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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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marketing edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread:
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always remember:
for the difficult.
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How do i fix this???
Its not working.
I am especially curious about how games that have reached a certain wishlist (300-400+) and are not in any festivals can be moved forward with a demo.
How do (You) make game? Are you doing it right?
Very slowly, thinking over all the mechanics and content carefully before eventually writing a bit of code.
dump it and start a completely different project from 0.
i buy ~30k assets per game, hire a coder to assist me, have my sister do the 3d art not covered by assets, and that's it.
why do we hate godot?
>Open paint and draw some characters
>Open notepad and write some story
>Once ill have enought story and characters the story will be completed and i will make a game adaptation of my story in rpgmaker.
Thats how im doing it.
I don't, but their evangelists are irritating.
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this is the coat of the maw, it's a unique magic item.
what does it do, /agdg/?
Godot has ruined me. Ever since I downloaded it, I haven't been able to enjoy playing any other video games.
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public bool GonnaMakeIt()
return false;
Same. Godot Editor has completely taken over my life. It's the only video game I've played in like 3 years now.
I guess, suck dick?
200% of damage dealt converted to health.
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i dont know what kind of game i want to make
>24 Sep
>23 Sep
>22 Sep
>21 Sep
>19 Sep
>16 Sep
>16 Sep
on any sane forum you'd get perma'd
Reflect a bit of damage back.
A game where you hire hitmen to track down and murder tripfags.
A dating visual novel game about a man who reincarnated as a woman.
In like the first few hours of the game he resists the advances of the romance intrests because he still believes hes a man even if his body is female now but then one day while he was walking home from his friends house at night he gets raped and the dick and the powerlessness to resist it felt so good it broke her mind and made her female both in mind and body and she abandons her old memories of being a man and embraces her womanhood.
The romance instrest will try to cheer her up and swear to catch the criminal who did this to her and stuff but you can also choose to date your rapist instead of them and he will be spared from execution in that route if you choose to forgive him and marry him.
It will be revealed later on that you are pregnant with your rapists child he impregnated you when he raped you that night.(regardless if you choose the rapist or any other romance intrests)
If you dont choose the rapist he will already be dead from his execution by the time this is revealed to you.
And you cant pretend its the child of your romance intrest because the rapist had dark skin so the baby wont look like its their child so you will need to be honest with your romance intrest and some will accept it and some of them will demand an abortion and you can choose to leave them and be a single mother or get the abortion or try to convince them more and some will change their mind and some wont and they will stop talking to you and start courting another girl that doesnt have kids from another relationship.
You're welcome.
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should my GMOD-like be an /agdg/ collab? I think GMOD-like has potential to have that wholesome /agdg/ community vibe to it. references to Blorb and our common culture.
shut up
i give up, i really do
im not cut out for this
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: One of those bulls where people get burned inside.
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That's okay.
Will you continue to day dream about goty award acceptance speeches?
actually i just daydream about stumbling upon a 50 replies thread about my game on /v/...
gangstalkers really idled my game for 800 hours just to leave a negative review. how do you guys deal with this type of gangstalking?
if you want to make those alien succubus creatures maybe you can make them having beast like teats instead of regular human breast as a weird factor but keep eyes with half closed eyelids, big poppy eyelashes and erotic lips (are all of them supposed to be evil?)
by not making trash so bad you worry about one review?
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Alice looks down on nodevs who always complain and will go to their houses to stick pennies into their iPhone chargers.
it turns the enemies body into a gore paste and your body armor absorbs it, it's like eating but instantly, it gives the health it took from the enemy
Reply to the review, "I love you"
it's still 97% positive you're just a retard making retarded assumptions
Ufo50 of all my project hoppies.
It's a folder with 50 sub folders of all these games. Now that I mention it, didn't someone do this? Or faked it? Dave or something
It was narrated by a voiceover
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You’ll be aight. Perchance, is one of those gangstalkers a guy whose only accomplishment is making a hangman clone?
says the retard with a game so bad he's worrying about a single review
*The beginners guide
>just make 50 games by yourself
back to the drawing board on this LOD thing.
considering volumetric.

>Almost reached 10 reviews
>Someone tears my game to shreds in a long and detailed breakdown of every tiny thing I did or didn't do, putting of every visitor to the store page as they see the short reviews as probably from friend or family who barely played ot
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I already did. More than 50 even. Mostly gamejam tier or worse. Often I'd make a game in a week.
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>He posts anime pictures every waking moment instead of working on his game
making jokes about an 800hr played negative review is not acceptable! - random nodev on agdg
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reminder that we've been gamedevmogged by a fucking femoid
also, tiny glade got thousands of likes the first time it was shown off on twitter. if your game doesn't, it's basically DOA and is not worth investing time in. hundreds of likes per tweet are the bare minimum indicator that your game is going to make it. likes don't guarantee anything but not easily getting hundreds of likes guarantees a flop. it's where the market is right now and in the future: only the top 1% will make it, and you'll know if your game is in the bottom 99% if it's not getting hundreds of likes every time you post it.
it's not a joke. he's legitimately worried about getting a single negative review.
ackshually it's her and her husband blud
your posts are so fucking easy to recognize. every day with the same spam
take a chill pill retarded doomer
cope. her husband is the Mumbai-tier code monkey doing UI code and other bs. she's the one who's been giving lectures for 10 years on coding procedural architecture
I'm the "he" you are referring to here retard
anonymous website. sad you can't understand. not convincing anyone with your facade of irony either.
My game looks so... Dry in comparison. It's set in a desert
So, you're a nodev writing fantasies about your nonexistent game?
>Action-CRPG with political factioneering and intrigue
how to do this well?
800 hours was a real number. It's a humorous real situation that apparently only yesdevs can comprehend
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I always had this wish game in mind: a sidescroller stealth game where you sneak inside apartment buildings, exploring the multiple floors, rooms and hallways all of this happening on a modern urban setting playing as a Rouge the Bat or similar character, you can defeat enemies and guards but its very risky so it's better to avoid/take care of them with stealth.
The main character could have elements from Rouge The Bat, Doronjo, Catwoman, the haircut of Anna Williams... a stealthy anthro femme fatale
If a game dev would like to make something like that I would gladly buy it
a real situation that you're posting about because you're so much of a shartdev that you worry about singular negative reviews.
dude... that's almost my idea...
so true! I am ruined! 97% positive! it's over!
Players are small, defenseless, doe eyed empty headed animals that you have to gently yet firmly coax into performing more and more elaborate meaningless tricks for your amusement (making the number next to their character name go up generally works) while you continually skullfuck them with fail states if they perform even slightly suboptimally.
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There is virtually nothing wrong with having a cuppa cobbee at night time
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Maybe baking cakes is not really my thing...
Would a 3D house interior get better performance if:
>floors/ceilings are part of the same mesh as the walls, requiring only one mesh but with more complex topology to account for the topo of the walls
>floors/ceilings are separate meshes from the walls, requiring additional meshes but with less complex topo because they can just be simple planes regardless of how complex the walls are
I'm aware that this is splitting hairs on modern hardware, but curiosity's getting the better of me here.
Does your game have this level of SOVL?
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any (modern) engine would sort it based on shader/material
>I'm aware that this is splitting hairs on modern hardware
unless you're using a CPU rasterizer just forget it
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replaced the wrench with a baseball, you can taunt enemies with rightclick but it currently does nothing
probably gonna make it deal double damage if you hit the taunted enemy for 2 seconds or smth
I just got home from work.
My 9 hour old half finished cuppa coffee is on my desk in front of me.
Should I?
yes my game also looks like total shit
makes it hard to sleep. I like to have one in the morning and one in the afternoon (but not too late)
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coffee is vile but other sources of caffeine are too expensive
so here's my midnight cuppa
>Just make 50 drawings by yourself
>Just make 50 songs by yourself
>Just make 50 meals by yourself
Why are gamedevs such pussies?
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God bless whoever made this game. Previously whenever I was busy devving my girlfriend would wander into my room every 30 minutes to bother me for attention, disrupting my train of thought. I bought her this game because I remembered her sending me the trailer and so far it's been the best $13 I've ever spent. Now she sits on the couch glued to her laptop for hours without a peep. I'll come into the living room when I'm done and she'll run over going "look! look!" to show me whatever she was making. It's like Minecraft for women.
The one on the right is trying to look human.
Loverians can mimic other species to help get their guard down... or just for fun.
>any (modern) engine would sort it based on shader/material

No they wouldn't, especially not godont.

Too complicated to answer, depends on the use case, if the floor and ceiling are separate objects then they can be culled if the camera can't see them and with modern graphics the shaders have way more overhead than some extra vertices.

If this is an interior zone then definitely separate objects for the floor and ceiling. If you have a million houses then no, the drawcall overhead is too high.

