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Previous: >>495936938
SF4 > SF6 > SF5 > SF3
Manon feels like she should be a high-damage character with threatening mid-range options but they were scared of giving a grappler mid-range options.
Lily does feel like they have no idea what they're doing.
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God I love this skin complexion so much, mixed brown girls are God's most beautiful treasure...
What SF game is this girl from?
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jivie meltdown incoming after this canon ranking
also bring back the homies infil and nash
The only thing Dix got over 5 is having a better anti-ragequit system and netcode.
Everything else is garbage. Even the graphics is worse.
Why can't we get a real SF baker?
>Jive better than Third Strike
>Dix better than Third Strike
turd strike is SHIT, doodfag
My rank has skyrocketed to 1850 MR by unironically playing less footsies. Engaging in poking and fireballs is too lopsided in favor of the defender who just needs to exploit the lack of proximity guard to RNG you out or wait for a perfect parry for a guaranteed fireball punish.
TurdStrikers are low IQ boomers who think >old = good

I'd rather play SkullGirls or Smash Brawl over TurdStrike
Fix parry.
The novelty of fighting new characters in SF6 wears off so quickly when all everyone does is drive rush corner carry throw loop
I've never seen a fighting game where 99% of the roster could be distilled into six words like that
Chads prefer SF6

Cucks prefer SFV and dark skin males
Parry is fine. The problem is cheaters.

Real talk. This game is unfixable.
Elena and Mai will maybe be different, but be midtiers due to it.
Even tho I think being DLC will make them broken somehow.
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I wonder why SF never tries to have a corner-break for once to reset Neutral once in a round.
they tried that in soive and nobody who plays the game at high level likes it
Universal mechanics should never warp the core gameplay.
Jive sucked due to v-trigger but even v-trigger wasn't as warping as DR.
>Muh top 0.6% of the playerbase matters more than 99.4% because they sweat around all day long!
Terrible design philosophy. Pros should adapt to the game and not have the entire game babyfied to their own personal taste.
NTA but I think a balance is necessary

Listen to pros but dont put their opinions entirely above casuals, because being good at the sticks don't translate into understanding game design or even having good opinions on the game
Pros never know what they want 90% of the time
Parry is alright in SF6.
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Why is she afraid?
Literally just make it so that only specials and drive impacts can be perfect parried. What is so difficult about this?
Li-Fen is so cute.
Why? Just remove block
Parry beats Attack
Grab beats Parry
Attack beats Grab
>Make the perfect Chun successor
>Make her pedobait NPC
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>Crabbas hating on parry in 2024
So tiresome...
You shouldn't have to guess on your own offense in a street fighter game. You can take an ex DP sure, but historically taking an EX DP was always okay since they lose EX meter and they usually don't get oki. The game resets to neutral, just like taking the throw used to reset to neutral.

Getting perfect parried into back throw can mean you lose the game immediately just because they did a random perfect parry. Chris Wong lost a million dollars off of a wakeup perfect parry after all
And better mechanic
And better sales
And better singleplayer
And better newcomers
And better universal mechanic
>You shouldn't have to guess on your own offense in a street fighter game.
Stopped reading there. Why not?
Why SF gets to entirely skip the balance trinity of RPS and guessing deffense patterns that is a good staple of good game design to begin with?
I just hate that guest characters in Sf6 seem to be just Sf6 characters instead of manifesting their own games in Sf6, like Akuma and Geese did in Tekken.
It seems lazy and cheapens the guest inclusion.
The only non-meme point you made was better newcomers.
Sorry let me make sure, are you seriously saying that the game is designed around RPS guessing and that it is a good staple of good fighting game design? Do you actually play Street Fighter?
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>SF should never change and be the same because... it should okay we dont try to improve or evolve our product over time
Make a real argument.
Terry has to have said the N word multiple times. The first out of ignorance, every other time, to get a rise out of people so he can fight them. Unlike Ken, he doesn't have the rich kid excuse.
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when are they nerfing this piece of shit?!
The same day they nerf Cammy.
B-But Ryu! If he were Resident Evil!
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COTW waiting room.
nah, V is trash, Ono
>Got 5 (you)s by using Sh*ckle words
Damn you a nasty ass nigger
Terry is a cuck raising another man son
the only thing ken has is corner carry. everything else about him sucks
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not this honest footsie character!!!
Terry's combo routing completely short circuits my brain. For whatever reason I keep mixing up power charge and crack shoot, to the point that one time I actually did crack shoot and some instinct in my brain went "NO YOU FUCKED IT UP" and I dropped the combo. This is problematic considering Terry wants to convert into power charge as much as he possibly can.
>Cammy if she was real
The lack of korean's playing SF6 may be the only real reason I think this game is dogshit... Korean's fr the only based Asian region...
cammie if she american
>I actually did power charge*
It keeps happening
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Just let my nigga play
him and poongko where my favorites in SF4, which is insane since most people think of so many other players before they think of them. They were the GOATS.
his IV streams were so fun, I miss those
>>Cammy if she was *good
>Hurting a precious adorable korean princess
I would put this retarded rapist in a kneecap, and beat his stupid face with a pistol grip until his teeth fell out and he was struggling to breathe like the squirming maggot he is as he stays barely alive because he doesn't deserve to have the sweet release of death.
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>Weakest Juri's Husband disciple
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built for john street's bbc
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Her teeth look nasty as fuck, lmao
she's justt british
i keep falling for that fake dropped combo thing that lukes do
Cammy if she was created by a Jamaican man
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Still mogs 80% of SF players
Ryu? My hero.
Ken? My hero.
Chun Li? My hero.
Zangief? My hero.
Guile? My hero.
E. Honda? My hero.
Dhalsim? My hero.
Blanka? My hero.
Icons. Myths. Legends.
World Warriors.
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Soive got Dizzy while we got........................................................................Terry.......................
the dilation thread is down the block
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Wake me up when they get Drizzly
>some random anime whore nobody knows
>meanwhile Street CHADS get Terry Bogard
Yup yup, we win again.
BBL Dizzy
He started doing these weird sounds more often playing MK1 and SF6 these days than he did back in the golden era of raging.
slowly but surely his brain is rotting
I think I'm done bros. I've been trying since release but I just can't bring myself to enjoy SF6. I wanted to love this game because it's Street Fighter but I just can't. Goodbye.........
Unk's brain is turning into goo with age. Cries about not doing BBC fanfics, or LTG intro because is "corny" but the weird faces and sounds he makes outta nowhere, screaming his lungs outta TTS/Mic is the most childish shit ever.
bye dale. don't reinstall when elena releases please
Comparing me to that deadbeat is making me feel even worse
A man that he killed, yeah.
I gave up on this game 3 weeks after Bison.
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The Hungry Wolf has made his stop in Metro City! Who will stand up to take him on? On Saturday October 5th at 2pm Anon Arena will be hosting a SF6 tournament! Sign up in the link below and I'll see you all there!


