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Previous: >>495930426


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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First for my wife, Leo!
name one virtua fighter
im fat and need to apply for more jobs...
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>randomly robbing 80-100% of your hp bar with a mainline character, not mainstream frauds like akuma and geese
i cant believe i fell for the tekken 7 is better meme
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compretery dead.
someone post the knee armor king vs heihachi webm
what about PC.
bring out the Filipina for DLC 4 salamat
Murray left his dog alone without food or water for a week while he flew to visit a 50 year old hooker

The dog was dying when he came home, but instead of taking it to the vet he put it in a garbage bag and threw it in a dumperster to die in agony
Seconding this because it's actually hilarious
100% off on cs.rin.ru
Remember this is what people mean when they cry about Tekken 8 butchering Heihachi. Give thanks to Nakatsu and Murray for protecting you from this bullshit and letting you play against a fair and honest Heihachi
im gonna say this unironically
yeah, cuz I'm totally not gonna wanna go online..
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Look at how honest and high execution he was...they turned him into a rushdown stance gorilla...
with every patch we lose 150 users
tekkino will rise again
>4 floor breaks
Wtf were people smoking in Tekken 7
was there legitimately nothing he could do here?
everyone was calling heihachi a waifu in D7
i kneel techdemo7
If that was Tekken 8 knee could've power crushed
everyone was calling me a faggot in high school
theres a reason why knee is off the map now
he's under medical attention for his head issue
He could have sidestepped at any point or just jab back when he didn't block the f4. It honestly just shows how trash Heihachi was when you could hold back and never get hit
everyone was calling Knee a map in high school
is there any possible timeline where jdcr stops being washed
if that was tekken 8 knee would have died 10 seconds in from chip damage
if he cant win with giga drag then no
everyone was calling me washed in high school
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>returns from death
>stronger than ever
>a fucking actual new main outfit
>classic blue AND T4 amber sparks at same time
Heihachibros, we are SO fucking back...
No. He had to hard guess correctly.
yeah we are so back to the shelves
guys give me that one top 40 chart this is an emergency
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I went 5-15 so here are 3 defeats and 1 win.
I felt like my movement was super lineal but every time I tried to step I swear I got caught constantly. I just have no idea how to deal with King in neutral, especially his low that leaves him like +5 is so fucking oppressive.


Generic advice also greatly appreciated, I'm struggling learning to play the game in general.
luckily he now has chip so he will do the same shit except you WILL press against him or die
the ps one? don't post it they'll call you a retard cause that chart only takes in consideration like 2000 users (who added the bot as a friend to log the game time)
that's like 0,0000000001% of the psn users
Zero Suit Samus from DOA5
why would you want to go online in Tekken 8?
what else am i supposed to do to feel less lonely then
You know, I think the anon saying Ulsan is carried right now is the same retard who was saying Arslan was only good at T7 before he won his 5th EVO. Just a hunch.
if you're in doubt that Tekken 8 is completely dead just check a tekken thread from another board, gacha tier
so, which is it?
no, i'm the ulsan is carried by dragunov poster and i never mentioned arslan.
1 oct will kill ulsan, he had a good run though, gg
funnier than thinking Ulsan isn't carried is believing Kazumi was ever bad or non competitive in Tekken 7 and he was a mid tier hero
>will kill ulsan
funny you think he won't just pick the next top 1 character and win tournaments with him
that's his entire shtick
becsuse single player is retarded and I don't care about a fighting games story. I want to test myself against other players and improve overall
Watched a little bit of the first match and you’re just not really doing anything, just standing still then using heat burst or df11. Get comfortable with using more of your movelist, and move around more if you don’t want to attack.
funny you guys keep saying funny, yeah that's funny
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>ulsan is carried pakistan is st- ACK!
Learn your wall combo bnb.
d1+2 if tornado is available, then uf4,3 IZU 2
Just watching half of the first clip you missed out on a ton of damage from not knowing it and at the wall is indeed where Jun shines.
bruv you're leaving a ton of damage off the table just by dropping combos/doing atrocious combos. I only watched the 4s streamable but you fucked 2 of your first wall combos the moment King hit the wall.
single player is retarded? I don't know this guy
If Ulsan is carried what does that make Atif
your main problem is you're a bad player
>Atif frauded Nobi
>Ulsan frauded Atif
you saw it, atif wrecked nobi so quickly that it wasn't even funny and then the same happened to him.
that's not skill, that's just a very lucky rock paper scissor.
chances are if they played longer sets, nobi would have won and atif would have won too
unblockable burning knuckles over him into armor king bullshit
interesting to see someone as bad at the game as me. genuine comment.
Wow Ulsan was lucky 5 times huh
now you just press f4 and autogo into your epic stance
yes ulsan was lucky and so was atif, you don't simply 5-0 pro players, nobi is a crazy good player, the character, the matchup, it's all a 50/50 shitshow.
ulsan winning this matches are purely because of the character and that mr croft fight showed how shit ulsan plays, wasn't for the insane damage he would have lost two times over
Ulsan wouldn't have won literally all tournaments he has entered the past 5 months if he wasn't so lucky
oh my days blud really said 5-0 a pro player I just pure luck lmao
5-0 a pro player is pure luck in a mirror match.
they both were spamming the same shit, ulsan always won the exchange, "wow so skilled", lmao
whats the tekken 7 equivalent of mighty ruler in 8
Ulsan just jabbed Atif before he got to use heat smash or wr2 and that was like 50% of the matches the other was side step heat smash
Tbf the first one is particularly bad but I'm usually not this bad with the wall, though I still struggle understanding exactly how it works and what causes it to drop. I know I can tornado somebody for another splat with d1+2 or df4, but I feel like there's an amount of hits against the wall. I also don't really know how to adapt the f3,2 combo to wallsplat when I'm nearing the wall, I guess f3,2, GEN 2.
Never said I wasn't, that's the entire point of the post actually.
>yoshi player plugged on me
Wait no GEN 2 is the hitgrab, I should probably do f3,4 instead I think.
how did you get to mighty ruler basically knowing no strings. I lab for hours and know bnbs and longer combos and I still suck shit!
ulsan never won anything with other characters (namely, reina) if i recall correctly, that should probably give you a hint
That should tell you how weak Reina is...
>d8 players don't understand the webm
pretty sure uls'ahan was winning with pre nerf azu
GEN 3,2
These are your wallsplatting strings you will want to end your air juggles with in case there's a wall nearby, b4,2 is the most versatile because both hits splat, d3+4 is best at small distance, figure out when the others are best
comin to the wrong place for advice is your main issue - these motherfuckers don’t even want to play the game half the time
he only won a few dojos with azucena, i should have mentioned "big prizes, big events" if it wasn't for dragunov he wouldn't have won shit in these bigger events and you know it
>It honestly just shows how trash Heihachi was when you could hold back and never get hit
nvm this nigga understands
>heh d8 chuds dont know how le high iq plus frame mindgames work
online dojos*
that is a big piece of information, he never won shit with her offline and she was pretty broken, he also fucked up massively with reina both online and offline, dragunov always saved the day in his matches
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Fuck Lidia.
Hug Lidia.
Kiss Lidia.
Mating press Lidia into a bed.
Massage Lidia shoulders.
Eat Lidia pussy.
French kiss Lidia.
Dress Lidia up in suits.
Dress Lidia up in sexy cosplay.
Ejaculate inside Lidia pussy.
Princess carry Lidia to the bed.
Twist Lidia nipples.
Suck Lidia breasts.
Lick Lidia midriff.
Excercise with Lidia.
Get Lidia drunk.
Sloppy tongue kissing with Lidia.
Read hentai with Lidia.
Eat Lidia ass.
Get Lidia horny.
Mutual masturbation with Lidia.
Marry Lidia.
Big wedding with Lidia.
Massage Lidia feet.
Fuck Lidia until your dick breaks.
10 kids with Lidia.
Total Lidia Love.
>half the time
You mean never?
i'm surely enabling another auto stance ape sure
>online dojos
You have no idea what dojo means in the context of tekken tournaments and yet you speak so confidently like you do. Why is that?
but he's getting advice
>implying they did during t7 either
it's the afreeca tv online tourneys that i'm referring to
Nope, there is a hierarchy of novfrauds

