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>Overwatch x My Hero Academia collab on Oct 17

>Latest patch notes

>Overwatch x World of Warcraft collab (in shop now)

>Free skins and mythic prisms for Gamepass members

>Season 12 trailer

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Sep 24 to Oct 15 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary event (earn Ramattra Biohazard, Baptiste Bounty Hunter and Soldier Infinite Guard skins)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Oct 17 - Overwatch x My Hero Academia collab
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>495923708
I have 1333 hours on steam overwatch now
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>no Bakugo
They lost out on millions
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>venture homos BTFO
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the kiriko brought you donuts
Is this anime that popular? I know they did a collab on fortnite for it too but I've not heard anyone talking about it irl.
what are the odds toga has panties instead of shorts?
I wonder if this collab had been organized before the ending of MHA.
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rent free
tankless overwatch 3 waiting room
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>mercy healslut going to kill themselves

and nothing of value was lost
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These guys get it
I will finally get to play Hana in pace
>local mexican
boomers could buy this upfront after 2 years wageslaving
It feels like the average age of posters here is 14
Looks like Drumpfs house
That's not possible, this is an over 18's only website.
i'm 28
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I hate when it's anime collabs because I have no clue who they are
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What does Eskay think of this?
junkrat was right fucking there man
what were they smoking?
based based based
>reaper is the only skin that looks remotely good
>it will be ruined by the dumbass hands on the guns
life is hard
Reminder that OW is irrelevant and everyone is playing Deadlock now
who asked
Deadlock needs more wives though
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Thanks for letting us know, now fuck off.
Sorry I don’t play moba crap
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>worst hero gets skin of the worst shounen protagonist ever
at this point it'd only improve the game honestly
nobody likes tanking
nobody likes tanks's kits
too much hinges on tanks
just make the more fun tanks into dps and the game will be way more fun
I don't like tanking but I do like jumping around as the doomfist guy
But Genji doesn't have a Naruto skin
10 million skins to kiriko
>Play for free to earn five sprays and a mighty weapon charm!
So the era of free collab skins is already over then
I will buy the Juno skin, don't for the rest because MHA is garbage
I have a 53% scoped accuracy with Ana.
No bakugo junkrat. Why?
>yet another kiriko skin
>juno gets her first legendary
>xey/xem brownoid still has none

lmao, how hard is reddit seething right now
You've never seen Cowboy Bebop?
Par for the course.
Venture almost feels like a character that barely made it past the concept art.
Extremely unfun to play against and the less I see of them the better.
>third collab without free skin

It's over, poorfag-bros....
Overwatchs same face syndrome is really bad. If i didnt know tracer got a genderbent skin id think this was her.
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Look at this picture of Kiriko
At this point I wonder if someone up there in the company regrets making Venture a theythem brown goblin, she's likely the least marketable character of the entire cast
what's with the one guy here who's weirdly obsessed with venture
i look like that
You need to elaborate before you look stupid
lena lovers... this collab skin is not lovable...
>enemy has dva
>we lose
>enemy doesn't have dva
>we win
delete this stupid bimbo whore from the game already
I will just wait for the next tracer collab skin
sorry bro we're buffing orisa
Delete armor from the game first
this Lena looks very boyish
every* Lena is loveable!
*not that one. don't post it.
Avatarfag venture guy or the guys that trannychase
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>cut the fleshy bit of my left hand index finger with a box cutter
No OW for me today
kill yourself blognigger
Yes I agree
>another Kiriko and Rein skin

They really can't help themselves can they? It must've been really hard not to throw Ana in there too.
>nooo stop making skins for the popular characters that sell the most skins
You wanted a F2P game, you got it, the LoL 1000 days club exists for a reason
>You wanted a F2P game
literally no one asked for this
>you wanted a f2p game

No, I really didn't.
>You wanted a F2P game
I paid 60 bucks for Overwatch though
Loving Every Laugh!
need this sexy bitch to sit on my face
I understand
Popular characters get skins but this is ridiculous
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are we back or is it over
>They really can't help themselves can they?
Why would they?
The only bad collabs were one punch and cowboy bebop
>uphill battle vs 5 stack of aimbotting smurfs
>expected because enemy tank had one bad game
kslop is automatic F tier
>’people’ genuinely like MHA
>increase everyone's health but make everyone's hitbox bigger
>slowly increase damage until everyone has their old instakills again but keep the baby mode hitboxes the same
bravo jeff
Only Fujo's can tolerate MHA's garbage writing
I've jerked off to Toga does that count
Angela Ogundimu
pedophiles aren't people
someone explain how genji still doesn't have the health nerf despite being more mobile than every other hero that got it
genjiniggers need not reply
Juno Fawkes
he's ass
Hana Shimada
if you can't operate a mouse maybe, though even then still unlikely
nah, he's ass
Tanks are unaffected by Genji plus most of the supports can fight back or run away
He'd be completely unplayable if he wasn't relatively tanky. Same with how Tracer would be unplayable without recall.
Junkrat Bros...
Kiriko Rutledge
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Flats REACTS to new All Might Reinhardt skin
>t. genjinigger
what's the goal behind making a first person shooter and then making all the shooter characters bad
The average player can't shoot genji going bing bing wahoo down main
>bloated kit
>immune to nerfs
>gets multiple legendary skins every season
so the autistic kirikofag is a blizzard employee, right?
So unless you're playing a hitscan that can shoot from across the map like Ashe/Widow or a flanker with insane mobility like Tracer, DPS is just a pretty miserable role.
You will 90% of the time have the most deaths on your team because the tank is going to be getting sucked off by both supports.
Her kit is just a more fair version of Ana
that would be so fucking funny
>pick junkrat
>sit behind tank
>spam truck sized bombs down lane for instakills on characters you haven't seen all game
>mash shift at anything that gets near you
>press q for occasional free support pick
it's really that easy, dps is a baby mode role
I'm fully convinced that Genji hasn't recieved any buffs because low ranks get bullied by him.

I'm sure it is easy in gold where people still die to junkrat spam.
>t. coping bronzeshitter genjinigger
wait 'til you see her on her bike
They definitely do balance for around gold. Remember when old Sojourn was just like that because she had a sub 50% winrate below masters 3? Or Dva in any point in history after 2016
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I accept your concession
is that where the fucking streamer mode name comes from
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yes, I do accept your concession
i love when you jokingly call someone out for counterswapping and then THEY get angry
>They definitely do balance for around gold.
and that's a good thing
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I love microtransactions now
You made them mad enough to counter-swap so yeah.
>counter-swap = mad
is that how shitters cope with their loses?
I like when the tank gets personally offended you "counter swapped" them on DPS by going from like Hanzo to Ashe when they're playing winston.
Why is it Jewno and not Youno?
Yep, you're mad.