If you have any questions ask them.
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Menat when
Shut up, bitch.
Keep talking, Chad.
Damn you cooked that nigga like that...
whos the artist
Dale this year been a blast. I thought he would never be entertaining again after getting his Twitch back, but there isn't a single month without at least 2 high quality melties.
The debt + deadbeat father arc were took straight outta a movie shit feels like a fever dream.
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you're good he reinstalled it for the 40th time
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How does anyone with a full time job have the mental energy after a shift to play this game
I'm unemployed and I fuckin don't
Same. When I think about how much effort I gotta put just to compete with underage zoomers overcompesating, or bum ass niggers in their mid 30s, I just go study a language, learn AI or drawing instead. Game is not fun or pleasurable to learn and improve, feels like a legit chore.
SF6 does not need more mid-game cutscenes tyvm
>learn AI
i have no desire to watch my replays, watch high level replays, lab optimal shit, or even to improve at all
Punk beats Noah's laggy ass with day 2 Terry and teabags him, all while sounding like a retarded Snoop Dog. He's the only based player of the fgc.
Ryu and Luke are in the game so Capcom is clearly capable of making handsome men, so why on Earth does Terry fucking look like that?
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>Watching a guy who sounds like he is choking on cum 24/7
Punk a bitch
Theres only one GOAT
I'll go with Ashley Tisdale on the right
granblue better
Woops forgot to add "Granblue better, btw im a pedophile"
I wasn’t convinced before, but you got me now
I'm starting to think that I never actually liked Street Fighter and that I've just been associating it with the joy of my youth this entire time
Huffin and PUFFIN seeing this cutie
>try to learn a Terry BnB ending in H crack shoot > L DP > super
>can't cancel the DP, don't even turn blue to indicate a cancel is possible
I can cancel L DP into super on the ground, and I can cancel H DP both on the ground and during a juggle, why can't I cancel L DP in a juggle? I'm confused as hell
you're hitting the second active hitbox, you're airborne by then so you can't do the supers so it's hitting too late or too far away
Oh, that seems pretty obvious in hindsight but I doubt I'd have figured it out. Thanks anon, I'll just do H DP then, maybe L DP into super is a corner-only thing or requires a really precise delay to work midscreen then
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She looks fucking weird and so does Lily. The stylized cherubic faces with giant eyes are just freaky looking, at least to me.
Cammy, Chun and Juri are all hot though
chun looks weird, cammy looks a little weird, juri's hot
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what do we think of kolin?
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Saudis ended racism.
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saudis were late to this party
>mai will more than likely hang with chun in a new cutscene
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She got old and had a son
>Oldhead losing his shit because Mai and Chun will share 1 line of dialogue that won't even matter
Terry didn't insta-stomp everyone and didn't win a tourney day 2. Confirmed trash.
Shouldn’t you be begging for people to donate to a restream, little kid? lol
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I bought both season passes and didn't picked up any of the new characters beyond labbing matchups for a bit.
is terrence's heavy punch stubby or is it just me

I may be used to playing characters with gargantuan heavy punches
Capniggas get one DLC that's not a shitter-friendly OP faggot and they instantly call them bad.
For me it was just Akuma and bison, guess I’ll try out mai
good i can play a character thats not played by 300000 retards and people calling them OP 24/7
kek that pic
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my jizz NEEDS to be webbed all over her face...!!!
Thread theme

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Can you say the same?
i dont throw loop is that good enough
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My cutie, duckface wife.
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Why does this look like a ps3 game?
This also looks like a ps3 game
Ryucels boutta spin round like beyblades trying to cope this shit ain't at least a bit romantic.
And got hotter
Built for korean pussy
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Cute and canon I am afraid
is it true, my brothers? has terry truly saved sf6?
Built for white dick
Yes, I play Manon, my character doesnt have Drive Rush.
>Yes, I play Manon
I'm so sorry
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This gotta be the most emotional I have ever seem Ryu he acts like a mentally ill autist totally indifferent to everyone 24/7 except for Ken or Bison
He's not fucking you, Chun
And that's good, because Chun is ONLY for me
it's a girl called Karin, from Blue Archive, the gacha game
>"terry is probably a good beginner character"
>no natural plus frames on block
>bad cancel options in pressure that are either reactable with PP, unsafe, low reward, or some mix of the three
>conversions are largely spacing dependent and have a lot of decisionmaking that will get you instantly killed if you get confused and mess something up
>neutral skip approach tool is also spacing dependent

you know who's a great beginner character? akuma
poison bros...
sounds like ryu except with a neutral skip
>t. Mickey
I am extremely bad at reacting to Terry's overhead. It's like he's going flying all over the screen and while I'm trying to track him he does it and it doesn't even look like an overhead. It seems really fast too. Anyone know how it works? I don't own Terry
Thrasher had crackshoot as far back as 2023 btw. Terry was planned and made well before all this
ryu has very good cancel options, painfully simple combo structure and multiple plus normals
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Its okay, I knew what I was signing up for. SF6 is my first fighting game, and I have peaked 1600 on her. I don't play it nearly as much, but would still like to improve at the game, just haven't taken time to sit down and really get into it.

I still remeber being plat and 10-0'ing a Cammy who didn't know how to hold up and said I was carried by my character. I was going to be nice and give advice, until they started talking shit.
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Cammy looks weird depending on the animation, like when she's really mad / furrowing her brow hard or opening her eyes super wide. When she's not doing that she looks extremely hot and I posted a lot of screenshots of her in these threads last year.
Juri looks good whenever she's not smiling like a maniac. The tiny irises she gets look unattractive in a realistic artstyle.
I don't like Chun as much as the other two but that might just be because I'm not as attracted to asian faces (Juri doesnt seem as asian). AKI is a little less hot than Chun, facially. But her shoulders are way too wide.

The other females do not draw my attention much more than the males. My honest thoughts

>t. Freecamrius
remember when we'd go through 4-5 threads a day when a new character was released?
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Day 26.

