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Wild Fusion Edition

>DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO https://youtu.be/qOkd6pXHtYY
>Dragon Ball Superdivers Announced! https://youtu.be/8YNyrd9MD0w
>Dragon Ball Project: Multi Announced! https://youtu.be/d6bowq2uQM0

>Useful links:

XV2 news:
>STP medals are now available for purchase (fuck Bandai)
>The 2nd Festival of Universes is underway

SDBH News:
>MM6 has launched, Goodbye Heroes...
>Database: https://www.carddass.com/dbh/sdbh_mm/cardlist/
>Decklist: https://rentry.org/sdbhdecklist

DBSDV news:
>You can have a team of up to 8 characters (7 cards and an avatar)
>3 card types: Impact, Rush, and Boost
>CAA/TAA have been renamed as Action Skills
>If you collect all 7 dragon balls in-game and summon Shenron, you'll pull an guaranteed Super Rare card
>Avatars can also be Namekians or Fridges
>Avatars can also equip accessories and level up a skill tree
>If you max out your SDBH avatar's level and transfer them over to Superdivers, you can unlock default SDBH avatar skins for your Superdivers avatar

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV21
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both Xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Season 3 of DLC has been datamined to be Daima (Part I and Part II)

DB The Breakers:
>Season 6 released on June 26th
>Survivors: CAC, Bulma, Oolong, The Farmer, Chichi, King Furry, Yajirobe, Baba, Dende, King Kai, Gogeta, Cheelai, Lemo, Future Mai, Puar, Jaco, Bra, Launch (Good and Bad)
>Raiders: Cell, Frieza, Buu, Vegeta, Ginyu Force, Broly, Goku Black/Zamasu, Baby Vegeta

>XV Booru: Upload drawfaggotry here

Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama
Thank you

LAST TIME ON /dbg/: >>495846456
I wouldn't exactly call 6 years of development "rushed"
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Serious question
JP dub or EN dub for Sparking Zero
Sub all day every day for me, but I'll admit it's down to personal preference for most people.
Few enough of the dub sound bad that you can justify it over the sub to not bother with subtitles.
Currently confirmed costumes we know are coming back from BT3 (Ignoring character defaults. Also I'm basing this of their defaults in BT3 because some of them have different defaults now):
>Early Goku: "Kaio" symbol Gi, Non-weighted Turtle Gi.
>Mid Goku: Yardrat Outfit, Battle Damaged Namek Gi
>End Goku: Saiyan Armor
>Scouter Vegeta: Early Namek and Late Namek Armors
>Kid Gohan: Saiyan Saga without headband and Namek Saga Armor
>Teen Gohan: Saiyan Armor
>Adult Gohan: Great Saiyaman without headwear (Turns into Bandana variant when transforming)
>Piccolo: Weighted Clothing
>Piccolo (Fused with Kami): Weighted Clothing
>Krillin: Saiyan Saga Gi (New default), Namek Armor and Cell Saga Gi (Old default)
>Yamcha: Saiyan Saga haircut (New default), Cell Saga haircut (Old default) and OG Series Bandit Outfit
>Tien: Green Gi (Old default) and Shirtless Gi
>Chiaotzu: Saiyan Saga outfit (New default)
>Roshi: OG Series/DBZ outfit (Old default) and Jackie Chun
>Sword Trunks: Without his jacket
>Videl: 1st appearance with pigtails
>Bardock: OVA Classic Armor (Old default)
>Nappa: Without Armor
>Recoome: Battle Damaged
>Android 18: Late Cell Saga outfit and Majin Buu Saga outfit
>Frieza Force Soldier: Alternate design from the Bardock special

Currently missing outfits:
>Early Goku: "Go" Kanji Gi that Mid Goku wears (He wears it in Tree of Might and Lord Slug)
>Mid Goku: Symbol-less Gi
>End Goku: End of Z Gi
>Teen Goku: Classic Outfit (Since his default is now based on DBS Broly) and Original Blue Gi.
>Scouter Vegeta: Original Anime Colors
>Kid Gohan: Saiyan Saga with headband
>Teen Gohan: Bojack Movie Gi
>Krillin: Majin Buu Saga outfit
>Chiaotzu: 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai outfit (Old default)
>Videl: "Fight" T-Shirt
>Roshi: World's Strongest Movie Outfit
>Bardock: Battle Damaged
>King Cold: His old design since he's now based on DBS Broly
>Android 17 (Z): GT Trenchcoat
>Broly (Z): Second Movie Outfit
Completely new costumes that we know of:
>Mid Goku: Saiyan Armor (Used to be End Goku only)
>Goku Super: Turtle Gi with no belt, RoF Whis Gi, Super Gi with Power Pole (Ultimate Edition Bonus)
>UI Goku: Turtle Gi with no belt
>Early Vegeta: Armor with white boots
>End Vegeta: Saiyan Armor
>Vegeta Super: RoF Whis Gi
>Teen Gohan: Demon Gi with Cape
>Adult Gohan: ToP/Super Gi and DBS Tracksuit
>Ultimate Gohan: DBS Tracksuit
>Krillin: Turtle Gi with hair
>Tien: Cell Games outfit and Rof/Super Outfit (New default)
>Roshi: Rof/Super Outfit (New Default) and Green Hawaiian Shirt
>DBS Trunks: Capsule Corp Green Sweater
>Bardock DB Minus/Super Battle Armor (New Default)
>Android 18: DBS Tracksuit
>Toppo: Battle Damaged
Ignoring some battle damaged variants for Goku and Vegeta (and a couple others) for the sake of brevity

Every costume prediction I had before is in already, so...Suggest any ideas for potential costumes for DLC (or maybe somehow missing from the store) if you want to but keep it reasonable. I want Postman Piccolo as much as the next guy but let's be real.
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alternating because i'm a fan of parts of both
Dub, I can't understand Japanese...yet
This game has subs for everything though including attack callouts and such
How do you guys think about the small exploration/roaming elements in Budokai 3/Sparking Neo story modes? Are you sad S0 won't have anything like that? Personally, for me while they might not have been much, they add a bit of a flavor to the game.
I hope they didn't take too much liberties with the subtitles
Trunks using recent slang wasn't a good sign
The word choice on that is objectionable of course but it technically is an accurate translation. I haven't seen anything really off in that regard yet, DB games are usually more accurate than the actual dubs.
I'm not a burger so there's no nostalgia factor for me there, and I don't like your dub.
If some of these iconic outfits aren't added as free updates, then I'm considering Bamco/Spike faggots. If Sparking Zero is supposed to be a DB simulator, then I want a lot of outfits for the dolls from my toybox, damn it.
It would only be an accurate translation if Trunks had used some Japanese zoomer slang. If his speech style is the same as in the '90s, then inserting modern slang into it is downright unfaithful.
Navigating the map is usually a pain and it didn't add much gameplay-wise but I liked the flavour as well. I especially liked seeing where they interpret the fights to take place geographically.
It's aesthetically inappropriate but the subs aren't giving you the wrong meaning or anything, that's the main thing.
Overall not a fan:

>Budokai 3
The game is basically a Visual Novel other than the fights so more often that not you're just going to ignore them and head for the main objective anyway. Also they did a horrible job at deciding which should be "secondary" or not. I shouldn't be punished on Gohan's story by not being able to go Ultimate against Super Buu just because I forgot to talk to read some optional dialogue to get SSJ2 after the game gives me SSJ1 for free and will give me Ultimate Form also for free even if I can't use it.

