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Previous Thread: >>495446821

>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/
Pass: Credere
Reactors: A LSY, Rosaria, Frederick
>Rate ups
SSR: Dorothy, Skia, Joo Shiyoung, Karin Wong, Lily, Gremory, Lulu, Ciel, Ozy, Yanikka,
ASSR:Swan, aRosa, aJia
All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo, RosariaPits.

>Global Promo Codes
Long yuna love
Doing it now. 61-62 are easy, no gimmicks.
63-65 put a lot of pressure on your tank, you either need to do the old floor 50 hospital team or just cheese it with the dinosaur.
We need more child abuse.
Meant for >>495998998
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no clue if there is a proper strategy for this, i just went full retard unga bunga. full offensive anti ground dmg gears too. prbly is enough to stay in the top 100, doubt its enough for top 50 though.
Are people actually liking the new Yuna skin? Kinda lackluster to me.
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pls no more
I think Yuna herself looks great but the bird is a complete afterthought, which is evidenced by it literally stealing the skeleton from the vtuber skin

It felt like they made some amazing angel skin for her then seconds before shipping it they went "OH FUCK SHE HAS A BIRD"
Yeah, it's massively oversized in battle for what it's supposed to be.
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>Day 1
>Enough to stay in top 100
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wakey wakey, it's time for little princess' daily beatings~
i assume high 400 is enough cause the first place was struggling to get over 470. he had plenty of low 500 rng runs to get where he is now.
no joke the skin would look better if the phoenix just stayed normal
I like the concept, the bird ruins yuna like usual
Again, day 1. The whale cons will share information and suddenly top score is 700+.
I can finally oneshot Inhibitor 150 near the second map wipe at 0:30
Yeah, I'm just not gonna do the new dives. jack0 speedruns are too comfy.
How does a level 29 account have 9 ASSRs, not one of of them bad?
CS accounts are probably dirt cheap at this point. I bet you could get a premium one for under 20 bucks.
If you have the Jack-o set up, yeah I wouldn't leave. Bullet's video said the rewards don't go up much, so no leave the leave the 30 second speedruns.
Oh right, account sellers. Didn't even think of it since CS doesn't seem like a good investment compared to all the chink slop out there.
Not really, most account sellers stopped doing it for counterside and all that’s left are end game accounts and outdated starter accounts that charge you three year 1 ASSRs for $40
she is evil isnt she
>nothern union leader
>fights hilde
probably very
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the northern union did nothing wrong
you forgot the
>lifeless eyes
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The US president is a faceless and there is a mention of Prydwen being on the queen's order, we don't really have country leaders as important characters. Even with all the Gronia story line we don't even know what kind of leader they have.
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alya from the anime where the "good morning my brother" meme is from
she's russian so somewhat related
My whale friend sold his acc for like 800 bucks it had a lot of tu6 awakens CS accounts aren't worth shit
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How likely will I reach 3700 bros?
Absolutely everything I've seen of this show indicates that the little sister is the only good thing about it and that just gives me no incentive to watch it because it's a given that she's not going to win
I would change aHori for Hori
I prefer her big sis
Sisters aren't allowed to win anymore. Oreimo and Sora ruined it for everybody.
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wyell it's not running away and season 2 is already confirmed. so maybe in a year or two you feel like watching both.
masha is fine too
aHori has saved me a few times
Wasn't it Mom season now?
I wish harems would make a comeback. I'm sick of my favorite girl having no chance.
I just want harem endings, i think there was only one LN that i was rather fine with the non-harem ending
Cost is too high and you have no front line. Drop Jia for a tank.
I used awoken rosaria for my climb and deleted all aHori, there were a bunch of others running around too
fuck tenchi muyo, ruined everything
what did it do wrong i haven't seem it in what nearly 2 decades
Please make more robowaifu anime. (yes I know there is one currently airing) I want one where they can actually consummate the relationship.
As I recall, they dropped the initial harem premise and just had some literal show up and win. Pretty much anyone who remembers that series remembers the OVA and/or first season, and rejects the rest of it.
*literal who show up
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>Drop Jia for a tank.
Which one?
barefeet is a plus, its nice but i don't really think its on the same level as the rosaria one though.
