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Will never stop loving you...

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Happening Right Now
• Sept 25th, 9PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs >>495641445

>Future Meetups
• Sept 27th, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

She still loves you: >>496038702
what is it about this game that makes people homosexual
My moonie is now caffeinated and ready to log in
always was
post brown girls
>Will never stop loving you...
I can make her stop. Hell, I bet I can make her never start.
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he wants to get laid, who's going to help?
He already has collared every single femlala from /xivg/
What more does he want?
Lonely people play mmos and XIV let's you make hot characters so its a perfect prison gay storm for neurodivergent folk.
got a really cute femlala in this expert
Who's that gay nigga at the beds?
I'm a fiera queuing for mahjong knowing damn well I'm going to lose.
i've seen his femra
only when he's a good boy and takes the blue potion
Hope you are having a wonderful day, xivg! It's good to be alive!
But I already did. Just the other day.
you too anon
QRD on I'm Fox being into farts?
I really love short haired girls and I hope every single one has a nice day!
>do thing for 3 hours for this amazing mount
>do thing for 300 hours for this lame title
everyone knows how cringe this bun is and how needy he is
I don't know if I was in that expert roulette with the anon who posted but holy shit I got my ass beat.
Miserable experience tonight.
every gooner who's into armpits likes the gross smell stuff, it just looks better to pretend it's just pits
There's redra cleavage right behind me and I don't know if I can contain myself
The only time I've seen a correlation between intercrural stuff and farts it was feet.
Pits are more directly the aesthetics, whereas feet are (at least usually) more on the smell side of things
>like pits
>think farts are disgusting
>gonna get put in the same bag anyway
It's over
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why is this the only xivg futa without a bad reputation?
hard projection, proxy
i'm a gooner with a smell fetish but I hate pits and the like. I'm only into pussy, panties and tits smell.
Why is that?
Well let me explain. These are the body parts that are exclusive to females. Armpits, ass, feet etc are common areas shared by both men and women, ergo it's disgusting.
I'm into women. I only want to sniff the exclusively feminine parts of the human body.
literal who
i genuinely don’t like bunboys so nty
me *starts bouncing on it*
just kidding lol

sigh bro
how does everyone confuse me for proxy, we're nowhere alike
he's white, i'm black
biofems play fiera?
the actual endgame of ffxiv is trying to juggle cred bars for different cliques or cords that hate each others guts in a way you that still results in a net positive for you in the end
i'm sure shoro will be on soon enough
>grotesque modbeast
>bolt-on tits
>unironically into furshit
>fucks lalafells
>horribly mismanaged xma
>caught trying to wintrade
>was involved with ryun gaido
>cuckolds his eb
>was forced to quit erping for months because his eb cried about it
>immediately went back to cuckolding his eb who has stopped playing as a result
yeah other than great reputation
i used to be your biggest simpette but i got bunboy fatigue sorry bro *marshall law dragonkicks you out of my sight
Me trying to max out the Kong clique the Appal clique and the Molly clique
>he doesn't know
QRD on the cucked EB?
>>was forced to quit erping for months because his eb cried about it
they've been a known gooner for ages, how was their eb surprised by this
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They were offline for the entire game and still got 2nd place.
what even is this
Who is this goddess? I'm utterly enchanted.
magness is truly retarded
I already did this in high school and college. I play games to get away from this, not re-experience it...
that's not how it works
they get 4th if they disconnect or get disconnected
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do i dare? i already have my job's 730 weapon... but i like the look of these
If that were true, how did I get 4th and lose 30 ranking points?
you forgot tina
Lamitt is STUPID.
Her hair is stupid.
Her outfit is stupid.
Her job is stupid.
But most importantly she is stupid for thinking she had any chance with Ardbert.
ddos claims another.
is mahlong popping right now? initials?
cute goopster
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y'all are wack
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Fellas playing european light servers, is it still possible to attract egirl pussy these days by not using mare?
I feel like back in 2021-2022 I could even be approached by random girls who were intrigued by my raen au ra dude, got compliments for my glam/character, nowadays no one gives a fuck and everyone has mare on their plate and is modbeasting in public. It's depressing desu
I like well cared for feet, but for me it's a caveman brain thing. Clean, soft feet means she is from good breeding stock that do not need their young women to labor to eke out a living.
I dunno, I just visited in to Crystal and queued and it was instant pop but there were terrible rons in there so I logged off again.
u mean 735? and yeah fucking go for it they look sick what else are you gonna spend that shit on? alt jobs can wait another week to get their tome shit
yeah sorry 735
based anon thanks for reaffirming my indulgence
glam is the end game
ughhhhhhhhhh bro i'm actually really annoyed with this post

lmao she's rather endearing
people are really out here ENJOYING final fantasy 14 ...... sigh
my moonie plays all doubles every round and always loses
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just the regular type
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wait but "playing the game" means doing something you enjoy, not doing chores
people like to chat, hang out and RP, that's playing the game
roulettes are chores you have to do for the rewards, most people don't do roulettes because they are insanely fun...
My moonie doesn't have enough braincells to play mahjong
Back to Dawntrail
are you a femrar or a femlala
good *eddy 3333333’s you*
Does your moonie like hugs?
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i tried to not get involved, i really did but somehow i ended up spending more time on having to think about who i can tell what, who knows what and who i can safely "leak" stuff from the "enemy" to then actually playing the game
rarfem, there were no lalas in that match.
oh, mahjongers are often femlala
no bullshit i don't even think i've touched tekken 8 since eddy's release
i'm going to japan at the end of october and the salarymen there are probably going to punk the shit out of my noob leo
Yes and also pets
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LT bros....can we recover? where's the evidence?...
I like hanging out with friends, but in the back of my mind I can't help but feel like I'm always intruding.
And occasionally, so am I.
proxy is a nice friend and a good person
It's still nuts that the guy that runs the mod archive and a good portion of popular modders/Twitter lewdposters are xivg anons and have been even before the asmon invasion
GW's reputation is gutter trash but people tolerate him because of xiv mod archive
have fun in japan bro *DORYA’s you across the planet to japan*
Time to learn King.
completely organic post from either proxy or lizzy
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I don't usually see "ccw" specified in M2S. Unless the clocks are specifically OT east and H2 south.
My sunnie likes to sit with her feet up and legs wide apart on the couch whenever she hangs out at a moonie's house
most of the twitter lewdposters you're thinking of are 4chan tourists, not really xivg anons
my moonie wishes she had a house for sunnies to hang out at
i have never seen CCW used in an m2s pf description
We could perhaps hugs and pets together while learning to jong?
Don't worry, if you lose your yen on the Tekken cabs, you can always slide over to the seats in front of arcade mahjong and port your Final Fantasy XIV Doman Mahjong skills to their online play.
*headbutts it like heihachi would irl*

