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Our girls edition

Previous thread >>495900905

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://rentry.org/w2mfb4ak
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: September Corruption Alerts
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
hello, my fren told me to mention "PRIMED SURE FOOTED" to get free "you's" in this general :3
I can't believe the game is literally unplayable for 399 days, how did the oldfags stick around this long?
I'm a PSFaggot
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>mfw The War Within.
Well it's certainly better than what came before it. Did everybody hate this and still hate Tenno when it first released?
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I will not play this stupid game mode, I want to play what I enjoy, not any forced build diversity shit pushed on me
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BOO haha
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it had some real core stuff going on, people were hype
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>0.3 energy/second
Why the fuck would you not use literally any other aura, if you really need the energy just waste a different slot on fucking energy nexus or equilibrium
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I want ascension but on an endless stairway or an inclined cargo elevator variation
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>elevator stages
>traintop stages
is there anything MORE kino?
do i just slap pillage on harrows 1 for ezmode or keep it?
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some things come close, but this is also just kind of a train with extra steps
Honorary train stage imo
Killzone 2 had a cool train map with signal lights that would instagib any poor soul unfortunate enough to not be paying attention. Was kino and I'd play a WF variation of that or something like Lost Planet 2's train mission where you need to use a cannon to kill some giant eidolon with archwings being used to board the thing to hit some weakspots.
No, I want to play MY favorite build, not some other thing the game assigns to me
sure sure, here's your rebecant and torid
I don't even know what those are
looked up the killzone one that looks awesome
>ask how long everyone is staying
>wait a minute
>no response
>repeated 5 times
>only 1 person ever answered

I just don't understand people anymore. Maybe I'm just oldschool but people used to abuse their keyboard privileges.
they're watching two streams and in a discord chat and too add to remember how to type and also afraid of getting hax'd and doxxed and b&d
Xaku: keep or wall fodder?
not prime so fodder
I mean anything that has a prime variant gets the wall, but some of these frames are good and no telling how long its going to take for something like Dante to get a prime
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He's pretty fun but Xata's whisper is an amazing ability to put on other frames so your choice really I personally would just wait for the prime
which bitch is this? nice cleavage on this one
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that is maybe the nicest shot of meg I have seen in years, when is that from?
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BROS if i don't get a [growing power] drop i'm actually killing myself and blaming DE for it
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such an hero to us all
Aliens > Human Hags
god i wish i was her dog, imagine just licking her all over and she pulls you close, spreads her legs.... oomf
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alien hags
you get it
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This guy?
Why are they using the Japanese pronunciation of it?
Any news from the Warframe booth?
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possible relese date?
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Rebb is draining everyone in front of the ugly ahh Excalibur statue
why he look like that bruh
29th is sunday so no.
>ran out of riven slots
>check market to see what i can get with the ones i don't use
>ceramic dagger rivens going for at least 300p
I know it has an incarnon, but i haven't been around in a while, is ceramic dagger really that good?
delete alchemy
dagger itself? fuck no
but people use incarnons as giga busted stat sticks for frames with pseudo exalted abilities so rivens just elevate it into ridiculous numbers when dispo on turds like ceramic dagger is 1.4
Megan asked me to leave my dog with her don't know why though
depending on the time it releases it could be the 29th in Japan and 30th in NA
the other way around anon
JST is UTC +9
ET is UTC -4
hello men, show psf and nourish on mod page.
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not using it
W T F??? do you even play warframe??? it is best mod!!!
Didn't she tweet that she'd be there for 4 days. So that's the booth end date.
i need a good druk frame
im gettin shwastey an wanna warframe
no work no aiming just clickin and big dickin
ya feel me
no work whatsoever
best drunk frames/guns/loadouts plz & ty
im ok
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fukl imagine this is the image sorry
Who let the ventkids on the internet?
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I like Protea, I think she's perfect and makes a wonderful Archgun platform. I just have no idea how to build her.
lol im gonna be facechecking right into steel path circuit and taking whatever i think is best unless someone tells me something else lmao
fuckin one-roundin with stalker lezzzgooooo or whatever those internet retards say
how's your shift going so far?
Why are you attacking him as if you know who he is?
We do know who he is it's that "tranny descendant is warframe killer!" faggot.
12k online btw
Need more range and duration. Duration is better than power strength due to her drone scaling. Range is almost mandatory for them to actually hit things. If that is what you have to work with then drop Transient Fortitude and put in Overextended.
this the russchizo?
I don't want to compromise Strength too much so my Roar is still strong. But it does remind me about Archon Shards. Thinking 3 Crimson Durations, 2 Violet Equilibriums.
Not sold on the Aura and Exilus, but the Aura is insurance just in case I'm stupid enough to spend all my energy and no drops happen. I don't like "Chance to resist knockdown" as much as faster knockdown recovery unless it's the meme, but it does have more Strength. Speed Drift looks nice...
>1 more day until spider sexo
^^^how do we tell her?
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>how to build this i like it a lot
>roar over her the most broken ability that makes her immortal and armor strips
>no no no i dont want this and that i dont want to build her like that i want to be a special boy with my suboptimal mods
i only use her in circuit and she never fails me even when somehow groups dont disband before lvl cap
nothing infused and 0 shards and if i had to use then i would have 5x duration
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>on the frame with guaranteed perma energy
Opinion disregarded.
You gotta post something time to time
How did DE manage to get their own booth in the TGS for a single game? Do Nips even know Warframe exists?
>How did DE manage to get their own booth in the TGS for a single game?
>Do Nips even know Warframe exists?
No and this is exactly what TGS for
Entirely funded by Ember Heirloom sales
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The heirloom doesn't even look that good why is it so popular
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>stalker specters drop stalker loot in nightmare mode
I would love to see the code responsible for this
Playing steel path without silence really is just one of the most anti-fun things in this game isn't it.
I'm not a fan of Aoi's design to begin with but this costume doesn't really fit the model and makes her look fat
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No idea what you are talking about
t. Slamdryn
>makes her look fat
that's because she is fat, duh

