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PS1 Hagrid Edition

Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!

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Previous Thread: >>495616102
sick of this reddit meme.
can't get enough of this reddit meme.
Shooting up the owlery
Then you'd love Quidditch Champions featuring a PS1 Hagrid mask unlockable at level 40!!
I’m def getting that mask this weekend.
743 posts too early.
We already did that, you can’t ask for confessions after doing confessions because everyone who was going to confess already did. Duh.
I might fuck around and get the upcoming pass bag.
I helped provide Amelia with pictures of Flav.
Owling up the shootery
Me too.
How does Engorgio work, anyways? Can you Engorgio only a part of the body? Like, say, the prostate, for example.
5th one in from left to right
>everyone who was going to confess already did
But I didn't confess yet!
then go back to the other thread
I am drinking pumpkin spice.
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I can't fucking look at this woman without thinking of Mercy now.
I am drinking coffee
I can't be stopped
How often did we had a PS1 Hagrid editon already? Not that i mind it
My guy. This is Mercy
I think all the witches with names starting with M are pretty funny and cool
How does she get anything done being so little?
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Apparently the Weasley twins made "Ton-Tongue Toffees" which use an Engorgement Charm to make the eater's tongue grow, so there is some canon evidence that it can be applied to a part instead of a whole person or thing evenly.

That said I don't know how you'd target it at an internal organ like that, and I don't know how controllable or safe it would be, so I certainly wouldn't *recommend* that usage. Not even getting into what you could possibly want that for, which I'm sure isn't anything good.

Like a pumpkin spice latte, or just the straight up pumpkin spice by itself? Hoping for your sake it's the former; if not then uhhh godspeed and good luck, anon.

But that's literally just a picture of Mercy?
My name begins with an M but nobody actually calls me it, can I be cool?
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A blackula
i really want to fuck poppy so much bros
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I'm okay with it
You've always been cool, Madison.
>likes firewhisky
Would she introduce us to underage drinking bros?
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She's a real baddie.
Fashion and bodyshape wise, this is what I think adult Merula should have looked kind of like.
No, she's not a bad influence like that
>male MC in promo material always projects confidence
>femMC is usually crying like pic related
Man, they do the female PC dirty.
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>femMC is usually crying like pic related
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That's not FeMC. That's the Gay twink's grandma.
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Yeah, disregard that post. I need more coffee
Thank youuu
Goodnight hypogigis
Good night, cute anon.
Smooth like hufflebrains.
I'm empty
I lost my will to fight everything is hopeless
I, on the other hand, wish to be her, like a fucking troon
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Where did it go so wrong...
>which I'm sure isn't anything good
I'm sure the fujos think otherwise
One day they will rerun this wheel. For 7 days I get to play pretend.
Thats why she’s crying :(
We all are, suck it up buttercup.
Just what >>496062742 said. It doesn't make you any different.
I had a dream that someone wrote me a long heartfelt message detailing something incredible they did for me and it made my heart crumble, but then I woke up and remembered they would never do such things.
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Can't believe what Evalyn said yesterday about how she doesn't give a flying fuck about the posters who won't fill rp sheets or engage in e-celeb farming with pictures of their character every post.
I've always thought she was genuinely kind
I want to pin Ivy down and impregnate her
She didn't say this but she was right to say so
her life revolves around this general she's allowed to be choosy about its posters
Be grateful kid. Back in my day, you had to write an essay to be allowed to post in a thread.
I just busted the door down.
>had to use gems to finish the wheel
Does the game expect me to take a loan from Gringotts just to be able to decorate my home?
Oi guvna, bit windy today, innit. Propa time for some pub with the lads while watchin' Ranger play footy against dem Ranger Royalist pooftas. Yous knowz wot I'm sayin'?
You could always sell organs, or plants, y'know, one of the two. They don't have to be yours either.
Why would Matti make fun of his boyfriend like this?
Dear god
I never knew she was THIS based
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Poor Flav...
I guess I'm spending all day in the forest tomorrow...
i can't believe maria is a cuckquean...
Cuckquean stuff is so hot
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I kind of like it.
Me too, the second unlock color is cute.
Excuse me it's called the fujo throne
WHAAAAt....I thought we were getting the Sirius outfit.
mega in naked apron
What were they even going for with the boy outfit? Girl outfit okay if you like journeying through the woods or yellow brick roads on magical adventures I guess.
I might roll if only because I like short hair for males, and 90 wheel is Sirius Black drip which does not appeal in the slightest
Your furniture?
I sm already happy with the black lake aesthetic
The what wheel?
It's not cuckshit if you're a fujo, fujos are uncuckable.
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is there an actual maid outfit for MA?
The girl hair and hat is a need.
It's okayy looking I guess
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It's worth rolling if only just for the emote
that's them bi fingerguns
The girl outfit is cute, but man the boy outfit is a huge disappointment. What's even going on there?
Their existence is already cucked
it's a femcel game, what did you expect?
I don’t think I can justify it since there is no furniture. The Owl is cute though.
The owl? Where?
complete nothing statement
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This is the only leak I could find
Who would you make love to from the club?
I make love to the dance floor.
everyone except eva
e-everyone?...even the other boys?
as long as i'm on top yeah
I wanted to make a quick doodle of that for some reason.
please please please use a less saturated background next time
I want to savagely ravage My from behind in the potions classroom
Master Blyth, you can't just say that!
Don’t listen to this retard, it’s an amazing color
penney…does this mean diana is up for grabs?
I want to pin down Mega and teach her how to be a girl
Club Events in 50 minutes.