i know king's a staple and i like the char but i am NEVER playing that fraud bum shit ! ! ! ! king mains are the toplane players and the str noobs of tekken ! !!
Even some minor celebs like one of the main DD speedrun autists was xivg. This place somehow contributed to a substantial portion of XIV real estate. I don't think I've seen any other general do this.
Okay queue jong on crystal
anons is it possible to pay for a carry while still playing my own char? i don't wanna account share but i also want to have competent party members... i'd learn more by seeing more mechanics with a better group...
any sleepy middies awake? g2bed, you need rest
To what end?
we could hang out at a cafe with some nom noms, but would you mind if my sunnie put her legs on the chair armrests?
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depends on what it's for
some things yes, some things no because you can't have deadweight anchoring the group and still clear
but disable the fuck out of your logs, nobody wants to see 7 static raiders + your 10-death 0 parse ass
I met my eb (irl woman(woman)) on xivg
I met her irl
We've had sex
She cams for me everyday
She takes pics and record vocaroos for me to use when she's at work
I'm going to marry her next year
Her family loves me
Bros I won
iirc yeah merc runs are still a thing on na
King is more honest than most of the cast outside of heat :^)
i know this isnt directed at me but i will pretend like it is
do i play my balmung femra
or my light mrava
wouldn't the discord voice thing be better than vocaroos
merc runs.. okay, thanks anon
i absolutely will hide my logs, i know my rotation so i can focus on mechanics but i just don't want to get hardwalled and i want to learn what the raiding terms and strats are
why wouldn’t it be? if you’re sleepy and a middie, it’s time for bed
>proxy noir and lizzy lostheart log off at the exact same time after being in an apartment together for 5 hours
isn't plapping a heavily autistic fiddie some kind of statutory rape
well, for one my sunnie does that to air out her wet sticky panties.
Furthermore she likes to show off her panties.
Also, its comfy, cooling and she can easily schlick any time
that's at least what they used to be called, i'm not entirely sure how you'd go about finding people for it though since they're not really something advertised
Probably, we're old desu
Most hero-looking middie?
my wife lizzy isn't like that
don't joke about that
clive, cloud, squall
sorry bro but i don't buy it
actually i guess it could be plausible since tekken 8 was hit with the beam of dishonesty but idk. king players are also unreal downplayers (much like str players and toplaners) (hence the comparison)

rava of course bro
explode explode EXPLODE
rape is hot tho...
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tali was there too, it was their place
yes proxy noir is well known for spending many hours in party, in housing with other female characters and doing only nice platonic things like interior decorating
with his cum
he decorates her insides with his cum, is what i'm saying
if you mean "pay for competent people to speedprog/help me clear" then Yes
if you mean mean "pay for people to carry my corpse to the finish line" the answer is also Yes but only for some duties
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Nope. Infact I've found that many accused of being from Twitter you can find their names in the archives going back years, and before they got rid of stuff some go back to stormblood or before, so predating most of modern /xivg/ I'm not referring to the idlers you'll find in lb14 or frencorders
Yeah him too.
tali signed off hours ago and proxy inherited the party lead and stayed there with lizzy for a long time
thank you for the update cockwatchers
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Me and my aibō
he hates it.
Sorry, I am a loser with no friends and am not even sure where the dc transfer option is.
>if you mean "pay for competent people to speedprog/help me clear" then Yes
yes this one, i don't think i'm deadweight i'm just untested, i can competently clear the stone sky sea dummies no problem.
oh let me guess, you think the giant futa bun and the weiss brothers are "xivg"
Noooooo hahaa I would never downplay King. T8 especially, he's fun and makes people unreasonably mad and thats all you really need in a character.
tribalcat is yea
remember when lizzy said he doesn't erp or plap? lmao
that sounds like it'd be uncomfortable for your sunnie but my moonie wouldn't mind her doing that
No. That's exactly what I mean when I say I'm not referring to lb14ers.
clover hasn't been xivg for years
just not with you
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>Noooooo hahaa I would never downplay King
How do I get people to visit my house without being mean or stalking me?
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My sunnie today is wearing a white hempen camise to emphasize her F-cup titties, a half-length shisui joi skirt, light pink thong (to easier show any wet spots that appear) and white thighhighs
Oh, and her thong is already wet
"Hey, come check out my house!" Or leave your address in your adventurer plate.
Ask people to come visit?
i got some modbeast shisui thing a bit ag
Yet they still posted here in the past. Before much of this thread came here. That's the exact group I'm talking about. A lot of former xivg anons are popular on Twitter.
shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up. at least use the same words so I can filter you.
you’ll just have to filter wet and sunnie
Bro's doing tricks on it
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is this his EU alt?
Then they feel obligated to be nice.
just filter sunnie
not like they post anything worth reading
my sunnie is very flexible, you're welcome to look at her panties too while they hang out
Daddy is... intrigued. Tell me more kitten.
Do you think Nashu gets raped a lot?
Yeah, thats the one.
filter femlala
stop being stupid
>Bitches about copypasta for using the same words
>Bitches about creativity for not using the same words
generic unpleasable faggot
that's good cause i don't think my moonie would be able to resist staring at them
God my cock smells so fucking pungent right now
My moonie wishes to free you all from the corrupting taint of sin
requesting emergency moonie

my hung femra+ is pent up
By what means?
stfu tycho
it's too late for my moonie..
Would you mind if my sunnie schlicks through her panties as she chats with your moonie?
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EXPLODE! EXPLODE EXPLODE EXPLOOOOODE! *turns into a Gundam and explodes*
Through the insight of arcane knowledge
A moonie has fallen..
she wouldn't mind at all
>come up with a plan to see how long cockwatchers will wait
>sit in a room with a known erper for hours
>they're still watching, get accused of fucking them
another devilish plan executed, thanks for the free laughs
which inn has the best lighting for trying out outfits?
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This is Final Fantasy XIV
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>enter xivg
>scroll down
>proxy fucked someone
>close browser
>turn off pc and go back to bed.
Can I just hold her hand instead? That would mean a lot more right now if I'm honest.
hi! I play a female lalafell in final fantasy fourteen! I like playing and making sand castles and drawing and drinking juice & eating cookies.
Can you please take this shit somewhere else? This isn’t FFXIV or video games. There’s an ERP thread just for you on /trash/. Kindly fuck off or seek therapy.
..as long as you don't have lewd thoughts while doing so
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Are masked carnivale 28 and 29 worth doing if i already did 30 in total, do you get anything
I got the STUPID FUCKING UMBRELLA yesterday and i DESPISE that challenge currently
*sunnie starts to schlick*
so moonie, how have you been?
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>This isn’t FFXIV
This is FFXIV, didn't you see the official sponsorship from lovense?
Nobody's buying it Lizzie Lostwhore.
Why is proxy cockwatched so much?
Promise. You are a good moonie...
My malezen is Rossiu-coded
he's been farming a lot of attention and makes sure to hook up with people at LB14 before teleporting so people can see
My moonie will whisper eldtritch secrets into your ear as you hold her hand you may see a daemon or two
you guys flatter me too hard with the nicknames lmaoooo
just farted next to a femra and ran away

Here's a few of what I mean.
Pussywatch my femlala and see where I go...
>Comes to the ERP Sex thread
>Doesn't have his hands on his Cock
Uhm Sweetie this is Final Fantasy We Love This
>A lot of former xivg anons are popular on Twitter
like yunohowitbe for example
yea as long you got Angel Whisper you are basically set, technically you can also get the accesories for level 60-70 BLU but nowadays they dont matter at all
the blue feet cat hasn't been here in a while but yarti was here i think literally today
or yesterday technically
Actually there isn't. The erptrash thread died ages ago due to schizos. The lewd threads on aco are heavily segregated due to schizos. These people much like niggers cannot form or maintain their own communities. That's why they're here.
Literally who gives a fuck if your character gets thousands of follows on twitter lmao.

