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Hopes and Creams Edition

Previous Battle: >>495966132

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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...what is it?
hesitation is defeat
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Woke Content Detectors respect Kris's pronouns better than the Deltarune community lol
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help, i can't find the full version of this art without the watermark covering half of it
Is the woke content detector woke?
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he's a baa
it's a sample for a pillow cover the artist sells, doubt the artist has ever posted the version without the obnoxious watermark
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What if chapter 3 and 4 suck
what if you suck my cac
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What if chapter 3 and 4 are amazing?
Sans (forma de fly) flies on top of your computer monitor and goes
>* heya, kiddo. wassup. wassup, kiddo? who's your daddy? you know who your daddy is? huh? it's me. yeah, i'm your daddy. uh-huh, i'm your daddy. how come i'm your daddy? cause i did this to yo momma.
and starts humping the air
>You wanna have a gad time?
When is Toby going to change his name so it fits in better with his japanese peers.
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what did he mean by this
based toby
the fact this is the edgiest people have managed to dig up on him is proof toby was very very good at covering his tracks
he was a teenage shitposter in the fucking 2000s there's 100% worse shit he posted that got washed away by the passage of time
I just wanna see the puritan tween crowd react to Toby's obsession with purple girls with sharp teeth that are also gamers
Either they'll go "he was a teen when he wrote that it's okay" (I don't know how old he was so this might be wrong) or they'll go full cope out the ass with "this means everyone in the class is 17 but susie was held back a year so she's 18 and it's okay for toby to sexualize her but NOBODY ELSE IN THE GAME YOU HEAR ME"
Development is scooby dooby doomed
>was very very good at covering his tracks
I said a ton of very edgy shit and none of it is connected to me now.
It's nothing to do with me being good at hiding it, it's just been so long and the internet was different then. Toby's just lucky like me that we were edgelords back when that was the normal state of the internet and that it's all been washed away with the passage of time.
You'll say this is because i'm not as popular as Toby but I had people actively try and dox me before and actively try and find incriminating stuff on me and they came up with jack shit too.
Scooby dooby doomed
I just coomed
Ignored my work to do now
Scooby dooby doomed
I just coomed
I need some songs from ZUN now
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who taught ralsei that word?!?!
Purple girls with sharp teeth that are also gamers? Hmm... sounds familiar...
/utg/ anons would still hate on them. either ironically for shitposting or unironically because their coomer headcanons were proven false. Mostly the latter.
It's Deltarune Muffet (she's a gamer in this universe)
edgy 14 year olds aren't this creative and funny anymore, they just regurgitate the same five or six sharty memes on repeat.
supringsly ive mostly seen people on twitter saying that they though the post was funny considering he must have been lke 14 when he made it
hes in highschool why wouldnt he know that word
the fuck do you mean he's in highschool he's lived in an empty castle his entire life
like sure it's in a highschool in the light world but he has never been around other highschoolers until the deltateen titans go squad came in
wojaks have done irreversible damage to the edgelord youth.
Chapter 2 is about the internet in the 202X's yet there's no soijaks or the teens getting brainrotted from TikTok
the "wordswordswords" meme where they basically shame each other for having coherent thoughts longer than a twitter post is especially fucked up. Kinda dystopian even.
Chapter 2 is about a fictional version of the internet that's relatable to Toby's target audience and doesn't map onto any particular real life internet era. Any acknowledgement of soijaks or other current memes would have made the game worse.
>Dark Fountains are created by someone opening one in a Light World room
>Castle Town is in the school's closet
>There apparently always needs to be one Dark Fountain open to maintain the balance between Light and Dark, or else bad happens
>But someone had to have gone into the closet with no Dark Fountains open to create the Castle Town fountain in the first place
This doesn't make sense none of this makes sense
Wouldn't that mean there were zero fountains for the entirety of history until the point someone opened the closet fountain? Why does there suddenly need to be one always open, even though everything's functioned perfectly without any existing for billions of years prior?
What does it MEAN???
ralsei is less than a day old in chapter one.
you're finally noooticing...
the basis for which evil ralsei theory gains credibility...
the fact that everything he says makes no fucking sense...
Ralsei isnt your Palsei and has built a house of lies
ralsei just signed the adult sexual consent papers, what do?
All of the darkners are technically less than a day old when we meet them. Yet they also have retroactive memories of an existence prior to the eruption of their corresponding fountain. In other words a darkner can be created in a fully mature state.
Knightendo just sued Palsei for violating his Dark Fountain patent
>Ralsei thinks that his dark world is special
>he thinks that he's been waiting around for years for the delta warriors to arrive
>but he's actually just another random darkner created by The Knight for lolz
>obviously the school would have noticed if the closet had a portal to a dark world in it for a prolonged period of time
>The Knight will reveal this at some point to shatter Ralsei's entire worldview
please don't shatter ralseis worldviewbussy toby please dont
The only way I can make sense of it is if you apply the information from >>496090456 to Deltarune as a whole, and just say the fountain was retroactively "always there" even though it makes no fucking sense and someone needs to have built the closet
Which is really flimsy lazy logic and only exists to go "haha Deltarune is a video game so it can have nonsensical video game logic do you like my meta writing? (raughs)"
Ralsei is literally 5 seconds old you sick fucks
The general is just "I want to have sex" furfreaks erping and spamming porn all day
And water is wet
Ralsei is literally 22 inches tall maybe
Anyone that likes touhou girls is a pedo in denial
Yeah and what are you gonna do about it chuddy
and that's why we love this place
I like some touhou girls but not in the sexual coom goon waifu way
Cirno is a funny retard and her fan songs are good
better than most other parts of this hellsite
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Well, fuck 'em
>pets tiny Ralsei
fave having a really hard time solving the puzzles in OFF and feeling embarrassed that they have to look up a guide about it
>People think Ralsei's Dark Fountain is in the closet
>They don't realize it's actually underground and leaking into the closet from the bunker
Do you think Chapter 3-4 will introduce anything that gives Deltarune a widespread legacy beyond Spamton and the Mr. Beast AOTKQ remix
don't worry fave i can help you beat OFF
hehe :3
samefag setting up his own joke,
i forgive you because it got a chuckle from me.
What if there was a gas leak in the school?
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surprisngly, no.
teehee :3
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What if Toriel loved me and hugged me?
i'm the beat off poster and i can confirm i'm not you but i don't know how much this image proves when you would've given yourself a (you) regardless
checking something
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Hey, sometimes its "I want to have cuddles/make my fave feel loved" and not just some furry ERP room.
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yeah the red is dotted, myth busted
I don't think it really counts when 99% of your other posts are I WANT CHARA TO MOMMY DOM RAPE ME OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH
If you play Undertale/Deltarune you dont have to imagine that
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sounds based to me
We know you're hypersexual bro
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ME, not the player character, ME
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>i am hypersexual
sounds based to me
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Far from 99%, more like 60/40, though I guess maybe it's something like 40/30/30 depending on how you want to categorize the more mundane/"friend" fantasies.
This is literally a cuckpost
You posting this image is basically cuckholdry
yeah, yeah we all know about your massive butt plugs
I love you, I love you, i love you
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>Massive butt plugs
Sounds based to me
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there's technically still room for bigger sizes. because i haven't bought the biggest of those badboys yet.