What you should be more concerned about is shadows not rendering properly where your walls meet the floor and ceiling.
nice try but not falling for the girlfriends-are-a-thing-that-exists psy-op
i woke up at 2pm, its not midnight, just sat down with my 4th cup
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>he doesn't know
God bless whoever made this game. Previously whenever I was busy devving my mom would wander into my room every 30 minutes to bother me for chores, disrupting my train of thought. I bought her this game because I remembered her sending me the trailer and so far it's been the best $13 I've ever spent. Now she sits on the couch glued to her laptop for hours without a peep. I'll come into the living room when I'm done and she'll run over going "look! look!" to show me whatever she was making. It's like Minecraft for women.
who the fuck mindbroke you so hard
Also not all of them are evil but most of them are because making somebody sad/angry is easier than making somebody happy.
Some choose the path of good and try to make everyone happy though.
There's no sexhaver in Aggie. Nice try
He looked at nortubel art too much.
green tea relaxes me. I need coffee jitters to get things done
>be me
>wanna make game
>try to use blender with no mouse
>motivation instantly disappeared

i want to make video games since i don't seem to enjoy video games, i aspire to create a rare good game

games are more complicated than all that other stuff, but i'm unironically considering just making the entire game 2d, i planned to use pre rendered backgrounds with 3d characters, but blender is basically unusable without a middle mouse button
220mgs is about 3 cups of coffee or 8 cups of green tea.
silly first worlder, we don't have that space age shit here. we're barely in the sheep dung age
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who needs caffeine
just have a bocchi poster above your bed
If you come up with a good framework for a detective game I wouldn't mind writing for it. It's a bit odd people would want to make a detective game when they can neither write nor program, however.
I use blender with a trackpoint.
Skill issue on your part
If you really really can't just buy a cheap Bluetooth mouse ffs.
boku and cris linked up to make this game
why do troons make the best solo devs?
this looks great

idk what a trackpoint is, i just have a trackpad, but basically it's my thinly veiled attempt of asking for advice lol
>bro just eat pills like a lab rat living in a cage it's the same thing!!
Have you also replaced real food with those meal shake things?
any degree of agp and/or gender dysphoria is hard as a non stacy, and even most games have male protagonists, no social life stats just leave room for more time to gain skill stats
been out of the aggydaggy loop for around 2 months
anything interesting happen?
is the spammer still here?
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I wouldn't call waking up to the rancid smell of semen everyday an environment worth living in.
I don't want to be rude, but I don't understand why I so often see this sentiment here where the idea of having a girlfriend/having sex is a viewed as a totally foreign concept. Are you capable of understanding that your specific experiences aren't universal and that there are other people out in the world living totally different lives?
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I have 6 released games, zero ex girlfriends. Obviously they don't exist. They're like a carrot being dangled in front of our faces so we keep grinding and hoping.
every programmer needs a moral support or muse gf, dostoyevsky married the person who wrote the words he said as a book
100% of them have autism and aversion to physical labor, so they fixate on manly stuff that just requires sitting like gamedev skills and 40k.
there are, and they are all /make it/ yesdevs. winner takes it all
resident evil zero's mechanic of being able to control both characters is so underrated, imagine being able to play as a couple in a game that's not confusing or survival horror
Fun fact:
Drawings arent children.
Killing a NPC in GTA isnt murder.
2 months? marmoreal came out. spammer is MIA at the moment
Eric Barone is married so he probably has sex with his wife.
there was a ps2 game that had a cartoony creepy artstyle, I think that is the direction you should go, a surreal cartoony creepy style
Which spammer?
The 60 games come out everyday gamedev is a hobby guy?
zoomers were a mistake
when they mimic a human you could make their explicitly hot/bimbo-ish but add a quirk like a weird head twitch, an uncoordinated blinking or a sexy walking that has the legs bending in a not quite natural way
eric is pure and eternally virgin. wife is for cuddles and emotional support only. he has no genitals, no nipples and no belly button
then I hope anons like you will make it a reality, I would really love to play a game like that
You get it
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The PS2 era will come and I will pay you handsomely for models like these.
no vision,
no muse.
no gaym
no darly
no carly.
my chudlies.
Ok then, Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
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The PS2 era must already be here considering I no longer see teenagers circlejerking over how "soulful" PS1 graphics are in every thread. They seem to have already forgotten the thing they once claimed was truly beautiful and definitely not a trend. Strange.
kill yourself back to shartdew tranney general
we don't give a fuck about your parasocial delusions
Soul is timeless
The majority of lowpoly models being posted here are still heavily influenced by Megaman Legends.
juice = interactivity and feedback
juice = the only thing that matters in game design
/pol/ told me juice is bad
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Starting working on my rendering skills.

In 3 days I'll master this.
it is very important. I remember seeing Mortal Online 2 early gameplay, and just seeing how there was no stagger or 'weight' to swings. Like fighting in a dream.

Juice is essential.
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Our next project is a UFO 50-like
each anon works in small and simple games
this fix all the errors from previous collab
that's it
we won, AGDG is back
Lets start!!
>demo day: the compilation: the game
it could work
no inspiration
completely lacking
in motivation
>UFO 50
>$811k gross revenue
i'm in
Unironically how do I make the players hands both snap onto the gun? The trigger finger hand I parent, but the other guy?
Looking much better now. This actually looks like it was drawn by an asian and not a south american.
how to make ps2 textures
once my favorite youtuber makes another video essay reminding me of the timeless soul of PS1- um... I mean PSX graphics you'll be sorry, chud!!
prototypes in vain
no glory just pain
just keep-a devin'
till the bad strikes again
Anon the PS2 era was 20 years ago
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This fix everything, even the payment for the devs. Each anon is payed by the popularity of his own games.
It's extremely varied depending on the game. The look that the models end up having is dependant on post processing.
>from the guy who made Spelunky, who has a massive following
This is unironically an /agdg/ game called Deadbolt
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I miss the 00's and yes I would also consider games with good character design without lecturing/pandering garbage.
Ivy Valentine, I-No, Rouge The Bat, Sudeki characters, Carmelita Fox, Lulu from FFX, the girl from Dark Chronicle dressed in that panther costume... I miss that shit and it's not only "good bodies" it's also voice tone, body language... allure, sex appeal
I have like over 20 diffrent demos i never finished into full games.
How do i stop project hoping and actually finish a game.
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It involves alot of skill and work. I think for models like these though they sculpt the textures then bake them onto a low poly mesh.
>he thinks he can mimic the genius behind ufo 50 and thinks they're just random games
what did you expect from a collabcuck? anyone doing collabs is retarded, ESPECIALLY here.
no. they handpaint them
there's no pbr dogshit, just simple beautiful handpainted basecolor uv maps
>my game carrying the whole package
thats what pbr is
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retarded crab, we won already agdg was made for a ufo 50-like
Apparently DOA2 had a PC port and there are rips of the models you can find online. I'm going to use them as a placeholder until I can pay some guy from indonesia a pretty penny once I have a game.
Really? That takes some serious artistry.
no, gugurekasu
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I am a complete and utter codelet (never written a single line of code before) and I want to make a 2D beat em up. I was talking to my programmer friend about this idea and he started explaining state machines to me. How difficult would state machines be for a total beginner to understand? From what I gather if I could figure out how this stuff works I could probably get at least the player's moves completed.
>idle state
>walking state
>attacking state
>jumping state
>falling state
>hitting attack while in falling state triggers downward attack state
Sorry if any of this sounds retarded or is complete gibberish, I literally just learned about this stuff a couple hours ago.
you think this is a unique idea but every gamedev community is thinking this and someone will be first(second to ufo50). will it be agdg?
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My neetbux will dry out in a few months but ain't no way I'm going back to the wage cage. Guess it's time to build a shed I can live in and rent my house
Is it cold in the water?
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Got a bunch of valuable feedback from 4chan for my game Hellbirther. Immediately made a shitload of changes based on the feedback. Surprisingly most people have been super kind and helpful. Some guy on /v/ thanked me for making the game and said it was exactly what he wants to see, which actually made me a bit emotional honestly.

Things I changed as a result of 4chan feedback:
>added craters that appear for all explosions (good idea random /v/ anon they look great)
>made 3 songs have a less annoying melody (didn't know which song the guy complained about so I applied it to all of the candidates, high pitch notes were too loud)
>made an in-game menu less bright and look better, someone said it hurt their eyes when the original bright orange screen suddenly popped up
>difficulty and pacing adjustments to help things flow better and stop new players from spending too much time in a single mission
>learned how to convert all timers to use CPU clock, so at some point I'll spend a while converting all 20,000 timers and 8,000 speed variables into using proper delta time (got roasted for not already doing this, yeah yeah I get it but I failed to understand how to convert my old timers until I got someone to explain it to me)
>some big brain genius on /v/ said the HUD would be better if all info was in one place, immediately did that and it's a huge improvement
>someone said reading the dialogue while fighting was hard, and I always thought the same, so my broke ass paid to add AI voice acting to all mission dialogue. I don't blame people for not liking AI voice acting but I did a lot of work to make the dialogue sound natural, so I hope that's good enough. There is real voice acting as well for certain stuff like mission briefings and I'll hire real voice actors for the cutscenes too (hopefully someone who worked on Ace Combat before <3)

I would include footage but everything on YouTube is outdated now. Thank you to every person that gave input, I always take it seriously
a state machine is basically a simple set of guard rails that keep your code from doing something stupid when it's not supposed to

for example, when light is red, your code is allowed to call the stop function

when light is green, your code is allowed to call the accelerate function

you can think of a state machine as a bunch of stoplights in a row, except if you hit a red light, you just teleport to the next light to check if it's ok to pass through the intersection
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Cornelius' stuff so far.
a 300 year old vampire
Can I code my entire game using state machines?
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nobody likes my game or me
who cummed on the cards?
you can probably do most of it with state machines

depending on which tools you use, you might have to step out of that zone once in awhile

in general though, state machines are very flexible and usually create code that is simple to understand and modify
Not very difficult. Look up enums and switch statements. Just a forewarning, AI is the hardest part for a good beatemup.
the ps2 era would be here if it didn't require too much skill

good to know, this reminds me, tank controls were bad, they mastered moving 2d characters, idk why people acted like 3d made it so complicated that tank controls would seem like a good idea, are they just easier to program?
Why is aggy incapable of actually collabing?
I'll lock you in until you finish your game
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i'm getting chain of memories flashbacks lol

i like you, idk who you are or what your game is tho
Everyone's tastes are too radically different to agree on a single vision.
Lack of idea guys.
when amazoom is done i will do an aggy collab project
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I applied to a job in Finland. I don't speak any Finnish at all but they said that wasn't an issue. I hope I get it.
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>Retro Game Challenge (NDS)
>UFO 50
retro arcade games with challenges are fun
>Anons proposing another collab that will go literally nowhere
what sort of job
is finland nice?
Megaman Legens and Dr Slump PS games are great examples of well made low poly

