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4 stages of gamedev edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread:

This solodev made a mega successful game and still had no money to work on his next game, what can we learn from this?
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Suffering builds character
Good job on cleaning up the vandalism from fucking faggy btw
Can I pound your prostate? Answer me.
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Idk. Does your micropenis reach?
agdg bros...
my loli is looking so good, but I can't show you yet...
its 7 inches...

production-ready engine
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Do I actually want to make a game or did I just convince myself that I want to do that because of teenage infatuation with the idea of a "rockstar garage indie dev making it big"?
godot github issue posting makes me kek so hard
i use bugdot btw
i laugh too
considering engine dev every day
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Nobody wants to make a game. Everybody wants to experience the glory of having made a game.
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we avianos now
be single
These are the dumb kind of questions you only ask when you're less than 3 years into game dev. After 10 years and the current state of games, you realize you want to make that game and it will not be made if you do not do it. I am the Harbinger of change.
*in diameter
that's cris
I will pound your prostate and then afterwards we will game dev thougheverbeit!
No, it's not. It's 4 am in Colombia.
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I totally believe you.

merged, but linear_velocity always returns zero
*per second
godot 5 will fix that
I'm glad. We can be gamedev friends and then when you get too stressed I can pound your prostate then we can get back to game devving.
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>After 10 years
10 years in game development with no released games yet?
For me it's this one: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/1515

This random nigga is just going around and closing issues from PRs that haven't been merged saying it's fixed.
>Meta Senior Engineer
Who the fuck is this guy? He's super active on Godot and I've never seen him before.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: The next theme is obvious.
If you weren't completely insane and demented, you'd probably already be rich purely due to your raw talent, inventiveness and creativity. But you'll never fix that, unless some medical treatment proves super effective somehow (and doesn't turn you more insane or wrecks your health), and the people around you likely worsens your future
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>Nobody wants to make a game
I do.
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there's no tutorial for finishing a game...
>>496057130 Me
>>496057207 You
We are not the same.
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nah for me its
Post Main Project?
It will age you like a motherfucker
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I love mermaids
based main project marathon runner.
We should all go to this, seems like a fun place with nice people
damn hippies
is that the /agdg/ house you guys were talking about?
I don't want any more stds
Marmo looks like he would be here.
>sex haver
get off my general! REEEE
i want to have sex with a gamedev twink
very hot
i can't dev today OR tomorrow.
very gay
Want to have sex when I get back from the gym?
Kill yourself
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I am once again shilling stride for all you Unity Refugees
Get Stride, it's complete and can do all your needs
Well War Thunder for instance just narrows the FOV when you zoom in. I think they might dial down the controls so that you don't move three screens with a slight input to the controls.
Should I prioritize my studies in compsci or gamedev?
What makes it a better choice than Godot 4.4?
Studies as a job activity (6h per day), then grab your Macbook to a nearby Cafe and gamedev to relax.
A dating game about a man who reincarnated as a woman.
In like the first few hours of the game he resists the advances of the romance intrests because he still believes hes a man even if his body is female now but then one day while he was walking home from his friends house at night he gets raped and the dick and the powerlessness to resist it felt so good it broke her mind and made her female both in mind and body and she abandons her old memories of being a man and embraces her womanhood.
The romance instrest will try to cheer her up and swear to catch the criminal who did this to her and stuff but you can also choose to date your rapist instead of them and he will be spared from execution in that route if you choose to forgive him and marry him.
It will be revealed later on that you are pregnant with your rapists child he impregnated you when he raped you that night.(regardless if you choose the rapist or any other romance intrests)
If you dont choose the rapist he will already be dead from his execution by the time this is revealed to you.
And you cant pretend its the child of your romance intrest because the rapist had dark skin so the baby wont look like its their child so you will need to be honest with your romance intrest and some will accept it and some of them will demand an abortion and you can choose to leave them and be a single mother or get the abortion or try to convince them more and some will change their mind and some wont and they will stop talking to you and start courting another girl that doesnt have kids from another relationship.
it actually works and available right now
Gamedev. No one cares about your degree.
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I had to drop gamedev to catchup on studies because I couldn't do both at once. I suck at math and convinced that I am low IQ.
Marmo please just start a new project.
>he fell for the compsci meme
realistically though, focusing on studies will kill a lot of gamedev progress and is only viable long-term if you can ship games that sell fast. Otherwise you become unemployable
>no web target
Sorry vro...
You probably are but most gamedevs suck at math. Luckily most math has been solved by other people so you just have to copy paste it into your code.
bro that's gay as fuck
I learned how to code through gamedev and I feel like it's the only thing I can do that puts me above an entry level officecuck.
I have to pass my math courses and the tests are done in person. I be usin ChatGPT for most math related problems in gamedev though.
How is a woman having sex with a man gay?
Most of the math i have used was just simple addition subtract, vector addition/subtraction, dot products, vector projection (just learned that), and sometimes vector multiplication.
im not reading all that text
just AI slop a quick VN to show what your vision is
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Just gonna slip this in here.
I love idea guying
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There's not a single solo dev game that is impressive.

It's all 2D pixel shit with chiptunes shit or meme poly where he used stock music.
Or a guy that buy lots of asset packs.
Or some dude that hired a bunch of pajeets in fiver.
Or some industry guy that just happened to be a director of a 20 people indie studio.

There's really not much solo indiedevs that actually made everything beyond pixel, ZUN and Eric.
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Officially I worked not even 1 hr and 30 mins on gamedev over the last 24 hours. But in reality, thanks to how indecisive I am, it was probably 4+ hours.

I'm think indecisiveness is the reason I put gamedev off so much. I know I'm going to encounter something where I won't be able to get exactly what I want without a lot of effort so it feels like wasted time. Thereafter getting a few good choices but unclear on which I should go with, thus just sitting there and pondering which I should go with, more wasted time. I hate being indecisive.
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Kek'd here's your (you) champ, don't spend it all in one place. I want to have a game, not make one, making it is hard and mostly not fun at all.
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I love this hobby!
I can only imagine how autistic frog posters are.
How do I create unique unscripted situtations for players without relying on procedural generation?
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>you realize you want to make that game and it will not be made if you do not do it
5 years in, ~5 others making what I'm making, mine's the worst in art and gameplay, I started before most of these guys. Now I'm likely going to flop, I stand no chance unless I get a teammate who can revamp the art or the code.
fuzzy pattern matching and interconnected systems
That's why they say most of it is due to luck. The luck is timing.
post the 5 others
sorry already made that game try another
Old cris used to do shit now you just ramble about the same thing time and time again, you grown bland old fart.
I simply can't code an RTS. When I sit down to work on it I feel worse than I do at my actual job. Where do you find a code partner?
senility is settling in.
Would be nice to gain a successful 1000+ review game or a gf. I'd prefer the succesful game tho, unless she's 9/10 and becomes my wife.
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how do I fix and prevent the gamer dent from wearing my headset 12 hours a day? It's very visible on my head
Acquire your own place so that you no longer need to wear an headset.
Anon just reverse dominated the fake homo kek!


You think he is secretly paod to close out the stuff Juan doesnt want to implement or has no idea how to fix?
Universum: War Front aka warshift was impressive for the time
Made before assets were a thing, so everything you see was made by that guy's hands.
What about dust an elysian tale? Wasn't that one obsessed furry?
There are other ways to discretely to transfer audio into your eardrums lil bro.
Can I pound your prostate?
I found the term its systemic design
pretty sure the dev didn't made the music of those games.

most solodevs usually dont make music.
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When will we enter the PS2 era of indie gamedev?
No. The fuck?
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Please god, post that WIP in the agdg discord artdev channel and I'll DM you so I can personally run you through blender changes, I started with 2.78 and hated the new blender at first but the QoL changes grew on me within a week.

You're ironically handicapping yourself with a version that old.
For warshift he composed only one song and hired for the rest, but he is able to compose
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make cute_ games
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dem hips
Like Kirby?
Why not?
not good enough to be a solodev if he has help.
Time is a factor. Dismissing his efforts as not solodev because the game has a few licenced tracks is retarded, you are not retarded are you?
What a miracle, the ideas are flowing in. Systemic features thats the key
>dude what if we call games made by more than one person, solodev games.
then is not a solodev game.

Making the tools to make the game is where I put the red line, because otherwise we will get into the you didn't made the OS to make the game argument.
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I would sodomize all anime posters, in between game dev thougheverbeit.
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Not if I sodomize you first
in the /agdg/ house, i'm the king.
>Spend 5000 hours alone making quite literally everything in the game you interact with and see
>Put music in someone else made
I'll say that's solodev. It's like hiring voice actors. Is your game not solodev if you get your grandpa with a gravelly voice to narrate the intro?
What if your engine came with sample music? Is it not solo if you use one?
Marnix is that you?
yes, solodevs means no other help.

>what if multiple people means one person
Do not lewd the Nosh
Oy vey...
>games made by more than one person
The game developer browsing a list of available songs to license for his game's soundtrack is nowhere on the same level as those musicians "working on the game".
If they were paid full time as employees part of the company and even had a say on how some character's theme songs should be like, MAYBE just maybe then you'd have a point.
Ok, in that case using AI means you are not solodev.
that's the same as using the 3D models from an asset pack and buying a script in rpg maker MV.

Most impressive 3D solo fag shit is just asset store shit.

AI is just a cope from codefags to not learn art.
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This is extreme cope cris. The guy is a 3d modeller, animator, texture artist, programmer, composer, game designer, everything, he wore all the hats. Impressive stuff. Not being impressed is a form of derangement.
>Pfft he had help so his efforts mean nothing, even I could make a game like that with help!
Go outside and kick a streetlamp
It's a diferent cathegory anon.

if you use assets then is not solodev.

I would also could claim that using another person engine is still similar in spirit to using another person music or models.