You can't do fuck all with it.
You're just a goon page.
mikki hikki/bundere becoming such a huge twitterfag was a funny thing to see given how long he was on 4chan for

i also remember when ankha posted here regularly and everytime he took a new screenshot he would instaspam it in 50+ discord servers, on his twitter, on /vg/, on /trash/ and on chen
Light in the darkness of the current thread, ty anon
I might attempt to do the Siegfried challenge too just because i hate myself
Reharden your Cock this next Hour of the Goonsesh promises to be Fire
iirc you get titles if you do those challenges of hitting with all elements and taking no avoidable damage?
My sunnie whispers back, clearly terrified
y-you too...
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I read that as goonesh and thought it was some indian gooner god..
Reminder that moralfags are so easily triggered they can't scroll pasts the coompost and 'discuss the game' like they claim they wish to do so much.
In fact the truth is they have NOTHING to discuss about the game, they just larp as if they want to, so they resort to drama and bitching instead.
Don't (You) me you know this is the truth.
AND I think you gotta kill all his shades too iirc
s-shes been doing well, just hanging out and doing roulettes. hows your sunnie been?
My sunnie always does a panty schlick before she leaves her home in the morning
moonieism is a social construct
>so, anon, what strategies are you employing for [current savage tier]?
>hey! anyone got any tips for fishing?
>top pentameld stat recommendations for [job]?
99% of game discussion is obsoleted by google, youtube, and plugins. current savage tier is piss easy and everyone's done with it. there is nothing to discuss other than pvp and non-game topics.
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If anybody has any questions regarding this upcoming meetup, >>495681023, ask them here!
>people massively trying to roleplay with other players online
>waaah, this is offtopic
It is, in fact, more on-topic than a discussion about raids or dungeons would be
Don't be scared sunnie it is fine, this is the price to pay to become impervious to your impulses and lustful desires
Can I plap
are you going to act like a contrarian keyboard warrior sea lion the whole time?
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I can't fucking sleep
I swear there was a plugin that auto rolls on all loot for you so you don't have to manually click greed on 15 items after alliance raids and stuff but I can't find it. Anyone know what it's called?
You can't spell 'impervious' without 'perv'. I don't believe your claims.
i think it's hilarious that you meltposted about quitting xiv and yet you can't
and now the only time your name is mentioned is when people try to determine who the worst, creepiest fiddie stalker is
what outfit is that..
Can we roleplay our femra teaching their hair ornament flowers and not doing anything more than that
>i think it's hilarious that you meltposted about quitting xiv and yet you can't
the funnier part is how many people in xivg this can be applied to
Fat Cat Fact #300

Female Fat Cats can be referred to as a Molly, Queen, or Dam, usually based on whether they have kittens or not.
You know I didnt even notice that, I think you might be too far gone already to be saved
Whats the lore for these names.
well moonie, the other day my sunnie dropped her shopping bags by accident. In order to pick them up she had to squat with her legs wide apart. By coincidence, there was this lalafell in front of her that could see up her skirt. But it's fine right? After all, my sunnie is still wearing her panties
So why do you have a vampire fiddie gimmick now
I never said that wasn't the case. You're preaching to the choir.
what's the name of that edgy pvp armor?
the one with glowy red bits
>lvl7 sprout asking me if I can spare some gil for teleport costs
>hand him over 1k and say have fun
>asks me if I'm poor
yeah, as long as she still had her panties on it's totally fine!
I mean are you, you gave them money worth less than 10 teleports.
yes, thank you
Only if you ask nicely.
The meetup will not be for actual Roleplay. It wi serve more as a primer to introduce anons to the concept and methods of Roleplaying. But very cute idea, remember that for later!
Nta bit i've actually seen him a few times last year or before ingame. The feetcat. I tried talking to him but he seemed very autistic
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Would you, /xivg/?
does moonie know any secrets to make my sunnie even more lustful and her panties to get even wetter?
comfy bros..
You should try to get some sleep though, your eyes are red.
Well are you? The audacity of that sprout. LMAO.
>get called poor by an actual beggar
you got dabbed on
No, my moonie would only know how to dry you up
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I will go to bed after work
Yes, I would. Can I meet her?
Lmao brokie
Your moonie keeps looking at my sunnie's panties, what exactly is it about them that interests her?
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cute fidster
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>But very cute idea, remember that for later!
We are so back gamers
Also on another note hope you don't mind if i talk about the idea to form a test group to play a ttrpg inside of ffxiv after the whole thing! Or if you do mind, do tell!
Hydaelyns hungriest hambeast
Yeah just come to Spriggan Limsa
She is standing right there
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Fantablobros I'm relapsing I can feel it. It's over.
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Teleporting within ARR is like 300, that's 30 teleports. And yesterday I made 3 million doing fates.
is FL enjoyer like BL enjoyer
Three buzzwords in one post .You're really mad at this one.What did domanra do to piss you off?Did she deny you ERP?
Players can do whatever they like after the meet. I'm sure there'll be an aferparty! I'll hang out unless something else comes up.
I don't want the meetup to happen. Cancel it I will pay you real money
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I'm happy that you care so much, anon