Chud 50, now with booba (would buy that)
Janny cleaning simulator, pony tail brushing experience, Wageslave (Mad Maxian pit slave fighting game) what I am missing?
but this one seems better for a collab where each anon can work in a single arcade game very low scoped instead of a farming sim SDV-like
Game studio name idea:

Crispy Weasel Games

Mascot is a Weasel with some fire on him
I call dibs on dig dug.
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>Crispy Weasel Games
nothing but terrible outdated clones
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how do I fix this?
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that coffee looks pretty strong. Also no milk?
Also tea should be cheaper than coffee, no?
Coffee actually contains a lot more than just caffeine, including something that makes you poop good. T. tried other sources of caffeine and it's not the same.
I dont get it.(coding)
Everybody tells me its the easiest part of gamedev that its easier than music or art but it really isnt.
I genuinely have no idea how to do anything with code.
With 3D modelling i made my first 3D model of a human within a few hours of entering blender it wasnt good but it was a 3D model i did something even if there was a lot to improve i actually menaged to do something but with coding... i still have no idea what im doing after trying to learn for weeks.
I have no idea what im doing im not even sure if im learning it feels like im not getting any closer to learning no matter how much time i spend trying.
I dont get it... i really dont... and i dont think i will ever get it.
It’s now a mechanic.
why would you fix your main gameplay gimmick?
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a deep fried weasel.
Wait, is the game not about transforming into a rolling thing to get around quickly?
Architectural consultant
I've never been to Finland, I don't know
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I made my research, something like that but with the kind of character I described and maybe more focused on stealth than shooting (and a little bit more detailed buildings if possible)
I’ll make the Final Fantasy clone.
What's your game studio 'theme' / profile?

Mine will be enigmatic and a bit lighthearted, simulation and RP games. Like Lionhead Studios.

With probably a name that indicates lightheartedness but also enigmatic.
They why don't the people with similar tastes just team up?
The real answer is because yes devs that post on aggy are by nature NGMI devs, by posting on aggy.
Being able to work in a team will require you to be a gmi dev with a team of gmi devs with similar interests.
For instance dingodev and pogodev have similar games they could work together.
Only nodevs want collabs to compensate for their lack of talent.
A team of nodevs is still no games, and no games is ngmi.
How an actually aggy collab will happen is outside of aggy.
That's why I was kind of surprised by the asynchronous anonymous collab proposal, because it could actually work, but it fell through revealing to me the fact that only no devs have interest in collabs because NGMI yes devs are too busy trying to become GMI devs.
what about the game? post it
>"Open world" game
>Its a series of distinct maps connected by "entry/exit" points
Unironically superior to one seamless world.
this but not
in a teamgame full of people compensating for each others' weak spots, sometimes the team wins anyway
My name
Klaus Schlüpfer
numerous games. But 3D Dwarf Fortress is one of the flagship titles.

working on LOD atm.
post 3 examples
>open world
No, I don't like lolicon. But I also don't care. I was literally raised by 4chan. I'm not going to kvetch about a drawing.
Am I going to goon to r34? yeah probably.
ah the ngmidev
1. badly
2. nope
coding is not easy to learn but it's in effect learning how to talk with whatever platform you're using. once you learn how to talk, talking isn't hard.
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how do indie devs choose their dev name
Eric didn't learn so why should I?
I'll take Avianos, I'm nearly there
at what weight do you identify yourself as a team
My studio is called spooky dog and the mascot is a ghost dog.
I chose my dev name already, you'll see it when I release my devlogs.

But I picked it based on what is important to me.

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the rones
I'll do the bubble bobble
Did it have pong and tetris?
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If I manage to get my hand a low poly aggy model I'm immediately starting to work on an aggy game.
After years of waiting for someone to make an aggy game I'm starting to think that I should probably do it myself.
>Raised by 4chan
Now why would you go and admit that? Touch some grass or something.
Open world game that seems small in the overworld but when you enter the town its 2x bigger than the entire overworld map and when you enter a house its 2x bigger than the city map and when you enter a room of the house its 2x bigger than the house and when you enter the closet the closet is 2x bigger than the room and actually the total area of the game is 2x bigger than the surface of the real planet earth and it will take you multiple lifetimes if you want to explore the entire world of the game.
with all my honesty, try to improve those visual assets in the final product

if each dev stealthy and subtly puts his fetish in each minigame I can see this becoming a soulful thing (just aim lower since you have less experience and press buzz, a nice collection of 25 well made, non pozzed games will be enough
add some aliasing to her panties
Your idea is mine now.
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camera moviment feels strange
you're looking at games like they're some kind of engineering project, like building a house.
When actually they are art.
You are asking "Why doesn't Van Gogh just team up with Claude Monet to make an epic super painting???"
there was only one shitposter that spammed AI "models", nobody really does that kind of low poly
Why would I be ashamed about it? 4chan is my real family. I've been here my whole life. Ironically I was originally being groomed at the time, but not any more
this is true, that's why the people who work with me on the GMOD-like need to mesh well with the vision.

I can't have some guy who wants it to look anime and have balatro mechanics.
t. thinks fixing a basic bug should be an entire endeavor because his codebase is a rube goldberg machine of state
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The only ones I've seen pull off this style with some charm are the modelers from SA. Perhaps its due to their affinity for dragonboll.
Try lerp
this has a "dragged and dropped assets into an existing template" feel to it but I can't explain why
this man doesn't afraid of anything

halo was the first game with buttons
>get a bunch of youtubers covering my demo
>none of them spell the game title correctly
>tiny glade got thousands of likes the first time it was shown off on twitter. if your game doesn't, it's basically DOA and is not worth investing time in
This is only true if your game is riding on graphics or overall concept. Vampire survivors didn't get thousands of twitter updoots, it looks like shit, it's the type of game that has to be played. So instead of twitter success some games require a demo to be validated
So you're a hobby dev? That is strange, why don't hobby devs team up?
Probably because of what you said, they see themselves as artists who have no interest in clashing visions, no interest in compromising
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well thats what u get for naming it ctesvfasdpousfer
>get a bunch of youtubers covering my demo
>jk its fucking shit so no one plays it
people operate with a cohesive vision in open source projects, I think it's possible to do it when the people are also sharing rev share.
halo was a pretty cool guy, miss that mf like you wouldn't believe
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I'm working on a "low poly" loli model, I'm going to finish it soon.
I just got home.
just decide on an idea you all agree with beforehand, and write up a 'constitution' which is the GDD.
People team up all the time, just not here.
I look like the second girl
That's why I thought the async-anon thing could work, but ultimately it doesn't progress the developer. It doesn't give the hobby dev his vision of art, and it doesn't give the yes dev his desire of gmi.
I'd be interest in compromising a personal vision for a shared vision that would be better, but I've yet to see any agdg idea guy really sell any particular vision worth compromising for.
>and usually create code that is simple to understand and modify

Only if you keep your states finite with clear routes for entry and exit and you cleanup all flags before exiting. If you do an unstructured one where a 'director' determines what state to go into at any time and the state starts reaching outside of itself then you'll end up with a ball of tangled string that's really hard to work with as I'm discovering.
any sites with already designed games i can just implement?
I think it just needs to be the right idea desu.

And I think I have just the GMOD-like to motivate everyone in a sense of "Yeah... uh, this has to be made!"
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Would you say it's because of the rotation or the mouse lookahead? Maybe both? I'm particularly immune to motion sickness and visual effects so I'll need some serious playtesting on that.

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also the collection will need a lore, I like the idea of the old /trash, imagine a whole landfill planet with rusty metal machinery, green oozing containers and mutant tribesmen, sometimes "the great dropper" appears, a colossal spaceship as dirty as a organic container with huge doors in its belly releasing tons of scrap and from that scrap our survivor gets his games

as I said 2 threads ago, consider adding portraits of the pilots in your spaceship game
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What does hobby dev have to do with what you're saying?
I'm not a hobby dev. The other person would make the game worse by their opposing vision, or their inferior dev skills.
And I'm compensated for my extra work by having %100 rev share.
Make my game then.
I'm willing to consider that, I mean /v/ has made games before.
Likely that aggy have higher standards for ideas, and people with good ideas don't like sharing them.
im not gonna post a moving capsule with eyes im not gonna post a moving capsule with eyes im not gonna post a moving capsule with eyes
>get james rolfe to cover my game
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also posting some trash bag bunch as inspiration for that landfill world
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I don't understand what you're suggesting. Can you elaborate? the crew members have portraits in the crew selection menu- are you talking about something visible during the mission?
Tuto done, Jesus I hate doing tuto.
Sorry I didn't realize I was talking to Cris.
every screenshot i have seen of this project has had extremely broken english

if that is not what you're going for, please have someone who speaks english fix your text
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>ufo-50 collab
>low poly
Bad idea uou people underestimate the amount of work you'd need.
There's a reason why they went with pixelart.
If we commit it's probably better to follow this agdg artist style.
Let's make OUR gayme then!
t. retarded guy
does cris still even post here...?
Hey Cris
What's a unique take/mechanic on roguelike deckbuilders?
I am unoriginal and uncreative.
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Can your game do this?
This game is so fucking boring
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When does a game warrant having a launcher?

And would your launcher be SOVL or generic?
this is what my game would do if i made it lol
I'm considering this for my games.
and my launcher would be Sovl ofc.
yes, something like that, and those portraits being animated according the circumstances like taking damage, shooting, idle... to give more personality to the game and don't look like another spaceship sidescroller, this is something I wish Sine Mora did, it gives you a certain connection/attachment to the pilot/crew despite being extra work.
Remember that TV in Pizzatower that always shows Pepino's emotions? something like that
I will never ever understand the appeal of these games. When I play cozy games, I just ask myself 'What the hell am I doing?'. There's no fail state just time investment.
there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to having a launcher, but in the case of MMO projects it just verifies that the client is the correct version to connect to the server, and allows the client to update if it needs it
I don't get it.
nta but having pilot/crew member portraits at the top right or something during the mission would be nice.
People here team up all the time too. It just doesn't result in shipping a complete game, same as anywhere else.
yes anon.

