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Empowering Weapons Edition

previous thread: >>495944910
This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Unlocked and Loaded - Patch Notes - Pt. 2 - OUT NOW!

Vermintide 2:
Lore Post: Skaven Chronicles part 1

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Here's the second episode of Titus Talks: What is a Space Marine?
Message to the community - a first Q&A:

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
All my mods broke. What do I do now?
Flamers explode if you shoot their tanks now.
Saw one with fire jets coming out of it and the flamer having a panic attack then exploded.
The explosion damaging you through toughness is total bullshit
uninstall them or wait.
do scandinavians really think they can make someone sound badass in their silly ass accents? A woman at that? The second this bitch said sh-edule I was thinking she was a fucking dork.
It's real bullshit and the knockback is bullshit. Half of the time that I see them explode, it's instant.
Oh nyo, the weapons are spontaneously combusting on the table!
it's real kino and it's making an easy game harder
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shieldgryns are faster than knife zealots
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>found out all my best weapons were shit
>found out all my shit weapons were perfect
I actually think Darktide is a finished game now. only 2 years later. Even Brahms is talking a bunch on the Morningstar.
Darktide currently has less players than Helldivers but more players than Space Marine 2.
does no one use the party finder function?
...what are we sitting at right now? Please tell me it has increased from 2,000.
How should I be building for Zealot Rapier? I'm doing well enough, but I feel so fucking squishy. My THP regen is horrendous, and my ability to dive on gunners is fucking trash because I have to poke headshot each one which gets really difficult when I'm sliding all around from them shooting me
space marines 2 has 36k players right now and darktide has 10k the fuck you on about
Why would we?
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I told a blatant lie to make you fact check it and waste your time.
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I either play with old college frens or I'll dump a code in here. Otherwise, I'll play with pubs and not bother with the party finder.
Is Auric actually hard?
It hasn't even been out for 1 day, I don't even know how that shit fucntions. I'll have to sober up before I even try to start using it.
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rounding errors are the works of the omnissiah
Auric Maelstrom is pretty tough, but when playing with a friend, I got the auric exemplar title. Finding a good team is more of a challenge.
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>finally get a team of randos that know what to do on the train
>boss knocks me off the ledge
Forgive me.
This is mine. My Dueling Sword has the finesse on dodge, and I've been playing around with the rending on weakspot and crit on dodge ones. Think I like rending more though. Maniac + Crit
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And I forgot to attach the image like a fucking megaretard. If you're getting gunner juggled, I think that's more of a positioning issue (or overzealous retard aggroing them from 90000m away and letting them spread issue) than the weapon. I haven't had trouble poking their eyes out so far.
>started up game post-update and played for a bit
>closed to do other stuff
>open game later
>disconnected from server
>driver crash
nani desu ka
not unless you're struggling at that difficulty.
pug might be ass if you get a team of tards
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so when are they making eviscerators bigger and buffing them to be as good as thunder hammer
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The flame patch they leave on the ground actually deals a fuckton of damage to enemies as well, at least in the Psykanium. Great change, I've wanted Flamers to explode like Warpfire rats in Vermintide since launch.
That looks a lot better for general use. I was overspeccing into countering CRUSHERS
They weren't kidding about this train mission being short.
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no offense but darktide is still really fucking boring
always the same brown/grey metal levels, always the same zombies or imperial guardsmen with spikes
the melee combat is still not as good as vermintide and the shooting feels floaty as fuck
i still dunked the twins on damnation back then, but the game is still not enjoyable even with less rng
how do you faggots keep having fun with this?
the few matches i have played after months are still the same garbage circle chasing rushing bullshit and the same snarky passive aggressive comments from people using a billion mods and vacuuming the entire map of pickups

i am not having fun, clutching is not as meaningful as in ratclick where you have nothing but steel and gunpowder.
I just enjoy the rhythm of HISTG. And I have a harder time getting my friends to play VT with me.
>helldivers 2 has a general
>space marines 2 has a general
>darktide doesn't
some games are just built different, some would even call it "soul"
>maxed out my favorite weapons and put the best blessings/perks on them in the order I want
>maxed out all my max blessing curios and reorganized their perks
.....what now
bros im actually having fun what is this...
Now you get to play the game
fs games will always be niche, the other 2 are made for mass appeal
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As we said before, they just released another 1/4th of the game that should've been at launch.
The honeymoon phase will wither really fast, expect the game to go back to 2k daily players by next week.
Vermintide is constantly laggy for me since I can only peer to peer with third worlders and Europeans. If they could add dedicated servers to it I would play it more. Also the number of players is so low I keep having to play with the same damn people. So if you don't get along with them you're in for a bad time. I have so many people blocked because they're assholes.
>expect the game to go back to 2k daily players by next week.
Verminsissy cope
so now that the dust has settled: is the itemization update ... le good?
was it worth it losing the only carrot on a stick in the game so you can copy the builds of your favorite le epic streamer?
So is this feature DOA?
Run the batch file? Like you have to every patch.
If you mean numericui you can easily fix it by reading the comments on the mod's page on the nexus. Most of the rest of the mods still work, except ones that obviously shouldn't or they're no longer needed like if they interact with Hadron's terminal in any way.
>thunder hammer zealot
oh, this is nice, I like this, surely there's nothing better than-
>dueling sword zealot
this is god mode
>this is god mode
And post build/perks.
Seems like it, unless for whatever reason it isn't functioning properly yet. I also looked earlier and didn't see any parties.
It's just knife zealot version B, not even 2.0, just a sidegrade
How's the improved devil claw parry
Is it needed? They should encourage people to use it if they want it used. Offer an extra 10% goodies if you use the party finder. There ya go.
i was at the county fair and saw the most perfect ass

the woman turned around

and she had downs

i just wanted to share that with my coop bros
i cant believe they bothered to add more SOVL
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Is that a rounding error? Does that mean technically, if they don't fix this, you can hunt for rare error weapons?
so the fastest way to power level mastery is to just buy a bunch of shit, get it to green then sacrifice?
i have money and mats to burn and cant be bothered
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Also, they made Tier IV Man-Stopper and Flechette (Used to only go up to Tier II).
It's time for some meme builds.
i want to play darktide but im playing other games right now
agile + second wind + duelist = you never die and one tap everything

knifelord disinformation posters already out in force
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Found another one.
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>spent 2 million dockets, 150 thousand plasteel and 100 thousand diamantine
>dead broke
My zealot is almost fully equipped.
post your shitty weapons i want to laugh
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This update is fun as fuck. I can make whatever meme weapon I want immediately and freely with no risk, as long as I have the cash.
to put it in perspective, with agile you can literally just dodge dance a 20 rager patrol to death and not get hit once, and all the while the ranged mobs attacking you will do nothing to your toughness because it's constantly regenerating

I literally just did it
if they never this I am going to piss and shit my pants
>introduce a feature nobody has ever asked for to a game absolutely vacant of features people are asking for
I'm not surprised. I don't see why I should use this over regular matchmaking. At best you could say it's intended to replace finding groups on discord, but the advantage there is you can pull in players who weren't actively looking for a group before.
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The boltgun I used for months turned out to be a 80/80/80/80/62.
Since you now can change curios perks to whatever you want... then anything beyond 3 is not necessary, is that right?
Can I just... sell all the extra ones?
since I am a quickplay chad, not surprised, nothing beats the extra modifier that is random groups in aurics
>Darktide now consistently driver crashes whenever I load onto the Mourningstar
what the fuck dude it was working fine six hours ago
It was a bit of an hyperbole, I got a handful of weapons I'm familiar with for all my classes first, but my goal is to have a copy of every weapon with the 80/80/80/80/60 stat spread on every class. Obviously it's going to take some time.
I'd keep 3 of each but yes.
can someone give me a QRD on the crafting changes? it's easier to get blessing and perks now, so now the main goal is to find a weapon that has perfect stats right?
Correct. I can't speak for the progression itself since I completely skipped it (700 hours autist, I was missing 60ish blessings out of 1214).
you can literally upgrade every weapon to perfection, the RNG is now what the max bar spread is
can you refine more than once now
refine? like switching perks? as often as you like, blessings too no locks anymore
>surrender weapons to Hadron to increase your "mastery" of it (you can get 500 "mastery" on a weapon)
>as your mastery increases, you can unlock "blessing points", which literally just are the tiered blessings... AND you also unlock the ability to upgrade the overall stats of a weapon to your mastery level (So you have to have the Thunder Hammer mastery at 500 if you want to upgrade the stats to 500)
>Whenever you see any weapon, it will tell you what the max stat spread will look like on it (Sometimes it's buggy though, and omits some percentages)
and what that means is
>getting a good stat distribution is easy as fuck now. Since all weapons can be maxed, that greatly reduces the number of rolls you have to do to get a 80/80/80/80/60 (and there are rounding errors >>496043753, so you can get a glitch stat)
>no locks, put whatever you want on whatever. This erases an entire level of RNG off crafting and gives you complete freedom with the game
>no RNG to "find" blessings, you now just buy the weapon from Brunt, upgrade it, sacrifice to Hadron, and then your mastery level goes up. Super easy.
Honestly, I've played around with it for 2 hours, and my conclusion is... pretty much everyone will have maxed out gear in due time. It is retard-proof and trades off a huge amount of the RNG for just a bit more grind. Fatshark basically gave players the keys to the game with this update, "do whatever you want, break it, we don't care. We're not going to force you into cancer RNG anymore".

