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Armageddon Steel Legion Edition

previous thread: >>495944910
This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Unlocked and Loaded - Patch Notes - Pt. 2 - OUT NOW!

Vermintide 2:
Lore Post: Skaven Chronicles part 1

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Here's the second episode of Titus Talks: What is a Space Marine?
Message to the community - a first Q&A:

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forever Winter

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
praise the emperor
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i look like this
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>shitters cannot handle Rolling Steel
>they just go down immediately
how do i get curios? im lvl 15 btw
Are mods working Darktide or should I give it a couple more days?
mods? you can mod darktide? wtf i thought it was a live service game
The Vraks (formerly comlunus) is one of the best weapons in the game. The other two aren't very good.
My favorite thing about this image is the lil lad playing dead on the left
shops/getting 20% chance of curio curios, unironically roll a few randoms from melks when you just start a character and hit level 30 it helps since alot of shop ones are trash. After you get a few high level toughness/health stop and just check the shop every time you log on
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Most of the useful ones got updated
>the player getting carried keeps angrily talking in chat
Why is it always like this? I never see the well performing players writing essays.
this doesn't happen to me because I'm good enough to carry so everyone feels they're doing well and doesn't get mad
You cannot play a the game effectively while also typing an essay.
someone tell fatshark hey need to redo the new voice lines for stim shouts
yeah but i see that the mod loader and framework havent been updated thats why i was asking since you need those for mods to work right?
you have a lot of time to type while youre spectating
Someone needs to tell them to learn how to optimize their games holy fuck
Used them and no problem. The main buggy ones were inventory stats and am 90% sure it got updated. No problems on my end
Nigga I haven't updated those since 2023, you'll be fine
bruh just generate some fake frames. Then you can play at 150 fps while looking like 30fps. Its 2020+4 get with the times.
So what are bolt pistols good for? killing specialist/armoured/bosses at close range?
My final verdict for the new crafting system in darktide

>it's functional
>you can make bis weps easily
>no rng and materials aren't too tight

>absolute fucking chore to click through your shit and get mastery up

like damn I appreciate the RNG is gone but why do I need to go through dogshit designed mobile tier UIs literally 5 times in a row just to fix up one mastery and craft the wep? And I thought VT2 was bad about the pointless busywork (rerolling reds)
you're handsome
I can run max settings just fine, but eventually my game crashes, likely due to a memory leak.
killing specials at any range, and instant aoe suppression
I have the same opinion. It is now babyshit easy to get max gear and requires a LOT less grind, but it's just that the process for actually mastering a weapon at Hadron is tedious menu-ing That's the only downside honestly. Well, there's also the rounding errors and the fact sometimes the max stats won't show to you until you empower. Besides those small complaints, the crafting system is now nuts.
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Okay so we can get guaranteed blessings and shit now, but are we still fucked on weapon stats?
we're doing better on stats too, since we can upgrade all weapons to 380 or whatever is max now.
you gamble at brunt to get the right spread for max stats and it's not that tough then you upgrade and do whatever with it, changing mark is free, perks and blessings are super cheap to change
alright thanks

and is it worth for me to upgrade and bless and concecrate or whatever my stuff before 30?
god DAMN the hammer feels good now
We have entered the era of choice paralysis. You can have any perk/blessing combo you want at any time. This is the future you chose.
so where are red weapons?
yes because you can use it forever if you're happy with the bars
That's the only layer of RNG left.
>raw stats
>alt weapons
All gone. Now there's just
>stat distribution
and that is really easy to get right when there are just 5 stats on a weapon and the raw stats for all weapons is now always 380. I rolled a perfect Dueling Sword in 3 tries.
oh okay, that's part of the new itemization update right.
2026, I'm already hyped!
With the new hellbore blessings I wonder if surgical could be replaced by something else like the cleave on weak spot...
that's the idea
when you buy weapons from brunt it feels like it purposefully tries to give you a dump stat around 60, so you just gotta buy a few until it picks mobility for that while the others are 80
you'd think they would've taken this opportunity to change the 80s to 100 though
>brunt says 60
>look at item in inventory
Is Dorktide worth it now?
no, fuck off and never come to this general again you little cocksucker, everybody hates you, your parents regret not getting an abortion
I think they're working on a Cataclysm update. My Zealot now deals too much damage, as all my gear was buffed to be perfect. Everyone will have perfect gear in a week or two, and damage in games will be higher. Missions will get easier.

At that point, they'll drop an update with harder content and red weapons.
it's no VT2 but yeah it's good now
if you liked the gameplay id say yeah its way easier to get perfect weapons now
Its always been worth it you faggot. But the weekly slop is still not worth it.
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Is this bugged for anyone else I've been sitting on this number forever
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sneaky bastard
Tell them its alright you dont mind carrying them and they should just focus on learning. Either they calm down or theyre an asshole and you make them rage. Win win
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I am literally just making random maxed weapons because it's so easy now.
Chainaxe? Sure.
Tactical axes? Yes.
Meme revolver? Why not
Mine never stopped working.
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it's weaponmaxing time
get in
people cheat in all sorts of online games, this one's no exception
I'm joining even though I'm SEA
I dunno.
I just think its weird how the people who are complete sweatlords who only care about endgame scores to feel something dont like the idea of someone helping them achieve that score...

They just come off as extremely bitter and not really knowing what they want.
i'm not sure you should anon..
fine i won't join then you racist white incel I don't want to play with pasty fags like you anyway
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i was talking about the ping distance but aigh'
vent out about whites if that makes you feel better
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>Have not played since launch and I can't remember if there's FF in darktide
Theres not.
'FF' as in surrender?
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its really ridiculous how players and bots have different health states
Run that was totally in the shitter saved by people ragequitting and others joining mid match repeatedly
Final Fantasy
Rent free
Thank you I can now magdump mgmy autogun with impunity

Friendly Fire
What is the purpose of the reconnect mod
allows Chinese players to cheat.
Does that actually work like if you get downed will you rejoin alive
yep. It was originally made because the game crashes all the time, and so you'd want a way to reconnect back, but then Fatshark simply added that feature in (if you crash and restart the game, it'll ask if you want to reconnect to the game you left), so now people just use that mod to dc and reconnect when they die, so they can rejoin alive.
theres indirect friendly fire by shooting barrels or suicide bombers in teammate's faces
Also they changed flamers so if you kill them by ranged they also explode like a suicide bomber
>flamer runs in and does an instant room filling flame carpet
>everyone attacks him and he fucking explodes now

quickly becoming the most annoying special
This too. Flamers, Tox and Normal can now explode if you shoot their tanks. They even have a panic attack if detonation is imminent and fire jets shoot from the tanks.
Allows you to farm your penance for clearing 15 consecutive missions without dying.
I like this change to Flamers. Actually makes them a threat, whereas before where they were just annoying as fuck blinding you. Now you have to consider how and where you kill them, which makes sense considering they're wearing a huge ignitable fuel tank.
Heretical idols should be replaced by nurglings running around
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So if you didn't already have a upgraded weapon you're kinda fucked with the new system because you gotta run a shitty weapon to get its power up?
I guess melk still has a use then desu
It's easy as fuck to shop for a 60% dump stat weapon now that you can see the potential cap.
i love darktide, i just started and its so much fun. i'm playing commissar gourdsman
>because you gotta run a shitty weapon to get its power up?
you don't have to use a weapon at all to get mastery for it
you buy copies of that weapon from brunt's, upgrade them to green, then sacrifice them
I'm new and I don't even understand how to ugrade weapons. Power is apparently important and I used to regularly get upgrades from the armoury shop, but now I can barely find anything beyond 230.
The random weapon guy still gets me some upgrades, but I don't want to gamble my currency at him if I can help it.
All you need to really do with weapons in the shop is to check their max potential, their price or color or blessings or traits don't matter. As long as it's a gun that has 75-80% max potential in the areas that matter, it's good.
>how to ugrade weapons
you just click the upgrade button
Why green and not orange
discarded all weapons bellow 450 and went from 200k plasteel to 300k plasteel
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>i'm playing commissar gourdsman
Actually good cosmetics and Sword+Pistol when?
it's a recurring bug
Nope, don't need to play with it at all. But now you have to do this tedious process
>Go to Brunt and buy greys of a weapon you want to upgrade (x10 of them. Will cost you about 100k dockets)
>Go to Hadron and upgrade the 10 greys you bought into greens (will cost you about 1k plasteel)
>Now sacrifice all the greens towards the weapon you want to master
>Repeat a couple times until it's Mastery Level 20
>Go into the Mastery Menu and distribute all the mastery points
>Within that entire process, make sure to look at the greens you're making to see if any of them have good stat distros. If they do, put them aside, don't sacrifice them
>Now, if you had found a good green... go to Hadron and consecrate it to a gold, then empower it to a power ranking of 500 (Will cost a decent amount)
>Finally, put whatever perks or blessings you want on it (Costs a little bit); you're done
>(If you didn't find a good green, go craft greys from Brunt until you find one with a good stat distro, then go do those last 2 steps)
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No I mean the shop has weapons at 240, while mine are 280 and 290.
And I'm supposed to make it up to 450 right?
In Vermintide you get weapons with a power +-5 of your average power or highest power, so you equip your highest power weapons to progress.
Here, you apparently camp the shop hoping you can one higher than your own, but the numbers in the shop stopped going up.
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>join mid progress
>spawn into middle of a green mist next to 3 ragers
because green gives the same amount of xp
you forgot the part where one of the 80 stats on your weapon will drop to 78 when empowering it
shut the fuck up schizo
>they hated him because he told the truth
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No... Please no... Don't tell me I've been making oranges for nothing...
just tested it myself, the xp it gives is based solely on power level and whether or not it's the same kind of weapon or a different one. A 320 green and a 320 orange gave the exact same amount.
Okay, I found the empower button, it's grayed out because it requires a higher mastery level.
So I'm supposed to get the gun from either random drops or the gun crafting/gambling shop and then put currency into it until the stats are maxed.
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hasn't happened to me yet thankfully. I have had an unfortunate round down bug on one of my knives though, but I've got another perfect one anyway.
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people who need things explained to them that I can figure out on my own in less time than it takes them to type their stupid ass questions out are objectively my intellectual inferiors
I reserve the right to not only be retarded, but to also be aggressively retarded in your aurics.
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Why don't you make scriptures/grimoires actually GIVE something at the end instead of this event you cucks
before i invest anymore into it is the Quickdraw Stub Revolver(Mk XIV) any good?
well fuck my ass and call me stacey WELP dumped some mats on LOADS of purples
Weapons in the shop don't sell with +-5 of your power, they're randomized. To use Vermintide 2 language, the store can have sell a 300 power white gun and it could be selling a 220 blue gun, it's all RNG.
What you CAN do is take either gun to Hadron and upgrade its power level until it reaches its max potential. So let's say you buy a shit gun with 240 rating but it has 80% max potential in all the right places, you buy it then you can bring it up to max power at Hadron's.
You don't need to camp for guns with power numbers higher than your own, you camp for guns with an optimal distribution of max stat potential and then upgrade those.
I have no idea which revolver you are talking about but you can freely swap between different marks now. At least one of them are extremely good.
I didn't collect blessings but I had like 300 weps stacked up, so I could max out all my ogryn masteries by combining them, then I could scrap all the rest for massive gains to do the other characters weapons
Honestly though I would've preferred just playing like 4 games per wep to max them. This is a chore
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>rename a bunch of weapons
>rename power to strength
>but also don't actually catch everything that says power so some blessings still say it and we've got multiple terms that mean the same thing
Feels like fatshart purposefully makes things confusing and retarded so that people ask questions and create discussion about the game.
"Mastery" lets you access more blessings of a weapon when you "re-bless" at Hadron, and it lets you "Empower" that weapon to higher stats at Hadron. That's it. I guess it also gives you a funny weapon skin once you max mastery it.
>So I'm supposed to get the gun from either random drops or the gun crafting/gambling shop
Just buy it at Brunt's, yes. Waiting for drops of a weapon to use as upgrade fodder would take way too long.