thank you fren :D
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thank you for making undertale and deltarune :)
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cute!! <3

stretchy human
When you think about an apple in your head, what do you see, if anything?
I bet I can rotate more apples than you and all at different speeds and axis
why does he look so fucking shocked as if after at least 9 months and a whole birth he only just realised that chara was pregnant with him

or is it that he was pregnant and he's actively recovering from labor
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"my favorite character being with another in an image is cucking me" is a VERY unhealthy mindset to develop and there's documented evidence right in this very general
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yuck post
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Why is she dreaming of yellow
Forcing fave to watch multiple streams so you can have a competitive advantage while you ERP with second fave
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symptom of juandice
I don't think saving images of your fave being impregnated by others is a very healthy thing to do either but yaba daba doo
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I thought the shocked expression (or maybe it's more of a doting 'aww, so cute' type of thing) was just the realization that this is real for them. It's one thing to see your child inside your wife for 9 months, it's another to be staring into their eyes for the first time as she cradles him.
I self insert as Sans in Soriel images
Even if Asgore did do it the statute of limitations had run out.
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How did that thing on the left ever get created
you like your fave because you want to fuck them (and you lie by saying you like their personality)
i like my fave because he's fun
>Chara x Goner Kid
A bit on the nose me thinks
Asgore's freak offs are legendary
i like my fave because they kill the despicable barbarians who've invaded the holy land of spain
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would fave pick sword or gun?
I don't like how Frisk's sprite is crisp and the Deltateens are all fuzzy.
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As somebody who has basically no homestuck knowledge, why is there apparently a significant chunk of Deltarune fanbase that see a remixed "Penumbra Phantasm" as the holy grail of possible DR tracks?
I get Megalovania came back for Undertale, but as far as i can tell, Penumbra Phantasm is a prototype version of Savior of the Waking World from Homestuck? Which seems to be very Homestuck specific.
People also seem to mention "Twilight Reverie" which I'm guessing is also a Homestuck thing but I don't think is an individual piece of music?
I would be really grateful for a rundown.
because it's muh unreleased song
and it's in hopes and dreams
There's a puberty joke to be made here
kris proceeds to oneshot frisk with a stab from his concealed knife because
>kris is faster (can run in overworld and frisk can't)
>ATK and DEF only mean anything if you're either a monster or being attacked by one (humans hitting other humans with tangible non-magic weapons aren't subject to RPG battle rules)
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Depends on the situation, I'd think she'd see both as tools with varying applications. Sometimes she'd value being discrete and personal, other moments a precise shot is all she'd want or need.
Go back to /dbs/
>The heroine appears
The heroine appears
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>He thinks Kris is still human by the time Frisk intervenes
>Frisk/Chara taunts Kris that no matter who they kill and what trust they breach, they'll never become a "monster" like Kris so deeply desires
um, kino?
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Toby Fox dead at 32
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at least they'll never learn about the lo-... i shouldn't say, actually.
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Why does Queen have a blue leg
the what
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How would Deltarune's story so far be affected by Kris being replaced with Ellis from Left 4 Dead?
about what?
we're trying to cancel toby here
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Do you think Toby ever had anything as edgy as Hussie's team special olympics work? because his Helen Keller thing is pretty tame by comparison.
i'm toby's top guy. why would i tell you?
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Yes they are
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>pepper sprays you
Catty and Bratty working at the DMV
Toby would diddy himself
Is that what you wanted to hear you sick fuck?
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i was the first one to post this
am i a primary?
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my ears burn....
i don't like the rest of the fandom learning these things about toby
all his secret and buried info should be here only
Lord have mercy
lots of Toby's shitposts feel like they'd be right at home in this thread.
not sure how to feel about that.
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archive of the tob when?
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I see
I hate how the word edgy has changed to mean anything a joyless twitter user might find offensive.
wormsie my beloved
if someone ever somehow recovered all the dreemurr/babyDOLLice tweets (which would probably only be feasible by hacking him or one of his friends which would be fucked up ngl) it would be like the nintendo gigaleak but for underune
imagine all the shit he's casually talked about that he's gonna use as a big plot twist in deltarune later
it actually sounds insane to think about how much he's posted on that
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This is implying the characters actually hear each other and the floating dialogue bubbles and boxes aren't canon (not metaquirky enough!!!!!!!)
they aren't canon
nah to be full quirk the characters hear the voice sfx while the floating text comes out
I wonder if he ever did some secret teasing other than "at shadow's edge shatter the twilight reverie" and "The edge of the shadow, where reality and dream meet." but were deleted in the mspaforums dead, twitter/tumblr purge.
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>The furry gay pronoun game is furry, gay and has pronouns
Color me fucking surprised!

what if deltarune is a lost media
NarraChara extends over to the dialogue other characters say as well.
The dialogue boxes for other monsters is actually Monsterlish being translated and narrated for you by Chara in real time. The monsters don't speak English and the dialogue you see isn't the actual words they're speaking. Chara can only translate like that because they learned the language from their time living with the Dreemurrs.
Frisk isn't the one saying the things out loud when you get dialogue choices, you're telling Chara what you want to say and then they briefly possess Frisk to say it in Monsterlish.
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I prefer the term Monsterese
the monsters speak english because the librarby sign is in english
Any weapon is a good weapon
Pretty much this >>496098695
As someone who unfortunately experienced literally everything through videos myself, it's absolutely not the right way to experience the game
Learning about how the game acknowledges save fuckery would be tons more impactful if you're actually playing it + weren't spoiled beforehand
I suppose watching the funny quirky youtuber reacting jawdroppingly to Flowey saying you murdered Toriel is kinda similar but it's just, it's not you
who will be the epicer creepypasta character chara or noelle?
Chara is also translating your vision
Turns out this theory I just pulled out of my ass on the spot doesn't hold up very well who would've known.
Very Telly
There are fewer secondaries in Deltarune's fanbase than Undertale's
>Nole will be the tragic character who you will force to have a tragic end
>Kara is the ghost child you corrupted to be edgy