I know GXP MC married several girls, i also remember the spin off with tenchi half-brother isekai with mechas that he mention more than one wife he had
that silverhaired whore stole her friend and her sister's boyfriend.
Why are there achievements for Inhibitor but not the others?
racism against raids
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hope u like
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I remember playing against this guy one time and took a picture since it looked funny.
>level 70 ship
Feels like every month we would get at least one retard complaining that they couldn't deploy anyone and showing their unleveled ship.
Miya is pushing me up to 3500 at this rate.
That's because he plays with his card.
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What do I change for my team?
night bwos,luv you all
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sleep well, bwo, luv u too
fuck you, if you really loved me you would call or text me once in a while. I don't feel loved or appreciated anymore.
whats this time attack thing
big tats rosa makes my pp the big PP desu
time always win
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Just faced an opponent already with knight skin.
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I might actually get it.
A whole season to craft what... 2 items.
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what's the germany equivalent in this game
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>SEA awakes
>lose every match
Germany exists, it's mentioned in one of the ships. France too.
>Fr*nce too.
its nyover for that world
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How many gachas have dead weeks?
I don't live in sea land to know.
I won't get it.
Bside gearing is fine as always. I just do 190s because I can, not because there's any reason to.
They accelerated like 6 months of KR content into 2. Fun's over, back to totally dead months.
wait speed up is over already?
No we're still getting leaks, I wish we would hurry up and catch up.
poor rachel
Does this mean level 170 and 190 raids aren't worth hitting?
Really you don't need to hit anything above 70 if you don't want to.
Goodnight friends, hope I don't wake up and the next thing I see is Sasha in the afterlife.
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sweet dreams, bwo
yu motherfuckers always tell me to post my pvp teams whenever I ask for advice but you never post any good teams yourself niggers what good does it do if i post my team i want to know what team comps are good so i can try to emulate them!!!
You don't have my gears. You won't be able to make my team (very strong, always wins) work without my gears (very rare, perfect rolls).
okay anon that's the problem. I do have gears. I spent my time and all my bins and got gears. I have britra, inhibitor, swift... all geared with ASPD, CDR, and tank sets. they are all in set, all with good latents, all +10. And yet somehow the enemy characters do more damage and have more hp. How is 110lvl hahaman able to clear my entire team? is he that broken? do I need to level up my operator more? my ship is 130 lvl blue bridge. My op is sysop on level 70 and skill level 5. What more can I do to stop fucking losing? I'm always watching the unit type too... but its never enough
Wow the dino really does fuck up dive 65. Anyone got any good ideas of what to throw in after the dino combo to speed up the regular stages? Some of them are pretty slow.
I abuse god king ray
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i'm an abraham abuser i take pleasure in watching people suffer
Is it going to be ANOTHER episode where they're constantly jumping between past and present?
Another episode of evil woman mating press
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this was last weeks but the banned units are still mostly the same
i probably would've still ran ban 1 raphaela or swap for luna
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abraham got a huge hp buff from the recent 120 patch which is more important for it then anyone else since you can't really rush it down as easily. If people want to climb for the skin they should just abuse that ship.
titan lead + tower sigma + horizon is enough to stall tank almost anything. Horizon dispels debuff and gets mdl 5% when she gets to 50% so she becomes nearly impossible to kill with healing income gear but even without that she lasts a long time. and stuff like woodpecker on some weeks can literally just perma stall rangers.
finally some good advice, thank you bwos, I see which units I need to level up. Honestly my main problem is also that my most leveled units are often banned... so I need to broaden my cast. Thanks.
do you have good tank gear at least?
120 chulsoo with the beginner tier 3 initiate HP gear is not enough and melts too quickly in my experience
raphaela is an ok budget tank due to her innate MDL limiting incoming damage
also, don't use sigma if you don't have good mech CDR gear, mines is 67% and i was only using her for filler
I have 120 Chulsoo with inhibitor gear, DEF set + HP set, all tuned to anti ground dmg res, is that enough?

