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we should do a ronaldo OP some time
in the future all /fgg/ threads will have gigamaidens in the OP
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translate it, hitlerniggas
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made for my bwc
When is the Ronaldo reveal?
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All the right moves.
got a terry clip on my TL and it was some dixie talmbout how satisfying it was landing this new combo, I closed the clip when he did consecutive slimes
punk in top 4 with Terry https://www.twitch.tv/tampaneversleeps
why isn't sonicsol supporting his buddy geoff in this time of need.
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lunar released an 80 page doc showing how timanthas coordinate against players they don't like to get them banned and you chuds called him a pedonigga...
he released a 90 page doc against his tranny nemesis then continued praising troons on twitter.
we already went through this lil troony
lol i forgot about the era where sonicsol and geoff were streaming samsho 2019 constantly from like a bedroom? or was that geoff and someone else.
he only did that so tabby wouldn't eat him at a tournament
i love fgg so much
heres to 10 more years of +1 and arizpe
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>10 more

bruh if i'm still posting here when i'm 40 it's unironically over for me
sometimes I forget theres really 30 year old niggas here. glad ill be gone by then
Yeah, because you'll be dead tranny.
only boomers care about fighting games
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COTW waiting room.
You say this but she hasn't been posting anything related to KoF or SNK either outside of complaining that the KoF for Girls game made everyone slim
seething wrinkly old nigga
how you make a game so bad that shuckle, emezie, and kuji all hate it?
New infos in 6 hours.
The only way to leave this shithole is to have some positive upward movement in life (Brick focusing on uni, Broski being a B list twitter FGC e-celeb, etc).
That’s also why Cheez (39 next month) will never leave.
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we better throw a big party for cheez's big 40
thats a huge deal plus we will witness the birth of the meme
a true real life 40 year old virgin
Oh, so you won't kill yourself because you are a tranny, you will get shot by a cop or by a fellow black man.
as soon as i get my party job i'm outta here
Wild. I never saw her say anything else about it or even ask for games.
anyone else kind of hate new fighting games and wish they would die?
she made a shitpost where she edited the skullgirls pasta to be about kof xv, this was before it even was out iirc
yes but we can play old ones
they even let us pay for the old ones again
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Running wild.
*raises hand*
How can you say all video games are shit when you haven’t played them all yet?
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The Hungry Wolf has made his stop in Metro City! Who will stand up to take him on? On Saturday October 5th at 2pm Anon Arena will be hosting a SF6 tournament! Sign up in the link below and I'll see you all there!


Got any questions? Ask them.
You should make this character locked to Terry only, would be funny.
chill unc
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Built for my BCC
big chinese cock?
THIS is eskay?
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Love wins.
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Big Cheez Cock
while cheez was posting reina I did a fat +1 inside morrigan and lilith
No you didn't
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My wife reina is so flawless
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>successful streamer
>knowledgeable about all kinds of fighting games
>reaches high ranks online in each of them
>hosts and commentates tournaments with official Capcom backing
>access to Mori's suite

>middling Youtube channel
>doesn't play any fighting games
>keeps talking about receipts and being left for dead or something
>doesn't host or enter any tournaments
>3 years ago
>train for like a week at the lab
>beat story mode with every character
>never got into playing against other people

>now years ago
>train on and off for a month at the lab
>can't get past the easiest ai on story mode
>enter matchmaking
>get 5-0'd by someone who has 0.2h on the game

Should I kill myself?
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what game
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idk man that game is shit
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Another late stream, but tonight I'm working on the HUD.
Who's a good anchor for Zamasu/Baby? Also is Baby/Zamasu a better order?
nigga thinks anybody plays dooberz
I can't believe my wife Reina left me after I lost 20-2...
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Ono will save fighting games
Made for the Cheezcock.
Baby is a good anchor, Zamasu is pretty much a dedicated mid never see him played anywhere else, find a point
SonicSol is too busy gooning to Purse Onner Toaster DLC. Check his most recent clips of him hating bestgirl Yukari
ooo-- unattended cunny? Anon you shouldnt have
She came back after he won 50-0.
unironically looking forward to this game because it is the only indie fg of recent that isn't trying to be moon gravity dio time stop hitstun mickey mouse party gameplay
>guard cancel costs meter and not some fairy juice that comes from a separate tranny gauge
fix those goofy ass fullscreen backthrows and this is certified kamige
Just like Ellie's slop, there's still no improvement
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YOOOOOOOOOOO I LOVE THE NEW CHARACTER LOOK AT THIS SICK COMBO *pc heavy, heavy drive rush, heavy heavy drive rush, heavy heavy special level 3*
this is insane you'd need 14 penises to use this thing
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COTW gives you wings.
would anyone happen to know the hentai move inputs for ryona bridget in mugen
Every time I see the freakshowness of new leverless sticks, it reminds me of Clayton's autistic rant about why jimmies are all of a sudden wanting more & more buttons on a controller to macro everything. This insanity is to the point of going past the original hitbox's leverless design
new sajam just dropped
is he spittin?
kinda crazy how these niggas went after technicals for pointing out how shaky the luca stuff was only to go "it always felt weird how yall jumped to conclusions like that" a few months later
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I hated SFV the first 4 years. Season 5 got a PC and started playing more than I've ever had. I was playing on PS4 all that time and just thought I was terrible. I had a huge disadvantage because most people were on PC. I felt I was very underrated right before the game died.
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how do THEY keep getting away with it?
...A CROW????!?
VFsisters... there's VF merch and thus no VF6 announcement. It's over
why were tumblr troons fine with parasoul's personal army looking exactly like nazis for 10 years?
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Can i get a quick run down on the soive drama?
I want to have sex with a cute twink.
multiple trannies found guilty of rape but since they're trannies they won't get banned
Well summarized.
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soive trannies lied to get someone banned
TOs knew they were lying but were afraid of backlash so they let them have their way
some other tranny brutally raped someone but they covered it up
totally not obsessed btw
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chun li gets to escape the horror engine.
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we always liked guest characters pendejo
Expected, but nice. I wonder why they went for Ken and not Ryu tho
Rape?! wtf is going on, is this like legit sexual assault or is it the "this guy was creepy and I didnt have the balls to say something" kind of thing?
So what's cvs3 going to play like?
where the fuck is ronaldo
He will be the final boss
funniest part of it all is how bunny and luca are they/thems and the pastel crowd had no problem framing it as a man abusing a woman until it came out bunny and umisho are full of shit luhmeow
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posted the drawing where the character looks purposefully bad so i win
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hori's making a leverless...
It was an "ironic social commentary"
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Is THIS a drawing?
we had to misgender xim so we can make it look like it's not only transfolx causing the problems chud
Since when do you alt right retards even know/care what misgendering is?
Settle down with the pearl clutch
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Is there a reason people here barely even talk about fighting games anymore and just purely engage in political mudfling and twitter drama?
modern FGs are SHIT
"I hate new fighting games" is just you masking your transphobia.
Politics, particularly identity politics have been pushed into everything now. Including games and pop culture. Ain't no getting away from it now. Might as well just pick a side.
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>be south american
>go to /fgg/ at 8AM
>americans are talking about trannies and tranny rape and using the n word drama
It no longer was a private issue when they started literally masturbating on camera when I'm just trying to watch video games.
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jebailey said it didn't happen just ignore the 2 hour footage of it happening
>200 players on the MVC collection
Sadness, I guess Jwong made everyone uninstall, I guess hopes for any future installment is dead
im more surprised he still uses pirate bay
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This is like a South Park bit unironically.
The episode where Mr Garrison was trying to get fired so he could sue the school and become rich, but they kept calling him brave and saying they tolerated him as he rode his gimp slave onto a stage to piss off the parents, but they just ignored him and sent the complainers to an internment camp.
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City of wolves doesn’t respect itself
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niggas will look at this perfect lotus and say its a horror engine
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...Did she really need so many facial blemishes?
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At CEOTaku 2023, Persona 4 Arena was commentated by two transsexuals.
One of them was wearing a vibrator and masturbating on stream. They wore shades so you couldn't see their eyes twitching, but they were still obviously squirming around.
This was an open secret that everyone knew about for a year, but after it was pointed out on twitter, the other TOs covered for it, said the whole thing was fake, called people intolerant, etc. Then the offending party went into hiding and now is laying low since they got caught.

