from the boss almost instant killing me in 1 hit. I mean everyone was going down so Im not too embarrassed but its just instant death if youre revived near enemies right now
It's really not a long read, alternatively just check ingame and you'll figure out how it works
>empower makes any wep 500 and thus have maxed out stats
>mastery can be gained by sacrificng weps at hadron or using the wep
I guess I feel daunted because it FEELS like I kinda have to rebuild my character again ground up. Not impossible but a mite frustrating and definitely time consuming.
>buy chain axe
>upgrade upgrade upgrade
>switch perk
>change blessing
>change the other blessing too
wtf this is so much better
Holy shit the knife zealots on the train, I refuse to play psyker on the new level. Both attempts had 2 knife zealots so it was me and one other person trying to deal with the unending hordes that kept spawning. This rewards 40% the normal amount of a mission too. I cant use a staff with only one other person around and why go psyker if youre going pure melee in a mixed horde enviornment. Sucks
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erm why is this out when it's only the 25th??
Bro? Your trauma staff???
as i read this im in a lobby with a knife vet and knife zealot
I kinda wanna run Shred + Perfect Strike on it
Haven't played since Jan. Someone give me the run down.
you should kill yourself
you contribute nothing to anyone unfortunate enough to know you
you're one giant leech that your parents regret letting get so big before putting down
>It's the can't play anything but the new map episode again
already knew that.
From what I gather it's a "gradual update". So instead of just dropping it like most updates it's being done over the course of the day.

For what reason I have no idea. I assume because EVERYONE is going to be on this system and using it at the same time might do "something" to servers? That's my best logical guess.
Literally was spamming it but it doesnt matter because there is no time to rest or recharge and Im literally use it to just keep things off of the behind of the other guy jsut to be repeatedly ambushed from behind. Theyre running ahead ignoring all enemies. If I was zealot or vet I could do this but like, I cant do aurics with my psyker Im trash at it. The melee damage is like 40% and the staffs require a team for quelling
Good fucking luck
>hit the crusher with a charged thammer hit
>he dies in one hit
>swing my thammer at poxxers
>they die in one hit
why did it take this long for this weapon to perform as expected
>tencent owned company
it's the 26th in china, guizi
we already wiped
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seems that she will have a pernament station?
Why did all my strong weapons reduce in power while all my shit weapons I didn't use increase in power?
What the fuck is this dogshit. They actually made this unplayable for me.
I'm going to make my own lobbies now..
who's the hag?
Base stats count more towards power and 500 is the max. I have greys worth 410 now.
I suppose we have missed a "Commisar" character on board. I guess Rannick was the closest, being Inquisition.
>russian accent because she's a "hardass"
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Go ahead and rename all the weapons Fatshark. Its not confusing enough to try to figure out which one is which. Very Nice. Thanks.
So you only ever need one weapon as you can change the mark now?
Alright, it's not AS bad as I thought after playing around in the psykhanium for a bit.
>much easier to oneshot non elites with lights, making it easier to regain cooldown
>therefore you can run perfectionist
>crucis' new overhead after activation making it better than ironhelm
I was able to deal 90% of a normal plague ogryn's HP with full headtaker and sustained assault stacks, which means other bosses should definitely die, and martyrfags should most definitely be able to do it.
uh vet bros why is the plasma gun not penning shields anymore?
big if true
all my weapons are perfect now, thank you fartshart
melta when?
longlas when?
>mk II recon lasgun is now the mk VI
>mk VI recon lasgun is now the mk XII not to be confused with the mg XII infantry lasgun which is now the mk IX
changing the names is one thing but shifting all the numbers around is just retarded
Is there any reason to use the Ironhelm at this point besides its empowered cleave?
Honestly fine, because it's a boring fucking weapon.
>Lol lemme just click and delete this whole horde. That won't get dull after the same three times.


>Gunlugger Ogryn chunking a horde with his big MG while screaming autistically
at least you can just freely swap back and forth and it doesnt really matter anymore
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for what purpose?
I'd kill for even the ability to add sights on some guns. A scope for a sniper build wouldn't kill.
I don't think there is. The only way it's competitive with the crucis is if its activated heavies are able to cleave one elite. Crucis might actually have better horde clear because you won't have to activate every attack, and you can mindlessly spam heavy attacks without worrying about H3.
>Trauma staff is Voidblast. Not to be confused with VoidStrike.
Total Swede Death
I wish the weapon customization mod wasn't so fucking jank and crash my GPU, the little scopes gives the helbore their long range meme utility they deserve
how about you stop cheating
I will NEVER stop cheating
the problem with the weapon customization mod is scope creep. fucker couldn't stop at adding sights and needed to include a bunch of other bullshit like weapons on players in the morningstar that still load but are invisible if turned off tanking performance.
>my mastery for devil claw sword (which i have literally used ONCE across all characters) is 8 levels higher than my eviscerator (which i use a lot)
what the fuck is this shit?
probably means you pulled more blessings from the devil claw? Makes sense since 3 characters get those from emperors gifts so you passively acquire more blessings.
banked blessings
you had more T3/T4 on Devil Claw than Evisc
or its just fatshark shenanigans
im pretty sure its solely based on how many blessings you had
Before I waste my mastery points, Do I need thrust 4 to oneshot crushers with the hammer special?
yeah i realized its because i saved my devil claw blessings. funny that how little blessings i found for a handful of weapons despite using them since launch
Train was way better then the Karnak Twins
>Rolling Thunder
Damn the guy in charge of making missions names unmemorable must have quit as well.
4 failed psyker train attempts, incredibly smooth veteran win first try
They spent all their creative energy on renaming the weapons. No operation names for you.
kek what
genuinely why would they do this
this is just fucking with people for no reason
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This is all the players the update could bring back?
this is the kind of shit you get after a regime change. the new combat lead will fuck with everything solely because it's a remnant of the last guy, so get ready for a complete talent tree rework again in the next year.
More than half are queuing into the new mission and losing, grim
>Auric quickplay
>Train mission
>The other 3 stay behind killing zombies for minutes on end, I don't care because I'm doing the objectives and they keep enemies away
>I die
>They stand on the medicae for 2 minutes because there's 2 gunners outside
Still at work bro
Basic crafting updates don't drive hype. Gib mechanicus class and they will cum.
they're exploring the train first before seriously attempting...
Crusherchads, are any of the new blessing options good or is Skullcrusher + Hammerblow still BIS?
There wasn't even a new weapon. This patch is essentially shifting some numbers around and tossing some new jpegs in the excel sheet.
So it's the best patch ever for the greatest game ever made if you ask this thread.
Next patch will be new content for real. Trust the plan. Two more winters until a new class.
its been two years now. so soon we will get the "year one" dev blog
Shocking news: what this type of game needs is more content, not bullshit like crafting or achievements.
You do the objectives, I'm gonna stay behind and check if the background really isn't looping as they claim
you really can't trust those swedes
>traitor guard captain but he's a dreg now
Daring, they sat on that model for years didn't they
The eternal swede cannot create, only corrupt things others have made.
Rate the crafting update!
Finding which mods broke again/10
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tldr no
made a quick test with a thrown together momentum build
virtually unbuffed overhead special (always overhead on activation, regular heavies are broad sweeps) does a solid amount, on top of the attacks being much faster with the windup/activation now post-patch
with some easily procced buffs you'll have up most of the time, TH OHK a crusher now easy
thrust is pointless now, aside from the usual memedunking monsters
haven't tested the ironhelm
numeric UI error/10
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For anyone worrying about a slog it looks like a dozen aurics will take you to max rank. This was a tier 4 game where I was trying out the DS on a vet. Its mid. Got my scriptures though so not a waste
>we finally get red weapons
>they're just skins for hitting rank 20
bravo, fatshark!
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What the fuck am I missing?
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dead weapon if true. classic fatshark stealth nerf
so many psykers
>Heavy evi. still only has 6 stacks of bleed fo bloodletter
Bravo indeed shitshark...
Damn that's pretty crazy. You probably need it on irnohelm tho since it oes less damage
>He doesn't have enough insight
some blessings don't have tier 1 and 2
>they already buffed the difficulty while everyone still has shitty weapons
What's that did I hear? Did they buff my Crucis Mk II Thunderhammer?
Why did they randomly changes names on weapons? Like the kantrael shotty is the accatran shotty now
Do GW spergs actually fucking care so deeply?
Yeah and they said they added new tiers for them. You can see all tiers are unlocked, anon.
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roasties explode now
>red weapons
Performance is absolute dogshit after the patch. Good job you fucking retards
>first time playing in months
>still get the looped loading screen to enter morningstar where you have to alt f4
turn off FSR3.1 FG it enabled itself by default
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>fire frenzy + blaze away on stubbers
Seems to have done the trick, ta
I'm going to wait until tomorrow to start playing and hope the kinks are ironed out by then
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>had all rank 3 and 4 blessings for stubbers
>still not max mastery
fucking kek, that would've made it too easy now wouldn't it?
>need to spend blessing points to unlock higher tier blessings
but why?
>any tier 4 blessing you have unlocked will still be available
>been buying weapons from Melk with tier 4s for things I don’t usually use
>can only get to tier 2 on those weapons
So that was all bullshit I see
I can sacrifice like 1 or 2 weapons
>spend over an hour going over my weapons
>join one quickplay damnation
>exit game
well that was fun, see you all next patch
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I don't understand this weapon change. Why is everything 380. Why is this so complicated, all they had to do was remove the locks.
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apply apply stacks of 1 percent percent?
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wait so the update does nothing for me if i already had godroll weapons?
yeah, your punishment for being such a good piggy
You can change their blessings around for free if you want to try some other build
you didn't though
>weapon I have barely ever used: mastery level 15
>my main weapon: mastery level 10
how does this work huh?
Depends on how many blessings you had unlocked for the weapon before the update
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>shooting my kickback in a hallway with 3 flamers
It's beautiful
wait so I can't get 80% in every stat? the weapon still has a random roll for stats? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
this, ironically you start with the most mastery with your least favorite weapons because you probably just fed those to Hadron
shopclick still in full effect now you just look for the max roll instead
So far the only real QOL i can see for the update is being able to freely change blessings/perks
cant be fucking bothered to grind over a dozen weapons to max
>rolling steel aurics right now