Chara by all means, noelle is for depressive outcomes
yeah because who the fuck is making/watching a youtube video for a demo.
The librarby sign is just misspelled much more severely than you think
It's supposed to say "pestakesk" (Monstran is a relative of Tocharian)
what if Arkveld was a schizoboss
How long ago were monsters initially sealed underground because if it was like centuries ago I find it hard to believe they wouldn't all be speaking like Rouxls Kaard
The monsters learned modern English from discarded books but mispronounce every word
I'd hate to become famous cause werird people will keep trying to dig up all my old shit like this
i've noticed let's plays are also not as big as back in the 2010s
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then explain THIS
Well the genocide route has a comment from flowey for those who only saw the route as a stream, so is not quite "wrong"
And even so, for example of you don't get assblasted loading and loading, you wont experience any of the "I know you load" scenes
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I need to rewatch Joel's Deltarune playthrough, said fave
the monsters spoke in ye olde english in undertale prime
Just because both snow and no are pronouced wrong doesn't mean they don't still rhyme
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dont eat ass
in the halls
i'm still hyped for deltarune and for what toby wants us to see
Toby wants us to see what he saw when he flushed all that coke down the toilet
i'm not as hyped for deltarune and for what toby want us to see
Is sniffing it in the halls allowed at least?
I will keep viciously mocking Toby Fox for being a hack fraud pseud fuck but I will still undoubtedly play his stupid animal character game and laugh at at least one joke and get excited about at least one plot point
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Sans would be a fat little wiener dog
I'm not obsessed with fave anymore. My brain is free to think about other things, but I haven't done anything interesting over the past 3 years so my brain is just empty.
Get back to being obsessed with fave, it's better than being empty
I would post that gif of a fat wiener dog with the caption "fuck my life I'm just a worthless nigger" but I can't find it.
Explain how Toby is a hack.
Hard Mode: No bringing up references or the reuse of leitmotifs
my obsession with fave isn't gone but it has reached a point where i also have a lot more idleness creatively/mental road blocks and not sure where to go with it productively even if it sticks around as it always does (and likely will)

i tried to find it the other day too and couldn't, you gotta post it if you ever do
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You should watch Vinny's playthrough
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After he mercilessly killed Toriel that time he played Undertale? No way
teasing of hard mode in undertale but no actual hard mode even though it's been 9 years
Taking 12 years to make a 4 year game.
Hard Mode is obviously a joke in Undertale.
That doesn't make him a hack.
Making some of the art crappy mspaint on purpose even though some of the art is really good and clashes with the bad stuff
> no actual hard mode
There is a hard mode though.
The hard part is accepting that's all there is of it.
it's sovl
He's a fraud, he's a hack, he's a lazy no good weak wristed weaboo bum!
what? sovl? did you mean solved? sovl fantasy warfare?
has fave ever had a dreams
that they um you had you you would you could you'll do you they want you could do so much they could do anything
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This is the closest I could find
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1105 days
If Undertale got a remake what would get ruined?
What if undertale got a remake that was so big it needed to be spread between three games.

Also, the first game adds a bunch of changes that makes you think they are doing some weird meta sequel remake thing but the second one sticks so closely to the script it makes all the shit they added retroactively look like a stupid waste a time that adds nothing if you arnt going to do something crazy with it.
absolute unit
and this is a remake the fans had been asking for for several years/decades at this point?
UNDERTALE 50 that's just 50 canon au fangames.
Is this before or after Detarune is finished?
What if Deltarune got a make that was so big it needed to be spread between 5 chapters.
Gee I wonder what this one's about.
Certainly not a game with "remake" literally in the title.
What if Jack Black played Frisk(and Chara) in the undertale movie.
Three Undertale games get announced at the same E3 and become vaporware for years until finally coming out after a shitton of name changes and reworks
What if Undertale was a 400 million live service game that flopped so hard they shut ot down in 2 weeks.
I fucking swear
I will make you share my disappointment and misery over this remake abortion no matter what it takes.
none of you guys are real to me
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What if Undertale was going to get another sequel but was then cancelled and the dev team got was sent to go do backup bitch work for Call of Duty.
What if Undertale 16 was totally different from Undertale 5 down to its genre but people kept telling you that if you like Undertale 5 you should like Undertale 16
What if you found SUPER UNDERTALE MARIO 2 for gameboy at a thrift store and you were taken aback because you don't remember that game ever being announced?
His dark materials?
What if Undertale was released as an MMO but it sucked so much shit that it had to be taken down until Toby personally intervened to fix it and re-release it as a pseudo sequel to itself.
what if asriel was fucked by a polar bear and got a golden compass shoved up his urethra
What if Undertale was Video Game Reference
What if Undertale was just a Dorkly sketch about how video games are different compared to real life?
already was
What if Toby just made Undertale because he was malding?
you keep bringing up dorkly, what's all that about?
were you a big fan?
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I probably should not be on here since there's a hurricane coming, but whatever... uh... any updates? anything interesting happing around these parts? (besides the newsletter which was good)
What if Toby just made Undertale because he was balding?
And the new MMO was just World of Warcraft 1:1 and slowly stripping away all the original gameplay mechanics over multiple updates
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What if Toby specifically made Undertale to debunk Christianity or something?
Horrortale Waterfall Chapter comes in October
What's the overlap between /utg/ and /ffg/
>male gigolo
what other kind of gigolo is there you fucking moron
It doesn't say gigolo, it says megalo
Low, I hope
Good news is there's been a lot less spamming and samefagging for a little while now. I wake up and there's only a couple hundred new posts instead of 2 new unreadable dumpster fire threads I might have to look through, but that's it
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WARNING: Connection Problem
auto-disconnect-from-fave in 21.6 seconds
i stubbed my toe the other day
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
I saw a mudcrab the other day
Why does fave tell you that they'll meet you at 2 but then they wont message you til 4 to say they'll be there in 30 mins (really an hour a half), why don't they just tell you what time they're really gonna be
this isn't an airport...
no need to announce your departure
this isn't an airport...
no need to announce your departure
I got horny over a new commission of Noelle imagery the other day
Why was and why still did he make Papyrus the NEET?
It's a throwback to incel papyrus
i'm smoking crack rock with asriel behind a mcdonalds and he told me he doesn't fuck with you at all, it's sad for you man
papyrus in undertale is already an incel
Asriel wouldnt smoke crack, he only does gayboy drugs
i'm doing meth and GHB with asriel behind a gay bar and he just said some nasty shit about vietnamese people
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what's a gayboy drug? coke?
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Gote night
ket, ice, ghb
>Toby is crowned leader of the Quirkticons
>Shigesato Itoi flies in on his destroyer jet
>"Here's a hint."
>Itoi opens fire, killing dissolving Toby into soot and ashes.
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vhs head cleaner
The good ending
ghost pregnancy?
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Ghost pregnancy... how would that work?
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I miss her
Ironic considering Temmie is addicted to that game these days
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Learn to know the Dark Side of the force, and you will be able to make Fave real...
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Cool art I found on Twitter! Hopefully I'm not as annoying today
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Everything should be about me, but actually, nothing should be about me, it should be about other people, they're more worthy... But it would be nice if everything was about me, actually no, it's not about me, it should be-
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I feel the need to announce my arrival.
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Don't care
Why is this a gif?
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Do care. About one of those posters at least
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goodnight /utg/. i am gooning to bed now. cya.

