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Yaoi Edition #4

>MWIII Season 6 Blogpost

>BO6 Trello Board



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>495598289
Dead game
Dead franchise
Dead general
U wish
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Are these going to carry over?
not until warzone integration apparently
List of potential crossovers for BO6
>Jason Voorhees
>Patrick Bateman
>Hannibal Lecter
>The Terminator
>Xena: Warrior Princess
>Nicolas Cage
>Wesley Snipes
>Steven Seagal
>Claude Van Damme
>Kurt Russell
>Takeshi Kitano
>Jay and Silent Bob
>The Big Lebowski
>Buffy the Vampire Slayer
>Men in Black
>Point Break
>Reservoir Dogs
>Leon the Professional
>The Fifth Element
>Fight Club
>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
>The Toxic Avenger
>The Mask
>Bioboosted Armor Guyver
>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Ghost in the Shell
Meh. Not as hot as the previous one
So is there still a way to get near zero spread when using LMGs?
The revisionism regarding OG MW3 and Ghosts, now considered good games part of the golden age is so fucking hilarious
Ghosts was always trash but MW3 was a solid sequel to 2 that addressed some of the bullshit (they still had akimbo machine pistols and ACR
Mw3 survival was kino
Mp specialist was kino
Even the campaign was kino blowing up paris and new york
Youre just a noob tube pissy faggot LMAO
Warzone killed this franchise and there is no hope of recovering.
Honestly BO2 is the GOAT and it shouldn't even be allowed to be doubted. Yes I just came back to the main menu and yes I stand by what I said and most people are on my side, fuck you lol
*Warzone 2
**Black Ops 4
Reposting this from the last thread because I hope /codg/ are in the same boat as me and the game isn't entirely retards that need 10 different crutches in order to consider the game fair

>Play hardcore small map moshpit
>Get 100+ kills easy without even camping
>Faggots mass report me
>Get banned
>Appeal ban
>Ban lifted a week later
>Go on Reddit
>People complaining about SBMM'
>They all say they have 0.7 k/ds and they're happy with that
>So called 'pros' in the comments with 1.2 k/ds
>mfw 1.75

Are cod players the most mind fucked retards in the world?
you don't get banned unless you actually cheated
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Aftermarket PKM with the Bracefire Grip has bugged/zero spread while in "braced aim", it's functionally just ADS with no sight/crosshair to tell where your exact point-of-aim is.
You can throw on any "Visible in ADS" laser to have a "sight dot" thankfully.
It has the same max ADS Walk Speed as the new LMG w/ Stockless does. Not quite as fast as the Bracefire Evolvere but the perfect accuracy def makes up for it now that the spread on every other Bracefire LMG has been nerfed.
assuming you mean with the Bracefire Grip, then only with the Aftermarket PKM.
see >>496032380
IW: 5 star restaurants
Treyarch: McDonald's
Sludge: KFC
Oh shit
I'll try it out the next time I play
Treyarch: First Class
IW: Economy Class
Sledge: Coach
Ricochet isn't a good anti cheat by any means. Embrace full kernal and spyware the fuck out of PC players that's the only solution for PC ni**ers legitimately the worst player base out there
>cheatroller player whining that some pc players even the playing field with their own cheats
shadowbans get lifted all the time because all it takes to get shadowbanned is one dude spam reporting
I'm a KBM player, I suffer from being a PC player.
>ask my friends if they want to play warzone
>they say no hop on fortnite
Dead game.
I like the MG42 a lot and I love that I have CoD Mobile so I can shoot it a lot :)
I hate how little proper Tacticool operators there are though, my favourite and now-to-be moat used is the Mil Sim Brute from that one pass.
Do you also knock a can on iron and call it metal while shoving a swastika up your ass
Rude abd no.
I can't believe COD once made an ost like this
Where are these devs now, what are they thinking of the fall from grace
cod is not a fun game with friends unless you're doing braindead shit like ffa or tdm
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yeah not buying
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>warzoom nuke town factory
>nuketown post nuke
>waa waa no nuke town
He deleted this tweet. You know, I always had a hard time imagining how would a 90s NukeTown looks like because the 90s imo can't stand on its own. It's overshadowed by the 80s and early 2000s Y2K era
That instrument at 0:57 is heaven
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Get a life
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Controllers are cringe.
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They call me the objective...getter...person.
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>mfw mwiii is going out with a whimper
>its real
keshav jeettel is getting sloppy
Don't we already know that a reimagined Nuketown is confirmed-in as a "strike map" anyway?
I thought the sandy map they teased was supposed to be nuketown half-covered by desert or something like that.
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You're talking about picrel. Nuketown is coming after launch.
>food analogy
>faggot OP
Mutt hours are the worst
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console franchise built for controllers
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Can't wait for Omni-Nuketown, bros
>Here's your nuketown bro
Also, they just let you play 6v6 on a map the size of a fingernail just because they were too lazy to actually make 6v6 maps.
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lol lmao even
business bunny is so fucking hot i cant stand it that sassy little hip sway activates my almonds so much you know she’s a bitchy mean girl who bullies broke boys god i would ruin her insides and pump her full like a balloon

