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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Thaiger Uppercut 2024 | Oct. 5 - Oct. 6
East Coast Throwdown 2024 | Oct. 11 - Oct. 13
First Attack 2024 | Oct. 12 - Oct. 13
Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>495824829
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Mai waif
Paris Games Week: October 23-27th
Dizzy: October 31st
Major Balance Patch: October 31st
Team of 3 open beta #2: November 8th
heh heh
I am now going to downplay Dizzy
Dizzy should downplay her ass on my face
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post your most recent soul steal, soivers need not apply
Queen Dizzy? Not Dizzy Kiske?
Dizzy missing a balance patch means she's going to be far below character standards on release bc of the balance patch. I mean, we already know Daisuke loves making the Kiske's suffer. Ky was underpowered for who knows how long, and Sin was literally a patch behind for over a year. The excitement for her release has been tempered by the chronic suffering of the Kiske name.
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breadly sin
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I just realized that my oversized overlay is blocking the burst gauge god I am so retarded
I need dizzy to be broken on release so I can finally be carried. I'm tired of carrying my main on my back...
if burst is going to fullscreen in strive, you should be able to grab burst again
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Slayer feels so good when u ain’t got a tranny in ya ear telling you he’s broken
We don't play that crap here.
Even Dizzy's cuck knight Testament is shit bro. Don't get your hopes up.
Counterpoint the last two DLC characters were overtuned on release
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I guess this Dizzy is when she claim the throne from Ky but before their official marriage in the upcoming anime.
This is why my hope for her being a technical character so that they can overturned her due to being "difficult".
who is tightrope going to be good against? seems like a free airborne counterhit
It's wallrun from anywhere. It's gonna be pretty good.
I don't think it's really a neutral tool it seems more like a goofy left right or even 4 way mix thing
Do striver can’t relate how elating to soul steal someone? Better yet combo from soul stealing.
okizeme? More like OK semen
in the FARTisho HRTussy
Excuse me, it's called Thightrope.
A.B.A is dogshit, what are you on?
i thought it was gonna be released on oct 4th wtf did it get delayed
>another failed manifestation of a hate mob

You mean the unanimously hated Bridget retcon that exposed Daisuke for being a retarded liar but made Strive forever associated with being a game for trannies that nobody takes seriously? Now anything associated with that character is considered poison
i'll never understand "dizzy is a technical character" bitch you put a bunch of shit on the screen and the pressure writes itself you are literally playing one of these easiest characters known to man
This dick is considered poison when i bust fat loads into bridgets bussy gay ass nigga
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Zoner mains INSIST that zoners "play neutral" and then spend the whole game shitting all over the screen and preventing you from interacting with them.
and who did you play in the older games mr neutral, there is only 1 correct answer and it's +r ky
he said he hopes that she gets considered technical relative to the rest of the strive cast by the dev team not that she is overly technical in legacy games. I know that ragging on Dizzy fags is fun but you need to read posts twice
tyurara only plays aryans
im mad at the shit redesign for undine and necro, not at dizzy's new clothes. her gameplay is obviously yet to be seen but it's strive im not gonna expect much.
*ice spike yrcs you* yeah i'm kinda nice
*ice spike frc you* yeah it really never works
Even if Dizzy ends up OP at least you'll be able to burst her bullshit in Strive
imagine being a soiver and thinking universal mechanics affecting everyone is good
Bunny, I love drama as next as the next soiver, but an 84 page google doc? I ain't reading all that. Not even gonna bother linking it here because I know I'm the most drama obsessed dude here.
this is such a bitch made post
Nigga wrote more pages than The Old Man and the Sea
I'm glad somebody (Technicals) gets paid to read this.
i hope the dizzy feet mods will be good
like nail polish an shit
can niggas on +r without Ethernet cables fucking die, you already can't afford strive at least buy a cable you faggots
Guilty Gear Strive is NOT a "video game"! It's a prototype brainwashing tool released by the WOKE democrat party as a part of their psy-op program as a part of their PLAN to force us to support the Israeli government! Ever been to a restaurant and overheard somebody order "brisket"? That's a code word to SIGNAL that they work for the program! BRISKET is the on-boarding layer of the brainwashing tool. Look at the acronym: G.G.S.T. That stands for
THEY want you to support the WAR CRIMES committed against """hamas""" (the RIGHTFUL owners of that land), and THE SWAMP is aware the best way to CONTROL you is through your Chinese cartoons!
