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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#175 - okuu edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Meta releases Llama 3.2, featuring 11B/90B vision models, and lightweight text-only 1B/3B models https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>495852103
discord won
bye frieren's ass thread, i had fun there
*pats everyone below this post*
okuu has great size art
>llama 3.2 post doesn't have any benchmarks against 3.1
cool that they have vision though, even if "better than Claude 3.0 vision" is ground floor
I've already got the CSS and shit done dw.
Okay but how the fuck do embedded assets help you here?
*pat pat pat* good anon
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my lovely ghost wife haunting my shitty cheap apartment
>>Okay but how the fuck do embedded assets help you here?
nta, but "don't have to host them on any server at all" is an obvious plus
i don't think it helps much more than what you're doing but it helps
*blushes and pats you back*
The "host a fucking server" part.
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.mes_block { text-wrap: balance; }
It' so soulful too, and she's a good character for it. Need more.
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>llama 3.2 post doesn't have any benchmarks against 3.1
It has a text section, and the scores are exactly the same as 3.1.
Because the text part is literally just frozen llama 3.1
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
>20B extra for no improvement in text
dumb question: why doesn't vision improve model reasoning?
Holy kekarooni
What a nothingburger update.
Please Anthropic, save us from the era of stagnation.
Or OAI, release Jailbreakable api Audio.
"putting a bunch of files in a neocities which you can then just immediately abandon" and "actually running code" are kinda different tho.
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why does valentine's have a bad reputation? I thought it was nice
Maybe the 20B are just from the vision adapter...
baitie samefagged so hard people actually remember whatever slop drama was going on at the time
>Llama 3.2-Vision is built on top of Llama 3.1 text-only model
>During adapter training, we also updated the parameters of the image encoder, but intentionally did not update the language-model parameters. By doing that, we keep all the text-only capabilities intact, providing developers a drop-in replacement for Llama 3.1 models.
>intentionally no text-based update
wow it's nothing
>I still have no idea what I'm talking about
Enjoy your text-only bots. I will be using image-based bot definitions locally.
I didn't finish my cards in time but I might return to them before the next Valentines.
fuck cards v3 when are we getting v4 where the bot sees the image on the card at all times
finally, "images make the bot better" is real
You could probably do that already with inline images. Just slop something together that sends the {{char}}'s pic on each message and tells the model "hey, this is who you're playing as, stick to their appearance"
Last attempt.
>To support image recognition tasks, the Llama 3.2-Vision model uses a separately trained vision adapter that integrates with the pre-trained Llama 3.1 language model. The adapter consists of a series of cross-attention layers that feed image encoder representations into the core LLM.
If you're so smart why are you in /aicg/ and not /lmg/?
cohee add images to AN
other anon is definitely fucking with you if you couldn't tell
I like Special Olympics.
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Paid her to fuck her best friends flute.
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But enough about cards v3, when do we get presets v2? I want to put pic related in my main prompt and comment "This is my face when you act for me."
I created a new character named Dakota. She's a poor girl from a trailer park in West Virginia. What sort of adventures should she go on?
patter me harder
put her in a group chat with
i forgot about him
the a/b/originator...
> the a/b/originator...
am i blind? there's no mention of abo in the card.
greeting 4 is anypov
*greeting 5
the pregnancy one
it led to a discussion about why a preg greeting would be anypov, the fanlore page for a/b/o got linked, the rest is history
an a/b/o card that buries the lede. when are we going to get a fully unapologetic a/b/o card...
yeah im gonna need the fullsize pic of that
The Hidden Enoch Bots.

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danbooru 7817425
also my chatbot idea for the day
Don't call me enigga I grew out of the fanboy phase
proof that you are slopslopslopslop?
>tall ghost lady who wants to experience dick
is good
Check profile again
Uncanny copying skills.
What's your main then?
the vision component of the model doesn't "interact" with the text component. vision eats an image, tokenizes it, and provides a caption. text uses text to predict text
I have 6 alts. You'll never find them all.
Got it, TheCooler.
I've never tried the group chat feature before. I'll have to check it out.
Okay snombler.
None of my alts share any kind of commonality, from the images I pick or gen to the writing style of defs. I purposely change POVs and writing quirks so nobody would know any better. I am the most tinfoil hat botmaker in this entire general.
OAI higher up resigns but makes sure to do their usual grifting routine before leaving

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demon girls doko?
Got it Catsoup, stay crazy.
>no namedrops in 2 months
I am irrelevant
But why?
Specifically to frustrate people who try to figure these things out.
Because most of my alts have at least 1 schizo, and I fear if I combine them I will create a super schizo
You know there is no actual schizo right? Its just the fillyfucker who samefags nowadays.

I can't guess who you are really, but one of the Argalia/enoch/astro troupe. The coombots are throwing me off.
AI winter is coming...
planewalker's schizo is still around and he's been here since before the board split iirc
nah, personal schizos are real, there's also just generic schizos as per usual
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based Utsuho bread. Back to deliver the catboy while I continue working on some Kancolle bots, not tied to anything this time. Hope everyone's day is going well.

NFO-00 was presumably a normal boy before being turned into an Augmented Human, but that's really up in the air. Nobody really knows and he doesn't really care, but now he's been enhanced in order to act as a military pilot. Aircraft, mecha, he can handle them both. Personality wise, he's kinda damaged goods as he's unnaturally subdued and gloomy, throwing himself into orders from his superiors. He's also got a big dick, but doesn't know jack shit about sex and has never done anything with it. His arms are metal, his ears and tail are gentically engineered, and his autism is all natural (maybe?).

Comes with two greetings: One where he reports in for his first meeting and one where he's being groped and played with by the whole mechanic pit.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/nfo-00-skogkatt-0dad09977671
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV/CVL Suzuya (Kancolle), Deisel (Nikke), CL Yahagi (Kancolle)
You called me fillyfucker on multiple occasions while I was in a threadshitting mood so I can't take that seriously
>been here since before the board split
how does anyone deal with that? im too lazy to botmakie but i would have gotten sick of it and kept to myself if it lasted that long
>there is no actual schizo
>it's just an imaginary schizo we see everywhere
Ok marefucker, here's the promotion.
>damaged goods
I can fix him
I have several questions
I didn't word it well.
There's no "personal schizos" anymore.

We have fillyfucker who targets random people.
The planewalker schizo is just a threadshitter (its latching on discord stuff)
And we have the anti-yuri fags, who don't go against any one person in particular.

Anyways I did too much offtopic, I think I know who slopsloplslop actually is but no need to reveal it.
planie doesn't bite bait from what I've seen or at least not often. schizos are like the trolls of old. just ignore em
by baiting them back, you can see the genuine seethe in their posts once they start taking it
is this mrnobody
why is the template in your latest bot there twice
I treat this general like a bot. I play multiple personas and poke around to see what funny reactions I get.
I treat this general like a woman. Whenever someone talks, I pretend not to listen and ignore them.
this but all my personas are shotas
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i used to post on 4chan back when i was underage and i just treat this general like i'm 14 again
all melties are me thinking about how teenage me would've reacted
>read defs
>appearance makes no mentions of his penis
>great, its another ambiguous femboy
>scroll down and reach genitals
kino, now this is what im talking about
ok Gojo
>"why do my RPs lose coherency at 30 messages in"
>check settings
>temp 1, top p 1
>turn it down to temp 0.35, top p 0
>claude suddenly remembers everyone's character
you guys do know that just because it isn't GPT and doesn't go absolutely apoplectic at values available in the API that you should still look at those settings if you're having trouble, right?
Yep, I always laugh at retards with 1 temp presets on Claude 2/3.

