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Previous: >>496017394
Now that the dust has been settling, how we place Terry in the meta?
Cammy > Akuma > Terry > Bison > Rashid > Chun > Ken > JP > Luke
dogshit game
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Overcomplicated. He trash.
He is pay2win like all DLC but hard to play for most people
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My cutie, duckface wife.
>Niggas calling Terry a hard character
Oh muh Lord
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Cammy is midtier
Even Max struggling a bit with Terry and he a veteran
>Terry better than Ken, Bison or Rashid
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You finna have spergs who sink countless hours in SF6, but not in other games/areas of life, calling Max bad for being an above-average player who only touches this game for 1 week every 4 months.
Ugly face
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If this is ugly imagine (you)
Because is not Cammy
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Max is the perfect average dude for fighting games, because while he has the legacy and skill way higher than your average person, he rotates towards multiple games so his skill gets rusty, making him the perfect, average-ish guy to give intakes on fighting games.
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...is a cuck faggot.
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The ineedumeme has been run to the ground.
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Ineeduchun = I need you Chun
not a person
>t. ineeduchun
The Ineeduchun faggot is a frog right?
Just nuke France already, someone. Nothing of value will be lost.
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There's no one named IneeduChun in CFN
Ok ineeduchun
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Stop bringing up that faggot when people post Chun-li.
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It's the schizo stalker >>496112952 >>496113369
he'll leave after he gets bored
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They should have made Li-Fen her biological daughter anyways, they look the same.
>Calling me a schizo stalker when I just know this faggot for selfposting here for hours on end during the early days of /sfg/ and sometimes during these days
Men can compesate by being strong or smart

Women need to be attractive
Sure thing, see you in a few weeks.
They want to keep the illusion of a virgin hag, and not the fact Chun is bouncing on cock like a jackhammer to cope with stress.
Whats the fastest way to grind affection in WT?
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>Cammy defender's are all Black/Brown/Porn Addicts
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Easy on the truthpill...
The desire to be bleached is too strong is just natural
Nigga franchise
Theres a character in boondocks who is literally loli Cammy
The fact she hasn't settled down with anyone is fake shit from capcom.
You just know she even gives that desperate fucking for a boyfriend/husband.
>Nigga franchise
this is not the MvC general though?
Most waifufaggots are subhuman.
MvC has more people of other races wdym?
lol and even a lmao
>buy SF6
>Terry doesn’t even have a blue jacket alt
Nigga colorblind
>Buy Smash Ult
>Each character has already 8 alt colors unlocked right away
Capcom lore is fanom at this point
Based and truthpilled
>Mods mogs official costumes
li fen kawaii
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This one the best for me
That DIO Za Warudo Stand lookin ass...
My scrimblo deserved better
enjoy your stay
This game is really boring with all the drive dashing. I’d play guilty gear but that game has the least interesting characters in a fighter to me
Looking at this I think part of what makes Terry in dix so strange is because he looks like some weird old white dude and still wearing this fuckboi style
But Ryu and Ken don't look that bad even in their old costumes so maybe they just suck in general
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My wife and her pantyless, bubble butt.
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Do not click
Do not watch
Do not
My heart hurt this was worse than a jumpscare.... can you just spoiler ryu and ken kissing like a civilized human being?
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Sorry but the age of men is over.
Ryu and Ken is not gay is manly
How come you find GG’s cast boring? Lack of certain archetypes?
>JP got buffed
It's once again time for men
I am afraid to click now, whats there?
Ken is zesty af have you seen how he looks in Alpha? Ryu's straight
>Ryu and Ken is not gay is cute and canon*
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When are they buffing Chun? She's so bad rn
>autist who clearly has no sexual energy/attraction to people d
Ryu is an autist who follows his heart and his heart is for Ken. He doesn't care for labels, much less for carnal desires.
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>is "gay"
>does this
>Draws Juri Husband a brazilian brown man with a beard
>Gives him a headband and calls him Ryu
Calling Ken gay is wild when is implied he is the father of Karin. If anything, Ken is bi and Ryu is the gay one since he never cared for Chunners or Sakura.
>Ryu is an autist
There is a huge overlap between autists and trannies, just look at Strive players. Not saying that Ryu is a tranny, but I doubt he is straight.
Did Jp get buffed? Is he good now?
As a female, I love the RyuxKen ship /sfg/'s gott going
Ken is homeless and working a 9-5 as a construction worker in World Tour and Ryu never acknowledges it. Sorry fujo but Ryu and Ken are the equivalent of old high school best friends who laugh when they remember the good times but never actually talk to each other
Autists are not neurotypical, which means they most likely don't tackle sexuality and attraction normally to begin with.
Ken and Chun-Li get to be in a game with a full on color edit mode.
Speaking of Ryu and Ken, I wish Ken had a fake fireball like Ryu does. It really feels like Ken's zoning is subpar and he has no options for when he wants to play keep away compared to the other shotos. Just one more option would be nice
Me (ryu) and who (juri)
I'm straight, but I can still appreciate a feminine penis
Autists are usually hypersexual or hyposexual. Either they becone full degens putting their dick everywhere or they commit to one person no matter if it is a man or woman to love.
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This is the best color
Are you saying Ryu's a fucking degenerate
Then you're gay, you're not straight lil bro
what the hell is this? this isn't even a fighting game related image, go back to /fgg/ coomer retard
If you want a good guilty gear game your only choice is +R. The characters are fun there. If you’re only looking at strive for its popularity you may as well stay with sf6.
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Yeah, finally i'm having this again
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I can understand what this is! This is a fighting game related image, never go to /fgg/ savant genius
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Cammy cute
I like when a guy has a penis cut to precision. I dont like uncut, but some cuts look bad, it needs to be properly trimmed.
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>Cammy Cute
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>Trash talking STACYtena my beloved wife and mother of my children
This doesn't work because unlike Ed Terry is actually fun to play
Canon post if you a brown male. Palutena is for brown cock only.
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Palutena and Cammy are literally designed for picrel
looks like a Gief main
He's not black and muscular
Looks more like a reddit mod
Black worship is tranny j00 behavior sorry bud
Dark Chunners...
That is what I said
Neither are you lil bro
>Still yet to see a cammy player who is not brown/black/or a tranny
Can one handsome normal person play Cammy just so I can have an excuse to not notice this
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>here's your Year 3 guest character
How mad would /sfg/ be?
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The Hungry Wolf has made his stop in Metro City! Who will stand up to take him on? On Saturday October 5th at 2pm Anon Arena will be hosting a SF6 tournament! Sign up in the link below and I'll see you all there!


Got any questions? Ask them.
Built for cammy
's dog.
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Marisa should've looked like this
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Cammy-hime is a cat person, retard, you're confusing her with Blue Mary.
>Didn't play WT
Shes getting over her fears of dogs and is going to own one.
when ur so low iq (brown/black/tranny) that you don't get what he implied...
Why did Capcom make her waist so big
should have been cammy instead of ken, but whatevs.
Season 3 will have Eternity, Alex, goku and Rufus
When are we getting color editing it would still work with Capcom's greedy practice of paywalling colors if you have to select from parts of owned colors
Season 3 will introduce Cammy's Husband, an anthro (furry) indian man.
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I'm Mexican and brown.
I did, it's that forgettable.
I'm EU I can't
Zangief vs Cammy is terrible.
Feels just as bad as Dhalsim vs Manon.

