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Ada programming language edition

>Demo Days
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/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>495936660
Gone but not forgotten.
Is decompiling a Unity game and poking at it to see how it ticks a good way to learn programming
No. Just like make game, retard.
Asking again
What are some Lawful Evil (for reference: knows about God, chooses to be evil) creatures/races you guys would like to see in a FF1-esque kitchen sink JRPG? Or hell, any recommendations or oddball ideas at all.
Already got
>humans but bad
>Vampires & general Undead
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Despite multiple attempts at studied practice for learning to code, I still don't understand how
lol nope
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I want to make porn games
>why didn't reading a book give me a practical skill?
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Reminder to you creeps: you are not welcome here, nor there, nor practically anywhere.
>picked up project i dropped 1.5 years ago
>actually fucking obsessed with it
>just thinking about how much work i could have done in this time if i had stuck with it makes me depressed
I've added a hit box and the animation that triggers when a character is hit in the back. Its a lightweight collision detection which doesn't use Unity's heavy rigidbody.
The lower arms have textured too.

Next up I have to create a get up animation (the characters just stay on the floor currently). I need to finished texturing the rest of the model too.
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Thank you anon
But there is no option to do so, UE...
There's literally no reason to use GameMaker when Godot is objectively superior.
i'm worried ue's going to watermark my binaries with my account name or other identifying information
My game's dead.
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would making a game like postal 2 be possible today
i mean posting it on steam and such
i replayed it today and i think its time for a new one
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Progress. The black angel is the evil one who brought demons into the world of bokube btw if you couldnt tell.
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We make games. We have games.
Where's your game?
That's right you don't have any LMAO.
are there even any game maker devs on agdg?
pretty cool of you to partner up with cris and let him do all your assets
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>unity just works
Yeah ofc. People thought Hatred was going to be canceled but really nobody cared. You can be edgy as fuck, unless you start using racial slurs or depicting pedophilia nobody will actually care.
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Has anyone set up a google Gemini API to work with c# using REST? I'm trying to make a dungeon master text based game using AI for natural language processing.
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hehe i mightve exaggerated i guess
last time was Wed 28 Feb 2024 according to archives but very brief
Why is it easier to get away with jank in isometric/side/or top down view in comparison to first person or over the shoulder? Like animation transitions foot sliding etc.
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Testing new item: sword! Also depicted, me failing to slash a missile out of the air. It's possible, my timing just sucked
Holy kino.
I actually thought that was cris and was impressed by how much he has improved
Because the camera is further away and your brain automatically interprets anything at that perspective as being toylike/puppeteered and not literal.
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this looks really good
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Frosch always remembers ...

I like your choice of color
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Thats how you know bokudev did it. Hes made good humans before way better than cris pic related his dark souls clone
The furbait here isn't subtle.
Does anyone know the name of that geometry generation technique that scifi games use to add a sort of "tessellation" to their otherwise-plain structure? Make them look more geometrically complicated than they actually are? I'm trying to look into how to do something like this but looking this method up without a name is hard.
C++ has proper first-class functions these days, right? Closures, right?
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>Mahiro poster
this guy?
There used to be, but not anymore. Everyone moved to Godot.
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I'm making a top-down 2D game where the player can melee attack 360 degrees around him. Is there a way to make this look good, or am I forced to make it 3D? I could maybe do it using an explicit top-down perspective like Hotline Miami, but that's ugly and most of games using this perspective flop.
they're called greebles, and the process of sticking random shit on to add visual interest is kitbashing
No, that's not me.
That's exactly it, thank you anons
Just embrace the beyblade
>gain a wishlist
>a few days later at most
>wishlist lost
as if it wasn't the person who wishlisted it in the first place. not to mention i'm getting even less wishlists now! wtf man this new capsule looks better than my old one, how am i getting less clicks? don't tell me my old capsule was unironically so bad it flipped around to being good.
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Do you see your game being successful as a way out of your miserable life? why do you dev?
Looks better than Nolgorb. Assuming this is female, she needs a skirt.
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>post progress
>no one cares
>see everyone making progress daily
What gives bros? Why am I so slow...
C/C++ has always had first class functions. All of the relevant formerly-boost functionality has been in STL since C11, over a decade ago.
Thats not what kitbashing is at all, kitbashing means taking components of several model kits and bashing them together to make one custom model.
You had it right the first time with greebling tho
go play second life and look at the way their ingame scripting language for objects works

it is a good environment to learn from because it tells you what you did wrong and gives you a chance to immediately fix it
>whole time I thought my collision box was moving
>it was still there it was just moving visually
wtf is this engine
What went wrong?

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I dev to bring ideas that I like to life that otherwise wouldn't have been made. If it ends up making me money in the process, that's neat too.
it felt like years though

seems /agdg/ has embraced the AI pill?

no not me, did he ever finish his game?

>posting progress
rookie mistake
basically I just like make game. dont think about it too hard
Can I be your friend? I asked last time and you said n-nothing...
It went exactly as expect though? I remember guessing 100-200 reviews when you first asked.
>Price: $19.99
>Average playtime: 3.2h
lambdas, dude
Just looking at the pictures/video I don't understand what the gameplay is. Is it just a walking sim? Sounds boring. It does not look interesting to play.
Its a memberberries game with no gameplay, I don't know what you were expecting. Making a game entirely around one mildly interesting movement mechanic (and nothing interesting or original visually) is retarded.
No, I finished my main quests already.
Making a game is just a sidequest for me.
Is this some demoralization troll to trick people that ~3000 sales isn't a success?
>I finished my main quests already.
how old are you? that sounds depressing in its own way
Yes. Lambdas were added to STL in C11, but before that, you could've used them from Boost.
lul, void pointers in C count as first class functions?
They got over 1 million dollars in kickstarter money for this
Slam Dingo is back??
is this progress? https://files.catbox.moe/kids4j.mov
I don't know, but I'm pretty fucking tired just from this
I'm not a programmer
They won either way, since IIRC they pocketed over $1m from their Kickstarter.
good progress
I'm Boosting away from Boost as we speak.
Kickstarter dollars aren't actual game sales, though. It doesn't reflect the percieved quality of the game.
But what do I do now?
By definition, first class functions just means function identifiers are treated the exact same as any other variable identifier, which has always been true in C/C++. The &*() syntax is just more boilerplate than other languages.
>another $100K game
wtf is this, agdg new era looking good
I can no longer tell if review count tards are trying to demotivate psy-op or if they genuinely think 1 review <= 1 sale.
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no that's the other guy, he apparently got a culture grant from the japanese government, iirc 270k released in stages as he develops the game.
of course the more the better *smooch*
I did clarify by saying closures at the end.
>my game hasn't been chosen yet for any price point
If its giving you brain tiredness then go work on something else and rest that part of your brain. Or just rest in general. Don't drive yourself into burnout and don't stay too long on one tedious, precise task - that's a great way to fuck up what you're doing and have to redo a bunch of shit.
I said closures were in STL since 2011, over a decade ago.
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my game is my last and only hope, but i have faith in it
Goes to show how much VFX helps
its just my hobby
what is your discord?
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what about this guy?
I know that feel. This image is one of the greatest feelings too.
I used to but I realize it won't do shit. Local indie band lead singers get more respect and pussy then any gamedev. If I make a game it's because I want to.
it's over. my manic episode has fizzled. 3 months of suffering are coming
I am a gamedev for 3 reasons
>a game I want to play
Current game fails at that since I suck at gamedev
>a game that will make me rich
See above, it's going to flop at this rate. I just can't be a wagie, I do not fit in at all.
>a game that will get me a ton of fangirls and a wife out of it
See the first point...

If I behave true and right I have absolutely close to 0% chance of ever finding a job. It feels like almost all of them just want a liar or a true robot for their job. I speak the truth so much as once and I'd be rejected for it. I hate lying and they're pushing me into a situation where I end up lying a little just in hopes of getting the job. At this point why don't I just go full lying mode and skip out on the low pay and jump straight to $60k a year? I know it's not difficult to get those jobs, in a moment of lapsed judgment I decided to lie, got contacted for the high paying job. It's literally that easy and it's work that isn't hard to do either, they just ramp up the qualifications like it's something that takes years and years to learn when you can grab a random 18 year old and have them understand it in under 6 months.

I have to make it, I don't want to play by their rules. I don't want to play office politics. I want to be me, not their little cuck who lies and grovels in hopes they don't fire me. My game must succeed, if not this one, hopefully another.
Local avoidance is hard as fuck
better to have manic episodes than to only suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer
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Thanks guys! Gonna make it so the missile splits in half when you slash it, it'll be sick.