They are 100% working on red weapons right now, 100%. This update just buffs the players too much.
>different types of weapons (combat knife and combat knife #2) are now just a single weapon, and you can switch between them like a style (Check Brunt's, you'll see all the duplicates are gone)
>They also renamed some weapons
>As for the blessings, all the blessings you had before are converted to mastery points, so if you had a full blessing catalogue for a weapon, you don't have to do shit, just open up the mastery tab and distribute all the mastery points (freely, it doesn't matter where you put them)
>They are 100% working on red weapons right now, 100%. This update just buffs the players too much.
but that would buff us even more
They're cashing out. They're going to do some Cataclysm bullshit in Darktide like they did for Vermintide 2, because this new update is just nuts.
It's okay they'll add a new difficulty that spawns more elites and specials to fix it.
>oh damn it's the wrong powersword
>wait I can change it
Damn I love fatshark.
I might start dodging the train mission.
People are too stupid and fuck around too much
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>name yourself that
>aggro and barely kill the first one you see with revenant
>go down to the second one, only getting saved during the SUCC animation
slightly embarassing...
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I had fun playing the update all day. I’m so happy to have all my perfect weapons. Now I can happily complete my mission penances and get max pennis points. I’m having so much fun anons…
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>no RNG layer of perks
>no RNG layer of blessings
>no RNG layer of raw stats
>they even made different versions of weapons swappable, so even that layer of RNG is gone
>literally all you have to do anymore is roll the right distro, which is relatively easy since there are only 5
>only need 3 of each max blessing curios and then NEVER have to hunt for them again
I just can't believe this. This must be what it feels like for prisoners being freed after being imprisoned for decades.
I just did the train mission for the first time. I had a good team so it was smooth sailing, I'll see how it goes with retards. They don't cover you when you do the long ass minigame (I did them all, first try, didn't get hit by a poxie once), do they.
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Zealot here
Where the fuck is the recon lasgun?
You can't expect an early access title to be free of bugs and oversights.
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The little white ball must not touch the edges.
the rotation/selection in that shop is serverside, they will probably add it today, same thing happened last time when new guns came out
>game is finally playable
>now I have to do penances, finally
what are the good ogryn weapons, I don't want to have to spend more time on him than I have to
shield or pickaxe for melee, kickback for ranged
>have an 80/80/80/80/60 weapon
>empower it
>now that 60 dropped to 58
are you fucking kidding me? is this a bug or is that supposed to happen?
the kickback must have a blessing that literally defines it as a weapon, because it really doesn't seem that good
>still no screenshot
kill yourself
>new update for Darktide
What does it actually do and is it worth coming back?
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I think it might be old gear that got converted that's doing it. I've certainly made a perfect weapon go to its perfect stats when it was a brand new piece of kit, but my old flamer showed as a perfect roll and then got fucked as it upgraded.

You know how in DRG you unlock a weapon, and then you unlock mods and overclocks for it, and then you swap them out at will to change how the weapon functions until you find a way you like to have it, as much as you like?
Darktide finally got that basic functionality.
The blessing is called "knocks heretics on their ass from 30 meters away and is somehow the most accurate long range weapon in the ogryn arsenal while also being a big fuckoff shotgun" and it's innate.

You can upgrade every weapon however you want. The lock system is gone, the random loot grind is (almost) completely gone.
brother the kickback is the most broken ogryn ranged weapon
>ammo out the ass
>huge amount of minimum pellet count
>can snipe snipers at max range
>insane stagger puts crushers on their ass
>kills EVERY SPECIAL with 1 or 2 shots on ANY range
>insane damage radius
it is broken, 100% braindead
fucking hell man it figures
>I think it might be old gear that got converted that's doing it
it wasnt an old weapon i had just bought it a couple hours ago and was getting mastery on it
>Darktide finally got that basic functionality.
About damn time lol
Finally no more RNG, can actually get that level 4 blessing that I never seem to get in the old system right?
FYI the ogryn has the worst and most time consuming penances of all the classes.
Psyker is the easiest and quickest to do.
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so with the crafting rework done and ps5 port almost there, what's Fatshark's next move in their master plan?
It also deletes hordes on its own with so much ammo to spare so it doesn't seem like a waste using it on them. Its pretty much the only weapon I use on Ogryn and for a very long time
work full hands on darktide end game mode trust the plan
big futa dicks
Darktide 2
>Adding genestealercults
It's extremely good. One shot mutant chargers. Has good range. Can delete an entire hallway of enemy dudes in one shot.
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i have to sit for a whole day re arranging everything bros..
talents, masteries, perks, blessings..
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the "godroll" weapon I used for almost a year isn't a 4 80% after the update.

I had to scrap it, I had to.....
Darktide 2
Fucking brutal.
You did the right thing.
It takes like 20 seconds to click the talent trees. It's not that bad.
Chaos wastes, pvp, kart racing, mini golf.
mission outside the hive
jeans stealers and orks
every one of my weapons had been some 78% abomination all this time, I feel sick
They will be working on overhauling mission selection screen until September next year
just imagine the content once we're finally out of alpha...
hope the ps6 port doesn't take too long
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I was checking my talents when suddenly my ui all vanished and I became a Tzeentchian monster
My man, it's the ogryn revolver.
worst part of this update is that every time I alt-tab there's a 20% the game crashes
bro your second screen?
Dueling Sword is insane on Zealot, wtf were they thinking with this thing.
>they finally added voice lines for the other stimms apart from the health one
holy shit the bolt pistol is so good now
it's like a revolver but 40k
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I don't have the drip for a dueling sword zealot, I can't play it
which keystone talent do you pair it with?
any tips for a new darktide player? im playing veteran. do i just keep going until max level and unlock all the weapons before starting to play around with the techpriest?
yeah get to 30 before crafting anything
ok ty

the emperor protects
That used to be the case, but I think it's different now.
I think you can upgrade as much as you want, while leveling.
>new player roleplaying
the weapon will remain relevant if i keep upgrading it from low level to max level?

weapon rewards at the end of missions isn't the way to go with the new item overhaul?
some people are probably getting burnt out on space marine 2 and are looking for more 40k
never played sm2. i started looking at wh40k shorts on youtube about a year ago. then i started listening to the darktide ost at the gym. now i've purchased darktide and i'm addicted.
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i think you should use whatever weapon has the potential you're looking for. If the darker part of the bars are good I think you can just keep upgrading it. Eventually you get it maxed out. And all blessings and perks can be changed.
Some of you dickscord trannies ping that cuck tranner and make him get back to work, I need to be spoonfed my meta guides.
are the darker parts randomized per weapon?
what the fuck is weapon wield speed for psyker?
okay thanks. and the stats as well? like, some weapons have stopping power, others don't, is the stopping power stat on that weapon always a stat that's found on that particular class of weapon, or are those randomized as well?
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This one is pretty close to what I'm using >>496035698
It's really nuts
It's the weapon swap speed, it's caca
As I see it, Martyrdom is the way to go. You're not mobile enough like Combat Knife to use Inexorable Judgment (nor do you care that much about the attack speed). Really you just want more raw damage, because then your heavy attacks will just 1 shot everything all the time except for maulers/reapers/crushers/bulwarks (2-3 shot). If you run Fury of the Faithful, then you 1-shot all of them too.
I am vomit
the type of stats you see is always the same per weapon type. Stopping power can not be changed to Finesse or Defense or anything.
it really is doodoo.
MAYBE if they increased the speed from +50% to +100% it would be okay-ish at best
okay thank you very much, that makes a lot of sense.

so what i'm understanding about how items work now is this:

>each weapon mark has a certain set of stats, which acts as bonuses on top of base damage as well as are active when you have the weapon out, for example increased mobility.
>the potential of each stat is randomized per individual weapon, this is important to look at because this determines whether the weapon has the potential to be upgraded to an endgame viable weapon or not
is this a correct understanding?
What are the blessings for the bolter on vet?

sorry I badly phrased my question. What are the two I need to put on my bolter vet
Anyone know if on Psyker the +50% dodge duration from Anticipation works on the 1s dodge against ranged attacks from Evasion?
Oh. Whatever you want. And it depends how you use it. Some people use it for big dps magdumping, others use it as a sniper. The only one that looks objectively bad is Terrifying Barrage, because the bolter already does good suppression by default.
Pinning Fire and Puncture
Interesting I might slap gloryhunter to free one point or two

I remember pinning fire being nerfed
As a psygger I despise playing with other psyggers, is this the warps doing?
Age of sigma game
>not doing sibling RP
sibling pls
worst sibling right here
Maintain diversity sibling. Also isn't it beneficial to have other psykers for soulblaze
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There will be no rounding error on MY weapons. I don't have to settle for good enough any longer, so I won't. Never again. Not anymore.
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It'd be great for a boltgun or a flamer.
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Dodge duration means dodge distance in swedish. Or maybe it means iframes duration and the distance gain is incidental, idk.
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>only for zealot
bro forgot to put a filter on
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so who will be worse? Krigger vets or steel legion vets?
are you retarded?
Let me give my female Zealot bigger breasts, then I will give you money.
how cool. can't wait to never have access to this
we don't live in that timeline, maybe when fatshark dies and tencent takes over we get big titty zealot gfs
Best I can do is a breast-shaped armor (padding).
fake frames are indeed FAKE, I can see my frametime being smooth and get 80+ fps and yet the game feels laggy as fuck when the hordes spawn, it's over
disable fsr 3.1 in the launcher retard
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>Helldivers unfucking itself
>Darktide unfucking itself