I was posting my today progress doing krita.

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people just need the right idea. I think I got it. It's a GMOD-like with a bunch of opportunity of /agdg/ memes and a kind of early 2000's GMOD meme culture.
We should do something more like Devolver Bootleg where each dev makes a slightly shittier knockoff version of their own game
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They're for women and children. It's ok if you don't like them, your brain isn't wired to enjoy this type of stuff. Women like cute things and raising/nurturing things as they watch them grown. It triggers all the reward centers in the female brain.
I don't team up unless with closest friends cause I don't want to share the revenue, besides I don't think anyone actually decent will work for my game for free. I don't care about my vision being compromised in areas where I have no ability myself.
with over 50 characters in the roster so far that could be a pretty huge art scope increase

i doubt this feature will make it into early access (we're pushing hard to finalize a trailer so we can launch early access on Steam in October) but i'll consider it for full release scope

i need to add some pop-up UI for characters to speak mid-mission anyway so i guess this would just be an extension of that in a way
she probably would've done worse if it weren't for the fact she revealed she is female off plain looks which is enough to draw simps in. put some ugly balding dysgenic looking man in her place from the start and i highly doubt it'd sell as well

t. was rejected by tomo in being the face of my company
t. t. maybe i should get a hot 18 year old girl from argentina doing it for cheap consider how far my dollar goes there
>what if wojak was cute?
I miss when Wojak was raped and shat on by Pepe.
This is like gentrifying those edgy Newgrounds animations.
you sound like the guy on the left
Eric liked Harvest Moon.
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>cris actually improving
did you draw the face too? that's looking pretty alright, maybe you should practice your art like this more, instead of messing with random "workflows"
ufo50 has a game like this called Mini and Max
>I miss when Wojak was raped and shat on by Pepe.
newfag alert, imagine thinking that shit was the og kys
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>slightly shittier knockoff version of their own game
good idea too
Children do not play slime rancher. Lobotomized adults are their audience.
yes, we're going to enter into a latter Big Bang Theory type of arc where most of us become famous game devs. Like how the guys in Big Bang Theory ended up getting accolades and gfs by the end of the series.

It's just how it is.
What games do you play?
>with over 50 characters in the roster
why do you even need so many? specially when you only see them on a selection menu? seems to me a wasted potential, 5 or less well made charismatic characters would be much better in my opinion and people would pick the game because "I want to play with that character I like"
she has been making this flop for almost a decade, dont try to use logic with her
>anon spent $13 on this game
>can't fork over $15 for a copy of my game

i wish i had a shortstack cheering me on in the background.
Usually stuff with combat and character customization/RPG elements.
I will have my muse thougheverbeit 3D artist
>unironically likely +1% to fire damage on hit when the snowflames of hell are active and you have less than 10 sprinkles of gold
>take the nemesis system
if i had a dollar for ever time i heard an idea guy say this...
so 50 man collab? a 2% revenue cut and i'd consider it
I personally ignore all patents. I think patents are anti innovation
my game will be the most innovative here
Only because you never made it, if you did you would be in jail.
Sorry, wasn't my intent.
He like Harvest Moon but he added combat, something that appeals to the male brain.
i give up
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Ok there is some kind of desire to collab on this site, and I think I know why it doesn't work. Because it seems like a waste of time.
But check this thread out: >>>/v/690098319
The TL;DR is that if you just make a clone for a game you're likely to attract fans from that game to guarantee success for your game.
I mean almost all indie games do this even unintentionally just cause they're inspired by games they like.
Mario -> endless 2d pixelslop shartformer
Souls games -> Infinite """""souls""""likes on steam
top down rpgs -> a gorillian games about le hecking depression
Even indie games are getting cloned now.
My thought is to make a monster hunter clone. It's perfect, no one else has infested the niche yet.
Well, my game be properly following the law by the time it comes out. Of course. I mean come on.
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There are lots of ships and lots of characters because each character has a unique combination of positive and negative stats that you can use to customize how your ship performs

some ships have secondary abilities like automatic gunners or different weapons. some ships have cloaking instead of boosting, etc.

some crew members also add automatic gunner slots or change your weapons

the game is structured around teams of people in a corporation, too - different teams have different thematic bonuses and maluses depending on their function in the company. Corporate HQ characters usually increase your looting / money drops, whereas IT department crew typically increase the amount of engine performance or shielding you get.

could we do it with a smaller roster? probably, but we like our large roster

i get it tho. some people liked chrono trigger better than chrono cross for similar reasons
What I'm trying to say is that games need something to push the player to engage with it's systems. The presence of a fail state like paying off a debt that keeps increasing. These cozy games need something like that.
Not unless your game is a communist nazi pedo simulator or a pokemone clone.
Game companies only bring up patents as an ultimate weapon against bad actors.
The problem with "cozy" games is that comfort is at its best when it's a reward after going through something tough.
These games make comfort something "default".
tfw my $5000 chainstink bag of avg price 0.20 went to $50 and sold it all at an avg sell price $57.30

why yes i don't wage anymore or at least i didn't until world lines changed
t. anon from the world who bought chainstink AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA why didn't you buy it in this world line anon!!!! i'm poor again! now we have to make it off this ngmi vidya gaem!
we already tried to clone sdv for the last collab
stardew combat is like minecraft graphics
I mean the farming was kind of fun, but the whole game was just too easy and low risk
this is why if you binge entertainment all day it feels hollow but after working on your game all day, it feels so much sweet to relax and watch an episode of Star Trek Original Series.
nintendie who doesn't know shit moment
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anons need to actually make a comfy game.

Just make sure the player can't be hurt by the enemies and you can do shit like attack the enemies.

For like giving player goals you could do shit like collecting coins or points or collecting items, as your main objective.
And for game over mechanics, you could use a timer.

And for dificulty progression, you can have a leveling progression from arcade games where the time drops faster until the player can't continue the pace.

Basically It would be no diferent from some TV contest.

This is what I've been trying to do with my games, until I developed that formula of something cozy but with still game over and dificulty curve.

Pretty sure you could take this formula and do something like a supermarket simulator or street cleaner or coffee farmer.
>anon who doesn't understand cozy-likes but is talking like he does
>system that forces you to come up with a new idea instead of just taking someone else's = anti-innovation
Women don't want to go through something tough. A lot of people don't. That's why TV exists, you sit there and watch it. Cozy games are just slightly more interactive TV for zoomers
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any idea guys want to give me an idea for a top down 2d game where everything is dark and your character has a flashlight that will make it stand out from the ten thousand other games of that sort?
other examples of gameplay patents being enforced?
Honestly, this sounds like a chill idea. A game where you just vibe and collect stuff without the stress of dying is a refreshing take. Like, who needs all the frustration of getting wrecked by enemies?

A cozy supermarket simulator could totally work—just roaming the aisles, stacking shelves, and collecting points while avoiding the chaos of angry customers. Or a coffee farmer game where you grow beans and manage your little farm sounds cute as hell.

The timer mechanic for difficulty is interesting too; it keeps things engaging without being punishing. People want that comfort food gaming experience, not another rage-inducing grind.

I mean, if you nail the aesthetics and sound design, you could create a very cozy atmosphere. Just imagine the music and art style being all chill and inviting.
mmmm, well at least you have a very nice looking pixel art, if you can't animate the portraits consider adding the ones you have already made showing on a corner of the screen (some of those waifurs are so lovely...)
I actually developed a method that actually works to learn a skill in like 2 weeks, in the last 2 years.

I only need a couple of days to improve a shitton in art.

The goal wasn't to practice drawing, but practice rendering.

I will draw an anime girl from scratch in a couple of days after the painting session.
>all of technology has been iterative, built on the before
>all of a sudden now, you can't do that because uh hecking you can't just make money off of my design, i don't care how innovative you are, you copied my design, made it better and you aren't allowed to do that okay?
do the Doom 3 thing where batteries run out and you have to shoot to see
or whatever, I never even played it
You're right, we should try to clone SDV
Pixelslop and 2d programming is clearly more within aggy's skill set
luv u 2
don't forget to wishlist when we go live on Steam next month
name of the game? I am not sure if I have it wishlisted
I swear some of yall gay or something. Why don't you guys understand women?
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Didn’t you already post that picture?
Recettear is decidedly not a comfy game. It was quite hard, and mostly appealed to autistic men. Something like Mystia's Izakaya is significantly more comfy, since it was trivially easy to pay off your debts in that.
visual novel in unreal engine, yay or nay?
yeah, I think is an amazing core design, that feels extremelly comfy, but keeps the elements of challenge and game over of normal games, but without forcing the frustration of combat.

Ironically it took me 2 years of prototypes to design that loop.
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Yeah, try to do what project zomboid does but better you know since it's shit now
also call the game age of zion
That would actually be pretty cool
I started working on some darkwood-like player mechanics after seeing pyrofagicals video and just kinda don’t know what to do with them. It would be cool if you had like a lmg or something and had to shoot tracers to see but idk how annoying that would get
yes it most closely matches how she looks.
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the page isn't up on Steam yet because a trailer is required and we're still working on that

Steam discussions are live though
Based on how fast modders are, it should be possible to clone Project Zomboid in a tenth of the time.
I don't get games from gamedevs sometimes.
Take a look at r/IndieDev front page or even /agdg/.
There are so many games that look and play like shit. There's not a single bit of potential. Why make it? Why put in all that effort and work for something so shitty?
There's like maybe 5% that at least have potential. Those are worth it.
The vast majority of inventions occurred after patents became a widespread thing, and occurred in the countries that had the strongest IP law & patents (Britain, America, Germany, France).