good morning
good morning sir
woke morning
i really need to learn to leave immediately when i see console players hosting
now i am 10 waves into the arbitration with 3 braindead consoletards
>gonna need 260 pathos clamps to install all the incarnons I already have
ima bout to say something stupid so bear with me
chyrinka pillar is actually a good an fun subsume
cheburashka oberon is an endgame build.
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>need 300 clamps for duviri melees
4 runs or 80 minutes per weapon, kuva require much more time, stop bitching
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Prepare for 300 nokia parts grind in 1999
File deleted.
>i need to play the game, HELPPPPPP
I dont want to play not-warframe in warframe, everything sucks. Even base warframe is just tolerable with all its timers for timers.
They should add a hidden 2-clamp pickup to each stage in Circuit. But then again, this will lead to a cycle of demands to add more Duviri resources to Circuit and phase out Duviri entirely in favor of Circuit because fuck Duviri. The only thing I can stand in Duviri is fishing.
I love Duviri I find killing the same 6 enemies, doing the same 8 activities, using the same 5 weapons and shitty pistol and killing the same boss on the same map with the same mechanics all while using the slowest horse in the entire known universe for hours on end so much fun
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me also like duviri
But they give you an archon if your build sucks.
My point of "I want to play what I enjoy" stands
I like to play Duviri like once per week, maybe two tops
if anything duviri has a really cool, otherwordly and ethereal design
garuda (whatever, it's garuda) OK
nyx FINE (pussies dipped at 5)
despoil nekros OK (dakka gun w elec/reload decree)
mirage FINE (pussies dipped at 5)
stalker QUESTIONABLE (pussies dipped at 5)

this is so stupid I started uncontrollably laughing
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Say one good thing about Kahl
Good taste in women
his BGC is built by blue women for blue women
>femcel becky that listens to boybands
her brother is literally better
He's the realest brother around
He made a lot of people seethe and miss out on a lot of archon shards when he sold them.
Otak>NecraLoid>Everyone Else
50 hours in now. Still mostly confused by a lot of the systems, mainly how fucking unclear it is what all the different quests unlock and which are important without sitting with the wiki open. Also, does the game actually ever kick up the difficulty? I can count on one hand the number of times so far where it didn't feel like every enemy died instantly as soon as I looked at it weird. The builds and modding for each frame seems cool, but what's the fucking point if I'm playing cookie clicker + small amounts of park our the whole time?
Overall having a lot of fun tho
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>people lust after this
ALSO what the hell is with all the tacked on shitty alternate gammodes? I don't give a single shit about literally any of them. Let me play with my damn warframe, not this shitty mech or shittier spacewing garbage
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Didn't ask.
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>people lust after this
wonder how many deleted comments that shit had
You bet your ass I do
they right tho
Have they ever said anything about prime voidrig being a possible addition? I really don’t want to reforma arquebex…
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Parvus Wokum
yes, right after prime railjack that will be right after prime excalibur going public
>Energize instead of Molt Augmented to cancel out Overextended -strength
I want to molest Mirage's slutty tight body
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I dropped growing power after 5 years
Does riven disposition on weapons change?
Why did you drop it
how do we fix ascension?
im lr3 and dont have growing power
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good morning
of course they are, you can easily verify so in-game by looking at Torid with dispo 4 which means close to nobody use Torid and Rubico dispo 1 which means every game have few Rubico users, this is very fair system and DE make sure that dispo is being kept updated
Will the game ever feel like a multiplayer game? Half the time I feel like I’m playing with bots, and the chats are just people trading plat.
The MP map was fun, there were two trains and you could hop between them but just like being on top with the light there were rail pole that could also squish you. KZ2 was a 10/10 console shooter too bad guerilla games is retarded now.
you're a multiplayer game
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Why aren't you guys playing slam kong?
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If it was a good thing, you wouldn't have hidden your name.
Anon, you tard
You are supposed to play with 3 other people and then score 100% damage for it to be impressive
More like bump kong
If I hadn't had an Encounter with the trannies lurking in these threads before I might've showed my name.
You're barely into the game, 50 hours ain't shit. Get farther in the star chart. We don't want to hear shit about "muh gamemodes I only want warframe" from some MRlet who isn't even playing Warframe yet. Use the Codex in your Orbiter for quest progress.
What did the /wfg/boogeyman do to you?
infected my peenus weenus
that's sirius
panda companion?
i dont have magistar incarnon
Yeah that was me, sorry
It's what Jade would've wanted
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This is an Orion Chad general. sirius sissies get out
how do we fix jade?
>over a month of no patches
holy shit the boy band update better fix rotten decade old core gameplay issues
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>Only 50 hours barely into the game
>Already being a whiny bitch

Just uninstall.
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spiderframe incoming
Unpreggo her
>wokeframe 1999
Koumei tomorrow and it will CHANGE EVERYTHING
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>Woke to the sound of a Shawzin
Wokei and the five DEIs
>EU hours
Cummies and the 5 gay grandpas
im not subhuman
Those 5 day grandpas? All me.
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Question if i buy any of these frames off the market do I still need to farm materials to actually build them or do I instantly unlock them?
mostly sex
wts bump bundle collection
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plat gives you entire frame but you really shouldn't do that
if u are actually new just get Dante if u have to buy something
If you buy them with plat you get them immediately, no blueprint or crafting involved. They do actually want people to spend money.
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>the duviri arcane farm is unexpectedly fun
Yup thats me
Buying 110k kuva with vitus essence instead of galvanized mods and undercutting everyone for free 200plat
Mental illness LETS GO GAMBLING
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I have not rolled a single riven in my entire life.
Drop your IGN and I will give you all of this for more gambling.
cant trade kuva otherwise prices would be crazy
i always advise to have at least 1 riven for weapon thats either good or you like and roll it as a project
Warframe is a gateway into gambling. We need to let the EU commission know about it.
Oh, I didn't know that, sorry. I've never bothered with Rivens because my favorite weapon is the glaive prime and why would I need more stats on that thing lmao. Other things I try out is usually broken as shit or I play ability frames so I don't care about rivens at all. Shame.
mogs me
i want the gooner ember skin how quickly can i get it
what type of extractor should i build first as a newer player?
Go stand outside the public toilets and you can make 20 bucks pretty quickly
Bump extractor
spend 50plat on requiem relics
open them in a 4man party
sell words for 14plat
repeat if u run out of relics
how to get warframe gf
become the gf
Play Hildryn
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>those augments
buy prime frame (parts) from other players. https://warframe.market/
if you have money to waste, buy the prime packs
if you have too much money to waste, sure, whatever
ACK us, and we will counter
fight for brother
1 find gf
2 throw her in the helminith
gayframe when
Sevagoth was released years ago and got his prime last month.
havent played this game for like 5 years
anything important i should know
what frame and weapons are good for retarded boomers like me
gracias amigos
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but anon, every frame is gay when you play it
gay kissing in the 1999 update, get hype
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I'm so used to seeing Gauss Prime everywhere that seeing base one is just weird
I wonder if we'll get any spergouts here over the fact that you can be gay in 1999.
/wfg/ is a perpetual spergout so it's guaranteed.
we've been getting them for months already
Yes, but at least one spammer is going to say "You're telling me that *I* can be gay? THIS IS WOKE!"
we've already been getting freakouts ever since the dating reveal
I fucking love the passive aggressiveness in this game
LR4 guy complaining about Rage btw
>do ayatan mission for night wave
>start the objective thing
>fail because i have no idea where i'm going
>have to run the whole mission back