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Would be very happy if she has the same movelist as COTW which was just revealed...
having plus normals means nothing, Ken proves that
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when this bitch coming back
antonio is so lucky...
Lovey dovey husband mating press Juri and cockfixing her...
drive impact looks retarded in this shit
>The tiny irises she gets look unattractive in a realistic artstyle.
In general it feels like a lot of the issues with how characters look are the result of Capcom not knowing how to/not having the skill to pull off the mix of high detail and stylized features they went with.
edward akuma and bison are just more hype than snk guests, and i like terry
It's probably more accurate to say that it's the outside design studio they farmed this to that has a hard time pulling it off
read that like edward was akuma's first name for a second
i think matsumoto said season 1 and 2 characters were chosen before the game was out a while ago
I mean... can you find anything that disprove his first name being Edward? How do we know his brother isn't Larry Gouken?
I can't wait for them to add my favorite character Gregory Balrog
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dan will steal a slot again and you will all clap
Terry without kof mechanics is dry as fuck, no one cares about bum ass fatal fury
wtf it's been so long that challonge looks different now
edward, ed & edmond
If a person aint loving me like this then I rather be alone
that type of love is reserved for fictional characters only. you will never experience it ever.
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We gotta wait until the SF6 Tekken rep first
I will become fictional
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wish granted
unfortunately you are now a fanless scrimblo that no one wants back
you say that but there is someone out there fapping to me
Based believer HopeENJOYER
Why is ranked so much easier during the day than it is at night? Shouldn't it be the opposite?
The time has come to punish the wicked jivers with our cocks
In every online game is like this. Worthless NEETs overcompesating playing on dead hours like their life depend on it.
Delicious chocco
That’s the worst part…
I legit won’t even fucking hide my anger.
i wish sf6 looked better
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Tell me what guest characters you wanna see next season
>i don’t want guest characters
Me neither but it’s gonna happen
i feel like i'm taking crazy pills every time i'm outside of 4chan and see people gushing over how good they think terry looks
If jerking off to loli makes you a pedo then shouldn't killing people in games make you a murderer?
Macho Man Randy Savage
>simping for women from the country where women have so much power they literally ran the country with a femnazi death cult that kills male babies
Sex and violence ain't even comparable. False Equivalence.
This is why you see people who murdered dozens of niggas getting loveletters, but a guy who fingered a drunk chick outside the club is so hated girls want to lynch him.
He looks awful even down to the colors they used. His skin color and that shade of blonde genuinely make him look ill, as if he has albinism or something. Cool animations, though
Why is one not real and the other is. They're both video games/drawings.
>buzz lightyear chin
>anime eyes
>synthol arms
>skinny legs
Terry looks disgusting and it genuinely takes skill to ruin him this bad
it isn't as bad during actual gameplay but the pre-fight screen is disgusting genuinely
Im gonna have to take that as a serious answer because it is still better than cristiano ronaldo
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we got your boo.
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Ain't no way...
pedophilia is about attraction regardless of whether an actual act has occurred, it's not comparable to being a murderer where the act has to actually occur for it to be murder
it's the same as drive impact and you can only do it while in spg. nice try though.
Pedophilia is about attraction to real children. These are 3d models on a screen.
I almost flipped my shit since I thought I was looking at Ono next to Betty for a sec.
There's another big difference, REV Blow's guard point begins on the 3rd frame and not on frame 1 so you can't really panic throw it out to obliterate poke or a special.
3D models of what again? Just admit you at least keep your pedophiliac urges to drawings instead of real children, but denying its pedoshit is stupid.
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3d models of characters. These things aren't people. People routinely talk about how every character in this game looks like a monster.
if they made TERRY look this bad, just imagine the treatment your scrimblo would get
They turned Terry into a tweaker
Who is the sexiest man in SF?
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it's not even close.
Chun is lucky
is this what pajeets think white people look like

when is it my turn when terry has me in the corner
When you guess the throw tech correctly.
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i truly hate this game
Reminder the Tokyo game show has started and you can pose with a real life garou cosplayers and SF characters at their booths
At 9:34 AM EST Capcom will have a TGS stream going over their years games. Nothing new is expected, not even RE9, so just keep expectations low. Realistically they’ll announce the darkstalkers fight pass
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Lily's sweaty mexican pussy on my face
does anyone know if the v-rival challenges are out?
I'll ask Li Fen when she wakes up from the orgasm-induced coma I put her into
wow, I'm lucky
he should actually be at top of a tier. fat dudes are hot
I hate the fact that I have to start immediately doubting my opponent when they counter my completely random DI within 2 frames every time.
does pressing DI while jumping still work to check?
>friends think I'm a god at fighting games
>I'm just a diamond 5 shitter
>go against masters in BH and I see how far the skill gap and those guys are just low level masters

they just don't know man
they don't know that i barely even know what I'm doing 99% of the time i just hope I guess right
to be fair those bh losers would be higher mr if they actually played ranked instead of sitting in the bh all day long
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>chun is still bad
wtf capcom
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She’s to fireball DR and Cr.MK into DR. What else do you really need
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She's trash, Capcom hates their main girl
A jump that isn't the slowest in the game, a good DR, a throw loop, LP without the dumb extended hurtbox, hazanshu but actually useful, good burnout pressure
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Dix needs a qt black girl streamer NOW
There's that fat bitch with glasses
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Meh, I think she's cute, each one their own I guess
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AI was a mistake
There is no slime rush, right ?
no fucking way
it's slime free.
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yeah i'm going to be one and doneing terry players. only the literal retards that play sf6 would have trouble telling this character's a braindead top tier.
Leaker here
Next character is gonna be Sagat
His kits are mostly the same as in SF4 except he has a new move called "Tiger Knee Grow" which is a buff move that increases the range and damage of his next Tiger Knee
didn't ask, don't care
the next character is mai actually
it should make him grow hair instead Smile
you're literally almost master keep going
who is this?
>max doesn't know that hashogeki adds blockstun
this man is not getting out diamond ranks with terry
>rank dysphoria
just because fg players will tell you you're shit if you're not legend++++ doesn't mean it's true. even the worst master rank player is still like the top 10% or so.
That's because Street Fighter devs pander to the lowest common denominator among fighting game fans.
You got people like Maximilian Dood saying shit like "It's okay that Terry looks bad, he had always a big nose" even though he looks fine in any other game.

I think Diamonds are like the top 15-20% of players as well
i mean yeah against actual pros and legends you're not that good but that's like comparing your chess club that does decent at regional tourneys to grandmaster players, you can still smoke the average player you come across
i mean old men playing chess in the park don't bitch about their ELO ranking, ranked is just a tool to help you find roughly similar skill level players
Why does Capcom refuse to add outfits for characters?? It's the most free fucking money in the world and people are BEGGING to give them money for overpriced costumes for their characters. Just how much fucking money must the avatar shit be making for them to entirely give up on alt outfits?
because they can barely make character models as it is
>3rd costumes are 10 months old
Damn time flies
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How many games does it take to get rid of a yellow card geez, it's been 20+. What was Capcoms problem with ReFramework anyway
I don't think SF6 looks outright ugly, but I felt like going deeper in the photo-realistic direction doesn't really fit SF character designs and the only way I could see that work is to completely reimagine how SF characters are portrayed.
Like, you go for this direction and then you get something like Luke and his goofy and overly detailed forearms, it gives creepy vibes. Solution would've been either tone down those aspects and make him look normal or keep that design and go for a more stylized/cartoony art direction with cel-shading.
Is Bison still top 5 after his nerf? If he ever was that is.
His Scissor Kick nerf is barely noticeable, he's still top 5.
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>mena is picking up bison
This is all anyone needs to know if Bison is worth playing after the patch.
he was never top 5 broski
Also I know lot of people will reply with "Engine doesn't dictate art direction" but I get the feeling that the RE Engine convinced developers to go for certain visual elements that don't exactly fit Street Fighter due to its focus on cinematic and photo-realistic rendering.
Even in the latest MH Wilds, the coloring is much more toned-down compared to previous iterations running on different engines. Overfocusing on technology for the sake of it instead of going for a right art direction that may not be as graphically intense or American-friendly but makes sense for that kind of game might've broken the camel's back.
The only hope is to Capcom make a more versatile successor of the RE Engine that allows for more varied artstyles.
it's so lame watching these guys desperately run from character to character.
if you buy an individual character does the season pass get discounted
From release to top 8ing big tournaments regularly Bison did it the fastest out of all the DLC characters. The last major tournament had 3 Bisons in top 8 by the way.
where does maximilian dood live? just curious cause he always streams super late. im guessing ca?
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving /sfg/
Please give thanks to pic related for saving /sfg/