Payday is going to get the same resurgence too, right?
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Sefoni's idle comments in the psykanium are basically just hints of what they're planning to add.
There was one comment of a shadowy figure in the underbelly of Tertium (Swagger) and she made a comment of "Just a matter of time before there's another inquisitor" (Dukane), the other big hint seems to be an eldar craftworld (Alaitoc I think, she describes the symbol in her comment but I forget which one), which may mean an eldar character.
I know how the fake frames are made retard, this isn't the point.
I think you can suck my nuts
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money stolen
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>kerillian in darktide
She's made for Bulwark cocks
Yeah but if you roll one stat at like 20 from Brunt then you are pretty certain that it will be 59-61 while everything else hits 80.

praise be to the master of mankind
Can you explain that to me like I'm 5? I didn't quite get that
even then its still not going to have more/better content than payday2
It went one step in the right direction apparently
lol they still don’t 1-shot Crushers? I made a rapier zealot build that could 1 shot them. What a joke.
will psyker ever get a good cosmetic that isn't paid?
anybody else's performance tanked with this patch?
somehow it feels even worse than before
check your settings haven't reset?
turn off the amd meme setting they added
same as before
this was new will check if disabling improves it
If they add elfdar and you use that as an opportunity to ropleay as the narrator from Omens of War, you're a nigger, a faggot and a cuck hiding behind that screen.
Probably a tranny as well.
I mean, if you DON'T use that as an opportunity to be the Omens of War dude.
Fuck, I've got a flu and I can't even shitpost properly.
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>trashing weapons now gives dockets, plasteel, and diamantine
I wish I didn't trash so many weapons to "prepare" for the update only for them to give me full mastery of everything for free
would warband even be ok with having an eldar among them?
I may have made a spelling mistake, but disagreeing with my overall sentiment still makes you gay. And a gay bottom at that.
the new missions is ASS
t. slow cuck
I already fisted it.
More like it already fisted me, fucking (l)edging
There is already a fair amount of heretical nonsense being tolerated in Darktide like the Loner psyker personality, while I don't think it's likely I would say it's not entirely out of the question to think that an Eldar invited by Shipmistress Brahms would be allowed some kind of presence aboard the Mourningstar. Playable Eldar never ever though, elfniggers are retarded if they think that's happening.
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Loner is BASED and MEDIA LITERATE perfect for the new generation of 40k fans.
Collaborating with elfdar isn't even heretical, some of the craftworlds have official emissaries and diplomats hanging out in the Empire.
Even hiring orks isn't that strange, the blood axes are an entire clan of mercenaries and pirates. Not the most reliable, but the best choice for Chaos removal there is.
game feel less consistent for anyone? trying to stagger ragers with my flame staff and half the time it just doesn't when before I could stunlock them
thats mostly done outside of imperial space.
have to redo all of my builds AGAIN
i play every class
works on my machine
It takes like 20 seconds per build. You can do it.
all psyker voices are shit so I don't even know which one to use
>savant has worst lines possible
>loner is annoying and heretical
>schizo is annoying schizo type of deal
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>wait 10 min to download update
>wait 90 minutes to verify integrity of game files
>wait for game to boot up
>wait for loading screen
>pick operative
>get disconnected from server in the main hub twice
>go through loading screen 2 more times
>q for game
>wait 5 minutes loading in the dropship
>Fata Error!
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Telopots having a meltdown on stream about the new update
>he verifies integrity
>have to click masteries over 1000 times
>remember what builds you were using for loadout I II III IV and V
>scrap the hundreds of redundant weapons
>decide which weapon had the best stats
>decide on the best blessings for each one
It's like waking up on xmas and mom says you have to shovel all the snow before you can open anything.
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k... keep me posted
you make type b and pick not-sienna
can you get rank 4 for 1 blessing right away? or do you have to get each blessing to the same rank before you can get the next tier?
basically it's "reee the new map sucks and they made the game too easy to pander to casuals reeee"
I'm thinking about rerolling into her but I hate all that dream beloved dream babble
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just happened to me again. I'm just going back to painting my models and doing something actually healthy for myself
the french one isn't bad either
Neither. It's somewhere inbetween. You need some rank 1's before you can get rank 2's, etc. But you don't need ALL of them to proceed to the next rank. Look at the circle progression thing on the left side.
paint me like one of your french girls
o thanks
He's saying that it's piss easy to obtain a weapon with a stat spread of 80/80/80/80/60 plus or minus rounding error.
>rounding error
floats are hard bro ok
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>screeching because fatshark doesnt make the game his 0,000001% modded difficulty gay gangbang vision
im new to darktide and i was surprised to hear a psyker refer to the emperor as "carrion lord." surely in real wh40k lore this would warrant the rest of the squad to immediately shoot him on sight?
should i start maining ogryn now?
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Depends. But since we're a closely monitored suicide squad it's not the end of the world. We're all criminals anyway.
i was thinking that might be the explanation
Openly blaspheming the Emperor is usually an instant BLAM yes, however since we're a bunch of death-row criminals sent on suicide mission after suicide mission the people running the show just kind of hand-wave it since we're expected to die anyway.
Yeah, this is headblasting territory, letting him live is extremely not normal.
We have had examples of these independant psykers, but they survive by hiding on the fringes, any imperial agency would shoot them on sight.
He's not wrong though, that's how it always goes. It's not like they added a bunch of cool new boss fights and a bunch of maps. Most of the maps are already meh because they just use different areas of the same map.
i'm not a criminal, i'm a v-valued imperial guardsman veteran, s-surely?
Maybe if you stopped spending thousands on plastic figures you could buy a working computer
You can't even be trusted enough to be fed to the Emperor.
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>Oh no now the crafting system isn't shit
>Man they are making the game too easy
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this, but for fem zealots
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>want to play other things to rank up and get penances done
>log on
>select my dueling sword, bolter zealot and play another round
>forget why I got on as I repeatedly stab scraggly men in the head, and occasionally dump 15 rounds into a group of bulwarks/crushers faster than the plasma vet can even react
why the FUCK is the block list so limited
i keep matching iwth the same fucking stupid dogshit niggers
ok cool update but where are the extra character slots?
there is a mod for that
>i keep matching iwth the same fucking stupid dogshit niggers
That's what happens when the game is too shit to attract a sizeable playerbase.
why did they change callouts from health booster to med stim?
which pickaxe on the ogryn is like bardins from vt2?
hidden elo ranking
im not really sure how an ogryn gets in trouble and goes to prison. they seem quite nice. i dont think they would understand how to commit the prison jumpsuit color crimes
If I remember correctly, the vt2 pickaxe has a basic bitch moveset of horizontal lights and vertical heavies; none of the ogryn pickaxes do that. They're much better.
from the limited details they gave out for the backstories, there's hints that some of the convicts were framed
The VT2 pickaxe is a for funzies meme weapon with exactly one use in exactly one slayer build.
And that one build is bad.
It says right in the text that you're sent to prison for bullshit reasons. My ogryn complained about the taste of his rations and was convicted for sedition.
anon it's 40k you don't need to get in trouble or do a bad thing to go to prison
read the character creation choices, you can end up in prison for utterly trivial shit
Zealot with Duelist and the rapier is fucking psychotic.
>duelling sword
makes sense
Dawi dropping chaos warriors isn't a meme build
Fucking kek. imagine a group of retards start a riot because they don't like their lunches
Help, I don't understand the new hack minigame in darktide new map.
if you're on mouse and keyboard, approach it as you would steering a car with wasd
don't over correct by holding a direction, tippy tap it until it's just right
The new character sounds like Molotov Cocktease
That talent never worked anyway
I feel like every update just adds more gunners and shooters
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The Oubliette has Poxer Guards now
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Dr. Girlfriend reject when?
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Why haven't they raised the level cap beyond 30? I know there's a mod for that, but it would be cool if if they implemented it officially. Perhaps even reward the player with some cosmetic rewards or penances every 10 and/or 100 levels gained with a character. You could also add a separate reward pool for the combined level of all your rejects. Fatshart hire me.
game now makes me randomly boot into menu, even from middle of mission
do I need a fucking mod just to be able to display every buff that I have? on psyker I can't even see if I have stacks of empowering
are you trying to reinvent the commendation chest rewards
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The Crusher still sucks unfortunately.
>Perhaps even reward the player with some cosmetic rewards
Whoa there, they aren't even ready to start handing out event frames yet. Give it a few more years.
the crusher doesn't sucks you just don't know how to push attack and you're a nigger
>on psyker I can't even see if I have stacks of empowering
you mean empowered psionics? The number of stacks is listed at the bottom of the screen.
skill issue
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>Havent played Dorktide since launch and got all my guys to 30 with decent gear

I'm confused on the new itemization. I have gear from eons ago that have blessings on it, is the gimmick now that you can just guarantee yourself blessings by putting enough time in with an item via masteries?
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I underestimated the moebian 21st...
you know I come to 4chan to read the most braindead stuff on the internet, I never leave disappointed
the gimmick is that the RNG is vastly reduced, as you can earn blessings in a more linear fashion. Also you can change both perks and both blessings freely.
absolute mongol take
You guys aren't going to trick me
and we're not going to teach you how to play, nice try, now fuck off to helldivers or sm2 or wathever FOTM you were playing
its in auric too
>herald of admonition
has zealot been unfucked?
take dueling sword or thunder hammer
take bolter or flamer
take throwing knives
enjoy zealot, for once
Unclear query; the zealot was never "fucked".
i'll believe you on the dueling sword and flamer part, but not bolter and thunder hammer
i remember the last "big" patch everyone saying zealot is dogshit
I don't remember zealot ever being fucked. Specifically the thunder hammer used to be kinda bad, now it's good. Whoever said zealot was dogshit must have been a drooling retard.
your loss buddy
>frame generation
>game looks worse AND runs worse
the power of AI, that be 30 fps + tip
The party finder is really barebone I would have preferred a code system
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>falling for the AI meme
Zealot was kinda shit before the Skilltree dropped. I didn't mind it because I understood the toughness regen you got from the charge being part of the puzzle of surviving crazy shit.

