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(You) should've put a reminder that it's the last day to get those outfits before it's too late.
Isn't the weapon kinda of whatever ? i though i was gonna kill purely with her skills so the gun doesn't matter
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>radomly got an ult viessa piece
i kind wanna grind her now...even though the smarter thing is to do focus on weapon exp to put more cata into my EL
It's not the big of a deal, but if you use her for intercepts you still have to switch to your normal weapon for invuln phases.
can just use my thundercage i guess since the skill boost from the reactor makes no difference at that point
I'm just lazy and prefer to not have to switch weapons
What are they gonna replace the swimsuits with?
Sexy halloween costumes, hopefully.
Hailey is getting a pasties/cellulite skin
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We dont know
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I think the one on the right is most likely a Luna skin because of the pose. I think the Frog Valby is coming to the store on Oct. with Ult Freyna.
Nice bunny nipple
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Tough call. The sleeve and leg seem similar to frogy, but the belt area seem abit off. We'll know for sure soon anyway.
>unlock 10 characters, with ultimate bunny/lepic/gley/valby and hailey
>all maxed to 10
>bunny with a bunch of catalists
>maxed out thunder cage
>maxed out boss build enduring legacy
>almost maxed out afterglow sword sniper for bossing

And now I feel like I have nothing to do, basically just logging in to cook some catalysts to buff hailey for the 20m dmg sniper build.

Only took me 200 hours to reach this point, which feels kinda bad cause I assumed a game like this would take way longer to get to the point where I really feel like I'm on maintenance mode. Game is fun but you can legit max out 3 characters pretty fast and then run out of things to do. If I had known about the importance of catalysts I could have maxed out shit waaaay faster.
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i only have 1 ultimate and 3 normal characters only 2 are fully built. getting ultimate bunny took me a good 50-60 hours
Guys, I rushed all the shit you can do in this game now I am surprised at the fact that I have nothing to do anymore.
post every ultimate weapon with 8+ catalysts slots each
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unpopular opinion:
i still love bunny butt

Just spending some catalyst on normal bunny and thunder cage is enough to carry you through like 90% of the content faster than any other class, except bosses whre you have lepics doing 50% hp in 1 second. Just using basic bunny I went straight for utimate bunny and with that I unlocked everything else pretty fast. Once you understand what the most efficient routes/things are you can complete whatever build you want pretty fast.
Now that shitters are gonna get carried in public invasions everyone and their mother are gonna get a Hailey for free now. They better make future bosses way more resistant to skills otherwise all you will see is Haileys in every intercept.

And what exactly is the problem with seeing Hailey in bosses? With a decent build you just melt the fuck out of anything, why would that be a bad thing, specially when ideally you skip phases.
>Only took me 200 hours to reach this point
post time played because I think you're lying through your teeth.
I'm at 140 hours and don't even have like 1/5th of what you're saying here.
many such cases
>brooo I nolifed this game and speedran everything, minmaxing the fastest possible way to finish all the content
>why is there no more content???
I hate modern gamers so fucking much.
Because then the game would be boring as fuck and people will drop the game retard
>With a decent build you just melt the fuck out of anything, why would that be a bad thing, specially when ideally you skip phases.
nta but sometimes I want to play a video game and not just have someone that used a godmode cheatcode speedrun everything in 15 seconds.

hailey is bad for the game because she makes raid bosses trivial, anyone matched with her might as well just afk.
bunny is bad for the game because she makes dungeons trivial, anyone matched with her might as well just afk.
>And what exactly is the problem with seeing Hailey in bosses?
Why would I want to finish a boss in 1 minute when I can do it in 10? Are you retarded?
>I don't want the hottest character being used by everyone
This is the real reason why Hailey domination is upon
if everyone is a 10, no one is a 10. you need ugly girls to make the pretty ones look prettier.
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Is she a virgin?
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>dev gives the player the tools
>they can't make them work
>go online and complain about why it's bad
>they triple down
why do you think they gave everyone the option for single player? so they can pull you in and slap you in the face later.
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You did carry your bnuuy through Gluttony today, right?
giantess/amazon descendant when?
That's her special ability just being fucking huge.
no, my cock was in her last night
She's A) a military chick and B) a Jewess Hourglass
forever locked into the void

Because bosses are "fun" the first couple times you run them, after that the only reason to do them is when you want specific drops from them, and doing them faster means more chances of getting what you want, or is this your first Korean grinding game? You can't tell me you're having fun taking 10 minutes to clear molten fortress at run number 50.
fortunately never
i cant take this anymore, i need the fucking skin leaks
what time/hour did the koreans get their hands on the nun outfit last time? fuck im going to the archives to look for the posts, yes im mentally ill
alright i found them
nun and dead bride skin posts first came up after 3AM EST, so 7 hours from now
i guess i wont be styaing up for this shit
No I get it, I'm impatient too. Just say it already it's gonna come out sooon anyway
is hailey the only character I can build other than gley/lepic if I want to solo bosses? i cant stand these fucking colossus fights
Playing SF6 for today. I already put an Activator, 2 guns, and a Catalyst in the oven as per usual.
all characters can solo bosses
valby and enzo are very good too
apparetly blair is a thing now too
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>almost opened a vault in public
I need to be careful next time
Why so stingy?
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>My poor toaster of a pc lags when opening the inventory
>Firing a grenade launcher has a 50% of causing the game to hang for a few seconds
I just wanted to look at booty skins man
does it lag even at 800x600?
What can you do about the huge ball that follows you and hits you with 30 seeking projectiles that like half the bosses seem to have
just get good?
roll forward under it or behind a wall if possible
you want it to hit terrain as soon as possible. the worst possible thing you could do is run away.
stack HP
this game doesn't have "skill-based" shit
just stack HP and pretend you're good at the game
that makes sense
found the bunny that dies 9 times in a single intercept
If your PC is that shit there are plenty of other coomer low spec games to play, TFD is fairly demanding
all the girls have the same 1 body except hailey, this shit isn't worth just for gooning you have to somewhat like the gameplay too
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You only need 8k defense (or resist for intercepts). stack rest of the modules to HP. My bnuuy with 16khp and 8k def/resist can facetank anything and i dont even have properly optimised gear yet to push that higher.
When will they add the cock module to the game? My bunny needs to breed Hailey REAL bad.
Is it weird to be still into the game even though I don't fuck with shooters? I wish a f2p game in any other genre had this level of customization that catered specifically to my coomer needs.
Guild Wars 2 has always had some decent coomer stuff, recently added swimsuits, and have school girl outfits coming next week
You could give that a try. It has a F2P option too but eventually you'll ran out of maps/story and need to buy expansions
I am excited for tomorrow. Maybe I won't have to go through 20 animations to deal mid damage anymore and can kill something before Bunny clears the room in a nanosecond.
I have a zoom meeting with the nexon CEO in a few minutes, i'll ask him about adding your mod.
Thing is the game is old af, I want a modern game to sink time into that has the level of graphical fidelity of TFD at the very least. Graphics matter in this particual context, those shiny booties don't lie
why do niggas do 100k dmg per shot with EL and i'm doing only 9k??????
Lost Ark is about the only other one I can think of
Black Desert still looks decent but the grind in that game makes TFD look like Mario party in comparison
I remember lagging in Diablo 2

Could done nothing but see all the best loot being scooped up by others before I unfroze. Then by the time I upgraded my PC and it no longer lagged, my interest in the game had waned significantly
With Gley, does using Frenzy with a cosmetic hairstyle like Dignity or any of the others, does it change that hairstyle white, or does it change her hair to the default hairstyle?
Crazy I was literally thinking about this today. It would be kinda cool for colossus battles.
>I am excited for tomorrow
Same but for coomer outfits
Not comparable to TFD since it came out only this year, but still, they both still look decent. I might give it a try. That or I wait for Vindictus defying fate to release before committing to anything, as it should come out pretty soon and it certainly has me interested.
isnt that shit single player and probably staying in korea for a year before ocming west
BDO grind is pure autism, I have dumped an absurd number of hours into that game but god damn theres a ton of good coomer shit. I never got into lost ark, combat felt awful to me.
You can literally wishlist it on steam rn, and they have an official english twitter page. They said the release date will be coming soon earlier this month. It being single player is fine honestly, I just want to play with hotties and buy silly skins, the online is a bonus so i can show off
i random'ed (based on a preset) into a really cute witch when i played.
still love how she looks (dont have screeshots on this PC)
you can build a pc that plays well on low settings for like $200-300
Honestly, if you can't enjoy those shiny asses in their full glory, why bother?
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Treat Hailey with dignity and respect
Turns it white.
Oh sick, I might pick her up then. Thanks
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Hailey is just an object for my sexual enjoyment
Why the fuck would you do that when you could just get a PS5 for a bit more and have acceptable 2024 standards
If you are going to go for a PC build going for midrange or budget is completely useless and gets outdated quickly or worse than a console, you go as high as your budget will allow
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I'm too lazy to stitch more than 1 together but here's one at least.
this but unironically
What kinda autism makes people leave immediately from Gluttony runs?
Like if there's a level 1 bunny or something I get it, but I've seen people insta leave from pretty good looking teams before. Is it just whether valby is on the team?
Current fastest way to get mastery rank?
Level all your shit to 40 and I mean ALL that means the shitty blue weapon you dumped at lvl 5
You get more MR from descendants and ultimate weapons. Grind for more dudes, delete the ones you don't wanna play as (or just buy more slots, it's only like a dollar per slot) and start collecting the ultimate weapons.
Bros, only a few hours left for the summer skins but I haven't bought them as I don't use neither Valby or Viessa. Will I regret it in the future I wonder? Maybe they will get buffed
If they ever add a horde type mode or something stationary and "endless" Valby will be the best for that.
I hate Gluttony so fucking much. i have 15k HP with 30K DEF and I still go down in one hit. i really hope they gut the FUCK out of him, becuz this makes me want to drop the game
I don't regret my purchase at all, and because I bought their summer skins I ended up using them on everything, like practically replaced bunny for me
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game is dying and the only thing that will save it is giving the same sexy outfits to male characters
This the dude that flosses his teeth with Esiemos g string?
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Viessa swimsuit is good if you have hair that masks the long neck
it's actually not that different going from low to ultra.
reminder there's also a luna pool party skin!
and valby's is very nice. viessa's is just okay.
wait that actually looks way better even if it doesn't match that well. why didn't they give her swimsuit long hair or a big sunhat or something? it's just too bare.
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i tried Executor Gley against Gluttony three times tonight and we couldnt fucking beat it. either everyone kept on dying or the Valby didn't do bubbles. each time i did at least 90m damage. Its gotten to the point where I have to leave if I don't see at least one other Gley or Hailey. it's so fucking gay how they made a boss where you literally need to organize a team through Discord, and it's only going to get worse with each new boss. The new Remnant 2 DLC came out this week, think i'll give that a spin and put this game on the shelf for a few months.
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I thought hard between the two and went with Valby Swimsuit for a few reasons

1. Supply Moisture means she's always solid with the latest FOTM gun
2. Potential substitute vs. Bunny in some farming situations, as we have witnessed before in the Valby Run
3. Trans mod for Gluttony
Does the supply shop hair from preseason not help with the long neck?
it's really not that big of an issue as people make it out to be man, you will stop noticing it very quickly since you're gonna stare at her ass anyway
fuck it, i'll buy the skins.
Thanks. I keep thinking about buying the bundle with the skin but I'm not sure. I'm afraid of it never coming back but I don't really want to spend $70-$100 right now, especially with other expenses I have...