Fuck you. Seriously, you're a jackass. You proved it. You give the same response people always give to anyone. The minority of people are the ones making this world go round.
The heck did I do man
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posting mummified Ragna to remind you that he should've been announced for strive instead of Lucy
>Tekken gets cool Nike and fashion collabs which relate to characters within that game
>Street Fighter gets Terry and Mai as guest characters since Fatal Fury relates heavily to Street Fighter and snk and capcom have crossed over before
>Strive gets Lucy from Cyberpunk ??? for some reason ??? which might be the least fitting character possible and gfuel ???
It's just not fair
Daisuke just wants to see us suffer..
I like how Miyauchi couldn’t even admit that a staff member liked Lucy like how Mori was a big RWBY and Senran Kagura coomer. He just said that the lead artist was a Witcher fan lol
Everyone thinks Chipp will be 6Ped on the rope,
But have you considered that Chipp will have a 6P of his own?
if Arcsys were really as daring as they pretend to be Chipp would be able to hang from the rope by his toes and 6P you upside down
lucy is more hotter than a fucking fashion collab or two boomer characters. Mai is cool tho, but it will look like shit in the horror engine
I miss when guilty gear was a metal themed fighting game…
He do be doin' strings upside down so I think that's exactly what's gonna happen.
>Mai is cool tho
Lucy ain’t even the hottest in cyberpunk
Upside down DPs are gonna look so funny
>accepts 180ping request
Imagine being this stupid to not notice your opponent connection
The existence of 6p properties in strive still perplexes me. janky legacy mechanic shouldn’t exist
I mean beta 6Ps didn’t mid crush. It was a mediocre anti-air. It was only after feedback that they giga buffed them to invul through projectiles
I got one last week okay
Queen Dizzy might be the most obscure music reference in the entire roster.
i can play with japanese players just fine, it's retards without ethernet cables
this sol champ kinda good
6p work in older games because anti airing was hard, there is no such thing as being good at anti airing in strive, the game barely has an air game as is.
isn't it a wall run state? I doubt he'll have his normal grounded buttons but I didn't pay much attention to see if he can have them
someone made fun of me cause i'm a neet wit 3K hours and don't even know the most common matchups while they started playing last year and are already winning tournaments.
I had no rebuttal. I really learned nothing in all these years
i dont get how people can play a game for so long without the active effort in learning, it's literally the most fun part about fighting games. do you not like knowledge
>most fun part about fighting games
>fighting games
>fun at all
you have no love in your heart
have you wall run as chipp?
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no I just assumed he doesn't have 6p on the wall oops
i'm extremely lazy brained and i have serious memory issues. I take a lot of notes but i forget everything if i don't play like 5h a day non stop, even a week kills all my progress. This shit even ruined my university career cause here if you fail an exam sometimes you have to wait months and the number or times i had to study the same shit over and over it nauseate me, but i simply forget.
Also in game i get too much in my head and fail to recognize the enemy patters and adapt on time.
I used to like learning but it's too frustrating now
I have love for God and mankind in my heart. That's why I play fighting games, to suffer as penance
Why is new content so slow to come in this game
it unironically sounds like you have adhd
because they spent more time working on a shitty 3v3 game mode
correct, but i did the test this summer (80 fucking bucks every session) and the result is that i don't have it cause during childhood i was normal. Actually i was on the bright side and the psychiatrist even suspected autism. This shit started when i was already an adult so i can't even get meds for it. I'm stumped
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robo ky incoming
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they're busy making p5a
I think you should be able to do it, but just because it's fun. It doesn't have that much practical use a lot of the time and would have even less in Strive where I don't think anybody can air combo off of an air throw meterless, maybe some can with setup but even that's rare, and you wouldn't be able to OS it with j.H either, you should just be able to do it because it feels good. It doesn't need any practical benefit beyond that to me.
why does doing delays in combos in guilty gear feel so much better than every other anime fighter in existence. that shit makes me feel like a god of execution
I wish.
