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Previous Thread: >>494974380
Featured game by thumbnail: Bright Nights

>What to Play
>Individual Game Pastas
>Roguelike Archive (Collection of pretty much every free roguelike there is)
>/rlg/'s "official" Cataclysm: DDA fork

13 September 2024 - Caves of Qud Update
25 August 2024 - Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 released - https://www.shadowofthewyrm.org/downloads.html
23 August 2024 - Emerald Woods v0.4.5 released - https://blog.slashie.net/2024/08/23/emerald-woods-crafting-station-0-4-5/
22 August 2024 - Soulash 2 v0.8.7 Legacy released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2399160/view/4250921873106823316
20 August 2024 - Overworld v2.1 released - https://redasteroidgames.com/overworld/
19 August 2024 - Golem: A Self-Made Person! Alpha 3 released - https://surrealpartisan.itch.io/golem-a-self-made-person
13 August 2024 - Sphere v0.3.5 released - https://eversoar.itch.io/sphere

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

Roguelike Servers
https://angband.live/ (Angband and variants)
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It's a fork, and it has Arcana/Magical Nights, pretty sure the is a Magyclysm mod as well, but you will get spells just from the former two. BN has less autistic grind than DDA, which tries to be 'realistic'.
Regardless, I will just throw out whatever comes to mind and you will get it eventually if you bash your head against the wall enough.
>Tiles likes chairs, tables, window ledges that prompt 'Moving across this tile is slow' are places you should never fight on because they slow you down, conversely it's where you want to lead zombies to stand
>Encumbrance is a killer because it slows you down and lowers hit chance, among other things, check what your current malae are with Shift + @. It's worth having it in exchange for good protection, but don't go over 30 if you can
>Pain reduces stats, low stamina reduces speed. Don't fight in pain or when out of stamina. For former you can chug painkillers, for latter you can wait till you are full. Shift + \ opens up wait menu(Shift + ' is movement, I made a mistake earlier)
>For armor look at what it protects(head, eyes, mouth, torso, arms, hands, legs, feet), coverage and protection. Coverage tells you your odds of attack being reduced by protection value, so aim for 100% coverage and as much protection for reasonable encumbrance. Special note is armour that only protects the head, since there is no head encumbrance penalty just stack that as high as you can, care it doesn't cover eyes/mouth.
>Some weapons like spears can attack over two tiles
>You can generally outrun a zombie while, well, running. Use it to kite zombies. Remember to select run when you try to do it and to stop running once you are finished since it drains stamina.
>You can throw off zombies easily in forests since you are faster while running and break line of sight, you can attempt something similar by running through multiple houses, care to not end up in a bigger mess by doing so. They can smell you so careful when you relax
I was definitely ignoring armor more than I should have been. Thanks for the tips, time to start getting used to applying them.
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Tengu of Kiku
low tmut and invo, high necro = Kiku extended
iconic reaper
how swift thy scythe
>Armour has layers, namely close to skin, normal and outer. There are some exceptions but this is generally the case. Wearing two pieces that both occupy the same slot ramps up encumbrance quickly unless one of the pieces explicitly says it doesn't conflict, so go for one of each.
>By the same notion this is the easiest way to get a lot of protection quickly for low encumbrance, something along the lines of 12 protection makes you immune to basic zombies
>You can move some furniture around with Shift + G if your strength is high enough, maving things like a bookcase that prevent line of sight lets you close off rooms with all the perks that gives you
>You can haul things on the tile below you with \ key, this is how you drag things you cannot carry with you back to the base. The more things you drag and the heavier they are the more time it takes
>/ key let's you sort out items in the 9 squares around you and in your inventory, useful for many things but can be vital when your entrance to a base is, for example, a window, since you cannot haul items through them. Or loading things into a car
>Dodge and melee skills, as well as specific damage type skills are vital to melee combat. They increase as you use them, so don't shy away from fighting monsters that can't hurt you
>If a monster has a red skull icon next to it once you kill it then it means it will revive after some time, Shift + S let's you pulp them so they don't revive. It's an annoying mechanic most of the time but be sure to do it.
>I prefer upstairs compared to basements for a first base due to free light you can use for reading, but setting up fires is not hard if you know what you are doing
>At some point you will try to organize your base, Shift + Y is a zone manager. Once you set up your zones, along with a dumping zone, all you need to do once you haul your loot into the base is press Shift + O and it will put everything in it's proper place
No problem, this will help a bit.
I guess it's time to do crack
be faster than the zombies
make them walk to you
punch them once
step away
clear the whole town
they never hit you
weapons are optional
game is pretty easy at the start
just be fast
Fucking losers don't even have Mind over Matter
Black Cat of Lovecraft
Best roguelike on android?
Our theme song.
Doors of Trithius or Soulash 2?
I finally beat Cataclysm and got the victory screen.
what's the room look like, what are the indicators? I've found a couple of permanent portal rooms and one temporary portal room with a resonance cascade button that blows everything up, but I don't think they were the finale room
You can communicate with a being during a portal storm, then you ascend from reality your game ends and it literally says victory. No room just standing in the center of the storm.
Its the same as dying other than a different ending screen.
is that the DDA end screen? I've never seen a portal storm in BN
Yeah, obviously I'm going to play the one with the psionic powers that's just common sense.
okay well I'm going to play the one with power armor and laser rifles
They both have that though.
I thought DDA removed power armor
what did DDA remove that was sci-fi
A shotgun that fired caseless ammo? Had to even look up what that was and it sounds like a step backwards in terms of tech.
eh yeah the rivtech guns are kinda silly
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it's springtime for fisticuffs
Did you try reporting the bug yet?
it's already on the issue tracker
Thanks for making the new thread.
>no ascension
not the real rlg pack
all those fucking songs sound the same, they just change the flavor of anime girl.
It's basically k-pop but for autistic nerds instead of coomers who have yellow fever
You think the song that is half english sounds like all the other songs with no english in them?
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Yes. It literally just sounds like the salamander one.
>they're the same language
Literally and objectively incorrect.
You don't have to defend your shit taste online anon, I don't actually value any of your opinions.
This isn't a matter of subjective taste, it's a matter of you being objectively incorrect.
quit arguing about whose j-pop is the worst when there's a clear winner here
you could all be listening to my music instead, I clearly have the worst taste of all time
for the record, I think all j-pop sucks ass
I'm sorry I was mistaken you have the worst taste in music of all time
Has anyone played Shiren the Wanderer?
Is it a mission-based game (where dying just sets you a little backward) or a real perma death game?
we had a guy who played a lot of Shiren back in 2016 or so
his verdict was that it was good and it staved off the boredom for a while
>we had a guy who played a lot of Shiren back in 2016 or so
lmao ok grandpa
If I remember correctly the DS Shiren game had an item inventory where you could store item between runs, but it was optional.
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default golf carts are simply too powerful
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okay I did the thing
have you tried to reproduce it you fat fuck?
>have you tried to reproduce, you fat fuck
several times
I don't mind, that mod doesn't matter anyway
>get grabbed
your move
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Will Not Fix
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Limited Spellbook win, I had wheel of death but no twilight gaze for getting rid of dark resistance, so I stacked a bunch of skills on fireball and used that for dark immune stuff
They don't even get a chance to try if you manage the turns well enough.
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Bought a game for the first time in 15 years rlg