The fact that all of these people corroborated this story and forced others to stay quiet means that they care more about "maintaining order" than actually enforcing their own policies.

Person couldn't just be gay on camera, nope. Had to be weird about it. This is why I say that the FGC is becoming more and more like GDQ.
>SF characters are RESPECTED
Didn't this guy have to spend 2 hours a day defending Kimberly by trashing Karin? LMFAO
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Arcana Heart had a 100% original setting without any guest characters and the "FGC" still didn't respect it....
So respected that I animate the girls getting grabbed by the pussy every day
there's thirdie dogs in this general
Why are they always White? Let me guess, the Jews did this or something, right?
This is Emezie's whole gimmick on YouTube
Oh I thought you meant the Arcana Heart girls for some reason. Yeah emezie is a real headcase.
The Chinese Communist Party, actually.
No, I am not kidding. A bunch of the propaganda that warps these people is paid for by companies like Tencent. Even the Chinese themselves don't like it, they do it purely to demoralize and weaken their political opponents overseas.
They also distribute the fentanyl to kill the blacks.
That's Parasoul from Skullgirls, she's styled after a nazi. It's why she carries a Luger.
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Dix is like unironic Divekick. At this point I can't even empathize with her for still trying to "make it work"
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I find it hilarious how Emezie is literally everything you motherfuckers hate (furry, powertripping discord mod, feminist that rants about "creepy guys" on twitter), but because he worships Capcom, you retards have to pretend to like him.

Can't wait until Tabby and Tricky get into SF6 so you can start calling them based, too LMFAO
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The FGC has black trannies like wavie, though?!?!?
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These collabs are happening precisely because there won't be a CvS3, as it would require for Capcom to either have 3 concurrent FGs (lol) or purposefully leave MvC dormant for the next decade. SNK doesn't have the manpoower to make it either considering the only really have one major team making them and another one for post launch support, unless KOF16 comes out in 2032.
Why don't you guys count Emezie as a lolicon pedonigga even though he frequently draws Lily Hawk and Amy Rose getting their pussies violated?
lily isn't underage
lily is loli coded
amy rose is a hedgehog so it doesnt count
can loli coded adults date children
you all constantly say the actual canon age of the character doesn't matter if she looks underage
If lunar was gooning to Amy, you would not give him the same allowance. She is 12.
Finally, guest characters from the gaming medium doing a crossover into another game. Something current dev NIGGERS fail to understand
Bestiality is arguably worse....
remember when twitter defended sonicfox's right to fuck and violently mutilate dogs?
not clicking, does he drop the hard R in this?
max got that real good saudi money for this one LUHMOW
>maximilian "mvci is the best capcom fighting game since cvs2" dood
I dont think this ever happened

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warn me before you post crap like this, nigga
I was eating
People made fun of Kimberly's story and then Emezie went KARIN DID THAT AND YOU ALL LOVE HER over and over.
i would...
heartbreaking; gorgeous woman talks to redditor first time ever and they reply with an anime gif
how is that mocking karin? and when did emezie do this?
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a nigga named BARK
poggy slime loops, matz does it again!
...bark the polar bear?
CVS3 would be complete slop if it came out now. Half of the round would just be cinematic supers firing off at each other.
Sagat 30 second brutal rape super on the SNK/Capcom sniff catalog would be kino
i need sylvie paula paula and cammy twerking howeverbeit
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Can't wait to BRUTALLY RAPE chun li
>chun will look better in SNK kuso than SF

she is shockingly ugly in dix so the bar is very low
stop posting about porn
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what are we going nuts about today?
Who's the best anchor of the three: Krillin, 16, Tien?
Tien. Shin Kikoho with a shitload of meter is gonna kill you and your opponent.
Can Trunks be played point now?
Krillin. Rocks assist is one of the best in the game,
>They wore shades so you couldn't see their eyes twitching, but they were still obviously squirming around.
That's a weird accusation to make.
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it's weirder to wear sunglasses indoors and squirm around in your chair for 2 hours
>Let me guess, the Jews did this or something, right?
well... the short answer is... yes
this tranny really tryna defend masturbating on stream?
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I know they’re probably going to end support for MK1 soon, but I just really hope they add Jade before they do.
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terminally online retards will look at all the bad choices they made during their lives and blame it on either the jews or the cia
Snk is calling in a lot of help for cotw. Will the soccer players and street fighter characters it be enough?
a nigga will chat about being vibed up for the weekend then act like its a conspiracy when they're jerking around on camera and people connect the dots. french bread community is corny asl btw
>hop on ranked
>its a ronaldo main
>he rapes me in the corner with the panenka infinite
>queue again
>its a ken maih
>he slimes me out
>queue again
>finally, its a preecha main
>we meow to ourselves in the mirror match
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MK11 lasted about 3 years with updates. They said MK1 will be their most supported game. You're insane if you think they're stopping after Khaos. They easily have 6 more characters to be released and another big DLC. What makes you think they'll end support "soon"?
sniffmolesting preecha after she's done working the bag
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are y'all porn addicted trannies really trying to pretend that you don't know what a hands free anal orgasm looks like?
that's like half of y'all's personality
nice try
the last mk11 dlc was a year and a half after release while the last balance patch was exactly 2 years and 1 month after release
Why are NRS players fine with this considering how well their games always perform?
Jebailey checked personally, nothing happened.
he personally inspected that tranny asshole?
But what if someone didn't do anything wrong like in this case but still makes people uncomfortable. Should that be a bannable offense?
what the fuck does that even mean
Murdering someone like Elon Musk isn't wrong but most people would still disagree with it on top on being sent to jail.
we can only hope dix dies that quickly
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god said murdering is bad...
you didnt capitalise the G lil pedosinner
what if that terminally online retard is a palestinian brown kid?
You're not brown or palestinian lil timmy
most incel OP I've ever seen
My uncle... Abdur... didn't make it to the Americas in time...
most jewish people are not israeli let alone zionist
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>Geras being a jobber as usual
Why is parrying any SA in 3s being a "daigo" parry now? wtf? why is something so basic being chopped up to being on par with what Daigo did back then?
its clickbait retard
well it must be damn good clickbait, because no one in the comments is questioning this to not being on pair with that daigo parrying chun SA II in the first place
this is an incel general sweaty
dont post that ugly ass rog here
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Any fighting game news from TGS yet?
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If that grifter 40+ y/o nigga was removed from real life, no one would miss him
chun li and ken will be taking up 2 slots in cotw
For me it's yuffie
i didnt see him defending sfv like this
better than pop culture and movie slop characters
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really? trailer?
Built for BCC
what happened to the soccer guy
gawd damn!
who is this snowbunny?!
you can feel the resentment in his tone, Jive broke his tranny mind
'member granpoo?
should check out the topless version on booru too
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i will never forget kamiblue
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when you think about it, esports was the only thing that could have saved the fgc. the "grassroots" events are all ran by broke tranny lovers that continue to charge higher and higher entrance fees, pricing people out and turning "tournaments" into glorified conventions for troons that have no commitment or love for the genre. its funny how the "locked invitationals" future was so demonised just for the "fgc" to end up like.... this, lol. the esports niggas were actively trying to preserve the "gritty" nature of the community because it was easy to market, they had some cop on stand-by for k-brad vs wolfkrone at e -league just to play it up even more. meanwhile, the modern "grassroots" events ban you for making a watermelon joke. yea, we would actually have been better off with esports instead of letting the power centralise within the NA tranny clique ran by Alex "amazing shemales" Jebailey, Rickthefatasshadou, etc etc. E-league wouldve had these pro players making money instead of being broke asl, would've bossed up the genre. you'd see niggas on the street wearing punk shirts talmbout catching the e-league jive finals. capcom wouldnt even need to make sf6, theyd just keep updating jive and adding more character
woah... a decade of jive... we couldve had it all....
'member 2xkuso?