i feel the need to announce my departure becuase this is an airport.
this isn't an airport...
no need to announce your departure
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Is it me?
I bet it's me.
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
Gote night alligoater
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Goodnight gotebro.
Keep on announcing yourself otherwise the control tower is going to get confused and planes will become crashed into each other or something.
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How'd you know!
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It's good that Toby isn't the type of person to pull elements of Greek mythology for his games too deeply and does it with references to/inspirations from other games instead, otherwise we'd be sitting here pondering if the eggs are a reference to the world egg from which the world hatched or if Rouxls' comment about the crown controlling disc-shaped lifeforms connects the revolving (controlling) of the entire world to the disc shape of the world according to Greek mythology hahaha
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I guess these things at random until I'm eventually correct.
I'm under the impression that a lot of /utg/ posters don't know how to cook and that you're one of the few who do
The eggs of Deltarune are a reference to that video of the juvenile seal that doesn't want to go into the water and it sounds like it's saying "egg"
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There's a strong connection between "chaos" and "freedom" in the game as well, starting with Jevil.
I only know ramen and mac and cheese
I think monsters would be considered daemons.
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I'm a professional at cooking and an amateur bartender too.
>>496118636 (me)
So you are right... at least with me...
oh fuck wrong post
How many UTG Anons own their own house?
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Who is Mac and what did he to do deserve this fate
So... can I have some fries and a cuba libre? Or not, I'm going to blurger kringe tomorrow anyway
of course its the goatfag unless he's living with his parents or in his parents house
Did you say "of course" like "of course goatfag owns a house/property" because that's not really an insult
you know how like a lot of furries are rich? that's what i was doing
>I'm a professional at cooking
is this what people think after they've worked at mcdonalds these days?
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I've had three on-topic dreams these past few days, though I can't remember the third.
In the first, through some convoluted process that involved a buff frog character my brain thought was officially from Deltarune and a metal badge or device, I (as Gaster?) revived Ralsei, feeling bad for him as he was actually a dead and abused human boy before I gave him his new form out of pity.
In the second, someone drew two adult Asriel/Papyrus art pieces classified under yaoi. I got mad at one because the artist gave Asriel large horns but no mane and drew his nose weirdly, in the other he had a six pack and was being held by Papyrus in some weird pose, like they were in Heaven amidst falling petals or something and on separate clouds.
I mean... not right now... until like my parents die, then me and my sister will own it. She'll be doing the banking stuff with it, though I'm not good at that shit. I'll just be the housemaid. That's if we stay...
>>496120512 (me)
But will probably get nuked before that happens... Hopefully the last chapter is out then...
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You missed your opportunity to get ahead in the property market. If you bought at the same time I did your net worth would be so much higher. Yes I'm rubbing it in
Why didn't Sans just rage boost to up his power level while fighting Frisk? Is he stupid?
tfw my net worth is probably higher than anyone else's here and i don't even have to work because i'm a trust fund baby.
I'm not a trust fund baby, but I am a disability baby.
Why'd the Soviets kill that Space Dog
>I worked at a Wendy-BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP
I hate cooking elaborate meals so I just like eating whole/raw foods instead
The dog knew too much. Now if you will excuse me I need to go be sad about that dog.
My fave niche South American indie RPG dev studio that's like 5 people just put out a new game and immediately revealed a new SRPG project
Would Deltarune be complete by now if Toby, too, was South American?
Deltarune would be complete by now if Toby was Scott Cawthon
>Bigot Cawthon
if you think about it scott cawthon is the republican version of toby
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I love Pizza Bigot
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fuck I almost went with wendy's but I thought mcdonald's would be more universal.
at least you seem happy with your job, that's better than most people seem to do.
i'd eat a meal cooked by you.
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That's gotta be a killer glute workout. Too bad he was banned from Planet Fitness shortly after
Do you like my sword sword sword, my Spookysword sword
holy fucking cursed
It's just a combination of the shining, undertale, and one piece.
I've seen worse.
Scott Cawthon
Toby Fox
>Pacific Northwest
Derek Yu
Whoever made Bugsnax and Octodad
Nobody lives here
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Toriel did not appreciate Kris replacing her car with "the Chungusmobile"
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Last one.
gay furry chatroom (with 300% less germans)
I hope you catch aids and die you deranged faggot. Stop shitting up the general
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I hate the term but doomerfag really is an archetypal redditor
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doomin' more like coomin'
stop making fun of kwautsie’s boymeat
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I'm known to coom from time to time.
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I can see why some don't like Doomerfag
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I don't know who that is...
I don't really like him either but of you guys sound like the villain of a 90s tv show meant to show you why homophobia is bad
>Captcha: ST0RM
If Doomer has a million fans, then I am one of them.
If Doomer has ten fans, then I am one of them.
If Doomer has only one fan then THAT is ME.
If Doomer has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth.
If the world is against Doomer, then I am against the world.
I'm killing you
Literally nobody opens the links
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never forget
I didn't vote on this, put me down for often.
It was actually 11 Never and 1 Sometimes before the orbiters swarmed it too
I don't care about anything else
I don't give a shit about anything else
My programming is just get that fucking guy right now
>larping pollbrokers
If Catti and Jockington are irrelevant why did they get line stickers
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They aren't irrelevant.
They will definitely be a mini-boss like Berdly in a future chapter.
Remember they got their own rooms in Queen's mansion.
If I will this to be true it will be true.
Fuck is was Catty who got a room wasn't it.
Even so...
Catty got a room not Catti.
I used to make that mistake too
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I used reddit a single time during a period of time I wasn't using 4chan at all.
It was just to post about an uncoming electronic music festival I went to on the relevant sub for it though, reddit is fukken cancer lmao and I feel bad for anyone using it for Undertale/Deltarune purposes to talk about Ralsei or whatever. I occasionally read about news and global events there but there's better places for that now.
Error: You are temporarily blocked
Someone's a huge pussy, try dropping me a (you) sometime if you're mad or something and just talk to me about whatever is bothering you.
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Yeah I remembered right after I made that post.
But Catty being important also makes Catti important as her sister and classmate of Kris.
>I'm not like the other redditors
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>post off-topic posts
>gets annoyed when temporarily blocked for being off-topic
Catti & Jockington are a quirky pair
You know who else is a quirky pair? Banjo & Kazooie
You know who obsessively love Banjo & Kazooie? American white boy Nintendo kids
You know who's an American white boy Nintendo kid?
Snitches get kisses
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I was here when 4chan sent a thousand birthday cards to that old man with the wanted poster for his birthday that went viral back when nobody even knew what going viral on the internet was yet.
I'm OG.
There will 100% be a segment where Catti uses Jockington as a spring to bounce over gaps and spin him around like a helicoter
Jockington is an item and as such will be a Darkner
do you not realize how pathetic that sounds
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They really do make a good Banjo-Kazooie pairing.
Maybe that's part of why I like them so much.
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Back in my day we used to respect oldfags.
Now I'm the one shaking my fist at clouds.
Same as it ever was.
He in fact does not
You think that's pathetic?
I went to the irl project chanology protests back in the day. Made a bunch of good friends so I don't really regret it though.
I got blocked four times... I don't really give a shit, and I don't know why he does, It's just a forum...
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Looks like the threadshitters found a new target now that kingposter is no longer among us
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Did they bring the longcat posters and never gonna give you up boomboxes?
You're a real legend, nobody even knows what a scientology is anymore because they have money to tell people to shut the fuck up about it.
Still hoping she ain't dead
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cope lil bro, cope.
>project chanology protests
Should I know what that is?
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>overtly smug for no reason
>shitty hipster music tastes
>feels the need to constantly discuss personal life
>posts porn for no reason
>repeats the same lines over and over
>spends way too much time online
>loves weed and other drugs
>definitely has the correct opinion on everything
pic unrelated

