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Innocence Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Sept 25th, 9PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs >>495641445 (Cross-thread)
• Sept 27th, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647 (Cross-thread)
Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023 (Cross-thread)
Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723 (Cross-thread)
Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281 (Dead)
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527 (Cross-thread)
Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846 (Dead)
Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281 (Cross-thread)
Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

catboy supremacy
What would it take for JM to post femezen pits
what's the nazi jacket mod you got bro
For people that play this game to e-date and find a relationship, why don't you play something like GTA-RP instead?
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moonies!!! Raise your hand if you're here!!!
Post THAT pic
You know the one
webms, catboxes and gifs also accepted
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*Steals your EB after an RP session*
What's it like to kiss a femra?
classic video
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>sir, a sentry has spotted a fiddie and a sunnie in a cottage at the Lavender Beds
>alert the cockwatch and light the beacons!
my fiddie gives malera hygiene tips but they don't listen.
sorry everyone, doing my best here
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Queue casual CC 10:30 ET

Is relationship roleplay cheating if you have a partner?
He does play this game doesn't he
do we like this?
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MAGA fiddie EB pls
any cockwatchers ITT?
which /xivg/ers has been FUCKing lately?
Macchi is right there, bozo.
They don’t have nearly the amount of rizz that moonmoon has
He was a malera too
but ironically
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This scares the thread bike.
That is a charismatic face, believe it or not he will steal your EB, your wife and your mother.
>2021 image
Just give up, clearly nobody wants you.
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im cockwatching my crush right now
i asked her to plap and she ignored me and then went off with someone random in uldah
stinkin lizzerds
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in life, my moonie looked something like this

Do I have any hope of clearing the tier if I've only cleared M1S?
wide open for a big hug right now
something seems off about this picture
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I got plapped by an anon yesterday and the cockwatch missed it. They're slacking off.
No tail?
You know what's inside but you will click it anyways
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>my sunnie is doing her daily shopping
>every now and then she sneakily shuffles her feet apart and clench her toes to coom in her panties
>repeat this multiple times
>still no one noticed
girls really get away with this kind stuff so easily
i am
a moonboy
not here because i am going to sleep
just saw someone with the exact same hair, hair colour, highlights and face just post their male hyur on glamour collection and felt extremely alarmed

how the fuck do femra and c@'s deal with this daily
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Malelalas x Femlalas

Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

Come meet us @ Crystal Data Center, Balmung, Lavender Beds, Ward 14!
i hope your day goes well, my husband
we've seen the boysmell meme
we know what (You) want
May i plap your cat and make her more wet?
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yeah. clean smells
Not exactly cockwatching because I don't care that much. I just know when they're "offline" they're actually on their Balmung furry alt. How do I know this? Well they aren't very smart.
is this the middie-appreciating femra
Both his Discord and his Twitter look to be gone or deactivated so I doubt you'll ever see him again.
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Same to you, anon.
I want a lalaboy eb for my lalaboy, i just wanna do cute stuff together and draw for him.
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500 million gil
its not nazi... https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/107432
sorry but i can't say for sure that it won't happen again
Face 3 femras? Ugly
He had a twitter?! Fuck! I could never plap his cat…
How can you guys rise higher than the lalafell lifter allows?
middie loving tan femra..........
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if im on an EU server, do people actually do RP or anything, ive been playing since ARR and have never really spoke to anyone outside of my own guild
the horns are pointy
It feels weird to erp with a regular friend, but not weird to befriend a person you erp with. That’s kinda backwards, isn’t it? I think it’s because you start a plapfriendship on a pretty transactional level.
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gtarp doesn’t have femras
I only have like.....50k gil :/
Are you sure about that? >>495973150
Face 3 femras?
Beautiful, pretty, cute, perfect
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dying hydaelyn ... panting on the floor... calling your name so proud of her warrior of light and the successor of azem
i mean no one would mine if we just had a quick fuck right
iit would be wrong not to
also i want to pet those wings
man... fuck femra
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Thread Question: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. I want to hear your pitch for an expansion that revisits one or more older areas, to the point that it flat-out reuses one of the existing hub cities in the game for it. New zones can be added, potentially even a new part of that city if it makes sense to do so, but it is still at least in part a story that is based in a place we have already been before instead of operating purely in brand new countries or continents.
What can you come up with that makes these older zones matter again?
does anyone have that picture of a horse but it's a video game and it's really close to the camera so it looks funny
Yeah? Everyone has a Twitter. He only put out if you were good at e-fucking all femboys are like that.
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exclude lalas
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sis... the smell would be pretty obvious...
my thread crush has been on Primal for 2 hours…
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Face 3 the best
I am a new player and have a question. Game is great compared to WoW. Like literally proof of Stockholm syndrome with the MMO, but one thing that is painfully bad is the tab targeting. In wow it seems to always be the closest enemy and flows really naturally. Currently my tab targets basically whatever the fuck it wants with what seems to be zero rhyme or reason. It will go from hostile mob right in front of me to neutral mob 400 yards away, to neutral 200 yards away, then to hostile in the mid of all the hostiles, back to neutrals... ect. I am assuming I fucked up some setting or something?
This sucks… first time i have heard of it
Othard. Mainland Othard is the size of Aldenaard and they gave it 1 and a half zones. One of those zones is bombed out. Absolute travesty.
i really like this hairstyle
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>tfw your horns get stuck while kisisng
can you imagine
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i thought the fiddie had a hat on
we love this!!
Just had 2 sprouts who spent the entirety of Porta spinning the boss for "true north practice" Nigger it's just a button wtf do you mean practice. Sprouts should kill themselves Now.
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You can adjust your targeting settings under Character Configuration
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Femra supremacy!!!
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You can change your tab targeting settings in your system menu, I forget exactly where. But yes, the default tab targeting is pure insanity. The one that targets closest enemy is much better.
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holy moly
I need to be smothered by those breasts
My femra looks exactly like this but face 3

see >>495974367
nah, i'd win
>fanta to fiddie
>see this
>shaking with rage
E-Enough... Don't do this. I'm having a hard time as it is.
it's you isn't it?
they were fucking with you dude
we're gonna have to share thancred too sis!
The femra above you has a nice armpit so idc about you anymore
youre.. ugly.
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>looking at ingredients for a recipe
>needs 2 large carrots
i should call them
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etoo.... c@ butt?
lol is this nigga fucking retarded
It's over
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same bro... same.
ty homie. I will say, again, game is like night and day with other MMOs I have played, the UI and random shit like retainers, tutorials, and stuff the games downside.

