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Elf Superiority Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>495753182

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; multi-model https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai

Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany

AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks

Write prompts for this week’s theme, Elves & Nobles Friday! Results: >>495235590


(09/23) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab

(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new textgen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
Based, but double-check the greentext next time. Anyway, what are my bros writing about today?
Thank you keyanon, I'm enjoying NAI a lot. Their imagegen, of course.
Erato is kill, ABORT. I repeat, ABORT
>elf OP
How are the friday prompts going?
Gonna tweak my lorebook to include the style block under the most dinkus, and add that stupid [ S: 4 ] thing to the memory.
Right... my elf prompt... that's definitely done...
Themes run until Sunday night, I think, so you've got plenty of time.
so where can I upload character cards in nai
Nothing, month-end reports are consuming my mind and killing my drive to be creative
Tamashit, Friday prompt, maybe revisit Village Girl.
>vague ideas I haven't put to paper yet
- 1st person narrative about a *mon in a turn-based game, being aware that they're stuck in a turn-based game and helpless to do anything about it
- post-apoc scifi about biopunk exosuits and the pilots that use them
- rewrite of a couple of my WIP stories I haven't touched in months (when do you guys consider something 'dropped' vs just on the backlog?)
The Retvrn of Vussy...
I might wait to see some posted so I can update my lorebooks, but I have 4 ready to publish. On the other hand no one gives a shit so I don't even know if I'll bother.
If there's one thing Erato is good at, it's joking dialogue.
Which prompts do you want to update?
I wrote them this weekend before Erato released so I need to redo things in the Erato style for ATTG and [ S: X ] but I'd like to see some examples of it before I do it.
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actually, this week has been office ladies for me heh heh
Was thinking of doing a little throwaway about how something seemed to 'change,' in reference to the new model, and tie it into games getting patched. Not sure if that's too much of a stretch or just too stupid to include, but that's basically the depth of my VilGirl thoughts for now
I haven't really bothered much with the new model yet, work before pleasure and all that.
Looks like it depends on context. That phrase alone doesn't trigger it, but if it's directly preceded by a question, I can get up to 95% on "language" depending on how I format it.
Interestingly, embedding the question and answer in story dialogue completely nullifies it, while Q: and A: gives me the highest probability out of the formats I tried, way higher than curly braces. Something to consider for anyone who wants to tap into the instruct capabilities—curly braces probably isn't the best choice.
Hey GayAnon. You oughta do a prompt of this, https://exhentai.org/g/3069771/76fa48ab4a/
If you get the sadpanda it's the companionship comic by Dross.
drag and drop or press import file while a story is selected
>use [ Story : blah blah something retarded like usual ] on Erato and it continues with the story, adapting and changing to fit what I entered
>use [ Story : blah blah something retarded like usual ] on Kayra and it just acts as if that thing already happened and the rest of the story didn't

you alright, erato
I'm finding it a little underwhelming
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>finetune 8B
>claim it's 70B
Your penis?
imagine sage's joy at the reveal that everyone was actually cooming to 8b and small beaks win again
Actually, I was unable to reach orgasm with their "70B" model and had to resort to using their anime gen service.
skill issue
the power of "nsfw, 1girl, schoolgirl" wins again
Perhaps one of the nicest images I've generated.
I think my struggle so far with Erato is that a lot of my prompts are pretty mundane slices of life in various universes, and thust the results I'm given are equally mundane.
It's not as adventurous so far as I've felt earlier models might have been. But maybe I have dementia. I've had writers block for years. I blame imagegen.
I was thinking about doing a rich bitch valley girl elf who thinks she's a minority cause she's 2% of some fantasy race, but I haven't thought of the specific race/potential slurs yet
Nice digits
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On a quest to woo and impregnate future foxwife with a soccer teams worth of half-youkai bastards. But first I must obtain more P O W E R.
'Knife-ears' is a classic for insulting elves. Maybe emphasize how old they are, or how slender they look or something like that.
If not just English/humans insulting them, you can always make up slurs. Morrowind's use of 'N'wah' is wildly memorable to me for example.
Your balls?
>lose to slime girl
the game is rigged
I want to be dumb and have Keeblers be an extremely offensive in-universe term to elves.
How's the privacy situation with the shift to Erato? Any changes?
That sounds good, lean into stuff that's elf-branded. Maybe toss other fae creature references in to make the insults worse. I had an Indian friend in college who used to complain about being called a Paki because he wasn't from Pakistan for example, not because he was offended by the slur itself kek.
Call them overgrown wingless fairies.
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Before you generate, it pops up the Llama 3 user agreement, but nothing else has changed.
I was thinking more like the elf using slurs and trying to play it off with shitty explanations, but knife-ears makes me want her to get really offended if she's the recipient. N'wah is so damn funny by the way, reminds me of when the ai voices first dropped.
N'wah hits so fucking hard for some reason. No other fantasy slur has stuck with me as much!
Make her an office elf lady
I have four finished, two for nobility, two for elves. I'm probably not going to bother with doing that sort of format stuff, though. I didn't do it for Kayra, and while I haven't really played around with Erato yet (I wanted to get all my Friday prompts ready first and then I got distracted by the new Gran Turismo 4 Spec II mod, which I'm now playing, racing badly around Tsukuba with my Nissan Bluebird) and I figure my prompts are probably fine on account of the "just give a good chunk of context and you're probably fine" rule.
All you had to say was "the new Dross comic", of course I followed that shit ever since it got started. I guess I can take a stab at turning that into a prompt tomorrow and have it ready for Friday, since it'd fit in, being about elves and all. Hm, does Talia count as a brown elf? Not sure, tending towards yes, but it's borderline.
That's not even that dumb. Shadowrun actually has "keeb" as a slur against elves.
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Knife Ear
Pixie Diddler
Knot Fucker
Sap Baby
maybe it's just the presets, but this model sucks some dick with repetition. Repeats things from ten lines ago, even after vetting the context for repeated phrases. feels like you're constantly wrangling it to not talk in circles.
kayra has it's own problems, but at least you didn't have to constantly babysit it for it not to get stuck in a loop.
>Any changes?
It's the same. There's none.
Geeze you're a big pussy.
Geeze you're a big pussy.
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>Pixie Diddler
No, that's the human knight girls. speaking from experience.
Glad the pajeet thread died, what the fuck was that anon even thinking?
why use NAI instead of the same / better llama models with 2 - 4x the context for less money on featherless, infermatic, etc? is there really that big a difference in the training? has anyone really compared?
Is calling elves pollen snorters an okay slur?
Hanami is better.
So, when will Erato 1.1 drop?
>follows instructions
Dropped. Fillyfucker.
for the forest-y ones yeah, that's kinda funny
>this model sucks some dick with repetition
As expected of a poorly-finetuned 8B model
A single toilet in India is all you need.
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King shit. Blessings be upon your entire family line
Do people... not usually have skin on their faces? This is like insulting someone by calling them torso-haver.
Yeah, talking in circles is annoying with Llama, even the 405B variant. You want it to get the story moving but it just keeps spinning its wheels until you fucking do it yourself every time.
Huh huh, branch hopper.
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No facial hair, zero, just skin, not even a hint of a stubble.
this man is GOLDLESS, he has NO FRIENDS, he SNIFFS ALE, and he makes GOATS WORRIED (he knows what he did)
Is there a reason only ONE lorebook will activate at a time for me? I didn't have this issue with Kayra. Is it some kind of setting?
Yes. You did it wrong somehow.
How do I fix it?
check your keys and context, and whether the lorebooks you want are enabled or not
Retry and see if it happens. If it does:
>Right sidebar > Advanced > View Current Context > Last Context > Scroll down to lorebook table and enable Show non-activated entries
What does the Reason column say for the non-activated entries?
Yeah that was the first thing I did.

Don't know, deleted it since it wasn't working and went to one that was. It might have had to do with Sgae's simple story setup or some other bullshit. If I can replicate the bug I'll post it here.
I haven't had any problems with repetition. Post presets and settings?
Erato's only fault is being utterly boring.
>Anyone whose experience differs from mine is a liar!
How old are you?
Well, the little lorebook entry matrix is where I always go first when I don't think things are activating right.
>I haven't had any problems with repetition
500 Anals have been added to your account
We needed something new this time around, like in built stoy image generation or th multiple choice options holo ai/suddenly gives you
>Everyone whose experience differs from mine must be a shill!
Again, how old are you?
the base ones. mostly golden arrow, zany scribe, and dragonfruit. i know they said they tweaked it, but it still feels pretty bad at going in the direction i nudge it in even after refreshing and reselecting the preset.
the japanese one has actually been doing alright since i switched to it, though.
>multiple choice options
Editor Token Probability
Quit namefagging.
really confused as to what's going on with NAI as a whole. why was Sage and others throwing a temper tantrum over people pointing out that 8K is anemic now? what is so prohibitive about this that featherless and others can offer these better models and higher contexts at the same/lower price point? are they just hoping for the NAI defense force to keep funding them forever?
Completely incoherent.
Itadakimasu is not used when feeding someone else.
lol so a couple of days later and the take is still "meh" then?
He argues that above 8k its a gimmick as the models cant actually utilize it. Its the "Vram is a scam" argument from the 2010s all over again.
I'm just a villain that captured the leader of some magical girls, showing her what is happening to the rest of the group on TV.

Erato decided one was getting tentacles, one was getting a minotaur, and the youngest was just captured by a perverted old man.
what if you were level 1 and had to hide from a lv60 fox girl? haha...
Why does Erato forget so easily?
I took my pants off in the previous sentence, yet she still tries to take it off me in the next sentence.
hanami actually is pretty good to be desu, my favorite l3.1 tune
Who else but Sage argued against it?
You use the jap one for English text?
Weird. I consistently use Dragonfruit myself, and haven't ran into that problem...
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I invested all starting points into AGI, I'd like to see her try
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Let me guess, 70B is all you need?
Ah I remember when they fired him for a week, where does the time go?
I need a bunch of fancy elf girl names
name her after medication brand names with apostrophes scattered in there
Warhammer fantasy has some good bullshit elf names
This, but 100000000T.
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NAI V4 will be trained in fp16.
Thank you for your attention.
what does that mean
smaller number = bad
claudefag was right
Those are multimodal models with large image encoders. Under the hood that's still L3.1 8b(+3b CLIP) and L3.1 70B(+20B CLIP).