Turns out giving someone the exclusive rights to make money off their ideas is a very strong financial incentive to come up with new ideas.
post game
You ever consider that you have shit taste?
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Reminder to shill your games.
Buy ads, make twitter posts, talk to streamers, give out keys to shitters, participate in jams. You have to do it all WHILE you make your game, not when it's 1 month from release.

>But that only gets me like 100 sales
It's better than 0 sales. If you're here, statistically speaking, you don't have enough friends or connections to go viral. Please learn from the mistakes of others.
Fuck sake remake the screenshots from a proper copy you greasebag and downscale them to thumbnail size while you haven't done it yet.
I suspect they got crabbed into making games that they don't want to play or make. So they've been conditioned to not even take into account their own opinion on their game.
I already had that page saved I wish you a great release and a future full of nice releases (also full with waifurs)
it's almost as if people just want to make a game and not sell one
>system that forces you to not have mini games on loading screens, dialogue wheels, npcs that remember what you do, and advice that encourages healthy sleeping habits if you're not nintendo is innovation
Post game.
how many people ideally do u want in ur discord server? i have like 350 right now
thanks! best of luck on your projects too
I'm not going to make a discord, it adds a new layer of expectation for little discord engagements with hundreds of people who have more going on in their lives than my discord.

I'd like people to just watch my videos when they come out and play my games when they're available.

I don't want to sound horns at people all day with red notifications from slopcord.

I will not make a discord community.
>mini games on loading screens
you can get steam discussions before a page is up? is this after the fee is paid?
You kidding? The more the better. You can always split them up to smaller server.
i feel obligated to post updates and what >>496145092 said
If my game fails to get viral without shilling it wasn't good enough to succeed anyways
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I should probably just give up on the PS1 style meme. this only took ~30 minutes, just warming up after a break
texture filtering leaves me with late 90s early 00s PC stuff like Max Payne, N64 or early PS2 / GC
biggest challenge is going to be characters; can't texture paint for shit and not having segmented limbs would suck since it means weight painting, rigging etc
tactical infralike
Even games that are shit need to be polished and that takes too mcuh time.
You don't have to use @everyone or @here, anon.
yes, you can get steam discussions as soon as your game is in steamworks
How did you do this
i could have a real fucking nice entity base class if rigidbodies and character3ds didn't need to be the root of a scene for things to go smoothly
that hotline miami-like looks really cool. Kusan : City of Wolves. absolutely terrible steam trailer compared to the clips the dev shares though.
Why do they have to?
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When I spawn a mesh to do an animation he has this weird silhouetting shit going on and it's not present anywhere else. Does anyone know what this is or how to prevent it?
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Rogue Music in progress

You can have node3d as the root though?
Fuck me I forgot details, UE 5.3, it's an actor blueprint with a skeletal mesh and the animation selected
my best guess from your screenshot is that you are rendering a foreground object without updating rendering for your background, so it just keeps whatever pixels were already there as ghosts
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I've yet to see a hidden gem indie game that deserved better sales than it got.
nolgorb's ordeal
1) Lack of shared interests.
2) Low motivation.
3) Poor social skills.

In that order.
dream quest
braid anniversary
Bloodthief should be a bestseller already. I know it's not released yet but goddamn it's the most fun shit I've ever played.
100k and i do 0 management or even log into it
I think it's just a matter of having the right idea.
It has to be so right that everyone working on it knows they're working on something groundbreaking and special.

I'm imagining a GMOD-like atm.
Cute game anon. You sure Tawna Bandicoot isn't patented?
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I could lend EGG DROP to it. nothing came of it sales wise and it's a good little game
The more the better

Godrays r fun anon
That's "Pamela Possum", you would know if you collected her in Nolgorb's Ordeal.
this is why I don't want a discord.

silence from a YouTube channel is mysterious.
An entire silent discord can initiate a herd mentality where people see that not only is the owner not paying attention, but no one else is paying attention. Because it is a 24/7 link.

People barely hang out in YouTube comment sections except on the newest videos who cares. but a discord is a public display of engagement. And I know I'd have to play the discord game at that point. Which I do not want to play.
I dont get why people join discord servers for indie games. They are providing feedback and even modding for free.
>The Golem
>Bean and Nothingness
>English Country Tune
>Warp Factory
>Bonfire Peaks
>Jelly is Sticky
>Pipe Push Paradise
>Puddle Knights
>Room to Grow
>An Architect's Adventure
>Campfire Cooking
>Crate Mates
>Hiding Spot
>[the Sequence]
>Recursive Ruin
>Great Permutator
>Delicious Donut
>Sweet Dreams Alex
>Headlong Hunt
so you can't have enemies remember that you defeated them before?
it's too retarded to abide by.
have to ignore it.
>run a discord
>troons request pronouns
>close the discord
(it's real in my head)
there's nothing stopping you from doing it, but it means the scene root's .position is decoupled from the body's .position. i'm going to have to fuck around with get/set and maybe top_level
I wasn't implying anything about the patent, just that the nemesis system is "god tier game design" to idea guys and sticking it in another genre is the extent of their ideas
It's almost as if people want their transaction to be worth it by improving the very game they bought and played.
I thought this list is made with a name generator until I checked a couple.
Fair enough, next step: what was their mistake?
i'm sure the nemesis system is more than that.
every rpg has people attacking you because you fucked with them some time ago
give them the kicked/banned pronouns
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I feel kinda bad for blowhards. Will you be blowing your brains out when your leader inevitably does? You know that he needs to make the #1 sokoban game of all time in order to profit, right?
at this point putting 'by Johnathan Blow' on that cover will sell the game.
the patent think was for the other guy.
Looks samey, just 1 type of environment. This is huge red flag for a game buyer.
Heard a lot about it being an inspiration for some of top seller roguelite games but come on these graphics.

One shouldn't assume getting someone to buy your game is easier than getting a gf.
That did wonders for Braid Anniversary
it didn't work with his last game
also how hard is it to make a sokoban game
dude's been working on it longer than he has on the witness
>dude's been working on it longer than he has on the witness
he has way too many levels and is heavily bottlenecked by art
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>am i out of touch
>no, it's the gamers who are wrong
>at this point putting 'by Johnathan Blow' on that cover will sell the game.
company bloat and also wanting to make his own programming language probably contributed to the slowness.

All you need is C.
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Blow on this!
Why do you need a custom programming language for a Sokoban game?
the graphics help it keep hidden gem status. the dev works for blizzard(hearthstone) now though so he's not gonna ever return to this.
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Because you're a ni-
ayright ey' gonna make my own hardware architecture for my 2d metroidvania brb
Do you think its worth a shot? Ill do anything to not end up like marmo or trainwizz.

he's clearly a genius since magic survivors failed
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True but patent trolling is a thing Nintendo seems to be trying to patent basic gameplay mechanics like... Hitting things, moving platforms, and looking at things in the environment
>my one hit wonder doesn't sell anymore
>lets scam other potential upcoming devs
this is insane
>"But we're very smol!"
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found this image, put it into ShoeBox's texture ripper to straighten it out, re-arranged what it spat out via photoshop, resized to 128x128 and then indexed the colors to 16 total
then just made the sofa in blender, used a lot of UV 'Project from View' combined with 1 2 and 3 on the numpad for straight-on views, then moved the UVs over the texture, set the material to closest or linear depending on what you want. also select all UVs and select snap all to pixels in the UV editor to clean it up just a tiny bit, if the pixels are going to be visible that is
I'll follow up this post with another texture method for low poly, if it helps

business idea: make your game look like a slot machine and this idiot will eat it up.
would you rope if you had made infiniminer or magic survival?
Remember when people wanted Disney to buy Nintendo? lol
The VS dev got a collab with Konami. Does your gave have any collabs?
Zachtronics is doing fine thoughbeit.
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what reasonable goals should I set if I'm starting to learn c#?
any specific things I should look into after learning the total basics?
does he have a candy wall though
Magic Survival made good money, last I checked.
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we should all strive to not be niggers

this guy gets it
best tutorial series for turn based sloppa?
these can't be enforceable right?
Surely the judge would see that others have done this before Nintendo.
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Why haven't you been able to make a game that focus 100% on a sub niche of your genre instead of trying to compete with the best games of your genre?
there's a femdom.com wiki for magic survival, i guess it wasn't that much of a flop. we just don't hear about it since it's a mobile only game.
but yeah i can't believe how zachary prevailed. god of a man.
Why haven't you?
Vampire Survivors joined the list of video game adaptations when last year, it was greenlit for an animated TV show. Poncle announced that it will be working with entertainment firm Story Kitchen, which is overseen by co-producer of Sonic the Hedgehog movie Dmitri Johnson, John Wick creator Derek Kolstad, and Mike Goldberg.