Once the skilltree did drop, you had a lot more ways to play. A lot of Zealot's playstyle is getting up close and personal so you can't hang in the back like a Veteran or a Pysker, you have screen poxwalkers and such. This means you need to know how to mix shit up with melee and not everyone is great at that sadly.

Not to say Zealots can't do ranged shit, it's just a lot of their tool kit is based around melee.
>all hats got the toilet seat collar
serves you right FREAK
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>I clicked yes on file verification
>opening the cometics menu
I seriously hope you don't do this.
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the fuck is a flash mission
no that's not train, I've done those on damnation
The redacted penance ones slap
small independent chinese-owned swedish cabin in the woods studio, pls understand
I've just pigged for that plasma gun skin. Plasma go WHOOOOSHH!
>have my framerate hard locked with nvidia controls
>new update says it puts my framerate an unstable 40+ frames above that
>notice absolutely no difference even when the figure swings wildly
I'm not sure I believe this isn't all bullshit.
so what capstone do i even run, most seem meh
I oinked for this one too, can't wait to bring it in auric and make Telopots orbiters leave in rage
what's the secret to being a good veteran?
Are you still in prison garb(blue)?
They're all good in their own way.
Crit build? Go with the left one.
Do you move a lot? Go with the right one.
Do you enjoy taking damage? Take the middle one.
Yes, obviously. It's red though.
Kill specials and shooters. Spam shout. Throw names that's it
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If you can quickly kill flamers and bombers and snipers, and throw grenades around, then you're a good veteran
>Blazing Peity.
It depends on what you want to do. If you're dumb and not sure, I would say use the chorus of spiritual fortitude and lead that into Blazing Peity. I think Blazing Peity goes with a lot of options because it's essentially a passive buff that rewards you for killing a lot (which you will be doing at high levels). If I'm not sure what keystone to take, I usually take that one.
>inexorable judgment.
If you want to be sneaky boy with a higher skill ceiling setup so you can pick people up while invisible, you can use shroudfield with pairs nicely with inexorable judgment because sneaky boys are usually running all over the place.
Fury of the faithful is actually pretty cool with the toughness it gives you but with so many toughness regen options it's not as useful as it used to be. At least you get an attack speed boost as well as a guaranteed crit and extra damage.
I don't like it because it counts on you taking damage, but if you build and play in such a way that you expect to take damage, it's not a bad choice I guess.
pls share ur thoonder hammer bild
Man, i remember using martyrdom with the Eviscerator a while ago, that shit was so much fun
>play reckless until 70~% of HP is gone
>become blender
>should i ever fuck up and die somehow i just get funny invuln and lifesteal for a few seconds
>achieve immortality unless skill issue
you play melee vet, you take weapon specialist, you take shout, you take super shotty, you will be an unkillable blender god, that never needs to reload
I'm testing in the psykahnium, does Warp Unbound just do nothing?
I still blow up.
>super shotty
i want to like this thing but FUCKKKKKKKK i swear this thing refuses to onetap specials even in close range
>game runs just decently on ssd
>update rolls around
>steam fps tracker says that my game is running at a constant 40+ fps
>feels like 20
fatshark is truly only good at set dressing and audio
design a voicetype you'd like to play as
for me it's a psyker with split personalities
you dont get downed.
Did they make any significant changes to Ogryn? I haven't played in probably over 6 months. I see that they have a new pick axe weapon. Is the shield and shovel still good on them for melee or did the pick axes replace the shovel? I really like how the new crafting is now.
>Melee not as good as vermintide
Not sure how you mean this
>Shooting is floaty
It's pretty snappy
>Rest of your comment
Maybe worry less about others and more about yourself
tony soprano ogryn voice pack
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>Verifying files
stamina management in darktide is irrelevant and melee is mostly just spamming light attacks or heavy attacks, you don't really care about flowcharts that much whereas in vermintide they were very important
I really like helbore melee
3-4 patches ago it could DPS any boss down in like 10 seconds
With the new patch
>Attack speed actually works
>New swap speed perk makes it come out in a reasonable time
It's all I ever wanted
I noticed the new Morrow comms on the mourningstar do mention that some of the 21st got infected and turned into groaners
neat that they added them as enemies too
At least on the eviscerator the flow of charge-2-3-4 WAS important
And it's not like the beginner friendly ogryn needed a patterning moveset
There are still weapons/always have been weapons that have specific patterns though
Gunlugger received some minor buffs.
it does, get the blessing with extra cleave on crit and extra crit on number of dudes hit, you will CUM when shooting into a horde and kill loads of shit (apart from bulwarks and crushers)
You guys better enjoy this update because we aren't getting anything else for a long ass time. This crafting update was always the excuse as to why they couldn't do work on else.
crusher needs basic understand of movesets
Your framerate is capped, you have Vsync on, or you're running out of VRAM.
lol no
Zealot was never dogshit, you got trolled.
free ammo for the whole team is good actually
>what's the secret to being a good veteran?
from my experience it's knowing when to shout in order to prevent problems instead of shouting reactively against problems you could've prevented, using weapon specialist, and understanding 80% of problems can be solved with melee and it builds better habits (don't fall for the backline sharpshooter meme)
this shit got nerfed bruh
i know bruh but it's still super good bruh
Never understood this complaint. The piss vision instantly pulls it out and the stab is more than enough to serve as emergency melee.Am curious if agile engagement still works tho
>Is on by default on patch
>Makes me feel like I'm dredging through molasses
What was that for
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>start mission
>male choir intro
>easy win
Whoever came up with this fucking pox gas modifier needs to be fired
it's more of annoying nothingburger modifier
this, but dogs and muties - boring and annoying
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>fatshark subforum for bug reports
>lazy retards submitting stupid shit like "how do i turn on upscaling"
>this gets 20 replies also get answered by a dev
>submit a genuine bug report with thorough documentation and video proof
>ignored by everyone, devs skip it even though they reply to newer stupid questions
kys fatshit

crit hammer works really well with the new invocation of death. might swap the toughness regen for stamina regen
>Most seem meh
They're all good
A good capstone is either going to buff your TTKs while supplementing your toughness or vice versa
Zealot 's capstone's all do this well
Stay the FUCK out of MY aurics.
Why am I getting killed in one hit by a random poxwalker now
Darktide patch good.
Space Marine 2 patch good.
Warhammer 3 DLC good.
Rogue Trader DLC maybe good?

2024 is the year of the warhammer. I'm eating so good bois.
good,I remember him gloating when they nerfed the ammo aura without making the other two worth picking over
I use it as a primary melee
It wasn't a complaint, just annoying whenever they touched it because it's not like you could buff it with blessing too well, so you were stuck with rolling for damage and praying they didn't touch it
Works as advertised now with weapon specialist
I feel like in train psykers are more of detriment than help
flame staff is great for pushing forward since you suppress everyone in front of you with the basic attacks while still moving forward at normal speed then you can massacre hordes while defending the bomb defuser
skill issue on their part. The class good for train when built for it
>mission is comically short
>Dickhead McGee takes his time getting off his Valkyrie
Why tho
>page full of psyker buffs
>psykers are still mostly deadweight
thrust with no TWBS seems counterintuitive
Weapon specialist hellbore ?!
it does suck a little but at least there's Punishment for uninterruptible
wait does that work?
How do you know they skipped it?
Authentic wermintide experience
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Just one point away from the mandatory Trench Fighter Drill and the other capstones are worthless.
Yeah, I used to stab shit, swap to my shovel and still get the 20% toughness
Now both weapons with the swap speed are stabbing fast and swinging hard
I should say the new hip fire charged brittleness will probably feel great when I max it out, but I like the bayonet as it can stun ragers in a single hit and always did good damage
It's been nerfed alot, but it was always fun to use, trade-off of course being I have to swap to shove
they fixed every bug
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>stamina regen
>toughness regen
>block efficiency
>corrupt resis
which one should i stack on the 3rd slot now?
besides ult regen and ally revive everything else feels underwhelming, i wish there was a fire dmg resis
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can you post build plz? you got me interested
corrupt resist of course...
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>Darktide still has the same perf that it did at launch

skill issue from smitecucks.
voidstrike can kill every enemy the entire length of the train.
bubble is very helpful on objectives.
only thing they're not great at is the final boss but that's why we're a team.
from my experience ogryn is the worst for train, the lack of mobility and short dodging range feels shit especially when the rest of your team is zealots & vets running forward at mach 5
They need flame staff and bubble or they are useless.
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oh I meant if the stab counts as a melee attack for weapons specialist
New class (tau)
I'm asking if
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The hell is stenght compared to power? Damage? Also manstopper or spitter?
it's literally power
fatshark strange wording strikes yet again! Thanks guess I stick to spitter then
why did they reward us with a candy cane skin
strength is what used to be power
It gives damage, cleave and stagger. I dont know about the cleave and stagger, but 1% strength is worth somethjing like 1.5%-2% damage depending on active damage modifiers and shit.