Undertale is a game. So is Deltarune.
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I've been a target since the first time I had an opinion about Ralsei my dude.
It was like two or three weeks tops before I was both known and disliked widely and I'm pretty sure doomin' happened within the first month or two.
Honestly the biggest reason I dislike Doomer guy is he posts some of the nastiest porn I've ever seen
I thought it was an airport
Imagine saying this
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I've seen worse.
Doomerfag seems like he can actually take it though
There was definitely some of that, Project Chanology was a big deal for me at the time because I had to deal with them trying to declare me and my friends "terrorists" irl.
Scientology cultists were sending my family members threats, saying that I was a terrorist.
Most of my family knew what I was protesting and laughed it off, but some of them thought I was in serious danger and demanded to know what I had done to anger these weirdos.
Nah it's unimportant shit from a long time ago.
We're not gonna have another person like Kingfag for at least another generation
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Would someone really do that? Cheer the death of a character they don't like online?
lol, lmao even
can't-distinguish-fiction-from-reality bro...
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Waiting so long.
*wistful guitar solo*
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Any beta Queen porn yet
No stop asking
I just think that he’s been coming across a lot more lolcow-ish the last few months compared to the rest of the time he’s been here desu
What is a beta Queen?
but then how will he know when there is beta queen porn.
I just love this artist's interpretation

I have cooked for myself for +20 years already, i am good at this point
Yet while i can cook some complex stuff i am rather lazy so i eat rather blandly
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My life has been going awesome recently, something similar happening made berdfag act weirder than normal too but also post less. At this point I don't even need a Deltarune in my life, not like I needed it years ago. When hockey numbers dude stops posting I'm gone.
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More for the Doe folder
Skeletons in Alabama be wild
>amateur bartender
how the heck does that work?
you know how to serve juice and water?
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To test if the environment was enough for a person to survive in it
Life can be considered very disposable, they might had used actual people too but we'll never know
>When hockey numbers dude stops posting I'm gone.
blatant lies
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Want to know a useful secret? Nobody actually gives a fuck if you have actually done a specific job before.
All you need to be is the right person in the right place and time and convince people you theoretically could do that thing you have never done in your life before.
I have never once planned for anything in my life and just winged it 100% of the time all the time. Haven't died yet.
huh... so you're weak to skeleton porn?
Too bad nobody is really interested in making something of it
Who is hockey numbers dude
Why didn't Toby just get gay married so he could make Susie call everything gay and keep her accurate to a real mid 2000s bully personality without getting in trouble
Wasn't this cartoon made by the guy who put on wigs and costumes on ebaumsworld
Of course, of course he likes the most reddit line in the game
Retarddoe doesn't cut himself and posts his banshee cries when people say Noelle is in their tummy wummy
Hey... actually based advise
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it's just another one of me thread personalities I bring out whenever the sans one does not work.
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I gotta tell you Anon have been on the internet every day since like 2002 and I have no fucking clue what you're talking about
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House is 50% reddit, 50% legitimately based
I spent a lot of years worrying that I didn't have a better plan or that I wasn't doing things the right way.
It didn't matter, none of it mattered. I might be in a real position to do something with my life by sheer random chance and by arbitrarily waiting long enough.
>/utg/ is trapped in a timeloop
Who is playing with the world?
Nevermind I looked it up
This is relevant because Undertale is Mother 3 with furries
>making up random anons
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erm, what the killertale.
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>doomerfag is a shoujo protagonist who wins just by crying long enough
he's real he just stopped posting with noelle avatar's because even though he's retarded he's not that retarded.
You can't leave me hanging anon what's this story about wigs and costumes on Ebaumsworld
I am curious like an Undertale player after completing the true pacifist route and wondering about what will happen if I kill enemies instead of sparing them
If Toby is so Japanese why don't we know the blood types of all Undertale ch-- oh wait right. Shit.
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If my life was an anime, it's only getting two seasons.
Ironically enough, despite being officially retarded he still comes across as more high-functioning than several other people here
>monsters don't have blood headcanon
not beating the fuzzy cwitters allegations
It's not a story really this dude just made really shitty vhs skits I used to watch on ebaumsworld when I was like 8 and way too young to be on the internet
Something something Undertale/Deltarube
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she looks 22 and you know it off-avatar karut.
The only thing greater than a fave in a biscuit: Two faves in two biscuits.
in comparison, hummypedo comes across as leagues more genuinely retarded
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Wherever Susie is there are also Susie pits
Susie's tail and your urethra. Yeah,
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can we just stop with the "pedo" thing. Just call me hummyretard or something instead of pretending she is 2 when hecatia looks 22 in the fanart I like.
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Work on refining your bit.
Forge yourself into a personality worth pillaring over, start telling really funny skeleton puns or something at least.
It's because he's self-aware. Self-awareness always makes you appear less actually retarded.
You're the new kingfag now.
So when he turns 23 is he going to say that Hecatia looks 23
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I feel like my mix of acting like a retard and genuine retardation is already good enough but skeleton puns could really help out. (I am pretty much the jar jar binks for this place anyway)
Wherever Susie sits
there are Susie shits
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Me and her have the same favourite game
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Would you buy this?
>this is like my favorite game
Toriel if she Bratty
Probably not.
I can't have people thinking I'm gay or something.
I'm not into bara
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I like coffee and men and I would not, no.
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I have hammed up the retardation sometimes for the sweet, sweet (you)s.
Not a winning strategy.
we know, hummypedo
I want to see Toriel's Materia setups
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Would you buy this?
$28 btw
if it works, it works.
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Where is the merchandise for people who like coffee and women
I legitimately think Toby made Swatchlings and Swatch to be sexymen which is funny cause most people ignore them. Only Swatch/Swatchling thirst I've seen is porn of them gangbanging Ralsei
i mean if i had the money yeah probably
ralsei mother bearing hips
I already did and put Lancer in it
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Would you buy this?
Why is he making merch of himself
The problem is that being conventionally attractive is antithetical to sexyman appeal
Sexymen are meant to target weirdos with cross-crossed brains that can only get off to characters that eat glue, smell like burnt sausage, and are made of silly shapes
Maybe if it had a Susie at the bottom
There's probably an unsold pile of these
he's less of a real person than kris and co
>Year 5 of no new content
Uhh... Spamton toilet cakes? Virovirokun coin purse? Mad Mew Mew condoms?
>weirdos with cross-crossed brains that can only get off to characters that eat glue, smell like burnt sausage, and are made of silly shapes
Also known as Noelles
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Why not? Now you can have him on your feet, on your head, on your head again, in your hand, in your other hand, on your shirt, and on your feet.
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Hello /utg/ and welcome back for soda review numbah 81!
Today, we have GFuel: Wumpa Fruit.
It has a crystal clear appearance.
It has a peach aroma, with syrup-y bittersweet undertones.
It has a very synthetically sweet peach taste, like the kind of sweetness that makes you a tad bit sick. A bitter energy drink taste is also present.
It has a very sweet and very persistent aftertaste.
It contains 300 mgs of caffeine, which is 75% of the 400 mg threshold stated by the FDA.
It also contains zero sugar.