Blacklist every time
fuck man, why do no white people play cammy... its literally brown coomers its so whack
shoo shoo Snake Eyez
>short hair
shes turning into blue mary
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Should I learn Kimberly?
It only really gets bad if she gets an early corner, otherwise i think it is kinda fun.
Then again i have fun against fucking Dhalsim so i am even more retarded than the average Gief.
Night Queen...
I've been trying but she's absolutely fucking awful
Kim and Elena need to be darker
She is very strong in ranked ft2 if you're good at cycling your options.
>Elena if she was real
If we get a shitty mk crossover i hope its noob saibot instead of boring ass sub/scorp
Finna sniff
why are ryu's eyes bloodshot like a drunk in sf6? why do all the females have pot marks and acne scars?
>I hope is <underground pick instead of obvious fanfavorites>
Imagine living with that contrarian brain of yours
>struggle to get to diamond 5
>decide to just focus on blocking, don't even try to tech unless I'm like 1-2 throws away from dying
>just wait until they overcommit or overextend
>on a 6 win streak because of it

was it really that simple
i just had to block more?
Does SFVI have a Laura Bailey mod?
>eng Chun
>laura shitley
what is nigga doing
Ninjas are all popular, like shotos
Nonetheless, comparing Saibot to Scorpion or SubZero is insane.
Is like saying Silver the edgyhog is just as iconic as Sonic or Tails. Or that Waluigi is more important than Mario or Luigi.
she maek dik hard
cfn down for anyone else?
A few minutes ago but it works for me now
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What happened at Capcom when designing Manon? A character needs some sort of gameplan to pursue to be functional. A YOLO command grab with fatal risk VS mediocre reward and no mixups or pressure to enforce it as a grappler is not a gameplan. This character doesn't have a single aspect of the game to approach that isn't disadvantaged to dysfunctional.
The fact that some characters can crMK DR and some can't shows that they weren't thinking at all when designing this system.
I think this game's online became more unstable since the patch, what the fuck is going on?
>Strive and MK releasing huge balance changes, new moves, faster character release schedule, additional game modes
>Even fucking KoF is releasing a big balance patch
>crickets from Capcom
Why do they want this game to die
>ono gone
>grapplers are all shit and useless tier just like SF3 Alex instead of good like Abel, Laura, Mika
Thats funny
its been getting more unstable since season 2 and every patch has made it worse but no jap is talking about it so capcom and the twitter drones will ignore it
They want to make the game as dumb as possible to let Timmy larp as Daigo and spend his capmoney on avatar outfits
I swear I've had more random disconnects on any character I play, it literally doesn't matter and they don't seem like ragequit moments either. Hell, didn't Punk have a disconnect problem earlier this week?
I think it was the worldwide patch that did it
Adding to this, has any anon noticed that navigating the menus has had a lot more stutters than before? Yes this game is sadly baked with denuvo but even then season 1 never felt this much of a stutterfest.
Bro, don’t compare Strive’s dev support with SF6. Arcsys is slow as molasses.
That's the game overall getting more stuttery the Terry battlepass patch made it particularly noticeable.
They need to remove shitnuvo already. The game stutters on my 4080 Super
damn, ken and chunli's cotw themes are going to be way better than their themes in sf6....
Chun-Li's capjams arrangement is good is it not?
Not yet
eh the COTW ost is kinda middling compared to their previous works
Why does sub Terry sound so weird in 6
You’re just making shit up at this point. Jesus Christ I wish I could rape you
Dub is better unfortunately
For all the Bison mains out there does the scissor kick nerf feel noticeable at all?
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Now this bait doesn’t work for me since I’m not the dub hater guy a few posts up. I just wanna rape you because you give off feminine male vibes. And no I’m not projecting my crush on you
like holy shit I met this cute boy at my local and legit got captivated.
Theres almost no difference. I think some cr mks punish it better but almost nobody just mashes cr mk after blocking it
I don’t remember him being so bad at enunciating sentences. Specials sound cool though
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marisaGAWDS rise up
buffs soon..
Nah, it isn't.
It's open to EU
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>no slime rush
>no throw loops
>no perfect parry
>panty shots
>color edit mode
>better implementation of simple controls
>free season of DLC characters
>better music

COTW waiting room.
no players
You niggas better pray this karma doesn’t bite your ass lol
That online for city of the wolves better be as flawless as strive and SF6. Because if it’s another KOF15 or samsho

To be fair, Samsho was kneecapped by EGS exclusivity. By the time it finally came to Steam, no one wanted to play it anymore.
Not being able to use feints and brakes in "smart" style is a stroke of genius on SNK's part.
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So true...
bro got tired of idom venting to him huh lmao
and people complaining was the reason sfv got fixed
This. You’d think niggers here would post NEW jive matches instead of the same old funny meme webms or post their fightcade matches(you can hide the names)
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Yeah bro complaining like a little sissy bitch every day inssessently is how all problems get solved. Not doing something about it (Contacting the devs, annoying THEM instead of the other people who are chilling)
Except SFv was loved, nobody here likes SF6 and want to got SF7 already lol. There’s a MASSIVE difference
Nigga said SFV was loved
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Sshh delusional tranny, people who where around before you born and transitioned are talking here
nakayama looks at twitter all the time, and people put their complaints in his tweets. and im sure players have talked to him or capcom either formally in the feedback polls or informally. if you don't want to read people's takes on twitter, close the browser tab.
>sfv was loved
>If you don't want to read's people takes
nice use your logic and dont play SF6 and play SFV your beloved perfect, game. you've already whined enough i'm sure Nakayama has seen enough of your sobbing
>"The thing is third strike isn't even hard to play. I can literally pick up Chun Li and beat people easy in that game. It's not hard like that." - Punk
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It's time for men
>"The thing is Street Fighter 6 isn't even hard to play. I can literally pick up Cammy and beat people easy in that game. It's not hard like that." -
How come no one is joining?
no one called sfv perfect. and people continue to complain because the issues are pretty obvious. i actually that being extra vitriolic about the game here is kinda silly, but people are gonna do what they do.
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don't care
sf6 won
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even xitter is sick of jivetranny whining.
fake ass 09ers, at 09ers had reason to bitch about a broken laggy game
me when im getting throw looped in this dogshit game
What do you do when you're not playing Dix and calling the game dogshit?
hold up a tick, they get ken and chun li for free while we have to pay for terry and mai....
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Silly Anons, if you all hate this game so much, why do you play it every single day ?
Why does Punk hate third strike so much? He's talking trash about it and strike players in his twitch.
He hates everything like the bitter abomination forgotten by God he is. His life is to play newest SF games everyday to gather respect from black manchildren who worship him, anyone would be miserable living like that.
he's a disciple of professor daigo
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asspained shill, lol.
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hes a based 09er like me (the harder, better made game).
who is dafeetlee?
a mid tier sf4 player, kek.
>why does he hate fighting nothing but Yun and Chun Li
Gee i wonder
random 09er, known from NLBC
thats better than sh*ckle whos a low tier sfv player
People don’t want to get doxxed
Kim is based and will carry you pretty far before she falls off. If you're not master I think she's probably the easiest character to get there with (I don't own bison though so maybe he is). She also has a shitload of different knockdowns and oki setups to learn if you end up liking the character.
i open the game once a day to ponder goddess li and then close it
1. Literal addiction
I'm literally addicted to wasting my time every night. I actually can't quit at this point without it feeling like pulling teeth.
2. Sunk cost feeling
I've invested too much time and energy into this game to just throw it all away because I don't like it.
The voices are always telling me, "Today is the day it will click, you will magically hit Legend and be able to go pro and everyone's gonna think you're cool for being good at Street Fighter."
I need therapy to get these irrational thoughts out of my head.
3. My life is a joke.
I got nothing else going on. No gf, no friends, no family, no career. I just have vidya.
When I play games that give me joy and make me happy, they just make me feel empty when they end.
Practicing SF feels like "work" and "work" feels "productive."
I can delude myself into feeling like I'm doing something productive if I spent my day labbing tech, and by "labbing tech" I mean trying to react to DI, getting frustrated that I can't do it consistently enough, quitting after 10 minutes, and rage quiuing on ranked for 5 hours until I hit an MR that doesn't make me want to kill myself.
just make an alt