M. Bison has a weird defense force, for whatever reason.
He's the kind of character who wins a 300k dollars' tournament prize pot and yet there are people who insist that he's not top tier (lie) and that he's hard (even bigger lie).
He exposes the lie that you need an ex reversal DP to be good in this game
world warrior syndrome
Deep down they know that they're carried
Better than sticking to a toon and begging for top tier nerfs 24/7 to daddy Capcom
“If I picked up X, I would wash your ass” low tier warrior clowns
Terry is the kind of character who has quite many combo routes and yet all you see of him at high level is cr.mk/cr.mp DRC cr.mp, cr.hp xx tackle into either Burn Kickle or Crack shoot into DP. The game mechanics makes every character so linear and boring to both play and watch.
Hopping off different characters is a sign of skill and independence.
Character loyalty autism is closer to gacha fanbases than competitive ones. Which is ironic when people here seethe at Smash when Smash are the ones supposed to be about character loyalty, not SF.
Boltstrike doesn't like this post.
it's actually a sign that the game is extremely poorly designed because the systems make everyone play the same
>24 characters
>3,5 attractive women in total
>out of 6 DLCs only one woman and she looks like shit

why are fighting games so gay now?
People say Bison is hard? Huh? I think I've only ever heard the opposite. Of all the top tiers without a doubt the easiest character.
There are some people who insist Bison is hard because he has no OD reversal.
I think he's the easiest character in the game after Lily, although at least Lily doesn't carry nearly as hard as M. Bison.
All the DLC characters have a throw loop, they will never ever remove mickey loops
>Heavily dickridden content creator/pro player deletes VOD of tournament play due to him drowning in pools
>no one in the community bats an eye
Italian pro fighting game player/reviewer/content creator.
I swear Marvel VS Capcom/CVS2 hype feels so fake. It's one of those things people really try their hardest to convince you they're better than what they actually are.
Cuz ya’ll goon nogs don’t play
We live in a bubble, almost an echo chamber, and the people who actually mold the opinion decided to be hyped for mvc collection.
Then mvc arrives and we realised our bubble is really small.
Is there a pro player that plays Bison with a pad?
only men play fighting games and men only want to play as other men
Any black players playing Bison
Problem x does
Do you know specifically which pad he uses?
Nah, check his stream he probably has a command that tells people what he plays on
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So ... this is the power of Terry
I havent fucked around with him too much except in training mode but it feels like his EX moves aren't that great for comboing. EX quick burn does set up a sweet meaty HP fireball but the others are kinda underwhelming. I've only done the combo trials and used a couple of rental tickets on him meowever.
He's been playing dix from release, and hes a Ryu player
COTW just annouced Ken and Chun Li as dlc lol
beat me to it. max had the fakest hype reaction.
chun li got to escape this horror engine, we won, bros!
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I'll be able to play Chun without these gay ass stance cancels. COTW keeps winning
>Ken with short hop
The horror
i'm gonna enjoy going to town on chun li
cotw season pass has more characters than dix lol
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Now I have another game other than SF6
and it's free
ya'll don't play these game, short hops in fatal fury are not the same as in kof.
so instead of cvs3 we get dlc crossovers?
really? maybe the saudi money ain't so bad after all.

you'll drop it without the dix mickey mouse mechanics holding your hand
The games not even out and its waifus already shit all over what dix has
>Ken but without Jinrai and green
More likely they're building up to a new game. CVS1 and CVS2 will be in Capcom Fighting Collection 2 after all so it's more than just characters in the wings probbaly.
Never said it was KOF shorthop
t. played Garou
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>without the dix mickey mouse mechanics holding your hand
Bro I'm literally playing the only character that uses the least the dumb mechanics
>not throw loop
>no raw drive rush
>no dump constant pressure guessing game
>no dumb neutral skip into +frames
I only have low forward DR
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I know he's going to enjoy Chun li.
sf and ff are now saudi sister series
i'm so sorry cammy, you're stuck in this horror engine...
derka derka mohammed ali
>adding Chunli from Fortnite before a real character like Terminator from Mortal Kombat
Hopefully she is not charge in COTW...
*raises hand*
why does the cotw season pass have more characters than the sf6 season pass?
chun will always be the female poster child for sf. its kind of crazy how well they knocked out the original world warriors and never been able to recreate that magic.
kimberly is the female poster child now
Maybe Juri with SF4
kujikawaii status?
Ryubros ... we got cucked again ... Ken is fucking Chun in Southtown as we speak.
Anyone wanna duke it out in ultra street fighter 4 ? Europe
so glad it's Chun and not skank cammy
this feels like they're setting up a new cvs in a few years
this terry guy is pretty fun i hope he's in a good game next
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>Hmm I wonder what Daigo is cooking up with Akuma this morning?
Imagine watching some old guy do throw loops instead of watching SNK collect this huge dub
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So tired of guest characters and this era of corporate brand fellatio. Death of creativity is right in front of our eyes and we're clapping.
big companies haven't been creative for over a decade
is that why this general shits on new SF6 newcomers daily?
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Sadly that's what brings money to developers.
Kami6 bros, its okay. We get the discord shop collab and next month we get more avatar clothing items. We're still winning.
i wouldn't want my worst enemy to play this garbage
I feel bad for Fatal Fury fans. Imagine having Chun as DLC. I would die of boredom
>shitting on Chuntards in a good game
How is that boring?
Why did Chunbros do to you?
these niggers adding guest characters before the roster is even fleshed out is really annoying
Exist. See: /fgg/ and this general for the past few years
/neog/ is having another melty
they are already complaining that they have 3 wasted character slots with sf and ronaldo
Sounds like a (You) problem
True, won't be in a few months thoughever
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Can Ryu be in city of the wolves too, please?
The roster is fleshed out, (it's Andy, Joe, Hokutomaru, Gato, and ???) as revealed by promotional posters and trailers.
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See ya bro
Likewise frenchie
Kind of wild how SNK and Capcom share their biggest sluts without shame
Ken and Chun-Li in FF:CotW real
Virtua Fighter and Dead Alive are practically dead franchises, Mortal Kombat is nothing without the gore gimmick, and they're probably not going to bring anyone in from weapon fighters, so that just leaves Tekken and KoF as actual video game franchises, though they might decide to being Marvel characters in too. If I were to guess who could be the next pair:

Heihaichi and either Xiaoyu or Nina (I doubt Jin and Kazuya will get in due to not wanting to give the Avatar devil gene nonsense)
Kyo and Iori
Spiderman and either Rogue or Psylocke
yoooooo another gaming collab featuring my favorite gaming stars????? lets goooooooooo
SF6 Terry says Geese is dead, so this is the Art of Fighting/Fatal Fury continuity, not the KOF continuity, which means Kyo and Iori aren't a thing.
Chun-Li about to look good again
How different is Ken's gameplay to Ryu on the recent games anons? Since they will be in my game now I kinda want to know and I should get your game soon to try them out too.
>and I should get your game soon
you really shouldn't
Ken's got crazy kicks and a heavier emphasis on his DP compared to Ryu.
Chun-Li and Mai going out at night in both Metro City and South Town
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>and I should get your game soon
you really should
Which SFV pro players got filtered by SF6 the hardest? I'd say Brian_F and iDom, who else?
kens more rushdown type and ryu is more lame passive fireball guy
>I kinda want to know and I should get your game soon to try them out too
no point. Chances are that Ken will be a culmination of previous itterations of Ken so he wont really play the same as he does in dix. Theres also the fact that dix heavily hinges on the system mechanics and I doubt that COTW will put Ken and Chun in the game with drive rush. If you have jive or sf4 dabble with Ken in those games, get fightcade and dabble with Ken in third strike and then wait until April 2025
nigga really said to play 3rd strike
Tokido went from EVO champion to drowning in pools.
>will be able to play Ken again without dogshit mechanics ruining him
That anon was right, SNK is winning.
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I guess Ryu is gonna have to sit this one out, at least we’ll get chun vs mai in both games that’s cool
Doing lesbian stuff
Why do you think Brian_F got filtered? He wasn't good at SFV either.
I wouldn't say he was the best of the best, but he was definitely stronger in V. But I also think it has less to do with the game themselves and more that he played extremely fraudulent characters like Rog and Oro.
Ryu would be cool, but FF:CotW already has a pure shoto.
That's cool, thanks!
The latest SF game I played was 4 and I didn't play much Ken but aren't all of his specials there the same ones Ryu have?
Other than the green dash thing I see everyone complain about, the game it looks fun so why not?
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
>so why not?
because of shitposting
>Prefer COTW art direction but dislike its animations
>Prefer SF6 animations but hate its general art direction
No, don't make me play Strive, please.
>SF6 animations
what animations?
I guess this is why they went for Ken, yeah. He has different gameplay.
Who the fuck cares about Chun or Mai? We're gonna have Cristiano Ronaldo!
Eh, I feel kinda cucked, with Ryu not being the crossover guy. Maybe because I hate Keniggers, but he is in instead because of all the Terry shit. At least my wife is in. Well,I guess I have to buy COTW
niggas will look at this beautiful lotus and then look you dead in the eye and say issa horror engine
From what I'm seeing of Terry he seems fairly honest.
I'll finally play Ken and Chun without that disgusting slime systen
beautiful lotus
I always forget that every thread nowadays has their own schizos, he probably isn't as bad as ours but it's always sad too see I guess.
Marco plays nothing like Ryu
>play with friend
>he always tries to throw loop me
>giggles like a retard if I get thrown multiple times in a row
>is always up for another game
>I switch to guile
>start playing SF2
>he doesn't want to play anymore
Will you people really be ready for 4-button Ken and Chun?
Oh boohoo one fucking game Ryu isn’t in
I've been playing 2 button Ken for close to a decade, it'll be OK
when someone in SF6 hits you with a shimmy they deadass think they outsmarted you. Bison players actually think they're nice just like rashid players think their mixup is godlike when they Level 2 Super from full screen. Its cognitive dissonance.
>4-button Ken
what does this even mean
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When actually it's the beauty engine
You feel cucked because it's not Ryu? Imagine how Luke feels.
Maybe they will find a way to give them all their normals, like in the gba games
garou is lp/hp/lk/hk
Street Fighter is a 6-button game. Fatal Fury is a 4-button game (5 if you count the Rev button for FF:CotW).
SNK fighters usually don't have the medium buttons
Fatal Fury's buttons are LP, LK, HP, HK. There are no medium buttons.
I can't wait to see youtubers playing COTW and get filtered by the lack of mickey mechanics and get zoned out by hotaru while they try to play griffon. I can't think of a way to combine griffon and reddit but he will be played by reddit people. They're gonna full screen olympus over and cry when it doesnt work
Yes, I bought the kox xv to heat up
Learn your roots nigga
Playing redditizoc is gonna be rough but influencers are gonna play Terry and Rock with modern controls. There are plenty of mickey mechanics in the rev system to attract them. What is gonna filter them is that it doesn't look like an AAA game to a casual unlike SF6, T8, MK1 or even Strive, while being full price.
SNK loves its grapplers. Tizoc will make Zangief look downright shameful.
How can someone be this mindbroken by grappler fags
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Ronaldo + basic controls(I find it funny they even need MORE a basic shit, since Kof/FF is easier to me button wise but that’s just my spic brain talking) will attract hoards. If the online doesn’t suck ass instant rematch is a thing, I can see City be alright population wise on steam at the very least
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Bro the Ken model in CotW sucks ass
you find matches fine still?
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that's Ryu(George Clooney)
This nigga never put a baby in king and he’s basically a fag like Ryu lol
Roberto chads rise up
More like I prefer the general flow of the game rather than the specific animations, I should've specified this.
walk back button
walk back button
walk back button
walk back button
Rev isn't nearly as silly as Drive. Rev governs
>EX specials
>Special-to-special cancels
>Just Defend special cancels
>Rev Guard (basically Faultless Defense)
>SPG Attack (armored attack only accessible when your health is in a certain range)
There is no baked-in neutral skip or anything like that.
>[Older Game] has failed and betrayed us with [Gimmick Mechanic], but [Newer Game] will save us!
You'll never learn.
>SNK solved the cr. MK into slime rush by removing the MP/MK buttons
big brained moves
They never had those moves to begin with zoomer
But whatever
They removed them when they ripped off SF2 you zoomer
Even the characters have always been copycats
>Even the characters have always been copycats
Fatal Fury got its first Korean in 1992. Street Fighter had to wait until 2010 to get theirs.
tokido got top 8 at evo in both years for sf6, you dumb motherfucker
They had a problem in KOF XIV with cr. LKs into Max Mode, that's almost the same thing as this
You’re the one brining up slime retroactively to older titles for a shitpost and getting mad at ME for pointing out how that’s stupid.
Go shit on someone’s porch for once
idom yeah. other players you could also chalk it up to age but idom is still young.
23ers discovering SNK and Capcom 90's war
Yes, but it's playing with the same 3 dudes most of the time.
shut your old ass up
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>Clayton is more excited for dragon ball sparking than Cotw
It’s over
Dan is finally relevant again. I can see him in world tour talking shit about SNK characters openly now that they don't need to settle for just references, like claiming Ryo is his student or something like that. Dan for season 3.
>Dan before Sakura
Seethe kino
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So here is what people do at Master ranks to win. What's the meta in lower ranks right now?
>half of CotW season pass is Street Fighter guest characters
SnKbros.. we got too cocky...
Eh, not the worst thing in the world.
they were looking for a new main character for sf for a long time but it should have been ken all along
40% is still less than 50%
Sorry about that, why the hell you got Karin in the OP?
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Rounding down, let's be clear.
Downloadable Content Character 1 (summer 2025)
Downloadable Content Character: Ken (summer 2025)
Downloadable Content Character 3 (fall 2025)
Downloadable Content Character: Chun-Li (winter 2025)
Downloadable Content Character 5 (early 2026)
that sounds fine to me, thanks. will grab next sale
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I ain't never backin' down (Come and step up to the plate)
For my city for my town (I'll do whatever it takes)
Imma go and get the crown (Oh, oh)
Imma go another round (Oh)
I ain't never backin' down (Come and step up to the plate)
For my city for my town (I'll do whatever it takes)
Imma go and get the crown (Oh, oh)
To the top, see the sights, see the sights, see the sights, yeah
Got my Cheerios ready
And yeah I don’t have work, closed due a storm in wee old Florida
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Wait only 4 buttons? Is there anything instead? Does that mean that it's easier than SF?
I wanted to see ryu punch cristiano ronaldo but i guess ken will have to do it
>Chun bro zoomer doesn’t know
Do yourself a favor and emulate garou or buy it on steam. Try out the game, it’s not dire as it sounds
fuck If I caught chun li alone in an alley....
Street Fighter medium buttons will likely be relegated to command normals in FF:CotW, if anything. They did the same thing in SVC Chaos.
6 buttons is bloat.
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Other than Ronaldo what new fighters does that game have for ryu, he already fought most of the snk roster anyways
Yeah, SnK has always been dumbed down Capcom
yeah, "only" 4 buttons, try out the games and execute stuff there
season 3 leak, spoiled for protection