Well that's an easy fucking pass for me. Haven't done one of these in half a decade wont be doing it again.
I see bunch of cunts seething over nothing. Not a single worthy person in your pic.
You missed the pressure plate. Everyone misses the pressure plate unless you know where it is. You have to actually stand on it you cant just bullet jump or sprint on it.
kek you have never done those speed challenges in void before? it's very similiar
>very similiar
they're literally all the same
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>anon pretend to be old stinky
>not a single new ayatan puzzle since release
>anon fail ayatan puzzle
>Haven't done one of these in half a decad
You never did them to begin with, lying fuck.
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i have everything from that...
Turns out I did miss the pressure plate.
I haven't done one of those in years. Why the hell would I waste time doing it?
>Why the hell would I waste time doing it?
This is video game, everything you do is wasting time, frankly speaking.
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CEO of racism
time spent having fun isn't time wasted
unless you're talking a monetary and societal sense
if people stopped doing things they don't find fun in video games then maybe they would enjoy them more
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Not 100% but bretty gud
turbo feminist wokist jewess is not the CEO of racism
>tryharding so much to barely get few more kills than some saryn who farts once in 5 min
lr4 here this game has no content
>sit on wire and do my best impression of a 19 year old enlisted chair force drone operator
Sorry I hurt your feelings wuKANG
Deflect all you want you're still tryharding with a meta chinese build trying to pad the stat screen to post on a korean picture forum.
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NO to 3D
uberon chads... our response?
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>Sit on wire and invisible
>steer arrow into bad
>chinese build
>filename says Ivara
>Ivara right there in the screenshot
Wew retard, are you ok?
you minmax and actually have to melee all the time for a meaningless useless number, pathetic tryhard
I dare when chink meta will be as popular here.
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>min max melee
>actually have to melee all the time
>on Ivara
I got another one.
im not an oberon chad, but i do have a visual cancer build i sometimes bring into pub incursions to do a little bit of trolling
Does Khora's whip destroy arbitration drones?
>get skana
>have fun with skana
>get cinta
>have fun with cinta
I'm having fun. What's the best throwing weapon I should get to go with it, ideally for status spam?
Why? I'm not here to conversate.
>interception sortie
>no eximus stronghold
utter trash
pox maybe
My dumbass just bought 40 of the wrong relic. I meant to get the 'limited time' ones. Now I just have some shitty octavia ones. woops
Despair incarnon
>clouds that can inflict status
>nice status chance
Nice. It's gonna be either this or despair incarnon then.
what is the sigil i can use to give jades baby a smiley face?
>wake up at noon
>three friend requests
fuck i got a lil drunk lol whoops
still lookin for a good drunkframe
it's okay because your post number is over NINE THOUSAAAAAAND
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Perfect samesecond bump
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get a job
based noticer
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keep or roll?
Don't reply to the russchizo
I am

a new cutie.................
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new cuties have an aura
you don't have it
leveling up a bow is hard....
>Still mostly confused by a lot of the systems, mainly how fucking unclear it is what all the different quests unlock and which are important without sitting with the wiki open.
Which MMO this DOESN'T apply to?
fren :)
cc,cd,ms, harmless neg or go home
divekicks are so based
especially on low level grineer that die in 1 shot from them. Nothing is more satisfying
any opinions on dorrclave?
I've had a shitty riven in inventory for eternity and I've been aching to forma some crap weapon for a while
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now if only they would make this worth using at all, I fucking love divekicking and it's my favorite way to kill things in dushiti but even after "buffs" near release this mod sucks ass and I am still angery about that
You are 0% sane.
nta but i never felt like i need any outside info when playing lost ark or wow, or any private servers for wow
can I get a qrd?
it's a brazillian compliment, it means that you are really cool
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Nyx is my wife
no really, what do you mean? I replied to that post in earnest, but you're acting like it was a copypasta or a bot or something and I think I must have missed something
I hate the russchizo.
I hate the wokeschizo.
I hate the catschizo.
I hate the magschizo.
I hate the valkyrschizo.
I hate the novaschizo.
I hate the frogschizo.
I hate the TFDschizo
I love the Θεmatic anon.
I love Warbros.
Warbros #1
I see, I was mistaken to take any post made here in good faith
Actually, Nyx will be my wife in 1999, I call dibs.
when's the spidor frame coming?
>1 more hour before Trinity & Nova Prime
fuck it, might as well do some Deimos bounties for more aya
fuckin love nyx
you done good, tenno
i shall not covet ur wife
but she's a joy
no that's just when we learn when it's coming out
Imagine if this worked in Dog Days
I'll have to do a dushiti run just to try kicking everything.
If sane is not wanting to see your frame drive a flying boot through enemies' heads, who'd be sane?
i have no idea what to do with trinity
is she good? how do i build?
(she feels overshadowed by fuckin eight-million-overguard dante and all the other shit that lets you be straight up invincible 5ever)
I just want her for solo trilodons to keep lures alive
no, I don't want to imagine having fun

>I'll have to do a dushiti run just to try kicking everything.
requires Swooping Miasma and ideally Fleet Footed as well
Warframe is fucking terrible at explaining things to players and don't ever let any of the sunk cost retards here tell you otherwise. It's especially confusing how bad the tutorials all are given that Warframe's target audience is exactly the type of retard that needs mobile-style forced handholding tutorials.