>servitor has a butt scratching animation
Boltvet is pure chudkino
Retards in everygame thoughalbiet
I maxed everything last night then went to bed because servers weren’t letting me upgrade weapons. Have they fixed it yet or is it still snowing?
imagine the smell
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So when I bought this weapon it said 60% max warp resistance and now that I have it maxed out it says 56%. Thanks Sweden.
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I used the shit out of the cleaver, why isn't it fully unlocked?
>played a hundred hours of sm2 and shelved dt until the patch
>claim all the blessings, change my talents, make my dude
>play a single hi int doggo mission
>more adrenaline than every day of sm2 combined
It justs hits different, frantic as shit, no time to breath, excellent. Also holy shit the playerbase skill level has FLOORED all those bozos coming back.
Dueling Sword Zealot feels really fucking good, bros. I might ditch the Heavy Sword. The new Evi talent(s) give us a new build besides just crit/rampage/cleave?
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Why aren't my t4's already already unlocked?
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Alright round two, if this doesn't work I'm telling Fatshit to give me my resources back.
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This time it actually worked, I went slow on the upgrades rather than holding it down. So maybe some kind of hamster wheel server issue again. Upgrade carefully.
Fatshark. You have to manually unlock the Mastery/Blessings for each weapon type before you can start crafting with them. Enjoy your shopclick
>no flamer for vet
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>can't play until Friday
>this means modders have two days to fix my mods
Yes, that's right. MY mods. Sorry modders, but I downloaded them so they're mine. Now chop chop, get to work fixing them.
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>press hub hotkey
>game crashes
jesus fucking christ
2nd attempt at the train mission and both times my globetard fucking team refuses to believe that we have to do the objectives and do them quickly. motherfuckers are taking their time despite the entire top right of the screen blaring out that we have to get a move on.
Did the buff the visual effects of Surge staffs lightning? It looks more "meaty" now
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Weird shit going on with the max stats
>Duelling sword stealth zealot
>1/3 of an assassination boss' HP in one heavy
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who invited my man blud
bro thinks he's on the team
>no proofs
Sure thing kiddo
where did all the ogryns go?

It's really not much different ironically given all sperging.
Theyre all having sex.
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Sw*de math, clearly
so what are the meta builds now? havent played in about a year
>Ogryn quickplay, get matched with 3 Ogryn
>Veteran quickplay, get matched with 3 veteran
>Zealot quickplay, get matched with 3 Zealot
>Psyker quickplay, get matched with 3 Psyker
Im not crazy. The matchmaking is broken isnt it?
I don't know about this update but pretty much everything was viable before
use any gun and use it to shoot yourself you little faggot
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Wow this mission actually has a fairly tough timer.
Really not going to be able to babysit retards on it.
does it? only failed it the first time but ever since then its been ezpz
just roll the two you like to max then, you can upgrade the others with trash items.
that always happens with new missions
once everyone's gotten the memo about what you're supposed to do in the mission it gets fairly easy
What changed with the hammers? They seem the same.
Did every player forget to redo their talents? or is it just all the tourists coming back?
every mission my team are just falling apart like paper mache
yeah i was surprised, even at heresy difficulty the team cannot afford to get bogged down at any early junction or else the time limit will run ou later
too early to tell. Its an improvement since the locks are gone that is for sure.
yeah the teammate experience has been rough today but it makes sense if you realize we went from 3k players to nearly 5k. there's a lot of returning players who haven't touched the game in months and don't realize how much their skills degraded
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>alt tab = crash
>hotkey = crash
>walk up to hadron = crash
fuck you sweden along with the jeets you pay as devs
how do you know the mods making you crash are from sweden?
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>gamers figuring out that they have to press w on the mission with a time limit
>to nearly 5k
to nearly 15k*
so 80% of playerbase right now is either newbies or people who've forgotten how to play
Better recovery after energized strikes. Less Unyielding damage, more Carapace (slightly worse at monsters, much much better at Crushers). Better headshot multiplier for most things for easier trash clearing. Crucis special now transitions to a unique overhead heavy attack for easier head bopping.
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So why does everything stop at 80% max damage?
Bolt Pistol's new cleave is super crunchy. Love it
Red weapons with the 100% cap haven't been added yet
>Knife Zealot known for speedrunning objectives suddenly forget how to hold W
Funny how this happens
80/20 rule duh. Mommy hadron only wants to put forth 20% of the effort.
Someone give me their Psyker build
holy shit they made flame staff strong, it was already really good but now you can have permanent 5 stacks of blaze away
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what blessings?
>Only Weapons of the Anointed (blues) Quality or above can be Sacrificed
>can sacrifice Redeemed (greens)
bravo sweden
are mods causing crashes this patch or is it safe to load them?
Its so weird, we can't even get 80% in all stats lets alone 100%. What are they planning.
what do you think retard
They reworked psyker and added the worst mission possible to play psyker in so now you have 3 psyker faggots being worthless and playing smite in a missionw here you supposed to clear everything as fast as possible
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You can really tell when someone sucks at the new minigame
i think that i will ask my friends on coopg because they probably know :)
Make friends loser
>no talking in intro
>mission loads instantly
>commissar is missing a leg
depends on what you want it for. That's fine for exec stance vet. I suggest lethal prox and puncture for close range engagements.
Wow what commissar's voice actress is excruciatingly bad. Overacted and leans too hard into the swedish accent, like they got a local intern who likes LARPing on her spare time to come in to voice it.
This train mission is absurdly easy lol. The special waves do nothing because they inevitably have one or two flamersi n them that just blow the whole thing up
>unforgiving timer
As I fucking said, and also like I said the mission will be entirely dead after a week because people don't want to deal with that shit. What now Darktrannies?
>Nooo guys don't move on wait we need to clear ugh I have to stop and kill all these guys no hang on wait up
They were in our way FUCKING MOVE
Are tactical or combat axes playable on veteran?
Any build for that, something on the right side?
Both are definitely viable on vet, especially if you take Agile Engagement and Weapon Specialist.
>unforgiving timer
confirmed for not having played it, I consider it borderline impossible to fail the timer after having played it like 4 times
you MIGHT be able to lsoe it if you're a team of 4 pussy retards who never charge ahead and only try to covershoot. Which is a good thing. It SHOULD fail those players
Anyone else notice your framerate drops to shit when using a stim, if you have FSR3.1 FG? Weird.
Take Rashad. Add Brutal Momentum. Spam left click. Works with any build
mobility vs defense, which is best to dump? I bought a ton of weaps from brunt and they all have the wrong dump stat..
>worst mission possible
voidstrike down the entire train and get a trillion kills.
flamethrower works incredibly well here too
bubble on objectives
unless you're smitecuck this is a great mission.
the problem is that you think you need to stop and kill every poxwalker, which has never been true
happened to me too, I hate this shit
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So melk man's weapons are pretty much useless now right? He was mainly there for blessings but now you can get any blessing you want.
mobility is always the dump stat if it's on a weapon ebcause the difference between 60% and 80% mobility is like 3% movespeed on most weps. Maybe 4.5% on a knife
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>psyker starts roleplaying in chat
>gets down 3 times
>ogryn in chat "stop roleplaying , start playing"
>rest of game in total silence
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are lasguns useable yet?
My theory is that the preview fails to consider rounding.
In your case, your weapons ACTUAL stats are
So it takes the 60 down to 56.04 or whatever.
Hi-Intensity Damnation get tweaked? Lots more maulers, ragers, elites in general are very diverse.
idk, but the same thing allows you to get
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>Inferno Staff
He's now a reliable middleman for casual players. He will sell maxed rating items with high tier blessings, which you can use before you may be able to craft them in normal progression. Or burn your melkbucks for mastery sacrifices.
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on zealot is this actually good or just a meme?
holy shit the new boltpistol is actually FUN now
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Yea i dont know what I expected, back to slicing up Tyranids, maybe next year.
Recon, great.
Infantry, viable but overshadowed
Helbore, good melee weapon with a viable gun attached. New weapon swap talent might give it a boost
I see thanks
thammers and bolters have been brought to an acceptable level
Redpill me on the recon
Stats, blessings, specific talents? I'm guessing it's the fastest one with brittle spam?
is the best staff!
Is the bolters recoil still lagging?
its like kickback but doesnt vaporize the entire horde
apparently the devs still couldn't fully fix what was plaguing the bolt weapon aim sway, so until they fix it they decided to give the bolter huge accuracy/stability buffs to cancel the bug out lol
based fatshat stealth nerf
>80% is actually 100%
>20% is actually 0%
yes, fatshark is retarded, what else?
MkXI (formerly MkVI) is the discount Hellgun that can pile on brittleness and Infernus stacks with Headhunter.
The other marks are basically infantry autoguns with less DPS but better ammo economy thanks to the Shock Trooper talent. You can use Dumdum with Headhunter/Deathspitter on them.
As usual, you can dump mobility and collateral
>As usual, you can dump mobility and collateral
actually for the slowest firing recon lasgun you might not want to completely dump collateral, because it has a cleave mechanic similar to the agripinaa braced
Crazy how much easier the game is when you have the blessings you want.
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what was the darktied update about ?
t. verminchad
i mean the blessings are ok-tier?
The dogshit crafting and item distribution got fixed, new mission, weapon buffs, some QoL changes.
Trash. Laser pistol forever
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making the game better than vermintide, sorry ratto, you shouldn't have asked about versus...
how was crafting fixed ?
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PS5 release when ?
Man I'm not gonna write you out an essay here. It got fixed, it's no longer RNG shit that bricks your weapons. Now you can buy a weapon and see its max stat potential, upgrade it to that potential, and swap out upgrades and blessings as much as you want.
Shit I thought I was basically done with this game. Got the titles, the blue armor and the operative penances. But I reckon this stuff is gonna keep me playing for a few hundred hours more because now I can properly experiment with crafting. Well fucking played fatshark.
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this statement is objectively untrue seeing how darktied has no rats
They changed it from shittier version of Vermintide crafting to shittier version of Weaves crafting
>damage numbers tooltip noticeably lower than ones without the "n/a" listing
This is just a visual error, r-right?
shut the fuck up bitch I'll come to mexico and fucking kill you
Played one match, game is still as dull as always. Thanks but no thanks
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uninstall your cheats
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I like our new commissar she pretty :>
firing non stop into a horde with a vet crit build for 20 seconds straight lighting everything on fire. Good times.
>some faggot in voice moaning about people running ahead in the train mission
I hate tourists so god damn much
What is our equivalent rank as Inquisitor agents are we officers or normal grunts? Could you start accusing random civilians of heresy?
Rapier zealot won Saltzpyre is back