because nobody actually likes or plays SF6 here, SFV mindbroke some people so hard that they pretend to like Slimer 6 out of spite.
people usually join closer to the tournament date
also it's pretty funny the spergs itt are so scared of "doxxing" when that usually only happened in /fgg/ when there were regular and consistent lobbies and then someone attentionwhored after or there was discord drama
really doubt anyone here would give a shit
this thread IS /fgg/, along with some redditors SF6 brought in.
>because nobody actually likes or plays SF6 here, SFV mindbroke some people so hard that they pretend to like Slimer 6 out of spite.
sf4 and 6 is all i play
yea no shit
but the conditions here are pretty different to when that type of thing happened
>almost nobody just mashes cr mk after blocking it
Maybe people will start doing it since its a good counter to scissor kick?
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Drive parry is wack as fucck
4. Beating people feels good
Even if my wins just boil down to lucky corner guesses (and that's all they are. Blind guesses. I have no concept of how to actually weigh risk/reward or how to read people's behavior), or my opponent simply not knowing how to deal with my character's gimmicks and knowledge checks, it gives me a small ego trip and feeds into my pathetic little superiority complex when I win games, which feels good, which drives me to continue so I can hopefully keep getting that feeling
>FF:CotW Ken and Chun-Li will be limited to three supers: two normal supers with two strength variations, and their Hidden Gear (requires full meter and being in the SPG segment of your life bar)
What are your options?
i remember when snkucks itt told me that sf characters wouldn't end up in cotw because "that isn't how guest characters work" lmao
crabbies is dumb ahh hell aint that obvious
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Which is funny, because Fatal Fury Special had the first ever guest character in fighting games (Ryo from Art of Fighting).
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Our QVEEN kinda spittin doe
but shuckle, that's a fucking stupid point, because if your opponent is timing their meaties properly, you should ALWAYS get the perfect parry with 100% consistency
if you are NOT getting the perfect parry, then that gives you information that your opponent is sloppy with their perfect parry timing, which opens up wakeup buttons
and if you're unsure, there's always reversals or just blocking
will sajam ever let go of the seething hate in his heart?
interesting, i did not know that
Not an argument :)
Not an argument :)
what could they even discover about terry's kit to make up for his shortcomings?
Not an argument :)
people who understand the game aren't welcome here
you cooked son. stand proud, the shuckle orbiters did not like this one
Another thing she fails to acknowledge her is that mistiming your perfect parry isn't the end of the world.
It's better than blocking because you don't lose gauge.
If you got thrown, you were going to get thrown regardless of whether your parry was perfect or not, so that's irrelevant
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Remember swimsuit costumes.
Its cute that TImmy from /r/kappachino thinks he knows more than Shuckle
this but jive and spaming + mediums and muh nooch
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I do...
>muh nooch

Are Dix throaters really using neutral as a negative point now?
09ers cooked jive turkeys
why do dix zoomies love larping as 09ers?
How is Bison post nerf? Seemed pretty bad.
The fact that the neutral game is something you have to "unlock" in 6 before you can earn the right to play it is what makes 6 unique and interesting.
Why the fuck should I be forced to play neutral against someone who can't anti-air, can't react to DI, can't check DRs, or any of that simple baby shit?
You don't even know how to play your own character and you want me to play "neutral" with you? Get fucked, take this fireball DR mix and cry bitch
bruv said "check drs"
For Ken
>Level 1/2 punch super
>Level 1/2 kick super
Shippu Jinraikyaku
>Hidden Gear
Kuzuryu Reppa no I don't care that Violent Ken was the one who had this move in SVC Chaos, you can give this to regular Ken.

For Chun-Li
>Level 1/2 punch super
Kikosho (has an aerial version too here)
>Level 1/2 kick super
>Hidden Gear
Soten Renka or some other cooler looking move ideally.
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>Black Star Terrybros, wya?
Terry is very endearing. On top of his classic sound effect in burnout and him playing on a cabinet in character select, he still looks like an arcade character in the SF6 environment.

Flawless design. Might be my new main off of this alone.
yea bro older games forced better players to play neutral against less skilled players
>On top of his classic sound effect in burnout and him playing on a cabinet in character select, he still looks like an arcade character in the SF6 environment.
Don't forget that if you do the true Power Geyser input (21416+MK+HP), he gets his FF2 straight vertical Power Geyser.
I came to sf6 from MK and after over a year I'm starting to realize that 'jivers' make a lot of sense
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no more RE engine
chun is actually really fun once you get used to her combos
That's not the point.
Let's set up an intentionally unrealistic scenario. We set the training mode dummy to knock you down and then it goes for a 5f move for oki. You start learning the timing to perfect parry this every time. Great! You can now perfect parry this exact string. You even have 1f of wiggle room.
But if you set the dummy to instead go for an 8f move, your timing doesn't work anymore, because perfect parry is a 2f window. No human can react to 5 frames of startup versus 8 frames of startup. So this hypothetical that assumes that the opponent is able to perfectly time a wakeup parry is already flawed.
In reality, people going for wakeup perfect parry aren't trying to time a specific option. They're just randomly parrying hoping to get the perfect parry into back throw. That's what makes it literally random.
It was the same issue with perfect parrying Honda headbutts in season 1. His headbutt startups had I think 3 frames of difference between each version and at midrange the difference was imperceptible, making it impossible to CONSISTENTLY perfect parry it in a real match.
I did not read that
jive turkey false flag
He cooked you, just go back to jive princess
I'm actually both a NEET and quite like SF6 but can't find the energy to play everyday it's legitimately exhausting from the constant mental stack and reaction checks (the higher volatility of SF6 tournaments makes a lot of sense because of this honestly)
sf3 is the only game i can relax and go 2% on
making the claim that drive widened the skill gap is pretty funny. i know you haven't played many fighting games, but there isn't a single game out there where a skilled player is "forced" to respect neutral against a less skilled player. you ARE forced to respect drive options from dogshit players though. since you seem to be obsessed with sfv this was actually one of the complaints people had - they didn't like being forced to deal with VT pressure.
Whether your opponent uses a 5 frame meaty or an 8 frame meaty, if you didn't perfect parry the meaty, then your opponent mistimed their meaty (either intentionally to mess with your parry timing, or unintentionally because they're sloppy).
Either way, if you didn't get the perfect parry, you got a regular parry, which makes it so you block the hit without losing drive gauge. Not the end of the world.
Since you know they're not timing their meaties properly, you can try mashing a 4 frame button (preferably a low, so you can hedge against shimmies) the next time you get knocked down.
This will beat out their mistimed meaty.
If you don't think they're being mistimed that poorly, you can OD reversal.
>In reality, people going for wakeup perfect parry aren't trying to time a specific option. They're just randomly parrying hoping to get the perfect parry into back throw
The same is true of all defensive options. Whatever I decide to do on wakeup, I'm just hoping that it works.