The TL;DR is it's really really good
2x walls are better for train
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I can't fucking believe they made Darktide playable 2 years after release. Imagine if they led with this system.
Oh what could have been.
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>Hey guys! Streaming soon!
>Don't forget we're going live!
>G-guys? we're going live!
>Going live btw!
>Incase anyone cares, we're going live!
>Going live SOON!
>Livestream inc!
>A-are you guys coming?
>Y-you guys are coming, r-right??? :(((
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>no catfish
bros I miss this prime slag, we should't have bullied her so hard...
you don't want ugly drops that don't work ?
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Give me a kiss, anon, I'm thirty and flirty!
once you hit 30 you'll realize this actually is the best you can do
No lol it counts as your ranged weapon, you can swap between the two weapons you have for the melee speed at all times, at least even on the old patch (as AS didn't affect your bayonet)
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>tfw no homely fiona-esque wife
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Crusher with slaughterer+skullcrusher feels so fucking good, I'm crushing these hordes into mulch. And slaughterer also lets me knock ragers onto their asses even without charging.
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Wait since when the crusher has slaughterer. Sounds more powerful than the traditional hammerblow
fuck off Jean-Mohamerde
That's not very cool...
I just hate french people
why,I just asked a question
There were more than a few people who were arguing that they no longer called us rejects.
Obviously you probably have different preferences
>30% weakspot
Was always great on veteran knife and really good on shovel spike, but its real good on your poking end of your bayonet
Can forego that and reach the single target brittleness if you have to
also revive vs extra grenade doesnt really matter, imo the only thing the bayonet is bad against is crushers
And i mean literally the only thing it can't handle
It can handle anything else in the game, with pretty long attack range too
A heavy bayonet attack can 1hko a heavy gunner in his face (used to be a single light could)
>Damage cleave isn't infinite but a swipe from a charged attack lingers so you can swing it for mass stagger
>Fast stabs to the dick of a Mauler still stagger lock it (has to be the dick, any higher and you randomly hit the head at longer ranges)
Also it shreds boss shields
kek, real schizo hours
>log in
>with all the insane grinding and blessing acquisitions i had done since launch none of my weapons are max rank
>log out
ty anon I'll give it a shot, those are not the talents I usually use but oh well sometime you have to try new things
Right, I paypigged for krieg and have been a knifer rifle for a helluva long time
Diamantine to plasteel cinversion when?
so no ammo regen
I'm stabbing shit I've never gone below 50% ammo, not even close
Now that they reduced ammo cost on charged shots that's even less likely
It's just not a shooty build, but stabbing shit and seamlessly shooting sniper s
afrika corps bros? how we feeling?
Same, their transition to this new system was garbage
you can play around it using skill
Looks like they just distributed total, evenly across all weapons to incentivize trying the new shit, for better or for worse
At least melkbux stuff seems useful
that looks like shit
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hey vetbros make sure to be using fire team so I can hit this breakpoint k thx
that looks cool
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I'm the tallarn fag, I'm now using a heavy sword
actually I changed my mind. Get survivalist so I can shoot more k thx
I'm never buying poxbux until they add power armor. I hate all these cosmetics.
no, weapons specialist is weapon specific, but it does count as a melee attack for agile engagement, but that one is also weapon specific, but its attack buffs weapon
that looks like shit
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ogryn ass clipping trough coat in nw cosmetic
I'm so tired of retards in this game. It's like they're trying to lose
very cute
that looks like shit
If there's an attempt at teamplay I don't care if they have downs. But as soon as someone runs away and start asking "WHERE IS MY TEAM!?" i lose my shit
The remaining U5 (or 4 since sienna has chosen to become fireproof).
member when xbox players got a free 22k slopbucks but the pc players that made the franchise possible got nothing?
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>taunt 1000 enemies, huh? this shouldn't be har-
>elites or specialists
I'm playing more ogryn than I have ever wanted to, and this experience will convince me to never play him again.
literally just scab bruisers with a white stripe on the shoulder
if you play above sedition difficulty you will see more than 2 elite enemies per mission. should make it easier to complete your penance
I had a team where someone dropped a medkit directly next to a medstation, and then someone ran directly past another when they had more than half purple health. It might have been the same person
I hate how in a poor state the skin looks
No way that isn't a shooting offense on some level
>release big patch that unfucks progression perfect for new players
>don't put the game on sale
sasuga obese fish, truly big brained
>game freezes for 1-5 seconds randomly
>forgot scoreboard isn't inherent part of the game
yeap darktide update. time to fuck around with settings.
at least the new map is fast. on the other hand I don't wanna play like this all the time.
certified petulant child moment
So, is duelist a good pick if i want to use the Dueling Sword on Zealot now?
Not quite sure if i still want to run Idol or go for the Dash
Also, how the fuck do i play Shotgun vet
>you completed a penance!
>what was it?
>who knows! heres your 5 points!
don't act like a retard and I won't treat you like one faggot
>half the mission is minigames amidst a horde
>ogryn is somehow bad for it
skill issue
Yes? Duelist has always been a good talent. You take it when you can, it's a raw damage increase.
fatherless, without the touch of grass
>lack of mobility like the charge isn't perfectly suited for straight lines
>cannot be interrupted
Hope it's bait
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>never cared that much for bars, never thought max rolling shit was all that important
>only ever cared about the ease of getting blessings, even trying to get BM for rashad was a nigger bitch trial and a half
>burnt myself out of the game making a new weapon like 6 months ago, had tons of fun trying the weapon out but the prospect of even trying to craft another weapon (spam for blessings) turned me off
>mfw this update
It's so nice being able to have a lovely weapon in 5 minutes flat without any autism needed. clicking the shop 600 times for a 5% chance to get a t2 or a tier 3 relevant blessing after dumping 4,000,000 plasteel was not intuitive or fun and singlehandedly drove my friends away.
While this update is nice, its infuriating that it took fatshark two years to reinvent the wheel.
mommy Hestia said my deeds of valor will be immortalized for generations to come :D
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I'm going to start using movespeed instead of survivalist...
Fuck gunluggers.
The Ogryn penances take fucking forever even when playing Auric Maelstrom. Ogryn is my least played character, so I definitely played him a lot more than I wanted to for all of those.
he's right thoughever, there are literally hundreds of elites in every auric
that's not remotely close to being one of the grindier penances
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>Join mission
>Do alright, nothing crazy
>Penance completed: On Overwatch
>How do you know they skipped it?
Because posts get flagged when a developer acknowledges them, newer posts than mine have been acknowledged.
Need ammo sah
>While this update is nice, its infuriating that it took fatshark two years to reinvent the wheel.

Convinced they kept this kind of upgrade to justify a months of absence
Ive been using the damage one it saves me 2 points and honestly I dont need ammo. No one does unless theyre spraying at everything in which case I dont care. Only time I really need it is plasma
Ok but what blessings do I use on my power sword now that I actually have them
>Fuck gunluggers.
Why? I'm helping and you're just ruining my day like this for no reason?
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power cyclist + your personal favorite (Express yourself!!)
grats dude
Reckon there's any chance of a sale for Darktide?
all the good players are using party finder
>(Express yourself!!)
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>woah hey these outfits are actually kind of cool for once
>i might dress up my toons finally
>Costumes cost HOW FUCKING MUCH?
Getting the costumes for all four characters costs more than the fucking game itself, in what world is that okay
in the world of whales who have more money than sense, 40k fans especially are easily scammed

Yeah it's a shame but it be what it be.
t. Unashamed Paypig that bought the Krieg stuff because it looks cool.
seconding vermintide 3/smegmar game, it took them way too long to make this update it's obvious darktide is not their number one priority
>clipping mask not connected to anything is cool
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So I heard they reworked Psyker tree? Is it readable now? Can I get a solid idea what all the trees are about now or is it still "Psyker with Staff and Psyker with gun"?
I hate that too. I bet it's some engine thing where it looks weird if the model bends a certain way or something.
still the same, though I don't remember if before you could have assail and vent at the same time but now you can
More soulblaze shit
the kind of faggots who spend real life money on virtual clothing are also the kind of faggots who spend a lot of real life money on virtual clothing
it's not a very elastic market
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increased player count means more smite psykers I haven't blocked yet
b-but I get electric heavy attacks that deal 50 extra damage!
Where's the dumb faggot who kept whining that the update will be bad and darktide will die? Come on faggot let's see what you have to say
it's just a penance bro i'm over it i promise i quit i'm sober no more smite
the fuck is the commissar girl's accent? Fake tough girl ?
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Is smite that shit? I didn't see the point of it given I use the funny circle blast staff.
yet the current steel legion cosmetic does it no problem lmao
t-the map is short only 10min LOL haha! and you had to remake your talent trees hah pathetic
Immolation grenade penance isn't tracking what's the issue is it just not showing for some reason or not progressing at all
I hate you.
Smite is simultaneously dogshit and annoying to play with in a bad players hands and busted OP and boring to play with in a good players hands