Sacrificed a lot for blessings and they carried over between characters, sweet.
Take her to the surgeon and trans her
>ogryn in chat "stop roleplaying"
wow rare
Are they done updating yet
i called my mom a heretic and they killed her on the spot
that's what she gets for making me do homework, fucking bitch
they're still updating deez nutz in you're mouf
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fucking kek
I take it I guess....
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It desperately needs both. When they added new weapons and new map recently I didn't bother giving game a chance again, because I wouldn't be able to choose map and weapons I wanted to try anyway.
They still need to fix mission selection before game can enter 1.0 version.
>EP smite with 40% peril generation
Its so good.... You can kill hordes with ease now without constantly topping off and leaving stragglers
You're still a grunt, at least one who takes orders from an Inquisitor or one of their higher ranking agents, so in theory you could pull rank on other Imperial officials from the Guard, Administratum etc if they aren't officers or nobility.
You're still under the Inquisitor's jurisdiction though so if he finds out you've been blamming/purging random people and not actual heretics, you can get blammed yourself.
Grunts. I don't think anyone below people like Morrow is an officer. However if we clubbed some random guy to death and later said he was 100% a Nurgle worshipper, we could easily get away with it.
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I never payed too much attention to weapon perks because getting the right blessings was always the priority. What should I be using now?
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I've noticed that train map is literally ripoff of this UT map
flak and maniac are always good
loving it with the staff tree and its own -peril perks
you can't really go wrong with flak/maniac because flak is the brunt of the more heavily armored stuff while maniac are the enemies you often have to prioritize
flak + maniac in 99% of the situations
reload speed can be good on some weapons like shotguns because the special action counts as a reload
unyielding for boss killing weapons
you should get your happy ass into the psykhanium and see what gets you breakpoints because they are different depending on what talents you picked
i want to like staves but its so painful to be locked in place hot swapping every 2 seconds to dodge a disabler or whatever. tox nades also made staves a lot less fun imo
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Got it
Does the '-toughness replenishment' affect toughness gain on kill/talentproc or is it just cohesion replenishment like every other toughnessgain% talent? Seems too powerful to not be the former but no other talent works that way
Is duelist sword good on zealot?
Seems like it would be nearly their best weapon.
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It's pretty strong
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What about for a revolver? When I was first setting this up I wasn't aware that ranged weak spot damage only added +8% onto whatever the bonus was (say base is 100 and bonus is 150, it's +8% of 50, not 150)
Should I replace it with elite damage since the main breakpoint I wanted with this revolver is CRUSHERS
Please understand, we can't expect the pajeets they are outsourcing to under the table to invent new things.
I can't imagine a reason it wouldn't be just the Rashad but better
duelist swords are good on everyone who can take advantage of crit and finesse, which is really everyone except ogryn kek
Well this was an alright distraction but SM2 gets a patch tomorrow so darktide goes back on the shelf. Maybe once they add some fun weapons or a new class I'll bother with it again
Where do I check my masteries exactly?
>update turned my trauma staff into a voidstrike and probably more
If it wasn't so easy to replace it now I'd do absolutely nothing and keep playing Darktide.
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Can any psygger main explain to me how Brain Burst and Warp Siphon are supposed to be used, with which ability and weapons?
Or should I just stick to EP + Smite and DD + Scriers?
anon train maps are not a new thing there are thousands of them, there is nothing new under the sun
An anon once told me that Damnation is easier than Heresy because it isn't filled with retards. That anon was indeed correct.
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Never break character. Also, when you say roleplaying in chat, was this nigger typing out all of their stuff? If so, that is some kind of advanced retardation.
>turned my trauma staff into a voidstrike
check closer, trauma is called voidblast now
new tab in your inventory
he was typing

all in caps lock
>Distinct name has been changed to be nearly identical to another already existing staff
You know, for clarity!
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I don't like the new map, it's just moving forward all the time until you meet an auspex and it's even more shitty than the hab dreyko one. There's barely any loot so what's the point
exists to train randoms to do fucking objectives instead of shooting mutants
Are you fucking dumb
>sept 9 2025
>you can still queue into a loss screen and have to wait 5 minutes for the retards to load in
Sir, it's September 25th...