How to reach that much CDR? I could only get as high as 40-50 on some of my gears...
25 mins to hag sex.
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i think that chulsoo should be okay for climbing plat
for sigma, i used the free r-maze gear set tuned for CDR on her because i can't be assed to farm optimal mech gear
also my sigma is TU6, knocking her down to 3.75 cost so your milage is gonna really vary
if she graduates I'm quitting
They said something about an announcement didn't they
okay but how to achieve that big CDR? What should I do?
skill haste substats bwo
it's amazon gift cards or her for bside, please understand
I can't seem to get any... where do they roll? on maze? or do they appear on britra and inhib?

I know they are on swift but I don't have that much swift sets
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r-maze is replica maze, weaker than the red maze gear by being locked to tier 5
you get a free one from doing taskforce missions, and if you want more the in-game shop are selling them for 5500 admin coins each in the beginner packages area
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If you actually mean "how to know which gear can roll skill haste substat", go to the equipment geat, onto gear tuning on bottom left and click on option list to see which ones can roll skill haste
requires the purple silver binaries, don't waste them on low rarity gear or t6 raid gear
>PD is also chatting live with the chat
what will be announced BWOS!!!
>inb4 she's a woman
Its schizo time bwos
Something I noticed
>whale skin ends just before valentine's day
Now wouldn't that just be a perfect theme for a Horizon skin?
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believe in the halloween skin
not like we can understand. just smile and wave, smile and wave, bwis
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>start of EP12 is HILD vs Rosaria wank
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what is mina good for beside being a dog?
mating press
what was the announcement??
mating press
mating press
i text you everyday bwo
i like my rosa fat but something about how she has big tits and hild is delciously flat is hot

most of them,some have dead months
mating press
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>going to drop below 900 before the month ends
you had a good run countersharts
nyo..... it can't be...
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You get T7 gear for MvP instead of T5~6
You do less runs to fill the season, info cost is always the same.

There are gearless teams for the three raids at 150. If you keep doing less than that you will get burned with the amount you have to do.
Does this have a manhwa? I'm allergic to novels
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So they're not worth hitting, got it thanks
Wake up bwo! Is Inhibitor season!
i don't have a 190 inhibitor team
I'm mad cause I pulled alice mainly cause of this and now she doesn't bypass the wall. fucking hell man, barely released 3 months and already lost 1/2 of her utility. would be nice to at least get some sort of resources refund.
thank you for your patronage hyung-nim
Did you test changing the ASPD? previously she didn't work if her ASPD was in certain range, maybe due to the buffs that windows changed.
not yet, I think its still on novel
what the name even is
the slit eyed something, just google image search it bwo...
the other anon just posted it bwo, its just Shiyoon's novel if Bside made one for him
Your Episode 11 bro?
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hild your panties are exposed...
Yangpengium… home…
true love...
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We need more AI waifu content.
Dino is still so terrifying that more dino hunters are getting added.
more like still getting raped by it
They should just replace the GAP dummy with dino.
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Fuck ya, you know shits about to go down when hild shows up.
I want to suck on her cute little tities.
i bet her milk is heavenly
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This has never once ever been true in counterside history.
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>SEA Sleeps
>Start Winning
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>we want the arknights audience
nah. still BA.
oh nyo nyo...
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How many months until we save Noelle?
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I think I'm starting to understand where the furries are coming from hnnnggg.
I can't believe bunny girls and cat girls were real all this time and they are just hiding from me. Damn you administrator stop hogging all the waifus.
It's the only way for me to hit 3700 now.
reisen at home
Reisen wishes her tits were that big.
But sex appeal is her only job.
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Wait a minute, is that...?
If you have the dinosaur and Vivian dive 65 sweeps are about as fast as Jack-o cheese on 60 was.
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God I wish real life women aged as well as her.
This flat out doesn't work unless you have Ground Res Momo. Swan will get beamed and you can't clear.
What gear are you using on Swan? Maze?
I love it, hebe LSY is the best.
Yeah. It's fine, I just switched back to my previous comp that delays her after the beam.
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Apparently you can ultra-speedrun dive 65.
how reliable is that and what's ur deployment order? i tried it on floor 60 and jack0 just gets cockblocked by the spawns
It's not mine, it's just a discord screenshot. From the timers it looks like the order is Jacko, Kaci, Wardens, Dorothy, win.