Much better but it's still mostly bloat.
>Checking every stop only to find Tao again gets old quick.
>Same with Satan and the eartlings telling me about tutorial stuff 9 missions in
>There are exactly 3 missions in the game where you're forced to chase someone and they break the pace every time.
You just end up going to Baba's palace to get some Z-Items and doing Yamcha's minigame to farm Zeni while ignoring everything else.
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Sub. Don't care for dubs.
>I shouldn't be punished on Gohan's story by not being able to go Ultimate against Super Buu just because I forgot to talk to read some optional dialogue to get SSJ2 after the game gives me SSJ1 for free and will give me Ultimate Form also for free even if I can't use it.
It really should have been more transparent. I just skipped through all the dialogue scenes because I know the damn story except when I was derailing the plot with what-if scenarios like Cooler and Broly.
A lot of things on replays are tied to visiting specific places in a specific order as well, and unless you have a guide on hand it is completely obtuse.

Budokai 3 is a really unfinished game in general. A lot of characters don't have complete movesets and Dragon Universe clearly was only like 20% done, with the Arena being filler just to compensate. Originally every character was gonna have a full DU campaign and there's a lot of leftover data and voice lines for it. This would make the retarded capsule grind way more reasonable too, because you would actually get each character's moveset playing the story rather than doing tournament mode 99999 times and then entering and exiting the shop over and over for an hour.
I reject your choice by not buying the game at all
Context is just as much a part of translation as literal meaning. Having a character use modern slang when they don't do it in the original is simply a wrong translation. Stuff like this can be justified if there's something untranslatable and the translator has to come up with his own joke or something like that, but that's not the case here.
Maybe an innocent grandma playing the game would be thrown off by that but we know it is a retarded tranny translator and can move on. We still know what Trunks said, as long as the subs do that I think they're usable.
Dub, then probably switch over to sub and then back when I feel like it
>Originally every character was gonna have a full DU campaign
Imagine S0 having 100 story mode chapters like this.
i'm thimking about monkeys
Freeza, get help.
I know that what-ifs are a thing but what would a Cui or Nail story even be without them.
Budokai 3 made a lot of shit up even for the characters it did have(Uub, Broly, Yamcha kek).
I like both dub and sub.
but I prefer sub I feel like actors give it a bit more umph.
Also JP'jita voices is pretty cool, mainly his Z era voice.
I'm not american retard
Well, both have literally a single battle in canon. Nail has decent possibilities for what-ifs, Cui has it much worse. Maube you can give him some time bullying saiyans.
>Cui has it much worse
Vegeta fails to get a zenkai/Cui's power level increased as well and Cui kills him, resulting in Cui fighting Gohan, Krillin, Nail, etc. Maybe he tries to turn on Freeza at the end.
I had the goku dream again, bros...
Probably give it a shot on dubs before going to subs or swapping between them. I might lose it when "Time's a wasting"
Broly directly targeting Gohan. Gohan asks why he's responsible; his dad is the one that he hates.
Broly, again, has a visual moment of clarity before telling him that he means nothing to Broly, and is just another tool to hurt him more. A delightful little pet.
>still can't pre install
>Cod is further away but already lets you pre-install
I told you the "final build" of the ecelebs wasn't final, the final character selection screen will have the renders
I'm not an animal who measures distances with fucking feet so sub obviously
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Note is pure!
Cabba > GT Gogeta? CANON
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I just realized nobody actually posted the link what the fuck, I expected you guys to be talking about this already
EVERY character has a render now

Also here's a dive at the character types and mechanics
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i still don't get how this one got into the final game and as his main
He looks upset
not that much of an improvement though, they pretty much all have the same pose
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he's so cool
>the whole game is just 30GB.
Bros, why isn't this the standard anymore?
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I wait for the the autistic "per character" update/mod. So I can have dub SS4 goku and JP Vegito
And you are so sure these renders are for the character selection because?
These renders are so boring. There's literally 4 default poses shared among the entire roster.
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No? Plus you will only see their heads in the selection screen, the thing is that they don't have the same shitty default angle view for all characters like a placeholder

It was revealed to me in a dream, you can thank Yamoshi.
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Sorry for the sloppy work but I'm not doing this for the whole roster. Just look at the main character and his 20 forms.
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Gogetabros... don't look...
You will install 300 GB of spaghetti code and you will like it
I'm letting you know it's entirely possible for your game to be lasagna code and only be 14 GB on storage. Fucking Gundam Breakers 4, fun game but it is absolutely godless under the hood
Let's be real, for a lot of people, as long as the Kitbash Simulator is functional, GB4 is working as intended.
Im not a retarded shitskin 3rd worlder so naturally the dub.
Don't know what CoDs excuse is then
I don't reply to CPU generated posts so go fuck yourself
Im not a retarded shitskin 3rd worlder so naturally the sub.
Based on this, it seems like gods are not differentiated in gameplay for ki sensing and such, which is somewhat disappointing.
That makes me wonder if scouters can detect god ki... Did scouter characters detect androids in BT2/BT3?
Not from what I remember.
GB4 is the only game so far that makes my fan start going off on the ps5, and I’m running the ps4 version
I hate DBSdock's outfit, to much blue, and I don't like the shade of yellow his armor has.
Glad he has his Z outfit though.
El Hermano, is that you? HAVE MERCY!!!!!
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What system are you all gonna be playing on and who do you plan on maining first? Sexbox and Cell for me
Huge improvement over the awkward models that you can barely distinguish in some cases

Compared to BT3 renders they're bad, but compared to a close-up of a model's face all facing the same direction with a blank expression the improvement is massive
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>Compared to BT3 renders they're bad
PC and Zamasu (fused)
I know Sony makes Crossplay bothersome, but I hope PC and Xbox bros get to play together, both playerbases would benefit a lot from it
>Renders all share the same 6 or poses
>Even Brolys and fusions have generic poses
>Not even Frieza has his iconic stance
>Meanwhile Perfect CHAD
You're not wrong entirely but it does make things very annoying, it is a game that is lacking polish in many areas (the UI is the devil).