But I need to draw a line at some point to be pragmatic.
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In my game there will be visitors from other planets visiting earth.
This is an example of a Loverian from Venus.
Instead of feeding on food Loverians feed on the energy released when a living being experiences intense emotions because of this they like to cause those emotions in other living being by having intercourse with them to extract lust,torturing them to extract despair,killing their targets family to extract sadness and anger.
They say each emotion has its own flavor.
>that's the same as using the 3D models from an asset pack and buying a script in rpg maker MV.
Or buying sound effect packs yeah. How many solo developers do you reckon record every single sound they used in-game? How many solo developers do you think make every single font they use in-game instead of downloading one?

How can you claim "other people worked on the game" when they're not even aware of it? The line you should draw is actually a lot simpler: How many people are there in the world who can say "yeah I worked on X game"? If the number is higher than 1, then yeah it's not a solo development. But if some guy managed to decompile Warcraft 3 source code and use the assets and code to make Warcraft 4 by himself then it's absolutely a solo project even if he used other people's code and assets.
Im suprised no one here is making retroslop games like shmups
you need better quality control
you need to make a line in the sand, otherwise I can claim to solodev if I spend 500 usd on unity asset packs and make an asset pack showelware.
Music isn't assets in the same way. You play the game not the music, you could play it muted and now you are playing a solo game?
And some assets get bought and incorporated into the engine. someone who was solo and used textmeshpro is not solo? But someone who used the next version of unity where it's built in is solo?
Stop drawing lines. Just go by contribution, did he do 90-99% of the work? Then it's fair to call it solo.
How do I prevent chinese players from leaving reviews?
music is what sets the emotional tone of the game, is a major factor in games like horror games.

Final fantasy appeal would be totally diferent if they had used a diferent composer in their first 10 games.
Don't localize the game to chinese
then they will leave review because the game is not localize in chinese. fuck those yellow people.
oh you sweet summer child
you began by mentioning which solo devs were worthy of note, how would your asset flip be worthy of note?
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It's almost like gamedev requires a variety of different skills that one person cannot acquire in one life time. Crazy right?

I blame individual people too
>programmers keep doing prototypes or tech engines instead of teaming up to make some fucking video games
>artists are narcissistic as fuck and think their value is all that matters, asking to be paid for just for existing like women and purposely killing AI because we can't let other people have fun
>musicians are stupid and keep making good shit for retarded people and failed games, for the love of god make music for people with actual good games instead
>"""""""designers""""""" exist and unironically think they're useful
call Taiwan a country in game description
valve won't even show it to them to be purchased
I don't use assets made by others.

Eric, ZUN and pixel learned code, art and music.

It's not impossible.
it's over
I accept your concession. que te follen
My goal is to make a good enough prototype to entice an artist to work with me. The problem is good gamedev artists are in the minority. The ones that know how to make game ready assets are most likely taken or are making a game themselves.
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>music doesn't matter
>the only reason Pictionary NES is remembered today is because tim follin made the music for it
>you need to make a line in the sand
Did you not read my post? I do. I draw a very clear line. It's just that my line is drawn higher than yours. You can't accept that, I can't accept your line, I guess we'll just have to live in a world where "solo dev" means different things for you and me and deal with whatever fallout arises from the confusion. Have a nice day, I'm going back to work on my game.
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that's a big brain move ngl
>Eric, ZUN
No offense but their art is dogshit.
ZUN has excellent music skills and that's pretty much it, he just tapped into the danmaku market because it's very popular with his people, which is a smart move.
Eric skillset is average as fuck. He was just smart enough to be the first to tap into the harvest-moon-but-with-western-cucking market.
Deaf people play games too. If your game absolutely requires music to elevate it to "good" status, it isn't actually good.
Music games aside.
Has a publisher and had someone else implement the multiplayer for him. Of all the solo devs, he's literally the one who had other people working on his game, you seem very retarded and biased on your definition.
My game has no audio because I care for deaf people.
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My pictures of Pixel will always live rent free in your minds, nodevs.
stop giving cris replies
he's retarded
So are you yet I'm giving you a reply too.
If we don't keep him addicted to (You)'s in the thread he could actually finish a game and escape his meme life status.
We're also sparing other boards his menace.
Loverians can use their 1000 arms to imitate the appearance of other species.
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I'm at an impasse with my assets, bros.
>Have "2.5d" billboards, I can use krita/blender to make consistent assets (similar to picrel)
>This looks fine until you're in a thick forest and see up close the limitations of sprites in 3d
>Bought 3d asset pack for environment, it looks really good in thick forest
>Im not skilled enough in blender to match the style in my items/enemies.
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the day ai stop messing picrel up is the day we get a real indie renaissance
artists are gatekeeping gamedev too hard right now
Ok. Let's talk about orthogonality.
>re also sparing other boards his menace.
And the streets of Columbia. There were police reports of a man fitting his description disturbing the peace the other day
My kusoslop is growing stronger.
Not really. He'll just go pollute 5 different boards as usual and then come back. This guy has been unironic cancer for the past 10 years.
don't make thick forests with billboards, or get 3d skills
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>recovering from Tokyo Game Show
What are they recovering from?
Parceros need to listen silver surfer NES OST.

>mfw listening to silver surfer nes music while agdg says game music doesnt matter
these niggas lgtbq
Silver Surfer is a fucking awful game so I don't know what point you think you're making here.
learn to read, anon.
i would love to make a detective game
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He has such a nice head shape.
No, your whole idea is shit
You're a parasocial homotranny spamming the thread about barone all day, kill yourself back to shartroon tranney general nodev tourist.
I'm making an MMORPG. Something like world of warcraft, just need to find the right engine.
silver surfer is a dogshit game who is only remembered because of the music.
>being remembered as a steaming pile of shit is good
why don't you?
The music is part of the game so if it's considered dogshit it means the music didn't matter enough for it not to be dogshit.
>retard misses the point
>pretend tim follin music is bad
Nobody but you has said anything about tim follin you goddamn retard. Most games he worked on are fucking awful. HE's memorable, not the games.
im not smart enough to code it let alone to write the compelling mystery and dialogue
no, the music is so legendary the game is remembered as those very bad games with amazing music.
is the reason there's no detective games really come down to the autism, skill, and creativity required to make one?
that's my point.

he's the only reason the showelware he worked on is remembered today.

nobody gives a shit about pictionary because of the gameplay, story or art.
>how blowjo designs a puzzle:
>spends 8 hours on twitter arguing about seed ouls
>yells at intern to design a puzzle until they kill themselves
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indeed, i believe so
Just make logic matrix problems what are you on about. 99% of classic mystery stories are just expanded logic matrix problems. The whole shtick of Sherlock Holmes is logic matrix, remove known impossibilities and your answer is within the remaining known possibilities.
Maybe you're just stupid?
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I wanted to upgrade to godot 4.3 for better lighting for my second game I'm making, but was bummed that vulkan runs so horribly on my laptop. But then I looked at pic related and realized I should go for stylized readability instead.
every gamedev 'wants' to make a detective game just like how every pubescent boy 'wants' to make games and every woman 'wants' to marry a charismatic handsome millionaire

you're not special
>nobody gives a shit about pictionary
Nobody gives a shit about any of tim follins games they just play the music
sometimes the mentally ill is the only sane person in the room.
my detective game idea is different though
>every gamedev 'wants' to make a detective game
No, I don't.
nobody's talking to you marnix
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>steamworks support hasn't responded to my ticket
It's literally over.
Unicycle detective. He's a bit like inspector gadget meets gizmoduck
If it's been too long then send another one.
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I don't like detective game. Why would I want to make one?
It's been 24 hours. Should I send another one?
Just resubmit without the Nazi stuff? Then sneak it into an update
That's a bit long.
Did you select the right category when submitting your ticket?
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>year 2024
>still can't get pixel perfect camera right
Godot is a joke engine, I'm trying to remake pic related for uni and it's making me so fucking upset I can't imagine using it to make games professionally.
Which version are you using? Pretty sure I got pixel perfect camera working on godot back in 2019
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Still working on this autobattler, I added cavalry among other things.
I'm pretty sure I did yeah.

You do understand that not only this is grounds to get delisted but probably also being banned from Steamworks? Some tranny would absolutely report me for this.
>in military
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Voice acting is over dude
sounds like shit
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>You do understand that not only this is grounds to get delisted but probably also being banned from Steamworks?
Oh. That would be a shame.
sounds retarded
games require every element (e.g. gameplay, artstyle, music) to be considered good.

It sucks that people are deaf but its not my responsibility to cater for everyone.

I am against the tyranny of the minority.
Fuck, /agdg/ really does know who am I and what my game is... Now they'll swarm my game like vultures when it releases and make a huge deal out of tearing me down. The Marmodev bullying will pale in comparison what you will all do to me. Even typing this post gives /agdg/ more ammo against me but I have to get my deepest fear off my chest.
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the trick is to make a good successful game. if you do the crabs will seethe and the yesdevs will rejoice at your success.

