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Previous: >>496108859

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
How to fix TVs
>stop having so many loading screens and unskippable dialogue
>stop the pointless filler fights with 1 set of dialogue, 2 loading screens and 3 ethereals
>stop Fairy from saying things that are fucking obvious
>stop making everything a corridor, you don't need a master proxy to find the way out if all you do is walk in a straight line
>stop dramatically panning to objects that are 2 tiles away
>stop using 4 year olds to test your puzzles, either make them hard or remove them altogether
literally all TVs needed was quality of life updates and not treating their players like they're still in primary school.
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im gonna marry this cat
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Brown Culo
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should i run neko or piper for my second team with anby & nicole
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I think you guys are overrating Chapter 4.
Gacha games are literally made to be self inserted in. That's their purpose. You are the hero. You play the game. You control the events.
If you are not self-inserting then what are you playing the game for?
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What is the point of the other coffee flavors now? Tin Master Special BTFO all of them
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>ambush node 5
what the fuck
I love women
Is there anything more cucked than being a shipfag?
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no... not like this
Will hoyo ever do a collab character again? considering the furries, doesn't adding wukong make sense for ZZZ(but anime-fied)? would attract wukong fags which are 20 million
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I was fucking around for way too long.
Today I'm gonna catch up with all of you. I have lots to do.
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This has to be the worst patch by far.
Literally no content the patch.
This is absolutely shit.

This game will be perma dead soon at this rate.
because prostetic does most of the work
you cant build muscle on a cut appendange
>If you are not self-inserting then what are you playing the game for?
gambling, which is why there are so many mentally ill, unstable fans of gacha games
>If you are not self-inserting then what are you playing the game for?
To watch ships from their third-person perspective. Shipfags are KEKS. They have always been cucks.
60 energy + 1 instance of double drops mean 80 effective energy
It's the same shit just that if you don't like the daily options you can go for the 80 one.
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Caesar if she was in a non-chinese game
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Leave it TO HIM!
so is Caesar actually good or not? I found myself playing as Burnice the whole time and she auto-dodged everything before I could trigger the assist
it's limited
Slim females are usually like that irl, western developers have brainwashed (you) into liking men
What happened with the autist collecting UIDs?
Why does Wise speak with so many tildes in his dialogue choices
wrong general Aventurine
to jerk off with the characters
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>self-insert vs shipfags vs yurifags vs Fujofags time
based womanlover
>that new disc recommendation feature
Fucking finally
Now that you mention it, a monkey thiren would most likely be popular if he had a good kit. At least in China.
shes very good, but very boring
Still needs muscle to hold the prosthetic.
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Wise won
Hello, mental illness.
it up
good as a "get her buff and switch to other character" support
didn't like her as much as a stunner since it's too reliant on the enemy being aggressive
let's not fight between ourselves ok
chinkyi bros... our narrative...
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Hoshimer Miyaber
Who even reads shoujo manga these days? Shoujo Caesar is so forced tbqh.
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Take it up with mathsfags they're the ones said it's even
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>Shota shit
You didn't need to type mental illness four times.
I'm gonna keep posting the old screenshot just because people that like jane deserve to be pissed off desu
doesn't count, jane's banner ran for more time
depends on where the cutoff was
for example, if you get cut over the middle of the upper arm, you wont be able to contract the muscle properly, cause its missing half its ligaments
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I'm curious what her trust events will be like, I was surprised by how calm and down to earth she was in the dialogue with the SoC.
Who even rents video tapes these days? Random Play is so forced tbqh.
Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, the only winning move is not to play.
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Why are you not guaranteed the limited pull for the engine banner? My Caesar is fucking BRICKED now

At least with all this bad luck piled up I should be guaranteed Burnice in less than 40 rolls
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Any Anomaly experts here? Would a Jane Burnice team work? Who should be the last member? (I'm skipping Caesar)
So, should I get good artifacts for Caesar or is maxing impact all that matters?
If I get her best 4* weapon I don't really need to upgrade it, right?
>yanagi + miyabi coordinated attack
could it mean shes not attacker after all?
Futa Piper fucked my ass
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I read House of the Sun few months ago, it's pretty good and the feMC is cute.
Help...after Ceasar i started pulling again for Piper dupes and i got spooked after just 20 pulls by the fat maid. So now i have the guarantee. And i want Burnice and Piper dupes too.

What would you do in this situation?
>all this bad luck piled up
nigga you won 3 50/0s in a row on the character banner and the one time you lost it was an early pull stop bragging.
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What in the shojo artstyle ? xD

We already got she's into romance stories from her reaction at the movies but I didn't guess it's to this point. She reminds me of myself when I was a teenager, now shojo stories seem too emotionally draining to read for me (it takes forever for the main couple to get together, there's a thousand misunderstandings along the way, the romantic rivals complicate things to a crazy degree and as you grow up you go from relating to the shyness of the female protag to just getting frustrated and wanting her to have some guts !)

Anyway, I don't know why I went on a whole rant about my teenage years, I guess the artsyle triggered flashbacks lol
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Yeah, the shining nigger anus
Let your nigga spark ignite
Find your treasure, glowing bright
Stealing it and take a flight

Arrested or not, at least you tried
Chin up, in yourself, confide
No blackface on your side
You're chosen, so enjoy the ride

There are things you can't control
Freedom's fickle, that's this world
Embrace the result, stop keeping score
That's the essence
Life's true goal

Not just trials and gangwars tough
Go taking joy in white puss
Even when it's getting rough
Take it easy, having a BBC is just enough
Caeser confirmed in love with Hiro.
Jane Burnice works great, 3rd can be Lucy for maximum sex
I don't remember making this post
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Wise, with his cute sister:
>owns and runs a popular store
>homeowner paying off a mortgage in a post apocalyptic world
>owns a drives a car
>/fa/ and called handsome by others
>lives a double life as a legendary criminal
It's not surprise even agents fall for him.
Don't get mad if they keep self-insert pandering.
Least schizophrenic Jane hater
this general lost
jstern25 won
Just bee urself my dude
do you guys buy any of those bundles that cost mono in the shop or do you just spend them all on tapes?
A crying panda?
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the event art is always so fun
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I'll ask because I dont know if this happen in every version or only in ps5 or if only in my region.

During dialogues, when there is lot of text on the dialogue, instead of the dialogue keeping the size of the text and scrolling down inside the box instead of that the game reduces the size of the text to fit in the dialogue box.

Since I play on console on a tv in a room this can be a pain in the ass because sometimes there is so much dialogue that the words become so tiny I have to get closer.

Does this happen on every version or only in ps5 europe?
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>Not a single bad character
How did they do it?
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Wisebros... How do we compete..
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i don't think my assaults hit nearly as hard as the other pipers here. i just had lucy's buff going for the entire time
she was m4w1 at that time, ap/phys/er
leveling your dps/anomaly characters is pretty important in this game
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Just pull Caesar and Robutt. Wasn't even close to dying. At least in the permanent one from last patch, Piper lost like half HP during a spin in the second half...

