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>Touch Bloodstain:
Someone make a real thread.
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this is a fun fight even if I'm probably at 20 attempts by now
This town's finished.
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Elden Ring Professional here.
Here are some tips to guarantee you'll win next time and git gud like me

>double hand Backhand Blades
>Mimic Tear
>grind to at least level 200
>Bull Goat armor

No need to thank me, friend
Curse the fiends

Don't you die on me, /erg/
She's hard at low scadu, especially phase 2 where she deals a ton of damage. With 2H over the shoulder weapons, spamming jump attacks makes a lot of her attacks miss you. I see you're already parrying her, it's pretty good against her since that jump is telegraphed.
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Easy fight but only once you learn her combos. This is almost always (the complex one) - strike, strike, strike, X like strike. Just learn this one and then she almost cant touch you.
Except in Phase 2 where she does that really long combo. Tip for phase 2: her strings almost ALWAYS end when she does a magic swing.
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>I see you're already parrying her
I hit probably 1 in 10 parry attempts because it's not something I'm good at. Even with the magic-resistant shield, magic fortification, golden vow, and blessing's boon I still can't really stay in close and my main strat has been rotting her and trying to get in what chip damage I can with guard counters. Might be easier if I had a +2 Spelldrake instead of a +1 but I haven't fought Morgott yet so I can't really get to the Haligtree
I'm like scadu 3 or 4 because I really, really do not want to look up a map of where to find them

I'm frustrated because I "know" her combos but I can't react to them properly. The 2x dual sword swing with the little delay on it catches me every single time despite knowing it's coming.
>take a break from elden ring after beating the DLC
>go play monster hunter again for 100 hours since the new one is coming out soon
>come back to elden ring to do the DLC again on my other file
>too brain dead from 100 hours of monster hunter
>muscle memory is fucked, I keep pressing the wrong buttons and my dodge/combat timings are all wrong
How do I get it back, this sucks
Yes you really need more skibidy fragments. I had probably around 6 when I go for her. And when she did this ficre combo I just walk away.
>guard counters
did you get the deflect tear? it's great, viability-wise at least. some people think it breaks the game, and it kinda does for the base game anyway, but it's still fun as fuck. the timing is way easier than a parry, too.
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Yeah the fire one seems like instant death if you stay in it
Again I know I need more fragments but I don't want to look up a map, but they seem to be positioned in important places so it's hard to find them via organically exploring. Kinda feels like shit because I haven't managed to kill a single boss yet - I've fought the Lion, the Death Knight, the crossbow phantom, and now this chick and I haven't killed any of them. I don't really know where to go because no matter what the answer is always "get more fragments" but how the fuck do I get more fragments if every single place I explore tells me to fuck off until I have more fragments?

>the deflect tear?
The what? No, here's my current flask, and the rest of my other gear for clarity. The Helice is my only maxed weapon.
Go kill the giant wickerman near the start of the DLC, those things drop new tears.
The deflect tear makes you guard like a sekiro deflect and powers-up guard counters.
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Say something surprising
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that's the problem with delayed attacks heavy combat. If I play every day for a while, I'm doing great, but any longer break and I forget the timings
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Also got a hitless Maliketh with this weapon this was the NG+ run, he doesn't get too strong until NG+3 or 4 I think. This and my Dragonbolt Crescent Axe build are tied with quickest Maliketh kills, pretty sure this is a little faster. First phase is harder than second phase for no hit.
The Middle Age wasn't an era of technological loss, unlike what athetists seem to think. Rather than being forced into stupidity by the church, the church instead preserved a lot of technology, and even took to translating ancient Roman documents, which ironically had a disastrous effect on women's right, since middle age women enjoyed a lot of independance under Viking/Mongol influence, whereas Romans treated women as furniture.
Something surprisingly WRONG.
Yeah my first time against Rellana was at 5 blessings before they got buffed, I was so close to killing her on my 2nd or 3rd try with a goofy ass prayerful strike tank strategy but then I tilted until I had had enough and deleted her with star fist R2 and endure spam.
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Don't you DARE approach Miqueller the Kind.
I call him Miquella the Honest.
i like how there's an entire Frenzy dungeon in the DLC and Shabriri the most reviled man in history and namesake of the Frenzy grapes is literally not mentioned a single time
that jewfro having motherfucker can stay in yura's corpse for all i care
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I call him Tender Miquella, the Delicious.
Miquella the Honest is how everyone in my fanfic calls him after his failed attempt at spiking Marika's coffee with salt and how he got caught and spanked in front of the court.
my favorite build, random shit thrown together
> spiking Marika's coffee with salt
huh? salt is good in coffee though
Is it. But Marika has bad taste.
Why do you have 26 faith? What are you casting with it?
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would you tired mom monkey-armed marika?
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Not mentioned directly, but I do kind of like the unsubstanciated schizo theory that Shabiri may have been inhabiting Nanaya's body at one point to manipulate Midra to endure until he was powerful enough to become the true Lord of Frenzied Flame.