Theres a mod to completely skip it.
How good is that newish double barrel shotgun. It looks like it should be kinda cool, but the other shotguns don't feel that good.
If you want to kill bosses faster, unyielding isn't a bad choice. There are a few other non boss types that are unyielding too so it's not just for bosses.
I spent all my blessing points and there's still the NEW glowing dot stuck in my inventory fatshark I swear to god stop fucking with autistic people
TH feels so fucking great now. I'm in love

Yeah. I played a couple rounds with it, and it seemed really good. I went for crit+finesse on dodge for both my blessings. No idea i that's right. Rending sounds really good too, so I might swap out the crit for that.
Is bolter in a good enough state now that you'd consider bringing it over nuFlamer on zealot?
What blessings for nuHammer?
Bolter and Flamer don't really do the same thing. Bolter opens up and kills Bulwarks and Crushers. Flamer deletes mixed hordes sans Crushers (maybe Warks too, I don't remember if shield blocked flame). I thought Bolter's ability to clear mixed hordes got shit on horribly when they removed its cleave against little guys was touched. The pistol version was given a little cleave, but I don't think the Bolter got that.

That reminds me. I haven't actually tried Flamer against Crushers now with the brittleness blessing, but it worked alright on Maulers.
It's not bad. Works best on Vet IMO, specifically with the Weapon Specialist keystone. I would put it a tier above the regular Combat Shotguns, it's not super meta or anything but it's very fun and reasonably effective.
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>Makes a new steel legion set instead of returning the old one in shop
>Premium stamp of fatshart approval
That'll be 20$, piggie
i cant download that because i was permanently banned for telling a nexus janny to do xer job
Headtaker Thrust is still BiS for thammer, slaughterer doesn't give you any breakpoints and won't let you build stacks against a lone boss.
Bolter is even better for magdumping now with Fire Frenzy added, but I would say it's worse than flamer at horde clear. It still lets you snipe stuff from afar, which is its upside over the flamer.
>interacting with the tranny jannies on Nexus at all
Why does everyone post their mods on that shithole anyway?
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>Just want to hop in quickplay
>Don't want to get thrown into this new mission
>never once used chainaxe
>never sacrificed any blessings for it
>it's level 3
Oh nice, what do you even build for it. Is it just the standard flak/manaic?
I was testing Limbsplitter in the meat grinder. It looks like it resets before it fully charges if I attack before the 3.5 second timeframe. Is that working as intended or is that some kind of hud issue?
Did they fix the mastery in darktide yet? Did 3 runs and got 0 mastery earlier
why not skullcrusher or thunderous, then, if you're aiming to just do more damage to a lone single target
Ive been running it on my Zealot. Making use the talents that increase ranged damage when close, increased reload on melee kill, and increased impact and attack speed upon emptying my magazine. The double shot instantly kills mutants and I enjoy it.
that just means you didn't kill anything and dealt 0 damage the whole mission
so stay out of my aurics
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Yeah Flak+Maniac and then blessing combos can vary. I used this for a while when it first came out, Deathspitter+Both Barrels is the other combo I've used a lot.
my friends are dragging me back into this
what do i run on vet now?
After switching from melee to the hellbore lasgun, my dude flips some switch and by then the guy I was trying to shoot already put the ranged electro net thing on me.
I noticed it used to switch to the the gun instantly if I used my class ability, but not after using that one talent that gives me toughness from the class ability.
Anyway, is there a way to switch to the gun instantly without using my ult or is this weapon just bad?
you run a gun and shoot yourself with it you little faggot retard
Schizo Theory: Grendyl was captured or killed while investigating Tertium's sister city. Everything went wrong when the retinue discovered they weren't dealing with heretics, but rather xenocults. Grendyl has been subverted by Genestealers and Wyrmwood are xenocult contacts on Atoma. Rannick knows most, if not all, of this but ignores it because the Nurgle cult is a far more pressing concern than purple people eaters and if he narcs on Grendyl the Exterminatus will come knocking.
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I wish there was a button to mass accept all this shit. My left mouse button is destroyed.
there's a bit of redundancy because of the knife but both are really good
I have a multiclicker button (they call it rapidfire) on my mouse that I use for shit like this.
Also I don't have to spam leftclick to spam light attacks.
Also EVE Online is fucking unplayable without this thing.
Acolytes are equivalent to junior officers in the dark heresy RPG, you have an officer's array of weapons and freedom from daily chores on board the ship. Any independent agent of the inquisition could pretty much blam most people outside of it depending on their specific orders. You'd need a good excuse for anyone influential though and you won't do anything without them watching you.
I hope they'll move the new map in the special operations tab or wathever it's called because that map fucking sucks
I hate sw*d*n
>get thrown overboard
>team is retarded and violently shits itself the moment you aren't babysitting them
Twice in a row at that. I've just learned not to approach the edge at any point by now.
>sac green weap for 11.5k exp
>sac orange for 12.5k exp
uhhh is this how its supposed to work?
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I just realized I can also re-perk all my curios as well. Kind of annoying I can't auto-max the initial blessing but whatever.
What are you guys going to roll? I'm torn between ability regen, sniper reduction, and gunner reduction on top of +health and +toughness
I kept repeating "keep goign we must hurry" on voice chat to be sure those retards weren't jerking off poxwalkers far behind
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you CAN complete this game without the white ball touching the edges, right anon?
I fucking despise these minigames almost as much as I hate jump puzzles.
As Zealot:
>Gunner resist
>Stamina regen
>Sprint cost reduction (for Stripped Down and non-Swift Certainty builds)
As Vet:
>Stamina regen
>Gunner resist
>Block cost reduction
>What is our equivalent rank as Inquisitor agents are we officers or normal grunts?
From levels 1-29? Penitent. Literally human garbage that's lucky not to have a remote detonated bomb collar. When finally accepted into the warband we're acolytes but that's a broad spectrum. Technically even Interrogator Rannick is also an acolyte.

Grendyl's Warband is very peculiar in how it handles business. As a member of the Ordo Hereticus he should be able to invoke authority over both Sisters of Battle and Inquisitorial Stormtroopers. We have seen neither of those. Instead his Interrogator mass-recruits Penitents on recommendation from a lesser acolyte strategist. All of this is highly peculiar and even suspicious.
Getting those "no deaths/downs" achievements seems like pure RNG with how much bullshit can ledge you.
>sort by name
>sorts by mark name, not weapon type
>Thunderhammer (Crucis) is on the other end of the list as Thunderhammer (Ironhelm)
Swedes are retarded
In my opinion... you need to run a reload-speed build for it. It's unusable without it. With it, it's really fucking fun and actually good at close range combat, though you will CHURN ammo. Yes, the man-stopper build gives the best horde-clear in the game, but it's not that useful as it sounds on spreadsheets. It'll never get rid of a horde unless they're all in a straight line in a corridor at you. Its best use is to just kill anything that gets close to you in one tap, and for that, you need a reload build. The reload speed gets very high to the point where you can spam double-shots. Without it, reload speed is just too long and you're too vulnerable when you're constantly reloading the stupid thing.
Lots of shitters came back for the update
Bro, your autoclicker? >>495918909

Nothing in this game can ledge you that you can't predict, that's why you learn to keep an eye out for barrels and position yourself so that they won't kill you, and don't take on boss monsters anywhere near ledges
>new map is like 2 minutes of chokepoint retardation where if you spend any amount of time bogged down in one of the many narrow pathways you get netted, grenade, and bombed simultaneously
what, is every mission going to be under five minutes long from now on? the shit is this?
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>play with 2 friends and 1 guy who's a friend's friend
>friend's friend plays Exec Vet (usually with bolter) and rages about going down to melee 5+ times in normal Damnation

You and me both, anon.
I didn't even come back, I picked the game up on sale a few weeks back because I thought they fixed it after a year of it being broken.
Oh boy was I in for a surprise.
I'm still better than the average negro playing this game because Vermintide but I'm by no means good. Most of the enemies look and sound the same to me, singling out berserkers from gunners from the trapper is almost impossible.
cool okay but what do i run for talents and my loadout anger anon
It's fun. But i recommend bringing throwing knives.
Revisiting this game I'm reminded of how poorly the "story" differentiates between newly arrived rejects and experienced operatives. It's schizophrenic as shit.

You pass near the guards who praise you as the hero of atoma, then you hear the ship captain call you a worthless retard who'll die the second there's a fight, then you do the twins boss fight and the top dog praises your performance, then you do a random mission and Melk calls you a useless pile of rags that can't compare to his auric operatives, then the commisar lady calls your team and inquisitorial strike force then you come back to the ship and some officer calls you a useless reject with no standing.