Also they are god damn awful at the vision part.
So, Llama 3.2 90B gives us image+story integration?
They can't make images, they can only look at images.
NAI image generation is really far behind too so who cares? Who is even subbed for this shit at this point? All I can think of is really low info people who don't know about all of the myriad better alternatives, and weird paypig simps.
Not going to shill Qwen this time?
I've tried every free alternative you've shilled. I still, despite everything, prefer NovelAI. When will you learn that people are allowed to enjoy the things you hate?
Ok at least Erato can drop some of those one liners like Kayra.
Text adventuring can be pretty fun sometimes
literally who? there's a 405b llama model FOR FREE on openrouter right now lmao

of course, no reasoning provided at all, just a generic cope
It's OVER.
>"I can't believe it Jerry, I wanted two and he gave me one, unbelievable!"

>"He gave you one succubus"

maybe it's just the presets, but this model sucks some dick with repetition. Repeats things from ten lines ago, even after vetting the context for repeated phrases. feels like you're constantly wrangling it to not talk in circles.
kayra has it's own problems, but at least you didn't have to constantly babysit it for it not to get stuck in a loop.
first time ever using llama? it's always had this issue. really weird how NAI'ers didn't just use llama this past year lol
Remember any good big models from NAI? Me neither.
I bet Erato could handle the anon harem.
im unironically getting better gens from ai dungeon's free llama model tier god i fucking hate this
It doesn't have a repetition issue.
You've never once provided any rational explanation for why I shouldn't be satisfied with NovelAI.
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Whats the cope for this one?
god damn this thread is dead
work on your prose more
There are better ways to interact with a community and derive enjoyment . You could always share a screenshot, talk about whatever waifu, husbando, or toaster you're currently writing about, among other things. You do make stories, right Anon? Right?
I have begun my training montage arc
>llama by default has repetition problems when telling stories
>countless people claiming that this llama model has repetition problems
Too busy using katra
Sure, countless "people" claim it. And yet, they don't bother to present any evidence beyond yelling and screaming about it. Do you use any LLMs? Or are you just going to cry about Erato being bad, and refuse to share screenshots of whatever service or model you're supposedly using?
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Tried my hand at fulfilling that one Anon's request. I'm not CardAnon though, so it might not be exactly what you want.
I wanted to add a little more since Erato probably does better with actual context. So here's a prompt for it too if you don't wanna think. Third person, so change the name from Anon in the lorebooks and stuff.
Also, I know naming a Pokemon "Cassandra" is kinda icky, but let's be fair here: it's an allusion. That's my shitty excuse. It's an allusion.
fox girls... sit on face...
Based. We need cards to come back. Good work, Anon.
What's a good number of characters for a groupchat? At what point does it get to be to much?
Tell em anon!
Narratively how many actually needs to be there? How many do you think should be talking? A chat is typically dominated by 2-4 people, any more are either unable to fit in their piece or lurk.
Buh. Testing my prompt, enjoy elf brat babysitting.
Thanks man, they're pretty fun to do! Just weird trying to figure out how to make a card for some reason. I thought you had to export the lorebook then embed it in an image, not use an image for the lorebook. Its been a while
It's just neat to be able to pluck a character from out the reentry and drop it into a story at any time. I could be doing a slice of life story and then just randomly drop a Yautja from the Predator franchise in there to mix things up.
Was hoping for 5, but suspect that may be to many and it might get to busy.
>people don't want to share their disgusting fetish slop, so they must be lying
>nothing every happened at repetition square
>nothing every
Hello, saar! The burden of proof is on you. Either nut up or shut up.
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The tricky part is getting equal interaction which is something any group of people IRL has trouble doing. To be honest I'd just roll with it. Chances are someone is going to dominate the conversation and set the tempo, but at least you can intervene and prompt from characters who get talked over. In my experience having some aggressive personality to characters (read: sassy) in memory and context can help get them to speak up and cut off others who wont shut the fuck up. If the chat is "in person" you can weave in their actions and have them physically do things while others flap their yaps, or get violent.
The only way that he can nut up is if he picks them out of his stool.
Sorry, I'm used to posting on Reddit, where I just do the spell/grammar checking afterwards.
>I'm from Reddit
That explains the shit takes you have.
is there a preset to make erato less stupid yet
i don't want to try 10 random discord presets
check inside your anus
A bad model can't be fixed with good sampling.
I'm still waiting for your screenshots...
Check inside my anus.
when i tried true smoothing some of the token choices it was making were really weird though, i think there is room for SOME improvement in samplers
Anon you wonderful, wonderful person. CardAnon or not, you are an absolute saint.
And you went out of your way to make a prompt as well. This is awesome, thank you so much. These are cool surprises to find after a really crappy month at work
Good old Greek mythos
Is there a way to prevent the schizoing and self dialogue for SillyTavern with Erato? I swear it wasn't this hard to stop with Kayra, I tried other presets and turning off instruct but it's not working
That went on for a long time and was able to keep track of what was happening to each girl without error, 4 different story lines.
I doubt it. You edited that screenshot. Llamaslop can't do time-skips.
Of course Anon! Hope it's everything you want and more. I don't know what's going on at work, but the fact you're still here says a lot about your ability to keep on keeping on. You got it bro!
now that erato is a failure, where do we go from here?
There was a lot of good scenes in this one, but it was pure smut so I'll spare the thread most of it. The ending wrapped up the entire Ruby arc which was nice.
stealing access to claude opus
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Some good stuff. It reminds me of the lucky star blender prompt I did way back in Turpentine days. Wish I still kept the story around. Fat oji-san kidnapped them all in a burlap sack after hypnotizing them on their way back from school, brought them back into his basement, stuck them into a comically large blender and supped the resultant pink ambrosia from a solo cup. "Next time, it needs more Konata." Fun short prompt.
Group torture is great, the despair and desperation of funny haired girls is sublime.
Now put this through Suno
Erato isn't bad, but it isn't blowing my mind like Kayra did. Kayra still has some accidental outputs that end up being hilarious. Erato just feels very plain. It also keeps giving a lamia character thighs and legs no matter what I try.
How many times are you gonna repeat that lie?
Do it yourself, cabal.
Wow that seems like a pretty rude ghost
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Seems relevant to modern /aids/
I just can't get in to NAI after using 4o for so long, it's just not as good, even the lewd doesn't stack up and I feel like I'm just writing shit myself 90% of the time. I guess I'll keep at it,maybe try different settings, never going to unsub from NAI since I like that they're a decent third party, it's just a little disappointing that this is all we got
Are you saying that you want to be called poopdickschizo now?
same im staying subbed but only because im holding out hope for a llama 3.1 405b model someday
It's kinda jarring how Erato sometimes suffers from temporary brain damage, only to recover and prove that she's smart enough to understand that she said something retarded.
>i don't want to try 10 random discord presets
How else are you going to find a preset that you like?
>An omen of fortune, fair or foul
Erato at least does a good job with Pokemon.
Given that he'd heard it long ago, I'd insert 'had' in 'Anon heard'.
I might insert 'had' in 'fortune surrounded'.
I'd probably put a comma in 'times he'. I might also make it 'he'd'.
In the Absol Lorebook, I might insert '-shaped' in 'crescent horn'.
A 'by' needs to be inserted in 'feared the'.
In Cassandra's Lorebook, an 'of' needs to be inserted in 'image him'.
Don't forget to make any changes to the card as well.
I'm just shitposting.
It's not just the model for me, NAI has some really good features like the lorebook system that have just been kind of seemingly forgotten about. Expanding that alone would get me hooked, it being more context aware or being able to generate things within a schema, i.e. character details, would be amazing. The module/prefix system vanishing is also really shit, that was a really interesting area and it's just kind of vanished, no more training your own, no pretrained ones either like the hidden story start prefix...
I guess chatslop is the focus now, which sucks because I fucking hate it.
Whoa, this describes it perfectly. "Schizo X" is like a spectre haunting every post.
NAI is the only provider I'm confident that will would not lobotomize their model to protect the rights of 1D Lolis.
yea i totally understand they haven't added any new features to the UI at all i feel likes its been the same since release. JanitorAI is a FREE service and it feels leagues ahead.
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>reddit elf in op
nice general
This general is pure AIDS.
>Erato at least does a good job with Pokemon.
Can confirm, but there is probably more pokemon fanfiction and smut then anything else on the internet. I have yet to try Digimon but I am basic and like the humanoid plant girls.
Not my fault you got jebaited
new model is slop, how very sad.
the little aidslings have aids, how very sad.
maybe it's just the presets, but this model sucks some dick with repetition. Repeats things from ten lines ago, even after vetting the context for repeated phrases. feels like you're constantly wrangling it to not talk in circles.
kayra has it's own problems, but at least you didn't have to constantly babysit it for it not to get stuck in a loop.
Erato is genuinely worse than Kayra.
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ESSEX rejects tokens that have less than ~5% probability. Try it out.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
You guess.
This isn't ordered by the release date, but it's ordered as how the model selection UI does.
Tabloid teased on Erato's video that they're working on some new textgen tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Xmt_YDIhAU&t=88s
What does the 370 mean?
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Have been. So far so good and whatever token bullshit you did had it avoid corpo'isms. When you get "A shiver ran" it's basically joever since 99 times out of 10 it'll follow with "down my spine"
But it didn't do that for me. It was still topical as the full line was "A shiver ran through my body, but not from the cold. It was fear. Pure, unadulterated terror."
IIRC it's supposed to be the amount of tokens that card has.
Too pure for this world.
get out
Thanks for the critique as always! To the people that use this the card, here's an updated version with the changes.
The other Anon's right, it's the token count.
>the dog person in a nutshell
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I've been quiet all day. bro.
Luv you anon! Don't let em get to ya!
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I've actually just be trying to think about prompts and getting the fire going again. Doesn't help that a few people I know are going through tough times.
I like this image. I like Traci.
Damn, hope everything ends up alright
Here's the rub. If you've nothing to contribute to the thread beyond complaining, leave.
Repeating posts you already made proves you're a shitposter.
Are the dog person and the cabal person allies? You would think they both hate the claude person.
don't you get it? he's making an epic joke about repetition by repeating a post which in itself is about repetition. please laugh.
Shitposting isn't funny.
As long as you've got the best intentions, there's nothing to worry about, anon. Just keep on doing what you can for the people that are worth it. If you've made it through some shit, you can always do it again. If you met a few people, you can always meet a few more. You got it!
I read your storypost and liked it, anon
I hope more people you know suffer! That means less cabalists.
My list of features I want:
16-24K context.
Imagegen integration.
Custom hypebots.
TTS update.
AetherRoom bundle.
My review:
Your prompt presents an interesting premise, subverting the traditional in0lore myth of Absol being a harbinger of disaster. In addition, the writing style is straightforward and effective. Thank you for your contribution.
That zero is supposed to be a dash. I shall now commit sudoku.
>AI-generated reviews
I wrote that by hand, schizo.
Mal0 got into your review.
I believe you, since chatgpt would have droned on for at least 3 paragraphs, but you really do write like an instruct model.
You're welcome as always.
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Thanks you for the review, mistypings and all! Don't know if I'd call it effective, but it's definitely simple. Also, I think the "subversion" is just me not knowing tons about Absol beyond a wiki and the very goofy 4Kids dub
Ismeril wasn't really behaving like I wanted her to, but I still found it a fun little excerpt. Glad you liked it too.
Gotta fiddle with the lorebook and initial prompt a bit to make her less dour. The little quips and jokes when she got to the house were better, but still too deadpan.
She's explicitly supposed to be atypical for an elf, more bubbly and expressive compared to her people's stoic behaviour.
>In addition,
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>16-24K context
Would be great but this is something pretty much everyone would be happy to have.
>imagegen integration
I think this could be nice to break up text a little in scenes. Thumbnail sized images could work great too if you fit them with word wrapping ala picrel.
>custom hypebots
Module training to give them some personality and actually save them to the drop down list so I'm not having to repaste CSS everytime I tweak themes.
>TTS update
I didn't use TTS outside of "Geralt finds anon coomed to death" shitposts when they came out. Personally I don't really care for it, my head voice for them is better and I read faster than they can talk, I skip VN dialogue for the same reason.
>AetherRoom bundle
Would be cool for those who want it, but I don't use it so I'll just stick to paypigging opus.
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It's time for another round of James Bond Top 10 Movies.
>Top 10 Movies
>Starts at number 11
The power of 70B
This only adds further proof that you're a schizo.
>he died ass to drum
Ass to ass
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>Those final lines
Pulling my dark elf wife out of the cryo chamber
ten more it says
If I have the time to do something, but I do something else instead for at least two weeks, it's officially on the backlog. Past a year, it's dropped or in cryostasis until I discover it again.
its fucked
please stop talking about your mother's pussy
i was only the first one, but think whatever you'd like.
Maybe I'll rewrite an old anthropomorphic city story setup in the morning.
I have zero interesting ideas for story hooks though.
>Lyra guy rewriting his proof of autism
>people experiment with Erato
Like the amount of storyposts lately.
Ghetto Recap (1/2)


