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Previous: >>495938608

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Version 9.1.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v910
• Drizzle Season is on until 11/30

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
you won't get third kits lmao
No fatties allowed beyond this point
oh ye of little faith
not over until it's over! But yeah.........
you know they never listen anon...
reminder that sheldon’s picks for 2 happened out of nowhere with no prior evidence towards them
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>150% woomy
Yes anon wpom faster woom harder woom woomier than other woomies can woom.
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Idk if anyone remembers but a few threads ago I posted an anarchy rainbow thing
Now that they gave us clean live arrangements with the grandfest I was able to expand upon it!!!
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>Watches a video of a JP girl pole dancing with traditional clothes and music.
I could totally see Shiver doing this for Frye on a regular basis
Your capture card might be able to do this directly from your windows audio settings instead of having to do it through OBS. My Elgato does. Before this though I was just using a $10-15 hdmi audio extractor
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Holy shit anon....
shiver is so mean...
150% woomy only until it freezes again
still waiting for N to post the pics of the last pb ;_;
wopm woomies per minute
I don't expect them to do good kits anymore so no big loss in my eyes. Maybe one gamebreaking one and it'd be on the weapon I'd least want it on.
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That just means you overwoomed gotta be careful strange things happen to woomy when she overwooms

Calamari Inkantation remix with some squid talk mixed in
>expecting the pedophile frog to get anything right
It's woomying louder not faster
I don't know what you guys have with him but he seems like an alright /ink/er to me. his webms are alright and him organizing PBs is cool. I like him more than the hornyposters, buzzwordfags and the ''kill yourself'' schizo making this general boring and not fun.
cant see your post past callies muffin butt
I need to stop saying "I think I figured it out" because it'll freeze again shortly after
you should strace it
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I love Aori.
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anyone wanna open?
this is animal abuse :(
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This is self-harm.
they're clearly already dead anon, if that's abuse then so is eating bacon
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me to sheldon's family because there are no third kits
why are they drinking blue
Canonically Frye is the one teaching Shiver her dances and overall choreography, so I'd like to think it's the other way around.
open room 2/4 starting
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>third kits
>he still hasn't let go
that's their blood anon, instead of hemoglobin they have hemocyanin because their blood is copper based instead of iron based, octopuses have the same thing.
How new?
what was deleted
he's harmless if he doesn't get attached to you
fat veemo can't find any clothes her size
is he actually a pedophile?
just wait until he starts spamming his shops again
He's an annoying roach.
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N-no you!
Flopper molestation correction needed.
Doctor Strangeflop or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love The Woom
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Flopper bitting correction needed.
marie... need...
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That's a lot of veems!
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GGs p
ggs didn't play though
who salmn
drawing idols and puting the moles on the wrong sides just to bother autists
Inkling feet and toes
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Her eyes are so beautiful.
callies big bouncing booty
duality of calliefags
If you beat me and piss me off I throw if you are on me team next match.
ok sperg
Has the upcoming team contest data been leaked?
has your upcoming stupid question been leaked?
Yes, it's right above your post
i fsh.
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Waiter! Thirds, please!
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payload delivered
you play no defense!
what a well designed game mode
i freelance.
My God, this Goblina is too fucking cute.
if the enemy team was able to get 4 balls at the same time uncontested they were just toying with you and could have won at any time anyway
Frye burping and slapping her huge gut.
i not freelance, i join
we got two of them then the enemy sploosh did the stupid thing of putting a super clam in by himself and dying so I rushed to the empty enemy base trusting my teammates to clean up the last remaining enemy so that this last action could be set up
I didn't expect a KO out of it though
she would be better if she was white
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but shiver's intense gookiness is her main appeal
i mean the brown ones
god I want to grope her doughy ass
splatoon has no white characters
they're all japanese
the brown ones are just tan
frye is definitely indian
>giving them nationalities
they're squids
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Pearl is definitely white
frye's pointy tongue goes inside there
so the character themes that are obviously going for a certain cultures is just nondescript music, completely unrecognizable
They're not human
Human races and ethnicity don't apply to them
japanese, maybe hapa at best
do hapa wiggers exist?
You aren't that bright are you.
do you blame the mode design when someone with the rainmaker sneaks behind your team?
Pfff- Nothing wrong with what >>496118993 said lmao-
pearl pegging me
thought marina was the futa out of the two