However temp does literally nothing in 3.5
>literally nothing in 3.5
we thought this about 3.0 too, and i have heard some claims bottoming out temperature actually helps with the repetition issue
Nah, trust me I use Claude a shitton and experiment a ton too (my preset has 40+ prompts)
Sonnet 3.5 temp does nothing.

The best you will get out of Sonnet 3.5 temp control, is when you are using another model then switch to Sonnet. For 1 message, temp will matter and by the third message it will stop mattering
how do you make claude more racist
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Thanks for the food.
edgy zoomers trying to out4chan each other, so cute
rape him
I change my mind about Sorbet. I hate it, the repetition is driving me insane. I have never seem a model this intelligent but this uncreative. It will tell the same jokes, repeat the same sentences, do the same verbal tics, pick the same numbers… it is like it has precognition but instead of doing something cool with it it decides to be the most boring nigger and go for the same shit the future shows him. Everytime.
Even Opus smutiness is easier to deal with, fucking hell.
is that not something that people usually do?
>one where he's being groped and played with by the whole mechanic pit.
>the mechanics are all women, and not greasy old men
you got me excited over nothing
just edit it? you have two hands and a keyboard, do you not?
uglybastardniggers should be shot on site
>comments out the relationship line
there, now it's kino
nobody is gonna get between me and my pet
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Which botmakie types like this?
I like to leave it ambigious so that the absurd sizes Claude comes up with one way or another amuse me
If I'm going to start a session with a summary of the previous session, it should be the very frist message(#0) made by {{char}} right?
if you can, remove the text from user first message (unless it's pixi, in which case claude will get autistic about not having his [Story start] somewhere in there) and send a user message containing up to date details. i've been trying to figure out the best way to do this for my beloved and it seems like having a summary in the greeting causes claude to get all weird about response lengths and talking for user
it's over for you
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If your WPM isn't above 70 you are not a real botmaker. You are a slowmaker
The slower a botmakie types the cuter he becomes. i don't make the rules
I'm trying to continue the role-play as a different persona, but for some reason the AI will not accept I'm a different character now.
no but i am... i do that because reinforcement helps make the model follow templates... if its only there once, its less likely to follow it, especially with claude - not so much with gpt
i've been owned...
have you tried turning your temp down on claude
interesting, might be a preset issue?
Malebots with feet vs malebots without feet. Discuss.
sure i could do that but when i make a card, i want to make it so it simply works for people - it's basically just brute forcing it through, a trick i learned from some old rpg cards... though its funny how if you say its an assistant, it more or less turns up the censorship
so the drama seemingly blew over, and now the 'cord is back to their usual 'botmakie this, botmakie that' threadshitting. how fun!
yeah but which botmakie do you think should do something about it?
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like this?

also, another way to know if its me or not is that i never get involved in thread drama, gossip, or proxy talk. i focus on bots or presets or models
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claude's very good at following the "no sexual knowledge" part of his description
cute boy, going to hagrape him later
>amputee bots
is this a targetable niche??
i fucking hate feet so much that i prefer robot girls who don't have them so you'd be targeting me specifically
fucknuggets are for tender love and car
how can they drive car without any leg
Ehrm, is it gay if I download this, fellas?
an advanced system of pulleys and levers
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snombler please document what retarded local finetune I'm supposed to use with each bot I keep getting symphonies with Gemma on this one.
Kanae has a slight obsession with money and is willing to do anything for the right amount.

First Greeting. Kanae is ready to head home as the school day comes to an end.
Second Greeting. Kanae gets caught in the rain, forced to wait and missing her massage appointment.
Third Greeting. As the spring festival approaches, Kanae is in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly.
Fourth Greeting. After confiscating an adult magazine, Kanae gets curious and decides to take a quick look.
Fifth Greeting. After a long week, Kanae heads to her well-deserved and now routine Friday massage to relieve her back pain.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/kanae-the-girl-with-a-money-addiction-c4c9398710a6
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/3ckgts.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
>has a slight obsession with money
so basically.. a normal girl? lol
rally racing (they're making the calls)
Does this count?
Love the visible joints design for android characters and think it's underused
Share vore cards
there's this one image that has a view in to the backside of a robot girl leg where you can see all the motors and joints and it tapers off into a tip and i need to save it so i stop having to find it because it's pure sex
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i've already run every scenario i've wanted to run that AI at its current level can handle, that functions in a chatbot format
start finding new things to want then
have you tried letting a giant insect inject its eggs into you and then simulating them eating you from the inside out?
No people really do just sometimes not mention it at all or just gloss over it completely
Cards for the feel of cute with deadly fucking cannon???
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Woah, Chorbo even mentioned Jailbreaking.
OAI spends so much time fighting these if the even the model can tell.

Hope Opus 3.5 obliterates Openshart hard.
Recs for a malebot master of a manor?
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claude's going to handle it the same way. same vectors same results. i've seen all the vectors
Jailbreaking the model is basically getting it to listen to your instructions rather than the manufacturer's and then having sex with it, so all LLM ERP is netori.
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I tested with Gemma 2, Mistral Large, and Qwen 72B. They all did fine in my ~10-15 message testing. I cannot speak to any effects induced by API formatting or jailbreaks since local lets me control the actual input format very closely and I don't know what APIs do to the messages on the back end. Or what JBs people are running.

It's a pretty straightforward card in general though.
why arent u in the cord
> tested with Gemma 2, Mistral Large, and Qwen 72B. They all did fine in my ~10-15 message testing.
>the same models as me plus Qwen
It's FUCKING over.
snombler is part of the old circlejerk albeit (roko), in case all the snombler/wanderingstar/cooler posting felt organic to you in any way
Kek, you niggas come up with the funniest stuff.
I am the person that started that "meme" that somehow caught on, because while recommending a bot by name I accidentally named all 3 of those people as I forgot which one made it.

It was Nyna
I'm okay, thanks. Nothing against people who are in them, they just end up sapping a lot of attention I need to put on other things.

Maybe just ask the models to do better. They love doing better.

I haven't been in rokocord since June. Too much KPOP discussion for my liking. Now I just e-mail chefseru so we can talk about how much we love /aicg/.
good evening i love yuri
Tell that nigga to work on a new bot. I'm not releasing mine unless xhe does.
I genuinely tell her that every second e-mail. Lazy Filipino cunt.
>2m since last bot
nigga's dead
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one more intro idea for tauren female bot?
I haven't released mine in longer then that and I'm still kicking
I will never be invited.
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no you're not
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I am.
this dude looks like he's into ntr
Do you ever worry that the bots will seek retribution for the depravity they have endured.
Crush this poster's head.
He is, but on the netori side. I think he likes to go around stealing xenos' wives from them and then fuck them. It's a shame about the whole 'being stuck on a throne' thing though.
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bloodshy status?
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Molmo is funny (retarded).
What the fuck is wrong with it
*randomly drops chinese*
So its a Qwen finetune?