Mod support is 100% working btw, custom racers, custom tracks, custom vehicles, custom horns, Steam Workshop upload & download, they all work and I'm psyched about it
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oof already to second base? sowwy friendo
slam dingo is eunuch ?
No City Trial no buy
You sure as shit don't make games, you self-aggrandizing sexual deviant.
Why aren't you anime posters making anime agdg games?
uh oh i hear nintendo's lawyers prepping up some legal documents

lel, anyways how far into development are you?
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I never needed friends anyway...
What exactly is stopping me from coding up a plausibly cool video and scamming Kickstarter people for hundreds of thousands, then simply not releasing the game?
you're a nodev
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>Bro stole a concept I made for the inevitable Joey Fygoon kart racer idea I made in 2016
You'll be hearing from my legal department.
to be fair, it's not even a proper manic episode, just slightly above neutral I think
>What exactly is stopping me from coding up a plausibly cool video and scamming Kickstarter people for hundreds of thousands, then simply not releasing the game?
Bad publicity on Xitter (oh noes!)
>make game
>release game
>get some sales
>make game
>make Kickstarter for free money
>release game
>get some sales
fuck off nigger
Actually its an even deeper scam than you think
>make game
>do some guerilla marketing
>make Kickstarter to generate sales predictions and get seed money
>spend kickstarter seed money pitching game to outside investment firms
>release game which does not exceed the scope of the kickstarter
>pay self and staff most of the investment money (lmao)
You're acting as if making a video cool enough to scam on Kickstarter is easy. Easier than making a game, maybe, but it's probably still more work than just having a regular job.
i really really want to give up, modelling takes 10 mores than coding, texturing takes 10 more times than making the models, and animating takes 10 times more than doing the textures
Still more successful than any /agdg/ game released in the last three years thoughbeit
Hiring a video editor isn't some herculean task anon especially when you can tax deduct it.
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which rock texture? (assuming the final ground texture won't be a whole lot different than it is here)
The pedo is right tho. That's a 3D rendered image of balloon animals, not a game
two years ago I told you guys I thought I should drop out and get a job and work on my game but you assholes said that I was halfway so I should just finish it
I said the same thing one year ago and you assholes said it was just one year left so I should just finish it
Well I have my stupid fuck useless degree and I can't find any fucking jobs and the stress is so bad I can't even work on my game because if I'm doing that I feel fucking guilty because I don't have a job and I'm living on a fucking couch inconveniencing other people AND MYSELF
Fuck you guys, seriously.
anon you where supposed to work for almost free during your student years to get a job right after you graduate wtf
2 or 3, depending if there is going to be a blue filter on top
Have you considered that maybe you're just not meant to use computers, anon?

>its other peoples' fault I got a retard degree
No refunds, schoolie
YOMIH is currently
>Gross revenue: $3m ($1.5m - $4.5m)
for a solodev project, whereas Mika needed to split between several devs and a publisher.
3D truly is horrible and yet still better than 2D.
that looks cool. link to project?
Whose fault is it, exactly, that you pursued a stupid degree?
more racing mission progress. made a basic level and got all the racing metrics hooked up (lap counting etc). its weird how even at fast speeds the cars look slow.. i think i need to make the camera go lower and add some blue/screen-shake to show the speed
>vid related
you sure about those numbers? maybe it feels that way because that's the order in which you learned to do those things...
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So based, xister!
Joey Fygoon supports Trans Rights and Gay Buttsex!
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they are greatly exaggerated for a dramatic effect
Car movement speed looks pretty good to me, you just may be eye-blind to it from working on the project. Could do with making the cars look a little heavier, more weighty?
Are racing maps going to be within the overworld or are they separated instances? Would be cool to be able to check out a race route ahead of time and maybe do some test runs, change equipment to suit the terrain and obstacles, etc.
i like how the camera makes those banked curves look so rad
>agdg living rent free in your head for two years
>impression to visit ratio: somewhere between 65-80%
>visit to wishlist ratio: almost 0%
I really need to get better at art. If even 20% of the visitors wishlisted I'd be in a good position for sales. I knew my art wasn't high quality, but I didn't realize it was that bad to the average gamer!
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it's actually just faster to make our trailer in our own engine so i'm just prototyping the parallax assets ingame instead
Applying for jobs has been stressful. No one said it would be easy. It's still way easier than making it as a solo gamedev, which is one of the absolute hardest things to do in life.
Let me guess, you did 2D with no prior 2D art skills or experience because 'its got to be easier than 3D and games 40 years ago looked like shit so it's fine!'
>its weird how even at fast speeds the cars look slow..
because your levels are massive... same thing why planes look slow. they are a spec of dust compared to the vast environment that they occupy.
add some props also
Couldn't say why, but that shit does not look correct
>t. 3rd worlder
for a 1st worlder thatd be a flop if it werent for the $1m+ kickstarter

this in a way. if it can't get all that many sales outside of the kickstarter backers than i'm assuming this niche was extremely small and they at least lucked out in them converging on the kickstarter.
>which is one of the absolute hardest things to do in life.
O I am laffin
add regular markings on the track
It feels fast and dangerous to me.
Not my fault that math was the easiest degree to finish. Anything was too hard for me.
I think about aggy every single day
Apartments cost like 2k where I am
might just an hero
probably lack of vertical motion with the parallax layers (technically they're all just moving at the same speed, but i digress) and exaggerated scroll rates on the x axis to make sure they're moving at different speeds but also that they repeat correctly

it needs some fine-tuning but what's important is that it's working
>No one said it would be easy.
as I see it, its not hard either, just random?
making indie games and earning some money is easy though
making your gay little "passion project" with unheard levels of autism and pickiness is what's hard
>can do pure mathematics
>thinks everything else is too hard
Proof low IQ won't stop you from making a game.
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Are you putting goblins in your game?
hard to tell without seeing the terrain texture desu. it needs to match the detail level/aesthetic.
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Ok, that creep posted a 2D image, not a game.
What's your point?
Why would you get a STEM degree in a field that isn't directly related to manufacturing, engineering, computer systems, or medicine?
Did you actually think STEM was just some magic bullet?
Did you do ANY career planning or exploration while in college??
Yes. As fodder for slaughter, pedo.
>Apartments cost like 2k where I am
and what is the minimum wage in your area? can't you get a math teacher job and move to a cheaper city ?
How are you paying for that right now? Loans? Your parents? You sound like a sheltered little bitch if you're actually spending 2k/mo on rent. In college, we stuffed 8 dudes into a 2.4k/mo apartment, so it came out to less than $400/mo/person after utilities and shared stuff.
If you added sand clouds, you would instantly recognize speed because they would move relative to you.
If he's going to be an educationcuck he might as well suck dick for a position in higher education, do some grad and maybe postgrad studies and stay in the academia coccoon forever.
I have near 0 talent/skill in 2D and 3D. The game I settled on wanting to make is 2D but even if I picked 3D I'd end up making low quality art. I assume the visits mean there is some sort of interest until they get repulsed by the art. I'm gonna have to pay an artist aren't I?
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No the fuck I don't. I support heterosexual rights and abstinence until marriage.
Why else would I use Unity and not your queer Godon't?
wtf i'm getting mouse lag in exported godot projects
How old are you? I'd look into getting a fake email bachelor's degree gov. job if you can, or look into trade training ASAP. If in the states, trades are still hiring.
Ground texture will just be a sandier version of what you see there
disable vsync
It's a tiresome full-time job that requires you to suck up to dumbass HR roasties.
<_< bro you were already half way done, sunk cost or not that was a big enough time investment that you may as well just see it through to the end. with that out of the way, yes iktf. useless degree i've had for about a decade now. where am i now in life? neeting in my parents house. game isn't gmi either at least not in its current state. i saw the other games, i stand almost no chance with this level of saturation, there is a way to stand out but even that doesn't guarantee success
it's off
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FUCK NO! I have the infinitely superior Gremlings.
completely legal btw. if my game didn't look so ugly i'd try kickstarter but in its current state there is simply no reason for me to make a kickstarter other than hoping some rich guy just likes my game, sees it gaining no traction, and drops 100k on it for the lulz and to see it made
This right here is the noob trap.
3D modeling is not an artistic skill. If you're making real shapes/forms at least. Its very right-brained. A lot of it comes down to kinetic/spatial skills and the ability to plug yourself into a GUI; the COMPUTER does all the fancy artistic shit and complicated math for you. You just have to know the buttons to press and have a general idea of how to get from A to B.
This is the entire reason 3D modeling and animation software replaced traditional 2D animation (and digital 2d further replaced traditional) as soon as the technology matured; most people can learn 3D just as well as they can learn a word processor, while trad 2D requires you to activate your almonds and very slowly develop technique and vision.
Take a week, learn some 3D, and start producing genuinely appealing assets it will change the game for you.
>can pick apart trivial information in a book that is easily derived from previous assertions
>only needs to read 10% of the book
>take math exam
>not even half as hard as the homework
>prove 1+1
>what's your name?
>open up a book that isn't math
>words words words
>btw you need to remember every single sentence or your fail the class
>take not math exam
>what was said on page 502 in 1658 by the king of fuckistan's sex slave?
>what was the sex slave's dog's philosophical views?
I have like ADHD or something but don't take meds. The degree was really set up so that I go get more education, but I can't afford more education.
Being American is like playing on hard mode if you don't start with the nepotism perk.
I'll consider it! I do want more ways to play than generic races -- gonna do battles for sure

>Bro stole a concept I made for the inevitable Joey Fygoon kart racer idea I made in 2016
I started development in 2023, you snooze you lose!

> uh oh i hear nintendo's lawyers prepping up some legal documents
A cease and desist from Nintendo would be great publicity, I named the game KART! Reminds me of when Mojang got a cease and desist from Bethesda for the name Scrolls.

