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In Kinoshitter We Trust Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

>Wanna play Dragon's Dogma Online? Click here:

Last Cycle: >>495482902
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
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lvl 69 mage
Woodland elfspeak
Ice Affinity, High Solemnity, High Empyrean, High Levin

Western Vermund camping for 12 'emmies
Dumbass Pippi.
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At least the """"""house"""""" was 20 blast dollars
I really don't see the point of the other houses. The cheaper options are more central to the rest of the town. Even then I use it only for sleeping considering how grouped up the other facilities are. Worst half a million I've spent in game.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hecQQYf88uQ under a day for Capcom TGS stuff, don't know if that's the main event
Street Fighter 6
Capcom Fighting Collection 2
MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection
Monster Hunter Now
Monster Hunter Wilds

Expect nothing Dragon's dogma related. Eveness so now that mh:wild is set to release on February 2025.
>Expect nothing Dragon's dogma related.
Words worth hearing, expect nothing and stay sane, if something does happen then be pleasantly surprised.
>stay sane
If dreams and hopes rot your soul you are the one in need of a paradigm shift.
Faithless fool. When your time on earth ends, enjoy nothing.
You idiots never change.
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>Lv 51
goreminotaur for 5 allheals quest

I've given her back the lighter-colored spots on her face that I'd unintentionally erased at some point.
I save every screenshot posted of her. I appreciate it.
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>Expect nothing Dragon's dogma related
That response does not make sense given to what I wrote.

It's called living, Anon. There is no need to get mad at the exaltations of others and yet you feel the need to respond becuse they have not met your hopes and expectation of their given ethics.
You and are the same.
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I thought she had yellow eyes
I know. I read it once and have been looking for an excuse to post it because it sounded badass
I like the cats because they have clumsy little sister energy
>It's called living
Stfu anon, you fucking idiot. It's always the same bullshit with you and then you come back with your tail between your legs sobbing that there were no DD news.
No, will keep hoping. If it doesn't happen now at the Tokyo Game Show then I will hope for the The Game Awards.
I don't expect it to happen. I simply hold hope it will.
You fucking moron.
>Is NPC's popping into existence 20ft from you a part of this programmed logic?
They aren't supposed to.
>If I hadn't read about this, would I even notice playing the game?
Maybe, the basic npc ai has coding to be able to deal with literally any type of enemy in the game, so
>if flying>try to get to higher ground
>If huge>try climbing and hitting weakspots
>how to use abilities
> how to use items
>how to get out of the slime
Basically they were coded to be able to deal with really specific and niche scenarios and it was all loaded at the same time. Sure that doesn't take that much resource, but if you have over 100 npcs loaded and each npc has to evaluate which situation it's in so it might know which part of the programming to follow, then you see the massive cpu slowdowns. The issue isn't the massive amount of conditions they might react to, the issue is the evaluation which has to go through the cpu.
Tama, Lvl 21
Simple Mage: Celerity, Frigor, High Palladium, Ice Affinity

His staff keeps disappearing somewhere, but he reassures me that he is good with his hands.
>Ugly bastard
Fucking based.
Oopsie, forgot my code
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if you're actually having trouble, try the same retard-proof video I used
u also have to do pic related to connect to the server everyone else is playing on
and check the youtube comments for whatever the video might have missed
Nobody gets into Batthal without tending to Brant first...
Is either that or taking the other route I suppose.
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this arisen is delusional
I did not enjoy DD2 very much.
>Lack of enemy variety was extra noticeable due to the ridiculous density of encounters
>"dungeons" were all just uninspired caves
>endgame only has a couple of days to play around in and then you can't farm anything anymore
>lack of valuable or endgame loot. Endgame gear is mostly just in the shop.
Very disappointing. I hope we will get another Dark Arisen that can save the game
Oh also
>Story bad
>Terrible pacing in the story, lack of cohesion
>90% of sidequests are just running back and forth between the 3 cities
>Game stupidly easy
The only time i ever died to things other than my character deciding he wanted to just slip off a cliff thanks to the new "realistic" terrain interactions was fighting a drake at a low level
Truly? >>495948869
>no new vocations mods
>You did not see wakestone shards on the ground
>Vomits harspud juice over table
You are just angry becuse deep down you too hold hope.
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I wish I didn't enjoy this game, I have severe Dragon's Dogma 2 addiction. The more I play it, the more I get it. They didn't lie, it was just hard to see
Ojisan contemplating in cyclops taint
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She's always had turquoise eyes.
Any other perception is caused by image compression, and possibly your color blindness.
nta, but Dragon's Dogma 2 is listed in the 28th's lineup.
try reading sometime, retard.
I'm going to be heartbroken if there's no expansion
Is this true?
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No, fag is trying to give people false hope for some reason.