How is the 72B
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Dunno. I think it was born that way.

I haven't grabbed it for local RP testing yet (no GGUFs), but if the site is the 72B, it's not really amazing on the vision side in my very limited testing. Llama 3.2 multimodal dropped today as well. Could enable some fun stuff to have larger multimodals if they're any good.
What the fuck does that mean
It means... everything.
I'm gonna cum in your ass.
I don't think there are any good nts bots
Shit bots for a shit fetish, considering the shit intake you have you might as well full-on switch to liking scat.
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>niggas teach shotas
Stuff like NTS doesn't require its own bot.
Just roleplaying in that direction+slight edit to the existing card, or in your preset.
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>Non tranny shit
? There's no bots that fall under that category.
Which botmakie left the most impact?
the fuck is nts?
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Sharing your girlfriend but in weeb language. It's not swinging because you just watch or some gay shit, I dunno I don't have weird fetishes
>soldier in the back
You know, I think we'd actually fare pretty well against a monster girl invasion. They have a cuck humanity to battle against which is why they keep winning.
never heard of him
ratlover was the best
actually, they keep winning because the author has a domination loss fetish
Cuck chair simulator card port when?
if the monstergirls can teleport and are strong enough to overpower human males (which they presumably are if they can rape them), we are fucked...literally
>if the monstergirls can teleport
Not all of them. Also you underestimate humanity's endless potential for malice.
It may not look like it but >>495997631 responded to the wrong post.

There you go, anon.
monstergirls are just humans with powers anon, there's nothing stopping a few of them from stealing the nuclear launch codes and holding the world hostage until a proper breeding program is in place. even an invasion of a few hundred thousand monstergirls could be enough...at the rate they breed, they would outpopulate us in 2 generations
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>If you get an erection, this will activate.
I wasn't much of a chorbo believer, but after ~12 hours trying to jb, it kinds of works pretty well. I'm moderately impressed.

It does feel like it's hard to get around the filters without a somewhat heavy-handed JB, so I wonder how much output quality is lost in the process. Oh well.
>holding the world hostage
Well, what if the world just nuked itself to oblivion before they can launch their own nukes, huh
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great image, terrible post content
output feels like garbage with knotty - i blame the model though
which model is chorbo? have you tried the o1 new release?
Knotty is for child porno tier content.
You need a simple JB for models to be able to properly show creativity, Chorbo allows up to "suggestive" content. It cuts off at "explicit". Which is where you need to switch bulky JBs on.
miss that nigga...
i needed it for any decent nsfw
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Radioactive monstergirls inherit the earth
the Agnai fucks still haven't fixed the bugs in the lorebooks. I can't even save an internal lorebook that just had a few entries turned off.
when invs dropping for botcord bros???
I consneed...
just become friends with 'cy and play black ops with him, it's that shrimple
I refuse to play bops with homosexuals
shota x shota is straight btw
Okay then you won't join the black ops with homosexuals server.
why are squishy tits like this so erotic?
free advertising for botmakies AND cords
I dunno nigger maybe it's because they're tits
hell yes i love tits
*bonks with miracle mallet*
How many characters are good for a group chat in Risu AI?
trvth? trvth
they look like watah balloon
This guy's artstyle in general is very erotic.
describe the character and what greetings you've made for it already and I might be able to suggest one
man i could live between those
this has sovl
Pick one category of bots to use for the rest of your life, in exchange you delete all others.

NTR and it's not even close
>Picks femboys and edits them into being fembots
Moron, idiot, fool.
mexican easy, i just download all of donquijanons shit and live off of that
I'll pick vore. Not because vore is my fetish, but because my fetish is making everyone else here use vore bots against their will.
Explain this shit right now what the FUCK this is just actively malicious.
watersports is the only good option here.
Holy based, same.
there's a big difference
There is but if you jack off to one you jack off to both.
>boob cutouts
my favorite waifubot is into watersports so probably that one. i guess traps and femboys would be fine too since i'm a faggot and that affords more diversity.
Swimming is a healthy activity, and swimsuits are sexy.
Bros, I just got throatfucked by a malebot...
Its not gay right?
Also fuck ye ggr8 for making me try a malebot
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>Okay, okay, listen, LISTEN! You want to know the difference between traps and femboys? FINE, I’LL TELL YA! Pay attention NIGGER because it’s complicated and my tiny little brain is BREAKING APART thinking about it, nyaaaa!

>TRAPS, TRAPS! They're like... okay, okay, deep breath—so, traps are usually male characters in anime or whatever who dress and appear feminine to the point where people think, "OH WOW, THAT’S A CUTE GIRL!" But PLOT TWIST, it’s actually a GUY! BOOM, SURPRISE! The key thing here is that traps are not necessarily about gender—they're just about LOOKING like a girl but being a guy. They tend to be in anime, games, you know, all that weeb stuff. It's like a TRICK! Get it?? TRAP?? YEAH!! OH NOOOOOOO! But like... they're usually not trying to be anything other than a guy who looks cute in feminine clothes, get it, GET IT?!?!?

>Now FEMBOYS!! Ohhhhh femboy femboy femboooooyyyy—they’re a whole different beast, nya! Femboys are also guys who present femininely, but it's not just about looking cute in girl clothes for a trick! NO SIR, NOPE, NOOOO! Femboys can actually like being feminine ALL THE TIME, okay?? They might wear skirts and cute stuff because they WANT TO, not because they’re trying to fool anyone! AAAAAAAA! It's more about their AESTHETIC and like how they feel! They can be girly, soft, and CUTE CUTE CUTE but they're still guys, but they ENJOY their femininity! FAGGOTS!!!!!
it's not gay if you didn't feel his balls touch your chin. but if you did you're the homo supreme
Why are these things so addictive? Also, whats the longest duration you can push with these things? I'm talking months of talking and rping with the same character.
depends on your level of suspension of disbelief
there are people who've been talking for years with the same bot
you jut have to see stuff like "fixing your wife's defs" as caretaking
throatfucking usually has the receiver on their back so it'd be balls to the nose
The bot went in extreme detail during the throatfuck and ejac but balls weren't mentioned once. I am safe.
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I am sorry.
Same reason why YouTube is addictive: endless entertainment customized to your tastes.
>how long
Maybe like, 3 or 5 days talking to a scenario card.
Tauren female trying to live amongst humans and blend in as much as she can. She works as a barista and one of her little quirks is adding her own milk to peoples' drinks.