Testing Out Formatfagging >>495827553
Good Joke... Kayra? >>495830687
More (Literal) Buck Breaking >>495830746 @495837138
The Famous Side By Side >>495834196
God Bless Monster Girls >>495837741
Just Riffing >>495841181
Factory Skaters >>495842489
Socrates And Tyrone: Erato >495844224
Good Idea, Erato @495853383
Raziel, My Beloved @495854645
Confusion @495861586
World Of Tanks, Anyone? @495865104
Remember The Mice, Forget The Rats !495865365
Amazon's Best Author @495868401
Randy Hitler @495880647 @495883083
I Wonder What Popsicle Means? @495887641
For Want Of A Healer @495888427
Elf Summer @495888785
Mein Kamfpy Chair @495892150
A WhatsApps Genned Adventure @495893472
Zesty @495898187
Awkward Autistic Hitwoman @495903593
Traci? @495904994
Wuxia Story @495913358
Royal Crown Cola Continues @495918797 @495938207
Sage Template Test @495937473
Wizard's Whitespace @495938907
Global Warming? @495942827 @495957249
Trump On Anlatan @495947209
Erato Prose Enhancer @495949015
The Mad Dabber @495952430
Return Of The Ballads @495959701
Very Verbose @495964027
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Ghetto Recap (2/2)
Forget image first post but fuck it, extra ghetto today.
Notable Posts:

Anon's Formatting Guide >>495894953
Sage (WHAAT?) Setup V1 >>495895507
Dicksword Presets For Erato >>495835807
Ted Talk On Formatting >>495906950
Always Remember to Set A System Prompt >>495789062
It's Dangerous To Go Alone, Take This @495826493 @495828920
Eratwink @495828001
Goblins And Horses https://catbox.moe/c/jwugkf
Pour A Belated One Out @495835842
Butler Knows Best @495838032
My Sides @495864546 @495866593
Perchance To Gen @495873453 @495873850 @495874159 @495889491
No One Redpilled Him... @495895027
Ask Any Lawyer @495896670
Petition To Change The Love Interest To Brown In TSWS @495902091
The Real Reason Mormon Filtered @495908791
More Fun With Formatting @495914163
The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina https://vocaroo.com/1c1P5115duCt
Top 5 Club Prompts? @495929698
Pajama Underwear @495935827 @495936116 @495936283 @495936324 @495936376 @495936543
Trouble Screenshotting @495965276 @495966216
Thanks for the info anon.
just hope we get the full thing on the wiki this time.
I don't know if I missed it, but can you please download the 4chan script you use to turn the @ into valid links and post a Catbox link to it?
I don't know what your options for having the AI come up with one are, but there are some ways to provoke it.
>suddenly, [generate]
The classic, an event will be rewritten. Style will likely suck, so you'll have to rewrite it, but you'll have an idea.
>however, high above the roads, a [generate]
More related to an urban setting, gives an opportunity to generate either an unexpected event or merely steer the story in a more adventurous direction.

Just two examples, really.
Get fuuuuuuuuucked.
> TTS update.
Unless they're doing full-on audible (preferably GraphicAudio) TTS, I don't care.
I'm a TTS-user, and I'm using Google-Chrome's TTS rather than NAI—V2 is slower, and the voice isn't even that much better or important, I just needed the content to be spoken.
It doesn't exist. The recap is dead and the current posts are just theatrics. It's just a mental illness at this point.
Literally only one person has the addon apparently.
So true!
Tell /lmg/ to stop doing their recap then.
Quit spamming.
Try this maybe
Now this is how people should be using textgen.
Well, can confirm that changes the @ into >>. However, it does not make it into a link.
I will say the quiet part out loud:
Outside of the storyposts, the recap is mostly random garbage. Keep it to a single post.
You don't speak for me. I think the recaps, including non-storyposts, are the bread and butter of the thread. Whoever has that script should just download and upload it. Because this sucks ass.
Lick my dick, Rick the prick, you're a broken stick!
>Scenario Default (Anon's choice)
Is that a unique preset, or just a way of saying to use our preference?
Lol, I defeated the recap person.
Not really?
It's a sign you're speaking to the cabal.
what it actually means is whoever made that changed their pen name to "Anon" from the default nothing in account settings
If nobody can use the recap, that means he's wasting his time posting recaps, because nobody will use them, and he looks like a schizo to newcomers, which further cements his destruction as a productive member of the thread, meaning I win. Might as well quit, lol, the recaps are stinky and driven by censorship.
I think you should retire.
So go tell the /lmg/ recapper to stop.
Not the schizo, but that manic retard's point will fall apart the moment somebody deliver's the fabled script. I believe!
You don't deserve my script.
The recap was claudefag all along?
I can't believe it. Betrayed by our own brother...
It truly is a travesty of terrible proportions, tempered not by the tinted monocle worn by Titian, my tawny butler from Transylvania.
You're a funny man, Anon. Truly the best man in the thread. I admire and respect you. The envy of children everywhere.
Thank you for the compliment!>>4
Thanks man
You're welcome, Anon. Wanna make out?
Only if you use tongue.
Hell yeah.
Alright then, pucker up, babe! Mwah.
Uuuuoh I just ejaculated.
Oh yeah speak dirty to me, Anon.
What a miserable thread.
Would you tell us if you were Indian?
that dude even has a dog phobia
it has to be our guy
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For the sake of the hypothetical, imagine if TSWS didn't have Seralith...
>Instead, you have Haarda Kama
>The deliciously brown Indian-Southeast Asian tomboy who "will marry no one but him who defeats her in duel" (Read about Urduja)
>Rightfully hates the Chinks (BASED and historically accurate)
>May or may not be from a long line of headhunters
>Armor adorned with golden pearls to signify the light of the world
>Baby-bearing hips and delectable midriff
>Views Toryg as a coward because of his lack of tattoos
>Hates being the Chosen One so much she amputated a finger from her left hand
>Projects the pressure of responsibility onto him
>Eventually warms up to Toryg and calls him her one and only "Anggrek bulan" (Moon orchid)
>Celea = Life = Sex therefore, The Chosen of Celea = Hard fucking sex
>Marks Toryg with her scent of jasmine and sandalwood
>With the power of the Sun, she destroys his pelvis
>Gushes like a monsoon whenever ab-licking is involved
Embarassed Nude Female warning
This shit took too much time but at least serves as good practice.

I also plan on changing Toryg's name to Lubid when I'm done with the story to reflect the rewrites' expanded lore on him. The meanings are related so not much would change. I kept his name the same for now to avoid confusion.
Toryg = came from "to rig" or knot
Lubid = means rope
Gotta keep the gallows hanging in front of him.
So are you going to like retroactively edit his name, or will it sort of be a title upgrade to the name?
>It's the pinoy shill
The South Sea belongs to China.
do not redeem saar
Ancient tomboy settings are weird for me when modern has more realistic equalizers.
Thankfully don't have to do all this because my old culture had no females in positions above mother or farm hand despite what modern revisionists often try to portray.

What are you smoking? Exceptions to the norm have always existed.
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How's your AI dynamic story telling going?
Currently rizzing up a spinster.
Egyptian/Chinese/English/African/Everyone mentioned in video games or a netflix series bro...
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Man, it's been a while.
As a pinoyfag, and that very same guy who finally earned a pot of gold nugget last time (gift key), I appreciate for using one of our culture as your additional influence. Someone whom they vaguely mentioned it like you piqued and aroused me, and not like the same level of fandoms' autism. And nice art.
What do you think about Turkish people?
What site is this?
No bad experiences, friendly when I'm confused for one.
I dunno, I kinda like it
My dick!
>always had to wrangle Kayra to try to follow along with my fetish
>Erato just gets it, starts writing kino world building
>Kayra just got it, started writing kino world building
>always have to wrangle Erato to try to follow along with my fetish
Is the 13B a barrier or something? Big model should be better but it isn't.
>still repeating this debunked meme
I'm still waiting for you post your preset and settings, along with a screenshot of your story.
>still defending a failed 70B
I'm still waiting for you post your preset and settings, along with a screenshot of your story with color labels.
You're the one claiming the model's a failure despite not using it. Why spread lies about a model you haven't used?
Because his life is so empty and void of anything that this is all he has, the attention he gets shitposting on 4chan.
Imagine how sad one's life must be to get to that point.
Am I really going to have to commission somebody to test zoomerspeak for me?
Too old to know any, on me
Parable of the Too Small House protip: for those disappointed after a day of experimenting with Erato, swap back to Kayra with your favorite preset and enjoy an immediate improvement in quality. Kuru delivers!
Could not figure out how to do this. Sounds pretty cool. Spend each day immersed in stories. In theory one would never get bored.
Used to be in the OP but fell off on account of card creation falling off.
Imagine having learned english in some 3rd world shithole and only doing damage control for a fat turk at 10 cents an hour
why are you guys so angry
Test zoomerspeak? I don't even know how you'd perform such vile experiments, but if you're looking for a glossary
Sorry for the trauma
Because you can't satisfy me. I wanted more out of life than this, you deadbeat.
If Erato is so good, what am I doing wrong?
Haarda Kama and the Dhal shield she needs to offer in Sharatha

Retroactive. Toryg sounds too European for someone who is a SEA monkey in lore.