clip Capcom
>gets told to read
nigger spotted
>11:40 – Capcom TV!! Special Stage Day 1: Dragon’s Dogma II / Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess –
>Gameplay of Dragon’s Dogma II and Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess with guests. Featuring guests Otsuichi and The Touch.
Hmm, I guess they'll play a little and talk about the latest patch.
>Literal nothing burger
>Read nigga read
>Literal nothing burger again
Wow, color me surprised.
I hope I didn't fill out the surveys in vain... I was expecting at least a year for the announcement and then more waiting afterwards. Helps that times is flying these days.
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I didn't fill out any surveys and I have not written a review of the game. I feel a bit guilty.
It's not your fault the game was released in such a pathetic state.
It's ok, I filled out the survey twice and have left reviews on multiple sites.
>all the other games get their solo stage
>we have to share ours with another game
You are in denial.
I just want a Dragon's Dogma gf like I had in college :(
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She's with Lanzo now, it's time to move on
I didn't review because I feel like Steam negative recommendations are used as a "game is bad" metric that I didn't want to fuel. Especially with the nonsense mtx fiasco.
For many games that I enjoy and want to get better with patches, I simply wouldn't recommend to my friends at that point in time. That's what I'd want that review to mean, but again, it would just end up as a "ooooh look at that number%" "game=bad" statistic.
Would that statistic tell Capcom to stop working on the game? Would talking heads on Youtube shit on it without knowing anything about it (even more)? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not taking the risk.
They wouldn't be frequently updating the game's socials (let alone the game itself, regularly with increasing size and care) if they weren't planning to release DLC, especially given how successful the first game's DLC was, and how successful this game was in its own right.
The question here is whether or not we actually get the announcement this week, which is seeming unlikely.
>LVL 103
>Thief/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Implicate, Skull Splitter, Plunder, Formless Feint
>Ring of Vehemence for Knockdown Power
nah, she became a he/him
Haliya CHU!
DDON's 3-5 pawns has ruined me. They bring so much personality to the party that just two hired pawns feels anemic.
How do you not get bored with it? It feels way less interesting than DD1, even base DD1.
What keeps you coming back? The game got way too easy for me, i didn't feel like dealing with save game bs to start a new playthrough. The combat is... Fine. The way your character constantly slips and stumbles around is so genuinely irritating
The introduction of HRT into the autistic community has been more devastating than opioids
kek and true
>The way your character constantly slips and stumbles around is so genuinely irritating
mine doesn't, because i'm not bad at the game
nta, but I just love the game. I love the pawn system, I love the world design, I love starting new games (which is an annoying process but works), and sometimes I still see things in the combat encounters I haven't before, albeit through a lens completely devoid of challenge/threat.
I love getting my pawn her badges, seeing other people rent her out, and going on little, toothless adventures with some other pawns. The game's just cozy and looks/feels great. I only wish there was a way to make it harder.
hoy, a fellow PS5 gamist
I'm glad you modded the game so that shockwaves and terrain interactions no longer exist
I liked Gransys much better as a map; DD2's map lacks any actual open and sprawling areas, likely due to terrible optimization, and it makes the whole game feel claustrophobic and restrictive on travel
yeah, but DD1 looks like puke.
>i didn't feel like dealing with save game bs
I did so there's your answer
>The way your character constantly slips and stumbles around is so genuinely irritating
It's part of why I love it, it's slow and methodical like an old beat 'em up. You hated the absurd amount of enemy encounters, I loved it and find it essential. It's not a game for you, it's a game for me.
I hope they add more enemies and a hard mode for NG+

I could sperg about this game's enemy encounters for hours on end but the long and short of it is that I'm really happy they buffed small mobs.
It will come eventually but not during the TGS 2024.
DD1 looks like a watercolor painting in a high fantasy novel. It's charming.
>It's not a game for you, it's a game for me
That's pretty much the long and short of it. I might actually like it if the classes weren't gutted (and there was a reason to play anything other than Thief thanks to the mastery skill) and it was genuinely challenging.
I know DD1 had holy focused bolt, so I'm a hypocrite. Idc tho.
man the more realistic clumsy movement really ruins it, that tight snappy movement from the first one is what cements it as a top tier action game for me
I actually really appreciate how weighty DD2 feels, but then I played too many zero gravity games like the yearly atelier slop
Thank you!
That's how they are born, fully formed and balding
I feel the same. A push towards "realism" was not what the game needed. DD1 perfectly walked the tightrope between Hack n Slash action game (like DMC or Drakengard) and SotC in terms of movement
Now your character stumbles around like Wander trying to walk around at the feet of a stomping Colossus 24/7
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DD2 steps off the ledge of weighty and into the depths of clumsy for me. DD1 was very tight and responsive but things like Arc of Obliteration and getting knocked about still felt significant. DD2 feels like I'm constantly in knee high mud.
big kitty...
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I get why people hate it, I really do, but I love it so damn much. It's also not realism for realism's sake, it's meant to turn physics into an interesting game mechanic. Not being able to jump off cliffs to take shortcuts or glide from the top of a mountain effortlessly, but having to descend carefully to avoid falling and taking damage instead was so refreshing and fun for me. I know this feels more like a sidestep than a proper sequel so I get why you're mad, but still, I'm so glad this game exists because I fucking love it. Once DD3 drops and all of this stuff is gone to please players you I will be happy for you.
I just wanted to monsters as landing pads from 200 feet up :(
I feel punished for trying to use verticality in this game, especially considering how easy it is for flying monsters to shake you off now
>It feels way less interesting than DD1, even base DD1
You have to be actually retarded if you believe this
I like how DD1 looks but I cannot stand how the open fields look like in that game. Same with DDON.
DD1 had much more interesting geography and dungeons. Every cave in dd2 is exactly the same. It has no dungeons, just caves.
There are some open parts of DD2 (mostly in Vermund) but there's so many trees it doesn't feel that way
>LVL 123
>Augural Flare, High Levin, High Hagol, Maelstrom
>Fast casting due to rings (40%)
has anyone tried FSR in 2?
this looks like panel before instant defeat