This doesn't work that well on floor 60 because, as you said, there's too much shit in the way. I just dinosaur 65 and it's a ~30 second sweep clear without needing such special gear. Definitely as fast or faster than 60. You can probably full auto easily too because there's no more stupid gimmicks on 61-65.
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i've given her everything i possibly could. I need that 20 second time save
what equipment set does pve jack-o use?
special skill damage amp volcano gear with special skill damage latent.
Full Special Damage AMP Volcano for cheese. Melee DMG Britra is fine elsewhere.
If you have that I would definitely move on from 60 then.
sad it didn't work i wiped on floor 65's boss
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you can do it bwo
>59.78% winrate
Holy kek
This is why you climb to Challenger with an 89% winrate before the p2w update dropped, now good luck climbing as a f2p
Jack-O can 10 second clear red, yellow and boss stages in dive 60. Purples take about 30 seconds. Special amp Jack-O, aspd Grendel and Dorothy with whatever gets the kill. In 65 you can't really kill the stages quickly but dino can walk all over them.
>p2w players
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Every time I open up my heart just a little bit they rip it away...
Never mind false alarm, those tricky dicks did a fake out.
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Oh wow a blast from the past. Fuck this thing was so annoying to fight. Worst of all the bosses by far.
Siege bitch was the worst for me. Can't wait to see how 'fun' they make her on Expert.
They should add that frozen corridor boss to DC.
he would be a bitch
Post team.
Nope I'm not going to get it. The sea people are waking up.
>female voice
isn't this a dude?
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I'm not ranking down to some bullshit again like last night.
? What video ?
>young kangaroo in neighbour's yard
>my dog chases it along the fence line
>roo jumps into my yard for some reason
>dog chases it even harder
>roo crashes into fence so hard it ACKs
>also had a paralysis tick on its face
Just another fine morning in Front Bay.
Front bay is an actual bay, not Australia.
straya's a myth mate
in real australia kangaroos kidnap human kids then challenge the parents to a boxing match for custody, if the kangaroos win the kid gets taken away in their pouch and raised as one of their own and given the name Rocky.
The losing parent is also forced to pay the kangaroo alimony in the form of weekly food supplies or they'll be tracked down and punched/drop kicked
Enough about Ray.
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>mfw I realize the reason the Jack0 strat wasn't working for me in 9 sec was because one of the acc had Anti-Air DMG instead of Anti-Ground DMG...
"He" is livestreaming atm, "He's" the one translating the latest episodes early live
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Woah, that's cool.
Yes it's a dude, I've heard and pretty sure seen him before. He must have someone else on his channel.
Imagine an articulated airplane like this. It would be a nightmare

Plaga's tits are H U G E, like forget a titfuck, she could actually insert your entire LEG between her tits and engulf them
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Blue Eyes Alternative Dragon
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So an Apostle of a demon lord wants to preserve humanity. Sure hope they explain that one. Also where are they even going to go after the world gets countersided? Can they fly to another planet? If so I feel sorry for King he could have followed his first dream.
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Holy sexo! It's (not) horizon.
Nah i'm pretty sure counterside should have fucked stuff through the universe too
night bwos,luv you all
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nyo... :(
Is this game dying? You guys must be real desperate if you're shilling in /vmg/ shitposting threads.
Sad like all the others but that was a great story. For a character that appears and goes away in one event she really left an impression on me. I love anything that has to do with the Administration and seeing all that stuff from the past was really cool.