They really try to sell you supports.
But that's because you're a weeb loser who reads anything popular from a genre. What I'm really asking is, do women even read shoujo manga nowadays? Most of shoujo mc seem so far away from the usual tiktoker these days.
Caesar seems to be about at the elbow.
Caught or busted might fit better than arrested
Besides that A for effort
I just fucking need Caesar then I'm done rolling forever. Jane/Seth/Caesar will never be powercrept
>When she won't kiss Chichi
Lucy is pretty shit but people are just blinded by sex.
The more shit a general is the less art of characters is being posted.
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>want piper mindscapes but don't think i want caesar
>want burnice and lighter
>want miyabi
>want pulchira
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Is Caesar better for Zhu than Nicole? The new clip made me like her but I have no team for her besides that one
I can't pull a 5* outside of hard pity twice in row, can i?
Wise and Bell are the same person
>pig bangboo
isn't bangvolver better for an anomaly team?
Bejita is for Wise
Is Anby's ball a good cope ball for Lycaon? It's the only stunner ball I have...
????? no
do NOT let the dbz spics see this
Seems like they swapped Lucy and Caesar personality here.
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I know powerlevel fanboyism is teenager behavior. However. They're sticking with the "everyone who knows Billy agrees he's hiding his powerlevel" narrative. Doesn't this mean Dante and Vergil are, once again, the only characters implied to be far above the rest of the cast in strength? What if Full Power Billy was given the title of Void Hunter? Either in the past or present is fine.
Time to get swipin anon
Someone replace Miyabi with Mibibi or just meeb pls
When leveling up a new character what's the most important thing to do first?
I get them a decent engine and level it up to 30 or 40, then level them up to 45-55 and then what
i self insert as eous
burnice's banner has the 2 best A-ranks on it because she's trash and they want people to pull, right?
I think you can buy or craft steam oven
use it until you can craft a steam oven
I must admit that I found Burnice kind of bland and a dead weight for the set, but truth be told seing her on the story she is quite likeable as well
She only wears sexy lingerie like that for him.
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i like how the shimmer ceasar's buff gives liets you see her shapely butt
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If you care that much about meta and power creep just roll M2W1 Jane and start clearing all content faster solo than most full teams do.
Luckily nothing in this game warrants that much dps
>Is Caesar better for Zhu than Nicole?
depends on your Nicole
Caesar is better
roughly equal
M6+weeping cradle?
Nicole is better
his worst luck iapart from the ball is honestly on the bangboo banner, those lil niggas seem to love me and always come home early
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My wife is growing stronger
Need to replace her 5 and 6 at some point
aw sweet there is a stitched ver
i don't get it
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run piper with lucy in her own anomaly team
>burnice's banner has the 2 best A-ranks on it
Lucy and who is the other?
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Perfect, thanks bro
Alright, got it! I totally forgot the weapon shop had an actual use.
>play Jane against Jane in assault node
>can't see shit, just teleporting all over the place
holy fuck
whaaaat? is the maidball the best ball for Nicole? I have one catching dust since day 1
I never gamble when on a guarantee but you do you anon
the shield effect is really ugly, hope a mod can get rid of it
same but maybe I’ll roll for an ice shielder for shork
That's like asking if men still read shonen manga or not these days, of course they do.
>anything popular from a genre.
Wish it was more popular desu.
Guys what seems to be the consensus among the community in regard to pinKing?
I thought it was the best video they'd uploaded, but I got a feeling that some of you are very unhappy, and I don't know why.
Hoshimer Miyaber!!! Ahhh!!!! Hoshimer Miyaber in the flesh!!! AaahhhhhhasdfGDFsFDSgadgnoueraqnfgoweafwqpkrq$!@#%!@
I don't dislike the other chapter final boss themes but holy fuck the mogging is brutal
If I have a team of Caesar, Burnice, who should be the 3rd member?
Lucy? Soldier 11 Lawrence?
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>isn't bangvolver better
Pigboo can push around opponents. Specofically push opponents towards Piper's spinning.
It's valuable crowd control.
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Out of chrome.....need caesar....finna swipe.........
I agree, going to spam it everytime I can so they change it, we already have the bar to tell
Read the weapon zigger...
i have lucy with s11 and ben right now, should i drop one of them to fit her in?
Jane or Piper
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I do have M6 Nicole but no weeping cradle or any maxed out 4 star weapon. Fuck, I really have no team for Caesar then
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I love Ben Bigger!
Whyd they give every female sexy heels and then Belle gets some of the goofiest fucking shoes ever
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Just updated the game after taking a break from it for a week.
What's the general consensus on Caesar?
Is she a must-pull like most shills said, is she really the Zhongli of ZZZ? Or is she really just a slightly better m6 Ben?
We hate it here. It reduced Caesar into another shitty self-insert pandering girl.
This game peaked way too soon.
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Do it bro!
Hoyo needs to know we want women like her.
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>cheesetopia event
>feel like ordering a pizza now
She is the Zhongli of ZZZ.
Can't you just pull them with Caesar hold attack?
>consensus among the community in regard to pinKing
Cute, catchy, will play it when I pump iron in the gym
Is 500 more attack for M2 low value?
but Genshin peaked at Inazuma
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We love it here and we love Caesar even more.
ntrfags and fujos seethed
Most adult men who still read manga are manchildren, and nowadays there are a lot of basedboys/manchildren with 30+ reading japanese comic for young boys, I get that, it's kinda normal. But you don't see the same with women.
we love it here
I just read a short doujin where a shota fucks Ceasar and her huge tits and thighs in various positions.
Burnice might be my very first, and only C6 in hoyo games and I've been playing since September 2020.if you know you know.
She's not as busted as I thought but I also don't think there's a safer pull in this game. Literally zhongli
You should be an influencer with how easy you can bait people
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Welcome to the club.
Went from f2p++ to f2p+++

At least I hope I will have enough for Burnice with the primos I have left.
you have lots of days to farm yet bro
>physical weakness mission
>avoid getting hit mission
>race to the end mission
>destroy boxes mission
We love it here. It elevated Caesar into another amazing self-insert pandering girl.
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Is this our Wildfire?
woman are into webtoons
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Why does this wide eyed bitch show up at EVERY FUCKING STORY CHAPTER.

Like holy shit, can you stop appearing.
Zhongli is not a good comparation to any character, he isn't good, he is never the best option, he is just a character for noobs that don't have the damage or don't know how to dodge, he isn't and will never be the best in slot for any team, Caesar is way better than that, but she isn't a "Furina" or a "Bennet"
It's not an anomaly team. It's a cat team.
And piggy is in because it's a cute piggy with a curly tail.