Please castrate yourself
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>Kindhearted Chirurgeon elven cutie
calm down buddy
Pornbrains (and all addictive personalities) genuinely need to die out. It's nothing personal, it would simply vastly improve society and the genepool.
Why the hell is there barely any porn of this series even after the second game selling well and the games being full of porn-bait scenarios
>people mostly care about their pawns over npcs
>can't really monetize ocdonutsteel
a lot of the scanned doujins floating out there about DD are about the artists' own arisen and pawn duo for most part iirc as well
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I agree even though I am one
I mean don’t games like FFXIV have a porn scene that thrives off of OCs? You’d think there’d be at least one or two somewhat-popular artists in this community that people commission to see their Pawns get plapped or whatever
>Every cave in dd2 is exactly the same
Objectively incorrect. Now you're just blatantly shitposting.
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>Payed DD2 since a launch
> After 200+ hours i got all the game had to offer
> Dropped this shit like 3 months ago
Is it worth playing now after the updates?
Nta but it doesn't really matter, besides waterfall cave and drabnirs grotto there aren't any more big caves in the game and most are just 1 room with an enemy or group of enemies, arguing about it is pointless.
No, not really they haven't added anything substantial yet.
Lol, I do plan to give him Aphonite eventually to be a creepier. He comes off real chipper as Simple
After the updates? No, but maybe if you never played it with mods?
Will make an Elf archer next
I mean, XIV is also an MMO and has the Final Fantasy branding buff. DD as a whole has about as much porn as I'd expect from a relatively niche series, maybe even more considering that almost everything is essentially OC shit.
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I've squandered my time...
Furries ruined Dragon's Dogma.
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Not porn but I have seen a few DD related commissions out in the wild.
I don't want to play DDON anymore.
I feel like I managed to take advantage of it, but I still need a little more BO to max my third pawn's augment slots.
Please tell me there's a way to know how many hours I've put into DDO, I want to know.
No one thinks this except you
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I don't know, I guess I'm not feeling it, I want to play but everything just boils doing to grinding shit instead of enjoying the fights and enemies.
>See dungeons in starting area
>recommended lvl16
>All enemies are lvl18
>second floor in the same dungeon recommended lvl26
>Enemies inside lvl30
Yeah, no thank you.
No one else plays this game anymore
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Could you stop being a retard for once in your life
I can't say I felt the same way when playing with my first vocation, the MQ and WQs gave me plenty of XP and stuff, I only really felt like I was supposed to move on to farming spots after maybe level 60.
But there's still issues like the one you've mentioned about recommended levels, not sure how to interpret them, I guess they expect you to be at that level and have a party of 4 players, all with appropiate gear, then it would be okay.
And there's also the fact that there's simply missing content still, like quest boards, that would help with the progression feeling smoother, I hope they're implemented soon.
And for leveling another vocation from level 1 without the MQ, I think that's also an issue, not enough content beyond the novelty of that new vocation to really keep you going.
How long do I have to wait for the npcs to kill Talos by themselves. I got the cutscene of sorcerer guy going through the gate
On what game?
It looks bad, like in most other games, I suppose it might be passable at 4k and using quality mode.
Me on the left
You probably found out, but they can't kill him. Them lava does it
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Big Titty Support Mage
Sleep in camp for Five (5) Blue Gatorades
I forgot how dark playstation screenshots get after pulling them out of the app. whatever this compression software is sucks big balls
If they're even developing a DLC, i would expect the announcement to be next May during the State of Play event
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>need to recollect Griffin Feather Hood because I dragonforged mine
>only sold by Bodas in Bakbattahl
>damn I'm already endgame I'll just find him at the Sanctuary
>pick him out of the hundreds of other NPCs just popping into existence right in front of me after about 12 minutes
>he's not selling anything anymore
>none of the vendors at the Sanctuary sell his stock
womp womp
You can grab Bodas and bring him to the smithy shop area next to the Dragonforged, he'll sell his merchant goods while he's standing in there (this applies to all merchants in the Seafloor Shrine, just bring them to their respective shop areas).
Alternatively, drop your pawn code and I can send one your way.
apparently (have not tested this) shop keeper NPC abilities to act as a shop keeper are physical location dependent.
So, and I haven't tested this, if you were to pick up the dwarf guy and bring him back to his house on the Volcano island, he'll still smith. The same will probably be true for you guy.
That sounds absolutely ridiculous but I'm already kneed deep into the next cycle. I'll try this out next Unmoored. Thanks.
oops, never mind. just do what that anon said
Damn, Hugo actually looks good when he's a shop keeper.
He's a total goober in the bandit garb
damn that girl needs some visine
Does anyone else play Fighter without a shield?
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>make my Arisen look as close to my own self as possible
>don't look good in any of the hairstyles
Is this proof of ugliness?
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me. it's the closest this game gets to being my dream game. solo shieldless fighter.
That doesn't help your case
>Fromdrone is the anti DD2 shitposter
Kek not surprising in the slightest
fuck off with your soulless souls-slop
elden ring is garbage for joyless retards
Imagine defending cat fuckers
i didnt read the reply chain i just think elden ring is boring
Wait, what's the logic behind the dwarf still being a shop keeper in his own house? Shouldn't that only be true in Seafloor shrine since that's where he starts selling stuff? Maybe I missed something