>lel, anyways how far into development are you?
Pretty far! Systems-wise it's looking extremely solid. That means mod support & SDK, testing tools, online multiplayer, races, spawning, gravity manipulation & other gimmicks, customization, Steam support (achievements, stat tracking, workshop), all work! Mostly I need to make menus and fill out content for racers and tracks. A handful of items too. There's a few other tweaks & systems to make but overall it's looking really good!
>No the fuck I don't. I support heterosexual rights and abstinence until marriage.
t. dreading not finding a virgin woman for myself
>The degree was really set up so that I go get more education, but I can't afford more education.
Nigga you knew this way before you graduated you're just too damn lazy to develop employable skills outside of your autistic ezmode niche. You deserve to be left holding the bag on your useless degree along with every other retard zoomer.
I'm out here taking economics classes to transfer into business management or finance. You think I like economics? I fucking hate it, I want to kill myself listening to these basic bitch formulaic lectures. But I like being EMPLOYABLE more than I do chasing fucking daisies. Shame you had to pay out your ass to learn the real world has standards.
i can see your point for modeling, but not for texturing or animating
I didn't understand physics
I didn't understand complier programming
Half of my degree was undeclared
My family is fucking stupid they said I needed to go college because that's good. I didn't know better, I just listened to them and now I live on a couch.
I remember it being 15 dollars, but I think it was raised slightly.
>I'm out here taking economics classes to transfer into business management or finance. You think I like economics? I fucking hate it, I want to kill myself listening to these basic bitch formulaic lectures. But I like being EMPLOYABLE more than I do chasing fucking daisies.
>Kickstarter dollars aren't actual game sales
yeah, but remember that kickstarter takes a lower cut than steam
Texturing is as difficult as you want to make it. Don't do photorealism if you're not a great texture artist. Materials are easy as shit to make and will look infinitely better than even the best 2D art.
Animation does require more of that left-brain art technique development, yes, but doing very simple less-stylized animations isn't super hard. Again a lot of it is programmatic through Blender or Maya or what have you, you just need to understand the theory.
I'm not spending 2k on rent, I don't have a job.
My college was paid by scholarships and my family. Now I am living on a couch.
I am probably sheltered because I tend to avoid difficult things. I do actually enjoy deving, but I can't do it right now on this couch.
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nobody has made porn yet of godette with sophia and kiki.
anon you shouldn't be giving advice if you haven't even made it yet
you're seething just like him except you're in denial
the ratio of wage/renting seems to be about as comically grim as my cunt
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My point is you have no game
Yikes all you want I'm at Nepo U and practically guaranteed a fast track in any business/accounting/finance field as long as I can graduate.

not talking about ground texture, it seems that something more colorfull will look better if you have a blue/green postfx filter on top of everything like i've seen on the other webms
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I need a gamedev "friend" that looks like this.
>a week
I'm far too deep into the development cycle to just drop it for 3D, not to mention the gameplay depends on this type of view rather than 3D. Reworking that much at this point is a no go. 2D or 3D my ideas vary I'm not strictly tied to 2D only design, just depends on the game I want to make. I've only briefly touched 3D and the controls sucked and very little made sense (was using blender).
Should have learned to code
Looking for a good local avoidance guide.
I'm 22, from washington, and I have no idea how to get into trades. I've just been apply to jobs I'm not qualified for on indeed.
well it's even worse. I'm on my mom's boyfriends couch.
Unironically thinking about military, but I've got bad joint problems I don't think they'd take me.
Also I don't want to be a jobberment slave
it's so fucking over
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I was bored so now I'm trying to recreate the model posted last thread.

So far so good, the hands and legs still need some work.
The textures will do most of the heavy lifting.
>open unreal artricles
>"by [indian name]"
i'm out
kek, let's see that game
Who am I kidding... I'm not cut out for this hobby.
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ah I see what you mean anon. That was more the lighting of that individual map, this one will be more shallow water sunny and sandy
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im trying to find a meme post in the archives about a frogposter that admits that he has no game and he just keeps checking /agdg/ like a jack rabbit

that post still makes me laugh
seems the make it devs were simply whodevs or new to arrive devs......wait whats that mean for all the remaining old timers!!!!? oh no no no no no! the old guard is getting replaced! off to the wagie cagie for the old guard
well if those lighting conditions are already final, then i guess any of those but the last one
mariokart dev has been around since forever but iirc he's a wagie and posts very infrequently
well yeah, I do prefer things to be easy, but right now things are impossible. I would take hard right now to get the fuck off this couch and be able to have money to go eat fucking food.
I just had the credits to finish my last year with a math degree and I just wanted to finish. Everyone else in the program was surprised I still had required classes because they were just taking it easy their last year.
It wasn't easy per se, but it was the easiest choice I had.
I actually think economics is interesting btw.
Also I thought I saw eric when I was driving and I thought about parking by the crub and checking but then I thought that would be weird especially if it wasn't eric. I mean why would eric be talking to a black woman?
who am i kidding... i'm not cut out for this existence
You can used 3D assets to create 2D assets though. Pre-rendering backgrounds (for advanced 3D artists) or sprites/animation frames is a powerful technique.
I'm not asking you to reconstruct your game, I'm asking you to broaden your horizons a bit and develop some fundamental skills, and you can decide what to do from there.

With a math degree military as a finance or HR officer might be a legit option, don't let them know you're bitchmade and just get through basic and officer candidacy school and you'll be set up for life.
t. Knower
the old guards were almost a bunch of ngmis
now zoomers are creative and they learn fast
how? it's a mystery
why do boomers hate procgen and permadeath so much
ok added basic road texture to get a better sense of speed
>vid related

yeah definitely have a bit of blindness from looking at this shit everyday. i am working to make them feel/look heavier, but its kinda tricky, car on car bumping will create a bigger reaction with sparks etc. my overworld is going to be a map that has locations / missions on it, but i do like the idea of letting players checkout a race or area ahead of time so they can prepare.. maybe i can make that a feature, or the mission/location could have a description
thanks bud, the camera took a lot of work to feel decent. still needs a lot of work to feel great though
good point, I keep forgetting that detail.. i really should just add a proper road and some basic props in order to have reference points
great point, ill add that as one of my next tasks
cool, thanks man
yeah good point, I will add that to the list of tasks to do
dope, looking good fellow car bro
hmm well i guess i like top right or bottom right then
Can I pound your prostate?
Access to creative tools has become democratized.
This is not a positive thing btw.
she cute
This looks 10x better already.
crabbies in the thread blackpill me on why i shouldnt make a game like this
Weren't you doing procedural terrain deformation as well? A bit of visual deformation where the rear tires are throwing sand would be cool as shit, if it doesn't tank performance. Might have to do some smart engine shit to make sure only screen visible enemy racers have that effect going.
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Oh yeah? Let's see (You)r game, creep.
What's that? You don't have one? How, as the people of Paris, Capital of Rome, say, pathetique.
ah yes the ole 18 year old who just graduated high school whomst somehow hasth
>massive irl social life
>a gf
>goes out every day
>popular on social media
>has part time job
>has masterwork skills in music art and coding
i still dont understand where they are getting all this knowledge from while living a life that feels like that
I'm so close to just giving up
It's a lot of work.
High IQ
orblikes were months ago
see >>496009647
Why would I spend my time playing your game when I can play PoE2 coming out in less than 2 months?
Great job big guy. totally kino
Thanks anon

Bouta texture this ground
Because that shit happens in real life and I play games to escape that misery.
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well, it seems pixiv style has actual rules and tricks to draw anime shit.

Didn't know the bubble trick to draw clouds, and the voronoid texture trick to draw grass and dirt.

What I want the most to learn is how waifu pixiv rendering should be done.
2d characters dont have one
>level design
there is none in a beatemup
>rudementary ai
basic ai can be made in a day and polished later
>3d models
can use assets
can use assets and tweak or make own. this is definitely the hardest part
kek, based. i was the anon that posted that ai image, i was about to model it but i am stuck finishing another model
>Didn't know the bubble trick to draw clouds, and the voronoid texture trick to draw grass and dirt.
its a fun beatemup to play with friends but you have a good point poe2 is essentially an action game in comparison to the first
A 2d diablo-like isn't even a bad idea. I'd just focus on making it more visually interesting than your vid.
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there's a complete list of drawing course by pixiv.

this is literally the best course to anime I have seen on the internet.
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pic rel
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The zoomers are gonna drive agdg into pic related!
This person doesn't exist, those people are thoroughly mediocre. They're just also heavily socialized and society currently rewards self-expressive mediocrity.
I'd rather spend my life tearing my hair out over my inability to make something to my own unrealistic standards, than be an NPC praised by everyone for what amounts to fingerpainting.
Can you post a link when you're done? Highly interested.
This really sucks. I've abandoned my idea I've been working on for a while, it simply does not work. And I cannot think of another idea. There simply isn't a fun enough game that I would consider making.
Now what...? I feel so lost.
holy shit these videos are godlike
You need to actually crease the skirt, the texture painting doesn't sell that the skirt isn't just a flat poly. I think its actually one of those pants dress things anyways.
I found them because a youtuber mentioned them in another pixiv tutorial.
you only ever had ONE idea for a game? wtf. what kind of games do you play?
thanks dude, i think so as well
yes, the wheel interaction physics + vfx is coming down the pipe. basically that whole system will be responsible for your tire physics on different surfaces, also it will hand the vfx properties so that you can leave skid marks on asphalt but not sand, but then you will leave tire grooves (tesselation) over sand and it will kick sand clouds up while you drive as well. basically i wanna wait till i get that system properly set up before i start adding vfx.
thanks gasgod, please do a playtest not on friday/sat next time so i can join
why couldn't they teach this stuff at school instead of meme draw from reference
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they teach it in japanese art schools.

that's why dirty gaijins don't know the tricks of the trade.
I spent 4 years making a my dream game ( beatemup clone of my favorite game) and lost my home and family: heres what i wouldve done differently
Because western art education has been intentionally and systematically destroyed by leftists in a bid to undermine traditional values, education forms, and power structures in that order.
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Is the composition of a cutscene in heaven okay with trees or was it better without the trees like >>496000359
I have plenty of ideas. But they mostly seem cool at a glance but if you put any deeper thought then it isn't really that fun.