I really hate FOMO shit so much. Why did video games have to become so shit
I think if you actually farm her out the price goes down to like $40
There's no way I can farm her out in 4 hours, especially when I need to go to bed in like 30 minutes tops for work tomorrow
Based coomsumer
learn his moveset
the only ohk is his swipe (if you close enough) and shotgun (telegraph, just roll to left/right)
the rule is if you see gluttony facing you stop shooting and run away(grapple on to something or rolling)
thats it, good luck
Id imagine they come back around, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I could see it going away for a bit while they build up their skin pool and then having it return on a downtime.
You know what, fuck it. I'm not buying this shit. These faggots have me sitting up awake instead of getting comfy and going to bed because of their faggot FOMO that's already overpriced. I'm keeping my money.
There will be new outfits, don’t sweat it. Good night and maybe we’ll see the new skins when we wake up
Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. If they just let you recolor the default outfits or if I could use regular Gley's outfit (I don't like the recolors) on Ultimate Gley I probably wouldn't even consider it. I just kinda like the Ultimate bundle skin more than her default Ultimate skin, and it's colorable which is nice.

Most of all I just want the hime cut for her though and that's not going away at least. The teleport animation would be cool but they're fucking out of their minds charging $100 for all this shit.
They'll definitely come back around, its free fucking money. The setup is just to feed that fomo.

Although worst case scenario is game dying out before then. Can't deny that possibility with some of the late game design structure as it is.
What is the total size of this game fully installed?
Thanks, have a good night too
Are you two going to kiss?
No, I’m going to shit in your nostril
buy the skins goy
I already did
Please stop posting pictures of Ajax's Buck, Mr. Nasheed.
I’m worried
What if Hailey doesn’t get a new skin tomorrow
They already confirmed a fully nude one but she gets cellulite on her ass and thighs
Please someone respond thanks in advance
38GB~ for me, more is probably needed for Updates/Unpacking
I could get out of bed and check but I really don’t want to
bwos.... dont look at the leaked skins
you will only be disappointed... you guys told me the Devs were BASED....
Got a PS5 recently and I'm interested in the game. Is it censored on PS5?
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Alright, Supply Shop Hair definitely hides Viessa Swimsuit's Neck really well, but the seemingly reduced breasts still bug me

Also we already have Bunny for the THONG look...still not sure i need another one
Just fucking link
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I dont know if they're reduced, just pushed together
They should 10x the size of Hailey ass
damn bros bunny literally perfect
Feels good not being poor and just buy everything without a bad after taste.
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by this time tomorrow I'd better be seeing Hailey's bellybutton
We will see nipples, cunts, asshole and dicks or nexon hq burns
Great, I only have 70GB on my SSD, will be getting started on this. Anyone has decent starting guide recommendations? Character suggestions to start grinding?
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after getting laid off at the end of August I have an interview tomorrow. holy shit I put so much time into this game
purposely semen retaining for the new skins to drop
based, im ready bros in a few hours we would play with one hand!
day 3
I edged a bit, can't wait to blast it
Viessa is probably the best of the 3 starters. Lepic is okay too. Ajax doesn't really have a good role to fill. You will be able to get Bunny early on, she is the most popular character and one of the best. Sharen,Freyna and Blair are the easiest characters to obtain. Sharen in particular is useful for obtaining materials from locations called Outposts
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inb4 Esiemo's skill improvements are just making the tool tips accurate
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pic related
or jayber's "buff" that didn't do shit lmao
Viessa > lepic > Ajax
Lepic is good but ultimate lepic is an easier grind than ultimate viessa. Also viessa is hot and has the boob window.
Don't waste catalysts or activators on purple weapons like tamer or eternal willpower, though both are worth using pre-hard mode. Thunder cage is pretty decent and can be used all the way into end game and is worth investing a bit into. It's not the best bossing weapon, but it's good for mobbing.
Feel free to skip the story, you aren't missing anything even remotely interesting.
I hope to wake up to a Hailey coomer outfit…..
Hailey skin got leaked. It's mediocre. Pakc it up boys
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How many of you started playing this shit because of Hailey?
Same here.
Me. Never even played this type of game before.
When's the hotfix supposed to even happen? Is it a true hotfix meaning servers won't go down? Or there will be a maintenance?
Based. This game really does have some of the best looking women.

t.day 1 fag
I literally downloaded the game because of the ads where she smacks her own ass
In, like, an hour or two.

Me, I think this might be a good time to watch Mr Ryechew's 1 hour guide + on every transcendant for every descendant (before it gets invalidated).
What color should I make Valby's swimsuit: Black, White or Red?
I made it gold
Looks very good
I mean they made a twitter post and they didn't specify the time and I see nothing on the official website. Logged in to launch a catalyst at least.
As for Ryechew he keeps popping on my feed despite me only watching one of his videos back at release, saw that video you talk about was 2 hours long.
That's a lot considering you'll probably learn very little if at all.
me, but im very mad i missed the pre season battle pass cosmetics forever
Well, at the very least I'm learning that mr ryechew has but a surface level understanding on how esiemo and kyle work.

I guess I'll keep watching to see what else he doesn't know.
When will get new content ? I'm so fucking bored. They need to ramp up more employees and put out more content in order to survive. Seriously though, this game is dying because of lacking content, on top of retarded outpost farming. I fucking outpost farming, they're so fucking boring.
His dps calculations + tamer/eternal willpower shilling + the meme blackboard was enough to make me never watch him again in a single video.
I know this type of content creator. They're shit at the game spend all their time trying to theorycraft while not putting anything into practice and leave the viewer with very little useful info and quite often bad advice.
Aznvasion is the same, he was giving shit advice doing shit builds in warframe and when I saw he was doing TFD I blocked his channel.
More content wouldn't fix anything because it would just be more of the same. The biggest problem I think is that everything feels the same.
All bosses are 1 of 2 things, either melt it until it goes invuln then blow up floating orbs, or melt it until it goes invuln the kill 2 waves of enemies.
Almost all intercepts are just holding left click on shoulders until the copy pasted colossus dies
Outposts are all just hack/blow up 3-4 terminals then kill one of the copy pasted bosses from the first point.
Missions in different zones are just 4 or 5 different things copy pasted about 25 times each
There's no variety to break up the grind. You see everything the game has to offer in the first 5-10 hours.
>Ryechew thinks the turret detonation overcharge buff lets you summon turrets faster while standing in the zone
Surely he can see the turrets being summoned with turret zones instead of having to be upgraded manually with the multigun, it's right in front of him, why just quote shitty google korean-english translations over what's happening right in front of him.

Like all the other mistake's I can maybe almost forgive because he rarely leaves the lab for his testing, but come on.
Okay, you know the drill. Post leaks from gook forums now.
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Time is running out Anons
Already own both of them. I was contemplating the Gley Duskstalker but I can't be bothered. I want to see the new stuff.
>You see everything the game has to offer in the first 5-10 hours.
Exactly. I've seen gacha games like Genshin Impact is doing way better than this. It used to be like this during it's early days. Maybe this game is destined to die but if that's true, it's even more puzzling. Why in the hell would they burn all of their development money away when the game had potential to be great ? I don't fucking get it.
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Yeah me. She's just a 10/10 to me, in all aspects of this kind of woman (I want her to be a badass jewish babe with fat tits). Best looking face-scanned style character IMO
That's the only one I was really thinking about, too.

If I played Gley more I might actually be tempted, but alas.
>30k DEF
Get with the times. Replace DEF external components with HP. DEF is shit beyond like 8k.
Swimsuits feel too out of place for me. Just like how going to nodewar in black desert with a fucking maid outfit just didn't feel right.
Don't get me wrong I love swimsuits and what I love even more is nice thighs in pantyhose but it just feels eeeeh in a pseudo apocalyptic looter shooter.
There's so much that we're disincentivised from using, too. And whole bunch of things that are underutilised.

There's over a dozen characters in the game, but of them, most don't have ultimates and so are the inferior version, and of those, even more aren't Bunny or Hailey, so why invest in them? And if you are not investing in them, why play them any longer than level 40? Not too mention it feels like every second character I try nowadays has straight up broken mods.

There are special operations besides sterile land mine blocking, but the non-mine blocking ones don't give good rewards other than Enzo, and the only other mine blocking one is so much slower to traverse and complete because it's so far apart. It's also baffling that there're no hard mode versions of these ops, and that they didn't include all the other variants that used to be in the beta.

There're mid mission objectives that don't involve killing all the thing as fast as possible, but those got removed. Now every mission gets solved by just running and zapping as fast as possible from the start room to the end room, which only makes the already dominant Bunny even more dominant.

There's only one remotely worthwhile farm that doesn't involve running forwards as fast as possible as Bunny, atleast not all the time, and that's outposts. And outposts suck absolute dick because 90% of it is sitting around.
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Out of all the things to compare TFD to you picked Genshin? A game so simplistic (made for phone users) you have normal attack, skill attack and ultimate? A game with even bigger content droughts and once the content finally drops it's cleared within a week and then people go back to using their resin and doing dailies for a measly amount of pull currency, at best 20 minutes a day?
Genshin worked because of gambling addicts, the game itself is extremely shallow
>Genshin worked because of gambling addicts, the game itself is extremely shallow
genshin worked because the core gameplay was BotW without shrines.
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New Modules
Ultimate Freyna's exclusive modules Toxic Mixture and Venom Injection will be added.

- Toxic Mixture: Freyna's passive skill Contagion Links is changed to Toxic Mixture. When equipped, this skill module will trigger Necrosis instead of Room 0 Trauma. As enemies gain more stacks of Necrosis, your Firearm ATK increases when you shoot at them, and if an enemy reaches max stacks, your Firearm Critical Hit Rate also increases.
- Venom Injection: Defense Mechanism is changed to Venom Injection. Venom Injection consumes resources to recover your Shield and increase Skill Power Modifier, while inflicting Corrosion on enemies. Enemies inflicted with Corrosion suffer reduced Toxin Resistance, making them more vulnerable to Freyna's Toxic attacks.