outdated suboptimal playstyle, passive
outdated suboptimal playstyle, aggressive
Contemporary optimal playstyle, aggressive, flowcharty
Contemporary optimal playstyle, aggressive, responsive
If you're REALLY unsure on your wallcombos then just instantly do your tornado/comboextender and proceed to finish the combo. Anything is better than just dropping it Then just slowly work it up with more hits etc while getting comfortable with the game and how the wall works
hei looks cool
dont know what you autists are crying about
hopefully the patch will put them all in the Outdated Mashing category
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one of the largest men i've ever seen
can you even be defensive in Tekken 8? feels like aggression 100% of the time and if you don't mash out your strings quicker you lose.
how does a nigga hit 300 and think yeah let’s keep going
I was gonna say that the both of them seem pretty normal in NA but then I noticed the absolute unit in the far left
with focus
Defensive is really more like using power crush or evasive moves. Defense like holding back and blocking will 100% lose you the game.
>It would take approximately 1,540 days to gain 220 lbs with a 500-calorie surplus, which is about 4.2 years
why are amerilards like this
with the retarded chip damage? nah
This is super useful, thanks. I'm going to lab a bunch of stages to get a feeling for finishers and distance. I think I also really need to start doing combo into heat activation for the wallsplat, all the high level Juns I see do it basically ASAP if anywhere near.
I have a bit of trouble here because some of Jun's combos are instant tornados (like her d1+2) but I'll bear it in mind.
You get two hits against a wall before it drops and they just slide, unless it's a special attack coded to hit at the wall, right?
That's a fucking UNIT
Could he beat Murray up in a fist fight? I'm not so sure
geniuses itt think defense is holding back and praying the enemy does something unsafe
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>'chop frauding with nov
>You get two hits against a wall before it drops and they just slide, unless it's a special attack coded to hit at the wall, right?
No. It depends on how high they hit the wall and the angle of it.
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buy the dip
With Hei right around the corner, 'compretery dead' has a new connotation that implies that it will be coming back in 7 months stronger than ever
Concord 8 bros...
Bamco owe me a game where I can beat the unwashed masses by holding back and waiting for a mistake just like women owe me sex. It is my birthright as a 130 IQ midwit.
yeah, that's some of it.
imagine thinking defense is just mashing other buttons from usual
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Checkmate haters
yes. instead of being able to pressure with 3 moves they nerfed those fundamental tools and gave him stance pressure, unbreakable throws, and guard breaks.
Reina is sleeper top 1. Niggas just haven’t practiced her dumb ass perfect parry enough yet.
she's good but..better than drag? come on bruv
reina is better than sex
middatry 8
What about sex with Reina
you wouldnt survive the debiru grip
If you hit the just frame it guarantees pregnancy
She also has a blue sparks input for her handjob that causes instant orgasm
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Why would you have sex with this?
hi reina here
please dont talk about me like that
I've been trying to add it to my repertoire via flowchart
It catches a lot of mashing scrubs if you use Unsoku up/down after:
Sen 2

Don't use this knowledge against me or there will be repercussions
she has an arrogant birchy personality so it's easy to picture her being into femdom. that's why.
ask /v/
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how do you do that low spin double kick thing
the press and content creators are barred from talking about or showing footage of the last 3 story expansion chapters. Place your bets on why.
wavu wavu 4,4
Look at the moveslist
The star means let go of the directional input for a milisecond
Brawlpro and TMMM were incredibly annoyed whenever the topic was brought up. While spag was really excited. So I guess it would be a reveal of who's the 4th DLC character
>you have to do a PERFECT cancel just for 112
yeah no shit
I can't say yes! fast enough
It's not actually frame perfect, it's just a tight window
Easier than pewgf by a mile
So Kuni 2 is confirmed. Nobody would want her except Spag, who is dying to fellate Arslan again.
Just checking, do I have the strategy against Bryan right in this game:
>Never duck because it's Bryan
>Don't get hit by the insane unreactable tracking power low
>Don't go on the offensive because you will get ch launched
>Don't stand and block because chip damage and guard break
>Don't try to backstep because all his attacks have insane reach and knockback
>Don't sidestep left because all his attacks track left
>Don't sidestep right because everything in tekken 8 tracks to the side it doesn't actually track to anyway
But apart from those things all good?
no he does that distance high punch thing where you can duck it
it's Anna wearing Kunimitsu clothes
spag played her too you know. but i think most of the guys that aren't on the edgy side of character preference expressed interest in kunimitsu returning.
It's Anna wearing Kunimitsus skin
I just want Chloe back.
How come my goyphone auto corrects tekken to TEKKEN but no one here shows the deserved respect to properly capitalize the title of the game
i would drown an entire orphanage of children in a well to have kuni next dlc
Does it have to be a well? They've kind of fallen out of use in recent history
Will a bathtub or a public pool be acceptable?
oh my days bruv lives in the city and hasn't seen a well in his life
I've never seen an orphanage either
Starting to think you guys are just making up words to gatekeep and gaslight
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Wow, the lads at bamco never seem to disappoint. You know what they say, hard work pays off. Bravo, Michael. Bravo, Harada. Bravo, esports guy. Yeah, I'm thinking tekkino8 just got tekkinoer.
kayane wanted kuni too
she seems content
TEKKINo8 just got TEKKINoer
Ok sorry
Redpill me on devil jim. Why is he low tier
insiders are slacking, niggas had the whole roster and newcomer descriptions months early and now we’re left to speculate on a character that has already been revealed to ecelebs
because they are all the inner circle. only outsorced indian labor shares info with random 4chan posters
I feel like I haven’t lost to a single Azucena after the nerfs
Poor thing…
soupakooma said pakis are claiming bryan is top 5
I’m no paki lover but they were right about akuma being top 1 in 7 and are probably right about bryan
the sweep only has 90% success rate and not 100%
they were wrong about julia for years. they kept saying she was b tier and were basically the last ones to admit she was good.
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I without a grain of doubt in my heart believe the final character of season 1 will be a guest character. I mean why would they release a story expansion without waiting for all the dlc characters to be released?
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Bryan is absolutely top 10 and the only reason he isn't obvious top 5 is because the current top 5 is already stacked full of braindead easy characters who are in every tournament top 8. It's hard to argue for Bryan being better than Dragunov, Feng, Alisa, Jin and Nina but after Nina gets nerfed I reckon Bryan will be top 5 easily.
if kunishitsu the 2nd is the fourth DLC i'm finna scream
it was always the plan to do that. back in february harada first said that the dlc would come out shortly after may so at best only 2 of the dlc would have been released. before changing they minds about heiachi at least.
>>Don't go on the offensive because you will get ch launched
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you finna tell me the electrics is a high
kill yourself tourist
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do pros get all the dlc for free like in league of legends or do they have to pay for it?
lmao bamco isnt giving shit for free
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Jun Kazama
Are you saying you think Bryan isn't the best at that particular thing in the game. Please say that
>be heir to kazama bloodlines
>genes perfected over millenias of eugenic inbreeding to destroy evil
>fucks a demon and bears his devil child
Bryan isn't the best at that particular thing in the game.
why are women like this
tmm said the story really made him laugh. do the last 3 chapters have somerthing he considers inherently ridiculous like kuni II beating heihachi or something?
It's in their nature
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How many more Ls does he have in him?
He’s going to find out out Ogre left an Ogre Jr in Jun’s tank
He'll get redemption arc in Season 2. Jun is gonna use her Kazama healing pussy powers and reconcile Jin and Kazuya and they will team up to defeat Heihachi this time for real real only for Heihachi to come back in T9
I don’t care about some dick slurping paki lover
Forgot to mention ff2,3 which is extremely good for splats too.
How come /tekgen is faster than /sfg even though Terry just released?
It's gonna be revealed Lidia is Reina's mother
tmm said 6 million geese mains were killed in pachinko parlours over 2 years
4chan is not a japanese imageboard.
8 million Akuma mains caused the dip >>495993207
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stop posting cute girls in tekgen
If it's something he dislikes then it's definitely related to a woman character showing up
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leo in doa?
no, this one have all the ladies wanting to fuck him and actually has testosterone
Tekken stole a shitload of characters from DoA starting from tekken 5 and onward. Dragunov and Leo are basically taken directly from Bayman and Eliot. More recently Lidia is extremely similar to Hitomi.
josie season 2.... i believe.....
waiting for Jaycee to return and have all Lisa moves
Christie= Mariposa
Michelle/Julia= Tina
Xiaoyu= Leifang
Asuka= Kazumi
Reina= Ayane
Chloe= Marie Rose
Lidia= Hitomi
Alisa= NiCo
Eliza= Nyotengu
Azucena= Mila
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jun is tamaki
the heresy of comparing Helena to a turd like Lili was so strong we'll reach page 6
post zafina
Tekken 9 should have tag mechanics and the final battle can be Jin and Kazuya vs Heihachi and Reina. Lars and Lee can watch from the sidelines
Reina players still think Heihachi likes her or they skipped yesterday's class?
Do you actually need to know electrics to play reina cause most of them just spam kicks in my face
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I would physically kill to get Marie Rose in this joyless butthole of a game.
>do you need [legacy move] in Tekken 8?
the answer is always no
Modern Jun is basically exactly the same character as Momiji. Same appearance, same personality, same martial arts, but they both were created around the same time (Momiji fighting game debut in DoA 5 and new Jun in TTT2).
momiji is a ninja.
I would main her. She is the single sexiest fighting game character of all time. Not Chun-Li, not Cammy, not Morigan, Marie "Dick Tease" Rose
Raidou is literally Heihachi. He even has an electric wind god fist
Raidou rapes women though
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You think Heihachi got 35 kids through consent?
Tengu is Heihachi. Not gonna explain myself.
nah taki nobody does pokies like her
this is what all anna mains look like
that's clearly a "leo is a femboy" poster
Why did he do it...
he's literally an actual anna main
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Momiji was never a ninja, that was Kasumi and Ayane. In NG she fights with a large glaive and a bow and arrow which is not ninja-like at all. She is a shrine maiden which closely matches modern Jun's exorcist theme
she's both a shrine maiden and a ninja. she was a full on ninja in her debut and fought with a katana as that was before she replaced her sister who died in ng 2004 as the shrine bitch. also ryu literally uses a bow too.