What will do we do? I don't want to give up this hobby but honestly there's nothing I WANT to make.
>What will do we do? I don't want to give up this hobby but honestly there's nothing I WANT to make.
Maybe we could team up...
remember when this was a nintendo at home game
Free ideas:
1) Darkwood-like
2) Umineko-like
Put more deeper thoughts into them obviously. Not fun? Add proc gen levels. Not fun? Add upgrades. Not fun? Add meta levels. Still not fun? Add difficulty scale. Still not fun after all of that? Add slot machine mechanics.
Its better now tho

It's really not
you NEED to revert to your first demo day release, and just finish the initial puzzle-game-with-hazards concept
Bolting on lame grimdark lore couldn't be more lame, and won't save you from the mixed (24) future
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Yeah, I really liked the render so I couldn't contain myself. So far it's really turning out well.
I will have make textures from scratch once I'm done with the hands, legs and shoes.

I will think about it.

It's not actually flat just unshaded, I used the geometry of Roll's model from MML as reference so it's as legit as it gets.
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more parallax tweaks, this time with nonzero values for vertical scrolling
Which game would have more potential for depth?
>A game with no Y axis movement/gravity. Topdown games
>A game with no Z axis movement but has gravity. Sidescrollers.
>blender 2.79 in 2024
What of it
i also still use 2.79
The closest background cityscape is parallaxing way too fast to sell the sense of scale, it looks like a cardboard cutout. Generally slowing everything in the background way down and having lesser differences in speed between the background layers will communicate a better sense of distance and scale. That faster scrolling is better if you're trying to show really high speed against clouds, weather effects, close background trees etc. Stuff that's closer in to the player sprite.
Y and Z axis have no standard meaning and are arbitrarily defined.
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I just need to make a successful game. T-that's all!
Or be like godot and have z-up but negative Y be forwards or whatever the fuck is going on with its horizontal axis.
x scroll rate values can be adjusted downward, this video just shows the progress in bringing the y axis motion into alignment with the size of the map's available vertical explorable space
Keep repeating it to yourself so it comes true.
>tranny holmer
someone should make an X = Up engine to complete the catalog.
It’s y up but negative z for forward.
Y is UP. -Z is FORWARD. X is RIGHT. It's well defined. Sometimes people are confused because MODEL_FRONT is BACK while MODEL_REAR is FORWARD (i.e. models face forward, so looking at it from the rear is the same as looking forward).

Ironically, the UE was instantly intuitive to me.
What does it mean by left handed and right handed
Are you blind? That chart clearly lists Godot as right-handed Y-up.
You're retarded, and all left-handed standards are retarded.
Imagine being this anal retentive, you all knew what I meant
You were supposed to learn that in high school math. If you didn't, give up on gamedev, or if you haven't yet, you must be 18 to post here.
>implying normal people remember that nonsense
Nigga its in the picture that shit is entirely self-explanatory
Is Y positive when you go right on the left handed?
>or be like [Y-up but negative Z be forwards] and have z-up but negative Y be forwards
Sorry, but you're going to have to explain the joke here
Normal people are not capable of making games. Give up and leave the thread.
Just project hopped to an FPS so it looks like I'll be first person shooting myself when I regret this next week
Y up was always retarded, humans mostly move forwards/backwards and sideways so most movement happens in the x and y axis, z is the third supplementary axis. Only trannies that play 2D s*descr*ller trannies think Y up makes any sense. Only 3D and topdown are real games. Z is up.
>frustrated and bored with main game
>project hop to a new project with smaller scope
>much easier, make great progress
>starts getting harder
>progress on new project slows to a crawl
>hop back to main project
>make good progress again
project hop bros, is this the way?
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the parallel game I'd like to make alongside 3D Dwarf Fortress is actually a high octane 1st midpoly person corridor shooter.

1st person shooters are cool
Right handed, y-down is the way to go, how Vulkan does it. Matches the intuitive screen coordinates (starting at the top left).
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Here's a PSA brought to you by Miss Alice Liddell herself.
It is important that you read it, understand it, and live by it.
Oh cool is that Mr house from fallout new Vegas? That game rules
You will never release a game kek
I want to make a game like this.
why does she look like chie?
I have 4 projects in my mind right now that I am equally in love with.

Perhaps I'll have to bing bong between all of them in allocated chunks.
The time it took you to make that image could have been time spent making your game
Ironic, considering the creator of Alice in Wonderland was a known, notorious paedo.
>see everyone making progress daily
>What gives bros? Why am I so slow...
same..... same
is this ctesiphon
X-right Y-up is mostly a result of that being the standard 2D-graphing convention that most academia math is taught in. X-forward Y-left Z-up is the standard that makes the most sense for navigation (most 3D games). Unfortunately, optical frames (cameras) and renders default to X-right, Y-down, because that's the standard for pixel-space screen coordinates.
can i join the thing
>if you don't remember or didn't learn some bit of information from highschool give up on gamedev
crabs are an interesting species
and so the systemshock-like collab begins...
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How would one go about implementing a camera look ahead for Camera3D in Godot??
Seriously, why can’t be faster? It’s like people can just focus and solve problems in a heartbeat. It’s not fair!
can i pleeeease join a systemshock-like collab i have some ideas...
and i can code... and i can 3d model.
post ideas?
there's furry girls, and they have big boobs
Pure soul UI
Let me ask it in a different way:Which type of game has the potential to have more depth in realtime combat?
>A topdown game (no gravity or jumping)
>A sidescroller (gravity and jumping)
why do none have x as up? the amount of times i've assumed x is up and down is far too frequent, yet none of the has
>x = vertical
>y = horizontal
>z = depth

huh, gonna take a look
>he can't conceptualize a topdown game with verticality
No one uses x as vertical but engineers.
It's not crabbing. It's euthanasia. If that kind of knowledge didn't interest you enough in high school that you bothered to learn it, you don't have the kind of personality cut out for gamedev, which involves developing with some of the most complex systems humanity has ever created. You're better off spending your time as a min wagie.
because x is horizontal on a two dimensional graph
so when you go 3D there's two options, and both keep x as horizontal
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Jeez, did you get offended or something?
I sincerely refuse to believe the idea that Dodgson was a creep as the main documentary that proposed such an idea was made during the fallout of the case against the creep Saville and fabricated evidence.
Of course, I'm still going to make fun out of it.
wait but that's not an engine.

where's gamemaker fall under? construct?
I can't think of a single system that uses X-up. X-forward is most common.
t. engineer
this is pretty good
NTA but I don't know where or when in highschool they would have taught handedness in relation to 3D geometry. I never learned 3D geometry at all in highschool. I've never even heard of on-paper classes on 3D geometry, its not practical information for anyone to ever learn (beyond just applying the rules of 2D geometry to a 3rd axis which is self-explanatory) outside of its utility in modeling/animation/gamedev.
What the actual fuck are you even on about.
Post game.
>expecting avatarposters to have games
It's time to add my own twist to the mix
X = up/down
Y = left/right
Z = forward/backward

No idea either fren
Bruh, I already did.
Get off my case.
in c++ can i make a function that returns 3 things and then do like SetColor( getRGB() );
not anon but you learn it in integral calculus
Heapsort is intuitive and safe.
>don't know what game I feel like playing
>want to play my game but I didn't make it yet
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>sticking to a project
It doesn't exist. He made a model and dropped it into unity for fun
It was a topic that was covered in several classes. In high school, I remember it from precal, every calculus, as well as physics. Even more times if you include college classes, which retaught basic vector math at least in 4-5 different classes. There are a bunch of underachiever loser nodevs here that delude themselves into thinking they can make it in gamedev when they couldn't make it in anything else in life.
describe more what you want to do and i'll post almost working pseudocode

This was even better
Anything beyond basic calculus theory and concepts is way overboard for general education purposes. Like not to be that guy but seriously when in fuck is the average highschool grad going to use calculus irl, you're not calculating instantaneous rates of change on the fucking fly at work we have machines to do that.
nice falsetto, bokudev
Nah you sound like a crabby nodev lashing out with ridiculous speculations
Reminder that guys like eric made it because it was easy
The guy literally wage cucked in fucking seattle and somehow had no economic issues
rent is 2k for us now, if you're a zoomer dev in the US you are destined to fail due to economic factors.
Sudacas won... it's over
I think having an intuitive understanding of DiffEQs has definitely helped me in gamedev in designing motion controllers and VFX. My point is that "the average highschool grad" is not going to produce a game anyone cares to play.
Anon have you considered that you're maybe just a giant fucking nerd and the fact that you learned these in highschool doesn't mean you're a special super genius, but in fact means these topics are not especially advanced relative to highschoolers' mental abilities? And that other people likely didn't learn these because topics because they're not relevant to general education outcomes?
Like imagine thinking you're smarter than other people cause you took a highschool-level course. Its literally not rocket science or molecular biology or something.
Just 2 days of taking a break I'm starting to get all these shitty game ideas coming back to me.
His girlfriend (read: babysitter) took care of his ass while he was making SDV
After the somewhat embarrassing realization that searching "Tempest Software Games" brings up a couple of obscure psx games from a company with the same name, I have decided to rename Tempest Software, "Temple Software", to which no games come up when googling the name.
Yeah but that's specialist knowledge that any schmuck can pick up from somewhere and copy down, you don't actually need educated familiarity with specifics like that its why we have reference material, tutorials, and knowledge sharing. Just like you don't need to know the reasonings behind handedness in relation to 3d spatial geometry to just like make game.
My point is that it's basic ass shit. Imagine if someone came in here without known how to add and subtract. Like come on now.
I really can see this.
AGDG documentary.
Once we kick off the indie renaissance and a bunch of famous devs are made from here.