I mean, just look at her shadow covered eyes, sinister smirk, and hand on Midra's shoulder. She's totaly subtly manipulating the old sage.
I love how you can jump over so many of maliketh's moves. Very nice webm
They could’ve made things so much more exciting with some name changes that referenced characters in the base game.
She gave me the most trouble of any boss in the DLC desu.
Conviently leaving out that the church burned lots of ancient documents and records, more than the total they 'preserved'. Viking would ceremonially gang rape little girls then murder them at funerals they weren't any more independant than roman women who could divorce their husbands

100% shes up to weird stuff. Why does she have that weird torch? Behind their painting, under some blankets there's a freaky mystery too, which
Spotted the atheist.
>Viking would ceremonially gang rape little girls then murder them at funerals they weren't any more independant than roman women who could divorce their husbands

holy fuck, chat, is this true?
In general? A LOT of Rotten Breath, and frequently Lightning Spear and Flame Sling. Assassin's Approach and Cure Poison too on occasion, Cure Poison is useful enough that I've kept it on pretty much all the time.
Also Magic Fortification, Blessing's Boon, and Golden Vow specifically for this fight before entering.
provide a source on either claim please
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Nobody is an athiest in /erg/, we all believe in the compassionate words of Miquella the Kind here.
More like Miquella the Honest.
What are your lamenter form invasion builds, erg?
Ahmad ibn Fadlan account of a viking funeral. Church destruction of monuments and documents is well known. We can physcially fucking see where they destroyed the gentials of statues that offended them.
Monks didn't do mass burnings of old scrolls but they didnt copy the docurments they didnt like letting them rot away and be lost. Any research on your part will show you that, Monks and christianity didn't preserve the west its a parasite death cult centred on a false messiah that nearly destroyed it
the fact that you have to write the story for them to like it says a lot
>no links whatsoever
>"death cult"
You forgot to use the word skydaddy but your impression of an r/atheism poster is pretty good.
do you have any links that monks didn't do that shit or you just going with your bias because a mongolian basket weaving forum isn't the place of academic discussion and citation.
Curious you didn't reply to the source of ceremonial mass viking rape and murder of little girls. Almost like only one of us has bothered to learn about the past
>and how he got caught and spanked in front of the court
Oh man could you imagine this happening haha?
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You're pretty indignant at the idea of being asked to cite your claims. Why is that?
>backhand blade blue dancer build
im loving this so fucking much, the damage is insane and ive always wanted to do a hobolike build
I literally wrote it so yeah I can imagine it[/.spoiler]

