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Previous thread: >>494320178
>General Info on Taimanin
>General Guide for Characters and Builds

>News and Current Events on Action Taimanin

>Official YouTube Page (EN)
>Official YouTube Page (JP)
>Official AT instagram

>JP AT Wiki

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
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What a boring Feli costume. I guess it's good to see they remember she exists, sorta.
Ironically kurenai dressing up as a movie killer is more fitting of felicia and a vampire costume is more fitting for kurenai who doesn't put much focus on her vampire aspects in game.
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>lose tower battle
>be accused of cheating
So what got you into taimanin?
the second episode of the first ova and TABA on nutaku.
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Steam sometimes trip that message.
I didn't even know what it was until RPGX launched. I quit after the gem debt nonsense, gave AT a try, am still playing it.
steam yes. First time I ever saw that message. i dindu nuffin
The horse scene in the ova
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>chinese rika
Hentaihaven, the original one. Yukikaze was always the top rated, and when Taimanin Collection came out on Steam, I got it, and have been into it ever since. Started AT as soon as global launched (remember how Yukikaze was completely unplayable on PC in the first few days?), played Extasy all the time it was up, and got the official releases for the VN on Steam. Excited for the next game and hoping it does better than the last 2.
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the first OVA. it was legendary in the late 00s because it was very fucked up, relatively to the hentai anime of the time
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Ye. I'd fuck granny over Dykesaki.
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There's chink Mai too, you think she'll be limited? I hope she's next after granny
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she's been around for a while, feels like a Mari situation to me except that everyone knows Mari is constantly being put on the bottom of the playable character list so at the very least Mai will be out before Mari
This is great since I wanted the stuff from the other anniversaries but it mentioning vr makes me think its going to have shit prices.
Who has the best-smelling pussy?
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Probably Hebiko. She is too self-conscious about the smell of her ink and tries to compensate.
The "best" smelling? Shiranui.
The actually most pleasant scented one? Probably Hebiko, yeah.
any other outfit previews for Natsu?
Not gonna lie, I'm fucking loving that Sora costume.
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this cunts garbage ova lead me into looking up the Original ova and VN's
dead game
Kurenai already has a pumpkin-ish outfit similar to felicia's so i appreciate the change even if the costume is shit
i had some messed up porn fetishes as a kid and the internet of the time was happy to provide.
Was searching ganbang hentai in my school days and I found Asagi scene in ep1.
TA1 OVA scenes I saw posted around the way. Didn't think much of it, wasn't into monster stuff but the girls were really hot so I sucked it up. Eventually caught wind there was a whole VN for it and got a little curious because I didn't know there was an actual plot or lore to any of this shit and well yeah now I'm a hardcore fan and a bit of VN purist even though I got in the same way most casuals do.
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Kurenai, easily.
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Tomorrow, they started the daily countdown on tw*tter
but she eats poopoo
Please be the next playable I fucking love Mai's plump thighs
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Fuuma girls are just bult different
My dick(also teen me downloading every vn in existence)
They're gonna jew people hard with this shit. Sad to see no return of mummy Emily.
>mummy Emily
They didn't completely forget she exists, they used her art in the anniversary vid that came out a short while ago, so maybe it's just coming later?
Whose going to let me into their whale club?
The suit design being posted around places like this, followed by the OVA, where Giga-tits Sakura truly impressed upon me.
page 9, dead game
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Nice. Congrats.
Wow, thanks! That's a good one.
page 10, it's long died
Collab when?
Hello i am stuck in the VR fight with ingrid in step 50, is there any way to cheese this boss to step 100 for the gems? right now this is my set up:
Phantasma 81 red build
supporters: francis/GAL lilim/Fuuma Yukina
skills:succubus whispers, phantasmal mirror, crunchin fear
Maika 83 red build
supporters: white feather asuka/harusaki akira/sanadahomura
Skills: Death from above, crimson lotus, carpet bombing
Oboro 83 red/green build
Supporters: Vacation lidya/Stella/sengen misaki
Skills: Vicious slasher, Hypnosis seal, claws

what changes should i make and what characters/builds/supporters should i use?
Maika with white wings asuka supporter to super armor breaks the boss until Lina is dead. Is the option with confirmed success.
Anon, did you read? He already has that
Unless you're missing upgrades/racist magas you're well prepared, maybe switch Oboro to full red and run both wicked slasher and hypno seal for more mind control uptime. Personally I tapped out at 80, the fight is fucking aids and the ai constantly suicides. I'm going to keep bombarding their support to fix this shit
I use Emily instead of Maika with White Feather Asuka (I have Emily much more built up). Breaks armor less often, but much more damage and easier to just move around and not think. Biggest problem is Emily always targets Ingrid and can't get her to target Lina.