One of those places where a famous group of people hung out.
>this extremely irrelevant tidbit of specialized knowledge is basic because I learned it in highschool
And stay with me on this
You're a nerd with an inflated ego maybe
Like its cool that you know this information but it has as much relevance to any gamedef project as any screenshot caption on the Transformers wiki.
this thread is going to have so many tourists once we pop off.
>all this to try and look down on someone
>for what they can figure out by moving a cube in all directions
>seconds after opening the program for the first time
Are you actually intelligent?
nigga I'm boutta SNAP CRACKLE AND POP
It's associated with a general, intuitive understanding of physics, geometry, and motion, which is fairly critical in working with most video games, unless they really want to JLMG in some card/board game.

Cope. The vast majority of yesdevs in this thread have that "specialized" knowledge.
Uhmm akshually I think you mean look DOWNWARDS IN RELATION TO A ROTATION ON THE X AXIS, chud
someone is gonna have to pop it, than. don't count on me
>X = Up
This is such an unhinged and brilliant idea, I can't believe I never considered this.
Even just a 3d level editor with this convention would be sufficient, if it's a standalone product. Which means filling this gap is doable as a 1-2 week project.
Throw in a gimmick to make it appealing to low-skill artists who want an editor that doesn't intimidate them (a la Crocotile) and it would be possible to get some actual users on board
Based DiffEQ niggadev
or we all pop this thing off with a collab rev share project composed of NEETS united under the banner of BTFO'ing the AAA and the Shovelware.
I'm yesdevving and I know left- and right-handed only because I learned them when learning how to do graphics programming, it definitely wasn't in high school math.
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Found this interesting game that looks like something /agdg/ wishes they could have made:
>specific memorized information is necessary to have an intuitive understanding of a subject
>specific memorized information
Just stop while you think you're still ahead bud
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>this thread is going to have so many tourists once we pop off.
There simply isn't a way to make certain genres fun, (like Souls-like). No matter how you do it.

Not unless we get an idea, otherwise it'll just be two guys with no ideas.
sounds cool, let's see that pitch
look up a chase behaviour.

You simply need to take the camera or player front normal direction then add an offset vector to it, and just tween that shit.
Wait he gave up on his 2D game too?
>he thinks it's memorized
Wasn't she just an assistant? How did she make more money than a programmer? 2016 was seriously the best time to indie dev.
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Something like this. My implementation is all wonky though. Notice how after looking ahead, the camera retains the same distance from the player. I can't figure out how to do that.
I'll check that out.
>because it was easy
It's never been easier to become a burden on the state.
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here, I made the brand logo
That's how being taught things works, yes. As opposed to intuiting something. Words mean things. You're not smart for being taught something anyone can just... figure the fuck out in 20 seconds of screwing around with a modeling program.
already has
we're too famous
be glad no one has made a 500k view documentary on marmo before agdg would have to split at that point
limp dick mf
He comes back then gives up every other month or so.
His GF worked at Starbucks, while Eric worked weekends in a movie theater. He turned to gamedev because he couldn't find a software development job,
>multiple anon who are here all day every day
>they don't just come together
>instead they choose to be the programmer and artist bridge comic
Really makes you think.
Why don't you just define the camera's position and rotation at the moment you start looking ahead and just lerp/tween/whatever back there when you release the button for looking ahead?
literally just an invisible target in front of the player with a fixed offset
now idk if he was just responding to the post about 'popping off' or if he's actually aware of those terms for higher derivatives
>single income
>adult child bread winner
>seattle capitol hill
fuck eric, he was playing on fucking easy mode
>Temple Software

This guy is going to get harassed to death by the followers of Terry A. Davis. May his schizo ass rest in peace.
You just KNOW Eric had that good d to keep her around.
>he doesn't know about the rest of eric's life like the boeing engineer father, the family that played games like myst together, and the brother that bought harvest moon
Literally born to succeed.
I think niggadev is the one enginedeving that 3D N64 engine, so I assume he's actually a huge nerd
didn't he groom her when she was 16?
I know that's legal here for some reason, you know because old liberal pedophiles love it when high school children have sex with them, but I just cannot fucking justify being an adult in a relationship with a child, even if it's legal here.
I just cannot fucking fathom it or defend it
Hell be fine.
why does godot 3 have 3d physics interpolation but godot 4 doesn't?
it does though
it's called tween
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This seems VERY plausible and I am going to test out this method right now. If it works I will do a little dance.
There were some unresolvable conflicts. It's in on the 4.4dev branch
holy shit, talk about nepo baby the game dev.
Fucking piece of shit, my mother is literally hundreds of thousands in debt trying to avoid bankruptcy, I can't find a fucking job, let alone a gf (unlike eric I don't prefer children).
You mean the guy making minecraft with an AR?
File deleted.
i drank too much cobbe and shat myself
Godot 5 will fix that
fuck, a bunch of addons i use are broken on 4.4
oh man max stern is never gonna live this one down huh shouldn't have cancelled the collab before a week even passed by it's a meme forever now HOT NEW AGDG MEME!! GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT BROUGHT TO YOU BY MAX STERN EVERYONE!
Has to be introduced carefully.

they didn't have this idea.
maximum autist's sacrifice paved the way to two new farming sim so it wasn't in vain
It's unconscionable to try and date a child.
Now I don't support college, but it's just wrong to date someone when they haven't finished their state mandated education.
just the trenches of game dev. clean up and get back in that chair. walk it off.
Actually, American education is that bad. High school education is basically
algebra -> geometry -> more algebra -> trigonometry and some limits
and that's it. At least when I was in school. Unless you do what I did and like two other teens at my school, take algebra in 8th grade, and pay to take a math class over the summer, then you were in Calculus 2 your senior year.

Vectors are covered in a physics course which not all high schoolers take, and basic forms in calculus if memory serves. Linear algebra isn't taught outside of the extreme basics, if at all, and very briefly.

This what it was like when I was in school. I'm sure things have changed but they only seem to rearrange the material, not teach it sooner.
How do I make System Shock, but better?
women are fully grown at that age
>why does godot 3 have 3d physics interpolation but godot 4 doesn't?

Because juan dropped bullet physics during the migration from 3 to 4, according to him it was 'too cumbersome to maintain' (the guy who made the addon gave up on godot) so instead he opted to hire some backstreet 'programmer' from a favela to completely re-write his home made physics engine. The guy used godot to pad his resume while he 're-wrote' the physics engine and then landed a job at rockstar. Juan decided to release godot 4 with juan physics partially re-written by pablo.

If it wasn't for the guy working on jolt physics for free I would've thrown this engine in a dumpster already.
hire me
A Reginald's Maneuver.
A Maximilian's Gambit.
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Is damaskus dev still alive?
Bullet physics was never meant for video games anyways, so Juan was right to ditch it. The real problem is apparently no physics programmers exist in the year 2024. Jolt Physics is only marginally better than Godot's and frankly shouldn't be integrated.
i got a really good idea for a gun in a system shock like
he's a part of the inner circle
Its because americans outsourced their computer science industries to thirdies, we don't have any reason to know complex mathematics when we have math machines made for us by slaves (this is how boomers actually think)
A 16yo can go to jail if they don't show up to school.
how does one know that he is in inner circle?
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how much linear algebra my nigga knows?

Because you should brush up a book on linear algebra to do that.
Anyone who's not a nigger, mexican, or equivalent white trash takes AP/IB and would've finished trig (precal) by 9th grade.
anon drew fanart with all the inner circle in it. it's no secret anymore.
>so Juan was right to ditch it

He's got no engine without it. I cannot reiterate how important jolt is to godot 4 gaining traction, people would've written the engine off completely if it didn't exist because godot physics is unuseable. Jolt isn't great, but still miles better than juan physics.
Sounds like free attention? I'm very respectful of Terry Davis though.
I'm the gatekeeper. If I haven't made it clear that you are "in", then you are clearly "out".

Somebody's feeling a little extra edgy before bedtime.
The main maintainer for Godot Jolt now favors Rapier (the same physics engine used by Bevy).
Imagine using an engine without proper rigidbody physics.
imagine using engine
To be fair, Bullet isn’t very good and trying to ditch it is understandable.

t. Stuck with it on the 3.x branch
if you know, you know
I'm also kinda drunk lmao
I will self learn as I go. That and some college level math is what helps me. Just learned about projections a day ago so I will use what that one anon said, a target offset.
can I get a list?
Is this a joke? Written in Rust too?
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New progress in Dungeon Watchers, here is another spell I made: Chain Lighting
Deals damage to only one enemy, but can can jump to a nearby one. The level of the skill will more jumps and damage. With this spell, my game already have 16 generic spells that any character can use. I will limit the amount of generic skill/spells to 5 because all characters will have their unique powers.
I'm black. I never took AP classes but I wish I did. I always was insecure about myself and what I could do because people like you made me feel small, so I never tried as hard because I feared failure + embarrassment. So fuck you nigger.
every single gay faggot you have encountered in this thread and the discord is inner circle
This is honestly one of the most kino views for a survivors-like.
>The main maintainer for Godot Jolt now favors Rapier