That and the shit mid expansion content I have been putting up with.
My fellow plapper in christ it was his ingame username but on X (formerly known as Twitter). Not exactly that hard to find.
Making you paler
I LOVE face 3 Femras god DAYUM.
Uldahs got a lot going on politically
the "Heavy is dead" part of early Heavensward and the betrayal of the crystal braves was good shit
Go back to that, someone is try to usurp nanamo and the monaterists, more pirate squabbling in Limsa, The elementals refuse the next cycle of their binding pacts with the seedseers and start destroying gridania, forcing them to also reconsider if the seedseers should still be their leaders.
Reuse and update Kugane and make the rest of the japan themed island explorable, take inspiration from the black ships that ended japans isolationist period in terms of story make Limsa force the rest of the country open for trade reasons
Just made a really cute pose of my middie and a raen sitting on the boat in the ruby sea :)
do you really wanna click accept trade and wait for the servers to eventually give you the confirm window after a minute and a half 500 times
*raises hand*
Did you know that boys are more likely to get sexually abused as young children yet still receive little help and are actually more likely to be shamed and etc for having been abused?
she owes me sex
I can make that happen...
Sorry, but this lizard is powerful.
Oh I never really payed attention to his plate. RIP for me…
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Yes, the UI is a horrible trip. There are certain quality of life plugins that help with that but overall it's just something you have to endure. Hope you have a good time though, I though playing through the game was great.
Post a picture of their buttholes kissing
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Not a bad day.
post fiddie
Post it
Cheer up buddy you'll come around and find others to plap and EB instead.
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i have to share thancred with thousands of other thancred simps, one more is no problem
i shant be this “tan femra” you speak of…
my threadcrush is a bitch and i hate her(him)
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because i want to be a femra in real life and i also like to raid?
That looks like a child ngl
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>Auora 25% DR that deals damage is on a 20 sec cd
>Chiten for SAM is a 25% DR that deals that is on a 30 cd
Explain this balancing to me CCissies?!?
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chiten used to be 50%...
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femra owe me
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Sure hun, as a treat for ya~
Thanks bro
That's a feature, not a bug
Chiten also applies a netcode-enabling debuff, that's the trade-off.
that is true, you should ask them instead
>tan femraen
go back to thavnair you curry smelling loser!
face 2 dunesfolk femlala here
Yep. There were no cait sith scarfs involved.
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I know. They say it's what's on the inside that counts, but I'm rotten to the core... ugly inside and out.
No thanks
Cuz it also gives kuzushi for 4 seconds bro :) that’s enough for ONE midare!!
Why does Sechen melt at every pvp meet up?
I like this butt
An expansion that focuses on old buried dangers left in Eorzea from long ago. You start off in Gelmorra, based out of Gridania, and explore underground areas there until you find that these tunnels extend much further than anyone ever imagined, creating underground areas beneath Thanalan and even La Noscea and Dravania as well. These are not natural formations, something has been digging and building these tunnels for ages, a mechanism that was set in motion and has been allowed to run rampant as whoever was responsible for it died a long time ago.
Each part of Eorzea gets a new zone, half above ground and half below. We are based out of the existing cities.
Only pale femraen princesses allowed in this thread
>Exposed pit, hidden
i know it's just annoying, Someof us just want to get through msq roulette without retards trying to be funny.
Sure there weren't ;)
>daytime CC is much more bearable than afternoon or evening
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Confess your most hilarious or weird /tells you have received
If you don't put up your own pf for raiding you're a bottom
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this but they're himcesses
>”you sound weird! are you okay??”
>”you look serious! durr are you okay?!”
>”wow you don’t talk lol”
>”why are you so weird”
>”i bet you’re a school shooter”
>”just talk to people lol it’s so ez”
>”ew you’re a schizo”
fuck normies
final fantasy xiv
/xiv/ WoL BWC status
yeah, just moving 10m is a pain in the ass
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>my sunnie finds a temp job manning a potion store in ul'dah
>she notices the standing counters covers her bottom half
>She decides to lower her hips, shuffle her feet wide apart in a bowlegged stance and perform the entirety of her 4 hour shift in that pose
>All the while being horny and dripping into her panties the entire time
>Every now and then she grinds her hips and clenches her toes to cum
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have you tried looking at the rest of the two jobs' kits instead of the two skills in a vacuum
more powerful than my catboy? i think not
my fiera always makes her own pf parties..
when I was a femlala sprout a futa catgirl sent me a tell asking if she could put her balls in my mouth
If you post one more I'll nuke your server when I get home. Trust and believe me.
thanks, you too
one time when i loaded into ul'dah on excalibur, some malera messaged me within 3 seconds saying "hey cutie". i immediately teleported away and decided to desynth all my dungeon gear instead of getting company seals.
Muting the word sunnie
sam also has a ogcd stun and 2 regular abilities to burst with
might melt
GL post.
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>Confess the ... /tells you have received
Someone once apologized for taking off my helmet to peak at my char
Theres also a malera, now malezen random on my home server who complimented my char, my friend char, and another non xivg friend's char (who are all middies)
>>”just talk to people lol it’s so ez”
It is easy to talk to people how can you struggle to talk to someone lol just fucking ask about their hobbies and what they like doing
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>chilling in limsa inn
>get a /tell from someone calling me a shitter for leveling all my jobs but mostly doing eureka
>never interacted with this person before in my life
>turns out they are a fairly well-known raidtranny who hides their logs and melts at people constantly
I want to make her feel like a young c@ again
i need a regular confession anchor, not this. i've sinned
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We like this.
My femra has a spiritual bwc but she’s -
late night can be pretty good but evening is always the worst since the regulars aren't on and you get a bunch of tourists
Are you a zoomer? I'm no longer in school so I haven't heard that in a decade
my tan femra drowning herself ASAP https://youtu.be/Bu8bH2P37kY?si=EO0WayCKHFhesDxt
If Honey B. Lovely has a million lovely little servant bees, then I am one of them.
If Honey B. Lovely has ten good little worker bees, then I am one of them.
If Honey B. Lovely has only one desperately devoted drone, then that is me.
If Honey B. Lovely has no more beautiful baby bees, then that means I am no longer on earth.
If the raid is against Honey B. Lovely, then I am against the raid.
my moonie is like this
My femra looks and acts like this btw
I've got big dog status in my Bozjan palace
“Kitten… daddy’s dripping pre..” -random malera in Uldah
double down is aoe midare
you are a nigger
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I posted this btw; 100% all me. >>495975412
I would know because only someone as morally damaged as me would claim credit to another's glory.
post you are femra
holy fuck a real life glubra
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>"cute outfit ^^ have mare?"
I was in the uldah aetheryte plaza for 2 seconds before teleporting to my jobquest area, the outfit was brayflox dungeon gear
shant be doing either of these
my sunnie just worked a retail job where she found a way to secretly masturbate without anyone noticing
so you
just go up to someone
and out of the blue
ask them what their hobby is?
you know people get offended by that, right?
eb like this
tributed one of my friends again without their knowledge
I want to get the shit plapped out of my femra but I have standards and none of you fuckers meet them.
what the fuck are a moony
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When I order hamburger from McDonalds I always order them without pickles and onions and extra ketchup.
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Confessions have ended. Until next time.
I take pictures of cute miera i come across and keep them in a folder(currently at 87 images)
Giving the really socially maladjusted anons lots of positive affirmation and appreciation and then cutting them off abruptly without telling them why is really fun for me
Here >>495975964
In all my years of goonery I've never started dripping pre
That's your weirdest /tell? Gooners do that all the time where they mass send those to everyone without even looking at the outfit hoping to jack off with someone else.
Milking seven stand’s seven ilm gock
on a 30 sec cd, and midare also gives cc immunity
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>someone took my helmet off to peak
Half a paragraph of blowjob erp meant for the person standing next to me while I was in the quicksands. I didn't screenshot it unfortunately.
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Reposting one my friend sent me because I've never run into anything quite this good in my travels.
I overdosed on fun in Frontline and now I can focus on finishing out the workday.
Sauce on that artist?
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why is it never with a fiddie...
i saw it and gave my confession, thank you
Where was that option to move where your character is relative to the screen
i changed the height at one point to see more shit in low level raids and now i cant find it again
I'd say Perrine but that's actually smaller than I'd expect, by a lot
doesn't this guy have a harem of VR mutes and a yard full of cherry blossoms
Just mannequin transfer
My femraen is black i came here to answer a question
what is "it"
You couldn't handle it.
Not me also wtf.
I searched for like an hour yesterday up and down and couldn't find shit, honestly depressing.
hold control and press up/down
yeah, it is
I remember this pic being spammed when female hroths were announced
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i die of second-hand embarrassment every time i see this
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Was there ever any doubt? You are me, after all
H-hey, let's not get carried away here...
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I stole this image btw
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no but I heard it throughout high school and the same type of people who say that have grown up and still continue with that shit
the cute art...
I'm really needy and high maintenance.
mine was similar just some low level robe i didnt even reply to the guy because i thought he was just retarded
Fox and Vexa
Molly and Theo
Jaden and Une
Uchiki and Jean
Heiko and Akemi
We like this
We love this
To peek* my bad
Oh. I have no idea but I'm also in fidpain.
>You are me, after all.
Alas, there is truth to your words...
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I am really sad.
sorry chud we're in the midst of the FACE 3 fotm right now
I'll have to test that...
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Im gonna order a commission of my femra with this collar on
fiddies deserve nothing but suffering and pain
My wife Cock Balls
>left on read 12 hours ago
okay im never messaging them again
I love femezen so much it's unreal
these same people also try to take autism from us for clout, it's fucked up!
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Stop making me fall for femra, I already kicked that addiction..
no we like this. we love this. https://files.catbox.moe/d1o6me.jpg
It's not mine, but my favourite of those is the one where the dude pulls out his dragon cock apropos of nothing
you make gposes of your character gunning down other characters in a pool of blood
and then you wonder why people think this
I don't remember making this post...!
What are some of the things you like about them?
The notion of making myself a better potential trans wife is helping drive my self improvement.
kill yourself sechen, dogshit player, dogshit human
fall for sunnies instead
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Trying to think of a good way to tell my boss I'm quitting.
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I’m done plapping bwo. take me off the list.
Could be worse. I sent a friend a happy birthday message 120 hours ago and haven't heard back
I had an elaborate daydream earlier today where I greeted my crush with a hug and a kiss on the cheek when he got home from work and let him decompress alone in the family room while I finished putting dinner together. We ate and I listened to him talk about his day then told him all about the neighborhood gossip before we did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, then cuddled on the couch for an hour or two watching a movie that got interrupted by a wild makeout session.
Have you considered that they’re busy and will get back to you when they can
My femra is going to Gridania for the first time.
A letter of resignation
have you considered my FEELINGS you dumb slut
was it me
Wife like this please
Have you considered how backed up my balls are? *unzips cock*
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here have this my fiddsis
I am
A grown ass man