Tamaki is the aikido character with a lot of the exact same animations. harada even posted about it on twitter when it got pointed out to him.
reina girl has manly teeth...
i told you to stop
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@RaiJinMei1 @rebyczko
I spend far more time than a mentally sane person should wondering what kama sutra positions were used when Jin, Kazuya, Lars and more were conceived
Why did/do the FGC memory-hole this so hard but love to talk about Smash-pedos?
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what is reina thinking about
She's wondering if she left the oven running
my cock
i find that tekken is the fg that allows you to communicate the widest range of emotions to your opponent purely from gameplay
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>chapters 1-2 you play as eddy
>chapters 3-4 you play as lidia
>chapter 5 you get heihachi
>chapters 7-8 ???
brawlpro sounded real coy about it desu
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Those letters are a bit off let me fix that.
Shaheen one tier higher
Bryan one tier higher
Jack one tier lower
King one tier lower
Lars one tier lower
Devil Jin one tier higher
Steve one tier higher
Jun schi<ophrenic here.

My dibs are as follows:

Learn your frame traps:
SS4->df1 frame traps at +4 into 13 frame
Any +3 move into magic 4 or F1+2, Df1,1 has a free uf1 followup
You can do SS4 into can cans, good at catching mashers
FF1+2 into can cans
Your neutral is ass: df3 while a cool move is -9 and you keep spamming it losing your turn. Also it's better used at long range. Use df3 only to catch people stepping at longer ranges. At closer ranges use F4.
As well, if you want better neutral tools you can try: df4 for a nice counterhit launch (DUMB NIGGERS DONT PUNISH IT EVER), as well as f2,1+2 (safe heat engager with good range, if you hold forward with heat it's a heat dash),
You can try learning Jun jab pressure, since you're a low elolet and people there are bad, try using her 1,2,2 that shit is free Fujin (see forsen mashing it to fujin), once the opponents are better, you should try 1,2 into sidestep (usually sidestep 4) or 1,2,4 to catch duckers but that's more advanced
Youre doing good by mashing ff3,3+4, think of the previous frame traps I mentioned
Finally you can try learning your options when you kjnock down the opponent: try using your f3+4 stance and using the f3+4 stance 1 low for nice mixups
Also your wall combos are ass you should practice the rewallsplat combo and the standard combo (rewallsplat combo normal is uf4,4 into f4 into 2) and the other is uf4,4 into 2 if y)

GL junschad

There is probably more. I have no time,
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As per in-game data:

Lili: 180 cm
Kazuya: 181 cm
Paul: 187 cm
The shoes must be taken into consideration, as the models are designed with them in mind for gameplay purposes and consistency in range. Lili is 180 cm with heels; if this weren’t the case, she would be the same height as Paul (187 cm) and not Kazuya (181 cm). This means she is approximately 173 cm, and with heels adding about 8 cm, she reaches Kazuya's height. Her in-game model corresponds to that.

Proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
also after genjitsu(f+3+4) stance you are also at +3 so you can CH launch with your WS2 to catch mashers. At the wall you can finishn ws2,1 for a wallsplat. If they aren't mashing whenever youre in full crouch go for FC df2 low.

Back to long range neutral you can try ff2 as well it's solid. Ff2,2 or ff2,3 catches mashers for a ch launch and if they respect it transition to ff2f into gengitsu and mix them up.

General pokes you should use b2 is very good at 14 frames. b2,1 into gengitsu sets up your low heat smash.