The only time I don't hate a smite psyker is if he doesn't fucking use it more than like once per mission as if it was an ogryn grenade. It's honestly on the power level of an ogryn grenade, unironically, except it's free and spammable and doesn't get fucked by minor elevation changes. Fucking dogshit design.
What if I don't wanna!?
I can't tell if im having problems with performance only on the new map cause its the only fucking thing in rotation
so have they made disrupt destiny not garbage yet? it used to be exclusive for solo players
have you checked the FSSR3.1 or something ? Some kind of new frame gen AI option enabled by default
the quickplaybrain
I wouldn't block them if they were just shit. I'm good enough to carry shitters, enjoy it even. The problem is they slow the pace of the game to a crawl and make it unfun. It's like I'm playing a whole different game when there's one, and that different game is worse.
yea threw that out already.
gotta go fast
Not him but this shit is worse for me than FSR2 which was pretty alright. Kinda sucks that it replacedi t
>costumes for all four characters costs more than the fucking game itself
I hate this. DRG you pay $10 for a dlc and you can outfit all your dudes. Darktide I have to pick exactly one dude to splurge on if I dont want to spend $60 on what amounts to a single cosmetic.
>Fatshark sells recolors of stuff I already own at full premium prices
Total Swede Death.
>t-the map is short only 10min LOL haha!
Unironically. They added the short mission format from Vermintide 1 that no one liked. I spent 2 hours getting my inventory and talents situated. Then I played this mission for 10 minutes and thought "wow, thats it?"
yeah quick play is now unlpayable because you get the ass train mission
it's an okay gimmick to run like once or twice but it's the exact same thing every time
What's with the anti smite? I find it a good form of crowd control to save my team and weaken bigger enemies. I admit I was bad early on thinking it was a blunt damage thing, but it pops with empowered psykonics.
It'll normalize, they always make it so the new map pops up 3 times as much. It'll eb a nice change of pace later
Pre-servitors getting uppity in this thread.
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>helldivers got a banger patch
>darktide got a banger patch
>sm2 got a banger patch
Maybe they'll apply it to the older model in a update?
As opposed to every other mission in the game?
I literally just said what the problem is
see >>496094676
explains it accurately
So it's TOO good?
When retards use it:
>teehee, I am a literal CC bot who has to stun all of this chaff 10m away from my teammates so that they have to move out of position to kill anything. No I don't understand threat priorities. No I don't have other weapons. All I'm here to do is stun things. I'M HELPING!
When good players use it:
>every mixed horde or potential SHTF moment is now trivialized, and the game goes smoother than if vaseline was smeared all over the fucking floor, and we dodge slid right into the end screen while falling asleep
I don't want your fucking crowd control
I want to quickly kill the enemies while expertly avoiding their attacks
I don't want to slowly kill enemies while not avoiding their attacks at all because they're stunlocked
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>the new stage only takes 10 minutes to beat with a good team and is an instant loss with shitters
>no less than 4 months before a new stage is added
Flash missions soon
sm2 is too easy now, not that it was hard before but just walked thorugh atreus with 0 issue
yeah but I am sure they will tweak it in the other direction, at least chaos isn't CBT anymore
Now it's Psyker with Staff (extra survivability) and Psyker with Gun (extra dps).
Jokes aside, the fuck do you mean "readable"? The nodes are right there, you can read them.
It did not replace it. FSR3.1's upscaler uses the same upscaling solution as FSR2.2, there's no difference. The difference is the frame generation which works separately and you can turn it off while keeping the upscaling.
>Auric quickplay
>everyone hangs around killing enemies or playing builds that are not supportive
I wish these trogs would at least try if they're going to spin the train mission
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>Maybe they'll apply it to the older model in a update?
wait so you're saying frame gen has been dropping my fps by like 20? how the fuck does that make sense? isn't it supposed to add fps?
Honestly, I'd say blame Fatshark for not having better options for blitz's. I mean my choices are

>Brain pop that's slow, and there's other better ways to deal with bigger baddies
>A stun that's awful in a shitter and OP in a competent player
>The option EVERYONE tells you to pick that get's boring after a while for the Psyker.

Psyker has ALWAYS felt like that awkward class that only has a few viable builds.
What happens if you run out of time? Also Commissar Lady is totally voiced by Laura Bailey.
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This update made me uninstall.
>Weapons that were perfect before update are now shit
>Shit weapons that I had in inventory are now better
>Somehow have more mastery points for weapons I NEVER USED
Just. End. It.
There's several reasons it could be fucking up your performance. 1. you have Vsync on 2. your framerate is capped 3. you're running out of VRAM (framegen requires extra VRAM)
Make sure vysnc is off and your framerate is not capped, then observe what framegen does for you. If it's still nuking your performance then you're probably out of VRAM. Also what's your GPU? It could be unsupported.
I mean like how the top of the tree has three images and usually there's a clear idea of what "build" the devs had in mind for said trees.

Like for example Veteran

>Squad Leader
>Run n Gun


>Melee focused


>HARD Melee focus
>Team focused buffer ala Vet's squad leader branch
>Sneaky stabby

Meanwhile all I see in Psyker is the two we both joked on, Wizard or Wizard with Gun. What's the third?
>What happens if you run out of time?
The train crashes with no survivors
k bye you won't be missed retards who can't read aren't allowed in my aurics anyway
>Weapons that were perfect before update are now shit
Those weapons were not modified in any way clown-kun
the other missions aren't literally straight corridors, you are being very disingenuous if you think they are the same
I don't know man
15% (25%) damage
30% (50%) crit damage
37.5% (62.5%) headshot damage
>they all stack with each others
Do you think that's good?
I'm aware it's a cope lil monke man, but what else can I say?
>>Weapons that were perfect before update are now shit
you're shitposting
your weapons pre-patch have not been changed. if you had a powersword with BM4/PC4 you still have it even if your blessings grid got reset
>framerate is not capped
I'll assume you mean the actual ingame option, I'll try it turning it off. I'll monitor vram aswell thanks
And yeah my GPU is an old piece of shit, it's a 1080. It was doin good enough before though
try playing in a full group with it
the only thing that matters for points now is your the stats rolled, the perks and blessings dont apply so some of my best weapons are like 440-460 and my god rolled trash are 500. the mastery thing is based on the amount of blessings you had so like plasma guns I have 1 mastery because I just rolled one and played with it but rashad powersword and laspistol are 15 because I needed certain blessings
>150 fps according to my steam fps counter
>Feels like 50
I never used frame generation because I am a bad goy and dont have a RTX4000. Turns out the frames are fake and /v/ was right all along.
frame gen introduces some input lag so yeah it's going to feel worse but look smoother
space wizard with lightning fingers (EP smite for 25 seconds straight doing 100-150 dps on 30 targets)
Right, if it has shortcomings it's supposed to be because it's the least resource consuming class in the game
Which is why I think gun psykers need to stop being retarded and just go vet
don't care already uninstalled fuck fat shark
hobo palpatine
Frame generation is garbage in garbage out. It's going to feel and look like shit if your performance without framegen was already low FPS or inconsistent. It'll work fine if your framerate was already high and smooth before it, the latency increase will be neglible and well worth the tradeoff (increased visual smoothness).

You need to experiment with your FPS caps and figure out what works best for you, also needs more VRAM than usual.

There's also people who are hypersensitive to any additional input lag and you could be one of them... but that's usually overblown bullshit, if it wasn't overblown bullshit than videogames would be considered unplayable until Reflex released in 2020.
But then it's just "Wizard" build and that's it. If Fatshark needs a MAJOR update for Darktide, it's a Psyker overhaul to at least give us more options that feel viable.
Yeah I don't know why people keep saying thr shit that they do
>Ah bloo bloo you need to grind 1000 hours for a """perfect weapon""""
When a 350 with a good distribution is fairly easy to buy en masse from brunt, and upgrading + rerolling blessings on hadron usually took the resources from like, one weekend of gameplay
The same people bitching now that their "pre patch op stuff they always had" is now shit are the same people that said "omg the new gear system is totally going to fix the game"
The new melk gear and trinket reblessing is really good though
I maintain that scriers gaze/disrupt destiny is actually for melee focused builds. Recon lasgunner spammers get the rope.
I think it's just people adverse to the idea of "You need to put work in to have better gear and not just GET better gear on whim or relying on blind luck"
how long does it take to drill the fundamentals into somebody's head took me 6-8 hours until the game clicked for me but I have friends well past that still getting bodied all the time by trash
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Why are they adding new emotes? who even uses them?
The crusher is actually shit though
>people have told me im retarded for claiming this exact thing a few months back
i swear to god
>every voiceline is someone telling you that there's no time left you have to get a move on
>Giant bar ticking down on the top of your screen
>teammates all sprinting as fast as they can
>uhhh why are you guys running ahead we gotta clear poxwalkers okay
fucking shoot me
>maxed out suppression perks on veteran
>just shooting plasma in general direction of gunners makes them piss themselves and run away in fear
peak class
CC abilities like smite are ok not CC weapons that's icky
I only use the plasma gun in auric to make the Telopots beta orbiters like Agathae seethe and shit their pants
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So all in all

>A decent overhaul of how you upgrade your weapons, a bit late. Good for newbies, meh for us already here
>No real signifigant class changes aside from Gun Lugger being more better now
>No Psyker overhaul so he's still just wizard build that throws needles
>One new mission that's short as hell and the only new development is a Commissar character on the Mourning Star, and it's Laura Baily doing her Russian accent again.

I mean glad to check out the mission, but I'm still on Helldivers 2 again and honestly I don't like going between coop games (messes with muscle memory). See you dorks when they have a REAL content update, or a Psyker overhaul. The Emperor Protects.
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I decided to make a double barrel after the patch dropped. It took me three fucking rolls to get a perfect one, it starts out pretty lack luster but after two games i'm at mastery 16 for it and didn't have many blessings banked. Upgrading is cheap as shit too. Whiners gonna whine

funny thing is you can do that now too since emp gifts are buffed and sour milk always max rolls
We really need a new playable character to spice things up.
or a major story development.
>and it's Laura Baily doing her Russian accent again
it's some of the worst voice acting I've ever seen, literally on par with chaos wars
I mean it's fine for what it is. It's just when you play enough games, or are into voice actors like me, you notice the subtleties to more well known VAs.