That has piss poor range and is effectively useless. Piggy drags the furthest away enemy to you. Aka doesn't matter where it is. It's largely for ranged annoying enemies.
The only good drag is unironically Nico with enough dupes. Everything else is kinda lackluster. Robutt is still kinda okay, as long as enemy come closer.
While Piper is spinning?
Link pls
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uh wisebros what the FUCK is this?
replace soldier
Looks like you made some types, anon. I'll fix them for you!
>physical weakness mission
>avoid getting hit mission
>race to the end mission
>destroy boxes mission
Burnice is perfect.
then swipe
you're playing a gacha game
i can't imagine playing a gacha f2p, sounds awful
sometimes wise falls asleep in the HIA VR shit, I wonder if people who work there think he's a video game addict
Her Wideness Miyabi "Mibbers" Hoshimi
She's a "win more" character. Gives a lot of strong buffs, but the buffs are overkill for any content in the game. She can slot into literally any team and do well. She's basically the best flex pick in the game. Ellen + Soukaku but no Lycaon? Throw in Caesar. Zhu+Nicole, but no Qingyi? Caesar. S11+Lucy but no Koleda? Caesar.
>destroy boxes mission
What's your second team?
She is better than Soukaku/Lycaon if you have an Ellen team
why is she not as busted as you thought?
it's important for the canon love interest to be involved long before she hooks up with the MC, otherwise it feels like their relationship is an asspull!
>destroy boxes mission
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Hoshimimi Miyabibi
How would a S rank Billy look
Does Mihoyo ever releases upgraded versions of standard characters?
waterkuma hired incest writers for this patch
Sorry, can't. I can't access panda on phone and i am banned from 4chen on my PC. Horn/wood is the all i Can give you.
Rina-Lycon-Corin(M6 cause she wont stop stalking me)
Caesarbros, Zhubros, Ellenbros...we need to set aside our differences and kill her before it's too late....
>he is never the best option
And Caesar's future will be the same.
Wise's future wife.
Never played Genshin Impact here. What in the name of Allah does that mean anyway?
You can use Caesar with anyone but she does not offer a big damage boost over any characters she supports (Qingyi, Soukaku, Nicole, Lycoan). It's basically worthles to pull her just to get a stronger team because of that.
However, if you like her then just get her. You can fit her into any team and even if she somehow makes your teams worse, the content is easy enough and the difference is small enough that it doesn't matter. You can't even compare her 1:1 to certain characters because she doesn't do the same thing. She stuns slower than Lycaon/Qingyi, and even though she has CC she is nowhere near as good at it as Nicole (who can succ on skill + chain) so there are many scenarios where one is better than the other. The difference is so small it's pointless to worry about.
that's caesar tho
The main heroine...
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Miyabi will revive this game with her rate up.
You can swap out Lycaon to her then
Also swap out Rina to Lucy because she is garbage
I use nicole but I'm a man (human)
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Pretty nice minigame. What do you think?
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>Does Mihoyo ever releases upgraded versions of standard characters?
All the time
She is not that cute
I really want to grope her cute tits
And Yanagi is Belle's wife.
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Yeah, haha, imagine...
Hello im waterkuma
What does Miyabi's asshole smell like?
How the fuck is Zhongli this powerful it's been FOUR YEARS
Zhongli is a shielder that makes your team immortal for most content. You don't need to dodge anymore with him.
Hi waterkuma.
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Chances of Miyabi being ether anomaly to match her bff being ether attacker?
>Benito still in the top
He is why Mihoyo's 4 stars are shit
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as cute as my king.
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this leads to sex, right?
dont take it so literally bwo
Announce the idols already.
I'm in jail
Christ...how are her tits so MASSIVE?
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This is why the game is so shit right now.
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What do you think of this? Is it viable?
power of shitters, same reason i can see caesar getting picked up too, but you have to realize that chart is chink, and saying they have a hard on for zhong is a msassive understatement
>cant even find Venti
Remember when people said he will literally never be powercrept?
Every time I launch the game I get the bara furry fighting video.
It's a minor issue but I thought her personal damage would be better. My Piper/Lucy/Caesar team's only "counter" is a wave of unaggressive shitter mobs at the start. If there's no energy or no elites to snowball parries off of the team kind of stalls as opposed to rocking a traditional stunner or dps.
Just something I noticed going through the basic easy combat commissions
My sperm.
>swap out Rina to Lucy because she is garbage
Those tits tho
belle needs better standards
>Release character with unkillable shield with 100% uptime that also gives 15% res shred
Idk you tell me
Nice very nice
>that impact
Not running her ball?
this fucking no flash curse in blitz mode is HELL
>Shawn: I want a puppy…when I’m older, I’ll take it joyriding. Me riding my bike, and it riding me!
Can you ask Electrickuma to make the next electric woman boobs even bigger?
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How the fuck your Caesar managed to be on level 60 while still having such a shitty impact, bro?
Just like they did with Natlan amirite?
Lucy has thighs and cunny to make up for it
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That's Lucy, the canon wife.
halai brother, the tv's still will not come back to the main story
Twitter hate TV tho
dpsGOD... I'm thinking of taking off impact disc 6 too her shields are already good enough
I got every check in so far this month, apparently this is also a thing for genshin? I assume it's a thing for all gachas or whatever
it's a bit of a pain in the ass though, do you do these web events?
negro they'lllisten to Bili2 and give us cope answers like that one
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huh? is this real?, isn't there a line after that which makes it all seem like a joke?
Enjoy your future DEVS LISTENED memes, bro
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So lets get this story straight.
We were students at an academy.
Our teacher was the owner of Eous.
Our teacher apparently caused Hollow Zero.
They detonated the shithole to stop Hollow Zero from spreading.
And somehow in the span of a few fucking years the created a New Eridue.
Now we are trying to clear our professors name.

How the fuck do they build a new city in a few fucking years.
Also, outer ring is filled with hollows.
This planet is shit and should be abandoned.
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That spot is taken by Zhu
We do not reply or read a post attached to an anime pic
why would she ever disgrace her body like that?
Caesar should be yuuge
I think I figured out why the game kept asking me to sign in again on startup;
Pretty sure it's whether my controller was plugged in or not vs when I quit the game. It considers a wired controller a "hardware change".
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just set-up the check in script
Kys kronii you faggot lmao
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For me, it's Coco.
he can have multiple he's not western
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They fucked up by not making Pompey playable.
All women I've seen are mega wet for him.
Why do workaholic women love men who only sleep 4 hours a day so much?
Mogged by both Caesar and Lucy, asscop should have acted when she was on top
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Kami North is my bro
I hate that we never get old man characters
t. old man
>So lets get this story straight.
We were students at an academy.
Our teacher was the owner of Eous.
Our teacher apparently caused Hollow Zero.
They detonated the shithole to stop Hollow Zero from spreading.
And somehow in the span of a few fucking years the created a New Eridue.
Now we are trying to clear our professors name.
And none of that was even slightly hinted Up until this patch lol. I 100% bet the story was better before rewrites.
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Is that it for now? Also, can you get all of the coins in the new region? I'm currently missing 2 which is probably just one event but I skipped like a week straight and didn't get a single notice saying that there's a coin around. I'm stuck on 15/16 mewmew missions because of that.
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Her trust events are romantic as can be bwo. Play the game.
>TV's are boring and bad
>yummy yummy is that a genshin tier food jigsaw puzzle event???