Since when is Ashe a counter to Winston?
I'd take that over reaper/bastion/ana/zen any day of the week.
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>take free ow1 skin
>color it blue
that'll be $60 + tip
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>Third Rein Collab skin in a row.
She's not, tanks are just extremely thin skinned due to being spoiled
>No Sombra or Pharah Mirko skin with the cheeks out
C’mon Blizzard
live yourself blogaryan
and always remember that this site is your personal blog
Praying for you Illari lover
it literally doesn't matter
every time some overpriced shit comes out and I say "wow no one is buying this" and then first game of the day and I see a guy who bought it
and I live in a region where shit is more expensive
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Dekusisters, this is our hero?
my friend who barely plays overwatch and never plays any of the heroes that got skins bought the bundle
blizzard exploits the mentally ill for profit
i hope tracer gets nerfed and forgotten like how deku loses all of his powers and becomes a nobody at the end of the manga
Overwatch toga dark-skinned_male
Get well soon sis
anime website
Tracer coming out as FTM next year
When will mercy get a collab skin? Does Blizzard hate money?
Is that what /owg/ meant when they said she wasn't lesbian?
So does mercy what about it
I have so much in common with her, she's truly the one
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i look like zis
do you genuinely believe that
can i plap you...
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I look like this
do you want to get married?
Symmetra helps with dva ive found
Not "turning over a designated loss match" good but still, helps
yes and no
For me it’s Lady Nagant x Widowmaker
kiriko naruto
genji sasuke
mercy sakura
itachi hanzo
ana kakashi
*plaps you*
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Only if you look like this
Just wait for the Gurren Lagann collab. Venture Simon chads will be laughing at you.
EVA Unit 01 Ramattra
Kiriko Foxy
Reinhardt Freddy
Mercy Chica
D.va Bonnie
don't let this collab announcement distract you from how dogshit the anniversary is
Junkrat Papyrus
Roadhog Sans
Brigitte Undyne
Mercy Toriel
Rein Asgore
Zen Mettaton
Realistically who else could they have even done for tank? The only thing that comes to mind is like, Overhaul Ramattra with the Nemesis form looking all fleshy, but then he's also the other tank that got a collab skin recently too
Ram could of been both versions of All Might
Cole Cassidy Overwatch
i get to the rank up game, need 1 more game to rank up, i get a lobotomite tank, we lose so hard i lose 4 games worth of progress, i win the 4 games, get to the rank up game, lobotomite tank, it tanks my rank, i rank up again, get to rank up game, lobotomite tank,
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blinkity blinkity
At some point you have to befriend a tank player so you can dou queue with them
Lena muffin
self-harmed after a losing streak again lads
Lena-Juno sandwich
I'm the meat
Overwatch is a mental strength test and you failed.
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>lesbian dressing up as a man
tracer is non-briany
>people complaining that blizzard doesn't make $20 skins for their hero

2024 gamers
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bill gates tried to stop me
i just made another account
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>no lucio skin
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are we just posting whatever now
that's always been the case. this thread is my blog
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ahh do not panic
>Juno after she makes a mess in her diaper
She’s 16 btw

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Legal in my country btw
>you think you have that much power over me :^)?
But... I thought you would do anything for me? :(
>more than anything
The most!
>Yea crazy, probably because playing with you is so much fun, so time flies. Sorry.
We need to find something boring to do so it feels like we get more time together
>hmm, never wrong to give me like 1 sec to build aggro.
How does it work? Why do they sometimes switch? When we farmed the mobs for a bit yesterday I noticed that they would instantly swap to me if I didn't wait
>ok, nice.
Tthat's why you need to help meeeee
>I honestly don't watch anything anymore
Yeah, I'd rather just game something than watch a show or a movie
>The community is happy with only getting skins and when we get something else everybody cries.
I'm still sad they gave up on that tower defence stuff they tried, it was so much fun and by far the best pve content they did
>Just look at how much content WoW has compared to Overwatch. Not like Blizzard can't do it.
And how big is the WOW team? They're obviously a lot larger than OW's lol
>And that's the reason why we only ever get the low effort stuff.
It's all because of the cancelation of the PVE stuff, they probably lost a good chunk of their team because of it and they are still firing people lol
I mean just a few weeks ago they cut more story people
I know, I know Overwatch """"lore""""
Rein been eating good with almost every collab skin
Rein eating nothing after spending $400 on cosmetics
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there's only one deku
are there really that many reintards? why do i only get balltards and doomtards
all reinchads are gm3+
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It's okay because he likes it
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It sucks for everyonne else because we've had months of fucking Rein mains forcing Rein in all situations and getting beat down by better tanks.
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Likes what?
zero personality doomat for a muslim
i will be real bros that juno skin looks almost the same as the default one i wont be buying it
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Hey love, welcome back
>But... I thought you would do anything for me? :(
uhm sure, but not stopping gaming with you :^)
>The most!