Monster Hunter Wilds is 140 GB on SSD

Lol, I haven't had any issues on that for PC.

PC and Zamasu (base, hopefully my favorite kai is fun, he's a good soul who just needed to meet someone other than fucking Goku)
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We are so back
Ps5 Broly
30% of the players right there
PC and honestly I'm gonna run Goku(super) and Vegeta(super) through tons of team matches

I didn't care for Xenoverse 2, but the amount of mods I was able to get for that gives me so much hope for this game.
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Seven goats and one fraud.
>All form of Goku (end) have halos EXCEPT SSJ2
>Golden Frieza has halo but regular Frieza (super) doesn't
Pretty arbitrary
Remember Frieza's wise words
>Training is meant for the monkey and not for the master!
You better hop straight into episode battles or whatever mode you like
No training, no labing, no looking at guides, no tutorial, nothing. Straight into action.
What are the chances of us getting a sick char select theme like this again?
>Training is meant for the monkey and not for the master!
why did he train then
He realized that’s why he lost
He was left with no choice after Goku did all the following to defeat him
>Drink super holy water to unlock his inner power
>Train under God
>Train under a God of Gods
>Abuse Zenkai boosts like 3 times in the Namek saga alone
>Get powered up by his own simian rage (like roid rage but worse)
It'd be like blaming a Samurai for carrying a gun when people are are out with riffles and explosives
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If I don't main her, who will?
Such a cutie will forever be overlooked because she was a sidekick of a gag "look, she's fat" character.
Definitely one of the rarer picks
Wouldn't be surprised to see her ranked in the top 20 least played characters
Yeah, she's in the spot where she's neither a popular character nor a niche gag like Freeza soldier or Spopovich. She just... exists.
>You can pick the entire Ginyu force for 15 DP or less
>They have a special animation when you pick them together
>Burter was good enough for competitive play in BT3
>Ginyu is the best counter to broken 10 points characters
Could it be? Could the Ginyu Tokusentai dominate ranked mode?
Source: https://youtu.be/ex_FoXjk1wE?t=469
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Definitely going to give my girl kakunsa some love on PC
dub, I'm not reading fucking subtitles while I play
She's gotta be a sleeper pick, fast characters tend to be great in BT
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rate my team + reserve
Not being able to pick up our heroes complete line-up in a team would have been just sad.
Yeah for sure, I was glad she wasn't relegated to a super attack like Basil and Lavender with Bergamo
Sub. I'm too used to filling in the gaps with japanese VO and I just prefer consistency at this point.
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Day one mod replacing Babidi for Zeno and Puipui for El Grande Padre
You definitely have a type
Have you seen how massive Janemba is though? He is one of the rare instance where saying "Too big." is not a joke.
Bro, your Yajirobe?
They made the right choice.
The DP costs are probably the following
>Guldo 2 DP
>Recoome, Burter and Jeice 3DP
>Ginyu 4 DP
We might see Burter and Ginyu round out teams often with how cheap they are
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RGH... My... my knees... Th-they're buckling on their own...!!
Yajirobe is not fat, it's just the senzus bloating him
sex with kefla
He's my real main, not part of the shitpost team
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Will our heroine make it to the second DLC pass?
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PC and Tapion
I was gonna main Chiaotzu but I can't not main my boy after he actually made it in.
Second DLC pass of 2028 maybe
Alongside Vegeta's brother, Frieza's son and the metal saibamen from the Dr Wheelo movie
PC, GT Goku. I'm ready to beat the crap out of DBS sissies to prove that GT characters are actually stronger
Toriyama-created game characters alongside #21, Fu, Mira, Towa and Shallot, believe it.
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Human team should probably make it as well. Yajirobe and Chaozu should be cheap. Also, didn't they say somewhere that you can use remaining points for items?
>GT player get matched a DBS player
>Both fight as if their honor was on the line
That will be especially true for Jiren players
Imagine losing as Jiren...What a disgrace
I wonder if characters like Kakunza and Roasie are going to get bloated DP costs due to how high the base powerlevel should be in the Super era or be Ginyu Force tier
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I wanted to try tenkaichi 3 before sparking zero comes out.
I'll be emulating, do I go for the PS2 or Wii version?
Can I switch the voices to JP?
I personally prefer the PS2 version if only because the button prompts are more understandable to me.
All versions have dual audio, yeah.
That would add to the "becoming the character" aspect.
Wii's emulator has online support
Other differences don't really matter that much, except if you're planning to install a modded version
Majin Buu costs 6, base Vegito cost 7
I don't see ToP fodder costing more than either of those 2
Ribrianne and Anilaza at 8 would be pushing it
>All versions have dual audio, yeah.
I don't remember Tenkaichi 3 being dual audio on the PS2
Are you telling me they put BT3 on the Wii? Good Lord I can only imagine how that was
NTA but of course it did
You can play it with a Gamecube controller but on emulator I still have some trouble interpreting which button of that corresponds to what on a standard Xbox-style controller.
Very unlikely. Meteor's DPs weren't really a good reflection of canon powerlevels (kid Goku was worth more than Raditz and as much as Dr. Gero for one). They're try to be somewhat accurate for the most hype characters, but they aren't giving mooks high values. They'll be Ginyu Force tier if they're lucky.
You could do kamehameha with motion controls. Also the Wii version of Tenkaichi 2 had extra characters (King Piccolo, Pilaf, Appule, Frieza Soldier adn Cyborg Tao)
Don't judge too quick, having to mimic the supers to boost them was lots of fun
Ribrianne will be probably scaled to #18 with her sidekicks being a point less. So I'd bet on Ribrianne - 4, Kakunsa&Roasie - 3. Anilaza could get a decent value given he was a multi-character boss fight.
Does someone keep track on all the already revealed values?
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Man, these are pretty shit.
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Okay this has to be fake. It HAS to, because even if it was a future DLC leak how come we got a leak of this before the three first ones (SH part 1, SH part 2 and Daima part 1), so the question is HOW THE FUCK did they fake this??? Did somebody get the game already and modded it? An employee? What the fuck??
You don't have to mod the game to edit an animation, bro.
Doesn't that look more like Super Ultra Villain Vegeta from XV2 or whatever?
>no ear cuff
>no aura
>super bright hair
That one was inspired by UE, he literally has combo strings taken from his fight with Granolah
Yes Anon they totally left a yet-to-be-revealed model of UE Vegeta on a public demo (you can literally hear the Bandai Namco jingle at the end).
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Characters don't have auras when you select them and accessories are a thing.
The hair color is still off tho
I'm gonna go to Italy and slap whoever recorded that footage because I'm tired of every DB channel out there reuploading it as "Sparking Zero all characters and costumes" It's not even true because he forgot to show Frieza Soldier's 2nd costume.
It's too clean and perfect to be a video edit, it 100% looks like an actual purple aired eyebrowless model, but he shouldn't be at all, not even as DLC any time soon
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How does it feel to lose?