Lastly try to learn Gimmicks with your f2+3 parry. It launches. The gimmicks involve going for - moves into parry.. Typically people press jabs after your minus frames. So f2,1+2 into parry is good. there's a few more i cant remember. Generally just use it also if youre expecting punches.
At the end of the day TMM remains undisputably based.
The game is on a big discount on PSN. It's our time PSbros
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wiz asked me for my cup size and demanded proof
undisputably based on this nuts
notice how they subtract 10 dollars every time a dlc is coming out, by this time next year Tekken 8 be free
how is there no $25 season pass? do these greedy faggots expect me to buy each one individually
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you're supposed to buy the deluxe edition retard
we all did
then you're spending an extra $40 for 4 characters that would only you $32 individually. who's the real retard
Speak for yourself, pig. I paid $55 for the game and haven't spent a penny on it since. Not that there is anything actually worth buying yet.
damn anon i think he got you with arithmetic, now you have to leave this general in shame
>doesn't get the gold suit pack
>doesn't get the kinjin avatar skin
>doesn't get 3 days to lab characters before the poorfags get their hands on them
you'd have to be a real retard to pass up the value of the deluxe edition upgrade
>>doesn't get the gold suit pack
>>doesn't get the kinjin avatar skin
i did not consider this..............
Here's your Heihachi combo guide
Is the tekken community having their sf5 moment? All these na players threatning to play 7 or 5 instead lol
just like nothing happened with usf4 revival and sfv not dying, nothing will happen with 8
the current fgc is not putting down the latest game for any reason
Im all for people showing love to older entries but it usually never works out because older games need a high level of tolerance for their top level as well. I love playing mid level 3rd strike but when i get raped by yun in the corner i remember the reality of the game
Sad how spineless and retarded the community is compared to the guys back in the day who collectively refused to play Tekken 4 and forced Tekken Tag 1 as the competitive standard for a further three years. We are human cattle and the developers know it.
Esports does that and has been doing that for the past 15 years
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Issue is retro revivals dont work if its out of spite. There has to be genuine love and passion for the game to an autistic level, its why third strike and melee cant die. Have sone tekken 5 god wipe the floor with the NA retards using Steve and they’ll go back to the new game.
nina is the evil sister
Draws better than I could.
b-but my leobro said otherwise???
Leobro lied… the t5dr clips have alreadt came and went..
I never said 5dr would replace t8 and you have your posters mixed up. You are retarded and constantly wrong.
>leoFAGGOT playing a game without leo
You guys don't know shit about fuck
I didnt say you claimed the game would be replaced. Im just saying that people who threatened to swap out of spite never last.
what did he do again?
played Leo
the actual difference is that melee and third strike have actually good rollback. 5DR's netcode is not even close to being playable.
Oh its not even real rollback? The fuck then why is it getting shilled.
>lili xiaoyu above bryan kekzuya
How do 6, 7 and 8 compare to each other? Which do you think is better?
Because there are dozens of guys who were tight with Mr Wiz getting into way more fucked up stuff than he was, who are still prominent and active in the FGC to this day. Yeah Wiz looking at young guys' dicks is fucked up but there's even bigger scumbags still flourishing and still at the top of organisations like EVO. So of course they use their powerr in the community to push this topic aside so that people don't start asking questions about who else might be a rapist degenerate among us
6 > 8 > 7
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>All these na players threatning to play 7 or 5 instead
it's using the same netcode from the original version of the game. it's complete dogshit
He was a pedophile paying young guys for weird ass shit i barely even remember
6 is painfully bland in every way. Rage is fucked in that game.
7 is the best by far even with the bullshit they added in later seasons.
8 is kusoge, can be fun if you just mash but goes to shit as soon as you try to play it like a proper Tekken game
7 s2 > 6 > 7 > 8
I'm a Mishima fag and 6 was the lowest point in my life. 8 is based cause all the mishimas are busted (I don't care about DJ)
Why didn’t you just play Bob, the best Mishima in 6
No I despised Bob. Why does this fat ass have a wavu and hellsweep better than Kazuya and Heihachi? When bob comes in 8 I'll downgrade it to 7>8>6
In terms of fun? 7 season 2 > 8 > 6 > 7
Tekken 7 after season 3 was literally a joke
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Don't ever come to me with war
I've severed scores of orators
Rappers fall onto all fours like minotaurs
How did it change? I haven't played since 6 and don't know what the season thing means. Isn't it just DLC and buffing and nerfing various moves?
bob's hellsweep oki wasn't that good though. kazuya's hellsweep looped into itself
he had good everything else but hellsweep isn't among them
leroy and fuckerman
TIL that Leroy’s hellsweep wasn’t good because it doesn’t have looping oki
fuck i remember bob players in t7
some of the most bitch ass faggots on the planet
All the bad stuff you see people complain about in 8 was stronger in 7 season 3. Leroy did permanent damage and lots of characters after him embodied the similar theme of forcing you into guessing situations.
every time someone tells you that you have to remember that the 2d characters were all STRONGER in season 2. don't listen to them.
Nobody played competently 2ds yet so noone cared
>Leroy's hellsweep
it's a demoman
They added new mechanics, adjusted the balancing of moves for every character to encourage a similar play style across the board, and added DLC characters like Kunimitsu II and season 3 Leroy who completely broke the game.
if you could magically bring tekken 7 season 2 back you wouldn't want to play it now.
Imagine heat mixups and all that bullshit. Now apply that shit to only 6 characters in a roster of 58. At least in 8 everyone has at least one casino mixup they can use to fight back. Imagine playing a Tekken 7 character against Tekken 8 bullshit
Yes, I would.
Season 2 was where things started going south. Wall bounce was awful. Season 1 was fine.
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oh no
acting like kunimitsu and launch leroy were in any way comparable is retarded. pros spent years downplaying her because her strength was that non-obvious.
>Ryujin was the 5DR schizo
Damn I didn't know he was Australian I thought he was some flavor of new European
T8>T4's Atmosphere>T5DR>Tag2>Tag1>T3>>>>Therest
Sajam and his consequences have been a disaster for fighting games
you would get a meta where steve still has completely safe on whiff b1 and can spam homing df2 for an easier stronger combo while akuma gets 2 bars every round and geese gets 3 bars every 2 rounds. that's where the meta was already going back then.
>Heihachis new VA is 59
I have a bad feeling he's not gonna last the entire run of Tekken 8
it wasn't clean hit only, so no.
Yep, would still take that if the game was populated
literal whos be like i'm done with tekken 8
bruh don't nobody wanted your ass here in the first place
most people were able to see this outcome way before release, yet the devs still went through with it. and did it pay off? was aggression the answer? tekken is loved by a whole new audience now?
Rate my Asuka flowchart (assume I have heat and rage)
Heat Engage > D1+2 > F2 > Heat Smash Oki > 1+2 (if heat smash blocked) > rage art (if 1+2 do not work)
they'll manage, harada looks like an AIbro
Intredasting takes on this.
I would like to see your power rankings for the whole series.
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you can only be lying or retarded if you actually want that over season 5 t7 after everyone was nerfed.
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Majority of people are just going to lie out their ass for style points and say 5DR is peak, or judge based on their offline play against their sister or whatever
Realistically most Tekken fans posting here probably started with 7, and a few that were around for Tag 2/6 online, that’s it
It already had deathmatches, the only characters I didn't care to vs were 2ds. I'll just leave and find a normal char.
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this is rich coming from a noctis fraud
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Is Zafina the correct choice here if a play weird, eccentric move characters in fighting games?
I play Voldo. Dhalsim, etc.
special style jin
how does one play Dhalsim? he's so bad
they need to AI voice the old heihachi VA, new shadow step laugh is a glib facsimile of the old audio
Sajam is the main culprit in defending all the terrible mechanics in SF6 though, his throw loop video was so bad but you can't argue against him or he'll try to humiliate you on his stream. He does that crap all the time, he even played granblue for 5 minutes and went on a rant about how 6LL is fine.
this dumbass isn't gonna be playing 5DR for more than a week. Atleast go back to 7
>glib facsimile
calm down leobro, you play the lamest character in the game, don't try to act like an intellectual
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I thought the Tekken 6 story mode was kino
what were the issues with 6 again. I don't recall.
All skill expression from low ranks was removed such that the difference between a Fujin and an Orange ranked player is 2 months of gameplay.

At the same time the defensive skill expression was reduced such that GoD defensive ability could at most net you Bushin.

This has created a ladder where you have mashers at the top of GoD, teals at Fujin and GoD defensive players sharing ranks with teals.

In a way the new ranking system managed to merge both GoD defensive players and teal ranks in the same rank. Quite the feat.
Bob, that's about it
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It absolutely was. Here's PTSD in image form for you.
Forgot to say but my rank is Tenryu
Bob, rage damage, bound, shit stages and music
honestly nothing much? The game was low budget and single player-wise it was not great, but i never heard anything terrible about it competitively aside from bob.
Yoshimitsu is the character to play if you want something weird and eccentric.
it's flame ruler you fucking lier
I'm a singleplayer casual and it's the most fun I've had with the series. 6 was my first and I bought it for Alisa. 4 looks like it had a decent single player mode too.
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this DOA loser is trying to talk smack to our guy
Devil Jin was such a shitter here.
Tekken 8 season 1 is dogshit but how many times has this sentiment been repeated?
>new game lets anyone be top level
meanwhile the modern tourneys are all still dominated by the same players over and over.
Wouldn't Tekken 6 be one of the higher budget Tekken games? It was one of the best looking games of its time and still holds up really well to this day
gm shittalking the players who compete while not competing, complaining about online all the time and then never going offline. that's all genuinely annoying.
Also Scenario Campaign was absolutely massive, customization was the best its ever been, and the roster was huge
was it? I don't remember the stages being great or some of the story mode but maybe i need to play it again.
Dynamic snow 6 vs no footprint 8
Also had the best modeled feet for the girls
I don't recall this at all but from the image and name I'm going to assume it was a very tough video game moment

Taking on Azazel in that dark cavern was pretty boss. Reminded me of fighting True Ogre in Tekken 3, having to fight this giant monster demon thing
this character is so cringe
obscene rage damage boost + bound at the wall led to crazy damage
weird stages
bob/lars being proto-leroy and fahkumram, easy and strong as hell (but steve/julia/law weren’t far behind, just to dispel the idea that only bob dominated the game)
other newcomers and jin’s hitler story arc were poorly received
>shit music
Wretched taste.
Im trying to wrap my head around the sentiment that
>anyone can be fujin
>very good players can't leave blue ranks
Because surely the month 2 Fujin player isn't better than the very good player hardstuck Raijin. But then if he were worse the hardstuck good player in question should climb.