There are so many promises that are over 3 years old. How hard is it to get an intern to turn on the frame data hud or add an OST playlist feature. Why even have a feature poll if your skeleton team can’t handle the workload of TO3
they're auto-delayed
Well he doesn't technically but all of his wallrun moves are disjointed are reuse moves he has grounded including 6P's animation (w.P) but frame data and hitboxes are different. Personally I'm assuming that these moves will, for some reason, be mids and no one will use thightrope until they buff the moves to be highs after a year.
Strive was designed to make you effortlessly feel like you’re good
i'm talking about xrd and +r specifically
I've never played those
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what is she wearing on her legs?
Feels about the same to me but I’ve only played Blazblue and frenchbread games other than guilty gear.
I also think they'll be mids but I still think it'll be used seeing as it seems like it'll be useful for threatening high-lows as you drop off it or just using it to set up a more rewarding combo when you land a grounded hit.
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>tfw you finally found the ultimate alternative play
when i land it in a real match i will be gawdlike
Didn’t mean to tag the second post but you get it.
We don't play that crap here.
you dont play anything here
So true, brisketnation represent.
>tourists flocking to reply to the meme
their loss
niggas are really gonna mindlessly say shadow slop undine and necro is better than this
Chippbwos, the day of the rope is upon us.
good, life is already hard and miserable as it is. No need to complicate things on purpose
I always respond to that post, tourist
We haven't even seen them in-game, chill out. Also yes.
You don’t find overcoming dumb shit rewarding bit by bit after a day of menial wageslaving?
not really
I like to have a sense of accomplishment when I win but strive has its place as a turn your brain off game
man going from ABA’s frame data back to Potemkin feels like shit
Yea, your turn actually ends now
since i criticized the troon cabal and said people shouldn't immediately trust "victims" i'm being ignored in the discords by high level players when i ask for matches
>i was being le hecking based and redpilled and those darn jewish discord trannies shadowbanned me
is it really that hard to act normal in public
May FB dolphins are hard ;_,
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You were a fool to think you could oppose the cabal. Let your exile be a lesson and remember; you were let off easy this time.
May has FD dolphin tech?
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That's a B
Huh. Xrd has Dust specials?
That's Judgment
Judgement was a character AND a game?
FB stands for force break. They're like EX moves that cost 25% tension. May's FB dolphins are essential for all her good combos in +R. She's all stun and no damage if she has below 25% tension or can't afford to burn it. You MUST the learn FB dolphin > dash extender if you want to deal meaningful damage outside of the corner.
Everytime I learn something about +R it makes me glad I don't play it and never tried
Yeah, you probably haven't heard of it because it's called Judge Eyes in Japan.
Okay I googled it because I thought you were fucking with me and that's a Yakuza game
Guilty Gear Judgment is also a game. You can ride on a Gear and make it shoot lasers.
The game is still very fun even if you do suck. Defensively, the game is far, FAR more forgiving than Strive because guts is actually worth a damn in this game.
Sorry, but I just seriously doubt it.
this makes me uncomfortable and can't explain why
Bro, it's time to leave Strive. +R, Xrd - I don't care which game you play. You almost never see combos kill people from 70% health outside of Strive, and when you do it's from a character who shits out damage AND high RISC. High damage characters do exist, but you don't see Strive numbers on meterless combos outside of shit like Potemkin, Slayer, or ABA (with high RISC) on counterhit.
One Dawn > Awe of She
Sorry not sorry.
That’s the kind of thing that makes me glad I got into it before strive
guys i wanna fap but my mother is sleeping in the next room and i'm afraid she would hear the sound of my fleshlight. What do i do?
I DID try Xrd, and that's the reason I'm so dubious about +R being "fun even if you do suck". I don't really mind high damage combos that much as long as the game looks and feels good, but the last (two) times I took a flier on an anime fighter that was supposedly so much better than Strive it was just plain not fun. Strive's currently really, really stagnant but it's still decent to play.
you already asked this
Twice at least before this, I think
>looks and feels good
Pick one nigger
I genuinely pick both. Strive's graphics design, universal mechanics, and movement are top of the line in terms of feel. That's why it's still alive at all
If you consider strive alive it’d be hard to call the other two dead
What confused you
Where did the other two being dead come from
No, Strive succeeded because it was retard-proof, generic anime that put its entire budget into marketing. The low barrier for entry was just a bonus.
good evening sirs
is jam in the videogame yet
Felt implied by you saying strive is alive because it has good graphics, movement, and mechanics. All of which are pretty bad in strive.