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they buffed Dhalsim btw
>older game does something different than newer game
>this means old game is better

what is blud yapping about
Thanks silent, I will sign up last second with the wrong cfn as per tradition
Ok I'm already bored of this dl'''c'''. When's the next one and is it another boring snk fag
Do people still insist Dhalsim is a rushdown character?
I've never encountered more smurfs in any other genre than fighting games.
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Is Terry weak? He feels worse than Ryu.
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Not compatible with crapcom hr directives.
mai is uncensored in 6 albeit
Where's the swimsuits lil tim
The issue is not "it's the end of the world for me as the defender to not be able to perfect parry consistently".
The issue is the attacker is always guessing on their own offense and the reason for that is the randomness of perfect parry.
In most cases of you take an EX DP it's not the end of the world because it resets to neutral. Perfect parry does not reset to neutral. You're getting back thrown into the corner.
Remember why pressuring JP was so dangerous back in S1? Amnesia was a nightmare to deal with. You knocked him down and you're guessing on your own offense, and if you're wrong you're losing half your life. It is the same principle with perfect parry, just not as blatant
erm... There's already like 3 for your avatar?
That's rad
Characters are fairly getting costumes in waves and at that point is it really relevant yet to do generic swimsuits?
he is educating the unwashed 3s masses
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you got bitches and i got niggas
What does this mean anon?
This artist is singlehandedly carrying JP lmao
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theres SF waifus have zero dedicated artists but JP has like 2 or 3, funny shit
Is Bison still top tier after his nerf?
>nemo is still using him
>problem x is still using him
yes. they barely touched the character
a meaty that intentionally hits on the third frame or later after the opponent wakes up would not be mistimed and would also be impossible to pp consistently if you labbed your own wakeup timing, no? for example, kimberly auto timed cr mp > cr mp meaty after her kick ender in the corner can be pp consistently, as can cr mp > cr mk and cr mp > st mk and cr mp > st hp. but cr mp > st hk hit actually hits on the 4th frame, trades with 4f light mash and gives a link to st hp.
Terry is a character archetype where the hollywood inspiration seems so obvious but I can’t really pin point a role that fits him. Kurt Russel kinda?
Terry came out in 91, think back on the biggest 80s white heroes.
Russel is a good one but I don’t think it fits him too well
Japanese players are sauceless
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I was think about his role in Tango & Cash where he plays a wisecracking cheesy cop.
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>break your fingers doing a combo that does the same damage as a shoryuken
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Snake Eyez changed his name to "Take The Throw" and is playing Blanka and beating diamond players while only trying to throw. Dare I say based?
hmm... damn old man... committing war crimes... rape correction is needed...
we need JP to have a female goon in SF6
Listen I got this new advanced for you to lab
It's called a "throw"
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where my nigga alex at with drive rush heavy flash chop combos
This is part of the problem. Throwing is incentivized too much for wakeup pressure.
If your opponents understand the game well enough to be going for tech like this, you have bigger problems than perfect parry
Jiyuna party
kimberly cr mp st hk is pretty basic, i see it all the time, even if most mashers don't understand why certain meaty options are used over others.
>kimberly cr mp st hk is pretty basic, i see it all the time
then you should know to delay your perfect parry timings against such kims
Based Alexposterr
Snake is based for a bald nigga, I like him.
that goes back to shuckles point though
delaying your by 2f isn't something that is going to happen consistently
the entire wakeup parry mindgame is intentionally volatile and it's understandable why some players dislike it

Street Fighter?
Street Fighter
It's time for yoga
If you never watched the OG show you aint a real SF player
i like mai but it should have been chizuru

phoenix wright*

only if she has pubes (visible)
He never getting in
*franziska von karma
xiaohai says hat ken is worse than hatless ken
>chingchong opinion
Ken can do whatever he wants in this game, so that isn't surprising. Terry might need time to get fleshed out though, idk.
Damn is Dale really not gonna play more SF6? I thought he would play for at least a week
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Terry feels like Ken if Ken had cooler combos but was worse overall.
imagine being a shota and she pops out of the tv while you're playing world tour, talmbout 3 wishes lol
based wisher
no rage quits = anger
Dafeetlee is the biggest faggot in the entire fgc
>chris failed the GED
bullshit retcon
Hilarious how sf6 doesn't get any real updates that move the story forward despite having word tour mode
the game is a cash cow, updates are what ruin cash cows.
There's going to be a big story mode update where it's Neo Shadaloo vs Bison's Shadaloo vs G's forces vs the Illuminati
what story?
Pretty sure Elena has a red moon in her snippet so at the very least some plot will happen even if it’s tiny.
they definitely could have done way more with the masters and the narrative in WT. they seem to be the doing the usual thing where they set up plotlines and hint at stuff, but it never pays off and then they start all over again with the next game.
we only hope.
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>red moon
Gill kino incoming
is gill's cock half red half blue too?
>t. Dale
Straight down the middle.
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Highly scientific tier list based on math and science*

*Characters ranked by the number of legends divided by the expected number of legends according to their use rate**
**Character's use rate is based on the number of characters with 1600+ MR.

Now call it shit or use it to confirm your beliefs.
>Ken throw is nerfed so his throw puts him farther out
>He still gets walk up throw loops
Literally what was the point of that change
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Time to post cuteness
I get throw looping in a tournament for money, but online? I see streamers throw loop like their life depends on it, I would be ashamed if I was them.
punky never throw loops
Terry sort of being isolated from the rest of World Tour with no story advancement tells me both him and Mai are just meant to be the video game equivalent of anime filler, lmao. I would assume Elena will actually resume things since she's actually from this franchise.
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i dont know how managed to avoid seeing this setup
street fighter 7 will be AI controlled and you will send words of encouragement to your character and decide tactics mid match. Now anyone can win the milly
there is probably a kimberly doc somewhere with all her oki setups. maybe try searching for the kimberly discord. i picked up it from better kimberly players in ranked and by watching punk, psycho, and jaccy.
anyone can win the milly right now timmy....
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On it.
Bison needs buffs?
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>"Oh mon dieu! I received no le buffs"
swan wives
Yes, he needs a DP. Trust the science.
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Since SF6 is giving out WT npc exclusive moves to your character, I hope we get one of Carlos Miyamoto's sword moves when Mai drops
wait till mena picks her up and puts her on the map
Ken please...
My dick between those tits. She can keep the leotard on
If Rogue does end up being a guest character, I hope her World Tour commentary acknowledges the fact that both her and John Streets can copy the moves of other characters.
Would Manon fart on my face if I asked her?
she probably drinks coffee every day. You DON'T want to smell that.
niggas really went "how can we make drive reversal worse?"
>If Rogue does end up being a guest character
is this just schizo speculation or is there any evidence that this might be brewing
I would give someone else's left nut for spider-man (forma del UMVC3)
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>can zone if you want
>can play footsies and just poke
>has hashogeki frametraps
>can have combos as simple as heavy heavy if you want or complex denjin combos
>shit ton of damage
Why do you need more?
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Speculation. And even if she is added, I guarantee this move will be removed or altered. Can't have people using their avatars to kiss other characters
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What’s up everyone SF_LebronJames here
has a timeout ever occurred in this game
Against Guile
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How do I get better with this russian fucktard? What kind of shit do I need to be doing in neutral? What are my buttons to stick out? How do I stop them from jumping at me once I'm midscreen and what do I do when I'm getting rushed down?
>Jive Turkey calling a man married to a biological woman a faggot
They should make moves that are plus on whiff
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I lost all my ranked sets today. Pro Terry players were farming me non-stop.
Take your meds
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Ok, so I finally got my hands on this game and played the whole weekend, which happens very rarely these days, since I'm in my 30s and have a life. What the fuck is it with Street Fighter and even numbers being so good, anime included? SF2 has created the fighting games as we know them, SF4 saved 2D fightings as a genre and now SF6 is taking it to another level in terms of story and presentation. Almost guaranteed to be copied by MK later down the road.