You're making a good game, right? Right?
4.3, I downgraded to 4.2 to test the project in that link to no avail the camera is still jittery
in godot when you right click on a resource there's an option called "Copy UID" and it gives you something like:
How do you get this string via code?
>You're making a good game, right? Right?
I'd show it to you but this would be literal publit suicide for me at this point.
I'll take that as a no then.
Which is impressive. It doesn't sound AI
without those marmodev "bullies" he'd probably have 0 reviews
You wouldn't have thought otherwise even if I did show it to you, or even if you'd like it. You'd just shit on it because you hate me in particular.
There is no music in the witness.
Do you play Dominions 4, 5 or 6 perhaps?
you should be ashamed of yourself.
sure he's being ashamed while being rich
meanwhile you're ashamed while being poor
If you're just doing it for a college project, you might want to try 3.6. I'm this poster>>496071648, I dunno about godot 4.x...
How to make good game?
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I don't know you but your defeatist view of yourself make me hate you now.
don't project your christian shame onto others
>jesus hung out with prostitutes, but furry porn is too far!
>I don't know you
No I'm just simply annoyed that my hard work will get destroyed by bastards and how that's out of my control.
Make voice act non-verbal vocalizations?
>jesus hung out with prostitutes*
women of joy*, that's completely different
i'd better be poor than draw gay furry fat fetish porn for a living. money isn't everything, schmuck.
>erm uhh sexual acts okay if you're using your own body but not if you're making funky weird drawings

anyway, there's only 2 groups, those saved by gods grace and those awaiting saving by gods grace, jesus hanging out with prostitutes, homeless people, and foreigners was to send that message. there is no lost, not even dog fuckers or 2d drawing fappers
do not bully pomao, he is the Uncle Fester of aggy
>don't project
>projects as a counter argument
depending on how strict you are with "unique", you could take the emergent gameplay approach

for example in M&B warband, if a village is suffering from banditry you may find a villager in nearby taverns sharing his sorrows with you, giving you an option to save the village
or if a militaristic noble of a peaceful country wants to instigate a war, he may task you to stage a false flag operation

of course the "uniqueness" depends on the frequency of the conditions
>jesus literally hung out with prostitutes
>"you're projecting!!!"
lmao I'm not even a christian, but we're in a christian civilization in the west during american hours where "under god" is in the pledge, of course he has christian guilt, ~70-80% of us do.
You have to have contrition to seek genuine redemption for sin anon. You don't get to fuck dogs and just pray the sin away.
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Your life is as worthless as a summer ant here, outside of these threads nobody really cares about you since the average aggy doesn't seem to go after you, which makes agdg the nicest place to be in terms of fuck around and find out, your actions have no consequences outside of here.
Cris being the best example, people know his ID, where he lives, his family and oddly enough with how much he is hated nobody ever tried to harm him.
you brought christianism out of nowhere. i was just saying that he shouldn't say he shouldn't mention that he pays his bills doing that with any sort of confidence.
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Picrel is the only religion I adhere to.
No, it seems like something I would enjoy. I have played other similar games though (the total wars, homm3, etc).
>the other guy didn't take his shirt off
>jesus l i t e r a l l y hung out with all groups to prove redemption from anyone is possible, not just rich upper class jews within the high ranks of the synagogue
>er, the jews were right, only certain people can repent and accept jesus and god and enter the holy kingdom, not those dog fuckers.
is that what your upper class southern church told you? I bet you think the only place you can properly pray is a church lmfao
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This seem plausible?
>he shouldn't say he shouldn't mention
brainfart. just forget the beginning and read after "say"
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Add a way to integrate twitch commands and turn this into saltybet.

You'll print money.
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Thats it, I'm going to abandon my project and hop to a new one.
yes, why are you drawing this when implementing it would take about the same amount of time ?
>believing a jew on a stick is literally God, the creator of the universe
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kind of reminds me of this
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>think of game in my head
>solid idea
>but the perspective is kind of like a sidescroller, but also has depth
>you control with arrow keys/stick, not mouse
Can someone tell me what the fuck am I trying to create? This doesn't make sense. Like how do you aim at shit?
Cause I just got home and was about to beat my meat (game dev tactic) before implementing this sickening functionality.
Why not project walljump (>>496057130) instead?
>he *still* thinks I'm a christian
lmfao, no. buddhist. not even syncretic christian buddhism. just buddhism dazzled with a little jainism. in fact, I'd say I have to work on a little anti-christianity I still hold onto.
>want to make a cutevania
>there are too many cutevania with beautiful art already
not being an artist sucks
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Yeah you seem like my kind of autist. You could look at it for inspo if you plan on adding magic to your game, it has some cool stuff. But I wouldn't recommend it to a fellow dev, too much of a time-sink.
>believing a fat indian who just sits in the same pose in a cave for eternity is literally God, the creator of the universe
contrary to christianity, not every main figure of a religion is "god, the creator of the universe", a 5 minute video on youtube, or even a 30 second short on tiktok could easily fix that belief, but considering you can't do that, you're unfortunately also hopeless in completing your game. I'm not a fan of the willfully ignorant, so... I don't even want to help you learn about buddhism to better make fun of the specific sect and interpretation you've been publicly exposed to through media.

>buddha is like... uh christ.. because that's the big name in buddhism like christianity
yeah, and a plane is a shitty car, cant even drive on the road, because... I've mostly heard about cars!
haven't seen this dev in a while
he lowkey cooked you doe, maybe keep your corny beliefs to xirself instead of sharting a thread about amateur gamedev, rangjeep
you're mentally ill.
Final Fantasy.
>gets entire concept of buddhism and the buddha wrong
>he COOKED you
you have to be 18 to use this website
Anybody can have contrition. Just admit you don't know what words mean.
>doesn't believe in a high power after seeing all the distraction and degeneracy that atheism leads to
>be born indian male
>have to make up a religion where reincarnation is the central theme
idk seems like cope + you worship cows
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where do i find my angel investor?
sar, gold comes from their butthole.
You might not harm me specifically but you will take down my game instead, review bombing it, spreading lies and trying to get it banned. All in an attempt to tear me down because I didn't do something you wanted
That is the game I'm making, yes.
why do only americans buy my game
your mom
>want to improve some piece of software i'm using
>look at the source code and see what needs changing
>don't bother because compiling shit on windows is suffering
repeat x100
>dog fucker feels remorseful, regretful, and shameful for the act
>welcome to heaven! so glad you felt guilty!

wow, so cool.
>buddhist dog fucker feels guilt
>moves past guilt, abandons the wasteful and unnecessary actions of life (fucking dogs)
>karma still happens because you did something to hurt another living being instead of lowering suffering
>reincarnate as the dog you fuck
>in your life after that you reincarnate as someone who rescues and helps animals
>never repeat the same actions again, as your soul has learned it's lesson

I am a 23 year old midwesterner who eats too much cheese and beef. ranjeesh would spit on me and shit in my front yard. indians have practically abandoned buddhism. Also, speaking of india, it's funny that they're the biggest exporters of live cows (usually for beef and dairy), just imagine the logical jumps behind that.
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>my god is better because he still punishes me even after I have punished myself in my heart through guilt and confessed my sins to his church
What an asshole
From bed to code. Another day. LETS GET IT GOING !




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uhhh yes I would like one gorillion dollars from sales please
ja just use linux thoughever?
amateur gay development general
Indians export cows to spread their culture. You are not suppose to each them.
cant do art
gamedev is ded
i got a lot done when i did use linux, but games and vst plugins didn't work well
hahaha I would totally not play your game hahaha
where's the link?
not a furry, but that's a nice customization screen.
>come up with cool idea
>internal voice: "are you willing to work 3 years on that idea?"
>go back to working on boring idea
Game dev kinda sux.
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learning pixiv autismo is simply learning a shit ton of tricks to learn to draw every fucking detail and how to paint every detail in an anime girl.
>indian religion!!! has to be indian!!! prakeeet pooo in looooooo!!!
>0.8% buddhist
>98% buddhist

I can feel my wisconsinite sicilian asshole turning gook as we speak
highlighted countries are "indian" countries

buddhism has no gods. buddha isn't god. karma is not controlled by a god. karma is universal balance, it's invisible, it's like gravity.
>she looks at her body as the changes are made
very nice touch
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plz gib hook for chud game. ty
>accidentally said japan (still more buddhist than india) instead of thailand or cambodia
oh god oh fuck here we go, a whole new argument about that is going to happen
This is truly slop. Horrifying.
Okay so buddhism is the story of retarded asians worshipping a literal who that has no ability to save them from the pain of existence and inevitable nonexistence or otherwise provide meaning in their lives.
You're a hippy dippy faggot intellectually masturbating to the idea of participation in a cult that is fundamentally alien to you anf abhors you. Good job bud.
crab moment
im using emacs, imo it’s quite tolerable these days with the language servers
nolgorb’s ordeal 2 looks like THAT???
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Anon really knows his target audience.
You are just a faggot with 0 standards, of course you consume the slop
grim. Didn't we tell you to make a game you like?
You're not being 'practical'. You're being a coward.
post game then
But I'm scared it won't live up to my expectations.
So never try anything just rot in your room and die
Just accept it won't live up to your expectations and you can stop being scared.
>my god has magic powers
bro just swap to wiccanism if that's what you're after. it's white folks larping as norse pagans with christian influence and it's 1000x more interesting than christianity
>my main figure has to have magic powers and save me from bad things and then send me to a magic good place with virgins and my long lost gameboy
hey, you know that cool band from the 90's, "nirvana", yeah, that's the magic good place, I don't believe it exists.
yes, buddha is just a teacher, a lot like any of the 12 apostles or prophet muhammed (who didn't have any magic powers, besides magically marrying a 9 year old and it magically being okay)
>You're a hippy dippy faggot intellectually masturbating to the idea of participation in a cult that is fundamentally alien to you anf abhors you
you're thinking about judaism, the grandaddy to christianity and islam. buddhism is for everyone, always has been. judaism tells you you have to be FROM the holy land to worship, and as far as I'm aware, christianity is the only one to remove that line.
>can't be flat with a fat ass
anon please...
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here is what I think of your opinion
panic floor dev, is that you?
Christianity is the only Religion in which God freely gave Salvation to man.

most other religions are just generic works based salvation. striving and striving.

Christ is the only One that gives rest.

Furthermore, the philosophically derived God is Love due to him being objective morality. If God is love, must he create necessarily?

No, he must be multiple persons. The Trinity.
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>small pink creature with fat ass
I'm not reading your shit, hippy. Imagine jacking off to the tutelary deities (not even gods) of people that abhor you, what a fucking cuck.
>Christ is the only One that gives rest.
only after you worship him your entire life, turn the other cheek to people hurting you, etc.
As opposed to worshipping Buddha your entire life and being reborn as a fucking pig to live in your own shit until the day you're butchered, and then reincarnating as a fucking ant, etc.
you can just not believe in any of them ya know
No, this is a misconception.
You're describing a works based salvation.
He has harsh language in the Gospels to make you realize your futility to save yourself by your own works. And to trust on his work.

