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Tenacity edition

Previous: >>494827457

>News & Reminders
Duskmourn is out now, Quick Draft will become available October 4
MagicCon Las Vegas October 25-27


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Favorite Duskmourn card so far?
Leyline of resonance
this card is epic
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/tg/ was talking about temur stormsplitter combo being good, anyone here tried it? You have enduring vitality and stormsplitter and then chain through a bunch of draw spells to make a billion otters. The idea seems fun, but I dunno how that wins games in rdw world.
I was worried it'd be too easy to blow out, but apparently it's just so good that it doesn't even matter.
More like Tena-SHITTY, amirite?
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Is UW so busted in draft that even ethereal armor is good? What's going on in this set?
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Am I missing something in the cosmetic, or did arena just fuck up? Art gallery doesn't show any other printings of Turn Inside Out.
Enchantment set with enchantment rooms, enchantment creatures and enchantment-based removal will improve an enchantment revolving around the number of enchantments you control.
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>Draw a proud overweight BADASS black woman
Yeah but usually that doesn't matter because auras are an easy 2 for 1 against removal
78 cards in this set are enchantments and 36 of them are blue or white. on top of that gremlin tamer, inquisitive glimmer, and optimistic scavenger are all uncommons. makes sense to me.
I told you
I'm still new and made a Boros deck. Tell me, what cards would let me know my opponent is a metafag and I should just hit surrender?
Is that the fat concord broad?
Most common on Arena bo1 is probably RDW. If they drop a turn 1 red creature and a leyline of resonance, you're probably dead in the next turn or two unless you have removal, ideally one that exiles.
Leyline & turn 1 Cacophony Scamp is the current favorite flavor of cancer.
T1 Valley Mightcaller, T2 Burrowguard Mentor or Valley Questcaller is just begging for a T3 Hop to It or Pawpatch Recruit + offspring.
T1 Iridescent Vinelasher, T2 Flamecache Gecko into Fireglass Mentor or Gev is pretty disheartening.
T1 Ruthless Negotiation, Hopeless Nightmare or Cut Down. T2 Bandit's Talent or Deep-Cavern Bat. T3 Liliana, Preacher of the Schism or Fleshgorger only leads to an eventual Sheoldred and a slow, annoying game.
If I see a RW land and T2 Carrotcake and/or a T3 Caretaker's Talent, I know a Temporary Lockdown or Urabrask's Forge isn't far behind.
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>pic related or >>496125531
Downside is they're looking for a turn 2 or 3 win. Upside is that if you can exile their creature while shit's on the stack, you can probably catch them with 1 or 2 cards remaining and maybe no creatures for a while. Some simply scoop if they can't get anything going by turn 5 or 6.
Boros is the metafag deck.
You have answers to everything in >>496156381 via exile removal, answers to artifacts/enchantments, the best draw engines in the game, and enough boardwipes to build a deck of just boardwipes.
And it's all maindecked so you shouldn't be legitimately losing in BO1.
another day another set of newfags who want to abuse RDW, get bored, then quit like the little maggots they are.
The only upside is the majority of you cancerous roulette simulation subhumans who think they are playing actual magic spamming RDW in B01, will rot in B01.
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Quite good results with UR. I think that despite the state archetype being rooms, tempo is the way to go. This list only had 3 rooms, and I even had a pair of intruding soulragers that I drafted but didn't run. I was quite happy with my irreverent gremlin and <2 power tribal, there were a lot of menace creatures in there that really put in work when backed up by removal. Plus with enduring curiosity, diversion specialist, and steaming sauna, I had a lot of card advantage for the late game as well. I know I've said it before, but razorkin hordecaller is really fucking good, and I'm still seeing him pretty late in pack 1. Same with ghost vacuum, which people apparently think is a dud rare. All that being said, a couple of my games were very close and I barely got the wins there. I pulled a fair number of high power rares that I think carried me, UR as an archetype still doesn't seem that strong to me. Partly because their signposts are meh, partly because half their stuff is about having rooms while the other half is about sacrificing them.
is it just me or has the client started crashing on a regular basis? I never had this issue before. It's one thing to irredeemably shit up the meta, but you could at least maintain a functional app for your trash fire of a game
works on my machine
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I made a Boros doll deck based off what she made https://youtu.be/ahvJ-wtTHDU?si=AvtmA6yPGoUU3JPx
Someone suggested to add the Monkey toy and toy telephone so I swapped out 4 veteran survivors for 4 toy monkeys and 2 special lands for 2 toy Telephones. Idk if it's working so far.
Is it possible to make a Nightmare deck using the nightmare creatures from Duskmourn?
Nvm, I went back. Just read the main player for the deck besides Arabella was that it required me to attack with non Toys for it to work.
There's no real nightmare payoffs. Toys are at least mostly tied together in the 2 power draft archetype.
I'm guessing 4 of Shock and Flood Maw to slow down rdw.
I haven't drafted in awhile but aren't cheap auras usually decent?
Is this the best room card so far?
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Not really a splash this time, just a UW deck with a UR room that I never cast for the red side. Good results, I lost my last game only to my opponent repeatedly dropping overlord of the balemurk, and multiple fear of isolation fucking up my disabling auras. As a side note, fear of isolation is really good, I wish I had picked some up. I was also surprised the deck did pretty well, it really didn't feel good when I was done drafting it. Not focused on eerie at all, I was more of a controllish deck relying on a bunch of removal and fat early blockers to stall either for my fliers or for my big cycling dudes that I had 4 of. The core of white cards was passable, but I think I misread the signals and got baited into blue. I would've said this is my weakest deck so far, but sometimes you still get lucky.
In Standard? Probably, yeah. Main issue is that it's a terrible topdeck if you've fallen behind, but tbf decks that are running it probably have that issue regardless of what cards they run.
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Pic related is pretty underrated.
Only if they're strong, which is why I was asking.
Has anyone figured out anything retarded to do with rooms as a mechanic yet, like flipping them to whichever side you want without paying the mana cost and shit?
i have magic fatigue
All seven of my seal games were Jund mirrors. Kinda weird.
Blinking your ops room makes it come back with both sides locked.
Nah, the way the rules are set up make it pretty much impossible to "cheat" on rooms unless explicitly meant to do so.
I think a lot of sealed decks run green just because it's easiest to splash extra colors with it.
Makes sense. I had a decent RG delirium deck and splashed for The Swarmlord. Haven't had a chance to play draft yet, but this felt like a format where the right bomb could turn a game around without being completely oppressive. I always play some sealed at the start of a season and haven't felt that way with other recent sets.
Any good detective decks?
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Another night with a nice send off. This UW run was again low on eerie payoffs, rather more tempo and flier oriented. A gremlin tamer or optimistic scavenger still would've been great for the deck though, I had 8 enchantments and 3 more that made enchantments. Stars of this list were a pair of enduring curiosity, absolute bomb rare that provides so much card advantage, even just using it as a 4/3 blocker that you flash in to trade is good, since it dying makes it harder for opponents to exile or disable abilities. Another 4/3 for 4 that put in a surprising amount of work was conductive machete, there were a lot of games where it's served as a blocker and then buffed up a flier to swing in. Between a couple equipment and sheltered by ghosts, pretty much any creature topdeck could be a solid threat late game. Even beat a valgavoth's onslaught at X=4, because of my giant flying vigilant lifelinking shark.