Hailey's exclusive modules Supercooled Kuiper Round and Cryogenic Cluster Shot will be added.

- Supercooled Kuiper Round: Using the Unique Weapon reduces Firearm ATK and Fire Rate, but increases Weak Point Damage in return. Also, successful Weak Point attacks recover your Shield instead of your MP. The increase in Weak Point Damage decreases on firing the Unique Weapon, but increases again on successful Weak Point attacks.
- Cryogenic Cluster Shot: The Cryo effect is changed to Cryogenic. Using a firearm to attack an enemy inflicted with Cryogenic deals additional AoE damage to nearby enemies, making this a useful skill module for clearing out Common monsters.

In addition, we're adding new modules to improve your builds.
Following the addition of modules to improve shield utilization on September 26, we'll be adding modules that boost Skill Power or Firearm ATK instead of Critical Hit on October 10 to encourage the use of weapons and Descendants that have low Critical Hit Rates.
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>no new skins in shop yet
hailey's red mods seems rather useless
freyna's toxic mixture seems like a weaker blair's backdraft gun alternative playstyle
>patching 35.99 GB
>if an enemy reaches max stacks
that's a fucking huge if lol
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Guilty as charged officer. I saw this game on launch and it reminded me of Destiny 2 but with tits and ass. It wasn't enough to tide me over though. Then season 1 came out with Hailey trailer and I had to definitely try the game. I'm a bit surprised Destiny 2 faggots haven't jumped on board this game. I don't understand how D2 still has a large player base, its bewildering.
>30 seconds since they've been out
why not just put new or something?
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rip goon cave
bunny cave...
can you see her panties?
Not the combat wise. I'm talking about content. It's only 20 mins per day if you have all the time to play the game. I don't play games on my phone and i usually don't bring my Steam Deck with me when i'm going to work. I still have a lot of things to do in Genshin like exploration and quests. I'm not comparing TFD and Genshin Impact like head on. What i meant was when they're doing their own thing. Genshin used to have a lackluster content in it's early days until they introduced the Dragonspine and then Inazuma until it became so bloated in Sumeru.

In TFD, i don't see how are they going to improve the game because the first major update is extremely lackluster. I'd love to be proven wrong, ofc. But the difference between TFD and Genshin is that Genshin is doing content dip better. In Genshin, the repetitive content is doing dailies. After that, i get to do something else like exploration and world quests.

In TFD, The time gap between the next patch is just too large when compared to the content they offered in the current patch, it's just abysmal. Once you have everything maxed out, there is no reason to play TFD at all except doing your dalies, which is Invasion for couple of millions gold. And that's it, you're done.
Damn. That's a lot of premium coin. The other two are whatever.
You're only saying that because you were extremely late on Genshin or if you were a day one player you never played more than 20 mns a day and took several long breaks.
Genshin had several massive content droughts where you had nothing of value for 6 months, especially when they recycled summer events and left people hanging. They're not doing content dip any better I don't know what you've been smoking and TFD had a lot more content day one than it took genshin over 2 years to get.
>In TFD, i don't see how are they going to improve the game because the first major update is extremely lackluster.
the first major update in genshin was the snow mountain place which was a giant nothingburger. it's just an additional zone that didn't really introduce anything interesting.
Mihoyo brainrot in here lmao
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shit now what
>- Yujin's 'Hyperreactive Healing Ground' skill now heals HP after granting Purification, rather than before.
This is a buff, right? Don't play Yujin.
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-Explosive propaganda fixed AND you can now have multiples out
-Damage bonus on detonate now goes beyond 5 mines also it's faster also it's FREE to detonate
-Cluster bombs get more damage per mine too
-Time bombs fly faster and fire faster
-knockdown immunity on dash with shorter animations and longer buffs
I wonder how many people will get their progress reset because of nexon account linking for the web event.
not quite sold on freyna buffs even with the announced ultimate mods
they just let the dot stack for different skills and how much damage increase they get is still up for testing
patch of the season
i'm afraid bros...
I lost a fuck ton of fps after the update wtf..
>When using a skill to attack enemies, consumes all of your shield to deal additional damage equivalent to a certain percentage of the total damage.
>The additional damage has a base value, and the value increases based on the amount of shield consumed.

max shield hailey 1 tap gluttony when
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- You can now set whether to run or sprint by default for movement in Game Options.
good thing Ubunny's skin looks terrible so I wont purchase it
rape the frog
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What content does TFD has ? After a couple of hours in TFD, i've seen everything. It's basically like early Warframe, back in the day. Also, it's not about i'm being extremely late. If you have all the time to play games, you would clear all of them out. I'm saying the opposite to TFD because i don't need a day or a week or a month for TFD. I've seen everything this game has to offer and that took me like a couple of days. That's why i want more content, especially the variation of content because what you're doing right now is the same thing over and over again. Outpost farming and Colossus. If you have everything you need from grinding parts and crafting. You either doing Valby run or Jayber / Luna mat farming. That's it. I don't need to do anything and left the game for a couple of months and i could catch up with other players in no time if i got the time to play the game all day because it doesn't have any content.
looks really bad you can't even see the midriff because the clothes isn't tight
Yeah, such a shame a 2 month old game doesn't have 4 years worth of content like genshin
>It's basically like early Warframe
it really isn't. fuck I wish early warframe, or even current warframe had anything like gluttony or molten fortress or invasions.
wow invasions are piss easy now lmfao
is it even possible not to get gold?
pre nerf day 1 invasions, just to clarify. haven't tried co op yet
looks like we'll have a bit of a coom drought
The new spawn animations look pretty cool, but they're fucking expensive...
Is there some cheeky interactions or buffs from other characters that could cause you to regen way too much shield? Could see this being broken AF on a fast firing gun if so
Any new emotes? I want slutty dance animations.
holy shit these new skins for female are trash, only gley is decent enough, did they listen to leddit's complaints about skimpy skins or something?
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Yes, this update is falling a bit flaccid.
Verification not required.
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>freyna gets a vulgus/warframe-reject skin
>still no sexy "zero room trauma" nurse skin
At least we got some new modules to try out.

They look really cool especially Gley's and Lepic's but 3000 Calibur is like $60 USD so it's too much for me. Wish they sold the parts separately and maybe offered a discount if you decided to get the whole bundle instead.
Anon you're comparing it to genshin where all you have is a boring story only there to introduce new characters and try to make you gamble on them, 3 abyss floors per month, 5 condensed resin to use a day and that's about it. If you call forcing players to go through hoops everyday just so they can get a measly amount of gambling currency "content" then good on you but I'll disagree. The only content is exploration which takes one week at most while playing very casually and then you have to wait 3 months, sometimes 6 before some new exploration comes up.
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is this broken for anyone else
new female skins looked fucking terrible bros....what the hell?
No, it's not. It has new things to collect. I don't remember what it's called, it's a red stone you can collect and offer it to the tree. Then, there are quests you can do that has voice acting and no voice acting in it. Also, it has more chests you can open from exploration and more "secret" but not secret like clearing ice sheet to explore new places below. And also, there is a quest tied to the pillar at the top of the mountain, a new boss, new characters.

Now, that does TFD has in it's major update ? Well, the first half is Invasion, which is just a memory game and a repetitive one at that. And a new character, Hailey. That's it. That is literally it. The second half is a new quest for Freyna and her Ult form, a new boss and a new gun. That's it. I assume the new colossus is tied to her quest but i don't know much about it.

I'm not here to shit on TFD, far from it. I've said that the game has potential to be a great game. But the roadmap is just not looking good. They still have time to improve, ofc. But if the second major update is exactly the same as the first one, it's safe to say that this game is on it's way out in the near future.
genshin's story is the most painfully boring unskippable horseshit I've ever had the misfortune to experience. holy fuck. it unironically would have been better if they had just used chatgtp to rewrite the whole thing. atleast tfd lets you skip it
>order of truth invasion
wish me luck bwos...
>no, it's not.
>*proceeds to list shit that was already in the game just reskinned
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Hailey skin???
Enzo skin????
>compared a looter shooter game to a gacha game
I gotta be the guy to ask the stupid question of
did you create a Nexon account and then link it to your in-game account, or did you try and login with one of the "guest account" options (including Steam) Nexon provides?
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bwos...when did nexon become so based...
tried signing in with steam. anyways after 20 tries it magically worked for some reason
>did you create a Nexon account and then link it to your in-game account
do not
mustrad gas
ah shit, I've done it now haven't I
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Thoughts on not-baro?
sorry bros, no coom skins for you
>Every fri-sun
why not everyday? jesus fucking christ nexon
hope that anime warframe gacha is good, fuck this game
Wait is it live? Man I have to log in right now if it's live it means I can transfer my lepic wave of light gold colossus + gold crit dmg on Hailey afterglow
called it
>inventory expansions, paints
that's a decent start, depending on currency rates and how much it costs
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>baro comes every two fucking weeks
>most of the time is fuck trash
That's for Oct 10 update at the earliest.
>Anon you're comparing it to genshin where all you have is a boring story only there to introduce new characters and try to make you gamble on them

And TFD doesn't ? Sure, you can get every character in the game but please, don't tell me the story is good. It's convoluted filled with buzz words and stupid stuff to understand. It's basically like Kingdom Hearts. Also, i don't want to get into the monetization of this game because that's not why i started the convo. But i'll say this and it will be the end of it. So here goes...

TFD's monetization scheme is just as bad as Genshin Impact despite the lack of gambling nature. The premium coin you get from BP is not enough to re-invest into your next BP in the next patch. That's very scummy. Also, the BP itself is also bad. There is no value in this. The only valuable you can get from it is the free weapon and the premium coin, that's it. The weapon skin you get can't be appllied to legendary weapons. It got so bad, people had voiced their concern and they pity us like peasants include one energy activator and one catalyst. That's it ? 2 months of content gap between the current patch and the next one and all you giving us one energy activator and one catalyst ? Also, Energy Activator and Catalyst are scam at its finest. If you're wiser, you would farm these because they are very easy to farm. Now compared to Warframe. Orokin Reactor and Catalyst are way cheaper than Energy Activator and TFD Catalyst. Catalyst in TFD cost like 5 bucks and Activator costs 30 fucking dollars. Orokin Reactor and Orokin Catalyst cost like 20 platinum. You could buy multiple of these with just 3 dollars. What scummy about it is that these things tied to your progression. If you don't have these, good luck fighting Colossus, lol. You're going to die because your character and your weapon are so weak.