I think you have to be willfully ignorant to not acknowledge Strive's successes from a game design perspective

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree because I don't understand how you could say Strive's graphics, movement, and mechanics are bad
>good movement
Imma strangle this nigga
>feels good
It feels like you're moving through molasses whenever you try to do anything wtf are you talking about?
it has a better movement than any other game in the market. So yes it's good.
Not as good as sprites, really bad redesigns for some.
Everything is like you have weights tied to your feet. Characters with unique movement options are lessened.
Shove everything into rc and then add wild assault.

If you disagree that’s fine, just giving my opinion.
I hope they keep his wallrun 6P completely untouched
there is a fucking mosquito that keeps buzzing around and every time i turn on the light it disappears.
How the fuck do i kill this thing? Should i be pre-emptive or reactive?
>Not as good as sprites, really bad redesigns for some.
The only redesign that I could believe was bad (let alone really bad) is Elphelt
All the rest, have you looked at Xrd Axl or Chipp?
>Everything is like you have weights tied to your feet. Characters with unique movement options are lessened.
This disagreement is so fundamental I don't know how to bridge it at all without just saying "you're wrong" over and over
>Shove everything into rc and then add wild assault
I'm gonna be honest I think the blitzes and YRC sucked as mechanics
+R is literally on steam and uni2 is on everything.
UNI2 was the other "fun even if you suck" anime fighter that was supposedly so much better than Strive
And it wasn't fun. At all
X Awe of She >> One Dawn > XX Awe of She > Tears are Forever
I don’t like xrd that much but I prefer it over strive for not gutting the character kits as much. Most of what I said is about +R.
Uni2 is not fun if you suck and aren’t fighting someone else who sucks. You have to learn it or fight other new people to have fun. Once you get past the initial barrier it gets better.
No one asked for robo ky. no one asked for zappa. no one asked for answer. are my thoughts
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>I don’t like xrd that much but I prefer it over strive for not gutting the character kits as much. Most of what I said is about +R.
Well I don't know much about +R but I definitely think Strive is better than Xrd
>Uni2 is not fun if you suck and aren’t fighting someone else who sucks. You have to learn it or fight other new people to have fun. Once you get past the initial barrier it gets better.
It absolutely never got better, to the point where when I see people talking about how "awesome" UNI is I'm half convinced it's a gigantic gaslight
I wanted Ariels and Valentine, I wish some retarded twitter e-celeb would have promoted them instead of Robo-Ky and Zappa
Hey APTranny, you're just a shitter.
I like Strive but the movement definitely leaves a lot to be desired.
I'm not that fag
Sucks so much that you XX is the popular version of Awe of She.
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Slayer6Pbros, we are so back.
Cope Jamcel
Same could be said of Keep Yourself Alive, where the GG1 version is way better, A Solitude That Asks Nothing in Return and Feel a Fear both have better GGX Heavy Rock versions too. People always hold up XX as the gold standard of GG OSTs, and the new tracks to it are good, but a lot of it is just worse versions of older tracks, as well as some of those tracks like The Original being forgettable no matter what version of it it is.
Me, I asked for Zappa!
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I don't like Jam or the guest character vote but I'm not surprised they're that high. I don't like Kum but wouldn't mind if the character came back because I think the concept is fine, it's just a Giovanna and her dog situation where it wasn't executed that well. I like the rest of the characters there, but I think it's disappointing Ariels didn't make it in the top 10, I really thought there'd be more demand for her.
Love Venom's theme in X, but XX snubbed it hard. That intro and the harder guitar are absolutely godlike.
The absolute state of Jam. Can’t even beat Robert Kyle
The worst thing about the themes is that they aren't really labeled on youtube or spotify so it's hard to find the best version of each
anon who has never played any of the other games besides strive figuring out that rounds last longer than 10 seconds in the older games
DBFZ has better movement than Strive.
>"B-But super dash!"
That shit got nerfed hard. Nobody's superdashing in neutral anymore.