I don't even know what people want anymore... I'm dropping if I lose my Caesar 50/50
Zhu can watch from my chair while I gently make love to Caesar in front of her.
To be fair, who could have predicted they would just make every future enemy immune to his gimmick?
He does looo cool
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This goatfucker can't do basic puzzles! Didn't your people invent algebra, you should be ashamed
They are literally scared that the incel fanbase will riot over attractive males in the game.
His model is ridiculously high detailed to be used just once. It's honestly jarring, hope they find a way to reuse it for someone else
It's from a guy on a reddit. He's using the BP attack w-engine wich gives CR% stats, that why. According to him, she performs better than Nekomata as a dps and is clearing things as fast as Zhu yuan, I don't know if he meant endgame.
Cow thirens have big tits, anon.
Women only pretend to like old bearded men because it makes them look mature and distinguished but they all crave the generic bishie archetype
what's this again
tfw I didn't start getting attention from women until my hair had grey in it
I thought Ceasar is a pig?
yurifags have been real quite since pinKing dropped
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>this got art
SoC saved this game
battle pass
That's simply untrue
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My barely literate girlfriend..,
I only have her at M5 tho
Nah there's no way. Neko maybe, but Caesar's multipliers just aren't up to snuff to match Zhu. Interested to see shiyu solo vids with caesar, though...
We will never get a playable chad (true).
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Any Jane players around can give me some hints here? I started playing like a week ago and this is my current Jane. I just got my first proper set of discs, they are far from perfect but it's the first full S tier set I managed to scrounge together with the right main stats and not completely awful substats.

I'm currently sitting at a pretty ok 330 anomaly prof. but I'd like to know what I should be shooting for with the mastery. What would be a good target for that? Also, how does your crit damage multiplier apply on the assault calc? The Passion state mechanic says assault can now crit and has a base crit damage of 50%; does that mean whatever excess crit damage I have from discs/weapon/miscellaneous buffs apply on top of it same as your regular base crit damage for regular attacks?
they all crave youthful young boys*
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This means new eridu is very, VERY fucking young.
But everyone sounds like new eridu has existed for a long while.
I know right? Finally a good mihoyo game, with minimum faggotry and other shit. Let's hope they don't fuck it up.
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Caesar and Lucy will stop competing by fighting and start competing by trying to seduce Wise instead...
Why would the ntrfags seethe when they literally get to see Caesar lust after the most generic ntrman ever?
It's probably just an existing city that became/got renamed to the new capital?
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>Have cool male character
>Kill him
>Evil faggot twink still alive
Many such cases
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wouldn't it be funny if burnice outsell caesar? ha ha
i managed to get a C6W5 Piper and still have my Burnice guaranteed.
Threesome anon, sisters sharing.
She's technically better than Zhong Li but due to the nature of the game she's more pierceable.
Zhong li was only good because of shield + buffs, everything else about him sucked mayor ass.
Caesar on the other hand only has positives beyond her buffs/shields, her most "negative" is that she''s the slowest stunner in the game, but that's hardly a weakness when there's only a few stunners and she's the third one to have buffs.
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It reminded me of an old love...
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I don't have any other teams...
I thought it's like 100 years minimum. They even call Billy and Qin an old techonology from the old world. Why the fuck would you call a 5 years old max tech an old techonology?
>Lucy and Nicole
holy fucking PREMIUM A ranks
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>when she thinks about cute male proxies
Genuine question is Lucy old enough to get pregnant?
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Piper is not a good girlfriend
New Eridu might have existed for a long time as a suburb or a city with a different name and got the name after everyone relocalized there after the fall of the capital
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I just wanted more piper cones...
All the females in this game are old enough
>roll qingyi
>but not zhu
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Useless piece of shit
The crits from her passion state are fixed, there's no gain from giving her more crit rate or damage.
I think 333 is already pretty good. Most people say you should aim for around 350-400.
Also I recommend this dude, his guides are pretty good imo
just have an anomaly mastery disc and level up your core skill, anomaly mastery isn't a substat so you can't get much more of it outside of things like your w-engine
crit stats don't matter at all. the only way to increase crit damage is to get mindscapes
just get as much anomaly proficiency as you can, and then attack percent
Of course she can get pregnant she's like 16
They did a really good job making him likable, which makes that twink faggot even more detestable.
375+ prof gets a 100% crit chance on her assaults once you max her core skill
main stats should be anomaly mastery/phys damage/anomaly prof
Lucy AND Nicole? Yeah sorry Caesar, I'm tired of feeding my fucking C13 Anton
Piper is TOO old I fear...
Eh, it could go either way.
One of the strenghts of caesar its being flexible, she can replace supports OR stunners.
It will take a very long time until we get many stunners and many supports that are better than her and even then, she will still have the shield which is a must for certian characters like Ellen.
this, I have to do all the work
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>"so warm"
>the option is the one that leads to her trust rank going up in dialogue
The only way they could have made it more obvious if this was a voiced or a comic cutscene
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You ARE pulling for Lighter, the first S-rank exclusive banner male character, right /zzz/ ?
Old Capitol = Los Angeles
New Eridu = Orange County
Problem is...i already did C6 Nicole on Zhu's banner.
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let's find out
Mitsuki, my beloved.
As a F2P with average luck you can only get 1 limited per patch.
My guess is that Eridu wasn't part of the old world really, just the most recent major city that got fucked up. You don't lose out on that much history just from 5-10 years.

Also, do we know what the rest of the world is like? I see cargo ships so there must be other countries/city states right?
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is Abby supposed to just do circles here?
I retried twice and it's the same issue. Is this mission broken or something?
Smallest out of the 3 playable titans currently and it's not even close
canon love interest?
She's the hero and we're the antagonist.
pompey was better
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With tits like that?
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Can't believe I nearly missed out on parry kino because of shitposting.
I would if he was a DPS
Wise and Miyabi will fall in love despite their differences and join forces against the true villain and it will be kino and
yea pulling for lukegawd
It took me a bit to realize I can just keep parrying even without energy for an EX if I want to keep the flow going
Option 'you're good at driving' or something like that also increases her trust
Nearly missed? It's still 19 days left...
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I've only rolled on La Ratta sexo, so I'm excited for Lucy+Nico banner
Only if meta
The stat page crit stats do not affect her assaults. She gets scaling crit rate for them with anomaly proficiency, as well as a scaling attack buff. Both cap at 420 proficiency. That is your goal. The only source of mastery is disc 6 main stat, so you want that.
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true love swaying evil off their misguided path are the best love stories
demon lords exist to fall in love with the protagonist, quit their mission of conquest, and live in a humble wooden cabin in the woods with the hero
That's good to know as well. She definitely gets embarrassed with the warm comment never the less
Since there's multiple types of cargo ships there's gotta be at least one other major city. Doubtful we'll go there though.
Bwos what's the best setup for grace now?
4PC new set + 2pc AP or 4PC new set + 2pc Electric dmg?
no fucking way
I have a lot of dick cheese
Only if he has special interactions with Billy during combat.
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>caesar MV stuck in my head and it probably will be for the next week
I can live with this
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Reminder that if you like Pompey you should voice your opinion on the surveys. ZZZ devs seems to actually care about what people think.
He did nothing wrong btw.
Honestly i have no clue, I don't even get why people want to walk around with the agents themselves, Just let me take them on dates around town with wise.
This mission is bugged af, anon.
The barrier is supposed to disappear as soon as you defeat the enemies and the rocketboo is nearby. I had to restart the mission once for it to work properly.
Good luck
i am the one who will not roll for the tomboy retard.
i am the one who will roll for the bartender pyromaniac retard.