One thing though, I must have forgotten but did they ever explain why the philharmonic can keep coming back? At the end hilde says that they destroyed all of their cores. So how did they come back in our current time?
Also they never explained how Carmen takes over her shadow. She died up in space and I thought the whole point was to keep them from getting her body which it seems like they succeeded?
if you want to doompost you should go check out bang dream instead
Sorry your game is dying I guess.
It's the same body.
>I must have forgotten but did they ever explain why the philharmonic can keep coming back?

Something related to Mental Printing, and Replacer technology, I don't know. It's a run around to fully disclose the possibility of cloning or replicating a person ether dead or alive and the story always makes new buzzwords to enforce it. There are four groups that have successfully cloned. The Philharmonic (Jehuty Biotech), The Replacers, Alphatrix, The Northern Union, and they all had their clone research in some way shared together by The Society.
I wish we had a super autist that could make one of those huge nerd graphs connecting all of the people and places and timelines. It's so hard to keep track of it all over years of slow drip feed.
The side episode menu in some way already done it for you.
Become uninhibited.
>inb4 Meitner is sharing info on cloning technology to improve it and clone herself only to acquire more knowledge by eating those clones.
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This stage takes way too long. All those trash mobs couldn't even make a dino need immortal to survive but they still take forever to kill.
I considered it but I'd have to go through 60 or so hours of story content I've already read to reacquaint myself with everything so fuck that.
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wait how many floors are there in trimming
i thought it was 10 floors
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I want to awaken something in her already.
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huh neat the jack0 setup the other guy used actually works. Idk why, if i just use jack0 +7 cost on 2 snipers for dive 65 the ball kills riven then blows up on the twins. But with jack0 3 defender + 5 cost in 2 snipers. Jack0's ball goes to the ship then vivian procs when the ball is about to explode.
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It's just following directives from a Demon Lord. Demon Lords themselves can be all sorts of fucked up and since so many of them were something else before becoming a Demon Lord they can have all sorts of personal motives and attachments that get as twisted as Shadows do. You can trust Asimov with preservation of humanity as far as you can trust Edel with giving you free education.
Maestra may no longer need a buff, just 120 her and run the battlefield
A unit that gets a no-hit barrier at half HP, awaken without suffering, and shoehorned eventually into the main story must be one of the developer's favorites.
Your Roy Story progression bro?
Naielle is just striker ecclesia when you think about it
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Alice's body and the Simurgh's body ended up somewhere in the Counterside due to warp jump shenanigans. The Simurgh was going to warp out and Alice wanted to make sure it's destroyed instead of escaping. Presumably Carmen or some other elite member found her there, not unlike how the Simurgh's sexy bod was found and then ended up in Future-at-War's fridges.

Members of the Philharmonic are just really slick and slippery survivalists that they manage to avoid absolute core destruction a lot of times. Hilde only said they were 'neutralized', she only specified the core for Maestra because she personally did that one(plus we already know what actually happened from Carnival). Back in Carnival the Elites were on the run when Hilde ganked Maestra, so there's plenty of chances for them to fool the divisions that were in charge of hunting them down. People who aren't attentive or who don't know them well might not know that the members' cores are in the instruments(save for Maestra I guess). As long as the core survives they can body snatch, which has been shown to happen three times by different members already.


Mental Printing won't help them come back if the core is gone. It was a huge point that the tech couldn't do what Elysion actually needed it to do. Plus, that's no longer 'coming back', that's just trying to make a new but identical member.
Is the core those tattoos they have, some crystal like Ministra or the musical instruments?
Naielle buffs your army?
>Mental Printing won't help them come back if the core is gone.
Mental Printing has yet been defined to what it really is. It could be mental state or suggestion. It can be memories implanted. That was what Shena invested on before Maestra's revival.
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new dev notes!
comfy 9 fusions runs in one day for the whole week and also below
>We are committed to aligning the new content update schedules for both servers within 2024.
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nyo.. i was about to post it
also nerfs incoming?
■ List of Employees and Ship Scheduled for Balance Adjustments in the Second Phase