the fuck were they thinking with that shit lol
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That's it? not even the SNK version of the concept art, just their SF6 promos directly pasted over? How lazy are these guys
this whore forcibly riding me before she detonates the pager in my pocket, habibis
Sfv wasn’t worth defending
not defending it enough is why we ended up with slime rancher 6
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We love Jive here vappa
Need to see a massive bbc between those titties
Exactly, good to see they didn’t make another sfv.
SFV wasn't so bad you need to pretend to like SF6 out of spite, lil bro.
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What Jive gave us:
Karin's return with her best iteration yet
Mika's return
the return of footsies
the return of functional dashes
the greatest training mode to ever bless a fighting game at the time
the golden era of fighting games
a major release with rollback netcode
an in-depth storymode with cutscenes and beautiful character interactions
a wealth of costumes
the greatest ranked system a fighting game has ever seen
in-game promotion of the FGC and the competitive scene
What dix gave us:
four ugly abominations
a timmy ranked system that prioritises making you feel good
dogshit monetisation
ugly graphics
jeet models
crossoverkuso advertisements
dumbed down smashpedo controls
vtuber simps
homosexual ERP in the battle hub
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How about an actual fucking response? SNK announcing a collab without even putting out a proper concept art of how they'll look in COTW?

Dix previewed Terry and Mai properly in their trailer
issa work in progress
detonating my pager inside her, habibis
Built to please the cheez
I get that you don’t like sf6 because it killed tekken’s chances of competing with street fighter. Sfv was helping you there. But you can at least be honest about it.
niggas are gonna run this shit as a side tourney at an event
lol she deserves so much better, she wouldnt even look at him
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anime faggots become porn adicts and then end up becoming trannies taking BBC up their ass.

Anime is the gateway to becoming a tranny.
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
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>lol she deserves so much better, she wouldnt even look at him
Beating every slimemasher to death
Why did Cheez remove the L from his namefield
She deserves bbc and you know it. Your spicnigga micro cannot satisfy her
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>She deserves bbc and you know it. Your spicnigga micro cannot satisfy her
The girl higher up is black only too
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i was porn addicted and genuinely hated being a male because of it and feminism convincing i was eventually going to progress into being a rapist. i believed rape was fundamental to being a male and i hated it. if i knew i could transition into a woman and atone for my male-rape desires i would have at 20.
then i found a mid 20 abg that likes me for my autism. now i can bust decades worth of pent of semen inside her and purged the tranny i felt i had to be.
so the solution for trannyism is getting niggas hooked up with petitie asian girls?
........... ABG?!?!!
what is abg?
To get around timmy's filter.
women that cuckcheez wish he had
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suzi is plapping this and yall arguing over sliding your nasty black dicks in bananya
western asians are party asians
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yeah and my boyfriend looks like volgin and unlike suzi i don't have to cry on stream begging people to stop calling me a shill
i doubt she can even get it hard bruh
damn... fatfeels won.......
you timmys would be backflipping to get an asian bitch like that
How do we fix fighting games?
by making our own and we're already doing that with gigamaidens and blades & beasts
ok but why did the jews do this to me
why did they turn me into this
how does it benefit them to change young straight normal men into persona 4 arena players
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no more party mechanics
no more esports
no more men in wigs
no more guestslop
no more trannyback netkode
/lolg/ here can you guys take back R*ggarell?
nigga nobody here likes 2xkuso
you forgot no more pedobait
of course, asian girls are the highest tier
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PAWGs are the highest tier
pulling out my jr and having this bitch MOANING
what's the lowest tier?
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>no more esports
just exposed yourself as a troon. esports would have saved fighting games but tranny lovers like you boycotted it in favor of putting money in shebailey and his goons' pockets
dumb tranny enabling freak
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the trannies love esports because they can trade wins with their buttbuddies and cancel them when they get bored
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
>the trannies love esports
>shows some tranny """grassroots""" event
KEK. in a real esporting environment these troons would have been busted for collusion and sent to the shadow realm while infiltration farms their dead tranny masher btw
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Black women
>this guy said faggot? um... give him a lil warning I guess
FGC """grassroot""" tranny events
woah, I thought e-sports was gonna kill the fgc? why did the fgc end up dying to post-pandemic troon freaks????
cheez... why are you racist?
>this nigga tweeted about watermelons? make him drop an apology tweet lil nigga we do not care
but we were meant to fear esports, KEK
capcom pro tour isn't grassroots...
how does esports handle people commentating with dildos
Just stating the facts.
>ummm its not grassroots its just................ conjoined to the tranny NA TO events and uses them for qualifications allowing the tranny NA clique to influence anything, xis
e-league could've saved us
>these two rogs wanna fight? play that shit up lil nigga LMFAO
>these two coons are acting up? umm... accuse them of rape and have them both sent to the plantation
esports isnt real nigga
see the chart
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If Guilty Gear Strive was a real esport, they wouldn't have to pander to 5 trannies on twitter to make a profit.
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Happy Sethursday /fgg/
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If you nigcels just behaved yourselves at events, we wouldn't have to take drastic measures.
kek, look at how the troons fear esports. they desperately want to maintain the tranny NA hegemony but its all crashing down
I want you to join the black angels
Are you implying the TOs rig the CPT qualifiers?
How do they go about that?
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thoughts on the state of fighting games?
The events themselves literally handle seeding lol. I wasn't even talking about rigging but that fact alone shows how much influence they have
>ummm chuddy09 should be seeded pretty high and troontoon03 is a shitter? uh lets just flip that around sisters!
and if anyone bats for chuddy09 they get twitter raped like what happened to everyone that corroborated the CEOtaku plug story KEK
nice acne scars
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Whites > small gap asians > latinas > brown > black
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How would Isla feel if she heard your hateful words?
She would call me master then take my cock
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fuck matz
fuck arcsissy
fuck SNKuso