>We need to find something boring to do so it feels like we get more time together
Something boring with you? But that would be impossible.
>How does it work? Why do they sometimes switch? When we farmed the mobs for a bit yesterday I noticed that they would instantly swap to me if I didn't wait
Well every mob has a aggro threshold if you go above that with your dmg, which is not really possible in retail, I will lose aggro and you will die. Yea just need me to build aggro monk only has single target taunt I think. But melee dps is just fucked with all the stuff mobs do. Oh, did an m+ today.
>That's why you need to help meeeee
yes sorry... I will today
>Yeah, I'd rather just game something than watch a show or a movie
Yea gaming with you is just too fun.
>I'm still sad they gave up on that tower defence stuff they tried, it was so much fun and by far the best pve content they did
Yea that mode was actually fun, add some RPG/grinding stuff, and you have a solid mode right there. You would think the company known for their RPG games can do that.
>And how big is the WOW team? They're obviously a lot larger than OW's lol
Don't ask me, but don't they help each other out?
>It's all because of the cancelation of the PVE stuff, they probably lost a good chunk of their team because of it and they are still firing people lol
because the mode was lacking, literally everything it felt like a bad 90's fps campaign.
>I mean just a few weeks ago they cut more story people
dunno what they are doing MS probably
>I know, I know Overwatch """"lore""""
I like the Overwatch lore, Blizzard games always have good lore, story and such.
Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. I want you now
>play tank
>enemy also has a tank
fucking bullshit man
i hope the tracer gets mythic weapon soon
she can teleport 37 meters through walls and negate all damage instantly
at least nade has a cast and travel time
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I just like the play Moira and bounce balls all game, so relaxing and no one ever blames you for anything going wrong
You're a Moira player so they know you wouldn't understand why you aren't actually helping despite having big numbers.
Her teleport makes her run away. Bionade and sleep means Ana can keep fighting you.
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Hi again!
>uhm sure, but not stopping gaming with you :^)
>Something boring with you? But that would be impossible.
Hm... I'll think of something, maybe some crappy old game only I like
>Yea just need me to build aggro monk only has single target taunt I think.
Should have told me that like last week then
>Oh, did an m+ today.
Did you get something?
>Yea that mode was actually fun, add some RPG/grinding stuff, and you have a solid mode right there. You would think the company known for their RPG games can do that.
Yeah, you could do a lot with it, both make it tower defence and add rpg elements like upgrading abilites
>Don't ask me, but don't they help each other out?
I don't know anything about Blizzard though, I know they have internal teams and aren't just one big team so maybe not?
>dunno what they are doing MS probably
Judging by the increase in skins they pump out it's safe to assume Microsoft ordered them to do just that lol
>I like the Overwatch lore
Can't say I follow this games lore one bit, the characters are fun though
>Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. I want you now
Yessss, grinding
Come farm with me!!
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be roight baack
fagweaver needs to be removed from this game immediately. all this nigger does is cuck you out of killing people and his only counter is dive, which most braindead niggers can't even fathom as a strategy so you get these games where your retard 76 and bastion spamming on tank don't realize they need to switch it up and you end up losing a miserable match where you literally cannot do shit.
>oh what's that, you positioned incorrectly and are about to get punished? LOL NO sorry buddy press e completely negate anything including grav, terra surge, shatter, etc.
>oh you want to kill something? here's a 1k HP tree that gives 250 HP heroes 100+ overhealth for a 350 HP total.
fucking stupid faggot character alec dawson should be publicly hanged for making garbage like this
skill issue
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i love playing lw so much. ive wanted lifegrip since my wow days.
but priest has had lifegrip for like 22 years
>decuck memes are coming to Overwatch
hehehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA to two most NTR obsessed fanbases are coming together
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I have no idea what this means.
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>Hi again!
Hey there my everything
>Hm... I'll think of something, maybe some crappy old game only I like
the chances are pretty high I played that, besides it's some obscure jrpg, not my genre.
>Should have told me that like last week then
Yea, sorry, I mean it really shouldn't matter much in dungeons, though it's not a real mechanic in retail.
>Did you get something?
a chest, yea, but I want to do them with you. I was not running today, so I had time.
>Yeah, you could do a lot with it, both make it tower defence and add rpg elements like upgrading abilites
Yep insanely easy to do but, eh, why do this if you can pay an artist to make $20 skins and get more money. This is why WC4 and SC3 are never going to be made.
>I don't know anything about Blizzard though, I know they have internal teams and aren't just one big team so maybe not?
dunno how they work, but WoW has the biggest team if they make 3 expansions at the same time.
>Judging by the increase in skins they pump out it's safe to assume Microsoft ordered them to do just that lol

>Can't say I follow this games lore one bit, the characters are fun though
How old is mercy without googling :^)?
>Yessss, grinding
oh, have fun, comfy for watching something
>Come farm with me!!
Yea soon, not working out so long today or not doing anything? Not sure. Maybe lazy today I want you now...
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they could've just brought some of these back and it would've been a decent anniversary filler
They are quite literally giving you a free legendary each week
good. value that
only if you don't value your time
What do you think those "challenges" were anon
yes, and ive wanted it as an ability in overwatch for a long time. all the best overwatch abilities are wow abilities anyway.
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the skins they're giving out are dogshit skins for characters no one cares about. think of all the goodwill they can get from troons if they made the dr skin available again
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Yes, please
>besides it's some obscure jrpg, not my genre.
Dummy, I wouldn't be able to coop those with you, it has to be something we can game together
>though it's not a real mechanic in retail.
Are we trying Classic too? I want to
>a chest, yea, but I want to do them with you.
Lol, my chest is still 554...
>Yep insanely easy to do but, eh, why do this if you can pay an artist to make $20 skins and get more money.
I mean you're right, all you need is a decent foundation and then spend the next decade just making a stupid amount of skins
>but WoW has the biggest team if they make 3 expansions at the same time.
At the same time? Do they release a new expansion every year?
>How old is mercy without googling :^)?
39, I'm pretty sure
>oh, have fun, comfy for watching something
Yeah, I'm watching Deadlock
>Yea soon, not working out so long today or not doing anything? Not sure. Maybe lazy today I want you now...
Come game with me!
more importantly, how's the view from the other side?
Ramattra Biohazard is good tho
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Thoughts on Vivian?
I like her face
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>Yes, please
more than please :3
>Dummy, I wouldn't be able to coop those with you, it has to be something we can game together
Yea, I know, I mean some weekend coop game could be nice.
>Are we trying Classic too? I want to
Sure we can, but classic is super slow.
>Lol, my chest is still 554...
I know if the stupid trading was like in classic...
>I mean you're right, all you need is a decent foundation and then spend the next decade just making a stupid amount of skins
or you could just not only care about money, like From Software is now or how Blizzard was back in the days.
>At the same time? Do they release a new expansion every year?
Yes, what do you think the last Blizzcon was about? It will be 3 expansions with the story from Metzen.
>39, I'm pretty sure
I'm googling >doesn't know anything about the lore
>Yeah, I'm watching Deadlock
ah, ok.
>Come game with me!
ok soonish, going soonish now maybe online sooner dunno
Does she date white guys?
Based Bingcoin miner
she doesn't date but she has flings
>wave hello to enemy tank
>hold a silent agreement to avoid one another and just attack one another's backlines
>have fun holding the server hostage
should have gotten a skin
only if you're an overwatch cadet in his mid twenties
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imagine spending all your day solo RPing multiple people
im so bored i just wanna flank hog in 6v6 but they hate real gamers
>worst ult in the game
>shuriken damage is at an all time low
>half the cast can counter or straight bypass deflect (moira, sym, etc)
and despite all of this you want to nerf him more? are genji mains not suffering enough?
he specifically said genjiniggers need not reply
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>more than please :3
More than please, hm... Pretty please? :^)
>Yea, I know, I mean some weekend coop game could be nice.
Problem is we have so little time, there's so much to game too
D4 expansion soon aswell
>Sure we can, but classic is super slow.
Slow is good, I like grinding quests and such
>or you could just not only care about money, like From Software is now or how Blizzard was back in the days.
Tell that to the billionaires at the top only watching numbers go up all day
>I'm googling >doesn't know anything about the lore
Duh, only because people here keep bringing her age up
>ok soonish, going soonish now maybe online sooner dunno
See you soon!!
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>Juno gets a collab legendary instantly during Halloween season
>Thus making her odds of getting an actual Halloween skin basically zero
I don't care for Pedo Academia or whatever it is, give me a Ghostly Cosmonaught skin
If you ignore it's a collab, it's still a cute skin
I mean they've given Rein 3 collab skins in a row, they aren't spacing this shit out so who knows
imagine spending all your day seething at it
his damage is medium tier at best and the support mobility/self sustain creep, the moira buffs, immortalities, and health increases + armor buffs make him pretty underwhelming compared to most other dps in terms of raw damage and make him extremely easy to counter, so he's not as problematic.
If his damage got buffed proportionally to the health buffs (like they gave him 35 damage shirukens and buffed his swift strike to 60) he would be insanely broken and running rampant through every lobby because genji has always been broken and bullshit similar to tracer. shocker, people complained so much about tracer when she could finally get kill secures season 9 and that's because her kit is broken. the skill requirement and the low damage gate kept her, but make everything easier to hit and dps passive and you get a broken character because her kit is broken.
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MHA Venture skin leaked
The only buff genji needs is faster projectile speed
NTA but the skin seems well made and fits Juno perfectly, but it just isn't that appealing for me for some reason
Will probably get it just to have a legendary for her. Hopefully it comes with a nice emote. Also getting the Kiriko one
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Eh, not worth the money, might as well stick with the Venus skin
its because it looks almost the same as the basic one just save your money for her next one
Why does Jose keep winning
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>Mfw mha goonslop is now on-topic
Nobody posted about the other collab anime like that so why this one? Stop making up things to be mad over.
We need a Baki crossover
is that the fortnite skin? they obviously have better skins so that's unsurprising
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sorry nigger, it's on topic now
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One major difference thoughbeit
An unobstructed view of Junos perky vacuum sealed meorites
Oh wait you're right his Nemesis form can just gain the red and blue clothes and it'd be easier to do the stylized eyes on him
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Be nice to him, he's been calm for the past 2 days now
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Juno gun is so satisfying
you'd think just one out of my 4 other teammates would be capable of forcing pull, but somehow it's always me who get cucked out of kills at least once every fight
doesn't she suck blood or something? wouldn't moira be more fitting?
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Cute psychotiko!
moira is a hag
It is not more cute than her default
this 1000%
>Porsche in A