I haven't played fighting games for years, since SSFIV in fact and it honestly feels like I'm back to the good old days, can't believe I'm actually having fun losing most matches online, while remembering important FG things like the timing, distance etc. Holy shit is this game a pleasant surprise.
fuck off, oldie
And with current vidya trends combined with its apparent great success SF6 will live for many years if indefinitely
>SF6 is taking it to another level in terms of story and presentation.
Almost got me fucker
Well bros? Is Terry our savior?
based capcom keeping the cancer characters bad on purpose
holy shit i hope
He gets less damage and worse oki if he chooses to just meaty you with a button after a throw now. Before, he had like 20 different meaty setups that let you link into his TC and do minimum 3k damage meterless
This game fucking sucks, are you actually retarded?
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idk why vtubers like this game so much
why does Terry get an anti fireball move that's safe on block?
Remove throw loops. Increase distance after a throw and disable any drive meter usage for 10f after a throw.
Remove perfect parry on normals. Specials and Drive Impacts are the only moves you can perfect parry.
Reduce drive gauge regeneration across the board when not in burnout. Keep burnout drive regeneration unchanged.
Disable drive gauge regeneration when projectile thrower has a projectile active, with the exception of JP's portal spike.
you niggas ain't talented. i'm talented.
He needs to get two drinks for it, you see.
which move is that?
Why can't this shitter do SPDs
It’s a pasta from /v/
I will never understand Gief players, specially the ultra salty ones

Dude got in this game and purposefully chose the character that can't convert from a jab without wasting three bars, and is heavily reliable on reads. Why? Do you WANT to get angry?

I doubt that kind of thought pattern doesn't leak into your personal life. This is obviously something that only someone who tends to sabotage himself would do
I saw Terry Bogard at a grocery store in Metro City yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “are you okay? are you okay? are you okay?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
To the Ed that took one match and didn't run the set just to meet me again 30 seconds later and get double perfected, I just wanted you to know you're faggot character carried you and you just got gatekept.
Gief players nowadays are different from classic grappa players. If you played a grappler prior to 2015 you did it for the bantz win or lose. Nowadays Gief players THINK they're that guy but they're actually still tryhards who think they deserve to win and blow a gasket when they lose
>Still no mods to reject wifi players automatically
I will donate 100$ to a patreon
Please kill yourself, are you really implying Gief is hard to play in some form?
>someone who tends to sabotage himself would do
You are a genuine low IQ retard and should jump off a cliff ASAP, even if this game was made for people like you
If I play I-no in Guilty Gear who is my SF character?
Li-Fen at my freak off party
can someone please just actually tell me why people think this game sucks? I got into fighting games several months ago, played a little bit of SFV, been playing 3rd strike on fightcade, and now sf6. I really don't see much wrong with 6 other than throw loops, that's about it.
Chun li in COTW is going to look like something out of hershuar art piece meanwhile we're stuck with a hag
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you think she will keep all her charge shit ?
This patch is a good example of why it's better to release an overpowered character than an underpowered one. People might've bitched about Akuma and Bison but at least those were character shakeups that appeared in tournament. Literally nobody is going to play Terry when they can play Ken, he's an all-rounder that does nothing particularly well at all. his light confirms are pretty good I guess
If they did actually include a marvel character I'm like 90% sure it'd be Cyke. Cyke's just a peak human outside of his projectile, Rogue stole all of Captain Marvel's shit so she could stop a frieght train
So is the entire SF6 community pretending the online infrastructure for SF6 isn't disintegrating?
She absolutely will, it's crucial to her identity at this point.
Almost every complaint people have has to do with the drive system.
>Drive rush
Can be used to instantly launch pressure or feint the approach, forcing you to immediately guess- and some players don't like it hovering over neutral when they want to play a slower-paced spacing game.
>Drive rush cancel
allows you to launch into pressure or a confirm off of a poke, both of which are strong positions to be in. This is incredibly strong to the point that certain pros have said they simply won't play a character that doesn't have a cancellable crmk, and some have complained that every character that has one ends up playing the same because it's so effective.
>drive parry
Maybe the single biggest point of irritation. Drive parry is simultaneously the justification for throw loops (which are hated) and on their own they turn every single interaction in the game into a guessing game. There is no such thing as safe pressure in SF6 because of drive parry. If you're pressing a button, you're taking the risk that they'll just get lucky and throw out a perfect parry and completely reverse the situation. PP is probably the exact reason the game is so volatile.
SFV was right all along
I had such a busy day that I didn't have time to shit on SF6.

Mickey Fighter
Throw loops
new characters are all bottom tier
uhh did I miss anything
COTW is already stealing two of its characters
The game isn't bad if you're new. Just enjoy the game and don't worry about the complaints. Everything wrong with the game has to do with playing at a top level, capcom designed the game very specifically to deal with those players. New players are enjoying a good game outside of that.
No they aren't lol
New players hate DI
the universal mechanics are shit, the game is stale, the characters are homogenized, the balancing is bad, the game is random and not fun, the women are ugly, the game is full of DEI nonsense
And yet it saved Street Fighter and dwarfs all other fighting games combined
i agree with idom that the game isnt fun because you're trying to fight and counter the mechanics more than actually trying to fight your opponent
idom should stop playing arguably the only character in the game who doesn't benefit from the system mechanics
>Another yet FGC vid naturally including Smash bros
Nigcels in shambles.
>turned the franchise into a dumbed down mess that panders to casuals
I don't think I like playing Terry very much bros he feels weird
street fighter didnt need saving
unless you consider inviting a bunch of undesirables into the community as saving.
>but thousands of people are eating shit!!!!!!!!! eating shit is good!!!!!!!!!!!!
kill yourself, and I meant that sincerely.
Even tho the title is shitpost this is surprinsingly a good video so far 4 minutes in as I type this
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Day 27.
If Juri hubby ain't free by next month or so, we busting him out. Guns blazing, fuck diplomacy.
Alright I made to 12 minutes now is too gay for me
DI is not a problem, all you have to do is drop everything, stop what you're doing, and press the simon says button, then you can resume the game as normal. Its the perfect mechanic because it distills fighting games down to its purest essence: random reaction check
I'm just going to leave this thought at that.
If a videogame company makes shit, and the community express themselves liking shit and rewards company for it, is it still the company at fault?
Draw your own conclusions from this.
I just think he is fun
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>lose 9-10 in the mirror
>opponent gives me an extra game to tie it up
People like this are the realest niggas
tfw master m bison player but i've STILL never gotten to hit someone with the meme twitter 2 touch kill
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Hard to play? No, he is like the easiest in the game. In fact, this is Street Fighter 6, nobody is hard to play

I'm saying he is BAD. Like actually bad. Like "every fight I have to be as sweaty as if it's the last round of the set and I'm on losers side" kind of bad. Wasting three bars to convert from lights is not hard to do, in any other character you would go "why the fuck are you doing that", but Gief NEEDS to do it. His neutral from most people rely on doing unsafe or reactable things in order to catch the opponent off guard, but if he's aware you get tossed in the corner instantly right after a sleezebag sweep.

People who pick this one character and then get mad after losing a set on a 7-3 boring match-up are incomprehensible to me. Like, you CHOSE to play this faggot, you chose to suffer by your own will

Graplers like Laura, who can play safe and grounded with no need of doing constant hail maries, are actually good picks. You lose some, but you get better oki options by having a command grab. But Gief... Jesus Christ, what a garbage character

>b-b-but I'm a 1800 MR Gief and I can beat you!
Maybe, but if you played anyone else, you could beat me easier.
>literally never attempt perfect parries, for the longest time had zero PPs per match on my stats page
>try a detailed self-rival with the V-Rival feature
>bot perfect parries my meaty
This shit ain't accurate
It does randomly drive rush after jump-ins though so it got that down
if ken is so good then why isn't he winning any tournaments
i be one and doneing terries
>be modern player
>used to reacting to slime rush and doing whiff punishes with EX DP or Super
>bot does random EX DPs in neutral for no god damn reason
>also, pulls weird ass combos that I have never done in my life, I'm the "just to the most optimal, whatever" kind of guy