It's fine, I'll pic it up again at some point due to dress up autism but not much else.
What skills do you recommend for shieldless fighter?
idk i might be confused
I thought the dwarf guy (husband to the elf) stopped being usable as a smith after seafloor shrine. that him and his wife started living down near the old pawn's guild with the other refugees.
I also might've been confusing that facet of the game with >>496008194 this. might only be that you drag people into the shop zone in the shrine
will there be more meat in the DLC?
They are yet to add grilled fish into the game.
I feel like it's overlooked how great the interiors of this game look
dd2 has some of the best lighting of any game on the market imo
Burst Strike and Hindsight Slash definitely for mobility.
This. No reason why we shouldn't be able to toss fish on the fire. Maybe make cooked fish give you a boost to Stamina replenishment?
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> walking around in unmoored world
> talk to female npc
>she turns around and her tits are noticeably more jiggly
did they up the jiggle physics in the patch ?also
So it's not just me, I noticed this too. They must be getting desperate for attention
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info
Calm/ Forager
Riotous Fury / Hindsight Sweep / Cloudward Slash / Shield Pummel
>Pawn Quest
Wargs for 5 Allheal Elixirs
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i guess the based department has taken over since all eyes are on monster hunter , hope we some more subtle changes in the future
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If only the cyclops wasn't there at the beginning of the quest. At least it's not necessary to kill it, but still, would be a lot more consistent to get through.
It still bugs me slightly that meat restores health rather than stamina in 2.
The stealth 140cm patch
The first time I tried this, I thought it was just straight up impossible with the severely infected cyclops, then I realized that its not even supposed to be there AND this quest was bugged to have a day and night version. Then I tried again, but the dragon bugged and just started flying with no crystals. Sadly, just part of the jank of a private server.
Chae CHU
That not a fromdrone just a shazamtroon
Facts. Another thing thats overlooked is how great the animations are in this game. There are so many and they're so fluid. Even the ragdoll is good
With RT, sure, otherwise they're just ok.
>Now there's an animation when you start sprinting like in DDDA
BASED capcom slowly finishing their game after release through minor updates
Is there still no fix for DD2's retarded strong auto exposure?
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Arisen and main Pawn
Angela Anaconda?
Those are kids, why is that?
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And the whole crew
I get told by my pawns that we're all men all the time
Why not?
Wait, really? I didn't notice
NTA but being able to play as a kid would be fun, it's too bad the game is hard-wired to let Ulrika rape you
Remind me that I picked up my Seeker's Token in the well next to the gaol
If they release a hard mode I hope they will come up with ways to keep this challenge fresh in every playthrough, like having seeker's tokens come in different shapes and colors. Every run could randomize colors by area, eg northern Vermund might be green, western blue, stuff like that so that it's not straight up impossible. Shapes could be fixed and relate to the specific place you find the token. I bet they could do the same with other riddles as well.
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Sorcerer, Thief, Mage
Warrior, Magick Archer
Archer, Mystic Spearhand
Trickster is hidden behind the center crest
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The whole thing
Good catch, very cool detail. Also means it's over isn't it.
Bro, solo fightering a drake is a miserable experience. Like, everything else is nice and all but there's literally nothing you can do when it decides to cast meteoron
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>Ghislaine and Zenon are both logisticians
further context for those who can't read moonrunes since multiple games got the same award: DD2 is part of the 11 excellence award winners of the japan game awards. the "grand prize" winner is TOTK for anyone wondering
Wasn't that last year or is my memory that bad?
I carry the spellbooks that cast silence on enemies all the time specifically for those drakes. As soon as it gets final phase I just wait for them to start casting and then use the book and get a free stagger
My dad's boyfriend works at CapCom and he said they're going to announce the plan to make DD2 actually good today.
it was. a lot of the awardees are also 2023 games iirc; based on previous winners as long as the release date between april 2023 and march 2024 it'll count. here's the full list if you're interested:
>アーマード・コア VI』が日本ゲーム大賞「年間作品部門」優秀賞を受
>スーパーマリオブラザーズ ワンダー
>龍が如く7外伝 名を消した男
>ファイナルファンタジーⅦ リバース
This, you can also duplicate Prescribed Tranquility books at the scrap store so it's just a matter of stocking up.
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A chuchu
I need to test but I saw on twitter that you can stagger dragons that are trying to mind control your pawn by pulling their leg. Maybe you can do tge same with meteoron? Probably need a good amount of strength though
This would be brilliant, I hope it's true.
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has good knockdown resistance
all they'd have to do is make it so some magical dragon bullshit lets you keep the fancy houses through NG+
Can confirm it does work, you have to do it asap tho. I pushed though, didn't pull.
Any recommended presets/values for level 100+?
does this go in my flop folder or my bullied cyclops folder
>spirit dragon bugs out without any crystals in phyndim war chronicles
Thanks game
Whaat? This is a fucking game changer.
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the sovran helmet is kind of ugly
your mom is kind of ugly
>Itsuno is not there to accept the award
Well like, duh
It wasn't a game changer, it doesn't work. That other anon is a liar and a thief and a scoundrel.
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A Pippi
invincible bubble
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Quest: Receive x1 Explosive Arrow for x5 Allhear Elixir
c u t e
Uhhhh has anyone checked steamdb lately? There was an update every hour
Captcha is fucking with me

