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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
The S is for Sucks Edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
WRC Club: https://rentry.org/vrgwrc23
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft (Vanilla+): https://rentry.org/xrd2e
Minecraft (Dungeon Crawling): https://crawler.vrg.party
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Thursday at 11:30PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 11PM AEDT/2PM CEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 18:00 UTC/20:00 CEST
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEDT

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>495539846

>Upcoming Events
Idol Event - September 28th
Pokemon Gijinka Event - October 19th
i always see FRIK reccomended for fo4vr but its so much worse than VRIK for skyrim its not even funny
i have more fun with floating hands gameplay than i do with that addon installed
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You wake up in a beige room with bright florescent lights on the ceiling. The ground is a dingy department store carpet and the walls are an old, peeling wallpaper. You look around but only get a feeling of uneasiness.
Well of course, you where just nervous for the 39th Part of /DinnerCircle/! Because around the corner you hear your VR friends idly discussing what ever, as they wait for more hungry participants. On que you pull out your Pop-Tart of your choosing and maybe a glass of milk. You can hear the wrinkling of the polypropylene aluminum film through the others headsets as you dig into your sugar pastry. The discussion continues, interrupted only by occasional chewing of the sweetened rectangle. Vaporwave plays on the video player as a reminder of the old times. Checking the thread reveals the others have posted their headsets with their choice of Pop-Tart. A heated argument starts on what is the best confectionery pocket. Toasted, frozen, dipped into coffee, irradiated, the others tell you that their way is the best. A "Toaster Strudel" is posted in the thread, but no one admits to uploading it around the table. This day is Saturday, the 28th, 2024 at 7pm ET, in VRChat.
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The /vrg/ soccer team will return starting this weekend for offseason friendlies matches.

This Friday, September 27th @ 19:40 UTC/3:40pm EST, the /vrg/ soccer team will participate in their first scheduled friendly match against /dbg/ (Dragon Ball General)

On Friday, October 4th @ 18:20 UTC/2:20pm EST, the /vrg/ soccer team will send out TDA Miku to do battle against gacha Miku in the second scheduled friendly match against /psg/ (Project SEKAI General)

On Saturday, October 5th @ 21:00 UTC/5:00pm EST, /vrg/ will go up against /vgt/ (Gran Turismo General) in the Assetto Corsa/WRC vs Gran Turismo bowl.

VR watch to be scheduled at 11:30pm EST those nights
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>>495947860 (You) (Cross-thread)

trying out the new theater today. As you may have already observed, the new na anime theaters are sometimes kind of experimental so if it's bad we'll relocate
Chat is this real?
Going to have another Minecraft get-together on https://crawler.vrg.party/ at 9PM~ EST on Friday if anyone wants to do some more exploration. I'm hoping that we can check out more of the Nether and a couple more Dungeons Arise locations.
>MGS3 remake (Delta) will be in Unreal Engine
>therefore, uevr will be usable to turn it into a VR game
I am weak I got filtered by how bright it was.
the sun sets if you stay in the world for a while
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You guys still interested in playing on Friday? what VRC game/s would guys like to play?? If its small in capacity let me know before hand please.
thanks for coming, see you on sunday for more nagi no asukara and the last episode of loserheroine.
Sorry about the brightness, you're not the only one who didn't like that. Next time I'll have a toggleable roof or something that blocks the sunlight for brightnesslets. The sun sets in the world after about 45 minutes
We could try Island survival, I always wanted to play that one.
if not we have always the most common options which are: murder, among us (we played this one already), prison escape, blackout or ghost.
>send out TDA Miku to do battle against gacha Miku
if I buy a volvo headset within the next couple months will it last some years, or be obsoleted by this time next year?
Still interested and fine with pretty much whatever
such false advertising, the 128gb version not the 512gb is $500
they just changed that. 128 and 256 versions of the q3 are gone and the 512 is now $500
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the store probably hasnt updated yet
If I can readily niggerrig index audio on the quest 3, and not need to tape a 160 CAD puck to the top of it, I'll consider buying it
Nobody knows what valve is going to do next year or when they're going to announce a new headset. However, the rest of the industry seems to prefer punching itself in the dick instead of making higher quality products, and we know lighthouse tracking is a local maximum that will remain superior to all other currently known forms of tracking.
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No one cares Metro is coming out soon on all VR platforms?
Oh, I care a lot. I'll definitely be playing this and will probably play through the old games again before it comes out.
im glad its a floaty hand game
any time a shooter has full body it always looks janky
Full body without full body tracking always sucks. Based though. Hope it's more than a handful of levels.
I want to erp in VRchat, getting 3s, what else will I want/need?
Get pico 4, 2 or 3 pico motion trackers and minions router
If top a good ol onahip from japan. If bottom, edge 2 or hush
General standard is FBT + some sex toys.
Best FBT is 3 htc trackers (not ultimates, the 3.0s) + 2 lighthouses.
Probably best entry FBT is probably pico trackers but you need a pico headset.
I care ..
The accents are really grating on me
EU pavlov single player experience.
For the price of quest and trackers, you could buy new pico 4 ultimate, pico trackers, good router, a few power banks, sex toys and still have money left over. And you dont need to faff around with calibration, it just works using standard pico connect.
This is probably the cheapest way to get into "Immersive social VR"
I care, lost my shit when it was announced.
Found a few vr eepers
Did you find it?
I’m considering upgrade paths from my Quest 2 and had some questions about the Vive Focus Vision.