That bot does not represent me.
>He thinks Capcom would actually give you a high quality AI
>He thinks current, mid-tier AI can just learn and become equal to you with less than 700 hours of data when Capcom is using cheap low-tier ones
The bot is random and if it has any difference is just to become hard at countering you.
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I want to enjoy this game so bad but I just can't, it's exhausting to play and I come out of every session feeling worse than I did going in. I think fighting games just aren't for me even if I wasted so much time trying to improve
What's your fighting style?
Are you body, mind or soul kind of guy?
Just say you hate Capcom vs SNK 2
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I will, I hope the game will do well and still be alive in Europe when Chun comes out.
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Capcom vs SNK 2 is broken ~:
i don't give a fuck about cvs2 to begin with, i only ever played it casually same as 99% of people who treat it like a sacred cow. so fucking what?
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>body, mind or soul
Body ~ you are into execution and a a combofiend.
Mind ~ you are into knowledge and know the every single move of every character.
Soul ~ you make reads and play the player.
jack burton, sort of?
>jump the opponent's grab attempt
>not only does it take so fucking long to try punishing it that the opponent can block
>he can literally input rising tackle and beat me
dude this game is so fucking shit
Juri Han is back! Hao Bao Studio revealed a resin figure 1/4 of the famous character from Street fighter. It will arrived in Q4 2024 for 500$~
#streetfighter #jurihan #haobostudio

>alive in Europe
Huh? Are you in Ukraine or something?
>Huh? Are you in Ukraine or something?
No but like you know, FGs are less popular in EU than in Asia or America. And Fatal Fury being more niche than SF the game might not have a big playerbase in EU. So here's hoping that CR7 carries the game in EU
So no excitement for a possible CvS3?
Free MR for anyone in diamond 5 trying to reach master. Im a useless frre MR dispenser and im not allowed to dight back as per Cammys orders. Beat me up for free points until queen bee is satisfied. Just look for the pathetic loser avatar in a sissy cage
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I hate that gacha-games have taken over every other gamomg genre. *sigh*

Are asses gay?
ai sloppa fanart....
terry when he is going to slap dat
i don't give a fuck about it. crapcum can't make a good game, modern snk and crapcum games both look like shit, cotw is going to be dog ass because it's copying sf6, and it's going to be full of ads for other games, random shitty cartoons, and fucking IRL CELEBS and then on top of all that they'd be selling you a game with 20 characters base roster and make you buy the rest for money. NO i don't give a FUCK about cvs3 you fucking moron
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Retard. You have no idea what you're talking about about.
The true queen of shotas
>See fertility goddess
>Thinks of little boy cock
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>mfw listening to ED's theme on loop
He is the least pedophiliac capcuck btw
Dale, the posterboy nigcel who has been slopping SF ever since he was 6yo, got molested by a male jannitor at his daycare/school.

Pedophilia is common for Capcucks.
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Hating Capcom and SNK? But you're in a SF general thread?
Doesn't make sense.

There are different grades of shota
Literally impossible for COTW to play like SF6 without having slime rush, throw loops, or perfect parry, imbecile.
>without having slime rush, throw loops, or perfect parry
really bad news for you there buddy
So you admit she need fertile seed?
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you wa SHOCK
*perfect parries your post* predictable. Try again.
It never fails bro
Not every capcuck but always capcucks

Niggas like DeNiro in his 80s out there impregnating a 20yo woman and you wishing to be a little boy because your cum is dogshit at your 30s on muh Lord
Nigcel bros how do we respond without sounding mad... they onto us...
The game does not have these, retard.
Fucking retard
Its more about being carefree and not having to worry about being an adult and impressing her with achievements. Im a manchild so whats wrong with self inserting as the shota? Thats why i play Kensou Chris and Bao
So shotaposting gets timmies heated....very interesting...
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Is Chunners a lesbian?
Pedos seething at you right now
Mentally ill nigcels hurting readin' this!
The disturbing trend of saying very, very different fighting games are "like SF6" because you're ass pained and SF6 is the only fighting game you've ever played
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Not them but it's always you niggas having a melty whenever someone posts a fetish that makes you go "icky". Imagine virtue signaling on a website full of degenerates, this is tourist behavior, adapt or leave
>Sandnigger is a stinky pedo
LMAO she was 9yo, mohammed!
>Not a pedo but I'm going to defend them as just having a "fetish"
Kill yourself pedo scum
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anyways, the true shota queen
>Gets rightfully clowned
>*dilates* t-tourists... gonna post pedoshit again...
>instant seething reply
See, you are the ones being mad. Enjoy always being mad tourists, lmao
Nobody is ever going to stop posting shit that bother your normalfag asses just because you're throwing a tantrum
>Clearly upset at being exposed for being a kid diddler
>y-you mad!
TwitterGAWD EXPOSED us bros, it's over...
Nigcel oldhead manchild by his own words, needs to imagine little boys to cum and thinks anyone is feeling anything but pity and disgust towards them.
I go lift and pray thanking God for never letting my brain devolve this much. God is truly great.
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Is it possible to play this game without being completely locked in?
I feel like if I'm even a little bit off with my reactions or whatever it becomes utterly miserable to play and there's no way around it.
play casual if you want a casual experience
Smoking that pedophile pack
Remember when throw loops were discovered day one in the beta and people thought they would remove them?
>terry's stupid little overhead comes out in like 5 frames, combos into level 3, has no tell, can come out at any given moment, and has basically no visual effect to it to warn you
cleaning my block list out so i can block every single terry player i see
Based chad self-improvement enjoyer...
Remember when every single Japanese pro said how much they hated parries before SF6 came out and then Capcom added them and now they don't talk about them at ALL.
his fist turns bright blue
"Pro players" benefit monetarily (directly or indirectly) from how how well the game does so of course this is going to affect how they speak about the game publically or otherwise. And if they say they don't, they are lying.
wow just like 90% of his normals AND there's not even a fucking voice line for it so you can't even fucking go off that? shut up you downplaying retard
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Is this why Capcucks project their pedo desires into other franchises?
you can react to it
faster than tap dust in strive, nope, sorry. you're getting blocked
That's PLAN A
juri's feet are kinda hot there
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what's the link for fuudo's wife's discord?
This but G's theme, i feel like im powering up
Straight shota is only okay if you give attention to the MILF and use the other partner as a self-inserts of sorts, if that makes sense. Otherwise you're a pedophile.
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i wanna lesby orgy
out of the entire cast, I just think Chun is attractive...
>Yuritroon (you)'d me
Even deleted the file that shit is cursed
All that "Terry is gonna be top tier, trust me" talk from influencers and some pro players only for him to turn out pretty honest and actually quite boring too.
why do so many tranny's like yuri, it's actually incredible how the entire genre is just straight up consumed by 99% trannies....
theres nothing honest about him, hes just boring to play because hes another meta character
"Honest" in the sense that the broken stuff is due to the game mechanics and less so about the character specific tools.
yeah but thats true of all the characters in the game
It comes from being so unlovable and ugly you start to self-insert as a cute girl because you can't imagine a woman loving your manly touch, or just cuckshit, by watching them as you touch yourself because once again you are ugly.
Take POOPji for instance, ships his yuri crackship, and is a 400pound landwhale who can't even see his dick anymore IRL.
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Terry B has to be good or else SNK won't loan them Mai
oh yeah the same pro players that said luke was shit tier for the first few months of launch, said that blanka wasn't top tier on launch, constantly downplay ken because "HE'S JUST BAD OKAY" and STILL don't think ed is strong despite more and more people picking him up every day?
yeah, this is the gaggle of retards that are calling terry mid.
i think i'll take my chances using my basic observational skills that literally none of these stupid fucking morons have, and go "hmm terry is very obviously one of the best characters in the game," actually.
Yeah. There's no real "honest" character in this game, just characters who are slightly less retarded than others.
*wakes up turn blue*
Kimberly, Deejay, Lily and AKI honest.
They play more nooch than others therefore they more honest.
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But yeah, Terry has some nice combos
Hard to make an unique, fun character in a game with the Drive System making everyone feel the same. Crmk DRC conversions, throw loops, yadda yadda yadda.
And it's not something they can just change one day. Unironically wait for Street Fighter 7 and cross your fingers they hire a different dev team from the current one directed by Nakayama.
Capcucks are pedos
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>kimberly neutral
Compare this to any of the other Mickey on crack degen shit the top 10 has and tell me how Kimberly is not honest again.
Faggots like you are so obnoxious because unless a character is 100% in the garbage, you will call them not honest for having anything.
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Batter up; it's baseball time
i'm not reading that
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>Deejay, Lily and AKI
>Faggots like you are so obnoxious because unless a character is 100% in the garbage, you will call them not honest for having anything.
And thats why his shitter ass will never admit other characters are more honest than his main, he will always deflect about something.
Every character needs something to win, but what makes a character dishonest is when they have more bullshit options than the others. Kimberly requires so much dexterity that complaining because she has 1 (one) solid button is insane levels of coping to deny KimCHADS own you.
Well said.
i like how if i AA my max damage is like 800 and if they succeed in a jump in or a neutral skip i take 5000+corner+potentially burnout+oki
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Support Hershuar
What the fuck? None of those characters play n eutral
>First post I see on /sfg/ is dunking on capcucks
Gonna be a great day!
>Fighting games are gay
>Fighting games are pedos
Why this happens so often?
he draws feet really weird
he has a motion dash punch and higher than average damage and corner carry, he's a very slightly worse ken
Honestly just hate how these people are basically ruled by their lack of discipline, It's insane how I wanted to tolerate them but it's impossible, it's like seeing a fat person gorge themselves and have no self control. It's literally no different, since troons are all addicted to porn.
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>Is it possible to play this game without being completely locked in?
I hate this stupid meme. SF6 doesn't require you to "lock in", the game is literally designed from the ground up so you don't have to be paying attention to shit in order to excel. If you played previous SF games, in which you had to actually outplay your opponent in neutral in order to have a chance at applying offense, and had to legit whiff punish and confirm hits in footsies, how could you possibly boot up SF6, mash medium xx Drive Rush for three and a half hours, and then when you stop playing, you go "wow, I sure was locked in today!"
99% of tournament matches are just "professionals" you've never heard of before taking turns Drive Rushing and throw looping at each other randomly bro. Any other game in the franchise required you to pay more attention in order to play well.
Addictions of any kind are depressing to see, because it reminds us of what could happen to us. How our brain/body can lead to self-destruction if left unchecked to freely roam like an animal.
lowkey feel sad, and pity but honestly somethings gotta give
Jesus Christ I was just trying to say I hate having to react to so many things every match I wasn't even feeling myself or anything like that, sorry for striking a nerve with whatever you interpreted my post to mean.
you aren't good at fighting games
heres ur (you) princess, good luck in daycare tomorrow
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I understood exactly what you meant and the notion of finding SF6, a game that plays itself, too stressful to play is just pathetic. Fighting games aren't for you, this one is just good at tricking you into thinking they are.
>If a person finds SF6 stressful they aint cut for fighting games
Troon moment.
Imagine thinking this Simon says shit under 90 seconds is even remotely close to how a fighting game feels like.
>sub 2000 MR crybabies
>oh well /sfg/ pedos not saying anything interesting lets check /fgg/ for KoF, Smash or if we lucky SkullGirls discussion
>60% of their thread is talking about some avatarfag like they are the final boss, the invisible hand nobody sees
How did it go so wrong...
>tired of pedos
>goes to /fgg/
>t. Wasted countless hours on a party game he can't even use to get laid in a party