There's always updates and all they mean is work is being done. Could be a patch months from now.
I hope the DLC practically doubles the weapons and armour available in the base game and adds two new vocations, and also doubles the boss roster, and has an area the size of battahl to explore, but even denser. Also...
Dumbass Pippi.
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I want them to add fashion's dogma and cat petting.
This but remove cats and furries
Nta but i don't mind the Beastren at all because it means i get to play as my cat. My wife (XX) almost cried with joy at how adorable and accurate i made him.
this and add more hairstyle options
Get ready for the announcement anons
Nothing until next year at earliest anon
Do they kiss
It's not happening
Post your cat and your beastren RIGHT NOW.
Is there a mod get rid of beastrens?

Why does everyone hate the cats? They were supposed to be in the first game, so they weren't just added to appeal to furries
why is there an active general for this game still
1.5 people hate beastren. He's the schizo and his other half.

Capcom TGS 2024
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Phonefagging, all i have is the cat
He is actually quite big at 15lbs and a longboi so i maxed out his height and muscle sliders and gave him the silliest masculine leaning backwards walk possible
No worse, they hold hands
Oh hell yeah brotha, I almost forget to watch the monster hunter showcase.
Imagine if the palicos had DD2 voiceactors

Black cat CHU
>black cat
The first game and its DLC were very good
The sequel is an attempt
Also the MMO exists i guess
She's not DD2, but I thought I heard Stephanie Sheh earlier
furfaggot can't accept that no one likes his ilk
don't do this to me
I don't hate them. I strongly dislike them as they are visually unappealing.
>visually unappealing
Beren exists so that's factually wrong. Also Pippi
pippi looks like a retarded, uncanny valley muppet
I hate them because they're ugly and look like they'd smell. They should have just been generic fantasy cat people so I could have my delicious chocolate skinned white haired cat warrior mommy. Instead I'm left with gross bigger analogues that only exist to be weird furry bait of an incredibly hamfisted and poorly executed 'racism uh le bad' plot.

Nevermind every ingame example of anti-beastrenism is entirely justified. ESPECIALLY around the whole Harve story line. They add nothing to the game but do serve as jarring visual distractions.
You will soon forget the fatigue of a long journey
when treated to the foremost hospitality in all /vg/
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Ambient temp IQ energy
Oh you just hate them because you can't jerk off to them, got it
You're the same as furries, just another strain of coomer
Cool down Anon, this is a SFW board
I think I'd like MH more if they didn't speak burger english
You prefer tea English or Steve Irwin English
I wish they'd go back to speaking gibberish
I bet you think you're really smart, but like all beastren sympathisers, you're living in a world unmoored of all sense and reason. I hate them because they're ugly, and their entire point is hamfisted into my face in the form of an out of touch moral lecture. If they added anything to the story, I wouldn't be opposed. I do not hate nor do I jerk off to goblins but they do bring more to the story than beastren ever did.

Also, beastren pawns speak well enough to what kind of "person" appreciated them. Between you degenerates and capslop's DEI pawns roaming around the world, they're not sending their best. The Old sovran is my favourite beastren, he looks cool and is plot relevant in a way that isn't about moral grandstanding, and I kinda wish he was more active in the story. Beren is a distant second and then there is nothing, because they are a shit and you are shitter for liking them.
They still can, anon
I have never selected anything "Monster Hunter Language" for dialogue
I just like being able to make my family cats in the game. I love seeing my cat be a little shit to every large monster in existence.
Every NPC in DD2 is unlikeable, beastren or human
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Thank god for mods.
>Every NPC in DD2 is unlikeable, beastren or human
Ursula is a sweet heart, how dare you. Asides from her though, you're right. This game is uniquely immersive in that it sovran pills you and makes it a feature to have inorganic and unlikeable npcs that are a slapdash crowd of diversity hires thrown in without rhyme or reason. Brainless pawns to be thrown off a cliff at your inconvenience, they can't even be brined and the cyclejanny will just respawn them if they matter.