finna party mash in sparking zero
/fgg/ finally taking the esportspill? took long enough
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None of you even knew about the persona thing until last week
Why is i ta problem now? You people don't even care about that game.

At this point, I want someone to commentate Skullgirls in a trans flag hoodie as they fuck an onahole while gooning to femboy doujins under the desk JUST to piss you off and make you pretend to care about Skullgirls again, lol
heres to another 15 years of dogshit arena mashers
toyotaco's art is so........... bad
why do you want to masturbate in front of kids?
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>why you brining up old shit!?
>the rape happened 5 years ago your honor!
Since when do kids care about skullgirls?
I remember HBR bitching about Elaegue, he said something like "Lewis is very involved in conservative politics, so he'll probably abuse his power to make policies that negatively impact minority players"

Now HBR rants about lynching lunar and "his kind" on twitter all day.
pretending the fgc isnt esports kinda confirms how retarded you all are
all the circuits and sponsors and venues are completely grassroots? that makes sense
the mobile game
it cannot truly be esports while being centered around ""grassroots"" tranny events ran by a circle of cliqued up freaks

2 years have passed and JohnXuandou has yet to play Chaos Code again...
instead of casting judgment immediately
perhaps as a society and community we should consider looking into the merit of wearing vibrating sex toys during fighting game tournament commentary
what if they know something we dont
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Oh fuck oh fuck what happened with persona?
I gotta hear this I need Skullgirls drama in my life inject that shit into my veins my dude
it's the same thing we've been talking about for the past few days on here, see >>496071931
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esports at home:
Oh, I thought it had something to do with personasama (Jonathan Kim) who is an artist that worked with them.
did you have to practice to become this much of a dipshit? the tranny circle doesnt change the laundered money being pumped into the scene by corpos
just because league of legends does it bigger doesnt mean its not esports
God i fucking hate trannies
sure troony
the publisher throwing 10 dollars at 5 trannies to mash over isn't esports...
why did the trannies leave clayton for dead at a tournament?
because i will never be a real woman so why should i care for his balding ass
Shemailey personally examining tranny buttholes is real esports, chuddy
its the exact same model, keep projecting though
>I know they’re probably going to end support for MK1 soon
They aren't.
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The saudis provide real esports that are not influenced by the western tranny cabal.

And that is why THEY hate them so much and oppose that tournament.
>uhhh yea, whoever wins your lil troon masher gathering can come to our actual event
kek, sure loonytroon
jebailey has personally put hundreds if not thousands of hours into critiquing and analyzing various sex toys being inserted into trannies
from all different conceivable angles

if he said she didnt do it then i believe him chud because trans women are real biological women
Remember that time Harada allowed women to farm extra points from gender locked events that men couldn't enter, all to get the huge.... 10k prize for tekken 7?

Was that real esports?
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why does he keep lying to his fanbase
>its okay when league of legends artificially props up tournaments and swindles orgs because the players arent troons
go ahead and keep being a retarded nigger all your life, its at least funny to see
women make less money than men
No, I mean like
The entire world tour prize was 10k

But there were extra events just for women so they had an easier chance to get into it
just imagine the official Capcom X E-League Jive revival event
>tranny arrives at the venue
>ummm, smash.gg said this was my lo-
>the CapBRUTALISERS just start beating the troon to death with their batons
>just crushing the troon's SPINE with their steel incased TEWs (Tranny Executing Weapons)
>once the troon is beaten into a fine pulp it is dumped into the nearest bin
She is asian
uhhh sure lil tranny freak KEK
um you okay lil troonytoon?
>throws a punch
>evades with ease
KEK, you alright lil troony freak?
>throws another punish
>evaded once again
>troon falls over the railing and dies
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It's the only thing Harada's good at.
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neither is sf6
>the rain and sweat
funniest nigga ever
Remember that time trannies said they hated Jebailey because he uttered "NFT" as a joke, but then he made up a story about a dildo not existing and now they all love him and trust him/

What was going on there?
PREP must be putting overtime.
So soive introduces a new character and /fgg/ no cares.
Is over?
Not even how censored is the new design?.
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imagine being such a contrarian retard tranny you actually want delay over rollback netcode
Love seeing jivefags seethe here, kappa and 09ers won
i cant even tell what slop this is
The new design is great. But there was no gameplay so who gives a shit?
trannies are the only ones that shill rollback
Great if you play SNK games, terrible for everyone else.
I was a 09ers then I mutated to jiver. I never enjoyed dix.
You can't bite me.
>trannies this trannies that
>meanwhile Diddy has over 700 dildos
God damn, niggas are so fucking gay
Fgg brainwashed you, may god forgive you at the pearly gates.
diddy had the common courtesy to goon in his private property and not on stream like trannies.
...fighting games?
Why is my wife reina so flawless?
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no one is recording new footage of cotw because they want to upload it their youtube channel later this weekend for views, kek.
>Mai won't have the classic costume in the game
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nina doesnt have her classic designs in t8 and nobody calls it woke
wait really? assuming they will add it later.
Can't wait to rape chun with hotaru
when i die i want to go to abg heaven
This but PAWG heaven
people bend over backwards to excuse snk and scamco for shafting them for some reason
>but muh capcucks
any time capcom breathes wrong people froth at the mouth
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put her in gbvs rising, i'm begging you.
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snk and namco didn't put trannies in their game
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ash isn't trans
leo isn't trans
preecha isn't trans

you however are schizo.
you was bent by jive, you will get bent by dix
see you in 5 years bitching on sf7
ash is a crossdressing femboy - same shit
leo is confirmed non-binary and has been referred to as male or female depending on the game and been given a male or female type model depending on the game - same shit
preecha has a giant thai dong - same shit
>mental gymnastics
Ash, trapshit, which may as well be another tranny
Leo, nonbinary
Shion, originally female
Preecha, everything about "her"
I'd bent to Poison, but dix?
If it didn't happen after one year it won't happen.
What's wrong with traps?
dipping half of an anitroon's body in radioactive goo and watching it spasm in pain
in a vacuum? nothing. not into them personally, but do you.
facts, actual in game nike ads (not in a shitty erp hub) and not a peep from kekkencucks.
is preecha really trans?
Who are a good non-DLC point/mid for Krillin anchor?
SSJ Vegeta
Blue Vegeta
Blue Goku
Android 18
Can I play Trunks point?
Need to ask?