Now do it again on the custom.
you dont mind callie lewdposts?
I don't mind 'em at all to a degree, yes.
anyone up for a pb right now
let's do it.
im at work rn
lmfao. the tick rate just doesnt give a fuck man. what is this
callie twerking
I hate octoling players so damn much. I wouldn't mind them if they didn't attract the worst kind of players imaginable.
Inklings are white and Octolings are the other.
Shut the fuck up retarded nigger with your forced octo hate meme.
remove the "kind" in your phrase
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jesus fucking christ.
ok feel free to create it i'll join. what would you like to do? 1V1? or just dicking around?
why use words you don't understand?
if only there was a badge
>feel free to create it i'll join
then why ask?
sorry that was me
no she's too much of a bottom
pulled the ASS goddess herself
oh god how bad were your teammates
wat? I guess I can create the pb if you want
Not really, Nono is not a real pedo like Goji.
i miss miiverse
>octolings are canonically studios, disciplined, intelligent, but physically weak
>inklings are canonically hedonistic, slackers, brutish, but physically powerful (and lucky as fuck)
having a serious talk with the mildly toxic slippery pink wiggle girl about her sedentary lifestyle and lack of savings account until she blocks me on finstaclam and I have to return to watching her from afar
it's not that deep, octolings are nerds and inklings are jocks
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Where the YEBS?????
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yebbies have it rough these days
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>mildly toxic
commit suicide
I ate 'em *UURRRP*
You know you could always squidparty in her butthole
he means in the literal sense you fucking idiot
splatana stamper nouveau???
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Oh this one artist, I love the yebs they draw so much... This one is so good.
This should be actual yebby gear for Splatoowen.
What the FUCK, spit them out.
>I've spent all day trying to get this fucking card to work instead of playing
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harmony is like the only female character everyone seems to agree should have zero curves whatsoever
still a retarded post
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fat harmony
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You clearly haven't seen much fanart
I wish splatoon wasnt full of trannies
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Guri/Laios raped an infant to death this morning.
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they aren't real fans
literally who
probably thats western shitty "art".
Very cute goblina who got winged by the mammal ray
haha funny
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>splatoon gmod sm64
absolutely fucking cursed autism triumverate
Haven't seen their stuff in a while still funny
Super Marie 64
ggs s
no kings today
I'm so incredibly autistic I can't decide on a species.
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would have won if i just ignored the freelancers. let me waste 75% ink tank on a bomb they actively avoid being revived with. also 4chan deleting my post and pretending it posted is pretty dumb too.
If I make it to 2000 it'd be too many.
yeah i did see one or two of them crawl away from bombs
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ATTENTION MOVIEGOERS: the Grand Festival icon has been added.
im sorry but why would anyone use that
it's already over
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I said washing mochine out loud today by mistake.
no PB tonight?
fuck you im going to put it on once i get it just to spite you
Just to show that you actually were there to experience it
which idol would look best as a clown?
we already have jester frye
but i'd say big man
big man wouldn't be a very good clown
He'd be the Big Top
then frye, she jumps around and could entertain kids for hours
I'm gonna assume these exist because of, that, channel (you know the one) making a splatoon video like once or maybe more I don't know I haven't heard anything about that channel in years
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let's do it.
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>Shiver the first time she went on a SR job
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jelly abuse best abuse
Based. Live yourself.
Mime vs Jester vs Clown splatfest!
never gonna happen because the team is stupid and wasted all splatfest ideas on food and repeats
and now next game is going back to 1 vs 1 formula..... which makes me wonder who is big man gonna rep?
Like Callie, Pearl and Shiver would be repping whatever new idol stands on the right side of the screen
while Marie, Marina and Frye get the one that's on the left.
Big man would just be jumping the fence every splatfest or be totally neutral in the middle
well, are you joining?
Based dev team squandering any decent Splatfest ideas. 4's themes will be even worse.
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anon you're concerning me.
As long as we go back to two choices it'll be fine.
there will NEVER be a theme as bad as front roll vs back roll.
old idols wont be in the new one until the final 4-way splatfest
europeans I shig
that was a good one it outed the absolute subhumans who do back roll
>What's the best hotdog topping?
>Ketchup vs mustard vs mayo vs relish
Look at the jellies shirt its a Frye shirt he's is greatly enjoying this.
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the yebbies are dead
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deep cut if marina drew them
This yeb looks pretty good looking for being dead, so I'll take it.
Post some more spooky yebs.
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they're built like thumbs
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ggs turf. i love curling bomb. imagine getting base raced by a splatling.
good woomy
the best yeb here