For example, if you want to master the Shock Maul:
>Go to Brunt
>Buy 10 Shock Mauls
>Go to Hadron
>consecrate them to green rarity
>now sacrifice them for the Shock Maul category
>do that until it's mastery level 20
>Leave Hadron
>Open mastery menu
>Go to Shock Maul
>Distribute all your mastery good boy points
>Go back to Hadron
>Take a Shock Maul that has the desired stat distribution you want on one and consecrate it to gold rarity (If you don't have one at this point, go back to Brunt and craft more until you do)
>Empower it to 500 stat level
>re-fine and re-bless it to have whatever perks and blessings you want
>Sell any excess Shock Mauls you made in that process, don't need them anymore
Done, you now have a perfect Shock Maul forever that you can change to whatever at any time. You can get more if you want to have various Shock Mauls for different builds and would rather not mod it each time when you want to change something.
And if you ever want to use a different type of Shock Maul (called "Mark", it's on the right side of your weapon menu), you just click that button and you can switch between them.
So a blessing on a weapon is extra mastery perk ranks basically?
a blessing is like a perk
>but also don't actually catch everything that says power so some blessings still say it and we've got multiple terms that mean the same thing
Lmao, It wouldnt be a fatshart game without spaghetti code. Why can't these swedes learn not to fuck with things that dont need to be fucked with?
Playing DT again after dropping it at release, and man the new maps are so much better and refreshing. If the game's map lineup on release consisted of areas like Throneside and Clandestinium and the train people wouldn't shit talk the maps so much, the Torrent slop was so fucking boring and blended together.
It's not even spaghetti code man. It's spaghetti plaintext
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bro they're right here
Thanks fren.
Clandestinium in particular felt like a VT2 map to me. Fully unique and cool with really nice scenery and especially finale
Only if you shoot their tank. You can easily shoot them in the face with no explosion.
We just got out of early access please understand.
In darktide, is dagger zealot OP? I watched one solo a demon host? Is that possible?
If you logged in right when the update came out you got free max mastery on all weapons lmao
They are very survivable and can spec into deleting a single enemy type very well.
Why do I not see Braced Autogun Agripinaa VIII's for sale, only Vraks II? I'm very confused. Or is this an inventory cycling thing?
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I like that this update has gotten me to try some other classes and builds, but ultimately my original mainstay still seems the most meta.
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Nothing is worth anything.
>if kayex doesnt talk the load time into the mission is instant

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Ive been playing DD scriers Deimos Laspistol and its pretty great, the laspistol one shots my DD targets and scriers Deimos is a monster
everything goes by marks now. You can just swap marks out if you've unlocked them. This is good if you want to try all the different versions of a gun and keep the same stats on them. This should also allow you to trim down your weapon inventory unless you like collecting gun variants and want to have each flavor.
what the fug
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Back to putting ordo dockets on my curios
at least all the locks are gone
the -40% toughness -30% peril talent is a trap, isnt it. feels like absolute shit in clutch moments
Depends, can you dodge? If not, it's a good way to die quicker.
Ive been using it with EP Smite and Shout and it honestly feels broken at times. But its like the other anon said, if you cant dodge or position well the regen penalty will hurt really bad.
.... where do you track progress on the event?
i say this because in a situation where theres a shit ton of horde enemies, youll be topped out on toughness from collateral anyways.
but say theres just a fuckload of far away gunners, its easier to get chipped down before peril becomes dangerous.
also it has awful synergy with quietude which i find to be very good. managing peril is super easy with venting shriek anyways, it probably works better with bubble.
basically, generating and quelling a lot of peril is an infinite toughness battery, and this talent helps with neither
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Is there a way to add a sight to my gun or do I have to use a mod for that?
Also is there a way to aim the Braced Autogun properly or is it just a hipfire weapon and I have to use the Infantry or Vigiliant models to hit shots at range?
>Ran out of the generic crafting material despite having a shitload of the fancy stuff

Can I convert them down...?
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literally the first 5-6 matches on normal damnation, no one knew how to defuse the bomb so I had to, while they couldn't protect me during defusal, wiped every time

first try on auric HISTG, pulled it off no problem lol... fuck these normniggers
my first 3 missions involved 2 knife invis of both classes running as fast as they could towards the bomb leaving me, a squishy psyker, and some other person to deal with the unending hordes that spawn the moment they start defusing. We all died at the first bomb once and the second bomb twice. I went to vet for a single game and got a normal lobby of people and we rolled the whole thing in like 8 minutes. Super fast as a team for everything but the batteries. Im tempted to play it as a non staff psyker but like, knife zealots ruin the game and knife vets just suck
if you break down purple and orange weapons you get plasteel and diamantine for them yes
Tab and then E
he meant converting plasteel to diamantine
no not yet
Does the surge blessing on staves affect secondary fire? Do I shoot 2 lighting bolts on the electric staff?
no. its slightly better now with the new talents. and surge staff has crit bonus on it.
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Okay thank you.
Normal damnation is a trap
Train mission is fucking gay
>boss bursts and knocks everyone off the edge
beating the train mission with seconds left while most of my team is dead is kino every time
There is wall with a door that enemies come out of, you ought to fight him there.
What's even worse is a bomb carrier walking in and blasting you off the train while you're distracted by the boss fight, you have to actively look out for that shit popping up.
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just watched an ogryn provoke a daemonhost and 1v1 it without issue
>be newfag
>see enemy, shoot
>some voice lines about not messing with it
>charges me
>while I'm at a ledge
>flies off and dies
That was today, I still don't know what these things do.
>What's even worse is a bomb carrier walking in and blasting you off the train while you're distracted by the boss fight, you have to actively look out for that shit popping up.
that's why you're supposed to have 1-2 people managing the steady trickle of hordes while the others are free to kill the boss without being interrupted
toonkgryn too strong
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it's an ogryn's world
you're just living in it
Ive seen people 1v1 it with dclaw, theres a dodge pattern that will let you never get hit and you just need to move a bit one side then the other. You can practice it in the meat grinder
Best Ogryn build?
i can't remember which 40k novel it was but basically orks tried to breach an imperial base by reaching it through a narrow tunnel, but they were unable to reach it because the local commissar placed a well armored ogryn at the tunnel's exit and told him nothing must pass. the tunnel was barely big enough for 1-2 orks at a time and they tried to get past the ogryn for hours but couldn't do it
if played correctly ogryn in Darktide can do the same thing. as long as there's stuff for you to melee in a contest of strength and you play it right, you can't lose. specialists and ranged enemies ruin that though
when was that changed?
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>when was that changed?
A few hundred of them were trashing the Sons of Horus so badly their primarch had to step in. Ogryns are no joke.
dueling sword, my beloved
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>team drags their feet on train mission
>lose to time
>3 globes
>ratclick name in darkshite
What blessings and perks do I get on Ogryn now? Is it still the same HP/Toughness for blessings and gunner damage reduction/toughness/HP for perks? Is it better to get stamina regen or max stamina? Talent wise, is it better to go Feel No Pain or Heavy Hitter if I'm using the shield?
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this didn't happen, I was there and you phooshopped it (that's me)
you should kill yourself
>trauma is now voidblast
who the FUCK asked for this
The fuck is your problem
I still have no idea how to use the Beam staff
Me. I always wanted to be confused glancing at voidstrike and voidblast. This is exactly what I wanted.
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this staff used to be called a trauma staff
now it is called a voidblast staff
they just completely changed the name of the weapon
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>Throwing one frag is mostly pointless so you end up throwing two every time
>Can't seem to fit the fucking +1 grenade into my build so I can grenademaxx
Maybe I saw the same ogryn recently. It was lights out and the big lad woke up every single daemonhost on purpose and melee'd them with seemingly no need for any fire support.
I spent more time re-unlocking everything, reconfiguring my weapons and loadouts than I actually spent playing yesterday after the maintenance.
How does Darktide compare to the original Killing Floor? What today is the most akinto KF while also having people playing it?
>What today is the most akinto KF while also having people playing it?