I don't think it's the worst. But she isn't really impressive for a Commissar. Maybe if they did a bunch of older missions with new voice work for her? Let her character shine more.

Honestly a mission with her and Rannick would be amusing.

Hey Lore nerds: What do Commissars and Inquisitorial Interrogators think of each other? In my eye they're more or less the slam on "blamming people randomly for some trumped up reason".
Im pretty sure I hear generic background slav #43 from Metro 2033 when she speaks. I hate when Commissars have bad voice acting ever since Dawn of War 1 spoiled me.
yo is the game good now after the 50 reworks they've done?
Yeah but it's still a kinda sleeper update. Then again it's just an update to how upgrading items work. It's not Nurgle coming out to take a big shit on the Mourning Star.
yes, you can now try new weapons out without investing hundreds of hours into the game
Does the flamethrower staff count as soulblaze, or have soulblaze related blessings
yes and yes
for the longest time it didn't used to but it does
How do you make a psyker that doesn't die in 2 hits
It was a necessary update but yeah people who expected the game to breathe new life into itself like with the talent/Carnival update are gonna be disappointed. Those kind of updates are what we should start getting now because now there won't be shitty or insulting gameplay systems chasing players away. I like what the patch has done but I went back to Vermintide for now.
make a psyker that dies in 3 hits
Fatshark really forgot how stupid videogame players are, this new crafting and mark and upgrade system is unironically filtering people.
>Game is finally up to snuff
Im thinking its time for Darktide 2
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mfw sweden
Doesn't matter what the good weapons are, to get that ammo keystone penance done in a reasonable amount of time you'll pretty much have to run a gunlugger build with a heavy stubber just because it has the biggest ammo reserve.
something big is coming with the anniversary + ps5 port release for sure
ps5 players will start the game with 30,000 aquila
pc players get a recolored skin
Commisars hold themselves to a high standard
The Inquisition holds people to a low standard
Both achieve their standards by sometimes mass friendly fire incidents
>Hundreds of hours
People like this are the people that seem to shitpost for a living
You get enough money and mats for a decent weekend from just clearing one weekly, that's like one weekend of play
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>This is a true story. It actually happened.
they crippled the health restoration thing tho, shit is a slog in relentless if you don't insta kill everything
Peculiar way to look at it. Every staff has a different vibe:

The voidblast (formerly trauma, ground explosion) staff throws everyone around and sets them on fire, which feeds both your toughness regen and your shriek regen, which vents your heat and also sets everything on fire, in a virtuous circle. Your melee weapon is a self-defense sidearm for killing the 3 poxies behind you.

The inferno (formerly purgatus, flamethrower) staff is used in mostly the same way, the difference being that crushers will walk through the flames towards you, menacingly. Your melee weapon is meant to deal with them (ie take a dueling sword mk4, a deimos force sword, a combat axe or a chain axe).

The electrokinetic (formerly surge) staff is a medium range aimbot that microstuns the target and everything around it in a small aoe. It will kill crushers easily but struggles with hordes of trashmobs. It overheats quickly so it's best to stack as much peril reduction as possible. Take a melee weapon with horizontal sweeps to deal with hordes.

The voidstrike staff is a smaller plasma gun with infinite ammo. Put the "transfer peril" (reduce heat on headshots) blessing on it, aim at head-height towards a crowd and clear the room by yourself. Your melee weapon is a self-defense sidearm.

And then there's Wizard with a Gun (scrier's gaze & disrupt destiny). Turn yourself into a zealot every 25 seconds.
>he expects ANOTHER skin for free
so entitled
>he thnks we'll get more recolored slop
lol sry anon, consoltards will get 40k this time though
Is that new Commissar character actually on the ship somewhere? Or does she only show up over Vox?
Also why the fuck are they still forcing this REJECTS shit, their own damn story progressed past that point a long time ago. Why can't they start calling us Acolytes, you know, a title befitting our actual fucking rank
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darkbabs are you ever getting red weapons ? like 100% rolls not the weapon skin
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>power matrix ending auric damnation
>omw to move the power cells
>2 faggots stay near the exit vault door
>yell "come and fuckign help" in voice chat
>they come to us, die on the way
>sets everything on fire, in a virtuous circle
well actually
on the right when you finish a mission
It was at least 500k dockets for a decent chance of getting 1 (ONE) good weapon, then god knows how much plasteel to farm blessings and getting stuck in RNG hell.

Now you can just buy a level 500 shitter weapon with weekly currency and grind some regular damnations and after a few hours you'll have enough points to get the exact IV blessings you want. It's not even comparable to how shit it was before. Now it's actually fun to max out masteries just for the sake of it instead of what was essentially a bossman jack stream before.
To make the game even easier? I hope not.
To make the game even easier? I hope so.
Its for the new cataclysm difficulty obviously.
>alt-tabbing darktide makes it borderless
fucking swede retards
bro your second monitor?
>Fixed a crash occurring when enabling FSR 3.1 frame generation without upscaling.
Why was this even a crashing thing? How fucking retarded are these devs?!
what the fuck some of my weapons now have lower stats than before, did they fix some rounding error bullshit? great now I have to buy new weapons AGAIN goddamn stupid fucking swedes
Oh yeah, BIG PATCH DELAYS thanks to Sony cert process.
Candy Cane
After reading the whole thread I have the feeling some of you are probably retarded, or at least have a very low IQ
I'd like to think we're FINALLY gonna get things at a better face once the PS5 port is done but let's face it, we can expect a substantial large update every 10 or so months, maybe a few smaller patches every 6 months and that'll be that.
Didn't fatshark just delay patches for VT2 on PS and not other platforms because of that? Give them some credit, they aren't Overkill level retarded
You want Candy Cane?
No they don't, you are schizophrenic
FSR3.1 increases likelihood of crashing in almost every single game it's been implemented. It doesn't work to well in DT yet, I'd advise DLSS framegen if you're on a RTX4000 card, or learn how to use Lossless Scaling 2x mode instead. Or just don't use framegen.
yes they fucking do because I specifically only upgraded weapons with a perfect split and now that I look at them the 60% dump stat is a couple of points lower

fuck these fucking incompetent devs holy shit
anon you were looking in the mirror again
>Play with my friends
>None of us realize FSR3.1 is turned on
>We all crash at the same time
I believe you
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and you're not?
>Also why the fuck are they still forcing this REJECTS shit, their own damn story progressed past that point a long time ago. Why can't they start calling us Acolytes, you know, a title befitting our actual fucking rank
it's halfway there
at launch we were all rejects all the time every time even after lvl 30
nowadays about half the supervisor interactions actually treat the player like an experienced regular, but half is still rejectslop
Shut the fuck up tranny I'll fucking kill you
>Roll about 20 brunts (again, 1 day, let alone one weekend)
>Upgrade the handful with passable stat allocations using the mats you and your team picked up
>1 of them is bound to be usable
No one ever said anything about "good" or "BiS"
But A good enough weapon for "trying out" doesn't need god rolls
>Darktide 2: The Darkest Tide
>New Class: Salamander Chapter Space Marine
>Use Dueling Sword
>Pretend your Saltzpyre
>Duel those fucking heretics.
tac axe is perfect for everything but inferno, especially with the new crit blessing which tears through hordes
>But A good enough weapon for "trying out" doesn't need god rolls
It does though, because you don't actually know what breakpoints you can hit without proper rolls. Now you can actually experiment and optimize freely too. It was a fucking nightmare before.
>Slam and not same
I'm turning fucking dyslexic.
and if the two were to share tea?
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>still can't transmog a weapon skin from a Mark to another
Oh Emperor, why are you not nuking Sweden already?
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is the toughness regain shout with plasma still a thing?
should i base the vet plasma build around toughness regeneration?
Interesting tutorial thanks,any good plasma staff build?

Remember this IS Warhammer 40k. anyone who isn't important is basically a grey blob to the important people.