I have taken your character, taken her wife, impregnated her, and that child went on to save the future. Every night, she tells me when you climax, you get on your knees and weep like a little girl, and it sounds like Piccolo's crying from WeeklyTubeShow.
Yamcha isn't here, Vegeta and you're still a midget.
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100% Cell but it will be PC for me
It's shaky and low quality for a reason. It's so it looks better quality than it actually is so retards think it's real.

Give me this as an actual game card clip and then I'll believe it
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>super bright hair
Actually it looks pretty close to the actual color once you correct the image lightning
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PC, Black.
Too good and early to be true
Now that I think about it, if Cell joined the main cast, where would he live?
The wasteland like Piccolo. Dude literally stood still for 9 days
I will of course be playing on PC. I don't even own a modern console but one of my good friends does and apparently DB Sparking is 80 euros instead of 70 euros on PS5.
>80 euros instead of 70 euros on PS5.
What a scam.
If it's a mod then UE Vegeta mod will be released soon after the game drops, if it's legit then we are getting it for real, either way I'm happy
Yeah it's bullshit. I don't get why anyone buys a console in 2024. PCs are better in every way and are probably cheaper too over the long term (yearly subscriptions to play online are ridiculous).
They need to recuperate the 400 millions they lost on Concord, unironically.
Ultra ego is so fucking ugly.
Considering Gogeta and Broly are both early unlocks for pre-ordering, and there's no DBS Broly story or glacier stage in the game, I'm going to assume that they were some of the last few characters added to the roster, along with the other movie characters and the 2 Kid Gokus. Do you think there's a chance the Season 1 DLC might add a Broly story and glacier stage? Maybe even a space and alien planet stage to cover Bardock?
Has anyone else noticed whenever SSJ4 Goku or even Vegeta close their eyes in Sparking Zero, their red eyeshadow just disappears?
So piss5 is now charging $20 extra for the same game? I didn't mind $10 but $20? That's bullshit
It's Fat Fucker Fall it seems
>Check steam
>$71 for the deluxe edition vs $50 for the base version
WTF is deluxe really worth the extra $21?
It's 70 on steam and 80 on ps5 (or at least it's like this in the Netherlands).
Still holding out for that all-female DLC idea. Bonyuu included.
Nah, its 70$ on both steam and ps5 in america.
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wow that's retarded, 80 euros = 90 dollars btw.
Absolutely. Not only do you get the season pass which comes with three DLCs each probably going to be valued at about $15 to $20 but you get to play the game 3 days early
Stop posting Caulifla and Kale... I can't break my limits anymore
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break through the limit
>I can't break my limits anymore
Dragon Ball is literally about breaking limits
So Sony is just scamming EU cucks and no one else, makes sense
Just one of the many bugs this game has. With some luck they will be getting patched.
PC and I'll be learning Pan first, then I'll pick up Videl and Kefla later
I can run XV2, will I be able to play SZ?
Good luck bro, I'm going to be rocking my squad from Raging Blast 2.
So how long do you think bunny suit mods will take to come out?
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when battling do you prefer your characters dress casual, in uniform or a mix between?
that's not just a squad, that's THE squad
I switch outfit often
Ended up getting it on PS2, with the widescreen fix cheat and a texture pack to make the UI and menus widescreen too
Game still looks pretty nice, I was surprised
Can't fucking play it for the life of me though, managed to fumble my way to the second Frieza fight but now that's kicking my ass
I don't really get how to advance, do I just need to do a certain amount of damage? Survive long enough? I might end up lowering the difficulty until I get it
battle armour is meant to be lived in!
You must overcome your limits
Japanese audio cause that's the way.
Although Bamco is really bad on their international subs, as they are based on the english script and sometimes it gets really obvious they are putting ad libs not present in japanese.
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Most of my characters usually have like four or five combat gear presets, along with one casual and one gimmick, so mostly in-uniform. Mainly depends on the personality I envision for the character, though.
It's weird because they bothered giving him the corpse cheekbones. Like, who bothers adding those? It's more attention to detail than what I would expect, but at same time, no earring (could be an accessory tho)
99% chance it's fake. Only other possibility is that they somehow managed to make a deal with Toyo and he's a secret base game roster character that somehow hasn't been leaked up until now and that's a very SLIM possibility
>Even Japan is making Base Cabba vs SSJ4 Gogeta memes
fucking astounding
Don't buy from the PS store, problem solved.
What would actually happen if a fusion took serious damage like losing a limb, would it carry over to both constituents
Perfect Cell looks like a character they really put care on, the model he has is probably the best one in the game
Well he is perfect
It's a good question. Personally I think such traumatic damage would cause an instant de-fusion and potentially save their limbs. Unless it was a permanent Kai fusion.
>permanent Kai fusion
Already retconned, Kibito somehow died and left Shin the soul survivor
>With AT dead we will finally be free from his dementia plot holes
AT's death keeps turning out to be a good thing
One advantage of Toyotaro is that he is a mega autist who has the entire franchise including fanfic memorized and can trace any panel ever at a moment's notice
That's impressive
Like the Rabbit Gang on the moon(even though that one is illogical for the separate reason that the moon has been destroyed two times since they were dropped off there), Fat Buu being an absorbed form containing the Dai Kaioshin, and the existence of Yardrat. Toriyama probably thought Toyo was coming up with new things here
Anyone who plays Burter for tier whoring and not completing the Ginyu Force set is soulless.
I'm super impressed with how much better the win screen looks.
Spike proved that they have no problem breaking the models to achieve anime-accurate angles.
I know Cabba is a meme at the moment, but I like him better than Caulifla
How did they get SS3 Goku’s chin to look so large on the win screen? They need to do that with Majin Vegeta’s ultimate.
Yajirobe might be busted.
Why's that? Is it the senzu?
Does it still take like 6 blast stocks to use it? Because if so I can see it being pretty good in SZ since it fills up blast stock faster, but not using it can get you killed if you don't break some combos... Depending on the animation it can get interrupted too.