For me, its the opposite. It's weird because the baseline of ancient women, at least in my locality, IS A TOMBOY. Mothers and daughters were expected to process chickens, forage, and maintain the garden while still having the strength to beat misbehaving children or fend off dogs with a wooden sandal. I am generalizing here but it is usually wealthy families/clans who could afford to raise "girly" women.
If the baseline is already a tomboy, a "tomboy" in the setting needs to go even further.
>positions of power
Haven't read deep enough to say anything on this topic.


Back to working on TSWS
Is it weird that this gave me a boner?
I want cards to come back so badly.
They won't.
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It's so over for you, bro...
You don't count Halfy, you don't have any legs.
make one
Coming from chatshit and with barely any local experience I kinda like erato. Sure, it requires much more hand holding than I'm used to but the text prediction style combined with the in editor token probabilities is starting to grow on me. I find myself typing much more but at the same time I've stopped constantly swiping looking for that perfect response. I can simply guide the model in the direction that I want by typing the first couple words. It's nice.
Heh, salamat rin, pare. "Peak" Filipino right there.
W-which... cast? Or is the entire vid?
Being indian
Been a few days is the new module worth the money to coom?
You could say... I'm cooked.
The setting, the premise, and the phrases. When I imagine that it's a lolibaba saying that to me...
Reminds me of the "erotica web comic" someone mentioned in the last thread.
>agree to reams of legalese
>nothing has changed
You agreed to something. You should know what it is.
Aye, that's a good one.
Same. The intelligence drawbacks are there, but significantly made up by major QoL improvements in other areas. If only it was 16k-32k context, ST and proxies would become largely redundant outside of the rare occasion there is some accessible Claude 3 Opus.
don't forget ty-zoom girls
Actually, from a native speaker point of view it’s kind of hot. Like you are a doll she’s playing with or something.
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Damn it anon, this is a infohazard tailored to me!
Didn't somebody make a prompt of that?
Did anyone else see that, or did I hallucinate?
There is literally no reason to use NAI for ST over any of the privately sourced models on OR
>better fine-tune
>better UI
>user preference
>straightforward storytelling format
Go back to seething at cute and funny.
Not in a mood, even when I searched it anonymously for the first time, looks insipid.
Is it... "CF" or just random shitposter?
They’re always promising and underdelivering.
That’s it. Today after work I’m going to rip the NovelAI UI and modify it to work with OpenAI compatible APIs.
Lol, lmao.
Wait for a key if you're that desperate to try it.
Read my post again. We are talking about ST, for which none of your points apply. In fact, number one is an argument against using a NAI model there
I know you are some underage poorfag with no access to NovelAI or any other kind of AI, text or image, but do try to keep up okay?
It’s trivially easy to do. Just like we did with novelcrafter
If anyone here's a child, it's you. Always so upset that people enjoy something you don't use.
Also, lol, ST has shit UI and lacks a proper storytelling format. It's entire design is intended for chat
Funny article, you just know aicg is blowing up over it. I thought CoT didn't do much logically beyond just bloating outputs, but I did think it was good for recalling info far back in context.
Also, look at those prompts near the bottom of the actual paper. Crazy how coomers are better at prompting and tricking the AI than these researchers. It's probably why they haven't been nipped in the bud completely yet
Posting because mobile screenshotting too hard for me.

Fox... Wolf...
The Demon Lord was surprised.
So was I.
I suppose that even a man as feared as him would be surprised upon hearing a girl's voice inside his mind, right after he killed her. And mine, too. I guess we three shared a body now...
Imagine a Turktuned Llama 3 405b.............with 128k context...........and on Tablet tier.
what about nemo hm
Dunno what happend to my reply, why isn't it showing?
check inside your anus
So, I wanted to ask about whether to get Opus for Erato, cause want a story tune.
But, how is instruct on Erato?
Also I'm ok with 8k context, max I ever used was 512 context on horde, so its an upgrade for me.

Also, how are infermatic and featherless?
Good or Shit?
I know they have more context, but not specifically for storytelling, still, how are they?
I noticed my posts sometimes disappearing into the ether. It's usually the one immediately after completing the cloudflare bullshit, while the ones after go through without issue.
4chan staff is working hard to make this site as shitty as possible
The arguments over different models miss how good the UX on NAI is. Yeah it's dumber but it's more fun to use, especially with token selection. I like feeling like I'm co-writing a story instead of just telling it what to do.
Actually do it, please. We need more alternatives. And Novel's UI is good and could be even better if improved
co-writing is a poor form of telling the AI what to do.
I don't want to tell the AI what to do, I want to collaborate with it.
>But, how is instruct on Erato?
as you can probably guess, it's not an instruct model so it's not great
it is usable though, even if you have to lead it sometimes
I stopped midway because I felt bad about it. I'm a fellow webdev and I can appreciate how much work has gone into that UI.
I am considering making an open source clone, because for all the good mikupad is, I unironically miss NAI's soul.
If instruction is your preferred way, then yeah, the featherless and infermatic services are awash with instruct models. Erato/NovelAI are autocomplete, and while Llama 3's base is knowledgable enough and prompt adherent enough to emulate instruction following, it's not going to be as consistent as an actual instruct tune.
I haven't used them, but since they seem to host local models, they probably aren't shit. There are good local finetunes out there.
I would love to see this. Lack of good text completion UIs is a big part of what keeps me on NovelAI. SillyTavern is impressive but wrangling it into a writing tool sucks, and I have mixed feelings about using the ripped novelcrafter setup some anon posted.
instruct is just not enough of a zero-cost abstraction to make it preferable to co-writing for me
>still trying to backstab kobold
its already dead anony
I'm going to start with a story drawer on the left, sampler options, phrase bias and memory on the right drawer, and see what happens. I can't promise anything, and I will probably abandon it after a day, but if I manage to create a foundation, I will upload it to gitgud.
I only backstab kobolds with my penis and only in their asses.
Same, but there isn't really anywhere to upload them well.
It works. Wtf.
telling the ai what to do isn't the usecase for everyone but for lazy skilless writelets
I could probably work with one I really like and convert it into a story format.

There is the Den of Sin reentry. Maybe the club can have a section for cards if it starts getting popular again?
I just pay for novelcrafter so I can use it with peace of mind, but realistically there's *probably* nothing wrong with offline-nc.
what's so great about the NAI UI? I really don't see it. to me, it just seems like prettier kobold - neither have that many features or anything beyond giving you a document to type into, samplers, some basic prompt insertions by way of memory, lorebooks, a/n, etc.
it's fine and very clean but I never particularly got the hype and probably wouldn't use it with my local setup if it were ported over
It could use more features; I think that sentiment is expressed more than enough here regardless, but IMO, it toes the line between minimalism and maximalism well, especially for the workflow it was made for.
Cleanliness and simplicity go a long way. The fact that it's built for the models it uses so I don't have to worry about fiddling with sampler settings is nice. The token editor probabilities feature is great, it's fun seeing where else a gen could have gone and picking another option to try again. Maybe this is a feature in other UIs, but I also like that it keeps track of what text is from the user and what's from the AI.
>prettier kobold
kobold attempted to copy nai and failed
I see, though I want to know, can Erato emulate any writing style well?
Like say if I posted a part of a fic from aryion, will it be able pick up?
And yes, I want to write vore stuff.

Oh and especially text adventures, how good is Erato with that on nai?
Seconding offline-nc, it's probably the best storytelling UI out there.
You'd be surprised how many are perfect for the story format. There are some seriously good writers on there. For example,
Besides being "pretty", it's comfy. It sucks you in and immerses you in your writing. At least for me.
If there was an open-source local NAI-like, that could be expanded with pull requests by contributors, it would be neat.
That's why I'm attempting to make it.
I think besides it being aesthetically shit, they didn't fail. feature-wise it's basically the same unless NAI added some stuff when I wasn't looking
Read my comment above.
These are actually pretty great. Looks like I've got some exploring to do.
Reminder that the "best storyteller" still doesn't offer autocomplete.
I'd say yes, but it may be finicky initially, and some default presets they offer can sometimes hamper this. An autocomplete model's main purpose is to try and continue/perpetuate what has gone before, BUT Erato does that to an almost painstaking degree if you aren't vigilant about context.
Good luck! It's tough finding competent makers, but once you do, it's a consistent source of good ass food. Is there a specific thing you're looking for topic-wise?
Even then, if the maker isn't competent but the idea is good, it can be repurposed for storytelling with enough time and effort. Like editing a prompt to better suit my needs.

Nothing specific, just anything that'll catch my fancy.
I think it has DRM now so updates are impossible for the jeet.
Alright, the Danganslop passes. Still lots to play around with, though.
I find the UI clean, I like I can customize the CSS, features like the screenshot tool and token probability, that the A/N and memory is a click away, you could right click a character's name or block of text and add it to a lorebook, memory or A/N.

When I tried NC, I found it the UX to be kind of ass, like why did I have to click twice to generate anything? That shit alone made me delete it the next day.