I don't know much about game development but is it REALLY so difficult to develop a system in which NPCs treat the player consistently based on his level or standing? Or is it just a case of them not recording enough dialogue for each situation, so they just keep all the dialogue in?
This is exactly what I wanted. More intense 10 minute missions pls.
I hope both hd2 and sm2 does the same thing.
The system is cut off due to a warpstorm, isnt it?
Hes not gonna call anything.
>Most of the enemies look and sound the same to me, singling out berserkers from gunners from the trapper is almost impossible.
Funnily enough this is exactly how I felt when I went from DT to VT2. If you're really a Vermintide veteran then you know you'll soon enough learn the difference, and you know that your ears are a more reliable sense than your eyes in a Tide game.
So do you still want Power Cycler and Brutal Momentum?
they just didn't put much effort into it. all stat points goes into the gameplay.
Meanwhile NPCs kneel when the Space Marines walk through, how much humiliation do we need to suffer...
Executioner stance by default whips out your primary weapon instantly, which is useful for slow swapping weapons like Helbores and Bolters, which are designed to discourage constant weapon swapping in return for doing big ranged damage.
However, Helbore has a bayonet special attack which is deceptively strong and can trigger Agile Engagement, meaning that you should just get used to not swapping weapons most of the time when using a Helbore.
not on the same weapon but in general yes
why is the game running like complete ass after the patch, I was fine yesterday
>I noticed it used to switch to the the gun instantly if I used my class ability, but not after using that one talent that gives me toughness from the class ability.
You're using a different helbore I think. One of them deploys near instant, others need to do the unfolding thing.
Not that I'm aware of. The Moebian 53rd was "requested by Lord Margrave" and I assume that means they were recalled from whatever they were doing. Commissars only command Imperial Guard regiments if their officers are all toast.

The dialogue about the Cicatrix Maledictum is referring to the expanded Eye of Terror after the 13th Black Crusade. Atoma is in Segmentum Solar, so it's on the comparatively nice side of the Great Rift.
Well that is different then because there was a big thing about how you wanted both on PS because they changed how the energized cleave was calculated or something
You can tell with the story that someone had an okay idea to begin with but then they didn't bother putting the barest iota of effort into keeping track of what's going on. Every team is just doing whatever they want with nobody coordinating anything.

Oh okay. But I can't block and my dodge sucks when it's out, right?

Take a look at your options and you'll notice there's a new thing that's been set to on by default, so turn it off or uncap your framerate.
Nice. After giving it a few shots in the train mission it seems really fun. Not sure if it will take me away from my beloved revolver though.
I don't remember a time when it didn't run like complete ass, but it does seem to be even worse now.
The technology department is probably a feral pack of brainless pajeets with the token Somali because that's how Sweden oeprates.

There is such a thing as lord-commisar which is a commisar that doubles as the commanding officer, but you are supposed to have the officers handing out the orders and the commisars handling the discipline.
check if the AMD meme setting is off, singlehandedly fucked up my game, they changed settings with this patch for some reason
It runs just as fine as it did before, all you need to do is stop being a tech illiterate mong or read the patch notes, so you'll know to turn off FS3's frame generation or adapt your FPS cap to it.
I played the mission early this afternoon and a pox hound nearly killed me while I was trying to defuse the bombs and the entire team was just killing trash 20 meters away from me.

"someone else will do it" is the mentality I hate most from anyone.
All depends on your build.

>Ability CDR
Good for builds that need their ability up as much as possible. Straight DPS increase among all the curios perks.
>Sniper Res
Good for reducing that huge chunk of damage to better breakpoints (toughness won't block it, Snipers have 10x damage on toughness which will deal over 1k damage, but you can get it to not take away your wounds)
>Gunner Res
Pretty much meta for all Zealot builds, reduces their damage by HALF if you stack them, just way too good on a rushing melee class and when the game spawns a million Gunners each mission. Also works for Reapers, a nice bonus.
>Toughness or HP
Always good, but diminishing returns past a certain point on some stuff.
>Stamina regen, Block cost, sprint cost
All good, these are preference on which you like.
>Toughness regen
Very strong on Loner Zealot. More generally useful on stuff like Psyker who will be staying with his team and going in and out of ranged combat, to easily get their toughness back.
>Dockets, Experience
For farming and leveling. These are actually much more useful now since you can add/remove them as needed.
>Revive speed
The pickup speed is not that useful since revives are not made or broken by 1 second. (If they are, your team has other issues). You also don't want to plan for your teammates to get downed. They will of course get downed, but it's just vastly better to get some buffs to your combat strength rather than picking shitters up 1 second faster.
>Other specific enemy res
They're all pointless in running.
>Corruption res
Bad even if you're always picking up Grims. Even with 2 Grims, this just sucks.
>Curios drop reward
>You can tell with the story that someone had an okay idea to begin with but then they didn't bother putting the barest iota of effort into keeping track of what's going on. Every team is just doing whatever they want with nobody coordinating anything.
In fairness that's a very Inquisition way of doing things. They compartmentalize and delegate, so the chain of command is slapdash outside of the fact that the Inquisitor is #1 and the Interrogator is #2, and even then it can be a slim #2. The Commissar is going to have a fucking stroke when she sees the state of discipline on the Mourningstar.
Probably. I was using my Mk nu Power Sword the other day, and it was still insane with those two. It feels just as OP as it did before. I think I needed the 15% weakspot from BM to hit the 2-tap Crusher breakpoint anyway, but that was months ago, so I could be misremembering.
make sure to get 3 revive speed perks, they can completely save a match if you're playing with shitters.
The difference is that if you fuck up in the inquisition, if you fuck up in Sweden they cut your niggercum allowance in half for a week.
Just grab actual perks and kill faster instead of being the designated shitter pick-up bitch.
curio drop reward is great if you're farming but I guess less relevant now
>you fuck up in the inquisition
I mean if you fuck up in the inquisition you get shot or set on fire.
It's almost 2 am I need to stop shitposting and go to sleep.
The map is great. Actually encourages teamwork and forces you to make the right decision about when to cover your ass and when to push forward fast without losing pace, when to go back and help your downed teammate and when it's better to leave him and push. It also forces players to actively cover and protect each other. Barely progressing while being just on the edge of running out of time is kino.

It doesn't mesh well with how the rest of the game's missions work though, all the other missions in the game have a comfy take-your-time way of playing. So it feels jarring to go from that to this.
I already kill fast as fuck, shitters always tend to go down in the middle of hordes and that one second can help in picking them up in a clutch even while a chaos spawn is following you.
So why arent they even getting supplies in?
Zealot feels like it got buffed
>Oh okay. But I can't block and my dodge sucks when it's out, right?
Yes, to make it balanced. Your aim, situational awareness and dodging reflexes need to be extra good when using Helbore, but once it kicks in you're popping Gunners and stabbing Ragers without fear.
>Gunner Res
>Pretty much meta for all Zealot builds
zealot literally has 2 talents that counter gunner spam

fucking newfag shitter
Feels the same to me, dueling sword is just knife 2, hammer changes are nice.
You see that's the exact problem, most of the time you're babysitting in this game and quickplay retards spend too much time clearing shit or being a kilometer away getting killed by a pox hound or trapper then complain and ragequit.

Cool mission if you have friends (normalfag), otherwise it really needs at least a minute or two of extra time.
>your aim needs to be extra good
My aim is extra shit, thanks for letting me know to avoid this thing.
Okay, what if you look at it this way.
>3x 5% HP
>pick up shitters 1 second faster
holy shit my frames doubled after turning this cancer off, what the fuck
Yeah but shitty ranged enemies are also the only thing that can actually theaten tidegame veterans who are actually good at melee so theres nothing really else to "build against"
I suspect Rannick is operating on his own without any real backing from the Inquisition as an organization. He's piggybacking a guerilla campaign off of a Rogue Trader and a bunch of chucklefucks he yanked off of a prison barge. We have to steal munitions from heretics for fuck's sake. Frankly I don't think we can afford supplies.
Run your game and choose your Zealot. Then, open up your talent tree and read the entire Zealot talent tree out load (to yourself, take a break if you need to), then come back and tell me what those talents do.