>We can physcially fucking see where they destroyed the gentials of statues that offended them
Hardly anything unique. Egyptians were big into retconning kings they didn't like.
Theres only on account by Ahmad ibn Fadlan. And again we can see the damaged marbel statues done by early chrisitians who also burnt the library of alexandria. They were destroying history they didnt like like the taliban and isis did long beofre the roman empire fell
I don't know what connotation "Honest" has in your native language but I don't think it lines up with how you're using it here
Do you really need blessing's boon and golden vow? That's almost 10 levels that you could've put into any other stat. I'm not saying what you're doing is "wrong" but are two defensive spells really worth the investment when your focus is dex and arcane?
You will reveal this Miquella spanking to me at once.
Its because hes a liar like hes not kind
consult the works of Rodney Stark to see some good in Christian culture and what monks did
>or you just going with your bias
You haven't provided anything against the bias, so yeah? You're not on /b/ or /pol/ or /v/, you don't have to larp as a retard who can't hold an intelligent discussion assuming you're larping
the whole point is that he actually is kind though, the characters literally look into the camera and tell you that his main flaw is being too kind which is why he's doing this self-flagellation ritual for everyone's benefit
>manipulates Mohg and uses his corpse to bring Radahn back
>Leaves his sister who is utterly devouted to him to rot
His kidness extendes to the idea of people and and the world, but not to individuals
He only mindjacked Mohg as a defense mechanism after being kidnapped and he was going to return to Malenia.
I thought Mohg kidnapping him was part of his plan and he lead Mohg one and never had any attention to return to Malenia, maybe if he became a god proper and wasnt deafeted by us he might have gone back
I'd give her wine and a shoulder massage long and hard
Rya always stopped masturbating before she would cum, because she just didnt understand what the feeling that was building up was and it worried her. The first time she actually had an orgasm was when she was trying to explore after the Tarnished helped and spared her her, and a soldier ended up finding her and forced himself on her. She managed to escape (just because he left her for dead in the woods bruised) after. But now something is broke about her body though, and even though she tried to replicate cumming on her own afterwards (after a few weeks of crying) now that she knows what it feels like, she couldn't do it. Turns out she's now incapable of cumming from anything but rape, and she has to genuinely not want it for it to happen.
The closest she can get is fantasizing about it while touching, but even then it's just to the edge and not enough amd doesn't feel right. That's the only way she knows how to experience that kind of intimacy now, and any efforts to retrain her body wouldn't ever, ever work.
What the fuck is wrong with you
I kind of want to be able to use Faith shit in general and was originally intending to go Dex/Fth from the start but Bleed was too appealing and useful once I found the Uchi and then Nightrider's Flail. The Coded Sword and Cipher Pata are both really cool even though I'm not sure if they're any good for PvE.

Are there any other incantations you might recommend instead? The HP regen and extra defense are both useful when I'm struggling to survive at all, my damage output mostly consists of playing defensively while the Rot ticks and getting what damage I can off of the occasional guard counter or jumping R2 during large openings. I can't really handle playing aggressively, trying that against Rellana and Mohg has me die before their second phase almost without fail because I struggle to consistently not panic roll.
Rya's the messed up one, not me
Mohg's Remembrance says it was all Mohg's idea.
That's what has kept me from doing it much in the past. And I feel like I'll just be running away from bosses for most of the time trying to create distance
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why should i reinstall this game and play it when i've already done everything? This game has zero replayability.
Different builds, challenge runs, comfy co-op with friends, dickass invasions
Hey what do you think of >>496142454?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57403414/chapters/146034754 here.

Honest as in "too bloody stupid to backstab people". I imagine Marika as a trailer mom kind of bitch, so any kind of compliment from her is likely a backhanded insult.
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Why white snakes?
My reaction was "nigga wtf."
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Also, Shabriri's Woe's affect is to draw enemy attention towards you, even if they would normally go after others. Perhaps Shabriri was instead a compatriot of Nanaya, and like a Judas figure revealed the great sages hidden mansion. He certainly would have earned his title of THE most reviled man in history. What they did to Midra is inconceivable. The text says it right, 'a damnation like no other'
you okay, sweetie?
>Miquella was removed as his original self in favor of the dlc, metaphorically he has been torn out of the Haligtree, that hope taken and hidden.
>Don't let the light die bros
>Freedom can coexist with Compassion, the dlc presents a false dichotomy
>Dlc Miquella is fundamentally misaligned with his lore counterpart. We fought a lobotomized twisted shadow of what he should have been

I still believe. Let all things flourish, whether graceful or malign. The kindness of Gold, without Order
I am super tired and my feet hurt, let's go

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I don't think it's stated literally anywhere whether Mohg was charmed before or after kidnapping Miquella, and the lore supports either conclusion. Ansbach just says that when he became bewitched he tried to fight Miquella and he became ensnared too.