we are on different levels you and i, so know this, i have a better taste in schizo waifus that you
Let's discuss yanagi.
realistically speaking if she has the 30% disorder damage as speculated, is it really worth to have burnice + yanagi over jane + yanagi or jane + burnice?
I still think jane will be better for disorder teams
>koleda sidegrade
I'm actually a faggot and Pompey is exactly my type. He even has solid voice in JP.
I'd roll.
Funny how it's yet another chinese gacha which makes a cool dude but will most likely be unplayable.
I'm starving after being fed so well by Granblue.
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Is this bugged? I tryied skipping to multiple midnights but nothing happens
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He literally didn't do anything wrong, he was fair to everyone.
Very convenient they'vr put the two new disks in the same place. I'm farming for both Caesar and Burnice.
20% res shred
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1.2 ruined the game for me
lost all interest suddenly
fucking moeblop
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I was sure that the monke would end up being the bad guy but he was actually cool. I didn't expect the wolf to be such a fucking coward though.
Works well on my machine, try to go out and back in to video store?
Nah the strong old man aesthetic is really popular. I've seen it all too much at bars. The problem is there's so few older men who actually look good. Pulling this number out of my ass but I feel like 90% of men in 50s/60s are just terribly out of shape. Add that to an even smaller number of in shape men that age who aren't married.

Take care of yourself and you'll be slaying 20 y/o pussy for over half a century.
Lucy > Piper > Burnice > King Retard
fine I will go back to goon...
>mating press
That's boring.
How long until the story allows factions interactions, i m sure calydons and belobogs would work just fine
Burnice > Lucy > Caesar > Piper
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Anomaly proficiency:
So the soft cap fer her should be 420 if I understand her passion state correctly (max attack buff is 600; 2 per attack point over 120 anom. prof.; --> 600/2+120=420). And seth's buff when I eventually max out his core skill will give her an extra 100 prof. So even at 330 I should overcap the 420 right?

Crit damage:
So if I'm understanding it correctly the passion state crit damage to anomalies is COMPLETELY delinked from the main crit damage stats for your character? Meaning: is the crit damage multiplier on my character stat sheet completely irrelevant, and is there no way to increase the anomaly crit damage outside of mindscapes?

Anomaly mastery:
so noob question: aside from swapping wengine, there's no way to buff mastery?

Conclusion: So I should basically just try to roll Anomaly prof. --> attck% --> attk --> PEN?? (I guess that's another question: does PEN do anything for the anomaly stuff Jane does?) in that order? For every single disc?
Burnice has off-field application and probably much faster on-field, jane is better for hypercarry
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>caesar drinks shampoo
I want to gruesomely kill Lucius. Will devs make it happen?
I think that was the point of his character.
Cesar mogs
Caesar > Caesar > Caesar > Lucy
Caesar = Lucy > Burnice > Piper
Guess you didn't pass the bro test
is cryo that shit now
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Sounds like the perfect shitstorm for mentally ill self-inserters, shippers, yurifags, and fujos.
>Burnice chugs petrol
>Caesar chugs shampoo
>Lucy and Piper chug my semen
Lucy > Caesar > Piper > Burnice
Can Burnice apply anomaly on-field consistently without energy?
>ane is better for hypercarry
was talking about disorder teams though, they are different teams.
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he knew lucius was doing something suspicious but he was too nice to thoroughly investigate
jstern25 said the boy in Caesar MV is him
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I tryed going out and back in, skipping to next day and logging out, all I get is this
piper = lucy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest
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Can someone level with me and tell me just how much of a scat fetishism this game has? Apparently Burnice eats poop and there are poop flavored coffees and all kind of other dumb shit. Or am I being meme'd on? Just how degenerate is this game?
He s probably a good candidate for corruption transformation at least.poor pompei didn’t deserve such a quick death
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zzz for this feel?
it's very hard to say so early honestly, they are constantly changing Burnice so I expect the same for Yanagi
I have the feeling that Miyabi is going to be an ice anomaly hypercarry and will be very good paired with Yanagi
is it just me or is caesar's w-engine basically a perma 18% damage buff for the team? you just dodge and voila?
I'll ask that if we must get playable males in the future, they must be AT LEAST as based and cool as Pompey.
I'll also ask for the two faggots to die a very painful death at our hands.
>have to stop doing basic attack before the last hit of caesar's combo so you don't get animation locked out of a parry
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why is cesar so shit?
There is no "soft cap" to anomaly proficiency. Every point increases anomaly damage. It is the main stat you should be going for, with atk% being the secondary. Hitting 420 is the goal for her passive, but it doesn't mean you don't want more.
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jstern said Caesar is really lucky to have him
But what if I self insert in a chad like Lighter and not a kek like wise and I marry Burnice and have 7 children with her?
uuuh just stop before that? you only do the full combo if you already activated your shield and you're building energy.
>It's not an anomaly team. It's a cat team.
It's a proc anomaly for cat team.
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Just watched the NTE trailer. When is ZZZ getting cars? I feel like this will kill us.
damage % isn't as valuable here, they are a tons of sources to get them and some characters already have a ton of them.
holy fuck it's canon
Yeah, she sneeds it.
>anom mastery
>phys damage %
>anom prof