random goon nigga from final fight
MvC2 must be easier than SF6 too, since it also has 4 buttons.
Rolling to see which character to rank up with.

Evens: Terry (great for some cross training for City of Wolves)

Odds: Akuma
I'm genuinely asking, I'm new and I don't know anything about Fatal Fury. Not saying that it's easy mode, I'm sure there a lot of stuff that are much harder in the series compared to SF
Makoto from Persona
Makoto from Rurouni Kenshin
Makoto from School Days
Makoto from some random isekai Anime
6 button games are a rarity. Tekken, MK, Guilty Gear, KoF, Marvel... all 4 buttons (GG is kind of a 5 button game thanks to dust but not really IMO). Melty, UNI and Granblue are 3 button games even. Virtua Fighter is a 2 button game.
And I’m not downplaying your wonder
Go emulate garou or buy it, it’s a recent FF and has 4 buttons
Huh, okay I did not know that.
Yeah I might do that, need to get a feel of the series before Chun comes out
6 buttons?
4 buttons ?
Soulcalibur (A/B/Kick/Guard)
Tekken (1234(lp/rp/lk/rk)
Doa(Punch, kick, guard, free)
Leo, from Tekken
Leo, from Guilty Gear
Leo, from Red Earth
Leona, from KoF
You could make an argument MVC2 is easier than SF6 in a lot of ways.
Gimme Adon in S3 and I'll be slurping all that green goo.
Why is it specifically a neutral jump for terry advanced 3? neutral and forward jump look like the same move
Stream is talking about vampire fighting pass and Terry
>Ken and Chun will have an air armored move now
So which move is gonna be anons?
no costume 4
She’ll get a weird hazan shu look alike
Ken will have his vskill 2 wheel kick thing. Or they can be lazy and just use his drive impact animation
I don't think there will be SF6 news at TGS. We just got Terry.
there's milking a series and there's Capcom with MH and showing their producer's face in every single video game event
Well the segment ended lol. So yeah, the only real new thing we’ll be getting are some colors(after how many years at this point lmao)
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I DID IT!!!!!!
creepy ai pic
EOS announcement
Does “player expression” even mean anything or is it something FGC tards say when a game has 5 gorillian mechanics, systems and things you can do with said characters ei Skullgirls
costume 4 at TGS?
shoutouts to google for giving a terrible selection
It's nothing. People will tell you 3rd Strike has player expression, meanwhile every Chun-Li does cr.mk into super. People will tell you ST has player expression but that game definitely doesn't have 5 gorillan mechanics. SF6 does have 5 gorillan mechanics, but people will tell you it has no player expression.
Sex with Manon
Back off weakling, my wife is busy with me
This is true
>bad fireball
>mediocre damage
>relatively hard execution compared to other shotos
>stubby limbs
>no real throw loop without drive rush
Ken haters make no sense
>every character in KoF is just short hop mixups
>every character in SFV is just poke until v-trigger then poke and hit the party button
>every character in Tekken is just mash buttons in each others' faces
Shuckle is the Queen of Crabbas and generalizing
>t. Phenom
does anyone know how to get freecam working in battlehub? Models disappear if I get close to them, this doesn't happen in battle.
SFV is a bit more complex than that. Every character is just fish for crush counter in neutral into medium medium stagger pressure, then sweep into party trigger when you start losing.
Its been 50+ games and the yellow card still hasn't disappeared...
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My Kuroda instincts are kicking in..
gay niggas
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there's nothing more pathetic to those clinging to street fighter fucking v
playing Dix is sadder
9k health thoughbeit
I did a special move four times I deserve to win
he unironically needs it
who is Kuroda?
Hope that fucking nippon money was worth it SNK

Why is half they fucking pass Street Fighter
So tired of the creatively bankrupt guest character DLC shit fuck you MK for ruining everything
how long until the granpoo crossover
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Has Max seen this yet?

nevermind I found it, we are really getting CvS3 bros
Fuck max
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Will Chun look better in Garou 2 than SF6?
you either live by the mickey or die by the mickey
As long as Raw DR is gutted SF6 will be a fine game. Every other Drive mechanic is bearable at worst, sort of like how you get used to the smell of shit
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is Daigo having fun?
Max is literally losing his mind! This is the Capcom golden era
Street Fighter is something so great
Is such a thing even possible with a game like this?
Dogshit game
KAMI game
That's how he is the whole stream
>And your guest characters in SF6 are…
>Two boring played out shoto clones! Have fun.
>And your guest characters in CORW are…
>Two boring played out shoto clones! Have fun.