He also says:

"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

In reality, he paid for all men's sins and all things will be reconciled to him. He is perfect for us.

"And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." ( Colossians 1:20 )
my player character sculpt is almost done can someone give me the workflow order for retopology / baking normals etc. so i don't lose anything to destructive steps juseyo ^.^

i can study to steps myself but i need the order without going through a 40 video 15 hour long blender tutorial series
make it so the game forces you to set her ass and breasts to max
anything below gives you a text box with “are you sure?”
thank me later when your game gets popular
so you are saying you can not worship him, not go to church, not follow any of his teachings, commandments, etc, and still go to heaven?
>I'm smarter than the combined traditions of every world culture and theology that has attempted to explain man's origins and the destiny of our eternal soul/existence
>because I don't believe in fucking anything!
Nobody is impressed. I'll take the retarded streetshitters worshipping tutelary deities over positivist atheists any day.
>you wake up
>see suffering
>"i'll just pray and then thing's will get better!"

>I wake up
>see suffering
>"there is no end without action"
>follow eightfold path (right speech, right thought, right view, right action, right resolve, right effort, right mindfulness)
>donate my time and effort to a shelter
>raise awareness of the issue
>keep positivity through failure and lack of progress
>make others happy
>things actually get done and you personally caused a net positive on at least one person


okay medieval european larper
if I was a hippie, I think I'd be telling you to just take some shrooms dood and the universe will like tell you want to do and shit brooooooo weeeeeddd
>you MUST worship a deity because people did at some point
sure buddy
>believing all of this faggot shit
do christcucks really?
No, he's saying that doing all those things doesn't buy you a ticket into heaven. The ticket already exists and everyone has a ticket, you just have to choose to take it through genuine acceptance of faith. This is why the Apostles taught almost exclusively to gentiles who could never have possibly participated in the rites of the Jewish Temple even if they wanted to, to illustrate that works and rites weren't the key and you can't build a stairway to Heaven by works on Earth.
My brother and I are now in the planning stages of making our first game. Both of us played the quake 2 remaster and were blown away by its level design and had the idea of making a game like quake but where ALL the levels were connected together like a metroidvania. In other words, a metroid prime with quake combat inspired by Shinya tsukomoto's tetsuo series, stitched together via trenchbroom.

Does this sound feasible and is it the sort of thing people would want to play?
Yes, if you only believe on him now you'll get Heaven if your body passes between now and the final throne judgment.

The Good News is that Christ did it all for you.
Whether you like it or not.

Everyone will be resurrected, because of his resurrection.

God became Man so that Man will become God.
The Incarnation makes him the 2nd Adam, he died for mankind and he rose up mankind.
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." ( Romans 5: 8)

" Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." ( Romans 5:18 )
> acceptance of faith
elaborate on this, what does that mean?
Video Games?
Participation in the aesthetics of foreign religions, where we are free to project really any self-validating ideas onto the religion, is more potent than any drug.
/pol/ is raiding us again...
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How is this game dev related?
Pray and have faith that you've received.

Mark 11:23-24
not a furry but wood.
Personal recognition of Christ as God, Lord and Saviour, and the ensuing natural contrition (self-disgust and self-rebuking) of our sins and acceptance of God's offered forgiveness.
>so a serial killer can just repent on his deathbed and get into Heaven?
Sure. Through God this is possible, that a genuine piece of human filth realizes his moral failures and seeks redemption at the last possible moment of his life. But God also knows when we're playing Pascal's wager and thinking that you're going to scrape by on a technicality is not genuinely recognizing God as your personal Lord and Saviour or experiencing genuine contrition.
This is why the Church started their rites and prescriptive works (among other secular reasons, I'm not a braindead Catholarper) to encourage people to come into their relationship with God from a position of genuine worship rather than cynical technicality.
did it work?
trust that his atonement for your sins justifies you before God, and that his resurrection raises you up.

At the Cross, God's Justice and Mercy are shown.
He truly is love, and many people have misinterpreted him.

It objectively happened for you.
You're already reconciled.
See you on the New Earth one day.

"And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." ( Colossians 1:20 )
Christcucks are like women, they invade places where they shouldn't be and make it all about themselves
It's all about routing
Faith is a realization of something that already occurred for you.
how does that work any way?
Would love to see the games by the missionaries posting here, they have one right?
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stop talking about indians and get back to work
>say slur on this general
>once your game gets big, people try to cancel you over it
name something more scarier
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to the american, every single religion is foreign, even the native american religions. do you ask of them to be atheists, or do you ask of them to pick a foreign religion in which they will project self validating ideas onto?

>you can't do that because I'm christian and I say so. I WILL judge thy neighbor, god agrees with me!
>I'm jewish and everything you say against me is anti-semitism!!
>muslism don't have to take swim class, I can wear my bruqah wherever I want! no mom you CANT see me without my burqah!! it's HALAL!!
>I'm buddhist and that means YOU can't talk to me about religion!! I HAVE to do yoga or buddha will be MAD!!
>I'm a WICCAN, I will CURSE you for this inconvenience and the GODS WILL agree with me for it! In wiccanism its OKAY TO BE FAT!! I'll curse you for being a skinny wiccan!
Faith is when you fear death too much.
is this a debug room or is it one of those meme horde games like devil daggers that doesn't have actual levels
>stitched together via trenchbroom
is this going to perform? those old games like Quake 2 and Half Life all had frequent loading screens where they effectively teleport you to a new map, even if it looks on a modern PC with SSD like the screen just froze for a moment. so if you want it to be truly one big interconnected place you'll have to build it differently than those classics were built.
you can't call your boss that
the latter
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a letter to concerned ape

i had the worst day today. i had nightmares last night. i had to go to work and pretend everything was okay despite getting no sleep and being near tears. i had to deal with my boss complain to me, about me being injured and only able to do modified work. i was in my own head and sad and scared.

i got home from work a few hours ago. i didn’t know what to do really, i was a step down from autopilot. i barely made myself food and took care of my pets. i sat on the floor, opened my laptop and started stardew valley. i got distracted, the title screen played for an hour while i picked at my food and spaced out. then, i felt better. an hour of the music just playing made me feel like a person. it put me back into my own head and my own body.

thank you. for comforting me without even having to play, for being there any time i didn’t feel like myself, for helping me put back the pieces on a bad day, and always making me feel better.
just believe it already happened for you. trust in his work. nothing more than that. I know this anon is adding contrition to it >>496083715
. But it is simpler.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." (John 6:47)

3D Dwarf Fortress.
Finished heapsort and now I'm going to continue on LOD.
I don't fear death because I have the resurrection.
You shouldn't fear it either, Christ raised you up as well. Adam gave Death. Christ gave life.

"Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." (Romans 5:18)
>engiedev is the christfag
It makes sense since you a lunatic.
kek, how did i not notice before
America was founded by English Protestants who are just lost members of God's church. Secular failures of American society point to nothing but the inherent instability of removing a society founded on Godly principles from God.
ironic you are trying to mimic his creation, you are going to hell
the only reason they do that is because maps are limited to 8k x 8k units, though i believe the limit is actually smaller on id tech 1. on a modern PC, maps can pretty much be arbitrarily complex without any performance problems.
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Made a procedural book stack system instead of working on something important, you can randomise the amount of books, meshes, scale, rotation and choose whether it simulates physics, you can also have them in a row.
i thought you worshipped barone eric, you switching up on him like a tranny? damn..
erm okay nice, looks cool
Yes, I realized Eric is a false idol who was trying to skewer me away from the true God; I repented and now seek to make amends.
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>america was founded by a group of people and clearly that means every single immigrant across europe was also part of that group, they did not come from a diverse background making america have the nickname "melting pot", and they did not abandon or jump faiths, there was also NO mixing with the native tribes, causing modern day "christo-native american religions", no, we are all protestant and clearly modern protestants practic the same exact things as early american protestants!
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he actually has a an impress and complex project unlike you who only has piles of cum stained drawings of concept characters he thinks is a video game.
nice character development, Godspeed lil nigga
christfags can't deal with not being the centre of attention for five seconds
My game is right here >>496073335 where is yours tranny lover?
my wife will have a strong jaw and bite my shoulders
No offense but do not use sissytalk when replying to my progress, madam.
Who are you quoting?
I don't mind if there's loading hallways or elevators, just that it has a large series of internected maps that don't end. Quake 2 comes close to this but still has distinct missions. I think learning the ins and ours of a giant facility that you mice thru and transform as you gain more abilities and hidden items would be really fun and rewarding

We want both the characters abd guns to level up over time. Double jump, varia suit and splash damage protection (for rocket jumping) and interesting twists like the smg getting upgraded into a needler like weapon that doesn't kill but causes the enemy to start infighting. We want that really anemic starting blaster to upgrade into the bfg
worshiping some ancient rabbi on a stick doesn't make you special, shut the fuck up
>open xwitter
>see giant thread slamming the creator of a game I've never heard of and have no interest in
Should I be more of an asshole online so that one day some autist will drive traffic to my game?
my wife will tear out my broken teeth with her fingers, saving me thousands of dollars and at least 4 dental surgeon appointments.
don't pretend to be me pls
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video games development
>the only reason they do that is because maps are limited to 8k x 8k units
isn't that because of floating point inaccuracy and therefore won't be improved by more brute force?
>on a modern PC, maps can pretty much be arbitrarily complex without any performance problems.
so like those Quake 1 maps? I've heard of big maps for Quake 1 but never played them. to be honest I get very skeptical when I hear about big or more detailed maps in old engines ever since Wrath. that game was originally announced to have lofty performance goals (666 fps) and then ran like complete shit.
for the record I'm not the ericschizo
cool model but I think you should try making her with normal proportions
>thread is going great
>everyone's getting work done, having a good time, despite the avatarfags and tripfags
>then it comes to US hours