>anom prof

building her for crit does almost nothing most of her damage is from proccing assault
assault damage scales with anomaly prof and the crit chance on her assaults is determined by anomaly prof
it is by far the most important stat, and you can easily hit 375 which is the bare minimum to get a 100% crit rate on her assaults once her core skill is fully leveled
seth's boost is just more damage but shouldn't be relied on to bridge the gap
more ap is always better, but 420 is the minimum to get all her buffs
yeah, ignore crit rate and damage stats
ap > attack % > pen = flat attack
One of those teleporty sword fuckers just nothin personnel'd under the map. The fuck do I do now?
(image rangebanned) https://files.catbox.moe/pubcsn.jpg
Currently none. You best bet is go play Wuwa and wait out until they burn through all their garbage incelbait designs they are currently churning out and then they'll start releasing some designs that fit that world and should be something close to that pic at some point.
Actual skill issue
>fight with shadow jane
>pain in the ass if you are fighting her normally
>have caesar
>spam e and that's it, basically invincible
>all replies have lucy in top 2
>like 80% has her in top 1
I knew it
All men are lolicons!
ZZZ will never have dystopian scifi apocalypse designs.
That's his win-con
Just kill him faster
that's what I'm saying, having to stop your combo early because you can't cancel into her parry when she's doing the last hit feels like shit
>building energy with your combo
>know the enemy is about to attack
>have to either go for the last hit and get hit thanks to the jump animation or awkwardly stop and just stand there, waiting for them to attack so you can parry
he let lucius poisoned him(ether poison?) and switched his spark thingy.
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I can't fucking see I'm a manlet
what's going on here?
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So, what's the consensus? Is Caesar actually good? A must pull?
Long term Ether + Electric will drop the biggest Disorder numbers but that all goes out the window depending on their passives. Assault is meh on its own but they just slapped a passive on that made it crit as well as increase the flinch duration for higher disorder pops. Now you got Jane hyper carrying through Assaults alone.
Jane will be the better driver depending on Yanagi's play style, if she's quick swap or off-field she's definitely going to be better with Jane than with Burnice.
I'm running all 3 for sex though
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is it possible to be more gay than a janny? there wasnt even any nipples
how come there isn't a dominatrix mod outfit for lucy
She reminds me of mibibi
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>Is Caesar actually good? A must pull?
Yes and yes
>Is Caesar actually good?
>A must pull?
I agree, but why are you saying that?
I think the devs know the game is still buggy which is why there is no real punishment for failing or resetting stages.
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Sex with brown desert women....
>Not a single answer
Thread is 100% astroturfed garbage. CCP-funded Kusoge confirmed.
Stop mashing you ape and pay attention to what the enemy is doing. Jesus christ
>get hit thanks to the jump animation
you're invulnerable during it like all jump animations and you can cancel the landing immediately into a dodge or parry to become invulnerable
eh, yes, no
>1000 free 100% uptime attack plus a "do anything you want lol" shield, and also a decent off stunner
She works on every team and always will
>1000 Atk buff + 25% damage taken debuff + anti-interrupt + decent daze
i dunno bwo
Yes, yes. Better get rolling.
How old is Lucy's butthole
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unfortunately she's taken
>open world gacha slop
>kill us
>needing cars when you can teleport to any and every location you'd want to go to instantly
lol, lmao even
It doesn't fit the retro aesthetic they're going for. You're not getting Blame! designs in a game this colorful, cartoony and cheerful.
>is it possible to be more gay than a janny?
traveling faster than light is easier
Burnice = Lucy > Caesar > Piper
1. you don't take damage in the last attack
2. if you already activated your shield you can just switch for another character -your main dps-
3. when the shield is almost over assist attack back to Kaisa to reactivate your shield
4. repeat the cycle
Why did Qingyi sabotage her partner's relationship with Wise?
you realize that stun characters have way more field time than attack characters right?
You're unironically bricked if you dont have her. Too much buffs, too much utility, too easy to be an asset in basically any team.
Even full impact caesar doesn't really work as a stunner, I think you're better off having her as a support and swapping to activate the shield and getting nice daze from the assist and a single ex parry before switching back.
Good thing im a lvl 99 NTR Master
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Is...is belle keeping an eye on her brother while he sleeps?
>be me
>want burnice
>want yanagi
>want lighter
>want harumasa
>100 pull at 30 pity no guaranteed
Am I gonna make it bros?
>the sudden lore dump at the end of chapter 4
>then there's miyabi
first off that ending really came out of nowhere and also what the fuck is miyabi even doing there?
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I just returned from 1.0 and hit IK 30 and I can't find the ascension rank up quest

Is my best team Ellen Sukaku Anbu ?

What should I focus on farming for right now?

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sixty cocks weren't enough
Wuwa is a better game
>all cap seether
>is shit at the game
many such cases
does timing an ex stun also give you the 25% damage increase on all enemies?
when would I actually want to hold BA as Caesar?
Ignore the screeching orangutan defending it. She's clunky if you want to purely on field her, they even nerfed her across the board specifically for on field and buffed her quick swap skills to promote the whole, Def assist/EX and fuck off playstyle
Not without spending. Pay up piggie.
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She reminds me of pic related but I doubt that their personalities are similar
or maybe he told her or she asked how his new pillow was doing
it's not like she's huffing his used boxers while he sleeps or something
Bwo I'm stunning weekly bosses in two Ex2's with her... What the fuck do you mean doesn't work as a stunner??? The more aggressive they get the better.
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>mfw no deep bond
Again, correct. No one's ever said ZZZ would have those kinds of designs(?)
Will Burnice/Lucy/Caesar be good?
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you're a retard and don't know how to read, bye
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She works as stunner because she also gives buffs, so even if its a few seconds slower it evens out.
...at flopping
fight shadow jane with jane
It's just a grouping tool for mobs that's essentially free because of the assist point refund if you stun and chain to finish them off, more nice utility.
Post you stunning max level hunts with nothing but 2 Ex2's
BA is the only way to apply her debuff on demand/without waiting to counter something, so it has some niche use. Also a (kind of weak) grouping effect.
Worst element in the game currently
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>rolling for men
To take you out for a tea, Ye?
She's a universal unit in a game where teams badly want specific units. She will be the last 1.x unit that is relevant in the meta
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>have Jane, Qingyi, Zhu Yuan and Ellen
>have guaranteed pity
>can't decide between going for Caesar or Burnice
I just bought welkin (for the second time)
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eh, they're different. Wuwa and ZZZ are not really comparable. They're both pretty good though imo
Post a video of you stunning a Shiyu 7 boss with only two ex parries, go on. She's worse than Anby as a stunner.
Lucy and Corin sex
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Pulchra is so fucking big it's crazy. Look at these tits and hips and thighs. Good lord.
>.t jane rolling copium huffer
Caesar is
-for those who can't afford that many agents and don't have many S-rank limited agents yet.
-for those who especially love Piper and wants to make Piper shielded while she combos and spins.
-for those who have slower reactions and get hit a lot
Going to still be using Caesar in a year if she's anything like zhongli

Her core activates with any melee character that can defensive assist which is like 90% of characters.
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>Only the brave will win... hah hah... that's mee! :D
How is she so cute bros?
>be me
>want burnice
>want miyabi
>want big daddy
>0 pull at 0 pity no guarantee
Leveling dps is much more important than other characters, so Ellen. If you roll for Ceasar, your Ellen team will get much better.
Someone post the flat chested version
Learn to use the parry-in 10 energy Ex2 trick you shitters.
Lucy requires immediate breeding
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Idk if it's the same guy, but here's a showcase of solo dps Caesar. Numbers might be higher with supports and stuff like the guy from reddit was using.
What does jane have to do with this? I didn't roll that piper side grade
>didn't post a video
You lied and now are backpedalling.
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>never cried in my life
>didn't cry when my brother died
>cry my eyes out when caesar comes back through the rift
What's wrong with me?
Jane mindbroke you
Who do I leave off in the biker sluts team comp?
This , I appreciate S11 cute round butt more
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Yeah I'm pulling for Caesar but where do I do the reputation rank up quest for ik30 ?
I self insert as Ceasar
You must be gay
You are either really really special or lying
Where are Eula and Ganyu?
cute feetsies
>Ellen Sukaku Anbu
yeah that's your best team
focus on getting ellen at lvl 60 and then the other two, also make sure you equip them with some disks because they can make a big difference
Caesar Burnice and dps Lucy
>never cried in my life
sure thing buddy
Sex with all the biker sluts in one big hot sweaty soft pile
You will never be a woman
I want to insert my dick into Caesar.
Even Lighter?
cryo hell in tier C
Not him, but honestly, I feel like in principle the more specific and specialized the unit, the more valuable and longevity it should have. I know other Mihoyo games go against this historically (specifically Genshin with Benny and Furina and whatever) but I feel like those were just egregious bullshit designs that were completely overtuned mistakes. All else equal, the more specialized unit will be stronger if put in its proper environment.
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You talk to a guy and then go to your HDD. You should see the quest in your quest log, so just track that.
Caesar should have been flat like her shoujo fantasy
Why i cant invite Lighter for a date?
I made that post.
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I hope this is bait for your sake, that shit was predictable and lacking any emotional significance. It's a fucking gacha game, get a grip.
Any shoujo manga recommendations caesarbros? I've only ever read kimi ni todoke
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EXP sure feels slow, I was hoping to be free from the denny mines.
Uhoh anon, you riled up the rugged channers.
>those constant parry noises
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I'm on PS5, I'll record a video tomorrow

Parry-in > Defensive Assist > Ex2 only costs 10 energy and shits out Daze. It activates shield for a single parry point too.