Overall, not very good. The lack of carbonation (as you may or may have not noticed in the picture) causes the drink to leave lots of residue that doesn't break down, which is why it has a significantly long aftertaste. This seems to be the major flaw with GFuel in general (to my current knowledge). The flavor itself is the second biggest thing I have an issue with. The main 'peach' flavor is sickeningly sweet, in my opinion. It's synergy with the bitter energy drink taste isn't much better, it doesn't cover or work with it at all. You get maybe 1 or 2 seconds of the main flavor before the bitter energy drink taste hits you like a truck and you're left with the aftertaste. If you want something peach flavored, there are simply much better options. Trust me.
5/10. Woah!

See you again tomorrow at 7 PM EST for the next review!

Nothing to add. Business as usual.
As of this review, I have 9 drinks left that I wish to talk about.
Does that mean Susie is a sexywoman
Time to ship some preworkout loaded with caffeine to Caffeinereviewer’s doorstep
Get some Nuka Cola Victory while you can.
I bought a 4 pack but I'm not opening it.
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toby should just let fans legally make merch of sans AU's, like an error sans themed vodka brand.
what are tobys thoughts on the japanese legal system
Did you know that the phone number in Berdly's username is randomized each time you enter this page?
People make jokes about stimmies and all but I swear that has to be the explanation for Error Sans, that color palette is genuinely an eyesore
Is Toby a sexyman? He's White and kinda funny looking but he's not all that tall.
How many people here will be alive to see Undertale and Deltarune go into the public domain?
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Well yeah. Toby had that fake holidaygirl email that people were actually trying to send emails to
It is strange to me. Autistic people are very prone to overstimmies, yet they love colorful characters that hurt to look at. Can an autist here explain?
I unironically do.

-cries about Toby being slow while on the clock anon.
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but I like his color palette. Why dont you?
Aka how many anons are over 40
You can have short sexymen.
Just look at spamton.
Or are nepo babies
>Autistic people are very prone to overstimmies, yet they love colorful characters that hurt to look at.
To be fair, you kind of answered your own question - think character designs like Sonic, he attracts a ton of autists partially because he’s really bright, saturated, and technicolor, and that’s like mental candy for people who need more shit to grab their attention
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I just like the colors man, what else can I say?
>Deltarune will go into the public domain before it's completed
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for me its monochromeriel
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Honestly, Deltarune taking a while is a little excusable. Toby's wrist pain is probably terrible and makes it nearly impossible to work. Of course, there are solutions, but during the time when it was at it's worst, I can understand why work slowed down.
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He shoots rainbows out of his ass though
Sans taking his very autistic brother to Chuck E Cheese
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Not all the time
>"rainbows come out of there!"
>"not right now they don't"
I think his wrist pain stopped being a problem around when he started taking on all those side gigs
*ICE-E's P"e"zza
How do you even have wrist problems, just stretch and lift weights brah
>asriel eating some bad fast food and rainbowing the entire bathroom when he gets home
The real problem right now is no LTS update
You should release the update NOW!
He literally learned piano wrong
Definitely. I feel a little bad for Toby right now, tbdesu. GameMaker's incompetence has embarrassed him in front of all his fans, and has definitely slowed down development.
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we both know toby has not touched a weight in his life.
Tell me, when we hit March and the lts still isn't put. How will you feel?
If Toby were truly Japanese he would be absolutely reaming them for making him lose face
Toby's wrist pain was a side effect from the surgery to make him Japanese
Post some rare Toriel's
I will (laugh)
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I baked you a pie
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>he's not all that tall
Neither are Sans nor Spamton. Height is irrelevant.
The GameMaker LTS update is coming out in July btw
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Like with rape vs sex, theft vs donation, and many other things, the key difference is consent. We autists enjoy stimulation, but only when we're in control of it. I can close a window or step away from my computer whenever I want. I can tidy up my room if it's getting too cluttered. I can't do shit about an overcrowded restaurant.

While I find Error Sans pretty boring as a character, I do appreciate his color pallete. Primary colors on black is very striking and can lend itself well to fanart. (though I agree that most of the sprites people make for the guy are kinda ugly.) Of course Error Sans isn't the first time anyone's used this sort of color pallete. When I think of red yellow and blue on black, the first thing that comes to mind is the Batman Animated Series intro.
The December believers are in fucking shambles. That'd be humiliating for them.
These are so good, thank you anons
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They're already working with the update. The test being delayed isn't setting them back that far and will be quick to do when it's finally ready.
December holiday release is real.
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Wah! These are so cute, saving them all
Toriel fleshlight,infact make fleshlight of every female character in both games
You probably actually live like this
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Sexo con Mittoriel, Chairiel, Slipperiel, Towiel, and various other Toriel themed darkners.
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i tried out different tobys and this was the best looking result
can you do foam toby over the creeper walk tiktok please i beg you
>the 5 frame jumpscare
very stockphotocore
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Development of my mooscles is going well! (hearty chuckle)
could you do this classic as well?
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mStRMwHffTo it's originally a tiktok but i think they took it down, it was a big meme for a while
fuck youtube for this shorts shit btw
We can go gyatt for gyatt
Does anyone really like the "annoying dog" as a character
working on the other one right now, trying to find a good toby for it
never watched any voice acted versions of UT or DR.
but i'm gonna say Octopimp.
toby forma de interview: https://files.catbox.moe/5r9b4g.mp4
toby forma de beard: https://files.catbox.moe/z2ejqw.mp4
>that enormous wobbly "20 pounds of pussy and ass" thing but with Alphys

>captcha: ASSMH
>the au tongue
I love them ty anon
spamton tampons
tide pods
fucking incredible
thank you anon
could you do an alt version where it's the pic of him covered in foam
It's always a shame when a good song turns into a tiktok meme. The song is briefly popular, but gets associated with the barely related cringy tiktok trend, and people only ever hear the shortened version.
oh yeah i forgot about that sure
I think this should have played at the end of Pixels.
Toby looks like the kind of nigga to enjoy this song unironically
this is the next schizo boss
arigato, anon-sama...
I didn't watch that movie, it looked like shit.