>now we have avatarfags, tripfags and americans
stop pretending to be me
I've written myself into a corner again
post reference then
oh yeah i remember this guy, he's a troll that pretended to be a black muslim in a gamedev forum i used to browse but he's a jew who hates israel
he's also friend with whynne (another jew) who used to post here too and made the original trollface and worked on that tennisball dude with a bat game, kinda funny seeing dudes from my teenage years resurface like this
maybe take a break and reflect on whether the writing you already have is conveying the message you want to your players
Show me where I've stated anything you're paraphrasing
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you stop pretending to be me

Eric will always be my idol
>I think learning the ins and ours of a giant facility that you mice thru and transform as you gain more abilities and hidden items would be really fun and rewarding
I absolutely love all that. have you played Dark Messiah? it often has that vibe as you will come back to the same place hours later from a different entry point. and it's all cut up into small HL2 levels so it must have been extreme effort for the devs to MOSTLY line things up plausibly.
I’m already planning on doing that and making it my whole persona.
>isn't that because of floating point inaccuracy
after q1, yes

i'm not sure wrath's poor performance is due to the maps. darkplaces always seems to have performance problems.
this is my (singular person) sidehobby, it's so sooo sooooooo easy to piss off all the autists here, find one easily misconstrued post, misconstrue it, 99% of the time, someone takes the bait
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Are you including strong family bounds in your game?
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This is what I think of your opinion, you filthy furry.
Hope the dev fails and goes back to the dirty hole he crawled out of.
Sorry but even if I made that promise I just know that I'm gonna have to pretend to be you again.
The 10 armed gold lady keeps blasting me with her titty light while I'm trying to focus.
I accept your concession
If I weren't so close to release of my current project (4 months) I'd work with you on a cute robot game.
losing my hair from gamedev
isn't it hard to believe that in that whole Q1 sourceport scene not ONE person actually knows how to code a performant engine and is passionate enough to do it, or to volunteer for a project like Wrath and make it good? bizarre imo. so many advanced programmers have touched the id tech stack over the decades, mostly open source, yet darkplaces was the best thing the Wrath devs could use?
You're just going bald. it has nothing to do with gamedev.
roll better genes next time.
(truth is, I'm not even buddhist or jainist either)
My hair is almost grey and starting to thin but at least I'm not balding.
you're not old enough to view te content in the first place
wear a blindfold
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You don't believe in the JAI programming language?
Whatever, furry. Go jack off to Miyamoto’s Krystal.
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Have you tried HRT? Works on my machine
if I knew what that is, I would find a way to respond worse than this lousy reply

HOW DARE YOU make me out to do the programming duties sir, do not REDEEM
what a weird fantasy, this nigga is cooked
what's blud yapping about :skull:
this posts were sponsored by the seed oil industry
kinda based until
>game of thrones-style
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Thoughts on Japanese wegs? Most of them use RPGMAKER
Opinion discarded
Well then it’s not Western, now is it?
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Wait you're not a furry, I actually though you were a lowkey one, like you know your mascot is that anthro lizard and you reek of furry quality.
If its western in style its better to call it a WEG, just like a western game apeing JRPGs is better referred to as a JRPG.
Assigning a game to a genre because of where it comes from when its completely different from the standards of that genre is incoherent.
why would a robot need normal proportions
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I don't speak japanese so I can't steal their art tech from their youtube comunity.

stupid nips gatekeeping their waifu cute and funny art tech.
No. Coffin made me give up on ever trying to make story heavy games.
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I was never a furry, I just like talking animals as a vehicle to convey a plot. That’s like saying C.S. Lewis was a furry because he made Aslan the Lion an important character in his Narnia books.
If furry faggots like the retard who made Atlyss didn’t go and fuck everything up concerning talking animals for the rest of us, I wouldn’t have to say, for the umpteenth goddamn time, that I simply find humanizing inhuman creatures neat.
Atlyss dev is just too based
>Be neet
>Have entire day for game dev i dont have any other thing si need to worry about like job,school etc.
>Cant dev for more than a hour a day anyways because i get distracted by youtube,playing games,4chan etc. too much.
My game is technically built around that because they work together.
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posting a stupid rayman fan game i never finished
this took me the whole day to implement. It's a Genshin like rpg status system
Because there are extreme differences in convention, mechanical and stylistic, between those genres. People that like JRPGs are not going to necessarily like CRPGs or vice-versa.
Eroge are more stylistically differentiated than anything because who the fuck plays porn games for the gameplay, but the same principle applies, if you like anime tiddies you won't necessarily like western style drawn porn.
People group different games to communicate preferences and tastes not to autistically 'correctly' catalog things, you may need an autism test if this isn't intuitive to you (I'm not kidding).
I like this
now that ubisoft seem to be going under I might not get sued if i make it
Okay thats it I'm rewriting my game from scratch (again)
What's the best way to aquire and play this? I will look into it.

Our games working title is G. U. N. M. A. A. N.

You're an escaped human experiment to merge humanity with an alien nanotechnology, Turning you into an Increasingly inhuman monster that sprouts guns from their body. Lots of body horror. The alien nanotechnology is actually a Von Neumann probe blasted across the galaxy at relativistic speeds where it lands on planets abs begins seldom replicating abd constructing complex structures such as wormholes or communicators. As the the dust seeded the universe and became self aware,it realized the answer to the Fermi paradox: the universe is just too big and intelligent life goes extinct before ever getting first contact. Solution: forcibly uplift all life they come across into the borg so they can eventually Meet each other. The total connection is all life via machine is called "Percolation"

The slime wants instrumentality. The NWO wants to use it to make themselves immortal while the rest of the human race starves in the dark. The villain thinks the grey goo has a point and wants you to help unleash it on the world. You are going to save the human race at the cost of your humanity. Pic related. We took a loot of inspiration from the Tetsuo films. Does this sound like an interesting premise?
Show it to Ubisoft and get it greenlit.
you're making a game with this? i thought it was just a shitpost
>what can we learn from this?

To gamedev only after you've been successful in your professional career and have nothing else left to do, cuz like what else am I supposed to do, marry a landwhale roastie and give her downie kids?
May we see some games made in Stride then? At least 10 maybe?
How do i become a lolcow?
I dont feel like my games are good enought to make it on their own so im thinking about becoming a lolcow like chris chan and then even if my game is shit people will still play it because its that lolcows game.
what are ya makin now?
Fool he is a furry porn artist, how is that based in any way, shape, or form?
Even then his art looks like total grand mal seizure dogshit, if you want some real art go hunt down an old acquaintance of mine from years ago: Aistarin. He’s a gorillion times better and he’s into old computers and stuff, definitely a cool dude.
my lunch

What's the performance like if you turn off all the rendering effects and turn off the frame limiter? What's the maximum fps you can squeeze out of that scene?

And then what happens when you put 40 of those guys on the screen?
it's an animated shitpost thougheverbeit
you can't want to be a lolcow
Step 1. Have an opinion
Step 2. Tell people your opinion
Step 3. Repeat
I HATE IT, it rots my brain, who started this shit?
that's enemy health, not fps
imitate cris or froggy.
>alice hates furry games
really makes you think
Sorry bro, the game that evolved from a shitpost spot is already taken.
Show it to Ubisoft and get it cease and desisted*
Ubisoft doesnt want there to be anymore Rayman games.
They want the Rayman frenchise to rot in their shelf forever.
My question still stands, help a nigga out.
Any artist that expresses themselves and makes whatever they want regardless of what most find acceptable is based in my book
pic rel is my future 3D artist wife
I'll boot it up and check it out for you
>Ubisoft doesnt want there to be anymore Rayman games

Change rayman to raywoman and make the story about rescuing an emasculated rayman from captivity, or if that doesn't work then make all the enemies clones of rayman that have turned evil.
nuh uh, show it to them as a new rayman game
>who started this shit?

Zoomers, alice poster to be specific.
just buying it on Steam I guess. I would hate to have to manually patch DMOMM. remember those days? if you have ethical concerns with buying old games (money not going to anyone involved with making the thing) I get that but seriously, I would not want to pirate a Source game with several patches myself nowadays.

the game has a memory leak problem where the higher your settings the more likely it will crash. there are mods to supposedly improve the situation but the people who know most about this are speedrunners, and I know of several who never modified the game in any way, but what all runners have in common is running non-maxed settings. the game will NEVER be crash-free no matter what you do, so remember to save often.

>Turning you into an Increasingly inhuman monster that sprouts guns from their body. Lots of body horror.
body horror is not my thing at all but I do like your macro scale approach to lore. the more large (time and space) scale the better. I thought Halo's lore was really cool when Bungie was still in charge and the forerunners were ancient humans before a disaster that wiped out everything, and they caused the disaster on purpose to combat a hive-intelligent alien organism that would have spread everywhere otherwise. The Flood seems similar to your Grey Goo, except its motives are as simple as just wanting to grow as much as possible I guess. you better not use a ring world in your game.
Teens from the Sharty. Kind of a long story as to why.
Ah but here’s the thing: he’s censoring people who bring up that fact.
Not so based now, huh?
Any retard can draw furry fat inflation feet fetish porn nowadays and upload it online and get validation from thousands of people in his niche community, being "against what most find acceptable" is not that big of a deal nowadays. Go fellate Dobson if that's all it takes to impress you.
What's based is when someone does that, and still produces something so good that normal people have no choice but to reluctantly accept it, like Made in Abyss guy. I'm really not into any of the shit I saw but I respect the man himself. Or Binding of Isaac dev with his scat fetish.
I Just get ctrl+z working in my game engine feels good man
0-4 poop now dev after
5-9 dev now, poop later
Are there games with a side view but with depth?
>Adding a feature every that every program has been able to do since the 80s
So this is the power of enginedevs...
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pic rel is my future voice actress waifu (she’s older than me)
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i will stop saying it when i get an idea for my next
never reply to me again sister
Good work fellow enginedev
That's because the original lore of halo is actually deeply Christian on a subtextually level, which is what makes us more satisfying than nu-halo.