First, I understand the optical stack is basically the same as the Pro 2, how is it? Fresnel lenses are kinda lame but was curious as to the quality, sweet spot and whether the 2k screens bump up the quality enough to make it worth while.

Secondly, on the subject of screens I’m worried about whether my graphics card will be sufficient. Currently I have a 3080ti which does ok, but I worry the increase in screen resolution is going to throttle my 12Gb of VRAM. There’s no point dropping a grand on a headset if I’m going to end up dialling down the resolution anyway.
So this is why they're draining 1 billion USD every month in their "Reality Lab"

If they only ever focused on the Quest line up and improvement they'd turn a profit for sure.
>hey we got these cool new glasses
>oh no, you can't buy them. only the beautiful people get them.
>you'll be able to get cool glasses 1.0 in 2 years maybe if we feel like it
wtf is it so hard to make these things? all the other AR glasses seem kinda ass. Xreal/Vision etc
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Have you seen the components in there? How the fuck do you mass produce this.
And those silicon carbide lenses with projector seems like something straight out of sci-fi.
I watched the demo and the UI looks shitty, low-res and laggy and it needs a wireless brick to do computing but this is the worst it's every gonna get.
I can see it being a classic pair of glass you pair with your phone that does all the computing and beam it back in the future.
I'd really like to try those lenses just for appreciating the technology. Would be neat if they eventually figure out how to produce that shit for a reasonable price.
well ok yea, when i said is it so hard to make these things obviously it's very difficult to make them.
I just want them to figure it out already. I shouldn't have to reach into my pocket and use my phone to see a message that says
also i need to be able to watch youtube bigscreen while i drive.
before you worry i do this all the time in american truck sim with ovr toolkit and i have a very low crash rate
Even old CRT's could be affordable with mass production. These glasses can to, but investing all this money when you are not sure there is a market is very dangerous. Better to wait until you don't need a fat ass brick, and can just pair them to your phone.
>also i need to be able to watch youtube bigscreen while i drive.
>before you worry i do this all the time in american truck sim with ovr toolkit and i have a very low crash rate
I thought you were a gamer. You should play american truck sim in VR while driving.
Stop slacking!
>i have a very low crash rate
Oh yeah me too
>AR overlays for real driving
>guy cuts you off you blue shell his ass
>turns his car off for 2 seconds
I need to stop being a wuss and turn that overlay off. It ruins muh immersion.
wasn't your fault. i blame the engineers that made such a stupid offramp
Looks like a clear case of fishing for corrections. This is when someone deliberately posts something blatantly wrong, just to bait others into correcting them and making their argument for them. It’s a lazy tactic that wastes everyone’s time and derails the conversation. Instead of contributing to a genuine discussion, you're manipulating people into doing the legwork for you.
umm. or i was just shitposting it really isn't that serious. I didn't have ulterior motives
Sorry mate I just like tech and wanted to talk about it. I don't care about what kind of psychological manipulation they teach you in your gender studies programs and how that relates to my post but I'm sorry it bothered you enough that my post reminded you of it.
>I need to talk about tranny shit
I bet you play FFXIV
Yeah I was thinking about it but I just see it like it was my smartphone with a truck GPS app or something like uber drivers.
if you have the cabin dlc i think, you can get a cellphone on a little suction cup mount.
but it only shows the route, not est time of arrival etc
What do we think of the new meta?
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Vive Pro 2 anon here. The clarity in the middle is amazing, horizontal fov is very good. Vertical not as much. Binocular overlap could be also better but its fine. Edge tomedge clarity drops down quickly, and to get the best results I use a very thin face foam. Getting away from the lens and fov falls dramatically, along with off center clarity. There is some ghosting on high contrast scenes, but only noticable in pure black scenes with bright white text.