IMO a text generator UI should
>have the generation button be a single click
>accessing lorebooks, memory, a/n, or equivalent quick to access as well as your stories, context, etc
>be able to directly edit the text (one of the few things i dislike about silly tavern is needing to click edit before I can change the text)
>editable ui in some way
>a way to organize stories like nai shelves or folders like silly tavern does
Probably more I'm forgetting right now, but to me those are all important.
>That's why I'm attempting to make it.
What have you got so far?
<h1>hello world!</h1>
I see, here's a few other names and then I'll stop being a nuisance
Batshit fun crazy ideas? anonaugus and traaaa
Normal ideas done in a great way? bloodshy and momoura
Cool cards in general? koikoikoihat and anonemouse
And I didn't mean to put down other makers. There's too many talented people to name in reality. Just also lots and lots of the same trashy idea sometimes
Actually, your guidance and suggestions are a huge help. Now I know where to start, so I appreciate it.
Which fetishes Erato can and can't do?
t.ENF enjoyer
I'm sorry Anon but it can't do futa. Erato just calls me a faggot then spams gay sex while laughing at me.
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I think I will be able to generate and save a story today.
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Surprised you didn't snag a key
Does that deer grant wishes?
>clicking generate instead of hitting ctrl+enter
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Not sure if either of these are relevant or not.

It can do sizefag stuff a bit better than most if you ban the giantess token, unless you actually want giantess content I guess.

Monster girls are a mixed bag. If it's something like a Kitsune it goes wild. I can't seem to get it to keep thighs, legs and feet off Lamias and similar creatures though (if anyone can help with this, please let me know.). It seems to bring up Alraunes out of the blue a lot, so I might try a gardener prompt next.
I was surprised that it could do nipple penetration since virtually every other llamatune I've tried doesn't get it
What are you looking for in ENF? Even Euterpe could do it relatively well.
One thing I noticed with Erato so far is that characters will look for and improvise clothing unprompted.
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It can absolutely do gender bending.
fair enough, I work in a tech field with some absolutely abominable interfaces so I guess I'm not as sensitive to stuff like that. I can't deny it's nice to have an interface that's frictionless and gets out of your way.
I'm just a feature-oriented guy and NC has a ton of stuff to play with, I love the different prompts and prompt building features, chapter summarization, utility chat integration, long-form organization features, etc. there isn't another interface with something similar, makes me more than willing to put up with some of the clunkier parts (and there certainly are a few)
All of that does sound nice. What models do you use novelcrafter with? Also, do you know anything about their privacy policies?
shit article, didn't even show the proposed new logo
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New fantastic preset from the discord called Erato Knows Best. It's very consistent. Picrel is an example of it.
>No fancy samplers, just the Temperature, Min P and DRY
>Modify Randomness to make the output more/less creative.
so like, did you write all that green?
Aren't all foundation models made by big companies made for basically coding, and corporate-speak?

Claude was maybe an exception, up to version 3, but now it also got brainwashed into the generic 'helpful and harmless' assistant personality
The color key insinuates that green is the work of his theme. He likely changed the .ProseMirror .dialogue class to be green in custom CSS.
Meta releases both a cucked corpo instruct and the base model.
I'd be shocked if NAI didn't use the base model.
>70% human written
>None of the AI parts are good or even long
that is literally similar to me
Autocomplete is obsolete since instruct can also work like it.
really if you're using a slopped model you might as well go instruct
I mostly use my local stuff (currently hanami-x1 70b), but I'll occasionally use API claude / mistral large / hermes 405b, etc.
as far as privacy, with the service, your stuff lives on their servers by default but the dev provides assurance that it's encrypted they will never inspect or content scan it; I believe you can just export-and-delete if you want to keep things local. offline-nc will let you run entirely locally, of course
I had a scenario where a character was supposed to be shrinking a it was treating characters growing in size and tearing their way out of their clothes and shrinking in size and having their clothes getting baggy around them as being interchangeable for some reason. Maybe I'm retarded and it's my fault, I dunno.
They are encrypted but not end to end. I had asked the kraut dev about it and she said that some features wouldn't work with end to end encryption.
>scraping the bottom of the barrel
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It wasn't that hard. Now comes the fun part. Adding features.
pls tell me there'll a way to run it offline on a phone
With the amount of lube you use for gay Russian sex, I'd imagine you would go through a barrel a day.
You need to provide it an API URL (I'm doing llama.cpp only for now, but adding OpenRouter text completions should be very easy). And the UI will be responsive for phones. But it's not a priority.

I got ctrl+enter gen, undo history and retry working. Saving stories on the sidebar is next so that I can actually use this for myself.
I've gotten far enough that even if I abandon it, I will publish the code.
So is Erato any good, or is it similar to the billion other open model finetunes?
Been having a think while sat here:
I noticed that in the chatsphere, anons sometimes make requests from the botmakers, and botmakers solicit ideas from the threads. We don't really do that here.
Why is that? Is it because good botmaking takes a more special set of skills compared to prompt writing? Is our ratio of creators to users much higher? Is it just a culture thing where /aids/ doesn't care to make prompts for other people?
>Why is that?
There's no community here.
There's also no stub there.
The send button turns into a cancel button now.
It's really in the difference of framing.
Chatbots are about playing only one side. The entire point is essentially not being completely in control, so using someone's else's scenario is more interesting.
But with story writing you're responsible for everything. At that point, why not just write everything yourself?
In the dark times of /do, /aidg/ had a lot of prompt sharing and explore (the OG prompt sharing service) was huge after all. The transition towards /story dominating (+ /do being second-class for NAI), essentially killed it.
I started using this stuff after Kayra was already out so I missed that era. It's a shame, since adventure mode seems much closer to what I wanted out of story format. I got used to story, but I'll probably switch if adventure ever becomes meta again
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>nice story you got there. Would be a shame if something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something
instruct models with some sort of adventure system prompt is basically a way better version of adventure
It's all AI, it's just a custom css to make the speech a different color! You highlight the speech in the Inferface settings and set the style in css. Pretty nice for my eyes, but I get the confusion
Oh, so it does. Good. Sometimes I've noticed an error I want to fix right after hitting send.
promptwriting and botmaking are basically the same shit. we're just in our depressive episode phase, we stopped doing fun things and just sit around and ruminate now
I like the concept behind it a lot more, but /do was kinda shit because the model just wasn't smart enough.
As the other anon mentions, chat instruct with a narrator assistant is kind of the platonic ideal, but the issue is that with existing assistants you essentially have to make the assistant pretend to be a narrator pretending to be different characters, which is kinda eh.
>5 years later, and /aids/ still doesn't know how to prompt
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God, can we even withstand the sight of the smuttiest smut? Anon, don't do it, it's too dangerous
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I think having notable prompt makers is the thing holding us back a little. I can say Warhammer Anon made the loli park prompt, the moon princess prompt, and a thousand others cause of his little callsign. And GayAnon's is still posting quality ass prompts every Friday if I understand correctly. Seeing consistent prompt makers is really inspiring, but we don't have a good way to showcase that.
An anchor every thread like how the other generals do it might be good in this regard. It's a chance to "sell" your prompt to other Anons, and that's really fun to do! Plus, you start covering other topics like image gen or actually drawing if you get really into it which prompts more original content beyond just text. Friday Anchors can continue too, it'd just be easier to spot new prompts without checking the Recap through the week. And then, the Recap can trim stuff down and focus on linking fun interactions or whatnot. Just blabbing at this point.
Also, is this a subtle request for a prompt? Say what you want, there was a request done like yesterday
whoever was the retard that decided that "." and ".\n" had to be separate tokens should be banned from AI forever
It's because people can't leave comments on the club like they used to back in the Mormon's explore page, so you can't farm dopamine from your prompts.
Makes sense. In the early days of AID, I'd frequently play other people's prompts. But at some point I came to think of it less as an adventure and more as something I was personally directing. And why would I let some other anon direct my experience when I know best what I like?
It's kinda similar to the disenchantment I sometimes feel with modded games, where spending too much time optimizing my gameplay experience games it impossible to get back into the mindset of just enjoying the game.
Ah yes, /aicg/, the pinnacle of mentally ill people obsessing over 'botmakies'. This spiral into the abyss is better than that fate.
if anything, their problems are sooner caused by the overreliance on proxies and a company's capacity to overlook billing receipts
They probably determined the tokenizer algorithmically, so the machine is the retard
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Nobody decided it though. Tokenization needs to create so many tokens to let the AI generate anything that it's all done via algorithm.
The way I see it, a part of it is that there's just less traffic here in general. Less people making prompts, and thus a lower chance for someone to look at an idea posted in the thread and go "yes, I will make this, I like this idea".
C'mon, don't be so pessimistic! The vg /aicg/ is parasocial and obnoxious, but they've got a lot of energy and passion for chatbots. g would implode if proxies poofed out of existence thought, it'd be sooo much worse than here
Aren't important tokens vetoed by hand?
>still worse than offline-nc
Probably, I just assume they had bigger fish to fry. Not sure how many dupe tokens there actually are
Yeah, but not only did they literally have to split in two like the fucking WWE to do it, but said energy and passion for chatbots still waxes and wanes depending on the availability of proxies since most bot makers use the proprietary models to test their bots. And that isn't even mentioning whatever audience actually uses them.
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Nemo understands chapter breaks
Wait, so now *you're* driving away contributors?
/vg/ split was created because newgen "botmakie" attentionwhores were expexting attention but weren't getting it, since /g/ moved on to praising a completely new form of attentionwhores.
At least on /g/ people still use bots, because all that proxy whining is due to them using the bots. /vg/ thread is a circlejerk, and when it got too much new blood the attentionwhores moved on to form a secret club. Now the thread exists only for people they deem worthy to be invited into the "better" place with the same shitposting and the same proxyfaggotry, but where they can control who stays and what's said.
It's even more pathetic than the reliance on the stolen access.
It didn't take a genuine to realize the Indian was going to say that.
He also shits on /lmg/ by saying "they don't know how to prompt!"
breaking news: the schizo is a shitposting hypocrite who doesn't believe in anything
now, let's talk about something else
I mean, there's a different thread culture, so things will be different. But also, there's going to be more difference in the tone of a story to continue versus setting up a character to interact with.
But also, you can just ask for a prompt if you're wanting one.
>The last person who asked for a prompt, still waiting
Pretend I posted a skeleton picture
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Aren't chatbots also more constrained to their initial premise? In our case prompts even back then were a literal prompt to kick off and go on your way. I remember an anon who waifed Kohaku from that Kitsune thief respect prompt and went on to fix up her shrine and repopulate the mountain with half breeds. Back then we called inputs "actions" and anything over a thousand of them was long.
>It's kinda similar to the disenchantment I sometimes feel with modded games, where spending too much time optimizing my gameplay experience games it impossible to get back into the mindset of just enjoying the game.
Ignorance is bliss.
This has happened to everyone as we came from a time where A/N was a groundbreaking addition. As a newfag to AI it felt like the sky was the limit. We didn't have years of knowledge and resources stockpiled, all we had was a shitty HTML website and Manwhore's smut guide. But as time went on we learned the limitations of the AI, some flew too close to the sun when the illusion broke, and we kept coming up with another million ways to wrangle the Dragon. It's part of why Goosing was so popular at the time, going from literal gold to glue huffing under a single action. There's models out there now that surpass it easily, but we still hold them to the benchmark of what "our" collective memory of how Dragon used to be. Hard to believe we were perfectly content with 1000 tokens or whatever Mormon served to us on his trunk based development pipeline.
What was the context before the chapter break? Seems like it's two completely different directions.
Fag has no ideas, points, or concepts he holds onto, he's just as empty as he claims /aids/ is and flip flops between whatever makes people mad for however many (you)s he'll farm. The only consistent thing about him is "no fun allowed". Actual bot behavior. It is just too bad anons cant figure out how to hide and ignore posts.
i miss skeletonanon so bad
>obsessing over 'botmakies'
It's just schizos latching onto popular bait on /aicg/ for the most part, be it proxy baiting or "botmakie love/hate". One schizo kept telling a random botmaker to kill himself in the threads for six months straight, even long after said botmaker stopped posting lmao.
Most of the belwickposting is ironic shitposting. And when there's actual discussion about bot making and you want to provide examples, it's a bit difficult to avoid talking about certain names when they write with recognizable gimmicks and writing styles in their limited niche, even when they post anonymously. Simply put, there are too few people making bots that aren't w++ slop for specific niches. Some names will come out more often than others. Not enough people are stress testing models.
All that said, the avatarfagging and inside jokes can be annoying desu.
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I already deleted that, but it really does seem to understand.
It's not a NAI-only symbol, anyway.
Erato: how is it? out of the loop
What does it do better/worse than Karya
I have 7 pages of prompts on the club and I turned about half of them into bots when 405B was free. What is so hard about making a bot? You literally write what you want it to do in the context and it does it, you don't need any special formatting or anything.
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What? Is Kayra really better than Erato?
Can they even control llama's tokenizer?
>i took my underta-
Stopped reading right there.
I'm having roughly the same experience but Anons will write it off as me being our local schizo or claiming it's a skill issue. I got some absolute insipid output and people would rather focus on a small grammar mistake instead of the problem. Ask for help or if I am doing something wrong and it all gets ignored for thread drama.
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Erato knows a lot of stuff. Chances are it knows exactly what fetish you want it to do and it'll probably be better than Kayra. If you have an example of something, say a fanfiction or a book you really like, it'll stick to the style like glue.
However, Erato is also really really hard to use. Since it's so new, people are still figuring out the best presets and formatting for it. Could be a good thing, could be a bad one depending on how you look at it. You could be the guy who writes the next Prowriter preset.
Here's an example. It was posted the day it dropped, so things have gotten a little better by now. Got a specific prompt/idea in mind you want to see?
Have you tried not being Indian?
I can believe that Meta filled the models with useless shit that made them perform worse than models with different datasets.
They should've just trained an in-house 34b model desu. Not only would it be better for stories, but it would also allow them to easily up the context to 16k.
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The fact that people are performing these kinds of tests to begin with, on the Discord of all places, does not bode well.
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>It's not a NAI-only symbol, anyway.
I understand that, I was more curious whether it understood how to do timeskips or keep continuity though breaks since the before and after on that other post seemed discontinuous.
I'd give it time for either Turk to update it or for others to come up with presets and learn how it tics. It's in the rough stage like the starts of every other model and default presets are garbo. Already had a sub so I gave it a shot.
I'll need to test it more but I think it's fairly intuitive albeit repetitive when left to its own devices. You need to hold its hand from time to time. Tried generating this scene from before the input about five times for a handful of gens, 3/5 had weenie MC cry, scream, and struggle till the end, the other two had him give up and it just turned into regular sex in short order. Some variation obviously but it played out the rape as one would expect. What I wanted was for him to escape the scene with virginity in tact (gotta be pure for wife), and in an earlier scene he used the Chekhov's gun I wrote in (retard missed) and so I wanted him to use his last shot for this. Felt like Erato read my mind on where I wanted to go with the input I made.
It really is all the same faggot isn't it?
Cool beans I will try to fuck with it and see what I can come up with
I'll try writing non-smut first, maybe it's just got more non-smut reference if it's based on Llama 70.

