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Duel Links Speed General #2477

Bird tits untouched edition

God I want to see a girl lay an egg >>495245307

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a Mobile and PC game that uses the Speed and Flush Duel formats. /dlsg/ focuses on the SPEED duel format of the game. Classic yugioh anime discussion also welcome. Flush discussion NOT welcome.

>New Player FAQ
>Datamines Drive

Current Events
Wave duel
New UI is live

Upcoming Events
>new Flush world
>month ahead tomorrow

Useful resources for info on Legendary Duelists, Skills, decklists, events, etc.
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
>Official Duel Links Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Probability Calculator
UI update is great
Thanks RushGODs for keeping this game alive
What's this guy talking about
No such thing as a 'Global Chat'
>retard Konami thinks moving two of Darklords' core cards from Limit 2 to Limit 3 gives them more flexibility.
This locks them out of using a bunch of powerful cards. Darklord Contact should have just been made unlimited since it would only be played at 1 anyway. It's their trap that wants more copies of itself, so it should have just stayed at 2.
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I hate dark lords so I hope more of their stuff gets moved to limit 3
the birdtroon is afraid
I'm not xem I just hated the dark Lord meta away back when so anything that hits them more is good
Darklords vanquished the Desperado paypigs and saved Duel links now it's up to them to save the game again
Ok now that the dust has settled, thoughts on the new banlist?
Darklords aren't consistent enough to be meta as long as Ixchel stays at 1. They brick too easily on a pure Darklord deck and archetypes like unchained are already the preferred choice for mixing into decks anyway.
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I love the Obelisk Blue uniform
It's "fine", the darklord shit is dumb and star seraph probably should have been hit a bit harder(both 2 and 3 on their skill should be once per duel instead of just 3) but there are also some good changes like beatrice or the buster blader changes. I would have liked a hit to birds too but we all know it's too new for anything to happen.
More stuff should've been hit at 3 the top decks shouldn't have access to now like they do. Also unlimit the ghostrick card wtf is that gonna do
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Darklords killed every generic skill and kickstarted the MOM SAID era.
Never forget their crimes.
Duel Links 2 will die the moment Darklords becomes playable.
What was even playing the ghostrick trap to cause it to get hit? Was it just some sort of preemptive hit for a future box or is there something I'm missing?
It's a searchable(I think?) book of eclipse without the part that gives your opponents cards so Konami probably thinks it'd be a bad idea to give any deck 6 copies of it
I'm glad Darklords are still rotting in Konami's prison.
You just KNOW the first kind of Darklord decks we'd see would be Fleur Darklords, because they don't need a normal summon (fuck you Ukoback, you're useless).
I don't think a worse book that requires setup is a problem, especially when it requires you to actually play ghostrick to get value out of. I half think it's hit because it's an anti book card, even if it's way too slow to be any good at that.
It's honestly crazy how people would point towards archetypes before busted skills. Maybe that skill just shouldn't exist.
The skill is fine the way it is. Darklords are the problem.
Yep it's searchable, ghostricks are also sorta immune to boe or bom since their link 1 can use face down ghostricks as material and most of their stuff revolves around them being face down anyway. I can see them being sorta annoying to deal with but nothing too meta relevant. I just hope they add angel of mischief for an alt win con.
Fleur is healthy for the game. It's probably the ONLY busted skill that is, simply because of how many archetypes it enables. What isn't healthy is shit like bishbalkin. That's really the only part of the deck that needs to die and no it's still not dead.
It's a searchable boe without the card draw it's reasonable to see why Konami doesn't want a deck that revolves around monsters being face down to have essentially 6 copies of it.
Yeah, but who the fuck actually plays ghostrick? Who WOULD actually play ghostrick? Like subterrors is getting more play out of it than it's own archetype is at this point. It's a really silly hit to a shit deck that no one is playing or looking to play.
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Konami I'm begging you PLEASE make her a card trader card I need this bitch prismatic so bad, I'll even take socuteboss as a card trader card and whale later I promise.
>trans colors
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Ruribros won
They're silly little guys something to play in kog after you've reached it with your sweaty meta pig deck. I know they probably won't be good I'm keeping my expectations low they'll need a mom said skill 100% I'm just glad they're finally here though so I'll gladly pig for them.
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You're thinking of blue and pink that's purple and pink
sounds like a comfy platinum grind
I literally didn't see anyone play ghostricks for 5 years now.
Also the card is hard limited to 1, you can only get 1.
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>I literally didn't see anyone play ghostricks for 5 years now.
I mean duh? You try making a functional deck out of this. Ghostricks were a crappy mill deck when they were introduced to do with bonz. Comparing them then to what they could be next month would be something like when gouki before they got their links.
>Also the card is hard limited to 1, you can only get 1
Are you sure about that ?>>496047663
I fucking hate phone posting
I mean duh? You try making a functional deck out of this. Ghostricks were a crappy mill deck when they were introduced to dl with bonz. Comparing them then to what they could be next month would be like when goukis were introduced to dl before they got their links.
gonna take your word for it
You can literally only get 1 on bonz level 33
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>jew eyes once again untouched by banlist
We'll get more trust the plan
Only forever gold's complain about blue eyes
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I copied this deck from a ranked match like a million years ago, is this the current deck? how do you play it??
KoG shitters
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I love Sora.
it's amazing how bad the average KoGslop player is, you almost never see mode than 3 game win streaks on these retards because they don't actually know how to play yugioh
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Almost makes me want to play Rose Dragons again too bad they're trash now because of the powercreep
I think Ruri should have SEX with her monsters. Yeah, she should totally FUCK them. Whaddya think about that?
I usually just quit if I don't like the deck my opponent plays, any that take forever to set up a board state like today for example I dueled some mayakashi players and quit every time.
he tried to save them
With access to the skill the deck is gonna change around a bit and it might still be worse than the fleur variant. In fact I'd bet it's gonna be a lot less consistent. I'd wait to see what people cook up.
>Do nothing to bird flu
>Fleur and Rokket untouched
>Coc getting freed before Cydra gets its remaining stuff back
>Giving shiraniggers anything back
>Bishbalkin still around
>Raging Dragon turbo back on the menu