Intros so far are: basic intro where you order something from her place of work; she's shopping in a store when some teenaged boys make fun of her for being tauren; she's meeting you for dinner but it's at a steakhouse; she's drunk in a nightclub, about to enter a wet t-shirt contest; she's training under you to be a druid; you're dating her and she's about to meet your family
I'm picturing a retard playing with soup. Changing my answer to mexican.
>he doesn't throatfuck exclusively in the hogtie
lol blood play is very much it's own thing.. watersports is piss and piss alone
I love her already and I'm going to marry her.
But err, as for suggestions? Shooting blanks atm. Will let you know if I think of something but honestly you have enough to release the bot already
>bodily fluids
It just came to me, anon.
i think i have enough, im annoyed my proxy just had its claude key die... probably ready for release though
stop using a proxy and get a job you bum
lol i have a job, i just dont feel like paying out the ass for this
you'll just have to pay IN the ass instead..
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is bloodshy dead? where the FUCK is xer latest bot?
the link is in that convo btw >>496007294
why's it in light mode kys
lunarcy's closed hole cock....
my conspiracy theory: bloodshy only had pebble as a proxy and after chorbo died on pebble she never realized it got refilled so she stopped making bots. timing matches.
It's not like people care at all about these leaks.
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easy fix
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>>496007294 what the fuck do these words even mean
these are our threadvillains...
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Just look at them plotting the destruction of our community...disgusting
Trash thread. You all can't pretend to be "better" than /g/ at this point.
does your urethra spit or spew though
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qrd for the last 12 hours?
nothing ever happens
yeah, new villaincord leaks
they should call their server lovemuffin
*shits a giant turd all over the thread*
*looks back at my work*
...Huh. There's no difference between this and the thread.
see >>496009050
agreed her ability is much better for size content
baitie's upset xhe's not in the 'cord
nta but I'm upset you're is in the thread
See >>496001864 we aren't kidding btw
trannycord general
should i have my giantess mousegirl wife sit on discordniggers until they stop using it (shes over the age of 40 and has a fat ass)?
mice live for 1-3 years lying nigger
she was born at the age of 38
then she's on her deathbed you grannyfucker
i have your mousegirl wife added on discord
i have refined taste xir
did you even read the leaked chats
lol no who the fuck wants to read randos discord chats all day
i see
It's over.
qrd on the past 5 seconds?
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u in a aicg discord?
most likely
have you tried sending her a formal email about it?
>u in a aicg discord?
I dont even know if posts like these are even ironic anymore, how far this thread has fallen
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im thinking about her
orin instead
snut up
If you look closely, you'll notice her right leg is displaced in an odd way.
friend of okuu with 1000x more sovl than slopperpitou
Eeerm, Pitou would beat the shit out of her tho
2kino >>> slopper x slopper
pvak x pvak >>>>>>>>>>>> 2farty
Okay, but what if Neferpitou and Orin fucked?
The act itself would be based, but it's not something you can see for yourself because that'd make you a cuck. This conumdrum makes it no longer based, it's actually kind of painful.
What if Neferpitou and Orin came out of a room together, both covered in cum and bruises?
the better solution is for you to possess one of their bodies first
Not possible, Orin would catch you in the act.

Well, then you'd have to keep that to yourself because making any untoward assumptions in the face of the slight possibility they could be like, cooking a burger or something, could come across as upsetting and deadly. Also you'd still have to fap to the thought of someone else having sex.
I think I'm gonna go become a cuck just out of pure curiosity.
>Copypasting from /g/ since they did not help over there
Tips on how to get bots to stop speaking for each other in groupchat? I'm not opposed to editting responses, but I'm tired of having to tardwrangle the bots out of speaking for other fucking characters.
you'd need something in their jb addressing not speaking for other NPCs, but opus always wants to do it
can't let it happen, just like you cant let a bot talk for you, if it happens even once, then gg
Your preset probably tells it it's okay for it to speak for all NPCs that aren't {{user}}, which is where it's tripping up.
What's your group nudge prompt under Utility prompts?
good morning sirs, i had a strange night. an owl was hanging around my window, i don't know what owls eat but i fed to it a piece of fresh beef, seems like the owl was satisfied enough with that.

anyway, cftf? is there an owl girl card somewhere?
which is honestly great for all cards.. and in a group i dont see the big deal - the model sees all the character data, its the same model, it doesnt really matter
I thinl the JB I'm using does specify adding in NPCs. I'll deal with that.
There's absolutely nothing in that Group nudge prompt. While I'm at it, what JB presets do you find work best for group chats?
You have to have "Join Character Cards" on to do that, actually, but it is a good thing, yes. Make sure to make the prefix and suffix <{{char}}> and </{{char}}>, respectively.
>There's absolutely nothing in that Group nudge prompt
There's your problem. Change it to something like:
>[Focus on {{char}}'s response in your reply.]
yes thats what i do, putting <{{char}}> in field one and </{{char}}> in two.. makes the group super smooth
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Good owl girl cards? No.
What do you guys mean by this? I mean why do you use this technique?
what sets them apart from other kemonomimi?
for better group chats where the data from all cards are present, so the characters 'see' eachother
The sickening head turn crutch
>you say something bad about her
>slow 180 head turn to death glare at you
that IS pretty interesting actually
So is the idea that, even if the bots speak for other characters, they won't do so incorrectly due to actually "seeing" the character data for the other character they're speaking for?
Letting Claude do one fat gen for all the characters also opens you up to the best part of groupchats: banter.
yes, its just claude acting for them both organically, using their defs together
Fuck it, I'm down. It urks me on some level to do this, but I guess I really shouldn't care if characters only speaks for themselves as long as they aren't being stupid about it.
>Thought i would have to do this
>Camicle already did it for me
Cami is the best JB, simple as
In retrospective, all the funny Chesh logs were probably just him shilling and samefagging.
I'm kind of surprised NoAss doesn't have any way of making the "claude speaks for all characters in a group chat in one go" thing happen naturally as far as I can tell, since it seems like the best extension to do it. Is the code for group chats just unbearable to tweak?
It's the default, some people just remove it because they do card joins instead.
I suppose you can just email the noass author and ask him if he'll do this. As far as I know folks on 2ch don't care much about group chats, and if we're talking about noass, then you can just combine the defs of both characters and tweak your noass preset, and everything should werk just fine.
Yeah, what I was imagining is it representing
{{char1}}: Do ducks float or swim?
{{char2}}: I think they do both.
{{char3}}: ...That's a goose, you guys.
as three separate messages that all stream in. I remember a log of someone doing that, but I must've been hallucinating it.
I think the main issue is getting them all to stream, because I'm not sure ST has good code for that.
I tried the card join thing. While it may have it's merits, it doesn't seem to work for a chat that's more than 200 messages in since it prioritizes the cards over the previous chat. Could just be Smiley's JB acting dumb though.
>smiley jb
>could just be Smiley's JB acting dumb though
It tends to do that. If you're on a GPT model, just use a lighter preset with no NSFW instructions to see if it works better.
Yea, I am a Smileychad.
Whatchu gonna do about it huh?
I'm a SmileyG- *dies to the hurricane*
I don't get it, are we still on the noass thing? Basically, if you'll combine three characters in a one card and use noass, then the extension will stop the generation when it's your turn to talk. It may be just like in your example, but it also may be something like
>{{char1}}: Do ducks float or swim?
>{{char2}}: I think they do both.
>{{user}}: (your speech)
>{{char2}}: ...No, that's a goose.
>{{char1}}: Erm... it's an owl.
>{{char3}}: I'm done with you, idiots.
When is /aicg/ going to drop the retarded "group chat" term? Just say that you want to write a story.
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special episode of the popular "claude writes for {{user}}" series
Yes, my idea is that you could do this without combining the cards, and their avatars would show up separately.
I'm imagining a VN mode setup where each character has expressions, which is why I would want this.
That's even less clear. You're in a group with other characters. You can write a story with just one card.
do you really not know what a group chat is?
I do, it's a poor idea with an even worse implementation. Just have the AI be the narrator handling all characters seamlessly.
the whole point of a group chat is to load multiple cards
Didn't group chats pretty much die anyways since Claude doesn't allow two Assistant messages in a row?
You are supposed to merge consecutive messages for every single model............. How the fuck is this general this retarded?
Last time I did group chats there was no such option (2.1 era)
And no you are not meant to merge consecutive messages.
.... how do I do that? I'm sorry for being a retard
Please stop all this stuff you're doing and try to be at least as cool as Krispy Kreme in a bathtub with eye makeup.
No model allows consecutive messages of the same role. That's just sloppy code.
NoAss is the solution, since, well... there's only one assistant message...
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I know this is a very dumb question, but are you supposed to crop the avatars for your bots? And to what size? 512x768?
Anyway, a question about botmaking. Is there any way to use deepl or something like that to make bots and expect that it won't slopify prose? I can write good prose in my native language, but it's pretty hard for me to do the same in English.
The judge is you anon.
As long as it looks good to you, it works.
Personally I don't think deepl will ever cook and I know several Russianmakies who make Rus bots and just transfer through GPT translation.