>How does Darktide compare to the original Killing Floor?
it's more like left 4 dead than kf and enemies are less tanky but move faster and shoot more
KF2 is nothing like KF, anon.
it is a little if you squint a lot and turn the brightness way down
I really don't like plasma. It's so slow and inflexible. And I hate the delay when you fire it.
take the recon lasgun pill
What's the BIS flamer blessing combo now?
How do people like the new blessings for the purgatus staff? Blaze away and the rending one both seem like they could offer decent damage increases. I suspect that warp nexus + the rending blessing might have the best overall damage, but I'm not able to test it out myself.
RS forward+ RB is way harder than W+ M1
kill yourself dumbass
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>Hey vet-kun... Want to play darktide together? What? The tentacles? Oh, just push them to the side if theyre in youre way.
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damn bitch you live like this?
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where do people even find the balls to pick up both grims when they're going to make me rescue them this many times
What's the W+M1 dualie axes Slayer of Darktide?
I'm having fun with the flamethrower staff
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>try this
>auric train
>kinda squishy but basically constant mob disable
>die once for dudes running off and past a forward mob, leaving me into a spitroast
>still finish it without hitting the end timer
>get kicked just as the dropship comes in
Is this some plebbit thing of being anal about smite spam or just premades acting like niggers?
completely deserved, people play games for fun and if your IQ wasn't in the double digits you wouldn't think that's fun either
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someone is saying the n word in voice chat
I too have an intense hatred for Necrons.
>go down on other class
>get picked up with no fuss

>go down on psyker
>vote kick started

i just want to try the new shit for fucks sake
>game crashes so hard it black screens and ctrl alt del with "always on top" on doesn't work
Nothing personable, svveatie, but you need to stay out of Maurice's.
So what's the fastest way to get plasteel? Normal damnation or auric? I feel as though there's no difference in rewards between auric and normal damnation.
auric has the same amount so normal damnation, plus people on auric sometimes arent running around looking for it
I see, I've been doing Auric most of the time but I wanna get my guns done now, a shame there's no actual increased reward except for some extra gold.
gold is the most important thing now that you only have to roll a single weapon for it to be unlocked forever, you can buy things from the shop and slam them in hadron for 1 docket per point
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>3k plasteel to empower a fresh weapon to 500
>Another 4k+ plasteel to reach 19 if underused
oh my goddd let me convert diamantine already
its 3k if you start at 300 and its only dockets if you just buy every blue/green that shows up in the shop
dueling sword on zealot is fun as heck, can't believe someone thought they should lock the saltzpyre larping weapon away from the saltzpyre larping class for so long
What blessings have you guys been using on it? I went uncanny + shred but I don't think shred was doing much
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>Shoot poxburster and accidentally kill two teammates via launching them off the map

I forgot how fucking far that sends you. Good lord.
>all these blessing changes
>infernus on the Helbore still sucks
Oh well, they will probably make it better next year.
just fucking play the game to get the mastery up if youre poor
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>had all level 3 and 4 blessing for chainsword
>Aw shit, this must be maxxed out since shit shark said high blessings were worth more!
>not even half way up page 3
fuck my FUCKING chud life
>Is this some plebbit thing of being anal about smite spam or just premades acting like niggers?
Ive never had an issue with me using spam in my time playing since beta. Maybe Im just really good? Idk. I dont Smite everything and make a point to stay with the group.
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>fuck my FUCKING chud life

also you can just buy like 10 from brunts, upgrade to green and scrifice them to get over an entire page's worth of mastery. I did this for most of my near maxxed weapons, is good stuff
Agile is a pretty good perk if you're against a horde of ragers/maulers/crushers and need to dodge every 2 seconds.
using smite*
damn sounds like you should've been loyal to the game and kept playing it to amass materials instead of saying it's not worth your time until the rework was out
>tranime poster complaining about not having everything given to him on a platter
well excuuuuse me princess
Why the fuck did they nerf ogryns?
>big reduction in revel in slaughter
>can't get all 10% toughness damage reduction nodes now
Why didn't they put the train mission as a "special assignment"? it's short and different enough to warrant a change to that year old thing
and yet it's still the strongest class in the game
Because that actually wouldve made sense. But I guess they want to keep it on rotation.
If anything they shouldve copied PSO2 and its Emergency Missions system.
can we do name changes yet?
Until you encounter a few shooters that are spread out. It's amazing how you can go from cleaving through endless hordes of enemies and killing crushers with easy to taking 200 damage because you were getting shot and you had nothing to keep your toughness and resistances up
bro your shield?
I am sick of it and want to use the karsolas
dodge slide
strafe sprint
I am aware. I have 1550 hours in the game but these situations still happen
They should give Vet a shield melee I think
the 10% nodes annoy the shit out of me, swapping the far right one with 25% suppression is going to make me rethink a lot of my builds
mental disabilities are so sad
what staff are my psyker bros running?
I think they should add the FUCKING arbites and give THEM a shield
Sometimes they are really funny
so is the Mk 15 Eviscerator just gone now? Did they rename the Mk 2 to Mk 3? So strange
finally a mission where I can be sanic the zealot without people complaining
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Sorry.... Its the smell, isnt it?
When are we getting the hellgun?
Are we getting the hellgun?
You know, the hellgun? One of the most recognizable inquisitorial trooper weapons there is? The hellgun?
I want the fucking hellgun
So glad the saber came and washed away the knifeggers
Good old...plasma gun...?
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I got something for you to smell
>Blanks out your weird warp powers.
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It's more the Sump Beast that lives in your walls.
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i never played deep rock is it still worthwhile these days? how important are the DLCs?
i want to play with my bro, is 2 people enough?
Which class and build in Darktide lets me carry? Im tired of shitters not trying.
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>Both batteries spawn 2 carts back
Ill be honest.... Warhammer 40k becomes a far more enjoyable setting for me when the stories and stuff are all extreme hyperboles.
No, the people dont live in an unrealistically shitty 20 hour work day every single day. People exaggerate their work conditions even nowadays.
No, demons arnt this nearly unkillable thing. Its just a secondhand account from someone shitting themselves.
No, the average lifespan of an Astra Militarum isnt 15 hours. Once again just hyperbole to the extreme.

Ect, ect. Does this make me weird for thinking this?
dlc is all cosmetic stuff
you can solo most anything, two is fine as well
just remember to bee yourself and have fun
but not too much fun
I want this weapon
is it fun playing this solo? seems kinda pointless
It's more about time, place, and context. All of those things can be regular occurences in some places and extremely rare in others. Mechanicus Forge Worlds treat their workers like servitors. Probably even worse than servitors because at least servitors are products of the Machine God's glory.
Agreed. Vet needs more melee options, and Zealot needs some fucking polearms and 2-handed swords.
I'd take a halberd too though.
if you have to ask, you are the shitter and a build's not gonna save you
Blazing piety chorus zealot. Focus target voice of command yapper veteran. Warp siphon 100% uptime shield memes.
But thats not true. People dont do their roles in this game. I see way too many veteran ignoring ranged, psykers who literally only use smite and assail entire missions, ogryns who think they're mmo tanks and just stand there holding their shield out. Zealots are usually okay but a little spergy since they're encouraged to rush ahead to maintain stacks.
>People dont do their roles
If you still think roles exist then you are still a retarded noob. You aren't carrying because you suck, not because you aren't using a perfect build
Solo can be quite comfy. With a good pair of headphones the caves can become quite mystical and immersive.
You're playing objectively wrong if you're playing ranged zealot or focusing entirely on melee as veteran. Yes every class has build variety but some are just leagues better than others at specific tasks.
Its literally the best co-op game ever made. The DLCs are just cosmetic weapon and outfit skins.
okay and?
If you don't know enough about the game to know what a good build needs you don't know enough to carry with it even if I gave you some of the builds I carry with. Don't know what you think this shit has to do with that.
The game is really good but depends how much you like the reddit mining dwarf goofy theme of the game
>ranged zealot
That is not a role
You kill shit. That's it. The reason why you don't play ranged zealot is because it doesn't kill shit as well

Whenever i play with someone who talks about "roles" then they are always complete shitters
meleevet is great actually
alright, I'll say it if no one else will

darktide is good now
Roles dont imply you exclusively do that, but you build with a focus towards that. Obviously nobody is suggesting a veteran literally never take out his melee. But any good veteran should be maximizing their ranged damage and prioritizing those targets when sighted.
>loading times
wtf is this
yep it's the vet's fault for not killing the shooters fast enough that you died yep yep yep you're carrying and that's why you're on the ground yep yep
>Obviously nobody is suggesting a veteran literally never take out his melee
Melee vets are very strong, it's not just a backup option
>But any good veteran should be maximizing their ranged damage and prioritizing those targets when sighted.
Melee vet is no weaker than a ranged vet and everyone has the same priorities even if they use different weapons for it

Ranged elites are free kills for any class. Just run over to them and hit them
Zealot, literally any Zealot. Stealth Zealot preferably.
Ignore retards someone already answered your question. Either do crit zealot with chorus or vet with voice. Both can get nearly 100% uptime on overhealing toughness. Im not gonna type out a whole build but you can find videos on either easy enough. Its nearly impossible to lose playing either.
If Darktide is so good now how come Fatshark isn't making Darktide 2?
The Helbore is a Hotshot if you have the Hot Shot perk. This is all you're getting.
the builds on youtube SUCK and so do YOU
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What causes their perplexing behavior?
How can you improve upon perfection?
The funny thing is they probably are
The higher difficulties are filled with shitters who want to get carried while pretending to be useful by picking the "support role"
Excessive melanin count and insufficient cranial capacity, indubitably.