>Also, does the game actually ever kick up the difficulty?
No. They decided years ago that the only difficulty was going to be stat checking you, and now the community throws a shitfit if anything has more mechanics than press the button and shoot the weak point. Earlier this year, they added a mode that just forces you to dip into a different part of your arsenal that most players forgot existed and /wfg/ and reddit are still jerking themselves off about how "hard" it is.
>notice i have a sentient surge
>forma out an ocucor
>slap a random +multishot/+fire rate/+recoil on it in place of lethal torrent
>put the sentient surge in it's place
>play a few missions with it
>weapon is good
>weapon isn't insane
>weapon isn't mind blowing
>weapon isn't even great
>weapon is just good
Is there some hidden incarnet for this or something? I wouldn't even classify this as S tier. Is there some market manipulation going on or something? Thinking of just selling the riven and the mod now while I can.
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>I hate the catschizo.
who is this?
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Our name is Legion for we are many.
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Warframe explains things under the assumption that you know everything. It's like explaining how to complete C but not telling you how to complete A and B which needs to be done before C. It's an ass backwards way of doing things that was really fashionable in mechanical instruction books of the late 80s. Learning new things in warframe is extremely easy once you know everything before it.
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>I hate the frogschizo.
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It helps when you're not a retard.
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Nubfag question, can I feed excalibur umbra to helminth?
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damn.......warframe girls look like THAT?
helps who?
my hotwife...
you can't even sell him, why would you be able to feed him to helminth
Something must be wrong with your build. Ocucor is a completely braindead room clearer. All you need is the first kill to get stacks.

This is an incredible way of explaining it that I never would have thought of.
No. He's a real boy.
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is heart of deimos a trap quest i feel like im too weak for it
deimos enemies are just really tanky for no reason
use fallen necramechs
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viral + heat + cascadia flare
is that the build you have?
>Ocucor is a completely braindead room clearer
So is a lot of other weapons at a fraction of the investment. It's not doing something no other weapon can do. It's not outshining the competition. While it does have a gimmick it isn't something game changing thing. It's just a good solid secondary but so is a dozen other weapons you can use for much less. That's the point I'm making.
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I approve of this
The Kuva Liches are the epitome of this
>finish a quest
>get left with a vaguely threatening message in your inbox
>eventually a random guy appears during a quest
>do a finisher on it and now there's a guy occupying a whole planet
>tutorial just tells you how to beat them
>doesn't tell you anything else including how to get the items needed to beat them
Some might consider Warframe's lack of tutorialization a boon amid other games that make you go through walls of text and hours of guided tutorial before you get to have fun but man it could use a teensy bit more explanation on some stuff.
Not to mention how some ability tool tips are outdated or wrong because they never update them with the balance changes.
Am I not supposed to be? Is there some hidden tech I'm missing.
>Mobile Gaming Show Trailer
I have a bad feeling about this
post build
warframe x warhammer when?
Might as well bitch about how "difficult" netracells are too, you dumb gorilla shitter.
I don't know how it is since there's been several rounds of balance changes, but Heart of Deimos had really fucked up scaling at the time that I went through it. What sort of mods do you have on your weapons?

New players are forced to do Deimos before getting access to Ceres
jfc how do i avoid matching with fucking mobile players
spawn rates are already in the shitter
I'm phone posting so I can't. It's the top voted build on loloverframe. Lethal torrent is swapped out for the riven I mentioned and I'm using frost bite instead of ice storm. Fucking surely the latter isn't why the weapon isn't preforming as expected. Like I said it's a good weapon but it isn't blowing my toes off for the investment I put in.
Playing solo?
Just leave the group or play solo.
You're not using the right frame.
That is literally all it comes down to.
You're probably playing something like Inaros and you're not doing your MMO skill rotation with buffs.
iirc you don't actually *have* to combat much outside of the start with the cysts and the Necramech. A good melee weapon with starter mods is enough to get the job done there and you can run past all the other enemies while you do chores. The last leg of the quest puts you in a Necramech so you don't have to worry about that at all.
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>I ran out of endo
Guess it's time to do Railjack for 4 hours straight
Are you just using like a typical pistol build? I took mine to 5 forma without really thinking about it cause I could tell early on that it would be good, and then recently I added a 6th forma to fit an exilus after I saw someone else using it and the beam was just fucking enormous when you aren't looking at it from the regular perspective.

>I'm using frost bite instead of ice storm. Fucking surely the latter isn't why the weapon isn't preforming as expected.
No, it makes a massive difference dude. It might not seem like it, but the extra magazine size gives you a lot more wiggle room on Sentient Surge refilling your magazine. I get my first kill and don't have to aim or reload for the rest of the mission.
>I'm using frost bite instead of ice storm
i want to say that is a big part of it because you want the magazine size but i never once ran out of ammo without it. its a conveince thing. honestly i got bored with it and sold the mod for 400p to some sap. switched back to the cycron because its more comfy.
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>New female frame will have zero sex appeal
>Even if she does, she won't have any tits
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s-tier on my machine
>lot more wiggle room on Sentient Surge refilling your magazine
the only time i ever burn through the magazine is when i'm playing with 3 other people and we are contesting kills. that extra 40% is QOL and nothing more.
>just play the multiplayer game by yourself
fucking dweebs
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are we rolling boys?
can spare like 200k kuva
>from creator of "fuck, it's console host" come new blockbuster "omfg, it's mobile host"
u rike?
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can't tell if people are in full cope or they actually think the ocucar is some god weapon
first comment on the wiki sums it up perfectly because nearly any weapon can do that when you have the right buffs
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>Can pause game
>Don't have to play with retards
>Play at my pace, do silly shit like complete nightwave in a capture mission or locker hunting
>4+ hours of Lua Survival in a perfect room

File deleted.
Catbros, don't look
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lel it's so dogshit
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fuck I'm tempted to keep it
maybe the attack speed penalty won't be so bad
thats pretty good. thats a crit whip right?
>ran out of endo
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from what I understand it's a status hose but not fast enough to be a primer
but it's 2 elements on a riven + you can never go wrong with crit chance unless it's a nukor
maybe I will keep it
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>Warframe Mobile player HOST are going to be a thing