/fgg/ been cancer for a while now. If you are that desperate to talk about Smash just do it here or in /ssbg/ which is also cancer but somehow occasionally some high IQ posters drop there so if you lucky you strike gold in the dirt.
Oh its yuro smash pedo hours
Both of this
/fgg/ are truly the rotten peak of FGC: pedos; trannies; niggers all calling each other slurs when they all are losers, porn addicts and failures
Crazy how even being good at Smash is more respectful than being good at SF6.
reminder that every fag that uses some kusoge shit present in a 20 year old fighting games to justify the mickey shit in sf6 is a smashfag that has never played real fighting games before getting all their talking points from sajam
No the smashies are jivecucks actually
The last SF that had any form of prestige was SF4, and by normie psyop, Turd Strike is also respected.
Jive? Got thrown under the bus, even the Jivecultists who swear on their knees Jive became the best game ever made, don't play that shit, don't go to Jive tournaments, don't write vids about Jive legacy, let Jive flop even at EVO...

Dix will follow suit because it lacks even more support and love than Jive had, Dix only has paid shills and mindbroken trannies playing it like its their full time job.
I find it funny how some ppl ITT will seethe really hard reading this, when it's the absolute truth, Dix is just a product for saudi money that won't be respected or celebrated unless you count being in some EVO hall all the prestige you need.
Truthpill hard to swallow for Capcucks
I think some people here are actually mentally unwell.

Sometimes I see anons talking about how /v/ has much better threads and blah blah blah... when you check /v/ threads, they are 50% coomposting 40% saying how they find Dix a ugly ass garbage game, or say how fighting games are a dead/dying genre and the 10% are the local autists from here.

Like, how the fuck can you read those anons that come from outside the FGC bubble tell you how they don't give a shit about SF and come feeling like you got your confidence back that SF is this balling franchise that everyone cares about?
Insane to me. These dudes here are mentally unwell.
>All these troons seething over SF6's success
I love it
>Talk about delusional mentally ill capcucks
>One spawns outta thin air
Kusobeggars boutta seethe for 8 more years
To be fair a lot of that has to do with the fact that SFIV was still from the fighting game era of expansion releases where you got a complete package and no other content and played just for the sake of the game. Now we all have brainrot and need something to keep us on the hamster wheel but Capcom is too fucking stupid to take advantage of that and release any post launch content whatsoever. Actively killing their own game for no reason
I find it so fascinating, because most people in /v/ pretty much tell to their faces how they do not give a shit about SF and yet they dont accept the information I think? They rather samefag to themselves and larp as newfags it seems.
>Play video game, enjoy getting better at it
>come here to read the "mentally well" people write literal psychobabble day in and day out and think they're not the ones who are cucked
yeah uhm... "LOL"
you're kind of right
>"""enjoy""" getting better
>Need to gloat about MR and try to bully other people into playing your Simon Says Simulator
Definitely not mentally ill btw
Cappedos mad
I know i'm right, look if i hate a game simply put I flush it and just move on. If a series is "ruined" I just stick to the versions of the game I like.

These dweebs come here and just go on and on about nonsense instead of just idk, having fun with a video game?

:/ you're kind of sad desu
>Capcuck talking to himself
LMFAOO these trolls stay evolving...
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Capbull* talking to you. you're the cucked one whining on 4chan dot org over ghosts bro... it's time ot log on
why do you guys play it if you don't like it
I aint trolling bruh
Logic doesn't work with people who literally just babble and buzz bro, just laugh at them lol
You cooked these niggas on god
eh, they try too hard... just stop playing or thinking about the game that you hate so much... actual cuck behavior on their part
Shut up, he was talking to himself in over 4 posts, I wanted to see how long he was gonna keep doing it.
so true hop on jive guys, the better game! lets revive and own these capcucks *shakes fist*
Look at them get angry, you cooked too hard
real shit
Is it me or is everybody dropping this game?
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>people are still falling for the aki is technical/difficult meme