I tried to watch it but it's just not for me. I see lots of women love it tho. What >>496074616
said is probably the case.
It’s shounenshit it’s made for 10 year olds.
all the Asian females and tracer have very similar faces
(dva mei juno kirko)
the other female heros I would say are different enough to be easily identifiable
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All anime is made for 10 year olds of their mental equivalents
yeah but I enjoyed Bleach(skipped all filler). It wasn't nostalgia either cuz I hated Bleach as a kid I'd always argue against bleachfags on 4chan.

I also enjoyed lots of other shounen that had good writing... MHA is just boring... deku is boring
Briggers when are we getting a skin?
>good writing
>venturefags seething that the attractive girl gets skins over the diversity checkbox
love to see it
what anime character would fit her?
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You're not excited for Polar?
For sure getting the Paladin/Crusader D4 collab.
>when no OW fits deku so they need to have the 30 year old lesbian cosplay him

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Alec Dawsonwatch
it looks so ugly, should've kept her regular hair and just made it green
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This what happens when like 4 dps heroes are viable this season
wtf are those tank queue times?????
is this edited???
Cassidy doesn't have a single good skin.
It's a shame because I main him and I'm stuck with OW1 skin because nothing is worth buying.
Tahnks Kiriko and Reinhart for once again protecting Reaper from the favoritism allegations
I will be your shield
Also support just being DPS+
without tanks all midrange dps would be completely useless
Would be neat.
That's what happens when your tank mmr is above diamond putting you in the top 0.1% of tanks
you dont udnerstand we need a 4th japanese hero who is also able to climb walls and was also the coolest kid in school and got straight A's even though they never did their homework and also gets a skin every week
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*puts idealized self-insert into the game*
*brags about it straight to the camera*
*is never seen or heard from again*
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rein has had 3 collabs in a row now. there's no way reintards spend as much on skins as mercy troons, so why?
how do you know reintards dont spend that much on skins
well well well, the more information comes out the more vindicated I am
lol how do you get hit by reins charge like just get out the way
they do. and you forgot the mythic weapon too.
Play quick play and you'd know.
not watching that dramafag clickbait shit
do as you please, but just know that I am right
ha ha you sub to outrage grifters
You posted eceleb shit so you’re wrong morally and spiritually
reminder that hanzo is not a sniper and giving him his oneshot back because "uhhhh....well widow has it" proves that even the devs don't know how their own game works
that's not how it works buddy, not my fault the video was made by an eceleb, you'd rather I have found some literal who covering the article?????
not subscribed, try again
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the kiriko brought you donuts
I'd rather you go back to twitter where you belong
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this game is 8 years old....how and why?
>inb4 muh CoD and "poorfag"
how space does WoW take up?
>how space does WoW take up?
like 120gb
and I'd rather you get out of your basement and live a healthy and productive life, but we can't all get what we want
4K textures and shit
it is Trump's place. thing is though, Barron swaps off tank to DPS
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>this game is 8 years old
no one below diamond can play this birch, your tank switching to her to “””counter””” dva is an universal “YOURE GOING TO FUCKING LOSE” signal
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the kiriko dance
sorry pal, le heckin' hero fantasy is too intoogral to the kit of shittowmaker and nigzo
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well at least that has literally 20 years of expansions
>4K textures and shit
you mean just shit textures
it's literally ow1 with more skins
>do (YOU) know?
Reminder that Ana is not a sniper somehow
I remember during transformers collab it was hell on earth trying to play JQ because you'd see a Optimus rein every single game
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this game has become a dress up simulator. only thing they put effort into is skins, forget about actually balancing the game and fixing bugs.
Sounds like Fortnite
do you actually believe the skin people are the same as the game design and programming people?
overwatch wins by default by being slightly less retarded by the competition. if it were just about gameplay, id be playing apex legends instead. if only it wasnt a giga cheater infested controller aim assist infested pile of janky shit
Most people are stupid and do believe that
Had absolutely no clue the anniversary event was going on and it has it's own challenges and rewards
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>he doesn't know
high information gamer opinion
no one forestands what you talking about
nice reading comprehension
Overwatch 2 has much higher quality assets than the first. The size of the game is just about what you would expect from that typpe of game and isn't noteworthy whatsoever.
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That'sssss where the money isssssss, it makessssss sssssenssse why it would be a higher priority.
dropped the mixtape that shit sounded like an album
That's where the money always was, Holy OW1 charged people for lootboxes with cosmetics in them.
>enemy tank goes orisa then mauga
>still loses
is there anything more humiliating?
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t. freaky ass nigga
Forgetting to take your cock cage off before going in for penis inspection day.
are there any metal streamers?
Tim the tatman
Omnics aren't real anon.
Pumpies for Ashe
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Also going Hog
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is this tight minge a zoomer?
Looks mid
> Non binary