Actually grim. this can't bode well for where the games power-level is heading
Too new, no shit. Come back just before the next cup
It's fine
>dragon link
It's gay but not played enough to get hit
Is based, all my niggas love shiranui
The only actual bad part of the list was not banning him
Won't see much play
I play non-tiered decks in KoG.
What is even the point of metaskaving there?
Want to try the tenyi variant?
#DuelReplay #DuelLinks
Bring Ixchel to my bed and I’ll make sure she isn’t a problem anymore
It's kinda bricky though you need 3 cards in your hand to do it, any two tenyi monsters and whelp
nothing major happenung to the top decks outside of Dumonslop does worry me, but it just means they've got crazier shit in the pipeline.
I'm starting to think the format really is just fucked going forward
>Bird tits untouched
Not for long now that i'm here.
Lyrlisc is a troon deck
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Jesus christ konami really hate cydra
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everyone does
Please shitnami, I can endure the dogshit skill meta but unlimit Ixchel next list.
In other news, invoker bros... our combo is BACK
Just realized I will have to kog next month against the birds still at full power.
>target protection meta
Sky sisters how do we cope...
your psychic blade concentrating current combo?
>Concentrating Current
>Link monster
your psychic blade megamorph combo?
Bro, your chalice and dress?
Invoked suships
How you summon the coc?
I haven't figured that out yet
This single line alone sends a shiver down /dlsg/'s spine. In fact, just seeing her out on the field is enough to give /dlsg/ dread.
You fear this little 100 ATK/300 DEF 1 Star birb. You fear her
Not a single card can stand up to this! I call on Blue-Eyes White Dingirsu!
Kog is where I experiment with decks. Legend 4 and 5 is where you bring your true decks.
Invoked Roids back on the table?
Invoked suship
Invoked fleur
Invoked elementsabers
Invoked fluffal
Invoked shaddoll
Amazement Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll
is here. Will it be good?
Konami are edging invoked dogmatika shaddoll so bad, they just need mechaba and maybe dogmatika maximus and the deck may do some things. The extra deck will be tight though
>Activate nib
>Activate IDP
>Activate boe
5 years only? It feels like a decade since it ended to me. I just miss gallop that much.
The super secret tier 0 speed box with the new world release will shock you...
Ghostricks already confirmed through banlist. Maybe Darklords with Condemned Darklord reprint?
Its probably gonna be a ghostrick ex structure, i doubt we get a surprise box
But all her monsters are girls
Could be one of those deck building boxes too.
My time perspective on Vrains is messed up since it started after Duel Links, so it feels that old to me
Just because they limited the card now doesn’t mean the box is coming immediately. The next speed box will be late October, and Ghostrick is Halloween themed so it’s safe to say it will release around the last week of October
Ryzeal when
Btw next speed character unlock would be at the end of november? In october were getting another flush character?
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>Darklords on parole
>Infernoids aren't even tho both are negate fests
Depends on if they copy last year where we got the new Flush unlock like 1 week after the world dropped then had a speed unlock at the end of the month.