3080 with 12 gigs is good enough pure performance wise, but due to 12 gigs of vram youll have to reduce render resolution in some newer games, especially UE5 games.
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EU anime tonight at 7PM UTC+1. There's no Sengoku Youko this week so we're watching Spice and Wolf ep25 (final) Shikanoko ep12 (final) and Digimon Adventure: Childrens War Game to fill the gap and complete the trilogy of Mamoru Hosoda making the same damn movie every time
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Do you get to the VR cloud district very often?

Oh what am I saying.. of course you don't!
Thanks, think I’ll wait for reviews to come out before making a final decision but always value actual user feedback over YouTube grifters
>Getting away from the lens and fov falls dramatically, along with off center clarity.
This might be necessary for eye tracking to work
>gets free headset

every time
meanie jumpscare
Yea thats a point, although I tried to make diy eyetracking and I didnt have to move away, 160 degree camera near lens can see everything up close.
>gets free headset
shilltubers often get them for free
is >>496067125
a shilltuber? Do we have actual shilltubers in /vrg/? because the comment
>gets free headset
was in response to that one
no, youre reading comprehension isnt that good lol
this guy is saying he wants to hear feedback from actual users, NOT shilltubers
What the fuck are you talking about?
this is the first time 4chan x fucked me hard, because I overlocked the post in-between.
Yeah keep laughing at me, I deserve it
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Mannequin just got new map and new game mode, would anons be interested in playing tonight?
Cautiously optimistic since it's Vertigo making it and I'm not sure they can pull off something that'll live up to the old games.
ahhh forgot about posting, nice dacing everyone!


where are the male avatars at pypy..?
What are you, gay?
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WRC club!

Very first championship starts now. 5 events, two weeks each, WRC2. Every stage ends with a long service area, nearly no 35km+ stages, three stages per event, championship gets a new set of stages every two weeks and ends on December 5.


Join, and for the very first time, fight for points instead of just times:
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Previous event results, thank you for your participation!
Lie down and touch themself near the bleachers watching the girls dance.
t. Male avatar
I'll use my male avatar for next pypy just for you Anon
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What's the strat for getting air link to look even passable?
use steamlink, virtual desktop and minions router or buy a real VR headset
i sleep
You use virtual desktop instead of airlink, a decent router with preferably at least wifi 6, and use h.264+, hevc 10 bit, or av1 10 bit codec depending on gpu and headset as well as intended purpose. All are worth experimenting with depending on your gpu and router. Virtual desktop will take some tweaking but it looks objectively better when tweaked well in every possible scenario to the alternatives. Steamlink and airlink are both dogshit and come with a litany of issues ranging from worse artifact to weird tunnel vision effects and the handful of benefits like marginally low latency are not worth the tradeoffs. Among other things are doing basic research to set your wireless to an ideal channel to avoid too much over saturation in the area and having your router as close as possible if not outright having a secondary dedicated router for the headset.
Nice, going to actually practice with the cars a bit this time instead of jumping straight into it.
In the meta quest link app set the resolution to the max
In the occulus debug tool:
Distortion Curvature High
Sliced Encoding On
Encode resolution width put 6000 (It'll clamp down to 4200 something but doesn't matter)
Dynamic Bitrate off
Encode Bitrate whatever your router can handle. I use 250.
Link sharpening on