So Mohg may have been chilling in the sewers for most of the time until being enchanted, at which point Ansbach fought him, or Mohg was trying to become a Lord the easier way by marrying an Empyrean, but Miquella charmed him afterwards, prompting the insane devotion Mohg has now.
Do an FC instead
you are making me sad
I'd rather not
Thank you, but I think I'll pass.
I am sobbing
Good, it's what you deserve
Keep crying
you have ruined my night
You've ruined the general
this sucks
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who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make 90% of the areas in SotE utter fucking slop filled with copy-pasted hollows and fucking shadow dogs, so fucking many of them it just becomes grating and annoying
you aren't even fighting anything, you are just doing busywork, seriously just make the map fucking smaller or something I don't know
why does literally nobody else talk about this? fucking charos grave or whatever is literally just a bunch of empty space with fucking THREE copy pasted bosses, two of which are already in the base game
jfc I don't even know if I'm going to finish the DLC at this point
Fuck yeah. I loved my consecutive attack build with the backhand blades too. They also have such a cool guard counter that has like 4 or 6 hits, so its really good with the deflect tear.
What are you using for armour, if any?
just quit and go back to wow you fucking pussy
Shhhhhh the redditors are going to say "maybe play something else then??"
>actually ur le pussy cause my extremely overhyped DLC is utter dogshit
consider painting your walls red you pathetic sniveling bitch
It's mostly filler to show off the pretty scenery. Hell, Cerulean Coast just has vast stretches of no enemies at all.
Yet here you are, bitching about and playing a game you allegedly don't like. You don't value your time much, clearly.
>I don't even know if I'm going to finish the DLC at this point
try again, retard
Still here?
still on script?
What script? lol
Miyazaki actually wasn't being modest. In terms of stuff to fight and things to do, the DLC *is* about the size of Limgrave or a little larger.
open world was a mistake, it's a huge resource drain and adds nothing of substance to the game, I would trade it for chalice dungeons or any type of repeatable co-op content in a heartbeat
>open world was a mistake

>I would trade it for chalice dungeons or any type of repeatable co-op content in a heartbeat
Actually yes. Please give me Barony but in Elden Ring.
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>open world was a mistake, it's a huge resource drain and adds nothing of substance to the game
mad baby bitch
glad you agreed with me
utterly pathetic
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yes I am agreeing
Who are you quoting?
(you), you stupid brownoid
he's really upset now, full diaper and everything
it can bleed
it can die
Greedy cat.
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I see we are in full shitpost mode right now, let me join in
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I'll add an extra rune to that tattoo if you know what I mean
Red snakes and white snakes. The red king and white king. The two snakes are the base, the void that is used to bind quicksilver and sulfur to create the philosophers stone.
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no, could you clarify?
He's a tattoo artist and was inspired to add to the existing one.
>be lord of frenzied flame
>0 (zero) relevant interactions in abyssal woods
nice "role" playing game
Your role is patsy of the gods
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Why does my mouth disappear when I'm charging up Messmer's Orb?
look at this stupid asshole
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if miyazaki was in the room with you right now what would you do
there are no witnesses
Ignore him and keep playing Space Marine 2.
I would be really freaking out, how the fuck would he get there
No translator? So I can't ask him anything? I would just keep playing the Berserk Musou then.
Cool song.

Apparently he understands English, he just doesn't feel confident speaking it.
The worst thing about this game is that you can't stack imbues on weapons
There is absolutely zero reason my lightning sword cannot be swathed in black flame
If the next souls game added a ranking system, would you try getting all S ranks? What if they added an end of run ranking system, like in the Metal Gear games where you get a codename?
Are you stupid?
Is that a yes or no
The way this game handles dual catalysts is so fucking dumb, you should be able to have two spell lists to cycle through.
That's too complex for controllers
Much as I like to rag on Lords of the Fallen(2023), and its faults were many, the way it handled spellcasting was SO much better than the Soulsbornes.
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get ready for the battle catalyst weapon class where a spell is bound to r1, r2, crouching r1, etc.
Morgott conjured him
tfw no femanon girlfeet...
Morgott summons this because he misses Godfrey and you'll learn that Godfrey actually respected Morgott, blame Marika for all the omen oppression.
they needed a boss to put there and they had phase 1 of the actual godfrey fight already done, so...
why do they need a boss there when morgott is like 20 feet away
you tell me
great fuckin question
Phase 1 Godfrey is really fun, though one complaint I have with some of the bosses in the base game is that they have super abusable moves where they do nothing for like 4 seconds and then you can just get them into phase 2 or outright kill them easily. Morgott's dagger rain, Godfrey's mid-phase transitions, Radahn's mid-phase transition and the start of phase 2, and to a lesser extent Morgott and Godrick's phase transition. Morgott's first phase is basically only 25-30% of his health bar because you'll either stagger him before the knife rain and then when he does it, you'll stagger him into his phase 2 animation, or you'll just stagger him when he does the rain then riposte and swing once to put him into phase 2. Horoah Loux's is probably the worst offender, you get a couple R1s or an R2 in and then two free jump attacks in a phase where his defenses are already lower than the first. Malenia can also fall into this tier if you have a ranged option, her phase 2 scarlet aeonia is one of the biggest openings in the game and she does it twice, so with something ranged you're basically voiding out a lot of the HP-to-Engagement ratio.
I like phase 1 godfrey too but okay dude
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I think this is the funniest match I've ever had in Elden Ring.
Besides the rage quit it's not that funny.
Marika was a Hornsent sex slave and then she killed everyone to become god
It's really funny to me that he backhand bladed into the aoe stagger 3 times in a row, then ragequit.
Nanaya was probably from the Shaman village like Marika, also blonde with braids like Marika and theres a connection to the manse and the fingers, theres finger (stautes) hidden behind rugs and stuff you see in the free cam
>blonde with braids
She clearly has black hair and a kind of shawl twisted into a resemblance of braids.
Where's the schizo lawsuit namefag? Isn't his trial date soon?
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it was yesterday and surprisingly, he didn't get laughed out of court