I unironically think they fucked up one of the modifiers in the last-minute patch where they buffed the multipliers of her Ex and forgot she can use it too for basically free after any parry-in.
i just realized some sick asshole edited this with a flatter chest in an earlier thread
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>Hoshimi Miyabi can now advertise the video store
Hmm yes this seems like a good job for the Chief of Section 6 and famous Void Hunter. Meet your new 9-5
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>38% crit
I hope you're not running a crit disc on 4
Jane builds are extremely simple, you have Anomaly Mastery on 6 and Anomaly Proficiency on 4, your disc5 is either ATK, PEN or Phys damage% and then your substats want to be AP and ATK

You don't build for crit at all. If you have some of it on substats that's fine but you would always rather have AP or ATK
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i have 44 rolls left
not even enough to get caesars ball to drop
I wanted 2x lucy and her ball next banner
now what?
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>Tough on the outside, pure maiden on the inside
bwos, caesar is literally me frfr
1.2 ruined the game for me
lost all interest suddenly
fucking moeblop cesar!
what does her farts smell like desu no?
Its very unlikely that big daddy is gonna be playable though
Also who the hell would ever roll him? Only a megafaggotbottomtwink
Wise is so lucky...
Even if other characters in the future will increase damage more, she has her bullshit shield that will be very hard to powercreep and makes most of the game modes trivial.
rainbow rabbi
Crying at that cutscene means you have a soul.
She's literally Eule Lawrence
jstern25 is so lucky..
post feet
boar semen
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How do I get a Lucy girlfriend, bwos?
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>people casually ignoring the cuck shit with wise in Caesar pink trailer
Hello? You guys are ok with being a cuck? I thought this game was for (me)
This game is a lot more basic so far than Genshin in terms of elements, weaknesses and resistances. Unless they powercreep the limited S ranks insanely hard numbers wise, it's always going to be
>weak to Ether?
Chuck your Zhu team or another Ether team at it
>weak to Phys?
Same thing with your Jane team or other Phys
>Weak to ice?
Ellen team, etc
I can't see how this will be any different until 2-3 years into the game where the 5 second clearing speed difference between units might start to catch up and even then you'd be able to clear it with decently built characters or new supports/dazers
dress like wise
I can't stop listening to it...
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I didn't cry at the Caesar scene but I teared up at Koleda vs Sacrifice
Be an ugly bastard pig.
You will never be Cesar
>Even full impact caesar doesn't really work as a stunner
lol look at this dude
be a manpig
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hardly counts as a cryo character, needs to dance around like a monkey building up stacks just for the ultimate to whiff 90% of the times, does zero damage outside of said ultimate
a slightly more functional version of Eula, can actually freeze enemies but most bosses can't be frozen and ultimate will most likely whiff if the enemy is not standing perfectly still, like Eula she does negative damage outside of her ultimate
boring shitty kit that doesn't bring anything new to the table and doesn't even do that much damage in most situations
charged shot gameplay sucks, powercrept to hell, burst is just about useless because nobody gives a shit about cryo reactions and it prevents her from melting properly
incredibly underpowered kit whose only function is to buff other cryo characters, except we've got a bunch of alternatives that do her only job better than her

does no damage, only buffs physical attacks but physical is absolutely worthless
Cryo on Pyro is difficult to pull off because we have no decent Pyro appliers and the current Cryo users can't really capitalize on it, Pyro on Cryo is just a shittier version of Vaporize pretty much
most enemies you'd want to use it against are immune to it, still good against trash but it's not often we get small enemy heavy floors
>Swirl, Crystallize

the whole fucking element is fundamentally bricked, it needs a rework BADLY
EousGODS where you at???
Seething.but i feel like there's something lost in translation there
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New tierlist dropped
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I love all my /zzz/ Bros :3c
get A LOT of money and when you're 40+ get an 18 year old gf
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For me it was the Rina story scene when the grandma is having a panic attack and Rina tries comforting her by talking about the babies having grown up to lead fulfilling lives thanks to her.
wise is so lucky...
Nah I have all the "correct" main stats. All the crit rate I have is incidental.
where's jstern25?
go away I don't have any money
alright I rolled M0W1 Caesar, now what?
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>Trannies of Shitladon with 0 IQ fire retards who eats poop, edgy manlet, and zhongli 2.0 is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but belobog TTGL machine ch2 blows the shit out of retarded bikers sloppa in ch 4.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside
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Can Caesar autodeflect bullets like Anby/S11/Qingyi? Just came to my mind that it'd be neat if she blocked them with her shield.
If I give Caesar her best 4* W-Engine do I even need to upgrade it? The only advantage is higher attack, right?
i approve
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You now realize, there isn't a single dark skinned character in the entire fucking game.
In Caesar's MV, he's the guy
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we need a black dude
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anon, the kat?
it's night not late at night
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Have you all forgotten me already?
You've won. Congrats king.
Who are you talking about again?
All thirens are unwhite>>496132010
Of course a trans woman wouldn't understand the appeal of the Sons of KINO
My dick is darker than Brickomata and I'm white
her best f2p options are stun engines.. You need to upgrade it to get the impact stat bonus
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>el devorador de mierda
do you realise that the main audience for these kind of games are chinks and that they actually hate niggers? why would you waste a banner like that
You've unbricked yourself and can never be bricked. Congrats.
Ah. Why didn't I think of it?
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The cutscene with Pompey turning into an ethereal was absolute KINO
She wasn't even named by Belle and Wise at the end kek, literally a non-character. Even fucking Zhu and Qingyi were mentioned.
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give it up guys, it was a lead up for the next round of bait.
>implying I ever stopped using her
Most of the reason why I rolled Caesar and will be rolling Burnice and Yanagi is to give her new toys
I want grace to upgrade piper’s truck with a robot ai
isn't that kinda the point
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Absolute cinema. I kneel...
I now realize, why I love the game
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my discs are so bad man...
>somehow lives just enough to meet with Caesar and instantly turn to fight her
yeah bro absolute kino peak writing. Hoyo is the new Tolkien for sure
Hide in the bushes near a junior high school and look through a sniper rifle scope to find the best one
Her best 4* engine is Precious Fossilized Core and you need to upgrade it to increase its Impact
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You know what? Lighter's alright in my books
all the cutscenes this patch were kino, except for caesar coming back at the end, that was absolutely gay japanese writing garbage
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>He rolled for Ellen
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I'm short a few
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>>496132449 (me)
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What can I do with this M2 Grace plus her ball. I'm not rolling for Yanagi so she doesn't matter.
Thoughts on lighter?
>I spent 200 brit bong pounds on ellen and got in debt and I never use her now
They don't even know she's a combat Agent
However, poor S11 went unmentioned
The restaurant event is really complex even for a month lonk thing. I hope it stays in a permanent way later
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team her up with Jane. If no Jane, roll for Burnice.
>reroll on launch
>get Ellen in 3 rolls
Wow.. what an investment
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>He rolled for Zhu Yuan
Yeah I rolled for Ellen, yeah I maxed her skills out, yeah I got her ball, yeah I'm still gonna pull for Mibibi when she comes out, what about it?
Singing pinKing, hag
Should I build M6 Lucy any differently now? I kinda just threw the energy 4 piece on her and never get it a second thought.
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Actually since China is so heavily invested in Africa you would think they'd show more representation by showing off more blacks in their games.