I'm so glad Terry's burn knuckle is safe, I needed another full screen thing to have to perfect parry after eating shit against Ken dragon lashes over and over
Bro is really doom maxxing lol
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>chun & mai
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It's going to be hard to surpass SF6 Chunners but I'm sure she'll be just as gorgeous
Do you know what the most popular archetypes in fighting games are?
If you have a fireball and a DP, you’re a shoto
Your gameplay will always be toddler bait with no depth
Having a stance cancel does not make Chun hard.
You and I might not be but put something recognizable in front of the average person out there and they start seal clapping. DLC for the MCU generation
Huge shame. At least Luke would have just frames.
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>Having a stance cancel does not make Chun hard
No one ever said that tho, what makes Chun hard is that you have to play patient and force your opponent to make mistakes. You can't just go green randomly, randomly skip the neutral or randomly jump in and play the endless guessing game, you have to be smarter than your opponent, constantly.
Everyone has to do that. Go goon you boring ass normie faggot.
These characters are so old and stale
it was supposed to be Twelve and Hakan
I’m just saying man if MK1 had a shota or a Kameo like kobra that Shotakan stuff like DP or fireball as assists, you’d see some SF niggas try it out. There’s a reason SF1s blue print helped akiman and Nishitani with SF2, why FatalFury borrows from it. Ryu is modern fighting games
what did capcom announce at TGS. I saw cotw is getting mid ass ken and chun
why is half of the Garou 2 roster SF characters????
that they truly died as a company when MH hit gold on PSP
haters really trying to make me feel bad for getting hyped how cool it is we got a game where we can play Ryu vs fucking Terry
fuck benny
Blame fans for letting non-shoto MCs flop
Dudes are hype to throw fireballs back and forth against a palette swap in a hat
Maybe I’ve outgrown these games
Why do you need more?
luke gave me more dopamine in one perfect knuckle than 10 years of playing ken
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Abel was left to rot
hopefully you follow him too
is shuckle the seething crabba that doesn't directly reply to posters?
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post hours
Terry's od wave extensions are spacing specific, probably something to do with that

it's up
/tekgen/ has nude Lili as their OP and we got gacha, we're cooked
>make this post last night
>cl*yton makes a video today talking about how the average player is dumber nowadays

thanks bro.
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it's literally the Lilischizo having a mental breakdown because 8 failed
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Happy birthday Marisa!
They fucked up all the newcomers.
Terry's combination of lacking pokes outside of crmk and seeming lack of good cancels to punish mashing once he has the corner feels pretty bad actually
smash already exists bro
smash is a party game
Whose the father?
terry kinda sucks bros
You don't play fighting games at parties?
On the one hand there's nothing exciting about them adding Mai

On the other hand all they have to do is give her a t-shirt and schizos will give the game months worth of free press
lol so is dix
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Yeah I'm uninstalling after today's session, I'm moving on. I'd rather kill myself than ever touch this again
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Saudis are Based so Chun will NOT be charge in FF
Which character passed you off?
>hey what about the capcom vs snk games and smash
Liu Kang is a shoto. He has a DP in MK1.
I'm just sick of everything
Smash doesn't have throw loops
The scissor kick nerf was apparently only meant make the punish routes against him more consistent
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It's extremely funny to see 23ers get hyped about this "historic" crossover and clearly not realizing that they've crossed over before, like why are you so excited to see characters you clearly aren't familiar with just because some streamer told you it was poggers
Chun-Li Garou mods

that is all
This, but with 09ers pogging when a character from the past game they never played got announced as a part of the Super edition.
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Everybody plays the same in this mickey game
So cute. I’m already signed up for the tourney
They're getting pretty overt at this point. I wonder if they're even allowed to make characters gay
>invites overseas friends over and makes them buy suits
>let’s have a death match
crazy bitch
>Gief getting his hand stuck in the Bocca della Verità
Cute. Rome is gawdlike
They aren’t allowed to say it
That scooter is built different to be carrying those two
wtf bros zangief is a liar
As an 09er the worst part of 09ers is how they worshipped Third Strike despite never playing it and knowing what kusoge it is
Third Strike is less kusoge than sf6 anyway
at least it feels good to play
I'm not in the business of comparing turds but you do you anon
why are all his reactions only a girly scream
yaya lol turd strike funny
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>no more cfn
>no more dr
>no more throw loops
>no more anger
Drive rush is not present in COTW currently, there is regular running though.
She literally says she is ok with marrying a woman:
how much more overt do you guys want it to be?
why the fuck do you people keep using random anime women in the OPs
I want Marisa to look directly into the camera and state in clear standard English
>I am bisexual, meaning I feel sexual attraction towards people of all genders
all sfs are bad