she has such a big ass and a huge bunny tail too it’s incredibly distracting if she so much as slightly leans over i can’t focus when using the firecracker finisher especially hnnngghhhfsaagsax
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good fucking LORD just look at those hypnotic hips it turns me into a feral animal sex with business bunny SEX SEX SEX SEX kiss her small bunny nose play with her floppy ears cuddle in bed marriage marriage give her all my money and possessions impregnate breed breed breed
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Spawn protection HELP MEEEEEEE
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her breasts are likely very warm i know her milk is delicious
File deleted.
all her holes taste sweet like bubblegum. kiss her on the lips. thorough tonguejobs everyday
>shadowbanned is one dude spam reporting
sure thing. turn the cheats off
>Apex nerfs AA
>Fortnite nerfs AA
>BO6 nerfs AA
Just need to keep bullying cope-troller shitters. The landscape is slowly changing.
Klem getting mogged
>/codg/ is now 90% bunny-fag cooming and Klem webms of him stair-glitching with riot shield on back, controller plugged in camping in a reverse-boosted lobby
I'm out, I'll be back for BO6
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Plug a mouse in and I'll maybe watch.
PC gaming is soulless, we're always on console
Not that anon but you need to realise that being self-aware about your faggy playstyle does not make you seem clever nor make you any less of a cretin. You are subpar at the video game and no amount of you coping and acting like a snarky reddit zoomer (because you are one) shall be chaning that. You're going to move onto another game before the year is over because you can't keep up with the pace of the movement.
Yeeeeees, tourist, yeeeeees.
BO6 is a slower game. Slower tac-sprint and no dive-cancelling. Dive slows you down
There's better cheats you can use. Will fit your playstyle well
Reminder to you controller hating PClards that:
> Aim Assist is never going anywhere so you're just going to have to cry about it
> You WILL always get mogged by hackers
> You will NEVER get a Bloodborne port
"W-we don't care!!!"
Yes you do.
>Aim Assist is never going anywhere
>he doesn't know
Your days are numbered copetroller faggot. Better get used to Gyro aiming lmao
>> Aim Assist is never going anywhere so you're just going to have to cry about it
See: >>496062063
Looks like all the complaints are working (thanks to high performing cope-troller players also complaining too)
It would benefit cope-trollers too. And its slowly leaning in that direction. It's a long-war and we're just getting started.
>You will NEVER get a Bloodborne port
It isn't nuketown. It's from the warzone map which is nuketown themed. Also they made enough exclusive 6v6 maps
BO7 will probably have traditional Nuketown. Also there's going to be 6 seasons for BO6 like the previous games so I wouldn't be surprised if traditional Nuketown drops at some point too.

Warhead will be a fine middle-ground. And Babylon is already 10,000x better than Shitment.
Yes. They will add Nuketown in bo6 post launch. I already said this earlier.
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>Not that anon but you need to realise that being self-aware about your faggy playstyle does not make you seem clever
Faggy players jump like a ballerina. I'm tactical, much smarter than you. I am the danger.

you can get it in the operators section lol
>You WILL always get mogged by hackers
even with the game aiming for them they need to cheat further to win a game, its the saddest shit you can witness in call of duty
I'm looking forward to binding ping to Left-click in BO6.
I will exploit this until live-ping is removed.