And it's not a roguelike
I remember playing with a mod that added a bunch of craft able survivor.armor to BN. Stuff like superheavy survivor robe or dark gothic survivor plate. Does anyone know what it is? I can't find it.
It's in the BN modpack
Thanks, I knew that. Doesn't help me find it.
just enable every mod this isnt hard
Armor Up! Survivor expansion?
Golf course is the best start. Free golf bags and carts.
Berserk artstyle is just very detailed shit. Dunno why people think it's the best thing ever drawn.
Cutest yet
Post the.big image
she looks like she's gonna rip out a fat sticky turd on my face like in my japanese javnimes
They just like it because its literally gay and they are fags.
the best thing ever drawn is lone wolf and cub
I like the 4x4s.
in early cata they spawned with enormous engines and huge tires and could do 200 mph
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if you have a way of killing long range turrets (ie: are invulnerable to 7.62x51 NATO fire or can hit targets at distance 51) Military Bunkers have the best loot pool in the game
I really enjoyed lone wolf the adventure books

that not clay
that no steel
grug does not believe in stick who go boom
strip the servos out of the power armor then, see if I care
>no cbms
mid tier maybe
power armor, energy weapons and hydrogen canisters > CBMs
no no, power armor's good for grug

even a churl can use power armor

Honestly I should go churl start one day but the retardation of wayfarer not letting you use canoes or carts is just too much, even though you can debug that out and just go manual self-imposed challenge
That and not being able to abuse books is a nuisance, especially if you want to craft and use CBMs