>Complain about people who play like this
>Anon bitches at me for calling it out
I am carrying purely by playing well, but a good build helps too
Voidstrike instead and we got a deal
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Dueling Sword Zealot is so much fun bros.
I just need them to bring back Rogue Trader so I can get the hat.
it's pretty clear that there's at least one actual smigger here that gets very offended if you call smiggers out for what they are. Or he's just pretending, which is equally as sad.
I got the hat but i need a better chest piece
>Can beat a plague ogryn to death with a hammer
>Cant push a dog off myself
They should add a little qte to push it off
Yep, and good. Martyrdom Dueling Sword is completely broken. I can literally walk into a mixed horde of crushers/maulers and rape them all.
I think psyker is fun
>Get drafted to WW3
>Get shot
>Medic (support nigger) tries to pick me up
>I tell him to stop being a useless faggot and just kill the other guys
>I force him to throw me off
>Bleed out and die
I won
Unsanctioned opinion detected
Execution is imminent
It's me
Smigging is a legitimate playstyle
Smig you
Why do people pretend assail is bad?
These games are supposed to have true disablers
Besides, the cheat trannies would complain over their fake carpal tunnel literally killing them from having to press E 1-5 times in succession and would make a mod to do this automatically
>fatshark puts up event for tomes and grims
>no one does it

What a stupid fucking event.
More like
>25% of the army is unarmed support
>most of them are dead or busy saving other supporters
>Never heard of the medic who fought without a weapon
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The most delicious part of this update to me is the nerffaggots in utter shambles. "Oh my god this weapon survived being OP for X amount of time" Cry more, it's so funny to me. You're a dumb faggot and your opinion is worth less than dirt.
what got nerfed? everything I looked at got buffed
He wasn't 25% of the army and he saved over 70 men which is a hell of a lot better than what any darktide support sissy ever does, and you still wouldn't want your army to be 25% Desmond
I dunno, why don't you ask the people saying that instead of coming here for a circlejerk?
Literally every pro with like 1000+ hours who makes DT videos would be calling you people morons. The 'support' skills like voice, chorus and shield are the #1 things that secure runs.
How is it on the train? Ive been trying builds with the - 40% peril generation - whatever toughness regen but I Havnt tried knives yet
I never said they weren't broken, they are broken. Doesn't mean other abilities aren't also broken or good.
I have 1200 hours and I know more than the fags making videos on account of how I'm not retarded, which is why I don't waste my time making stupid videos for 100 views thinking I'll make it big off this dead game.
Just say you dont know what support is.
Uh no. You can be the best shouter and shielder but you will still die if you aren't a great killer. A squad of 4 of the best killers will win without support. The best support is something that you use along with your normal gameplay, such as shout and voidblasting. Smiting is retarded and is mostly reserved for dogshit players
Why are you pretending support means you dont do damage? Thats not support thats just being retarded
I'm not sure anything fits that well at the moment.
>real life support
A fighter jet bombs your enemies
>darktide support
A guy gives your enemies cramps instead of killing them
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Got back into the game after taking a break before the snow mission got added.
Are the Double Barrel Shotgun for Veteran and Mining Pickaxe for Ogryn any good or are they meme tier?
Cool. I'll provide support by just doing what i was already doing
I'll support my team by killing specials with my support gun and by killing gunners with my support axe and sometimes killing hordes with my support fire grenades
There is a jacket with 2 knives on tbe shoulder which i failed to buy several months ago. Silly me for not buying every single item in the shop
Karsolas pickaxe is great, shotgun is shit
>There is a jacket with 2 knives on tbe shoulder
I vaguely remember that one, but it gave more of an assassin vibe if I'm remembering it correctly.
Support implies focused and intentional healing, buffing or shielding in game terminology.
Reload speed build on double barrel when used by Vet is amazing. You will DELETE anything close to you, but you will use a lot of ammo. Double barrel really doesn't need more damage, so either go reload speed or man-stopper build.
good god, the dark horizon is just mister torgues campaign of carnage, theres so many explosive mutators and explosive buffs
I am well aware, hence the sarcasm
I saw it on another play who was wearing the pants and it looked good. Probably the best match at the moment
And then you shoot a special almost point blank with both barrels without killing him and realize it fucking sucks
The fag who's going on about "support" is the same guy who was going on about "class roles"

Just some retard noob who hasn't put in his 1k hours
>Dodges overhead without looking
They are evolving...
I know there's a sound cue
>A guy gives your enemies cramps instead of killing them
And what are you doing while hes doing that?
>I know there's a sound cue
I still get insta killed by 5 tiptoeing crushers overheading me at the same time
Want to disable dangerous melee elites? Use voidblast. It's not as easy for you dogshit players to use at first but it's a lot better than smite once you get good
Why does the weapon surrender screen crash my game? I'm only running Psykh Ward, otherwise completely vanilla. Everything else works fine, but the weapon surrender screen crashes instantly.
making a funny webm of him for me and the other guys without abysmally low test to laugh at
Keep your head on a swivel. Always check behind you. This game has been a little too untrustworthy.
I used dueling sword and the other zealot who was using eviscerator did 200k more damage than me, it must suck
Maybe I'm just a shitter, but unlike Vermintide where you could drop down to 1hp and then stack THP all game, Martyrdom just feels too high risk in Darktide. Plus it really doesn't feel like the damage output is that much better than Blazing Piety.
>"I actively hinder my team to own the smyker"
he just loved the emperor more
Was the new Eviscerator's attack speed nerfed at some point? I came back for the patch on like a 7 month break, and I could've sworn it attacked faster when I last played, but even with 6 Martyr stacks, it feels slow as fuck. I WANT TO BLEND

Oh I've been running mine with crits. I might have to try it with Martyr, but I already run Evi, Chain Axe, and sometimes TH (swap between Martyr and IJ for that) on Martyr.

It's still fine in this. You get a good deal of damage reduction with Martyr, and your get out of jail free card should be saving you when you make significant errors. Couple that with a lot of toughness generation options, and it's usually pretty hard to die, even when you're intentionally chilling on your last bar of HP. You may not have enough sources of toughness gen in your build.
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martyrdom used to work off missing health and they changed it to wounds specifically so people who used it could be picked up over and over again when they go down
Only a retard like you could interpret my post that way

Smite is in almost all cases "too supporty" when a voidblast staff would have provided all the support the team needs while also weaking crusher armor and doing decent damage
Despite what saber lovers will claim, it's not good for horde clear and horde clearing is easy damage
>class roles
>vet friend always complaining when shit goes up to melee him
>always just want to say "You have the most overpowered melee weapon in the game, dude. Fucking use it," but he's so upset by that point, that it'll probably just make him ragequit
Thanks for reminding me
I had more lesser enemies killed than him
That's incorrect. A reload build double barrel will one-shot everything in close range with both shots except for a Mauler, Crusher, and Bulwark. With a small boost in damage, it will also one-shot Maulers, and Bulwarks from behind. It will stagger Crushers and make them fall.
Go test in the Psykhanium if you don't believe me.
Are you sure it's not? I need to go try it out in the MG with a big poxie pack. I could've sworn that with Duelist and Precog as well as the 20% attack speed that it shits on hordes, but maybe someone else was just doing that shit for me. Scoreboard certainly had me doing well though.
Then explain yourself
Yeah but I don't want to keep getting picked up
The builds are nearly the same, in one I sit at max hp constantly, in the other I'm constantly getting fucked over by stupid shit that knocks me down frequently enough that the get out of jail free card is still on cd.
>Go test in the Psykhanium if you don't believe me.
My tests concluded that it's damage was complete shit at anything but melee range and that bringing it along would hinder my special killing ability
Obviously better for zealot that with psyker, but it's still one of the worse options
Martyrdom is riskier yes, but it makes you tankier and deals more damage if you're willing to use it. Crit build is safer. The trick is to use Marty's tools to keep yourself from dying (Abuse Until Death, Second Wind, pretty much all the good defense talents). You get a shit load of damage res and tools to keep yourself alive. So long as you use them, it's not as risky. If you ever fuck up though, you're going down.
>The builds are nearly the same, in one I sit at max hp constantly, in the other I'm constantly getting fucked over by stupid shit that knocks me down frequently enough that the get out of jail free card is still on cd.
Dunno then. You could try running stun andes instead of incendiaries and take Second Wind to help avoid/reduce chip damage. Otherwise dodge more and get better at hearing the melee sound prompts.
>And then you shoot a special almost point blank with both barrels without killing him
That's what you said here >>496172069, now you are back pedaling on your claim.
Double Barrel is a short ranged weapon, of course its not going to kill things at a distance. In short range, it rapes, but you're not supposed to use it for anything else (You can fire a single shell at a time if you really need it to kill something further away). Don't run it unless you have a primary weapon for medium and long range. If you do use it, you don't need any more damage on it, it will kill everything already just fine, so take the reload blessings as reloading is its biggest weakness.
"Almost point blank" is further away than "melee range" and is therefore not indicative of me back pedaling

Hope that clears up any confusion that you might have had
You also don't have to play on the last conceivable shred of health. You can play on two-three wounds worth of health to benefit from the thing that gives damage reduction for anything that would take you into another wound. 4 missing wounds still gives you 16% attack speed and 32% damage and a good amount of toughness DR. Do you actually need more for your breakpoints?
Meanwhile crit chads get the same dps increase and tankiness while at full health
Can zealots get the recon lasgun now or is it still not available in brunt's?
until death, shield of contempt, restoring faith will keep you up easily. you also get a ton of toughness reduction for free everywhere.
>almost point blank
wtf do you think anyone is going to imagine when you say that? You're back pedaling.
Opinions on the new Heavy Sword blessing? It seems to absolutely shit on Armored Rager and help a lot with Mauler packs, but I don't have healthbars downloaded for proper Meat Grinder testing.