I'm sorry to hear that you let soijak memes influence your opinions.
peepaw gaster my beloved
I'm not following your stupid rules; I'm posting a good voice actor, fuck boi! https://youtu.be/qWJei2eHTM4?t=57
It has nothing to do with soijaks, I just think Toby looks like the type of nigga to enjoy that song unironically
Motherfucker this song is cringe from day one
samefag and also secondary
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woah-hooooo haha
and it ain't got no point to the game man you just walk around pressing Z on shit
it look like, it look like brandish in the future
and it IS varik in a cape armor with his hair dyed blue
If Undertale isn't your thing then why are you here?
jonathan fox...
>pretending to be retarded
>not answering the question
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>Deltarune zoomers don't know about the Soulja Boy Braid video
If you're under 23 years old then leave the fucking website
whatever grandpa. *does a kickflip*
I'm in my mid 30's and I don't
I'm a zoomer
I didn't know about the video until now
Yet I know it's a bit
I'm 24 and I don't know that thing either
I get that it's some kind of funny meme reference. Still, the question remains: Why do people who hate Undertale post in this general?
what happened to susellefags
i used to see arguments all the time about suselle but not anymore
jonathan blows crying about soulja boy having fun with his videogame the "wrong way"
He's referencing a thing where a famous rapper did this to a game called Braid.
all dead.
I killed them all with my hatred of susie.
this shit stupid as hell mane...
Everyone agrees its bold and beautiful
what is there to argue
>what happened to susellefags
why would you ask about a group that didn’t exist
They were delicious
they ran out of character dynamic interactions (wonder why)
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fave started listening to AI songs lately
they liked it
I kicked them all to CUMblr where they belong, to get BURSTED full of my SEA MEN
dobson btw
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im gonna turn 23 soon so can I stay?
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I'm here! also Krabs
>also Krabs
>also Krabs
You guys make up new posters every day I swear
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fave started listening to Al songs lately
they liked it
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>also Krabs
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that's just a figment of your imagination, sweetie
i thought this was lancer for a second
>also Krabs
it's over... (hanging my head in grief)
What if Undertale the Sitcom got 40+ seasons?
I miss Krabs...
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I forgot Krabs left FUCK
Krabs left. Kraut left. Kingfag left. All the contentfags left. Why are you still here?
that is pretty funny, but also sad. Like this weird antisocial guy is sad that what he imagined as a "connection" is actually just people having their own reactions to his game instead of reading his mind like he hoped.

No idea what this has to do with Deltarune though. Toby seems like the kind of guy who'd be happy about people enjoying his games in ways he didn't expect. It seems like people in this general are throwing every old gaming meme at the wall at this point.
Did he leave or did he just stop doing the krabs thing.

Do you think he will make one last post the day before release?
I only realized this was sans because of >>496149652
I could only see a hooded face with a big nose.
AND krabsriel
he got busy with life
Name having internet keeps calling me entitled when ever I make fun of Toby for slow game development.
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i have to be because i've always been here, except when i wasn't, but i've always been here and i can't not be here because i need to be here. there is no where else to be
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>Kraut left
It's only been a couple of days.
Anyone remember the puppetfuckers?
it's a soulja boy joke about deltarune and brandish there's no deep layer to look into it's not some commentary on toby as a developer
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because I get (you)s.
I genuinely get my jollies by seeing the remaining shitposters dwindle off
It would be really interesting seeing them all vanish and beholding the new batch of weirdos that show up in chapter 3-4’s release
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Yes, I was/am one. Just don't talk about it anymore due to not having the energy or enthusiasm anymore.
It'd be extremely funny if we have an entirely new cast of characters for season four of /utg/
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Sneaking trio
Like can you imagine if post chapters 3 and 4 get just as bad, but it's litteraly 0 of the old pillars and just a dozen brand new freaks with entirely new mental illnesses and personality disorders and obsessions and posting styles.
how long until every individual sprite has at least one dedicated piece of fanart like this one
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Same here. I still like Spamton a lot, just ran out of things to post about him for now.
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and so the cycle continues
Hell yeah. I remember all the fat Spamton posting.
Me too.
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*waddles into the thread*
I ain't sexually into the creature but I do like him
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*picks him up and dribbles him like a basketball*
yaoi with the undead
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I have mostly repressed my memories of them.
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I do not care for Dust... I do not care for it... it's too edgy...
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Now that's what I call a workout-ready body.
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He look like kronk lol
Would squeeze that belly.
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can we stop with the sans horny shit. (ew)
where's bara papyrus...
>sees a regular human sans
>thinks it's horny shit
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does this one meet the qualifications
who's the artist i love this papyrus
they deleted all social media and all of their posts and left the internet
he looks to muscular so it has to be horny-slop.
i'll take it
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Many such cases. What a shame.
mysterious cryptid artist...
was the fave art real or was it really mass hysteria?
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I don't know who that other Sans is but GET OF MY HORROR!
prepare your cheeks
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Love you just the way you are.
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this is almost as bad as the gotepedo shit so why do you still do this?
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You can't say fuck or shit or any other swears.
Despite the setting in an antiquated time period and the borderline mature content, the majority of the players that play this game are in fact young teens and children, which is unusual considering the abundance of adult jokes and sexual content.
Said Fave.
>adult skeleton yaoi is as bad as literal pedoshit
>falling for bait
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just stop
skeleton porn is necrophilia.
they just found their new kingfag...
This could be us
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If they're alive, how is it necrophilia?
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He's handing those (You)s out like candy.
epictale if it was shit
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Actually since they're undead that makes it unnecrophilia.
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gote king!
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god I love halloween. It's like the whole world becomes a cosplay con.
yucky and funky.
there skeletons, anon.
I swear half of Epictale art is just epic sans ships. It's kinda saddening
But they're alive
The reason necrophilia is bad is because the dead can't consent. Living skeletons like Sans and Papyrus can consent, so it's fine. Same logic goes for furries btw
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thread needs more sans. you all know what that means.
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there still skeletons anon (also I gotta keep this (you) so I can pay off my 4chan tax.)
there still animals anon.
epictale is edgy but i love it. i renember the times where inverted fate was special for keeping the char's personalities
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you're all falling for his bait btw. he's even said in the past that he's attracted to ink sans.
just so you know.
bad taste
>sansfag guilt
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that was a joke, im only attracted to hecatia. I would never fuck ink sans.
low test.
is he actually mad about skeletonporn or is he trying to imitate kingfags hatrid of something to get himself more yous
Ranking Undertale AUs that I know:

1 Underdecay I just think it's neat :)

2 Horrortale Pretty decent story plus, like, artstyle

3 Canon Underfell old but gold

4 Underswap mixed

5 Outertale also mixed

6 Dust bad

7 Glitchtale bad

8 Underlust bad
he is INTO skeleporn and he is baiting it out because he needs to COOM
he's in the BONE ZONE
he NEEDS his skeleboys
im shaming anons for posting skeleporn.
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did someone say naked skeletons?
he's obviously lying you retard.
Imagine if there were posts about Asriel instead of whatever this is
oh noooo i'm going to be shamed I'm so naughty haha
AND Ralsei
what about TS!UNDERSWAP?
Never played it
ANDsei ralsasriel
do you think berdly would enjoy Pixels because it's The Gamer Movie or be horrified by how awful it is and how much it gets wrong
you should try it
it gets the undertale vibe right really well
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no one said anything about that. why are you doing this to me. I look up to you.
and asriel
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Under(her)tail KINO
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Outwardly, he'd talk endlessly about how terrible it is
Secretly, he'd love it and rewatch it a dozen times
kinda hilarious that he's doing the greentext response thing now. also kinda sad that he puts that much importance on (you)s.
what if fave was naked?
it's even funnier that i have the extension that gives me a you even when there's only one arrow (or zero)
so it's doing nothing kek
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Those chara images... hand them over
I believe that (you)s are a sort of currency. The more (you)s you have, the more attention you get so im trying to keep every (you) I get so I can be like karut one day.
I believe that (you) are a sort of retard. The more (you)s you have, the more retarded you get. So I'm trying to keep you retarded, so you can be like "Karut" one day.
The rooms are based on your usage of the librarby computer and Catti is a pure phone addict
That's why she doesn't have one, she doesn't use it
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I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you downloaded that to make it easier to follow conversations and not because you base your self-worth on how many (you)s you get.