I'm going to break your legs.
my legs are ok
penney is up for grabs, diana is the cuckquean
Brouzouf status?
>diana is the cuckqueen
She would literally kill you, then me then herself.
Frogs are hard to catch.
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I'm not sure, Diana has hit on a ton of people before. It's probably just a weird open relationship.
That would make Flav the bull, and that's just silly.
Club Dance starting now.
Accidentally started early, sorry.
Club Quiz starting now.
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>Diana has hit on a ton of people before
I was probably just trying to be funny or friendly. At most I've called Flo and Eva cute and gushed over Chappell Roan and yuri with Alice but that's hardly flirting. I try to be nice to everyone who talks to me. Even Kuro who bullies me for being a frog...
>She would literally kill you, then me then herself.
This. Unironically.
You're a pedophile
Thank you for the events, Mega.

Easy skip. I was hoping for a wheel like this, I desperately need to replenish my clock-turn keys after the last couple of wheels. At least the songs were nice.

I do like this one though. Hopefully it's next month. Or possibly a freebie since it doesn't appear particularly extravagant.
Why didn’t Flo color her black?
She wasn't black when she was wearing that outfit
sorry, do you want to take her place instead?
So it's maintenance in 3 hours if I'm correct.
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Man, you niggas are ruthless. That low you think of me?
No please don't don't
I didn't see this video before, cute mice.
Not inherently
Sometimes the husband just wants to dick down another younger guy
Happens all the time
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The way one of them fast crawled up her arm scared me…why is he so fast for?
When you girls touch yourselves down there who do you think about usually? Could be some random stranger you met earlier that day or a friend/coworker?
I'm sure it happens. I don't usually think about anyone when I touch myself. I just think about sex acts, not people.
I told him to hop on up and he obeyed because he's polite! Them being so gung-ho about climbing up on me was really cute because they weren't bothered at all and sort of hung around on my shoulders for a while before climbing down... 10/10 very cute.
Smooching (You)
Sometimes it's myself in the position of a character I'm reading about, or something someone said they wanted to do to me, or even just a really convoluted narrative. Lately it's been coworkers.
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Thank ye for hosting.

No worries, I've done that before by accident too.