Day 3 impressions:
Still haven't tried out UB but I don't think I'm ever going to at this rate, unless I pull a Kaito or something. Today's results were pretty good, better than day 2. I think adjusting for the threat of aggro and tempo decks has put things back on track. One thing that stood out to me in the last few runs was how DSK is nice in that it allows for more room than the past few sets to be flexible in the types of decks within color pairs. My UW decks rarely had eerie payoffs, I constantly saw UR decks which were tempo decks that didn't use rooms much, and the one good UB deck I saw even had a game where they were quite aggressive with stalked researcher swinging in and looping fear of isolation with other enchantments. Compared to BLB for example, where GW was almost always go wide, or OTJ, where GW was almost always mounts.

Net total for the day: +0 gems, +24 packs, +4 play in points.
Net total for the set is -2.75k gems, +78 packs, +12 play in points, and 80 rares drafted.
Do I seriously need to buy gems just to access this?
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Nah, you can enter with gold (or draft tokens). I just prefer to count the results in gems since draft runs reward gems, so it makes the math easier.
Commanderfags and Investorfags getting fucked over is the greatest thing ever.
With a bunch of good removal for artifacts and enchantments, there's not really any bombs that are completely unremoveable. The overlords are definitely strong, as are things that make multiple bodies, like Valgavoth's Onslaught or Swarmweaver. But they all have viable answers, even if you have to eat card disadvantage or a tempo loss to do it.
so interesting that i took my 4 of counterspells out and mainboarded anti-aggro tech and now i only get matched against midrange and control
so interesting
really joggin my noggin
I guess the current matchmaking system was the best they could do.

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