>using Kraut as a role model
>"(You)s are a sort of currency"
Depends on how I handle this willpower check
>rolls D20
>rolls 11 (failure)
Blush and ask if she's okay, taking glances at her booby and pussy while trying to stare at her face, I'd be dazed in horny, especially if I smell shampoo.
not a disgusting fetish ritual post btw
>if I smell shampoo.
based and hygienepilled
see >>496124640
Black Baby Data
That's something Fave wants on their hard drive.
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I get that nightmare sans is pretty much a Tentacle hentai monster but this is still yucky.
Jack Black as Frisk be like: I am talkin' to monsters and shit cause I'm in fucking Undertale
awwww... meeeh gaawd... is that... fuckin, goat...
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Kraut has a personality.
When you talk to him he says things that you might not agree with but at least you get a sense you're talking to a person showing you a real side of themselves. That's why he's "popular".
You will never be like him until you stop this act and get a personality outside of just wanting attention.
Every post is crafted just for the way it can bait a reply rather than something genuine that someone might want to reply to or be interested in discussing. It's like talking to smoke.
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If a (You) is worth one dollar, getting someone so angry with you that they start greentext replying is worth a million bucks.
What was the Friend Inside Me twitter account's goal, anyway? It counted down to the anniversary then fucked off forever again. What was the point?
kraut's personality is that he's fucking stupid and refuses to admit he's misinterpreted a post EVER
thats not how it works.
whenever I try to do that. I just scream into the void and no one replies so I dont even bother.
This has the proportions of a collectible card
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The only release countdown twitter account that I ever bother to check on is Daily Spamton @deltarunedaily
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ew, sanscest.
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schizy schizy schizy~
ah hell nah who's hand is that
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if I were to talk about stuff I like I would just yap about sugary spire and shit no one cares about (like sans AU's) and I go on here because I am at least noticed unlike in real life where im just a throwaway watching everyone who is better then me win because of genetics.
Just anon, it's okay
what the fuck is Sugary Spire? that sounds so lame lmao...
nah i see that hand grabbing her boob that's asriel or frisk isn't it? disgusting
They win not because of genetics but because they're not soulless simulacrums of people only interested in other people for the perceived value they bring you.
Until you start viewing other people as just as real as you no one will care about you because you don't care about them.
>what the fuck is Sugary Spire?
It's a KINO TOWER fangame
>whenever I try to do that. I just scream into the void and no one replies so I dont even bother.
it’s cause nothing seems to actually resonate with you chief
even the stuff you “like” like AUs seems to be in this really detached surface-level way, so people just ignore you
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>because of genetics.
Kill yourself
Hummywho should be put down like a dog methinks
hummypedo is honestly hilarious to me. he tries so hard to be a troll yet he can’t help but share real information about himself, which leads to everyone laughing at him and him thinking he’s successfully baiting people. taking a look at his discord from two years ago, he acted the exact same as he does here. he really is a hyper-autistic manchild and i’m all for it. keep it going, buddy.
Will Undertale have an ending as shitty as Jujutsu Kaisen
Undertale already has an ending
you mean deltarune
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I don't know, we're only into Snowdin as of now. 2/7ths and all.
How come all modern shonen seem to end like shit
Writing an ending can’t be THAT hard, can it?
write a good ending for deltarune rn
>blaming his personal shortcomings on genetics
Yes... the infection has taken hold... the chudsformation has begun...
10 minutes of King Asgore mauling the BBC
10 minutes of King Asgore slobbering on the BBC
10 minutes of King Asgore riding the BBC
Asriel and Dess open up an agency for tracking and finding missing people
Susie and Noelle open a plant shop (Kris swings by to eat the moss)
Ralsei becomes crowned King of the Dark World after winning a twerking contest
Made for BHC
10 minutes of King Asgore doing an interview on the BBC
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Me as Gaster btw
tony pack it up it's over
Gaster stop trying to smuggle the christmas hams
>bigot tower
>hummycaca incel arc
it's happening...
What are you fucking gloofy clowns talking about now?
does anyone have the Based on My Aunt thread image, imgur won't load it because it sucks ass
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I don't know anymore.
i gloofy all over ur fave >:3
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Where the fuck is Hummywho's mom
Like does his mom not care that her son is a 22 year old NEET that spends 20 hours a day on the fucking computer
>No ass
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Ask and ye shall receive.
Just imagine the boob smell UNFFF
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A thinking man can look at a woman's hips from the front and visualize the curves hidden behind.
Hummy WHO???!!??!!!!!!
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I live in an apartment away from my home town and im happy not interacting with anyone else so I dont see my mom. (people treated me like shit back in high school so I would rather never interact with anyone in person again).
I have no ass

how can you afford to live in an apartment alone as a disabled neet?
Berdly’s side plumage makes it look like he’s actually just sword shaped
Why is the timer so long now
I don't want to believe Hummywho is actually a grown adult
That would be like a Chris chan style developmental anomaly if so
He acts like he's eternally 11
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saving up money and investing. ( I used to work at a home depo and saved up a lot of money and got a lot of money after some investing.)
That’s the power of turbo autism. He’s been acting like this on discord since at least 2022. He’s genuinely not self-aware
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there's plenty of old shonen with shit endings, good endings in general are rare
said fave
His persona made more sense when everyone was assuming he's just another longtime shitposter pretending to be a dumb newfag
He doesn't make sense when you view him through the lens of "this is an actual person acting like this"
He's just too fucking stupid
I didn't even realize we were on page 10
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look, I have got a comb and some old spice so I could comb my hair and make myself smell better, so should I do that MR improve yourself.
Giga-autism is a hell of a thing. How do you think people like chris chan exist?
thank you anon, so much imgur was being a dickhead
i owe you a time-based gag
i put the , in the wrong place because i added anon afterwards, act like i placed it correctly or smth
I know lolcow-level autism exists and I've read enough chris chan shit to understand it, it's just... ever since this retard rolled up to the thread he acted UNCANNILY like an old shitposter trying out a new persona, rather than just a plain newfag or autist
It took me months to realize he's not just mintbrap or some other communitypillar doing a new gimmick because he acts so much like he IS
His entire personality screams that he's a fake but he isn't apparently
He’s basically uncanny valley personified desu
He’s genuinely an NPC. That’s it. He probably just stares at a wall whenever he’s not here or gooning to lolis.
It’s astounding seeing this in action, someone with no personality. He’s like if someone trained an AI from a decade ago to act like a person.
And the fact that he thinks he baits people or is a threadshitter is hilarious. And how he idolizes certain actual threadshitters.
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i've already told you hecatia isn't a loli she's 22!!!!! inches tall.
>I used to work at a home depo
If you’re only 22 then how long did you even work?
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for half a year.
wow you are sooooo funny anon.
>half a year of work for an apartment
Somehow I don’t believe you
unreal how the guy who only posted wojaks seemed more human than this guy
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It Coursed Its Will Into Its Blade
And Made

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it’s coarsed not cursed
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