Still sounds like a cool way to troll people though.

Can't wait to see these what ifs in SZ.
Takes 5 now
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Rate my tea. Here's to hoping there's a non PB Mode or else i won't be able to run my favs
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It still takes 5, but I think it might be faster than it was in 3
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kek, much better
>he is a mega autist who has the entire franchise including fanfic memorized
He literally can't remember that Vegeta became a good guy before Super, stop bullshitting.
Nah these renders are overrated. I'd rather have Fenyo or Toyotaro make them.
Ewww, that's disgusting
>Early, mid and DBS base Gokus near each other doing the exact same pose.
Neither of them can make renders, anon.
im already seeing fucking mods for this game which got me wondering if theres been a leaked crack going around. Any sniffers? :^)
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The Jap VA for DBZ has always been atrocious.
Don't care about weeb cred, I speak the truth. Any language you listen to it in will sound better than Grannyku and the shrieky saiyans.
>Early has the Turtle School Kanji
>Mid has the Go kanji and is near his Super Saiyan form
>DBS has no bang in the middle of his forehead and he's next to the God forms
You'll have to both, blind and retarded to not see which version you are picking
JP,is that even a choice
he has been drawing pretty well in the last years
Amerimutt cope, the entire world agree you don't have a single good VA
>Actual professional voice actors chosen by Toriyama
>Or bitter failed Hollywood actors who only have the job because they're friends with the dude who let funimation use his recording studio for cheaper (who also reserved himself the main character role)
Is this a real question or you're just joking?
Either way, JP.
I'm not talking about mixing them up, I'm talking about how lazy it is to have all of them do the same pose and put them near each other.
>it technically is an accurate translation.
I'm an actual translator who translate actual technical manuals and stuff so I can tell you, it is not accurate at all, not even 'technically'.
That kind of cope is why those people are the joke of the translator world and only get paid peanuts to translate games and animes.
It's especially weird that early goku isn't doing the pose he does when he fights vegeta since scouter vegeta is doing his pose in his render.
>Brownoid amerimutt is so mad and alone he had to say it twice
JP Gods stay winning.
>reee why does Goku sound like a monkey and not a substitute teacher
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Much better than this
Posting this image in your own post only makes you seem more retarded
Do we know if you can equip capsules for Story Mode battles?
Super saiyan Goku in saiyan saga makes me wonder if that kind of what if stays self contained in saiyan saga or it'll affect Namek too... And if what ifs can do that, how will they justify finding Namek in the what if where Goku doesn't die against Raditz? Because if he doesn't meet Kaio they can't find it, unless they just ignore this detail.
Toyotaro is just going to wank off beerus until the end of time, I personally dread what his version of Dragonball will become without Toriyama's input.
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10 more days...
I'd hope for the later but it's probably gonna be the former.
Go back to Twitter.
the biggest thing i am worried about is the charisma, Toriyamas charisma was unique
Damn, he really pissed them off...that image is true...
Cope, samefag.
The only girls on here are trannies who are still >he
Just like Cell!
What does that have to do with anything?
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Seeing as some people already have the game and we've seen pretty much everything about it. Is your hype still as strong as when it was announced?
>halos and scouters can only be put on characters that canonically had them
How does a game this big in 2024 downgrade shit we had in Raging Blast 2? I guess I understand the scouters but RB2 let you put halos on everyone.
If they're going to be that greedy with those accessories I'm sure they'll get rid of the cool aura effects and you can kiss the idea of giving characters majin symbols and shit goodbye.
That looks busted lol
Used to swear by the Funi dub but now I only play/watch in Japanese.
It's just a combo string.
I'm sure with enough fan outcry they'll open up the customization options
I'm willing to give Spike some positive leeway; especially with the updates we've been seeing visually to the cast over the past few months.
It wouldn't surprise me if everyone being able to have a halo/scouter was already in the cards, but got put on the back burner to iron other things out first
Too much HDR
I think confirmation bias has fooled people into thinking a lot more changes to the game happened due to fan backlash than in reality.
Most of the things they've fixed up were probably always planned to happen, and fans just happened to complain and then take credit when it was fixed.
The only time it genuinely seemed like the devs changed something to appease fans was hobbling together a time chamber split-screen mode because of everyone losing their shit over the lack of local mp. They outright stated that the fans were the reason they bothered with it.
That doesn't mean they listen to each and every complaint fans have and will adjust accordingly.
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This looks great
It's funny how Kibito just... disappeared.
Like I said, I'm sure with enough of an outcry they'll change things up. Z-Broly for example not having his 2nd coming look just screams free update material
That hourglass should be almost empty by now, we are on the last stretch
>Is your hype still as strong as when it was announced?
Way higher actually. I had some hype with the first announcement but it quickly turned into cautios optimism when I remembered current Spike was the ones who made Jump Force, not Tenkaichi 3, and the first gameplay showcase left me pretty cold (thin beams, hits lacked impact, seemed slower than 3 overall). But they slowly won me over, by the time of the first demo footage and the Sword vs Fist trailer I was completely in, I'm now as hyped as I was when waiting for 3 as a teen.
>I'm sure with enough fan outcry they'll open up the customization options
I find it really weird that every character has 10 customization slots but the only thing we know everyone can equip is aura.
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This final stretch is agonizing
how much worse can it get? the next arc is literally Dragon Ball Babies. lol
Why is SSBE Vegeta not included?
He’s a blast 1 like blue kaio-ken
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Meanwhile Goku in the actual Frieza fight.
There any footage of the buu's? Does he still steam when he charges like in 1 and 2 or is it missing like in 3?
SSJ4 Goku.
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My team will probably be.
To be fair a ki blast from Frieza would've hurt a lot, if not just outright evaporate its target.
It's still Goku having a light hearted comedic reaction during a serious fight.
My hype peaked at the short trailer about tournaments
That's when the game went from
>Single player modes will be lacking, they're relying heavily on custom mode to make up for it
>This is a proper Budokai Tenkaichi 3 sequel
Even stronger. Game looks phenomenal and I'm excited for the custom story creator and tournaments
Well it depends on your perspective, Diama at least had the benefit of being written by and having concepts created by Toriyama himself. Toyotarou is a fanfic writer first and foremost, he was kept on a short leash by Toriyama. Sure you might get a lot of fanservice, but you might also have to deal with Toyotarou's shitty OC's trying to steal the spotlight from Gokutime.
>trying to steal the spotlight from Gokutime.
Gokutime is good actually and the fanbase's insistence that the narrative focus should split itself between 500 characters show they shouldn't be listened to.
Just like Super Hero should have been purely about Piccolo instead of shoerning Gohan in it.
I also blame those dumb complaints for why Vegeta is way too present in Super.
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It's a different type of light-hearted moment compared to DBS. Z Goku was more of a serious character with goofy moments, DBS Goku is a goofy character with serious moments. The way he's written in DBS is just more of a bad fanfiction by someone who doesn't understand Goku's character.
Oh, so it's bad when GT has Goku Time but it's good when every other series is Goku Time...
I'm taking over Daima now, Goku is removed COMPLETELY and it will be the Kurrin show!
Completely agree there, which is why I'm worried Toyotarou will fall into the trap of trying to spread out the focus on other characters besides Goku and Vegeta. You'll end up with stupid shit like the the adventures of Granolah and Uub.
You also have to take into account Toriyama wanted to regress Goku's character since Goku was gonna be the main protagonist again.
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GT's Major flaw is it need more Goku, Pan should have been Goku, Trunks should have been Goku.
DBS should have replaced everyone with multiple Gokus!
Daima should make it so goku accends to the goku dimension and fuses with 100 Gokus to make Supreme Super Saiyan God Goku and he rewrites the World in his image!
The adventures of Goten and Trunks with Mai girlbossin over them the entire time.
>No PS5 or Xbox Series
>PC below the minimum specs
>Would buy Sparking Zero day 1 otherwise
Any of you in this case?
Most of my friends are, and I'm betting lots of Dragon Ball fans are too.
This is DB's first real next gen game. A PS4 or weaker PC were enough for nearly a decade
I liked having more Mai.
I hate girlbosses unless they are saiyans.