She will be after I shoot her brains out.
what the literal fuck is going on here
wrong i listen to this version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_nI9PwoTjg
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what gave it away
>Not waiting for the 200 coins restock
You got jewed
when OW inevitably dies, I will mock all of you
But you're one of us
>what gave it away
i'm thinking of pulling a moonmoon on her, she seems...hungry

That was quick.
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It's insane how hot she is.
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>no fangs
off-model shit
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it probably won't die but it'll definitely have a lot of shifts in management. then maybe if that manages to completely fail (unlikely) they'll 100% can this franchise, maybe make one last pitiful pump and dump with a mobile gacha MMO game and some merchandise slop
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>Sojourn, Illari or Symmetra with rabbit ears
i don't play, goy pig
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has the story even continued... like at all? has there even fucking been any fucking development? for fucks sake.
Sex with Vivian
i would love to kill that token right now, very bad.
Why did they wait until after MHA ended for a collab?
overwatch is back together with new recruits, zenyatta is about to get molested by sombra and widow, that's all they did before lead writer got sacked
i don't know what rank flats is now, but he plays like a metal player if that count
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Activision and its WoW slop company are managed by TQ+ morons that love to steal breast milk, retard.
Soj is sex I don’t care that she’s black or a hag
>character has canonically large ass
>skin for a hero with canonically large ass


> Annoying retard lesbian is Deku

What did they mean by this?
Lena gets cucked by Kiriko obviously
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What are rabbits known for, anon?
>nigger faggot ends match 9-12 as genji with 4k damage
people like this need to kill themselves, it's obvious you're being an obstinate faggot because you clearly couldn't possible enjo going 9-12 all game
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The path of the blade is difficult, one can't turn away because of hardship.
>Juno got the slut skin
What did they mean by this?
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FUCK YOU Overwatchtards. How dare you humiliate my hero by turning him into a TRANNY! Boycott that skin NOW.
I will buy the Ochunko skin so she can get raped by Roadhog all day
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>Love Toga
>Hate Kiriko
I’m deeply conflicted.
Buy the Toga skin in Fortnite instead
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I don’t play Abortnite though.
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Tired of being farmed by GMs and importers in QP.

Time to make a new account and get an aimbot and wallhack myself. Fuck this game kek.
So the cycle continues
i wanna dom that cyber bussy so bad
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>kirikospammer getting new ammo every 2 weeks
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>Winston getting 1v5'd just outside Nepal spawn
>his team is literally just sitting there
> Women

Not even once.
What's Ashe doing there
>he will kill himself faster

good times
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God that art is ancent.
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Just put the fries in the bag lil bro
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honestly mha is a much bigger IP than I thought they were capable of pulling these days
I think it'll really help the game and maybe let them hire one or two people
>hire one or two people
That's not how "make money line go up at all times" works
>deku ends up without powers and alone while his childhood bully fucks his love interest

what is with anime these days turning the protags into cucks?
>watch gayest fucking anime OAT
>surprised when tranny
why did the artist give rein such massive tits?
nobody buys the collabs tho so it doesn't rlly matter
Anglos always been butchering latin.
I like Overwatch and MHA
I don't like Overwatch or MHA
me either but I do think targeting gen z is their best bet
much of gen z has been programmed to believe that virtual cosmetics are valuable thanks to how culturally significant fortnite and roblox were to their upbringings
collabs like cowboy bebop or wow aren't going to draw any attention at all because all of us boomers are concerned about bills and real clothes
look more like low effort drawings to me
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me too haha
well he used to be very popular when he was meta, those people are probably still around to buy skins even if they're hiding
You should stop projecting your suicidal thoughts on others and just get it over with
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anyone here in the path of the hurricane?
this might unironically be this decade's katrina
500 miles wide and there's a non-zero chance that it could still be a hurricane by the time it makes it to atlanta
a lot of sheriffs departments are instructing residents to write identifiers on their skin to help in body recovery efforts, even though that's mostly just a scare tactic to encourage evacuation

to be on topic
weather hero ideas?
Who needed proof of that? Reminder the game launched with a "defense" heroes category.
I don't like in Burgerstan (thankfully) but good luck sis
Bigger than Transformers, really?
Anyway Microsoft can probably pull some strings for them that were previously out of reach.
how do you "know"?
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>Toga's powers include transforming into copies of other heroes and duplicating their voices, powers, and clothes
Wow if only we had a hero in the game who does just that.
Since we don't though I'm glad it went to Kiriko again, phew. I was getting worried that Kiriko wasn't receiving enough attention.
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how in the world do you do justice to that character and maintain echo's silhouette?
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probably true about the gen z comment

I played genshin one time like 2 years ago and it was when they like added multiplayer or something and someone just joined my world. After some talking I found out he was 16yo, lived in NZ, worked at his parent's bakery and spent 100% of his income on Genshin Impact.

The new gen is utterly done. They are totally fine and even support the gacha/microtransaction ecosystem.