My gave takes place on a prison colony in side pluto
Thanks man.
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How ‘bout NO?
How do i get that first little bit of players who will get the ball rolling?
I have litterally 0 people downloading my games right now.
Litterally nobody plays them.
Should i just plaster posters of my games on all the walls in the city with the link to my itch io?
I'm going to make a Slay the Spire clone and no one can discourage me. It'll have cute anime girls.
I don't care how saturated the market will be.
I don't care if people call it a rip off.
I'm going to make the game and make it for myself. If you want to play, you can pay $15.
>I'm going to make a Slay the Spire clone and no one can discourage me. It'll have cute anime girls.
>I don't care how saturated the market will be.
>I don't care if people call it a rip off.
>I'm going to make the game and make it for myself. If you want to play, you can pay $15.
>i will stop saying it when i get an idea for my next model
Make a loli.
you forgot to attach the basedjak
What's your game? Is it appealing at all?
>you forgot to attach the basedjak
see >>496088263
You expect people to play a UE graybox game?
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Stop pretending to be me
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Getting around 70fps with low low settings and 40 enemies, the enemies don't actually have any AI so it would be slower if they did. I've got a Ryzen 7 1800X, RTX 2060 6gb and 32gb of RAM
where's the amateur game dev general without the cris fygoon alice trans bocchi posting? I just want to spend my free time away from severely autistic individuals
Does my game need to include indigenous people to get money from the Canadian government?
I don't want to include anyone but White European colonists (Because I don't want to make a bunch of multiracial character assets). How would I angle this to get a grant from the most cucked administration in history?
Also stop pretending to be me, that's my shitty unreal prototype
All the yesdevs are in the secret IC discord
The Discord
proof bad graphics have more soul
so true, my fellow millennial bretheren.
he should have said oppa gangnam-style. that would've been so epic!
stop pretending to be, thanks
you gotta evaluate your optimization,man... i don't wanna seem like a bragging douchebag, but i consistently get 300+ fps with 100~ units, and my specs aren't nearly as good as yours. it's a different engine (unity), but still. don't listen to the "premature optimization bad" fallacy, it's the key for a smooth gameplay
>300+ fps with 100~ units
no you don't post proof
It's a project that I'm never going to finish but i spose it's something I should learn, not really sure how to do it in Unreal, the enemy doesn't have any code going except the animation blueprint and the ragdoll when it gets hit
bro anim bp is very heavy if unoptimized
How should I go about optimising it? It only has the idle animation in it at the moment
>GunZ but you can only play k-style and there is this customization system
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Just checked it again and the enemy doesn't even have an animation blueprint, it's just the idle animation on it's own
I don't know.
1800X is weak by current standards, but in the scene you're showing it should not struggle. you're lacking some obvious optimizations for sure.
usually a CPU bottleneck is the result of draw calls. all of these meshes are using the same material. are they GPU instanced? they should be, so each one doesn't cost a whole draw call. also it looks like the models are made up of separate meshes? so that would mean more than 1 draw call per NPC. maybe some meshes could be combined but I'm not a 3D modeler or rigger.
the animation system could also be eating a lot of performance but again, not my area of expertise. I just know it's a big optimization battlefield for character-driven games, even games with few characters.

besides the NPCs, how does the scene run before you add these guys? do you maybe have some expensive system like Lumen running? it's got to be a CPU bottleneck.
Not sure my gpu support instances? Is there a way to check?
sir, your jigglebones ?
That's not bad, pretty close to godont performance.

Playing any kind of animation at a constant frame rate is hard on the CPU. I change my animation tickrate based on distance to the player.
I know nothing about GPU instancing and draw cells, I'll take a look at how that works thanks
i'm not really familiar with how Unreal's systems work but it's probably what >>496093705 said.
i think you're using a new material instance for every model and that kills performance.
i overshoot it, it's more like almost 200 fps.
Godot bros?! I thought Unreal couldn't make low poly nostalgia soul slop!?!?
it can't, look at the fps
>Playing any kind of animation at a constant frame rate is hard on the CPU. I change my animation tickrate based on distance to the player.
wouldn't that hurt performance as well from all the distance checks?
the very first thing you have to do is verify which part is causing the big frame times. if Unreal doesn't have a good profiler where you can directly see the different things taking up your frame time then you have to turn things on and off while or before running the game and compare framerates. so turn all the blueprint stuff off and check what difference that makes. blueprint is certainly suspect when it comes to performance.

I am not aware of any generation of GPUs that didn't support instancing so it must be really old tech.
draw cAlls are what your CPU sends to your GPU. here's a thread of Unreal users talking about draw call optimization:

but again, PROFILE. MEASURE. don't apply some "optimization" without knowing how much the potential saving is. find the stuff that's expensive first. only focus on things that you know actually cost significant frame time.
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Good morning, I'm outside on my laptop and I got a bottle full of coffee with me.
Now it's time to finish this shitty model.
There's not enough stuff there for drawcalls to make a difference, or enough meshes. The scene is 100% CPU limited.

Are you able to export it to an .exe and upload it somewhere? I'm curious how fast it runs on my machine. How big does it even compile to?
chat is this real? google doesn't find the tweet, is this fake or deleted?
>Godot bros?! I thought Unreal couldn't make low poly nostalgia soul slop!?!?
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>There's not enough stuff there for drawcalls to make a difference, or enough meshes. The scene is 100% CPU limited.
draw calls are CPU side. and I would agree that there isn't much stuff going on - but you don't know if anon has set up each of those characters to consist of 10 different meshes, then we're talking about 400 draw calls or worse. personally when I optimize in Unity I try to stay in double digits for draw calls.

he's always simping after the asian chick
I made an animation in godot which set the scale of a character close to 0 but then it broke some sprites in the editor by constantly forcing their scale to 0,0, even when copy pasted in a different scenes or made their own branch
I thought I had to redo everything from scratch but using a new remote transform to force their scale to 1,1 fixed the issue.
I shit myself
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It was awhile ago I made it but if I'm remembering right I think it is made out of multiple different meshes, I wanted it to explode into pieces when it died
>Try to make a itchyioh account
>Username is currently in use or unable to be used for an account
>Ok lemme try again
>Username is currently in use or unable to be used for an account
>Ok lemme try again
>Username is currently in use or unable to be used for an account
wow john and marmo ain't so different, maybe there's still hope for him or at least some little cakes left.
im gonna make the worlds first horror 3d platformer
>wouldn't that hurt performance as well from all the distance checks?

I check one character per frame, and it's a handful of floating point operations. Not even measureable. The engine is normally checking every objects distance from the camera anyways for LOD changes.
any 'cage/lattice' deform for God-Oh ?
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my gamedev hero, shaun spalding, trooned out...
i'm afraid that i'll be next...
Anyone remember the name of a, I think console only, shooter where the setting was a white paper world that flopped in around the late 2000s?
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A lot of progress since i already have a somewhat good vision on what should the game be.

You can setup a schedule for her for the day/week (i dont know if i should make this editable after the day ends/starts. Or should be editable freely. Although im leaning on the first one since it would make it feel that you have control)

The activities should dictate where she is.
Lets say i want her to train jogging. Then she would be in the park.
Swimming - Pool
Cooking - School

For the main character you have free reign on what to do.
You can go visit her while shes doing those tasks which should give more options.
Like lets say that shes jogging. Then you can go train with her to increase your stamina/stats too.

Also the UI is a mockup for now. Maybe i could make a mini version of the UI but seeing the tasks for the day and where she is even if its redundant adds a little bit of charm..

Eitherway im not trying to overthink for now. For these next 1-2 weeks i should finish the basic setup.
>I check one character per frame
Kid Icarus.
I wasnt suprised when it finally happened.
She always gave off egg energy to me.
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I'm going to find myself a provider gf who pays our bills while I stay home and yesdev every day.

You need to be Baronemaxxing.
They do it because it's part of a deal they make. You won't because you're not important enough to be offered that kind of deal.
prompting while you're being a parasocial tranny
leaving you in the mud
>while I stay home and yesdev every day.
Ever since i became a neet i have been devving less than back when i had a job.
You'll be playing vidya,gooning and watching youtube essays not gamedevving all day.

What do you mean? Make a script that runs all the time, get a list of all the characters in an array, every frame advance the array index by one and check the distance from the character to the player and then tell the character script to set the update rate based on distance. Make the animation player process manually and then increment a variable every tick to count the number of frames that have passed since the last animation update and also add delta to another variable to keep track of time, once the number of frames hits the animation update rate tell the animation player to advance the animation by number of frames x accumulated delta and reset your counters.

I'm using godot.
its fucking real lmao
Oops I mean advance the animation by accumulated delta only, number of frames has nothing to do with it.
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She cute
>every frame advance the array index by one
huh, clever. thanks, that was the X of the question.
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Small detour to make labels for racers! Now missile slicing
stop being better than me at making games
>The engine is normally checking every objects distance from the camera anyways for LOD changes.
does it though? or does it use just the Z coordinate (depth) for this?
Looking at other tilesets puts into perspective how hideous rpg maker's tilesets are.
>A lot of progress since i already have a somewhat good vision on what should the game be.
God I wish that were me.
Its okay to cry.
thats the least played gamemode in mario kart, its over
It depends on the engine, but afaik, most commonly, it uses the AABB.
doesn't solve anything
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The ride never stops.
>did dev for most of the day
>made only very little progress
I'm never going to finish this thing
I feel you.
Just know that game dev does not progress at the same rate.

Sometimes you are laying a foundation to make further development faster.
Normalize self harming when you run into a problem while coding you dont know how to fix so you start bashing your head against the wall out of frustation until you pass out and have a nap so you can relax.
Sim City.
stop making loli games
Don't worry anon, THIS night you're going to sleep like a rock so you're not a little drowsy the next day preventing your from devving hard. At least you made a little progress. Instead of taking an infinite amount of time for your game to be made it would only take 10000 years at the current rate.
there's no fixed rate for dev.

There's learning.
there's tasks which make future tasks faster.