She's not. Obviously.
Forgot Teen Gohan is also a good point
Android 18
Goku Black
Fat Buu
Trunks likes to spend meter for mix and he doesn't build as much meter as the top tier points, so he's better mid/anchor
Can't say for everyone else, but Clayton has showed his messages and one of them wanted to fuck his dead corpse and is extremely disturbing.
hmmm I think it would be fun to try a midget team of Tohan/Gotenks/Krillin
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COTW waiting room.
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I only know COTA
I think the Japanese are starting to catch onto VF shills
the grandfathers of the genre
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niggas are making their own webtoons and yall can't?
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this one guy making anti-clayton memes kinda based
Fatal fury is older than any other but sf.
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I started to learn rendering chuds.

Gotta improve a lot now, timanthas.
SNK is the Japanese NRS. They have always stolen key ideas from more capable developers.
About the only notable things they introduced to the genre were meters and supers, but when Capcom tied these together, everyone else just copied Capcom, including SNK.
i miss his stupid pikachu thing
it was just in one of his 2xkuso videos like a month ago
that would involve actually watching one of his videos and im not doing that
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secretly dating elizabeth so we don't accidentally out our mutual friend ash
squeezing my jr between those jugs
new kali mac just dropped
is he spittin?
this nigga said new kali mac just dropped
I thought he was talking about Charlie Mac for a second.
nigga said charlie mac
I prefer Christy Mack
>tgs build of nen impact has active tag
and this shit is deader than it was luhmeow
Fucking elisabeth's tits and plapping ash's ass
why the fuck did it have to be tagshit?
What exactly is wrong with active tag?
shit x shit
y'all niggas hate every fighting game
we love soulcalibur, doa, and virtua fighter
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It's time to face facts
3d fighting games are just straight up better than 2d fighting games in each and every way

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 >>>> Marvel vs Capcom 3
Virtua Fighter 4 > Street Fighter 4
Dead or Alive 2 > any MK game
Soucalibur 3 (Arcade Edition) > KOF 2002
Bloody Roar 3 > Guilty Gear XX

Just accept it, 3d is straight up better.
Smelly post
nigga said 3d mashers are good
3D has a higher skill ceiling and the better player always wins
they lack that random element of games like sf6 and gg strive
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He already got cucked, now he just needs to troon out and he'll be a top strive player in no time
They don't even make sense. Clayton mogs everyone in the scene, and they are constantly talking about him. They even beg him for sex. So how is Clayton the one that is crying? Honestly it just proves how god like Clayton is desu. He really lives rent free in you discord trannies head.
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I prefer Macdonald
discord tranny schizos really trying to pretend they are more chad than Clayton. Sure lmfao tamantha sure. How are your meds working?
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need a bbw fighter
it usually leads to obnoxious combos and blenders
Reminder that the person making the Clayton hate memes looks like this. Burn this thing with fire already and save us all desu.
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how is he getting away with poking the troon nest? i feel like hes gonna die or something soon
he was diddled by Mr. Wizard and is part of their club
he exists outside the /fgg/ so they have no power over him
I like both and both are unique enough from each other to exist in the same space
fencesitters like you destroy society
i loved mashing in soul calibur 2 when i was a lil nigga...bring it back
soul calibur 6 is so much better than kekken 8 its not even funny. what a piece of shit game.
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Some indie fag should make a 2D fighter not about PvP but simply about practice mode and have the player have total freedom to do DMC 3 freestyle combos on a punching bag.

Pretty sure it would be a niche game, but also pretty sure it would be a better game that would appeal to combo lab autists without them being limited to PvP balance.
isn't that just mugen?
I know one of the packs leaked was Cassie, Kung Jin and Jade. I feel like at this point in time they're basically done.
And the last pack for MK11 was Ermac, Takeda and Harleen Quinn. Which is why they made Ermac and Takeda dlc for MK1.
mugen is not meant to be played by a human and the characters are poorly made.

My idea is closer to a 2D freestyle practice mode with no limitations over stocks and cancels.
The moment DP was not invulnerable this genre lost all its meaning.
seething shoto ape
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Sorry I play elena, remy , Q and twelve nig
Yeah wish I spent time learning a good game like MvC2 this shit is absolute slop. But its better than playing 5 or 6 thats for sure.
nigga said mvc2
>lower peak
>lower average
>lower current
this should've been the response to kuso dix
kami 6 raped jive hard
issa sale
new majin obama just dropped
is he spittin?
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When I started to play kof 98 I realized how much worse has this genre degenerated into combo lab tranny homosexuality.
nah he trippin and shillin
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>yeah they made the game shit but.......issa still sick and creative!

nigga did the shill special
why do i have to read this loomis shit i just want to draw big booty white bitches
>he fell for the loomis meme
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I think my problem with GigaMaidens is that I have envisioned it as a universe with several games and I want to do everything all at once and I need to have it all out now. As time went on this pathological need only got worse and now here I am 15 years later with not much other than palpable frustration.

I first sought out the help of freelancers and volunteers, and I did manage to cobble a codebase and even some assets together but still have a long way to go. Since I wasn't able to keep the money rolling I had no choice but to try and learn how to do everything myself, which I've been practising by doing a bit of each project at a time. But still I kinda feel coding escapes me and I'm not nearly as good at it as I am with doing art. I am trying to pace my learning but still I'm just a little frustrated that it's taking too long for this stuff to sink in. I feel like I've studied programming a lot and still don't know how to do shit with it. All I can really do is continue and hope it clicks eventually.
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you don't need to memorize it.

only to know what shit to see when you see a drawing.

most imagination drawing is a meme because pros always use photo reference or reference from elite artists when drawing.

also look up pixiv sensei, on youtube, is a better material to draw waifus.
if you cant imagination draw you're just a party artist icl
baron drew from imagination and you all told him to go work at wendys...
imagination only make the crappy art that looks like shit and amateur on twitter and deviantart.

the key is to draw from imagination, but using photo reference to double check stuff.
just trace over 3d models like all the rich pros????
that's cheating
baron just traces better artists and he still can't make anything worthwhile
all great men cheated to get ahead in life
just cheat honor is for faggots that die poor and alone and god isnt real for goyim
rock lee was honorable and you all loved him
if you cant imagination draw you aren't legit my nigga, you're just an advanced tracer
imagine making this because Clayton wouldn't have sex with you. lmao
baron this baron that baron baron baron is that all you people talk about?
not a single pro draw without a reference folder, /beg/ kid.
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Using people cluelessness' to your advantage is not cheating, it's their fault for eating up dogshit.
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lol nah, real artists can draw shit if you hand them a piece of paper with no reference, you're just a fake. nigga gotta have google images open at all times chatting about "artist" lmfao
and it will look worse than if you used photo reference.

Not even the animators in professional anime studios do shit from imagination.