On the right weapons, yes, but some stuff doesn't benefit nearly as much from crit, like the TH or Chain Axe. Evi works well with both, and then other stuff is obviously better with crit. Meanwhile, Martyr gives flat damage % and attack speed. They're both really good, and I run both. IJ is the one that's kind of sad and sitting in the corner for me. I've been running it with post-buff TH, and it seems fine, but I don't see how Martyr TH isn't just better.
Drop the ego and just admit that you were wrong, dude
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I still remember when someone uploaded a Webm of a smiker stunning crushers while 2 of his enemies went down and the uploader decided to just stare at the psyker instead of taking advantage of the situation and helping his team back up.
It honestly just showed me what the type of person who gets mad at Smite is like.
>anon's bringing this dumb shit up again
Please no. We just did this like a week or two ago
Remember that video of the smite psyker who died to nothing but 1 bruiser 1 gunner and 1 flamer without killing a single one of them?

Those are the people who play smite psykers
The hypocrisy
What was the person who uploaded the webm doing?
the heavy attack smite thing they added fucking SUCKS. was thinking maybe it could help with a melee build but it does literally nothing.
>The hypocrisy
What are you fucking talking about? Do you think you're one of only two people participating in this thread? Return whence you came, you fucking tourist.
>What was the person who uploaded the webm doing?
Melee psykers are supposed to suck
I remember that one video of some dwarf battling a single rat in the sewers
I made a direct hit it seems
yeah and I remember when you samefagged a bunch of replies to it as if anyone gives a shit and seriously thinks taking a few seconds to make fun of a retard like yourself is a big deal
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how are you all failing he choo choo map?
i did it first try on histg damnation and 2 more times since
i guess i was placed with people that remembered to tune their shit after the patch
Sure. (You) sunk my fucking battleship, anon. Now go back
>dude it can't kill anything at almost point blank range
>...I-I didn't say that!
you're a child. Literally trying to gaslight me from a single reply ago. Fucking idiot.
Dead or just standing there?
If hes dead then the irony of him whining about Smikers proves a lack of self-awareness.
>fatshark added fsr 3.1

oh no you said the funny meme word now that means you're not obvious and not a total joke of a person
get kicked buddy
Game automatically turned on FSR, doesn't mesh well with DLSS. God it felt so fucking awful to play with both on at the same time.
>If you dont agree with me then youre a tourist
Baby brain
You replied to two different people and acted like they were one person.
Newfag brain.
Not based, not based at all. Shit fucking sucked, they shouldn't have activated that automatically.
I specifically said "melee range" because it's obviously closer than "almost point blank" which is further away than point blank. You are unfortunately just a drooling mudhut african nigger tier retard so you got confused. Now, take the L and apologize

Drop your ego!
Drop it!
*clap clap*
Drop your ego!
Drop it!
*clap clap*
Drop your ego!
Drop it!
*clap clap*
>Not based, not based at all. Shit fucking sucked
>"There couldnt POSSIBLY be more than one person who disagrees with me!!!"
>get kicked buddy
>He says as he does less team contribution by staring at the psyker
>catfag image
>retard opinion
you are such an ESL stereotype it hurts
>Stares at Psyker
>Teammate goes down
>Continues to stare at Psyker
>Another teammate goes down
>Still staring at the Psyker
>"Man, these Psykers are so useless"
What type of thinking is this called?
Already was using DLSS, game ran nominally at 60fps but turned super unresponsive like wading trough molasses.
Who's that old man in the mourningstar selling weapons and contracts? why does he smell like piss?
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holy shit go easy on him. he might be dumb as fuck but he's still a human being
what the fuck are you saying you stupid fucking Indian. You said it can't kill anything at "almost point blank range" >>496172069, that means close range, are you fucking retarded m8? God, it's like I'm talking to literal monkeys on this fucking website. If you meant MEDIUM range... or FAR AWAY, then you should say "medium range" or "long distance", not "point blank".
Why the fuck do I have to teach you how to speak English? This patch brought in some absolute drooling retards, holy shit.
like you're so bad at English because you come from an impoverished shithole you can't even read my posts and are just typing shit like this with no continuity at all lol
Listen buddy, I literally don't have to argue with you. You can't understand anything I say in the first place because you're too low IQ to speak English, but you've already resigned yourself to being a supporting character. That's just an admission that you already know you're beneath me.
>No argument
I accept your concession and your loot drops when you die from a poxwalker because you were too fixated on the Psyker
waow anon ur such a badass!!!!!!!!
>... okay I shouldn't have said "point blank", but I'm not apologizing
k, let's move on from the argument then like adults.
Damn. You would rather choose to play the dumbest fucking retard in the world rather than admit that you were wrong and that your video game gun is shit
>This patch brought in some absolute drooling retards, holy shit.
1.8k hours played and i'm better than you will ever be. Sit down, shut up and be humble
Spicposter staples:
>"I accept your concession"
>referring to any instance of deductive reasoning as projection
>not knowing the difference between ask and tell
>not knowing the difference between how and what
>not knowing the difference between firing and shooting
>calling people who don't buy cosmetics and DLC poor
>is actually poor himself (probably from paypigging too hard) so he couldn't afford a computer that can run darktide and will claim it's bad for 3080s but will never post his own speccy
>steals pictures of cata banners off reddit
>keeps asking for banners when no one plays ratclick anymore because it's all he can run
>typing out laughing and smiley faces in blatantly angry posts, general low EQ and understanding of tone
>randomly tries to pull the "Your brown so your opinion does not matter" every time he gets btfo before anyone can say it to him. Is mentally ill though so he doesn't stop replying after that like someone using it correctly would
>gets very angry in arguments about balance and will state "on damnation knife is good" despite having never played damnation (ESLs love to do this dishonest shit knowing what that implies because they think "oh I didn't technically lie!)
>when called out on the above will claim anyone with proof they beat damnation was carried
>watches youtubers and will get VERY offended if you tell him this is the antithesis of 4chan culture, thinks anyone who doesn't watch guides can't play above champ
>says flammer instead of flamer
>will claim the thunder hammer is good
>baits people into arguments with logical fallacies (while also disregarding any post as a fallacy)
If you see any of these do NOT engage. Making him cry and shit his pants like the subhuman he is is not worth shitting up the thread. Simply reply "You are brown so your opinion does not matter", and then do not reply to him in that reply chain again. It gets the point across and takes away all the cope he has of pretending he's won by making you engage him.
I don't know what to tell you. With the crit build I'm at 100% health all game. With Martyrdom I'm constantly getting focus fired and having stupid shit like enemies clipping through walls attacking me.
Brown people are gross and nasty lol
They're also all short too, you notice that? Like they're children who never finished growing
It literally turns on amd frame generation for everyone. I'm sure 90% of people playing aren't even on amd.
Your IQ drops by 1 standard deviation for each extra wound you have