who is it
the best web is also a woomy
thats just how good woomies are
so a troomy
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3922 1313 3427
No Marinated Tops allowed.
can you draw us after
you should draw a bath to cleanse the filth after the erp sesh
Poorly? Maybe after I'm done with the project.
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why yes.
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Best shopkeep
shitty shopkeeper
I want to stick my dick in the sea slug auntie.
The yeb that plays TW, Open and/or SR with me.
Could be yours if you do that NOW.
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good night /ink/
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Gobnight anon.
harmonyfags in shambles
Sweet dreams, Goblinafan. I'll go hit the bed too.
Still SR?
Ye w2
sr 2/4
this is what i live for!
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she's cute but I don't like her one weird foot
>Mentions of Flow's age have been indirect, inconsistent, and vague. The Squid Research Lab and The Art of Splatoon 2 describe her as a "bit older" than her customers, but also state that her "baby face" makes her true age completely indiscernible. Pieces of concept art also describe her as having the "vibe" of a "20-something party girl". Her aforementioned fondness for alcohol and the fact that she is implied to have been traveling extensively since at least 2007 Mollusc Era (approximately ten years before the start of Splatoon 2) would heavily suggest she is at least of legal age. Ultimately, it can be reasonably presumed that Flow is likely at least in her twenties, if not older, as of Splatoon 2. Her age in Splatoon 3 would consequently also be several years older than that.
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the enemy
How many cephs in the butt?
exquisite squiggly
wait, where's 433?
When are we getting more Yeb Psycho 100.
Accounting error.
Love Melody...
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Beeb season soon.
Very good
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Beeb season in 5 more days
Not a fan of female octopuses
Would you mind taking a pic of the woomy I've got rn?
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not sure if I should play splatoon 3
Do you love woomy?
Play Splatoon 3.
I already played it though
>2007 Mollusc Era
There's an official calendar?
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Can't wait!
pani woomy eated all the chocolat
why is twitter calling them "inkfish"
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Did your woomy change clothes as I was moving through plazas? Could have sworn you were wearing a different outfit or maybe I wasn't paying attention to names.
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Would any woom like to slim for a king?
I could slim.
you're a squid now
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Fisher slang for cephalopods and Flow says it to the player.
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>last panels
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Panel 6 is confusing me. Is SS looking through a window?
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It's an alt woomy
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Marie's attempt at training up an Agent 5 was not very successful
and thanks for the pic friend.
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I made this for you /ink/
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hello fellow fish, gotta step out for a minute, can you please keep the stinky inklings away from my eggs? thanks.
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GGs slim!
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damn THIS is what paruko looks like?
blue board, dude
If splatoon 4 comes out i hope its an all male idol group
if splatoon 4 comes out i hope it has cute sea critters once more
doubt it, 3 didn't
I read that as sea otters and started thinking about the absolute destruction introducing cute humanized otters would wrought
I don't want splatoon 4 because I don't want to suffer any more.
>then don't buy it
I'm too far in to stop.
Splatoon 4 will let you play as older versions of the cephs we have now
I feel the same way too, i hope they do a lot more. Like i don't want to wait hours to play a certain ranked gamemodes and having better customization plus apartments. I want a lot for 60 plus dollars
in splatoon 4 you will work a job you're not really fond of but which pays the bills while you focus on pursuing whatever your real dream is, except that seems to slip further and further away every day
I just think with 3 being unfinished if tjrt make 4 it's like they're leaving us out to dry and then selling us water

when we should have been quenched to begin with
Nintendo moment
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Would anyone be interested in some Challenging at the hour?
i think you should stop being disingenuous
we can join
then your splatoon 3 ceph comes back and remind you why had that dream in the first place and tells you to never give up
>i just think with 3 being unfinished
you don't actually, unironically believe this
stop being disingenuous
>third kits were a mistake
- Nogami, probably
3/4, (You) me if you want in.
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they killed millions
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how is it disingenuous to say I'd rather be thirsty for more than dehydrated.