A drawing from imagination will always look simpler and less detailed than one with photo reference.
you're a party artist my nigga. post your work you wont
you're a /beg/ shitter saying the same dumb shit that beg shitters say.

keep tracing lil nigga
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party artists when they dont got access to google images
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>no slime rush
>no throw loops
>no perfect parry
>panty shots
>color edit mode
>better implementation of simple controls
>free season of DLC characters
>better music

COTW waiting room.
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>asian countries all want jam back
>white timantha doesn't want her because "she's boring" and a hecking racist stereotype
the irony is that the characters they desperately want like roboky and order sol (they've never played either) would be watered down to the point of only being the character in name only
they want robo ky because that nigga's gay that's LITERALLY it
>reddit function
>chills with a dark skin nigga
>skipped an iteration
nigga got every tranny stone
how tf can a robot be gay
Strive lobbies still exist lmao
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Aw heil naw!
When did you /fgg/appas enact the 4th Reich.
Never knew you niggaz had it in y'all.
Ugh, it's slop hour.
daisuke can't figure out how to design her gameplay around 3 bars obscuring the screen so she's boring chud
mantha said ugh
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Breaking News: FGC CFO & Strive player takes in recount of a SA story, yet believes his own personal opinion for the accused to be disregarded because in the case of protecting his own org members (really his brand), he would rather stick out for them, even if it's wrong in his own eyes
can you guys stop making fun of artists with aphantasia
its ok they need to trace its 2024 and all art is digital or AI anyway
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Aphantasia? I thought it was Dyslexia?
What's he yoldeling about on Twitter?
Niggas playing +R and Xrd hated her because she had retarded normals and her voice is annoying. The timanthas who haven't played either of those games hate her because she's not a character who panders to them. If Jam was a lesbian they'd all be crying for her inclusion luhmeow.
dicklet timmys were seething at him for drawing hecking unhealthy women or something
>walk up to artist with gazillion dollars in a briefcase
>draw me a lil nigga doing a shoryuken
>he rushes to open google images
>slap it out of his hand
>he starts shaking
>his pencil snaps when he tries drawing a line
>I grant him his request
>he shows me the most repulsive slop i've ever seen
>beat it to death with the briefcase
weird I didn't mean to reply post for this one
nigga thinks shoryukens exist in real life
>Cyberpunk 2077 is crossing over with Guilty Gear
>Baiken from Guilty Gear appeared in Samurai Shodown
>Samurai Shodown characters appeared in CVS2
>CVS2 is canon to SF6
Cyberpunk 2077 is canon to Street Fighter.
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On this day forth, Strive will be forever regarded as prime neoFGC sloppa.

This is permanent and final.
jam is too boring that's why we're hyped for the boring bitch from cyberpunk who's just a hacker
/fgg/ has the highest melanin count of all generals in /vg/
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I think I need to upgrade my weeb anime style to take more american cartoon influences.
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she's a groomer chuddy
That looks like crap
is she trans?
least trafficked ethot
the real redpill is to learn from japs drawing american cartoons.
nice CoC
Looks Korean thobeit
*changes channel*
So fucking funny how the fed literally called none of what she claimed at all and is just mad she can't masturbate to a literal child anymore. Of course, she outed herself as a tourist the moment she ran with the "BRIDGET IS NOT TRANS cope"
Hi, Ellie!
Still butthurt about your art and fighting game performance stagnating?
am i gay if i like her new design
the flowers throughout her hair are so cool and she seems so mature and composed and regal now
you are all faggots if you like any of the designs in strive and should hang yourself
this post just made my transgender neighbor kill itself
i like elphelt...
they say "no one cares about your edgy gooner game" and the timmy that made class of 09 is getting lynched by lesbians
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Mike Watson drops some lore on how he at one point was co-owner of EVO with Mr. Wizard and how it got to Vegas
why are you here faggot
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he flew too close to the sun
it'd be like daisuke making GUILTY GEAR -RESTRIVE- where he throws in millia brutally mindraping chipp with his weird findom and feet fetishes while alienating the core tranny fanbase
damn, Watson was gonna have JAV models twerking on our dicks and niggas winning Civics? The FGC is making 10x the money now why isnt rickthehadou giving us JAV suites?
Why has Strive been the only fighting game of recent to have a community that harbors most of the sexual assault / harassment cases to date in the fgc (excluding smash)?
Mr. Wizard would rather hog that money for McRibs and tell young men to take off their shirt and scoop up tokens into buckets in the fountains at golfland...
Why are you masturbating to Cheez's wife?
Off-topic but can’t believe MagicMush of all people was what finally broke the camels back for the guy that made that game
Where do you think the Strive players came from?
I am cheez
The safe-edgy game?
no prominent strive player aside from leffen played smash, and i'm pretty sure he hates trannies
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Late but HOLY, Chun in COTW....
No you're not, you're some anonymous weirdo
if a game where teenage girls can end up getting sold into sex slavery or get killed and raped by their teacher is safe edgy then i don't know what edgy is
Strive is a separate island from the main fgc, similar to smash. It’s in who it’s designed to appeal to. Characters and story changed to fit the agenda, and gameplay made easy to bore the average fgc.
I can't believe some anonymous nobody killed Cheez and took his wives, it's Uma all over again
thats pretty safe
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>separate island
fgc trannies: Why are you so hecking concerned about dizzys new look chud?

/fgg/. home.
why do you guys even pay attention to strive anymore?
this is like those zombie moves where one of the guys gets bit and infected, but y'all can't just let the lost one go and keep trying to save it for some reason

gays are the zombies, yes
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Is there a reason that people here are always hostile and aggressive even over trivial or nonsensical things?
if i dont go nuts here ill go nuts in the real world
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Large amount of influence from a certain culture.
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*black egrets

Wacker from Tough Guy
Parasoul from Skullgirls
Elektro Soldat from Akatsuki Blitzkampf
Stroheim from Jojo All Star Battle
Brocken from World Heroes
Brocken Jr from Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix
And Bison from Street Fighter

The final boss of the game is Magneto
Damn now y'all niggas got sajam slampig jam
That's literally Life is Strange, my guy.
Watson also said he talked to James and James admitted he is paid off to lie about Clayton for so long he doesn't even remember the original reason as to why he was told he has too. I'm not sure why James even admitted that to Mike. Doesn't he know he's friends with Clayton?
Wasn't there some guy in here tpretending to be Watson a few years ago
PJ is like our version of Derk Smart
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And still no VF6
gay thread
Holy.... finna be kino if it had a 7 foot blonde white bitch that called the player the hard r when she loses....
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Tom Brady bros, he said it again...
Magneto's a jew tho?
How did Tobias and Boon get away with doing black face character for Noob in MK?
Exactly why he is the final boss to the nazis
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is everyone here a retard except for me?
Made for rape.
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No Blades and Beasts stream tonight. I got very sidetracked by various work I had to do today (and a storm passing through my area), but I will try to continue tomorrow.
Thank you for your patience!
Built to please the cheez
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Nigga, you aren't a celebrity. I promise you no one was asking for this update. I know that you don't think anyone actually cares. Even you can't delude yourself into thinking you're important. This entire "fanbase" you're thinking of only exists in your head. The funniest part is that this is all just an astroturfing campaign that no one believes but (you). Shut the fuck up.
that was fast
Ellie uses ChatGPT to belt those out quickly.
I just tried out Clayton's MVC2 Hayato DP conversion combo into his raging demon combo (with rolling / safe fall on). It's actually doable and I finally understood what he was saying by doing ninja dash then shiden. It is pretty difficult to land but definitely not impossible, I don't know why Marvel heads are having difficulty doing it or just understanding what he said and how to do it.
>nearly 2 am on the East Coast
>this troon already got a reply ready
Baron Derangement Syndrome