Ran into someone even more mentally ill than our schizos. Check the comments
>> You WILL always get mogged by hackers
In battlefield 5 a speed hacker died to me because he tripped two of my ap mines at once :]
Go one step further and bind prone to right click. Careful not to dive though
Can't wait for those skins, I found something else that I'll love about blops 6 when it launches beside threads on 4chan hitting the bump limit.
Skins based on my favorite slop.
Diving was pretty much a noob-trap in the beta so I won't be doing it much.
The best use-case I found was as a way to traverse over objects that are normally a low-to-mid mantle. Diving over the objects instead of mantling was a lot better.
I meant to say be careful if you bind drop shotting to your aim button because you might accidentally dive if you don't quit sprinting beforehand
Stop making these shit threads with shit images.
Just leave because you don't have anything to do with Call of Duty at all.
Fucking underage retards have ruined this general.
Sure. I don't think I'll go much beyond binding ping to left-click (and I might not even bother as its more useful in Warzone).
Any type of macro or shared-bind for movement generally just seems to backfire. Like in Ultima Online where people would have Greater Heal -> Target Self as a macro but I'd do everything manually as I hated getting stuck in a shitty macro and preferred having more freedom of choice.

Drop-shotting every time I ADS would be pretty troll though. Maybe I'll do it just for a bit for some fun.

Live pings (and even stationary) should be removed though as its lame cheese to begin with. Being able to ping an area is more than enough for communication information
who let you cook lil bro
Stop crying, sledgetranny, we treygods make these OPs and fill these threads with our posts
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Literally no one plays BO2 now, but BO3 is still one of the most sold and played games on PS and Xbox. Explain this
its all Zomgays
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>Literally no one plays BO2 now, but BO3 is still one of the most sold
Explain this
zombie map creator
No wonder these aren't on Gaypass
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>you can get it in the operators section lol
Got it, thanks bro!
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Good assault rifle with this pack
fuck that faggot game it killed titanfall i want anyone who plays it to suffer regardless of platform to suffer
didnt apex give aim assist to kbm as well?
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imagine business bunny in a wedding dress…
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What if all the maps in BO6 are small to medium sized because they wanted to go the 5v5 route?
>camo progression no longer tied to weapon level
>each weapon has 9 basic challenges and 2 unique challenges
>4 mastery camos at the end like with mw22/23
Treybros we eating good
Holy fuck
Is this the greatest schizo in cod history?
and you’ll still cry aim assist when the conSOUL chads rape you regardless
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>Headshot challenges for camos
Too luck based for the audience
Just equip the headshot barrel. You got 8 attachments lmao
Attachments in bo6 are basically the pick10 system since barely any of them have downsides.
>not using perk greed
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ready to solo the 3rd aether rift on elder
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Activision confirmed no
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what the fuck is this mw2019 rip off
How is the LSW speed build on zombies. I bet you can kite a horde and mow them down
Mod support for zombies
I hate it because BO3 is a dogshit base and have memory limitations where the final zombie will respawn if you walked too far away from it
thanks for the info king
>do elder rift 4 times
>still no sergeant beret schematic but got dead wire schem 3 times
Who thought it would be a good idea to change the season 1 formula where all the schematics were guaranteed every time?
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its rng to make you grind
That’s PC only and he’s talking about consoles.
BO2 is hacked to shit on console because it’s a 360/PS3 COD. Hackers can completely wipe your account’s progress without even being in the same lobby as them. The zombies in BO2 sucks, and the few good ones (except for town) have been remastered or remade in other games. BO3 has zombies and its multiplayer isn’t full of hackers. Plus the resurrection DLC.
Don't you love grinding for consumables so that you can use them to grind for more consumables in later matches???
Turning zombies into an extraction shooter was a mistake.
I do love doing the normal aether 3-5 times for one elder sigil. And that one elder sigil will not even guarantee me what I need because you have to do about 3-5 elder aethers to get what you need.
The only good thing about this is that you no longer need normal sigils to open the portal.
I think .7 puts the people at average. They are the modal CoD players. As someone who is really average, that K/D ration puts you at a "win some lose some" 1 hour long play session and the wins won't really be extremely sweaty. Those wins won't mostly come down to scrambling hardpoint and feeling like you got lucky on a spawn rotation. And that sweatiness aspect seems to bother some normie CoD players. Many of them resent having to work for their wins. They just want to completely dominate the map. Having to play smart and adjust "feels like they are being punished for doing well." So for that reddit group, .7 is probably a sweet spot for just chilling. If it gets hard just drop into 2nd or third and you will have a comfy lobby.
Didn't read
I just despise how mwz plays compared to previous installments. The forced time limit ruins my enjoyment on top of all the extraction shooter elements. I'm so happy that bo6 is going back to normal round based zombies. I like trying to reach high rounds or completing easter eggs, and that type of gameplay I like isn't present in mwz. Even outbreak was more enjoyable compared to mwz because it had the same challenges as round based except it allowed you to go at your own pace.
Even if you hate Battlefield, you have to admit that this track is kino
>That’s PC only and he’s talking about consoles.
must just be zombies then
>hollywood slop tier remix
Lmao. No.
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Put them in the game
Talking about bo2 zombies, I played tranzit the other day because of all the nostalgic talk about it and holy shit it has to be the worst map ever made (after firebase z). Once you get past the destroyed earth atmosphere, it's so poor in details and content.
A victim of the cucksole limitations
That's the most common cope but Tranzit is just a badly designed map
>Pack a punch requires a turbine and luck so zombies won't spawn and destroy it
>Bus is very cumbersome in high rounds
>Wonder weapon is a joke (jet gun glitch was nerfed immediately)
>Lava everywhere because fuck you
Though I gotta give credit to Treyarch for making a good crew and for giving each map a distinct playstyle in BO1&2
The latter is completely gone from BO3 and onwards; each map played the same boring way of doing mini easter eggs to unlock pack a punch and wonder weapon
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The BAS-P is GOD TIER now. Holy shit
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both buffed