It's getting close to Halloween

A few eye drops should do the trick
What, you said you gave him 1k, that's 1000, if the teleports within ARR are 300 then that's just 3 teleports.
well you know.. they just look very cute and shes curious to see whats underneath them..
Broke nigga alert
is there a cockwatching cwls
how do you guys keep up with everyone
How do I avoid being bullied if I go to the meetup?
How much?
They don't want to discuss the game, just like the posts complaining about movie meetups don't want to host their own meetups. They're just complaining for the sake of it.
i just used one yesterday again
Figured as much, I cannot help you
Pedophile status?
Zantetsuken it? Yes.
Do NOT play CC under any circumstances unless you know multiple people who will have your back when meltdowns happen because you weren't playing on super tryhard mode in friendly casuals.
I might not have much time, as i have other, much more retarded plans, but I'll be sure to chat up for a moment!
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My moonie is badass.
Oh..well that's unfortunate.
I'm not a smart man.
Depends on the meet up but just take in everything and contribute when you feel comfortable to do so.
in my overwatch 2 games blaming me for losing
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How retarded are we talking?
My moonie thinks this goopster is a cutie
What'd you swap to
are you gonna drain my + or nah
NEET hours
back to face 3 femra from sunnie
how long after deleting a character do i have to wait to reuse the name?
i deleted it because it was lvl1 and i wanted to change the eye colour so i figured ill just reroll and now its giving error 3035
Do people even play cc at these meetups isn't it a watchparty
Post femra
Me and some lads are going to an ingame strip club, probably drunk
Very retarded, could be very funny
>she left the linkshell
its so over
Been playing SCH for a while and got SMN to 100 passively. It's funny that I now get to do the lvl40 SMN quests learning to summon the titans, when I already learned them somehow by default.
That is certainly on the spectrum. Best of luck!
What plugin for automated fate farming?
aww moonie, because she said something so sweet my sunnie is going to pull on her labia and spread herself open behind her thong panties, make sure to take a good look, especially how my sunnie's wetness soaks into them
Cheers! Peak of places to RP obviously, duh.
my moonie+ wants a sunnie+ right meow
*raises paw slowly*
I will never return...
Based. I'm going back to either fiddie or femezen
I really wish I could marry a hrothgal.
I wish sunnies liked my moonie...............
>You should join me on Lich, Light
You should join me on Lich, Light
>You should join me on Lich, Light
You should join me on Lich, Light
i hate lalafells because they keep trying to look up my femra's skirt
I already live there
my moonie wishes cute lalas tried to sexpest her like that
That's nyot true *chu*
Tell 'em skinwalker
Sometimes after the movie but not always. Depends on size of meet and who goes, its more common at big social ones where there isn't a show or something to watch where eventually someone will start calling times.
I want this fiddie to kick me in the stomach repeatedly until I barf
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Good morning-ish
what do you mean? it's very true, my moonie loves sunnies but none of them ever interact with her.
Anon, she goes to cracker barrel. Have some standards.
>couldnt make it with the NA ebins
>had to run off to Lich
i shant
good riddance
>Best Rava is EU
Life just isn't fair
Send him the godbert quotes about charity.
my sunnie loves moonies, as long they don't mind her casually schlicking whenever she gets horny (which is all the time)
My moonie is going to murder you and dump your body in the Twelveswood where the wood wailers will never find you and the Elementals will thank me for it.
Where are all the flat buns?
the super-obsessed feetins seem weird but none of them have been like bad just autistic and that's 99% of the people here
her and that feet lizard with the watermleons
stop playing with your wound
Chocobun! You rise! Perhaps today we finally get to meet!
Your goopnose can try, my moonie is quite powerful herself, drenched in ethereal powers from her dark god
Hi neighbour!
Americans are obnoxious and annoying, and all of your "ebins" are trannies or tranny-adjacent
moonies stop fighting!!!
Cracker barrel owns, suck my cock retard
Me, I like to get green parses because green is my favorite color. Since I got my weapon, I have to take DPS breaks and just stop DPSing
May I admire this bunner?
>all of your "ebins" are trannies or tranny-adjacent
if she dont have that gock gock 9000 i wont be giving her my arght phew 2000
simple as
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I have an account on balmung so I could always meet people there I just prefer using my EU main so Sephirot is prefered..
Perhaps. But later in the day since it's big inhouse cleaning day!
You may.
Post character first
You wanna get stabbed too??
BUILDERED for my fiera
I guess my moonie wouldn't mind but it might be a little awkward depending on just how often she does it.
>Americans are obnoxious and annoying, and all of your "ebins" are trannies or tranny-adjacent
Buddy you EU niggas have been dumping discord logs consistently every week talking about horse cocks since bedore dawntrail came out and it's still on fucking going. Shut your ass up.
>inb4 we just have very loud retards
What's wrong with horse cocks?
Can I meet this bun with the intention of... doing pics/rp etc? I am on EU too...
Waaaaa waaaaaaaa WAAAA
Shut the fuck up nigger
hi falke
Well you already cried, commit and shit yourself too then at least I can admit that yes, you are just a big baby.
It matters not if you believe in my god or not. I will have his boon regardless
>sitting in a room full of geriatrics with dry, flavorless biscuits and a totally unnecessary fire while you wait for your "X and gravy" owns
lol, lmao
Post feets
You people care wayyy yo much about the people who play yhe game rather than the game itself
It's okey. I'm waging for the next six. There's no rush! :)
Light discord is full of chaosoids that need to go back.
All they do is shitpost about NSFW but actively participate in it. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
builded for teasing handjobs
>Ooo I'm so smart
Do you ever stop? Jesus christ
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this is what we care about
Sometimes I'll substitute my race with another in posts describing my character or their accomplishments to see how people respond to it. It's unfortunate to say that people greatly prefer my posts when my character isn't the race they currently are.
another lonely night for my moonie since she has no lovely wife to hold...
Well, my sunnie is the type to walk around in your moonie house in just a thong and thighhighs, whenever she feels the urge my sunnie simply takes up a wide bowlegged pose and schlicks. She keeps her panties on the entire time so there's no mess.
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Good morning thread.
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I only do pics/poses with people I'm close with and I limit rp to the hanging-out kind usually. Not that lewd of a person unless it's with the right people or mood I guess..
Plus I like cute males mainly..
Not into females sorry /blush
I have not a single feet pic.. sorry
Who are you quoting?
The game is trash and its only value is a social avenue for weirdos, degens, outcasts, and similar people such as myself.
>Plus I like cute males mainly..
Im a cute male...
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Good morning Captain.
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So the Materia markers are placed closer to the wall than Shabin, modifying your aimed standing point to be inward towards the tower, rather than outward towards the wall that the tower is on. They both reference the same point on the floor and result in the exact same cannon angle.
Sex with Wuk Evu
no one plays this for the game parts of the game and if you do you're stupid
Eb me
that sounds pretty odd anon..
>Not into females sorry /blush
not even +s? its so unbelievably OVER
Upsetting people playing this game is about the only fun part left and I'm tired to have to pretend it isn't so.
Not so! Those who game without gaming the game in-game are the bizarre folks instead.
my sunnie is so horny she can't help it, don't shame her for indulging in her natural desires!
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I am sorry Anon, I'm EBd to Doma.
[image of my character with another character that i sex pested for an hour straight to get an mcdf of to pose some low quality pornography.jpg]
Me too but I also escaped onto video games to just kind of be me and do my thing in peace then sometime around 2011 a bunch of vacuous cunts started using the internet as a way to reinvent their failed social lives on their own terms and demanding video game worlds pay lip service to the real life political landscape driving me into games to begin with
I was sick of women pretending their lives are hard after I saw how many "gamer girls" get carried by my guild and given items people deserved because the officers want flirty messages sent to them... then I had to get beaten with fake statistics proposing women just made 21% less than men or were unfairly passed up on employment
You weren't born with this spite.
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What a coincidence my femras name has Doma in it...
Good morning, femra!
Kill yourself futard
Appal clique doesn't exist anymore he's quitting xiv and i wouldn't be surprised if he deletes the cord like he said he wanted to months ago
I was actually. My mom tried to do it at home abort me twice and I endured out of spite
im telling the schizocord
Please join the Kongcord
That's metal
based femlala
not as cute as me lol *pulls out my 100 inch huge veiny cock and slaps you out of the way with it - u go flying into the atmosphere*