Stay out of my aurics. Thank you very much.
diminishing returns makes +5% hp a super shit perk, you shouldn't be getting hit at all in the first place, so yes, I'll pick up shitters a second faster as it has already let me clutch multiple matches where it seemed like shit hit the fan. Especially because this game is all about fast reaction times and a single second is a massive difference when literally everything is going to shit around you.
I agree, I play with friends who aren't that good and the retard scamble games where the revive speed gets valve are rather fun.
This might sound retarded, but is Finesse the optimal dump stat for the knife? It's obviously still super fast and I feel like if your attack speed gets too high you start dropping inputs.
go to psykanium spawn a hostile gunner let it shoot you dead, time it

then take 3 gunner resistance, let him shoot you dead, time it

I'll wait :)
Thunderous is only 40% brittleness, which translates to 10% damage against bosses. Skullcrusher only gets it damage bonus applied if the target is currently staggered, therefore it's worse.
Even if it's only half a second saved it doesn't matter, worth taing
>Expert on diminishing returns rescues his useless teammates over and over again
I guess I just value my time too much.
Gunner/shooter spam is also the most dangerous thing in the game behind disablers. You aren't always able to sprint toward gunners. The new map is pretty bad about this one with gunners standing up on enemy dropdowns to shoot instead of dropping. Also, TWBS (which I'm assuming is 1 of 2 alongside Swift Certainty) doesn't protect you from taking damage. You also have to go out of your way to pick either TWBS or SC unless you take throwing knives or are an IJ build respectively. Neither is worth going out of your way for (besides maybe TWBS with a thrust TH).

Meanwhile, curio perks aren't nearly as valuable, and you get fucking 60% damage reduction from the largest damage threat in the game.
>Hurrr durrr it's shit though
finesse is headshot and crit damage multiplier, even if you ignored the attack speed boost it would still be the most important stat on every weapon that gets it
Multiplicative stacking is "diminishing", but that doesn't mean it the diminishing values are of any note.
Here, do the math.
Say you have 100 base HP and stack 3x 5% HP curios.
How much bonus HP does that give you? And, is that useful compared to your 100 base HP? The answer is why HP curios are good. They 'are' multiplicative, but that is simply so you can't break the game with additive bonuses, that does not mean they are bad.
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Look at her just standing there watching rejects come back from their missions. She's just seething looking at the state of this fucking place. Four crackheads saved her ass and she is 100% bursting a blood vessel behind that stone solid Commissar poker face. Every now and then one of these fucking clowns stops and stares at her too.
even with warp unbound you can still overload if you use the secondary on your staff
In what difficulty are you playing on where the game spawns a LONE Gunner?
"Out of my aurics"? I needn't have even told you, my apologies. STAY in your malices.
Finesse is needed if you actually want to kill anything, it affects critical hit and weakspot damage, which is needed if you want to kill CRUSHERS with mercy kill and the other perk that applies rending on weakspot hit, it's essential.

>rescues his useless teammates over and over again
Yes, I'm not a quitter either, sometimes carrying shitters can be fun too.

I use HP curios mostly, but the curio hp+toughness perks are honestly just not worth it over the massive damage reductions for gunners or snipers, that and revive speed of course.
>no arguement
I accept your defeat LOL
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>damage reduction perk
>not even any damage reduction perk, but for freaking snipers
That's fine, that's what I do too (+21% HP curios). Point being though, is that some HP/toughness percentage increase is generally good. I wouldn't necessarily stack them on everything (some builds like that), but more HP and toughness is good, even if multiplicative. Revive speed is just okay. The games where my teammates are getting downed that much are barely salvageable anyway and are bad due to other reasons. Survivability though of yourself? Always useful, always relevant, will save every game every time.
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I didn't read anything but I sacrificed all my weapons and now I have no blessings
now bolt pistol feels a lot better than rewolver, I'm finally free from it
what are the two best weapons for zealot? dont feel like leveling up every single weapon
dueling sword
What did they change?
it doesn't sway so much so now I can actually hit things
The fuck do you run on yours to get it to perform so well?
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>New mission seems cool
>Also completely impossible with randos
>Faggots get to the power cell section and just sit there fighting forever and don't turn around to help get the power cells
>Then run past the 2nd bomb and just fight trash forever in the boss arena while you try to solo defuse
On Damnation btw
MK XV eviscerator with rampage and perfect strike, can handle rager hordes and even maulers with some crushers in between.
now changed to puncture and lethal prox as I don't think I was actually hitting any heads, but gonna test it tomorrow
>Open game
>Frame gen turned on by DEFAULT
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Why would anyone take advice from someone who doesn't know how to spell? (Nor why a 50% damage reduction on one of the most common ranged enemies in the game is good).
Again, STAY in your malices! You're welcome.
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>new commissar has swedish accent
Before patch it was definitely knife followed by the boring axe. Now... idk, have to test. Dueling Sword might be #2, might be #1 now even with the right setup.
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Can someone explain pic rel to me
why does de "potential" of the yellow one is lower?
Just beat the mission on Damnation, but yeah it's either:
>someone lags behind and gets pounced effectively killing the run
>or everyone's too slow
Reminder to leave mission if you so much as see a Veteran on the team.
Not the hammer. Even so I still use it.
Darktide sissies won
>everyone talking about new setting being default on
>my .ini has been read only since launch
Finally. My PC being old as fuck has benefited me. Thank you, Swedebros for making your launcher so fucking cancerous that it auto-resets settings on launch if you're below minimum specs, never mind the fact that .ini changes bring me below the low preset.

Nice, thanks. Think I'd rather stay on DA+crit though. Lethal Prox seems kinda shit. The explosion is just a stagger tool.
I care. Perish.
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What does this mean and how do I fix it
Female Veteran with a cute hat.
which personality?
>>Gunner resist
Literally useless unless you're trash lmao, just dodge nigga. Now if it worked on shotgunners I might agree. Only good resist is snipers because no-one ever fucking shoots them and sometime they just silently dome you in the back of the head.
So who thought making flamers explode and leaving a pool of fire was a good idea? There are already too many area denial hazards in this game as it is.
gonna miss deleting 80 poxwalkers in one swing with the ironhelm special, but crucis is just too good at dealing with shit that actually matters to pass up
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what is mastery? just some weapon skins for using a weapon long enough?
Fuck off tranner.
looks like broken mods, disable them
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what about rat with a cute hat ?
>Only good resist is snipers
Works on my machine
It's how you unlock modifications to your weapons. Perks, Blessings, the ability to make it look like another weapon of its type, etc.
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>just dodge nigga.
>Now if it worked on shotgunners I might agree.
Where do these tourists find so much confidence in their incorrect beliefs to start getting in arguments and namecalling
shitterbros have returned...
>if it worked on shotgunners
It does. It also works on pretty much any ranged enemy. That little flash they make before they shoot? That's your dodge telegraph. Shotgunners, Riflemen, Snipers, all of 'em
Getting mastery is just buying a bunch of shit, upgrading it to green, then sacrificing it.
I was under the assumption mastering a weapon meant using it, not shopclicking.
bro do you realize how much damage shotgunners do to you if their shots land? You do NOT want to tank them, even if you had res. Meanwhile, Gunner fire is tankable, and if you stack Gunner res you can shrug off a lot of their damage within reasonable amounts. Sniper rRes is only useful if you're aiming for a HP threshold with them, otherwise, you don't know what you're doing.
it's the numeric UI mod
>Meanwhile, Gunner fire is tankable
Yeah from like 1 of them, in what aurics do you play where that's a thing? 6 gunners beam you dead in less than 2 seconds unless you're HP maxxing as ogryn. What a retarded thing to say

Please, for the love of God, stay the FUCK out of my aurics...
new mission is short as fuck what the hell
>I was under the assumption mastering a weapon meant using it, not shopclicking.
Sir this is the shopclick general.
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Show me in the patch notes where they changed this, it's been only dreg and scab gunner elites for as long as I remember.
Is there a dlc unlocker mod for payday 3 like there is for 2? Creamapi and it's derivatives no longer work but for instance there's a mod for superBLT that lets you unlock payday 2 stuff. Is there something like that for 3?
Gunner resist doesn't work on shotgunners you retarded shitters. Have you even touched the psykhanium to test the dumb shit you peddle?
Quick retard, go look up how much dps a Gunner does.
Now, calculate how long it takes to kill you... and now with Gunner res. Lastly, multiply that by the number of Gunners you can expect. I'll wait.
Imagine not being able to perform basic arithmetic that they teach children in elementary school. Very... grim.