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Shitzone players in shambles
Didn't watch
Dollar store BlameTruth minus the charisma and good looks
My feet stinks, Which COD should I buy?
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I thought the game was supposed to release yesterday.
Oct 25th
it did its why the general died
Thanks, my brain is off and I forgot it's September.
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In my ongoing quest to gather gun stats & convert them into an easy-to-consult guide, I've developed my own proprietary method for measuring & comparing recoil, since the degree values on the in-game stat sheets may as well be based on vibes.
Anyone who can approximately guess based on this image (which is the Vertical Recoil for all of the ARs) what the method is wins a (You).
Your post reminded me of the anon(s) who made that expansive weapon guide for everything in mw2 and mw3. I miss them but I also don't blame them for stopping.
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What went wrong?
Bad campaign. Contrary to popular belief people only buy CoD for the campaign. Yes, BO4 had a lore/mini campaign.
why the fuck does everyone want to fuck the PTSD ridden bri'sh bro?

Note: Bo'wo o' waver
Dead game (confirmed)
Dead fucking game :skull:
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That was me, I am one of those two anons.
Burnout (of constantly re-ranking stats/tweaking entries every time a balance change, new gun, or new AM Kit dropped) and some irl stuff got to me near the end of Season 3, so I took a break from stat-crunching for a while, but I kept a mental note to try to resume updates once Season 6 went live with the final new weapons/balance changes.
So I'm back to it, just writing the updates more gradually this time to avoid getting burnt out again. This past week I've been working on adding the post-Season-3 ARs & finally getting MWII ARs accounted for, plus testing some new entry format ideas for better readability (see picrel)
Nice! Burn out is a pain I know all too well. Hope it's not too difficult to finish all of it for the last season.
i fucking hate jannys so much
janny kill yourself you fucking nigger
Couldn't care less about warzone. I'd rather have a good campaign than your social cases/douchebags mode. If I want fun with friends I play mp simple as. I hope it fucking dies. I hope you die of a massive heart attack or overdose too. Rats.
The average cod player works in construction, supports Israel, promotes capitalism even though he's a slave himself, has no manners, doesn't know how to dress, drinks and is on meth
what are you crying about now
im on holiday from /v/
>rotation on resurgence quads
Fucking finally
BO4 is so smooth
i do wanna know
gay milsims flooded the franchise after mw19
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Y'know, I thought this sort of "let's disable all of the gun's textures, then have the textureless model be a 'view portal' that shows a skybox" skin was quaint when it was a free easter egg unlock.
But having it be 1/3rd of the "main content" for a 2400-point pack is a bit much, like it's literally just a scrolling .jpg, when pretty much every other gun skin at that pricepoint has at least a little bit of custom modeling compared to the base gun.
its not though, the tracers are different on the easter egg STG also the skybox seems different on the TAQ vs the STG, also its not a scrolling JPG its static you move your gun to view different sky boxes its the same with the operator skin
>scrolling .jpg
That's what sludge did all year long with camos
Is blackout returning
Unironically very true this would actually point to the vast majority of battlefield players being literally gay faggots
Not my problem that Battlefield men are always hot
Even Irish can get it
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fucking kino
I've played mwz for like 5 min in total so I wouldn't know but why does it seem so overrepresented in bug and connections issues? There's always people that won't shut up about it
lazy trash
>also its not a scrolling JPG its static you move your gun to view different sky boxes
Yes, and we could also word that as "as you move around, the 'window view' scrolls around based on your movement to look at different parts of the skybox", hence why I used the word scrolling.
But either way, splitting hairs over my word choice doesn't actually help argue the case that this skin is somehow worth $6.50 when the STG's identical skin was free, and the similar skins in the battlepass (which have the movement-based scrolling -and- "scrolling over time" scrolling at the same time, even) are equivalent to ~30 cents each.
And yeah, the tracers are different, they're now missing the one thing that made the STG's interesting. Now they're just a "purple electric explosion" effect rather than the "the tracers open a short window into viewing the space skybox" thing that was actually neat.
Point stands that it's lazy as fuck skin to try to charge $6.50 for when 1-op/2-gun packs at this price point (and even some cheaper ones!) almost always have custom model/texture work for both guns in the pack. The operator & BAL blueprint are neat but that only highlights even more how much they no-efforted the TAQ's skin yet still want to charge premium for it.