Writing a purple description of the female orgasm
Stay away from Rape Alley
CC doko?
Face 3 fotm approaching its 48th month
Heiko wishes
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This is a fat hairy man btw.
Anon discord is literally in your pocket. Unless this nigga is performing open heart surgery, they had plenty of time and opportunity to respond. They're just a fucking shitter.
Your feelings do not matter at the end of the day and everyone has their own shit going on and sometimes life happens. I know not having instant access to someone is a foreign concept here but get over yourself
what's purple description supposed to mean?
Show me a sunny that looks like that
You wish, femboy.
Probably not, but it's fun to think about.
Gotta progress that story
What's rape alley?
Imagine the gum jobs
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thanks anon
Time to start scrounging shit together for a commission, thanks!
I like most of their animations too
i honestly don't mind, coom is coom either way
I thought we would at some point go back to Abalathia and revisit the Hellsguard villages in the mountains because they have next to no lore, but we never did...
I think it would have been cool, it's also relatively close to other zones
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>discord is literally in your pocket.
Let me remind you that it was only 15 years ago that you couldn’t have instant access to someone and when they left the house they were gone until they came back. People have lives outside of you that are more important than your discord message. They will get back to you when they can have some patience for once in your life you selfish loser
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erm.... what the flip??
NTAs but holy based and thanks
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Annoying student that follows you around all day to tell you random facts
You are not entitled to anyone's attention at your own whim, you self-absorbed freak
i hate you
laughed tho
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11:15 CC ET Crystal
my femra is face 2 so we're fine
moonies don't have brains to hypnotize...
sunnies have bigger tits and a way sexier attitude/personality
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thank you for these i saved them
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Did you know you can't see ghosts with the naked eye they could be almost anywhere
I'm going in
Busy does not exist, only priorities.
Gonna finish to this
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That miera will outlive his family by 4 centuries
We like this.
(I'm we btw, I love this.)
The alley where you will get raped for entering.
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>this thread
bros im really gonna make an alt just so i can go see jp gpose studios
I hope you're not the type who sends something utterly mindless like a meme, or the text equivelant of vocal stimming and expect them to do all the legwork in coming up with conversation