Guess I am just getting too old for this shit.
Toga is also a japanese chick that used knives
their world is just much bigger than ours, even if it isn't corporeal
Echo is literally never going to receive a collab skin ever because of >>496125757, just accept it
Cobra Commander?
Eh they could do another car brand I guess
i have yet to see people actually wear the collab skins. assuming they make about a thousand purchases, that might net 20,000 (excluding taxing) if we assume they buy 20 per.
I see them all the time.
>yet another shitriko skin
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I mean they could have made Echo Arcee but they gave it to Illari and still beefed it.
damn that looks like dogshit
you're factually incorrect, the actual data states that they are losing profits
>inb4 source
i am the source
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i think people just have to accept that overwatch collabs are always going to look sort of bad, because they can't directly import a character the way fortnite does. they have to adapt it to one of their existing characters so they always look weird.
>yet another skin for cutiko
i really don't care about tranime
I really care about waifu
I somewhat agree, but these skins (except Tracer/Deku) are all really good.
Doesn't matter. They're always going to pick one tank, two dps, and two supports for these types of collabs. They always want to encourage the possibility of having a full stack of collab skins.
I disagree. I think the way Fortnite models, textures and shades their anime collabs looks terrible. The super cheap flat cell shaded look clashes hard with the games art style and on their own the models look bland and undetailed. Kiriko Toga mogs the shit out of Fortnite Toga even though she's just a cosplay she has much more detail and actually matches the games art style. Just compare with the image above your post, it's night and day.
That's what makes them good, they're cosplays and not just Master Chief in Overwatch
>"b-bro it's just QP!"
>proceeds to reddit lucio and throw all game
>trans profile
praying for this faggot's inevitable suicide/execution, preferably a gruesome one that's slow and shameful
I just trolled some absolute try hard loser (in QP) by playing Lucio and having fun. Think he was triggered by my trans profile. Hope he's ok it was just a bit of banter.
when they look terrible it's always a skill issue by the modeller though
just easily won a game because the enemy team had a tranny feeding on lucio
new to this game, just had a crazy intense match where the enemy lucio was an absolute god, i couldn't hit any shots on him and just barely escaped with my life every time he dived on me. how can i learn to be a lucio god like him? had a trans flag too kek
>tranny has fun by killing themselves for 3 minutes straight
well if the jokes don't write themselves...
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>tfw Lucio will never be meta again because of Juno
i can't wait to get a support hero next year that has discord orb but better so that zen never sees meta again
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I remember certain professionals """coaches""" said Juno was shit and would never be meta
most coaches just wait around until another team (koreans) figure out what's the strongest then copy it and pretend that they knew all along
almost every overwatch coach is a grifter
the first 2 weeks of juno's release i said she was shit and would complain and throw every time someone picked her in my quickplay games
no i won't apologize
71% winrate after 11 hours. Its insane how dogshit and useless dps is right now, watched a t500 go 41-11 and lose a game simply bc the other tank was better. Alec has ruined this game, enjoy climbing on juno while its fun
We need a twink hero if they're going to keep doing these anime collabs. Or else Tracer is going to be the designated twink every time.
>Alec has ruined this game
this doesn't get stated enough. people keep bitching and moaning about X hero being too strong, then a new patch comes out and people complain about something else
but they're missing the big picture which is ALEC DAWSON SUCKS AT HIS JOB
What's the secret to a 71% Juno winrate?
Eat out of a dog bowl apparently
Ah so the only price to pay is your dignity.
I don’t even care about MHA but why the fuck is tracer deku? I literally cannot think of a single possible connection between the two besides tracer also being a gay little twink
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They have very similar attitudes and body types. That's my guess.
>on winstreak
>great games
>then immediately start getting bad players for 10+ games straight
She looks like she self harms and wears diapers while posting online about how “menhera” she is
post your Mirko folder
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Juno a cute
only hope is a new team, new philosophy

heal the other support
alec dawson is a faggot and should hang himself on live stream. but aaron? aaron is a fucking beast, absolute unit of a man's man.
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how does he do it? with joshua noh and alec dawson and natascha miller all destroying this game, somehow GODron GODller manages to save this game time and time again...
>She's already getting a top tier skin that will show off her perfect ass
day 1 buy
Why won’t they give Venture a new skin???
there's no fat brown retard at UA High School
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>the man to mog them all
No one plays that fucking faggot
bc no one willingly made that creature. Le creatura is a think tank analysis of a DEI firm who analyzed the cast and advised this abomination. Mostly bc they are evil people and hate everything gracious and holy
2 more seasons venchud
they nerfed aim assist in a big way for this recent season.
>fill all the DEI boxes at once
>turn around and immediately make an extremely sexy Asian girl with a fat butt
Venture hiya'd so Juno could lightspeed
>10$ to change your nickname
for what fucking reason
Juno's butt was sadly nerfed by the dark gods of Chaos on her way to us but otherwise yes I agree.
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are you the retard who doesn't understand angles and poses
DEI boogeyman got you shakin in your boots
What the fuck are you talking about
No I just saw someone post it on /owg/ once and I thought I'd repeat it without any evidence to substantiate my claims.
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oh ok, he was wrong though, this was not a widowmaker situation
That ass is fat
really? i guess i'll try it. doesnt solve mysterious asian players blasting me through smoke though
>just lost power
it's over floridasisters
hope my team survives without me (i was their tank in a GM4 game)
OK thank you for the correction and may you be on the right side of Forced Fifty on all your comp games this seasons.
>Lame character
>Lame character design
>Lame back story
>Boring kit and playstyle
>Ugly as sin
>muh they/them so you have to walk on eggshells when just talking about venture

Who was this faggot made for?
I don't understand why floridians never run from hurricanes
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abandoned houses means free bath saltes
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I used to go by "ILoveSombra" but once I really shifted into being a support main, I realised Sombra is a fucking nightmare to play against especially when she was meta for instakilling squishies. I soon realised I was actually being targeted because of my name, so I had to fucking pay and change it.
but you love Sombra
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I do but if it was making the game harder to play because it was making me an easy target, it had to go. Also the inverse was, if I ever actually played Sombra, people assumed I was a one trick and would expect me to carry, and when I didn't they would flame me.
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Ngl Venture being a Mexican-Canadian felt very contrived to me. Funny to imagine that there are three characters with roots in Canada and not a single one is white. Feels like they wanted another hispanic character but also another Canadian character and so there had to be this odd compromise.
I do actually like Venture's voice though.
venture having actual mexican roots but at the same time being the one character that goes by they/them is so fucking stupid. just make her a chicana and it'd be fine jesus christ
I wish I could treat ranked like quickplay but I can't help but start caring about the number going up
it feels like brainwashing
>Be hispanic
>Entire language is gendered like all romance languages are
>American white people disliked that
Shout out to every gringo wanting half the words I speak to end with a little x on the end.
I would teach her why Mexico has high crime
You are supposed to try to win in ranked
I mean you're supposed to try to win in every mode but some people find getting hard countered and raped fun it seems
I'm pretty sure they did that so they could get away with having them speaking English 80% of the time instead of gendered words.
It's crazy how people are still seething about Venture
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Venture is extremely breedable, that's what counts
Ranked is the one mode you should actually be caring about though.
True, the 100 Venture mains are seething about her lack of new skins.
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Does Venture and Reaper even have Spanish voice lines
it's in le refrigeradora
based asian superiority
>backfill into a losing game of Battle of the Beasts
>spam hello to their genji
>he kills me
>spam hello to their moira
>she kills me
>lock in, turn it around, win the game
say hi next time faggots
Doesnt his Mariachi skins have spanish voicelines
Venture does, Reaper doesn't.
Reaper is american
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Reaper is just "hispanic" from LA and has no spanish lines
Venture does though.
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finna get banned for toxicity
it's so so so much fun getting shot at in 5 different directions as tank. yup no problem there. what? you think i went in to 1v5 hahahaha, im literally behind both of my dps and only i get targeted. why?
reaper and venture are latinx
Why are you behind your DPS
they got in front of me but somehow the enemy team just ignored them and shot at me. i guess the tracer and genji were too small for them to shoot at
dps literally do not matter what is hard to understand about this, you die and they kill all 4 but the tank, they still lose
does rein have german lines? besides danke?
yeah seething im not clapping her fat thighs and ass
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100 is VERY generous
did they just use mei's thighs for venture? goddamn
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venture would've worked as a latina tomboy though instead of ambiguous enbie, people would be salivating over her if she just had an ounce of feminine beauty but no she's a weird freak
Venture is way bigger than Mei.
it's just some rain lol