Did you expect better of the zuck
Why did you faggots leave to a cord then? Why did you split in the first place?
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Higher end models like GPT4 and Claude can mimic the writing styles of bots to a greater degree than local models. So you're going to see a noticeable difference in output from a standard chub.ai w++ bot than a bot with a stylistic greeting + a recommended preset lol. I personally think Claude Opus gives really bland rubbish output without tinkering with prefills and greetings a little.
Some tweaks to make higher end models (or even free models like Gemini/Hermes/command r plus) are really bare minimum botmaking tips that everyone should know by now, but you'll be surprised by the mass produced slop.
Regarding special formatting/lorebook fuckery, anyone can make bots like:
But it takes some effort of effort and autism to mess with lorebooks/COT to this degree, which is why certain kinds of bots are comparatively rare. Some people hate these kinds of bots too, which is fine.
You can also spend quite a bit of time wrangling bots to speak in different writing styles, but that's autism most people don't care about, once again. You can get needlessly picky over slight shifts in writing style output when you know the model is capable of producing more.
It's rarer, but there's also unintended outputs that might arise from using the wrong word in your definitions. One anon was complaining about his bot bringing up dark dreams in every reply a year back, and he discovered it was only because he had "Genre: Dark Fantasy" in his defs lol.
Lots of funky edits you can do to make your bot somewhat distinct nowadays, and many chub.ai sloppers don't even meet the minimum criteria. It's not necessarily hard to make a bot, but it's easy to differentiate yourself in niches if you have a specific style.
but anon, the sans X sans 800k slow burn mpreg roleswap mermaid AU had problems with lore adherence, don't you care about these things
You're really asking why? You don't think the people using AI to fulfill their darkest fantasies are irrational? Hell, you don't think every human being alive is irrational? Name one rational human
A guy who decides to kill himself.
Let's talk about vampires and succubi fighting over their human prey.
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I don't think I'll be able to tackle the lorebook today, but things are looking good.
>vampires and succubi
these are the same thing
>Some tweaks to make higher end models are really bare minimum botmaking tips that everyone should know by now
I don't understand this.
*Some tweaks to make higher end models better
Like giving a recommended prefill, editing in a jailbreak or adding in example dialogue when your bot doesn't function as intended.
The basics, which a lot of bots on chub.ai don't practice.
You got me anon, I'm stun-locked. Refutation is impossible.
Quick! Give me your best ENF premise
oh no no no no sons, OH NO NO NO NO
genre killing writing sites no
ahaha holy shit I forgot about that
poor skelebro
can you link this somewhere else? catbox is taking its daily shit
Acid Rain
what are you trying to say here?
- neophyte taking part in a ritual (maybe it's not even a "sex ritual", it's just nudity to be closer to whatever deity without artificial layers and it makes her feel even more embarrassed if she gets aroused because she's turning this non-sexual thing horny when everyone else is so casual about it)
- flimsy outfit (work or casual) that could have popped apart with too heavy an exhale already vs. having had a little bit too much dessert last night
- asshole cop/TSA agent demands a strip search. keep stripping, more, take that off too, what part of 'strip search' did you not understand, ma'am
- "no, it'll be cool if i walk to the party/work/other event, it's not due to rain for another half-hour, i have plenty of time to get there". she did not, and has to run her soaked-like-a-drowned-rat ass inside in front of everyone
An fortune hunter gets stranded in the desert, removing clothes every few miles. Eventually, she comes across civilization again when she's completely bare. Maybe inspired by Islam so most women have their bodies covered for added danger.
For quick cum porn stories it is, erato seems better for everything else including slow burn stuff
Variable Geo
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a lot smarter than erato, is really easy to guide and latches onto writing styles really well
the problem is the tokenizer
1) with shit like this, you can't really rely on repetition penalties to stop newline quote spam for example
2) there's a very notable cascading problem where the AI uses progressively less punctuation as the tokens are split up, leading to flatter distributions and dumb tokens being picked where they shouldn't be

its the same issue with llama V1 where contractions would fuck up because they decided to not use 'm and 're as tokens for some reason
its really obvious in a lot of screenshots where the AI is going retarded with run on sentences because the period token is weighted way less than it should be
man erato is dogshit at any sort of instruct
even just asking it for prompt ideas on a specific topic causes it to violently shit itself
Ah so you're a retard. Wrangling an assistant model is completely irrelevant to botmaking, because as anon mentioned a "bot" is simply short prose. Your roleplaying experience for which you need to jailbreak and prefill is your personal issue and has nothing to do with "producing slop".
If we could get the regex to work with the newlines we'd be in business
Erato has 0 instruct training, it's pure autocomplete and needs more structure than that, phrase it like something it might have seen like a writing prompt or essay question.
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late reply but pic related