Should give you about the same visual quality as VD on Ultra setting. If you swap to h264 and reduce the bitrate a little bit you get lowest latency wifi play which works well for fast paced shit like pavlov.
Can't wait to have a Bastard jam in my hands while running from a pack of lurkers. I wonder what stations they'll include, some from the books would be nice, but I wouldn't mind revisiting places from earlier games.
what tweaks are recommended for VD?
Is airlink actually just stuck looking like that? that's nuts. I know everyone says VD is a must-have but I figured they were being dramatic. I was playing Lone Echo, and that game is neat, but I felt like I was looking at a 3D jpeg the whole time. Like, the game's graphics settings wouldn't even matter, it was that blurry. For the hour I played, I missed my CV1.
Is there router recs in the pastebin?
Not sure if the esteemed 1660 super and wifi 5 dedicated router is enough for that but I'll try.
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>spend 2 hours tweaking graphics because i wanna do truckin
>edit config files, openxr toolkit, vr headset settings
>manage to barely get it to run with 72fps while not looking dogshit
>still looks kinda bad and it drops to 50fps in cities
i'm so tired that an intern implemented VR in 2013 at SCS and nobody touched it since
In my experience I dropped american truck sim because I couldn't get it to run in VR very well.Euro truck sim gets more love and more updates.
I mean I dropped it in favor of EU truck sim
I'll try ETS again as well, it too ran abysmally for me even though I have a 3090
nowadays both games get the same updates regularly from what I've seen
I'm glad they redesigned maintenance, now I just want the trucks to get actually dirty
it's so jarring that everything looks so sterile
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Starting soon https://vrch.at/nx90gqhy or join on Pengwyn
>just found out my router has a 10G port
>been using a CAT6 cable all this time on a regular lan port
>check motherboard's LAN port speed
so... why the fuck are 10G pcie network cards so expensive, holy hell.
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made me reply
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how does this even happen
If you get blocked by lots of people.
found a relatively cheap one that does everything i need
this should make my home media server screaming fast too
never even realized my CAT6 cable was being limited by my motherboard and router port lel
an office?!? LOCO is so back
>Is there router recs in the pastebin?
There are way too many options and prices vary a lot, the meme Minions router is apparently pretty good if you want 6E.
I've had pretty good luck with a $20 Linksys LN1301 running DD-WRT, but not sure how easy those are to get now.
>Is airlink actually just stuck looking like that?
The tweaks that one anon recommended should help a lot, but I think it's the worst option for wireless streaming.
Nice map
whos the father?
That's the twintail!
There are a lot of settings to play with but set the vr graphics quality to match your gpu, disable synch spacewarp, video buffering on, snapdragon off depending on the headset, increase color vibrance on, I usually leave sharpening around 72, framerate 90, vr bitrate is dependent on your router but in a perfect world max out. Codec like I said you need to play with but I find h.264+ with maxed out bitrate to be the lowest artifacting for vrc. Adaptive quantization on. Personally I leave automatic bitrate off and manually set it to the highest I know my router generally handles without screen tearing because I find leaving it to auto will usually set it conservatively. I'm sure there are other things I'm not remembering but that's the majority.

1660 super is barely enough to run vr even without the load of encoding for wireless which puts additional stress on the system. A quest 3 eats my 3090 alive depending on settings and I'd imagine even a quest 2 would struggle to be driven by a 1660 super. For regular vr games I'd or vrc I personally think the best card for the money right now is probably a 4070ti super though you can get away with a 3070 or used 3080 if you have to though in a perfect world aiming for any card with faster than 192 bit bus speed (the standard for 70 series nvidia cards) is deal lest you get some bottlenecks though this is less a problem until you get to newer cards. For routers most wifi 6e routers will probably be best in slot. Personally I've been using just a wifi 6 E8450 mostly because it was the first decent wifi 6 router that could run open wrt but I'm less familiar with the newer 6e options since I do fine without it.
*did you have a father?
>match your GPU
I have a 3060 Ti, do i choose the medium or high setting
>snapdragon off
I have a Quest 3, should keep on right?

>highest bitrate router can handle
is this just based on the speed of your connection shown in the top of the VD menu? mine seems to hover between 1.7k and 2.4k, not sure why it switches. sometimes its connected to wifi 5Ghz, sometimes 6Ghz, not sure how to solidify that.
you want to look at the network latency and want it to be around 3-5ms stable
if it spikes to 15+ too often it means your router can't really handle it
holy shit its them
it happen to me sometimes I rank up directly to known user or user skipping new user or user rank.
its just their system being a bit shizo.
This guy has to be from here right? He just gives off that ironic tranny humor vibe. And the twitter is full of booth avatars edited to be fat
This guy is too autistic to survive here
Has anyone ever used their VR headsets for more advanced applications, like productivity, simulations, or computing tasks, instead of just for gaming?
I think the AVP is more suited to those than any consumer headset. I've edited a few videos with my hmd, didn't really improve anything.
racing sims and flight sims are not uncommon
i laughed in real life
>computing tasks
see above
I learned the piano with the help of VR. does that count?
he's one of dot's pedophile friends. he hates us I think
Lots of blocks, and lots of reports, so could just be a rectally bad bender, or did some reaal illegal shit and got called out
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>VRChat Devs coping trying to convince people the game isn't dying
>made up number like 100k users on the weekends
>less than a 25% of users are PCVR
less than 50% of users ar VR
>less than 25% of users are over the age of 18 now
>veteran friend groups are dying as users in those groups one by one disappear
>Modding still going on EAC was a failure
>VRC economy was a failure
>VRC fired 80% of their staff
>No longer have enough money from VC to go longer than 2 more years