Beastren aren't unique, I haven't begun on how I feel about all the mutts and goblinas waddling around my fantasy medieval microthermal landmass.
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Well, that was rough.
>dogma advertised for today's online show
>only mention was its on sale alongside pretty much every capcom title
tis over
I told you fucking morons, but you keep doing this to yourselves.
'Tis over...
That's why I didn't watch it and just continued to play DDON. Earliest we'll get an expansion announcement is after Wilds gets released.
Save me Kento... kento save me
Well I'm gonna cope even harder now just to stick it to ya
Hey man it's a ten year habit we're not gonna kick it right away.
Of all the possible timelines I'm glad I live in one where DDON is being resurrected, I would have never played this game if it wasn't for fans and playing it helped me understand that there's a reason Kinoshita starts with Kino, I have faith in the future of the series
there's going to be some kind of segment on the 28th where some nip eceleb plays it and kunitsugami afaik. huffing copium for DD news while capcom is trying to shill MH is a bad idea.
Kinoshita will leave Capcom and the next cope will be that he's joining Itsuno and making the secret Dragon's Dogma spiritual successor.
Let it go
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best girl
simple as.
There is not a single DD2 character whose name i can remember nor had any personality after beating the game 3 times
I lied, i remember Ulrika (?) cuz she has tight leather pants but that's it. The characters in this game suck
As a professional goalpost mover.....

There's still a chance
Motherfucker... Do you get off by giving these dumb, naive idiots hope and them seeing it crumble and turn into dust?
as a professional goalpost enjoyer
we are so fucking back
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I'm so confused about buttons after DDON.
DDON has the basic Japanese X and O are reversed, O to interact and proceed, X to cancel.
DD2 has O to interact, but X to proceed and O to cancel.
Jump is X in both.
The last time they had an unfunny comedian play the game, he kept ignoring Itsuno's instructions and was then confused about the controls. They didn't announce squat during that segment either. We're not getting anything this year
celebrities are a plague across all nations
I wish for total celebrity (+eceleb) death
Absolutely no ass tho, just straight back all the way down
We won't get anything DD2 related until after MH:Wilds releases.
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Tis' volition. Unbending will!
We won't get anything DD related for another decade again (and I'm ok with that)
Hope Havers
We are worthy of being the Seneschal
>Itsuno gone
>No announcement at TGS
it's really over isn't it lads
NG+ Hard or
That. Ive been playing with the preset in link related. It might be a bit too easy still depending on how minmaxed your party is. You might also find the bosses are a bit too spongey, so play around with the damage taken and dealt sliders.
I mean, not necessarily. DD2 technically sold well enough and had managed to get awards during TGS, some kind of DLC in the future (definitely not anytime soon) seems feasible.
I don't know if a dlc can save dd2. The damage is done
But I like DD2.
I didn't and my opinion is the only one that matters to me because I'm a narcissist
Congratulations on being self-aware
Yeah, fuck DDON, I'm going back to DD2.
bless you
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A floplop
With its yellow eyes
please give my pawn attention I am also a narcissist
I have two cats that I need to take pictures of next, then another two cats, then some ladies, then "some" male human archer and so on. After that.
the game's very good, and a DLC would make the it great. The vast majority of the complaints about it are just midwits obsessing over pedantic, sedative systems and practices other open world games, and by extension their players, have been abused into treating like necessities, which this game ignores in favor of an original vision. The rest are just a few hundred autistic people who've been playing DD1 nonstop for 12 years and justifiably expected something much more innovative and boundary pushing than what we got.
>wahhhh the fast travel doesn't make the game as mindless as my tiktok feed
>wahhhh the story doesn't follow the marvel movie format I've been brainwashed to see as the norm and actually requires my thinking to understand it
the unfinished second half of the game is one of the only valid and fundamental problems (Battahl and Unmoored are vacant compared to everything north of the gate) that likely won't be fixed, but enemy variety (which I only think becomes a problem in unmoored world) and difficulty scaling could easily be changed, and would make the things in the game that are actually important (the act of playing and replaying it and exploration) better.
>DDO dies down
>Fags go back to spamming that obnoxious nigger cat
Fuck sakes.. Only the dead can know peace.
I think you can see the exact moment they ran out of time or budget once you get through the gate in Hugo's story. Lanzo was the actual harbinger of the end.
There's other cats too... tomorrow
So that's it? DLC sometime next year after MH Wilds has had its release? May, June, around there?
to be overly hopeful, DD2 isn't technically scheduled until the 28th at TGS (though it shares the time slot with some other mobile-looking game)
I don't expect much there, I suppose the biggest thing they'll talk about on that segment will be the newest patch and perhaps mention that they're still committed to improving performance.
Beastrens ruined Dragon's Dogma
Not really, it was Capcom who ruined Dragon's Dogma (And Itsuno, a little bit)
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You're not working there anymore... give us the behind the scenes Itsuno-san
I really would like to see if it's his fault DD2 was so mid or if Capcom sacrificed the project for Wilds
It's the greedy fucking shareholders who has no idea how making games work's fault
Itsuno had a 2nd chance at making the game and he blew it, delivering an inferior game in every single way, dude's a fucking hack and I don't even know if dd was his idea to begin with, true vision my ass.
I agree at this point considering he wasn't the director for DA either
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I'll try, but no promises. Can it be played entirely solo if you really want to? Or should I even bother if I don't have the specs to play it? I don't know if I can host for other people and I don't want my HDD/SSD to melt or some shit.
He definitely shares the blame. The game was doomed to be unfinished no matter what because of Capcom but look at the underlying game decisions he made and the things he chose to focus on. Instead of focusing on dungeons, he chose to focus on Trickster. I actually don't mind the 4 skill limit but then we ended up with less skills overall per vocation as well though I'm willing to pet it slide and say maybe there were more skills planned. I like the overall adventure feeling that Itsuno chooses to focus on but its clear that Itsuno does not care as much as Kinoshita when it comes to the actual combat in this series, which is wild because Itsuno directed DMC3-5. If the DLC is real and is headed by Kinoshita, definitely expect a heavy combat focus with varied encounters and new/upgraded skills per vocation.
The thing that absolutely killed the game for me was every """dungeon""" being the same fucking cave, all of the loot being garbage, the endgame gear only being in shops, and the unmoored world not being farmable
I could live with the gutted combat system otherwise. Trickster is such a fucking joke tho.
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Uhhh... oops, sorry!!
hahaha! No more flop posts, I super duper pinky promise!
There's nothing to host if you use the fan server.
You do not want to play it solo, you want pawns, other players are optional.
It's a ten year old game and an MMO besides, how shitty is your PC if you can't run it?
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>download the client
>set the ports and server name correctly when you run the client
I used the discord guide so I can't speak for the video but it all boils down to those 2 steps and everything else is fluff. You can create your own server but most likely you will want to connect to the server that everyone else is using that has clear, defined character progression. You can play solo (with pawns) for everything but the hardest content (basically just 2 fights). If you can run Dark Arisen, you can absolutely run this. It's an MMO at its core so it's not going to be for everyone but it's worth trying for yourself and seeing if you like it. If you're stuck on something, don't be afraid to reach out for help. There's people on this thread that'd be willing to either play with you with a sub vocation or carry you with their main vocation.
That's a Chaerisen cat
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They don't recommend it apparently
It failed to improve upon the original, and many consider it to be an actual downgrade in terms of fun
Also it was (is) terribly optimized
So, who's gonna test the DD mobile game or whatever it was next?
So I don't have to.
DD Quest? I don't even know how you would play that, was it a mobile app only?
I don't know a thing about it
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I have way too many screenshots I haven't posted just because I didn't want to "spam"
>iOS and Vita only
it also seems like it was an online rpg so I'm not sure if it's playable even if you can get access to the .ipa or .pkg for it.