That's it. That's all i gotta say about monetization and don't say TFD is better than Genshin because it's not gambling.
>you can blow up your entire team in invasions
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nice let the grief begin.
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Another L for TFD no cap fr fr
this next Ult Freyna update will be their LAST chance to save the game
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You got that right warframe sisters! Lets go back and enjoy our game instead
How can I access the event stuff, my muscle memory clicked don't show me this again on the page.
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nexon can you please give me these in more even amounts so I don't end up like the guy that posted here with 90 of a single component?
NTA but this game is not too far from a gacha game. The hailey "farm" is legit straight out of a gacha game
>503 Service Unavailable
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they're going to add hailey's gun to this shop r-right
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>and don't say TFD is better than Genshin because it's not gambling.
I will say it because it's true. Pic related is what I have right now and I only paid for slots and cosmetics. You said it yourself the BP isn't good, but the good thing is you don't even have to buy it to get the weapon. Are the prices higher than warframe? Yeah they are. Does it matter? Not in the slightest if you play the actual game instead of paying to avoid playing it. And here's the kicker, you can keep playing as long as you want to farm for your things, whereas in your reskinned seelie wrangling / oculist collecting / statue upgrading / chest chasing game you're stuck with a limited amount and your only way to bypass that limitation is to swipe so shut the fuck up already don't compare a fucking gacha to a game where you can grind everything for free.
It got better now but that doesn't mean it's better overall. But before the buff, oh boy. It was so bad, it's fucking crazy.
can I have some? just a few catalysts please
like 4 or 5
Would have done it if there was an exclusive skin for her or something. Not worth it.
I'd give you some if I could, I only have wave of light left to build at the moment.

Like that anon said, not worth it for those rewards, looks like those are catered to beginners/newcomers.
vault keys that's it
Im gonna use all the points to buy the last few pieces of Last Dagger. Fuck farming that garbage
>Following the addition of modules to improve shield utilization on September 26, we'll be adding modules that boost Skill Power or Firearm ATK instead of Critical Hit on October 10 to encourage the use of weapons and Descendants that have low Critical Hit Rates.
wait this is huge
>Does it matter? Not in the slightest if you play the actual game instead of paying to avoid playing it.
See, i knew you were going to say this. You could literally apply this logic to Genshin as well. Do you need to spend your money to get all those 5 stars characters and weapons ? Absolutely not. All you need is patient and play the game. I can keep playing the game to get more and more gems to pull the characters and weapons i want, as it's not the end of the world if you don't get them from their first banner since the game is extremely easy. You could run Abyss with 4 stars team and reach the end. Will it be a perfect run ? Nope. Does it matter ? Nope because the gems you're losing is not much.

>whereas in your reskinned seelie wrangling / oculist collecting / statue upgrading / chest chasing game you're stuck with a limited amount and your only way to bypass that limitation is to swipe so shut the fuck up already don't compare a fucking gacha to a game where you can grind everything for free.

At least those are content that tied to something like exploration and quests. Are there any content in TFD beside grinding repetitive content over and over and over again ? Also, gacha this and gacha that, lol. Why ? Monetization scheme doesn't matter as to why i started the convo, it's about content and what you're doing in the game. You're the one who keep bringing it up, so in entertained you by giving you my opinion about it and it's a one time thing for me. I'll not talking about the monetization any longer. Genshin Impact at least valued your time by giving you gems, so you could either save it for other characters or spend it on the current banners. In TFD, the game doesn't respect your time. You're wasting your time. You can go ahead and farm those catalysts and activator to hundreds or maybe thousand. More than you ever need. The game isn't gonna last that long for you to use them all, lol. But, as i've said it before. I'd LOVE to be proven wrong.
>See, i knew you were going to say this. You could literally apply this logic to Genshin as well. Do you need to spend your money to get all those 5 stars characters and weapons ?
The difference is in TFD even if you don't need it, you can do it without paying. You're never getting a c6 r4 on Genshin without swiping unless you're a day one player and only ever rolled on that specific character. This is the last (You) I'm going to give you and I'm not even reading the rest of your post, you're a disingenuous bastard.
Nexon really trolling noobs with 55k DEF and 20k chill resistance recommendation for Gluttony.
>I'll not talking
yeah, no wonder he sucks da wei's dick
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that's right carry my mastery 1 account for invasion for me
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ummm... mine isn't completing for 26th, it is marking things completed for tomorrow. halp me!
>400% Infiltration Operations feature a greater number of monsters allowing you to fight endless battles.
thank fucking christ. I imagine we will be getting 3x the weapon xp/dismantlable weapons per hour when that drops. at 300 hours in my single largest block is weapon mats for line rerolls
verdict on descendant buffs? freyna kyle esiemo
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Was this such a huge deal? Am I old just for getting used to holding shift all the time?
this new mod is impossible I've killed executioner like 60 times
>activates the drone and leaves you to die
can't login using steam
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>mystery level 1 has a better build than the other players
took me 20 tries
yep, I won't even bother with this event
Not gonna lie, sometimes i feel less disrespected in a gacha game than in this game but what else are we gonna play at this point.
the -crit chance +firearm atk mod is the thing im most looking forward. it could change the meta with firearms if its strong enough.
>Increased the cooldown decrease of Madness
>Madness now buffs skill power
Odd. Eseimo already had this. It just wasn't listed in the descriptions. Buffs were hidden. They didn't do anything.
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Freyna outfit so bad bros i cant take it anymore why do they treat freyna so badly
Why the fuck did they change Valby's fov during her 3rd skill, it too fucking narrow now.
Ubunny's new skin is a lot worse
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EOS, Dec 2024.
They'll never beat the basic leotard skin just like they'll never beat ugley basic skin with the string thong combined with a hime cut.
good, these new skins are trash anyway
I really hate how every ultimate has the same looking helmet.
Almost every update has been shit. They deserve this. Eseimo and Kyle are still shit.
console peasants our response?
Every update suddenly sees a surge of people coming to this general to just whine and wish for the game's death. Curious.
sprinting fucks up reloading right?
i'm keeping it off
Yeah because the updates are bad and the dwindling numbers confirms it. I just said that. Are you retarded? You might be retarded.
you can test it yourself it doesn't seem to effect it on my end anyway.
Then why are you still here and posting?
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>Gley's hime cut clips through the vamp outfit
Thanks for saving me money nexon.
W-we will save it! Trust the plan!
wow the new skins are terrible
But bro, my explosive man just became top 2 fastest guy in the game, if not number one

My mines can stack to do a million each, and I don't even have a tech reactor

And, most importantly of all, I can now make my own hologram dance party

How can you say that's shit?
Because if you don't express how disappointed you are with an update and just praise whatever garbage they put out, the developers won't improve. That's how changes are made. By complaining and pointing out what's wrong. For example, Eseimo can now place mines while moving. This changes absolutely nothing. Damage is still the same, he still needs to waste time setting up 10+ bombs while your team kills everyone.

Here you go. This might help you.

>complaining on 4chan will make the devs listen!!1
anon click your own link jesus fucking christ
Ah yes, the developpers come and read a general on a forsaken website where it's 40% rape posting 40% handicapped people who can't clear invasions 15% warframe/destiny schizos and 5% actual game discussion which the posters just stole from youtubers/reddit in the first place.
I just want you to admit that you're here to bitch and whine instead of being a man, uninstalling and never looking back.
>Retard thinks 4chan is a secret unknown site and developers don't send people here to gather data
Ah so you are also underage. That explains everything.

>My mines can stack to do a million each,
He already did that before. The only damage buff he got was for clusters.
more like the first ASScendant
>Brain damaged
Checks out.
>The only damage buff he got was for clusters
Mate, I don't know how to tell you this, but 350% more damage is more than 125%
>Muh Steve talked to us warbros! Ubisoft sends their unpaid interns to shill their shitty games! Our website is super relevant
Time to tone it down with the delusions of grandeur and I've been here longer than you. All you have to say is that I'm brain damaged because you just can't admit you're a little whiny bitch whose only solace is complaining nonstop instead of walking away from the thing that makes them complain in the first place.
>Warframe out of nowhere
>Actually I am an old fag! Been here since Gamergate!
Esl, schizo and retarded. The holy trinity.
>dude just stop complaining and delete the game
When I started posting here Snacks was still on the mod team but ultimately that is irrelevant to the topic at hand which you've been dodging again and again. The fact that you're whining somewhere extremely irrelevant instead of just playing something else you'd enjoy much more. And that you're a little bitch of course.
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>When I started posting here Snacks was still on the mod team
I too can google 4chan and pretend I was here back then.
it's a cute skin for valby, kinda fits her personality but the lack of new coom skins is really baffling
delete this...
Which is why I said it was irrelevant to the matter at hand since it's impossible to prove. All you've been doing is dodging the question and spouting buzzwords, it's not that hard to admit that you're an insufferable cunt, come on Anon, you can do it.
Anyone tried doing gluttony with the recommended stats?

17k hp
55k def
20k chill resists
Incredible how video game companies are willing to lose hundreds of millions just to avoid creating attractive characters.
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>kick them down while also on playstation
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>instead of just playing something else you'd enjoy much more
I do enjoy playing the game. Not enjoying an update doesn't mean hating the whole thing. This is basic common sense. You have a severe case of black and white. A sign of low IQ.
you two lil homos need to get a room
I'll stop once he openly admits he just whines because he likes to complain and not because his little bitching on a /vg/ thread is gonna change the course of their dev roadmap.
Dodging what question, retard? You didn't ask anything else other than
>>496054869 which already answered.
Because you know you're lying. If you aren't then you are legitimately retarded to think a vg thread still has hackers on steroid levels of clout for game developpers. Anyone can look at the traffic stats for 4chan and see that it's irrelevant. So you're either lying when you say you're complaining on this general to make the devs change their game or you're a complete moron with delusions of grandeur.
Come on, just say it : I like to complain.
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Left Korean games
Right Western developers
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>gonna change the course of their dev roadmap.
See what I mean? Thinking in extremes.

This guy is a fucking moron lmao. I am expressing how disappointed I am with the buffs because Eseimo and Kyle are still weak compared to all the meta characters. This guy thinks I want the devs to change the entire roadmap for me.

>Because you know you're lying.
>Give me an answer.
>Nah uh I don't like that answer so it doesn't count
Holy shit haha
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you guys won't be arguing if the new skins are actually good, the dev done messed up fr fr
I'm sure Nexon will rerun all skins at some point or another.
>However, due to the limited amount of goods that ETA-0 brings in, the amount of blueprints that can be exchanged each week is also limited
More trash dripfeeding every week, actually dead on arrival
Now it's gonna take 30 weeks to get rid of my 500 spare ajax parts for....some energy activator BPs maybe
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I see Ajax skin, I buy, simple as.
You can safely bet that EoS will occur before any skins are rerun.
I'm getting off work and I have the afternoon off, I'll see you tomorrow Anon. Deep down you know I'm right and that you're a little pussy. It's alright, no one is perfect
Talk about the fucking game you retards.