They are set for life
Dunno. Enjoy spending years in court to find out.
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2nd method, abusing triplanar mapping
model > create seams > unwrap > add new material slot/s > ctrl + t or ctrl + shift + t on the material in the shader tab > add the diffuse / base color and ambient occlusion texture > set texture coordinate node from object to vector > scale and blend as you need > set projection to box > bake material out into low res > reapply material using the bake > ??? > profit > wa la
it works with multiple materials on a single object, too. just copy the floating image texture you create in the shader node, select the other material slot and paste it
just make sure the object is unwrapped with no overlapping UVs if you're going to have two or more materials
looks like they just went through all their methods and patented every comment they saw
but next game i'm gonna cum pit with gran turismo, forza and gta.
"best games of your genre" are so bad it shouldn't be that hard.
i am though?
we need an idea GOD
>With the release of Last Call BBS planned in July 2022, Zachtronics announced that that would likely be the last game they develop
I will.

one of my ideas is a 2D fighter that focuses only on the combo stuff instead of PvP.


better to be the king of a small fish pond over being a mediocre one in a bigger pond.
I've seen that book on Jons bookshelf... J-Jon?!
They patented all multiplayer games?
does your game need to exist?
mine doesn't and it's not getting likes or wishlists so I decided to give up on it after a year of work. going to be making an app for 6 months and then another game.
4 people who made bad games and 16 people who made no games get together and wonder why they can't make a good game.
jblow said he didn't recommend the dragon book anon
Because it breathes.
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is more like your issue is you made a game for a market or niche that doesnt exist.
haven't t. anon made a game for an oversaturated market?
Good job. More anons need to learn when to drop no-hope no-interest projects instead of wasting years of their lives on shit nobody wants.
You just discovered how the morph ball in Metroid came to be.
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Problem solved, for anyone who ever deals with this print a string to check how many times an overlap event is being activated. I had a timeline set up and every time it went a frame it was spawning another mesh with the animation. Was able to stop it by just throwing a "Do Once" node on there. Am retarded.
eww the patent has so many words lol, corporations are even ruining gaming
crafting interpreters is way better. (you eventually make an actual compiler)
the dragon book is a meme
Protip: if you haven't got any original ideas try game jams with sctrict themes like ludum dare
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What's a good artstyle in 2D that can make attractive characters but is not anime?
some markets have simply enough demand for the people to still buy your game, even if it's not the best.

people buy rpg maker games because the market for rpg maker is much bigger than the market of 2D platormers.
post your compiler
The Blackbox strikes again!
Check this out:

We need a new genre: the Nostalgia Genre. These are idiots remaking an old game. In this case, it is Chrono Trigger. They use the same time periods and throw in more anime.

Making my own RPG, I have my ear up to all the indie RPG developers out there. THIS IS VERY COMMON. They ALL are remaking some 16-bit or PlayStation RPG type game. NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ORIGINAL. And the ones that THINK they are doing something original is nothing more than a basket of tropes.

This ‘Threads of Time’ will flop. If people want to play Chrono Trigger, they’ll go and do just that. This game does not differentiate itself in any way. The animation actually makes it worse.

People do not realize that Chrono Trigger DID NOT SELL WELL outside Japan. When the DS version came out, same problem again. The bargain bins were full of Chrono Trigger DS.

Why did Chrono Trigger not sell well outside of Japan? I can go into that in more detail. But the reason why it didn’t sell outside Japan is probably the reason why it did sell well in Japan. Anime is not popular outside Japan. And no, not even today with the ‘modern’ generation. Chrono Trigger is too close to anime which harms it. Bizarrely, that is one reason why it is so beloved. The game’s story is very childish with the characters being ridiculous. Final Fantasy 6 comes across as literature in comparison to Chrono Trigger. Spiky haired mute character is not what Americans think is a ‘great protagonist’.

So I don’t know why games keep copying Chrono Trigger. It’s like the indie devs are retarded or something. If you’re going to copy a game, at least do one that proved itself to have sales. Even the ip holder knows the game doesn’t make money which is why they do nothing with the ip!
I’ve been hunting for a high quality version, but considering most of Kievnauchfilm’s archives were destroyed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it’s been a difficult process. Do you have any idea how heartbreaking it is to not have this in 4K Ultra HD on Blu-Ray with Dolby Surround Sound?
If ReBoot’s master tapes were found and preserved, I’m holding out hope some creepy slimeball movie collector is hoarding the negatives to this classic.
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mix anime girls with cartoon.
why not?
Should enemies in a FPS groan like in Doom or have a few of random soundbites like Wolfenstein 3D?
Chrono Trigger is one of the most original JRPGs ever, moron. You must have the shittiest RPG ever if you can't recognize that.
be careful. nintendo has a patent on forward motion.
they should moan like i do
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Yes, without my game we will have a timeline shift that will lead to the end of human race. Trust me.
in godou can I make a tilemap act like an area2d? so it can detect the player and do something to them, but not collide with them?
Unicycle Pizza Time broke 100 reviews.
Marnix won.
We lost.
I failed. There's no sugarcoating it. My game failed and I'm a failure.
Are you stupid?
Chrono Trigger was original. THAT INDIE GAME copying Chrono Trigger is not original, since the idea was already done by Chrono Trigger.
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i know that diddely feelerino
I always thought this was a false equivalency, killing NPCs in gta isn't murder, but if you were getting off the npcs dying you're probably a sick bastard
>doesn't know the difference between a compiler and an OS
>shitposts anyways
Why are nodev tripfags always like this?
They have a pre-existing audience base they tell to leave reviews, so their sale/review ratio is probably lower than normal like with Marmo. "100 reviews" therefore is not as big an accomplishment as with a normal game.
This looks awful.

I want my game to have attractive characters. However, I feel that anime artstyle is a bit overused in games with attractive characters right now (look at all those gacha for example). The problem is that I am making a 2D game and the only non-anime artstyles that I find look good are 3D. I like the Pixar-style of Blizzard games and the idealized "realism" of Square-Enix games, but I wouldn't know how to replicate those styles in 2D.
Fuck, missed a day. Resetting the counter.

Added a btn and a functional stick
I don't know what Chrono Trigger is but I've given up on my turn of the century RPG because it's not getting any interest. Literally 500 page views on Steam without a single wishlist. Fuck it, I don't have 3 years to sink. Learned some lessons and cutting my losses.
Also forgot to say: "furry" is not an artstyle.
>A 10/10 super hot girl agress to sleep with you
>BUT you will need to get a orchiectomy because shes only attracted to eunuchs
Would you do it?
You just have to break down problems and steal from other people. To give you an example, I wanted to implement a swinging mechanic, so I first figured out how and when to activate the swing, THEN, I stole some guys code for making a pendulum and fucked around with it for like 5 days until it behaved just how I needed it to, and then made it apply velocity to the player based on its speed that I also stole. Basically break shit down, steal and use ai if you're a codelet like me
I'm implying he's not fine even though he probably is.
Isn't this rip much better?
You can use 3D graphics in a 2D game.
ive been thinking of castrating myself anyways so i can focus on gamedev more
but how do i sleep with a woman with no testicles
Nice progress.
His entire Youtube audience consists of English speakers, but only 4.1% of his sales are in English. Most of his sales (73.2%) are from Japan, because he got Japanese streamers to play it. Plus, he's posted his sales numbers and his review:sale ratio isn't as bad as Marmo.
yes, otherwise I would be just drawing pictures of it and having people constantly asking me to sell my IP to them so they can make a game from it. NO! it's mine.
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Greenspun's tenth rule
Yeah I hate the idea but apparently having a discord can net you money just by having it exist. I don't need some fanboy trying to make an unofficial discord and rolling in cash off my game. Wonder if I can sue something like that due to monetization.
someone spoonfeed me a beginners coding youtube series
the only realistic solution is to be inspired by cartoon anime AI mixes.
idk, i learned in college
oh no this anon strikes again. behold as he outdoes a 50 man collab all on his own imagine this pic as every single anons face >>496142739
Why youtube?
Learn to use ChatGPT ffs
my game doesnt focus on a niche sub genre because its the first of its kind
monkey see monkey do
no websites please i need the social interaction
Another pixel one is not very novel + low poly is easier, I don't think we have enough pixel artists.
>ive been thinking of castrating myself anyways so i can focus on gamedev more
>but how do i sleep with a woman with no testicles
You will still have your mouth and your fingers
What will be the new genre called?

What would be the "hit 'em" of video games?
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making this was fun
it's amazing to me that out of all of sokpops games, they /made it/ with fucking stacklands
i'm extremely out of touch with what people like
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Its a platformer
what's your game Mahiro anon? i've seen you before in the past but can't recall which game is yours or is it a secret?
>Plus, he's posted his sales numbers
Did he really? That's a violation of the Steam user agreement. If someone wanted to be an ass, they could get in trouble.
>net you money just by having it exist
from what?
Is it really? People do it all the time.
Remember to exercise.
Remember to exist.
Mahiro doesnt have a game.
And he isnt working on making one either.
post in the official NFL discord please
I'm clueless. I have never used discord
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We got them drop shadows
Bubsy 3E?
i just wasted 2 hours watching youtube shorts, it's over
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>can't recall which game is yours
>he doesn't remember the robot game
Hopefully it will play better than bubsy

Are you Marmo? You piece of shit you bought the pass instead of doing something useful with your money.
Bubsy 3D was robbed. If it played great flat shaded artstyle could've been not dead for a decade.
>spend 4 hours fixing a bug
>do something I did in the first hour
>it just works
>everything works now
I love game dev.
I realized what the defining mechanic of my game should have been, but it's too late to implement the new mechanic without throwing everything out and rewriting from scratch.
Making insanely compex systems that work is the best feeling in the world isn't it?
>Slam Dingo, but actually good and being made
I think I should improve my style and make it be more influenced by american cartoons but also relly more on 80-90 anime rather than being a one trick pony influenced by a single H illustrator.
what american cartoon did this copy
Her money her choice how to spend it.
Fuck off and stop hating on my queen.
If she wants to buy a pass then she has every right to do so.
90's cartoon networks shows like PPG.
Give me your most unique "Sekiro but..." idea.
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I usually kneel to nobody, but I must give credit when it is due.
Sekiro but platformer is basically my game but not in a queer metroidvania typa way
Sekiro but its actually made by a soulful developer instead of fromshovelware.
"Sekiro but... the bosses you beat get recruited in a Dark Emblem type of surreal way and you build up a fortress"
never thought id see lizard nigga kneeling to a pedo
Sekiro but it's not a rhythm game.
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Concerned Grape
Sekiro, but you're a busty ninja.
Sekiro but Jonathan Blow made it.
Ok that’s enough for today.
Sekiro but you are sent to 1945 and can parry the nuke
Sekiro Butt Kart
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you parry the road with your butt to get boosts
>Forum is down until 4:45 Moscow Time
Sekiro but child soldiers fighting with bayonets.
I'm having alot of fun with using systemic driven design for this idea but when it comes to boss fights that's when I realize I gave the player too much.
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>What's a good artstyle in 2D that can make attractive characters but is not anime?
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>>What's a good artstyle in 2D that can make attractive characters but is not anime?
>>>What's a good artstyle in 2D that can make attractive characters but is not anime?
that's anime. what he's really looking for is tintin style.
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tamers ms paint artstyle
>if i like it then it's anime
the difference between a successful man and a looser is the successful one has fallen and risen several times until he succeeds, the looser gives up a after a couple of failures.
What are you now? but most important, who you want to be tomorrow?
Here's my thought: ark survival like
This is a good style, mix of anime and cartoony, but I feel it's too unique to the artist, it's not a generic style.