Hmmm, I'm not sure how I feel about the outfit itself (I'd have to try it on to see), but that finger guns emote... I need it...

Oh, that's a nice one. I'd roll for that.

I'm fairly sure you're willfully misinterpreting what I said just to troll, but on the off chance that you aren't:

I didn't mean to suggest that I don't care about anonymous posters; it's just that I can't identify them in the first place. I'm not talking about needing people to fill out sheets or OCpost or what have you, but like... when someone posts anonymously I'll have an opinion of them based on that particular post, but I won't have a name or any other identifier to attach to them. So any way I feel about them from their post can't carry over to a persistent concept of that poster, because the next time they post I'll have no idea that it's even the same person. I guess another way to put it is that my opinion of (Anonymous) resets every time someone anonposts because I assume it's someone different unless I have reason to believe otherwise... I could theoretically try to keep track of individual anons by their writing style but I'm pretty sure that path leads to schizophrenia.
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Maintenance is in Two Hours (and 17 minutes from the time of my post). Make sure you take care of your plants or anything else you need to do.

Thank you for hosting.

That is a HARD skip for me on this wheel, maybe if the wand is great I'll spin but otherwise hard skip because whew the guy one is aw-- >>496083013 MAN those are good emotes.

This one is... okay, I like that it's very basic compared to most wheel outfits.

>I'm pretty sure that path leads to schizophrenia.
I can't believe Eva is developing schizophrenia. Stealing Mercy's mental illnesses straight out of her brain with a straw.
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Not a fan of downright peculiar outfits?
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This is too good to be AI. What the fuck are in the NBA contracts?
I think about fellow OCs sometimes
we know, florana
I think about Mega getting ryona'd
They should have given us a broom wand
Friends, crushes, fictional characters, sometimes posters or OCs.
Maintenance is in an hour, take care of your plants.
stop masturbating to my oc
keep masturbating to my oc
I can't say because it would be too easy to ID me.
I'm not challenging anyone but I don't think anyone would.
At least one person from here has madturbated while talking to me.
thank you for your service
Percy is such a naughty boy
i don't care if you masturbate to my oc, just don't cum quick
False flag
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Thanks for the reminder, I almost forgot.
Which house do you guys think beats off the most (yes based on OCs)
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Is that how many times touching or how many times cumming? Because those are two different things
This is showering right?
Hows that new tierlist coming along, anon?
individual session to completion
As if
Haitham and james never masturbate, they told me they're saving themselves for their wives (me).
they blow their loads in brown women and would never touch you.
>brown women
Yeah you wish you brown whore
All slytherin wizards are white suprematists
I missed this earlier but I'm sorry you feel that way anon; I hope things get better for you.
it's called bleaching
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Kill yourself <3
You're so stupid it's insane which part of NUMB is it you don't understand youuu idiot idiot idiot idiot killing you with my frigis woman mindbeam BZZZZZZZZZZZZT
This is true james has joined a monastery in the mountains and he's too busy growing grapes and making wine
please don't factcheck this statement just trust me okay alright alright okay?
I dont trust you youre probably holding him hostage or something after he escaped the general from u
How long is maintenance though?
3 hours
him and euph are actually taking turns knocking me out for sport while I pick berries in a very action packed medieval simulator but he's doing it from the monastery, so...
omg stop rubbing in that I'm a medical freak of nature denied the simple pleasures of life I'm cannibalizing you first when the general gets snowed in by a blizzard
Getting spitroasted between those two sounds nice...
>Not part of bullying My ingame clique
why live
i only masturbate when there's a full moon
I can't believe Diana is like this because of cheating...
>without mega
lmao btfo
>omg stop rubbing in that I'm a medical freak of nature denied the simple pleasures of life
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>male outfit
She's on meds that give her 0 sex drive.
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what game is this? asking for a friend
>boys wish - we obey
jesus fucking christ the gbc hp1 game is brutal as fuck. im not even able to get into the gryffindor house and shit is kicking my fucking ass. seriously im level 13 or so with 114hp and fucking spiders and bats are hitting for 30-40 damage noncrit
skill issue
Whoa it's a baby
obviously nonsense I'd never get away with only showering once a month and frankly after like 3 days it feels icky
I just started playing this last night, sounds like I'm in for a fun time
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Here I am signing everyone’s right’s away
You guys had rights?
>Mein Dragon
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More than rights, I have prefect privileges.
Do you ever think two people masturbated at the same time while talking?
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Dang, I was gonna call dibs on your trees.
Liar you can't read or write
>ywn have nasty disc erp with My then bully her some more in vidya
Bullyfic is all that remained
is there a way to stop MA from auto downloading custom avatars? i want them to stop consooming my data plan!!!
Do you live in the stone age?
Uhh I’ve seen an X
i'm a starving medieval peasant pls understand
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you're insane if you think she looks fat
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Poppy would be even better if she was a bit fat
I'm too new to get this meme.
why isn't it READY YET
because u touch yourself at night
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Please explain it...
I caught the snitch twice and my team still didn't win...
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New QoL.
I dont get it
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What does this mean
You no longer have to click the career menu to see your experience.
Oh well wont fill any faster checking it all the time