Ogryns are 1 deviation below by default thanks to their extra wound
t. esl thirdie
We all accept your concession.
My power went out because of the storm then blinked back on. Now my game tanks frames and the physics on the big book on the back of my Zealot is wigging out. This sucks, I only got 2 matches in with the new level
>this nigga ain't got a surge protector and now his computer us fried
Please pray for anon
>no u
lol they have no pride as people and are literally calling me what they are as an insult
that would be so fucking sad if them being awful wasn't a fact that can't be disputed
You are brown so your opinion does not matter.
i still don't understand how watching tubers is anti-4chan
we play vidya
they play vidya
sometimes you want to watch someone play vidya or have something on in the background
after playing dueling sword i am 100% convinced psykers were only relevant due to it
no i don't play psyker how could you tell?
No, we don't want that.
be honest, you don't know what the word engage means and are going to reply to this post anyway because you're a brown subhuman who doesn't understand the copypasta
>no i don't play psyker
My nigga. Fuck wizards, especially space wizards.
>sometimes you want to watch someone play vidya
I don't because I'm not a fucking cuckold
and 4chan isn't just about video games you know, the whole point is anonymity
how do i buy specific weapon subtypes? its just the same autogun
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Cat website, newfag
you can change the mark in your inventory now
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>youtube is the antithesis of 4chan culture
the fuck?
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catposters are frowned upon in this general, newfag.
NTA, but I often watch vidya shit while on the treadmill or shitter. There's just not much point watching Darktide tubers. The game isn't that interesting to watch, and most of them are retarded. I can think of two who I'd actually take build advice from, and I half believe one actually posts here. Also
I only watch videogame clips that I'll never actually play, like Warthunder
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>thinks thread 'culture' overrides site culture
Reddit moment. Go back or lurk moar, newfag.
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Is gun pysker still a meme?
What gun do you run?
instead of minmaxxing i just like to run themed build like i'm playing VT2 classes
but last i recall gunpysker was just kinda self-griefing.
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> catposters in this thread
I remember the dark days of helldivers 2
They are still just shitty vets
That image isnt the own you think it is
Its someone who did their best and while its not the best there is, it has its charm and is unironically more memorable than the other minis you will see
>i'm playing VT2 classes
Ah, another mad verminsissy whos mad they only have 2k players and theyre all fun-hating sweatlords.
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>auric maelstrom
okay well, it's fine
>c3dwons 300% twitch
well done,
>dwons SV mutator
1.8k hours played, doesn't understand English, AND telling people to "get humble"? ... I don't think you should be giving anyone advice, honestly.
Give it a rest, pipsqueak. You got destroyed
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behave, shitstain.
you should kiss the ground us ratclicker walk upon.
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so you guys are telling me your weapons stats don't go to 100%? What's the point hen?
>anon wants to play classes with a vt2 theme
>sperg goes nuclear and seething at the mere mention of ratclick
Many such cases.
I'm not going to be chummy with you so suddenly, especially after that tantrum you threw.
Don't speak out of your ass, don't put the burden on ME to interpret what you really meant in your post.
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I wish we had that lasgun pattern. I knoiw I can recreate it with the weapon customisation mod but I don't want to brick my computer with that german tranny poorly optimised mod
>Monkey comes in
>Starts flinging shit everywhere
>Get mad at monkey flinging shit
>"Heh, many such cases"
not so much themed like Vt2 classes but using as much of only the left, middle, or right talent trees as possible(ditching the useless dog talents for core talents in other trees like confirmed kill or thy wrath be swift)
when will the /v/ crowd leave?
When the new patch hype wears off, and they fuck off back to whatever fotm there is.
>don't put the burden on ME to interpret what you really meant in your post.
Only a complete retard would consider it and intellectual burden to interpret my very clear and obvious posts. You're just really, really fucking stupid. Plain and simple
*takes a big fat shit on the floor*
Oh look it's a brown person, yucky!
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nta but it was obvious what he meant and i don't know why you are being so obtuse about it
Dishonest picture.
Classic darkpiggies.
by that logic you are a cuckold if you consume any media
>the whole point is anonymity
and watching a youtube video removes that anonymity, obviously
I haven't ran gun psyker seriously since before the talent tree rework. No clue if it works today, but I'll share what I ran.
>Zarona Revolver
>Illisi Force Sword
>Brain Burst with the increased speed after using ability
>Venting Shriek with soulblaze
The build was centered around deleting specials and elites ASAP. Since crowd control was lacking, the ability cooldown from Warp Siphon made spamming Venting Shriek a lot.
>play on heresy to check the map/minigame out
>teammates split up, underleveled and knotted/netted/downed behind
>lose after getting overrun at the final bomb/power cell

>play damnation
>teammates stick together, at least level 30 and capable of holding their own vs specials
>win easily with time to spare
you had 2k players before the update tourists came back for this patch btw
it'l go back down to 2k again by next week since everyone can see that nothing changes if they didn't already grind for 500 hours
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Verminsissies are really sensitive about their small playerbase arnt they?
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>Have to use dogshit taunt as Ogryn against 800 more enemies because I'm a completionist and want the penance/cosmetic
Why couldn't they make it 100 enemies man
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Sounds like self-inflicted misery,as expected from a gasha fag
>dogshit taunt as Ogryn
if you call the ogryn's taunt dogshit you haven't been paying attention
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>posts ratclick's lows but darktide's highs
hello shredderfag
this ratto emanates a powerful aura......
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Blaze Away, Penetrating Flame flamer still is not the flamer we had at launch, nor is it even good enough to warrant setting down my melee to pull it out.
I'm honestly still at a loss as to what ranged weapon to use as zealot. Bolter is okay, but when I mag dump 3 bulwark's shields and don't kill even one of them, it gets a bit awkward.
When's melta?
I think bullrush is better in every single way but is there some bullshit cheese with it that makes it overpowered or what?
>outperformed by the taunt on push talent
>doubly outperformed by the charge allowing you to reposition and CC while also dealing damage
>"almost point blank"
>...no that doesn't mean close range
>very clear and obvious posts
I'm imagining some manlet balding redditor. How far off?
Slug shotgun, revolver, and occasionally I'll whip out a braced or infantry autogun. Headhunter autogun only comes out if there's no Vet on the team.
you basically force a room full of shooters to forgor they have guns and run at you, also works on flamers they will just not move and kick the air repeatedly

also you interrupt most ennemies in the game.

Your average retard will take the charge because he doesn't know better, the trve ogryn chad takes the taunt
>close range
>even closer range

I've already schooled you on the facts many times before and if you don't understand it yet then you are too retarded to ever undstand it
>outperformed by the taunt on push talent
shield ogryn, opinion discarded
If you think the ogryn shield is bad then you are dogshit at the game
Simple as
>he thinks shield is the only weapon with a push attack
Or are you incapable of managing aggro without a shield to hide behind?
>It's close range and even closer range
What are you even saying anymore. Just be more specific in your whiny posts next time about the distance at which you are trying to use a gun, rather than misusing a term that you don't even understand. Your original post is just you bitching about the shotguns like an annoying faggot, so I'm not surprised you refuse to learn English or admit your mistakes.
nigger, we're talking about the taunt forcing ranged ennemies to stop shooting, thing only the shield can do

pay attention please you absolute mongol
>What are you even saying anymore
>hurrr i don't undastand durrr
Just shut the fuck up. Having to waste my time on a braindead mongoloid like you is very tedious and boring
Why don't you define what you meant and restate your claim about the shotgun instead of continuing bitching like a woman for the rest of the thread
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I really want the /v/ crowd to leave
don't bother with him. he is either trolling or retarded
I can't imagine dickriding a 4chan argument you're not involved in, so you're probably samefagging. Very sad.
>What are you even saying anymore
>play melee psyker with crits and movement speed buffs
>Casually outspeeding and outdamaging almost every zealot on auric
>When vets join the same build allows me to shit on them by doing more range damage and being faster to swoop pack kills
Nothing personal faggots.
Here's what i meant
*pulls your head down to my ass*
*farts in your face*
Scamper off, bitchtits. You are boring me
you are literally the only person here who is too stupid to understand him
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>Shopclicks lowest playerbase is still higher than ratclicks current players
The ratclickers think this is their epic win
why are you talking like an indian? could...could ou be.....oh no.....
haha good greentext fren
All right, so you admit you were wrong and don't want to continue. Your reply is just some /v/tier shitpost.
So next time, don't speak out of your ass about things you don't know anything about. Also, when you bitch about the game, especially right when a new update dropped, I really really don't care.
yeah, its called your bayonet
I clapped your cheeks and left you mindbroken and soaked in my cum. I have destroyed you so completely that there is nothing more i can take from you and now you bore me
i just scrolled up to see what you guys are arguing about and you are obviously wrong shitposting aside
>but when I mag dump 3 bulwark's shields and don't kill even one of them, it gets a bit awkward.
I've said this a million times. I'll say it again. Bulwarks are terribly designed, unfun garbage that need better counters when they appear in groups of 5.
>Oh yes, let me circle around you so I can hit your expossed fla-
>My mistake. I forgot that in addition to your shield being grossly more protective than its visuals depict, you also had 3 other Ogryn shields inside your ribs and back protecting you.
Grenade tax or wait for teammates to kill them enemies are horseshit.
Why are you still talking to me if you're so bored of me?
Just squeezing out the last drops of cum on you. Can't have your bitch ass thinking you are anything but a little retard who got into an argument he couldn't win
ᵀʰᵉ ʰᵃᶜᵏᵉʳ ˢʰᵒᵗᵍᵘn ᶦˢ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ
ᵀʰᵉ ʰᵃᶜᵏᵉʳ ˢʰᵒᵗᵍᵘn ᶦˢ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ
what? did someone hear something?
ᶦ ˢᵃᶦᵈ ʰᵉ ʰᵃᶜᵏᵉʳ ˢʰᵒᵗᵍᵘn ᶦˢ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ
oh sorry i couldn't hear you from down there at the bottom of the scoreboard
dont look up space marine piggie
we hit 13k players yesterday
kind of seems like you're bringing these just to deal with specials, in which case, throwing knives exist
zealot's range slot really should be occupied by some exclusive anti armor fuck gun, but they refuse to allow zealot any sort of ranged strength because this game is about coddling guardsmen players, same reason martyrdom still doesn't affect ranged weapons
that's why nobody likes witches
Respectfully disagree. It's a teamplay check. And if teamplay is absent then it's a resource check.
Respectfully suck my balls, nigger
>still no Plasma pistol
damn. I just want to cosplay a sergeant
we got the bolt pistol and it's just a worse revolver. I wouldn't hold my breath
I know. But I'll be damned if I ever put on smite. It's the equivalent of playing a healslut and peak troon gameplay. Staves are too OP and not fun at all.
Becoming a crack fueled blender of bullets and death is however. Especially when a single fuck up ican immediately down you. High risk high reward, as it should be.
Basically this >>496184440 but more politely. They're a shit design, and teamplay checks both don't make up for that and are gay.
Me painting minis with the guy I like
I'm not erping with you, faggot. Go find a boyfriend elsewhere.
it does feel strange that we got plasma gun, but no pistol
*cums in your open mouth*
Ahh yeah that's the stuff. You're my little mindbroken cumslave, yes you are
I'm glad I'm not your father... lol. He must be so ashamed his son typed that to another man, and over a video game argument at that.
they're a shit design because you can't mindlessly hold W and spam LMB? lol
Aw yeah keep it open
*shits in your mouth*
C'mon let me see you smile that brown poopy smile, boy
I already gave two reasons they're a dogshit design, retard-kun. Try fucking reading before you strawman next time.
it is, unironically, revolver's fault that bolt pistol didn't pan out