Your aurics don't exist, and if they did, I would not partake in them (I like to win my aurics).
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i went from getting a solid 170fps at high to a disgusting unsteady 120fps, pls tell me there's some fiddling I can do...
>didn't even read the posts he's quoting
No shit Gunner Res doesn't work on Shotgunners, dumbass.
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>play Darktide nonstop during July and October
>get burnt out
>buy VT2 at the start of September and get into it
>look forward to Darktide patch all month long hoping it'll reinvigorate the game for me
>it comes out
>realize it actually does nothing for me since i already had the gear i wanted and played every class to death
>the train mission is nice but quickly realize it's still all too soon and i don't wanna play more for now
>booting up VT2 right now
Review your settings and notice what's changed. There's a little thing called FSR3 FG. Turn it off.

Fatshark was retarded to ship the new patch with FSR3FG automatically turned on, but today really exposed how many gamers have no clue what is actually going on with the technical side of games.
Then why are they disagreeing with the post that's literally saying that?
Trying to """""""tank""""""" any gunner fire when all types have a damage bonus against toughness is straight up idiotic. Just slide and dodge.
>Then why are they disagreeing with the post that's literally saying that?
I misinterpreted what he meant by "just dodge retard"
any good resources for shopclick? stopped playing few months after launch, fundamentals are a-ok but no idea what the balance is like anymore
Not him and I wouldn't say sniper resist is 'good', but it is the best one out of the resists until they fix the issue of snipers not playing any correct timing SFX/VFX for anyone other than the target they're aiming at (resulting in hard to predict dodge times for collateral targets)
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This isn't really important because I'll probably never use this class, but does this make any sense? Would use the heavy horizontal attacks on hordes with it.
All the enemy-specific resists suck imo
from my experience gunners fuck me up not through damage but by pinning me down and staggering/suppressing me into helplessness
i just take stamina regen + toughness + hp for the curious
nothing about my post implied that
You're talking liek you play anything above Malice lol, stay mad noob XD
Tanner Lindburg

At this point, I can't tell if you're pretending or genuinely just this retarded. Either way, take my (you) as payment for the amusement.
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Honestly I'd rather see suppression shilled, at least that has an actual effect, if rather temporary.
How many Lady Commissars have made it into videogames? They were raised in the Progenium but too hard-assed and cruel to get picked up by the Sororitas kek
>Tanner Lindburg
Just watched a couple of his vids, this guy is clearly mentally ill so I will be taking as much of his advice as possible.
>Load in
>Game message pops up
>"Huh, wonder what that means?"
>he still shills for the crossdressing faggot
darktide status?
What mark for Helbores?
we're fucking back
In general, Stormtrooper and Commissar recruits usually come from children of decorated Guardsmen
isn't that guy a tranny? don't think i'll be watching him but thanks
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I feel like they made Psyker's skill tree significantly worse than before
why are you transphonic
he sounds supremely gay but he seems knowledgeable enough for me ty anon
>had all builds reset
>didn't think to screenshot them before
>hadn't tweaked them in ages so forgot what I did
>too lazy to theorycraft them all again
Guess I'm a zealot main for now.
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how did you miss all of them ?
..anon? do you not understand the point of that webm?
forcing it way too hard pablo, you look way madder than anyone who might reply to you does
You missed ALL of them? Really? Not even one?
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>it's that time of the year where Fartshart dares look in the direction of Darktide and throw a low-effort bone at it
>Darktide players rejoice as they got another 1/4th of the game that was missing at launch, 2 years later
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Not a big fan of rats.
Did you hit any of them, Veteran?
I think the point of the webm is that suppression, when properly applied, can make an entire platoon of gunners shit themselves as long as the bullets are fired into their general direction.
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>I'm a Zealot main
Thank you for carrying my aurics.
dĹŤmo arigatĹŤ gozaimasu...
is the game still server based and i have to deal with latency in every match and am not able to host a game?
Vermintide feels like a different game if you aren't hosting. Darktide feels borderline unplayable since 1 mistake or one block not registered by the server and you're done.
Also rooms full of gunners have not once--in the entire lifespan of the game--have been fun to deal with. Vermintide's ranged combat felt 10x better and i genuinely can't believe anyone who would want to use an automatic weapon in darktide.
Also all the maps are total dogshit. you might play the same 5 maps in vermintide but they're well made, good levels. Everything in darktide looks the same.
i dunno. i'm not a 40k fag. the more 40k i consume the more i realize it's style over substance, and it's a boring style. It's gears of war since the actual gears of war went woke.
>No one
>Literally no one
>Not a single motherfucker in the universe
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>try out surge with new lightning staff
>it doesn't work with the charged attack, only the M1
thanks fartshart
Which shock maul?
It only affects projectiles. Its always been like this
Its been on Trauma since launch and it worked the same way there too.
Its a retarded blessing that only has worth on Voidstrike
he's a retard and you're a retard too for listening to him
so? ive been chunking things with the new talents
>get grabbed by mutant on new map
>thrown off and die instantly
wow this is really cool
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all my talents STOLEN
You never had any talent to begin with
why did you reply 4 times?
is it so hard to click left mouse button 30 times, doy ou have amnesia?
>only has worth on Voidstrike
and even then...
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>80/80/80/80/62 boltgun
thanks mommy
Yeah, Finesse Damage + Rending blessing Dueling Sword on Crit Zealot is nuts. I was going to finally build and try out the knife, but fuck that noise.
He's a bit hyperbolic towards things that aren't BIS but he's decent at the game and demonstrates the things he talks about with applicable examples in a way that doesn't pad time, as far as 'build guide' content creators go you can do far worse
Jesper Kyd dropped the new OST
Damn it's good
shut the fuck up bitch no one cares what some downie has to say
lose a few chromosomes then we can talk
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very nice
I know all the E supplements are probably hitting you with mood swings but there is no reason to get quite so upset
what are his thoughts on twbs?
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What shield blessings?
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74% pubbies can't even make it past the battery cart.
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one teamate got lost and died alone...

...on a fucking train...
What mods still work? I get 14+ error messages and am too lazt to test them 1 by 1
Really wish they cleaned up the new VA lines for items
Fanatic Zealot saying med stim/stim as fast as humanly possible sounds weird
Brutal momentum and skullcrusher give the most benefit. 25% rending sounds nice but it doesn't give as much damage as skullcrusher considering everything you hit will be permastaggered outside of ogryns and bosses.
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did anyone here end up getting Payday 3 during the sale they just did? Did they improve the game at all?
retards asking stupid vague questions are the worst posters in this general and I want to beat the shit out of them and their failures of parents that never taught them critical thinking
least deranged /copeg/ poster
Is this GW lore fuckery or is Fatshark just being Fatshark?
I already had it, it's still kind of trash. The system that they have is just grinding for the sake of grinding.
Do the Rumbler perks effect the blast or just the initial projectile impact?
What? I'm out of the loop here, qrd?
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>finally finish maxing mastery for every weapon on every class
>make nearly all the yellow circles go away
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Any NA aurics?
I'm literally spending more time at hadron now spam upgrading shit to sacrifice
This is not an improvement, I would've got a good non bricked weapon just by chance by now
It takes like 5 minutes tops to bring a mastery up. Then you never have to do it again and can swap shit as you please. If you genuinely don't think this is a massive upgrade, you are a fucking idiot.
Also does the rending from Hail of Fire do anything to the Rumbler?
how long will it take for "the old system was better, getting perfect rolls so easily just sucks, ugh!" stops being 10/10 bait?
The old system was better, getting perfect rolls so easily just sucks, ugh
>It takes like 5 minutes tops to bring a mastery up.
lol no
it literally takes a triple digit number of greens to get to max from a low mastery
You are sacrificing weapons of the same type to a specific mastery, right? Surely you're not so retarded that you're feeding an assortment of weapons to a specific mastery instead of the same type of weapon.
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don't these mean the same thing
>No Ogryn on the team for the train mission to bash stuff aside and make way for the little uns
I am the 1%.
what should i run for flame staff
i feel like a living god with all of these shitters running around
Precog or Unstable Power for Force Sword?
I don't get the billhook. The moveset feels like ass even if the damage is alright.
one doesn't stack
Someone post zealot rapier build please
Thought the same thing until I ran a few missions with it, then it just clicked and now I use nothing else on Zealot.
Its moveset is good. Are you smoking crack?
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How long until a nerd crunches the numbers and gives the best 60/80/80/80/80 stat distribution for all weapons.
just dump mobility or its equivalent
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I like this blinged out weapon paint
I actually like using this because it doesnt make using VoidStrike feel like I have Gorilla glue on the bottom of my boots
dont have*
He doesn't know.
it's always mobility
you don't even have to worry about losing a dodge if you go too low anymore
you asked that retarded question just so you could link to this faggy video didn't you
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>mobility is the dump stat
Not all weapons have mobility though.
Can someone tell Kayex to stop yapping?
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How many Lady Commissars have made it into videogames?
I don't remember any.
when are we getting a minigun?
no stubber doesn't count, it has to spin
On that it's collateral because collateral is just stagger which is kind of pointless.
The fucks going on here?
>brain burst
Kill snipers. Take it when you're using a weapon that's awkward to use against snipers.
>warp siphon
1. Your staff can't really take advantage of disrupt destiny (like the voidstrike can)
2. Your staff either a) overheats quickly (zap staff) or b) sets the enemies on fire (flamer/trauma staff)
3. You want the lowest cooldown possible for your shield/shriek ability
4. You want to have a permanent 6% per second toughness regen (squishy class btw)
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when is our next content drop rat bros ?
It looks very orcy. Not so much the ones with a lot of gold but the ones with a lot of the racing stripes.
There's an easy fix for the numericui mod thing on one of the more recent posts in its mod page on the nexus, just have to change a line in the code.
Rotary Autocannons are usually the domain of Terminators/Dreadnoughts & Vehicles.
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>the undress mod that got removed within a day from nexus got fixed
>can't run around as shirtless ogryn anymore
I'm not sure if she's trying hard to sound extra swedish or if thats just a normal swedish accent when they try to sound edgy.
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just do detailed stats and you can see what they actually do. stability isnt that good either youll barely notice it.
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Checkered and striped patterns used to be a lot more common in non-Ork factions. I always figured it's because the concept art for Jodorowsky's Dune featured them and 40k cribs a ton of stuff from Dune.
telochads is this true?
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So this has long been a point of contention, are damage perks worth taking on a flamethrower? People have always said they only modify the base damage, which is almost nothing, and not the ticking fire damage which is what actually kills everything.
The markers? It's a cheatmod to tell you when specials spawn in and where they are
Stability affects hipfire spread on some weapons though. Not sure if it's like that for the Rippers
certainly not worth taking over crit chance when crits give double stacks
Really? I had no idea crits gave double stacks.
+Strength is a buff applied to the player that affects all other damage during it's effect, such as DoTs (hence the Dumdum + Infernus interaction)