Sakura with the Witch Su supporter to extent debuffs if you have it. It does OK.

If Oboro is dying use the pink succubuss supporter that is protection from Human.
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I can't believe there's so little official ybuta/Shiranui oyakodon stuff
No I didn't read that part. Evidently I skipped over it when I read phantasma and Oboro.
In which case I questioned who you are piloting and would suggest piloting Maika. Since the AI can and will fuck up running into the fire while a player controlled Maika can farm the fire for carpet bombing. Which adds to white feathers number of skill hits for super armor stripping. I am unaware of how well phantasma preforms as an AI But if you're pushing for a lockdown strategy, you need as much kill power as possible to get rid of Lina as fast as possible.

Finally, most important thing is going to be luck. Avoid playing bad rolls because if you lack to kill power to get rid of Lina you're going to have a harder time.
literally build for ORCS
What is she literally building for orcs?
I don't see a female human in that pic
Wrong, she's built for human men
Always thought this bitch was super hot
She’s growing, gonna be like her future counterpart soon enough
Asagi having fun with orcs
Came across it by chance a long time ago, saw images and liked the skintight look and the characters were hot(especially my favorite rinko, clicked with me immediately having the best of my favorite character archetype) but never really thought got “into” it until I found out about ACTION, then I got sucked in into the world building of the series surrounding RPGX and now I’m curious as to what will happen next. Library is great, gives me guyver/tekkaman/Kamen rider vibes
>especially my favorite rinko, clicked with me immediately having the best of my favorite character archetype)
incredible taste
Thanks anons, i pilot maika and i changed oboro to full red with the pink succubus suporter but no luck.
I cant beat step 50, for maika i have two ultra weapons with the SR weapon that increases skill damage at 1/5, the asuka supporter at 1/5 and the other 2 red SR suporters at 2/5, so i guess will have to grind to get the SR weapons and supporters to 5/5.
Maika, oboro, phantasma all have 2 SR weapons that can make the difference in this boss battle, but i fucking despise this fight, i hate ingrid long stalling animations and the group speedruning suicide towards those purple flames, i miss the times when astaroth would just erase the problems with her busted apophis weapon amd meteor skill.
Anime soon, trust the plan.
>Fuuma anime
Nah Im good
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Bros bros, bros...What the fuck is THAT on Sora's left breast?
I liked Taimanin, but I was never was could be considered a fan. Not unitl I saw Eleonor.
>Sora fucks Foxes
You see? This is why Sakuya is better.
Sakuya fucks a lot of human men
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She looks so good without the weirdly saggy boobs.
This Sora design is so damn cute. Should have just been her default.
I am still mad about this, it should have been an anime announcement instead of an april fools joke.
This intro and the animated segments in misty train gacha with the taimanin girls as guests really makes me wish for an anime.
Season 1 (25 episodes) could just be the TABA story with the season finale being the universe reset and season 2 RPGX with some episodes dedicated to action taimanin.
granny tits
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>get a but hype when I get something new
>realize it's all in service of doing better in vr
>already do okay in vr
>so making myself stronger just makes it so I can do a bit better in vr, with the reward being doing better in vr
Wait... why should I care about this loop at all?
game has no content
more news at 11
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>Can't post pic because it trips that shitty ass filter.

Thank you gook.
Was always a huge fan of Kagami's art when he went by Utility Pole Spirit and various anime character fanart HCG sets like Bleach and One Peace. Found out he did even lewder stuff and discovered the TA1 VN CG rips and I never looked back. Oboro and Ingrid are still my favorites after all these years and I proudly simp and buy all their costumes I do not care I love evil women and I still want more. STILL waiting on Snake Lady/Kaliya to get in to Action Taimanin.
Tits look super plastic-y
Most outfits are textures plasted on character nothing new.
Glad I am not alone in thinking this. I think it's because they're long and narrow for how big they are.
That could be it, they just look off to me and they don't move much and strangely.
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Anons, I've been trying to clear at least Step 30 and what the fuck? Does Lina's cheerful attitude give Ingrid immunity to paralyze? My Oboro can't fucking deal with Ingrid when she should while the little gremlin is around.
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>Check comments.
>ton of third worlders.

What the fuck.
You can play gachas for free, of course turdworlders are gonna jump on
Most of the fanbase in the west speaks Spanish.
Kinda crazy given that AT isn't kind of game that attract ton of people.
They look like fake tits used by prostitutes, which I guess kinda fits her? Since she's a grandma and all.
yes that has actually been brought up multiple times at the new VR:boss release and is one of multiple reasons why VR Ingrid is hated.

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