Anyone else actually playing can confirm this issue I have?
lower FoV raises FPS. you should be thanking them.
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Yeah I am sure the massive player loss were from people who just wanted to complain and there is nothing wrong with this shitty first season.
I'm using 100 fov and can play the game fine, but can't see shit now when using Valby's 3rd skill since today's update.
As much as I like the Esiemo buffs, if there was one thing I'm disappointed in it's that I don't have anywhere new to explode in. I've already blown up every dungeon like 20 times already. That said, expecting them to have new maps two weeks before the major update is straight unrealistic.

Maybe when we get those 400% dungeons, with enough enemies that Bunny can't high voltage them all at once and enough HP bloat that she can't zap them down instantly with her regular emissions, maybe then I'll have a chance to shine.

ngl tho, if we don't get new places to visit in December, I'm going to get really really worried.
Have fun mowing those lawns, Juan.
Fun fact, Warframe took 3 years to add a destination other than "Ship interior corridor"
Oh so we're just gonna have to wait for 3 more years, brilliant!
And they're getting even greedier now since they're making the spawn from the ultimate bundle exclusive to the descendant tied to the bundle, instead of being usable by everyone. Lmao, fucking Nexon
werks on my machine
Maybe yes maybe no, the director did say in an interview around the release that they are working on a couple new destination but overall he'd like to focus on content that isn't new destinations because he didn't want the game to be "run the new map" every update.
so with reactor implants I can junk all purple reactors right?
and it's fucking 60$ for a bunle with the spawn lmao
Warframe also had like 5 employees at the time. Nexon has an infinite number of disposable underpaid, overworked asians. I expect faster updates. No, I don't care about their health. Give me micro bikini Sharen.
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how does this work? because I've logged in like 5 times
good one anon
nvm I'm retarded I think it means in a week
>5 employees
Someone doesn't know jackshit about Digital Extremes.
see >>496059036
Reread that image. It says nothing about daily logins during a weekly period.
The Ajax skin is pretty good. It changes his animation to movement that's actually appropriate for the size of the armor so he doesn't look like he's moving around in his usual massive skin.
Fr man, this massive amount of greed in this patch kinda killed my interest. I might drop this game if they mess up again with the Ult. Freyna update
male skins are pretty cool in this game, too bad i only care about coom skins
But I want a new map every update :(
>actually making a nexon account for these trash rewards
nice try you fucking jew koreans you already have enough of my data as is
We know you masturbate to My Little Pony porn. Make an account or we will leak this information to your parents.
I need some of those vault keys my data is worthless.
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>20 attempts at redeeming a 20% ult part after farming the amps and farming the tokens for each redemption
>Try invasions or whatever the fuck
>Boss deletes me the second I see him
Ok see you in a year if this game is still getting updates. Maybe it won't be a totally mismanaged waste of fucking time by then.
>uh actually bro you're not supposed to try to play the game
>Boss deletes me the second I see him
bro max out your HP and defense modules and run with a random group I just did my 4 runs handicapped at mastery 1 using ult bunny.
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big gay
>Anime Warframe gacha
The what now. DE is making gachas?
>one punch descendent in the works
Do they understand how their game works, or did they simply copy mechanics from other popular games without any real comprehension?
you already know the answer
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>Duet Night Abyss
for people that wanted a loli character
I mean I get the meme, but there's resistance and then there's retardation. if you think Genshin Impact isn't objectively better than 90% of the AAA garbage coming out today, you're missing a part of your brain.
Keep this in mind, when you say Gacha is always bad, you're including games like Genshin, and when you're shitting on games like genshin, you're praising shit like AC Shadows and Starwars Outlaws, and Concord.
Yes, a Gacha can be good. Literally niggers and retards are the only people on the planet that dismiss entire genres point blank. Miss me with your reddit NPC programming shit.
>it's a yellow mod
>you have to give up dangerous ambush or walk a tightrope for this 17% buff once every 30 seconds
they're just trolling us, right????
>Invasions are too hard
You're too late to be shit posting about the hard missions being too hard, you can pub them with your fellow shitters now
Do the invasions scale with number of players?
If yes, it will be so funny
It is already funny.
>Do the invasions scale with number of players?
it did feel like that when I did my runs but it still wasn't that bad.
That's the one where you each character gets three abilities (ult, active, passive), and you get to bring 'assist' chracters to fill out your other two slots, right?

Atleast if three's a character that's too meta, there'll still be an excuse to use more than one.

I can sort of see it. It's twice a pre-emptive strike that costs you shields but you can use it more than once; it's also but half an ambush, ,not counting the immobilised bonus, but it also restores your shields.

In the context of specifically making shield guys work, it might not be too bad. I was already running conditional recharge on my Kyle to restore his shields, this just looks like better / additional version of that.

That said, if it read something like '+17% additive crit' instead of damage, it would have been way better.
Damn, it takes fucking forever to level up guns. Even using Asylum is around 1 hour. Will I have to get one Viessa to use the cancel method?
either that or wait for 400% dungeons where they said double spawn rates, and the missions can go on forever
non-invested jayber can do the one in vesper, around 20 minutes 1-40
Well turns out that hot characters will attract people to your game, but if you want to keep them you need a good game.
>That's the one where you each character gets three abilities (ult, active, passive), and you get to bring 'assist' chracters to fill out your other two slots, right?
>Atleast if three's a character that's too meta, there'll still be an excuse to use more than one.
I think so. it's only on mobile and PC I'll probably check it out
>Duet Night Abyss
just looked up the trailer, that game looks even more boring and soulless than wuthering waves. I have zero hope. will probably still try it out anyways though because fuck it
Damn, DE trannies are out in full force today all because of a very little hotfix.
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Friday completed. Now I gotta figure out how to complete Thursday... fucking Koreans.
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>that game looks even more boring and soulless than wuthering waves
bunch of those coming our way
I recommend building viessa with cold blooded. you will have permanent blizzard uptime on the spawn spot in the fortress void fragment. so you just cancel and restart the mission after the first wave. I regret not doing it sooner, since i knew about it for a while.
>Shieldbot boss shoots his knockback barriers at me
>I can now counter with esiemo by literally running through them
This is reminding me of my old warframe main
This update just keeps getting better
And kyle can literally punch straight through them now, right? Heh.

Alright, still gotta actually check to make sure propaganda works, but if so, I gotta say I'm more than satisfied for atleast the next couple of weeks.
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immortality invasions are so comfortable now
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why she cri?
her bf ded
And she's the one who killed him when her ability awakened and went out of control apparently.
I reckon she'll be the go-to in 400% missions as well, being how easy and constant her roomwipe skill is, while still doing huge damage.
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after seeing this skins and the reaction to these skins, im convinced more than ever that this game has no future. even le Reddit is absolutely shitting on these skins. time to find a new game to play, this ship is sinking
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new bf :)
Do you have a sample viessa build i can copy for starters?
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>what is hp ??
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>first game to ever play
most intelligent bunny player
Brain invasions are extra comfy now
Drone invasions are funny, allahu akbar players is funny since you can revive them right away
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i'm sure you can make a better build out of her, i just put up something myself that works. i dont use her much besides for leveling guns. you mostly want cooldown, range, and duration and skill power for the fragment cancels. you have abit of freedom with the cooldown, since cold blooded gives you 20% or 25% i forgot which, so you can go overcap. -90% with cold blooded is what you aim for, which is cap.
>Drone invasions are funny
headless chicken movement everyone looking at each other is this right?after clearing out the towers
I just found out that you don't even need to revive them. If you destroy the door they will get revived automatically and you will not lose attempts
So the devs actually thought about how to make it work in multiplayer?
Nice, nice.
Executor nerf? Is it still worth building it up?
The 400% dungeons sound pretty sfun
The boss is definitely stronger, I needed to keep my dumbass teammates alive as a result.
Apex Bunny looks way cooler than the current skin. The trailer shot really sold it
>Executor nerf
I feel like I won so bigly this morning. Not only did I not spend my money, but I think the new Ultimate Gley skin looks better than the old one.
Put the autism down and back away slowly!
they somehow managed to have the damage dealt to the boss balanced around the group and not feeling like nobody is dealing the most damage.
genshin player had brainrot
>gacha for character
>get multiple character if you want to maxed them
>gacha for weapon
>get multiple weapon if want to maxed them
you must have low self esteem to play gacha game
And guess which game makes more money and is more popular, faggot. Genshin is way more f2p friendly and generous than TFD. Mihoyo arent greedy.
good luck arguing with a mihoyodrone lol
I’ve played Mihoyo shit a few times and all of it is bad, i dropped all of then because all they are is 15 minutes worth of “gameplay” per day, homosexual dudes, and 30 minute long AI generated dialogue you can’t skip.
For anyone having problems logging in the for the web event Steam or Consoles you need to log into the main Nexon website then go the to Freyna's Encrypted Vault Shop and you should be logged in.

Public Matchmaking Invasion is unplayable with clueless people who have no idea what is going or are slow for example the symbol one... good luck back to solo
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all that money and then this lol
That gacha is not f2p friendly at all and is for sure one of the worse gacha games to play nowadays. some of the other games from that company are far better for todays standards (they are still subpar to the smaller games)
What gun should I get from the Freyna Vault if I already maxed TC and Greg?
it's not even genshin, and they don't even look like that ingame, try harder
Esiemo went from a 3/10 Champ to a 7/10. I would still like some more changes.