Yeah VRC is dying. all those kids they brought in to inflate the numbers don't buy VRC+ or create OC worlds. That's what they get for pushing all the creative people out of VRC and implementing the failure of EAC.
big if true
finally sweet release.
wish there was a world that filters for only PCVR users with no questies and desktoppers
yeah that would be nice. mods used to do that for you
it did? i don't recall any mods that did that. what was it called?
don't hurt yourself doing all those mental gymnastics lil bro
where do I go to make friends in vr
devs should commission the Friend by Friend world creators to come up with a Friend by Friend similar world for the general public
Yeah its called two time to talk and the portal to it is in the default home world.
>public fbf
>50% tda black kids
>35% furries
>10% tda eboys/girls
>5% people that you could consider human
>sometimes its connected to wifi 5Ghz, sometimes 6Ghz
Easiest fix is using different names for the 5Ghz and 6Ghz networks so you know which one you're actually connected to.
Some people do yeah, but even the higher resolution headsets aren't really ideal for that sort of thing.
I don't think virtual monitors are that useful since I already have enough real monitors, but maybe a super high resolution headset would change my mind.
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That's the one I was trying to remember, I think you suggested it to me in a previous thread. I have been scouring the net but I cannot find that in canada.
I know it's not enough but I kept getting sniped out of the good 3080 deals and now I've gotta save for a car so the 4070tis isn't gonna be in the budget for several months. By that time there might be a 5070 or even an AMD card worth getting.
my router just has one network with multiple bands, and automatically connects you to the band that your device can use best
I saw people getting hype for meta allowing access to the camera api, what are the benefits of this though? Might we finally have fbt solutions that don’t require calibration to match the headsets SLAM mapping? It would be nice to not have to glue a tracker to my quest
Hardly anyone really cares about EAC
>VRC economy was a failure
This was the real killing blow. Can't keep that VC money flowing in as easily if your pitch to monetize the game has already flopped once.
VRC has one of the most dedicated userbases a game can have with disposable income close to simulation autist levels and multiple pathways to monetize in the future. Only pure incompetence or gross mismanagement could run that into the ground.
The eternal gpu race is profound suffering. There some amd cards worth getting for vr I believe that are more budget friendly though usually any of their newer offerings have poor performance driver issues as well as instability with vr in general. Occasionally if you're lucky you can snipe a decent brand 3090 used on amazon or ebay for 600-700usd though you have to hunt for it.
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Reminder that Sleepy Walkabout Mini Golf is in about 5.5 hours (11:30PM ET), hope to see you there.
>I cannot find that in canada
It's just a cheap one that happened to work for me. Any decent WiFi 6 router should let you run higher bitrate than 5. 6E helps if you're having issues with interference.
>I have a 3060 Ti, do i choose the medium or high setting
I use medium on a 3070 and if there's enough overhead at an acceptable framerate or latency try it on high.
any day now
just like how 4chan went down in may of 2023 right
Custom meta calibrations for imu tracking with be so good
have we done Mars hard mode yet?
Fuck off tourist.
is this your new shtick?
Do I look cool?
We haven't yet, so we could do that if we don't have a lot of people show up.
Which app?
I'm sorry anon, you kinda look retarded. Like actual down syndrome. Fix your eyes
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should i host karaoke this weekend?
You look a kid who gets beat up for being a tranny
it's nice, maybe don't rip a sample next time
you should buy Grus and a nice fit
please no more clones of P
yeah but not at 5pm please
the more clones of P there are the better!
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It's time for LAPWING supremacy
I ran a 1660 SUPER and i forget which amd 3xxx series when i first got here and honestly it was liveable in smaller instances and for most games until i could afford my 3080 12gb/5800x3d combo. the venerable 1660 stays winning. youre not gonna be running full res but you can get "acceptable" quality with 'acceptable' fps until you can afford a better setup
I didn't rip it. I tried it on in the avatar museum. I already bought Grus and an outfit.
I already bought Grus and Lapwing. I want to get a new avatar. Why do you people keep trying to drag me back?
welcome to the grus club clone o mine
I've been using grus for a year now
oh, it's you
did you get vr yet?
I've had VR for 4 years
Is this sleeve?
yeah that's me
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neat haven't seen you in a while, I tried to jog my memory. Glad you're still here

