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Previous: >>495533856

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
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>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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You can't start the thread like that, it sets a perverted tone...
who is (you)r least liked priconne design and why? (only design, not talking about "personality")
Matsuri, she is ugly.
personality wise Mana.
Nea and Nefi.
Not a fan of their complexions.
Used to be Kaya but she's grown on me. Now it's Nanaka
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She is cute but her hat is retarded.
Her summer alt will fix it.
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Most of the Princess forms, I really only tolerate Hiyori's and Sheffy's.
The wings really feel tacked on, making the design feel way too busy. And I'm not into Gundam so the reference just goes over my head.
Hiyori's, because I like how she can apparently use her wings as another pair of arms, and Sheffy's, well, hers are just a part of her. Her translucent skirt is incredibly erotic, too.
>who is (you)r least liked priconne design and why?
Homare by far
Ugliest cunt in the game
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Which priconne would you like to have as a servile maid?
The dork.
You have to be more specific.
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Kaya. I don't like Kaya. She reminds me of Bellina.

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She can't object to night time duties after she destroyed all my dishes.
It's her duty even if she doesn't destroy them.
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I found Astrals pretty boring desu
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anon.... what are (you) going to do with that?
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This traitor is back?
>16 seconds left
>Co.Makoto dies
>Lost 20M
It's all so tiring
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It's over...
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no probs dude. try again next month
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It will only get worse.
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Crystalized bunny
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>open priconne
>literally can't do any of the full autos
>close priconne
I'll save this problem for 1 hour before reset
Just hit stage 3
dont worry bro. As long as you try your hardest, I believe in you till the very end.
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>Missing units
>Missing 6*
>Missing masterpieces
yup, it's CB time
not missing tree?
For the MTL misters
What is her fucking problem?
me doing my hits
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Worst girl in the whole game.
Would Mana be worse if he was a girl?
Nebbia or Kaiser
Pooplets status?
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they're lucky fun island has more corpses otherwise they'd get shat on real hard
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>bosses have been sharted for an hour plus by now
jannies.. please...
please don't be in my clan
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Everytime someone says sniff it remembers me that gif from "Der bär im großen blauen Haus" that's generally used for sniffers
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That one yeah.
In anime it seems to be "kun kun" instead of sniff sniff atleast from what Nozomi says.
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My clan are also incapable of syncing.
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What's syncing? It sounds pretty gay.
Nothing gay about synchronising your periods.
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>try tier 4
>set and forget comps
>my girls get instantly molested and killed
I think I'm not ready yet bros...
chink sheet expects you to be max level and have a whale tree
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Is there some /pcrg/ sheet for kotposters like in the old days?
/pcrg/ is dead
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is this your favourite song perchance?
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Not like this bros...
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>hip-hop song with lyrics made out of typical nigger babble
Do you really have to ask about my opinion of it?
>TikTok Song
Hit the golem.
The salamander is so cute. I don't want to hit it...
Damn I wanted to use this excuse too
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i know that feel
too big
just right
Imagine how hard the lizard would tonguerape her cervix.
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but that one doesn't have teams for low level players either
best you can do is use the "difficulty" button in the top left and rank the boss down to a stage you can still handle
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Thanks bro but I'll stick to tier 3. I already fucked up when I wanted to trial but went into a real battle...
do your hit bwo...
what happened to 4 confirmations you have to do before actually going in?
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I wasn't really paying attention desu.
Why didn't you close the game and try again?
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my damage is extra pathetic this CB
Didn't really think about it since I was distracted by Katya's feet. Don't tell my danchou that tho.
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what was I thinking
He's happy you're trying even if you make mistakes. Do your best tomorrow.
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>I already fucked up when I wanted to trial but went into a real battle...
Better than telling someone you are syncing with them and only realizing you're in a trial after you told them to release
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all these kot posts are just jokes, right? surely nobody is that stupid
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where can I find a girl like that?
Jokes? /pcrg/ is serious business.
Would rim.
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it's what binds us together
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Very cute Kururu (Summer) costume
I hope the arena meta goes back to normal soon. These low quality Nebbia comps are getting ridiculously.
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Would you eat the Peco Yui ice cream?
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Safe and effective.
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what the fuck
what does it say
ayumisterbros.. that was a harsh day 2 drop
ayugayturds would lose to chadlets if we really tried.
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It's always like this and then it stabilizes.
Things aren't looking good for Looplets
Ayumisters is casual clan
Ayumisters 337th
Pooplets 1,000
Wide Hips 646
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i'm getting flashbacks
pettangods around 50
Recruit yuiturd.
He joined for one CB
blacklisted from: Looplets, Pettankot and Fun Island.
L + Cope + No bitches
Did he score higher than the other members, like he said he would?
Maybe he already joined
no he griefed and got his ID leaked
"Thank you for implementing Princess Yui! I can’t tell you how much your mere existence has encouraged me… I can’t thank you enough.” Some minor creative liberties were taken with the wording.
Summer Shefi soon
but we only just got a new sheffers
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Christmas kok this year
w-wait... she is doing... the small dick gesture? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo she is making fun of me! Ayumisturds btw.
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I don't like this CB
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>ちぇる~ん! ちぇる ちぇろぱちぇるぴぴぱ ちぇぴらぺぽー?
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stop dying
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Blessed Salen plushie that kisses you goodnight and calls you danna-sama
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which characters are glowniggers?
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Prone bone creampie
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This is the desk of a Cygames localizer, notice something?
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a kotturd
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My girlfriend
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I noticed Ninon first, but then I saw my wife. Picrel.
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There are horrors beyond life's edge that we do not suspect, and once in a while man's evil prying calls them just within our range.
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Hit the golem. Now.
Play /jp/ rat tranny
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bros every boss is sharted
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Chloe was born to be my maid.
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My knife eared wife Aoi is so cute
Im sorry danchou... I borrowed anemone instead of precia and I already used my reset
please be in ayumisturds
Please be in Pooplets
Any1 have a full auto for light 4-10 ?
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wait for the next light prifes
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つるぺったん is the best /pclg/ clan. Did you know that we have secret TLs?
Shan't sell my soul for secrets
do we?
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False. I upload them to youtube.
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I'll take left
I'll take right.
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>mousepad under the keyboard
>but no mousepad under the mouse
make the kot edit then
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why did you do it...
How's your game in english?
Enjoy friendo
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Next month is skip month
God I wish.
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I told KMR to do it and he kneeled to my demand
I prefer fer sniffing than being sniffed honestly.
Sarasa Kyoka when.
if I found a lone Anne inside of a dungeon like this I would rape the shit out of her
In which context were you supposed to use this now unused stamp? "I'm about to take a bath"
when you don't wanna janny and go "afk"
I'm about to take a deredere

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