Finna slide my BBC jr between them funbags, NIGGAAAA
Was the racism and softcore porn really necessary?
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Coon Junior thinks that America is the only country in the world
Coonior, r u ok?
....are we being raided?
You drop hard rs more than anyone else here....
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It's not fair, why can't I have psycho tranny orbiters like some of you guys get to have?!?!?
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You're a smart fella
Wus wrong with dat?

>Capcom: Cammy and that one blonde chick in the new Monster Hunter. Everyone else is safehorny and/or censored
>ASW: Baiken. Everyone else is safehorny and censored, Bridget is sexualized like a girl because he's a full on tranny now
>Namco: Reina, everyone else is safe, not even horny
>SNK: B. Jenet, everyone else is safehorny and censored
>reina is more horny than asuka
You just need to headstomp someone into becoming tranny
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always getting into fights with other devs and random people on forums
why does the trilogy and everything related to it completely mog every AA after it?
These niggas ever talk about gameplay?
tell them to put all their money into Battle Queen so for once an actual gooner fg can exist while other companys can do what they want direction wise
They just cope and seethe that they can't masturbate to little girls' panties in fighting games while defending slop like Battle Queef
Tell them they can enjoy their mid masher with gameplay taking a backseat to the porn
Based GAWDcheez
Raging Golden Eagle paid a guy to draw his furry comic, why can't y'all do that?
...When does Ellie talk about gameplay?
Is Ellie streaming or something?
Juri didn’t get censored, one of the things sf6 did right was let you get classic costumes for free.
she was on Chaturbate earlier
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>everyone else is safe, not even horny
You blind, lil nigga?
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Why don't you guys just make your own game full of half naked fat elves in microbikins or whatever?
What makes Battle Queen mid?
Right, I forgot they turned Nina into a safehorny B. Jenet knockoff
it uses short combos and grounded movement, so my adhd brain went nuts
Have you seen the gameplay instead of gushing about the horny?
I'm gonna make a game with lolis fighting fat ojisans, it's gonna be huge
guaranteed 900k players
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baron did that and you all called him a talentless retard that needed to work at Wendy's...
Every other current fighting game has combos that by standard go into the double digit, sometimes triple digit range. Why is it so bad for one to have less than that...
Why don't you manthas just make your own fgg?
My favorite blades and beasts character, jill the elf.
That's because he is a talentless retard that needs to work at Wendy's
Why do you defend such piss poor gameplay?
I thought he was your friend?
Washed my hands of that nigga. He was supposed to provide me with prime gooning material, but he draws worse than my retarded niece.
The gameplay is fine?? Its just an ambitious game project following closely to the SF2 formula
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>full of half naked fat elves in microbikins or whatever?
>j-just make your own gaems chuddy
Your stank didlo ass troon holes would start spewing if I put fine ass Elf bitches in a fg
is this MK1? god that is a juicy ass
cheez you are cold as ice
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I'm surprised you MFs still respond to the bot whenever it pops up using the same canned phrases, lol
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Its piss poor gameplay because it follows closely to SF2?? wtf??
>The gameplay is fine??
You don't sound confident in this coom game. I don't blame you. It's genuinely awful
What makes you think that? Who is trying to take your video games away from you, lil 'cel?
These aren't me
Didn't know SF2 was an indie porn game
What about the guy that got 20-2'd in Tekken 8, was that you?
damn autismo, I'm sorry every fighting game project in your eyes from here on out needs to be on par to UMVC3 to satisfy your adderall deficient ass
And I'm sorry you're such a faggot that every female that doesn't get you hard is a man
That never happened.
Did you forget Strip Fighter 2?
Don't try and move goal posts beeyotch, answer me question
The only one shifting the goalposts here is you
No one but that one ryonafag remembers that game
cheez is seriously denying that he got bodied in tekken?
That nigga got 50-0d in a real game then left in shame
remember that time Ellie became the lead artist for blades and beasts and did those character redesigns?
Ellie insists she's a real woman and not a Metajini falseflag and everyone else is a tranny. I'm not surprised Cheez is going on a damage control spree
lion rafale with a mane
wasn't him
But what weapon does he use?
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Wouldn't be surprised if Sony gives battle queens support like they gave stellar blade support
How am I shifting goalposts retard? I asked you why a fanservice game with SF2 as the base formula considered bad gameplay?
I was talking about gameplay & not the visuals? Where did your dumbass learn to read in the first place?
Did you reply to the wrong post, Cheez?
huion tablet pen, but not well
That's ellie. He's a psychopathic transsexual who used to go by metajini. he doesn't even play fighting games anymore, he just goes insane about the culture war in his head.
he got beaten up in a guilty gear tournament and has been going insane for several years aft that.
you're replying to a schizo nigga who larps as a tranny so he can attack his own posts later and go back and forth with himself
You're not looking hard enough at why the gameplay is bad. There is no reason for a 2024 game too play like a game from the 80s
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That nigga turtles beat em up did that and you all loved it.
Not GG, unless there was an /fgg/ GG tournament we haven't seen where this deranged tranny leaf lost in
That was a remaster
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pretty much every indie game that gets highly regarded for being gay or whatever is just a stripped down version of some other genre
fez, braid, Undertale, etc are just dogshit simplified clones of some new game and you trannies love that shit
It's an entirely new game and it even got DLC recently.