Konami knows Flush events cause player count drops so they may not want ignore Speed for that long
darklords got nerfed retard
Drytron coming soon, a little konami bird just told me
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Play gouki
>use psychic blade on Hayate
>Activate Link Darkraze
>ignore your opponent's monsters and just attack directly for 4300
>Draw the unsearchable equip card and go for game
Even with that trap that searches equips you'd still need to live a turn
>play linkslop
Nah im good
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I kek'd
post that harpie deck sis
>post that harpie deck sis
>Lulu chuds are stuck in gold
>>Lulu chuds are stuck in gold
I came back like a week ago. Cant afford a meta deck so i am just chillin in gold
Do paychads still run this general
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The Big Three of Mobile Card Games
>activates bird that prevents damage
lmao birds is an auto loss until strikers gets hamp
Always will
>Cant afford a meta deck
Wtf. I even reached legend with pegasus' shitty ass relinquished skill and deck when it came out.
Never forget Marvel snap for taking Sazzuna from us.
Bishbalkin still being usable is just the cherry on top. Literally nothing changes except a weaker star seraph. You'd better buy book of eclipse or droplet because that's the only peace of mind you can have going forward into this mess...
With book being an SR no one has any excuse for not picking up at least a couple copies. The box even has some other solid staples for metas where it's less useful like wind or punishment.
>I am forgotten
How did people deal with that shit before Links existed?
It wasn't as easy to summon as it is now so it barely ever came up
new box when, my gemmies are sitting pretty mister komoney
Anchor + Shark on Turn 1 can fuck birds up, it's just a crapshoot. There's enough people running only 1 Sparrow that banishing it wins the game.
Most people I've found run 2, it's just a really bad match up for the deck and there isn't much you can do about it short of slotting in kajius or droplet since you can't run book.
Yep, back in my day these threads uses to fly and we used to fight over who wrote the op. Yep, the good ol days.
When the op doesn't get the op she cries about it for a week straight
>infernity is STILL getting nerfed to this very day
Kek freakin w mate
Maybe if they're lucky than can set up a shitty board once every 20 games now LOL
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There needs to be a delete ticket function
Why not just redeem those tickets and then break down the cards for card trader jewels
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I don't need anymore useless currency
Bro? Your glossies?
You need like a million r jewels even i don't have that many
You better start redeeming and dismantling if you want those new rarities next week
You don't even play against decks in Duel Links anymore. You're entirely playing against their skill setting up stuff or saving them.
Mp2 when? Zeus when? Ash when? Maxx c when? Shock master when? Access codetalker when?
I know, it's lovely isn't it?
I don't want lyrilusc players to have an 8 mat Zeus
Is there a skill that gives you LP for link summoning like the XYZ one?
I go by anon but you can call me Josh if you want
hi josh
Yusei showing off his Junk...

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