-I don't like how detonating slows down your sprinting
-The Arch Explosion running itself can still feel jank at times
-I wish AE benefitted from the Blast stacks.
- Executor's 'Executor's Exaltation' effect no longer activates when attacking enemies that are immune to the effect or hitting environment objects in Intercept Battles.
I played matchmaking for the Invasions just to see how dumb the average player is. They actually seem to think you need to uncover all the shapes when you usually only need one or two. This is kindergarten level stuff and they can't figure it out.
>wake up
>no hailey coom outfit

Im genuinely sad….but the existence of this Vulgus Slayer Freyna means the Black Thorn leak for Hailey is probably real too
>Black Thorn leak for Hailey
and it's gonna be just as shit as the new skins they just dropped
>web events
I hate these things
Me. Bought her day 1 after clearing Kingston and unlocking Bunny. Best decision because doing the rest of the game with her was a blast.
>try to sign in for the web event
>kicks me out
>doesn't even say why
the drone explosions don't even need to fucking exist

>run ahead as bunny, clear out tumor totem poles, hit drone with symbol before rest of team even arrives

this is shit is stupid lol, the dumbass dev's should of had this shit for people who cannot stand in the fucking circle as dumb as those objectives are.
>Only 1
Yeah I think u might be a little dumb yaself.
Website sucks. Try a different browser
It's alright, i got teamed with 3 other bunnies on a bunny, the other time with 2 bunnies and a hailey. they were all very competent and we got gold easily. just go under correct the drone and wait 2-5 secs, they will join you. if someone is extra slow, just press e under the drone and bomb him, one will go rez him and move on.
stop being slow
I'll come back once Bunny gets a swimsuit
My guy that's not a nerf, they just made it so you can pre-stack executor's exaltation by shooting walls on void intercept battles
Boss hitpoints increase with multiplayer should be scaled like 1.8, 2.6, 3.4x.
Why tf did Nexon even put a firefighter outfit they got from free Blender assets in the shop?
>join pub invasion
>takes me 40 minutes to clear it because every random keeps blowing up with drones
Finally, hard mode is here!
>New difficulty unlocked : Tard Wrangler Extreme!
I think Vulgus Slayer and the new Ultimate Gley skins are good

But for the full coomsumer mind it is a big downgrade from the first batch of outfits I guess
I'm surprised a company as greedy as nexon didn't just start making a bunch of coomer skins after seeing the sales data on the summer themed ones. Although they probably already had these new trash skins made for awhile and had to push them out.
>Invasion becomes multiplayer-able
OK now we talking
>shop guy needs 400% infiltration currency
>only excessive weapon parts can be traded, not descendants parts

Kind eh
not him but that literally is a nerf. every boss now takes a little longer to kill with executor because of that. and intercepts were the only place that meme shotgun was useful anyways
Can you still do invasions with people after completing yours?
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>Killed bunny cave
>Gutted king's lance 100% crit
>Already killed one of the two Viessa poly farms
Honestly if you have weapons left to level I'd tell you guys to do it now because I'm not sure how long the Vesper Jayber abort farm and the other Viessa fortress abort farm get gutted too.
Nazeistras Devotion since you still need a good green round weapon. That one's always been a favorite of mine
oh shit i never linked my account.
nexon is gonna brick me!!!!Hailleeeyyyyyyy
Doesn’t change much for me. I always try to do multiple things at once so right now my leveling method is whatever void shards I need
You're a fucking retard.
It’s possible to fail with only one known symbol. It really doesn’t change your run at all to expose one more.
>Gutted king's lance 100% crit
wasn't it still considered somewhat weak even post buff? why would they nerf it?
Drones can have the same sign in the same position especially so since they nerfed invasions and you only have 4 signs because it was too hard for people to remember more than 4.
Plenty of times you can get a sign like let's say X on one pillar in the first position and you'll have 2 drones with the X sign in the same position which is when you need to check another pillar to be 100% sure you get the right one.
You're either the luckiest motherfucker, pretending to be retarded, or retarded.
This update was shit holy… how am I supposed to coom with this? See you next season
Kings Lance back to being dogshit. The crits is what made it good for mobbing. Now its back to doing nothing. Retard devs.
I didn’t do the needful for three days hoping for something good…..I guess we have to wait for the October 10th update
this, except I'm so much of a loser that they could probably release 10 males in a row and nerf every gun in the game and I still wouldn't leave
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It was good enough to do the Vesper Jayber abort farm with any non attribute character if you wanted to chill while solo leveling fast.
The cunt in pic related used to get one shot with a single lance, now I need to stack two on him to get it to die fast enough
You guys are really fucking dumb. If you get X in the first slot, check the 3 or 4 drones and only One of them has 1 X then that's the correct drone.
Retards. Explains a lot about this general.
Somebody at Nexon: the game's failure can be attributed to its reputation as a "coomer game." To appeal to a modern audience, we should consider creating fewer explicit character skins.
Yeah you're pretending to be retarded.
why do they hate fast XP farms so much? they don't even give us the option to swipe for instant max level XP
>join an interception literally as it ends
>spawn in and see the rewards falling
thats a thing now?
Right back at you dipshit.
I'm new at invasions, can i do them infinitely or it's only one and done per day?
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that makes no sense if only for one reason: vindictus 2 got its beta at the same time as this one, using the exact same version of the same game engine, and it's peak coomer with jiggles everywhere. why do they hate TFD so much
What does the end screen say about the battle duration? Maybe it was just a fast kill from overpowered players
different team obviously, but yeah the one handling tfd right now is straight up retarded
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Stay ignorant then, I don't care. Got gold on all invasions since day one. You'll see when you eventually get drones with the same symbols.
it was hanged man. I didn't even get the end screen
Sounds like you had a long loading time and it must have gotten obliterated by a Lepic/Hailey. Are you a console player? I see a lot of xbox players loading in after the fight has already started.
Didn't know shooting walls is part of the guns perk, they should of added it in the guns description tab because losing a few seconds of unintended damage in the first place is considered a nerf. Don't know about you but the gun is great for killing bosses in operations on hard within seconds and with the 400% difficultly mode coming soon, It's going to be even more meta since it's one of the of best guns in the game damage wise even if your not running Gley.
multi manu or long distance?
Wasn't intended I think, just like it wasn't intended for Gley to have infinite free healing in interceptions just by draining the terrain
the only situation I like midair for is so I can quickly reposition to shoot tubes on a boss like frost walker. everything else is long distance. multi need not apply.
okiedokie ty anonkun
What if it had been intended as a Concord collaboration, long before Concord's downfall?
for what it's worth there's some personal preference involved in grapple choices, but multi is definitely F tier and on average players use it less than the standard default hook
does arche accel even do anything?
wouldnt multitalented be better for tech range/power?
last I heard arche doesn't really help her too much, but that was several patches ago so maybe it's changed since then
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Sterile Lands - Block Kuiper Mining
two runs = 30 minutes, maxed out character and nearly maxed out gun
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>different team obviously, but yeah the one handling tfd right now is straight up retarded
I get that, but jiggles in unreal are very easy to implement - I've even done it myself. also their coomer skins made more than any of the others, surely the executives would be forcing them to make more for profit, no?
>also their coomer skins made more than any of the others, surely the executives would be forcing them to make more for profit, no?
that's true, but these new skins could be old skins that they've done before seeing how many people buying coom skins like this anon >>496073772 said here
>skill expansion
>maximize range
I thought her skills cap at 150%? or at least last time I tried in the lab, she has the same aoe at 150% and 190%.
I blew $300 last month on this game, so Im good with some dogshit skins
>Stay ignorant then, I don't care.
I feel the same way about you you stupid fuck. Imagine being so fucking stupid that the concept of matching shapes together is confusing. You're an absolute fucking moron.
dont reply to me genshitter, i fucked your mother daily.
>surely the executives would be forcing them to make more for profit, no?
The game's player base is currently bleeding out, potentially driving developers to make stupid decisions to salvage it. If you've read the interview, it's clear that they don't know what they're doing.
how the fuck i register to this web thing
I should have snatched up the school and maid skins…I regret it so much bruhs
Now if I link my Steam to Nexon it'll wipe my account, right? I seem to recall that was happening to people.
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what the fuck
Same. I held off because I thought the skins would get better
I knew they were gonna nerf lethal finish for the lance, how do you build it now?
Vampire Gley is kinda trash and U.Viessa new skin is a little too busy and weird, but I like all the others.
So with the new reactor system coming out on the 10th it pretty much made farming the perfect reactor easy since you can completely discard the Mounting Condition for example if you got a afterglow with yellow colossus and critical damage you can just change it to Piercing light or have both... I hope you saved some perfect reactors for the change...
>search my inbox for Nexon
>oldest email goes back to 2008
>also had some Vindicatus emails in 2010

Hahahahahaha oh wow
I don't want to think about how many double gold smithereens reactors I junked...
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Been trying this but I'm not impressed after replacing lethal finish by fire conductor.
Looking through my inventory to scrap things is the worst part of this game easily. I absolutely hate having to go through everything.
I used the steam option but they are still asking me to login. Shit is fucked.
>maxed out character and nearly maxed out gun
in what universe?
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Very nice
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Forgot to add the substats
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The effort lmao
got a good laugh out of me
I don't even remember how many drones there are, or where they are. I jump in, clearing the two nearest pillars immediately with HV before searching for matching drones.
Can I not just sign in with steam for this web event?
It just auto logs me out.
Happened to me. Is because I had not used my nexon account for so long, they disabled it. Had to reactivate, change passwords etc. Then go to the settings and link to steam. Dont try to sign through other services.
Updated for accuracy
You really are one dumb motherfucker huh?
Facts dont care about your feelings.
Don't bother. Sometimes in cases like these I kinda wish we were forced to have usernames so we could publicly shame people but then I would also have to recreate an account almost everyday because of some /sp/ jannies.
You guys have issues understanding how to match shapes together. That's really embarrassing. Sprinkle in some reading comprehension issues and you have your average /vg/ poster.
Holy shit doing a public invasion is actually mind opening, these are the absolute most retarded people on the planet
It's like the "think of how dumb the average person is and realize that's average" but in video game form, no wonder why they begged so hard for public matchmaking
>gets told
>"drurudrur yu dumb"
just stop
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fixed that for you
I still find it more enjoyable than doing it alone.
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Wow it's almost like it's possible to find the correct drone with only one pillar.
pop one of the dozens xp tokens you got and equip your farming components
you got a full set of farming equipment, right anon ?
You guys are being really weird for no reason

It is possible for a dupe symbol+position to happen and for that symbol to be the first one you exposed so you get blown up. It takes no effort to expose one more just to be sure so you dont even have to look at the drones twice.
This has been a long standing issue, I doubt it's anything caused by the recent update.
>it's another get an energy activator and the 10% drop before the 32% one
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just admit that youre a retard, dude
OK so do i link my account now or not?
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fixed your fix
unless they changed it in this most recent patch, it's possible to have the same mark on the same spot for different drones, with the rest of the marks in different combination
What even is your argument here?