And if we say that fujin is a weak rank then why are good players near fujin? So how do we make sense with
1. Bad players are Fujin
2. Good players are Fujin or near Fujin (say Kishin
3. Other good players are way past Fujin

Has the skill of those good players that are near Fujin just disappeared? How can this be explained, it's kind of paradoxical but I can't say what is paradoxical exactly either.
There's only 7 good songs in the game across every mode, and you posted two of them

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The part where you get to play as Nancy made up for it.
Shitty motion blur
despite all that damage in relative terms was quite low in 6 BR. characters had a lot of health and scaling worked differently so optimal combo damage with wall was often just 1/3 of health for most of the cast.
There are two sets of blue ranks because of prowess
6 has better water too
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I agree
based bryan troon
Oh you already know GM went ham all up in her joint, y'hear
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>I'm going to assume it was a very tough video game moment
It's absolutely fucked. The stage starts with you getting swarmed by a horde of demons with Devil Jin moveset who have loads of health. The strat is to make your way to the opposite end of the train carriage where the chaingun and health are so you can prepare for the Devil Jin boss fight. By the time you make it, Alisa will probably have died, so you need to find an opening to revive her while the demons keep spawning. And then Devil Jin arrives, the demons keep spawning during the boss fight, so really your only hope is to cheese Devil Jin out of the stage with the chaingun like in webm
Holy fuck no. This stage was absolutely shit while you're playing in a dark room at night. Its the reason why I had to get glasses
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i'm pretty sure tekken 6 felt like shit to play right? I don't know how people reacted to the insane delay lots of HD games had during the time.
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often i think about how many cool but old fighting games are essentially lost to time just because japanese devs were too stubborn about rollback
your eyes were too weak to handle the kino forest
less input delay then 7
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who would've thunk Tekken x DJMAX
shut the fuck up sajam
no? tekken 6 was played around when people still had crts so it was probably still less laggy than 7 and 8
7 had its own 8F delay controversy in S1
Lmao you just reminded me I was playing 6 on a TV from 1997
back when game missions had soul
>fallen colony
>obviously the US
What did they mean by this?
I'm just asking because i was a retarded teenager and never noticed delay.
I'm pretty sure tag 2 was the one with bad delay right? i definintely remmeber people talking about it with that one
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early ps3 was soulful, right before everything fully modernized
Tekken pros and cons:

>cool cast
>autogynephilic females to humiliate yourself for playing as
>the developers are insane chuds/edgelords and/or succesful failures like murray
>you can plausibly become pro due to the small scene compared to bigger games like Dota or League, as long as you practice 7-10 hours a day (this is cool and gives playing more meaning even if you wont do it)
>or if not pro you can try to win a tournament or local which is epic still, not possible in big games
>the game is big enough to be relevant and create communities but not big enough to create anonymity which kills communities. there are tekken scenes and friend groups everywhere in the world.