Do you think it understands that posting how much autism it has is just sad and isn't impressive? It's like my brother's Charizard collection. I'm glad it makes him happy and he is invested in something he likes but holy fuck I cringe every time he shows me.
I'm impressed by other players with big numbers attached to their useless hoards
Post missions and genocide count.
>thinking a delusional person is self aware
it would be nice if we could select an option to be the host other than to be left to chance
I can only hope that the mobile port is going to be so shitty and awkward that everyone who tries it will just give up after a couple weeks.
Do you guys not have phones?
Put your match making ping to 100. This filters out a lot most of the time. Really sucks for railjack because I want to use my ship not some first time jacker in his struggle bus. Need an option to force host for that shit.
I'm just playing solo for everything besides radshares. I probably host too, to avoid console/mobile shitters.
Why did they make farming sisters so much worse than liches?
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>Warframe Immortal
top zozzle
Are you including add-ons?
>warframes need tits
No, they don't. Cope, seethe, mald, and keep moving. This is ass country.

i have a flipper my son got me, it's not "smart" by today's standards.
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my pixie isnt that fat
>find caches
>receive nothing
Why? What is the point of caches then?
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>>receive nothing
hover over credits or other resources, caches drop those as well.
horrible take.
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omg its AI
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Hello, newfaggots. What shithole did you blow in from? Was it a coomer gacha?
lose weight FATTY
nah wasn't talking about warframe or any other game, just implying that you have horrible taste, only turbo fags like ass, i bet you lust over your homies all the time fag.
rare shot at dualstat elemental mods and alertium alloy
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you absolute faggot.
don't (you) at me.
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Imagine walking in Warframe General and posting this.
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NOT fat
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Retarded fucking frogposter.
if it wasnt for that keyboard i would have not noticed
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Next they'll claim that male frame booty is bad, too.
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Cope and seethe faggot.
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i bet you're the type of negro who'd jack off to this shit.
i get that it's a woke game and it'll attract the more fruity cunts but there are still a few straight tit loving people who play this game despite it all
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Color palettes in Varzia's shop
Owning that skin is almost as bad as having the plebbit glyph tied to your account.
Not sure if ironic and shitposting, or just retarded and shitposting.
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>straight tit loving people who play this game
No, there aren't. Everybody who played Warframe made discoveries about themselves. Those who stuck around and repeat this shameful lie are in the closet, and compensate their insecurity with shitposting. There is only one Saryn, but Mesa is one of many.

>but Garuda!
If you were the kind of refined gentleman that appreciates all shapes and sizes, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
hagframe when
>No, there aren't.
I'm right here.
And you forgot to mention Dagath.
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i've lost buckets to plain suit drifter mate
>Everybody who played Warframe made discoveries about themselves.
not EVERYBODY... just a lot
that's a man
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Is the Velorum Prime Sigil farmable sigil in any way or do you have to buy it with Regal Aya?
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And those that didn't, started Warframe already knowing their sexuality is a bit more... flexible than simply "straight" or "gay".

Yes, and?
yes they're dolphins (fags)
thats a man
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i'm genuinely torn up watching you people lose your masculinity just by playing this chinese/cucknadian abomination. Really breaks my heart that young men would much rather fuck other men than start a family.
closest we'll get is that warhammer artist designing entrati weapons
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>And those that didn't, started Warframe already knowing their sexuality is a bit more... flexible than simply "straight" or "gay".
reminder that nova is fat
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Nope. Nice try, though.

Honestly, did not expect to enjoy some of the male/male fanart.
if world of warships can collab with warhammer so can warframe
World of Warships collabs with everything and everyone. If it exists, they want to collab. They probably want to collab with Warframe.
Out of 10!
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>Really breaks my heart that young men would much rather fuck other men than start a family.
One doesn't contradict the other, you can easily enjoy both.
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Oh look, another "everyone is bi" retards. Unironically rather have the russian spam the thread.

Wait a minute..
if you were my son, i'd send you to a christian conversion camp where they beat the gay away. the worst thing we as a society have done is to not only accept but popularize this whole lgbt culture, it's a sin in gods eyes remember that. you will be judged.
you're gay if you don't want to suck cock
Does anyone know???
Is that a prime sigil? You need to buy Regal Aya for that.
so hung over
need frame to play that i can essentially ignore
everything hurts
This you?
Try gooning
Gotcha, thanks.
miscalculated and finished
totally spent
Just play Wukang,
he's the designated frame for shitters for a reason. That or Revenant
no primes for either
no potato in base
sad hours
Your only hope is to goon
>everyone I don't like is a bisexual russian
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>And those that didn't, started Warframe already knowing their sexuality is a bit more... flexible than simply "straight" or "gay".
oh sure, that was a solved problem for me already, warframe just encouraged me to consider more self-identity related issues...
Why are you obsessed?
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y'all have been giving me excuses to post this for over a year now lol
spent, can't even get it up now
need a good warframe run to get the motivation back
oh god, ew. now i totally understand why guys are choosing to be gay, if this is the state of females holy fuck.
>Russchizo saves his own post
what a schizo
I'm going to impregnate a harem of woke brown genderspecials I groom through the forums and region chat with my queer genes and we will have mixed race PC babies and all play wokeframe and buy plat together
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>oh god, ew. now i totally understand why guys are choosing to be gay, if this is the state of females holy fuck.
There are few things as satisfying as getting a survival fissure with one of the good capsule rooms and being able to camp it until you get tired of playing.
>our response?
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i'm not racist, if you wanna start a brown family go ahead you have my blessing, just stop the same sex thing.
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what am i even supposed to do with an mrlet after i catch one?
>lgbt culture
wow, easy there
man love is pure
lgbt culture is US state propaganda
HUGE difference
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I've got an illegal gene clinic on an island chain somewhere in the same archipelago as warframe's content with state of the art embryo selection services so every one of our progeny will be exclusively homosexual
give them 60/60 mods and make them your slave forever
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Total dogchads domination
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I agree.
Being able to pause and resume anytime you like is even better.
Should I build Mag or Rhino first? I have the option to do one or the other kind of split on resources
Why do niggas call Reb a jew when she celebrates Christmas and went to a catholic school? It's because she has money?
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the chick in the middle
>falling for the obvious jew camouflage of "celebrating" christmas
are you simply braindead retarded or a jew sympathizer?
because it's simple old school racism and they saw a big schnoz
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racial phenotypes
I need to watch this again just for the fights
im convinced there are people here who actively try to make this thread as worse as possible
this. and they use fictional "russians" for blame
Nips love monster girls and lolis