there's a motion to dismiss (or some shit like that) in january
oh fuck so she does.
So shes mimicing the look of Marika/Shamans like how the Chaos flame mimics being connected to the 2 fingers with its three finger disguise, or how it hides itself as just another outer god like the others when its different.
I mean it does kind of feed into the whole Nanaya as duplicitous manipulator theory, yeah
It should've worked lets be real here
what's the deal with backhand blades
are they any good in pve
Very good.
Two of the exclusive ashes give you iframes, they're fast weapons.
Even with the short range? Do they have to be powerstanced to be any good?
I mean, they're a paired weapon. Not using them powerstanced would be missing out on their full potential.
Backhand blades should have a built in trip animation for people who spam the AoW.
the only thing that matters in pve is a good charged heavy and backhand blades got that
you mean a good jump?
only if your asmongold
is that a pro player or something
in a way
charged R2s, ashes, and jumping R2s are all great.
we are so close
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all the streamers went to messmer with 5 scadu then complained
who's we?
post a webm of your next attempt.
i'll give you the next one, this one she phased at like 80% HP and i died instantly
I did not know she could do that.
Nor did I and she hasn't done it again
Anyway here you go, my OBS only caught the last 45 seconds so it's just missing the rot at the start
goddamn I'm so impressed I wanna fuck you
You know about guard counters right?
Also I'm 99% sure you can jump the magic projectile slash. You can jump the two horizontal ones later on in her one combo so I'm positive you can jump this one and it's not one of those bullshit tracking ones.
I'm gonna jump you
>You know about guard counters right?
Yes, I'm running Curved Sword Talisman and Deflecting Hardtear
It's just such a pain to actually get them off because the window to execute it doesn't last long enough to tell whether she's done or continuing her combo, and several of her attacks can be finishers in one attack string but keep going in another
Parry you stupid fuck
I'd like to see you try
Well it doesn't seem she drains too much stamina from blocks, you could guard poke too.
By the way, are you the same guy who reached the DLC like 2 days ago? The one who said Radahn was piss easy after Mohg?
>I'd like to see you try
why, you tough? big tough anon on the internet?
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>Miquella is a le heckin' good guy!
No. Mohg was under Miquella's spell for a long time and he did not stop Mohg from doing evil shit. Miquella's personal gain is the only thing that matters to him.
I'm 5'10 so not that big but I know this city and this city knows me.
She doesn't look like this
Or this
I land at most 1 in 10 parry attempts and that's with Carian Retaliation, I do not trust myself anywhere near enough to attempt to rely on it

