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nothingburger edition.

30.4 Patch Notes: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24135706/30-4-patch-notes
Check in to the In-Game Shop for Free Gifts!: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24116733/check-in-to-the-in-game-shop-for-free-gifts
Definition of Cement: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cemented
Declaration of Cement: https://x.com/Frodan/status/1230169123532894210

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes
https://hsbgguide.com/ - Battlegrounds

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
https://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

previously on paypigs are disgusting >>495003005
shameful display
the guy who decided you can't delete your own threads should get whipped instead
how the fuck do you confuse /vg/ and /tv/?
I was mentally taking notes of all things I had to replace from the archive and didn't pay attention. /tv/ doesnt have many jannies so this could stay up for a while.
you forgot to put the link to the newest patch: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24128997/30-4-3-patch-notes
also we should add the dev interview about churning to the op instead of the cement shit: https://screenrant.com/hearthstone-future-content-2024-nathan-lyons-smith-tyler-bielman/
They moved shitty bg dragon from 4 to 5 tier and gave +1 hp on buff... well im stick to mech demon murlocks as usual.....
/tv/ probably has one of the most active janny presence around because of all the off topic shit that gets posted there
Anon, /tv/ is one of the only boards with a fuckhuge warning in their archives
>"Notice! This page is under surveillance for any illegal activity. Failure to report any illegal posts or content will result in immediate blocking of your access to this site. Your cooperation is mandatory!"
The board is under police watch 24/7.
>attempt to play tavern brawl
>immediately faced against a fucking shudderwock player
okay no standard pack for me this week i guess
wild brawls are so cool and fun haha
here... if you dont have some card toss some TROGGS in deck
what makes you think i have 90% of these
BGs bros. What do we think about the patch?
i'm waiting for kripp to tell me how to think about it
game is fun if you highroll. game is worse than aids if you dont
They buffed Eudora my beloved
They up tier cost for demons and lower for dragons/naga... but i dont think it change meta Maybe nagas popup
Good tribes still good, bad tribes still bad. New and exciting stuff.
CEMENTED with another fearless patch>>496095960
anime, frog and tranny spammer threads do not get deleted
the average /tv/ browser simply doesn't report god bless them
Naga looks promising. You can play buff nagas instead of Zesty/Coroner
So nothing changed in wild obviously but what us the new drooling retard deck for standard? Asking for me. I'm a drooling retard.
weapon rogue
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>invested refund dust into reno druid
>its boring
also crazy how dungar druid is just a better version of sandwich warrior
not sure if i should refund this retarded worgen tourist card. dont really want to look at the stupid shitty art in my collection desu
no reason not to, you can just craft it for the same amount later if you decide you want it
yeah youre right. dont see myself playing this kind of deck anyway
newfag question
how the fuck do you beat control warrior in standard
once he drops the tnt fucker it's joever and i've seen some even running panda to bounce him back
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Yeah mate the return of old boards to Standard is fucking with me. Pretty much every year was imprinted into my memory via board style and music but now it's getting blurred. Goodbye to another whimsy.
dont let him waste two turns playing brann+boomboss
holy fucking shit
at this point they just want to kill the game, there is no other explanation
I genuinely don't get it
I have never been so unhyped about hearthstone, what the actual fuck
Is it worth to buy the miniset just to disenchant? 2 choise leggos for 2k gold?
it's worth it even if you don't disenchant
2000 gold buys you 20 packs, which will give you an average of 40 dust each for a total of 800 dust. Dusting Skyla will give you twice that and you get some other good cards for your collection.
2 rats Tony
Thanks, im a f2p gold hoarder, so im disconected from the packs reallity
1 rare and 4 commons give you 40 dust
5 golden legendaries give you 8000
therefore the average is 4020 dust per pack
Naga good now ? still lose to average murlock comp
Murloc is still busted. It wasn't even nerfed much
>smart ass shaman play triple insidus
>me drop tony and draws
>clear his board and kill him because i draw only eruptions
>play 30 minions for 75 event XP cause fuck you

why isn't plebbit revolting? i need to play like 10-15 minutes a day just to do a single event quest...
>event ends in 18 days
>me already have half exp
god i wish for more rewards and more track exp
>mage nerfed
>10 games of aggrolite
nice balance
>facing to many token shit
>switch to dk with magmas
>big mages
>switch back to antimage deck
>flood paladins pirate dh token shamans
yeah this game fucked....
>win a match with pirate big spell mage
>open my collection to change a few things
>game crashes with no warning
I'm free.
>the average /tv/ browser simply doesn't report god bless them
I mean it's either all of that or whine about wokeslop threads full time. There just doesn't seem to be much to talk about since baneposting was replaced with sneedposting.
play aggro and kill him turn 5.
>cast wheel of death
>shaman pop this in one turn
Holy rigging mechanism..... and he draw eruption right before lethal turn
nvm win next game against diaper .... 50% rule
They did something to the trinket algo. I'm getting absolute horrible RNG with it lately when before you would usually get at least 1 decent option now you either highroll the good trinket or you get 4 useless piles of shit and someone else gets the good one.

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