Koumei is gonna be both
rhino, easier for mrlets and shitters
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Based undercover jew
>Did her holy communion and confirmation
Reb is 100% a Christchad.
>fictional "russians"
nice try russchizo
We call him Russchizo. You'll find /wfg/'s quality drastically improves when EU goes to sleep
post warframe hags......
>fighting over which sect of your dirty little desert cult someone belongs to
I knew a jewish kid whose parents sent him to a catholic school, they didn't care as long as it's a private school. other kids would splash him with holy water to see if he'd melt
Reminder Steve is jewish
there's definitely more than one person actively trying to make /wfg/ as bad as possible, plus some number of autistic fags who aren't actively trying but can't fucking help themselves
I see the benis gestate witches have already been at work here
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>plus some number of autistic fags who aren't actively trying but can't fucking help themselves
hi! it's me! hello!
bull shit. prayer is mandatory in catholic schools. no jew would pray to jesus
I know I just acknowledged that you can't help yourself, but please try to
>log in
>nova prime return
Nami Solo or ACK and Brunt
>6 frames done
>no slots
>subsume available in 8 hours
buy plat
>quit warframe to play yakuza
>beat yakuza 0 - 8 in release order
>beat ishin and gaiden
>finally get back into warframe
>new yakuza game announced for feb 2025

the teachers always led prayer and everyone had their eyes closed, he didn't have to do anything
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>waiting for sentient surge to climb to 400p
>some faggot starts bitching about the price on reddit
Should I dump my stocks now? How likely will DE start nooticing and crash the market?
Predict Nyx buffs
Realistic answers only
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no promises...

pablo will give her viral and overguard
Her 1 actually does damage now
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what is this?
wasnt the updates supposed to be out today? when the fuck is it then
>wasnt the updates supposed to be out today? when the fuck is it then
lol no? who said that? we're getting an announcement tomorrow during the devstream, 10 PM EST on the 27th
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Props to you I almost gave up on 5 that shit is way too long but it has some kino moments ngl
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infested liches most likely
i dont watch their awful streams so ive just assumed it given its been over a month of nothing+thursday usual releases
I almost 3 5 and 6 were all fucking ass I fucking hate haruka with a passion
Is the Sybaris fun ? If the leaked incarnon list is true, I'm assuming we'll get an announcement of it tomorrow. I'm trying to decide if I should buy the last prime piece I need now or just wait for Oberon resurgence to come back.
does she even need them? she's a great frame
maybe some energy reductions on 2 and 3
her 1 and 4 most likely are going to get tweaked.
oh wait it could also be a rework of the infested ship tile set
She can work But she needs tweaks to keep up the the times.
oh youre right. it would make sense for them to do that with the 1999
I'm becoming a kuva junkie
I've been using it off and on (mostly off) with a semi-decent incarnon for the past while and I've been enjoying it. It's not amazing right now but you can muscle it through some SP stuff.
Psychic Bolts and Absorb are usable but badly power crept, right? I assume the two mind control abilities get major buffs, and maybe the other two abilities get minor buffs? I think taunts are the hardest form of cc that still work against elite enemies so Nyx has a lot of potential for both power and disappointment.

I don't exactly remember, but they said on a dev stream that Nyx and Trinity are getting buffs or mini reworks for 1999.
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200k kuva gone
and I'm done with rolling this shit
it's not ideal but fuck it
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what else is kuva for?
Worm Queen Findom
Lube and napkins ready for tomorrow's devstream
you know what I meant
I really don't
Kind of insane just how "bad" non-incarnon weapons are.
Cedo still rapes
two threads on /v/ about us!
TGS starts soon right?
TGS started last night. Warframe's stream at TGS doesn't start until tomorrow 3pm ET.
what are they saying about my wives
Someone said the WF demo that's playable at their booth has the new frame.

I need one of you to fly to Tokyo and take a pic.
i know someone whos there. i'll see what i can do
Reb is sitting on my face I can't move sorry
>everyone went to the /v/ threads
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give me an hydroid build
her 1 is technically great right now. what fucks it is that mind controlling mobs does not alter their AI, meaning that they will follow the same rules as when fighting the Tenno (no insta lock on, first few shots are guaranteed misses). they either don't care or just don't wanna gamba with spaghetti code so the only reasonable change would be to give the mob your equipped weapon
3 is fucked by overguard and that fat fag sure won't let Nyx bypass it
4 could use bugfixes and make its scale with level. also make casting speed actually affect the discharge animation ffs
but we all know it's just gonna be "erm. she now receives overguard and her abilities cost less now. enjoy"
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I don't have that mod
Primegoytime in half an hour
TGS shit in about 28.5
pilfering swarm and uhhh
Mind control should just work on Eximus in limited numbers, like 1 at 100% strength, 2 at 200%, etc.
That alone would probably be good enough to make her slightly less shit
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you sure you want my hydroid build?
On a scale of tip tickling to ball kicking, how torturous is it to farm cinta parts?
I am so sorry.
Everyone keeps saying he's S+++++++ after the rework but I just don't get it he just seems ok
pime time in 10 minutes, get ready to claim a built forma, a riven cipher and more!! come join us https://www.twitch.tv/warframe
The New War missed the opportunity to have Excalibur Umbra wreck Narmer/Sentient shit in the Operator's absence.
2-3 hours of cock and ball torture, I recommend getting a friend to help you misery loves company
>riven cipher
are they actually gonna stream long enough?
>skill issue
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we're live!
>pime time
S seems too far away from reality. He's usable, I sometimes play him too, but he's unfortunately not particularly fun to play as.
Basically I don't know of any situation where I'd rather use him than Khora unless it's just for fucking around's sake.
goodnight /wfg/
goodmorning /wfg/
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ah god, it's that twink zach again, are the rumors about it being reb's son real>?
I know we call her hag before we start gooning but how old do you think she is
Community stream is up. They just said something about Sentient Surge returning but I missed it.
naberus shop gonna have the augments
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>roll riven 100 times
>still dogshit
>endo it out of shame
I'm her only son
time stamp?
>they didn't care as long as it's a private school
What? Poor kid.
Not soon enough. You Corpus wannabe piece of shit.
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Give me my sheev heatsink.
if you're really that impatient, IIRC sheev shows up in the Naberus shop
If next frame is a spider I will suck every dick in this general.
implying you need an excuse to start sucking cock
I’d suck every dick in this general just to prove I can
I forgot he existed
Have they said/shown Caliban's rework at all outside of that one teaser
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Anon, nothing has been said since 10ocon ended. Just wait 24 hours
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Make me.
His missions were better than duviri.
Ordis, recreate Warframe developers Megan Everett, Rebecca ford, and Danielle Sokolowski including all normal life functions. Increase their breast sizes by 150% and their buttocks by 300%, and heighten their libido by 500%. Give them unshaven pubes expected of a 40 year old woman with three children each and increase their fertility levels to daily ovulations. Lock Orbiter doors and disengage safety protocols.
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findom is like when you're married but you don't have to pretend
claimed all 3 drops, fuck prime time fuck zach and fuck that jew bitch. goodnight
thats an old tylor pic, she thicc now
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>if you're really that impatient, wait
Dude I just want this invasion to finish.
Operator, I regret to inform you that the foundry does not have enough adrenochrome and medical silicone to complete those blueprints, in addition the Helminth does not have enough bile for the requested fertility boost, I have already marked the location of a Jewi-.. Corpus ship on which you should find all necessary components
I just tuned in and I thought taylor got REALLY fat because it was so low res...
I'd do it just to have on my CV
Go farm something else. Sheev isn't even that good, don't get upset MR fodder.
You don't understand. This invasion's got to be like a week old now.
You mean half a Baro cycle? Go farm some primes. Those ducats don't farm themselves.
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They should add augments for the quellor, penant and ambassador to make 'jacklets seethe.
The grind was very boring, btw desu senpai
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>Fat Taylor
>i didnt recognize her at first because she was facing forward
oh, I assumed you were waiting on an invasion to pop up. Like the other anon said, sheev isn't worth being impatient for. I do invasions and forget about them. There's a huge pile of stuff to do while you're waiting and some of it is even fun.
why aren't you grinding harder to make it end sooner?
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>Every female working in DE is childless
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my man
Dogs can't impregnate humans
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I love Warframe but what makes this game so unstreamable? It's not just Warframe, but some other games even have this issue.
>what makes a grinding sim so unstreamable
Seriously? Might as well be asking why nobody wants to see you go HAM on a pepper mill.