I hate how Mai also doesn't act like how she did before like why even make her Mai?
Honestly the 'Goku Time' complaints about GT were always dumb to me, the entire franchise is 'Goku Time', that's the point of a main character and it's a good thing, they serve as an anchor for the narrative so it doesn't drift away into meandering nonsense.
GT is bad for completely different reasons.
A justified worry because Toyotaro is clearly super influenceable, you can clearly see social media directly influence his writing since he's terminally online and he's clearly a fan of several modern manga who also have that problem so he is very likely to try and imitate them (just like at JJK or Kaiju 8, who are going at a snail's pace because every single fucking character need to show up to have his own fight, power up, big speech and then a shot at the big bad, it's like if everyone had a SSJ moment on Namek, it's just too much) .
I heard Boruto has the same issue with both the good guys AND the bad guys where you constantly have an irrelevant good guy and / or bad guy show up in the middle of the plot to basically accomplish nothing.
>It's a different type of light-hearted moment compared to DBS
It's really not, Goku is a goofy character down to the way he speaks literally all the time.
It wasn't even Mai. She didn't even act like she did in Toyotaro's own manga before that arc.
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>translated Dr Wheelo as willow
preorder cancelled
One thing I give Toyo is that he at least gives more fucks about Dragon Ball than Ikemoto does about Naruto.
Definitely. I don't blame only Toei for Goku's regression, Toriyama is also part of it but it took a while for it to become really noticeable.

I think you can say the earliest seed of it was in BoG, with Goku acting cocky and telling Beerus "I can power down if you want", which looks a bit weird with how Goku mostly acted as an adult, but even then he still had moments where he was like "Yeah I'm very powerful" so it's not too out of place.

In RoF though, there's two things that were weird regressions, the most obvious one is his treatment of Freeza, he just believes Freeza should be let go and come back stronger expecting Freeza to not be an evil ass again, when he should know better by this point, specially since Freeza destroyed a city once he arrived. The other, in hindsight it should've been more noticeable. Goku feels like just a student when training with Whis, instead of a martial artist master of his own. So Goku was made dumber so Whis looks more competent as a master, Toriyama was being lazy and just copying Popo, and while it did make sense with Popo (Goku back then was talented and had rought training, but was always poorly trained in actual martial arts), it just doesn't with Whis.

Z Goku acts more mature around people and he at least thinks about the danger some situation brings (Although he's still pretty irresponsible). DBS Goku is a retard who only wants to satisfy his desire to fight and little else.

There is some basic things in common but they don't feel like the same character, and that even includes the kind of humor used with him.
At least Bojack isn't Boujack like in Legends.
That Super Hero prequel was just weird to me, it didn't feel like Dragon Ball, it felt like a bootleg Spiderman show or like that one weird Iron Man show where everyone was in high school (but without the soul).
It felt like Salagir attempted to have his own version of the Gohan school storyline and failed to curb his western influences again but Toyotaro is japanese so it's just weird (though given the Captain America tracing drama, maybe he's a westaboo).
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The adventures of Krillin going back in time to warn everyone of the threat of android bees.
>Z Goku acts more mature around people and he at least thinks about the danger some situation brings (Although he's still pretty irresponsible). DBS Goku is a retard who only wants to satisfy his desire to fight and little else.
That's just not true tho. That's just a general statement without to actually back it up.
>they don't feel like the same character,
Your 'vibes' aren't universal.
this anon gets it
I'm definitely not accusing Toyotaro of not caring, just of being incompetent and weak to 'peer pressure', even when said peer pressure is as indirect as reading twitter.
Like it's not for no reason that Ultra Ego got introduced at the peak of the 'Split transformation path for each characters!' discourse on twitter and literally copy pasted a fan theory that was started from an anime-only moment.
this anon is retarded
So Beast is Gohan combining Super Saiyan with his Ultimate form, right?
This IS
Nope, it's just Ultimate 2.
>a bad faith edit*
My bad.
How Toyotaro treat Krillin vs how the anime treat Krillin is like night and day, it's crazy.
>That's just not true tho. That's just a general statement without to actually back it up.
We have Goku really willing to listen to Kaio when told to not fight Freeza, him telling Gohan to hurry up and kill Cell, and him listening Shin enough to consider Buu a threat, plus the way he acts very pragmatic when Super Buu is around.

That isn't to say Z Goku is only serious and responsible, since he let Vegeta go because he felt it'd be a waste to kill him just like that, he was against using the dragon balls to solve the whole androids nonsense since "Gero hasn't done anything yet" (Completely ignoring he worked with RRA to begin with), and he fucked around with kid Buu which even he admits was a bad idea.