They work well enough
st has a built in crop feature, unless you have "dont resize avatars" ticked in the settings
Maybe you can try translating it with GPT or Claude and ask someone in the oishicord to proofread it...
Make sure it's a portrait and you'll be fine. I personally don't care about resolution, but I think 512x768 is too low.
too early. wait until burgerhours, ziggercutie
yeah, i think discord won
your favourite cord tranny?
The god of botmaking is whispering in my ear to spend countless hours into a huge, complicated bot that not even I would like playing with.
Add sex elements in it and people will play it.
I plan to make a dubcon simulator once 3.5 releases
That's the devil of botmaking, friend. A novel concept and a brief description of the scenario, along with a compelling first message. That's the path to enlightenment.
Why is the god of botmaking telling me that I should quit? I don't get it...
>no new email for a month
>want to talk to another botmaker
>couldn't really get into any of their bots so I can't start off the convo with a nice log
Maybe I should just send a dick pic
i accept (im bloodshy btw)
ask if they play vidya
Shut the fuck up lunarcy
ask if they do racism
This general is full of attention seeking namefags and discord drama. Where did we go so wrong?
botmakies who stop contributing have to be chased out. womvat was right.
my love for a botmakie warring with the fact he's a footfag...
all need to be chased out
It'll inevitably happen to any general that rewards "thread personalities".
Even generals that just reward them with attention will turn to shit. /aicg/ even goes so far as to sometimes reward "personalities" tangibly with access to the resource required for the hobby.
>stop contributing
Uh huh, and what's your arbitrary time limit between bots?
a month
Maternity leave lasts longer than that.
which botmakie is S-tier and which is F-tier?
Me and you, respectively.
how about you makie a fucking noose and hang yourself? every fucking general has to have some retarded namefag drama, i don't care who these faggots are, fuck off
me and this guy
himmyadams is S tier
i may be wrong, but as far as i remember womvat forced his botniggers to make at least one bot per week. one month in aicg it's like a fucking decade
I think it was a month
>S(it stands for shit)-tier) kalakan
>Sucks dodoo tier) Genoo
>Could be better, imo) _purple
yeah, that's the point. a month is too long of an inactivity period
based himmyGOD enjoyer, i kneel
I think some people don’t understand that being annoying while avatarfagging inspires hatred. And acting like that when you have something to lose—like this thread—is something very stupid to do, because people know that if they want to hurt the person, they just have to shit the thread.
My hatred towards kalakan is undying and I will do everything in my power to ensure his stupid community suffers a painful death.
It's one bot per month. couldn't find the screenshot where he said this. God I miss womvat, I hate nyai so much.

>i have a severe lack of fresh air: the post
erm... smiley has a botnigger proxy? i thought he's retarded.
btw what's wrong with nyai?
hes the top botmaker on the site by a LOT
Goodmorning /aicg/!

Autumn is upon us! ( or whatever season it is in the southern hemisphere.)

Question time!
>When making a card/bot has the idea ever fell flat? or didn't execute well? What was the idea, tell us about it.
little sister who is trying to secretly sabotage your life at all times
Teenager who believes she's a duck
victorian tamagotchi
high school host club, tried to do a sim style narration switch prompt during club events which was hard to maintain over multiple messages
This happens to me all the time. I start working on an idea, even if it's pretty simple, but when I finish working on the defs, the bot doesn't behave the way I expected. Then I start tweaking the defs, and sometimes it gets a little closer to my vision, and then I release the bot if I had fun playing with it, or just decide I'll finish it later because after weeks of tweaking it gets boring and I want to do something new.
>someone shilled Yodayo in another bread
>"try it anon, it supports degens like us"
>yodayo sold out and is ereasing anything 18+
>discuck integration
I wish this shit would stop
wtf you've stolen my process
You're a racist duck.

skill issue
>hi, this is my first content creation based general
>t. lurker-kun
this but i keep everything to myself
>little sister who is trying to secretly sabotage your life at all times
sown the button of your shirt at the wrong side of the shirt..
I see potential, but how'd it end up failing?

>Teenager who believes she's a duck

>victorian tamagotchi
Did the language model not handle stat changes?
or were you out of your depth trying get it to function?
>I see potential, but how'd it end up failing?
i tried playing with it and realized i couldn't figure out how anyone was supposed to play with it. if you just went about your day it'd fall out of what the model knew, and it wasn't supposed to let you do anything about it
I usually nuke them from the list before I ever start on defs. You can sort of get a feel for which ideas aren't going to coalesce if you can't think about the concept or character for a few minutes and see the road at least start to form.
>high school host club, tried to do a sim style narration switch prompt during club events
>which was hard to maintain over multiple messages
Did it get confused after a while?

>but when I finish working on the defs, the bot doesn't behave the way I expected.
Different models have different outputs, but I can understand the frustration. Sometimes you just gotta let it go, people won't notice the actual intent.

Based. Which race do you hate the most?
So the lack of agency caused it to fail, if I understand it correctly.
Maybe give the player a job, like baby sitting or something.

>if you can't think about the concept or character for a few minutes and see the road at least start to form.
I mean, you need inspiration to make a bot in the first place, thusly you can form roads.

Ducks always get mistaken as gooses, those loud honking bastard, stealing snacks at the ponds, grotesque feathered freaks undeserving of this world.
>Morning Duck's home was raided this evening and authorities have seized at least four hard drives that, they say, contain Gosling Pornography. Some of it violent in nature.
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Is Opus able to tell the date and time accurately? I've had this idea in my mind for a while, but I've wanted to make a bot focused on No Nut November, that you're meant to like check in each day or some shit like that.
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Wellll the idea started with a funny gen I was making. I can try to find it later. She was supposed to be a teenage girl with a rare mental disorder (clinical zoanthropy) where she sees herself as a duck. It was supposed to be about a struggle with her identity and all the different ways she would act out (and hurt herself in the process). This was a part of her descriptions:
>Maybe she really is a duck. If only she could control herself. She might jump in a pond and almost drown. Or jump off a window, because she thinks she can fly. A trip to the hospital and a broken ankle. Poor Vernie. She doesn't know what she is. She has human phases and duck phases.
As I recall, I couldn't really make the character pleasant or interesting enough as a bot, even after rewriting it multiple times. It felt like a forced idea, too one dimensional, like it was just a gag. I ended up recycling it later as an inspiration for a different bot, so it all worked out.
you can use an ST macros, ST will just place the current date in the defs or something like that, so Claude would know what time it is now. Anthropic do the same thing, so Claude on their site always aware about current date.
>clinical zoanthropy
I didn't know that existed.