I think it's because most people move wrong and just don't take advantage of the game's systems or visual design beyond basic fashionframe, it can be real eye candy imo yet I rarely see anything interesting or impressive in streaming clips or most gameplay posted most places the conclavefags do have some impressively sweaty stuff but >conclave
All memes aside,
How did Destiny get streamers that had a stable 800-1k viewers? I don't think I ever seen Warframe with those numbers. Was it just name recognition from Bungie?
I'd guess it's the lack of high stakes content like PVP or raids, but the lack of that content is also what makes the community relaxed, although it seems like randos have been getting more aggressive in the past year.
Twitch drops, most likely.
Lunaro is so much more fun than Conclave, a shame it's so dead. I'm guessing one day a D2 streamer is going to discover it and breathe life into it, or something but then I'm huffing copium.
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Made for BOC
> although it seems like randos have been getting more aggressive in the past year.

Yeah, no kidding. It's actually getting alot worse, I'm just grateful I can solo everything. But EDA is getting to the point I might have to play with people I already know. Solo EDA is a pain in the ass.
Plat-head's idea of "fun" is earning more plat. The faster, the better. Literally like crack. It even stimulates the same section of the brain.
tell me how to get it
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You sure?
oh damn he got the bike too
so fucking based
>ingame text is in russian
holy kino russchizo is real
doubt, we have had some vodkatongues here doing cool hacker shit like this and sharing for a (very) long time
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What sort of sleek is thi-
Oh, of course.
kek it's always Russian hackers
i'm reporting you, the youtube channel and the telegram link to DE, so they can send the tencent death squad after you
Guys I clicked on the link and now Rebb is outside my house please hel
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Report this straight to DE.
i'll report every single one of you if it gets me a night with rebb
This anon is being used to feed Megan's dog's let this be a lesson to you for going against us.
you're the worst kind of anything
I'm not reporting because of the hacks. I just don't like Grineer
authoritarian clown leadership is a joke but rusbros are cool, don't be a gamer hater
Does the bike have any tricks or mods like K-Drive? Having to rank em up sounds obvious
I want Halloween costumes for our Operators.
during 10ocon they said you could mod the bike iirc
Toilet paper mummy that gets wets and disintengrates on rainy maps
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what's up, gamer?
I will now use your ground vehicle
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numbers will go up. Gameplay won't change but redditors and jewtubers will act like it did. Coomers will rush to get Human Nyx skin which they were gonna do anyway.
Fuck these niggas are really going to throw around cheesy one-liners every few kills
This shit's going to be bussin with the graxx helmet
I was already playing nyx every now and then, and was planning to buy the skin because she is hot
the light rework is just a bonus for me
All I want is no duration on my thrall
I want to pick a buddy and stick with him the whole mission
Make him fall asleep if I don't attack for 1 minute or something to solve the auto farming question
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Leveling bikes is going to be retarded if they don’t have anything like the circle grinding tricks
t. corpus
Well? Where's Caliban giveaway?
Why would anyone want that?
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So I don't have to farm him to put his ability in the helminth
Free slot? MR fodder for mrlets? Helminth? Retard.
the giveaway is whenever the update is
cute mrlet
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Time to open some relics
Fuck I want those relics
post the full image
It was coming along his rework