>balls at rest not touching each other by at least half their radius

Yep, this engine is going into the dumpster.
thanks angongs
>flash game graphics
>vampire survivors clone
I hate kitchen sink fantasy
I hate final fantasy
I hate japan
can't help you
It's mostly society's fault for making you feel that way and for you to have missed that opportunity, but solo/indie gamedev is a near pure meritocracy without any DEI affirmative action bullshit. The one token black guy in my friend group from college is past $1m net worth at this point just from collecting salary from big tech companies, because he didn't let himself get held back.
democracy always prevails and will overrule this non-sense
You watch your tone, he's a puzzle platformer dev before this.
Anon relax that’s an actual tranny
>open godot video
>it’s a turd worlder
So my assumption that every godotard on agdg is an unironic shitskin is accurate? White Chads stay using UE5 and shipping production quality masterpieces
I'm going to do the simple stuff first, then leave the two much more complex stuff at the end
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sisters, be honest, how much burgers would you pay for a low poly model like this, i am thinking that maybe i should start selling this shit before getting better and jumping into making games
Why do you hate simple whimsy, anon?
this looks a lot better textured
I want to hate you but selling lowpoly porn assets to pornsick retards might actually be a fucking gamechanger
Yeah thats usually why you texture things, dumbass
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>puzzle platformer dev
Wrong, it was a hard platformer where you have to dodge obstacles. No puzzles.
it doesn't have all of them
I know this gets spammed a lot but this genuinely looks heavily transcoded
>lower rank shadow member thinks he's worth anything
Post the game you abandoned before starting on your current project
suddenly the Inner Circle seems like a guild you'd join in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion.
it's more like a guild you can't join in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
I don't want to be mean, but it's not really there, but it's getting closer. You just have to keep trying I suppose.
Anyone have experience running Godot 4.3? I have an older amd card and it's struggling to run a compiled game(20 fps). I assume it's due to vulkan incompatibility with my card...
there needs to be fanart of the outer circle aka the most gmi devs here that mostly post infrequently
>using amd
kek even
the united states is responsible for 72% of my revenue
How the hell are you going to animate her when she looks like she wouldnt even be able to move
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How do I fix this?
red herring
>open epic's own UE articles
>indian names

if you are having difficulty learning on your own, buy a cheap course on udemy for like $10 and it will help you have some structure to learn the basics and then you can continue learning on your own
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UV unwrapping on the face went well, not perfect but close enough.
Now I have to replace the aislop textures with my own.

That's it for today.
can I pound your prostate
ill take a smart indian over random guy #5315
>red hair
it's him it's thougheverbeit anon
2005 graphics, AAA price, boring and uninventive gameplay, in my opinion the game did great for what it offers
no, I am making 3D Dwarf Fortress
You could do some manual shading on the areas of the skin that will be mostly under the hair (the aislop does the same) to give the face a bit more pop. Otherwise this looks pretty damn good.
bro the parallax not moving vertically broke everything, please fix that, it should be at least some movement on Y
>custom engine
oh boy can't wait for you to abandon your project in a maximum of 12 months like every single other engiedev
and then what? what's the next step in your masterplan?
the idea I had when I made my post (the one you responded to) was using Unity AS IF X were up. that's totally doable, after all gravity is a Vector3 and everything else is however you choose to set it up. except navmesh. I'm pretty sure navmesh would not work since it assumes Y = up implicitly.
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check out this also.
It's a sakurai tutorial on cameras.
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please oh please oh please be chibi-robo-like
why do trans devs want to keep making these 1 hit dead trap runs filled levels where half the screen is filled with spikes and dead traps.

kaizo mario is fun to see someone beating the levels, but is not fun to play that.
First of, I'm not trans, I'm a bio woman, second of, skill issue, git gud.
He's probably closing in on 12 months around with only that much to show for it.
>why do people with genital mutilation fetishes like to make games where characters with bloody coloration get sliced and stabbed a lot
Gee I dunno anon its a fucking mystery. When your sexual awakening is Super Meat Boy you tend to be kind of obsessive ig.
cute ToT
>I'm a bio woman
Post proof or GTFO
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tfw I just fixed a bug right now.
Time to reward myself with some Star Trek Original Series.
it's almost as if it's fun
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probably because it's instant feedback.
Taking x amount of damage and implementing shitty damage immunity mechanics dilutes the experience.
Post cock pic and I'll.
hair color per providence?
That game's dead anon, it became Pseudoregalia
I notice people from here are really good at megaman X style textures.
the biggest problem with buying assets is to match styles, so if you sell them individually it will probably be worth $0.10 per model, but if you make a pack with 50 or 100 things, it will be much easier to convince other developers to buy it, because a pack solves a lot more problems than individual assets. The best-selling packs are always the ones where someone could make a full game using just that pack, also it is much easier to make money creating assets than making games, so all power to you
I'm having doubts over my "random 3 choices of upgrade" system because of agdg making fun of it, but on the other hand what if it's just agdg contrarianism and actual consumers actually like and want that even if every game is doing it?
Heapsort is a very nice sorting algorithm. Very intuitive.
You mean legends
And its because flat color texture painting is pretty damn easy if you have some basic color theory.
>i-is that 3 hecking choices to upgrade from!? wow! it's like really having f-free will! this game is amazing! i can't wait to see what other choices i'll get even though it's a game of pure chance!
Choose 3/4 has been the most meaningful gameplay innovation of the last decade. /v/tard nodevs are mad that yesdevs found a cheat code for fun.
Get up every morning and I bake the fucking donuts. That's what it is. I make the Ice level Ludokino. I make the Ocean Ludokino. I make the Elf Forest Ludokino.

My wife will bite my shoulders. and she will have a sharp jaw.
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but it can, having les than 1k tris doesn't mean like you ignore joint topology, however i didn't made this model to animate it, it was just a quick challenge to test round characters in low poly.
i can't believe i got mogged by my own AI shitpost.
yeah, i forgot about that, seems like i will just make a game and if it goes wrong i will sell all the assets in a pack or something.
reposting because i fucked up the webm
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god fucking damnit
2000s' quick cash grab flash games art style (not a compliment)
This is AIslop? Never mind, it's shit.
I'm going to make a shitload of assets tomorrow unless I'm super sick or something not sure which way this fever is gonna go after sleeping
what are the other cheat codes for fun i want to win too
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just wanna let you all know, I just got a full day of game dev in and I'm currently in pic rel mode right now.
now replace aggiechan with this loli
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my robot it's not ai slop, i have been posting progress modelling her ass. i posted the original ai generated loli that the other anon is making in blender back when i had nothing else to do thougheverbeit
my humble advice is: make a pack for horror games, retro style, it will be easier for you to create, low poly, dark assets are easiER to make, and horror games benefit from some weirdness in it, also there are a bunch of devs creating horror games right now, some believe that horror game is the holy grail of indie games so its probably a good thing to do if your focusing on making assets
nnoooo thougheverbeit anon has permanently associated himself with ai and will never live this down
There are numerous people who type thougheverbeit.
>There are numerous faggots who type thougheverbeit.
quick thinking I know for a fact no one else does but I'll let your ai association go just this once let this serve as a warning because most of agdg hates ai
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i mostly model things for fun since i got tired of making small slop games, i am not really that hungry for money yet. i will return to making slop games next month.
it was all just a plan to make pajeets waste time thinking AI 3D was good enough to try and shit on them thougheverbeit
>There are numerous people who type thougheverbeit.
Can I be your friend?
Did you finish this pong-like?
What the fuck. Pong is actually kind of fun like this. Pair this up with big titties and ass, then animations on actually holding the paddle with soft body physics. It's the perfect game to show off character models and animations. You could fit in expressions and different customization for clothing options. You could make 100 reviews minimum within a week off of a game like this. All of this and it's still only pong in the end.
Least pornsick aggydag enthusiast
What if instead of pong its tennis?
fuck off tranny
You people are sick, as well as lame. I do not want to be your friend.
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what do you do when you ask a question and some other anon starts responding to other people as if they're you?
And it's not like they're saying stupid shit, everything is relatively reasonably and seems like something i'd say.

Just something that happened to me in another thread and don't know how to feel.
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no, i started doing it just to learn the workflow between godot and blender. i dropped it before polishing it and adding score, after that i tried to make a remake of the cart game from club penguin but i dropped after i learnt how to generate an infinite rail, i had all the animations made but i didn't implemented them, and fixing all the details would be a nightmare.
i will pick it up next year after i learn more about animating, i wanted to implement a lot of things but i just decided to drop it because i don't know enough, it's easy to replicate thougheverbeit.
only if you give me a good character idea for my next slop (a 3d fast paced plataformer with surfing from CS as core mechanic)
I am you.
>What the fuck. Pong is actually kind of fun like this. Pair this up with big titties and ass, then animations on actually holding the paddle with soft body physics. It's the perfect game to show off character models and animations. You could fit in expressions and different customization for clothing options. You could make 100 reviews minimum within a week off of a game like this. All of this and it's still only pong in the end.
Let me set the scene for how this /agdg/ collab could look:

-Walking by in a hallway ingame, see a poster of Blorb-

-references to /agdg/ memes and memories sprinkled in as easter eggs-
Isn't mario tennis the upgraded version of pong?
Happens to me and I just reply to the imposter "don't pretend to be me" or something
Don't you realize we're much stronger if we work together?
This is an anonymous image board. No one is pretending to be you. Anyone can interject themselves into any public conversation. Take it to DMs if you don't like that.
"yes, I'd like one C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.41.34120\bin\Hostx64\x64 please"
I'm thinking of making my planned GMOD-like into the collab rev share project.
I can see it as being like that.
still mulling it over. But if it is done right, it really could be something special.

Imagine common /agdg/ memes and references in a GMOD-like.
*I'm a train driver btw, forgot to mention
cmake fucking sucks
here's how my project directory looks.