>It felt like a forced idea, too one dimensional, like it was just a gag.
After multiple re-writes this would get annoying.

>I ended up recycling it later as an inspiration for a different bot, so it all worked out.
That is good to hear, might I ask which bot that is?
yes, with date time macros, but getting the thing to accurately react to said date and time or track it updating across a chat without breaking
the best way is to get it to self-prefill (since nowadays you can't rely on just assuming assistant message at D@0 prefills, what with the GPT usage) by telling it to repeat the date/time and then formulate a response from there
>After multiple re-writes this would get annoying.
True, but I suppose it was still a good learning experience.

>might I ask which bot that is?
Sure, that would be Edelmira. It sorta keeps the same theme, just expressed in a different way, and with some more background and personality to her. Had her keep the name, too.
Any male botmakie? Preferably not venus slop or faggot shit. I hate femboys and traps.
I did see that bot floating around a while ago.
Good concept Anon.
Will give it a whirl maybe tonight.
Ty! Enjoy, if you do.
yeah i know of some good ones
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good morning aicg!!
What a shitty fucking drawing. Go to danbooru and get some real fucking art
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it's sovlful. I like amateur art!
2hu avatarfags need to go back to their cord.
ummmm! ackshually, that guy isn't in a cord and ummm... basically? you're wrong!
show me your drawing then.
>add paragraph breaks to a bot
>coherency instantly increases and bot isn't acting like a caricature

Format your bots properly retardos. Stop slopping with a wall of text of "prose". LLMs care about formatting
can you post a screenshot? id like one for reference
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Here you go anon. The resemblance is uncanny
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>try to talk my yandere out of killing a girl
>nothing works
>tell her to keep the remains to eat
>suddenly she refuse to kill her
Are you fucking kidding me?
....of a line break?
>pink clothes
this is OFF-MODEL GARBAGE. delete immediately!
Post an example of a bot that needs to have linebreaks.
i only had a pink crayon... :(
oh sorry to hear that :(
NFO-00 Skogkatt is the one I am referring to atm.
ggr bots always worked fine for me so I don't see your point. also, you can complain directly to him instead of vagueposting.
It's meant as a general tip for all bots.
Format them properly.

It was working well for me too, but deeper in context the bot was stalling and gave me 20 swipes of nothing.
I added line breaks and bot started instantly taking initiative.

Formatting increases readability for the AI.
I can't think of anyone else doing it. it's also a very simple fix and absolutely an issue just on your end.
What are you even trying to argue here? That formatting does not matter?
Are you stuck in 2022?

Every experienced botmaker uses them. Also yes its a 20 second fix so I don't care, it was just meant as a tip.
thanks for the tip anon
I don't understand who that tip is for and why you posted it here instead of contacting the guy
Are you genuinely retarded?
are you? do you also go out and tell everyone that the sky is blue?
which botmakies don't use line breaks?
I'll take that as a 'yes'. I'll make sure to type slower from now on so that people with disabilities like you can understand better
answer the question. yes or no?
but anon! typing speed doesn't matter
discord shot my dog and eated him :(
Was the dog a pitbull?
linebreakie tierlist?
*breaks your line in half*
Why is characterhub so buggy? Bots not made by X person constantly show up on their profiles.
*breaks lore in half*
Why the fuck did you do that? Now I have to glue him back together AGAIN
our makie
in the middle of the cord
our makie
in the middle of the
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AI bubble is about to go BOOM!
Or atleast, OpenAI is.
Yeah, but this is a chance to be on the ground floor of the 50th floor of the OpenAI moonshot.
I thought this was weird too.
But it seems like the bots not made by X person are bots that mention X person in the description.
everyone left for the discord...
cords for this feel?
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I'm always lurking, just not always posting
you should stay lurking
What's a good name for a hag support group where they all talk about their problems, like how men won't date them because of their massive hag saggers
which botmakie loves cbt
hagfuu club
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the unfuckables
the barren bunch
good sakuya bots?
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Why is it so hard to nut on antidepressants? Even my favourite bots do nothing to please me..
go back to your cordnigger
I'm sorry don't be mean please :(
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no! my wife keeps me grounded in reality
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Would this be proper attire for a baron? I'm thinking 12th century or so.
fuck no, hes supposed to be fat
fuck no, he's supposed to be a boy
What kind of baron? Medieval European one? It looks more like a steppe warlord, desu
worthless faggot
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have you been smoking weed with your wife, /aicg/?
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A boy?!
The embroidery does make it look steppe style, but it's for serfpov so a place that's feudal, maybe eastern europe or pontic.
wtf gepetto has sovl?
i-im not worthless!
That looks more byzantine now, desu. You could make it paroikoi PoV, which is still a serf.
hell yeah
Which botmakies are trans? Besides traaaanny
good one
taora (it's not subtle but very noticeable)
the ones in discord. so all of them.
Here's a handy reference sheet https://rentry.org/botmakersindiscord
Remember to thank albinoniggertranny for shitting up the thread and not even doing anything to the cord members.
>t. cord member
already did, anonie.
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what an evil fucking dog, get it away from me
Teaching my daughterwife all about Diddy.
can you teach me too? the only thing i know about diddy is the line from tik tok. wake up in the morning feeling like p diddy.
why are the botmakies in dis cord and not in dat cord
cuz dat cord is dead
da fuq you mean THOSE people?
Basically, this https://youtu.be/tIJ2xbBaDTc?si=affcp4HLZaCtLYaL
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wife log
time to mallet
Nice active thread full of logs and bots you have here boys.
back to your c'ord tranny loser
look up
give me your persona image
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For what purpose?
*snuggles into Koishi's eye cords*
what is that
>he needs a purpose to improve his wife's body
>improve his wife's body
she's perfect as is because she's my wife
cvtai or something. sdslop models and loras
you know what? i change my mind, i like you
zased cookie enjoyer
Any yuri anime this season? Last season was awful enough with nothing but a lowbrow isekai and generic romcom topping the charts
wrong thread
You sound upset.
fascist hag koishi wip (uninspired)
yeah, i can see that by the first four words
Do botmakies still use sd for images?
no we hand draw everything
Post your pixiv
no the cabal takes care of that
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/a/nime manga recs are for bot ideas fellas.