He was getting reworked and coming out with a new DEluxe, hopefully the scythe skin is actually a skin for scythes and not exclusive for the Venato or whatever his weapon was
Just make Caliban's pets actually do damage. I want a pet frame that can kill SP stuff with pets
nekros was coming close before they beefed everything up for 3.0, but no longer - I've been trying out that summon buff residual arcane too and it's just worthless in practice for how little you get out of it, plus slotting that makes it harder to get as many kills anyway so I'm still mostly using the pets as distractions and to absorb fire/provide DR
I hope they're having fun
what do i infuse onto le funny mummy man, that ISNT roar/nourish(i dont have grendel)
i never use his sandstorm so it'd be over top of that
Better Off Alone, I Can't Stop Raving, Castles in the Sky, maybe Weekend? those might all be decent replacements depending on your mood
Schizo post
t. won't appreciate 1999
>check aya shop other day
>Rhino and Ember's stuff is listed as limited
>think that means that Trinity and Nova are replacing them
>they replace Nezha and Octavia
what the fuck is the point of the "limited" label when they only use it on the stuff that still has a month left?
technically everything in the aya shop is limited. maybe it's just a bug
Goonlet here any way to level up my Gooning Rank faster?
Equip Alien Sex mods.
Avoid Human Hag mods.
sex with alien, human, and robot hags all at once
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No, fuck YOU, leatherman
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Leakers and hackers on suicide watch lmao
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I reported it too
>This use
Fake af
>hiding the name
It would make more sense if they said "special" instead of limited. Ember and Rhino resurgence is a special event for their heirloom skins. They'll have been around for 3 months as an additional rotation when normally there's only one pair that rotates out after a month.
Reb can you post bobs before I go to bed
We have updated the Steam Subscriber Agreement
We have updated the Steam Subscriber Agreement
We have updated the Steam Subscriber Agreement
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1 and 4 are simple damage buffs
2 gets turned into an aoe ability
3 has enemies ignore the caster
>this use is under investigation
>this use
come on man put a tiny bit of effort
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>Dev Stream is gonna be at 10pm ET tomorrow because of Nippon
Yuros got fucked
>kneeling down to be at direct kissing height with the boob window
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She's the one who should be kneeling if she has a sweater like that.
I don't need a shinjob from a hobbit
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here, effort.
Rebb is like 5'4. She's a hobbit.
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snack sized
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wtf bros, she's taller than me. i'm so fucking cooked
Are you a femboy?
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Are you a smurf?
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I do not believe she is 5'8 or anything close to it
Downloaded the mobile app since I thought I could grind when I'm out

Burnt my fingertips instead.
I remember an anon from /wfg/ taking a pic of her years ago at 10ocon and she looked tiny.. Either that anon was like 7ft tall or she's a dwarf.
The protoframes really need to be smiling or at least cycling through a list of emotions cause that face is dead as fuck
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roar on 4 and stack str, use presicion intensify
Fuck now I have to fap again
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Press x to doubt
I think I understand what it means to objectify a woman now
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I really need a womanlet in my life
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My wife is 5'6 my cock looks monstrous in her tiny hands, can get both hands on there and still have some to suck on. It is indeed based. She also plays warframe with me.
>bragging about his wife's cock
fuck off
I'm 5'4 can I be your wife :3
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ugggh kms I had this dynamic with my ex but that was before warframe was a thing
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That's a shame anon, hopefully you find someone. She is the one that convinced me to try warframe. I figured it would be a grindy pay-to-win game. Pretty fun tho. Taking a break until the next content drop. She's playing Factorio and I'm going through Frostpunk 2 right now.
She doesn't have one, being a woman and all, other than the one I give her 3 times a week.
1 is more than enough thanks
The real struggle is liking taller bitches while also being tall
you will find your danielle
I'm 6'2, who wants to be my Reb? You must be able to bear children.
bros can i be real with you for a moment? i'm 5'1 will i be able to find a small wife like that dude or am i just fucked?
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>mfw i get something from narmer bounties that isn't isoplasts
I call bullshit
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>narmer bounties

hang in there, lil brolet, it'll work out
I know a lot of latina chicks that are 4'10 more or less so yea
I have to play Warframe I don't have time for women
i need the Little Duck standing, i wouldn't bother otherwise
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I have to play warframe. I make time for my wife.
I unironically keep waiting for a new game to play but they have all been flopping. I will never be able to leave Reb's wild ride.
I've been telling myself for well over a good decade now I need to make my own game and the idea of what that is has evolved into a warframe killerâ„¢
Make sure that it has the most generic art style possible and that you move from point A to point B by holding the spring button.
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Too late the hag owns your soul now
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i honestly miss the TFD beta, the release is shit.
we had nice fully modeled nipples back then.
get banished to the vents
would you really send him in a place full of kids?
they don't have their original bodies so it's legal
pls god no I want it to be an autistic symphony of modifier key/button chords like warframe is at its best
you're right, send him to Deimos
send me to a place full of hags
I play Qorvex with a shield gating build.
There are plenty of good games to play, you just want something that would drip-feed you endless content like WF so you could play it for years - of course most of those games are just cashgrabs or boring shit like PoE/Diablo, turns out keep a decent game (as a service) afloat for a long time is incredibly difficult
>The stream is late at night for burgers and very early in the morning for yuros.

Fellow Aussiechads, we won.
get a job at a retirement home
shield gaytnig is gay
you live in australia, you lost at spawn
I'm keeping the hag train rolling
Maybe de should make health tanking useful outside of non-sp and low level sp (with most of your mod slots dedicated to just health and armor). That, or give Qorvex a way to heal himself that every other healthtank has.
Not my fault any frame with shields is tankier than max health inaros.
>Maybe de should make health tanking useful
okay well, yeah? DE pls
personally I just use adaptation and regeneration and count on being tanky or responsive enough to never have a good excuse for dying, even if I'm afk
I would gladly have health be completely reworked, along with deleting PSF and knf's account.
No but you can be my small wife. Now wear this Yarelli cosplay outfit and bend over.
is this that kind of thing where skinny pale lanklets don't know wtf 5'8 looks like?
>along with deleting PSF
>being this retarded
opinion discarded
>and knf's account
>caring about t*bers
opinion retrieved from recycle bin and then instead shredded
Along with that, I am going to make rivens untradeable.
>She's playing Factorio
Is she a fat?
She weighs 115lbs. Could definitely stand to gain 25lbs. Luckily her ass is still pretty nice.
your other opinions are objectively shit but this one is good
I will delete duviri, and move all incarnons into Kahl's Garrison.
>team 1 decent - nezha
>team 2 decent - gyre
>team 3 good - wukong (saved the last round with slamkong mode)
why didnt you nigs tell duviri circuit was this fun and easy. I'm only 2 rounds away from Ivara now.
>delete duviri
>move all incarnons into Kahl's Garrison.
Because it isn't fun.
And I will double the grind.
double boo
Next warframe is confirmed Lycan yawn
>team 4 great - baruuk (spic nigger left after first roundd, 3-manned until rd 7)
one more round away from Ivara. (I know I said I was 2 rds away before, but I meant 2 tiers.)
Kullervo deletes Duviri once again

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