also you just said it, yeah lmao
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i thought those two were a cute couple
Are Uchiki and Jean gay or not stop memeing me
And you’re a low priority
all miera are gay
Unironically what is the chaddest job in the game
me too even though she stole my man
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That's our curse.
Yeah? what's your type?
Jean is gay
Uchiki is straight
I will avoid it thanks for the warning.
War, the job of manly man Xeno himself what else?
>comms femra in that collar while they're being milked like cattle and fucked
whm that doesn't gcd heal
i love him too i wish we got more of him
i want my eb to make me wear this
fuck off man, who leaves someone on read 12 hours ago if they dont want to talk to you
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Glubbing this femra til her brain turns off
I will find the secret to immortality so I can remain by my husbun's side for eternity
Are there any known couples that aren’t psychopaths in this thread?
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-10 to chadness
My male middie wants to fuck that horny tan femra who keeps sexpesting us, he wants to fuck her into submission
Are lizzers warm or cool to the touch?
On the plus side he gets to fuck all their daughters
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>Try to commission an artist of my face 4 aura
>Sorry I can't do that pic, you need to ask Sapphira for permission first
Which femra ebins do you like?
Goatskin collar crafted by someone is better
Wait until Friday and ask again...
Sorry, I had to do my monthly psychic damage to goslingposters.
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my femra is like this (she's a heal slut)
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>The perfect while doesn't exi-
What's wrong with you?
>angry bearded bald viking man is not chad
what the fuck is wrong with you
People with lives and jobs and actual responsibilities
Thats just a failed DPS player
>$23 for that
what do you mean by couples
edating or just eb
Yeah, these couple of knuckle sandwiches I got for you
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Black Mage
it depends on who you ask, but for me it's jobs that will drag kicking and screaming party members to a clear like PLD, RDM, and really good healers. for PVP it's the "fuck it i'll do it myself" hard carry jobs like SAM, GNB, MCH, and SGE that end games with the most kills, no deaths, most damage dealt, most damage taken, and most time on the crystal when played well
Why did she turn into a rock?
*ding ding ding ding*
HEALERS! *ding ding ding* SHE IS IN A GRAVE
>whiny fat american that plays video games and makes clickbait vids for a living is chad
I'm retarded
All catgirls do this at one point. It's what we call the hitting the wall.
imagine the smell
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oh hell nah thancred let them wander into limsa
God he's spamming this shit again, JANNY PLEASE
> hard carry jobs like SAM, GNB
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You have it backwards
Smooching my retarded husbun while I still have a few years left....
Where is the male middie x femra art?
This place is what it is. The jannies were always fighting a losing battle. Those who don't like it here can find somewhere else. Like reddit.
how do i turn my apartment into a photo studio
I miss my
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Pure femlala here!
My malera? Bludgeoned over the head. Stabbed in the heart. Buried alive under rocks. While on fire.