if not for revolver existing, and being some dev's little pet gun, bolt pistol would have its exact functionality as a quick pull out special sniper, but someone is REALLY proud of the partial reload revolver animations they made, and refuses to let the gun be supplanted now
i don't mean to strawman or argue, i mean to insult you
You should call your dad and tell him you're sorry for what you turned out to be. Have a good night.
Dayum, nigga. You just stone cold dabbed on he ass
>proves himself incapable of reading
>thinks he's insulting anyway
my sides
Another patch
Another Surge staff bug
Does nobody at Fatshark playtest anything?
Sorry. Called the wrong dad and now me and your father gonna go fuck your mother in your childhood bed
Did they accidentally make the surge staff fun again?
I can read I just don't see the problem. If they're stacked on top of each others then don't go in for a strike. Pull them apart for a second. Use some CC. Use some abilities. There are so many options.
No its broken.
Flurry makes it slower instead of faster
Surge still overloading you even when you have Warp Unbound active
Is Darktide good now ? Might repurchase it
>most abilities do nothing to Bulwark shields
>Bulwarks don't exist in a vacuum, and pulling them apart requires a lot of room to maneuver if forced to do it solo. The things around them which can shoot, move, and attack you through a shield which will protect them.
Which brings me back to grenade tax or "wait for ally participation" enemies. They're trash.
i'm having a blast.
Don't expect a good story but the gameplay is great, and progression is unfucked.
I always liked the gameplay tbf but it was so bare bones at launch. Think I’ll give it another go after work
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Do it. I love this game so much. I’m coming up on 2000 hours.
Do it. I left like a year ago mad as fuck at gambling. Back now and it's honestly fantastic.
furfags should kill themselves.
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I made some OC for it since I was having so much fun recently.
Blank out the "not" and "just".
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They fucking stole my Columnus IAG. It's gone from my inventory. It was so pimped out. FATSHARK.
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hit them up on the forums, I know in the past fatshark recovered weapons if people sold them by accident etc. if not the crafting is so easy now like whatever, I build multiple nearly perfect guns yesterday
the ogryn looks too smart
>>most abilities do nothing to Bulwark shields
List of abilities and weapons that do something to bulwark shields without needing to move a lot:
>ogryn charge
>ogryn point-blank-range
>ogryn ripper guns with high collateral bars
>ogryn grenade launcher
>ogryn power maul
>ogryn grenade tax
>psyker assail (throw it around them and hit the back of their head, it staggers)
>psyker brain burst
>psyker smite
>psyker trauma staff, it can hard counter 99 bulwarks at the same time
>veteran shout
>veteran grenade tax (it's one of 3 reasons you bring krak, and you have infinite)
>zealot chorus, opens the shield, spreads them out
>zealot crusher maul
>zealot grenade tax
I'm sure i forgot something. But none of the above is required if the team is in coherency.
On a higher level it goes like this:
1. teamplay, just have the team focus the blob and they'll go down fast. It's a coop game after all.
2. use cooldowns, we have them for a reason
3. use resources if needed

use your space. Open arena? Circle them. Tight hallway? Backpeddle while counter-attacking after they swing. They have surprisingly low HP. All chain weapons have the potential to one shot bulwarks. Crusher can two shot.

The only bad design I can think of is netters that can shoot through the shields. That's bullshit and should be changed.
I feel like Zealot's Charge deserves to knock the shield away.
>doesn't even mention plasma gun
>*effortlessly kills 6 bulwarks*
that would be cool
psyker surge staff works too
Right, you get only a couple things as Vet (plasma pierces shields) and Zealot to open shields up or otherwise deal with groups of them effectively. Even then, I'm reasonably confident that staggered, adjacent Bulwark shields can still interfere if their shield/arm/whatever clips through their buddies (which happens regularly). There's no defending that shit, dude. The counterplay, limited as it is, doesn't even function properly a good portion of the time.

You keep making excuses. I never said there were no ways to deal with them. I was saying that they're garbage, dysfunctional enemies and that most of their counters revolve around other people distracting or doing for you OR taxing your grenades, and as a Vet and Zealot fag (Ogryns are fat and boring; wizards are for the dick-smokingest of fags), I stand by that. But please, keep defending a massive enemy that abuses the fuck out of friendly unit clipping, an exaggerated shield hitbox, and friendly fire passthrough. No, they're not fucking challenging. They're infuriating.
So is it actually doing anything to a bulwark's shield when shooting it with a bolter or not? I distinctly remember in the past that I could shoot it and it would stagger him, then some patch changed that, then recently I think I read some notes that said this interaction was improved again, but shooting bulwarks now still seems like a folly. Instead of exploding they just make the puny blue tinks and they aren't fazed by it even on full auto.
>Vet (plasma pierces shields)
not anymore, patch changed that
Oh really? My mistake then. I haven't played my Vet since before the patch. Even though I like Vet, Zealot's way more fun to play.
Plasma did need a nerf, but damn if I don't hate losing a reliable tool to remove those fucking pieces of shit.
is it still power sword?

i haven't played in a long long time
still strong but real niggas you the shovel (not the foldable ones) for
>insane speed
>good stagger
>insta stagger special attack
>good cleave
>good blessings
no weapon is as safe as shovel for veteran, no stupid activation, fast, reliable, goated but I am testing out dueling sword and that also fucks on vet
I really like the regular shovel's push overhead but I have to concede that the mark 7 has the most use-cases and potential.
I grew to prefer the original shovel over the new one, too gimmicky
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+++ From the curse of the mutant, our Emperor deliver us +++

+++ From the blasphemy of the fallen, our Emperor deliver us +++

+++ From the begetting of daemons, our Emperor deliver us +++

+++ Love the Emperor, for he is the salvation of Mankind +++

+++ Blessed Emperor, ward my spirit; deliver my soul +++

+++ By the Throne, and the Rod, and the Way +++
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From the lightning and the tempest, Emperor deliver us.
How so? It has the exact same heavy moveset. The trade it makes is an inferior light attack pattern and push attack for the new special spike, so you cannot use it as quickly and seamlessly to clean up stragglers and/or ragers. On the other hand, if you can manage your spike carefully it is massively superior for heavy single target.

For mark 1 shovel I take Uncanny Strike because its the fastest way to beat down a crusher out of all its options. For mark 7 I can safely take Thrust instead to greatly multiply the damage on a single vulnerable opening.
yeah haha... I'll show these cheeky demonhosts the rod and the way...
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What's the dump stat on the Plasma Gun? Mine looks like this currently. Feeling like I should try and get one with better thermal resistance though.
Charge rate, usually. uncharged spam is the go-to still.
charge rate
I have wanted you to leave since the day you set up shop here. But I don't whine about it.
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Noted, so this should be good then?
More than ideal.
yeap game randomly freezing up/audio cutting out since the patch. yes I've turned off the new settings
currently for me it feels better
>slightly bigger damage
>bigger mag size
>faster reload
just it's harder to bump mags into enemies than with revolver but why would you do that outside of situations where 10 ragers run at you
Awesome. Weird thing though, dunno if I maybe missed something in the tutorial, but when empowering, the stat went down? It said max of 61% for charge time, but after empowering as much as I could, it dipped by a percentage, tried again on another one with all stats at 80% max, save for charge rate at 60%, and it dropped to a max of 55%.
I remember tranner saying thunderstrike is good for the special pickaxe stab
what are you implying..? that swedes are bad at math?
why is my frame rate really bad lately? was fine yestrday
Yeah seems like a weird bug based on a quick search.

known bug
Is it a simple matter of it not displaying the correct numbers, or will it actually affect weapon performance too?
rampage or shred on evi with rage keystone?
i like shred
They claim that it's only visual. Whether you trust in someone's knowledge of their codebase when they mess up something so trivial is another matter. When I get an instance of it that crosses a measurable damage and/or other measurable metric (warp res etc) I plan to test
It carries over to inspect weapon and displays the stats appropriate for the % value so my money is on swedes fucking up actual weapon generation and that it has fuck all to do with rounding errors.
is the game running better for anyone else?
Did they change Wildfire? Is it good yet?
Maybe. Was it meant to be in combination with Skullcrusher? Swedenese text descriptions of what blessings do are never comprehensible by the average person. What is even a "stack of +10% damage"?
Each stack increases their dmg taken by 10.
guess im not playing until this gets fixed.
fuck me I just saw its from april
new map runs like a guardsman affected by nurgles diseases ASS
An anon in the previous thread said Plasma doesn't vaporize entire hordes through Bulwark shields anymore so the weapon is literally unusable now
>I lost my whole fucking talent tree loadout for ALL characters

I had a console player with an open mic join, and he got lost.
Got lost on a linear fucking train
Did they nerf Trauma?
i don't think so
Did you remember to turn off the AMD FSR thingy? It kept my frames at 70 for some reason. Turned it off and now i'm at 130-170fps
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Nope, nothing got nerfed this patch. Nerftrannies are actually raging and shitting themselves over the fact that not only did nothing get nerfed, a lot of stuff got giga buffed in fact. It's hilarious.
They seem to have also buffed enemy spawn rates, so...
>weapons and classes buffed
>more enemies to kill with new stuff
I fail to see a problem?
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No can do. I'll still play with you even if you're a runty git though. Hunting down scriptures for the event. Join up before the warp storm (hurricane) knocks out my connection.