thats badass lmao
is it me
My moonie has to learn more top phases today and also plan out and finalize her d&d one shot for tomorrow. she is going to be busy
You shouldn't say such things to people, anon! Not only is it mean-spirited, but also ineffective. You would get further with kindness and understanding!
My moonie hates niggers
does she need a foot massage?
she should come hang out in my tub to relax...
How about you commit yourself to a mental asylum instead, fucking freak.
Nooo don't surrender yourself to electrope you're too sexy haha
>all of your "ebins" are trannies or tranny-adjacent
and I love them for it
My moonie doesn't have feet im afraid
She hasn't got the time for that anon
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There's only one person insane enough ITT to name themselves after a nation in this game. You better not be who I think you are...
I was born with a gift.
I turned it into a curse.
Now I spread it around.
Don't get it twisted, it isn't out of malice.
I do in fact love people, I just like seeing all the ways I can poke the chip on their shoulders and see the façade crack. You'd be surprised how different people are on their beliefs, environment and politics, but when they're pissed off from the pettiest thing imaginable, all that fades away, you talk to the same repitilian brain you have before, the individual melting to reveal you as part of the 8 billion other sentient apes on this world.
That's beauty anon, that's why you remember people you hate so fondly.
based, don't livestream it though
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This miera looks a bit expired...
Nope.. sorry
Are midlanders and elezen better with facial hair or clean shaven
Light or Chaos?
acquire feet and tell me about the oneshot
does she need her wheels oiled?
I am a Hingashi Femlala
I have a Japanese Name
My skin is brown but the homophobia in my eyes tell it all
I currently don't have any problems that would require such an action, but thanks for the suggestion, anon! Hope you have a nice day!
Your face is splattered with cum
Midlanders need facial hair, elezen don't and usually look worse for it (except the old man face)
facial hair looks horrible in this game
Post highlanders .. and cats
but she should try to learn some self control! plus wouldn't it be more enjoyable to take the time and find somewhere more comfortable to do it
My moonie is not about to go and steal someones feet for you to enjoy, but the one shot is just a silly carnival thing with some homebrew rules, alot of d100s with RP gimmicks that can be good or bad
That would be nice for her
are all these nationalistic femraen the same guy or
I like this highlander! But unfortunately I don't have one of mine to post.
my femroe doesn’t really want to level jobs anymore
The kot is making nerd noises at you.
>Goonposer getting a sponsorship and then immediately walking it back due to backlash

They didn't give a fuck about the billboard so nothing will be done for this, right?
perfect, when I am done with her she will be one well lubed moonie
whats ur FUCKING problem bro. thats just my skin bro. *runs you over in this fucking thing*
i have gained access to the 'ords
now to wait a few months before i start schizoposting them so they dont suspect its me
im not racist, i just roleplay a racist one
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My sunnie just got away with putting her foot up on the store counter and schlicking away through her panties after the shopkeeper went to the back to look for something.
She managed to cum before they returned
can she shove me in a locker next
Any form of erp is always going to be a little gay.

>don’t erp them, weirdo!
Porn is just as gay, and much less fun

>I…don’t look at porn!