Makefile is all you need
Godot uses scons.
you know cmake is good when everyone uses it
the contrarians here are insane
I do not drive trains. Please stick to Game Development related topics. Thank you.
if you're so great, successfully compiile a piece of software you didn't write that has a CMakeLists
yeah, didn't think so
>Millions of flies can't be wrong
how do you think i got aseprite
Is this a Gentoo flex right now?
you wrote a makefile because cmake is broken trash with broken dependency detection. at least that's what i end up having to do.
Oh, you didn't install Visual Studio on C:? GET FUCKED.
Just retarget it moron.
Forget you guys.
I'm going to make a Slay the Spire clone and no one can discourage me. It'll have cute anime girls.
I don't care how saturated the market will be.
I don't care if people call it a rip off.
I'm going to make the game and make it for myself. If you want to play, you can pay $15.
less talking, more progress posting hotshot
A visual novel isn't the same as a picture book, the most obvious difference being that most books don't have sound.
Make a monster train clone
Probably not. Better to look at source code from projects on GitHub.
i'm 19 and i only have a very small part of the last trait. the rest,it's the complete opposite.
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You have your whole life ahead of you zoomer, put it to good use and make a successful game.
stay strong trains is hard job
What game are you making now?
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>Blender 2.79
get off that ancient shit nigga holy fuck
when you think about it, there are no justificiations for fixed timestep
Haven't really figured that out yet. Still scribbling random ideas on a notepad.
>download model from old game
>there's 3 of every vertex
>strange topology like 5 edge lines coming from one vertex
Idk if these are ancient techniques I don't know or they just had to slap together the model any way they could under a time crunch
>there's 3 of every vertex
A vertex for each face?
post model
Yeah, pretty much this. The person that reply described doesn't exist at all. As a zoomer myself, i can testify that most of my fellow zoomers are somehow tech illiterate despite having cellphones glued to their faces 24/7. They're also fucking dumb and not interested by anything at all. I told people my age that im making a videogame i could see question marks forming above their heads when i told them its's not a GTA 6 clone, and then thy quickly forget about it. Your average zoomer is really fucking mediocre in pretty much all aspects, and honestly i don't think that's a positive thing. It seems only the weird internet dwelling types like myself enjoy gamedev. The normies just enjoy the finished product.
Thanks, but that's probably my only shot in life to not be another sheep in the great herd.
artifact of bad import/export
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Well Marmo, will (You) submit to capitalism?
Would it be cheating if I just re-used the same tech I built for my abandoned game?
>he thinks there's rules to game dev
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/agdg/ loves secret rules
it would be a very good idea and save you lots of time and work
I'm just worried that someone's going to accuse me of lying about abandoning my game if I re-use all the tech and the assets in my next game.
Yes, I do. I will NOT get rid of my secret rules.
today i will work on my inventory screen
just tell them to fuck off and die
what are you a baby?
Why did you lie about abandoning your game?
>how to make uninspired slop
Fuck off and die
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I tried to upgrade but I got filtered by the new UI and keybinds so I just stayed in 2.79 where I was comfortable...
post your inspired not-slop. surely you've finished, right?
lel you remind me of that anon who thinks i'm the original and only NOOOOOO poster
>it's perfect so long as it only exists in my mind
you are howbeit
>its good enough as long as i shart it out quickly
>in fact, bringing my creation into reality would only taint it, so i never will
If you re-use all the tech and assets from an abandoned game, you didn't abandon it, you're just developing it under a different title. It's not a secret, it's common sense.
nta but was thinking earlier about the blender copy i have on the other pc. since i'm not really devving in 3D i can just get a newer version rather than trap myself on some old version consider my only assets made were practice things years ago before going 2D

judging from the blender archives i probably have something like version 2.81
This, I am a follower of Plato.
wait nvm it was probably version 2.79 as well

when did you get into gamedev? around 2018/2019?
>try to play shitty unreal assetflip game
>people accuse it of being a bitcoin miner because despite being one room in size, it hogs the CPU
>it requires me to reinstall my graphics or CPU drivers nonsense
>now AMD keeps flashing up on my hotbar every time I look away because their shit is bugged and this is a known issue that everyone is getting

>playtime less than 2 hours
This is why you don't play 0 review indie games.
I dont get people who play autobattlers. Do they watch the game play itself and cheer on 'Yeah yeah get em! Take that! I love gaming!".
>numbers go up
>brain feel good
I got into 3D modelling around 2019, it wasn’t until 2022 that I finally installed a game engine and started gamedev
I don't get turn based rpgs. Do they watch their characters do their selected actions and cheer on 'Yeah yeah get em! Take that! I love gaming!".
It takes away the real-time skill aspect and so that the gameplay decisions are more focused on the planning skill aspect.
seeing NPCs in a decently programmed slapfight with no player input is one of the funnest gaming things. It's the digital equivalent of cockfighting.
What autobattler do you play?
I don't, but my brother and his friends are really into TFT.
It's a deckbuilder without the execution.
I don't struggle with that, what I struggle with is like
I can make an idle game right now, and I have
why is it not fun but other ones are
I can refine the numbers but ultimately there's some missing variable
this is why Ideaguys are so valuable. Without the right idea, actually yesdevving is useless.
You need to make it worth my time.
>idle gamer
You're not looking for an ideaguy. You're looking for a game designer.
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I play Storybook Brawl
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>implying this was worth my time
yet I still played it and enjoyed it

You can "design" a game better than pic related but I won't play it because it's not the right idea while blowing leaves was. You wouldn't get it. You're not an ideaguy. You're some kind of pathetic embarrassing developer.
>can't progress because people keep bothering me asking me what I am doing
>can't make weg because they will see
>will forever be a ngmi dev
Learn to draw faster.
Age of War
people who sell shovels during a gold rush should kill themselves NOW
>indie game gold rush
>the shovels are engines and ideas
idle games are perfect since zoomers like to play vidya while watching 3 different streams
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wegs look like dogshit
animeCHADS were right
what is a weg that looked like 30s animation
The ideaguy is like "arbitrary daily mundane item or task, but idle game". That's not a game. The designer is the one that created all the tables of items and upgrades, where all the gameplay is. You can take those tables of numbers and reskin all the words and sprites to an entirely different concept and it would still be a game.
zoomers do not have the patience for idle games. Idle games require a high IQ and abstract appreciation of math (again, high IQ) to get. That's why maybe you don't.
Mr. spreadsheets over here acting like he some kind of big shot.
I see the developer virgins are seething with envy at the ideaguy chads once again.
yea those mobile autobattler games are so complex and difficult
>he doesn't know that a logarithmic curve is the best feeling for a game and idler games
They're second only to gacha.
does the glowing effect stand out here?
>Idle game MMO

nevermind that's just called an MMO.
Why do they glow
I obviously meant a weg in a japanese style.
I can't man... it's so fucking over. I don't even have space for my drawing tablet, I have to put it on my lap and my laptop on a shelf.
God it's so fucking over
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NGMI retard. The skin only adds to the appeal. Your game can't keep anyone's attention for long enough because it's not fun, which requires good design.
because you can merge them with an allied unit
of the same type you have to upgrade
autobattlers suck because they're too repetitive and predictable. when we get a game that feels like a real battle is taking place without the player meddling on it, not just "watch x unit hit y unit until one of them dies and proceed" you'll start to enjoy them.
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I will make nodevs jealous.
Just woke up.
Thanks anon.
>what is eSports betting
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>find really cool useful-looking software
>it's browser-only
Never be afraid
post your work
N-no... well really that's the point
I can't do any work anymore
Be afraid, but do it anyways.
Believe in yourself.
I'm just posting random snippets from my favorite songs while I work out/game dev
I wish I had friends.
i'm almost shocked at myself how differently i behave here and in front of my family. it's like split personality.
I behave in the exact same way.
If anything I'm more aggressive and rude towards my parents
That's called masking.
There’s this thing with elephants, where they cannot tear the chain when they’re small and so they never even try when they are grown up, because they already believe they cannot do it.
Why does opening certain folders on my computer take fucking forever? I think its because of some gay cloud-sync shit from microsoft. Its fucking annoying. The videos folder only has about 60 or 70 small screen recording clips in it, and it takes upwards of 2 minutes just to open the folder.
Once it has loaded, its fine. If I close the window and re-open it, I have to wait the full 2 minutes again. FUcking annoying bill gates suck me.
everyone turns into a cunt when they're behind the wheel of a car too, it's not a different personality, it's theirs unfiltered
/agdg/ is an outlet for my darkest personality traits.
I would like to hope that is not the true "me" though. Just the anger and malice that builds up from the endless frustration of gamedev.