Holy FUCK I forgot you existed.
Stupid bitch.
thats the max right now (i hope because i have the same amount)
when are the beta leaks
This image is so weird to me man, is it real??? Is this in the game??? I've done her quest and this feels so familiar yet so out of place, was this actually in the game?
does caesar count as a hag
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Bro your off piece
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Ice stunner
She's about Belle's age, so only if your sister is a hag.
no i skipped
>since China is so heavily invested in Africa
they just want lithium. Unless africa's economic gdp rises to a level that matters, there's no meaningful customer there.
Post stats
>edgy manlet
He's a head taller than 5'7 manlet wise.
older than 18 is already hag tier
>hey that's pretty good what's wrong with i-
>fanged metal
I'm so sorry...
stunning good looks, maybe
The best possible reality
Uh newbie here again, what do these >>496125635 posts mean? Is there a way to level up your characters wring so they have bad stats or something? Is it worth worrying about at lvl 30?
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I hope Scotland and Wales go independent so I can laugh at your ass on that pathetic little island that was once the "Empire where the sun never sets"
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A small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building-sama
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electric attacker acksually

sorry I forgot to mention that I'm trans and HSRG is my favorite game
No, any fluctuation in stats is based on how your discs roll.
I refuse to believe anyone actually believes there's any sliver of chance she's either stun, support or defense. There's no level of delusion or retardation that can cause such a belief.
And? her ass fills the screen whenever I wipeout
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All those Nigerian princes are quite the untapped market, mihoyo really should have listened to that boycott for more gay brown dudes in their games
>he hasn't seen the latest leaks where mibibi is a light healer
Just a reminder that sparklefags aren't real /hsrg/fags but falseflagging giggers
Careful with your hips granny...
did they get new localizer for this game or something. I can't imagine the usual mihomo californian trannylizers to write "delicate little body".
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Found my goddesses in one spot /zzz/, so lucky!!!
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>remove all TV from 1.1 and 1.2
>leave it in 1.0
>all the normie retards who hated TV are still confronted with it whenever they return
>all the people who actually liked TV are now pissed off that it's gone in the rushed 1.2 story
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Go on, laugh. I know they're trash. I should farm more and check out the crafting system too.
She's actually a bangboo slot character
reddit will have a field day on this one
Are level 60 Bangboos worth it?
Who's the best physical one between Revolverboo, Amillion, and Red Moccus?
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>literally manhandling nervous Piper's delicate little body
Lucy and Piper won so hard holy.....
it's ok my M2 ellen is now safe to loop with caeser!
your extra stats come from disks (equipment) which come with a main stat and substats, those substats are really hard to minmax
Lucy's hair looks like a nice big piece of cheese...
I'm hungry.
they are removing 1.0 tv shit in 1.4
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I smell curry and shit... Wait a minute... Thats the unmistakeable stink of the PAJEET!
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Found the mole!
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>I am retarded and have shizo theory by fighting ghosts!
>I am retarded and have shizo theory by fighting ghosts!
>I am retarded and have shizo theory by fighting ghosts!
>I am retarded and have shizo theory by fighting ghosts!
This is what you sound like rn btw
ara purokishi-san
Catchy and showed off Caesar’s girly side. Games now a day want to add female MCs but neglect the fact the character is still a fucking girl. Showing Caesar liking romance books and nice smelling shampoo is a breath of fresh air.
How does Lucy manage to BTFO every other girl in the game? Idols can't come soon enough
Wide attacker
>nigga took out his phone, took a picture of his screen and then transferred it to his pc to post it
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I love my wife and her fat ass
Anyone else feels like they ruined the game with 1.2?
So where's HIA?
forgot to add that no, you shouldn't worry about them too much but if possible get the main stat you need and ignore farming disks for better substats until your main team is maxed
He’s deader than Gojo it’s too late now, just let it go
Somehow Rosaria ended up being the best cryo dps 4 years later
the game feels like it improved with 1.2 actually
In my urethra.
So he's coming back? POMPEY BROS
Signora and Pompey make a cute couple
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Some piper tummy love!
cope by running 4 piece fanged metal on burnice in the burnice/piper/caesar team
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Maxed out piper's trusts, here's her wallpaper
Because it's fun and at no point have I ever wanted to self-insert into a game because the game isn't about me. It's about the characters in the game. The problem you types have is that you don't get enough attention from your parents growing up and don't have any meaningful relationships. Please get some. There are people around you that genuinely are concerned for you and want to know you more.
This is a video game and it does not matter in the end and your first thought should never be "what about me?"
idols were cancelled after flopyi flopped
So, no more calydon storylines for bernice ? How are they going to pad that time?
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cesar is so shit she ruined the game
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I dunno anon
the opposite, game feels significantly better now
>No ice discs for Ellen
>Soul rock on anyone who isn't Ben
>Mismatched discs on Piper
Bwo, this isn't even bad luck, what the fuck are you doing?
soul rock, on ellen?
brother four piece ice damage two piece woodpecker
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>She's worse than Anby as a stunner.
If you show me an anby stunning Razor in less than 20 seconds I'll delete my account
but that's the only one as far as I know, you unlock HIA really early on and you unlock the big street later
Anon she looks bored to hell you are a terrible lover
uh oh anon. You're going to rile them up....

You are absolutely correct, of course
Ara, Purokushi-san. Caesar and I don't share a deep bond with you, but we do feel a mutual appreciation and respect.
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If anything the opposite, best yet.
>he doesn't know how weakness works
cesar is so shit she ruined the game.
You cant doompost our game (yet) like you can hrt and genshin because it’s actually getting better every patch
Not as good as 1.0, better than 1.1
maybe you evolved as a human individual finally
You said that already.
If you leave through the front door after unlocking lumina square you're taken to lumina square
Keep repeating it anon, maybe one day it'll be true.
I hope Jane is the final vip guest
My man… have you even tried to click on the recommended button to see what disk sets people use? It’s genuinely an amazing tool, you can even see what main stats you want if you have a peanut sized brain and can’t decide between shit like atk% or dmg%.
Based ellen tank GOD
Build dps soukaku
is there an actual benefit or bonus to getting 3 stars on combat commissions or is it just for self satisfaction?
I think it gives you 10 poly per star ?
She will. She's more popular.

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