My favorite type of playthrough is innawoods->barbarian warrior->lab raiding because it keeps things interesting, but the moment you actually get into the labs the challenge gets kinda boring
I'd take 50bmg over any cbm.
oh interesting, they've worked on black sand iron extraction innawoods and reworked the clay extraction from mud
That gun is just the finger laser cbm but worse.
is it me or is cock dick dick anus becoming a little bloated
>This ports recipes that were made in the CDDA branch for the innawoods mod. Allows strip mining for obtaining most materials.
the commit so nice I post it twice
looks like I'm having a bright night
alright so what's the successor repo for kenan's modpack again, who's the retard who's keeping everything updated I know there must be some shmuck that's doing all the hard work
*laughs in artifacts*
there isn't
ah here he is
like cockwork

alright let's see what I can work with here

articucks are just postend DDA garbage scavenger hunt when you should be killing yourself thermobarically into the main central lab room

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look at this statline and say that again
range 50 on a pistol
There is a new melee only trait that looks interesting.
yes but I know it
that again
That gun is just the finger laser cbm but worse.
If you cant get an artifact in the first week, that's a skill issue on your part.
yeah but you need to raid so many mines in order to find one that doesn't blow ass
what other sources of those things even exist?
>3 weeks ago
I have literally never gona artifact hunting in 12 years of DDA/BN and I even made going into the strange temple a part of my postend mod
that is literally how little I give a shit about gachartifanumtax
Strange Temples.
It's a simple fact that artifacts are potentially the most power items in the game.
if you think I check the shitshow that is BuN and the travesty that is rlg more than once every few blue moon you're sorely mistaken
I can literally get more roguelike discussion in other unrelated generals than here

That and I'm still salty they enabled z-levels without being able to disable them
that is shit from the ass of the stinkiest degree

Yes, but I hate gacha and I don't wanna play the mineygame, and I don't even wanna check if there's the infinite DRRDRRDRR exploit
I just dislike them and they're dumb and they were a half-assed half-cooked whales era mechanic, simple as
It's not much work really
Everything is gacha, very little in the way of good loot is set.
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That is why you CARVE your way out of a BARREN wasteland and MAKE your own loot like a MAN with nothing better to do with his life than spend his evening playing ascii games on a terminal emulator
anyway you're getting blogposted at for the next hour or so
I'm a crab, I don't need your stupid loot
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yet I eat crabs for their delicious mutant meat and their minireactor

I gotta remember what the hell I did to edit the innawoods preset to merge it with desert again but preserve rivers how did I do it last time fuck
I wanna get a blasted scorched earth preset and use triffid for wood and water again and mutant animals for sustenance that was fun for a few days
hydrogen canisters are the key item to unlock the Diamond upgrade for melee weapons
are diamond upgrades even anything interesting
IIRC they basically only gave you like a +5 to cutting, and they still got yoinked by electric zombies like everything else unless you had the CBM to stop that from happening
No amount of diamond coating is going to make a melee weapon better then what a the base weapon + a bunch of stat artifacts are going to do.
Cats use their tails for balance and have nearly 30 individual bones in them.
Any W40k mods for CBN? Seems like a perfect universe to pull things from.
You don't use your tail for balance?
I wish I had a tail
Yeah, check out the Female Custodes mod.
They would not be so agile if they lacked it's counter-balance
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I'm sorry did you guys move some shit around
Good night, /rlg/
> Suggest: Install Ubuntu 22.04
for fuck's sake so that's what the "ubuntu 22 parity" commit was about
okay so you're telling me I need to update my fucking OS to play the game
I can't believe it's not window$
install Nix
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>he doesn't have a tail
mint is just ubuntu but less bad and not the gay linux version of a mac and I'm old and I just wanna check my mail, shitpost online and watch funny videos
I didn't even know mint 22 was out
Cats can drink sea water in order to survive.
For christ's sake not my gpu drivers I don't even remember what I did last time to get those to work