It’s possible to get it right with only one symbol therefore you should never open a second symbol even though it’s also possible you might fail? What kind of retarded logic is this
probably. i went by skill description and it says max expandable range is 250%. so its probably meant 150% and 100% is the base.

i wrote to him its a ghetto build and there are better out there, but its max range and max cooldown, which is what you need for void fragment cancels.
>It is possible for a dupe symbol+position to happen and for that symbol to be the first one you exposed so you get blown up.
Only if you're a fucking retard who can't match the shapes together.
Just stop anon you're embarrassing yourself. All I said in my first was that you only need one or two drones most of the time, then I had bottom of the barrel idiots trying to tell me that I was wrong. I honestly can't believe posters here are so fucking stupid that this actually needs explaining. Sometimes you can get lucky and only need one pillar. If that's difficult for you to understand hopefully one day you'll make a full recovery from your brain damage.
How are you guys this fucking retarded? YES NO SHIT IT'S POSSIBLE. All I said was that sometimes you only need one drone. Holy shit some of you are so fucking stupid but I really shouldn't be surprised.
I never said you only ever have to open one pillar you illiterate nigger.
He's pretending that you can never have the same symbol in the same order over two drones so a single pillar will always be the right solution. He's being retarded on purpose.
WE KNOW sometimes it only takes one, but it takes zero effort to open one more before you even look at the drones for a 100% guarantee
yeah just open 2 to be save, then again on rare occasion 2 piece have same position. its rare though, i usually open 2 and pick the drone
Never said that retard.
>sometimes it only takes one
That's all I ever said retard. Never once did I say anything different.
His routine:
- clear 1 pillar
- check every drone
- if there are more than one, clear another pillar
- find the right drone again
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>people thinks the shapes are the real problem...
>YES NO SHIT IT'S POSSIBLE. All I said was that sometimes you only need one drone.
and people said sometimes you need to open two and you went full retard
Which is retarded because you have to look at the drones twice if you’re unlucky

If you just clear two right away then look at the drones, you only have to look once
>The guy with reading comprehension problems still has reading comprehension problems
Wow what a surprise!
>you only need to open one
>but actually you need to open two
lel this retard
Kek he's backtracking now. Fucking clown.
Depends on the level. Sometimes It's faster just to reveal one because you can instantly check the drones, but you have to move somewhere else to check the pillar.
It's actually unbelievable how stupid you are.
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Not my fault you dumb faggots were on your phones in English class.
dude that takes way more time if you end up having two drones with the same symbol. just open up more pillars which you can easily do by standing in the same spot because they changed so the pillars are all facing into a spot. my fucking god what a retard.
Never change.
>listen to player bases
>buffing descendant and weapon
>hate new bunny cave but i understand because of macros
dev's pretty based so far desu, they had some fucked up and they try hard to make up for it
I've just explained what he's doing, as he couldn't explain it clearly himself.
I think there's an unwritten rule that each person goes over to a different drone, and just activate them as soon as possible without opening the pillar. or at least that's how my pubs went earlier.
>hes not doing invasion solo
Believe it or not different strategies work better on different maps. I know it's difficult for an autist like you to not have the same routine for everything.
been doing that, just want to try it to see how the pubs are doing on the first day.
Gimme my Nikke collab already, Nexoooonnnnn! I need Scarlet!
>>buffing descendant and weapon
meanwhile clairvoyance haven't got any mention since release
and they're already releasing a new weapon which would make it obsolete.
It doesn't work like this.
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>make web event
>nothing works
>can't log in with an existing account
>don't get the reset email
>type in one letter get: The authentication limit has been reached. Please wait at least 5 minutes before trying again.
>nigga losing their account progresses
This is why you don't make web events stupid fucking retard gooks
works on my machine
This shit ain't a gacha that people are playing on their phones, most of the players are on fucking console. Why did they think a web event was a good idea?
Works on his machine >>496088932
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Very good, HOWEVER
works on my and his machine
it's just like dating a hot person
why stay if they got no personality
this game is dead
Like you’d know anything about either topic
Shut up fag.
Wait how did the boss get tits. That doesn't happen in my games.
Yeah, the Valby clean up skill got changed/fucked or I hope it's jus a bug.
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I would pay money to permanently remove the research wait from this fucking game.
Not defending the nerfs but after they buffed exp in dungeons and added matchmaking to max difficulty I only ever levelled my descendants/weapons there.
It was cool levelling basically 90% of my guns in bunny cave being afk, but let's admit it's non-gameplay.

If Nexon made end of dungeon exp also be applied to weapons and not only descendants it would literally solve weapon levelling.
Is armpit sniffing boom boom man good now?
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Rare Gley content
>need the 32% chance of drop blueprint
>only get the 15% and 10%
Why are you like this game?
I mostly used the king's lance in Vesper to level non attribute descendants with the abort method. It would take me something like 15 to 20 mn max to get Enzo to 40 and put a catalyst into him. I mean I'm all for fighting afk and macro users but here they are just nerfing people who were in front of their screen.
I don't get why they make Valby shit and not her. She's way hotter than that airhead
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I have an important question particularly to Valby.
Does the helmet stay on during sex or not?
Everything stay on, she's made of water.
Soooo I literally can't link my account to a nexon account because it resets progress????
I haven't even used lethal finish on king's lance and either buffed it with Enzo 1 or Hailey 3 or nothing at all and it's still good enough to lock down mob spawns in dungeons.
I mean nerf is kinda dumb - on one side it's obviously an overlooked mechanic (buffs damage by roughly 5-6 times) on a dogshit useless mod that would be never-ever used otherwise. On other hand why would they nerf it if it's not gamebreaking or anything.
I just linked mine and it worked
linked through the game
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Other than Vesper I used it to help an irl friend farm some shards, like pic related because I'm helping him farm ubunny and he needs the cells. The great thing with the lance is that it allowed dogshit or uninvested characters to properly aoe clear. It still works but not as good as before for me.
>No jayber buffs this hotfix
>KL nerf
>Pets coming
I think Ult Jayber is next and they will turn him into a pseudo summoner/turret engineer type with the ability to buff all these things.
Why do you guys say pub and not pug?
I needed 38% drop yesterday
Took 8 runs. Got a 3% and 2 6% drops before the fucking 38%.
Public and pick-up-group didn’t always mean the same thing but are used more or less interchangeably these days so it really doesn’t matter
personally I wouldn't call matchmade groups "pug", that's reserved for randoms manually grouping up for the same mission.
Well I'm not picking up anybody. I'm just playing in public matches.
Time for the kk poster to show up to ramp up the 'tism
>Pets coming
What's a good mission to level up weapon proficiency with +prof exp component equipped that's not the fragment abort in fortress or kuiper block spec ops and the mission should give decent rewards?

I'm leaning towards Asylum because of the weapons drops for mats for rerolling shit.
God Damn, Swimsuit Viessa is the best start menu to open the game on
nta but they said in a previous update that were getting some mechanical companion or some shit
The OP.
>utility companions
So are you. Now what?
Love how they made freynas transcendent mods worthless with this patch, really shows that there is a plan and not some panic patching.

Also skins are garbage, who the fuck works there jesus christ
>Now what?
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Got some IV drip ready?
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Hailey on her way to blow up a Palestinian hospital
>I was just wasting my time these days farming for Sharen

lazyfags won again
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i had the same problem with my steam account not connecting to the Nexon account, figured out what the problem was within 15 seconds
no wonder the devs nerfed invasions when this is the average players iq
>The logged in ID does not have any game access records.
>Please log in to the game and rejoin the event.

I'm too retarded to do this
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>try guest login with steam to avoid linking account
>doesn't work
>guess my browser extensions are doing something dumb
>open site in Edge
>it just works™
man that was hard
There is a shitton of dots with her skills that helps with her mobbing. Slotting any transcendent is irrelevant because they add nothing or change your playstyle for inferior one.

Toxic Stimulation paired with passionate sponsor should give you perma +75% skill power modifier. Problem is I already have over 853 on ult and 240 on other skills. I need skill power. Also its completely worthless for boosing your def 30% increase for 15 cap or 160,4 for 16, man I dont know.

Venom Synthesis aka lets copy Valby because we're only good at copying other skills [btw turning her into another weapon platform with her trans is just chef's kiss]. Why would I go near mobs when I can just shoot my first at them and then third... oh wait they're dead already. Oh look they spawn pools of green goo where they died, spawn killing new mobs when i am 30 meters away.

Neurotoxin Synthesis, gets rid of all you chain mobbing dots theoretically turning you into single target machine, right? lolno att reduction and weaken regeneration, seriously? will it save me from glut one shoot? will it stop dev from regenerating? doubt it.

Contagion, jesus christ. They added this to her skills and passives, this module shouldn't even exist now.

What they should do is change Neurotoxin Synthesis to grand her 20-30% base crit, thats it.

We'll see how her ult transcendent modules work, but like I said turning her into another weapon platform is incredibly lame and shows lack of creativity within the team.
Holy shit. What koreans have been doing this year
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yeah nah nexon can fuck off
You just have to use the same email and it should work for linking accounts, I think people are just paranoid baiting. Literally just worked for me.
Worked for me in Mozilla with ublock + tampermonkey on.
a PC fags kryptonite: game launchers
master race of beta pussies lmfao
>Worked for me in Mozilla with ublock + tampermonkey on.
Same but actually not because it doesn't work.
Freyna actually sounds like she could be fun as shit if they added more mob density to this game
I clicked unlink account and lost all progress
I tried to link again and still had me start over from nothing.
I was basically done with the game anyway, but damn. I sent a ticket to support and have 0 expectations they'll do anything. Just going to uninstall and forget the game existed.
post proof faggot
proof of what you fucking retard? how am I going to post proof of an account I no longer have access to? you want me to post a screencap of the character select screen?
yeah exactly, lmao faggot
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like I genuinely have no idea what the fuck proof you expect me to be able to post. just lost over 150 hours and $70 of caliber
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i tested multitalented on hailey again, this time not while delirious at 3am
it doesnt work on her 2 and 4, no +30% attribute dmg
her 2 says its a freezing beam while her 4 is a firearm attack ( at least the cryo passive treats it as one)
cdr on her q works tho, might be a thing when her red comes out
>Save data exist on the Nexon account that you've logged into.

>If you link it, your data on the Steam account will be deactivated.

>You will only be able to access your data on the Nexon account.

>Do you confirm the above and want to proceed with the account linking?

and still at character select screen. my account is apparently just gone.
If that Bunny skin had a shorter skirt I'd buy it
Do you have a single screenshot of your previous save? I’m sure they can look up some stats, you also have a purchase history which should be enough proof
>needed a 38% drop
>got a different 38% drop 11 times in a row before getting the one I needed
yeah I have receipts from the caliber purchases and screecap of my account name. I contacted support but I have very low expectations based on what other people have said.
I don't even care about the progress loss that much, losing out on the swimsuit skins that are now unavailable is more annoying to me than anything.
I've tried public invasion, and damn.. I'm so fucking good. I'm miles ahead and carry everyone else.
Public invasions showing off how fucking retarded Ajax players are again
I mean even if you don’t play as much you still paid for those skins. I’m sure you will get your account back anon.
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Koreans are calling out Nexon...
just mention you were willing to spend more money but now that you lost your og shit you are looking to spend your money elsewhere
....unless... :^)
Is it the drone one? Those are funny to watch the other ones are comfy
They have the exact same boy on that nun outfit as well. Premium quality ikr
Turn off your webm loop
Different eyes and lip sizes, and their bodies are also different. Good enough for me
one is white the other is (half?) Asian? They look nothing alike
Are you guys retarded, it's not comparing Gley face to Bunny face