Bloodletter is not good
perks? I distinctly remember flak damage making flak ragers and maulers die faster, and I could swear I tested that at some point, but it's been so fucking long since I used the flamer, I couldn't rightly say now.
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I used the Devil's Claw™ to easily defeat the ragers that killed my entire team and then rescued them all and we finished the mission.
Why did they replace Hadron with this yoda techpriest guy in all the new missions
hadron's too busy having sex with me to handle missions
17 tougness, 21 health, 3 stamina
Ability regen
Stamina regen
Toughness regen
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Alright, I took a look at the game now after the new patch.
I'd say the game has finally been fixed, there is an objective in the game that is learning masteries and getting penances, while missions finally have a good reward structure.
2 years later, Darktide is a complete game.
The only thing it needs are new maps, and of course seasonal events.
That's all.

Are we satisfied?

t. 2500 hours in ratclick and barely 100 in poxclick
I mean, I already had 1k hours and I've already got everything unlocked
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Congratulations, you played the game before it was good.
What, you want a prize?
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>weapon shows as having the potential to grow into a perfect god roll with 60% mobility and 80% in everything else
>finish up the mastery for the weapon so I can upgrade it to max power
>do it
>it comes out at 67% mobility and loses some in all other stats
is this the part where we find out they decided to leave even more rng in than we thought
What do I use on power sword besides Power Cycler vet bros? Is the brittleness one good for crushers or do I use one of the damage ones?
game has been fixed since p13
>t. 1k hours in pd2, 100 in rat, 800 in shop
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>Can't sort list by favorited weapons
Yes it is. You just have no idea how to use it.
It takes about 10% of one game to test if your weapon + build can combo down Crushers without BM or brittleness
But nothing changed, they just made it easier for you to get what I already had
sunder so you cleave through mauler and crusher hordes
Gives you a visual indicator of when a special is near, helpful for whenever Fatshark decides to fuck over the audio.
What exactly does Bloodletter help you kill better on the Mk4?
I'm so sorry for your mental retardation.
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As the perks suggest, Unyielding enemies.
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Do you really need to dodge this much
>my ripper i had for a year is now perfect
i give my life for fatshark mashallah 911
this is broken and works on ranged attacks btw
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Hang on, so every weapon you buy from brunt has full hidden potential percents? So all we have to worry about it which stat is dumped as 60%?
not him but bosses aren't a big enough threat to spend a whole blessing on and you'd just oneshot reapers and bulwarks straight up even without unyielding perk with other blessings
Yep. It's just a hefty resource investment to empower them up,
No. Over the course of 17 empowerments it'll take to get this to 500 it'll get completely fucked over by rng. Complete waste of resources.
every weapon I've upgraded has ended up at the exact number it gives as the max
perhaps your mods are bugging out
I thought you just dump resources until the percents are all filled up?
Rolling Steel is pretty fun. It will be even better when the shitters that realize they can't handle a mission that doesn't let them loiter around fuck off.
No mods installed and every weapon that I picked up at brunts ended up deviating from the final stats somewhere along the way.
Seems like a (You) problem
It's time for dueling sword zealot
I am saltzpyre
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no anon
nothing has changed
spam purchases until you get a weapon with a lot of 80s
then upgrade it and put whatever you want on it
When the fix the mission system I'll be satisfied
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No shit, it's a problem I encountered.
kys and the problem will go away
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So buying stuff from Melk now is viable because hes only selling capped stuff?
He's selling the equivalent of red items from ratclick.
How about you kill yourself instead?
I am Saltzpyre.
What gun do you use
Post-Crack Addiction Saltzpyre
Revolver, though it feels redundant when the Mk IV is already deleting CRUSHERs like nothing
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>everyone thought the little "predictive" weapon power thing meant you could guarantee yourself a god roll in like 4-5 buys
>it's actually more like 10-20 buys just to see one rolled perfectly
>and then when you upgrade it it'll just decide the predictive path doesn't matter, and give you 71% mobility because fuck you
there is no rng you fucking retard lmfaofaoraofaooo
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this new or has it been around a while?
>someone plays like shit all game
>penance for first auric clear at the end
what the fuck are you talking about?
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>entire team down
>oh boy, I've got just the grenade for this situation...
so satisfying
this nigga smoking crack fr fr
As long as you're above a specific breakpoint, it's not really going to matter that much if one stat is only 77% instead of 80%. It's just dick-measuring for turbo autists. The real cheese is picking the right blessings & perks. Those will weigh more than some fraction of a percent more of damage during your play.

The biggest thing is you gotta get gud. A shitter with great gear will still be shit at this game.
>need to know when to dodge based on sound cues.
>need to know how all your talents work.
>need to know how to balance dodging, blocking, and attacking to avoid taking hits
>need to know how to take down ragers and bosses without spilling your spaghetti.
>need to have situational awareness to know when to pick someone up vs when to leave them in a hectic fight.
Do all that then learn the maps so you know where to go and what to do and a grey weapon is more than enough to clear damnation.
damn if there's RNG I must be some sort of luck god since I end up at the numbers it says every time
Take your meds buddy.
Happened to me 3 or 4 times.
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>guys wtf, why are you rushing the train mission, slow down
>wtf why did we fail, we weren't downed
This game now needs DUAL STUB PISTOLS
no, it didn't
you're a liar or schizophrenic, take your pick
no one will believe you without a webm so cut the fibs
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>finally manage to beat the train mission after three tries
>crash right as I'm getting on the exit valkyrie
Hey buddy, what's your opinion on shredder nades?
you picked schizophrenic I see
I saw it WITH MY OWN EYES! Right in front of me! It changed, you hear me?! It changed from 34% to 71%! I'm not crazy!
No idea what you're talking about. Why so defensive?
>pick ogryn
>crash all the time
>pick anything else
>don't crash at all
I can't be the only one this is happening to, I don't see any ogryns in missions and it must be because they all crashed
You're bringing up random shit because you want to believe I'm someone else you got into an argument with earlier, it's pretty obvious.
I'm done speaking with you, you're delusional and a boor.
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the omnissiah smiles upon me

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42% chance per match assuming evenly weighted distribution of players among classes.
If you factor in the fact that ogryn is less popular, you are more likely to have a match without one.
>inb4 this retard actually thinks shredders are bad

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