- The Elemental and the Beast Shepherd & Lurcher

- Six Wings Lee Jisoo

- Hero Blossom Kaci Bins

- Hidden Challenger Kim Chulsoo

- Tempest
sry bwi and nyes, be afraid dino enjoyers, they're touching it directly this time! i doubt they will buff her/it.
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the fucking pass unit really does look like suichan
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i'm already angry that the halloween skins aren't on our monthly preview, which means we get those later yet again
>core those tattoos they have, some crystal like Ministra
That's seems to be the case usually, except that the Philharmonic members' true core is in the instruments. Save for maaaybe Maestra ? Since I'm not sure that her baton counts. Either way she was able to escape by faking core destruction. If you look at the playable CO's profiles in collection, there's a 'Cluster Reaction' entry. That seems to be where the cores normally are.

Mental Printing is what the entire Philharmonic is obsessed over as Shadows. It didn't start -just then-. I'm sure there's more to Mental Printing originally(I believe they probably got the base of it from Thagirion or elsewhere), but Maestra's entire research on it was to make more Ecclesias. To make it simple, making a perfect biological Jake clone doesn't allow you to replicate his counter powers nor does it actually ensure your clone even becomes a counter. Mental Printing is the reality perception-altering brainwashing that makes the clone 'live' fake experiences that you feed him in such a way that he awakens to become a counter. Problem comes that none of their attempts gets Ecclesia's power. Could be a fault of their approach(not really understanding what makes Ecclesia... Ecclesia) or a missing external factors(something granted by an outside force).
Even if Mental Printing is successful and they make say... a counter and then turn them into a shadow who looks like Shena, acts like Shena and has Shena's powers, it's still not a 'coming back', if they'd lose the real Shena's core. The experiences she actually had would be lost, and the new Shena would only know things that were fed to her.
i still think the masked unit is yuppie
ecclessia is who she is because of autism, the philharmonic shouldve tried lead paint
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so we have 2 operators that are the same person now. this opens up possibilities.
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There's one rather large problem with a Jin Bora skin. Besides her being useless nowadays.
■ List of Employees Scheduled for Balance Adjustments in the First Phase

- Joint Investigation Kang Basedoung

- Levia Thanis

- Spira

- Lily

- Raphaela Juri the Evil Chaser

I don't get it spira's just for a rush playstyle that they already nerfed, lily's not that great and already has anti sleep units
ugh i have s3 shepherd i wonder if i'll get compensation.
I can see that being solved by a correct application of the witch staff.
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it will be hard to choose which coomer skin to use
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nyes there is a way
I already skipped the bunny skin since you can't actually see her giant tits ingame. I don't like skins that I won't see outside my home screen.
If they do that it'll be nice. She could still do with a reason to be used after they made all the content she could cheese immune.
>I don't like skins that I won't see outside my home screen.
well the staff should be small enough to have you see them, rejoice! you better buy that new skin then.
>Reintroduction of the [Reduction of 1 Deployment Cost] effect for employees with the UP buff.
Why do they keep removing shit only to add it back later?
Fuck me, I already have the bunny skin but I want to see her tits.
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we both know that you will slurp to get it anways. at least you can have double the bora tits on your home screen, 4 times with the cut-ins.
intern-kun is working hard to improve the game! or at least pretending to with the back and forth with nothing gained
asshole devs are nerfing every playstyle besides the tank support spam ones fuck them some of us don't want to get into a gear war with whales.
>gear war with whales
a war that prints money for bside, naturally they can't resist
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those stingy assholes can't even have a gold bin pity yet, and we're already having whales spend on dupes and latent bins ugh. money's better spent on plushies or a honkai pass if they go through with the nerfs, spira's almost never even banned
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That's her grown up version.
>>496187628 no nerf to matador fuck bside
yes but still the same person. other operators could get alternate versions too then. i'd take chloe from a different timeline in a micro bikini, pretty please. loli chloe is fine too.

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