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Previous Thread: >>494984630


>Unicorn Overlord Was Originally Planned for PS Vita

>God Wars series sales top 400,000

>Tales of Hearts R delisting

>Ray Gigant has been delisted

>NIS America Releases Being Delisted from PSN

>Jet Set Knights is getting a physical release

>Killzone Mercenary Multiplayer Shut Down

>Content Can No Longer Be Transferred Between PS3 and PS Vita

>Update adds new security measures

>Root Letter series shipments and digital sales top 500,000

>Grand Kingdom to be delisted from Store on February 28 in Japan

>Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice to Have Servers Shuttered


>PSN Friends List

Want hacks/homebrew discussion?
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Never got into it, can't remember the reasons. Was it really that bad? Because Star Ocean was really fucking bad
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Good night, vitagen.
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Hey how about her job?
sleep well, you deserve it
Idol work i see
i get high pages with a little help from my anons friends
Sony direct? Sony direct to dvd. Why do they even keep doing these god awful presentations?
I don't think it was that bad
>Anon gen didn't last a day
Flat and sad
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dead vs awake
I actually agree. I don't even have a PS5 and I thought it was an alright State of Play. Some people have this weird expectation that every Direct/E3/State of Play/stream must have BIIIGGG announcements. It was alright.
Real sad. Was hoping it'd stay alive until I could get a PS4/PS5.
>Was hoping it'd stay alive until I could get a PS4/PS5
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very nice very umu
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>My PlayStation general fell short
Eh, it was for the best anyway. From how it ended, it would have gotten taken over by lolifags, giving it one of the problems i stayed away from /v/ for.
So, anyone know where i can get honest PlayStation discussions?
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give up
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But i wanna discuss Astro Bot...
Well, mind if i ask you guys how you feel about the lack a Vita content in the game? The only VIP bots from Vita are Kat and Raven.
Bro give up
Just keep making thread on /v/
>lack a Vita content in the game?
No nep or magusar is sad
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But, /v/ keeps derailing the discussion...
And yes, Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice would have been appreciated, as well as Neptunia. (Even though Nep started out on PS3.)
I know it won't happen due to Monster Hunter being back on PlayStation but Sony should give those game another chance. (They should have done more for the Vita in general.)
Why did the Vita end up the way that it did?
doesn't bother me
>Why did the Vita end up the way that it did?
Sony/playstation didn't care
Kat is cute.
Would headpat.
Want to hug.
so uh
what do you guys do in this general
>yooo remember the vita
>yeeeah that shit rocks dude
We play vita games.
I just played Puyo Puyo Tetris earlier this week.
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You're cute Anon.
I'm new here. So far i have just been looking for forums for PS in general as well as regretting how i treated my Vita.
play vita games
We talk about "that" you know vita games
Multiplayer Valkyrie Drive every Saturday!!
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Really fun
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Good day or bad day
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It was a good day thanks
Hey vitagen I'm in university campus and posting on 4chan using university wifi. I wonder if the uni admins track this shit.
good luck
have fun
kick ass
don't die
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murasa is doing something to me
But now it's time to sleep
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Good morning, vitagen.
Good morning.
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I wonder about uhhhh
2hu girls get SLAPPED
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What's in the unlabeled box? And what is that last LE?
>unlabeled box
Oh man I didn't even notice that was there.
they might but doesn't mean they care or check. In my case I track what users do, but only care to check and react when boss tells me to check and prepare a report, and usually they already have names to check
from left:
corpse party blood drive CE
steins gate
the unlabeled box was either psn bux or VR cards, don't remember. I believe it came with vita tv as a bonus and had a code. I kept it and originally intended to print my own fighting climax or unist cover, but couldn't get the artwork right enough and print quality didn't help with it.
why things like these never happened to me
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.
Makes sense, there are literal thousands of smartphones/laptop/other internet of things being used simultaneously in campus. As long as you don't type something really outrageous that will trigger some sort of filter, or visit blacklisted sites, it's fine. One of the boorus was blocked on campus wifi, oops.
4chan still works on the Vita browser? Last I checked, it couldn't load the posting form anymore.
What if the corpse party bot is actually the ghost of a deceased vitagenner?
That'll be hilarious.

Also look what I found:
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haven't seen this in a while
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I don't get the (9) number there.
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evil big nep
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What is the story with big Nep, she's not the Goddess form and the loli form is the OG
It's nep from V dimension who never became a goddess so she can get old
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Ah okay makes sense. Also good for merch sales to sell another Nep with boobs
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maybe it's time for this?
They should use the ditched 3DS followup console for that
So in reality it would be Ram and Rom but grown up
It doesn't make sense
Maybe would be a fusion with blanc and sisters?
lol vert get fuck again
Why wouldn't it make sense? Is there a gameboy Nep? I'm sure they were planning something after advance but DS took over.
>gameboy Nep?
no but maybe in a different timeline
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>that wink at the end
what does she mean by that?
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medium size
This ship is leaking
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Maybe it needs a doctor.
Call the doctor?
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name 9 doujins
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I wonder about that...
Akiko-san to Issho
Akiko-san to Issho 2
Akiko-san to Issho 3
Akiko-san to Issho 4
Akiko-san to Issho 5
Akiko-san to Issho 6
Akiko-san to Issho 7
Akiko-san to Issho 8
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wait now even umus will have "stock photo" filter on them?
I can't tell you what this is about, maybe some copyright protection or anti AI stuff?
nice hat
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I can already see estelles isekai life.
>I was reincarnated into another world, so I decided to steal the hats of strong girls and made them chase me to the ends of the world
It's also a yuri GB story where estelle becomes a cute girl and forms a harem of angry women trying to get their hats back.
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Fap before posting here
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Here's your wife for today, vitagen.
Thanks Anon
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Has anyone else played Gal Gun: Double Peace on the Vita? I played the Steam version before and was shocked at how bad the framerate is on the Vita version. It's unplayable. Is this normal, and is there a way to fix it?
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I don't know my is game still loading
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>Every date manga
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WHEW, finally managed to find some time for Vita stuff and managed to clear another chapter of Tokyo Xanadu.

Too bad the weekend will be elsewhere once again, so no progress for a few days immediately after. I think I'll be able to continue on Monday.
nice and good luck
not allowed
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>Etna explicitly wasn't intended to be sexy
That's another issue of mine kek
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Good night, vitagen.
you did well today, sleep soundly.
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a compliment was given, and now it's time for me has come. The prophecy has to come true.
All that to say you are going to sleep?
Sleep well
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she probably doesn't wear panties here, and reminds me of kisaki cutout
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Just woke up.
Might play some vita games today.
Not sure what yet.
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not that one
please remove
Need more neps
Move "nep".
For great justice.
>You now remember the v-tube nep game
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vitagen posts so much kancolle that I mistook her for a boatgirl
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She would be more like an admiral
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>TGS has started
>Shining Force 4 announcement nowhere to be seen
fucking noob
She just wanted to jump
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goodnight fren
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Yes Anon, we already talked about that a long while ago.

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