And the grey blob is you, just a bit less grey now. This is what happens when endless AAA games tell you how "special" you are. When a game decides to not make you feel as special for plot/background fluff reasons, it upsets people as we see.
that new swagger mission is pretty high quality, felt like a vt2 level. I liked it
Where's the martyrs skull here though?
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No that's /v/.
In media commissars have better fashion and gameplay/plot mechanics
Inquisitors end up being semi-functional dicks most of the time
He said retarded not gay
Bionic Commando Rearmed 3
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The good old Melta Gun
Regain and Regen are two different things
Regen is genuinely shit
>When a game decides to not make you feel as special for plot/background fluff reasons, it upsets people as we see.
Don't project this stupid shit. I don't need the main NPCs to fellate me for existing. But if you can't see the disconnect where in the story we've moved past the whole reject phase, proved our worth, and been invited to officially join the Inquisition Warband, then I don't know what to tell you other than you've either not paid any attention, or you're just defending sloppy, shitty writing for no reason.
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my frames are definitely worse and yeah I disabled fsr
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So why am I crashing after trying to open my weapon menu after playing a mission?
Not him but I genuinely don't know what you mean. Where are the players referred to as rejects in auric missions? The mission giver lines change as does the banter
disable mods
>And the grey blob is you, just a bit less grey now. This is what happens when endless AAA games tell you how "special" you are. When a game decides to not make you feel as special for plot/background fluff reasons, it upsets people as we see.
I don't want the game to call me special, that's bullshit. I just don't want there to be a schizophrenic inconsistency in how the player is perceived by others. The game should make up its mind - are the lvl30+ players a skilled inquisitorial strike team made up of former rejects (the recent cinematics and dialogue with people like Morrow or Rannick seems to suggest this) or are we all still glorified prisoners wearing rags and expected to die any second even if we're not lvl 1 anymore? (a lot of the dialogue in the game still seems to suggest this)
completely vanilla
>gunlugger is better
What'd they fix?
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>minor Vet skill tree changes
>still no instant reload on ability use
I still miss my 100+ round braced autogun.
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did knife zealots get better or worse?
what did they even change? it looks identical to before
see for yourself
your time is coming, tin can, all the boys are back in town and when big daddy E comes home your linux cult on Mars is done for
Refresh talent for Executioner's Stance got integrated into the main ability and one of the talents at the top of the tree got replaced with +25% weapon swap speed.
I've saved three different games as the last man standing with the crusherâ„¢ today
i believe you anon, i really do
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Ragers still fuck me up through my devil's claw parry sometimes
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60% mobility turned into 58%
>get scammed
>start up game
>says something but checking the games files
>click no
did i fuck up?
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Let's run some /coopg/ aurics
Just set the filter to korean in the party finder and you will find the lobby, I will wait for around 20 minutes
that's what you get, loyalist scum
No, that's what you're supposed to do.
How would crossplay work with this?
Did they fix the visual bug with the weapons stats or do I still need to empower it once to see the real values
hope you like starting from scratch with fresh characters every time from now on
>RTX 590
FS helping nvidia with the shilling I see
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>she uses any frame or title beyond the defaults
for these grimoires and scriptures quest do i need to finish the missions for them to count?
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More like CACAdia!
>quickplay is nothing but Rolling Steal
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This is how I imagine most of you look like.
That's right, you.
The ones constantly babbling about veteran players, the ones claiming that knife zealots are niggers, the ones claiming to block any smite psykers or shield ogryns.
This is you, white pasty effeminate men enthusiasts of a dogshit game no one cares about.
of course?
lmao shopclickers are always cracking me up
someone in your team has to
That's not possible, I'm a girl.
Can someone explain to me what auria and maelstrom are? Are they basically normal missions with guarantee modifiers?
woman coded post
I'm white but I'm not pasty or effeminate
I can squat 4 pl8 and almost bench 3 pl8
i hate this gremlin like you wouldn't believe.
Detractors of the game have been whining the game keeps """forcing""" them to play the game since the beginning of time
That fatshark caters to these opinions annoys the hell out of me, is there some grand YouTuber shepherding these sheep or something?
And the ones constantly larping about being nazis in nazi outfits, yes we get it you fucking retard
Type F in chat if you think this shit is a fucking SCAM
>He uses a title
describe the 3 most important pointers for bench form
I am 100% more certain I am more masculine than any eceleb dicksucker who even knows who this is
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>pretending to not know the poster boy of every game fatshark has ever released
>Noooo please dont make me play the game! I just want to spend $60 on the latest weekly slop and log out!
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>This is how I imagine most of you look like.
>That's right, you.
>The ones constantly babbling about veteran players, the ones claiming that knife zealots are niggers, the ones claiming to block any smite psykers or shield ogryns.
>This is you, white pasty effeminate men enthusiasts of a dogshit game no one cares about.
go outside and touch grass and meet real people and you'll realize the virtual people don't matter and the idea of someone not knowing them isn't unbelievable at all, you unfuckable incel
you are so pathetically predictable it hurts
Im fatter and uglier...
Sick projections, brah.
projection is just a way to say "no u"
You're pathetic, I'm done with you.
kek you pissed off so many white incels
>Check psyker changes
>Hope they didn't ruin gunpsyker
>New nodes change virtually nothing but allow me to pull higher damage numbers with a force sword than a da mk4 zealot
This went better than expected.

I also maxed out all weapons today. Having dockets helps a lot. It's roughly 300k and 3k plasteel going from 0 to 20. I now also have one perfect weapon of every type and a clean inventory. Which is nice I guess.
I just wish we had actual content. Getting an 8 minute map after 1 year is bullshit
I'm not even trolling and I started with Vermintide 1, I have absolutly 0 idea who this guy is and it's the first time I see him
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I accept your concession.
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This is how I really look like
You have big cahoongas.
Depends. Psykers in general? That's a you problem. Smiggers? They are agents of the archenemy.
Yeah, me too, I've been playing since VT1 as well and have no idea of who this guy is. I only know of jsat, because he was actually shilled by fatshark even in their launcher. And I actually do look like jsat's sibling, what the fuck
(((they))) don't want you to know this but smoke grenades trivialize the train mission
>try to play Rolling Steel
>keeps throwing me into leftover games where shitters lost and quit
>join game, "15 seconds for train to crash!"
They didn't playtest this, did they?
So some random guy on the internet?
Thats the fuckest thing about this game.
Everything says 60fps, feels like 40.
Only problem I have is that it feels like the minigame takes too fucking long.
Turn off FSR3.1 frame generation in your settings nigga. How many times.
Probably helps the penance too
Am I the only one that feels like the much touted crit cdr node change actually buffed Zealot
I'm back to book spamming nearly as fast as I used to which is great for shitter teams
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i look like this
I look almost identical to Tobey Maguire, I'm not joking.
it got nerfed to the ground then buffed again
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Okay so basically I've picked the Krak grenade because my understanding is that it's better against specialists/armoured enemies, as opposed to the improved frag grenade which is basically just horde killer which you kill easily anyways.

I picked the shout ability and I am using it either to prevent myself or someone else from getting surrounded and brought down, or to revive someone (I picked the revive passive upgrade for it).

I also picked survivalist because it just sounds too good.

And my enemy priority is basically shoot down the special mobs before they get anywhere close to the party, and the grenades either into massive hordes or into special mobs.

Is that the gist of it?
I know but last week people were shitting their pants about it being another hard nerf to zealot
Krak grenades are guaranteed value, easy big boy kills

shout is fantastic, but don't get revive. Get the other node. By getting revive you get longer cooldown + mentally you want to save it so you use it less. By using it more often you give the team more toughness which means we're less likely to go down in the first place.

Survivalist always nice to have and ogryns + zealots like it a lot.
And yes prioritize the special mobs that cause extra trouble.
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YWN have this drip
shop some more
slight nerf for crit knife
nice buff for every other weapon
thescripture hunting event is perfect for leveling masteries as well, run a dozen heresies with whatever weapons you want to upgrade and get 24k mastery each on both weapons. If you dont have multiple weapons maxed at the end thats on you
ok thanks a lot.

one more question, maybe this is a retarded question, but i'm looking at the masteries for the different weapons. such as infantry autogun adn the braced autogun, and most of the masteries seem to be focused on close quarters shooting? looking at the infantry lasgun, that one seems more long-range focused masteries.

so basically the autoguns are close quarters ranged weapons?
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>Hey Lore nerds: What do Commissars and Inquisitorial Interrogators think of each other? In my eye they're more or less the slam on "blamming people randomly for some trumped up reason".
The Inquisition are like Space Feds. Like the US Marshals. They get sent in to investigate stuff like cults/traitors/alien infestations, etc. When they show up on the scene they have a LOT of authority but very little manpower. However what manpower that they have might be elite and have all of the fancy toys. In order to get their job done, they generally need to pull rank and requisition support from local institutions. The local institutions may or may not be fully cooperative.

Commisars are focused on maintaining morale within the ranks, and this commissar is apparently an officer that leads her unit.

Stereotypically an Interrogator/Inquisitor is going to view the commissar/local officer as someone who is less important than them and who cannot see the big picture. Conversely the local is going to view the Interrogator/Inquisitor as being the stuckup richboy from out of town who's too full of himself and doesn't see the nitty gritty details of "how things work around here."
braced is for close to medium, but you can still kill some things at long range if you crouch and hip fire
I agree.
almost everything that dude said is wrong btw, he's either retarded or purposefully fucking with you to punish you for being a dumb bitch who asks stupid questions instead of playing the game and figuring it out yourself
I'm leaning towards the latter
i really like the braced autogun, it seems to do a lot of damage. and i'm not a retard so hitting at range is not too hard.

but to "specialize" at taking out vip targets at range, is the lasgun still recommended above the autoguns?
>YWN have this drip
i will when my friend gets on this weekend, i just wish i didn't have to cheese it
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>Hellbore was good at launch
>It's still pretty fucking good from what I can tell even with the new talent system

How are autoguns these days I feel like playing COD
Its already off...
do you think your OP is so great it's worth making the thread early for?
kill yourself you obnoxious faggot
>Meanwhile all my friends that tried the game dropped it
>Have 20ish hours in it
>Never beat a damnation
>Always whine about no one to cover their rear
Rather than blame ones own attention span it's become very hip to blame the game in question
Recon is better than autoguns at range while still being great in close. That said laspistol. Its fun and makes me feel like an officer
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Actually, I look like this.
I'll suck your dick
It was supposed to be a buff. They nerfed it hard, and in the patch notes this was an explicit attempt to bring it back up to being effective but reasonable. Now if only the other two options weren't dogshit.

Oh. People are fucking retards. More at 11. Or they're all assmad knife users. Maybe it was still good on that.
30 secs a pop
smarter groups will push past shit so they can zug out under the objective instead of doing doing the mindless killing first.
>curly hair
yeah sorry, I'm not jewish
Damn bitch you live like that

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