>dangerously angering
>too skewed towards offense
>too genetic/IQ/empathy (can be offset with hard work i suppose)
>too many character
>keeping up with DLC lab characters is near impossible (600 moves to lab per year, and if you fall behind you'll need to lab 1200 moves)
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Fallen Colony is the space station stage from Tekken 5 blasted out of orbit.
on ps3 it had bad input delay
yeah tag 2 had aris like this
I'm actually reading about scenario campaign now and it looks like there's even more secret/extra missions I missed that are unlocked via very specific conditions e.g. Yoshimitsu stage is only unlocked by "defeating the ninja with a straw hat on X stage on hard mode" lol might have to replay it again. It's really fun.
Why can't they put another space colony in orbit
Tag 2 input delay was fine. Had better netcode than Season 1-3 T7, too. The game systems were just absolutely cancerous all around.
Man I miss Wang
jin killed a kazillion space men
I saved the mini guns for ledging DVJ’s gay ass. Worked like a charm
fuck now i have to buy some shitty korean rhythmkuso
play iidx
Yeah... Sorry.
Why lie? Tag 2 netcode is dogshit.
every fighting game with 3d graphics had 6+ frames of delay back then. it only started getting better recently because of people constantly bothering epic games about it.
I saw this and thought I was in the mood to pick up another rhythm game, any good?
Honestly I think the biggest problem with Wang is that he looks stupid with those pajamas on
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>Hating on wangs pjs
They should've given Xiaoyu more Wang moves
The PSP version had some good menu music.
i should give xiaoyu my wang
how do you feel about them turning heihachi into reina
That's a bad idea. People would actually use her then. We can't be having that.
which Tekken 8 character is most likely to have a heart attack?
The first iphone was released in 2007, introducing a whole slew of the female population to the always connected digital world. Every brand, company and marketing firm wanting a piece of that action. Jump cut to 2024 and we are living in the aftermath of that seismic shift in culture, technology and society at large.
They should delete ling as a char and just have her in the bg of stages
Replace her with wang
What are the best legacy characters for a beginner?
Victor or Azucena
Paul and Law
dont worry jin will start ww3 soon
Eddy Gordo
not that bothered she was mostly a copy of his moveset to begin with
i'm kind of getting annoyed at fags bitching about stances because they try to label them into one group. I can comfortably defend against Victor Iai, or Lili backturn, shit like Lidia is where it gets annoying because the 50/50 is more devastating. There's a difference between "i'll accept the chip and not take a risk" and "oh lidia will kill me if i guess wrong time to flip a coin"
You could have saved it.
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>devil jin player is trying to tell us that a game is not interactive and is coin flippy
We're not bitching about stances. We're bitching about stance transitions i.e Lidia who does a move, goes into another stance and you guess again and she goes into another stance where you guess for a third time.
>she was mostly a copy of his moveset to begin with
no she wasn't
I'm sure being the #1 worst offender when it comes to that bullshit for 9 months straight takes a toll on one's soul
I bought it. what else could I have done
Buy both season passes.
Buy a copy for a friend.
Buy both season passes for a friend.
You know my main problem with Tekken 8 is how they just NEED to add so much new shit. The Heihachi Tekken talk where they were talking about 3 things when designing him illustrated this issue. Like couldn't you just stick to one thing? Stance transitions or warrior instinct install would've been fine, but you gotta add all of it
Want to fight against my jin in player match??? I’m online now!!!
Anooooooooo... Our aim is to make the game more exciting for viewers than ever before, mainly by adding endless mechanic bloat that will ensure viewers are always confused about what they are looking at it. And that's assuming they can see through the neverending flurry of UE5 particle effects. Please understand!
There was another part that was a massive skill wall, somewhere in a forest I think. You reach an enemy or a group of them that instantly booty blast you. I recall having to grind quite a bit for better body parts before I could get past it.
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I literally, LITERALLY only play one character.
can you guess who?
this is modern fgs in general, characters stop being vanilla and start becoming too complex and overbearing. SF6 characters are pretty barebones but become retarded with the mechanics. Is it possible to turn off heat in tekken 8 in a player match lobby? I don't think the game has has that kinda customization available.
Jin VS Feng
retarded with the DLC*
fixed that for you
Stopped reading there. Cool projection.
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Let’s fight in player match!!!
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it's japanese culture. They can't have something be minimal, have to go over the top with it. Just look at some of the character designs in this game
that fucking gauntlet LOL
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Who are your mains?
For me it's Paul.
I like nina's new design tho
Anyone want to have some fights against my jin???
At least I can tell from a glance that it's a woman.
Wtf why does she have a hidden blade?
no you're basically cheating with your hori octa!
Japan loves to overdesign but that is not overdesigned.
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I think about Paul making this face at least once a day.
t. gen alpha
this is minimal, thoughbeit
I'm 31 years old, I'm old enough to know how much japan loves to overdesign shit. That's not overdesigned, you're just a little bit of a contrarian faggot which I'm also old enough to know is extremely common here.
ok boomer
>unnecessary tassles on dress
>gaudy fishnets over black stockings
>not one but two pieces of ankle jewelry
from a fashion perspective alone it's quite overdone
yeah yeah, get to ur bed grandpa, everyone else is contrarian, not you
All of them make my dick hard so it's okay
you'd learn absolutely nothing from me. I button mash
Let's kick out Lydia without any basis and give her a character that hasn't appeared in a while. Lydia is ruining it now.
NTA, but you've clearly never seen any Ultimate Digimon design your life.
I can’t believe the low extension to Heihachi’s hellsweep is going to stay -10, even with the stagger being gone in his power-up state
I think they made the mid tsunami kick extension -14 in tekken 7 as well
i dont like the tourists mom can we go back to page 8
After Winter
Yes, but I canceled my call to fights. It’s why I deleted the posts calling for meetup!!!
That is unless you’re online and ready to fight!!! I’d fight you some!!!
The more I think about Heihachi being alive the more I feel sorry for Kazuya. After finally getting his win over Heihachi he came into Tekken 8 strong, he beat up Jin, he beat up Azazel, he was on top of the world but even his moment on top becomes a lie when its revealed Heihachi is still alive. Assuming Kazuya manages to stick it out and gets the alternate ending where he beats Jin in the end it's only a matter of time before Heihachi comes back and rips it away from him for good, Kazuya barely managed to make it out on top with his devil powers pushed to the limit and as a pure human he stands no chance.
How do we connect!
hey guys
um if heihachi just wanted to get rid of the devil gene then why does he work with reina
we'll get a retarded explanation in unforgotten echoes. or not. main story still barely explained shit about reina.
>King up through Tenryu
Fraud artist
>King the second you hit battle ruler
The most honest character on the roster
Want to meet in lounge or can you make a player match???
He apparently lost a good amount of his memory, either he forgot his hatred of the devil gene (for now), or Reina has kept her devil gene under wraps. I don't think anyone knows she has it yet.
the story is shit unless he blasts her in the head then laughs
turning heihachi into a stance faggot has got to be the dumbest shit they've done with this game.
Meet me at America 1 - 0006 at the beach, I’m wearing a black hoodie!!! For fights against my hori octa jin!!!
He wants the devil gene or ogre's power for himself so that he can use it to destroy the other devil gene holders
The only explanation that makes sense is that Reina's a successful experiment for giving people the devil gene and research on her awakening is what gives him the last bit of info he needs to give it to himself, meanwhile she's fed bullshit of her being needed to beat Kazuya and Jin.
he says reina awakening her devil's blood is part of his plan. whatever that plan is. which also reduces reina to a subordinate with no ideas of her own.
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was it autism?
Is someone coming to meet me at America 1 - 0006 at the beach for fights???
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we just need to trust the plan
why does Ao's ghost in tag 2 pair alisa up with dr b instead of Miguel?
Guess nobody’s coming to fight.
don't lose hope anon!
just make a lobby jinbro. no ones going in the fight lounge its wack
butt hashish
I don’t know how!!!
You should not be allowed to play online if you have the game installed on a drive that does not satisfy a certain read speed threshold
the fuck is the beach
beach neaga
my theory is he got memory loss from absorbing punches with his forehead
no one's at the beach!
sorry blast bro, im not in ur region
I left, I’ll go back now!!! America - 1 0006.
lounge is retarded just like SF6's
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jim bros
i pulled the trigger yesterday and got myself an iphone 15 pro
gonna celebrate with whiskey cokes and a generous wendy order
lidia's hopkick comes out so fast
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Me because I hold my breath for too long in an intense match.
>Heihachi spends the greater part of 2 decades trying to kill the devil gene out of his son and grandson ruin the fucking world with their devil power
>only now realizes if he has a kid that actually likes him he could harness that power through them instead
>lose once against a guy 2 ranks higher than me
>lose 500 points
>beat him
>gain 500
>lose the 3rd game
i'm this close to uninstalling. What the fuck? how the fuck does ranked even work dude. How am i supposed to rank up if i can't even afford to drop games anymore.
Rank inflation is bad enough as it is and you want it to be even easier?
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rank inflation is only relevant for bussins who haven't gotten to tekken king once. After that it becomes a clusterfuck of you getting ranked against tekken gods, gods of destructions and more because prowess is retarded.
I love draganov because you'll spend so much time trying to remember how to deal with is b3 strings because of the sheer amount of options he has after it then he just hits you with a move you've never fucking seen before and it also happens to have a CH property. Everyone who plays him is a total faggot, what an overpowered character.
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How could this happen to our princess Lilibros?
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Post one song from your Jukebox playlist and tell me the stage that it plays on.
They spent time and effort into making the big ass monk guy into a fight for Lidia in the game. He's the 4th DLC to say otherwise is folly
i remember that this dude wouldnt let troons sit next to him, but would ask real women to sit next to him at gdq
They just recycled the Katarina/Gigas storyline for Lidia and her dad
Of course it’s western
Katarina and who?
Is this necro/snuff
i will fap to this
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Nah she's alive
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>They dump Asuka in the same area
I'm gonna be homeless now
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Who would do this?
Lmao I was just randomly going through /ffg/ apparently the brown Reina faggot during the early months of 8 is the tifa spammer
No shit.
Do I understand correctly that Heihachi ressurected, kicked Kazuya's ass and somehow it didn't affect the plot on the main stroy at all?
Can't believe the obnoxious fag who doesn't play the game is the same guy as the obnoxious fag who didn't play the game!
am I retarded if I think that was a reasonable response
Is this a good game?
Honestly this is disgusting, fuck you.
GGs jinbro I have to break. nice Jin, I need to learn better combos!
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Gg, was wicked fun. We were fighting like dogs lol
Tekken 8 Heihachi is... concerning.
3,982 if you don't shut up
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Tekken Mishima.......is dead
Your favorite time of the day?
Who cares about the numbers, I just had a blast doing countless fights against a based anon from here, had a blast fighting with my jin and anon had a blast too!!!
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my fucking god dude, nina is a top tier right? i practice against my friend who's tekken god with her and he's literally just spamming 10 strings over and over and the occasional df1 follow up side steps or whatever. It's fucking insane, she has this string that starts with a low and if it ch it does like fucking 50 damage? She also has this low that's 0 on block that has a mid follow up incase you even think of challenging it with a ws4. Fuck this stupid bitch, she also just happens to have a heat engager power crush.
jinjackhorischizo is post zafina poster
Yeah, pretty lame character
Sorry about having that as a friend
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Yes we are aware Nina is bullshit but some hag lovers continue to downplay her
Im a newb, have 72hrs on tekken 8 and only ever played jack-8 and jin, I’m hardstuck orange lol
I like it, it’s serving me well. The d-pad is very firm but my thumb actually is strong and likes it, it’s very light but built well. I’m a newb though, so don’t spend your money based on my opinions!!!
she feels on the same level has draganov, like everything she does is a fucking ch string. fuck this stupid bitch
post the source nigga
Next time there is a tekgen player match room you should play, also next time people meet for a fight in lounge you should play. I’ve been having a blast and so can you!!!
Reverse image search is not hard you know
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That’s actually a lot, ranked, player match, and lounge are all packed in my experience. The high sf6 numbers are all japan, tekkino 8 has many more players in NA and EU. Also heihachi is coming very soon and looks cool af, he goes super heihachi with 3 tokens!!! I recommend you watch mainman’s video on him, looks like he’s going to be a blast!!!
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>SF numbers
Idc about that shit game.
i am shocked tekken 8 numbers are only just somewhat better than tekken 7. The growth will probably come later since the games always have a bad start but still. I guess it's because fighting games were shitting the bed back then and 7 was always cheap and afforable to get into. 8 is 70 dollars and only on next gen consoles and hard to run on PC>
damn time to pick her up
T7 was a big deal for being the first PC Tekken.
yeah all my friends who don't want to buy 8 all played 7 at some point. It's really weird how everyone who didn't give a fuck about tekken was willing to try 7, I do think akuma did a lot by bringing people in.
Tekken 7 took a corpse from the grave and brought it up from the grave
Tekken 8 took that revitalized person, beat them half dead and put it back 6 ft under
The poor netcode against wifi players, high price tag, and tekken shop did a lot of bad pr for the game when it was new. It hurt momentum.
Many people just want to have >a< Tekken game to mash with friends and it doesnt necessarily need to be the current one. I dont think casuals can even tell the difference between 7 and 8.
On consoles people are kinda forced to buy the new stuff with new systems but on PC you can just keep the old just fine.
Tekkino 8 is amazing, haven’t had this much fun gaming in over 10 years!!! I’m on ps5 with a hori fighting commander octa, it’s a complete blast!!!
tekken 7 launched with a crossover character on console, tekken 8 did not. that was a pretty big mistake
who should it have been
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Honestly, Akuma.
They made him a canon part of the story and related to the most important characters in the game so he should now become a staple in the series.
cease and desist
lol no the game is cancer enough without 2d shit as well
idk anon, maybe a different street fighter character? 2D doesn't bother me but akuma is that guy, he's known for being cheap. Someone else would be fine
Thanks for all the info, I was using df3 a lot here because he kept doing poke poke into sidestep but you're right that f4 at that range is probably better since it also gets a followup.
>also after genjitsu(f+3+4) stance you are also at +3 so you can CH launch with your WS2 to catch mashers.
I assume this is off b2,1f?