It's literally one guy that seethes almost every time a beastren is posted/mentioned. He can be safely ignored.
General cats? sure, who cares.
Flop? no thanks.
Continue not posting them because nobody cares, thank you
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Piece of shit.
post more images (a flop is fine too)
This is literally my first time in a DD general...
Have you considered that most people don't like furries?
>This is literally my first time in a DD general...
And it shows. /v/ tourists will never be welcome here. Go back.
That was a little embarrassing...
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>furry doesnt like it when more people show him that he's not wanted
so about 10 hours ago there were more updates to the steam dB page than any time since launch. Does anyone know what that usually means? is it just gonna be to add the award they won into the accolades section?
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wow, amazing...
It's actually my first time here too! Can you believe it?
>Resident schizo thinks he isn't the only regular who dislikes Beatren
if it was just them adding the accolades I doubt there'd be that many updates to see. likely a future patch or dlc copium, the former being more likely
self own furfaggot
They're just... Working on the game, I wouldn't think too much of it, it is just proof that the game hasn't been abandoned, that much is for certain, but whatever they're working on could be released in months from today.
Keep seething lil schizo
keep crying furfaggot youre not wanted here
same desu
>flop in a dress with a giant mace
very silly
do you have any video footage of flop fighting in her dress?
Everyone replied in anger, but nobody denied the claim
I don't quite understand this shitposting about beastren, I can understand not liking beastrens, but they're part of the game whether you like it or not, people have made beastren pawns, people like some of the beastren NPCs, and someone will post about them inevitably because they're /ddg/ related, either you're really insane for hating these characters this much or you're really deprived of attention (or maybe both things) that you need to do this embarrassing shit almost every day.
"I don't understand why people hate Jar Jar Binks, it's part of Star Wars whether you like it or not"
Nothing more embarrassing than being a furry
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It was not my intention to imply that the pic in my post was a flop, I only meant to display irreverence through my tone though I realize it would've made more sense to post flobby.
I want more cat pics :)
I'm not familiar with Star Wars threads, but do the people who hate this "Jar Jar Binks" character also cry and shitpost about it every time they see it being posted? That's not very rational behavior, is it?
There's at least two of us. I've been quiet for a while because the cat spamming died down for a while but it seems to be springing up to obnoxious levels again
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He's likely the same guy that spams most /v/ threads that contain non human characters. Some people are this mentally ill.
They weren't here when ddg was slow and dead and only had ddon to talk about. They're not real ones and can be safely ignored
I meant the cat looked like a Chaerisen. I know what you meant
Neither is wanting to fuck animals
>That's not very rational behavior, is it?
Not at all
Bottom line...
I didn't record much video when she had this fit
she also had some dumb tattoos that I've removed since
I should maybe have her don the outfit once more so I could get some good shots
Fatherless behavior, please leave
It's probably the pedo, his first line of deflection is always "b-but what about the furries!"
she sure showed those boxes whose boss
more clips would certainly be welcome
>The pedo
That could be half the users of this site
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Half of the beastren posters are pedos judging by the pictures.
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thank you for clarifying
What pedo is he talking about though?
Cyclopes have the best expressions
>One clops has had enough of Mondays
>They call him
>Mr 28 Hours
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There is a long-standing resident pedo on this general who occasionally goes into anti-cat samefagging frenzies while at the same time insisting that it is everyone else who is samefagging.
He also occasionally insists that it is actually the catposters who are pedos.
kek if true
>that fist pump in between dodges
H-he's fast!
>samefagging furfaggot accusing someone of what he's doing
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Kinoshita I need ze dlc
Zenon just jumped a few places in the official ddg powerscaling tier list
Kek you triggered the schizo
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He's surely on the toilet right now, about to produce a big kino for us.
I'm a hoper.
What the hell is Zenon's problem!?
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I haven't said anything about cats...
I MEAN, fuck pedos man, they suck
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Anyone else getting their framerate raped whenever rocky saurians are close by after the patch?
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I'm pretty sure you're not the only youth enthusiast in the general, so don't worry about it, I wasn't referring to you.
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thighs will prevail
>want to play
>fans go complete apeshit even when using low graphics
>could play on 30 FPS but it's laggy and jaggy as fucking hell
>nVidia GeForce Experience can't control fan speed for shit