You are posting on an anime pornography website
Honestly they're a bitch for taking it down so quickly.
If a sex toy shop wanted to sponsor me I would absolutely take that.
Nothing gay about giving your homie a brojob
many thanks anon, now she can speed through her tasks
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Would she like to tell me about her interests?
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Rate my lvl 95 dungeon run (every boss was like this)
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I didnt mean literally im too busy right now!!
he doesnt know what an alpaca is..
yanking this cats tail
Bionicles obviously.
just uhhh borrow them
also there better be booths with minigames and goofy prizes for winning
I think you should make your ACT only show your damage
You need to get better at SMN
I cant believe you got that sunnie who cant go more then like 2minutes without schlicking in your dungeon
glamourer into one?
>I didnt mean literally im too busy right now!!
I know from a previous post but are you on chaos or light
My sunnie has gotten used to schlicking in a standing position as she needs the skill to manage her arousal when she outdoors.
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I don't know a lot about bionicles, but I would love for her to teach me about hers.
better that than some point having cbu3 come knocking and be like 'ok cunt wheres your au ra usage loicense'
People are joking about passing out and crying and getting emotional from the news that Close in the Distance is from Ardberts pov, right?
You betcha I have, they roll a d10 for a prize from a list I made, however if they roll a 10 they have to roll again, if they get two 10s they get a ring of three wishes
it's funnier to type "this thing" than "alpaca" bro , but i wouldn't ever expect U to understand the sheer magnitude of my genius
Why would she have to manage it while outdoors?! Can she not go more than a few minutes without getting off
I'm gonna put a kraana on this cat and have her serve the deforestation efforts.
It's making me care about Close in the Distance even less.
i love this creature so much its unreal
They should add a peggle-like to XIV
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good thing it's a oneshot, you're playing with fire
have fun nonny
They should add pegging to xiv
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>”ERP is just roleplaying anon it’s not serious!”
>woman destroys her 15 year marriage over erp and roleplaying
>schitzoing people
no, unless you're talking about my occasional ban from another board due to me arguing that visual novels arent games...
:( why not both
Well, you see, my sunnie's panties get pretty wet and sticky when she's even slightly horny.
The feeling of wet and sticky panties turn her on even more and they get even wetter and stickier as a result which serves as a feedback loop that continually drives her libido to new heights.
She's also a vapid, spoiled, rich and lazy citycat which adds to her lewdness potential
Oh I know, If any of them get it then the entire thing is fucked out the window but I couldn't resist giving them the possibilty to derail everything
Who do you think I am
based me too
This lizard and middie are cool people, definitely worth rescuing into the bad
yeah but it's moonmoon so it's funny
>nooo rape is bad because it just is okay
My moonie is going to get her a chastity belt to wear when out and about so she can't just touch herself whenever she wants. And then as an added bonus she'll be a total horny mess to tease and play with when she gets back home.
nah it's some retarded gta rp shit
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Hmm, I don't think I make for a good highlander!
Because time is limited in these situations my sunnie furiously schlicks like nothing else, which has the effect of causing her panties to become super coomy and sloppy but she loves it
La Creatura
No it was gta nopixel stuff and according to the funny moonman the girl was in an 'open relationship' and moon was already divorced.. but with how recent the divorce is it seem likely to me that their rp shit had something to do with it
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there have been marriages ruined by XIV too but not this time
Yeah, that's a JP wife right there.
i am
a gay hrothgar
That hot Highlander girl ever get around to taking more sweaty gym pictures?
she's pretty! Nice highlander glamourer
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>Not this time
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a chastity belt wouldn't work on my sunnie because she can climax just by shuffling her feet apart and clenching her toes.
Her body is constantly primed to climax like a firecracker about to go off
yeah because anon is referring to moonmoon two timing with some gta rp hoe
Why is every un-ebd femlala I see desperate and horny and pathetic?
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>talking to friend about moonmoon
>he referenced this and i had no idea what he was talking about and just thought he was shitposting
holy moly
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Bros...how do I get this last bit of exp? I accidentally turned all my healer gear in for gc seals and I didn't realize one of my healers wasn't lvl 90 yet...I only have the lvl 1 astro weapon.
You could fix them. EB the femlala and watch as her clothing returns and her dyes become pure white...
tiny ass head
>over 250 femra avatarfags
>nor a single one is this cute
God I wish I found one of those femlalas
Maybe? Is it a blonde raen?
I hope he comes back somehow
>lvl 90
Anon, the level cap is 100 now...
It could be if the blonde raen is an alter.
Unironically I hope 7.1 does what 6.1 did and is completely brand new story arc and forgets EVERYTHING about the 7.0 MSQ just like what happened in Endwalker. Dawntrail was so irredeemably shit they need to just immediately start something new. God what a fucking disastrous story.
Otis is not coming back he’s dead and gone
My malezen saw a tiger swallowtail butterfly the other day and hasn't stopped thinking about the beauty of nature.
Me and my boy, Otis Rutsu
But did she take half of his money?
Was so funny to me how the husband was surprised to find explicit material in her DMs when she has an onlyfans
My male middie awakens
Good morning bros
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They're not getting rid of Hiroi's cat wife. She'll accompany you, her best friend ever, until the heat death of the universe.
I want to hang out with you again... I miss you.
It's sexting. Sexting is cheating. Simple as.
that's not true, my sunnie can multi-task. Like when she browses for items on the bottom shelf, she squats with her legs wide apart and grinds her pussy mound against her panties at the same time
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we can fix him...
I had the impression 7.1 would all be about XI and its alliance raid. In theory Wuk Lamat's arc is over and something new can start. In EW they just started the void arc like a filler, so it's possible.
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false advertisement again! Look how little wuk lamat is in it.
I think there's something wrong with your sunnie, she should go to a doctor..
Its not happening you dumb BITCH. 7.1 and 7.2 will be filler stories about Tulliyolal opening up a bit more to their mew neighbors with Mamook begrudgingly learning how to plant new food. 7.3 will be about the real SPEEN or something who gives a shit but she'll get to eat a real taco. 7.4 and 7.5 will be the good stuff.
I want to rub my face on her fluffy washboard abs.
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I hope you have a good day today /xivg/
7.4 will be the patch where femlalas are allowed to EB the tall races
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You too my favorite little lala
It'll probably be something like the people in S9 that aren't happy about a lizard child ruling them as a vassal state trying to rebel, so we give them tacos.
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meow meow purrrrr meow meow meow meowwwwwwwww MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW
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>he thinks Wuk Lamat is going away
>he thinks Wuk Lamat isn’t going to come with us to the XI alliance raid
>he doesn’t know Wuk Lamat makes a special appearance as well in the XI alliance raid
I cannot wait to read all the seethe in 7.1 and beyond about Wuk Lamat
Is 90% of xivg high functioning gooners or something? All I see is a nonstop stream of coom spliced with the most sweaty HC meta talk every now and then
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Do any shota ra mods exist?
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kinda sad how desperate they are for sales.
I've been writing the story where Lamitt and Ardbert do get together...
Petting this cat until she stops meowing at me and is only purring
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>High functioning
Morning bro
What's the move today
She looks like she devours lalaboys.
my moonie is having ghost itches on her feet
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Do we like this?
she's a nympho, around 30% of the sunnie race is afflicted with this disorder
stupid cat
>grown ass woman
>coming of age story
do femoids really?????????
he fucked her at twitchcon
It's easily the majority of sunnies, I'd wager atleast 60%
I know I do, downloaded
Even worse then lmao
>stream of coom spliced with the most sweaty HC meta talk every now and then
I mean yeah, people talk about them like they're separate crowds but often enthusiasts about the game end up exploring all facets of it, including ones like those.
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i feel like i know exactly who's making these images and goddamn if that boy didn't wake up and choose war
Kill yourself, tranny
Why did you type hrothgar twice?
Because they don't have anyone to take out their desperation on and that makes them act pathetic if they go on long enough without relieving themselves with thier EB. So EB a femlala today!
Miss would you like to get those croissants snapped off?
They hate lizards.
As a non-modder, am I allowed to be friends with those who use mare?
A tranny would never say this to my face.
how many sunnies constantly cream their panties from how randy they are all the time though? Because my big titty sunnie is like this
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holy fuck barracks beat hero
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>you lack courage to ask for extra sauce at Wendy's
Way to out yourself as a mindless consumerist fatass, that the first thing that comes to your mind as requiring courage is to ask for an extra serving of fat at your local fat dispenser.
Why are meenas ganj for life?
The question should be if you allow these coombrains to be your friends.
sis your undies are yellow
Diabetes sucks
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Is that a symptom?
Found the guy afraid to ask for extra sauce
far too many of them
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Cum. Plap. Goon. Troon. Sex.
Video games? Gameplay? What's that?
Get the latest mods and you too can plap and goon until you become eepy with the rest of our famous 'cord 'bins.
This is Final Fantasy. This is Dawntrail.
You like this. We like this. And we pay for this.
i think it's more dry skin cause i get it when i have long hot showers or i'm in air conditioning for too long
Builded for anal
There aren't even any Wendy's where I live. And even if there were, extra sauce is the grossest thing you can ask for, it just turns food into a wet slop.
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If sunnies are all sluts how does Ysh'tola control herself from acting like some giga gooncat sexed up to her eyeballs?
ZENOS IS MY BESTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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she masturbates 16 times a day to suppress it
I like this instead
It's a matter of emphasis.
why is she blurry
If what you say is true, then why do so many here get annoyed/act disgusted whenever I tell them how much my sunnie creams her panties? It should be common knowledge no?
I don't like this.
I love this.
She grew up in a cave with a witch.
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yes but you need a personality since you cant just spam goofy dances
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JP Femras…
Please don't remind me that my island exists. I neglected it for months.
》CumTogether v0.26 loaded
》SquirtRedux v1.1 loaded
》AnimatedCum v2.7 loaded
She got hroth'd
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Himecut femras....
She spent her most hormonal years locked up in a cave with Matoya and the doubtless myriad romance and smutty novels she had between the cave and the library as only relief. By the time she made it out, she had absolutely unrealistic expectations of what her partner should be like. I mean, she got into the Scions and took a look at gigachads like Thancred or Urianger and was like "Eh, I can do better".
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JP GPosers are just better Im afraid
If only those were real
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my wife rin ywnbawneko
Because most sunnies keep it to themselves, you openly state it repeatedly
Elezen post.
If this one >>496065159 and this one >>496064467 and this one >>496064867 had "SQUARE ENIX" slapped on it you wouldn't even know and still go "oh my glorious Japan"
hroth owned
i zerked off to feet last night... TWICE
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How's the pvp scene for a lvl45 BLM? I haven't played pvp yet either.
Do you want to be my bf
My sunnie gets off to creaming her own panties in public
Do most femras like getting their horns snapped off?
Even if they don't care about me, I still love all femlalas. My heart knows no bounds.
The only thing hroths own are each other.
it doesnt matter what level you are for pvp i dont really play it much and im not good so i cant really give you a run down
my sunnie is a total exhibitionist, she wants everyone to know how creamy her panties are. She wants everyone to know she loves creaming her panties
1 inch
i want to fuck a sunnie from this thread
>it doesnt matter what level you are for pvp
What about skills? Are you able to use everything you have unlocked or just certain abilities. Also curious if armor matters or is it scaled as well like levels?
All jobs are synced and have separate pvp kits so level doesn't matter, you just have to have a job stone so classes are barred from pvp.
For small scale pvp BLM is pretty good. For large scale it's very niche, but has good stuff that can help. Large scale pvp mostly favors melee jobs because they got a huge defense boost to stand in the front lines.
We're here