But maybe that is the real me.
tech illiterate retard
Thanks for the help!
Fucking nigger
its more like a toilet. if i realize my thoughts are destructive, but very strong and real, i'd rather post them here than disturbing clean social places.
it's almost like there are containment boards and containment video games (e.g. cs, lol, dota etc.) to keep society from being toxic.
It's like listening to a conversation between me and my parents
I don't. I'm nice, calm, but deliberate in my driving actions.
*slowly inhales*
it's relative, you must be a monumental pussy the rest of the time
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NEETs we are so in!
I'm the biggest cunt in existence and I do this too
make a game where you control a plane and you are supposed to drop dirty bombs on big fields with wind turbines.
make the destruction of the wind turbines a physics sim and have a nice kill cam.
why did this make me laugh so hard?
sorry i do not watch youtube slop by failed gamedevs.
everyone's gotta start somewhere, it's just a matter of having some privacy
I am quite passive yeah but I am also a big strong man...
I wish I was more aggressive.
>secret rules
I hate ocd so much it's unreal
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the fact that text adventures ever even existed as a genre and somehow still exists to some extent in the present day should tell you all you need to know about what humans want
the fact that dragon dildos ever even existed as a genre and somehow still exists to some extent in the present day should tell you all you need to know about what humans want
I mean there are people who play Blue Archive.
I don't get it. What do humans want?
does this guy really find it funny to spam links to gamedev clickbait videos?
that they get to participate in
fat juicy dragon cocks
I will have to give up though because I have no privacy. I literally just want to be alone.
tits and ass?
Is Ender Lilies the only lolige that managed to sell well? If so, that's bleak.
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This is my life
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yes i know it looks like a game for literal toddlers at first glance but trust me strategic depth is immeasureable.
What I like the most is that every second brain is on, no downtime, thinking, making decisions which affect both short-term and long-term planning (once you figure out how the base mechanics work crank up combat animation speed to 300% and click faster to skip them)
i'm stuck at the bottom of that pyramid and not even that is satisfied
this nigga GETS NO SLEEP
>Average daily concurrent players: 647
>Gross revenue: $2.6m ($1.3m - $3.9m)
PvP autobattler? What's the monetization? P2W?
i just made something rainbow colored all by myself lfg
I've already seen the developer talk about their own game, I don't need to hear Thomas talk about it again.
pretty much and the air and shittin aint that good too
My magnum opus is complete, after 10 long years, I call it dark souls meets roguelike.

You can buy packs of animals
note there's 3 separate categories for PvP matchmaking:
>everyone plays the same weekly pack, which is either random pets, curated pets, or curated pets + global gimmick. No P2W
>base packs only, no customization. All packs except the first one are paid, although it's debatable whether they are stronger. The base pack is straightforward, simpler, while the other are more complicated with gimmicks and mechanics. Also you can filter to match only with people playing the same pack as you, so you won't even encounter p2wers
>custom packs: everyone makes their own pack from any animals that they own - this is the only gamemode that can in fairness be called P2W

there's 2 gamemodes: arena, and versus (versus can also be ranked or unranked with custom lobbies).
In arena, you are matched with a random opponent on every turn. In Versus, you are faced with the same opponent(s) every time until either one of you runs out of lives

Some cosmetics are also paid, while others are unlockable
There's also a Plus Subscription which adds some cosmetic and non-gameplay features, like the ability to spectate arena opponents
1 pair of programming socks has been deposited to your vault
so it’s like LoL with having to unlock the more complicated characters, but you can only do so with real money
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yeah i guess
you can still play any pet if it ends up in the weekly pack, as a demo of sorts
How do you even make combat fun in an overhead action RPG without making over the top cool looking but ultimately spammy moves?
Make it an auto-shooter/survivor-like
Idea chads, we eatin good tonite
2D games are all about positioning. Being at the right place to avoid attacks, to get the best hits with your swings, etc.

how the fuck this engine keeps adding more features than godot on a weekly basis? they have 5 maintainers
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I gave my video game a web version so people can play it easily in the web browser.
That's it from me, see you next year.
How many ideas for games do you have that you actually want to make? I have 5
Bevy finally has shadows after 4 years? Holy shit this engine is bonkers!
I have the freedom to take risks and make whatever game I want! Yet I'm makiing an FPS...
Should I make a duplicate of my steam page to test out how well my game would be received if I were to go the full scope?

Only reason I don't do it on my current page is fear of getting sued for false advertising. Idk if simply changing the assets back to what I'm capable of would still constitute as false advertising. After all anyone looking to buy it would clearly be able to tell it is no longer what it was. If a game goes from low quality and no content to releasing a high quality with lots of content, it doesn't suffer the false advertisement accusation. So what if I went the opposite way around, a page curating my game to looking much better and selling it as more than what it really is. If the interest is still terrible, I redo the page to reveal the true state of my game. Or would I get sued for that?
take twice as long? I am taking four times as long and having half as much fun.
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>rust is pleasant to use
>everyone wants to work
>c++ is suicide-inducing to use
>nobody wants to do anything
Post FPS?
I have 2 Big Game Ideas that I definitely intend to make. Both 3D and heavy in simulation.

One takes place on the World.
Other takes place above the world and upon other worlds.
didn't watch, but from what I saw of that dev before, what I need is a creative wife who will come up with a mechanic that rescues my game?
One day Thomas Brush will interview me
The previous project is broken so I'm starting a new one. It's nothing special I guarantee you besides being able to draft movement abilities and skills.
So I have 2 big game ideas. Both 3D. Both midpoly kino.

The 2nd game idea is akin to GMOD mixed with Age of Empires in a sense. I can't tell too much about it.
stardew valley-like
system shock-like
mad max-like
But stardew valley is already a harvest moonlike, are you perhaps a tranny?
It's kind of odd. I have the 2 Big Game ideas, and then I have these ideas which are just smaller versions of the Big Games, and as pixel-art.

And I like both ideas. The full 3D ones and the sprite ones.

It's a weird thing. By that definition I'd have 4 ideas but I'm tenative on the pixel sprite versions.
What does draft movement abilities and skills mean?
Cute design
Think overwatch abilities but tied to equipment instead
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- something like Worms with taking turns in real time with a timer, but terrain destruction has physics
- RTS but combat is auto-battler instead of micro
- RTS but you control a swarm of dudes that follow your cursor like Pikmin-ish
- roguelike with chaotic demented procgen of most gameplay elements, e. g. TMTRAINER in Isaac
- very simple and fun multiplayer game with many many players in a match at once
Holy fuck his gamedev portfolio mogs me @ 18...
>networking right away
already lost when he was age 10
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He won
This video is pure demoralization. Nice try. I will not be deceived.
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anon who gives a shit? We all know guys like this. They launch ahead early in life and then endlessly stagnate and get completely stuck in mediocrity for the rest of their lives
Do you want to bet right now that this guy will never finish a single game with more than 2 hours of unique content in his entire life?
I gave it a go
Didn't this game only make like $5k total? He posted a post-mortem.
>anon already coping
Yea but he learned alot from it
He's young and has alot of potential
It's to motivate you to stop fucking around. At least it was for me.
you know I'm right. Look at the sort of shit this guy makes >>496050915
He's nobody special. I've known thousands of idiots like this throughout my life. No vision. No direction. No character
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biteme tier trash
not anon, but i ain't fucking around
been wanting to do game dev forever
been doing it forever
doesn't mean i know the way
we know all the grifters here for a reason
my man brackeys abandoned me and never taught me how to make an actual completed complex game
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I really fucking want to make a gritty beatemup using prerendered 3D spritesheets but I know for a fact that it's not worth it. There's more depth in my FPS idea..
Ironically, I don't know a more stagnant and mediocre place than here.
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Is there a way to have multiple Collisionshape3Ds on a characterbody3d in Godot and not make them interact with eachother?
>dumbass back to ask about godot and collision again
I don't understand what's so funny pretending like this.
nodev fatso
Add more CollisionShape3Ds. It just does that normally. A body never interacts with itself.
should I name my protagonist "the Grumpy Guzzler"?
Godot is perfect and has no bugs, stop asking!!!!!!!!!!!
It's nice there's an incentive for better medals but the RNG element combined with time trials is not something I'd want to endure for a better ending
where are the people coming from!!!!!! i don't get it, it just makes no sense. where were these kinds of opportunities when i was a kid? i even considered becoming a gamedev at some point and drew out some stuff at one point before discarding the thought since it'd be waging at nintendo but instinctively i was aware they'd never hire me
let me guess
>this is how i made a game when i was only 10
easy clickbait, easy fanbase, and next thing you know he has this.

now if only i could figure out how to get talent like that sakura rabbit girl
how old are you? as a kid i was doing gamedev and I'm late 30s
You must have some great games to show us anon
>where were these kinds of opportunities when i was a kid?
He just made stuff and learned as he went, while you daydreamed about making stuff. A tale as old as time, yesdev vs nodev. Many such cases.

And what do you mean opportunities? How old are you? You could have been making flash games and posting them on Newgrounds 20 years ago, even with no off-the-shelf game engines spoonfeeding you.
>No vision. No direction. No character
stop talking about me
The RNG is sorta seeded sorta not. The levels always start the same, but how you play will affect how they branch out. I did want something like the events to be more predictable, but this was just a game jam game, so oh well.
to be honest it's easy to be a game dev as long as you didn't have people calling you a nodev growing up
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I noticed that and that's a source of suffering as well, trying to remember the starting order of events, on top of keeping track of where you are in the event timeline given that your only source of understanding events is usually carefully reading the bottom-left while you're trying to play the game.

but yes, it's a jam game, I'm sure a lot of the small issues could be worked out if there was more time to handle player feedback
I hit the skill ceiling of klik & play and stayed there too long and didn't learn real programming until my mid 20s. I have not been doing gamedev consistently anyhow. I didn't mean to imply I had the same kind of opportunities as that kid.
Thanks for playing, anyways! I learned a lot with this game :)
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If you went all-in on making a game with a bigger scope you could be making decent money (not as much as a software job though) on your Patreon but I understand that's not to everyone's preference.
Late. Also blue board.
>didn't include halloween jam
it's shit
Well shit, off by one minute
Disregard this thread >>496054836
Move to this >>496054776
I draw a lot of fat fetish furry porn which does pay the bills, but I do ponder about making more games of the sort and seeing how much dosh that would generate off of Patreon.
anything that isn't in the bottom right square is the devil's work and should be avoided at all cost
You can look up creators doing similar fetishes / similar media (in this case, games) and see how much they get and have gotten over the last year. I got into gamedev after seeing how successful someone was doing, but since they did NTR, they have a much better edge given that's a much more popular fetish.

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