if you leave looters start breaking into houses and stealing shit
Imagine how sweaty Venture would be running around with all that gear on. Imagine the thighjob.
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Several ounces of feminine beauty
That’s a man
I played this game when I was unemployed but now that I have a job and make some decent money I can't stand to play this game even on my days off.
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still made my dick twitch. there's nothing like breeding some brown culo
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apparently now it's in its worse state since launch brig, no cap
Revoking your Sombro status. do better
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As a spicy latina enjoyer myself I am disappointed in you
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I like Sombras dying grunt, I like to imagine she makes that noise while I finish inside her
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pronouns don't matter when getting plapped
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Finally some common sense
The reason Overwatch has no Greek or Italian or Spanish characters is because that entire demographic is too busy at the beach socializing and having beautifully tanned mediterranean sex.

Why would Blizzard otherwise be catering to Japanese people and World of Warcraft players? They are clearly inferior cultures.
each of those nations are vilified by talmudic jews between inquisitions and banishment or participation in muh holocaust
I want to racemix
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when are we getting a finnish hero
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When you prove finland exists in game and isn't just a big lake
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I want to impregnate the youngest
are you saying the omnics blew it up?
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Good night!
It never existed.
can someone explain this rank progress bar. is losing more hurtful than winning? 20% for a loss seems massive. i havent played since november last year
many may ask why play a FPS on a console, i ask " how am i supposed to watch a replay with not scrubbing options?
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good night
20% means you're at your rank unless you switch something up, bud. It would be 19/21 at best if you're at you're correct elo
why do silver plays post like they're asking meaningful questions? do not take this as an offense, but you may be retarded if you have an issue with either one of those heroes currently
this literally tells me nothing. mind 'explaining' and not just telling?
Since season 9 when they increased everyone's HP.
Cass has 275 because he has a larger hitbox and requires a closer engagement range to get value.
New character?
it's not the heroes, it's the HP. when did this change happened and why? what was wrong with 175 WM, 150 Tracer, 200 normally for DPS. Did tanks get more HP as well?
im just saying its a normal loss percentage, for instance, I'm a plat dps, awful loss streak this season, started only losing like 5-10% in low gold games and 25-30+ on wins. The ranked mode is run by eomm, its going to demote you so you grind your way back to your correct elo. That is, if you can stomach playing the game the egregious amount of hours it tanks to statistically reflect your skill over tank diffs
ehhh so what proce do you all expect from the bundle? i dont think they have done 5 collab skins at once
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o shit, you havent been around, yeah they broke the game s09. New hitboxes, new hp, passives, complete shitshow. Now supports are dps and supports and tanks are tanks and dps and dps are irrelevant. Basically anyone is 50% accuracy on McCree. And I have a 31% crit rate with widow....in plat
what would force the servers to shut down and end this madness? autists finding another game to play? mercytroons no longer playing dress up?
Do you mean crit accuracy or do you actually miss 2/3rds of your shots on widow?
lsf was 5 for 5700 so this will be 5500-6000 probably
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i literally have much better things to do. i'll pop in and post some brown butt every now and then
i have like a 55% or something i only follow my headshot accuracy, in other words, the game has improved everyone's aim, so aim is really not an ability to climb anymore, one that I used previously to get out metal.

games worst state its been since ow1 s09, no hyperbole, tanks are necessarily boosted, maybe d3-c3 to cover .01% of the top elo tanks. Absolutely no reason to play if you enjoy dps, so we queue support. Now you get a boosted tank and dps in all queue (mercy mains)
i ain't waiting again for anything ever. had 20k bing points, bill gates fkn banned me and i couldn't use them. that's 2000 coins stolen from me!!!!! now i redeem as soon as i can
more i think dps are like anti supports that enable gigga levels of healing, game is so fucked right now its hard to explain
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If they stop making skins for Mercy and Kiriko that should do the trick.
the cost of operating the servers to outweigh the profit of battlepass and skin sales. Which, if you keep it free to play, bring in the 3rd world, and try to sell them 40usd gun skins, I think surely happens within a year
didn't you say this two years ago when battlepasses started
>Cant look at venture and imagine that pic of the VA with their hair armpits exposed. disgusting.
this but I get horny
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i just spelled it out for you, bring in all of south America and throw them on budgeted servers or worst, India. Then you get cheaters and smelly lobbies with no skin sales to show for it
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>never saw the va
>never saw the armpits
>still gonna imagine plapping big brown thighs and dodging the snaggle tooth when getting oral
i was pretty excited for a format change that lasted albeit two seasons with a terrible rank system, never cared about PVE. But as advances in latency and cloud improve, if you don't monetize your game its going to reach an apex of server load to revenue. We will likely see the death of live service and move to a netflix, gaming is content strategy from Microsoft. Couple tracer, gengi, rein, mercy mini games
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Oh yeah anon? Plap THIS.
youre a low test male
wow good eye anon you're great to have around with insightful posts like this
Gross feet
you're a high test female
I need to put a mixed baby in that Mei, immediately.
>throwing games on purpose until i am low rank and then climbing back up
The Mercy isn't fat here
Why do people cry so hard about venture not having skins? Like I guarantee I have more venture playtime and own more skins than most of the people complaining and I don't give a fuck. Like yeah more skins would be nice I just don't get the persecution complex
she should be the one cosplaying Ashe desu, she's got the tattoos
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i want Juno to land on me and send me into orbit
i unironically would plap the mei....willingly
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juno's transphobia arc continues
Why are you making up imaginary things instead of trying to have more than 0 friends
My "I want Juno's ass on my face" arc continues
>No Endeavor skin
Guess he didn't beat the allegations (unlike his wife).
Don't know the anime.
Still buying that Juno skin.
Man I know we joked about Juno getting skins before Venture but...come the fuck on
You will buy nothing and you will be happy.
Yeah you're right, randomly copied comment from a reddit thread, they should have given the skin based on a girl with anti-gravity powers to the annoying bucktoothed fatass with a drill
Why does this single line spark so much joy?
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holy based
>Coming from a Mercy main
Always the bitchy hot girls from high school going after the enbys fr fr
What should I focus on doing as Juno I never feel like I'm contributing with her
Shooting teammates
Throwing balls at people
Locking satellite vector
I know right? It's so fucking hot....
Based Mercysis dabbing on twitter troonies
just factually incorrect though
Is that why Venture has no skins after 6 months and Juno got a skin after one month KEKAROOO
Can you go back to twitter and stay there?
You SHUT your mouth when a MercyGOD is speaking, uggo.
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>no origins story
>no animation
>no pre release teaser
>no skins
Just delete this fucking character and spare yourself the embarrassment lmao
why's this guy constantly posting about venture? is it some new spambot?
go back
>start game
>Enemy team has Sombra
>leave game
I don't care how long you ban me I'm not playing any games with Sombra
>B-b-but- she's easy to
Don't care she's cancer to fight against
bros should I buy diamond torb?
Venture has the ice cream skin