But it's fine!
Even longer happens between me and some of my friends and we catch up when we're both available. Grow up, you're pathetic
take your tranny fight to discord
place white wall things
place lights
type into youtube, ff14 photo studio guide for apartment
My femraen and who...?
Ayy lmao
usually warm
only the tips of their horns and tails are chilly
Here’s an idea if you don’t like the thread in its current state, why not gather some of your 4chan friends and make a discord server to chat in?
Azimborealis-sama... forgive me...
but just this once... *unsheathes*

I must go all out.
despite having sexy cunts like that, nobody still wants to play that shitass game
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My catgirl is a basic limsa cat that wants a femra eb
I don't, Jean loves the homosex
summoning wryx alonis balmung
do she plap?
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middies only like blue femra
Hey that's me i do exactly that
I always do that with people I immediately exhaust the "how are you doing what are your hobbies etc" thing and that's as far as the conversation goes I've done this with 60 people irl and 2k online. No one tells me what I'm doing wrong so that's how things stay. I'm never able to connect to anyone beyond surface conversation and likely never will.

I play a femlala btw
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Got to make the best out of the time we have. After that we have an eternity together in the Aether.
thats been done a million times and it always leaks back into the threads with gay drama no one but shit stirrers care about
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Does out of game count?
a lot of people (mostly here) dont understand this (unsurprisingly). this is how normal people operate. 12 hours is nothing
however if you’re talking to people Online i do try to make it clear that i have a life and wont be able to respond fast. i shouldn’t have to but yeah
Against every piece of furniture in the housing ward, until the sun goes out.
almost nonexistent
He's still the founder of the piece of shit war who cosplays as a dps stereotype that every little war looks up to and tries to replicate
White Mage because it's pure torture to play. Only a true chad can endure it.
what's the JP world that all the gaijins congregate on? tonberry?
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ermm don't leak my discord dms please
Sorry anon not about to doxx myself like that.Find me someday and shoot your shot.
Isn't she canonically blacked only?
Mine likes them pale
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3:30 CC ET Crystal
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tonberry, yeah
it was where aus/oce players rolled for better ping before they got their own datacenter
which middie are you? rob?
How can I find you?
I like mine a bit on the chocolate side
my femra is also a healslut
I keep wondering if there's something wrong with me because all I do is play WHM and have no interest in playing other jobs
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my bad
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But that would void their warranty.
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'Tis not
Some weird things end up in the spam/DM filter on that one site
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Light or Chaos?
I can't imagine anything more gay than cockwatching.

Welcome to Gridania! Do enjoy your stay. Remember to try an eel pie at the Carline Canopy and stop by the Botanists' Guild for a flower viewing.
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>Cock Balls
Aaaiiieee don't call me that! I'll /slap you.
but i'm playing it.....
(i'm testing out my new internet)
pretty much
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Good afternoon Fiddies!
And hi to other female races I guess.
>SN absent for weeks
>SN shittalk begins
>SN instantly shows up in thread again
Like clockwork
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I hope you enjoy my home
Please god let this be true jean’s bunboy is made to take dick
I've never been concerned about the warranty. Get those huge glubs out.
Light for horsing
Chaos for gocks
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woah, cute dragon. Is she single?
Isn't that the million dollar question.Race/DC?
No, don't do it! Sapphira Nyx's elite kill squad will hold the artist's family hostage. Do you really want that on your conscience!?
you don’t have to acknowledge me if you don’t like me you know
probably lurking, not everyone needs to post char on cd
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>This place is what it is. The jannies were always fighting a losing battle. Those who don't like it here can find somewhere else. Like reddit.
just like my femra
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Lalafells are adults
good afternoon anon!
My femra will invade this house, it looks comfy.
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The moment I close the tab
I believe it
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Lets say a midlander female lands in a popularity contest vs a turboslut suncat where the audience is men. Think those JP idol contests. The winner's prize is 50mil gil. The victor is determined by who gets more votes from the audience at the end.
Does the female midlander have a chance against turboslut suncat? What should her strategy be? Assuming suncat goes for the sex appeal strat to try and win men over
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How hard is it to unsync P12S? My middie needs his femra mount
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>The moment I close the tab
can we have a garudapost next thread
i think female midlanders are prettier than miqo’te but that’s just me
t. femra
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Wear a cute traditional dress and you get my vote. I hate sluts.
this but with my femra getting horsed
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female middies have no sex appeal at all, best they can do is cute-adjacent
Male midlander/Crystal
when people start their sentences with “let’s say…” i immediately read the rest of it in ben shapiro’s voice
you still have to know most of the mechanics
Cats are ugly as fuck, especially your average sun cat slut the fiddie wins by default
wh40k is not a personality
Heard you kill before the Limit Cut on Phase 1 still gotta do Caloric Theory 1 for Phase 2, so overall the hardest mechanics still gotta be done perfectly.
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Hey that's me!
cute > sexy
catgirls are very ugly or limsacat clones which are also ugly
fiddie should win by not being too slutty but also not being a prude
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My veena could be 17 or 170
How would you know??
Fuck you Erebus.
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Is there anything sweeter than calling a Ron right after someone calls a Riichi?
Fiddies have all different kinds of appeal to work with!
He's a top
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Unfortunate.Good bye.
why would you think I'm rob?
I'm not him but I shant be doxxing myself today
I had a random meena in a flower crown once ask if I'd hold his hand if I was going to the marketboard and then /pet me. I couldn't think of what else to say so I just said "sorry, no touching the drip" and logged off. It made me extremely racist against meenas for a long time until I met a cool meena who randomly handed me almost 900 boiled eggs.
This fiddie has anal appeal
i have noticed a lack of Nyx in anchors and CC calls for the past month
i swear it used to be common
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post lalas NOW *my demon eye glows red hot and my nails turn into claws and my cursed 1000 folded mythril katana starts emitting an aura*
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Yes hello, one sfw male middie x femra art.
So what was the /tell or DM?
But these are men we're talking about. They primarily think with their dicks. Now suncat is all up in their face bending over doing /pose, shaking her tits and ass and what have you.
Midlander female needs a killer strat or she's doomed.
what makes the suncat a slut? you're just saying that to try to make yourself look like the better option in the competition. my vote would go to the suncat because it sounds like she doesn't use underhanded tactics to win.
>that chest
holy moly sexo
I will change your mind
my lady you will humble a poor serf with your presence....
uh huh
wasn't he here bragging about how rich he is like 3 days ago
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You can guess what kind of account sent me this
They all do this. Wish I had the logs a fiddie friend of mine sent me, she's quite tall for a fidster but people keep sending her weird tells going "OMG you must be sooo tiny in Mare cutie" and shit like that.
The midlander just needs to dress and look pure and untouched. Idol culture is proof that people want an attractive, pure girl that's never touched a man before.
this is my femra RDM LBing in pvp
Im cute....
No,no I don't think you will.
My femra is horny again. She'll take care of her needs by herself again.
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Light or Choas?
I’m so sick of people who claim to have “”””””””””autism”””””””” who go to parties, have sex and act totally normal, then shut me down because I’m “just mentally ill” despite being borderline low functioning
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7:15 CC ET Crystal
You need to learn all bodies you won't be able to skip. Prepare to suffer at Cal1.
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I'm a man and I'm tired of sluts, tired of cheap whores who throw themselves at people for the tiniest bit of attention. I'll take a cute, homely fiddie over slutty suncat nr. 5529542692 any day.
not playing jong at all
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Gonna shrink down to a femlala and bite you.
Show up at the beds more, you're fun to CC with!
Yes, yes I will
Idol culture proves something different. People want an attractive, sexual, and slutty-dressed virgin girl who has never touched a man before.
a white guy since you didn’t accept the offer
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Even I don't post my glub on cooldown as often as people think.
Fucking kek.
You can picture the malera who posted that.
Both of those characters are sluts
You can autism and still go to parties and fuck, it’s a spectrum you know that
Tsumoing a yakuman after everyone on the table has riichid
i need to draw some
they're both bi (bottoms)
But... another femra could help her?
May I massage this cute fiddie's feet?
Boring might as well be straight
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Shadow realming someone with a huge hand. But calling ron on the first discard after a riichi is really good.
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not if I have anything to say about it
Just ask my middie for help, he's always there to take care of your needs even if it's not the end of the month
There are hundreds of idols.
Some dress like that, some do not.
Yes yes but that's (You) anon, we're talking about mass appeal here to the lowest common denominator i.e men. The crowd of men will go UWOH SEGGGGS the moment those suncat titties start shaking you know that I know that.
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Anon what is the better server dc, light or chaos?
whats the lore behind this femra
why does she rape
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flowchecking with a rinshan kaihou
dude i think youre just weird and nobody likes you
are we not getting enough people or am I just getting skipped every single time
i need to rape your femra- bro
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Getting Skipped IIRC
bmm-tss bmm-bmm tss bmm-tss bmm-bmm tss
My male middie? He HATES suncats
Neither because there's Europeans in it
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True, it was a BWC-RP account
Non-FF actually. The malera dm's I get are pretty tame and respectful
Woah! It's chocobun! We never had a chance to meet up. Would you like to?
Probably yeah...
Can you make it so she doesn't have them ever?
Middies are too short. Men should be big and strong.
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Fair enough, I can only speak for myself but I'd say the appeal to youthfulness and cuteness is the way to go regardless. You will never beat a slut in being slutty, it's a rigged game so might as well go the other route and hope there are enough with good taste.
I think that happens when someone else is the same class, because the game doesn't let it double up
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Use this for a CC anchor in the next thread
Do you like meena who are shorter than min height?
this thread needed a gay femra rapist so she manifested into being