I usually sabaki/parry more but against King it's scary because of the inherent punch/giant swing mixup, I feel like the risk is just too high.
Remake him as a normal 3d Tekken character, fuck being loyal to the source, if in my wildest fantasies he could become a staple in the franchise like yoshimitsu then his Tekken counterpart could behave like a real Tekken character.
Later this afternoon I have one goal for my tekkino 8 session, UPGRADE MY FLOW!!!! That includes…launching and doing my lil launcher combo against real people, learning and using hell sweep, focusing on breaking grabs, and whiffing critical art less. I’m a jin main!!!
yoshi was tekken b4 sc
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I would spend hours punching his faggot face in practice mode.
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>phidx 2 days ago
>1.08 is amazing they fixed everything
>phidx now
>new heihachi bad
lolwat? is he trying to farm both the viewerbases of bamcoshills and negative nancies? this can't be good for his channel growth, stick to one opinion and have integrity my dude
>"You need to take a chill pill!"
>"If ya knew it was coming, why didn't you just sidestep?"
>"Next slide, please."
Would be my next main.
This would be kino
phidix is emotional as fuck but lets not be stupid. He praised the update, it's giving us good qol of life updates. Being able to set the cpu to block a number of hits and replays select-able after a ranked match is good. Heihachi himself is kind of a disaster
Integrity and PhiDX are contradictory to each other.
the only thing the update is missing is infinite rematch in quick play.
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I don't think people are complaining enough about that, so they won't add it in.
Game still doesn't have matchmaking during Ghost Battle, so it's shit
Game will be good when they finally add some Tekken in it.
this guy spittin ong fr fr
delete this degenerate self insert kusoge
I kinda feel like Lili wouldn't really bother shaving. She's too high class to do something so crass and she's so blonde and fair it probably only needs a little trim anyway.
Goodbye. See you tomorrow.
I don't shave because I can't afford a razor
asuka, however
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How broken is he going to be? I bet on one-shot mechanic.
Will mainman be streaming soon?
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Lmao. This slime tranny is mad.
Post your hours
Was it homosexuality?
why is a hard stuck tekken god the voice of the kekken community
>bruce fahk and josie will never be seen again because all muay thai characters will be cannibalized into murray
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If so then explain this
The Fergus2k8 Effect
I want to train under michael murray but I've heard what he does to his students...
How do you deal with King's oki? I Swear every knockdown turns into 60% HP lost.
Don't be on the ground

still kino. they could never make me hate you, yellowmotion
I want to suck some dick
Leo is available.
Just kidding, he's mine
cute couple
My wife whose name also happens to be Leo is similarly not available, as she is mine,
Leo? Free use.
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kek I saw a Japanese vtuber on there the other day with like 44 views. Odd how they use that excuse to explain why kamige 6 is crushing temu 8 by 10s of thousands of viewers and players.
Kill yourself.
Kiss me.
I have received 63 (You)s in this edition of the Tekken General.
I'm not watching the vtuber, retard. You stay coping with the
>it's all japan!!!
>it's vtubers!!! That's why tekken is losing!!!
Excuses. As if it's somehow ok that tekken is completely dead in japan and that somehow invalidates SF6's success.
i hate Pauls Karen Hair on this game
I am You
>kamige 6
>temu 8
Thank you Harada!
dragunov saved my life
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so fucking awful. they ruined it.
I fucking love SNEAKERS, WATCHES, and GLASSES!!!

I'm black btw
Blacks cant use the internet
nah f@m we got internet electric the one that kinda spotty in the hood
I'm waiting for an update faggot, do your job
you mean there's like small white human piloting african-american like in men in black
White liberal women told me blacks dont have internet and they dont know how to use a computer.
They told me they're dumb useless niggers and that why they need handouts
"white" with big nose
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Sorry king
we're so back
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We need this OG back
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jesus christ i love my new iphone 15 pro

why have the fade, they have the berd and they have the boots
where is the bug ass phone to customize my character with
blud bought a goyphone
dead game dead general dead sexlife

lilypichu welcome back to tekken
She is mid.
she ain't even mid she's a 2/10
how tf can u say hei's b4 was nerfed if it still ch launcher, it still tracks left, but now has ff2 tier pushback?
this bitch and her fake voice are so annoying
she's carrying tekken on her back tho
Why doesn't sony have this publicly available? Charts from 3rd parties is just not the same.
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sony is bitchmade
She can carry my child.
I'm infertile
Seems like character releases give far bigger bump in ps compared to pc if it jumped from #39 to #25 in one week
On steam Lidia bump was pretty irrelevant
Jinbros, what do you do when the grease from your dinner is on your hands and then your eye starts itching in the middle of a game?
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yall could never eat as good as me
This is what a real american meal looks like
I always fill my belly well and then have a strong coffee all at once, then I wash and dry my hands before playing. The only thing I have while playing is bottled spring water, and I’ll occasionally get up to go outside for a cigarette. I’m a newb, and im having a blast learning jin!!!
this is a chart that only count the people who added this service bot (which are like 2k people)
there are currently more than 116 million people in PSN.
this chart is meaningless.
>this is a chart that only count the people who added this service bot (which are like 2k people)
No, this is not a chart based on trophies.
I'm eating Leo's ass rn
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It's a chart based on GameInsights, it's a trusted 3rd party. They are referred to by websites. For example, completely unrelated to tekken. An article about player retention for the new star wars game
Any comments on tasting male ass?
do you run that website or is it really that easy to wrangle in retards and make your gaming website something? First there's (fake)insider gaming and now thatparkplace.
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Easily the best meal I've had
Leo is best boy
it is literally taken from truetrophies.com lmao, stop posting this shit faggot
i dont mind heihachi's install as much isnce it's only one round per game and not attached to any sort of minigame
gonna make for a lot of 3-0 blowout rounds tho
bro, keep this picture for later
too soon too coom
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WoW GuYs We ArE sO bAcK pRaIsE hEiHaChi
I want to learn how to TEKTEKTEKTEK but Bryan seems so daunting with such a big moveset. How do I Bryan? Also can I please get an easy bnb that is easy to adapt for wall?
i miss kimchi so much bros
i played bryan literally once and i think TEKTEKTKEKT was df1 spammed over and over
qcb 1 and qcf 1+2
Learn ur combos
uve now mastered t8 bryan
nigga he's so braindead that any move that connects after your mash will lead to a CH launch. i'm not even kidding.
>b-b-but taunt JET up-
not even needed anymore. b1, qcb1, qcb 1+2, hatchet kick, orbital. there you go. you win.
I main Lidia and I support this post.
(Let's go gambling!)
>PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary bundle priced £960, sells out in seconds
yea but what about the games?
I like the actual fighting game part but all the other stuff (queues/lobbies/customization/ingame friend system/lounge) is kinda ass right now
VFsisters... it's over
main pokes
jab, 1,2,1 is one of the best jab strings out there since the mid is safe and ch launches, can also use the high for a heat engager
df2 (commit to extensions if you want better frames on block/ch launch)
d2 (will spark on counter-hit and you can confirm the 4 follow-up)
df1 (confirm the hits)
db2 hits pretty low to the ground so will generally beat xiaoyu aop
f3 is borderline not a poke at 16f but 0 on block mid knee ch launcher
slower moves
3+4 classic keepout mid, linear but ch launches
qcb2, safe mid that does a combo worth of damage if you confirm the follow-up into free qcb4 while they're grounded
qcb1, +5 on block high ch launcher
qcf1+2, massive range safe mid elbow heat engager
orbital heel
b1 for pressure (+4 on block) and ch launching mid, linear
1+2 and df4 are mid homing tools, 1+2 has extensions
ff4 is high homing with follow-up on hit
main lows
qcb3, hatchet kick, very strong chunky low with good range, tracking, plus +5 on hit, -13
d4, long range standing low, 0 on hit, -11
db3, your main high crushing low, -1 on hit but can do mindgames with ws3, -12
d3+4, 16 dmg standing low, -12, good to use against characters with strong 13f ws punish, has extension
for combos, a universal route (not optimal damage) is do launch into db2, 2 jab, b2,1~f2,4 and then choose an ender, b3~2,2 is good if you can't get to the wall, b3~2,1 is good if there's a wall
Don't listen to this fuckhead he's overcomplicating it