>The one who said Radahn was piss easy after Mohg?
Yeah that was me
I've had a god awful time in the DLC so far and this is the one boss I've fought that feels even remotely beatable
I'm getting there, eventually
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Miquella's true power is stupidity. People assume it's compelling but that's because they become stupid enough to fall for his retarded plans. Mohg spent years humping a corpse. Malenia was dumb enough to never finish off Radahn. Getting hugged twice in the PCR boss kills you because you suffer an aneurism and die of sheer stupidity.
The Dancing Lion is scaled lower than Rellana. Not joking when I say the damage from bosses peaks in Rellana's phase 2, when scaled with appropriate scadu. Putrescent is the closest, afaik.
what's even crazier is that this effect extends to real life, every miquellafag is impossibly mentally retarded
I just chugged the stance break tear and stunlocked her into oblivion. It was funny.
Yeah but at least Rellana is cool instead of a tree spirit knockoff and when I tried Dancing Lion and got fucked I got told to come back with higher Scadu so I left
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Strange, Dancing Lion was the only one I did with no scadu since I played when the DLC launched and still thought scadu fragments were just some crutch for lower-leveled characters. Then I fought Rellana and gave that up and started using them. I can give more advice for the lion than I can for Rellana since I've done Lion hitless and with the shitty tooth whip.
why is /erg/ getting infested by /r9k/ spergs
The option to merge is still available.
FACT: There WILL be another DLC
FACT: It WILL be about Light vs Dark and there will be lots of Primordial Serpents
FACT: Ranni will be the final boss
>FACT: It WILL be about Light vs Dark
We kinda just got that theme with this DLC though.
Messmer was giving us a teaser. FROM got bored with GRRM's incest nonsense and wants to go back to Dark Souls.
Uncharged Palm Blast + 2HR2 being a combo is cool as fuck.
holy FUCK
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>It WILL be about Light vs Dark
Lighting vs Death?
>Ranni will be the final boss
Ranni's original body?
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>GEQ uses some plot magic to bring back things killed by Destined Death
>she pilots Ranni's body and puts Godwyn's soul in someone's body for Consort Godwyn
>plot magic
Miyazaki already made the Eclipse
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Me confused why Miquella hauled Mohg's body when Messmer was newly dead. Unless he loves Mohg cock too much.
Never go fuck yourself
If we got another DLC it should be a linear path of multiple legacy dungeons. Just have 5 or so really good remembrances, ones actually worthy of being a remembrance and nothing Gaius or Putrescent tier. Those are fine bosses but if Commander Niall was in the dlc he’d be a remembrance.
>Miquella's true power is stupidity.
>Miyazaki already made the Eclipse
That explains everything. Eclipse = Death. Miquella's eyes being eclipses are a sign his brain is dead. This is a subtle way of informing us that Miquella is braindead stupid.
Are you on team Alabaster Lords or team Onyx Lords?
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>oldest god in the setting
>do nothing with them
I don't understand Fromsoftware
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>the villain is evil because he is dumb
Miquella's greatest plot twist I never saw coming.
i flat out do not engage with youtube fromsoftware content at all spare the occasional longform video essay i hear about and i just cannot fathom why people care about vaati or smough or ratatoskr or whatever.

they like the story? who give a shit? why should i care? until a few years ago the content these people put out was almost unilaterally just them repeating item descriptions over gameplay. i’m not the target audience for these people.
i like hearing about alchemy
its either reading item descriptions or batshit schizo headcanon theories, the latter is sometimes decent fun kind of like watching retards fight
>turned his soldiers into suicide bombers without them being aware of it
>sent Malenia on a glorified suicide mission because he got rejected by Radahn
>never figured out Radahn is a warmonger whose occupied castles are full of stinking corpses of its past inhabitants
>his dumbass sister can't even finish the job
>when the battle ends he leaves her to die
>mind rapes Mohg
>never told him to stop creating a blood cult full of invading killers
>abandons his followers without telling them where he's going or what his plans are which is why they jihad themselves
>lets his domain fall to such ruin because he's an asshole, there's no reason for him to be bumming around the Land of Shadows when he can't do shit without the Tarnished
>all before he "abandoned his love"
miquella is literally being manipulated by the geq
Trina was the good half
Was there ever any doubt
why didnt fagquella just walk up to radahn and enchant his ass
>muh miquella used to be a good boi
He's a dream demon succubus who's equally delusional. He too is a villain.
I never said Miquella was good, retard bro
>he doesn't know that description describes Trina
Trina is evil. All Miquella is evil.
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Fraudahn a shit
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It seems he's very weak to stabs.
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why is he always getting topped by his relatives?
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That's not what she looks like
I'm guessing the artist based this off her appearance in the statues of her, but those are much lankier than her actual body
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This is the first Elden Ring video I’ve seen this year outside of the official dlc trailers.
How do you feel when a host you've been chasing all over the level fogwalls you?
Because he is weak. Radahn + Great Rune in >>496178621 is weaker than Margit, let alone Morgott. If it weren't for Mohg's body, Consort Radahn would be one-shotted by the player.