>Uni2 is not fun if you suck and aren’t fighting someone else who sucks.
Pick Orie, walk forward and back while poking with 5B xx thrust. You are now having fun with low level UNI.
one dawn is genuinely so fucking good and people tried telling me it sucked back in the day
The last minute or so of One Dawn is awesome.
Did Dizzy call Sol Dad?
i definitely heard an otou sama in the teaser
>he doesn't know
>he didn't play the xrd story
you are missing out on a lot of good scenes
I don't like anime.
Oh God, who put this fuckin' chair in my heart?
>anime trailer
>Strivefags are asking why Sin is riding with Sol
>classicfags are asking WHY IS SIN RIDING WITH SOL
I wanna see them meet the old Testament, no pun intended. He would kill the new one without second thought.
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Not just dad a doting father.
It’s a tragedy. Testament’s theme in X is god tier but it’s completely massacred in XX. I still remember back in the days I would just change all the music files from PC Reload for their GGX equivalents
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this is LITERALLY the result of some robo ky loving faggots abusing vpns to fill out the survey multiple times. during the last couple of surveys robo ky was barely cracking top 5 most requested character worldwide, suddenly he's top 1 most requested in half the world's regions? nah, that's obviously bullshit.
It's better if Jam never gets into soive so that they don't put her into a burka
Robo-Ky beat Jam in the previous poll too. Now that Slayer, Johnny and Venom are out of the way he is where dudebro votes funneled into. Stop being a schizo.
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I hope they put spats on Jam
what do i do now
You play and get better.
Good job btw.
Now you play against players that know how to deal with her rekka (somewhat)
I feel like people have a harder time dealing with cross-up grenade honestly
It's a mandate for all the Strive females to wear shorts if they have an open skirt.
>but Testament
Well, there you go.
>no awkward family shenanigans between Sol and Ky anymore
This is why they should release After Story episodes like Xrd
The anime will be After Story but good
no, come back in 1.5 years
>He would kill the new one without second thought
I don't care about lore too much but new test is so fucking weird compared to old test, and entirely different in every single way except for the scythe
Why are there no good resources for learning season 3 May if she's so good
She plays herself.
>needing guides
where is your alternative play?
And then gaslit the fanbase into thinking he was never a man in the first place.
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My warrior blood is too strong to do something cowardly like play Pot
The balls it takes to walk forward like that with no health. That slayer was me ggs.
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NA EC lobby, all regions welcome

joining soon!!
yea lemme finish this frieren ep. & i'll be on
Sin always goes back to hang with Sol, at the end of Overture he was with Dizzy but then went with Sol for the events of Vastedge and Xrd. I don't see why Sin wouldn't be riding with Sol now if they need to be together to find Unika while Ky and others do other things.
>He would kill the new one without second thought.
No he wouldn't, he mellowed out after the whole Justice thing was over. He'd kill new Test if they fucked with him or Dizzy but they wouldn't do that so I don't know where you're getting this from.
It’s an allegory. Old Testament is metal, representing true Guilty Gear. New Testament is trans and non binary, representative of Strive.
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learned a new schnasty setup
It's always 2 steps forward, 2 steps back with this fucking game. Why my I continually get hit by shit I know how to deal with
when you study matchups are you supposed to learn the most obscure and esoteric trap/mixup of the opponent or a general knowledge would suffice at high level?
Cause there is some really obscure shit i don't even know about my main, lots of stuff. Seems to much to handle for so many characters. What do the pros do?
It's like studying anything else, you learn the basic overview of what you need to know and then you play and ingrain it in your mind and then you learn more and play and ingrain it in your mind. The goal isn't to learn everything at once.
Closed, GGs to the Kys
a lot of true knowledge checks you should just figure out the answer for and they shouldn't be a problem ever again except for high pressure situations, otherwise you should learn the basic shit your opponents character does. studying is important and for fighting games it really is as simple as looking at replays and testing out possible options.
Baiken mains will tell you that she sucks without a hint of irony and then proceed to play in a manner that would embarrass rabid dogs
She mustn’t be allowed to be good, for the trannies fear her, that which they could not destroy. So they settle for hiding her from public view.