Fartshart code
Well plasma did get nerfed a bit. At least bulwarks have a generous shield hitbox now.
OK so we're back, now which stat is dump on a Dueling Sword mk. IV?
i still dont understand how to survive above 3
Use your ears and block
im deaf but i was blocking and still died a lot
When tf was it ever bad? A scrier's gaze psyker build with a columnus IAG can easily deal some of the best burst damage of any build in the entire game.
push lesser enemies between your attacks
dodge sideways to avoid big hits
run and slide to avoid enemy laser beams
stay close to the team

All classes have extra ways of regenerating toughness.
>which stat is the dump stat on ___
>but defense isn't there
>but mobility isn't there either
Then pick a new weapon.

Learn to recognize the subtle and universal woosh sound of an incoming attack. Build a pavlovian habit of always spinning around and dodging/+blocking when this happens. Always be dodging around in combat. Always be sliding when approaching gunners. Bind crouch to a hold to make running into a slide consistent.
Mobility, however you want to stay above 50%. Mobility is usually the dump stat for a lot of melee weapons however going below 50% will mean you lose on an extra dodge, and your dodges will go slightly less far, not having an extra dodge is REALLY annoying.
Any yuropoor for some aurics? I can make a party with the korean filter or something
tested bolgun
>bigger mag than pistol
>harder to hit and slower to reload
>im deaf
Well sorry to inform you but about 50% of this game is based on hearing. Maybe more honestly. Your ears tell you where the specials are, when to block, when a horde is incoming, where the DH is, basically all the important cues that you need to know in order to deal with them at higher difficulties.
>im deaf
why do you play a tide game then retard
could install a mod that pops up a message when a special spawns
Gun psyker is good if you're not terrible at the game.
Vraks V, Agripinaa Revolver, and Laspistol are all decent choices because you want high rate of fire and / or crit blessings on your gun. That way you synergize with Scriers Gaze.

It's best played when you have a Survivalist vet teammate. Just don't spend ammo on every poxwalker you see. I recommend pairing it with assail so you're not totally ammo dependent.
Pair it with empowered brain burst so you can take out elites for free
Thanks. What do you think for blessings, Thrust for sure and then refresh dodge?
That works too, although i think Disrupt destiny is more fun for gunpsyggering.
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>message when a special spawns
Doesn't solve the issue of where they are really without a comprehensive amount of game knowledge. The fact is that if you play without being able to hear you are at a massive disadvantage in tide games. I usually shit on cheat mods that give you visuals for things you should already know, but accessibility mods are something worth looking into I think.
what blessings do you use on the kickback?
it is, though
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Absolutely melting bosses with this shit and everything else, really. Penetrating Flame has been amazing so far.
Blaze Away and Inspiring Barrage
Yeah it's busted. New blessings for flame staff are cracked.
Blaze away and Surgical
why crit? How does it work with blue fire?
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>lvl 320 power sword with 80/80/80/60/80 stat caps
>raise lvl to 400 at Hadron
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There's honestly a lot of options. Thrust is actually the weakest by far, which class are you playing as?
With crit scriers psyker, I always went shred and riposte for maximum crit chance. Conditional on dodge doesn't sound ideal but the harder in difficulty you go, the more you realize it is almost entirely 100% uptime during combat since you're dodging inbetween every stab anyways. Just the basic heavy poke is more than enough to dispatch every special in one headshot.
If you arent going all in on crit for whatever reason, you can also go precognition and agile, for the same reason but precognition gives you +weakpoint damage on dodge for a few seconds.
I honestly never felt the need to go for carpace damage so I always roll with flak+maniac and that lets me oneshot ragers with every step.
I haven't funny tested it yet on zealot and cqc vet but I want to imagine it's almost entirely the same effect since they have a ton of crit nodes and passives
it's over
didnt know it was critical to be able to play the game above 3
i'll look for this, cheers
Forgot to mention that even without agile, it's very rare that you'll actually run out of dodges unless you really managed to fuck yourself into a bad position. You're usually better off just taking more damage
nta but it's cracked with the "crit on dodge" talent.
Are you running Wildfire and Perilous Combustion or did they get gutted? Coming back after a very long break.
would run n gun be good with the spread reduction?
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>love everything about the game conceptually
>have a seething disdain for the meme dwarf archetype
so close to being crack in software form
Crits on Purgatus = Double Soulfire stack for faster application and more stacks to kill shit faster

Yeah I've got both of those since its a generalist build where I hotswap staves for whatever
Surgical and run n gun
when a flame weapon crits, it adds 2 stacks instead of 1. Letting it ramp up faster and a crit lets you push to 16 stacks, rather than the normal 15 cap.
As well Psyker has the talents that proc on crit. Toughness gain, and dodge ranged attacks for 1s; which lets the Psyker keep burning things even under fire.
>talent tree reset
>dont remember what i had
The kickback is good by default, it doesn't NEED any blessings. I don't think the spread reduction is worth it but you're not griefing anyone if you run with it. I think it's nice to have some spread so you hit more targets.
cool, thanks
>dozens of weapons
>can only make 5 builds still
fuck the new map seriously what were they thinking
there's a mod for that
There's a mod to uncap the gay ass slot limits.
meme dwarf ?
could share your talent tree build please
That makes sense, ty. Dodging as the condition to turn on your blessings makes perfect sense.
What's wrong?
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lmao, this is ugly as fuck
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Man fatshark really doesn't have a good touch for making cosmetics
it's too hard for meee :(
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The dorf stereotype
>luv drinking
>luv me fights
>hate elves (based)
>luv mining
>luv belligerence
I've always found this super fucking lame, with the prime example of it being Oghren from DAO. At the very least the WH Fantasy dorfs get half a pass from me because the book of grudges is such a cool concept
>overbuff the most braindead infinite pen weapons even more, same as zealot flamer
game is piss easy as is, good job
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Someone was hitting on my fempsyker and I don't know how to feel about that
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That's kinda like saying that Nikolai who is currently sitting in a flooded trench without a foot because it got shot off is just a hyperbole because Jeff from accounting in Kentucky lost $40 on gambling. It depends entirely on the location. Not all of humanity is living in the exact same conditions.
time for you to explore your inner tranny
it's just press W all the way with long ass pauses waiting for one teamate to finish his Tetris game and then you have 0 reward
kill yourself reddit
Can I change my chars voice yet?
To play is the reward. Haven't you learned this yet?
Fuck the new "hacking minigame" desu
Visit the barber. He'll cut your vocal cords for a small fee.
>and then you have 0 reward
It's a videogame. You have fun by playing it, or you don't have fun so you quit. Why do you need a "reward" what do you mean?
how convenient you skipped the first part of the answer
train map = fun
train map hacking minigame = not fun
holding W to move forward is le bad?
nice, now you can read the middle of the answer
so you don't like the pauses
I'm glad we're working through this together.
>why is a moving train a straight hurr
stfu telepops fangirl
we'll get there eventually
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a real TRAIN of thought!
it's because the new map is on a train
I shove toy trains up my ass.
i like trains
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mans got a whole novel on his head
For The Drip was updated?
it's OG
kinda patrolling the Mojave there
it's the receipt
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Some of them actually look okay.
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the buk' is fun yeah, I also love the chaos dwarves. The ones from DRG are more like people hating their job and employers with some dwarf sprinkled at the top. Game is still very fun and cheap to pick up
if you cared about being ugly you wouldn't play an ogryn or even darktide at all
looks like an ork paintjob
Orks literally stole the checker-grid paint motif from humans.
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Long-Las+ Hellgun when???
What the fuck, was testing stuff in psykhanium.
Flamer enemies finally explode when you shoot their fuel tank?
Only took them like two years.
fuck yeah
orks are older than humans I think its more likely humans stole it off orks, but if you really believe that in the what, 60 million years was it that orks have been around they couldnt make/seen elsewhere a square pattern and only found it when humans showed up then you think what you want
those look like shit
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how about lever action rifles?
>Mobian armor is blue
>mastery gun is red
what is this clownshoe regiment
it's alright but still kind of shitty
i think it's a warhammer issue
or a you issue
I just want more ranged weapons and some bullet hose options
>revolver rifles
Thats a tried and tested failed design but I guess your fingers dont matter as much when theyre metal not flesh. Something tells me youll lose alot more than fingers on a malfunction with those weapons though
How could Jes Godwin fail so hard...
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Lever rifles peaked in 1895
>laser weapon
>ranging graticules
Can't be worse than a plasma gun
there is 1 level action rifle the others are long barrel revolvers with a stock
definitely not that
i like the call of duty gun whatever it's called, column autogun
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those look more like Johnson rifles
round but enclosed magazines
you now remember the "elf spear is actually a bardiche" autist
>Auric Storm Survivor
>Combat Knife

Signs some faggot is going to run ahead of everyone and then quit
Just the ASS title alone is more than enough of a telltale that they're the most remarkably shit and retarded player you will come across today.
Reconnect mod and its consequences have been a fucking disaster for darktide.
what, you don't like being carried?
are darktide mods compatible with playing multiplayer and progressing in the game?!?!
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Now that the game is actually fun I wish the Aquilas weren't retardedly expensive so I could buy a skin with clean conscience.
for sure they are, all of them are client-side

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