>"Oh wow that's crazy my sister exploded and is now wounded and unconscious and needs to be dragged home by some underling of hers. Who gives a fuck lol even though I'm present at the aftermath of the Battle Of Caelid I'm gonna prioritize going to kiss and cure literal who Redmane soldiers instead :3 There! That boo-boo is all better!"
>Never mentions Malenia ever again
St.Trina is the true villain. Miquella was a complete psycho before abandoning his love as that was the time he committed all of his atrocities, abandoned the Haligtree and his sister (who could've solved the DLC via her strength), and never once told Mohg to stop the whole Formless Mother bloody cultist shit. St.Trina believes Miquella abandoning compassion makes him worse but everything we know of Miquella beforehand suggests he was a complete monster. In truth Miquella bettered himself by abandoning negative traits which St.Trina's brainwashing of our player interprets as love and compassion when truthfully Miquella abandoned negative traits instead.
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That model is literally just her game model retextured. She's lanky.
Damn she lancc
Damn Michael Zaki likes alien bitches
hell yeah.

is it better to run an elemental imbue on a weapon or just something like keen and then use an imbue incant on it? i kinda want blackflame but my milady is lightning and can't take buffs
Depends on your stats.
Jobberdahn stole moves from Chadwyn
The sooner people can stop making shitty mirror jobs of Marika's model the sooner we stop seeing the RyanReos one everywhere.
blackflame only lasts like 4 seconds but it's a quick buff.
visions of fingers, but hole ahead
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>heart of bayle
>gives the player 2 spells that fit the exact same build, the requirements are pretty much identical
>so most people don't benefit from it at all
>but the builds that do benefit from said spells, have to beat the fucking game twice to get them both, becase it's not a remembrance and can't be duplicated
most retarded shit ever, god I hate japs sometimes, this is on purpose too
Just cheat them in lol
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Just learned there's a Rellana fig on preorder
Miquella could've just won the Shattering (at least until he got to Maliketh) if he wasn't the dumbest retard imaginable
>most of his army is still in fighting strength, only the Cleanrots were decimated
>Malenia unconscious but without any severe damage, just make another needle and she'll be good to go
>later has access to Mohg and his blood cult as a bonus
>so on his side he has two extremely powerful demigods, his mostly intact army, and his seat of power untouched (it only went bad due to the rot), along with powerful charm capabilities to further bolster his forces
>instead of doing literally anything with his vast amount of resources, he fucks off to his cocoon for no apparent reason and decides to let some complete randos he has no relation to and are also there to kill him accidentally do all his work for him for his insanely convoluted retard scheme instead of just using the Elden Ring
>also decides it would be a good idea to choose a jobber you already killed that was never even stronger than his sister (whom you also beat in a significantly more powerful state) as his lord
Why is her hair brown
Natural "black" hair is just really dark brown.
Noooooo Ranni says in the trailer that he and Malenia are the two mightiest of the demigods
>decide to do Freya's quest on my rl1sl0 run since I didn't finish it during my original run of the DLC
>it makes her join the Leda fight as an enemy
my run is fucking bricked, she's got a million poise and just face tanks everything then trades to instakill I fucking hate this game it's so fucking over for me man
even did Thollier's quest but he takes 6 million years to show up in the NPC fight after the other 3 have gangbanged my Ansbach it's so fucking over for me
I'm not even going to get to Radahn at this rate
Did we ever get a definitive answer to what the spear is and who impaled her?
A shard of the rune of death put there be Radagon (one the orders of the two fingers/ Greater Will, Metyr?) through Marikas womb to prevent her birthing more children is the current answer right?
there are no definitive answers in ER.
Except the deep lore that tibia mariners are, in fact, mariners.
I know that the powerstance moveset has less damage and status buildup, but does the status penalty still apply if only one weapon has a status on it?
I've got a treat for you boys. Praise the thunderclap.

yeah probably. godfrey may have been a divine beast warrior who helped her too
hell yeah. very good and very fun. works excellent with rotten sword insignia, winged sword insignia, and millicents prosthesis
Sick webm.
That was somehow simultaneously so much more and so much less than I expected.

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