Are you saying Baiken players are intentionally acting retarded because of the tranny cabal
GG. It's nice going in a mirror and both players have different approaches to the character. Maybe this Alternative Play thing isn't so bad.
who do you think among the strivers is more likely to spit on that thang?
i used to be a baiken hater but honestly she needs some love
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Why did nobody tell me ABAs song gets sick as fuck toward the end?
aba's strive theme is literally the best in the game
every time I said something positive about the game, I got called a soiver, so I stopped.
GGs I love being retarded.
Surprised I didn't hit you with the meaty DP once.
>meaty dp
Mein Lieblings Char aus allen fgs in meinem Lieblings fg wird einfach noch cooler?? GGST ist so goated!
isn't this german bad i thought you had to have the verb as second or last for conjugation purposes
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Personalizing your character
Purposely playing differently
Optimizing the unoptimal
Thinking differently
Rejecting the meta
Challenging conventions
Embracing unpredictability
Alternative Play
Or PPOTRCEA for short!
Yeah they will make Robert, hos and jam easier and cooler, trust season 5
if company director has a million employees i am one of them
if company director has 100 employees i am one of them
if company director has 1 employee i am that employee
if company director has no employees, then i am no longer on this earth
Why do twitter artists make Dizzy a nigger?
>Sin always goes back to hang with Sol
Ky nearly had a stroke in Rev2 when he found out Sol was feeding him nothing but sugar water and was already on edge after Sol did such a poor job of raising the kid during GG2 and SIGN. Xrd Ky would have been out of his fucking mind to let his son hang with Sol anymore, especially after the ordeal with That Man finally came to a close and there's no longer a need for Sol to look after the kid.
>he mellowed out after the whole Justice thing was over.
No he didn't. Play X and XX. He still absolutely despised humanity and wanted to be left alone. Every character interaction involved him threatening the other party if they didn't fuck off.

Fucking Striveniggers man. They think they know the whole fucking story after a single youtube video.
this is almost true.
almost everyone wanting zappa,roboky and answer are all online queers who dont actually play the game that much
good job anon
NTA but you really taking gag scene as if that's how he think of Sol fully as a care taker. Sin obviously enjoys spending time with Sol. Ky isn't this stick up his ass dude to not let his son spend time with his gramps.
>No he didn't. Play X and XX. He still absolutely despised humanity and wanted to be left alone. Every character interaction involved him threatening the other party if they didn't fuck off.

I have. I have also listened to the drama CD stories with Testament and Dizzy in them. I'm aware that he wants to be left alone, that's why I mentioned if new Testament fucked with him or Dizzy. He is not going to go out of his way to kill them, especially since they aren't a human. You don't know what you're talking about.
He did mellow out compared to himself in ML and regrets his actions while he was under Justice's control.

I know the whole story because I have experienced the whole story. Or at least the best I can with how many things require fan translations and are left out of english GG World entries.

Please get down from your high horse and calm down your hate boner for a second if you can. You're embarrassing yourself. I dislike Strive Testament much more than you do I assure you, but you're acting like a retard.

I agree with what the other anon said about Sin and Sol, Ky still respects Sol/Sin and would allow them to hangout still. He accepts that it is his fault for leaving Sin with Sol and he's not actually upset with Sol that much.
>we designed Dizzy for modern audiences
game is so cooked
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add Dilating Eternally to the list
would you play the game moar if dizzy was a stripper again?
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niggas complaining about dizzy's new outfit are worse than the tards that think jam is a racist stereotype
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zato's reversal super is so dogshit
Can we please stop giving Maytard replies? All you have to do is hide and report.
Is the joke that he doesn’t have one?
All this Soive nonsense is lost on me. Besides the Trans pandering with Bridget all the women are still beautiful and not fat. The game has no left wing agenda. It just attracts the worst kinda of people. Japanese still call Bridget a boy so the hell do I care what western troons think.
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should have been robo-ky or zappa
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Remember last year when Elphelt leaked and everyone thought it was fan art. It was Smash4 levels of cope.
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the prudent hypocrisy of these people is mind boggling, they say the previous design only had sex appeal going for it while asking for it shamelessly, ignoring every crticism as ''coomers complaining'', why are they so vindicated about literally every subjet
Anon, there are only 2 female facial models in the game, how did you not notice it after 3 years?

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