Z Goku was also really flawed as a character, but at least on occasion he knew a situation was bad, while DBS Goku just wants to fight strong people to the point he harasses them if they don't fight him, and doesn't care about people getting killed in ToP to the point he considers to use his wish on something else even after universes were erased.

>Your 'vibes' aren't universal.
>How Toyotaro treat Krillin vs how the anime treat Krillin is like night and day, it's crazy.
? That pages seems pretty in line with how the Super anime treated him
Ultimate already draws out all of his super saiyan power. beast is taking ultimate and pushing it even further beyond
Salsa probably got the weirdest name change I’ve seen, unless he was always supposed to be Thouzer
Time to upgrade, anon
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I want to say Z Goku also had the advantage of less screen time so other characters were allowed to make dumb mistakes that Goku probably would’ve needed to make for plot progression instead.
>We have Goku really willing to listen to Kaio when told to not fight Freeza
Which he didn't and fought Frieza anyway while excited about his strength.
And then all of Buu where he ignore Shin the whole time.
>him telling Gohan to hurry up and kill Cell,
Like Goku went for the kill against Black and Zamasu several times, went directly to try and ring out Jiren once he saw he couldn't beat him and hurry up to kill Frieza when Frieza rejected his mercy again.
>plus the way he acts very pragmatic when Super Buu is around.
He literally let several occasions to end the threat go because he wanted to create a successor.
>Z Goku was also really flawed as a character, but at least on occasion he knew a situation was bad
You mean like Super Goku as shown whenever the situation was actually bad like during the Black arc or when he showed up to see Gohan wounded against Frieza?
>while DBS Goku just wants to fight strong people to the point he harasses them if they don't fight him,
That doesn't happen, he was a bit insistent against Monaka but that's basically it, no different from when he just threw a ki blast unprompted at the Elder Kaioshin.
>and doesn't care about people getting killed in ToP to the point he considers to use his wish on something else even after universes were erased.
He is literally shown caring and asking if he can speak to Zeno to avoid that happening and is told 'no'. And he isn't getting anyone killed, Zeno is the one who made the decision. Did you even watch Super?
Goku just said he didn't know what he'd do with the wish IF he got it in the middle of a fight, it's really not a big deal.
>That pages seems pretty in line with how the Super anime treated him
No? At no point does Krillin get treated like that in the anime. Are you high?
Anyone who complain about 'dumb mistakes' in Dragon Ball isn't worth listening to, especially since they always include stuff like Krillin refusing to kill an innocent to make up for Vegeta's fuck up as a 'mistake'.
Basically any alternative course of actions they talk about has just as much potential to blow up in everyone's faces as what happened in canon if not moreso (Ie: Deactivate the androids: Cell has a melti and goes big bomb mode without Goku around to teleport him away, game over)
>He literally let several occasions to end the threat go because he wanted to create a successor.
And also because he wanted to fight Vegeta and because he thought Shin was was full of shit before that.
He has a panic attack against Freeza grunts and that filler with him and Goku on that cursed forest has him scared shitless of literally every villain. And in the ToP he's ringed out by Frost less than 2 minutes in because he was scared of Freeza's voice.
>And in the ToP he's ringed out by Frost less than 2 minutes in because he was scared of Freeza's voice.
Also the look of dissapointment on Shin's face. Like damn.
>that cursed forest has him scared shitless of literally every villain.
I'll always find it funny he's still scared of Vegeta.
>He has a panic attack against Freeza grunts and that filler with him and Goku on that cursed forest has him scared shitless of literally every villain.
Addressing how he got killed before and having him surpass that and grow from it isn't the same as having him knocked out by a fucking be.
>And in the ToP he's ringed out by Frost less than 2 minutes
Frost isn't a fucking comedic bee overpowering him in a one shot and it was a sneak attack after Krillin just got done eliminating someone else.
>in because he was scared of Freeza's voice.
Is that a dub thing? I don't remember it in the subs.
don't try to make sense of it. UI and Ultra Ego kinda had reasonable origins, but Beast is just a nonsense asspull. at least Piccolo played it straight and just wished for a Mickey power-up like any reasonable supporting character would've done when they started falling behind hundreds of thousands of times over.
>Ultra Ego kinda had reasonable origins
'Just LARP as Majin Vegeta' isn't a reasonable origin.
>don't try to make sense of it
That's easy, different multiverses.
Didn't happen in the subs, it was just a surprise attack.
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Headcanon. Krillin loves feet.
How would you explain the Kaio Chronoa from DBO and the Kaioshin Chronoa from Xenoverse/Heroes?
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Janemba armor looks good.
18 is the one with the foot fetish, Krillin is the one with the smelly feet according to the TOP.
No wonder a dub watcher is getting everything wrong about the anime. They always add shit like that or Vegeta making unfunny jokes about Yamcha.
She got a promotion like Zamasu.
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monkeys... they're up to something...
Beerus teaching Vegeta a form that's analogous to the one Goku learned from Whis is a fun parallel. and for what it's worth, i think the Majin Vegeta influence would've toned down as Vegeta grew more accustomed to the form if Toriyama hadn't died before really doing anything with it.

but it's completely ridiculous that Trunks "rage mutation" form is just Super Saiyan with blue filling but Gohan's looks randomized as fuck. lol
Worth keeping in mind Frost did talk before attacking, but it was still a surprise attack, Krillin never talks or reacts like he was specifically afraid of Frost/his voice.
>or Vegeta making unfunny jokes about Yamcha
I thought only TFS did that.
>I don't know who this Yamcha is, but it sounds just like Raditz
>I thought only TFS did that.
The dub wanted to hire TFS and Toei threatened to take DB away if they did. They are still mad about it.
>Beerus teaching Vegeta a form that's analogous to the one Goku learned from Whis is a fun parallel.
No, it's stupid because Beerus is also a student of Whis working toward Ultra Instinct, it make no sense for him to have mastered something that's basically 'Different but just as good'.
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need Saibaman clashing with Grape baby Vegeta
Any cool Goku crossovers? Ideas are also welcome.
weren't UI and Toppo's GoD proto-Ego form both introduced in the same arc? i was under the impression that Beerus already attained the GoD form and wants to learn UI too, whereas Goku and Vegeta are more suited to just one or the other.

i don't think UI is the only thing that makes Whis stronger than Beerus either, so there's no reason why they couldn't be "different but just as good" techniques if they're both being utilized by equally powerful combatants.
yeah it's established that every god of destruction has mastered hakai as a martial art and all of them are studying ultra instinct but none of them have mastered it
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>She got a promotion like Zamasu.
Problem with that theory is that Kaios are another species (The Kaio in her title back in DBO is written like Kaio's), so she can't have gone from a Kaio to a Kaioshin.