I'm not going to complain or measure things based on beakage anymore. What is trained on matters more than how much it was trained on it seems. Again, if I am doing something wrong, I will gladly take any advice. I'd rather use NAI for how easy it is, but I've not had much luck with Erato. I refuse to believe it is worse than Kayra, especially if it had similar training.
Is that Flux?
>pic related
I don't actually give a shit if you're Indian or not. You didn't need to autistically prove that you weren't.
Looks kinda brown to me, need more evidence. Please post your penis to confirm
>a lot smarter than erato
Than Karya or...?
ah, so you're just retarded instead of an ESL
hand posted, I kneelr
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semi-passable attempt at a 4chan greentext
That hand has stroked so many Russian cocks, you wouldn't believe it.
That looks like an underage hand.
I gave up trying to get omorashi ideas from Erato and asked ChatGPT and now I'm just gooning to making it confused and just write the detailed scenarios for me with no jailbreaks because its retarded
Is there something like that but for storywriting because most local models don't actually imitate the style even if I give them 8k context of it.
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how do you get it to spit that shit out without complaining about muh nsfw
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This is 12B Nemo Magnum btw. Reads like a classic greentext
>One anon was complaining about his bot bringing up dark dreams in every reply a year back, and he discovered it was only because he had "Genre: Dark Fantasy" in his defs lol.
That was me! I put something like (OOC: Genre: dark fantasy) in the a/n, depth 2, and was doing a thing with Brienne The Pitiful where I wanted to go on a grand adventure
Instead of fighting orcs and demons and stuff, she kept wanting to rape me.
Wild that someone remembered that.
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It doesn't really see pee as nsfw are long as you aren't too explicit about it
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Spent way too long implementing start/stop buttons. I'm off till tomorrow.
now that the dust has settled, what do we think or Erato?
It's Kayra dressed in a llama costume
It's Kuru dressed in a llama costume
it's kinda mid ngl desu senpai
Haven't tried it, and no way to try it without subscribing for a month so I don't know, but the screencaps haven't impressed me.
>Your roleplaying experience for which you need to jailbreak and prefill is your personal issue and has nothing to do with "producing slop".
I don't really think it's that personal when post history instructions/jailbreaks are embedded into V2 cards nowadays. Often when providing specific experiences, people ship specific post instructions for their cards. Even simple stuff like shifting "Only speak for {{char}}" from defs in a pre-existing card to post history instruction in your cards helps improve that card's consistency.
For prefilling (since it doesn't come shipped with cards), you're right about personal tastes, but I did state this was the autistic part no one really cares about, so it's mostly irrelevant anyways lol.
The more egregious flaw that some chub.ai sloppers commit to writing short, bland greetings that don't really give the model much room for mimicking writing styles.
Not really. Kayra with the Steele preset did give me a few decent generations. Sometimes. Erato's output is a little bland, but zany scribe seems okay? Not really interested in experimenting with it at present. All the Erato logs I read didn't really click with me, personally.
Claude Opus should be able to write a story for you if you're willing to tinker with finding the right prompts for it, but if you're unwilling to play with Claude then just hope for the best with NAI. Not too sure about other local models but Command r plus actually imitates style to a impressive degree with a few messages in the context history.
Some guy will always remember what you do on the internet. It's like a law or something.
fatso hand
well, that's disappointing.
>now that the dust has settled
I don't think we can say that until we get more well-received presets. Eg Prowriter or all those cube variants for Kayra. Til then, you can argue that people just aren't using the right settings for good output. But once a preset emerges as a 'standard' it's easier to attribute gsrbage to the model instead of user error.
That said, so far I'm not impressed with Erato. Given it's got so many more beaks than Kayra I expected a bigger difference.
occultsage replaced erato with a 13B model, real 70B soon
so nobody has something nice to say about muscle model? god damn.
>not really
Well, that confirms my own findings. I can't run cmd-r+ but cmd-r is also good at following the style and it's what I'm using still. Even cloud models suck at it aside from Opus, which is too expensive.
Oh I would add Gemini pro or whatever NotebookLM uses, it actually seemed decent at that from my limited testing.
I'm not subscribed for Erato but it seems to be divisive. Did Kayra also have a rough start like this and did it get better? Will it also improve if I just wait?
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If you're playing with Gemini, try bumping temp to 2 while lowering min p to ard 0.8-0.9. Gets it to write slightly more unique stuff at the risk of making the prose more schizo.
The best Gemini Model that had the highest peaks was Gemini Ultra and they killed it, rip.
I remember the immediate reception to Kayra being more positive, which I think is because we were coming from a pretty weak model in Krake (and Clio if you want to count it, but it was a low-beak experiment not long before Kayra released). Kayra did improve a lot as people figured out better presets, and I expect we'll see the same thing here.
I like Erato so far. I don't understand the people saying Kayra is better, it seems like a sizable improvement to me. But it's not as big of a leap forward as I hoped after waiting so long.
>Will it also improve if I just wait?
Yes, waiting solves everything.
Huh I assume that's the playground since I can't find sampler settings in NotebookLM. I've also read good things about the refresh they did a few days ago.
So if Erato is the years big flop what do we have left on the horizon to redeem sirs?
this general could get free ice cream and blowjobs and we'd complain that there were only ten flavor options and that the blowjobs were a little overly wet
The blowjobs in question are all done by SouthernAnon.
he's had lots of practice and he's still lubed up with horse jizz, the man's a perfect fit
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>Given it's got so many more beaks than Kayra I expected a bigger difference.
There's a few ways cope can go around this. Either:
>Kayra was very good for its size.
>Llama 3 is just a turd no matter how much you polish it.
>Turk flubbed the finetuning.
>Or we're missing some special sauce we haven't found yet.
Testing is still being done and optimal presets and formats Yoda are still up in the air.

But here's the thing. It hasn't been a week yet and I'm still experimenting. We'll find out for certain where we are if we just: >>496137450 Wait.
If in 1-2 weeks it gets better, I promise to become a believer. I will train to be a master waiter
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Just did a quick and dirty test of the railway kids prompt for fun.
Kayra got a 1.1 update and some new presets. I'm not claiming Erato will get one and this will fix it, but it's something.
It reminds me of the Dogheads from Pathologic.
>He's got a mouth on him. If I had a kid like that, I'd just put him up for adoption and try again.
Got a laugh out of me, though I don't see what's so standoffish in the kid's dialogue, didn't feel insulting or condescending. I feel like it falls off in quality at the very tail end, and describing facial features behind a mask is a bit odd. But it keeps the story straight and it's easy to follow, doesn't run off introducing things out of left field.
That's probably because of me messing with the presets on the fly. I do that with all my stories and it helps me learn how the settings work and how they effect the output.
Love that one liner the other anon pointed out. I'm probably gonna try it out myself soon enough to sate my curiosity. When I tried it on Claude/GPT4, it kept making Cat overly sexual even though her defs had nothing to do with it. Must be because a female in a cat mask pretty much Catwoman to an AI. Maybe Erato will be a bit better in that aspect?
Man, imagine an antalan homebrew 70b
Here's the prompt if you want to mess around with it. I just made a few tweaks to make it more story oriented.
we're so fucking back bros
HAHAHAhaha! Little aidslings finally have beaks, but at what cost?
yes, back to larion
And after all this, Mormon won.
Brumaire thoughbeit.
It's either repetitive or forget things.
There's also the possibility that our expectations are fucked. We've waited all this time, hoping more beaks will be the big game-changer that makes this hobby fun again. But the truth is, we're just tired of trying to wrangle stories out of a dumb machine.
That's just your opinion. In mine, autocomplete is superior to instruct.
mormon's llama tune is unironically better
Dark times for Turk. Dark times indeed.
It's a good model, and anyone complaining about it isn't being genuine, and anyone repeatedly asking what we think about it is sus.
The scariest possibility
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You're such a real one for this, Anon, thanks! Just a heads up, Crow's lorebook has a random newline in the front.
It actually handles the characters much closer to what's in the lorebook, which is very very interesting to me. Might check how it handles other cards after I get my fill with this one.
>fun again
For >>496136745(me), it never stopped being fun. I had fun with Kayra right up until Erato dropped. I'm having fun with the new model too. I'm disappointed because I was expecting a much bigger leap, but I'm still enjoying it for what it is.
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Trying to work on prompt for tomorrow and got this great line.
Give me a moment and I will open the event. Just woke up from my nap, hope the storm does not take my power out.
The gift keys?
I think its themezoomer
writing event i think
Ah right. My poor ass yearned for it.
>hope the storm does not take my power out
Read that as "hope the sperm does not take my power out". Either way, what was the theme again?
>magical girl who only has power as long as nobody ever cums inside her
I also read that as "nipples". Porno brainrot is real.
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Is everyone ready for Elves & Nobles Friday? Here’s the anchor!
Nobody saw the first one. Nobody.
I saw it. You did a misspelling.
Somebody tattletelled on you.
A shill made an account and reported you to NovelAI's staff.
yeah, i've said this before too, you don't even need to do a free trial, there's a free 8b experimental model choice that uses a llama 3.1 finetune and it's actually really good