Yeah, and those camos were free, unlike this TAQ skin.
if you need to go this in depth over a 2400 cod point bundle then just dont buy bundles anon you could make this argument for any milsim bundle because milsim operators usually take centre stage in battlepass's so if anything they are lazy too
>milsim operators usually take centre stage in battlepass
Lmao this couldn't be any more further from the truth with mwiii
>you could make this argument for any milsim bundle
No, not really. You are comparing custom models to simple camo swaps, retard.
If a milsim operator skin has custom modeling to give them a new outfit vs their base skin then it's not "lazy". "Not gaudy" is not "lazy", "didn't actually do any modeling work, just hocktua'd a .jpg on that thang and called it a day" is though.

Feel free to enjoy the skin if you love the look of it but you're regardless getting overcharged for lazy work.
>skinsfag mentions milsims unexpectedly
how dead is this game that they have to outright remove duos and trios so they can fill quads lobbies in the game
Honestly, if I see someone using The Entity, killing him will be my only goal because I'm so envious and poor enough that I can't justify buying it. Especially because I don't plan on playing MWIII when BO6 comes out, so I'd only use it for a fucking month.
its my fav skin ever made next to the rx78/hunger pains jet and izanami
idk but I really hope it means we might actually reach "Post-Warzone Era" CoD sooner rather than later
I hope they kill warzone but they wont cause even a dead warzone makes more money than the paid game somehow. Fuck paypigs
Why would you even touch Warzone if you can play the best COD in years for free if you have Game Pass. It's over and BO6 WON
Because multiplayer has been fucking awful since MW19's retarded cranked up disbanding lobby SBMM, you fucking retard. And BO6 is shit unless it's going to be an entirely different game from the beta
>I'm [..] poor enough that I can't justify buying it. Especially because I don't plan on playing MWIII when BO6 comes out, so I'd only use it for a fucking month.
This is also me, except I'll be continuing to play MWII/III for the next year while only dabbling in BO6 a bit through Gaypass (mostly for Zombies), so I'll probably get her pack in a few months when I'm further into the Prestige Camo grind if nothing better for the BAL comes out between now and halloween.
Treyarch has already posted every single map. Black Ops 6 is going to be horrid.
Until the BO1/BO2 maps are there to save the day :)
Kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25TH_suHOhk
I'm sure you'll be having lots of fun when they dripfeed you one or two maps a season and add fucking doors everywhere to perfectly great maps like they did in MW19. Keep slopping shit.
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And the woman in black never made an appearance ever again, not even as a skin....
>no more flanking niggers on raid and standoff
Nice. Play face to face don't be a pussy
>cockblocking the one objective to call of duty is good
You sound like a fucking camping faggot.
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holy fuck entire lobbies got the entity skin i actually know who the enemy is for once this shit is selling like crazy
Not exactly. I call my strategy positional warfare consisting of blocking flank A and flank B constantly moving while staying in the same region. This is why my k/d is 2.50 while I don't even play everyday.
It's called brainpower.
they are going to add doors to the bo remake maps they did it for the og mw2 remake maps in mw3
Did the official gun list drop? Will the m16 be ig?
M16 is a thing of the past according to data chud, you will love our new smgs
Buried was supposed to be an imagination made by Samantha and Eddie but the hack writers kept changing the story in every new game
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I thought BO6 came out today, not next month
kek you're not the only one why did this happen? It's September not October
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What a Stacy, must schlop schlop licky her vagene
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It doesn't surprise me that they ran out of justifications to continue Zombies so they had to keep pulling shit out of their asses and got so far deep, they were reaching into the back of their throats. I'm still waiting with baited breath for Alamo zombies.
I see dress, I buy. Simple as!