It's the same hair down the to the strand they're recycling for Bunny's new Ult bundle skin
The hair is not the exact same, it just has the same base.
yep lmao
>It's the same hair down the to the strand
but you can see it's not. It's just another model of the same hairstyle
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Bro...the only difference is Bunny's over her goggles and Gley is tucked behind her glasses
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Esiemo is a pretty fun and decent mobber now. Build for CD, range and go around spamming creative explosion arche. I cucked 3 groups of enemies from a bunny. Felt great. You could tell the bitch was internally seething. I totally ruined her day.
Check again the video, the lower part angle is different. The same hair base? yes. Same to the strand? no
Good night sirs, please rape valby.
Even if they are the same model, you can’t even change the hair color atm. Is it so surprising that they are reselling it with another color?
Why is my valby 3 the same movespeed as my sprint now? did the patch bug some shit out
My one regret is not getting her school girl outfit. I honestly intended to, but just forget to pick it up. That hairstyle and especially the glasses are awesome. It works real well with the new vampire skin.
I just had an Esiemo GOD running autistically through magister lab, was funny as shit, his animations are SOVL.
>esiemo can now do 20+ million damage
>in a SINGLE millisecond
>without any help from others buffing him or debuffing the boss
holy fuck. this is the actual one punch man build, step aside hailey
I really doubt it, but we'll see. I checked and for some reason never got an email when I initially linked my account, but did get one when I tried to relink it now. I have a feeling my shit is just gone.
I should have 100% gotten Bunny School and Gley Maid, so much regret
Man all I wanted to do was unlink and relink it to try to see if I could get the new event to work...
How can there be shit on your nexon account already

Actually I’m afraid to link now too, especially since I played one of the betas
Take a picture of the Member code, in the same menu as link, just below. They can use it to fix things in case something goes wrongs.
I could actually see the new world record gluttony clear being taken by 3 esiemos and a luna, considering he's doing 20m with a scuffed build. Shits nuts
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Fuck off. I used 10 catalysts on him first week. Nobody in this general is allowed to use him but me and other chads who did the same.
are the weapon materials from the event random?
what seems to be the most worthwhile rewards, kuiper/catas/code breakers?
>How can there be shit on your nexon account already
I tried to link my account again and unlinking. it had me go through the whole linking process again. Rather than having my old account though, it just linked my zero progress one.
Unfortunately I don't have
But I do have the name with 4 numbers after it which I'm praying is enough. If they can't restore it I'm just done playing.
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i redeemed cold bloody bitch bastard while farming materials for something else
i was about to look where it dropped and grind it until i had it, but oh well tiem for soem frost witch
if you click on details you can select the part you want
pls respond, i dont know why im not getting the movespeed boost
>eskimo mats have a 6-10% drop
>some are void only
why do these bastards make non ult champs have low drops >:(
Have to buy U Gley and Bunnypacks just for the spawn animations...
Ajaxs bundle teleport animation is really cool.
is freyna still doodoo
She's god now
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Should I just make a new Nexon account at this point?

Check steam discussion forum, there are A LOT of people in a situation similar to yours. If this was a thing that only happened to a few people I'd expect a very slow response from them, but there are people claiming to have lost over 700 burger bucks just like that, by doing the same thing you did without nexon giving any warning.

I am VERY confident that they will revert whatever they did, you just have to wait, because this is apparently hurting a lot of whales, and nexon loves their whales.
No, just reactivate. They will send some verification codes and a reset password link. Is what I did.
im going to spend the next 4 hrs in Pubs trying to beat Gluttony with Exec Gley. time for a ragefest
Dude, my in-game (steam) says I'm linked to my Nexon account but I dont remember when i did that?
is he /our guy/? https://youtu.be/dqcUa0yoI4Q?t=223
sexy sharen skins when...
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right now
Holy fuck I NEED the crown girl skin, literally the best aesthetic. I hope it’s for ult freya that sexy little whore
What? it's already in the game, it's Viessa and its really bad, completely femoves her boobs
Not unpopular, simply correct. Bunnychads only win.
do not unlink
where is the 400% option?
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Yeah, I clicked on it and it says Unlinkig will log me out so I'm like nope not doing that
Moxy getting shit on lol
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>calling them all out
why do people bring base Ajax and Viessa into Glut fights?
I think he posted a short video in here once to help someone out
probably lazy fags that got carried by other people up to that point
Maybe Ajaxs just want to revive people. I don't know about Viessa. She does nothing afaik.
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guys im going in.
linking thru in-game option.
will report happening or nonhappening.
170 hrs. bit over 100 dollars spent.
Since blue archive
I did it earlier and I've got like 300hrs and way over that on spent
everything worked - so what are people doing to brick their games?
Pretty sure it's bait
I swear /vg/ is getting more retarded every time I come here
I linked my account 2 weeks ago
I assume it just didn't properly link because nexon is a dogshit company
tried to do the new browser event and it wasn't working, so I thought turning it off and on again would do something.
unlinked and relinked and account is gone. I guess I'm just le epic baiter though.
Is that already in game?
Viessa doesn’t have that kind of crown what are you even talking about
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No that is for the October 10 update.
why would anyone buy this?
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I solved my account mystery. Even double verified it by Completing a research and seeing the Freyna shop mission update in real time.

It turns out my Steam has been linked to an old Nexon account since....2018, because I tried playing Hyper Universe

Thanks for reading my blog.
might get the gley and bunny sets for the spawns and head pieces
can I do this web event on console? this is the only next game ive played
>premium ult bundle is one hundred fucking dollars
>people buy it just for one cosmetic
christ...maybe i need a better job
I hope the upcoming 400% modifier shit is gonna be useful for weapon leveling.
I'm sick of doing the Viessa fragment shit.
OH FUCK, accidentally joined a Pub brain invasion
Honestly was kind fun and fast
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"Bunny, we have an emergency!"
How do I activate this on console? When I click go to event it opens a browser page but when it loads it’s just black and I can’t see anything.
If you already have the Descendant the bundles get discounted by 2000 Caliber
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what the fuck
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Imagine still being poor in 2024 with all the easy ways to make cash. Can't be me lol.
Pure fucking sex
I’m buying because it’s hot and pointy and I like girls that look like they want to cut me
You can only do 4 invasions a day? was it also like this before the matchmaking?
Anon you stupid. Glad it got resolved even though it was just you being retarded
so its ONLY $40 now?!? damn what a steal!
You are playing a korean game stop acting like it's something new
correction, ONLY$60!!!
>Hyper Universe
That brings me back, this was the game where 3 people who played it at PAX and the community manager managed to kill the game.
>glut pugs are unclearable again
god i hate console shitters so much
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Think with all the "Listening™" the devs have been doing people hoped the monetization would get better. This is an Asian game so only whales matter.
I hope they increase the prices
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Uhhh, based?
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i thought you couldn't get this separately
I hope they increase the breasts sizes
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50 dollars for this is wild actually

i think i will save my shekels
Yes, he is
Why can’t I see these in my shop
Are annihilation and slayer the only sets I should use?
did you check Ultimate Descendant tab...
No coom skins no buy. Wallet safe. The two Gley skins and Bunnys are alright but still feel meh. Viessa's still looks terrible and Freyna is troonframe/destiny tier.
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i caved quickly
I'm pretty tempted to get one of the Nun outfits now...or wait for Hallowee

bunny's ass bent over when i port in made it worth it btw
are the reactor changes live
I did the update yesterday and jumped on just to see the new skins, wasn't that impressed. Don't give a fuck about public invasions. New modules for Freyna seem cool but after the hell grind I just did to finally get Hailey who I still haven't even bothered with, I think its just better to come back on October 10th. Maybe log on every few days and farm a new catalyst and energy activator.
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How did we go from Maids and School Uniforms to shit like this? These are neither cool nor sexy so what's the point
It was intentional. They bundled the good animations with not so good outfits and kept the prices really high. We'll get coom stuff bundled with trash again soon.
holy fuck you made me think to check my old, old email. apparently the nexon account linked to my steam was from vindictus like 14 years ago. my account may not be fucked afterall?
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Daily Quest
Target: Wank it to Valby's ass 1/1
fomo son

I ain't spending shit till they left you swap the more general themed skins like nun/maid through your characters. Ain't paying again for the virtually the same skin.

But fuck if they release the maid one again that'll be my weakness.

If nexon were fucking smart they'd release a camera mode to justify spending on korean doll dressup.
Mine was Luna and someone helped me out
they need the normie market in addition to the coomers.
normies think edgy armor like that is cool. you can't have nothing but fetish wear or your game will die.
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oh this is gonna go hard with >>496143393 this valby skin
I haven't catalized descendants past 4 , should i just bite the bullet and continue to cata on my most played (uvalby/bun)? 4 feels fine to clear content with but bossing could still be faster. perhaps cata farming would be a good thing to do, how many do you like to have on hand at any given moment?
Read nigga, read.
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>i can't use it on other decendants

are the new ult bundle spawns tied to the descendant?
shit fuck my account is still there, just linked to the wrong email
anon I'd suck your dick if I could
>coomers aren't normies
the fuck are you talking about, maid outfits are as normie as it gets
looks that way
That will be a 5/1 for me
They aren't
normies want cool, not coom.
Seeing it this way… maybe it’s not that bad
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Oh, I thought he said emote
Good to hear anon
I have some ancient Vindictus stuff in my email too, good times.
>camera mode
It would bring me back, that’s the only good thing about this game anyway.
>I ain't spending shit till they left you swap the more general themed skins like nun/maid through your characters.
so never
Holy shit she bends over and everything? It’s too much icant
Makes sense but still sad to see.
yes but i'm sure they will change it because it's fucking stupid
And they bundled it with a skirt skin, they knew exactly what they were doing.
got piercing light, only missing attack roll
still missing loads of mod levels and slots
can 1min pyro already, he is at half health after the first zenith/beam
>snagged a 30th anniversary ps controller earlier
>spent money on pixels in tfd
i spent too much money today
why do I have a red dot reticle in the center of my screen now? is there some option for this that I accidentally turned on? I swear it didn't used to always be there, even when walking around albion
Probably your grapple aim setting
Can never go wrong with fully catalyzing a Bunny and a good colossus killer like Hailey/Lepic to start but pick whatever characters you enjoy. I find catalyzers come naturally when farming for weapons and their duplicates, shouldn't have to target farm them until you have more than a few 5/5 guns.
but why the fuck is it always on now?
who are you
i've been slacking on repeated weapon farms because i find it incredibly mind numbing. i have a 4/4 gregs, 1/4 el, 2/4 TC and executor rn.
but i definitely need a secret garden, one of the snipers, and maybe a python.
solo farm is gettting to me, all my friends stopped playing right before i started.
honestly i dont think ill ever max EL copies
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I've combed through every setting, nothing is getting rid of the dot??
the fbi is targeting you in game anon RUN
Whats the red dot look like on her ass? maybe supplying us with a screenshot like that will fix the problem
EL is brutal yeah took me a long time for it. I wanted to get the Executor for my Gley but had such terrible luck I've given up, waiting for the trader maybe I'll get the parts I need there. Damn web event doesn't have Executor or Enduring Legacy parts listed either.
I have no will to play this game anymore. lol.

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