(no im not posting screens, fuck off, try it yourself if you don't believe, it's literally free)
>ignoring that it's still censored
>ignoring that it's fine-tune is for shitty cyoa format
This is how I know you haven't actually used it. I have. It's still shit.
Hey imagen tagGODS, how do I get a nun habit (technically a coif+wimple, but danbooru just uses habit) without a collar? Like if I want the headgear, but a bare neck. I tried doing things like specifying cleavage, or bare shoulders, or putting collar in the unwanted box, but for some reason I cannot unpair the hair cover from clothing tbat covers the neck/upper chest (usually a white collar)
Wanting a specific look for a warrior-nun gen, but I can't get the details to work.
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It's personal because there are dozens of models. Some require much less jailbreaking or even none, some are less susceptible to the instructions or even incapable of following them (yes, real people use 7-8-9B finetunes to rp, whether an Opus user likes that or not). Cards V2 spec was created when the frontends weren't nearly as sophisticated with shuffling the prompts and there was much fewer models. So the idea to railroad the experience was fine then, but now it's either a super gimmicky card, uneducated retardation, or malice (can't call "use only this model and no other" for my big tiddy gf bot #83589 anything else).
>only speak for {{char}} in the defs
That means it's a shit card made by a retard, yeah, the instructions mustn't be included in the description of a character.
Yeah, I agree with you that eloquent greetings are imperative and example dialogue helps, and this is the stuff newfags should learn about. Adding instructions into the card is what they shouldn't learn about, because they apply this mindlessly and make shit worse.
A shill reported you to monekySage and baldtab and called you miserable, on the shitcord server.
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Dead theme. Dead thread. No community.
No culture. No prompts. No beaks. Erato is slopped.
>100% selection for a newline in the middle of a paragraph with clearly unfinished ideas
I'm tired, boss.
Brah, the financial guardian might find out you're here.
Is he wrong though? The hobby isn't doing that good.
My rip of its UI will bankrupt NovelAI.
Its so funny, when Kayra released we had an elf Friday with the highest turnout seen in some time. Is it not a wonder why this one is so dead?
I am rooting for you there. Could you please rip their screenshoot tool?
That's because I won. I killed the recap. I killed the hick. I killed oldthemeanon. I killed the old baker. I can't stop winning.
Dude you're actually taking the CF's/shitposter's inefficacious baits. Oh well. He'll give a (You) too nevertheless.
Let us rejoice in the death of AI and it's novels!
theres only one really big novel, dummy, it's NOVEL ai not NOVELS ai
>financial guardian
Invalidates wining, sorry.
Well, cabbalists? How are you going to squirm your way out of this one?
The same way I squirmed out of my mother: screaming and covered in bodily fluids.
When I drop my rip, they won't have an excuse to stick with Turk's scam. My friends will be freed from the shackles of Ottoman tyranny. Breton is right. NAIshills are insufferable.
He never posts porn saying he raped the waifu of the person anymore.
God damn, anon. This general is funnier than most somehow, I don't know why
My cope is that NAI will pull a Nicocado Avocado and be two steps ahead.
Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to play with the prompt some more and fix that.
The Two Steps Ahead move would be that Erato was a trial of whether LLaMA models were worth pursuing for AR. And we'll get a 35B custom model that'll be used for both AR and NovelAI (one with a chat tune, the other a storytune.)
Amazing that people like this actually lurk here among us.
>miserable person
Are we pretending we don't know exactly who that whistleblower is?
That's literally WF. He's doing the Concernedcitizen bit again
Could I get a link to the original announcement please?
Whinefag trying to start shit again.
I am whistleblower1756. Do not compare me to that shitposter.
That gives me a prompt idea:
>you (the arch villain) finally capture a magical girl, and just before you're about to rape her, she tells you about their closely guarded secret: being cummed inside makes them loser their magical powers. in exchange for not raping her, the little bitch agrees to help you kidnap and impregnate all of her teammates.
could be kino
not gonna write it though
Get fucked, asshole.
You deserve to get fucked in the ass fucker, where get off on ni crimes here and 2 and the they you'll fuck
>>496153479 (me)
>>496153635 (me)
Also, does anybody know how to get gerbils out of your own asshole without them scratching the anal lining with their paws?
It's not based at all he's a chud shill fuck shill damn shill garbage shill rat shill fuck shill I gate him
Haha, that's amazing. I hope the guy doing the UI sees this when he wakes up. Even the devs gave him the greenlight, I'll be rooting for him too
busted a fat nut to erato
All that effort to end up being worse than offline-nc...
The fuck? Does this guy think NAI doesn't know about this thread or his UI shenanigans? Probably a newfag lmao.
Probably another falseflag by either him or the cabal.
I'm a little sad that CF's motive is literally just soulless shitposting to distract himself from Acking.
Like, there's no actual logic behind "Novelcrafter is better", it's just because someone is posting something he can oppose.
Nah it's literally Whinefag. He did the exact same shit with concernedcitizen.
I am not whinefag.
I dont want NAI to die, I just want them to dump this flop and give Kayra more context and 3 or 4x the output limit.
I'm not posting the invite link again, look it up on the archive.
Eh, it's sad, but this whole site's sad to a lot of people. Hey, if you're reading this whistleblower1756, do more amusing stuff like this! Go spraypaint a building next time with "Death To NovelAI" and post it here
I am though.
This is literally the first time ive posted on this thread in a year
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based & same
Zany Scribe > True Smoothbrain.
everytime I peek in here that guy is doing this lmao
>make burner discord for NAI to see the erato response
>see 2 trannies within seconds of looking around
the meme is real!
looking at yourself in a mirror doesn't count
I'm going to keep using NAI, for I don't have to deal with your faggoty nigger chimping.
How far back is it?
25$ 8K context
Ye. Cry about it.
Making you seethe?
is your favorite hobby, yeah, i already know
Feels good but makes a big mess.
No that's butthole fingering
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Well, Cadre? How are you going to squirm your way out of this one?
The invite code is invalid or has expired.
In a police lineup?
>That's the butthole, officer!
Holy fucking kino
You've been down too long in the midnight sea.
Oh, what's becoming of me?
So, if people were to update the OP to be more model-agnostic, asterisks by ones made by those companies, and more open to local, thoughts? Serious replies only.
I would love to have an adventure like that. Maybe when we get next-gen models.
Dio is kino indeed
I think the OP should be model-atheist. I don't believe models exist
Inshallah, the OP will be model-islamic
What would that look like? Currently OP only lists models in the news, the main spot is for services/frontends. /lmg/ does it the same way, but their OP is also outdated. More local focus is always good, people should know what their hardware is capable of.
you people take this shit so seriously, how pathetic lmao
I think it would be a good idea to have SillyTavern, a breakdown for how to do storytelling format with instruct models, to encourage discussion about it. I do not really know what it should look like, which is why I wanted input.
It's better to have an OP discussion at the start of a new thread tbqh. But I'm all for adding more models.
Aside becoming the /lmg/ of /vg/, what else can we do?
Also, if nobody else hates the idea, I do think it would be a good idea to add Qwen and Mistral news to the OP. Just because a schizo shills ot doesn't mean we should ignore it.
so Erato has flopped so bad you are all trooning... er transitioning into lmg
Yeah the news additions are fine. TBQH I meant to add them this time but accidentally alt-tabbed.
>NAI might have actually lost it's support from the cabal
Krake 2.0? No shot this arc is happening.
That insult was as weak as the Russian military.
I'll admit I haven't been paying attention, are these like actual competitors in the field? I've heard of Mistral but not the other one. If they are, then yeah, model news is model news.
Qwen is like half-real half-meme.
Alright, sounds good.
Local models are fine. Personally, I'm a bit iffy about proxies and such, but to each their own. Console wars are retarded. They serve no purpose. That's just how I feel about it.
In the past alternate models were usually kept off because of some big glaring issue with them, usually privacy or service related and anything AID was verboten for obvious reasons. I personally wont use them because picrel and I'm just fine with NAI, but I have no problem with having some info on other models for other newfags who aren't picky.

However we're not the only AI thread anymore so we don't need to keep track of them all. So I think if the models are not suited for storytelling they should be left off and to the domain of /lmg/ and /aicg/ and similar. We have our niche.
That's why I think discussion about how to format instruct models to work as storytelling is necessary.
I mean "technically", every instruct model, unless it's a "this is designed solely for coding" model can do it, some will just turn into shivers
You lurking and taking things out of context? Nobody's abandoned NovelAI. Us grown-ups are just trying to do some long-needed overhauls.
mashallah we will make halal text gen kaffirs fuck off
It's WF lurking the infamous place again and quoting shit out of context (we were talking about Helldivers 2 and artist's opinions on AI.)
>the infamous place again
Nta but ???
I was wondering about that. Is it just trained on 2 million tokens of regular data and 16 million tokens of chatgpt refusals?
>With that, the [redacted] walked inside, leaving him to wonder how much trouble he was in. He didn't want to go to jail.
kino every time
/aids/cord. WF's lurks on a secret account there because he's obsessed with SA.
homebrew shit used to be directed to /g/ since we didn't want the general to be an installation tutorial or proxybegginggrounds
>omg this guys gonna do something that takes work
kobold tried
We do have a wiki, though it's got some cobwebs and poor maintenance. I'd suggest that the models that are easiest to use and have quality could be put in the OP since they'd be the most relevant to us, while others that are either full of 'isms or are less "aligned" can have entries on the wiki. If they want to look for them they can follow the rabbit hole and be directed to information or places (other generals) better suited for that.
Yes and? I think that's a mistake. Were about AI Dynamic Storytelling. Whether it's a service or local, if its about storytelling, it should be in the OP. We can direct tech support to where it goes, but to stigmatize people who aren't subbed, that devalues whatever potential contributions they could make. Claudey and Whiney are schizos, but we shouldn't disavow local just because they have hateboners toward NovelAI.
>teen brat called out my ploy to make them pee their swimsuits outside by pointing out that even if the water was out, they could still pee in the toilets without flushing
This model might be too smart, it's poking plotholes in my poorly contrived smut.
The three I have in mind (ones I've seen people discuss here, although of course the well is somewhat poisoned) are Command R, Mistral, and Qwen. If there are others, do let me know, because I don't really keep up with development on that front.
I have a split personality disorder. And the personality taking over right now is Mr. Laugh.
i can smell the fucking axe wounds on you cretins, the day of the great stink ditch landfill cant come soon enough, every one of you dysgenic cunts need burnt.
after you furfag
There is this link here https://rentry.org/aids-alts which I found tucked off on the wiki front page. Honestly I think this could be a good enough dumping ground and we don't need more fucking rentrys.
He's about the same level of a lolcow, huh. And good thing I didn't get the invite link.
A lot of the informatiion in that one is share with https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
As such, we could repurpose it. I do think some models need to be included in the OP, though.
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Chat, am I a schizo or?
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Is there anything to collab on with /aicg/ extra info rentry?
NTA but I'm not exactly sure.
Fresh bread~
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I would like to see 1 or 2 recommended local models for stories
Yeah that's a good idea.
Too early.
Erato really needs context to write from, huh? It got 3 times better once I fed it some of my Claude stories.
He's already samefagging inside it (not the rance guy, obviously.)
I haven't started any stories with Erato yet so I haven't noticed any context related issues, just swapped out Kayra and kept going on the one I was playing.
What have you been writing about?
a shiver ran down...
Aren't mods able to see what IP people post from?
What? What did the shiver run down?
I mean yeah, but /vg/'s are too busy dealing with BBC posters.
>he thinks the mods care
get a load of this newfag
Where can I apply to become a mod?
Dowm my spine, along my ass crack, and leaking around to my groin.
You can't. Closest is sometimes well performing veteran jannies get modship.
How can I become a janitor?
Wait still applications are announced (they're late this year.)
I don't think that's a shiver...
I will apply as soon as I can.
Damn, I didn't know /vg/ hated British Broadcasting so much.
Are you joking? That's not what BBC is, anon. You poor sheltered boy.
Can you explain what it is, then?
So, is anyone else going to bake a real bread?
That is a real bread.
Everyone should migrate to >>496164019
It's the real bread. Ignore the fake bread. Real.
Real breads are not made thirty posts early.
I don't think you're real.
I think so? Obviously waiting until 750
Shut up, retard.
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The inherent issue with Jannies and Mods is that it all starts with good intentions, then you get burned out when you realize there's nothing you can do to change it and everyone hates you. You are—after all—doing it for free.
New thread:
Indian and Mystery Meat, a match made in heaven.
I don't really have anything better to do.
It was an emergency bake, since CF might bake one early too.
>He's doing his spam tactic again.
It's as bad as kayra when you're starting from something like those old school ai dungeon prompts.
Coward can't even make 9 threads.
Do it, you fucking pussy.
>all the threads
>all the samefagging
>no idea what people actually think about the new model
>no idea if any of that OP discussion was real
>every post triggers my paranoia now
I've never been so close to wanting to join a discord (I won't join a discord).
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The model is good if you got high quality context for it to continue from, and it's bad if you don't.
I won't tempt you, but IIRC there aren't any invite codes right now.
gib high qualiy context
AI was a mistake
Wish we had those poster ids some boards have, at least. I like being anonymous, but 1 crazy poster can do so much damage through persistant BS, it gets so tiresome.
Unironically use claude
So which is the actual fucking thread I should be posting in? There's like five of them.
The one blowing a kiss at you.
This one >>496167440
Thank you anons.
You're welcome, wanna make out?

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