Not sure what you mean, if you mean the dot eyes that's also done in some anime they call it mob face style

Elaborate? I have no idea what you mean and google brings up MS Paint pictures of Digimon Tamers which I don't think is what you meant
>"...some people say my slop cannot be true
>please believe me, nodev, and i'll show you
>i will give you those things you thought unreal
>the SOVL, the troon, the stars... all Marmoreal..."
Looks good to me
Valheim but good
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idk i just love my ms paint wife aleena
Those walls are very plain and repetitive, with a bit more complexity the game would look much better, notice how in the gameplay the wall occupies more than 50% of the screen.
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should i go with a androgynous(fem) furry, robot girl, or generic anime girl? it's for my main character. i don't know which one of them will give me more sales, my game will be a pseudoregalia-like
hore someone to put this on ios and you'll be the next brotato
How do you figure out the perfect balance for enemy AI aggressiveness in Souls-like/Sekiro?
If the enemy is too aggressive: then you're constantly blocking/parrying and it gets so boring.
If the enemy is too passive: then you're basically just punching a punching bag and it gets boring.
If the enemy is in the middle: then you're attacking but how do you know when the enemy is suddenly going to start attacking?
>should i go with a androgynous(fem) furry, robot girl, or generic anime girl? it's for my main character. i don't know which one of them will give me more sales, my game will be a pseudoregalia-like
Coming home from work rn give me something /agdg/ related to doodle when I get back
This is not the place to ask about AI. It's something you have to figure out yourself. It gets even harder when there are multiple units at once. Look up souls AI on youtube.
>>should i go with a androgynous(fem) furry, robot girl, or generic anime girl? it's for my main character. i don't know which one of them will give me more sales, my game will be a pseudoregalia-like
if enemy is a small guy: aggressive
if enemy is a big guy: not aggressive
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My texture sheets are always a fucking mess.
Anime robot girl
Oh God lord no, not another Lunistice, I dont want to drop another game with cute waifurs just because the dev is a platformer masochist.
a crab
I mean... I bought the game, it had a lovely character and stages but I was unable to pass the 3 world and this game looks like that
>my game will be a pseudoregalia-like
that game came out what, a year ago? nigger be original
Sekiro but the monster bosses are defeated not by slaying them but laying with them
reminder that you learn by copying
dont be original
I just compared Claude, chatGPT and Gemini on asking some code questions and Gemini is by far shittiest of the three.
Also a "Pseudoregalia-like" is literally just a Metroidvania but in 3D. That's like calling an RPG a "Final Fantasy-like"
goomba stomppp
Lowering the contrast on it might help some. I agree the walls are very.. loud. Like the spirtes and the rest though
Create a manager to tell what to attack so it doesn't all attack at the same time
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is this the power of godot?
Final Fantasy games are distinct enough from other RPGs that not only can I call games "Final Fantasy-like", they are also distinct from each other so I can even tell you the exact Final Fantasy game they're aping.
Scarmonde is a Final Fantasy 1-like
Bravely Default is a Final Fantasy 5-like
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age is a Final Fantasy 10-like
Amerimanga/French cartoon(Totally Spies) is a great compromise, normies will love it weebs will tolerate it, basically (and this goes for EVERYONE HERE) just take notes from your western porn artist, and I am being really serious here (retro 70's-80's anime can be interesting for certain specific projects)
godotsissies explain yourselves
WoW is a FFXIV-like
fuck this one was for
>That's like calling Valorant a Counter Strike-like
uhh, yes?
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>cartoon milf
>female anthro
My two great weakness combined, I don't have a chance or defense against that...
what I try to say is... it's like a repetitive uniform pattern, a wallpaper that looks the same everywhere and it covers almost all the screen, paint some rocks here and there just break that monotony
those map textures look like ass dud, stop adding functionalities and fix your art like a real artsissy
Outside of being 3D, Pseudoregalia is not distinct enough to be it's own sub-genre within a genre.
that's not your place to decide
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sorry sister, i just said "pseudoregalia-like" because i didn't wanted to explain my 3d platformer idea, i didn't even played pseudoregalia, now stop bitching and give me a good idea for a twitter bait character
How about be an adult and think for yourself for once? Or is that too hard for the average aggy anon nowadays?
I'm about to reach this point as well. I'm in a terrible situation as well.
>Cut the scope
10-50 reviews
>Go the full scope
50-1000 reviews
What's the point of going the full scope if a dice roll can get me 50 reviews with cutting the scope all while the dice roll on the full scope lands on 50 reviews.... I'm stuck in a terrible place. If I cut the scope I can at least move onto a game I'd consider funner and more gmi then my current. But then it'll be sitting in the back of my head, "what if the dice roll went well? I could've gotten enough to just not go back to the wagecage and proceed to dev this new game without the uncertain malaise." Or I do it and waste over a year on it and end up flopping anyways. That one will sting harder than the what if game.
Tamers12345, the greatest animator of our time.
I think about making a beatemup with abilities and rpg elements like this everyday. It's so futile because there's not much left you can do with the limitations of the genre but whenever I see this I immediately get hard.
I'm not bringing anything new to the genre and the cost to make alot of content is way too high. It's one of those games you want to make and play but know its not worth the effort.
Look up battle circle or the kungfu circle.
the trvth nvke of ovr time is that the genetics of the world prodvce lower IQ people campered to when the demographics were different
Iirc that page isn't under the ToS of being kept private. I assume so because every page covered by it has the disclaimer at the bottom.
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grug think
grug pain
think bad
grug not like
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>anime girl
Already done several times for many years by other people better than you

ok not bad but risky, make him appealing for females and dudes (who secretly want to fuck him) but also add sexy female side characters or will be tainted "for gay only"

>Robot girl
It can work but you should include the robot anatomy and abilities into the gameplay

>sexy female furry
I admit I am biased towards that option, here is the thing, aside from Pseudoregalia (sexy) or Lunistice (cute) there is not much more there, right now steam is DRY with sexy anthro female content, no Carmelita Fox, no Krystal... barely nothing it's a niche waiting to be filled, make she sensual with a human-like body and add a cute face with sensual eyelashes and even normies will fall for it, plus you can play with all those animal attributes in gameplay and narrative like the fables did centuries ago
Not talking about multiple enemies, but 1v1. What is the perfect balance of the enemy not continuously swinging their sword, nor just standing still.
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If you wish I can even be more detailed and precise about what kind of female anthro you should make to gain a wider audience (normie and furfag appealing)
Kek'd. This is how you know the average wagecage job is so bad that a non-married man would rather rent out his house and live in a cuckshed then to go back to the wagecage.

The one in my pic actually looks quite cozy and would be something I'd live in on a huge plot of land after I make it but while awaiting the actual house being fully built. Would be cozy devving like that but only if you don't need to wage.
Forgot to add gameplay
Could we really pull this off?
I think maybe.
Everyone contributes one small game in the same engine. Agdg collabs tend to fail because people have conflicting visions. But if everyone worked on their own project and contributed to the whole, it could maybe work.
We could even make an itch jam for it. Say, a 2- or 3-month deadline.
Everyone gets equal shares of the profits, with bonuses going to those whose games get the most playtime.
a futa boomer shooter game like that would be something I would buy if the sprites are appealing
yay i got 3 more yaku done today only 15 to go!! feels good to be making progress again. it revealed a bunch of broken functions that i thoguht were working for calculating them though kinda confused but whatever
I'd be interested but aren't we going to have a problem with massive amount of incohesive art styles? Sure some in-cohesive is fine eg 2D top down, 2D side scroller, 2.5D, and 3D but aren't those within the same category needed to look cohesive? I guess the easiest way out of having to make them all cohesive is by making sure each game meets a bare minimum on the art quality, eg one 2D game doesn't look like a bad ms paint job while the next 2D game looks like pixel gold tier quality
You are asking for specific numbers, this requires alot of play testing to figure out.
what program is that
You should all use a nes-snes style or it will look like those collections of shovelware that came free on those 00's pc magazines
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>OP image
Thank you for reminding me of this.