maybe if your only qualifications for "finished" were 2 years of updates and side order releasing.
>exactly what they promised
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How does death work for inkling and octarians if they revive rather fast? Did the spawners not exist back then making their deaths permanent or was the great turf war just spawncamping?
I hate challenges because it forces me to watch the newscast
it's a pretty safe assumption that respawn points haven't always been around
it's not really clear when they were invented, though
considering the great octo weapons were already in use during the great turf war 100 years ago it's possible that they did already exist then, though, since they seem like reasonably complex machines
Dam I love that coat.
i feel like 50% of the core mechanic of the game aka swimming isnt even really functional because the shitty fucking netcode doesnt even accurately show the swimming ripples most of the time
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GG's Challengers
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you're garbage at splatoon
just trying to practice chargers/grind up some 1 stars and tw keeps putting me on the most fucked teams with 2 other chargers
Sex with woomy
Sex with yebby
Sex with veemo
sex with this woomy
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what about the rest of these?
i just wanted to come back and play reef after being gone for a week for work
cut my tendon on my hand, might never recover
life never stops being painful
life vest doesn't show enough so it's also off-limits
>nogami denied us the chance to play REEF-LUX and use REEFslider on The REEF
>having autistic rules instead of letting people have fun with your dumb challenge
>The Reef's Own Reefsliding REEF-lux user
anon just join they dont kick people anyway
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beta pearl wip
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kill yourself
How do you avatarfag for a character that doesn't exist?
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Sunny my beloved
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sex with this woomy
where are her abs?
Very nice.
woomies have hips instead.
>posts pic
>catbox is same pic
are these actually just the same pic but ones a higher quality, or is there a difference im missing here
me on the left
Fish on rot? Haven't played this one yet
anyone wanna do the challenge at rotation?
I can join after I get my SR capsules
sure just let me know when you wanna play
Sometimes I get a little annoyed by the fact that Im fighting against the ink color I want to use and end up playing a little harder as if to say I am the better [insert color] user
Is that weird
i only do that in mirror match weapons
That goes without saying, especially when it's a game between kits like which is the better one
Stop saying rot
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I am DONE fishing
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I like saying rot
would you milk a squid if you could
>if you could
Are you not eating squid cheese with every meal?
if splatoon ever gets an anime, it should be like this
all gibberish, with subtitles for everyone
Cool. Sorry for this match, I can't eliter :/
no big deal at all, it's random weapons
just have some fun
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callie being surprised as the news that guys can be attracted to thighs
>get my main
>play like dogshit
Yeah that's one of the challenges that's not total shit
Anon please im trying not to be horny
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is she just impossible to make look appealing
143 weapons and i get gold aerospray 5 times
>posts appealing image of Frye
>is she just impossible to make look appealing
at the risk of falling for bait, no, and fuck you
>do random weapon challenges
>kids complain that they get chargers (and worse, charger teammates)
>ngmi adjusts ratios so braindead easy guns are more common
>now adults complain because they get aerosprays
There's no 433 in my archive. 432 was last thread.
Do I keep this as 434, (the next one will be 433, and then 435 will follow), or do I change this to 433?
Or do I archive it as 434[sic](433)?
GGs challengers
You should change it to 433.
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GGs. It kind of stopped being fun when we lost a gorillion points to bullshit that one time, but eh. I played a lot of those weapons stupidly because I don't know them.
And GGs you too!
source? is this a poster you can buy?
bro what are you on
i’ve been obsessed with her for 6 years is how
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I legit have no clue; it feels like that's my luck for the next 5 years because I got pretty lucky with my teammates vs opponents most of the rot.
Didn't realize you guys were playing otherwise I would have joined.
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>at the risk of falling for bait
shoutout to women
Impressive nonetheless, hope it was enough for gold!
>frontline shooter main picks up jet squelcher for a stream
>plays like a backline bitch
every fucking time
no aggression, no taking advantage of its freedom of positioning and immediacy, always holding back
God i really wish I had more chunks so i didnt have to deal with this bullshit and actually sleep
play salmon run
do you use the gear seed system? i dont have a lot of chunks and i dont struggle. i just use the seed to guide me.
I would do it more often if I had more time, and even then it's a grind for a bunch of random abilities
Yes I use the seeds, no it is not helping me because I keep getting into matches where my team is getting stomped and making this take ten times longer than it needs to
>skill issue
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Win or lose it doesnt matter. It should take you about an hour of ranked open queue to fully level a piece of gear. Just keep a list of all your seeds somewhere so you can keep track of everything and do it slowly, over time. Itll get done! Also queue with the pool when youre ready to farm gear, lol.
groan...Noted, im done for the night/day? Clam Blitz will test my patience if i even attempt
fish o' clcok!
anyone feeling like hunting joe?
My sub runs out today. Not going to renew. Going to miss you guys.
see you, space cowboy
isn't it like 7 bucks a month and 70 something a year?
if you're in the US ig
I'm not judging or anyrthing I only have online cuz a friend got me in his family plan lel
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all the mass that would have gone to her flops was redistributed
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It's an artbook! I posted the contents a few days ago.
Rotation is too long
Rotato is funny but also too long
Rot is fine
kill yourself
It's $20 a year for burgers unless you pay for the premium paypig version. But I get it, I'm not renewing my NSO next year either.
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Need chocotako wife

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