I should have known that you people that barely understand fighting games would know even less about belt scrolling action games.
So what you're saying is you're on the spectrum and need constant stimulation fixation in games you play?
>he got beaten up in a guilty gear tournament and has been going insane for several years aft that
New /fgg/ lore unlocked?
I'm not the one demanding every game be softcore porn
I can't believe Cheez is getting cucked by Peter Parker
>new lore
niggas forgot the red capote arc already?
you just know she was regularly fucking on Leonardo and Raphael was seething over it
You gave your (you) to the wrong post, yet you're calling me a retard? Were you looking for >>496179372 ?
I give the benefit of the doubt for one game project and all of a sudden I want every game to be softcore porn? Where you dropped as a baby retard?
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peep the names
I only know the headstomp arc and the ongoing Lionfag/Ellie arc
who is the metajini
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so is everyone in this thread insane now?
something in the water?
Femboy Chipp or Slayer drop when?
We're still waiting on femboy lowain
two types of /fgg/ posters:
funny ones
wannabe funny ones
which one are you?
You only care about it because it has boobs
>Where you dropped as a baby retard?
Calling me a retard yet you confuse "where" and "were"?
Me? I'm a psycho
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Picrel is still being updated the more Ellie the tranny leaf exposes herself and denies being Metajini/RedCapote, but this should inform you
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>I can't believe Cheez is getting cucked by Peter Parker
Femboy Hikaru
Those aren't the penstrokes of a tablet. The lines are too wobbly. Those are the penstrokes of a guy with a touchpad.
what the fuck is a femboy? do you faggots just invent new words now?
I care about it because it seems to be the only game that isn't trying to be mickey mouse party slop. I think you're just biased because you like to mash in GG and only GG
the metajini lore is insane
Is that why everyone is suddenly a generic trap?
Ellie redesigned Julia the Wraith and now she's Julius the Femboy to be more inclusive.
proof of this happening?
you're replying to a schizo
Is this the faggot that's replying to me like crazy, playing my boy Charlie like dogshit? Please tell me it isn't so...
can't believe baron sold out to the DEI ESG SJW Mafia
How much did Ellie pay him for this?
I'm afraid so, anon. She, yes "she" (he trooned out after this match and this one >>496179836
) has been going nuts ever since
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Some of you NIGGAS need to take your medicine badly.
Ellie is broke. She strong armed her way into his game
Ellie forgets her meds all the time. Now she's freaking out because the Sega TGS presentation is about to start in a few hours
i hate how youre actually right
You're right. It's trying to be "that fake fighting game you see people play in TV shows"
Is he getting cucked by Timmy Turner too?
Ellie losing her shit right now because a goon game isn't as overly flashy as her beloved Kekken and Sega might announce VF6
Virtua Fighter? Never heard of it.
Are we forgetting the pro-Tekken anti-VF arc? That and the distinctly bad drawing style is how we were able to find out Metajini transitioned into Ellie
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Why do you guys want fighting games to be full of poggy 100000 hit brutal rape nazi blitzkrieg BOMBER combos off of every hit, but also want them to be so easy to do, that they happen every match and there's no chance of dropping them even if you're mentally hanidcapped and 12?

who does this appeal to?
>headstomped in GG
>headstomped in MvC or CvS
>headstomped in SF5
>headstomped by art fundamentals
>headstomped by an actual woman
Damn. Is there anything RedCapote/Metajini/WoodenMasquerade is even good at?
most limp wristed comeback reply I've ever seen, for shame Ellie
Is she even here right now? What post are you even blabbing about?
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remember that time we found sakonata's twitter?
last desperate rattle of an exposed schizo
This schizo apparently >>496179112
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Ellie draws like THAT now? Holy shit. No wonder her recent Whoreang drawing (let's be honest, picrel is not Hwoarang) looks like shit
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heartbreaking: little boy finds out that you don't need to cum every time you play a video game
>passive (you)
>still won't show what post is "ellie"
It's time to let go. She doesn't exist and she won't fuck you. She can't, not since she turned her dick inside out
she doesn't need a dick to suck mine
>one minute apart
Sure, Ellie. You don't exist. You're totally not going nuts over a simple indie game
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testament is so hot dude
okay i'll bite
what the hell is blades and beasts
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heartbreaking: adderall deficient tranny thinks every fighting game needs to become an airdasher masher
I would mash this girl's vagina with my large penis if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge
cheez isn't a little boy he's 38
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>epic teleporting netcode
>the heckin crossplay
>little to no incel anime influence in the artstyle
>nonsexualized designs in general
>epic heckin sprites
>small balanced esports roster
>player expression combos
>the casual single player campaign

Why did TFH fail, Twitter bros? It had literally everything we said a good fighting game needed.
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Is the schizo tranny leaf in the room with us right now?
does Ellie like thems fightin herds?
nigga thinks anybody would be caught dead playing my little pony
Cheez used to post in /mlp/ and you all love him
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All of you niggas be out here jacking off to bbw furry hentai all day, but MLP is going too far?
Ellie still playing the "NOT YOUR TRANNY BOOGEYMAN" card because a coom game is sticking to basics.
Why has she turned on indie coom games? Doesn't she like Vanguard Princess and Nitro+?
I've never seen her say anything good about nitro, just vanpri and chaos code
nigga said cheez is loved
Metajini became a /y/ drawfag all to spite Baron
He hates CC althobeit because of that other black guy. And he decided he hates VanPri because of an upcoming arcade port
tranny poster never replied to the claims of being adderall deficient and wanting every game to be an air dasher masher so it must be true lmao
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People here come up with such weird copes for being failures.
Fat girls, asian girls, furry girls, tranny girls, men, et cetera.
You all just need to man up and start acting normal so you can stop being failures and get a normal woman like your dad did.

People develop all kinds of fucked up paraphilias after not being able to fuck a girl
Back in the good old days, you were forced to be socialable even if you were the village idiot (autismoid) and eventually would end up married either due to family connections or job obligations. Your wife would keep you in check and prevent you from going off the deep end.
Now you can just sit in your basement on welfare and talk to other freaks on the computer all day, so you start to become mentally ill and thinking it's normal. These guys watch a bunch of porn, then burn out their pleasure receptors. After that happens, their brains are completely fucked beyond repair and they get bored of "normal" porn and start having to look at more and more extreme shit just to get an ejaculation. This leads to the kind of schizos you see on here now that masturbate to underage cat girls getting their dicks sucked or start having gay sex since they've become so desperate for human contact. The isolation and unchecked mental illness led to them becoming so lonely, they started going insane. It's a sad fact, but there's no real recovery from this and the only solution is death.
and that's why there are so many fags, so many furries, and so many pedos here.
Do we even know for sure that Metajini and Ellie are one and the same? It's been almost two years and all we have to go by is... they play Tekken?
I can't goon to ponies, nigga, they don't even have titties
>passive (you)
Why do you demand the attention of some psycho tranny while also typing like the psycho tranny herself?
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Why are EU hours so bad?
you type like a faggot that flips out at fan service for games schizo. Go take your adderall to appreciate games of normal speeds again tranny
>tit freckles but no tit veins
so close to greatness... shame...
why does he draw himself as an elf girl with dark skin and purple hair?
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>tranny poster never replied to the claims of being adderall deficient and wanting every game to be an air dasher masher so it must be true lmao
>you type like a faggot that flips out at fan service for games schizo. Go take your adderall to appreciate games of normal speeds again tranny
is this a raid? neither of those are fighting game characters
ellie, you know the person who started using "passive (You)" here was a violent transphobe, right?
hey buddy the gooner club's two blocks down
Not your tranny boogeyman and it's clear you're projecting your Adderall dependency on him, but...
>games of normal speed
Did you serious just admit that Battle Queef doesn't have normal speed? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
probably some fags in a discord who coordinated the threads. we haven't had multiple OPs since /fgg/ slowed down
It's Ellie siccing her tranny fuckbuddies on the general after being btfo'd by Battle Queen
Actual new thread

Lowtax hated Derek Smart so he couldn't have been that bad

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