On the other hand the Kaio who was Trunks' boss in DBO was never named (Or given a sex I think), so that could be retconned as middle management or something like that to mix them up.

The real problem with DBO related stuff are Mira and Towa by the way. Mira in particular has like three background stories (He's an Earthling from the future, he's an artificial human created by Towa in the future, he's an artificial human created by humans).

>I thought only TFS did that.
IIRC in BoG anime they had Vegeta butthurt at Bulma for inviting Yamcha to her birthday while in the anime he'd in a bad mood for another reason.
UI is explicitly what every Angel's teachings work toward as a final goal for their students.
Toppo was a GoD apprentice and his GoD form is fodder compared to UI, it's not a 'different but equal' form, it even got bitchslapped by Vegeta's blue evolved form.
>so there's no reason why they couldn't be "different but just as good" techniques
Yes, there is, Whis is supposed to be above Beerus in all areas, techniques included. Everything Beerus knows was taught by Whis, it make no sense Whis would have an 'equally good' form he just didn't teach to neither Goku nor Vegeta.
>so she can't have gone from a Kaio to a Kaioshin.
Zamasu did so she totally can.

>Goku Black Elfen lied crossover
>a bunch of sailor moon crossovers
>Goku Omori crossover
Should have probably linked the fics directly
Ain't clickin that shit
Okay, zoomer
Zamasu didn't change species. A Kaio is the same species as Kaio the character, while Kaioshins are another species.
Zamasu literally became a Kaioshin, that's how he used the time ring.
And Gowasu literally promote him (temporarily) to Kaioshin on screen.
>doesn't know the meme
>calls me a zoomer
they're trying to gas Base Caulifla vs Blue Vegito now

but that's just the same joke
I'm not denying that, my entire point is that Kaios and Kaioshins are different species, and Kaioshins are all one species type, so a Kaio Chronoa couldn't have been promoted to a Kaioshin because she would be the same species as Kaio the character, but she clearly is the same species as Shin and Zamasu.
Fuck off with your twitter ebonics.
Zamasu was a Kaio before Gowasu recruited him tho.
Cabba vs SSJ4 Gogeta is funny because Cabba does beat Gogeta despite being lame.
Caulifla beating Blue Vegito is more up in the air.
I'm pretty sure he was just called a Kaioshin apprentice, but I'd have to double check.
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He was a Kaio who became a Kaioshin apprentice.
Toyotaro even made an illustration of his Kaio days.
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Need 21 sexo
>>496181473 (me)
I know the wiki isn't reliable, but it does say there he used to be a north Kaio, so I stand corrected
It's okay, it's easy to get confused since they never make a big deal of it.
>EN until I've memorized all the quotes
>then switch to JP
I really hate that wiki. The only thing it's good for is having all the games' rosters in one place.
Are Sword Goku and Female Sword Goku gonna show up?
>Sword Goku
That's not Musashi!
yeah, never noticed how weird a lot of their proportions are, especially SSGSS vegeta. probably something easy to get used to tho
cute girl
Goku is fist Musashi, Musashi came first after all
I was talking about Tenkaichi's Musashi.
The statement is the same, Musashi was the first, as the manga he is in is so good, it time traveled to come out 1 single minute before Goku was even in Akira's thoughts
Justice for RapeMan.
Baby, you can't tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man
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I've decided, I'll main GTs against any cabba player and player meme characters otherwise. This roster is alright but not too many winners and few fighters that I know are 90% fist fighters, Plus I'm expecting beam spams for most matches. I shall wait for mods to save the day

Roshi it is
This is quite the cope
It is, Cabba fans really need the reality check and be reminded that they aren't ready for the Grand Tour
>I'll main GTs against any cabba player
Nice of you to feed easy wins into the accurate meme of Cabba being stronger than all of GT.
They will be sauced and brought to their knees like they would be in reality, no cabba fan shall be left standing
That's all the GT fag has.
This Cabba stuff never fails to make me mad I hate him so much
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the SSJ4 vs SSB/UI matches are going to be absolutely savage no quarter given throwdowns.
Is Cabba in heroes?
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Cabba would job to Para Para Brothers because they negate power levels.
And you know he really does win so that make you even madder
>They have a temporary stun after set up that basically turn the fight into a stamina race
Good thing Cabba can just move and punch them immediately.
Or remember ki blasts are a thing.
Yeah, I don't care for either GT or Cabba, but reddit (or twitter?) tourists bringing their lame memes is annoying.
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Cabba must be gay, to not fuck these 2 sluts
He's just too weak, unlike trunks
Loss of libido, muscle mass and tail are side effects of a vegan diet.
only sluts fuck sluts and Cabba is no slut
Cabba fought Freiza in the anime instead of Caulifla? Yesh I hope Freiza was at least gentle, in the manga he was beating Caulifla pretty hard until Kale stepped in then Kale got told to back off leaving it to Caulifla and Cabba who were both getting beat up until she snapped and beat the hell out of Freiza and almost eliminated him
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CHADza-sama I kneel...
Every fucker starts as a slut, you have to fuck your way up the ladder to not be a slut
Goku fights Caulifla and Kale after Frieza eliminated Cabba in the anime, Kefla only fights Goku there unlike in the manga where she eliminated the U11 fodder and herself alongside Gohan.
Yeah it's what I hate most about the dumb and weird powerscaling they do in DBZ, and the memes are really unfunny they just drive a joke into the ground so hard it's unreal.
Who cares?
>Non penetrative death beams and a generic blast to knock him away

I suppose that's a gentle as Freiza's racist ass can be.

In the manga everyone is immediately fully healed once eliminated where as in the anime they're only healed if they actually did it, was cabba still conscious in the stands after this?
Frieza had such a great time in the anime
>Fucked up Cabba
>Tortured Gohan
>coldcocked Cold
>Gave Goku some of his energy and really rubbed it in
Faggots sho bring that shit here deserve nothing but bullying.
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>The actual strongest character in the ToP
>Merely holding back the entire time because the effort was beneath em
>Had ultra instinct and just didn't want to use it
You may kneel and be glad that the strongest fighter wasn't added to the games offically
Is this another reddit cancer meme? You will never be funny.
>Show off DBM/DBS Bardock's render
>Advertise it with pics of... Toei's Bardock
Why though.
>I don't really get how to advance, do I just need to do a certain amount of damage? Survive long enough?
You either survive long enough for the R3 prompt that triggers a cutscene to advance the fight to its next stage or get the canon end to show up, or you break your hands chip damaging the opponents to death.

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