It's just not going to be a fixed rate.
I thought Unity uses size ON SCREEN. and I guess the AABB can be used for that. but there is not really a distance check at all, it's a relative size check.
if you could get most of the work done in one day, your game was never gonna be great

speaking of, anyone be participating in LD? in spirit at least, I'm not submitting anything
>you can't see shapes properly if you flat shade
and just like that my master plan falls apart...
no, making each triangle in the mesh a slightly differnt color does not match the style
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Should I check for a projectile velocity in every frame and remove it once it reaches 0, or set up a timer to check it like every 0.5s?
>sbn3 downfall
>staued up all night
>made progress on my side project AND my main project
>new job is not hampering my devschedule as much as i’d feared
what now, my darlingestest chuddlies?
Nice. I'll be looking at you. And specifically you.
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Don't worry, races were working a long time ago, that is just my testing area. Check out this old footage of 100 racers at a time! This is from November of last year.

You will, keep going! Some systems are more tedious than others!

Don't do that, you'll kill brain cells you need to dev! I'm having a hard time coding conveyor belts and general fixed-rate moving systems, but it's okay, I'll figure it out later and so will you!
If aliens arrived with Matrix level VR tech would you still dev? Would you stick with what you know or learn to use the alien tech?
Make Big Booty Shota games.
obviously simulate comfy trad gamedev inside the matrix
>A porn game set in ancient greece and the protagonist is an old man teaching shotas with big butts "sex education" with his big old man cock
A million- no... a BILLION dollar idea.
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Uhmm... that sounded a bit ominous.
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the only right settings to play a game in 2024
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Puke green?
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should i make a video game

what is wrong with this nigga
SIm City but it's SIN City.
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Yeah, green.
>Mahiro !imBmmjg9K
disgusting and evil.
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Do you have what it takes, bitch?
velocity HOPEFULLY doesn't change per frame but per tick, so you should check it every tick.
Maniac Mansion.
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What's more lightweight
>3d square with a texture
>3d sprite
name one good video game made by a stupid gay faggot who posts Japanese cartoons all day on a video game forum
the lolidevs keep mogging me
I'd learn how to use alien tech to create the perfect waifu.
>inb4 it isn’t good
And you think you could do better?
Octahedral impostors.
no :(
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Are you sure? You might have it in you.
it's AI slop
ive been here for a bit and still no game
Once you accept that little girls are the most beautiful beings created by God you will too reach the enlightenment needed to become a good artist.
This but also for game dev
C'est fini
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>he isn't going to make his characters look as hideous as possible
Super Mario Brothers.
Space Marine Brothers.
Space Marine Sisters.
The model was handcrafted and soon the textures will be as well.
frustrated and taking a coffee break.
it breaks my heart and I don't focus on anything else while there's an ongoing issue during development that I need to solve.

I want to build the ludokino. I will build the ludokino.
Same, we're all gonna make it.
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She’s married to a famous cricket player, dear Reverend.
It’s over for you.
Only if it's ugly in a fun, clever way.
I will surpass him, I won't let my Alice get away so easily.
>the cul de sac kids
take that back faggot
Ew. Saw that vid and it really makes me wonder if all of those people posting anime pictures look like that.
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All that avatarfagging is annoying.
Also are you making a morrowindlike? Bitches love morrowind.
What does Smartschoolboy9 have to do with anime.
Is this a bot.
i've only ever seen a woman fawn over skyrim
morrowind don't look pretty enough for women
but damn a cute morrowind could work
>I will surpass him, I won't let my Alice get away so easily.
Your “Alice” is already running away in absolute terror.
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Its pretty cool how Morrowind made such an important character a transman.
Not putting their trans representation in some dark corner in some side quest nobody will do but actually having the transman be such an important character and even have an entire city named after him is so revolutionary for a game that was released in 2002
I don't think it's about looking "pretty" so much as it is the social aspect. morrowind has tons of dialog but the characters have no voices and their faces barely move. somewhere between Oblivion and Skyrim you cross that threshold where the simulation is lifelike enough to activate women's neurons.
I'm making an Arena-like.
I'm making a Daggerfall-like.
No, but most animeposters are creeps IRL and I would be surprised if their deviancy was that bad if not worse.
can i join a system shock like collab
true most animeposters are women and women are creepy
Do biological women post here? I want a gamedev gf
Explain/pitch the idea first.

You can't collaborate just for the sake of collaborating. Collaborations only happen if two or more people can agree on a single vision.
>system shock like
>not a system shock 2 like
Not any cis/"biological" ones that im aware of but there are some trans women here.
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>Do biological women post here? I want a gamedev gf
Where do you think you’re posting?
>Do biological women post here? I want a gamedev gf
its in a labratory that experimented with time travel so there's like fucked up time monsters and the environment gets messed up from the time experiments that went wrong
over status: it's
Post topo
I want a normalfag gf who works a normal job to pay all the bills so I can focus exclusively on my games.
>biological women on the 'chan
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Which one of you did this?
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I've been looking for one here for years and no luck.
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For starters, posting Bocchi is vagina repellent.
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>he's not scamming retards on gofundme to fund his gamedev endeavour.
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Actually maybe i should stop ranting on 4chan and just put some clothes on.
>Do biological women post here? I want a gamedev gf
Same... In particular one that can provide voice acting for my game
red means health, get fucked swiss
>confuse the piss jar with the tea jar
fuck... not again
imma use the swiss flag and the swiss can seethe as much as they want in their mountains eating cheese and chocolate.
get fucked mountain niggers
just make him leave it at the door retard
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Green means Health. Red means Fury.
Do the helicopter in front of the window when the driver arrives.
>you can copyright a red plus sign
clown world
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I don't know if this game is going to be fun, but I am currently working on a micro-management heavy game.
I am going for a minimalist design not much different from something like "PlateUp!"
The working title is "Micro Manager"
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how do i achieve this level of LVDOKINOSOVL?
what's going on with her butt?
have like a studio of 20-30 guys and with at least 6 talented artists
>soul is when overdetailed armor, flat noisy ground textures, jaggy trees and overly large UI
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only that particular version of it. here's the medkit symbol for my game ;^)
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>overdetailed armor
there is no such thing, anon.
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Retards can't into graphic design so they can't design their own health symbol.

Just put a red cross with a red circle and you wont have copyright issues.
Imperfections are what makes things beautiful.
When things have no flaws they look unnatural.
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the skybird, a part of the myth of my world, who people believe to be the cause of clouds and winds, it is associated with creativity, freedom and fickleness, and those born under it's birthsign are believed to harbinge those traits
strategy games use it all the time. why couldn't I? the medicine was produced in England, simple as.
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Bapкaлocь. Хливкиe шopьки
Пыpялиcь пo нaвe,
И хpюкoтaли зeлюки.
Кaк мюмзики в мoвe.

O бoйcя Бapмaглoтa, cын!
Oн тaк cвиpлeп и дик,
A в глyшe pымит иcпoлин —
Злoпacтный Бpaндaшмыг!

Ho взял oн мeч, и взял oн щит,
Bыcoких пoлoн дyм.
B глyщoбy пyть eгo лeжит
Пoд дepeвo Tyмтyм.

Oн cтaл пoд дepeвo и ждёт,
И вдpyг гpaaхнyл гpoм —
Лeтит yжacный Бapмaглoт
И пылкaeт oгнём!

Paз-двa, paз-двa! Гopит тpaвa,
Bзы-взы — cтpижaeт мeч,
Увa! Увa! И гoлoвa
Бapaбapдaeт c плeч!
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>People trying to read what the hell I just commented
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Do you think you'll ever be as cool as Tynan Sylvester?
>decide to take a break and go outside
>looking at the sky
>move eyes from right to left
>see small shadow move across my eyeball
>slowly follows its movements
It's so over.
We have some expired roasties. Please take them away.
do you mean white blood cells? you can see them all the time but it's easier to notice them when looking at the sky.
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In your mind, in your eye
Take a little look inside
What's your life, in your eyes?
And I know the reason why
In your mind, in your eye
Take a little look inside (you got to love who you are)
What's your life, in your eyes?
And I know the reason
It's your life, it's your life
Take a little look inside
What's your life, in your eyes?
And you wanna know the reason why? (In your mind, in your eye)
You know the reason why (you got to love who you are)
What are you blabbering about?
I might be interested if time gameplay mechanics are involved. Any more ideas/pitches on that?
It's probably floaters, if not a parasite from improperly cooked meat.
I only have to make 3 more maps, but they all require making a lot of custom assets for each. The next one not so much, but it does require some detailed assets.
Damn I hate when I get worms inside my eyeballs.
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Turns out just posting your trailer is enough to get wishlists.
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We have plenty of devs with japanese cartoon girls.
None of them are gay you're just projecting.
I wishlist games just to intentionally not buy it
if only wishlists and views translates to sales
Every year expectations for what a game needs to have in order to charge $15 outpaces my ability to meet them.
lower your expectations
Carrot Top looking rough these days.
Sneed of chudstalgia
It's not that bad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU4z_Zm46Co
but game dev edition
stop listening to black pilled nodevs
It's all about having fun
Reading comprehension, stupid tripfaggot.
Post your game or fuck off.
got some good shite to put on the board but 1000s of years sitting on top of a crystalline dome given J-dawg a preference for slow digestion 'parrently