that thing you see in the monitor when you shut your computer off. that's you, the real one.
Reinstalling the game,how complex to use is this juno girl compared to mercy and moira?
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regular Magni is better and I got him for free
She requires basic aiming skills but you can get away with brainlessly spamming her cooldowns.
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thussy lovers have faith, simon skin coming s14 (and unfortunately another fucking rein as gurren lagann)
i wouldn't say she's complex but she requires a hint of mechanical fluidity to play well
Cool,thank you anon
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Due to the gliding? I admit my aimimg us nothing spectacular
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That scarf... thing ruins it
More brain cells required than mercy and Moira. But that's not saying much in OW, nothing is truly complex.
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just due to her fast pace and constant repositioning to use her rockets well
>que honda
Post yfw the Venture skin is some kind of monster skin
Would fit perfectly
Shit, still will give it a try i guess
Overwatch x Universal Monsters

Starring Venture as The Mummy
>Venture has no real skins yet
>JQ barely gets skins
>Sojourn is forgotten

>Kiri gets so many skins
>Juno is already getting a collab skin

What did Blizzard mean by this?
They meant ugly characters get nothing
MHA does not have good capeslop designs
None of those three sell
fully agree unless you hard carry the match dps feels inconsequential
even if you get what should be a fight winning pick it feels like you’ve done nothing
Dead By Daylight has had literally the same argument nonstop for the past year
>Early this year they added a white-haired goth girl with a gigantic butt
>She's already gotten multiple skins
>Meanwhile the fat ugly old brown woman, among others, doesn't get shit
>People complain that the hot goth girl is getting skins
vote with your wallet
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What the FUCK did he mean by this?
What are you confused by?
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>tfw m*rcy mains
Do supportfags really
I don't care what retards on Reddit or whatever are saying why do you keep posting this shit fuck off
hey coomers wtf does wataa mean? all the porn I see on twitter says wataa
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Its funny to laugh at.
I will buy the kiriko and Juno skins and goon
>30% accuracy in vaxta with ashe

should I just kill myself or what? I literally cannot hit anything
My knees.....they're kneeling on their own....
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Are you undercompensating or overcompensating
I dont get it,isnt kiriko healing autoaim?
No, they're slow shitty projectiles which is why she's actually quite bad at healing mobile teams and you'll see Brig picked over her in dive
People still fail to understand that sex sells, it’s just a fact
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Is Tracer getting cucked?
>reinhardt is in every collab
Why won't they use another tank?
>MHA Collab
No, seriously, who the fuck asked for this?
The kind of person who would pay for Rein and Juno skins
>tfw Ramattra would have been a better fit for All Might
apparently rein sells? if we have to have only 1 tank cash cow i'd rather see dva over and over but the fact that there's a mech probably means more resources required and less profitable
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Rein is the de facto "Big guy". What other tank could be All Might, the Lich King, Optimus Prime?
>Anniversary happening RIGHT NOW and yet feels like nothing
>MHA Collab going to take up Halloween’s time slot
Whoever is in charge of scheduling these things is a fucking retard.
Are you not enjoying the Warcraft skins? You can even earn an epic weapon charm!
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I NEED to have a sloppy makeout session with Ashe while she drunkly molest me.
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Good morning I love Lena
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CSM Collab
>Chainsaw Man (Unleashed) Ramattra
>Power JQ
>Katana Man Genji
>Makima Kiriko
>Gun Devil Bastion
Need it or keep it?
I'd rather take reintards getting their 5 millionth collab skin over seeing more sigma or ram
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Man why can't they just remove the stupid team logos, the recolor looks sexy but it's ruined.
Every mercy with this skin has been a useless retard.
yeah because
>Every mercy has been a useless retard.
They made Tracer Deku...so that means they could very well use Junker Queen.
Even by mercy standards. The only esports skin that any competent one uses is the 2019 all stars one.
I have to impregnate Fareeha. I will NOT allow the Amari bloodline to end!!!
Just imagine it's the heraldry of some knightly house
>Venture’s new skin is finally revealed in the Season trailer
>It’s total dogshit
Imagine the seething.
It could be Aryan Nation Venture with a nazi swastika painted onto it and they'd still take it at this point.
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I played like 4 comp games today and would've won 2 but one I had a mysterious disconnect and on another someone else on my team disconnected so we lost too.

Incredibly frustrating when I only had two hours to play and every single game is a disconnect or a loss. It's fucking bullshit and makes me hate this game and not want to play.
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Kiriko should've been Deku instead.
I honestly thought MHA and One Punch were the same thing so I thought this was just a return collab with more characters that didn't get a skin
Kiriko should have gotten a microbikini skin that showed full bush
I would very much like to place my penis in Juno's armpit after it has marinated in her suit for a month
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glad to know it's wasn't my network, got dc around the same time too.
Submissive bottom Zarya wearing cat ears and blushing
tbf, it's very easy to pretend it's a coat of arms
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Kirikos pits
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never noticed how pretty the rocks look
the wives
I'd like to admit I have a crush on Juno before we move to the next thread
I feel the same way
new >>496176626
retarded faggot
why the hostioity?
>Symmetra helps with dva ive found
doesn't work in higher elos, especially if your braindead boosted support tards won't go mercy to pocket you.
Sym dies far too easily to D.va if she's in beam range.
Boobs do something!
>me buying every kiri skin they make
i already cast my vote

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