Fuck. What are my options besides upgrading?
Specs? Lossless Scaling is like magic for older specs
>>nVidia GeForce Experience can't control fan speed for shit
I use MSI Afterburner for that.
Time for the next cycle
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neat, is that patched in ?
Have Rook in your party for the whole cycle
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Looks like it's time to aggressively use DLSS... But that CPU is kind of weak.
Sorry yeah that CPU is definitely cucking you
>patched in
you mean like a greenscreen thingy?
no, the lighting just looks like crap
you can see the hand clip through the nose
We're back, baby
Thick cats...
Digusting ass flop.
Are you playing on a laptop or something?
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Dumbass Flop.
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cute oblivious flop
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I'm kinda burned out, PC broke, need to upgrade for cheap. Can anons give me recommendations from a CPU, MOBO AND RAM combo around or under $300?
You probably want to spend at least $400, that would get you a Ryzen 5 7600 ($190), a decent B650 MOBO ($130~) and 2 sticks of 16 GB DDR5 CL30 RAM ($95~), you could definitely go lower than that and instead get a Ryzen 5 5600X ($130), a decent B550 MOBO ($90~) and 2 sticks of 16 GB DDR4 CL18 RAM ($60~), but for DD2, you'll want a good CPU and RAM. so I'd recommend getting the first set of components instead.
Grabbing enemies is what confused me the most, I'm at that stage where I will press O in Dragon's Dogma 2 if I don't pay attention
I'll look into it, see if there are any bundles, thank you anon.
DDON did re-arrange a lot of stuff to make room for all the shorcuts and communication stuff, it's kind of impressive how much stuff they manage to cram onto a controller buttons
furfaggot crying to the janny
Do not hold back.
>beloved is Serah
I'm alright with this.
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If there was a beloved system in DDON, which NPC would you pick?
Don't say Mayleaf.
Iris my beloved
You can't fix her.
I like my women crazy
>furries will pretend they aren't the problem with this game
>When they're always the problem with everything and always autistically shit up everything involving animal people
Stupid faggot Itsuno, how have you not learned yet? How sheltered are you?
Boxes ill like fire
more like dragons flopma
None of them
I love this game
How the fuck?
NTA but do keep in mind that you can play demanding games with a Geforce Now subscription
The wind stopped
>tfw same Japanese salaryman at Capcom spend time modelling Mayleaf's bed room
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Beastren confirmed in DDON.
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[Scratch the dragon]
What if you climbed into its ass and started stabbing him with the godsbane blade aha.. Maybe? Aha
Teleport to the beauty parlor and go north
That too
>CPU roughly around minimum req
might want to upgrade, unfortunately
Found her, she's a pawn, that's interesting.
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Any legging ideas for my Vermundian Assassin? I have pretty much all of them.
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Ser Goliath
Only need two more Garm for the Pawn Badge
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I only scratch his face. I MAY scratch his belly if he behaves
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Are you ready for Japanese "comedians" and no announcements tomorrow

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