CoD needs more girls in dresses and heels!
Yes ladies in dresses n heels very beautiful
God I wish she would murder me...
Yeah I always thought it was unnecessary to continue the story in BO4
apparently the Chaos story didn't do well so they had to bait the fans and end it again
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Did you buy the new bundle or are you poor?
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Imagine the apothussy...
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they really should just make a full on dark aether maps like the last map in vanguard i dont mean exactly the same but the aesthetic the dark aether reality itself its never been fully explored its always some part of it has dripped into our reality and you are fighting it back why not go into the source itself and make full on wacky fucking maps it seems like they have no imagination for this shit
This is my new waifu
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How did they cure her vitiligo?
Artstyle isn't as important as the zombies community think. Kino, Der Riese, Ascension are all very popular because they are easy to play and pick up not because they look cool.

Unpopular maps that look cool as fuck
>Call Of The Dead
>Die Rise
>Grod Krovi
>Voyage Of Despair
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Synth bust is the camo to run on this mastercraft
I wouldn't call Verruckt unpopular
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1 month till BO6...
Nobody plays it it's only good for video essays
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MW3 Year 2 already began
Wrong I can still find people playing it in both waw and bo3. That's because it's widely considered to be the creepiest map ever made so it's for good reason. It's not the most popular but calling it unpopular is a stretch too far and it isnt a particularly artistic map, it's very barebones but with very tight spaces
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I can't ever see ghost as hot ever since people compared him to pyrocynical
A few things COD could learn from XDefiant
>real gun names
>small maps with a lot of cover (Rockefeller)
>M249 lmg
>input based matchmaking
>bunny hopping very difficult
>>bunny hopping very difficult

>press space bar once
console shitters are so dumb
>XDefiant season 2 releases
>Low IQ bots are praising the net-code improvements
>Knowledgeable and skilled players are rightfully calling out the drastic increase of kill-trades (both players die) as a bandaid to the awful hit-reg complaints
This is the call of duty general not xdefiant general.
>Knowledgeable and skilled players are rightfully calling out the drastic increase of kill-trades (both players die) as a bandaid to the awful hit-reg complaints
Yeah, that is true and because of things like this they remain light years behind cod.
I don't actually play XDefiant because its clearly trash but I'm invested in seeing it fail and die for my own pleasure.
Just reading plebbit and the toxic-positivity shitters are trying to claim Ubisoft "cooked' with Season 2 when meanwhile the people who are obviously not console-bots are calling out
>disappearance of footstep audio
>drastic performance issues
>kill trading going from non-existent to suddenly being an outcome in 30%+ of gunfight exchanges
I am of course updooting all of the negative posts to help my daily anti-fan'ing of the game
I thought it was just an issue concerning the incendiary rounds but apparently everyone is affected kek. I close the parentheses, let's go back talking about degenerate skins, fictional women and klem's sodomite manners
Everyone is using the Entity, reeeeeeee. Do these imbeciles just like to throw money away?
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not buying bo6 so its fine for us
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another god tier map from sledgeGods
I don't get it. Wouldn't it be supremely easy to just take this entire map, plop it onto a Warzone map, then just stitch it together with other MP maps? Fucking urzikstan is just full of AI layout buildings and grass plains.
If MWIII launched with all these original sledge maps and then released the MW2 remakes as season maps instead then it'd be considered a top 5 CoD.
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I'm rich
meet my wife
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Gibs BO6 early access for $100
>"Are you handsome under there?"
>Is actually just a fat lad from norf engerland
>Finally a new Farah skin
>mfw Its complete dogshit

I just need a skin where she's got some visible ass before this game dies

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