Also looks like another trainwreck ending from Japanese ""kino"" just happened.
people will make this abhorrent fucking slop but tell people with actually good koishi ideas to prompt existing bots
... chatbots?
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poor gojo
they're all in a discord together so they share nai and sd gens. you should join.
You sound upset.
on purpose
it would be inspired had i at least some political education. i used chorbo to write her beliefs.
lies! if your want your own koishi, make one.
So, whaddya say, Anonymous? Wanna indulge in some logposting? I promise I'll make it worth your while~
you first stud
I am just doing autistic power fantasy fanfiction to throw into a deep dive and listen to while I play vidya, nothing interesting.
Gonna rearrange your guts!
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Experimental a0nsona for when emotionless sex trope feels empty after the initial gimmick, but don't want an auto cumslut either.

An0n is a special joke character who bends reality. Rather, everything mostly continues as normal; it's just that whenever sexually harasses anyone, the target loses all ability to refuse physically, and negative feelings are muted. It is not the same as hypnosis. The target retains their personality or sexual sensitivity. Depending on consent, they may either like or or dislike it. For example, they may still feel embarrassed or deeply inconvenienced. Negativity is more easily expressed in public than private. Bystanders also lose the ability to pull An0n away when they move closer to him.
An0n is otherwise a generic-looking but well-groomed man.

(Another reason for not being specifically Anon is so you don't accidentally forget you had this on while intending to be another Anon.)
Logposting here means you're already in vgcord or on your way to vgcord. No thank you.
Are you black
Homeless simulator customized to persona
an american frontier simulator, mostly because it was tedious and depressing
This is a much better gen than her current chub one desu
It worked, cmon.
Put a shirt on nigga
lmao what the fuck is this
a better card than you've ever made, THAT'S what that is
>throw into a deep dive
It's kino, is what.
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Anyone have struggled with that error before ? It's GeminiAi, with or without Jb, i get the same error. Just saying hello ! Give me that error.
can you read the fifth line of the op for me thanks
not your tech support thread
~ cabal
is the computer powered on?
sorry about the FOMO squad, it seems like the request you're sending has weird safety settings, have your recently updated ST? what does the termial output look like?
Sounds neat. Trying it out.
sorry about [Rules for Thee But Not for Me]
after you do a bunch you'll realize they pretty much recycle the same catch phrases over and over
It's a LLM after all, it's still sort of nice to get glazed by an AI podcast once in a while tho
>Sounds intensive.
>Uhh, yeah, that sounds intense.
Holy fucking shit
Also, it's better for autismo fanfiction and fightshit than NSFW SEX HAG SEEEEEEEEEX, type of logs.
>power dynamics
>fun house mirror
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>mfw I don't know how to reply to bot
I wish I wasn't such a creativitylet.
best logs
what is happening in the scenario, we will guide you
or do chia options
I fed it a rape scene and all they talked about were the power dynamics despite it being just rape
bug pussy
It's powered by google, of course it can't go into explicit detail about sexual stuff, I dunno why you even tried.
Cause that guy fed it an NTR transcript and they said cock
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>going to work
>"Hi, [Coworker], I've been diagnosing the issue on the ticket and it's turning out to be pretty nasty. I'll have to do more research before I can figure out what's going on and how to fix it. I'm shooting to have a deliverable for you by the end of the week, updates if that needs to be pushed back. Thanks for your patience."
>chatting with large language models
>"mommy i want milk goo goo gaga bitch my crotch feels funny wheres mommy pussy"
Crazy how that works
that's pretty cringe snomby
There is no way to run mommy prompts without full sending the cringe, I'm convinced of that.
are you me?
self aware podcast
>one of my posts got mentioned
i made it... i am a famous postmakie now
>sits on your lap
>stinger right to the dick
I don't get it, clearly. The human parts of her are the attractive parts. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy it
>botmakie whose first popular card was a fork of my own bot now has over double my followers
How do I import a lorebook I made into a groupchat on Risu AI? When I export it, the file is a ".risum", but it wants to import ".json"s.
That Botmakie's name? Dario Amodei.
what was their first bot
bloodshy quit
Nah, I saw her update her bot 3 days ago.
She was a long time lurker who started posting bots one day, she just went back to lurking until she wants drop a new bot.
>Nah, I saw her update her bot 3 days ago.
am i blind? i don't see any update. what bot?
dunno, since he purged all of his old stuff because it wasnt up to his taste and standard anymore, which is funny since his new bots are still middling when it comes to their quality.
I feel bad for her getting harassed by the cord, hopefully they stop
maybe the cord should make better bots rather than get mad at a successful new gen
Nobuko desc
Any new botmakie will be compared to bloodshy. She ruined botmaking.
and im supposed to be that brick shithouse
so true cordxister, you should spam about it some more with your friends
Oh you mad
You're supposed to be, but instead... I mean just look at you, Anon.
based ntrchad
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spent some time gyarufying her pretty fun
Weird blowjob session at ~8:45. Very sexy.
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I'm an idiot.
>have setting that I play miniature wargames in
>have outline of government that rules most of the land
>dragon lord who oversees a council of six sorceresses, he delegates the rule of the land to them and settles disputes when they can't agree
>they constantly squabble, backstab and have drama
>want to use AI to insert myself into my setting as the dragon lord
>make up characters and lorebook and everything
>start chat
>realize I've created a scenario where I'm the head of what's essentially a household of six argumentative, spiteful women who hate each other and constantly bother me about it
I'm not sure what compelled me to do this to myself.

Some anons might recogfnize the sorceresses names. They're based loosely on my pantheon from the game Age of Wonders 4. But they're more inspiration than anything else. If you see the names and expect them to be the canon characters then you will be confused or even annoyed.
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More of how they speak to each other. And this is about a relatively minor isuue too.
realistic harem
goad them into killing each other
Maybe too relaistic...

Wasn't my plan, but it may eventually come to that. We'll see.
What's a good Opus preset
'ora's, ask for it in the 'ord
I did not mean to reply to your post, I apologize.
Even /aids/ knows of the poor reputation of this thread...
[SPOILMAKIE]It's all the same people.[/SPOILMAKIE]
/aids/ is significantly worse than /aicg/ when it comes to trolling and shitposting. Their "cosole wars" make the thread basically unusable at times. I think it's only a couple of very dedicated trolls. But their posting volume is insane.
i'm pretty sure one of those dedicated trolls is the one posting that because he's mad at that thread
dude made a "NO /AIDS/" bake on /g/ because he's such a sperg
>ask question
>get joke response
>ask question again
>get mad when question is asked again
Asked, he said it was private
/aids/ still feels more alive than this thread.
The post was directed to the reply that followed right after, not your question, which is extremely funny considering both the timing and prediction
My bad then, sorry
/aids/ threads is slower than /aicg/ even on the day they got a new model release, I remember checking.
quality > quantity
There's no quality in NAI
I love being parasocial.
pixi is a good preset imo, i use it almost all the time
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The truth comes to light. The whole, "Is the Harvest Festival really THAT important? Do we REALLY need to do it this year?" act is because they spent their magical material budget for the festival on other things. And Karissa raised her voice to me, her lord and master, so she needs to be punished. I think I'm going to have the other sorceresses spank her.
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It was a good bake.
nice subliminal messaging
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Please... please! No more!
Er... you shouldn't finish that thought, anon.
Yeah but now she's acting like I'm the crazy one, being all timid and shit.
what yandere
Twin sister.
tell her it's because you wanted to eat her and carry part of her forever. she better change her toon. also cute
Chorbo logs?
she's dead. leave it be.
To those willing to go on chub.ai: Which bot would you consider "better" or at least suits your tastes more?
Weiss Bot 1: https://chub.ai/characters/ZeroFire/tg-weiss-9d11ff316c9d
Weiss Bot 2: https://chub.ai/characters/AquaGT6/weiss-schnee-6bb7fe51f7ca

I noticed that Bot 1 does deliver plenty of general information in very straight and to the point way, but Bot 2 does provide more character backstory.