This is perfect
have faith, Virtua Fighter Collection will come alongside the new game
why is there kiryu, majima and ichiban mousepads? who would buy them? fujoshis?
can someone post the vid of that guy being mind blown to find out electrics are highs?
Appreciated anon
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Have you said your daily Thank You to Murray and Harada?
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nigga all of that shit is leagues better than t7 aside from less meme item moves in customization and win counts not showing up properly in lobbies
Listen to this guy
why the fuck would anyone play bryan in t8 when we have dragunov
Persona 5 is really the Final Fantasy VII for zoomers, isn't it?
Lmao that masher is literally the easiest character in the game
so that you can fraud and still downplay at the same time. you can't do that with drag.
>all queues ft2 max
>lobbies were dogshit in 7 and are dogshit in 8
>customization lmao
>friend system didn't even exist in T7 but it's hard to say if it even exists in T8 either
>lounge lmao
horse shit being slightly better than horse diarrhea doesn't make it palatable
I'd prefer they actually make it not-shit
because they're completely different characters
>i have no friends
>and the lounge is uhhhh bad because i don’t use it
sorry i worded it wrong, i meant why the fuck would anyone LOSE with bryan in t8 when they can WIN with dragunov
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Yeah. And NPD charts are taken from twitter, retard. Literally how does someone as dumb as you exist?
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people complain about jin d2 because it's unreactable CH launching low that can't even be punished properly

how is this not the same
gameinsight is a tracker that works via bot, there's no outside way to track PSN and XBOX users.
you need to add a bot as friend and the bot will crawl your game list.
I smell like piss and shit
doesn’t high crush, not a launch, can’t be buffered. I do complain about this move btw
please take a bath anon, it's for your own good.
>Siren, by Sony Interactive Entertainment, has been rated in the Korean Game Rating Board
oh my fucking shit, they are bringing back Siren
lets go
you can 1v1 that practice dummy because I'm not booting up kekken
i meant 1v1 in deadlock but ok
1v1 me in chess.com bozo
1v1 me in bed
do you still have your penis??
NPD popularity charts are taken from a small sample, only from USA. Gameinsight tracks bigger sample but more importantly it tracks worldwide, not only USA
As a result there are some differences, notably, NBA charts higher on NPD chart. It's the same games just the order is somewhat different, mind you gameinsight data releases before npd one
this data is taken from tracking user / sales / reviews / scores / reviews and fed into machine learning to output results.
they literally claim the data is speculative.
there's 30 different game analytics tools and some of them explain in details how this type of analysis works.
stop posting, retard
eating food right now lads
Im thinking about getting some kfc before it closes
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Yes, the data about users is taken by tracking users. Shocking. Do you have double digit IQ or something?
They don't say it's speculative, they say it's represents trends and percentages, not numbers. Which yes, charts like that do.
>stop posting, retard
Keep begging faggot.
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why did they ruin my boy
>Not numbers
can you niggers fuck off back to /biz/ already
for me, it's some mcburgers.
thought I would shit myself in the car
they literally say it's speculative in most services such as playtracker.
as if they need to tell you that it's speculative, no one can know for certain how many users just buy the game, play 5 mins and leaves a positive review.
it's all taken into a series of speculative analysis that say "chances are this user played it all".
not only that but the web is filled with fake review bots, that alone kills the whole point of data analysis from public sources.
now, please, stop posting, i'm getting second hand cringe from your posts
They ruined my grandpa
>tournament setting
ranked is literally a tournament setting now though
>this data is taken from tracking user / sales / reviews / scores / reviews
That is not true. That's not how trackers track game populations. The account launches the game - it registers as +. The end, nothing else happens.
What>>496059539 said

ur fucking retarded
PSN tard finally had a mental breakdown
>they literally say it's speculative in most services such as playtracker.
You don't understand what they're saying. You're too dumb to. By speculative they mean they don't track literally every user, it is done by taking samples. Nothing new about that.
what's the tldw? or is he just saying what tekgen is saying is wrong with him
I want to watch some gay sex
Alexa, define speculative
being a snoy boy must be rough. at least tendies have a clique to hang out. snoy boys are just that weird kid everyone tolerates.
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>it's all taken into a series of speculative analysis that say "chances are this user played it all".
Just making shit up.
Im getting fomo though because kfc slab and spicey chicken piece thing goes soon
I know you're desperate to keep this place alive but you don't have to have a full blown argument with yourself
that's literally me you mongoloid lmao
>form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence
it doesn't mean how many users are they tracking, they literally mean the data is not accurate as they cannot possibly know how much of the people who buy games are actually playing them, yet that data is counted in the ML to get an approximate output of how much the game is being played.

i repeat, stop posting and please, holy shit, learn the meaning of the words.
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they are aware these are dates, not times, right?
No it isnt, you're you, I'm me, they are them
you mean the company that were presenting slides with multiple typos not even a week ago?
PlayTracker maintains two samples – its cross-platform correlated database of users, and a rolling sample of anonymous public profiles. However, neither of these data samples are truly random because users must opt into either registering for PlayTracker or simply setting their profile to public, thus the samples are not statistically representative.

To deal with this, we use machine learning. Both samples are inputs into an algorithm that learns from publicly available data such as reviews, concurrent players, and most importantly confirmed player number data points like when a publisher brags about sales numbers.

By comparing tens of thousands of these reliable confirmed datapoints to the data in our samples, the algorithm develops its understanding of which users are overrepresented or underrepresented, and then adjusts our estimates accordingly.


this is just an example from one of the trackers, they also literally say that these charts with players numbers are completely redundant as it's only take from their tracking (as per method 1)
No, gameinsight isn't sharing sales and based on that make assumptions if the game is launched. It is only sharing games actually launched. Why are you talking about things you don't know? Read >>496059862
Waiting for Aliexpess chinks to sell graphic tees with Hei’s new tiger art
I know you are I said you are but what am I
I assume 3 am EST like always when they do maintenance for 8 hours for no reason
We analyse this data to confidently predict which games are a must-play and which have bombed.
it literally says there that they are predicting, just like every other tracker.
are you people retarded? (yes)
He technically drops on October 1st in JST
If y’all would like I’ll fight you at 2:30pm est or 5:10pm est with my jin in either lounge or player match!!!
Why are you talking about playtracker. Playtracker seems like is more about tracking general popularity, they even track socials.
Gameinsights data has nothing to do with sales, or reviews or anything like that.
If an account launched a game it just goes +, once per week. The end. Meaning it doesn't actually represent number that game is launched in a week, but how many users have launched the game at least once.
read my previous posts to know why
Predict what bombed based on active players yes. If the game isn't launched much then it is also probably not sold much.
I'm actually starting to think that you do have double digit IQ.
can't wait to spam f,f,2 into anything into ultra instinct or whatever DBZ shit they're giving him.
I have a quadruple digit iq thoughbeit
here's the thing, you can't know how much an user is launching a game unless the user is being tracked.
gameinsight literally say they are tracking "over six millions" users, that includes all platforms together.
PSN alone has 119 millions, steam has 132 millions, xbox live.. i dunno, they claim 120 millions.
now i'm sure your triple digit IQ can understand that six millions "supposed" tracked users wouldn't be enough to give meaningful data in this huge market.
now please stop posting, the cringe is too much
Gameinsight doesn't track 6 million on psn. That is all around platforms.
When talking about playstation, they say only 3.1m. Which is yes a far cry from all the active users on psn. But it is a big enough sample to represent a chart close enough to reality. That's why they say the chart is good to get an idea about percentages, not raw numbers. Meaning game #23 let's say has been launched by 50.000 of the users they track, that doesn't mean that's how many people played it in the week, many more have of course. It just means relative to other games that # is it's ~ placement.
This is basic shit. How are you this stupid.
>112 wallsplats
Well that's nice

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