>our next project
But the first project is unfinished, correct?
Maybe everyone could contribute to an art repository, and anons could freely use the various collective art assets in their own games.
>her notes are in romaji, not even kana
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>dice roll
>uidev can't even read kanji
everyone WILL make art for a vertical slice of the game
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learning coding and art killed all my imagination, i can't dream or think of amazing ideas like i did back when i started this.
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obsidian its really good for project management stuff for solo dev

theyre the actual names of the files in my project (thus the names like aka_dora) i could easily write 小三元 if i wanted to but this is easier and im not gonna make the file names japanese for obvious reasons
what a coincidence that your idea for a collab offloads 100% of the design and development of the game onto other people
its almost like you're only trying to collab because you can't make a game
Sounds like a you problem. I literally have too many ideas that they're all going to go with me.
post art
Ok here's my collab game idea:
SRPG similar to FE/unicorn overlord
it will be made in unreal
I (chatgpt) will code
need artfags and any other coders who may be interested
It's possible. About the project architecture, the devs just have to code the game and when needed call some global functions from the project:
>add points: Score.add_points(25)
>game over: Score.game_over()
>check challenges: Challenges.unlock_challenge(name, num)
Where Score, Challenges are globals

>contribute to an art repository
that's good it could have requests to it too
Can I see the games you've made so that I know you can actually make a game? You know, like people expect artists to post their art so people know they can actually make art.
Ryan Clarke wanted to make a turn based version of Spelunky combining quick decision making on a top down grid. While testing it he noticed there was a rhythmic flow to the gameplay and as a result birthed what is known as Crypt Of The Necrodancer.
>the hours long mistake was the code you wrote yourself
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go back to working your fat robot instead of aislop
I made a game called The Molochite Revolt using SRPG Studio. It’s on itch.
what is US withholding tax
lovely, she is an anthro or a monstergirl? the nose looks like a human one
What kind of game you have in mind?
tax on money you charged for purchases made in the US. if your country doesn't have a tax treaty with the US, you're getting full double taxed for US sales.
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>30% publisher cut for this

>or it will look like those collections of shovelware that came free on those 00's pc magazines
i get the vague feeling i actually saw that
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Found a GDC talk for AI in shooters
Holy kino.
A shame you completely discarded the other one but that design is also cute.
I'm still watching you. And specifically you.
Good marketing is the difference between "My game is making the same as an average wage job" and "My game is making as much as a good job I could brag about!"

For many of you commenting on marketing and publishers that difference is "My game isn't making me anything" and "My game still isn't making me anything"
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she is already beautiful enough
she is a rat, sorry sir but i don't have the game, i can sell you the digital photography and the character design legal rights for 5 rupees sir
i am not him, that anon probably already finished the model and is just sleeping
i think i have that, i dont understand economical numbers and taxes...
all this talk of collabs made me realize a lot of you social outcasts looking for a herd to feel safe in.
I'm a social outcast too but I can make games and I have made games and I don't need anyone to collab with.
you should really try to work on your own. start with pong, then move to a Skyrimlike, then a Daggerfall like and soon you'll gain enough confidence not to act like a stray puppy on the side of the road.
so i'm nearly done shitting out a meme game, what exactly are the steps needed to publish on steam? do i need to create an LLC?
You can't just be spitting facts like that, anon.
Mmm I dunno
no. unless you think someone will sue you because of your game and take everything you have. the point of LLCs is to separate your personal property from your company.
I mostly want someone else to do the work for me but nice try
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the basic
ah i see, well the game is very safe politically and i didn't steal assets or code so i should be good, right?
By writing 500 pages of deep lore and worldbuilding before the first line of code, by which point I get too tired and projecthop. It is the only way.
you better don't reduce those robo hips and ass.
Also consider making the nose of the mice girl a bit more noticeable, as it is it looks like a monstergirl, just a bit of a little pointy nose or a salmon pink triangle could work better
that's a gmi attitude, unless you'll be ceding some creative control and ownership in which case what I wrote applies to you.
>start with pong
The worst thing is they could turn those cheap simple arcade games into erotic versions (futa, furry, femboy...) and make some quick buck on Steam
yeah. I mean in theory you can already be personally sued for literally anything by anybody, but say if someone claimed you're infringing on their IP like a patent troll or something, having an LLC would limit how much they could get even if they win.
but you're literally more likely to be stabbed by a mugger so I wouldn't worry too much about it until your game becomes high profile and then you can form an LLC
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I just can't get over how ridiculous godot is. It takes 26 milliseconds to run 10000 raycasts by code in _process(). 8 milliseconds to do it in _physics_process(). 6 milliseconds if you use a RayCast3D node in _process() and 4 milliseconds if you use the node in _physics_process().

I should've done simple tests like this when I started my project to know how to optimize better and also avoid blaming the wrong things for slowdowns.
Taking a look at this, you can see the enemies are just standing still, practically like punching bags.
It's kind of boring, isn't it?
with all that passion in this creative job you have a bright future... in the streets
how do we decide on engine
are there any definitive rules for ui scaling and resolution?
who is gonna put it all together?
Uhhhhh I have a real job you know
>you can see the enemies are just standing still

It's a common mechanic to limit how many enemies can attack the player at one time. Even ubishart FPS games use it so the player doesn't get overwhelmed with targets.
Unfortunately, there isn't much footage of the game as it shut down quickly in the west. This is from the tutorial.
size restrictions?
It might be fun to whip out a small minigame for the AGDG-50 collab.
Maybe even a tiny version of my main game.
I have zero idea what the difference between _process and _physics_process is for implementation if functionality you only want physics_process. Where do inputs go if you can check for inputs in processes too?
dude update to 4.3 already
4.4 is already in dev
rerun those numbers so you don't look like a fool
godot is good for this project scope
UFO 50 is 384x216 (1080p/5) but maybe it could be smaller (320x180 = 1080p/6)
>my game becomes the best of agdg50
>become famous
>everyone wants to play the rest of my games after seeing my genius
>instant made it tier
i need somebody to help me do my taxes... im a game developer for heavens sake... not a.. tax doing person...
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Now this is getting interesting, just the act of changing the raycast position causes it to go from 4 milliseconds to 88 milliseconds... I wonder what will happen if I do the same with the raycast by code.

>I have zero idea what the difference between _process and _physics_process is for implementation

And neither does anyone else who uses the engine because they don't make it clear anywhere. In my experience you shouldn't put any code in _physics_process() if you can help it because it will slow down the physics simulation. FPS loss from slow code in _process() is tolerable, physics slowing down isn't; it looks super fucking weird and people will be confused why the game isn't stuttering but everything in it is moving wrong.

But that is just my surface level experience, some one further along in their project may have other ideas.
Just realized I overcomplicated something and there was a way easier solution.
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*Inhales slowly*
>current low poly agdg lineup
>1 loli
>1 roddentloli
>1 androtits
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i'll surpass you
>dude update to 4.3 already
4.3 has a number of serious regressions which kill performance in my project. One of them is because the freetards merged a PR without doing any kind of checking whether it had negative side effects or not.

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320x180 works for me, it’s a flexible resolution
hmm, should i make an autobattler or a primitive fps-rpg?
perfect, i can fit doom and quake
This looks sick
What if you have 10,000 rays casts that force update themselves? For loops are slow in gdscript.

Fucking sovl
Please let me hug you.
I cum to this
Hey guys, I'm an okay drawfag with some ideas and want to make something nice for a rather small source of income. I don't expect more than 50 bucks a month. Which engine do you suggest for timeline-heavy 2D sprite work?
hire an accountant. or get quickbooks certified and then you'll know how to do taxes and have an additional source of income
godot, just learn how to use signals and you are good to go
If pixel, Unity, if not pixel, Godot.
Thank you
One last question, however, and rather short.
Why pixel on Unity and Hi-Res on Godot?
Has anyone figured out how to make a flanking path?
no such thing, godot is good for pixel too
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>What if you have 10,000 rays casts that force update themselves?

The node overhead would be big. Changing the target for raycasts by code doesn't seem to incur any performance hit. This is very strange.
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>The southwestern base has fallen
>The sky turns black as the Horde has unlocked their ultimate demon units
>After a 40 minute war, it is time to make our final stand
What other games have this soul?
Very well. Wish me luck. I hope to return with a working prototype.
the amount of soul this image holds is 100x higher any game ever made in the past 2 decades
Is this a real game? It looks like a first person RTS though.
What game is this?
in godot for pixel art remember to update the filter:
Projec-Project Settings-Rendering-Textures-Default Texture Filter = Nearest
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where the FUCK are the crpgs
Savage 2: A Tortured Soul. Multiplayer Asymmetrical first person RTS
>no more BG
it's over
age of crpg is gone
game name? really nice style
Asymmetrical first person RTS, now that's innovation. I thought RTS were a dead genre, but there's still so much more potential.
holy shit learn what a signal is
Yep, and it came out in 2008
I'll make one just for you. Give me about 10 years.
Marked my calendar. September 27th, 2034.
I don't know what you're saying here. Are you saying that the raycast node emits signals when it's forced to update and that's why it became 22 times slower?

Or is it the typical godoter interaction of saying some nonsense to deflect criticism?
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Ok here's my collab idea: cute girls
who gives a fucking shit about the rest we'll wing the ""game design""
retarded faggot reddit buzzword btw
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FPS RTS's bad?
What about third person rts's like Sacrifice by shiny.
Nine Sols remake if it Unrreal 5
Getting snacks at the store. My game dev fuel.
I wish Sacrifice was another genre because i love the lore,the artstyle,the voice acting,the sound effects and everything its basically my dream game in ever way besides the fact that its a RTS.
I do not have the multitasking skills to play RTS games.
I had to brute force my way through the story mode by spawning 300 ally dragons.
I did all 5 routes though because i really enjoyed the story but i just cant get into RTS games because i guess my brain is just too small for them.
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holy soul
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you've been mogged by...
you've been cooked by...
a Bevychad... and his bevife
his name is "call me mañana", not "manana"
his wife is author of the Tiny Glade, the guy is just a code monkey for her, doing work she could do standing on her head but doesn't want to waste time on code monkey tasks
This is fucking awful, those voices, the constant sounds are annoying as fuck.

Get your head checked if you think this is good.
that's even better
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thanks i fixed it for next time
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What's going on with Itch.io?
What is my game jam's theme?
What is the theme?!?!?!?
>just the act of changing the raycast position causes it to go from 4 milliseconds to 88 milliseconds...
this is deeply concerning because i do that extensively
Anything that involves changing any data that affects gameplay should happen inside _physics_process. _process is for any purely graphical process that has no impact on the underlying gameplay data. At 60 physics frames per second (the default), you have 16.66ms to process a physics frame, which is enough to process thousands of actors if you're not doing anything stupid. If you do need to do something stupid, move it to it's own thread. Btw, you can easily move PhysicsServer processing to its own thread (collision checks) from the project settings.
counterargument: fixed timestep is shit

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