Just go to the wolves den and find out for yourself
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The game has sub 100k active players left in the game that's across all worlds, all servers, all platforms.
I would never let another Hroth own me.
BLM's one of the stronger PvP jobs right now. It's extremely mobile and has a lot of CC(ice) and damage(fire), but unless you trust your team you should always just focus on damage.
Big if true
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Thinking of taking a small break from xiv to get base 80s in osrs
>flat 1 point white light source
>crank up the brightness to cover up any ugly shadow
JP style screenshots is the screenshot equivalent to this, all they're doing is drowning their lack of skill in brightness.
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Only six more books until BiS.
No, completely separate skills. There are also universal pvp specific skills. Armor does not matter in pvp.
Then you can finally start to play the game.
>doing shiva hard for story
>another first timer is here
>they get hit by almost all the mechanics
>dies a quarter through the fight
>dies again near the end
both of us healers just left them dead at that point. they must have queued with the minimum ilvl because they were almost getting one-banged by everything and we had to constantly heal them instead of the tanks. I didn't think anyone was such a piece of shit to queue like that, but at least it's the first time I've run into someone that bad this far.
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If I'm queued into a fight that I do not want to do I'll make a show of fighting but then purposefully get hit by every mechanic so I can sit out the fight.
Thinking of taking a break from ffxiv to try bouldering instead
Hroth owned.
Eb like this for my fiera
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I don't think that was the case. It was their first time and they sat through the minute long opening video
I've been feeling insanely lonely but I'm not letting other people know because I don't want to become a burden
>dies twice
>doesn't use swift for the rez
Yikes, you sound like a psycho.
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all of the drama would dissapear if all the gooners fucked off & all the biohole chasing pussystarved grown men would hang themselves
If your team sucks you're just going to lose.
Hroth owned.
>got everything but a single twine
>can trade down an m4 book for it
should I do it? or should I save books for an alt job?
Is that where you push and lift massive boulders?
You won't be saying that when I'm plapping you!
Imagine being the Scion of the fragment where the WoL is a complete retard. I feel sorry for them.
I may have to inspect if from a closer distance
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the wol is a retard though
did that femra ever get a hrothgal eb
can someone remind me how many repair kits it takes to fix a single modified submarine?
24 for all four pieces, its 6 per piece
I did the first time. once I saw them getting hit by everything and the boss was at 20% the second time, I ignored them.
>he thinks people would talk about the game
I wish I was this delusional
Please tell me your snout thing is a meme.
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You're meant to have your vagina fucked and not your crotch geometry, dumb suncat.
ok perfect
I still have time before I need to gather a bunch of dark matter in that case
No, it's indoor climbing. An activity that he'll do for MAYBE 2 hours a week, so he'd best take a break from ffxiv to find the time
someone hasn't played RE5
One inch could never plap me
Genetic failure.
3 hours ago.. a lamitt gave me a headpat...
I genuinely hate the snout
It freaks me out

It’s perfect, never stop posting
>hating on the cool battle scar...
Sorry, meant punch***
Not push.
and just to be clear, I was healing them the whole time. regen, cure ii, I had to pop benediction at the start because they almost died instantly. second death was just fuck it
I'd probably do it every other day if i enjoy it, i have a lot of free time i'm dumping in to xiv
Looks like Chris-chan's vagina.
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Going to shoot ropes to my friend's femra in a dress tonight. She's stunning.
moonie rabu!!!
Please stop posting these, or the local modbeasts will jump off a cliff that default characters can look great.
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Cute, anon's first non-computer hobby. You're going to be surprised at how little time it will actually take up.
Every day I pray for mods to be banned and for the social apocalypse in this game to commence.
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I'm curious now. How many hours have you all put into the game? Actually gaming, not erp or afk. I'm only about 200ish hours since I'm new.
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One on the right for my male melf.
I used to swim a lot i'd spend like an hour swimming laps then an hour just hanging around then do another hour of laps
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>Actually gaming, not erp or afk.
A couple hundred, maybe
I started last year and I'm at 2000.
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blm is really strong if you have decent fundamentals, go to the wolves’ den pier and figure out all your buttons (including recuperate / guard / purify)
Pay attention to enemies who you’ve seen use guard or purify because it makes them very vulnerable to being frozen
Don’t be an idiot and walk into enemies, especially ones with powerful low cooldown stuns like pld/mnk (blm is #1 kill priority next to healers)
Your job as blm is to either make plays by freezing and bursting important targets or to pump a lot of aoe damage into the enemy team to make them run out of resources and either fall back or die
Your bread and butter kill combo is blizzard -> paradox -> superflare -> aetherial manipulation into melee range -> burst, it deals something like 30k damage over 3 seconds and if your team has any follow up cc it’s almost always a guaranteed kill on people who don’t have purify
Across all characters, you have played for: 873 Days, 12 Hours, 1 Minute
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Yeah. I'm a femlala and a wife. What are you going to do about it, punk?
I'm not joking I want to edate an anon from this thread
Wish you luck in your marriage
What do you bring to the table besides mental illness. How would you improve an anons life?
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same.. my past attempts have failed but I'm determined to find an anon to love...
my silly little miera nin clings to the silly little shadows, with his silly little emote text off so he can pet silly little minions with whimsical impunity
I'll make them more mentally ill and possibly miserable they will either realize their errors and better themselves or stay with me
I like