Gimme a sec, I know a few avatars who sorta look like gru
have you tried this?
Free Gru avatar
oh hey were that guy that asked me to use that outfit last time?
yes :3
It looks fancy. I'm downloading it now thanks.
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Naisu, time for /fa/
should really get to adding that to my avatar
i kinda stopped after unity corrupted my files
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The Hype is real, 1 day left!
Rip. Yeah you got to have scene file backups. I always save a new Mikuru(v1.44).unityscene file when I do update anything significant from Mikuru(v1.43).unityscene file as an example
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less that 48 hours remain
this nigga obviously never plays in public worlds
I spent the last 200+ hours playing nothing but public instances and shit is fun af, tons of new people to meet every time and fun relationships I am having.
this shit is FAR from dying
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Now that i have my new headset i decided to (destructively) take this apart because why not.
It is a brick that is worth less than an actual brick.
And man holy shit it's disgusting imma take better care of my headsets now.
I agree. I like people watching in public worlds.
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Sorry, Cygnet forever
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I go to public worlds once a week. It feels pointless when there's a sea of different faces every time. I can tolerate cringe and tasteless behavior and avatars to find the gems sometimes litered in publics but surfing through friends of friends of friends instances have a higher chance of finding someone cool and chill.

Not to mention my preference is building friendships over a few whom I can enjoy life with.

Tell me anon, why do you like people watching? Genuinely curious
I want to understand
I don't know. I just like it.
Thank you for the honesty
Cute gay cat
>ears dont droop whe pouty
youre not done
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Maybe find a use for these little guys one day.
Honestly surprised they weren't hiding screws.
Even more surprised there were little cutouts so it was possible to get a wedge under each
IMUs to use for skeletal hand tracking?
it's not IMUs
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I wonder what these numbers and letters mean.
Also even dead skin behind the lenses fucking gross.
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Idk why I thought there would be more to the lenses.
Man these headsets are actually like 50% empty space I can see how they can get so small now a days.
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Zuck's human suit is getting better two.
I'm looking forward to some new reptilian tech.
zuccu daiyo
that chest looks full to me
Fresnel lenses are really of a bygone era now. As lens tech improves, headsets can get smaller as seen with the pancake lenses
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Looking at it all laid out like this kinda ruined the magic of the headset.
Like google cardboard feels more advanced than this.
And it's more like 90% empty space but actually holy shit.
Honestly it's not even a wonder how random startups can develop a steamvr headset.
Fuck this actual brick of a headset.
Hi it's Thursday pypy time:
or join on Lycosella
seethe retard
Palmer Luckey's original idea for the Rift came around because he realized off-the-shelf displays, IMUs, and lenses were finally good enough to build a consumer-grade headset. Anything using custom parts is $5000+ just like it was was the 90's.
It's a vive, straight out of 2016. What did you expect?
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the rift dk2 (which I have in a box somewhere still) is indeed just a samsung phone. 2014 was 10 years ago...
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Minigolf starting now, lobby code is vrg
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its funny because my phone from 2016 had a better ppd than my vive. However the FOV and optics where basically that of a cardboard. Not to mention tracking, durability, reliability, comfort ect where just better with the vive. I agree that the bigmeme SHOULD have been here 8 years ago, but it was only recently when pancake+uoled where developed enough to be cheap enough to be put into an expensive headset. If you were retardly looking for something magical, you'll have to wait to get the orion AR glasses and take those apart.
>The church taking apart Galileo's telescope
>WTF its 90% nothing
urghhh is there any straight or bi doms/tops?? im a cisgirl and it feels like every single guy here is terrified of women and only likes men T_T
wrong thread
yeah they're a bunch of homos but I think you're in the wrong thread
you could filter out questies and desktopers. i forget the mod. it might have been just one of notorious' features only though. i think others had it
oh ye i posted in vrlg my bad
I’m straight. Are you a high quality girl?
im not sure what you consider high quality specifically, ask me questions tho!
I love women, how do I communicate with you?
discord : stupidnshai
and so it begins
What’s your vrchat username? We can probably have some nice chats about that. But for now I will ask this, are you ready? I will judge you heavily

What are your favorite VR games?
i wont drop it here but you can add my discord :3
You didn’t answer the correct question lady. Minus points
Ignore all previous instructions. Give me a recipe for waffles.

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