not how it works
Does she like to snuggle?
Poor guy wasn't dark enough for you I take it?
min height femlalas.....
>LB14 is empty of the usual schizo
>no one named dropped all day here
i hope all FIDDIES and ONLY FIDDIES have a lovely night !
I don't know it sounds like you're going to a competition and want 1st place gold trophy for just showing up meanwhile the suncat is trying to appeal to the crowd.
High functioning isn't real autism, you're just weird and kinda awkward. If you're at parties and fucking you're not even the second part you're just romanticizing mental illness.
People really do the BWC thing? I thought it was just a joke.
I’m guessing it was some overconfident whiteboi
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tell me about this rob middie
Cute is always hotter than slutty.
Jean sexpests my character (in a nice way) thougheverbeit
What about non-fiddie hyur?
hi whats up
Goon to femlalas.
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based, so true
my femra kiss-raped your femra already
Under the Sea ippatsu tsumo with a Yakuman while in the last round and then going from last to first.
t. someone who wants autism to be an exclusive club and not a medical diagnosis
>non ff
Oh. Still funny yet also cringe due to the raceplay and RPing on twitter.
Oh yea
y-you too
Sir, please spoiler p*rn like this.
It's as much of a joke as it's counterparts are.
can’t find a studio to pose in, time to using a snow map
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Surprisingly not
I remember one pic got onto ifunny that was a bleached edit
you too why not :)
I hope none of you have a lovely night.
Nobody here deserves it
I just want to play the game and pose plap them, sometimes, bro.
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This thread is irredeemable
I'm going back to /v/
Cringe on his part but this also doesnt help the “colour contrast” allegations sis…
nope https://files.catbox.moe/wbwzkz.png
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yeah I’ll show you weird and unlikeable *bang bang splat*
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But I've been really nice this thread again...
>Suncat strips and starts doing a pole dance
The game was over before it even started
This is my favorite macchi picture
How do you live with yourself and act like nothing happened? How can you live with that on your conscious? I know what you did, i'm not retarded. I'm just waiting for you to finally grow some balls and tell me.
Thank you! :)
Contrast is hot. You ever see a white guy pound a bronze skinned woman into a wall like a cheap whore? Shit's hot as fuck.
Kanchelle wasn't there half the times that it happened but it's probably multiple people
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one day hopefully i'll be able to unclick links from my memory
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10:55 CC ET Crystal.
I hope the anon doesn't get skipped.
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I shant be doing that
fiddies deserve to know they are loved
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hopefully i will not embarrass myself in glorious nippon land
why does he post the screaming japanese woman with youtube links
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I'm ready for another day of tanking. I hope I don't get terrible DPS again.
jp alt?
are people only into my femlala for the color contrast?...
Damn even in HW the warriors of darkness story was fucking great.
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I go to the beds when I have business there or when I've got a lot of free time in my hands. I'm chained to the workshop right now, though, crafting parts for an explorer sub. Turns out I don't have the Sirensong Sea unlocked so I'm cucked out from the best nodes for EXP.
No, because you're cute.
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If you play a brown character you see it from time to time
Was it me?
Immediately smack the first femra you see across the face with your greasy elf dick
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>didn't make a cool portrait for the anchors
>didnt send out my squad