easily top 5 most braindead characters in the game. this bitch is fucking cancer
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I definitely don't see people picking this game up
Thread a wasteland even with Terry
guy who judges how popular a game is by the /vg/ thread
Not gonna lie, I'm getting tired of turning red, blue, green every match.
>just ignore the cancer
>just ignore the hurricane
ignoring a problem has never once worked for anything. I'd rather take action and fight to defend what I had.
I don't. But I don't see people talking about this game nowhere else either. Have (you) tried checking on people outside your bubble to see if they even want to play SF?
bro what u "had" is right there still if you don't like an artists latest work what do you do? if a series turned bad, go enjoy what is good and move on. Stop being so pathetic man its not that serious like you paint it.
it is serious. What I had was a good game played by lots of people that filtered even more. Now the filtered people are having FUN with this abomination of a game and I'm supposed to just sit back and let these mouth breathers enjoy themselves?
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You're such a hopless faggot lol

the day is coming. Capcom will pay. They can't keep ruining every single series they have one by one. Something's got to give.
Moke and Daigo are so cute lol

nigga thinks he's on the frontlines fighting against evil by whining on an anonymous message board
This nigga turning into Joker... the mindbreak...
>guest sloppa
No thanks
Lil bro blowing up this thread and thinks he's some sort of holy warrior fighting the good fight by... *checks notes* whining about the video game being unfun to him lol

this game is a joke
it is a video game
Did other SF games have this much problem with cheaters?
System mechanics are too powerful and homogenizing. Practically every character on the roster plays the same because of it and the handful that don't are garbage because they are forced to play a worse game.
Remember when we all had hope and were looking forward to Spring 2024?
no, not really. the mechanics in sf6, like drive impact and perfect parry allow for more intricate cheating.
Wow Terry Bogard being a boring pick who could've fucking guessed
the game is specifically engineered from the ground up to cater to people who suck at fighting games and don't like playing them. Its mickey because nothing in the game matters, there is no skill expression, no difficulty, and no creativity in how to approach the game. You are only allowed to do the cool things capcom decides which look like cool HARD things in previous games, but now anyone can do them!
finally the game is playable
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I did jab jab sweep 4 times in a row and my 1800MR opponent would not stop walking back buffering mediums into drive rush. This game is something so utterly shit. Let me do crmp crmk hit confirms for the love of fucking god you dogshit fucking company
>tranny only thinks the game its playable since it has porn
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Me during the 7 years of Jive's glorious reign and then me 6 months into SF6
Jivebuck got buck broken. Natural occurrence.
its tranny to be against naked women, its tranny to like naked women. Which is it man?!
Based kek
You won't see me in SFV howeverbeit
List of pros calling SF6 random/trash/scrubby
>Ryan hart
also shuckle and emezie
They all apologized and changed their minds crabba
Nigga really tried to slide Sh*ckle and Emenzi* in plain daylight
It's tranny to be addicted to pornography, the entirety of transgenderism stems from lack of discipline, it's a fetish. Hope's this help Timantha
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/sfg/ is a Uncle CHADkus general, get this black shit outta here
Blud can't count
Why do Chinks worship cheating scripts in vidya

man I was just shitposting but you took me seriously and doubled down, I though the "?!" would give it away but you're fighting some demons right now. I hope you have a great day.
man I was just seriousposting but you took me seriously and helped me put, I though the "?!" would give it away but I am fighting some demons right now. I hope you have a great day.
3 guest characters in 1 pass is rough.
3 guest characters in 1 pass is sweet.
Yeah man totally! you sharing ur having a bad day shitposting here added to my already good day
SF5 was so bad it made me quit video games and improve my life
this unironically
Then what the fuck are you doing here simping for Dix?
You dixsissies cant even shitpost.
Then what the fuck are you doing here being based?
You 6CHADS can shitpost.
Can someone explain to me why cr.mk drive rush is vilified when SF has always had cr.mk blockstrings or shit like cr.mk v-trigger?
It leads to a brainless 50/50 or a combo if you clip your opponent walking back it's a dogshit mechanic
whos the realmktombrady of street fighter, ltg?
you can only use v-trigger once a round, and thats if you didn't already spend your v-meter for something like v-reversals or v-shifts
why do you think
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has Kuji seen this?
Men compensate through social status and money. Strength and intelligence don’t matter as much as the results it brings you
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>no set play character
Mai will definitely have aspects of set play with her bouncing fan
i hate retards that mash perfect parry
Then mash throw
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>juri border
capcom knows what the people want

Crmk into 120 damage hadoken is comparable to a 30 percent combo with full corner carry (risk free) or a plus frame mixup on block
i turned blue and capcom likes me better so its my turn to play now
i hope kookily menat never gets in
what kind of person unironically buys these things
Funny and based
V-trigger was lame as shit, too. Anything that stuffs the moment to moment in a fighting game just makes the game feel like a drag at points. Capcom decided to double down on it, and made the drive system.

>Pop trigger, now you're fighting some fraud bs install
>Get hit with something in 6, they turn green and run a small cutscene on you

I like SF6, no matter how much I complain about it. But the system mechanics being so heavy handed is a big negative.
>he thinks women care about intelligence
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>Yellow eyed Juri
You a disgrace to AI CHADists...
I would get the Cammy one to ERP as a white girl
sf4 ost was okay
sf5 ost was godlike

simple as
Even ironically is cringe to buy
The investors ain't gonna like that
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>MK is getting ass cleavage and underboob
we're cooked
>It's another Terry player that wins a match and realizes he's going to get reverse swept and quits on the second match kind of episode
Seriously are all KOF niggers cowards? Or is it just people that failed at their piece of shit game and they thought they were going to have it easy here?
I've yet to see a single one willing to run the set once they've lost a match.
Why didn't they give Terry a short hop?
I hate how they implemented the legacy OST. Why does Capcom have to make everything some player retention grindfest
get one and donezied, troon. hold that L
>35 posts early
>off topic anime shit
LOL, you I wanna be aryan so bad!!!! transvestite jeets get mindbroken on first round and won't run the set then either. Thanks for proving my point tho :)
>Check /fgg/
>They posting Clayton
>We aren't
Wtf /sfg/???
>Cammycel already on the other thread
Can someone kill that jeet?
Clayton stocks low because he refuses to play a game
>Skill expression
Pick one
Shitting on Clayton is newfag or crabba behavior, he is one of the most skilled and respected players of /sfg/
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>Sick animations, new characters dropping like candy, hype ass cameos
>Leaking Mickey gameplay
Mickey is S9 bro wtf you doing leaking the final DLC wave like that...
All gameplay is about slime this aint no spoiler
Is this manga worth reading?
The fatalities been so crazy and the cyborgs being waifus was surprisingly cool
/ourgirl/ at it again

>Shilling titty streamers
I will only support Dale restreamers
>Not a resciding hairline chinese arab mutt that looks like a starving brown ayy lmao
Corny fun. Like reading a kung fu flick
No, she's actually good at fighting games
Shuckle molly woops this slut, be real.
Shuckle sacrificed her hairline for SF, he ain't getting no dick.
>Fighting game
shuckle so ugly nigga misgendered her subconsciously
If a girl wants to impress me she better show me her SMASH skills, or SF4 but thats asking too much...
Mario Kart > SF6
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Korean women are inherently evil, Infiltration did the right thing
Juri's Husband don't read this...
JH catch you typing slick shit like this you dead moose meat my friend.
INCELtration is a k*rean men therefore he just as bad if not worse.
Women are radicalized in korea because of the patriarchal society that even drove a young actress to suicide a while ago. The fact a RAPIST like he is not in jail says a lot.
>Inceltration fans
Power to the women of korea
I wanna side with Infiltration because fuck bitches but he does look like a shitty rapist
>beats wife
>rigs matches
>b-but he was kinda n-nice though!
And you faggots wanna crucify CHADiro for fucking pale whiteboi 15yo bussy instead hun?
free my nigga GOATfil
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>tries do downplay pedo behavior
Every time
>Fantasizes about actual little boys instead of teens
>Nigga so incel he putting random blonde white women he will never fuck in his posts for no reason
Nigcel moment
Funny and true.
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yes, and?
I think its time for boys
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