you’re fat if you think she doesn’t
>reading some of these wizard cards in GBC HP
i hate the idea of the golden snitch.
i mean can you fucking imagine training for days, maybe even weeks and some motherfucker catches it in 3.2 seconds and boom everyone go home?

the prep time, posters, other ads, snacks, tickets
the seating of the viewers
the setting up of the arena

even with magic and waving a wand around that shit sounds annoying for a game to last that long.
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You're approached by picrel. Wwyd?
Pagan looks like Jesus
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BUT I wanted to post itttttttttttttt
The snitch is indeed stupid, but JK is stupid so it makes sense.
I wish people still called me fat, it would fuel my anorexia.
I put my PS1 Hagrid mask too
That's the game baby
I shouldn't of posted that.
That's why you play Beater so you can crack their skulls open with the Bludger.
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Thanks google...
very goblin-like nose
I finally got my final cookie...
That's blasphemous you harlot.
I have 100% masturbated to pp and I will do it again.
bro jerking it to pee pees is gay...
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Who are you signing them over to...?

No comment.

My understanding is that usually the snitch isn't spotted until the match has already gone on for a while, and even once it is it usually takes a fairly long time for anyone to catch it. So, insta-catches like that aren't really much of a thing. But yeah it's really a rather silly part of the game regardless...

Poppy not being a beater just isn't right...

When Haith and I were running thread quidditch matches with the simulator, we initially didn't have enough OCs to form full teams so NPCs filled in the remaining slots. Poppy was one of the Hufflepuff beaters and she was... surprisingly terrifying in that role, with one of the highest hit rates of the time. Artie in particular (as per >>496147092) got bludgered by her continuously. I think this was back when we were using the simulator Haith found online instead of the custom /hpgg/ one so there weren't actual knockouts at the time, but if there had been she would've had so, so many KOs.

Hehe, that's a good nifflah face.
what took you so goddamn long?
>Poppy was one of the Hufflepuff beaters and she was... surprisingly terrifying in that role
thank you for explaining, I wish I'd joined back when we still had thread quidditch...
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We might some day again; I don't wanna make any promises or anything as it's actually a fair bit of work to run, but Haith and I have talked about it a bunch and do still want to bring it back if we ever have the time, energy, and general wherewithal. Dunno if we have enough people who would join to make full teams for each house now, but I guess if needed we could fill in with NPCs again... perhaps Poppy might get a chance to bludger some more people.
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Do you accept?
Yes I will eat your low res cake
It has low res calories, don't complain sis.
I eat all of it in a single bite.
I will consume it and your face as well
Goodnight hypogigis
Good night cute anon

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