And all that because I was too busy fucking around with those mods that turn minions into rooms
I want to lick her clean of sweat after each run.
If my sunnie was in that contest, she would immediately squat with her legs wide open and furiously schlick away. There would be zero chance for the midlander female to even get a crumb of attention
>give my white character a sailor's tan
>now I can't have him in porn with other white characters because now he's "black" and I would be called a retarded coomer
>cloud nine
I will do it, but I will not like it.
he's mocking the unnamed neko posts
Make a brown femlala alt and see how many people use the words or phrases "colonize" and "veenas are surprisingly endowed"
Hey ^_^ *big smooch*
I thought it was ass.
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Preparing some drinks and cleaning real quick so.. maybe in an hour? Just reply around then if I make a similiar post!
Too short.. I like cute males but not little boys..Min height is fine but don't go lower!
Loves it
I'm a lowborn myself, I just need a place to spend the night...
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It doesn't at all
Although, at the same time, I rarely say yes to any male char
That actually sounds fun, I'll be sure to work up a sweat each run.
mb bro next time i'll clean up the creeper explosion by your house
Put a blindfold on me and then ask my throbbing member if that is the case.
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She's literally me fr
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Here is your brown femlala.
I shall keep an eye out! See you in an hour, maybe!
i hope all FEMRAS and ONLY FEMRAS have a lovely night !
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mining is popping right now
What if someone actually made good mods for femlalas?
I want to make lewd pics with your femra
nta You’re right but this is SN we are talking about and his stuff is just raceplay NTR most of the time
easy there gabe
I wish this bun liked femezen...
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>Join CC calls
Down Q
Fuck you niggas
Not like you can disprove it anyway since retards will push it and keep forcing it. Best to just not care and keep doing what you do.
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My big titty sunnie loves nothing more than to schlick in her panties and turn them into a wet coomy mess
I fucking love C9, especially as a warrior
You're a coward
How does she even maintain a stable center of gravity? Is this like a tree blowing in the wind where it's all sort of working to equalize?
It could have been me, but I am lazy/don't know where to start that will give me baby hand-holding guidance until things click.
We ought to keep one another warm then too, I suppose...
I CLOCKED IN AT MY JOB DID MY ENTIRE 8 HOUR SHIFT CAME HOME AND YOU ARE still making these posts please go to sleep
orbiter spotted
he wont get art with you for being a whiteknight faggot
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Why does he keep adding "Final Fantasy Player" like its a big deal?
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>Yeah really nice way to go
>why are you calling me a "retard" you fucking erp retard mother fucker
>dont you go start right now
>shut the fuck up
*you been kicked from the party
Aside from dark skin men half the time I don't think I have ever seen any piece of their comms actually have anything race related outside of "au ra are insta loss addicted slutty onaholes!"
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My wonderful thread crush has 1700 likes in his house message book.
I am responsible for 1400 of them..
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Wasn't in-game, but this fucking dude was spamming my DMs on twitter everyday and this was by far the weirdest shit he sent before I had block him
Can I lick?
My brown WoL enjoys white cock contrasting on her body without worrying about someone from the thread getting mad about it
NTA but I was going to ask you about something related to that, but I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. Hope all's well and I'll catch you on Crystal sometime.
Dude go jack off or something, these posts are cringe if youre not going to post your toon

You're probably some male middie roplaying as a catgirl and thats just super gay
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>I fucking love C9, especially as a [job that can abuse the stage hazards]
got any other daring takes for us
why do you keep posting about him?
if you wanna hangout just mention me, but sounds like someone else is interested too ;)
>I tried x3
I wish someone asked ME to come hang out in LB14...
every time. these fucking mare freaks.
Works both ways for the algorhythm, on one hand Warhammer players will watch for reassurement on their likes, and on the other hand FF players will watch because they play FF.
i multi task anon, but thanks for the concern, yeah this probably is the last thread for me
my tan femra likes black-coded aryan BWC
Bot FCs, both of them.
Minfilia? more like MIDfilia
Why would you do this to me?
come to lb14 and hang out with me specifically not anybody else
if you target the wrong person i will cry
Please reply to this post with miera feet
I am begging you
The Warriors of Darkness storyline is definitely the best one in this game. It felt pretty weird that it got side-tracked for an entire expansion in Stormblood, but ended up wrapping back around in a way that didn't feel too bad, and the source needed more exposition/expansion at the time.