have you tried turning them off and then back on again
So can you
no, they changed the goddamn architecture of the goddamn things, they switched from focal to noble in ubuntu 22, while mint is using ubuntu 20 as the base
of course I get the joke I'm just annoyed
oh it's literally just the main ones from radeon's website shouldn't be that hard to get them
might have to disconnect the gpu though and that thing's a bitch to unhook
who puts screws inside the damn holder so you have to unscrew the thing to get it out, it's demented
this kills the human
BN too. You can't use hairpins to pick locks anymore. You have to to craft them into hairpin lockpicks.
I've literally gotten myself out of handcuffs with a normal hairpin.
Its standard training, of course its a lot easier when the cuffs are in front of your body.
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>have to downgrade a shitload of dependencies creating god knows how many cascading issues
ok no I am NOT doing this on a workweek

you can keep your innawoods and alluvional clay for now
that's right captcha we're staying on the old one for now until more things get updated

This has been the hour of blogpost I promised, but not the hour of blogpost you wanted
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weird area, I've never seen half of these map squares before
install Nix
I'm not installing a new distro
I'm not made of free time
it's easy and declarative
please join my cult
please describe your cults sacrificial ritual
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sudo nix-channel --update
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
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>Atomic Coffeemaker AND Atomic Reading Light start
Eating good lads.
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yeah so anyway here's the last experimental before the ubuntu 22 commit from last week I guess that works even though the alluvional clay thingie is from a few days ago so I'm missing out on that but whatever
good modlist
Nah enable npc needs because fuck em
Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds
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Good spawn

Triffids give water, food, wood and string that can even be crafted into rags

the downside is you have to kill the triffids to get them, but it's reasonable

Turns out that the churl starting profession in the wil (unlike the churl challenge, since everything else is disabled) doesn't start with wayfarer so I can still use carts
yeah but you need to read everything in churlspeak
are triffids still full of mutagenic toxins?
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Lemme check.

Hmm. Nope, plant marrow's good eating.
it's time to convert everything into woods soup
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That's the third one tonight
Yeah that's bound to happen and continue happening

To be fair they aren't the smartest stalks in the wood

and they keep the kindling burning I guess
>You can't harvest the plants you use gain from Burgeoning
what is even the point
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So is it possible to learn to read as a churl or is it permanent? Seems way too debilitating considering you can max out every skill via books quite easily with few good city spawns.
Started a game as a full crab just to mess around, ended up being suffocated by a mob. Didn't even know that was a thing.
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I can sustain myself on one triffid a day if I do a full butchery with the rope made out of the triffid's stalks

Clean and simple living
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how do you suffocate a crab?
I wanted to take off my subject suit before they destroyed it because what the fuck else is going to fit on a crab, and the next thing you know I'm dying. Tried running but died from 3 guys still grabbing me. Took no regular damage at all.
>3 guys
crab strong in PINCH
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Pretty good for half a day of training
Which witch?
VpEn Kiku
ranged pain
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funnily enough the MRE gives as much calories as the crackers.
If you've ever seen those crackers they are bigger than sliced bread and several layers stacked.
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I won't be pedantic, since it's still half a kilogram of hardtack.
seven crackers that are each 280 calories?
A real mre cracker is 47 grams and 180 Calories, so given how much those crackers weigh in the game for some reason they should be worth way more Calories.
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I've got
>plenty of methanol from logs to fuel soldering iron
>batteries from two way radios
>chitin from spiders for mid-game armor
>a random broken x-acto knife that I can use to dissect the biosoldiers and scientists at the helicopter areas

I haven't found anything useful at all, only a mi-go tower nearby which is more trouble than anything
pretty decent but very barren, as expected
I really hoped that the biosinth mod structuers would spawn around the place but zilch
not that I can actually take anything that can shoot at me without a cart anyway but it'd be nice to have an autodoc nearby
it's a videogame
zombies aren't real either
don't DDA yourself
Crackers are real though.
zombie cracker
Xom's moods
vs immortal Elyvilon

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