Ugly hair
Heard you talkin' shit like U wouldn't find out
So e-dating would be a net negative for whoever is unfortunate enough to end up with you
you should let me /pet him
gm to chaos c:
Who do you think is the anon who's spamming cute femra pics on cooldown?
Goodnight Crystal Natives
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tick tock lorilee, better drop that evidence bomb today or tomorrow
magness bros stay winning
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I liked how this webm came out, so I will be reposting it.
I can’t wait for this “evidence” to just be a google doc of schizobabble that doesn’t prove anything
black irises = cute character
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did you end up hosting the impromptu
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qrd on the LT and magness drama?
hi.. can I love you..?
Some of you guys are so negative, constantly talking about hating xyz gets kind of draining.
Face 3 femras are ugy
Lorilee is a sex pest to everyone
Magness is a sex pest to fiddies
Does anyone wanna do rollos?
TMZ dramamongerers are so soulless these days
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Welcome to 4chan enjoy your stay
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which ones and which datacenter
I HATE being a loner. Any time someone invites me I feel like it's out of pity. I avoid visiting others be a it feels like I'm intruding.
he already previewed it. it's going to be discord conversations of people saying "it's magness."
even if you believed that people would never lie or be wrong, anyone with a web browser can edit discord conversations to say anything.
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>no one has ever sexpested me
It's over
*sexes u*
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i can't believe it........
I need all of them I don't wanna do MSQ though also I'm on EU but could go to Materia
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What headband?
how do i know if im being sex pested vs being rizzed
i'm on na, if you want to make a group i can join it'd have to be on materia
if you don't make one on materia, i hope you get some eu pals to join
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I wish someone liked femhroth
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I like femhroth...
Please be on eu
I wonder if Materia queues would even pop at this time with 2/4 and 2/8 people, I'd be down to try though
it's literally prime time on materia u dumb fuck
If you play your WHM and they play a tank it should pop.
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Just to update everyone, my sunnie came in her panties again
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I'm on NA. I'm so sorry, anon.
I don't give a fuck!
These posts are honestly my favorite keep up the good work
please JO irl so you can take a break from posting this drivel 24 hours a day
why is she blurry
I need to cap tomes so I could play WHM, yeah!
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What top?
Make sure they don't play WAR. You'll hate that.
>alternate universe confess
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My moonie requires more moo deng please please
get that birth control taken out and ill have you knocked up by day one
He gets off to posts mocking him like yours I'm not joking
>gooner doesn't know how getting a woman pregnant works
I wasn't even surprised tbqh
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maybe 1800-2100 gayming and the rest chilling, watching movies, getting plapped
I don't feel so good..
>stop posting this drivel!
>you should post other types of drivel instead!
do you even hear yourself mang
good then maybe he'll go into horny cooldown and take a nap
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>we get ARR dungeons
>WAR can't be WAR
Got a leveling PF up, pass is 2222
>all drivel is equal
he's the worst poster in the thread right now, 50 posts a thread about schlicking in his wet panties
i can tolerate the rest but it's reasonable to ask the worst poster in the thread to stop posting
I'd do the same and I'm gil capped
He’s not the worst poster in the thread though, people like you and the “g-g-get a trip so I can filter you” posters are the worst here. Some dude just making horny posts about his catgirl is not out of the ordinary. If it was a popular ebin like say Effy there would be no issue with it
be there in just a moment, was gathering some island things
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tyt anone
I'm glad nobody has ever sexpested me, only complimented me for my looks. Well I have been sexpested by hrothgar but I immediately remove myself from their vicinity, or in one case I simply just moved away from Hyperion.
>understatement of the day
he's spamming it to the tune of 30-50 posts per thread, which didn't happen on that scale from a single poster before he started posting
if effy did it i'd call him a nigger even though i'm friends with him because he knows that's excessive
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It's hilarious to see some newfag tourists to this board melty the fuck down over what some baisc bitch dime a dozen catgirl rp coom posts
Really gives away their tourist status.
retarded femra
So what his posts are easily filtered because he uses the same words in each post so I implore you to use the tools this site gives you and filter him. If it really bothers you that much you can get some of your discord friends together and repot his posts as off topic (you won’t)
What is the coolest weapon type in the game?
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Its all the hallmarks of some retard doing it ironically, they'll either burn out in a day or two or turn into another UN style spamming loser
>Off topic
It isn't even off topic .
Also if you want to shoot that down you're basically declaring exterminatus on all gooners on this board as well.
This is just moralfag screeching.
He can't be the worst because I like his posts and there are other posts that here that nobody likes. Simple.
Thank you for the update. Did your sunnie consider starting a business selling her soiled panties?
Any femra want to come play BG3 and be my Drow waifu?
This just reminds me of how some anons just seethe and having their days ruined over people getting namedropped constantly
>bitchin about rp in a rpgge general
again do you hear yourself mang
I’m not the one bitching about some suncat that schlicks herself in public man
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looks like a dessert
meant for >>496070593
I've only hated one person here for being a massive self aggrandizing faggot and they constantly keep netting themselves 3 day vacations, everyone knows which tripfag / avatarfag I'm talking about because literally everyone apart from himself hates him
Is the EU Chocolate Light bunny on yet.
No one knows who you’re talking about vagueposter
How does one find an anon to love?
ye my bad brother I replied to the wrong post mang
Will our campaign die before we finish act 1 or in th middle of act 2?
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I am
Transbian femra

I’d fuck me sooooo hard
One simply needs to look into a mirror.
- Sun Tzu
..that description fits me but idk if you're talking about me..
Sis if you haven't gotten some catboy dick in your life you haven't properly lived.
Good luck, I've got high penetration pajamas on
No, that may be on Friday. I did seek someone for some counseling yesterday though and it helped a lot. If anything, we'll definitely have a movie meet tomorrow!
Moev when ready
>I’d fuck me sooooo hard
then do it?
Hey Akemi, how are you feeling?
Last thing I saw was you needing an impromptu therapy session, is everything better?
I hate men, they are gross and retarded
Hole in one
Do you have white hair and white freckles too
Thanks, gonna go do it now
No.. it's over..
I'd still be interested in meeting if you're on...
Name a server and place
Stfu fucking retard
*looks my name up in the archives*
my femra needed to pee, but she couldn't find a single bathroom in whole Ul'dah, so she had to let it go inside her panties
Gonna do the same out of curiosity

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