i surrender to the thane
i surrender to the thane
i surrender my life to the Lord Jesus Christ
Fool that’s just a picture, not a game.
no it doesn't
The Legend of Zelda.
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I give up
in the 2000s plastic surgery was about making men look like women and women like whores. now it's about making women look like men with gaunt cheeks and strong chins, and men like gigachad caricatures. why were freaks in the 2000s trying to look weaker even when they weren't actually trannies? and why is our era obsessed with artificial masculinity?
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where does your $15 price point come from?
who made up those expectations?
ive seen people pay $15 for absolute trash games
(You) made those up that arbitrarily
don't give up the dawn is here
This was literally Marmoreal's problem. The game would have been fine 5 years ago, but every year new games are released, bar goes higher for the level of polish expected even of solo devs.
You can stand still all you want, but the world keeps moving forward. If you only dev in short runs, you'll never catch up.
didn't watch but the only logical explanation is he of his investor paid contractors so how is this solo.
Dodgson’s waifu is all natty
>The game would have been fine 5 years ago
Five years ago, Baba Is You, Spelunky 2, Slay the Spire, Katana ZERO and Disco Elysium were all out and new. Marmo still would have been fucked.
>15 dollars
>early access
>no discount
>Marmoreal at $15
>Code Blue at $10
I understand the desire to fight against the race to the bottom plaguing indie gamedev, but it's not a fight you can win, and agdg nodevs are not going to sympathize and instead laugh at you.
I consneed
ok i now looked up who this is. it's that sham who's first and last game is that fox walking sim asset flip about his relative dying or something released in 2017. uuh.
My game will be the plague to end all plagues.
>15 dollars
>People actually like it
Marmoreal is fine. What are you bitches bitching about?
He is nta...pretending to be me.
I think it's partly a genre thing in my case. Past games have had years of updates, and releasing a new game with less content than the leaders of the pack, you are obviously going to have less content/features compared to them now, even if you have as much or more than they launched with.
$15-$20 for an indie game is the equivalent of paying $40-$70 for a game made by a big studio. If you're charging $10 or more, your game BETTER be good. Why would you buy Marmoreal for 15 bucks when Hollow Knight is the same price and actually finished?
ok boomer
/agdg/ anons aren't "people"
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I got The Ascent for $5 on sale. No one here could ever possibly make anything as good as that.
you know you only take home like 3 euros from selling a 10 euro game? how many copies do you think you're going to fucking sell?
This is illogical, anything under 10 dollars is fucked unless it's multiplayer where it's expected for people to buy multiple copies for their friends. Mainly since people see 10 dollar as a minimum standard for quality in 9/10 cases. There is also the Steam Fee and taxes that makes anything under 10 dollars a risk.
How do I make a game as good as this?
>everytime I read Marmoreal I think of Marmoset google it only to realize it's some shit game and that Marmoset isn't having huge sale
I wish marmoset was 15$
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i wouldn't charge less than $20 for a indie game in 2024

i wouldn't pay more than $5 for a indie game in 2024
hollow knight single handedly pulled indie prices down 30%
>ascent but with lolis
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Epic Conquest did Marmoreals idea better than him and its free and 38 hours long.
By having government funding and an 11-person studio.
You do not have a game, nor will you ever have a game, so your "opinion" is irrelevant.
Fuck off tripfag.
Suffering builds character
i'm gonna price my game 19.99 on release
$5?! You are basically a pirate! The devs got <$2 from that sale and had to lock salt of the road for dinner that night. sad!
What the fuck. How is this a free game?
my games will be at least 25 dollars
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How do i fix this?
Man, I've grown to hate this guy. His voice is incredibly grating and his videos are like 3 times as long as they should be because he stops whatever he is reacting to every 5 seconds instead of formulating more concise arguments.
I don't have any problems with his arguments but the format is insufferable. It works better when he tackles something with more meat on it that actually warrants that degree of nitpicking, not this low hanging fruit content.
I mean, do you really need an essay on why a creepy ass Pajeet repels women? HELLO BIUTIFUL CAN I TAKE YOUR PICTURRE?
>you know you only take home like 3 euros from selling a 10 euro game?
Well I'm not a Eurocuck so that doesn't apply to me.
hey dev, I'll let you in on a little secret
if you make a quality game, you can price it higher than everyone else
>Baba Is You, Spelunky 2, Slay the Spire, Katana ZERO and Disco Elysium
Absolutely not in direct competition in any way.
What brought down Marmoreal's chances were the waves of survivor clones filling in similar niche's, especially the 3D ones where characters actually use skills.
Those are also early access, at cheaper prices. Hard to justify Marmoreal in the same situation, but 5 years ago it would have provided something different. (top-down action bullet hell survivor-like gameplay while it was still not as common)
You only take home 3 rupees
whats with this general's obsession with marmoreal? i googled it, it looks better than anything i've devved before (and also better than a lot of other games ive seen here) why so few reviews?
lurk moar newfag
should my GMOD-like be an /agdg/ collab?
and if it is collab, should be open source?
That would require him to mke a good game though which most people cant do because making actually high quality games requires talent.
Hold alt and press f4
big titty anime chicks with jiggle physics would be my guess based on the trailer
>t. Marmo
It's the last game from demo day 1 to release/cancel.
Marmoreal has been making his game for over 10 years and he still hasnt finished it.
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Can anybody help me with this? I've been thinking about it for days and it's a deceptively difficult problem. You can't simply set the object's velocity because it needs to move freely atop the conveyor. But you also can't add velocity because it compounds. You could just move it, but it doesn't properly add inertia, so they could jump and remain in the same place. If you add the inertia after they dismount, then it makes it possible to gain more and more inertia by jumping up and down on the conveyor.
Any kind anons have any ideas?
if you actually thought about it instead of being a contrarian retards, you'll realize that having a symbol for these neutral guys who help injured soldiers on the battlefield is useful and it's usage for different shit in games washed the meaning off.
but they should come up with a new symbol to be honest, this one is lost cause.
meanwhile why don't use a blue plus symbol, for some reason i associate deep blue with health, was that on ambulances or on lego ones idk. green one looks ugly to me and also green is poison obviously. yeah, blue is mana i guess but no so much blue plus on a white square.
Bastion is also $15 and that game came out 6 years earlier
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>yee let me just hold the copy of my game close to the bucket of crabs- SNIBETI SNAB x--DD
This is a classic "moving platform" problem. You just add the velocity. To keep your velocity from "compounding", you need a friction+air resistance term.
add velocity, that's literally just how it works in real life
Just don't add it every fucking frame causing multiplication per second
Bastion would cost $21 in today's money too.
Bastion came out in 2011 and I'm pretty sure it was more than 15...
imagine an /agdg/ collab GMOD-like.
where everyone has equal rev share.

It's either that or an open source thing.
we'd basically be cool game dev rockstars at that point with british accents who make british humor and say things like "Eh, well! Right.. then!"
how the fuck do you get 20k views within a few days?

my trailer's been up for 2 months and it's around the 500 range
It's remained at a steady $15 for 11 years now.
E.T. for Atari would cost $100.15 in todays money.
10 years? brutal...
He wasted 1/8th of his life on this AND ITS STILL NOT EVEN DONE YET.
Its just a early access demo.
The sloppa game had an update and I caved in
I uninstalled. pray tomorrow I do something. night.
What happens when you think you can afford to waste time jerking to vtubers instead of focusing on shipping
1200 MS points. Google says that is $20, maybe it went up with inflation.
>The model was traced and soon the textures will be traced as well
still slop
>detailed x-ray engine
>chicken in a suit
I don't know what you are cooking but seems wild
The Atari itself would be like $900 iirc.
What a gay.
No gf
and I have no game
my life is pain,
my darling,
my darly,
my Carly.
Look no offense but his game looks like a classic baby's first amateur game.
Not to say that it isn't fun but when you post in a platform like fucking Steam you have to lower your expectations if that's the level you're at.

Stop trying to compete.
And make a fair price don't be a big nose.
It just unfeasible.
Equal rev share will result in angered yesdev against lazy idea guys.
Open source would prevent that but the idea of no financial gain will turn away any dev doing it for the greed. which could be a good thing.
You make shit like this and I buy not only the game full price but it's DLC.
Yes, Darling?
Your Carly is here.
He could have wasted it on worse. I wish marmoreal was my game, I'd market the shit out of it, draw comics, make funny tiktoks and YouTube shorts, meme the characters into popular culture.
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>losing hope
>couldn't see the vision
>reread my design doc
>vision is clear
I don't know what other devs use these things for but seeing the passion I had for this game when I wrote it inspires me. wagmi
I eyeballed the model, I'm surprised with how close to the reference it came out all things considered.
This was my first time trying this and I had fun.
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The future really is bright.
if ai wasnt hated id use anifusion to make comics for marketing but ai gets everyone to hate you
Every time I look at my concept art I am renewed.
You will always be a woman.
how do you even "waste" your money on marketing? do you just pay streamers to play your game?
Why not just pose the character models and do a bit of retouching? If they are not too wordy and don't rely on knowledge of the game, they might be alright. Think like webcomic gag strips.
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fuck off Carly. You're a whore!
Thats no way to talk to your wife.
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woops tagged wrong post
meant for >>496121679
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Right now i'm writting my design doc for my new side project that i'll only work after making progress in my main project, a fair trade
It would be a waste if the streamer doesn't like it. But even biteme put the game in s-tier on demo day. For free. Snapping those clips and sharing it would be good marketing.
>Hey reddit/Twitter/TikTok! Some gamedev youtubers stumbled onto my game and gave my game S-rank, I feel so privileged! Check out their reactions!
>Cue cuts of them smiling and making good comments, doing the silly voiceovers etc
>pov: you are the physical manifestation of progress an personal growth and you decide to pay Cris a visit
You're making a Made in Abyss-like too?
Damn is Cris a woman cuz he hit the wall.
Expectaflation means they would have to play me to play it
Yeah, but you have to account for inflation in wages too, not just prices.
Play me? Don't mind if I do!
is it that simple? i overthinked about lots of ways to get some streamer/youtuber to try your game for like a 2 days. socializing is one of my biggest NGMIs.
I see it work often. Mentioning positive emotions is good. But even negative emotions work (how many extra sales did renee get? She's at 300+ reviews)
vampire survivors, pogostuck, getting over it
gangstalkers really will idle my game for 800 hours just before leaving a negative review. how do you guys deal with this type of gangstalking?
cris has always been bald
I steal art... it's just faster.
Basically anything I like I will lower the resolution to fit my game's sizes and then just correct the errors and make small modifications so I can't get sued.

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