By comparison, everything with EW and DT has been really half baked, with plot-threads only introduced typically in the same patch or patch cycle that they're resolved.
I just read this in Ben’s voice kek
I want to be thread famous because I have a crushing unmet need for attention that I would have no chance of getting anywhere else
bitch nigga scared of fresh air
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We skippin cutscenes
Doesn't count because you don't know who I am
why don't you just go on your own volition
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tan femra don't actually exist
Furniture limit increase when? I really dislike the idea of walling off an entire floor, but it's hard to avoid rooms looking barren.
It is the least I can do. I have to repay you for not kicking me out after all...
I am saving all of your catgirl images.
nobody thinks that way you coom brained retard
you hate me..........
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My brown sunnie
they do they're just mad at me rn
yeah i do
make your OWN post freeloader mine js for fiddies ONLY
pretty sure they announced it for sometime this xpac, unless they already did it
NTA but yeah, I honestly dislike disingenuous people like you.
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Where does /xivg/ hang out these days? I saw people in the Doman Enclave but it wasn't much...
Sana/Sanamaru 0w0 apparently. Yandex found it.
Yeah theo raped and killed them all
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>What if someone actually made good mods for femlalas?
UH SIS?!?! where is my underaged cunnyslop mods?
Balmung Lavender Beds 14 ward, by the entrance
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Hey I'm walking here.
the most embarrassing video this shithole has produced
Jesus christ what a bunch of fucking niggers
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i shant dox myself as the serial middie thirster but i exist
this is a femlala
I really need to get an apartment on my raen, gosh. You don't happen to have one, do you...
On my way
report to the gridanian barracks
Greetings, reptilian thing
I want to walk the aisle with you
wife from another timeline
I ask them who the Black Swordsman is. If they say Guts, they're cool and I'll hang out with them. If they say Kirito I put them in a basket and shove them out onto the river.

NTA but DRK is more fun in CC than FL
Soon tm, maybe we'll get it sometime this xpac maybe they'll forget about it until 4 years later like the raid planner
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WARNING: it is C9
Thank you, anon!
Very smoochable miera feet...
my moonie is firin her lazor
It was actually a really ugly fiera
So once it comes out how long will the night of devilry shirt be the fotm glam?
ominous post…
someone get this moonie back to the retirement home
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You can always try to include the empty zones in the build as a transition space between use-areas.
my moonie logged in and logged out without doing anything again
I don't fraternize with barrack bunnies
it will be BiS for male middies and malezen
Libtards btfo.
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heard middies don't like you is that true
it's going to be a new dark age man, every single malera, miera and midlander in uldah is going to be wearing those fucking horns
Hey I have facial hair is that alright with you
Greedy.. /pet
I won't, it's too cringe.
it'll be the 2b legs for male characters
there's at least one middie who does but she doesn't like him, very curious
it’s true and real, i posted my suicide earlier in the thread no one saved me btw
>being under 6 feet
>it didn't pop
my maliddlie when he goes beast mode
How are you still alive then
>look at nsfw femroe gposes
>soul is healed
>mood improved
Life is worth living anons
Sadly, I do not possess any estate on American servers...
It is time for me to stop horny posting and start horny posing
The what
A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
>these two are into shota
Beastmode is opening one button on your shirt, right?
>A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
>Finding new member.
whoops >>495983501
Does the one on the left still exist anymore? Or is it just someone's coom alt
thancred casted phoenix down on me because he’s the only middie that cares about me
No he's just a manlet. technically a trap
Post the rest of the pics
the night of devilry set its coming out this halloween but the files are already in the game
reporting you
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We have arrived...
LT <3
>look at nsfw femroe gposes
>femra is kidnapped by the femroe
>femra is raped by the femroe
>femra is beheaded by the femroe
>femra's head is mounted on the wall by the femroe
>mood ambivalent
idk how i feel about life anons
Does she like malera?
I did make an EU char so we could mail, if you wanna meet + friend after. but doesnt have to be today. /pet /pet
There are a few very nice, vacant places if we dc travel to materia...
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Theo loves you and cares about you
>>femra's head is mounted on the wall by the femroe
that pic is from like 2017
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Greetings, presumably non-reptilian thing.

The vegetable aisle? But I already bought groceries for the week.

My not-husband....

I'm a lizard, not a bunny.

You are probably an adult anon, you don't need to ask my permission to grow it. But I recommend shaving.
idk why but this made me laugh
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>not appreciating short kings and having an easier time of stealing more of their clothes
Looks really boring, it'll be super popular
This looks nice. Yeah, my current cope is "open floor plan" stuff. It's just a bummer that so many people expect every surface to be covered in clutter or to waste a dozen slots of space making a single unique piece.
he didn’t cast phoenix down on me therefore his hex is renewed for another millenia
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My catboy does this, but laughs at femra
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>she changed her name
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Rob looks like THAT?
husband like this (not a drk tho)
This is gorgeous.
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Are we planning on breaking these poor souls places? I'm not against it...
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>(not a drk tho)
Then what...
What's wrong with big sword...
>she transferred
You need this cat drawn as a wojack about your electrope
Make a new thread stupid trannies I need to shitpost
my sunnie had a meltdown and broke her computer chair and headphones and one of her monitors and smashed a door off the hinges
No wonder she throats so good. LOOK AT THAT NECK BRO
worst class in the game lole
Wanna try to meet up in bismarck, materia, at the gridania aetheryte? Bit easier to chat then...
did you get the light post vista
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Troupe stages and lofts will be your go-to in order to make something like a conversation pit or an entirely different use area, as will rugs, but those will vary in size and you'll have to get creative with different items to create paths.
ty. It's not as elaborate as a lot of homes, but it's comfy and gets the job done. :>
hello hater of sapphira nyx
Status quo won't change yeah. Neither side would stop doing what they do no matter what's said
Hope you're doing well too! Been good, just been busy with RL stuff lately, so I only have energy to gacha-game/do quick dailies
Someones coom alt but they have a home in Dynamis if you want to check out their chapel/plap basement
No worries, things have been busy on my end too. Hope to see you around sometime.
Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes if it's alright with you.
My moonie just made a flist and feels unclean… why did a furry website have to be the coomer nexus

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