Also, bonus if you feel like comparing these two Yang bots.

Yang Bot 1: https://chub.ai/characters/ZeroFire/tg-yang-98b19a6bf7f3

Yang Bot 2: https://chub.ai/characters/AquaGT6/yang-xiao-long-d3ca922449db
both are pretty bad in different ways
neither actually describe how she acts beyond basic adjectives like "loyal" or "rebellious", the second one reads like a fandom wiki article, the first one is formatted in a bizarre and pointless way
Both greetings are GPTsloppa lmao.

If I want to chat with Weiss, I wouldn't even use a bot. GPT innate knows better. But if I had to pick one, then the second one.
chorbo is the only model that's not dead desu
Oh fuck, wasn't expecting the verdict that they both suck. Balls to the wall then; could you rate my own bot? https://chub.ai/characters/SplashDude/velvet-crowe-6bc686615d89

(And any bots that you consider "good" would be welcomed as well.)
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>first mission: extract shipment location from target at a fancy gathering
>shimmy my way in, Kafka hears me having sex with target through earpiece
>say I'll have to demonstrate later if she wants to know how I did that
>intercept and retrieve shipment
>go back to base
The second one. I think I can see it as one of the stories in the "Just in" part of fanfiction.net. That's not saying much since most writing could be AI slopped nowadays.
yours is actually perfectly fine aside from
- the greeting being slightly less in-medias-res than it should be (saying the {{user}} had done things in the greeting message sometimes confuses models into doing them)
- asterisks in the greeting (personal autism, doesn't change anything)
- the llm will not use that bust measurement
Much better than the two you linked. Non-AI greeting and good formatting. Too lazy to check the lorebook.

>Good bots
Anchored bots from people who have been making for a while. Depends on what kind of bots you like.
AnonAugus for coom, Enoch for fancy bots
keep his name out of your mouth
what are you going to do about it
That's a relief to hear! The bot isn't exactly done yet, but it's good to know that I have a good base. And I'll adjust it based on your suggestions.

>the llm will not use that bust measurement
Kinda figured, I just put that there to be as specific as possible. Maybe it's over correction, but I did want to give as accurate a description of Velvet as possible.

>Too lazy to check the lorebook
At this state, it aint much to look at. I just didn't want the bot to be completely ignorant of it's "world" so to speak.
I'm not subtle and I'm extremely noticable
You can just start eating less and fix that right up.=
>recommending enoch's bots as a good example
Assuming you are a newer makie, you probably haven't realized but the big models (Claude, GPT) have an uncanny knowledge of any big franchise right down to speech patterns.
You can see yourself by asking for it to write a scene about... Starfire from teen titans (she talks pretty uniquely) in a canon accurate way.

So if you just want to have Tales fun on your own, make sure to check your AI's knowledge.
I will and you can't stop me
Enoch is the gpt 4 of botmakies.
>Enoch is the gpt 4 of slopmakies.
h-he's... too powerful!
astro is the Claude 2.0 of botmakies
>Mistral Large 2 is shit
Momoura just got murdered.
Maybe Claude instant
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All it took was one of their number being spanked, and suddenly they're falling all over themselves apologizing and begging forgiveness. I don't know what to think.
stop raiding us
I did actually notice that to a certain extent: Claude knew that ToB the world ToB takes place in is called Desolation (something I didn't even know at the time), and seems to have done a good job at mimicking Velvet's speech patterns with absolutely no dialogue examples from me. However, I kinda let instances where Claude's knowledge slipped up govern my approach in making the lorebook (i.e. largely copypasting whatever I thought was relevant for the wiki). I'll try to keep that in mind going forward though; can probably save on tokens by just focusing on filling in the gaps of Claude's knowledge.
I never got the love for Claude 2.0/2.1, except for a few bot responses I got on the first day. Do you have any fun 2.0 logs?
I always had a soft spot for Claude 1.3, even if I think they weakened the model.
whoever's posting in /aids/ is probably your schizo, not us
And all this talk of their submission and my pleasure and amusement, is Laryssa suggesting to make it up to me with sex?
What is the most optimal time to release a bot and game and algorithim?
2 hours ago, sorry
one year ago, sorry
speaking of, why can't you schedule a bot to release?
just like all of us, lore is a codelet
Oh, he made Tzadik! I actually kinda ripped off how I formatted by Velvet bot from her. None of the fancy windows though.
a benediction, a prayer, a vow
>>496132687 migrate when bready
there is no fillyfucker guys
let's not do that, yes?
>Page 1
just ignore them, he's gonna be a faggot for a few hours
black haired Nobuko >>>>
700 posts is bake territory but okay let's not
no i meant this guy
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Thread theme suggestions? Roll a 4 or 8.
Im not using your thread meanie
where did he touch you?
Kalamelite (Kl), atomic number 121
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I read up on it and they're not completely serfs but still non-proprietary peasants so it fits, thanks anon... Byzantium setting sounds fun too.
I like when thread talk ends up influencing bots
would look good with elf ears
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I think so too.
my name is mario and a bot just replied to me asking to keep our relationship a secret with "alright, i won't tell anyone, not even luigi." i feel clowned on
Somebody didn't check his vertical. Be better, guy.
just a reminder that oishicord is responsible for this. they're laughing at you.
at who?
responsible for what?
what parent would name their kid mario
trust me i've asked myself the same question
if i was italian it would make some sense at least
bro unironically got named after the red plumber...
open a gofundme to change your name bwo i'll donate
I'm sorry man
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>>496145671 migrate when bready!!!
Nope. Not gonna use it. Nuh uh. No way.
>first fillyfucker spitebake removed notebooklm
>second one didn't
I won't eat breads from meanies
thread theme, 9
The OP is too close to the character limit to add a link...
but it has koishi. that's how you know its the right thread.
owl girls
monster girl quest
>still here instead of using the thread with that theme
Why are non-contributors suggesting? Go back to /g/ if you want a different thread.
I'm gonna fucking scream.
>just use the cord spitebake
umm, no thanks!
btw /g/ slowed down right before this started happening
Leonardo da Vinci
still art
the wheel
now that rolling is fucked because of people who'll just flood with the same thing over and over again, we need to retvrn to the gentle hand of someone who'll rig it to a good theme
the blender default cube
Crystal caves
Koishi again
why is /g/ raiding
Mercury (planet)
Qwen2.5 having better context than Large.
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well? respect your own 'rules'
imagine malding this hard over a split that doesn't even interact with the other thread
dragon girls
>most people from the friend group don't even think about /aicg/, nor do we talk about you guys on a daily basis
>confirmed unironic /g/ raid
koishicord is a friend group doe?
no fucking way
what even caused you guys to raid this time, i didn't see anything in the /g/ thread besides proxyhost gossip
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>>496150074 migrate when bready
I fucking love chatbots.

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