broski playing Terry

buy an ad
>cotw has chun and ryu
I'm done with fighting games. It's all the same garbage fucking slop now. Disgusting.
chun and ken*
but it's chun and ken, which is completely different
>li fen's feedback is only for simsim fights and not your past other matches
nigger game
stop overreacting it's just another snk and capcom collab probably building up to something else
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Day 2 of trying SF despite tekken being the only FG I've played before.
Not feeling like a completely headless chicken anymore and I hit a super on a player.
I'm not doing proper combos, as soon as I get a hit in I just mash random shit but I'm having fun being bad and I get the gist of it in practice mode, eventually I'll put in the effort to start doing combos in online too.
Thank you for reading my blogpost!
No, I'm over it man we're getting ads for cartoons that were ads for dogshit flop games, we're getting ads for ads, we're getting ads for other games, we're getting shit that NOBODY asked for, we're getting ads for a fucking soccer player.
This is far and away the most cucked genre of game, I'm out, I'll just play kof98 til I die or some shit.
/fgg/ot culture
Get off social media if you're so tired of it. Nobody's forcing you to watch it
That’s dancing around it Nigga lol
assuming you aren't shitposting, what made you quit tekken
Never link that tranny again
>I'm done with fighting games
>I'm instead gonna play fighting games
regardless of how you feel about the gameplay, sf6 is still objectively the best fighting game out right now
sf6 is objectively terrible
Keep at it Tekken friend
KOF15 is better. That's a fact.
I did not quit tekken but a friend of mine who is long term SF player is playing tekken because of me, we're teaching each other our favourite kusoge.
compared to what fighting game?
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You know, objectively street fighter six was one of the highest rated games on metacritic last year, right
and its the lowest rated game by me, bitch
wow people weren't kidding when they said bison was a better marisa
>Play 6
>Go for a HK to poke since I know I have range
>Opponent throws out a random DI a microsecond before me and now I can't fucking do anything since you can't cancel out of HK sweep or standing most of the time
>Every game outside of Gold now is just sitting there pressing LP until you can just vomit out a DRC combo or wait for your opponent to forget he's not playing 6 and uses the other four buttons he has that might not be able to cancel into parry or DI
what were they thinking with this mechanic
yeah it's crazy how he's got armor moves and a command grab just like marisa
I blame Strider for making this comparison that does not make any sense. Every retards are parroting it.
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For me, it's Asuka
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I've been watching Daigo, and Im trying to stick to the same basic plan of using fireballs, anti airing, and using basic DR combos (like I should have been doing). Seveal characters can do it, but which would be the easiest? Ryu? Akuma?
akuma does that the best out of anyone yeah
Off topic unless you post Asuka from Street Fighter X Tekken
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Yay January 28, 2025
>low IQ boomers who think >old = good
but enough about jivers
with Ken and Chun in COTW does that mean we'll be able to recreate moment 37 on that game?
this dude got the best art style
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here you go autist
Ed was “early 2025” too
what ? how do you know the date ?
Better you retard, now don't make the same mistake again.
Mai told me
aye captain
>Kenny detoxing in South Town because of slime gauge is canon
>Just defend
>Hyper defense (red parry)
Ken and Chun-Li have their level 2s from sf6 which were their infamous SAs from 3s, however guard cancelling can only lead to special moves, SPG, and supers, plus guard cancelling is a fucking bitch to do in MOTW and remains a bitch to do in COTW according to people that played the demos.
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They always do this for fucking dlcs
>oh man they are coming this month!!
>literally last week of the month
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What if half the sf6 cast just got fucking killed and eaten by zombies. Now wouldn’t that be neat
poopy butthole thumbnail
yeah but it might be febuary...
replace that gay nigga for the ogs, crapcom
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Support Hershuar
You guys think that Jap developers are worried about 2xko and this is leading to more collaborations?
Thanks. The climb begins when I get home.
I'll think of giving Guilé a swing after I get Akuma up to Master.
whats the point of playing sf6 now that street fighter characters are in fatal fury which has better gameplay and art style?
2XKO being free and a forever game may lead to some eyes on the business pracfice itself, but its tagshit. Unless they seriously adjust the game, its just going to be a lab monster's paradise.
SF6 will still have players this time next year
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>which has better gameplay and art style?
No. I can't wait after years of hearing about how that game will be a game changer for the hype around to finally fizzle out post EVO next year (or whantever year, I dont know when that shit is releasing).
Knowing what proper pankration is like I think she might've asked them to come in their birthday suit and there was a misunderstanding.
Give it 2 years like Valo
is pankration meant to be done naked? what's stopping me from grabbing my opponents meat and jacking him off?
People play SF for the legacy skill, they don't wanna learn a new game.
Most people aint mindbroken by wanting to play Chun so bad they will play this trash ass game.
>Tfw nobody else makes a proper peak fighting game (arena fighter)
just make a better Smash clone you retarded fucks
Amazing how they cant even copy Smash right
Ancient Pankration was supposedly done naked. Grabbing the opponent's genitals was prohibited, but you could strike them.
NTA but I still think Riot will kinda regret dipping their toes in this genre on life support unless they somehow fix the entire shit
I'm not even a SF6 hater but while Fatal Fury may look a genration older, its artstyle is way easier on the eyes than SF6.
Everyone prefers COTW over SF6 artstyle but twitter coomer folk
How can Riot fix Project L?
Just make a Neutral-focused game about winning by picking the correct option in Neutral over and over instead of cutscene advantage stages and ToD combos.
Remove the tag. Or keep it just for the 2v2 mode.
There, fixed.
Make it 2x2 focused
Add Terry
Way more gravity scaling
Terry couldnt even save sf6
it's beyond fixing unless they remove the tag assist kusoge
2x2 format rocks
2v2 rocks in the sense of two people playing, it would create some nice new energy in fighting games about having synergy with someone.
But if its just a single player controlling 2 characters, then it's lame.
>Cammycel downplayer already in the new thread
More like Cammy downie
Take away the tag shit, and make it like KoF. One character per round. If you lose, its up to your second character or friend to carry the torch.
Make a platform fighter or a 3D one.
Traditional 2D has been proven kusoge like card games.
>When you lose your friend takes over
>Instead of mixing the timings with your friends leading to some more unique strategies and require some skill
Kinda cute to see the Mai VA being really happy about this whole collab thing just because she's a massive CvS fan
Sad truthpill
Source? Seems like a slut making shit up for hype.
Everyone loves collabs my dude, only mentally ill obsessed fans hate crossovers
Nobody even knows what a Fatal Fury is
>tfw even in the Smash fandom there are obsessed fanboys who hate third party characters
>When they are the main selling point of Smash
Obsessed fans see collab as some disrespect instead of a miracle about jews giving good content instead of hoarding their IPs
My hatred for Terry and Mai comes solely from the fact there are only gonna 4 characters per year. No reason we needed TWO character slots taken.
You agreed with 18man starting roster and 4DLC a year, you aint entitled to having more SF characters now
It was here on the TGS thing when they were talking to both Capcom and SNK devs
>Seems like a slut making shit up for hype.
doesn't look like it
What do you think a platyer has to work on in general if they are stuck in 1300-1500MR hell?
I'll only really care if Capcom starts getting retarded like MK and Tekken adding characters from completely unrelated horseshit like Neegan or Homelander.
The same as everyone accross all level once you get in master.
Do as few mistake as possible.
Vary your offense.
Read this : https://sonichurricane.com/?page_id=1702
Don't play your character, play against your opponent : adapt, learn his habits, practice the matchup.

There is no shortcut.
I assume you post this kind of stuff to anyone complaining about anything about entertainment media since we aren't entitled to anything when it comes down to it.
I don't understand your post, you will be happy if they start getting wild, or you mean you will only seethe if they start getting wild?
Tekken and MK are both fighting games, safe picks. Movies/Anime is where is hard for them to get stuff from.
>Street Fighter Footsies
>in SF6
CotW is also getting Ken and Chun Li it's probably a one time thing as no other relevant fighting games are coming up and Capcom may not even acknowledge 2XKO
Nah, I just expect the minimum of standard and consistency.
80% of people crying about SNK in the game, were the very same purists praising and defending Capcom for this pitiful launch roster and abusive DLC practices.
I'm saying I hope Capcom will not eventually start adding completely random characters like how MK and Tekken have done in the past.
Well I 100% was not one of those people, I have been critical of of SF6 from the start. The year one DLC characters should have been in the base game.
MK guest characters really rock. They are basically the Smash of traditional fighters in that sense.
Tekken on the other hand is lame. Not only theres the in-game customization, but people ask for................... Tifa.
Tekken is lame because Tekken suck balls hard. Imagine wanting to waste characters in a mashing party game everyone plays the same. Smash works because each DLC Character is different, and MK has great animations as well.
Basically the titcow of RPGs.

Character has zero personality other than being a pair of milkjugs.
Look at MvC2. If you wanna do tagshit, add tagshit air movement. Long combos should exist but they shouldn't be every combo, things like the Iron Man infinite are special, you don't see them on every hit in MvC2.
Trash ass game, air combos look mad corny and gay
Now imagine the same game but instead of 3v3 it's 2v2, movement is fast but mostly grounded, and every hit leads to a minute long combo. That is 2xko.
If you have random stage selection on do you never actually see the same stages except when they rarely both select?
apparently the snk niggas wanted rolento instead of ken/chun
WTF i want to fuck this
The fuck you mean wtf? shes super cute and breedable
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>Games can't even copy Smash aesthetic that is run on a poor man tablet
>They think they can cope the gameplay which is way harder to emulate
How hard can it be though? Is right there.
Simple =/= easy
Pixelart aint easier than using RE engine

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